diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'x11-drivers/mtxdrivers-pro/files/mtxdrivers-pro-1.1.0_beta-r2-kernel-2.6-will1-20041013.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 505 deletions
diff --git a/x11-drivers/mtxdrivers-pro/files/mtxdrivers-pro-1.1.0_beta-r2-kernel-2.6-will1-20041013.patch b/x11-drivers/mtxdrivers-pro/files/mtxdrivers-pro-1.1.0_beta-r2-kernel-2.6-will1-20041013.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 68a3f74bfc74..000000000000
--- a/x11-drivers/mtxdrivers-pro/files/mtxdrivers-pro-1.1.0_beta-r2-kernel-2.6-will1-20041013.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-diff -Nru v110-dist/src/kernel/Makefile v110/src/kernel/Makefile
---- v110-dist/src/kernel/Makefile 2003-09-24 15:55:39.000000000 +0100
-+++ v110/src/kernel/Makefile 2004-03-01 16:24:59.000000000 +0000
-@@ -1,187 +1,27 @@
--CC = gcc
--CPP = g++
--INSTALL = install
--DEPEND = mkdep
--MV = mv
--LD = ld
-+# Makefile to work with 2.6.x kernels
--MTXVXD = mtxvxd
-+KDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
--WARNINGS = -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align \
-- -Wstrict-prototypes -Wnested-externs \
-- -Wpointer-arith
-+ifneq ($(KERNELRELEASE),)
--CPPFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -fno-use-cxa-atexit
-+PWD := $(shell pwd)
-+CFLAGS := -fno-common -I$(MTXDIR) -I$(MTXDIR)/../include -I$(MTXDIR)/../include/mtxvxd -I$(MTXDIR)/mtxvxd -I$(MTXDIR)/parhelia -I$(KDIR)/include/asm/mach-default
-+EXTRA_LDFLAGS := $(MTXDIR)/parhelia/mtx_parhelia.o
--# **** Parse config file
-+obj-m := mtx.o
-+mtx-objs := mtx_drv.o mtx_dev.o mtx_ctx.o mtx_mem.o mtx_fops.o mtx_ioctl.o mtx_vm.o mtx_agp.o mtx_irq.o mtx_reg_access.o \
-+ mtxvxd/MtxCpu.o mtxvxd/MtxCs.o mtxvxd/MtxIo.o mtxvxd/MtxMem.o mtxvxd/MtxMsr.o mtxvxd/MtxPci.o mtxvxd/MtxTimer.o mtxvxd/MtxMap.o mtxvxd/MtxDte.o mtxvxd/MtxLdt.o mtxvxd/MtxLdtr.o mtxvxd/MtxGdt.o mtxvxd/MtxGdtr.o mtxvxd/MtxDbg.o \
-+ parhelia/MtxParhlParms.o parhelia/MtxParhlOS.o
--ifeq ($(PARHELIUX)/,$(wildcard $(PARHELIUX)/
--include $(PARHELIUX)/
--ifeq ($(CFG_MTX_DEBUG), YES)
--CFLAGS += -DDEBUG=1 -g -O -fno-inline-functions
--CPPFLAGS += -fno-inline
--CFLAGS += -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions
--# **** Get right version of kernel headers
--VERSION := $(shell uname -r)
--A := /lib/modules/$(VERSION)/build/include
--B := /usr/src/linux-$(VERSION)/include
--C := /usr/src/linux/include
--D := /usr/include
--V := $(shell gcc -E -nostdinc -I$A knl-conf.c 2>/dev/null | grep -s 'RELEASE = ' | cut -d' ' -f3)
--ifeq ($(V),"$(VERSION)")
--V := $(shell gcc -E -nostdinc -I$B knl-conf.c 2>/dev/null | grep -s 'RELEASE = ' | cut -d' ' -f3)
--ifeq ($(V),"$(VERSION)")
--V := $(shell gcc -E -nostdinc -I$C knl-conf.c 2>/dev/null | grep -s 'RELEASE = ' | cut -d' ' -f3)
--ifeq ($(V),"$(VERSION)")
--V := $(shell gcc -E -nostdinc -I$D knl-conf.c 2>/dev/null | grep -s 'RELEASE = ' | cut -d' ' -f3)
--ifeq ($(V),"$(VERSION)")
--LNXTREE := 0
--ifeq ($(LNXTREE),0)
--$(error ERROR: Could not locate kernel tree in $A $B $C $D)
--KNLMODDIR = /lib/modules/$(VERSION)
