diff options
authorArthur Zamarin <arthurzam@gentoo.org>2022-12-29 19:51:23 +0200
committerArthur Zamarin <arthurzam@gentoo.org>2022-12-29 19:51:23 +0200
commitae7dd4184f63185880738c5133f326fe47c6606a (patch)
parentbump snakeoil minimal version (diff)
format using black
Signed-off-by: Arthur Zamarin <arthurzam@gentoo.org>
130 files changed, 6347 insertions, 5290 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 736ed18b..1d48fcb2 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -12,3 +12,7 @@ sdist wheel:
.PHONY: clean
$(RM) -r build doc/man/pkgcheck doc/generated dist
+.PHONY: format
+ $(PYTHON) -m black .
diff --git a/data/share/pkgcheck/ci.py b/data/share/pkgcheck/ci.py
index c9f438cd..9920a910 100755
--- a/data/share/pkgcheck/ci.py
+++ b/data/share/pkgcheck/ci.py
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
import json
import urllib.request
-JSON_URL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mgorny/pkgcheck2html/master/pkgcheck2html.conf.json'
+JSON_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mgorny/pkgcheck2html/master/pkgcheck2html.conf.json"
with urllib.request.urlopen(JSON_URL) as f:
ci_data = json.loads(f.read())
-with open('pkgcheck.conf', 'w') as f:
- f.write('[CHECKSETS]\nGentooCI =\n')
+with open("pkgcheck.conf", "w") as f:
+ f.write("[CHECKSETS]\nGentooCI =\n")
for k, v in sorted(ci_data.items()):
- if v == 'err':
- f.write(f' {k}\n')
+ if v == "err":
+ f.write(f" {k}\n")
diff --git a/doc/conf.py b/doc/conf.py
index 440c6603..84aae9ea 100644
--- a/doc/conf.py
+++ b/doc/conf.py
@@ -16,208 +16,205 @@
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# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
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+master_doc = "index"
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-authors = ''
-copyright = '2006-2022, pkgcheck contributors'
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+copyright = "2006-2022, pkgcheck contributors"
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# for a list of supported languages.
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# non-false value, then it is used:
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# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
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# unit titles (such as .. function::).
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# output. They are ignored by default.
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# a list of builtin themes.
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# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
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# "<project> v<release> documentation".
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# of the sidebar.
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# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
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# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied
# directly to the root of the documentation.
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# using the given strftime format.
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# If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
-#html_show_sphinx = True
+# html_show_sphinx = True
# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
-#html_show_copyright = True
+# html_show_copyright = True
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# contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the
# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
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-#html_file_suffix = None
+# html_file_suffix = None
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+htmlhelp_basename = "pkgcheckdoc"
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+ #'preamble': '',
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# (source start file, target name, title,
# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
latex_documents = [
- ('index', 'pkgcheck.tex', 'pkgcheck Documentation',
- authors, 'manual'),
+ ("index", "pkgcheck.tex", "pkgcheck Documentation", authors, "manual"),
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
# the title page.
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+# latex_logo = None
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# not chapters.
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+# latex_show_pagerefs = False
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+# latex_show_urls = False
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
-#latex_appendices = []
+# latex_appendices = []
# If false, no module index is generated.
-#latex_domain_indices = True
+# latex_domain_indices = True
# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
@@ -227,7 +224,7 @@ latex_documents = [
man_pages = []
# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
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+# man_show_urls = False
# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
@@ -235,22 +232,28 @@ man_pages = []
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
texinfo_documents = [
- ('index', 'pkgcheck', 'pkgcheck Documentation',
- authors, 'pkgcheck', 'One line description of project.',
- 'Miscellaneous'),
+ (
+ "index",
+ "pkgcheck",
+ "pkgcheck Documentation",
+ authors,
+ "pkgcheck",
+ "One line description of project.",
+ "Miscellaneous",
+ ),
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
-#texinfo_appendices = []
+# texinfo_appendices = []
# If false, no module index is generated.
-#texinfo_domain_indices = True
+# texinfo_domain_indices = True
# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
-#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
+# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
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-#texinfo_no_detailmenu = False
+# texinfo_no_detailmenu = False
# -- Options for Epub output ----------------------------------------------
@@ -262,62 +265,62 @@ epub_publisher = authors
epub_copyright = copyright
# The basename for the epub file. It defaults to the project name.
-#epub_basename = 'pkgcheck'
+# epub_basename = 'pkgcheck'
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# for small screen space, using the same theme for HTML and epub output is
# usually not wise. This defaults to 'epub', a theme designed to save visual
# space.
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+# epub_theme = 'epub'
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# or en if the language is not set.
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+# epub_language = ''
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-#epub_scheme = ''
+# epub_scheme = ''
# The unique identifier of the text. This can be a ISBN number
# or the project homepage.
-#epub_identifier = ''
+# epub_identifier = ''
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+# epub_uid = ''
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-#epub_cover = ()
+# epub_cover = ()
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-#epub_guide = ()
+# epub_guide = ()
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# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title.
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# HTML files shat should be inserted after the pages created by sphinx.
# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title.
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-epub_exclude_files = ['search.html']
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+# epub_tocdup = True
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+# epub_tocscope = 'default'
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-#epub_fix_images = False
+# epub_fix_images = False
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+# epub_max_image_width = 0
# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
-#epub_show_urls = 'inline'
+# epub_show_urls = 'inline'
# If false, no index is generated.
-#epub_use_index = True
+# epub_use_index = True
diff --git a/doc/generate/pkgcheck/checks.py b/doc/generate/pkgcheck/checks.py
index 171186fe..429a17e3 100755
--- a/doc/generate/pkgcheck/checks.py
+++ b/doc/generate/pkgcheck/checks.py
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def main(f=sys.stdout, **kwargs):
def _rst_header(char, text, newline=True, leading=False):
if newline:
- out('\n', end='')
+ out("\n", end="")
if leading:
out(char * len(text))
@@ -43,33 +43,38 @@ def main(f=sys.stdout, **kwargs):
wrapper = TextWrapper(width=85)
for scope in base.scopes.values():
- _rst_header('-', scope.desc.capitalize() + ' scope', leading=True)
+ _rst_header("-", scope.desc.capitalize() + " scope", leading=True)
checks = (x for x in objects.CHECKS.values() if x.scope == scope)
for check in checks:
if check.__doc__ is not None:
- summary, explanation = check.__doc__.split('\n', 1)
+ summary, explanation = check.__doc__.split("\n", 1)
except ValueError:
summary = check.__doc__
explanation = None
summary = None
- _rst_header('-', check.__name__)
+ _rst_header("-", check.__name__)
if summary:
- out('\n' + dedent(summary).strip())
+ out("\n" + dedent(summary).strip())
if explanation:
- explanation = '\n'.join(dedent(explanation).strip().split('\n'))
- out('\n' + explanation)
+ explanation = "\n".join(dedent(explanation).strip().split("\n"))
+ out("\n" + explanation)
if issubclass(check, GentooRepoCheck):
- out('\n\n- Gentoo repo specific')
- known_results = ', '.join(
- f'`{r.__name__}`_' for r in
- sorted(check.known_results, key=attrgetter('__name__')))
- out('\n' + '\n'.join(wrapper.wrap(
- f"(known result{_pl(check.known_results)}: {known_results})")))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+ out("\n\n- Gentoo repo specific")
+ known_results = ", ".join(
+ f"`{r.__name__}`_"
+ for r in sorted(check.known_results, key=attrgetter("__name__"))
+ )
+ out(
+ "\n"
+ + "\n".join(
+ wrapper.wrap(f"(known result{_pl(check.known_results)}: {known_results})")
+ )
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/doc/generate/pkgcheck/keywords.py b/doc/generate/pkgcheck/keywords.py
index 628d4c8f..c6cfe432 100755
--- a/doc/generate/pkgcheck/keywords.py
+++ b/doc/generate/pkgcheck/keywords.py
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def main(f=sys.stdout, **kwargs):
def _rst_header(char, text, newline=True, leading=False):
if newline:
- out('\n', end='')
+ out("\n", end="")
if leading:
out(char * len(text))
@@ -41,32 +41,31 @@ def main(f=sys.stdout, **kwargs):
for scope in base.scopes.values():
- _rst_header('-', scope.desc.capitalize() + ' scope', leading=True)
+ _rst_header("-", scope.desc.capitalize() + " scope", leading=True)
keywords = (x for x in objects.KEYWORDS.values() if x.scope == scope)
for keyword in keywords:
if keyword.__doc__ is not None:
- summary, explanation = keyword.__doc__.split('\n', 1)
+ summary, explanation = keyword.__doc__.split("\n", 1)
except ValueError:
summary = keyword.__doc__
explanation = None
summary = None
- _rst_header('-', keyword.__name__)
+ _rst_header("-", keyword.__name__)
if summary:
- out('\n' + dedent(summary).strip())
+ out("\n" + dedent(summary).strip())
if explanation:
- explanation = '\n'.join(dedent(explanation).strip().split('\n'))
- out('\n' + explanation)
+ explanation = "\n".join(dedent(explanation).strip().split("\n"))
+ out("\n" + explanation)
if all(issubclass(x, GentooRepoCheck) for x in related_checks[keyword]):
- out(f'\n- Gentoo repo specific')
- out('\n' + f'- level: {keyword.level}')
- checks = ', '.join(sorted(
- f'`{c.__name__}`_' for c in related_checks[keyword]))
- out(f'- related check{_pl(related_checks[keyword])}: {checks}')
+ out("\n- Gentoo repo specific")
+ out("\n" + f"- level: {keyword.level}")
+ checks = ", ".join(sorted(f"`{c.__name__}`_" for c in related_checks[keyword]))
+ out(f"- related check{_pl(related_checks[keyword])}: {checks}")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/doc/generate/pkgcheck/reporters.py b/doc/generate/pkgcheck/reporters.py
index e0debc35..9f503811 100755
--- a/doc/generate/pkgcheck/reporters.py
+++ b/doc/generate/pkgcheck/reporters.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ def main(f=sys.stdout, **kwargs):
def _rst_header(char, text, newline=True, leading=False):
if newline:
- out('\n', end='')
+ out("\n", end="")
if leading:
out(char * len(text))
@@ -24,25 +24,25 @@ def main(f=sys.stdout, **kwargs):
if __doc__ is not None:
- _rst_header('=', 'Reporters', newline=False)
+ _rst_header("=", "Reporters", newline=False)
for reporter in objects.REPORTERS.values():
if reporter.__doc__ is not None:
- summary, explanation = reporter.__doc__.split('\n', 1)
+ summary, explanation = reporter.__doc__.split("\n", 1)
except ValueError:
summary = reporter.__doc__
explanation = None
summary = None
- _rst_header('-', reporter.__name__, leading=True)
+ _rst_header("-", reporter.__name__, leading=True)
if summary:
- out('\n' + dedent(summary).strip())
+ out("\n" + dedent(summary).strip())
if explanation:
- explanation = '\n'.join(dedent(explanation).strip().split('\n'))
- out('\n' + explanation)
+ explanation = "\n".join(dedent(explanation).strip().split("\n"))
+ out("\n" + explanation)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 74945a14..da1db2bc 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ zip-safe = false
version = {attr = "pkgcheck.__version__"}
+line-length = 100
minversion = "6.0"
addopts = "-vv -ra -l"
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 4149fae3..f6e96a36 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -13,14 +13,13 @@ from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist as orig_sdist
from wheel.bdist_wheel import bdist_wheel as orig_bdist_wheel
-use_system_tree_sitter_bash = bool(os.environ.get(
+use_system_tree_sitter_bash = bool(os.environ.get("USE_SYSTEM_TREE_SITTER_BASH", False))
def sys_path():
orig_path = sys.path[:]
- sys.path.insert(0, str(Path.cwd() / 'src'))
+ sys.path.insert(0, str(Path.cwd() / "src"))
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ def sys_path():
class build_treesitter(Command, SubCommand):
- description = 'build tree-sitter-bash library'
+ description = "build tree-sitter-bash library"
def initialize_options(self):
@@ -37,29 +36,30 @@ class build_treesitter(Command, SubCommand):
def get_source_files(self):
- cwd = Path(__file__).parent / 'tree-sitter-bash/src'
+ cwd = Path(__file__).parent / "tree-sitter-bash/src"
return [
- str(cwd / 'GNUmakefile'), str(cwd / 'tree_sitter/parser.h'),
- str(cwd / 'parser.c'), str(cwd / 'scanner.cc'),
+ str(cwd / "GNUmakefile"),
+ str(cwd / "tree_sitter/parser.h"),
+ str(cwd / "parser.c"),
+ str(cwd / "scanner.cc"),
- library_path = Path(__file__).parent / 'src/pkgcheck/bash/lang.so'
+ library_path = Path(__file__).parent / "src/pkgcheck/bash/lang.so"
def run(self):
if not use_system_tree_sitter_bash:
if not self.library_path.exists():
- logging.info('building tree-sitter-bash library')
+ logging.info("building tree-sitter-bash library")
with sys_path():
from pkgcheck.bash import build_library
- build_library(self.library_path, ['tree-sitter-bash'])
+ build_library(self.library_path, ["tree-sitter-bash"])
class build(orig_build):
- sub_commands = orig_build.sub_commands + [('build_treesitter', None)]
+ sub_commands = orig_build.sub_commands + [("build_treesitter", None)]
class install(orig_install):
def finalize_options(self):
"""Force platlib install since non-python libraries are included."""
