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Diffstat (limited to 'meeting-logs/kde-project-meeting-summary-20100902.txt')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meeting-logs/kde-project-meeting-summary-20100902.txt b/meeting-logs/kde-project-meeting-summary-20100902.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff368de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meeting-logs/kde-project-meeting-summary-20100902.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+1) KDE 4.5 status and plans to put it in Portage
+We agreed that KDE 4.5.1 is suffering of some important bugs, and after
+a long discussion we decided to put it in portage, but it will never
+make it to stable branch. We are mentioning the upstream bugs, as we
+think that users should be aware of them before updating:
+- <-The most important
+Also, keep in mind that KDE SC 4.5 lacks the KDEPIM suite, so users
+should use KDEPIM 4.4.5 instead, which is also stable in portage tree.
+In case of an update it should be smooth.
+2) KOffice 2.2 status
+There are a few issues with it. The bump to 2.2.2 won't be so easy,
+and most of the linking taking place in koffice-libs is not perfect.
+dilfridge and tampakrap will take care of it, but it may not happen soon.
+3) KDEPIM beta packages are released
+This was skipped as alexxy, our snapshots master, was absent. It will
+be discussed in gentoo-desktop mailing list
+4) Open Floor
+- dilfridge reported that digikam is almost ready, he cleaned up the
+patches a lot and will tell reavertm when to move them upstream
+- tampakrap reported that he is going to unmask knetworkmanager
+- reavertm encouraged people working with live and tagged ebuilds to use
+kde-misc/kde-overlay-servicemenus. It is a simple Compare/Merge service
+menu, to avoid manual copy paste.
+- tampakrap, as substitute leader, is going to remove some inactive team
+members, as there were a lot of notices in the past.