--ifeq ($(shell if test -d $(KNLMODDIR)/kernel; then echo yes; fi),yes)
-- INSTALLDIR=$(KNLMODDIR)/kernel/drivers/video
- else
-+PWD := $(shell pwd)
--# **** Check kernel configuration and set compilation accordingly
-+ $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) MTXDIR=$(PWD) modules
-- # configuration check
--SMP := $(shell gcc -E -nostdinc -I$(LNXTREE) knl-conf.c 2>/dev/null \
--| grep -s 'SMP = ' | cut -d' ' -f3)
--MODULES := $(shell gcc -E -nostdinc -I$(LNXTREE) knl-conf.c 2>/dev/null \
--| grep -s 'MODULES = ' | cut -d' ' -f3)
--MODVERSIONS := $(shell gcc -E -nostdinc -I$(LNXTREE) knl-conf.c 2>/dev/null \
--| grep -s 'MODVERSIONS = ' | cut -d' ' -f3)
--AGP := $(shell gcc -E -nostdinc -I$(LNXTREE) knl-conf.c 2>/dev/null \
--| grep -s 'AGP = ' | cut -d' ' -f3)
--ifeq ($(AGP),0)
--AGP := $(shell gcc -E -nostdinc -I$(LNXTREE) knl-conf.c 2>/dev/null \
--| grep -s 'AGP_MODULE = ' | cut -d' ' -f3)
--REDHAT_KERNEL := $(shell gcc -E -nostdinc -I$(LNXTREE) knl-conf.c 2>/dev/null \
--| grep -s 'REDHAT_KERNEL = ' | cut -d' ' -f3)
-- # fix compilation settings
--ifeq ($(AGP),0)
--$(error ERROR: This version of kernel do not support AGP devices)
--ifeq ($(MODULES),0)
--$(error ERROR: This version of kernel do not support loadable modules)
--ifeq ($(SMP),1)
--ifeq ($(MODVERSIONS),1)
--MODCFLAGS += -DMODVERSIONS -include $(LNXTREE)/linux/modversions.h
--ifeq ($(REDHAT_KERNEL),1)
--# **** Sources and rules
--INCLUDES = -I. -I$(LNXTREE) -I$(PARHELIUX)/include -I$(PARHELIUX)/include/mtxvxd
--CORE_DRIVERS = parhelia
--CORE_OSOBJS = parhelia/MtxParhlParms.o parhelia/MtxParhlOS.o
--CORE_MAINOBJS = parhelia/mtx_parhelia.o
--MTXOSDRV = mtx_os.o
--MTXDRV = mtx.o
--OBJS = mtx_drv.o mtx_dev.o mtx_ctx.o mtx_mem.o mtx_fops.o mtx_ioctl.o mtx_vm.o mtx_agp.o mtx_irq.o mtx_reg_access.o
--HEADERS = mtx.h mtx_drv.h mtx_reg_access.h
--all::; @echo Using kernel headers in $(LNXTREE)
--all:: $(OBJS) build $(MTXOSDRV) $(MTXDRV) $(POST_RULES)
--.PHONY : build
-- @for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; \
-- do \
-- echo "making" all "in $(CURRENT_DIR)/$$i..."; \
-- set -e; $(MAKE) -C $$i $(MFLAGS) all; \
-- done;
--$(MTXOSDRV): $(OBJS) $(CORE_OSOBJS) $(MTXVXD)/mtxvxd.o
-- $(RM) $@
-- $(LD) -r -o $@ $(OBJS) $(CORE_OSOBJS) $(MTXVXD)/mtxvxd.o
-- $(RM) $@
-- @#link global_beg/end at the begin/end of the list
-- $(LD) -r -o $@ $(MTXOSDRV) $(CORE_MAINOBJS)
-- $(CC) -o reset reset.c $(INCLUDES)
--%.o: %.c
-- $(CC) $(MODCFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@
- clean:
-- @for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; \
-- do \
-- echo "making" clean "in $(CURRENT_DIR)/$$i..."; \
-- $(MAKE) -C $$i $(MFLAGS) clean; \
-- done;
-- $(RM) -f *.o *.a *~ core
-- @for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; \
-- do \
-- $(MAKE) -C $$i $(MFLAGS) depend; \
-- done;
-- $(DEPEND) $(INCLUDES) $(MODCFLAGS) $(wildcard *.c)
-+ $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) MTXDIR=$(PWD) clean
-- $(INSTALL) -m 0644 -o root -g root mtx.o $(INSTALLDIR)/mtx.o
-diff -Nru v110-dist/src/kernel/mtx.mod.c v110/src/kernel/mtx.mod.c
