diff options
authorStuart Shelton <stuart@shelton.me>2013-08-15 23:52:54 +0100
committerStuart Shelton <stuart@shelton.me>2013-08-15 23:52:54 +0100
commit2bc774a94a82de442efddb55fc196ca71b8016fc (patch)
parentAdd fixes for packages breaking compatibility by using /run rather than /var/run (diff)
4 files changed, 673 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/tmpfs/Manifest b/sys-apps/tmpfs/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a4dd30c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/tmpfs/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+AUX tmpfs.conf 2102 SHA256 4c973eb015791a1d2b61037cb072e173a4122104152ca8ffa7110fad4488bbf0 SHA512 4f9696e418ba0e90074714ab64a976163d49ba8b9b48c3cecb177630d25c144e226637bef8e2bad261952995fadb415092c96e84a60dd1cc6684af2186ecaf4f WHIRLPOOL 40b2cbce83e051f2fab32d55135cd106b8ade1035d4cf3c0c3d41f3914ede82e7467d8075f536008c0779e685eaf97481b449d91170325ed5aff18048d60bfae
+AUX tmpfs.init 12412 SHA256 7c1e319621432e175c9a8abab3f421c9dc142a1917cff2faacf7d035a21006d6 SHA512 e65504ee339d80d9f8dd7ee473181e17393e32e37b9df2e7f4da398299c1023865d649638c63995c547b3a9f41c81c2874e08f81b7677fb00478c83949cb7fd9 WHIRLPOOL f25619edba9396c30cbc89a5d7dd475c2a3b90fc9100f1ed80e75ee1a0779f1f1656ce54b8524190f0c3c1ede30fcb449b5c57e2c54912438ba4e4dd533edb7a
+EBUILD tmpfs-1.0.ebuild 1848 SHA256 1092a951f27a9d097451ff52e7f9c235e971f981e8a7e2f7b8fe628407e45ef2 SHA512 156d986545e1e211799aca3d7b0a2cbbb9ab0cfd6ddf0d614760a3c0011528d4185c90cd41c19cc842413404af8f36f4c0e3dbb4fb8bb40c0a1fd13413aa88c8 WHIRLPOOL fda02de650fe2b87e525c2e83cbd80adbd046896675916fd288dc6c0f09089af7d915763130503f245b39fd97b8bdfc7ee5047f930c9516c55969cb4b066bb61
diff --git a/sys-apps/tmpfs/files/tmpfs.conf b/sys-apps/tmpfs/files/tmpfs.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48af6ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/tmpfs/files/tmpfs.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# tmpfs - Mirror segments of a mounted filesystem to a network-mounted
+# or memory-based backing store...
+# OVERLAY_ROOT_{location} allows the destination for 'location' to be
+# customised;
+# {location}_PATH allows the original location itself to be modified.
+# Note that the former requires an inital '/', but the latter should
+# not have one.
+# Either OVERLAY_ROOT or OVERLAY_ROOT and PATH may be specified.
+# OVERLAY_ROOT/PATH will replace /PATH.
+# Specify default location to which to mirror data:
+#OVERLAY_ROOT="<local nfs mount-point>"
+# Relocate /var to an NFS-mounted portage sub-directory:
+# Mount a ram-backed filesystem on /mnt/ram and then relocate /var/.mem to this
+# location. Items in /var can then be symlinked into .mem (for example
+# /var/tmp -> ./.mem/tmp) to limit writes to flash-backed filesystems. Data in
+# /var/lock and /var/run is mirrored back to disk on shutdown, but is not
+# copied into RAM on startup, to prevent issues with state locks and PID files.
+# Finally, we ensure that we start *after* swap is enabled, to ensure that we
+# don't trigger an OOM situation on boot. The 'size' parameter in the FSTAB
+# entry should be sized appropriately to the system - 96m is suitable for a
+# router with 256MB of RAM:
+ram_FSTAB="ram /mnt/ram tmpfs nodev,nosuid,noexec,size=96m"
+ram_EXCLUDE="/lock/* /run/*"
+# Provide a mount-point on /var/.nfs which is mirrored to an NFS mount. This
+# is useful to store the dynamic data for applications which generate more data
+# than can be held in memory. In this case, ntop is made to save its data via
+# NFS by ensuring that there is a symlink /var/lib/ntop -> ../.nfs/lib/ntop:
+#RC_NEED_nfs="localmount nfsmount net.ef0"
+# NB: If DEBUG is set to a non-zero value, then commits will be *simulated*
+# only, and no changes will be committed to disk.
