diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/resources/js/services.js')
1 files changed, 2146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/resources/js/services.js b/admin/resources/js/services.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a165a48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/resources/js/services.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2146 @@
+'use strict';
+var module = angular.module('keycloak.services', [ 'ngResource', 'ngRoute' ]);
+module.service('Dialog', function($modal) {
+ var dialog = {};
+ var openDialog = function(title, message, btns, template) {
+ var controller = function($scope, $modalInstance, title, message, btns) {
+ $scope.title = title;
+ $scope.message = message;
+ $scope.btns = btns;
+ $scope.ok = function () {
+ $modalInstance.close();
+ };
+ $scope.cancel = function () {
+ $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel');
+ };
+ };
+ return $modal.open({
+ templateUrl: resourceUrl + template,
+ controller: controller,
+ resolve: {
+ title: function() {
+ return title;
+ },
+ message: function() {
+ return message;
+ },
+ btns: function() {
+ return btns;
+ }
+ }
+ }).result;
+ }
+ var escapeHtml = function(str) {
+ var div = document.createElement('div');
+ div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(str));
+ return div.innerHTML;
+ };
+ dialog.confirmDelete = function(name, type, success) {
+ var title = 'Delete ' + escapeHtml(type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.slice(1));
+ var msg = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete the ' + type + ' ' + name + '?';
+ var btns = {
+ ok: {
+ label: 'Delete',
+ cssClass: 'btn btn-danger'
+ },
+ cancel: {
+ label: 'Cancel',
+ cssClass: 'btn btn-default'
+ }
+ }
+ openDialog(title, msg, btns, '/templates/kc-modal.html').then(success);
+ }
+ dialog.confirmGenerateKeys = function(name, type, success) {
+ var title = 'Generate new keys for realm';
+ var msg = 'Are you sure you want to permanently generate new keys for ' + name + '?';
+ var btns = {
+ ok: {
+ label: 'Generate Keys',
+ cssClass: 'btn btn-danger'
+ },
+ cancel: {
+ label: 'Cancel',
+ cssClass: 'btn btn-default'
+ }
+ }
+ openDialog(title, msg, btns, '/templates/kc-modal.html').then(success);
+ }
+ dialog.confirm = function(title, message, success, cancel) {
+ var btns = {
+ ok: {
+ label: title,
+ cssClass: 'btn btn-danger'
+ },
+ cancel: {
+ label: 'Cancel',
+ cssClass: 'btn btn-default'
+ }
+ }
+ openDialog(title, message, btns, '/templates/kc-modal.html').then(success, cancel);
+ }
+ dialog.message = function(title, message, success, cancel) {
+ var btns = {
+ ok: {
+ label: "Ok",
+ cssClass: 'btn btn-default'
+ }
+ }
+ openDialog(title, message, btns, '/templates/kc-modal-message.html').then(success, cancel);
+ }
+ dialog.open = function(title, message, btns, success, cancel) {
+ openDialog(title, message, btns, '/templates/kc-modal.html').then(success, cancel);
+ }
+ return dialog
+module.service('CopyDialog', function($modal) {
+ var dialog = {};
+ dialog.open = function (title, suggested, success) {
+ var controller = function($scope, $modalInstance, title) {
+ $scope.title = title;
+ $scope.name = { value: 'Copy of ' + suggested };
+ $scope.ok = function () {
+ console.log('ok with name: ' + $scope.name);
+ $modalInstance.close();
+ success($scope.name.value);
+ };
+ $scope.cancel = function () {
+ $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel');
+ };
+ }
+ $modal.open({
+ templateUrl: resourceUrl + '/templates/kc-copy.html',
+ controller: controller,
+ resolve: {
+ title: function() {
+ return title;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ return dialog;
+module.factory('Notifications', function($rootScope, $timeout) {
+ // time (in ms) the notifications are shown
+ var delay = 5000;
+ var notifications = {};
+ notifications.current = { display: false };
+ notifications.current.remove = function() {
+ if (notifications.scheduled) {
+ $timeout.cancel(notifications.scheduled);
+ delete notifications.scheduled;
+ }
+ delete notifications.current.type;
+ delete notifications.current.header;
+ delete notifications.current.message;
+ notifications.current.display = false;
+ console.debug("Remove message");
+ }
+ $rootScope.notification = notifications.current;
+ notifications.message = function(type, header, message) {
+ notifications.current.remove();
+ notifications.current.type = type;
+ notifications.current.header = header;
+ notifications.current.message = message;
+ notifications.current.display = true;
+ notifications.scheduled = $timeout(function() {
+ notifications.current.remove();
+ }, delay);
+ console.debug("Added message");
+ }
+ notifications.info = function(message) {
+ notifications.message("info", "Info!", message);
+ };
+ notifications.success = function(message) {
+ notifications.message("success", "Success!", message);
+ };
+ notifications.error = function(message) {
+ notifications.message("danger", "Error!", message);
+ };
+ notifications.warn = function(message) {
+ notifications.message("warning", "Warning!", message);
+ };
+ return notifications;
+module.factory('ComponentUtils', function() {
+ function sortGroups(prop, arr) {
+ // sort current elements
+ arr.sort(function (a, b) {
+ if (a[prop] < b[prop]) { return -1; }
+ if (a[prop] > b[prop]) { return 1; }
+ return 0;
+ });
+ // check sub groups
+ arr.forEach(function (item, index) {
+ if (!!item.subGroups) {
+ sortGroups(prop, item.subGroups);
+ }
+ });
+ return arr;
+ };
+ var utils = {};
+ utils.sortGroups = sortGroups;
+ utils.findIndexById = function(array, id) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+ if (array[i].id === id) return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ utils.convertAllMultivaluedStringValuesToList = function(properties, config) {
+ if (!properties) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (var i=0 ; i<properties.length ; i++) {
+ var prop = properties[i];
+ if (prop.type === 'MultivaluedString') {
+ var configProperty = config[prop.name];
+ if (configProperty == null) {
+ configProperty = [];
+ config[prop.name] = configProperty;
+ }
+ if (typeof configProperty === "string") {
+ configProperty = configProperty.split("##");
+ config[prop.name] = configProperty;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ utils.convertAllListValuesToMultivaluedString = function(properties, config) {
+ if (!properties) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (var i=0 ; i<properties.length ; i++) {
+ var prop = properties[i];
+ if (prop.type === 'MultivaluedString') {
+ var configVal = config[prop.name];
+ if (configVal != null) {
+ if (configVal.length > 0) {
+ var lastVal = configVal[configVal.length - 1];
+ if (lastVal === '') {
+ console.log('Remove empty value from config property: ' + prop.name);
+ configVal.splice(configVal.length - 1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ var attrVals = configVal.join("##");