@@ -70,14 +70,18 @@ class install(orig_install):
- self.copy_tree('data', self.install_data)
+ self.copy_tree("data", self.install_data)
install_dir = Path(self.install_lib)
if not use_system_tree_sitter_bash:
- self.reinitialize_command('build').ensure_finalized()
- (dst := install_dir / 'pkgcheck/bash').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- self.copy_file(build_treesitter.library_path, dst / 'lang.so',
- preserve_mode=True, preserve_times=False)
+ self.reinitialize_command("build").ensure_finalized()
+ (dst := install_dir / "pkgcheck/bash").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ self.copy_file(
+ build_treesitter.library_path,
+ dst / "lang.so",
+ preserve_mode=True,
+ preserve_times=False,
+ )
def write_obj_lists(self):
"""Generate config file of keyword, check, and other object lists."""
@@ -88,7 +92,6 @@ class install(orig_install):
# hack to drop quotes on modules in generated files
class _kls:
def __init__(self, module):
self.module = module
@@ -100,41 +103,50 @@ class install(orig_install):
modules = defaultdict(set)
objs = defaultdict(list)
- for obj in ('KEYWORDS', 'CHECKS', 'REPORTERS'):
+ for obj in ("KEYWORDS", "CHECKS", "REPORTERS"):
for name, cls in getattr(objects, obj).items():
- parent, module = cls.__module__.rsplit('.', 1)
+ parent, module = cls.__module__.rsplit(".", 1)
- objs[obj].append((name, _kls(f'{module}.{name}')))
+ objs[obj].append((name, _kls(f"{module}.{name}")))
- keywords = tuple(objs['KEYWORDS'])
- checks = tuple(objs['CHECKS'])
- reporters = tuple(objs['REPORTERS'])
+ keywords = tuple(objs["KEYWORDS"])
+ checks = tuple(objs["CHECKS"])
+ reporters = tuple(objs["REPORTERS"])
- logging.info(f'writing objects to {objects_path!r}')
- with objects_path.open('w') as f:
+ logging.info(f"writing objects to {objects_path!r}")
+ with objects_path.open("w") as f:
for k, v in sorted(modules.items()):
f.write(f"from {k} import {', '.join(sorted(v))}\n")
- f.write(dedent(f"""\
- KEYWORDS = {keywords}
- CHECKS = {checks}
- REPORTERS = {reporters}
- """))
- logging.info(f'writing path constants to {const_path!r}')
- with const_path.open('w') as f:
+ f.write(
+ dedent(
+ f"""\
+ KEYWORDS = {keywords}
+ CHECKS = {checks}
+ REPORTERS = {reporters}
+ """
+ )
+ )
+ logging.info(f"writing path constants to {const_path!r}")
+ with const_path.open("w") as f:
- f.write(dedent("""\
- from os.path import abspath, exists, join
- import sys
- INSTALL_PREFIX = abspath(sys.prefix)
- if not exists(join(INSTALL_PREFIX, 'lib/pkgcore')):
- INSTALL_PREFIX = abspath(sys.base_prefix)
- DATA_PATH = join(INSTALL_PREFIX, 'share/pkgcheck')
- """))
+ f.write(
+ dedent(
+ """\
+ from os.path import abspath, exists, join
+ import sys
+ INSTALL_PREFIX = abspath(sys.prefix)
+ if not exists(join(INSTALL_PREFIX, 'lib/pkgcore')):
+ INSTALL_PREFIX = abspath(sys.base_prefix)
+ DATA_PATH = join(INSTALL_PREFIX, 'share/pkgcheck')
+ """
+ )
+ )
logging.info("generating version info")
from snakeoil.version import get_git_version
def generate_files(self):
@@ -142,22 +154,21 @@ class install(orig_install):
from pkgcheck import base, objects
from pkgcheck.addons import caches
- (dst := Path(self.install_data) / 'share/pkgcheck').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ (dst := Path(self.install_data) / "share/pkgcheck").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- logging.info('Generating available scopes')
- (dst / 'scopes').write_text('\n'.join(base.scopes) + '\n')
+ logging.info("Generating available scopes")
+ (dst / "scopes").write_text("\n".join(base.scopes) + "\n")
- logging.info('Generating available cache types')
+ logging.info("Generating available cache types")
cache_objs = caches.CachedAddon.caches.values()
- (dst / 'caches').write_text('\n'.join(x.type for x in cache_objs) + '\n')
+ (dst / "caches").write_text("\n".join(x.type for x in cache_objs) + "\n")
- for obj in ('KEYWORDS', 'CHECKS', 'REPORTERS'):
- logging.info(f'Generating {obj.lower()} list')
- (dst / obj.lower()).write_text('\n'.join(getattr(objects, obj)) + '\n')
+ for obj in ("KEYWORDS", "CHECKS", "REPORTERS"):
+ logging.info(f"Generating {obj.lower()} list")
+ (dst / obj.lower()).write_text("\n".join(getattr(objects, obj)) + "\n")
class bdist_wheel(orig_bdist_wheel):
def finalize_options(self):
self.root_is_pure = False # Mark us as not a pure python package
@@ -165,30 +176,34 @@ class bdist_wheel(orig_bdist_wheel):
def get_tag(self):
_, _, plat = super().get_tag()
# We don't contain any python source, nor any python extensions
- return 'py3', 'none', plat
+ return "py3", "none", plat
class sdist(orig_sdist):
def make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files):
super().make_release_tree(base_dir, files)
base_dir = Path(base_dir)
- if (man_page := Path(__file__).parent / 'build/sphinx/man/pkgcheck.1').exists():
- (base_dir / 'man').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- self.copy_file(man_page, base_dir / 'man/pkgcheck.1', preserve_mode=False, preserve_times=False)
+ if (man_page := Path(__file__).parent / "build/sphinx/man/pkgcheck.1").exists():
+ (base_dir / "man").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ self.copy_file(
+ man_page, base_dir / "man/pkgcheck.1", preserve_mode=False, preserve_times=False
+ )
logging.info("generating version info")
from snakeoil.version import get_git_version
- (base_dir / 'src/pkgcheck/_verinfo.py').write_text(f"version_info={get_git_version(Path(__file__).parent)!r}")
+ (base_dir / "src/pkgcheck/_verinfo.py").write_text(
+ f"version_info={get_git_version(Path(__file__).parent)!r}"
+ )
- 'bdist_wheel': bdist_wheel,
- 'build': build,
- 'build_treesitter': build_treesitter,
- 'install': install,
- 'sdist': sdist,
+ "bdist_wheel": bdist_wheel,
+ "build": build,
+ "build_treesitter": build_treesitter,
+ "install": install,
+ "sdist": sdist,
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/__init__.py b/src/pkgcheck/__init__.py
index 699538a1..8e50bdfc 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/__init__.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/__init__.py
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ from .api import keywords, scan
from .base import PkgcheckException
from .results import Result
-__all__ = ('keywords', 'scan', 'PkgcheckException', 'Result')
-__title__ = 'pkgcheck'
-__version__ = '0.10.20'
+__all__ = ("keywords", "scan", "PkgcheckException", "Result")
+__title__ = "pkgcheck"
+__version__ = "0.10.20"
def __getattr__(name):
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ def __getattr__(name):
return keywords[name]
- return _import('.' + name, __name__)
+ return _import("." + name, __name__)
except ImportError:
- raise AttributeError(f'module {__name__} has no attribute {name}')
+ raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__} has no attribute {name}")
def __dir__():
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/addons/__init__.py b/src/pkgcheck/addons/__init__.py
index 4d7aff48..5a5be2d0 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/addons/__init__.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/addons/__init__.py
@@ -26,18 +26,18 @@ class ArchesArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations):
if not enabled:
# enable all non-prefix arches
- enabled = set(arch for arch in all_arches if '-' not in arch)
+ enabled = set(arch for arch in all_arches if "-" not in arch)
arches = set(enabled).difference(disabled)
if all_arches and (unknown_arches := arches.difference(all_arches)):
- es = pluralism(unknown_arches, plural='es')
- unknown = ', '.join(unknown_arches)
- valid = ', '.join(sorted(all_arches))
- parser.error(f'unknown arch{es}: {unknown} (valid arches: {valid})')
+ es = pluralism(unknown_arches, plural="es")
+ unknown = ", ".join(unknown_arches)
+ valid = ", ".join(sorted(all_arches))
+ parser.error(f"unknown arch{es}: {unknown} (valid arches: {valid})")
# check if any selected arch only has experimental profiles
for arch in arches:
- if all(p.status == 'exp' for p in namespace.target_repo.profiles if p.arch == arch):
+ if all(p.status == "exp" for p in namespace.target_repo.profiles if p.arch == arch):
namespace.exp_profiles_required = True
@@ -51,11 +51,17 @@ class ArchesAddon(base.Addon):
def mangle_argparser(cls, parser):
- group = parser.add_argument_group('arches')
+ group = parser.add_argument_group("arches")
- '-a', '--arches', dest='selected_arches', metavar='ARCH', default=(),
- action=arghparse.Delayed, target=ArchesArgs, priority=100,
- help='comma separated list of arches to enable/disable',
+ "-a",
+ "--arches",
+ dest="selected_arches",
+ metavar="ARCH",
+ default=(),
+ action=arghparse.Delayed,
+ target=ArchesArgs,
+ priority=100,
+ help="comma separated list of arches to enable/disable",
Comma separated list of arches to enable and disable.
@@ -67,8 +73,9 @@ class ArchesAddon(base.Addon):
By default all repo defined arches are used; however,
stable-related checks (e.g. UnstableOnly) default to the set of
arches having stable profiles in the target repo.
- """)
- parser.bind_delayed_default(1000, 'arches')(cls._default_arches)
+ """,
+ )
+ parser.bind_delayed_default(1000, "arches")(cls._default_arches)
def _default_arches(namespace, attr):
@@ -81,14 +88,14 @@ class KeywordsAddon(base.Addon):
def __init__(self, *args):