diff --git a/sys-apps/tmpfs/files/tmpfs.init b/sys-apps/tmpfs/files/tmpfs.init
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d393ccb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/tmpfs/files/tmpfs.init
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+# Copyright 2010-2013 Stuart Shelton
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+source /etc/conf.d/tmpfs
+extra_commands="forceunmount forceumount commit"
+function getconf() {
+ local svc="$1" ; shift
+ [[ -n "$svc" ]] || return 255
+ (( DEBUG )) && einfo "DEBUG: svc is '$svc'"
+ local x="OVERLAY_ROOT_${svc}"
+ if [[ -n "${!x}" ]]; then
+ OVERLAY_ROOT="${!x}"
+ x="${svc}_PATH"
+ if [[ -n "${!x}" ]]; then
+ mp="${!x}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if (( DEBUG )); then
+ einfo "DEBUG: mp is \"$mp\""
+ fi
+ if ! [[ -n "${mp}" && -d "/${mp}" ]]; then
+ eerror "Cannot find directory \"${mp}\""
+ return 1
+ fi
+} # getconf
+function movesvcmount() {
+ local action="$1" ; shift
+ local dir="$1"; shift
+ local code
+ [[ -n "$svcdir" ]] || return 255
+ [[ -n "$action" && "$action" =~ (save|restore) ]] || return 255
+ [[ "restore" == "$action" ]] && { [[ -n "$dir" && -d "$dir" ]] || return 255 ; }
+ # OpenRC provides $svcmount...
+ case "$action" in
+ save)
+ [[ -n "$mp" ]] || return 255
+ [[ -n "$svcmount" ]] || return 255
+ if grep -q "var" <<<"${mp}"; then
+ (( DEBUG )) && einfo "DEBUG: /\$mp is /var or below ..." >&2
+ if [[ "$svcmount" == "yes" ]]; then
+ ebegin "Moving \"$svcdir\" mount" >&2
+ tmpdir="$( mktemp --tmpdir -d )"
+ code=$?
+ if (( code )); then
+ eend $code "Could not create temporary directory: $code" >&2
+ return $code
+ fi
+ mount --move "$svcdir" "$tmpdir"
+ code=$?
+ if (( code )); then
+ eend $code "Move failed: $code" >&2
+ rmdir "$tmpdir" 2>/dev/null
+ return $code
+ fi
+ eend
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "$tmpdir"
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ restore)
+ ebegin "Moving \"$svcdir\" mount" >&2
+ mkdir -p "$svcdir" >/dev/null
+ mount --move "$dir" "$svcdir"
+ code=$?
+ eend $code "Move failed: $code" >&2
+ rmdir "$tmpdir" 2>/dev/null
+ return $code
+ ;;
+ *)
+ return 254
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Unreachable
+ return 254
+} # movesvcmount
+function unbindtmpfs() {
+ local code=1
+ [[ -n "$OVERLAY_ROOT" ]] || return 255
+ [[ -n "$mp" ]] || return 255
+ ebegin "Unmounting \"/${mp}\" (\"${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}\")"
+ (( DEBUG )) && einfo "DEBUG: Current mounts" && mount
+ umount -f "/${mp}" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ (( DEBUG )) && einfo "DEBUG: New mounts" && mount
+ if ! mount | grep -Eq " on /${mp} type (none|tmpfs) "; then
+ code=0
+ else
+ if ! [[ -x "$( type -pf lsof )" ]]; then
+ code=1
+ else
+ ewarn "umount failed; attempting to kill tasks locking \"/${mp}\""
+ local count=0
+ while [[ -n "$( lsof -Xt "/${mp}" )" ]] && (( count < 5 )); do
+ for pid in $( lsof -Xt "/${mp}" ); do
+ ps $pid >/dev/null && kill -TERM $pid && (( DEBUG )) && einfo "Sending TERM signal to PID $pid"
+ done
+ sleep 0.5
+ (( count++ ))
+ done
+ count=0
+ while [[ -n "$( lsof -Xt "/${mp}" )" ]] && (( count < 3 )); do
+ for pid in $( lsof -Xt "/${mp}" ); do
+ ps $pid >/dev/null && kill -KILL $pid && (( DEBUG )) && einfo "Sending KILL signal to PID $pid"
+ done
+ sleep 1
+ (( count++ ))
+ done
+ umount -f "/${mp}" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if mount | grep -Eq " on /${mp} type (none|tmpfs) "; then
+ code=1
+ else
+ code=0
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ eend $code "umount failed: $code"
+ return $code
+} # unbindtmpfs
+function restoredata() {
+ local destination="$1" ; shift
+ local message="to" code=1
+ [[ -n "$OVERLAY_ROOT" ]] || return 255
+ [[ -n "$mp" ]] || return 255
+ if [[ -z "$destination" ]]; then
+ destination="/${mp}"
+ message="back to"
+ fi
+ if ! [[ -d "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}" ]]; then
+ eerror "\"${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}\" does not exist or is not mounted"
+ (( DEBUG )) && einfo "\"${OVERLAY_ROOT}/\" contains:" && ls -lAR "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/"
+ code=1
+ else
+ # We won't process EXCLUDEs here - we always
+ # want to back-up *everything*...