+ config[prop.name] = attrVals;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ utils.addLastEmptyValueToMultivaluedLists = function(properties, config) {
+ if (!properties) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (var i=0 ; i<properties.length ; i++) {
+ var prop = properties[i];
+ if (prop.type === 'MultivaluedString') {
+ var configProperty = config[prop.name];
+ if (configProperty == null) {
+ configProperty = [];
+ config[prop.name] = configProperty;
+ }
+ if (configProperty.length == 0 || configProperty[configProperty.length - 1].length > 0) {
+ configProperty.push('');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ utils.removeLastEmptyValue = function(componentConfig) {
+ for (var configPropertyName in componentConfig) {
+ var configVal = componentConfig[configPropertyName];
+ if (configVal && configVal.length > 0) {
+ var lastVal = configVal[configVal.length - 1];
+ if (lastVal === '') {
+ console.log('Remove empty value from config property: ' + configPropertyName);
+ configVal.splice(configVal.length - 1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Allows you to use ui-select2 with <input> tag.
+ // In HTML you will then use property.mvOptions like this:
+ // <input ui-select2="prop.mvOptions" ng-model="...
+ utils.addMvOptionsToMultivaluedLists = function(properties) {
+ if (!properties) return;
+ for (var i=0 ; i<properties.length ; i++) {
+ var prop = properties[i];
+ if (prop.type !== 'MultivaluedList') continue;
+ prop.mvOptions = {
+ 'multiple' : true,
+ 'simple_tags' : true,
+ 'tags' : angular.copy(prop.options)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return utils;
+module.factory('Realm', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:id', {
+ id : '@realm'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ },
+ create : {
+ method : 'POST',
+ params : { id : ''}
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('RealmKeys', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:id/keys', {
+ id : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('RealmEventsConfig', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:id/events/config', {
+ id : '@realm'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('RealmEvents', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:id/events', {
+ id : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('RealmAdminEvents', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:id/admin-events', {
+ id : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('BruteForce', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/attack-detection/brute-force/users', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('BruteForceUser', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/attack-detection/brute-force/users/:userId', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId'
+ });
+module.factory('RequiredActions', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/required-actions/:alias', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ alias : '@alias'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('RequiredActionRaisePriority', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/required-actions/:alias/raise-priority', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ alias : '@alias'
+ });
+module.factory('RequiredActionLowerPriority', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/required-actions/:alias/lower-priority', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ alias : '@alias'
+ });
+module.factory('UnregisteredRequiredActions', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/unregistered-required-actions', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('RegisterRequiredAction', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/register-required-action', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('RealmLDAPConnectionTester', function($resource, $httpParamSerializer) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/testLDAPConnection', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('RealmSMTPConnectionTester', function($resource, $httpParamSerializer) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/testSMTPConnection', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.service('ServerInfo', function($resource, $q, $http) {
+ var info = {};
+ var delay = $q.defer();
+ function copyInfo(data, info) {
+ angular.copy(data, info);
+ info.listProviderIds = function(spi) {
+ var providers = info.providers[spi].providers;
+ var ids = Object.keys(providers);
+ ids.sort(function(a, b) {
+ var s1;
+ var s2;
+ if (providers[a].order != providers[b].order) {
+ s1 = providers[b].order;
+ s2 = providers[a].order;
+ } else {
+ s1 = a;
+ s2 = b;
+ }
+ if (s1 < s2) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (s1 > s2) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ });
+ return ids;
+ }
+ info.featureEnabled = function(provider) {
+ return info.profileInfo.disabledFeatures.indexOf(provider) == -1;
+ }
+ }
+ $http.get(authUrl + '/admin/serverinfo').then(function(response) {
+ copyInfo(response.data, info);
+ delay.resolve(info);
+ });
+ return {
+ get: function() {
+ return info;
+ },
+ reload: function() {
+ $http.get(authUrl + '/admin/serverinfo').then(function(response) {
+ copyInfo(response.data, info);
+ });
+ },
+ promise: delay.promise
+ }
+module.factory('ClientInitialAccess', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients-initial-access/:id', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ id : '@id'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientProtocolMapper', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/protocol-mappers/models/:id', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client: '@client',
+ id : "@id"
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('ClientScopeProtocolMapper', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/client-scopes/:clientScope/protocol-mappers/models/:id', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ clientScope: '@clientScope',
+ id : "@id"
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('User', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.service('UserSearchState', function() {
+ this.isFirstSearch = true;
+ this.query = {
+ max : 20,
+ first : 0
+ };
+module.service('ClientListSearchState', function() {
+ this.isFirstSearch = true;
+ this.query = {
+ max : 20,
+ first : 0,
+ search: true
+ };
+// Service tracks the last flow selected in Authentication-->Flows tab
+module.service('LastFlowSelected', function() {
+ this.alias = null;
+module.service('RealmRoleRemover', function() {
+ this.remove = function (role, realm, Dialog, $location, Notifications) {
+ Dialog.confirmDelete(role.name, 'role', function () {
+ role.$remove({
+ realm: realm.realm,
+ role: role.id
+ }, function () {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/roles");
+ Notifications.success("The role has been deleted.");
+ });
+ });
+ };
+module.factory('UserSessionStats', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:user/session-stats', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ user : '@user'