---- v110-dist/src/kernel/mtx.mod.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ v110/src/kernel/mtx.mod.c 2004-03-05 13:28:25.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/vermagic.h>
-+#include <linux/compiler.h>
-+static const char __module_depends[]
-+__attribute__((section(".modinfo"))) =
-diff -Nru v110-dist/src/kernel/mtx_agp.c v110/src/kernel/mtx_agp.c
---- v110-dist/src/kernel/mtx_agp.c 2003-04-08 14:54:34.000000000 +0100
-+++ v110/src/kernel/mtx_agp.c 2004-03-01 16:25:09.000000000 +0000
-@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
- mtx_agp_driver_t *agp_drv = NULL;
- /* AGP backend support */
--static const drm_agp_t *agp_backend = NULL;
-+const drm_agp_t *agp_backend = NULL;
- /***************************************************************************************
-@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
- agp_drv->aperture_base = agp_drv->kern_info.aper_base;
- agp_drv->aperture_size = agp_drv->kern_info.aper_size * 1024L * 1024L;
-+#if 0
- switch(agp_drv->kern_info.chipset) {
-@@ -132,6 +133,12 @@
- #endif
- default: chipset_name = "Unknown"; break;
- }
-+ if (agp_drv->kern_info.chipset == SUPPORTED)
-+ chipset_name = "Supported";
-+ else
-+ chipset_name = "Unsupported";
- MTX_INFO("AGP driver v%u.%u on %s\n",
- agp_drv->kern_info.version.major,
-diff -Nru v110-dist/src/kernel/mtx_drv.c v110/src/kernel/mtx_drv.c
---- v110-dist/src/kernel/mtx_drv.c 2003-04-08 21:02:23.000000000 +0100
-+++ v110/src/kernel/mtx_drv.c 2004-03-01 16:24:59.000000000 +0000
-@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
- switch (pci_host_dev->device) {
-- case PCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_82C691: /* 694X */
-+ case PCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_82C691_0: /* 694X */
- case PCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8363_0: /* KT133 */
- case PCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8371_0: /* KX133 */
- case PCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8605_0: /* S3 */
-@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
- void* mtx_find_symbol(const char* symbol)
- {
- struct module* pmod = THIS_MODULE;
-- struct module_symbol* psym;
-+ struct kernel_symbol* psym;
- if (!symbol)
- return NULL;
-@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
- {
- int i;
-- for (i = 0, psym = pmod->syms; i < pmod->nsyms; i++, psym++)
-+ for (i = 0, psym = pmod->syms; i < pmod->num_syms; i++, psym++)
- {
- if (!strcmp(psym->name, symbol))
- {
-diff -Nru v110-dist/src/kernel/mtx_drv.h v110/src/kernel/mtx_drv.h
---- v110-dist/src/kernel/mtx_drv.h 2003-09-24 15:55:39.000000000 +0100
-+++ v110/src/kernel/mtx_drv.h 2004-03-05 13:28:03.000000000 +0000
-@@ -52,6 +52,14 @@
- #ifndef __cplusplus
-+// Some kernel stuff from 2.6.x
-+#define VMALLOC_VMADDR(x) ((unsigned long)(x))
-+#define VALID_PAGE(page) ((page - mem_map) < max_mapnr)
-+// #define MOD_CAN_QUERY(mod) (((mod)->flags & (MOD_RUNNING | MOD_INITIALIZING)) && !((mod)->flags & MOD_DELETED))
-+#define MOD_CAN_QUERY(mod) 1
-+#define mem_map_reserve(p) set_bit(PG_reserved, &((p)->flags))