+ if [[ -x "$( type -pf rsync )" ]]; then
+ ebegin "Synchronising \"${OVERLAY_ROOT}\" ${message} \"${destination}\""
+ local options=""
+ (( DEBUG )) && options="-vvn" || options="-q"
+ rsync $options -caHAXSx --super --delete --delete-before "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}/" "${destination}/"
+ eend $? "rsync failed: $?"
+ else
+ ebegin "Copying \"${OVERLAY_ROOT}\" ${message} \"${destination}\""
+ mv "${destination}" "${destination}.old"
+ local options=""
+ (( DEBUG )) && options="-v"
+ cp $options -ax --sparse=always "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}/" "${destination}"
+ local code=$?
+ eend $code "File-copy failed: $code"
+ if (( code )); then
+ rm -rf "${destination}.old"
+ else
+ rm -rf "${destination}"
+ mv "${destination}.old" "${destination}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ code=0
+ fi
+ return $code
+} # restoredata
+depend() {
+ local mp="${SVCNAME#*.}"
+ config /etc/conf.d/tmpfs
+ before bootmisc
+ before logger
+ #after localmount
+ need localmount
+ source /etc/conf.d/tmpfs
+ local x="RC_NEED_${mp}"
+ [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
+ local x="RC_USE_${mp}"
+ [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
+ local x="RC_AFTER_${mp}"
+ [[ -n ${!x} ]] && after ${!x}
+start() {
+ case "${SVCNAME}" in
+ tmpfs)
+ eerror "$SVCNAME is not meant to be called directly"
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ local exclude="" fstab="" fs="" fsmp="" fstype="" fsopt="" code=1
+ local x="${SVCNAME#*.}_EXCLUDE"
+ if [[ -n "${!x}" ]]; then
+ exclude="${!x}"
+ fi
+ x="${SVCNAME#*.}_FSTAB"
+ if [[ -n "${!x}" ]]; then
+ fstab="${!x}"
+ if [[ -n "$fstab" ]]; then
+ fs="$( cut -d' ' -f 1 <<<"$fstab" )"
+ fsmp="$( cut -d' ' -f 2 <<<"$fstab" )"
+ fstype="$( cut -d' ' -f 3 <<<"$fstab" )"
+ fsopt="$( cut -d' ' -f 4 <<<"$fstab" )"
+ if [[ -n "$fs" && -n "$fsmp" && -n "$fstype" ]]; then
+ if ! mount | grep -q "^$fs on $fsmp type $fstype "; then
+ ebegin "Mounting '$fs' on $fsmp"
+ if [[ -n "$fsopt" ]]; then
+ mount -t "$fstype" "$fs" "$fsmp" -o "$fsopt"
+ else
+ mount -t "$fstype" "$fs" "$fsmp"
+ fi
+ eend $?
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ unset fsopt fstype fsmp fs fstab
+ getconf "${SVCNAME#*.}" || return $?
+ if mount | grep -Eq " on /${mp} type (none|tmpfs) "; then
+ eerror "\"/${mp}\" is already mounted! "
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if ! [[ -d "${OVERLAY_ROOT}" ]]; then
+ eerror "\"${OVERLAY_ROOT}\" does not exist or is not mounted"
+ else
+ ebegin "Remounting \"/$mp\" to tmpfs"
+ eindent
+ if [[ -d "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}.old" ]]; then
+ rm -rf "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}.old"
+ fi
+ local tmpdir="$( movesvcmount save )"
+ local movesvcdir=$?
+ ebegin "Mirroring \"/${mp}\" to \"${OVERLAY_ROOT}\""
+ if [[ -x "$( type -pf rsync )" ]]; then
+ if [[ -n "$exclude" ]]; then
+ local element
+ for element in ${exclude}; do
+ options="$options --exclude $element"
+ done
+ unset element
+ fi
+ if (( DEBUG )); then
+ options="-vvn $options"
+ einfo "Additional options are '$options'"
+ else
+ options="-q $options"
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}/"
+ rsync -caHAXSx --super --delete --delete-before $options "/${mp}/" "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}/"
+ code=$?