+ });
+module.factory('UserSessions', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:user/sessions', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ user : '@user'
+ });
+module.factory('UserOfflineSessions', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:user/offline-sessions/:client', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ user : '@user',
+ client : '@client'
+ });
+module.factory('UserSessionLogout', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/sessions/:session', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ session : '@session'
+ });
+module.factory('UserLogout', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:user/logout', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ user : '@user'
+ });
+module.factory('UserFederatedIdentities', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:user/federated-identity', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ user : '@user'
+ });
+module.factory('UserFederatedIdentity', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:user/federated-identity/:provider', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ user : '@user',
+ provider : '@provider'
+ });
+module.factory('UserConsents', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:user/consents/:client', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ user : '@user',
+ client: '@client'
+ });
+module.factory('UserImpersonation', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:user/impersonation', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ user : '@user'
+ });
+module.factory('UserCredentials', function($resource) {
+ var credentials = {};
+ credentials.getCredentials = $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/credentials', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId'
+ }).query;
+ credentials.getConfiguredUserStorageCredentialTypes = $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/configured-user-storage-credential-types', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId'
+ }).query;
+ credentials.deleteCredential = $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/credentials/:credentialId', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId',
+ credentialId : '@credentialId'
+ }).delete;
+ credentials.updateCredentialLabel = $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/credentials/:credentialId/userLabel', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId',
+ credentialId : '@credentialId'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT',
+ headers: {
+ 'Content-Type': 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'
+ },
+ transformRequest: function(credential, getHeaders) {
+ return credential.userLabel;
+ }
+ }
+ }).update;
+ credentials.resetPassword = $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/reset-password', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ }).update;
+ credentials.removeTotp = $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/remove-totp', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ }).update;
+ credentials.disableCredentialTypes = $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/disable-credential-types', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ }).update;
+ credentials.moveCredentialAfter = $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/credentials/:credentialId/moveAfter/:newPreviousCredentialId', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId',
+ credentialId : '@credentialId',
+ newPreviousCredentialId : '@newPreviousCredentialId'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'POST'
+ }
+ }).update;
+ credentials.moveToFirst = $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/credentials/:credentialId/moveToFirst', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId',
+ credentialId : '@credentialId'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'POST'
+ }
+ }).update;
+ return credentials;
+module.factory('UserExecuteActionsEmail', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/execute-actions-email', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId',
+ lifespan : '@lifespan',
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('RealmRoleMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/role-mappings/realm', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId'
+ });
+module.factory('CompositeRealmRoleMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/role-mappings/realm/composite', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId'
+ });
+module.factory('AvailableRealmRoleMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/role-mappings/realm/available', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientRoleMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/role-mappings/clients/:client', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId',
+ client : "@client"
+ });
+module.factory('AvailableClientRoleMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/role-mappings/clients/:client/available', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId',
+ client : "@client"
+ });
+module.factory('CompositeClientRoleMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/role-mappings/clients/:client/composite', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId',
+ client : "@client"
+ });
+module.factory('ClientRealmScopeMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/scope-mappings/realm', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : '@client'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientAvailableRealmScopeMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/scope-mappings/realm/available', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : '@client'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientCompositeRealmScopeMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/scope-mappings/realm/composite', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : '@client'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientClientScopeMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/scope-mappings/clients/:targetClient', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : '@client',
+ targetClient : '@targetClient'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientAvailableClientScopeMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/scope-mappings/clients/:targetClient/available', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : '@client',
+ targetClient : '@targetClient'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientCompositeClientScopeMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/scope-mappings/clients/:targetClient/composite', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : '@client',
+ targetClient : '@targetClient'
+ });
+module.factory('RealmRoles', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/roles', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('RoleRealmComposites', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/roles-by-id/:role/composites/realm', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ role : '@role'