- special = {'-*'}
+ special = {"-*"}
self.arches = self.options.target_repo.known_arches
- unstable = {'~' + x for x in self.arches}
- disabled = {'-' + x for x in chain(self.arches, unstable)}
+ unstable = {"~" + x for x in self.arches}
+ disabled = {"-" + x for x in chain(self.arches, unstable)}
self.valid = special | self.arches | unstable | disabled
# Note: '*' and '~*' are portage-only, i.e. not in the spec, so they
# don't belong in the main tree.
- self.portage = {'*', '~*'}
+ self.portage = {"*", "~*"}
class StableArchesAddon(base.Addon):
@@ -98,7 +105,7 @@ class StableArchesAddon(base.Addon):
def mangle_argparser(cls, parser):
- parser.bind_delayed_default(1001, 'stable_arches')(cls._default_stable_arches)
+ parser.bind_delayed_default(1001, "stable_arches")(cls._default_stable_arches)
def _default_stable_arches(namespace, attr):
@@ -106,11 +113,12 @@ class StableArchesAddon(base.Addon):
target_repo = namespace.target_repo
if not namespace.selected_arches:
# use known stable arches (GLEP 72) if arches aren't specified
- stable_arches = target_repo.config.arches_desc['stable']
+ stable_arches = target_repo.config.arches_desc["stable"]
# fallback to determining stable arches from profiles.desc if arches.desc doesn't exist
if not stable_arches:
- stable_arches = set().union(*(
- repo.profiles.arches('stable') for repo in target_repo.trees))
+ stable_arches = set().union(
+ *(repo.profiles.arches("stable") for repo in target_repo.trees)
+ )
stable_arches = namespace.arches
@@ -129,17 +137,17 @@ class UnstatedIuse(results.VersionResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
- msg = [f'attr({self.attr})']
+ msg = [f"attr({self.attr})"]
if self.profile is not None:
if self.num_profiles is not None:
- num_profiles = f' ({self.num_profiles} total)'
+ num_profiles = f" ({self.num_profiles} total)"
- num_profiles = ''
- msg.append(f'profile {self.profile!r}{num_profiles}')
- flags = ', '.join(self.flags)
+ num_profiles = ""
+ msg.append(f"profile {self.profile!r}{num_profiles}")
+ flags = ", ".join(self.flags)
s = pluralism(self.flags)
- msg.extend([f'unstated flag{s}', f'[ {flags} ]'])
- return ': '.join(msg)
+ msg.extend([f"unstated flag{s}", f"[ {flags} ]"])
+ return ": ".join(msg)
class UseAddon(base.Addon):
@@ -153,7 +161,8 @@ class UseAddon(base.Addon):
for p in target_repo.profiles:
- target_repo.profiles.create_profile(p, load_profile_base=False))
+ target_repo.profiles.create_profile(p, load_profile_base=False)
+ )
except profiles_mod.ProfileError:
@@ -173,8 +182,8 @@ class UseAddon(base.Addon):
for repo in target_repo.trees:
known_iuse.update(flag for matcher, (flag, desc) in repo.config.use_desc)
- flag for flags in repo.config.use_expand_desc.values()
- for flag, desc in flags)
+ flag for flags in repo.config.use_expand_desc.values() for flag, desc in flags
+ )
self.collapsed_iuse = misc.non_incremental_collapsed_restrict_to_data(
((packages.AlwaysTrue, known_iuse),),
@@ -186,8 +195,9 @@ class UseAddon(base.Addon):
self.ignore = not (c_implicit_iuse or known_iuse or known_iuse_expand)
if self.ignore:
- 'disabling use/iuse validity checks since no usable '
- 'use.desc and use.local.desc were found')
+ "disabling use/iuse validity checks since no usable "
+ "use.desc and use.local.desc were found"
+ )
def allowed_iuse(self, pkg):
return self.collapsed_iuse.pull_data(pkg).union(pkg.local_use)
@@ -213,9 +223,14 @@ class UseAddon(base.Addon):
yield from self._flatten_restricts(
iflatten_instance(node.payload, skip_filter),
- skip_filter, stated, unstated, attr, v)
+ skip_filter,
+ stated,
+ unstated,
+ attr,
+ v,
+ )
- elif attr == 'required_use':
+ elif attr == "required_use":
unstated.update(filterfalse(stated.__contains__, node.vals))
yield k, tuple(v)
@@ -248,8 +263,11 @@ class UseAddon(base.Addon):
skip_filter = (packages.Conditional,) + klasses
nodes = iflatten_instance(seq, skip_filter)
unstated = set()
- vals = dict(self._flatten_restricts(
- nodes, skip_filter, stated=pkg.iuse_stripped, unstated=unstated, attr=attr))
+ vals = dict(
+ self._flatten_restricts(
+ nodes, skip_filter, stated=pkg.iuse_stripped, unstated=unstated, attr=attr
+ )
+ )
return vals, self._unstated_iuse(pkg, attr, unstated)
@@ -258,24 +276,27 @@ class NetAddon(base.Addon):
def mangle_argparser(cls, parser):
- group = parser.add_argument_group('network')
+ group = parser.add_argument_group("network")
- '--timeout', type=float, default='5',
- help='timeout used for network checks')
+ "--timeout", type=float, default="5", help="timeout used for network checks"
+ )
- '--user-agent', default='Wget/1.20.3 (linux-gnu)',
- help='custom user agent spoofing')
+ "--user-agent", default="Wget/1.20.3 (linux-gnu)", help="custom user agent spoofing"
+ )
def session(self):
from .net import Session
return Session(
- concurrent=self.options.tasks, timeout=self.options.timeout,
- user_agent=self.options.user_agent)
+ concurrent=self.options.tasks,
+ timeout=self.options.timeout,
+ user_agent=self.options.user_agent,
+ )
except ImportError as e:
- if e.name == 'requests':
- raise PkgcheckUserException('network checks require requests to be installed')
+ if e.name == "requests":
+ raise PkgcheckUserException("network checks require requests to be installed")
@@ -290,10 +311,14 @@ def init_addon(cls, options, addons_map=None, **kwargs):
# initialize and inject all required addons for a given addon's inheritance
# tree as kwargs
required_addons = chain.from_iterable(
- x.required_addons for x in cls.__mro__ if issubclass(x, base.Addon))
- kwargs.update({
- base.param_name(addon): init_addon(addon, options, addons_map)
- for addon in required_addons})
+ x.required_addons for x in cls.__mro__ if issubclass(x, base.Addon)
+ )
+ kwargs.update(
+ {
+ base.param_name(addon): init_addon(addon, options, addons_map)
+ for addon in required_addons
+ }
+ )
# verify the cache type is enabled
if issubclass(cls, caches.CachedAddon) and not options.cache[cls.cache.type]:
@@ -302,7 +327,7 @@ def init_addon(cls, options, addons_map=None, **kwargs):
addon = addons_map[cls] = cls(options, **kwargs)
# force cache updates
- force_cache = getattr(options, 'force_cache', False)
+ force_cache = getattr(options, "force_cache", False)
if isinstance(addon, caches.CachedAddon):
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/addons/caches.py b/src/pkgcheck/addons/caches.py
index 665efc4f..9cd13e58 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/addons/caches.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/addons/caches.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from ..log import logger
class CacheData:
"""Cache registry data."""
type: str
file: str
version: int
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ class CacheData:
class Cache:
"""Mixin for data caches."""
- __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy('_cache')
+ __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy("_cache")
class DictCache(UserDict, Cache):
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ class CacheDisabled(PkgcheckException):
"""Exception flagging that a requested cache type is disabled."""
def __init__(self, cache):
- super().__init__(f'{cache.type} cache support required')
+ super().__init__(f"{cache.type} cache support required")
class CachedAddon(Addon):
@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ class CachedAddon(Addon):
"""Register available caches."""
if cls.cache is None:
- raise ValueError(f'invalid cache registry: {cls!r}')
+ raise ValueError(f"invalid cache registry: {cls!r}")
cls.caches[cls] = cls.cache
def update_cache(self, repo=None, force=False):
@@ -75,17 +76,16 @@ class CachedAddon(Addon):
using the same identifier don't use the same cache file.
token = blake2b(repo.location.encode()).hexdigest()[:10]
- dirname = f'{repo.repo_id.lstrip(os.sep)}-{token}'
- return pjoin(self.options.cache_dir, 'repos', dirname, self.cache.file)
+ dirname = f"{repo.repo_id.lstrip(os.sep)}-{token}"
+ return pjoin(self.options.cache_dir, "repos", dirname, self.cache.file)
def load_cache(self, path, fallback=None):
cache = fallback
- with open(path, 'rb') as f:
+ with open(path, "rb") as f:
cache = pickle.load(f)
if cache.version != self.cache.version:
- logger.debug(
- 'forcing %s cache regen due to outdated version', self.cache.type)
+ logger.debug("forcing %s cache regen due to outdated version", self.cache.type)
cache = fallback
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class CachedAddon(Addon):
except FileNotFoundError:
except Exception as e:
- logger.debug('forcing %s cache regen: %s', self.cache.type, e)
+ logger.debug("forcing %s cache regen: %s", self.cache.type, e)
cache = fallback
return cache
@@ -104,17 +104,16 @@ class CachedAddon(Addon):
with AtomicWriteFile(path, binary=True) as f:
pickle.dump(data, f, protocol=-1)
except IOError as e:
- msg = f'failed dumping {self.cache.type} cache: {path!r}: {e.strerror}'
+ msg = f"failed dumping {self.cache.type} cache: {path!r}: {e.strerror}"
raise PkgcheckUserException(msg)
def existing_caches(self):
"""Mapping of all existing cache types to file paths."""
caches_map = {}
- repos_dir = pjoin(self.options.cache_dir, 'repos')
- for cache in sorted(self.caches.values(), key=attrgetter('type')):
- caches_map[cache.type] = tuple(sorted(
- pathlib.Path(repos_dir).rglob(cache.file)))
+ repos_dir = pjoin(self.options.cache_dir, "repos")
+ for cache in sorted(self.caches.values(), key=attrgetter("type")):
+ caches_map[cache.type] = tuple(sorted(pathlib.Path(repos_dir).rglob(cache.file)))
return ImmutableDict(caches_map)
def remove_caches(self):
@@ -125,14 +124,14 @@ class CachedAddon(Addon):
except FileNotFoundError:
except IOError as e:
- raise PkgcheckUserException(f'failed removing cache dir: {e}')
+ raise PkgcheckUserException(f"failed removing cache dir: {e}")
for cache_type, paths in self.existing_caches.items():
if self.options.cache.get(cache_type, False):
for path in paths:
if self.options.dry_run:
- print(f'Would remove {path}')
+ print(f"Would remove {path}")
# remove empty cache dirs
@@ -145,4 +144,4 @@ class CachedAddon(Addon):
except IOError as e:
- raise PkgcheckUserException(f'failed removing {cache_type} cache: {path!r}: {e}')
+ raise PkgcheckUserException(f"failed removing {cache_type} cache: {path!r}: {e}")
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/addons/eclass.py b/src/pkgcheck/addons/eclass.py
index fd4d085e..5e5e77ee 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/addons/eclass.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/addons/eclass.py
@@ -49,8 +49,7 @@ class EclassAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
"""Eclass support for various checks."""
# cache registry
- cache = caches.CacheData(type='eclass', file='eclass.pickle',
- version=EclassDoc.ABI_VERSION)
+ cache = caches.CacheData(type="eclass", file="eclass.pickle", version=EclassDoc.ABI_VERSION)
def __init__(self, *args):
@@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ class EclassAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
def update_cache(self, force=False):
"""Update related cache and push updates to disk."""
for repo in self.options.target_repo.trees:
- eclass_dir = pjoin(repo.location, 'eclass')
+ eclass_dir = pjoin(repo.location, "eclass")
cache_file = self.cache_file(repo)
cache_eclasses = False
eclasses = {}
@@ -91,15 +90,17 @@ class EclassAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
# check for eclass removals
for name in list(eclasses):
- if not os.path.exists(pjoin(eclass_dir, f'{name}.eclass')):
+ if not os.path.exists(pjoin(eclass_dir, f"{name}.eclass")):
del eclasses[name]
cache_eclasses = True
# verify the repo has eclasses
repo_eclasses = sorted(
- (x[:-7], pjoin(eclass_dir, x)) for x in os.listdir(eclass_dir)
- if x.endswith('.eclass'))
+ (x[:-7], pjoin(eclass_dir, x))
+ for x in os.listdir(eclass_dir)
+ if x.endswith(".eclass")
+ )
except FileNotFoundError:
repo_eclasses = []
@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ class EclassAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
raise KeyError
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
- progress(f'{repo} -- updating eclass cache: {name:<{padding}}')
+ progress(f"{repo} -- updating eclass cache: {name:<{padding}}")
eclasses[name] = EclassDoc(path, sourced=True, repo=repo)
cache_eclasses = True
except IOError:
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/addons/git.py b/src/pkgcheck/addons/git.py
index 02ec96ea..26c1d06d 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/addons/git.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/addons/git.py
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ from . import caches
@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=False)
class GitCommit:
"""Git commit objects."""
hash: str
commit_time: int
author: str
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ class GitCommit:
class GitPkgChange:
"""Git package change objects."""
atom: atom_cls
status: str
commit: str
@@ -82,16 +84,18 @@ class GitConfig:
def __init__(self):
fd, self.path = tempfile.mkstemp()
- os.write(fd, b'[safe]\n\tdirectory = *\n')
+ os.write(fd, b"[safe]\n\tdirectory = *\n")
def config_env(self):
# ignore global user and system git config, but disable safe.directory
- return ImmutableDict({
- 'GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL': self.path,
- })
+ return ImmutableDict(
+ {
+ "GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL": self.path,
+ }
+ )
def close(self):
@@ -104,21 +108,25 @@ class GitLog:
self._running = False
self.git_config = GitConfig()
self.proc = subprocess.Popen(
- cmd, cwd=path,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=self.git_config.config_env)
+ cmd,
+ cwd=path,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ env=self.git_config.config_env,
+ )
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
# use replacement character for non-UTF8 decoding issues (issue #166)
- line = self.proc.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8', 'replace')
+ line = self.proc.stdout.readline().decode("utf-8", "replace")
# verify git log is running as expected after pulling the first line
if not self._running:
if self.proc.poll() or not line:
error = self.proc.stderr.read().decode().strip()
- raise GitError(f'failed running git log: {error}')
+ raise GitError(f"failed running git log: {error}")
self._running = True
@@ -133,14 +141,14 @@ class _ParseGitRepo:
"""Generic iterator for custom git log output parsing support."""
# git command to run on the targeted repo
- _git_cmd = 'git log --name-status --diff-filter=ARMD -z'
+ _git_cmd = "git log --name-status --diff-filter=ARMD -z"
# custom git log format lines, see the "PRETTY FORMATS" section of
# the git log man page for details
_format = ()
# path regexes for git log parsing, validation is handled on instantiation
- _ebuild_re = re.compile(r'^(?P<category>[^/]+)/[^/]+/(?P<package>[^/]+)\.ebuild$')
+ _ebuild_re = re.compile(r"^(?P<category>[^/]+)/[^/]+/(?P<package>[^/]+)\.ebuild$")
def __init__(self, path, commit_range):
self.path = os.path.realpath(path)
@@ -161,12 +169,12 @@ class _ParseGitRepo:
def changes(self):
"""Generator of file change status with changed packages."""
- changes = deque(next(self.git_log).strip('\x00').split('\x00'))
+ changes = deque(next(self.git_log).strip("\x00").split("\x00"))
while changes:
status = changes.popleft()
- if status.startswith('R'):
+ if status.startswith("R"):
# matched R status change
- status = 'R'
+ status = "R"
old = changes.popleft()
new = changes.popleft()
if (mo := self._ebuild_re.match(old)) and (mn := self._ebuild_re.match(new)):
@@ -191,11 +199,11 @@ class GitRepoCommits(_ParseGitRepo):
"""Parse git log output into an iterator of commit objects."""
_format = (
- '%h', # abbreviated commit hash
- '%ct', # commit timestamp
- '%an <%ae>', # Author Name <author@email.com>
- '%cn <%ce>', # Committer Name <committer@email.com>
- '%B', # commit message
+ "%h", # abbreviated commit hash
+ "%ct", # commit timestamp
+ "%an <%ae>", # Author Name <author@email.com>
+ "%cn <%ce>", # Committer Name <committer@email.com>
+ "%B", # commit message
def __next__(self):
@@ -203,13 +211,13 @@ class GitRepoCommits(_ParseGitRepo):
commit_time = int(next(self.git_log))
author = next(self.git_log)
committer = next(self.git_log)
- message = list(takewhile(lambda x: x != '\x00', self.git_log))
+ message = list(takewhile(lambda x: x != "\x00", self.git_log))
pkgs = defaultdict(set)
for status, atoms in self.changes:
- if status == 'R':
+ if status == "R":
old, new = atoms
- pkgs['A'].add(new)
- pkgs['D'].add(old)
+ pkgs["A"].add(new)
+ pkgs["D"].add(old)
return GitCommit(commit_hash, commit_time, author, committer, message, ImmutableDict(pkgs))
@@ -219,8 +227,8 @@ class GitRepoPkgs(_ParseGitRepo):
"""Parse git log output into an iterator of package change objects."""