-+#define mem_map_unreserve(p) clear_bit(PG_reserved, &((p)->flags))
- /******************************************
- *
- * Constants and types
-@@ -159,10 +167,10 @@
- * Holds information about AGP driver backend
- */
- typedef struct mtx_agp_driver {
- struct mtx_device *dev; /* MTX device that control AGP driver */
-- agp_kern_info kern_info; /* AGP information retrieve from kernel driver */
-+ struct agp_kern_info kern_info; /* AGP information retrieve from kernel driver */
- off_t aperture_base; /* Shortcut to kern_info->aper_base */
- size_t aperture_size; /* Size in bytes of AGP aperture */
-@@ -293,10 +301,12 @@
- * Helping macros
- *
- *****************************************/
-+#if 0
- #ifndef module_init
- #define module_init(x) int init_module(void) { return x(); }
- #define module_exit(x) void cleanup_module(void) { x(); }
- #endif
- /*** print statements ***/
- #define MTX_PRINT(fmt, arg...) printk(KERN_CRIT "[mtx] "fmt, ##arg)
-@@ -496,12 +506,12 @@
- int mtx_mmap(struct file *filp, struct vm_area_struct *vma);
- /* vm */
--struct page* mtx_vm_nopage_stub(struct vm_area_struct*, unsigned long, int);
-+struct page* mtx_vm_nopage_stub(struct vm_area_struct*, unsigned long, int*);
- void mtx_vm_open_stub(struct vm_area_struct*);
- void mtx_vm_close_stub(struct vm_area_struct*);
--struct page* mtx_vm_nopage_agp(struct vm_area_struct*, unsigned long, int);
--struct page* mtx_vm_nopage_pci(struct vm_area_struct*, unsigned long, int);
--struct page* mtx_vm_nopage_sys(struct vm_area_struct*, unsigned long, int);
-+struct page* mtx_vm_nopage_agp(struct vm_area_struct*, unsigned long, int*);
-+struct page* mtx_vm_nopage_pci(struct vm_area_struct*, unsigned long, int*);
-+struct page* mtx_vm_nopage_sys(struct vm_area_struct*, unsigned long, int*);
- int mtx_vm_map_io(mtx_device_t*, mtx_region_t*, struct vm_area_struct*);
- int mtx_vm_map_agp(mtx_device_t*, mtx_region_t*, struct vm_area_struct*);
- int mtx_vm_map_pci(mtx_device_t*, mtx_region_t*, struct vm_area_struct*);
-@@ -550,7 +560,7 @@
- #endif
- /* irq */
--void mtx_irq_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs);
-+irqreturn_t mtx_irq_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs);
- int mtx_irq_init(mtx_device_t* dev);
- void mtx_irq_cleanup(mtx_device_t* dev);
-diff -Nru v110-dist/src/kernel/mtx_irq.c v110/src/kernel/mtx_irq.c
---- v110-dist/src/kernel/mtx_irq.c 2003-11-26 21:54:12.000000000 +0000
-+++ v110/src/kernel/mtx_irq.c 2004-03-05 14:06:09.000000000 +0000
-@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
- *
- * Comments: None.
- */
- mtx_irq_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
- {
- mtx_device_t *dev = (mtx_device_t*)dev_id;
-@@ -42,13 +42,15 @@
- if (ret < 0) {
- /* We don't own the interrupt or an error occured, return immediately */
-- return;
-+ return IRQ_NONE;
- }
- if (ret > 0) {
- /* We want the bottom-half routine to be schedule */
- tasklet_schedule(&dev->irq_bh);
- }
-+ return IRQ_HANDLED;
- }
- /***************************************************************************************
-@@ -63,6 +65,7 @@
- *
- * Comments: None.