+ });
+module.factory('RealmPushRevocation', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/push-revocation', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('RealmClearUserCache', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clear-user-cache', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('RealmClearRealmCache', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clear-realm-cache', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('RealmClearKeysCache', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clear-keys-cache', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('RealmSessionStats', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/session-stats', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('RealmClientSessionStats', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/client-session-stats', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('RoleClientComposites', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/roles-by-id/:role/composites/clients/:client', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ role : '@role',
+ client : "@client"
+ });
+function clientSelectControl($scope, realm, Client) {
+ $scope.clientsUiSelect = {
+ minimumInputLength: 1,
+ delay: 500,
+ allowClear: true,
+ query: function (query) {
+ var data = {results: []};
+ if ('' == query.term.trim()) {
+ query.callback(data);
+ return;
+ }
+ Client.query({realm: realm, search: true, clientId: query.term.trim(), max: 20}, function(response) {
+ data.results = response;
+ query.callback(data);
+ });
+ },
+ formatResult: function(object, container, query) {
+ object.text = object.clientId;
+ return object.clientId;
+ }
+ };
+function roleControl($scope, $route, realm, role, roles, Client,
+ ClientRole, RoleById, RoleRealmComposites, RoleClientComposites,
+ $http, $location, Notifications, Dialog, ComponentUtils) {
+ $scope.$watch(function () {
+ return $location.path();
+ }, function () {
+ $scope.path = $location.path().substring(1).split("/");
+ });
+ $scope.$watch('role', function () {
+ if (!angular.equals($scope.role, role)) {
+ $scope.changed = true;
+ }
+ }, true);
+ $scope.update = function () {
+ RoleById.update({
+ realm: realm.realm,
+ role: role.id
+ }, $scope.role, function () {
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ role = angular.copy($scope.role);
+ Notifications.success("Your changes have been saved to the role.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.reset = function () {
+ $scope.role = angular.copy(role);
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ };
+ if (!role.id) return;
+ $scope.compositeSwitch = role.composite;
+ $scope.compositeSwitchDisabled = role.composite;
+ $scope.realmRoles = angular.copy(roles);
+ $scope.selectedRealmRoles = [];
+ $scope.selectedRealmMappings = [];
+ $scope.realmMappings = [];
+ $scope.clientRoles = [];
+ $scope.selectedClientRoles = [];
+ $scope.selectedClientMappings = [];
+ $scope.clientMappings = [];
+ for (var j = 0; j < $scope.realmRoles.length; j++) {
+ if ($scope.realmRoles[j].id == role.id) {
+ var realmRole = $scope.realmRoles[j];
+ var idx = $scope.realmRoles.indexOf(realmRole);
+ $scope.realmRoles.splice(idx, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ clientSelectControl($scope, $route.current.params.realm, Client);
+ $scope.selectedClient = null;
+ $scope.realmMappings = RoleRealmComposites.query({realm : realm.realm, role : role.id}, function(){
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.realmMappings.length; i++) {
+ var role = $scope.realmMappings[i];
+ for (var j = 0; j < $scope.realmRoles.length; j++) {
+ var realmRole = $scope.realmRoles[j];
+ if (realmRole.id == role.id) {
+ var idx = $scope.realmRoles.indexOf(realmRole);
+ if (idx != -1) {
+ $scope.realmRoles.splice(idx, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $scope.addRealmRole = function() {
+ $scope.compositeSwitchDisabled=true;
+ $scope.selectedRealmRolesToAdd = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedRealmRoles + ']');
+ $http.post(authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/roles-by-id/' + role.id + '/composites',
+ $scope.selectedRealmRolesToAdd).then(function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.selectedRealmRolesToAdd.length; i++) {
+ var role = $scope.selectedRealmRolesToAdd[i];
+ var idx = ComponentUtils.findIndexById($scope.realmRoles, role.id);
+ if (idx != -1) {
+ $scope.realmRoles.splice(idx, 1);
+ $scope.realmMappings.push(role);
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.selectedRealmRoles = [];
+ $scope.selectedRealmRolesToAdd = [];
+ Notifications.success("Role added to composite.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.deleteRealmRole = function() {
+ $scope.compositeSwitchDisabled=true;
+ $scope.selectedRealmMappingsToRemove = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedRealmMappings + ']');
+ $http.delete(authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/roles-by-id/' + role.id + '/composites',
+ {data : $scope.selectedRealmMappingsToRemove, headers : {"content-type" : "application/json"}}).then(function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.selectedRealmMappingsToRemove.length; i++) {
+ var role = $scope.selectedRealmMappingsToRemove[i];
+ var idx = ComponentUtils.findIndexById($scope.realmMappings, role.id);
+ if (idx != -1) {
+ $scope.realmMappings.splice(idx, 1);
+ $scope.realmRoles.push(role);
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.selectedRealmMappings = [];
+ $scope.selectedRealmMappingsToRemove = [];
+ Notifications.success("Role removed from composite.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.addClientRole = function() {
+ $scope.compositeSwitchDisabled=true;
+ $scope.selectedClientRolesToAdd = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedClientRoles + ']');
+ $http.post(authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/roles-by-id/' + role.id + '/composites',
+ $scope.selectedClientRolesToAdd).then(function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.selectedClientRolesToAdd.length; i++) {
+ var role = $scope.selectedClientRolesToAdd[i];
+ var idx = ComponentUtils.findIndexById($scope.clientRoles, role.id);
+ if (idx != -1) {
+ $scope.clientRoles.splice(idx, 1);
+ $scope.clientMappings.push(role);
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.selectedClientRoles = [];
+ $scope.selectedClientRolesToAdd = [];
+ Notifications.success("Client role added.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.deleteClientRole = function() {
+ $scope.compositeSwitchDisabled=true;
+ $scope.selectedClientMappingsToRemove = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedClientMappings + ']');
+ $http.delete(authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/roles-by-id/' + role.id + '/composites',
+ {data : $scope.selectedClientMappingsToRemove, headers : {"content-type" : "application/json"}}).then(function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.selectedClientMappingsToRemove.length; i++) {