_format = (
- '%h', # abbreviated commit hash
- '%ct', # commit time
+ "%h", # abbreviated commit hash
+ "%ct", # commit time
def __init__(self, *args, local=False):
@@ -234,24 +242,21 @@ class GitRepoPkgs(_ParseGitRepo):
return self._pkgs.popleft()
except IndexError:
commit_hash = next(self.git_log)
- commit_time = int(next(self.git_log).rstrip('\x00'))
+ commit_time = int(next(self.git_log).rstrip("\x00"))
self._pkg_changes(commit_hash, commit_time)
def _pkg_changes(self, commit_hash, commit_time):
"""Queue package change objects from git log file changes."""
for status, pkgs in self.changes:
- if status == 'R':
+ if status == "R":
old, new = pkgs
if not self.local: # treat rename as addition and removal
- self._pkgs.append(
- GitPkgChange(new, 'A', commit_hash, commit_time))
- self._pkgs.append(
- GitPkgChange(old, 'D', commit_hash, commit_time))
+ self._pkgs.append(GitPkgChange(new, "A", commit_hash, commit_time))
+ self._pkgs.append(GitPkgChange(old, "D", commit_hash, commit_time))
# renames are split into add/remove ops at
# the check level for the local commits repo
- self._pkgs.append(GitPkgChange(
- new, 'R', commit_hash, commit_time, old))
+ self._pkgs.append(GitPkgChange(new, "R", commit_hash, commit_time, old))
self._pkgs.append(GitPkgChange(pkgs[0], status, commit_hash, commit_time))
@@ -264,26 +269,31 @@ class _GitCommitPkg(cpv.VersionedCPV):
# add additional attrs
sf = object.__setattr__
- sf(self, 'time', time)
- sf(self, 'status', status)
- sf(self, 'commit', commit)
- sf(self, 'old', old)
+ sf(self, "time", time)
+ sf(self, "status", status)
+ sf(self, "commit", commit)
+ sf(self, "old", old)
def old_pkg(self):
"""Create a new object from a rename commit's old atom."""
return self.__class__(
- self.old.category, self.old.package, self.status, self.old.version,
- self.time, self.commit)
+ self.old.category,
+ self.old.package,
+ self.status,
+ self.old.version,
+ self.time,
+ self.commit,
+ )
class GitChangedRepo(SimpleTree):
"""Historical git repo consisting of the latest changed packages."""
# selected pkg status filter
- _status_filter = {'A', 'R', 'M', 'D'}
+ _status_filter = {"A", "R", "M", "D"}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- kwargs.setdefault('pkg_klass', _GitCommitPkg)
+ kwargs.setdefault("pkg_klass", _GitCommitPkg)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _get_versions(self, cp):
@@ -298,25 +308,26 @@ class GitChangedRepo(SimpleTree):
for cp in sorter(candidates):
yield from sorter(
raw_pkg_cls(cp[0], cp[1], status, *commit)
- for status, commit in self.versions.get(cp, ()))
+ for status, commit in self.versions.get(cp, ())
+ )
class GitModifiedRepo(GitChangedRepo):
"""Historical git repo consisting of the latest modified packages."""
- _status_filter = {'A', 'M'}
+ _status_filter = {"A", "M"}
class GitAddedRepo(GitChangedRepo):
"""Historical git repo consisting of added packages."""
- _status_filter = {'A'}
+ _status_filter = {"A"}
class GitRemovedRepo(GitChangedRepo):
"""Historical git repo consisting of removed packages."""
- _status_filter = {'D'}
+ _status_filter = {"D"}
class _ScanGit(argparse.Action):
@@ -325,11 +336,11 @@ class _ScanGit(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, *args, staged=False, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if staged:
- default_ref = 'HEAD'
- diff_cmd = ['git', 'diff-index', '--name-only', '--cached', '-z']
+ default_ref = "HEAD"
+ diff_cmd = ["git", "diff-index", "--name-only", "--cached", "-z"]
- default_ref = 'origin..HEAD'
- diff_cmd = ['git', 'diff-tree', '-r', '--name-only', '-z']
+ default_ref = "origin..HEAD"
+ diff_cmd = ["git", "diff-tree", "-r", "--name-only", "-z"]
self.staged = staged
self.default_ref = default_ref
@@ -340,26 +351,30 @@ class _ScanGit(argparse.Action):
p = subprocess.run(
self.diff_cmd + [ref],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
- cwd=namespace.target_repo.location, check=True, encoding='utf8')
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ cwd=namespace.target_repo.location,
+ check=True,
+ encoding="utf8",
+ )
except FileNotFoundError as e:
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
error = e.stderr.splitlines()[0]
- parser.error(f'failed running git: {error}')
+ parser.error(f"failed running git: {error}")
if not p.stdout:
# no changes exist, exit early
- eclass_re = re.compile(r'^eclass/(?P<eclass>\S+)\.eclass$')
+ eclass_re = re.compile(r"^eclass/(?P<eclass>\S+)\.eclass$")
eclasses, profiles, pkgs = OrderedSet(), OrderedSet(), OrderedSet()
- for path in p.stdout.strip('\x00').split('\x00'):
+ for path in p.stdout.strip("\x00").split("\x00"):
path_components = path.split(os.sep)
if mo := eclass_re.match(path):
- eclasses.add(mo.group('eclass'))
- elif path_components[0] == 'profiles':
+ eclasses.add(mo.group("eclass"))
+ elif path_components[0] == "profiles":
elif path_components[0] in namespace.target_repo.categories:
@@ -384,13 +399,14 @@ class _ScanGit(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None):
if namespace.targets:
- targets = ' '.join(namespace.targets)
+ targets = " ".join(namespace.targets)
s = pluralism(namespace.targets)
- parser.error(f'{option_string} is mutually exclusive with target{s}: {targets}')
+ parser.error(f"{option_string} is mutually exclusive with target{s}: {targets}")
if not self.staged:
# avoid circular import issues
from .. import objects
# enable git checks
@@ -422,16 +438,21 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
# cache registry
- cache = caches.CacheData(type='git', file='git.pickle', version=5)
+ cache = caches.CacheData(type="git", file="git.pickle", version=5)
def mangle_argparser(cls, parser):
- group = parser.add_argument_group('git', docs=cls.__doc__)
+ group = parser.add_argument_group("git", docs=cls.__doc__)
git_opts = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- '--commits', nargs='?', default=False, metavar='tree-ish',
- action=arghparse.Delayed, target=_ScanGit, priority=10,
- help='determine scan targets from unpushed commits',
+ "--commits",
+ nargs="?",
+ default=False,
+ metavar="tree-ish",
+ action=arghparse.Delayed,
+ target=_ScanGit,
+ priority=10,
+ help="determine scan targets from unpushed commits",
Targets are determined from the committed changes compared to a
given reference that defaults to the repo's origin.
@@ -440,21 +461,28 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
the current branch compared to the branch named 'old' use
``pkgcheck scan --commits old``. For two separate branches
named 'old' and 'new' use ``pkgcheck scan --commits old..new``.
- """)
+ """,
+ )
- '--staged', nargs='?', default=False, metavar='tree-ish',
- action=arghparse.Delayed, target=partial(_ScanGit, staged=True), priority=10,
- help='determine scan targets from staged changes',
+ "--staged",
+ nargs="?",
+ default=False,
+ metavar="tree-ish",
+ action=arghparse.Delayed,
+ target=partial(_ScanGit, staged=True),
+ priority=10,
+ help="determine scan targets from staged changes",
Targets are determined using all staged changes for the git
repo. Unstaged changes and untracked files are ignored by
temporarily stashing them during the scanning process.
- """)
+ """,
+ )
def __init__(self, *args):
- find_binary('git')
+ find_binary("git")
except CommandNotFound:
raise caches.CacheDisabled(self.cache)
@@ -465,14 +493,14 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
def _gitignore(self):
"""Load a repo's .gitignore and .git/info/exclude files for path matching."""
patterns = []
- for path in ('.gitignore', '.git/info/exclude'):
+ for path in (".gitignore", ".git/info/exclude"):
with open(pjoin(self.options.target_repo.location, path)) as f:
except (FileNotFoundError, IOError):
if patterns:
- return PathSpec.from_lines('gitwildmatch', patterns)
+ return PathSpec.from_lines("gitwildmatch", patterns)
return None
def gitignored(self, path):
@@ -489,23 +517,31 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
"""Retrieve a git repo's commit hash for a specific commit object."""
p = subprocess.run(
- ['git', 'rev-parse', commit],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
- cwd=path, check=True, encoding='utf8')
+ ["git", "rev-parse", commit],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ cwd=path,
+ check=True,
+ encoding="utf8",
+ )
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- raise GitError(f'failed retrieving commit hash for git repo: {path!r}')
+ raise GitError(f"failed retrieving commit hash for git repo: {path!r}")
return p.stdout.strip()
- def _get_current_branch(path, commit='HEAD'):
+ def _get_current_branch(path, commit="HEAD"):
"""Retrieve a git repo's current branch for a specific commit object."""
p = subprocess.run(
- ['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', commit],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
- cwd=path, check=True, encoding='utf8')
+ ["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", commit],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ cwd=path,
+ check=True,
+ encoding="utf8",
+ )
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- raise GitError(f'failed retrieving branch for git repo: {path!r}')
+ raise GitError(f"failed retrieving branch for git repo: {path!r}")
return p.stdout.strip()
@@ -513,12 +549,16 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
"""Retrieve a git repo's default branch used with origin remote."""
p = subprocess.run(
- ['git', 'symbolic-ref', 'refs/remotes/origin/HEAD'],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
- cwd=path, check=True, encoding='utf8')
+ ["git", "symbolic-ref", "refs/remotes/origin/HEAD"],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ cwd=path,
+ check=True,
+ encoding="utf8",
+ )
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- raise GitError(f'failed retrieving branch for git repo: {path!r}')
- return p.stdout.strip().split('/')[-1]
+ raise GitError(f"failed retrieving branch for git repo: {path!r}")
+ return p.stdout.strip().split("/")[-1]
def pkg_history(repo, commit_range, data=None, local=False, verbosity=-1):
@@ -535,11 +575,12 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
if local:
commit = (atom.fullver, pkg.commit_time, pkg.commit, pkg.old)
- date = datetime.fromtimestamp(pkg.commit_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
- progress(f'{repo} -- updating git cache: commit date: {date}')
+ date = datetime.fromtimestamp(pkg.commit_time).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ progress(f"{repo} -- updating git cache: commit date: {date}")
commit = (atom.fullver, pkg.commit_time, pkg.commit)
- data.setdefault(atom.category, {}).setdefault(
- atom.package, {}).setdefault(pkg.status, []).append(commit)
+ data.setdefault(atom.category, {}).setdefault(atom.package, {}).setdefault(
+ pkg.status, []
+ ).append(commit)
return data
def update_cache(self, force=False):
@@ -551,10 +592,12 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
# skip cache usage when not running on the default branch
if branch != default_branch:
- 'skipping %s git repo cache update on '
- 'non-default branch %r', repo, branch)
+ "skipping %s git repo cache update on " "non-default branch %r",
+ repo,
+ branch,
+ )
- commit = self._get_commit_hash(repo.location, 'origin/HEAD')
+ commit = self._get_commit_hash(repo.location, "origin/HEAD")
except GitError:
@@ -567,18 +610,18 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
git_cache = self.load_cache(cache_file)
if git_cache is None or commit != git_cache.commit:
- logger.debug('updating %s git repo cache to %s', repo, commit[:13])
+ logger.debug("updating %s git repo cache to %s", repo, commit[:13])
if git_cache is None:
data = {}
- commit_range = 'origin/HEAD'
+ commit_range = "origin/HEAD"
data = git_cache.data
- commit_range = f'{git_cache.commit}..origin/HEAD'
+ commit_range = f"{git_cache.commit}..origin/HEAD"
- repo, commit_range, data=data,
- verbosity=self.options.verbosity)
+ repo, commit_range, data=data, verbosity=self.options.verbosity
+ )
except GitError as e:
raise PkgcheckUserException(str(e))
git_cache = GitCache(data, self.cache, commit=commit)
@@ -595,7 +638,7 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
git_repos = []
for repo in self.options.target_repo.trees:
git_cache = self._cached_repos.get(repo.location, {})
- git_repos.append(repo_cls(git_cache, repo_id=f'{repo.repo_id}-history'))
+ git_repos.append(repo_cls(git_cache, repo_id=f"{repo.repo_id}-history"))
if len(git_repos) > 1:
return multiplex.tree(*git_repos)
@@ -606,14 +649,14 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
data = {}
- origin = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, 'origin/HEAD')
- head = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, 'HEAD')
+ origin = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, "origin/HEAD")
+ head = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, "HEAD")
if origin != head:
- data = self.pkg_history(target_repo, 'origin/HEAD..HEAD', local=True)
+ data = self.pkg_history(target_repo, "origin/HEAD..HEAD", local=True)
except GitError as e:
raise PkgcheckUserException(str(e))
- repo_id = f'{target_repo.repo_id}-commits'
+ repo_id = f"{target_repo.repo_id}-commits"
return repo_cls(data, repo_id=repo_id)
def commits(self):
@@ -621,10 +664,10 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
commits = ()
- origin = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, 'origin/HEAD')
- head = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, 'HEAD')
+ origin = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, "origin/HEAD")
+ head = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, "HEAD")
if origin != head:
- commits = GitRepoCommits(target_repo.location, 'origin/HEAD..HEAD')
+ commits = GitRepoCommits(target_repo.location, "origin/HEAD..HEAD")
except GitError as e:
raise PkgcheckUserException(str(e))
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/addons/net.py b/src/pkgcheck/addons/net.py
index 0fad98b0..6db5432d 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/addons/net.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/addons/net.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import requests
from ..checks.network import RequestError, SSLError
# suppress all urllib3 log messages
-logging.getLogger('urllib3').propagate = False
+logging.getLogger("urllib3").propagate = False
class Session(requests.Session):
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ class Session(requests.Session):
# block when urllib3 connection pool is full
concurrent = concurrent if concurrent is not None else os.cpu_count() * 5
a = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(pool_maxsize=concurrent, pool_block=True)
- self.mount('https://', a)
- self.mount('http://', a)
+ self.mount("https://", a)
+ self.mount("http://", a)
# spoof user agent
- self.headers['User-Agent'] = user_agent
+ self.headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent
def send(self, req, **kwargs):
# forcibly use the session timeout
- kwargs['timeout'] = self.timeout
+ kwargs["timeout"] = self.timeout
with super().send(req, **kwargs) as r:
@@ -42,6 +42,6 @@ class Session(requests.Session):
except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
raise SSLError(e)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
- raise RequestError(e, 'connection failed')
+ raise RequestError(e, "connection failed")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
raise RequestError(e)
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/addons/profiles.py b/src/pkgcheck/addons/profiles.py
index 02b31eda..799cd94a 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/addons/profiles.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/addons/profiles.py
@@ -22,15 +22,28 @@ from . import ArchesAddon, caches
class ProfileData:
- def __init__(self, repo, profile_name, key, provides, vfilter,
- iuse_effective, use, pkg_use, masked_use, forced_use, lookup_cache, insoluble,
- status, deprecated):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ repo,
+ profile_name,
+ key,
+ provides,
+ vfilter,
+ iuse_effective,
+ use,
+ pkg_use,
+ masked_use,
+ forced_use,
+ lookup_cache,
+ insoluble,
+ status,
+ deprecated,
+ ):
self.repo = repo
self.name = profile_name
self.key = key
self.provides_repo = provides
- self.provides_has_match = getattr(provides, 'has_match', provides.match)
+ self.provides_has_match = getattr(provides, "has_match", provides.match)
self.iuse_effective = iuse_effective
self.use = use
self.pkg_use = pkg_use
@@ -47,8 +60,7 @@ class ProfileData:
# pointless intermediate sets unless required
# kindly don't change that in any modifications, it adds up.
enabled = known_flags.intersection(self.forced_use.pull_data(pkg))
- immutable = enabled.union(
- filter(known_flags.__contains__, self.masked_use.pull_data(pkg)))
+ immutable = enabled.union(filter(known_flags.__contains__, self.masked_use.pull_data(pkg)))
if force_disabled := self.masked_use.pull_data(pkg):
enabled = enabled.difference(force_disabled)
return immutable, enabled
@@ -64,19 +76,19 @@ class ProfilesArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations):
def norm_name(repo, s):
"""Expand status keywords and format paths."""
- if s in ('dev', 'exp', 'stable', 'deprecated'):
+ if s in ("dev", "exp", "stable", "deprecated"):
yield from repo.profiles.get_profiles(status=s)
- elif s == 'all':
+ elif s == "all":
yield from repo.profiles
yield repo.profiles[os.path.normpath(s)]
except KeyError:
- raise ValueError(f'nonexistent profile: {s!r}')
+ raise ValueError(f"nonexistent profile: {s!r}")
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
disabled, enabled = self.parse_values(values)
- namespace.ignore_deprecated_profiles = 'deprecated' not in enabled
+ namespace.ignore_deprecated_profiles = "deprecated" not in enabled
# Expand status keywords, e.g. 'stable' -> set of stable profiles, and
# translate selections into profile objs.
@@ -104,18 +116,23 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
# non-profile dirs found in the profiles directory, generally only in
# the gentoo repo, but could be in overlays as well
- non_profile_dirs = frozenset(['desc', 'updates'])
+ non_profile_dirs = frozenset(["desc", "updates"])
# cache registry
- cache = caches.CacheData(type='profiles', file='profiles.pickle', version=2)
+ cache = caches.CacheData(type="profiles", file="profiles.pickle", version=2)
def mangle_argparser(cls, parser):
- group = parser.add_argument_group('profiles')
+ group = parser.add_argument_group("profiles")
- '-p', '--profiles', metavar='PROFILE', dest='selected_profiles',
- action=arghparse.Delayed, target=ProfilesArgs, priority=101,
- help='comma separated list of profiles to enable/disable',
+ "-p",
+ "--profiles",
+ metavar="PROFILE",
+ dest="selected_profiles",
+ action=arghparse.Delayed,
+ target=ProfilesArgs,
+ priority=101,
+ help="comma separated list of profiles to enable/disable",
Comma separated list of profiles to enable and disable for
scanning. Any profiles specified in this fashion will be the
@@ -137,8 +154,9 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
to only scan all stable profiles pass the ``stable`` argument
to --profiles. Additionally the keyword ``all`` can be used to
scan all defined profiles in the target repo.
- """)
- parser.bind_delayed_default(1001, 'profiles')(cls._default_profiles)
+ """,
+ )
+ parser.bind_delayed_default(1001, "profiles")(cls._default_profiles)
def _default_profiles(namespace, attr):
@@ -148,8 +166,8 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
# that require them to operate properly.
target_repo = namespace.target_repo
profiles = set(target_repo.profiles)
- if not getattr(namespace, 'exp_profiles_required', False):
- profiles -= set(ProfilesArgs.norm_name(target_repo, 'exp'))
+ if not getattr(namespace, "exp_profiles_required", False):
+ profiles -= set(ProfilesArgs.norm_name(target_repo, "exp"))
setattr(namespace, attr, profiles)
def __init__(self, *args, arches_addon):
@@ -160,7 +178,7 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
self.arch_profiles = defaultdict(list)
self.target_repo = self.options.target_repo
- ignore_deprecated = getattr(self.options, 'ignore_deprecated_profiles', True)
+ ignore_deprecated = getattr(self.options, "ignore_deprecated_profiles", True)
for p in sorted(self.options.profiles):
if p.deprecated and ignore_deprecated:
@@ -171,7 +189,7 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
# Only throw errors if the profile was selected by the user, bad
# repo profiles will be caught during repo metadata scans.
if self.options.selected_profiles is not None:
- raise PkgcheckUserException(f'invalid profile: {e.path!r}: {e.error}')
+ raise PkgcheckUserException(f"invalid profile: {e.path!r}: {e.error}")
self.arch_profiles[p.arch].append((profile, p))
@@ -180,7 +198,7 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
"""Given a profile object, return its file set and most recent mtime."""
cache = {}
while True:
- profile = (yield)
+ profile = yield
profile_mtime = 0
profile_files = []
for node in profile.stack:
@@ -204,8 +222,7 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
"""Mapping of profile age and file sets used to check cache viability."""
data = {}
gen_profile_data = self._profile_files()
- for profile_obj, profile in chain.from_iterable(
- self.arch_profiles.values()):
+ for profile_obj, profile in chain.from_iterable(self.arch_profiles.values()):
mtime, files = gen_profile_data.send(profile_obj)
data[profile] = (mtime, files)
@@ -220,7 +237,7 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
for repo in self.target_repo.trees:
cache_file = self.cache_file(repo)
# add profiles-base -> repo mapping to ease storage procedure
- cached_profiles[repo.config.profiles_base]['repo'] = repo
+ cached_profiles[repo.config.profiles_base]["repo"] = repo
if not force:
cache = self.load_cache(cache_file, fallback={})
@@ -228,14 +245,21 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
chunked_data_cache = {}
for arch in sorted(self.options.arches):
- stable_key, unstable_key = arch, f'~{arch}'
+ stable_key, unstable_key = arch, f"~{arch}"
stable_r = packages.PackageRestriction(
- "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2((stable_key,)))
+ "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2((stable_key,))
+ )
unstable_r = packages.PackageRestriction(
- "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2((stable_key, unstable_key,)))
+ "keywords",
+ values.ContainmentMatch2(
+ (
+ stable_key,
+ unstable_key,
+ )
+ ),
+ )
- default_masked_use = tuple(set(
- x for x in official_arches if x != stable_key))
+ default_masked_use = tuple(set(x for x in official_arches if x != stable_key))
# padding for progress output
padding = max(len(x) for x in self.options.arches)
@@ -244,23 +268,25 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
files = self.profile_data.get(profile)
cached_profile = cached_profiles[profile.base][profile.path]
- if files != cached_profile['files']:
+ if files != cached_profile["files"]:
# force refresh of outdated cache entry
raise KeyError
- masks = cached_profile['masks']
- unmasks = cached_profile['unmasks']
- immutable_flags = cached_profile['immutable_flags']
- stable_immutable_flags = cached_profile['stable_immutable_flags']
- enabled_flags = cached_profile['enabled_flags']
- stable_enabled_flags = cached_profile['stable_enabled_flags']
- pkg_use = cached_profile['pkg_use']
- iuse_effective = cached_profile['iuse_effective']
- use = cached_profile['use']
- provides_repo = cached_profile['provides_repo']
+ masks = cached_profile["masks"]
+ unmasks = cached_profile["unmasks"]
+ immutable_flags = cached_profile["immutable_flags"]
+ stable_immutable_flags = cached_profile["stable_immutable_flags"]
+ enabled_flags = cached_profile["enabled_flags"]
+ stable_enabled_flags = cached_profile["stable_enabled_flags"]
+ pkg_use = cached_profile["pkg_use"]
+ iuse_effective = cached_profile["iuse_effective"]
+ use = cached_profile["use"]
+ provides_repo = cached_profile["provides_repo"]
except KeyError:
- progress(f'{repo} -- updating profiles cache: {profile.arch:<{padding}}')
+ progress(
+ f"{repo} -- updating profiles cache: {profile.arch:<{padding}}"
+ )
masks = profile_obj.masks
unmasks = profile_obj.unmasks
@@ -270,7 +296,9 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
- stable_immutable_flags = profile_obj.stable_masked_use.clone(unfreeze=True)
+ stable_immutable_flags = profile_obj.stable_masked_use.clone(
+ unfreeze=True
+ )
stable_immutable_flags.add_bare_global((), default_masked_use)
@@ -280,7 +308,9 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
- stable_enabled_flags = profile_obj.stable_forced_use.clone(unfreeze=True)
+ stable_enabled_flags = profile_obj.stable_forced_use.clone(
+ unfreeze=True
+ )
stable_enabled_flags.add_bare_global((), (stable_key,))
@@ -290,25 +320,28 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
provides_repo = profile_obj.provides_repo
# finalize enabled USE flags
- use = frozenset(misc.incremental_expansion(
- profile_obj.use, msg_prefix='while expanding USE'))
+ use = frozenset(
+ misc.incremental_expansion(
+ profile_obj.use, msg_prefix="while expanding USE"
+ )
+ )
except profiles_mod.ProfileError:
# unsupported EAPI or other issue, profile checks will catch this
- cached_profiles[profile.base]['update'] = True
+ cached_profiles[profile.base]["update"] = True
cached_profiles[profile.base][profile.path] = {
- 'files': files,
- 'masks': masks,
- 'unmasks': unmasks,
- 'immutable_flags': immutable_flags,
- 'stable_immutable_flags': stable_immutable_flags,
- 'enabled_flags': enabled_flags,
- 'stable_enabled_flags': stable_enabled_flags,
- 'pkg_use': pkg_use,
- 'iuse_effective': iuse_effective,
- 'use': use,
- 'provides_repo': provides_repo,
+ "files": files,
+ "masks": masks,
+ "unmasks": unmasks,
+ "immutable_flags": immutable_flags,
+ "stable_immutable_flags": stable_immutable_flags,
+ "enabled_flags": enabled_flags,
+ "stable_enabled_flags": stable_enabled_flags,
+ "pkg_use": pkg_use,
+ "iuse_effective": iuse_effective,
+ "use": use,
+ "provides_repo": provides_repo,
# used to interlink stable/unstable lookups so that if
@@ -323,50 +356,63 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
# note that the cache/insoluble are inversly paired;
# stable cache is usable for unstable, but not vice versa.
# unstable insoluble is usable for stable, but not vice versa
- vfilter = domain.generate_filter(self.target_repo.pkg_masks | masks, unmasks)
- self.profile_filters.setdefault(stable_key, []).append(ProfileData(
- repo.repo_id,
- profile.path, stable_key,
- provides_repo,
- packages.AndRestriction(vfilter, stable_r),
- iuse_effective,
- use,
- pkg_use,
- stable_immutable_flags, stable_enabled_flags,
- stable_cache,
- ProtectedSet(unstable_insoluble),
- profile.status,
- profile.deprecated))
- self.profile_filters.setdefault(unstable_key, []).append(ProfileData(
- repo.repo_id,
- profile.path, unstable_key,
- provides_repo,
- packages.AndRestriction(vfilter, unstable_r),
- iuse_effective,
- use,
- pkg_use,
- immutable_flags, enabled_flags,
- ProtectedSet(stable_cache),
- unstable_insoluble,
- profile.status,
- profile.deprecated))
+ vfilter = domain.generate_filter(
+ self.target_repo.pkg_masks | masks, unmasks
+ )
+ self.profile_filters.setdefault(stable_key, []).append(
+ ProfileData(
+ repo.repo_id,
+ profile.path,
+ stable_key,
+ provides_repo,
+ packages.AndRestriction(vfilter, stable_r),
+ iuse_effective,
+ use,
+ pkg_use,
+ stable_immutable_flags,
+ stable_enabled_flags,
+ stable_cache,
+ ProtectedSet(unstable_insoluble),
+ profile.status,
+ profile.deprecated,
+ )
+ )
+ self.profile_filters.setdefault(unstable_key, []).append(
+ ProfileData(
+ repo.repo_id,
+ profile.path,
+ unstable_key,
+ provides_repo,
+ packages.AndRestriction(vfilter, unstable_r),
+ iuse_effective,
+ use,
+ pkg_use,
+ immutable_flags,
+ enabled_flags,
+ ProtectedSet(stable_cache),
+ unstable_insoluble,
+ profile.status,
+ profile.deprecated,
+ )
+ )
# dump updated profile filters
for k, v in cached_profiles.items():
- if v.pop('update', False):
- repo = v.pop('repo')
+ if v.pop("update", False):
+ repo = v.pop("repo")
cache_file = self.cache_file(repo)
- cache = caches.DictCache(
- cached_profiles[repo.config.profiles_base], self.cache)
+ cache = caches.DictCache(cached_profiles[repo.config.profiles_base], self.cache)
self.save_cache(cache, cache_file)
for key, profile_list in self.profile_filters.items():
similar = self.profile_evaluate_dict[key] = []
for profile in profile_list:
for existing in similar:
- if (existing[0].masked_use == profile.masked_use and
- existing[0].forced_use == profile.forced_use):
+ if (
+ existing[0].masked_use == profile.masked_use
+ and existing[0].forced_use == profile.forced_use
+ ):
@@ -377,7 +423,7 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon):
# the use processing across each of 'em.
groups = []
keywords = pkg.keywords
- unstable_keywords = (f'~{x}' for x in keywords if x[0] != '~')
+ unstable_keywords = (f"~{x}" for x in keywords if x[0] != "~")
for key in chain(keywords, unstable_keywords):
if profile_grps := self.profile_evaluate_dict.get(key):
for profiles in profile_grps:
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/api.py b/src/pkgcheck/api.py
index bcf30234..c704f8c6 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/api.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/api.py
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ def scan(args=None, /, *, base_args=None):
if base_args is None:
base_args = []
- with patch('argparse.ArgumentParser.exit', parser_exit):
- options = pkgcheck.argparser.parse_args(base_args + ['scan'] + args)
+ with patch("argparse.ArgumentParser.exit", parser_exit):
+ options = pkgcheck.argparser.parse_args(base_args + ["scan"] + args)
return Pipeline(options)
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/base.py b/src/pkgcheck/base.py
index fc77dee6..ac49dbe4 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/base.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/base.py
@@ -26,12 +26,13 @@ from snakeoil.mappings import ImmutableDict
@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=False)
class Scope:
"""Generic scope for scans, checks, and results."""
desc: str
level: int
_children: tuple = ()
def __str__(self):
- return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.desc!r})'
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.desc!r})"
def __lt__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Scope):
@@ -62,8 +63,8 @@ class Scope:
return hash(self.desc)
def __repr__(self):
- address = '@%#8x' % (id(self),)
- return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} desc={self.desc!r} {address}>'
+ address = "@%#8x" % (id(self),)
+ return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} desc={self.desc!r} {address}>"
def __contains__(self, key):
return self == key or key in self._children
@@ -80,37 +81,41 @@ class PackageScope(Scope):
@dataclass(repr=False, frozen=True, eq=False)
class ConditionalScope(Scope):
"""Scope for checks run only in certain circumstances."""
level: int = -99
@dataclass(repr=False, frozen=True, eq=False)
class LocationScope(Scope):
"""Scope for location-specific checks."""
level: int = 0
# pkg-related scopes (level increasing by granularity)
-repo_scope = PackageScope('repo', 1)
-category_scope = PackageScope('category', 2)
-package_scope = PackageScope('package', 3)
-version_scope = PackageScope('version', 4)
+repo_scope = PackageScope("repo", 1)
+category_scope = PackageScope("category", 2)
+package_scope = PackageScope("package", 3)
+version_scope = PackageScope("version", 4)
# conditional (negative level) and location-specific scopes (zero level)
-commit_scope = ConditionalScope('commit')
-profile_node_scope = LocationScope('profile_node')
-profiles_scope = LocationScope('profiles', 0, (profile_node_scope,))
-eclass_scope = LocationScope('eclass')
+commit_scope = ConditionalScope("commit")
+profile_node_scope = LocationScope("profile_node")
+profiles_scope = LocationScope("profiles", 0, (profile_node_scope,))
+eclass_scope = LocationScope("eclass")
# mapping for -S/--scopes option, ordered for sorted output in the case of unknown scopes
-scopes = ImmutableDict({
- 'git': commit_scope,
- 'profiles': profiles_scope,
- 'eclass': eclass_scope,
- 'repo': repo_scope,
- 'cat': category_scope,
- 'pkg': package_scope,
- 'ver': version_scope,
+scopes = ImmutableDict(
+ {
+ "git": commit_scope,
+ "profiles": profiles_scope,
+ "eclass": eclass_scope,
+ "repo": repo_scope,
+ "cat": category_scope,
+ "pkg": package_scope,
+ "ver": version_scope,
+ }
class PkgcheckException(Exception):
@@ -182,12 +187,13 @@ def param_name(cls):
For example, GitAddon -> git_addon and GitCache -> git_cache.
- return re.sub(r'([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', cls.__name__).lower()
+ return re.sub(r"([a-z])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", cls.__name__).lower()
class LogMap:
"""Log function to callable mapping."""
func: str
call: typing.Callable
@@ -223,7 +229,7 @@ class ProgressManager(AbstractContextManager):
"""Callback used for progressive output."""
# avoid rewriting the same output
if s != self._cached:
- sys.stderr.write(f'{s}\r')
+ sys.stderr.write(f"{s}\r")
self._cached = s
def __enter__(self):
@@ -233,4 +239,4 @@ class ProgressManager(AbstractContextManager):
def __exit__(self, _exc_type, _exc_value, _traceback):
if self._cached is not None:
- sys.stderr.write('\n')
+ sys.stderr.write("\n")
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/bash/__init__.py b/src/pkgcheck/bash/__init__.py
index 6faf2bb5..38f9424d 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/bash/__init__.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/bash/__init__.py
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ from .. import const
from ctypes.util import find_library
# path to bash parsing library on the system (may be None)
-syslib = find_library('tree-sitter-bash')
+syslib = find_library("tree-sitter-bash")
# path to bash parsing library (vendored)
-lib = pjoin(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'lang.so')
+lib = pjoin(os.path.dirname(__file__), "lang.so")
# copied from tree-sitter with the following changes:
# - prefer stdc++ over c++ when linking
@@ -50,9 +50,7 @@ def build_library(output_path, repo_paths): # pragma: no cover
source_paths.append(path.join(src_path, "scanner.cc"))
elif path.exists(path.join(src_path, "scanner.c")):
source_paths.append(path.join(src_path, "scanner.c"))
- source_mtimes = [path.getmtime(__file__)] + [
- path.getmtime(path_) for path_ in source_paths
- ]
+ source_mtimes = [path.getmtime(__file__)] + [path.getmtime(path_) for path_ in source_paths]
compiler = new_compiler()
# force `c++` compiler so the appropriate standard library is used
@@ -91,21 +89,25 @@ try:
from .. import _const
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
# build library when running from git repo or tarball
- if syslib is None and not os.path.exists(lib) and 'tree-sitter-bash' in os.listdir(const.REPO_PATH):
- bash_src = pjoin(const.REPO_PATH, 'tree-sitter-bash')
+ if (
+ syslib is None
+ and not os.path.exists(lib)
+ and "tree-sitter-bash" in os.listdir(const.REPO_PATH)
+ ):
+ bash_src = pjoin(const.REPO_PATH, "tree-sitter-bash")
build_library(lib, [bash_src])
if syslib is not None or os.path.exists(lib):
- lang = Language(syslib or lib, 'bash')
+ lang = Language(syslib or lib, "bash")
query = partial(lang.query)
parser = Parser()
# various parse tree queries
- cmd_query = query('(command) @call')
- func_query = query('(function_definition) @func')
- var_assign_query = query('(variable_assignment) @assign')
- var_query = query('(variable_name) @var')
+ cmd_query = query("(command) @call")
+ func_query = query("(function_definition) @func")
+ var_assign_query = query("(variable_assignment) @assign")
+ var_query = query("(variable_name) @var")
class ParseTree:
@@ -118,13 +120,13 @@ class ParseTree:
def node_str(self, node):
"""Return the ebuild string associated with a given parse tree node."""
- return self.data[node.start_byte:node.end_byte].decode('utf8')
+ return self.data[node.start_byte : node.end_byte].decode("utf8")
def global_query(self, query):
"""Run a given parse tree query returning only those nodes in global scope."""
for x in self.tree.root_node.children:
# skip nodes in function scope
- if x.type != 'function_definition':
+ if x.type != "function_definition":
for node, _ in query.captures(x):
yield node
@@ -132,6 +134,6 @@ class ParseTree:
"""Run a given parse tree query returning only those nodes in function scope."""
for x in self.tree.root_node.children:
# only return nodes in function scope
- if x.type == 'function_definition':
+ if x.type == "function_definition":
for node, _ in query.captures(x):
yield node
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/__init__.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/__init__.py
index f0959257..b5caa244 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/__init__.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/__init__.py
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ class Check(feeds.Feed):
return (
- (('source', self._source),)
+ (("source", self._source),),
elif max(x.scope for x in self.known_results) >= base.version_scope:
return (
- (('source', self._source),)
+ (("source", self._source),),
return self._source
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ class GentooRepoCheck(Check):
if not self.options.gentoo_repo:
check = self.__class__.__name__
if check in self.options.selected_checks:
- self.options.override_skip['gentoo'].append(check)
+ self.options.override_skip["gentoo"].append(check)
- raise SkipCheck(self, 'not running against gentoo repo')
+ raise SkipCheck(self, "not running against gentoo repo")
class OverlayRepoCheck(Check):
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class OverlayRepoCheck(Check):
def __init__(self, *args):
if not self.options.target_repo.masters:
- raise SkipCheck(self, 'not running against overlay')
+ raise SkipCheck(self, "not running against overlay")
class OptionalCheck(Check):
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class GitCommitsCheck(OptionalCheck):
def __init__(self, *args):
if not self.options.commits:
- raise SkipCheck(self, 'not scanning against git commits')
+ raise SkipCheck(self, "not scanning against git commits")
class AsyncCheck(Check):
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class NetworkCheck(AsyncCheck, OptionalCheck):
def __init__(self, *args, net_addon, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if not self.options.net:
- raise SkipCheck(self, 'network checks not enabled')
+ raise SkipCheck(self, "network checks not enabled")
self.timeout = self.options.timeout
self.session = net_addon.session
@@ -138,13 +138,15 @@ class MirrorsCheck(Check):
def __init__(self, *args, use_addon):
- self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter('fetchables')
+ self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter("fetchables")
def get_mirrors(self, pkg):
mirrors = []
fetchables, _ = self.iuse_filter(
- (fetch.fetchable,), pkg,
- pkg.generate_fetchables(allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True))
+ (fetch.fetchable,),
+ pkg,
+ pkg.generate_fetchables(allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True),
+ )
for f in fetchables:
for m in f.uri.visit_mirrors(treat_default_as_mirror=False):
@@ -164,7 +166,7 @@ class SkipCheck(base.PkgcheckUserException):
# assume the check param is a raw class object
check_name = check.__name__
- super().__init__(f'{check_name}: {msg}')
+ super().__init__(f"{check_name}: {msg}")
def init_checks(enabled_addons, options, results_q, *, addons_map=None, source_map=None):
@@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ def init_checks(enabled_addons, options, results_q, *, addons_map=None, source_m
# report which check skips were overridden
for skip_type, checks in sorted(options.override_skip.items()):
s = pluralism(checks)
- checks_str = ', '.join(sorted(checks))
+ checks_str = ", ".join(sorted(checks))
logger.warning(f"running {skip_type} specific check{s}: {checks_str}")
return enabled
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/acct.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/acct.py
index 4f144023..30953c89 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/acct.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/acct.py
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class ConflictingAccountIdentifiers(results.Error):
def desc(self):
- pkgs = ', '.join(self.pkgs)
+ pkgs = ", ".join(self.pkgs)
return f"conflicting {self.kind} id {self.identifier} usage: [ {pkgs} ]"
@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ class OutsideRangeAccountIdentifier(results.VersionResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
- return (f"{self.kind} id {self.identifier} outside permitted "
- f"static allocation range")
+ return f"{self.kind} id {self.identifier} outside permitted " f"static allocation range"
class AcctCheck(GentooRepoCheck, RepoCheck):
@@ -71,33 +70,43 @@ class AcctCheck(GentooRepoCheck, RepoCheck):
exist or is wrongly defined, this check is skipped.