+ eend $code "rsync failed: $code"
+ else
+ if [[ -d "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}" ]]; then
+ mv "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}" "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}.old"
+ fi
+ local options=""
+ (( DEBUG )) && options="-v"
+ cp $options -ax --sparse=always "/${mp}/" "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}"
+ code=$?
+ if [[ -n "$exclude" ]]; then
+ local element
+ for element in ${exclude}; do
+ # This is safe, as we've copied the original
+ # directory out of the way just above...
+ if [[ -d "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}/${element#/}" ]]; then
+ rm -r "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}/${element#/}"/* 2>/dev/null
+ elif [[ -e "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}/${element#/}" ]]; then
+ rm -r "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}/${element#/}" 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ done
+ unset element
+ fi
+ eend $code "File-copy failed: $code"
+ fi
+ if ! (( code )); then
+ ebegin "Mounting \"${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}\" on \"/${mp}\""
+ mount --rbind "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}/" "/${mp}"
+ code=$?
+ eend $code "Mount failed: $code"
+ fi
+ if (( movesvcdir )); then
+ movesvcmount restore "$tmpdir"
+ code=$?
+ fi
+ if ! (( code )); then
+ if [[ -n "$( lsof -Xt "/${mp}" )" ]]; then
+ ebegin "Sending HUP signal to all processes using /${mp}"
+ kill -HUP $( lsof -Xt "/${mp}" )
+ eend
+ fi
+ fi
+ eoutdent
+ eend
+ fi
+ return $code
+ ;;
+ esac
+stop() {
+ #export DEBUG=1
+ case "${SVCNAME}" in
+ tmpfs)
+ eerror "$SVCNAME is not meant to be called directly"
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ local code=1 pid
+ getconf "${SVCNAME#*.}" || return $?
+ if ! mount | grep -Eq " on /${mp} type (none|tmpfs) "; then
+ eerror "\"/${mp}\" is not mounted from tmpfs! "
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ebegin "Restoring working-set from \"$OVERLAY_ROOT\" back to \"/$mp\""
+ eindent
+ sync
+ local tmpdir="$( movesvcmount save )"
+ local movesvcdir=$?
+ (( DEBUG )) && einfo "DEBUG: movesvcdir is $movesvcdir"
+ unbindtmpfs
+ code=$?
+ # This is causing lock-ups on shutdown...
+ #(( DEBUG )) && sleep 1 && [[ -d "${OVERLAY_ROOT}/${mp}" ]] && einfo "DEBUG: OVERLAY_ROOT/mp \"$OVERLAY_ROOT/$mp\" exists"
+ sleep 0.1
+ if ! (( code )); then
+ restoredata
+ code=$?
+ fi
+ if ! (( code )) && (( movesvcdir )); then
+ movesvcmount restore "$tmpdir"
+ code=$?
+ fi
+ if (( code )) && ((movesvcdir )); then
+ if [[ -w /proc/sysrq-trigger ]]; then
+ ewarn "We were unable to remount the in-memory service directory"
+ ewarn "to \"$svcdir\"."
+ eerror "This is very bad, and this machine must now be forcibly restarted ..."
+ for (( n = 1 ; n <= 5 ; n++ )); do
+ echo -ne "\a"
+ sleep 0.1 &>/dev/null ; sleep 0,1 &>/dev/null
+ echo -ne "\a"
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ echo "sub" > /proc/sysrq-trigger
+ fi
+ fi
+ eoutdent
+ eend $code
+ return $code
+ ;;
+ esac
+forceunmount() {
+ forceumount "$@"
+forceumount() {
+ # Enable contents to be saved even if the host OS doesn't think the service is running...
+ #export DEBUG=1
+ case "${SVCNAME}" in
+ tmpfs)
+ eerror "$SVCNAME is not meant to be called directly"
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ local code=1 movesvcdir=0
+ getconf "${SVCNAME#*.}" || return $?
+ ebegin "Unconditionally restoring working-set from \"$OVERLAY_ROOT\" back to \"/$mp\""
+ eindent
+ if ! mount | grep -Eq " on /${mp} type (none|tmpfs) "; then
+ einfo "\"/${mp}\" is not currently mounted from tmpfs! "
+ code=0
+ else
+ local tmpdir="$( movesvcmount save )"
+ local movesvcdir=$?
+ (( DEBUG )) && einfo "DEBUG: movesvcdir is $movesvcdir"
+ unbindtmpfs
+ code=$?
+ fi
+ if ! (( code )); then
+ restoredata
+ code=$?