+ var role = $scope.selectedClientMappingsToRemove[i];
+ var idx = ComponentUtils.findIndexById($scope.clientMappings, role.id);
+ if (idx != -1) {
+ $scope.clientMappings.splice(idx, 1);
+ $scope.clientRoles.push(role);
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.selectedClientMappings = [];
+ $scope.selectedClientMappingsToRemove = [];
+ Notifications.success("Client role removed.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.changeClient = function(client) {
+ console.log("selected client: ", client);
+ if (!client || !client.id) {
+ $scope.selectedClient = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ $scope.selectedClient = client;
+ $scope.clientRoles = ClientRole.query({realm : realm.realm, client : client.id}, function() {
+ $scope.clientMappings = RoleClientComposites.query({realm : realm.realm, role : role.id, client : client.id}, function(){
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.clientMappings.length; i++) {
+ var role = $scope.clientMappings[i];
+ for (var j = 0; j < $scope.clientRoles.length; j++) {
+ var realmRole = $scope.clientRoles[j];
+ if (realmRole.id == role.id) {
+ var idx = $scope.clientRoles.indexOf(realmRole);
+ if (idx != -1) {
+ $scope.clientRoles.splice(idx, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ for (var j = 0; j < $scope.clientRoles.length; j++) {
+ if ($scope.clientRoles[j] == role.id) {
+ var appRole = $scope.clientRoles[j];
+ var idx = $scope.clientRoles.indexof(appRole);
+ $scope.clientRoles.splice(idx, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ };
+module.factory('Role', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/roles/:role', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ role : '@role'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('RoleById', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/roles-by-id/:role', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ role : '@role'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('ClientRole', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/roles/:role', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client",
+ role : '@role'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('ClientDefaultClientScopes', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/default-client-scopes/:clientScopeId', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client",
+ clientScopeId : '@clientScopeId'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('ClientOptionalClientScopes', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/optional-client-scopes/:clientScopeId', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client",
+ clientScopeId : '@clientScopeId'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('ClientEvaluateProtocolMappers', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/evaluate-scopes/protocol-mappers?scope=:scopeParam', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client",
+ scopeParam : "@scopeParam"
+ });
+module.factory('ClientEvaluateGrantedRoles', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/evaluate-scopes/scope-mappings/:roleContainer/granted?scope=:scopeParam', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client",
+ roleContainer : "@roleContainer",
+ scopeParam : "@scopeParam"
+ });
+module.factory('ClientEvaluateNotGrantedRoles', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/evaluate-scopes/scope-mappings/:roleContainer/not-granted?scope=:scopeParam', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client",
+ roleContainer : "@roleContainer",
+ scopeParam : "@scopeParam"
+ });
+module.factory('ClientEvaluateGenerateExampleToken', function($resource) {
+ var url = authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/evaluate-scopes/generate-example-access-token?scope=:scopeParam&userId=:userId';
+ return {
+ url : function(parameters)
+ {
+ return url
+ .replace(':realm', parameters.realm)
+ .replace(':client', parameters.client)
+ .replace(':scopeParam', parameters.scopeParam)
+ .replace(':userId', parameters.userId);
+ }
+ }
+module.factory('ClientProtocolMappersByProtocol', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/protocol-mappers/protocol/:protocol', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client",
+ protocol : "@protocol"
+ });
+module.factory('ClientScopeProtocolMappersByProtocol', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/client-scopes/:clientScope/protocol-mappers/protocol/:protocol', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ clientScope : "@clientScope",
+ protocol : "@protocol"
+ });
+module.factory('ClientScopeRealmScopeMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/client-scopes/:clientScope/scope-mappings/realm', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ clientScope : '@clientScope'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientScopeAvailableRealmScopeMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/client-scopes/:clientScope/scope-mappings/realm/available', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ clientScope : '@clientScope'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientScopeCompositeRealmScopeMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/client-scopes/:clientScope/scope-mappings/realm/composite', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ clientScope : '@clientScope'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientScopeClientScopeMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/client-scopes/:clientScope/scope-mappings/clients/:targetClient', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ clientScope : '@clientScope',
+ targetClient : '@targetClient'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientScopeAvailableClientScopeMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/client-scopes/:clientScope/scope-mappings/clients/:targetClient/available', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ clientScope : '@clientScope',
+ targetClient : '@targetClient'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientScopeCompositeClientScopeMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/client-scopes/:clientScope/scope-mappings/clients/:targetClient/composite', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ clientScope : '@clientScope',
+ targetClient : '@targetClient'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientSessionStats', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/session-stats', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client"
+ });
+module.factory('ClientSessionStatsWithUsers', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/session-stats?users=true', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client"
+ });
+module.factory('ClientSessionCount', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/session-count', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client"
+ });
+module.factory('ClientUserSessions', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/user-sessions', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client"