- _restricted_source = (sources.RestrictionRepoSource, (packages.OrRestriction(*(
- restricts.CategoryDep('acct-user'), restricts.CategoryDep('acct-group'))),))
- _source = (sources.RepositoryRepoSource, (), (('source', _restricted_source),))
- known_results = frozenset([
- MissingAccountIdentifier, ConflictingAccountIdentifiers,
- OutsideRangeAccountIdentifier,
- ])
+ _restricted_source = (
+ sources.RestrictionRepoSource,
+ (
+ packages.OrRestriction(
+ *(restricts.CategoryDep("acct-user"), restricts.CategoryDep("acct-group"))
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ _source = (sources.RepositoryRepoSource, (), (("source", _restricted_source),))
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ MissingAccountIdentifier,
+ ConflictingAccountIdentifiers,
+ OutsideRangeAccountIdentifier,
+ ]
+ )
def __init__(self, *args):
self.id_re = re.compile(
- r'ACCT_(?P<var>USER|GROUP)_ID=(?P<quot>[\'"]?)(?P<id>[0-9]+)(?P=quot)')
+ r'ACCT_(?P<var>USER|GROUP)_ID=(?P<quot>[\'"]?)(?P<id>[0-9]+)(?P=quot)'
+ )
self.seen_uids = defaultdict(partial(defaultdict, list))
self.seen_gids = defaultdict(partial(defaultdict, list))
uid_range, gid_range = self.load_ids_from_configuration(self.options.target_repo)
self.category_map = {
- 'acct-user': (self.seen_uids, 'USER', tuple(uid_range)),
- 'acct-group': (self.seen_gids, 'GROUP', tuple(gid_range)),
+ "acct-user": (self.seen_uids, "USER", tuple(uid_range)),
+ "acct-group": (self.seen_gids, "GROUP", tuple(gid_range)),
def parse_config_id_range(self, config: ConfigParser, config_key: str):
- id_ranges = config['user-group-ids'].get(config_key, None)
+ id_ranges = config["user-group-ids"].get(config_key, None)
if not id_ranges:
raise SkipCheck(self, f"metadata/qa-policy.conf: missing value for {config_key}")
- for id_range in map(str.strip, id_ranges.split(',')):
- start, *end = map(int, id_range.split('-', maxsplit=1))
+ for id_range in map(str.strip, id_ranges.split(",")):
+ start, *end = map(int, id_range.split("-", maxsplit=1))
if len(end) == 0:
yield range(start, start + 1)
@@ -107,11 +116,13 @@ class AcctCheck(GentooRepoCheck, RepoCheck):
def load_ids_from_configuration(self, repo):
config = ConfigParser()
- if not config.read(pjoin(repo.location, 'metadata', 'qa-policy.conf')):
+ if not config.read(pjoin(repo.location, "metadata", "qa-policy.conf")):
raise SkipCheck(self, "failed loading 'metadata/qa-policy.conf'")
- if 'user-group-ids' not in config:
+ if "user-group-ids" not in config:
raise SkipCheck(self, "metadata/qa-policy.conf: missing section user-group-ids")
- return self.parse_config_id_range(config, 'uid-range'), self.parse_config_id_range(config, 'gid-range')
+ return self.parse_config_id_range(config, "uid-range"), self.parse_config_id_range(
+ config, "gid-range"
+ )
def feed(self, pkg):
@@ -121,8 +132,8 @@ class AcctCheck(GentooRepoCheck, RepoCheck):
for line in pkg.ebuild.text_fileobj():
m = self.id_re.match(line)
- if m is not None and m.group('var') == expected_var:
- found_id = int(m.group('id'))
+ if m is not None and m.group("var") == expected_var:
+ found_id = int(m.group("id"))
yield MissingAccountIdentifier(f"ACCT_{expected_var}_ID", pkg=pkg)
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/cleanup.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/cleanup.py
index 076d56be..6a42a42f 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/cleanup.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/cleanup.py
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ class RedundantVersion(results.VersionResult, results.Info):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.later_versions)
- versions = ', '.join(self.later_versions)
- return f'slot({self.slot}) keywords are overshadowed by version{s}: {versions}'
+ versions = ", ".join(self.later_versions)
+ return f"slot({self.slot}) keywords are overshadowed by version{s}: {versions}"
class RedundantVersionCheck(Check):
@@ -40,38 +40,45 @@ class RedundantVersionCheck(Check):
def mangle_argparser(parser):
- '--stable-only', action='store_true',
- help='consider redundant versions only within stable',
+ "--stable-only",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="consider redundant versions only within stable",
If enabled, for each slot, only consider redundant versions
with stable keywords. This is useful for cases of cleanup after
successful stabilization.
- """)
+ """,
+ )
def __init__(self, *args, profile_addon):
self.keywords_profiles = {
- keyword: sorted(profiles, key=attrgetter('name'))
- for keyword, profiles in profile_addon.items()}
+ keyword: sorted(profiles, key=attrgetter("name"))
+ for keyword, profiles in profile_addon.items()
+ }
def filter_later_profiles_masks(self, visible_cache, pkg, later_versions):
# check both stable/unstable profiles for stable KEYWORDS and only
# unstable profiles for unstable KEYWORDS
keywords = []
for keyword in pkg.sorted_keywords:
- if keyword[0] != '~':
- keywords.append('~' + keyword)
+ if keyword[0] != "~":
+ keywords.append("~" + keyword)
# if a profile exists, where the package is visible, but the later aren't
# then it isn't redundant
- visible_profiles = tuple(profile
+ visible_profiles = tuple(
+ profile
for keyword in keywords
for profile in self.keywords_profiles.get(keyword, ())
- if visible_cache[(profile, pkg)])
+ if visible_cache[(profile, pkg)]
+ )
return tuple(
- later for later in later_versions
- if all(visible_cache[(profile, later)] for profile in visible_profiles))
+ later
+ for later in later_versions
+ if all(visible_cache[(profile, later)] for profile in visible_profiles)
+ )
def feed(self, pkgset):
if len(pkgset) == 1:
@@ -91,8 +98,9 @@ class RedundantVersionCheck(Check):
if not curr_set:
- matches = [ver for ver, keys in stack if ver.slot == pkg.slot and
- not curr_set.difference(keys)]
+ matches = [
+ ver for ver, keys in stack if ver.slot == pkg.slot and not curr_set.difference(keys)
+ ]
# we've done our checks; now we inject unstable for any stable
# via this, earlier versions that are unstable only get flagged
@@ -100,7 +108,7 @@ class RedundantVersionCheck(Check):
# stable.
# also, yes, have to use list comp here- we're adding as we go
- curr_set.update([f'~{x}' for x in curr_set if not x.startswith('~')])
+ curr_set.update([f"~{x}" for x in curr_set if not x.startswith("~")])
stack.append((pkg, curr_set))
if matches:
@@ -108,7 +116,9 @@ class RedundantVersionCheck(Check):
visible_cache = defaultdictkey(lambda profile_pkg: profile_pkg[0].visible(profile_pkg[1]))
for pkg, matches in reversed(bad):
- if self.options.stable_only and all(key.startswith('~') for x in matches for key in x.keywords):
+ if self.options.stable_only and all(
+ key.startswith("~") for x in matches for key in x.keywords
+ ):
if matches := self.filter_later_profiles_masks(visible_cache, pkg, matches):
later_versions = (x.fullver for x in sorted(matches))
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/codingstyle.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/codingstyle.py
index a7d64aca..6d3e53ca 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/codingstyle.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/codingstyle.py
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ from .. import addons, bash
from .. import results, sources
from . import Check
class _CommandResult(results.LineResult):
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ class _CommandResult(results.LineResult):
def usage_desc(self):
- return f'{self.command!r}'
+ return f"{self.command!r}"
def desc(self):
- s = f'{self.usage_desc}, used on line {self.lineno}'
+ s = f"{self.usage_desc}, used on line {self.lineno}"
if self.line != self.command:
- s += f': {self.line!r}'
+ s += f": {self.line!r}"
return s
@@ -46,19 +46,19 @@ class _EapiCommandResult(_CommandResult):
def usage_desc(self):
- return f'{self.command!r} {self._status} in EAPI {self.eapi}'
+ return f"{self.command!r} {self._status} in EAPI {self.eapi}"
class DeprecatedEapiCommand(_EapiCommandResult, results.Warning):
"""Ebuild uses a deprecated EAPI command."""
- _status = 'deprecated'
+ _status = "deprecated"
class BannedEapiCommand(_EapiCommandResult, results.Error):
"""Ebuild uses a banned EAPI command."""
- _status = 'banned'
+ _status = "banned"
class BadCommandsCheck(Check):
@@ -71,12 +71,16 @@ class BadCommandsCheck(Check):
for func_node, _ in bash.func_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node):
for node, _ in bash.cmd_query.captures(func_node):
call = pkg.node_str(node)
- name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name'))
+ name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
lineno, colno = node.start_point
if name in pkg.eapi.bash_cmds_banned:
- yield BannedEapiCommand(name, line=call, lineno=lineno+1, eapi=pkg.eapi, pkg=pkg)
+ yield BannedEapiCommand(
+ name, line=call, lineno=lineno + 1, eapi=pkg.eapi, pkg=pkg
+ )
elif name in pkg.eapi.bash_cmds_deprecated:
- yield DeprecatedEapiCommand(name, line=call, lineno=lineno+1, eapi=pkg.eapi, pkg=pkg)
+ yield DeprecatedEapiCommand(
+ name, line=call, lineno=lineno + 1, eapi=pkg.eapi, pkg=pkg
+ )
class EendMissingArg(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
@@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ class EendMissingArg(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'eend with no arguments, on line {self.lineno}'
+ return f"eend with no arguments, on line {self.lineno}"
class EendMissingArgCheck(Check):
@@ -99,7 +103,7 @@ class EendMissingArgCheck(Check):
line = pkg.node_str(node)
if line == "eend":
lineno, _ = node.start_point
- yield EendMissingArg(line=line, lineno=lineno+1, pkg=pkg)
+ yield EendMissingArg(line=line, lineno=lineno + 1, pkg=pkg)
class MissingSlash(results.LinesResult, results.Error):
@@ -111,7 +115,7 @@ class MissingSlash(results.LinesResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.match} missing trailing slash {self.lines_str}'
+ return f"{self.match} missing trailing slash {self.lines_str}"
class UnnecessarySlashStrip(results.LinesResult, results.Style):
@@ -123,7 +127,7 @@ class UnnecessarySlashStrip(results.LinesResult, results.Style):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.match} unnecessary slash strip {self.lines_str}'
+ return f"{self.match} unnecessary slash strip {self.lines_str}"
class DoublePrefixInPath(results.LinesResult, results.Error):
@@ -143,7 +147,7 @@ class DoublePrefixInPath(results.LinesResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.match}: concatenates two paths containing EPREFIX {self.lines_str}'
+ return f"{self.match}: concatenates two paths containing EPREFIX {self.lines_str}"
class PathVariablesCheck(Check):
@@ -152,63 +156,84 @@ class PathVariablesCheck(Check):
_source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([MissingSlash, UnnecessarySlashStrip, DoublePrefixInPath])
prefixed_dir_functions = (
- 'insinto', 'exeinto',
- 'dodir', 'keepdir',
- 'fowners', 'fperms',
+ "insinto",
+ "exeinto",
+ "dodir",
+ "keepdir",
+ "fowners",
+ "fperms",
# java-pkg-2
- 'java-pkg_jarinto', 'java-pkg_sointo',
+ "java-pkg_jarinto",
+ "java-pkg_sointo",
# python-utils-r1
- 'python_scriptinto', 'python_moduleinto',
+ "python_scriptinto",
+ "python_moduleinto",
# TODO: add variables to mark this status in the eclasses in order to pull
# this data from parsed eclass docs
prefixed_getters = (
# bash-completion-r1.eclass
- 'get_bashcompdir', 'get_bashhelpersdir',
+ "get_bashcompdir",
+ "get_bashhelpersdir",
# db-use.eclass
- 'db_includedir',
+ "db_includedir",
# golang-base.eclass
- 'get_golibdir_gopath',
+ "get_golibdir_gopath",
# llvm.eclass
- 'get_llvm_prefix',
+ "get_llvm_prefix",
# python-utils-r1.eclass
- 'python_get_sitedir', 'python_get_includedir',
- 'python_get_library_path', 'python_get_scriptdir',
+ "python_get_sitedir",
+ "python_get_includedir",
+ "python_get_library_path",
+ "python_get_scriptdir",
# qmake-utils.eclass
- 'qt4_get_bindir', 'qt5_get_bindir',
+ "qt4_get_bindir",
+ "qt5_get_bindir",
# s6.eclass
- 's6_get_servicedir',
+ "s6_get_servicedir",
# systemd.eclass
- 'systemd_get_systemunitdir', 'systemd_get_userunitdir',
- 'systemd_get_utildir', 'systemd_get_systemgeneratordir',
+ "systemd_get_systemunitdir",
+ "systemd_get_userunitdir",
+ "systemd_get_utildir",
+ "systemd_get_systemgeneratordir",
prefixed_rhs_variables = (
# catch silly ${ED}${EPREFIX} mistake ;-)
# python-utils-r1.eclass
def __init__(self, *args):
- self.missing_regex = re.compile(r'(\${(%s)})"?\w+/' % r'|'.join(PATH_VARIABLES))
- self.unnecessary_regex = re.compile(r'(\${(%s)%%/})' % r'|'.join(PATH_VARIABLES))
+ self.missing_regex = re.compile(r'(\${(%s)})"?\w+/' % r"|".join(PATH_VARIABLES))
+ self.unnecessary_regex = re.compile(r"(\${(%s)%%/})" % r"|".join(PATH_VARIABLES))
self.double_prefix_regex = re.compile(
- r'(\${(%s)(%%/)?}/?\$(\((%s)\)|{(%s)}))' % (
- r'|'.join(PREFIX_VARIABLES),
- r'|'.join(self.prefixed_getters),
- r'|'.join(self.prefixed_rhs_variables)))
+ r"(\${(%s)(%%/)?}/?\$(\((%s)\)|{(%s)}))"
+ % (
+ r"|".join(PREFIX_VARIABLES),
+ r"|".join(self.prefixed_getters),
+ r"|".join(self.prefixed_rhs_variables),
+ )
+ )
self.double_prefix_func_regex = re.compile(
- r'\b(%s)\s[^&|;]*\$(\((%s)\)|{(%s)})' % (
- r'|'.join(self.prefixed_dir_functions),
- r'|'.join(self.prefixed_getters),
- r'|'.join(self.prefixed_rhs_variables)))
+ r"\b(%s)\s[^&|;]*\$(\((%s)\)|{(%s)})"
+ % (
+ r"|".join(self.prefixed_dir_functions),
+ r"|".join(self.prefixed_getters),
+ r"|".join(self.prefixed_rhs_variables),
+ )
+ )
# do not catch ${foo#${EPREFIX}} and similar
self.double_prefix_func_false_positive_regex = re.compile(
- r'.*?[#]["]?\$(\((%s)\)|{(%s)})' % (
- r'|'.join(self.prefixed_getters),
- r'|'.join(self.prefixed_rhs_variables)))
+ r'.*?[#]["]?\$(\((%s)\)|{(%s)})'
+ % (r"|".join(self.prefixed_getters), r"|".join(self.prefixed_rhs_variables))
+ )
def feed(self, pkg):
missing = defaultdict(list)
@@ -221,7 +246,7 @@ class PathVariablesCheck(Check):
# flag double path prefix usage on uncommented lines only
- if line[0] != '#':
+ if line[0] != "#":
if mo := self.double_prefix_regex.search(line):
if mo := self.double_prefix_func_regex.search(line):
@@ -262,22 +287,22 @@ class AbsoluteSymlinkCheck(Check):
_source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([AbsoluteSymlink])
- DIRS = ('bin', 'etc', 'lib', 'opt', 'sbin', 'srv', 'usr', 'var')
+ DIRS = ("bin", "etc", "lib", "opt", "sbin", "srv", "usr", "var")
def __init__(self, *args):
- dirs = '|'.join(self.DIRS)
- path_vars = '|'.join(PATH_VARIABLES)
+ dirs = "|".join(self.DIRS)
+ path_vars = "|".join(PATH_VARIABLES)
prefixed_regex = rf'"\${{({path_vars})(%/)?}}(?P<cp>")?(?(cp)\S*|.*?")'