- */
- int
- mtx_irq_init(mtx_device_t *dev)
- {
-@@ -70,7 +73,7 @@
- /* Request IRQ line */
- /* TODO fix the sharing problem*/
-- ret = request_irq(dev->pci_dev->irq, mtx_irq_interrupt, SA_SHIRQ, dev->pci_dev->name, dev);
-+ ret = request_irq(dev->pci_dev->irq, mtx_irq_interrupt, SA_SHIRQ, "parhelia", dev);
- if (ret < 0)
- {
- MTX_WARNING("Failed to request IRQ %u for device 0x%04x, some feature will"
-diff -Nru v110-dist/src/kernel/mtx_mem.c v110/src/kernel/mtx_mem.c
---- v110-dist/src/kernel/mtx_mem.c 2003-04-17 19:30:48.000000000 +0100
-+++ v110/src/kernel/mtx_mem.c 2004-03-01 16:24:59.000000000 +0000
-@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
- #include "mtx_drv.h"
- #include <linux/slab.h>
--#include <linux/wrapper.h>
-+// #include <linux/wrapper.h>
- /* import agp backend interface */
- extern drm_agp_t *agp_backend;
- /* list of agp memory blocks (first item use as sentinel) */
--static agp_memory agp_blocks = { 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-+static struct agp_memory agp_blocks = { 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- /* this holds real size of last allocation */
- static size_t last_alloc_size = 0;
-@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@
- static unsigned long
- mtx_mem_alloc_agp(size_t size)
- {
-- agp_memory *info_block, *ptr_block;
-+ struct agp_memory *info_block, *ptr_block;
- unsigned long pg_offset = 0, pg_count = 0;
- int ret;
-@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@
- static void
- mtx_mem_free_agp(unsigned long ptr, size_t size)
- {
-- agp_memory *ptr_block = NULL;
-+ struct agp_memory *ptr_block = NULL;
- unsigned int pg_start, pg_count;
- int ret;
-diff -Nru v110-dist/src/kernel/mtx_vm.c v110/src/kernel/mtx_vm.c
---- v110-dist/src/kernel/mtx_vm.c 2003-11-11 15:55:24.000000000 +0000
-+++ v110/src/kernel/mtx_vm.c 2004-03-01 16:25:09.000000000 +0000
-@@ -16,11 +16,15 @@
- #define __NO_VERSION__
- #include "mtx_drv.h"
-- #define REMAP_PAGE_RANGE remap_page_range
-+#if 0
-+ #define REMAP_PAGE_RANGE remap_page_range
-+ #else
-+ #define REMAP_PAGE_RANGE(vma, start, base, size, prot) \
-+ remap_page_range(start, base, size, prot)
-+ #endif
- #else
-- #define REMAP_PAGE_RANGE(vma, start, base, size, prot) \
-- remap_page_range(start, base, size, prot)
-+ #define REMAP_PAGE_RANGE remap_page_range
- #endif
- /* Stub vm operations (noop) */
-@@ -52,8 +56,11 @@
- * Comments:
- */
- struct page*
--mtx_vm_nopage_stub(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address, int write_access)
-+mtx_vm_nopage_stub(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address, int *type)
- {
-+ if (type != NULL)
-+ *type = VM_FAULT_MINOR;
- return NOPAGE_SIGBUS; /* mremap is not allowed */
- }
-@@ -106,7 +113,7 @@
- * Comments:
- */
- struct page*
--mtx_vm_nopage_sys(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address, int write_access)
-+mtx_vm_nopage_sys(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address, int *type)
- {
- struct page *page;
- mtx_region_t *region;
-@@ -116,6 +123,9 @@
- pmd_t *pmd;
- pte_t *pte;
-+ if (type != NULL)
-+ *type = VM_FAULT_MINOR;
- /* retrieve the region for this vma */
- region = (mtx_region_t*)vma->vm_private_data;
- if (!region) return NOPAGE_SIGBUS;
-diff -Nru v110-dist/src/kernel/parhelia/MtxParhlOS.c v110/src/kernel/parhelia/MtxParhlOS.c
---- v110-dist/src/kernel/parhelia/MtxParhlOS.c 2003-09-24 15:55:39.000000000 +0100
-+++ v110/src/kernel/parhelia/MtxParhlOS.c 2004-03-01 16:24:59.000000000 +0000
-@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
- oInSharedLockedDataInit.ulFrameBufferPhys = dev->framebuffer.base;
- oInSharedLockedDataInit.ulFrameBufferSize = dev->framebuffer.size;
- oInSharedLockedDataInit.ulAgpFlags = dev->bm_flags;
-- oInSharedLockedDataInit.bMultiCPU = (smp_num_cpus > 1) ? TRUE : FALSE;
-+ oInSharedLockedDataInit.bMultiCPU = (num_booting_cpus() > 1) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- ISharedLockedData_Init( &oInSharedLockedDataInit );