+ });
+module.factory('ClientOfflineSessionCount', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/offline-session-count', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client"
+ });
+module.factory('ClientOfflineSessions', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/offline-sessions', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client"
+ });
+module.factory('RealmLogoutAll', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/logout-all', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientPushRevocation', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/push-revocation', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client"
+ });
+module.factory('ClientClusterNode', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/nodes/:node', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client"
+ });
+module.factory('ClientTestNodesAvailable', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/test-nodes-available', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client"
+ });
+module.factory('ClientCertificate', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/certificates/:attribute', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client",
+ attribute: "@attribute"
+ });
+module.factory('ClientCertificateGenerate', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/certificates/:attribute/generate', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client",
+ attribute: "@attribute"
+ },
+ {
+ generate : {
+ method : 'POST'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('ClientCertificateDownload', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/certificates/:attribute/download', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : "@client",
+ attribute: "@attribute"
+ },
+ {
+ download : {
+ method : 'POST',
+ responseType: 'arraybuffer'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('Client', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : '@client'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('ClientScope', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/client-scopes/:clientScope', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ clientScope : '@clientScope'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('RealmDefaultClientScopes', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/default-default-client-scopes/:clientScopeId', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ clientScopeId : '@clientScopeId'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('RealmOptionalClientScopes', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/default-optional-client-scopes/:clientScopeId', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ clientScopeId : '@clientScopeId'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('ClientDescriptionConverter', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/client-description-converter', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientInstallation', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/installation/providers/:provider', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : '@client',
+ provider : '@provider'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientInstallation', function($resource) {
+ var url = authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/installation/providers/:provider';
+ return {
+ url : function(parameters)
+ {
+ return url.replace(':realm', parameters.realm).replace(':client', parameters.client).replace(':provider', parameters.provider);
+ }
+ }
+module.factory('ClientInstallationJBoss', function($resource) {
+ var url = authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/installation/jboss';
+ return {
+ url : function(parameters)
+ {
+ return url.replace(':realm', parameters.realm).replace(':client', parameters.client);
+ }
+ }
+module.factory('ClientSecret', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/client-secret', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : '@client'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'POST'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('ClientRegistrationAccessToken', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/registration-access-token', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : '@client'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'POST'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('ClientOrigins', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/allowed-origins', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : '@client'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT',
+ isArray : true
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('ClientServiceAccountUser', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/service-account-user', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : '@client'
+ });
+module.factory('Current', function(Realm, $route, $rootScope) {
+ var current = {
+ realms: {},
+ realm: null
+ };
+ $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function() {
+ current.realms = Realm.query(null, function(realms) {
+ var currentRealm = null;
+ if ($route.current.params.realm) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < realms.length; i++) {
+ if (realms[i].realm == $route.current.params.realm) {
+ currentRealm = realms[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ current.realm = currentRealm;
+ });
+ });
+ return current;
+module.factory('TimeUnit', function() {
+ var t = {};
+ t.autoUnit = function(time) {
+ if (!time) {
+ return 'Hours';
+ }
+ var unit = 'Seconds';
+ if (time % 60 == 0) {
+ unit = 'Minutes';
+ time = time / 60;
+ }
+ if (time % 60 == 0) {
+ unit = 'Hours';
+ time = time / 60;
+ }
+ if (time % 24 == 0) {
+ unit = 'Days'
+ time = time / 24;
+ }
+ return unit;
+ }
+ t.toSeconds = function(time, unit) {
+ switch (unit) {
+ case 'Seconds': return time;
+ case 'Minutes': return time * 60;
+ case 'Hours': return time * 3600;
+ case 'Days': return time * 86400;
+ default: throw 'invalid unit ' + unit;
+ }
+ }
+ t.toUnit = function(time, unit) {
+ switch (unit) {
+ case 'Seconds': return time;
+ case 'Minutes': return Math.ceil(time / 60);
+ case 'Hours': return Math.ceil(time / 3600);
+ case 'Days': return Math.ceil(time / 86400);
+ default: throw 'invalid unit ' + unit;
+ }
+ }
+ return t;
+module.factory('TimeUnit2', function() {
+ var t = {};
+ t.asUnit = function(time) {
+ var unit = 'Minutes';
+ if (time) {
+ if (time == -1) {
+ time = -1;
+ } else {
+ if (time < 60) {
+ time = 60;
+ }
+ if (time % 60 == 0) {
+ unit = 'Minutes';
+ time = time / 60;
+ }
+ if (time % 60 == 0) {
+ unit = 'Hours';
+ time = time / 60;
+ }
+ if (time % 24 == 0) {
+ unit = 'Days'
+ time = time / 24;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var v = {
+ unit: unit,
+ time: time,
+ toSeconds: function() {
+ switch (v.unit) {
+ case 'Minutes':
+ return v.time * 60;
+ case 'Hours':
+ return v.time * 3600;
+ case 'Days':
+ return v.time * 86400;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return v;