+ fi
+ if (( movesvcdir )); then
+ movesvcmount restore "$tmpdir"
+ code=$?
+ fi
+ eoutdent
+ eend $code
+ return $code
+ ;;
+ esac
+commit() {
+ case "${SVCNAME}" in
+ tmpfs)
+ eerror "$SVCNAME is not meant to be called directly"
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ local code=1 pid mounts mountpoint tmpdir subdir
+ getconf "${SVCNAME#*.}" || return $?
+ if ! mount | grep -Eq " on /${mp} type (none|tmpfs) "; then
+ eerror "\"/${mp}\" is not mounted from tmpfs! "
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ebegin "Synchronising working-set from \"$OVERLAY_ROOT\" to \"/$mp\""
+ eindent
+ sync
+ mounts="$( grep -Ev "bind| (cgroup|debugfs|devpts|nfs|proc|rootfs|securityfs|sysfs|tmpfs) " /proc/mounts | cut -d' ' -f 2 )"
+ # Walk up the directory tree to find where $mp is mounted upon
+ mountpoint="/$mp"
+ while [[ "$mountpoint" != "/" ]]; do
+ if grep -oqw "$mountpoint" <<<"$mounts"; then
+ # We've found the relevant mountpoint
+ break
+ else
+ # Step back one...
+ mountpoint="$( dirname "$mountpoint" )"
+ fi
+ done
+ tmpdir="$( mktemp --tmpdir -d )"
+ code=$?
+ if (( code )); then
+ eend $code "Could not create temporary directory: $code"
+ return $code
+ fi
+ mount --bind "$mountpoint" "$tmpdir"
+ code=$?
+ if (( code )); then
+ rmdir "$tmpdir" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ eend $code "Could not mount filesystem '$mountpoint' on temporary directory: $code"
+ return $code
+ fi
+ # Determine the path of $mp relative to its $mountpoint
+ subdir="/$mp"
+ subdir="${subdir#$mountpoint}"
+ subdir="${subdir#/}"
+ if ! [[ -d "$tmpdir"/"$subdir" ]]; then
+ umount -f "$tmpdir" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ rmdir "$tmpdir" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ eend 1 "Unable to determine bind-mounted path for '/$mp' on '$tmpdir' (got '$tmpdir/$subdir')"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ restoredata "${tmpdir}/${subdir}"
+ umount -f "$tmpdir" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ rmdir "$tmpdir" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ eoutdent
+ eend $code
+ return $code
+ ;;
+ esac
diff --git a/sys-apps/tmpfs/tmpfs-1.0.ebuild b/sys-apps/tmpfs/tmpfs-1.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2d58344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/tmpfs/tmpfs-1.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Copyright 2010-2013 Stuart Shelton
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+DESCRIPTION="Mirror segments of a filesystem to a memory-based backing store"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 arm x86"
+# Keep portage happy, as there is nothing to unpack...
+mkdir -p "${S}"
+src_install() {
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/"${PN}".conf "${PN}"
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/"${PN}".init "${PN}"
+ if use examples; then
+ dodir /mnt/ram
+ dosym tmpfs /etc/init.d/tmpfs.ram
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ einfo "A sample configuration file has been deployed to /etc/conf.d/"
+ einfo "which will mount a ram-backed filesystem to /var/.mem"
+ einfo
+ if use examples; then
+ einfo "The directory /mnt/ram has been created and /etc/init.d/tmpfs.ram"
+ einfo "has been created. In order to make use of this, perform the"
+ einfo "following actions:"
+ einfo
+ einfo " sudo rc-update add tmpfs.ram boot"
+ einfo " sudo /etc/init.d/tmpfs.ram start"
+ einfo
+ einfo "... and then relocate items beneath /var/ to /var/.mem/ and"
+ einfo "symlink them back to their original locations, e.g.:"
+ einfo
+ einfo " /var/tmp -> .mem/tmp"
+ einfo " /var/cache -> .mem/cache"
+ einfo " /var/lib/portage -> ../.mem/lib/portage"
+ einfo
+ einfo "Data stored in the memory-backed filesystem will then be"
+ einfo "restored to disk on shutdown."
+ einfo
+ einfo "To commit changes to disk without rebooting, run:"
+ einfo
+ einfo " /etc/init.d/tmpfs.ram commit"
+ einfo
+ ewarn "Please review /etc/conf.d/tmpfs before making any changes."
+ else
+ ewarn "If you wish to have a sample configuruation deployed, please"
+ ewarn "re-build with the 'examples' USE-flag enabled."
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "Please review /etc/conf.d/tmpfs before making any changes."
+ fi