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-# DotNet Core
+# DotNet Core Binary Builds
## Binary Packages
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+# DotNet Core Source Builds
+I've experimented with building .net core from source and put some notes together below for trying to build under gentoo.
+Hopefully these might be useful for a future source based ebuild.
+make sure to use llvm/clang 4.0.1 not 5.0.1 which causes issues with the latest stable 2.0 release.
+Although I think this has been fixed within master
+## Dotnet core sandbox issues
+One of the issues currently with dotnet core is that applications seem to fail when run from within the sandbox.
+This includes dotnet restore or build
+ * https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/8305
+ * https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Knowledge_Base:Overriding_environment_variables_per_package
+To exclude a particular package from the sandbox we can use the following
+First we use this to create a setting called nosandbox
+mkdir -p /etc/portage/env
+echo 'FEATURES="-sandbox -usersandbox"' >> /etc/portage/env/nosandbox
+Next we apply this to any ebuilds that need it
+echo 'dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime nosandbox' >> /etc/portage/package.env
+I should probably mention that as of writing the current source build of dotnetcore-runtime
+doesn't use the dotnet restore command so it currently doesn't need this. But future versions may.
+## CoreSetup
+Coresetup seems to be a set of scripts used to generate the runtime tar.gz
+However I don't think these can be used currently to generate the sdk.
+I'm not sure core-setup actually builds source or just partially builds source and partially copies pre-compiled libraries in
+To clone the source
+git clone https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup.git
+cd core-setup/
+git checkout v2.0.4
+To trigger the build
+./build.sh -ConfigurationGroup=Release -SkipTests
+The place to look for .tar.gz files is
+ * Bin/gentoo-x64.Release/packages
+ * Bin/linux-x64.Release/packages
+From the looks of things the tarball gz is generated by the below target
+./Tools/msbuild.sh src/pkg/packaging/dir.proj /p:UsePrebuiltPortableBinariesForInstallers=true /flp:v=diag /p:TargetArchitecture=x64 /p:PortableBuild=false /p:ConfigurationGroup=Release /p:OSGroup=Linux /p:SharedFrameworkPublishDir=/root/test1/core-setup/Bin/obj/linux-x64.Release/sharedFrameworkPublish/ /target:GenerateTarBall
+It's also worth checking out the commands under **buildpipeline/Core-Setup-Linux-BT.json** to see what's being run inside there
+## Source Build
+Source build seems to be a set of scripts that sits on top of everything else including CoreSetup
+But I've not managed to get it to work fully yet.
+git clone https://github.com/dotnet/source-build.git
+cd source-build
+git checkout dev/release/2.0
+git submodule update --init --recursive
+I've found you may need to edit **tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks/GetHostInformation.cs**
+So that it always returns true and sets the OS to Linux
+To experiment building some stuff
+./build.sh /p:RootRepo=coreclr
+./build.sh /p:RootRepo=sdk
+## Building CoreCLR / CoreFX directly
+If you want to try compiling the CoreCLR / CoreFX repo's directly
+In order to build the libraries a version of the dotnet cli / sdk is needed as part of a boostrap process
+These typically end up un Tools/
+usually build.sh will call these scripts at the beginning
+I've found that RuntimeOS needs to be specified for corefx to work right
+./clean.sh -all
+./build.sh -release -buildArch=x64 -SkipTests
+./clean.sh -all
+./build.sh -release -buildArch=x64 -SkipTests -RuntimeOS=rhel.7
+I've found that for some reason the build defaults to strict mode which treats warnings as errors
+If this happens then one way around it is to add the following to the .csproj file
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index da54f37..1604ed3 100644
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For using dotnet core see
- [Dotnet Core Binary packages](Documentation/DotnetCore-Bin.md)
+ - [Dotnet Core Source Build Notes](Documentation/DotnetCore-Src.md)