+ }
+ return t;
+module.filter('removeSelectedPolicies', function() {
+ return function(policies, selectedPolicies) {
+ var result = [];
+ for(var i in policies) {
+ var policy = policies[i];
+ var policyAvailable = true;
+ for(var j in selectedPolicies) {
+ if(policy.id === selectedPolicies[j].id && !policy.multipleSupported) {
+ policyAvailable = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(policyAvailable) {
+ result.push(policy);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+module.factory('IdentityProvider', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/identity-provider/instances/:alias', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ alias : '@alias'
+ }, {
+ update: {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('IdentityProviderExport', function($resource) {
+ var url = authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/identity-provider/instances/:alias/export';
+ return {
+ url : function(parameters)
+ {
+ return url.replace(':realm', parameters.realm).replace(':alias', parameters.alias);
+ }
+ }
+module.factory('IdentityProviderFactory', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/identity-provider/providers/:provider_id', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ provider_id : '@provider_id'
+ });
+module.factory('IdentityProviderMapperTypes', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/identity-provider/instances/:alias/mapper-types', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ alias : '@alias'
+ });
+module.factory('IdentityProviderMappers', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/identity-provider/instances/:alias/mappers', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ alias : '@alias'
+ });
+module.factory('IdentityProviderMapper', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/identity-provider/instances/:alias/mappers/:mapperId', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ alias : '@alias',
+ mapperId: '@mapperId'
+ }, {
+ update: {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('AuthenticationFlowExecutions', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/flows/:alias/executions', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ alias : '@alias'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('CreateExecutionFlow', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/flows/:alias/executions/flow', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ alias : '@alias'
+ });
+module.factory('CreateExecution', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/flows/:alias/executions/execution', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ alias : '@alias'
+ });
+module.factory('AuthenticationFlows', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/flows/:flow', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ flow: '@flow'
+ });
+module.factory('AuthenticationFormProviders', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/form-providers', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('AuthenticationFormActionProviders', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/form-action-providers', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('AuthenticatorProviders', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/authenticator-providers', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientAuthenticatorProviders', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/client-authenticator-providers', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('AuthenticationFlowsCopy', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/flows/:alias/copy', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ alias : '@alias'
+ });
+module.factory('AuthenticationConfigDescription', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/config-description/:provider', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ provider: '@provider'
+ });
+module.factory('PerClientAuthenticationConfigDescription', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/per-client-config-description', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('AuthenticationConfig', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/config/:config', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ config: '@config'
+ }, {
+ update: {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('AuthenticationExecutionConfig', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/executions/:execution/config', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ execution: '@execution'
+ });
+module.factory('AuthenticationExecution', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/executions/:execution', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ execution : '@execution'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('AuthenticationExecutionRaisePriority', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/executions/:execution/raise-priority', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ execution : '@execution'
+ });
+module.factory('AuthenticationExecutionLowerPriority', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/authentication/executions/:execution/lower-priority', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ execution : '@execution'
+ });
+module.service('SelectRoleDialog', function($modal) {
+ var dialog = {};
+ var openDialog = function(title, message, btns) {
+ var controller = function($scope, $modalInstance, title, message, btns) {
+ $scope.title = title;
+ $scope.message = message;
+ $scope.btns = btns;
+ $scope.ok = function () {
+ $modalInstance.close();
+ };
+ $scope.cancel = function () {
+ $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel');
+ };
+ };
+ return $modal.open({
+ templateUrl: resourceUrl + '/templates/kc-modal.html',
+ controller: controller,
+ resolve: {
+ title: function() {
+ return title;
+ },
+ message: function() {
+ return message;
+ },
+ btns: function() {
+ return btns;
+ }
+ }
+ }).result;
+ }
+ var escapeHtml = function(str) {
+ var div = document.createElement('div');
+ div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(str));
+ return div.innerHTML;
+ };
+ dialog.confirmDelete = function(name, type, success) {
+ var title = 'Delete ' + escapeHtml(type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.slice(1));
+ var msg = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete the ' + type + ' ' + name + '?';
+ var btns = {
+ ok: {
+ label: 'Delete',
+ cssClass: 'btn btn-danger'
+ },
+ cancel: {
+ label: 'Cancel',
+ cssClass: 'btn btn-default'
+ }
+ }
+ openDialog(title, msg, btns).then(success);
+ }
+ dialog.confirmGenerateKeys = function(name, type, success) {
+ var title = 'Generate new keys for realm';
+ var msg = 'Are you sure you want to permanently generate new keys for ' + name + '?';
+ var btns = {
+ ok: {
+ label: 'Generate Keys',
+ cssClass: 'btn btn-danger'
+ },
+ cancel: {
+ label: 'Cancel',
+ cssClass: 'btn btn-default'
+ }
+ }
+ openDialog(title, msg, btns).then(success);
+ }
+ dialog.confirm = function(title, message, success, cancel) {
+ var btns = {
+ ok: {
+ label: title,
+ cssClass: 'btn btn-danger'
+ },
+ cancel: {
+ label: 'Cancel',
+ cssClass: 'btn btn-default'
+ }
+ }
+ openDialog(title, message, btns).then(success, cancel);
+ }
+ return dialog
+module.factory('Group', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/groups/:groupId', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@groupId'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('GroupChildren', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/groups/:groupId/children', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ groupId : '@groupId'
+ });
+module.factory('GroupsCount', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/groups/count', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ },
+ {
+ query: {
+ isArray: false,
+ method: 'GET',
+ params: {},
+ transformResponse: function (data) {
+ return angular.fromJson(data)
+ }
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('Groups', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/groups', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ })
+module.factory('GroupRealmRoleMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/groups/:groupId/role-mappings/realm', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ groupId : '@groupId'
+ });
+module.factory('GroupCompositeRealmRoleMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/groups/:groupId/role-mappings/realm/composite', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ groupId : '@groupId'
+ });
+module.factory('GroupAvailableRealmRoleMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/groups/:groupId/role-mappings/realm/available', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ groupId : '@groupId'
+ });
+module.factory('GroupClientRoleMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/groups/:groupId/role-mappings/clients/:client', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ groupId : '@groupId',
+ client : "@client"
+ });
+module.factory('GroupAvailableClientRoleMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/groups/:groupId/role-mappings/clients/:client/available', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ groupId : '@groupId',
+ client : "@client"
+ });
+module.factory('GroupCompositeClientRoleMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/groups/:groupId/role-mappings/clients/:client/composite', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ groupId : '@groupId',
+ client : "@client"
+ });
+module.factory('GroupMembership', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/groups/:groupId/members', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ groupId : '@groupId'
+ });
+module.factory('RoleList', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/roles', {
+ realm : '@realm'
+ });
+module.factory('RoleMembership', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/roles/:role/users', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ role : '@role'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientRoleList', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/roles', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : '@client'
+ });
+module.factory('ClientRoleMembership', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/clients/:client/roles/:role/users', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ client : '@client',
+ role : '@role'
+ });
+module.factory('UserGroupMembership', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/groups', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId'
+ });
+module.factory('UserGroupMapping', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/groups/:groupId', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId',
+ groupId : '@groupId'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('DefaultGroups', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/default-groups/:groupId', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ groupId : '@groupId'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT'
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('SubComponentTypes', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/components/:componentId/sub-component-types', {
+ realm: '@realm',
+ componentId: '@componentId'
+ });
+module.factory('Components', function($resource, ComponentUtils) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/components/:componentId', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ componentId : '@componentId'
+ }, {
+ update : {
+ method : 'PUT',
+ transformRequest: function(componentInstance) {
+ if (componentInstance.config) {
+ ComponentUtils.removeLastEmptyValue(componentInstance.config);
+ }
+ return angular.toJson(componentInstance);
+ }
+ },
+ save : {
+ method : 'POST',
+ transformRequest: function(componentInstance) {
+ if (componentInstance.config) {
+ ComponentUtils.removeLastEmptyValue(componentInstance.config);
+ }
+ return angular.toJson(componentInstance);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+module.factory('UserStorageOperations', function($resource) {
+ var object = {}
+ object.sync = $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/user-storage/:componentId/sync', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ componentId : '@componentId'
+ });
+ object.removeImportedUsers = $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/user-storage/:componentId/remove-imported-users', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ componentId : '@componentId'
+ });
+ object.unlinkUsers = $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/user-storage/:componentId/unlink-users', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ componentId : '@componentId'
+ });
+ object.simpleName = $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/user-storage/:componentId/name', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ componentId : '@componentId'
+ });
+ return object;
+module.factory('ClientStorageOperations', function($resource) {
+ var object = {}
+ object.simpleName = $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/client-storage/:componentId/name', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ componentId : '@componentId'
+ });
+ return object;
+module.factory('ClientRegistrationPolicyProviders', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/client-registration-policy/providers', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ });
+module.factory('LDAPMapperSync', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/user-storage/:parentId/mappers/:mapperId/sync', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ componentId : '@componentId',
+ mapperId: '@mapperId'
+ });
+module.factory('UserGroupMembershipCount', function($resource) {
+ return $resource(authUrl + '/admin/realms/:realm/users/:userId/groups/count', {
+ realm : '@realm',
+ userId : '@userId'
+ },
+ {
+ query: {
+ isArray: false,
+ method: 'GET',
+ params: {},
+ transformResponse: function (data) {
+ return angular.fromJson(data)
+ }
+ }
+ });