non_prefixed_regex = rf'(?P<op>["\'])?/({dirs})(?(op).*?(?P=op)|\S*)'
- self.regex = re.compile(rf'^\s*(?P<cmd>dosym\s+({prefixed_regex}|{non_prefixed_regex}))')
+ self.regex = re.compile(rf"^\s*(?P<cmd>dosym\s+({prefixed_regex}|{non_prefixed_regex}))")
def feed(self, pkg):
for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1):
if not line.strip():
if mo := self.regex.match(line):
- yield AbsoluteSymlink(mo.group('cmd'), line=line, lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg)
+ yield AbsoluteSymlink(mo.group("cmd"), line=line, lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg)
class DeprecatedInsinto(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
@@ -290,8 +315,8 @@ class DeprecatedInsinto(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
return (
- f'deprecated insinto usage (use {self.cmd} instead), '
- f'line {self.lineno}: {self.line}'
+ f"deprecated insinto usage (use {self.cmd} instead), "
+ f"line {self.lineno}: {self.line}"
@@ -301,21 +326,25 @@ class InsintoCheck(Check):
_source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([DeprecatedInsinto])
- path_mapping = ImmutableDict({
- '/etc/conf.d': 'doconfd or newconfd',
- '/etc/env.d': 'doenvd or newenvd',
- '/etc/init.d': 'doinitd or newinitd',
- '/etc/pam.d': 'dopamd or newpamd from pam.eclass',
- '/usr/share/applications': 'domenu or newmenu from desktop.eclass',
- })
+ path_mapping = ImmutableDict(
+ {
+ "/etc/conf.d": "doconfd or newconfd",
+ "/etc/env.d": "doenvd or newenvd",
+ "/etc/init.d": "doinitd or newinitd",
+ "/etc/pam.d": "dopamd or newpamd from pam.eclass",
+ "/usr/share/applications": "domenu or newmenu from desktop.eclass",
+ }
+ )
def __init__(self, *args):
- paths = '|'.join(s.replace('/', '/+') + '/?' for s in self.path_mapping)
+ paths = "|".join(s.replace("/", "/+") + "/?" for s in self.path_mapping)
self._insinto_re = re.compile(
- rf'(?P<insinto>insinto[ \t]+(?P<path>{paths})(?!/\w+))(?:$|[/ \t])')
+ rf"(?P<insinto>insinto[ \t]+(?P<path>{paths})(?!/\w+))(?:$|[/ \t])"
+ )
self._insinto_doc_re = re.compile(
- r'(?P<insinto>insinto[ \t]+/usr/share/doc/(")?\$\{PF?\}(?(2)\2)(/\w+)*)(?:$|[/ \t])')
+ r'(?P<insinto>insinto[ \t]+/usr/share/doc/(")?\$\{PF?\}(?(2)\2)(/\w+)*)(?:$|[/ \t])'
+ )
def feed(self, pkg):
for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1):
@@ -323,10 +352,9 @@ class InsintoCheck(Check):
matches = self._insinto_re.search(line)
if matches is not None:
- path = re.sub('//+', '/', matches.group('path'))
- cmd = self.path_mapping[path.rstrip('/')]
- yield DeprecatedInsinto(
- cmd, line=matches.group('insinto'), lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg)
+ path = re.sub("//+", "/", matches.group("path"))
+ cmd = self.path_mapping[path.rstrip("/")]
+ yield DeprecatedInsinto(cmd, line=matches.group("insinto"), lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg)
# Check for insinto usage that should be replaced with
# docinto/dodoc [-r] under supported EAPIs.
@@ -334,8 +362,8 @@ class InsintoCheck(Check):
matches = self._insinto_doc_re.search(line)
if matches is not None:
yield DeprecatedInsinto(
- 'docinto/dodoc', line=matches.group('insinto'),
- lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg)
+ "docinto/dodoc", line=matches.group("insinto"), lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg
+ )
class ObsoleteUri(results.VersionResult, results.Style):
@@ -356,8 +384,10 @@ class ObsoleteUri(results.VersionResult, results.Style):
def desc(self):
- return (f"obsolete fetch URI: {self.uri} on line "
- f"{self.line}, should be replaced by: {self.replacement}")
+ return (
+ f"obsolete fetch URI: {self.uri} on line "
+ f"{self.line}, should be replaced by: {self.replacement}"
+ )
class ObsoleteUriCheck(Check):
@@ -367,13 +397,17 @@ class ObsoleteUriCheck(Check):
known_results = frozenset([ObsoleteUri])
- (r'.*\b(?P<uri>(?P<prefix>https?://github\.com/.*?/.*?/)'
- r'(?:tar|zip)ball(?P<ref>\S*))',
- r'\g<prefix>archive\g<ref>.tar.gz'),
- (r'.*\b(?P<uri>(?P<prefix>https?://gitlab\.com/.*?/(?P<pkg>.*?)/)'
- r'repository/archive\.(?P<format>tar|tar\.gz|tar\.bz2|zip)'
- r'\?ref=(?P<ref>\S*))',
- r'\g<prefix>-/archive/\g<ref>/\g<pkg>-\g<ref>.\g<format>'),
+ (
+ r".*\b(?P<uri>(?P<prefix>https?://github\.com/.*?/.*?/)"
+ r"(?:tar|zip)ball(?P<ref>\S*))",
+ r"\g<prefix>archive\g<ref>.tar.gz",
+ ),
+ (
+ r".*\b(?P<uri>(?P<prefix>https?://gitlab\.com/.*?/(?P<pkg>.*?)/)"
+ r"repository/archive\.(?P<format>tar|tar\.gz|tar\.bz2|zip)"
+ r"\?ref=(?P<ref>\S*))",
+ r"\g<prefix>-/archive/\g<ref>/\g<pkg>-\g<ref>.\g<format>",
+ ),
def __init__(self, *args):
@@ -382,12 +416,12 @@ class ObsoleteUriCheck(Check):
def feed(self, pkg):
for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1):
- if not line.strip() or line.startswith('#'):
+ if not line.strip() or line.startswith("#"):
# searching for multiple matches on a single line is too slow
for regexp, repl in self.regexes:
if mo := regexp.match(line):
- uri = mo.group('uri')
+ uri = mo.group("uri")
yield ObsoleteUri(lineno, uri, regexp.sub(repl, uri), pkg=pkg)
@@ -405,8 +439,10 @@ class BetterCompressionUri(results.LineResult, results.Style):
def desc(self):
- return (f"line {self.lineno}: better compression URI using extension "
- f"{self.replacement!r} for {self.line!r}")
+ return (
+ f"line {self.lineno}: better compression URI using extension "
+ f"{self.replacement!r} for {self.line!r}"
+ )
class BetterCompressionCheck(Check):
@@ -416,8 +452,10 @@ class BetterCompressionCheck(Check):
known_results = frozenset([BetterCompressionUri])
- (r'.*\b(?P<uri>https?://[^/]*?gitlab[^/]*?/.*/-/archive/.*?/\S*\.(?:tar\.gz|tar(?!.bz2)|zip))',
- '.tar.bz2'),
+ (
+ r".*\b(?P<uri>https?://[^/]*?gitlab[^/]*?/.*/-/archive/.*?/\S*\.(?:tar\.gz|tar(?!.bz2)|zip))",
+ ".tar.bz2",
+ ),
def __init__(self, *args):
@@ -426,12 +464,12 @@ class BetterCompressionCheck(Check):
def feed(self, pkg):
for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1):
- if not line.strip() or line.startswith('#'):
+ if not line.strip() or line.startswith("#"):
# searching for multiple matches on a single line is too slow
for regexp, replacement in self.regexes:
if mo := regexp.match(line):
- uri = mo.group('uri')
+ uri = mo.group("uri")
yield BetterCompressionUri(replacement, lineno=lineno, line=uri, pkg=pkg)
@@ -445,7 +483,7 @@ class HomepageInSrcUri(results.VersionResult, results.Style):
def desc(self):
- return '${HOMEPAGE} in SRC_URI'
+ return "${HOMEPAGE} in SRC_URI"
class StaticSrcUri(results.VersionResult, results.Style):
@@ -462,7 +500,7 @@ class StaticSrcUri(results.VersionResult, results.Style):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.static_str!r} in SRC_URI, replace with {self.replacement}'
+ return f"{self.static_str!r} in SRC_URI, replace with {self.replacement}"
class ReferenceInMetadataVar(results.VersionResult, results.Style):
@@ -491,8 +529,8 @@ class ReferenceInMetadataVar(results.VersionResult, results.Style):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.refs)
- refs = ', '.join(self.refs)
- return f'{self.variable} includes variable{s}: {refs}'
+ refs = ", ".join(self.refs)
+ return f"{self.variable} includes variable{s}: {refs}"
class MultipleKeywordsLines(results.LinesResult, results.Style):
@@ -530,13 +568,14 @@ class MetadataVarCheck(Check):
"""Scan various globally assigned metadata variables for issues."""
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
- known_results = frozenset([
- HomepageInSrcUri, StaticSrcUri, ReferenceInMetadataVar, MultipleKeywordsLines])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [HomepageInSrcUri, StaticSrcUri, ReferenceInMetadataVar, MultipleKeywordsLines]
+ )
# mapping between registered variables and verification methods
known_variables = {}
- @verify_vars('HOMEPAGE', 'KEYWORDS')
+ @verify_vars("HOMEPAGE", "KEYWORDS")
def _raw_text(self, var, node, value, pkg):
matches = []
for var_node, _ in bash.var_query.captures(node):
@@ -544,12 +583,12 @@ class MetadataVarCheck(Check):
if matches:
yield ReferenceInMetadataVar(var, stable_unique(matches), pkg=pkg)
- @verify_vars('LICENSE')
+ @verify_vars("LICENSE")
def _raw_text_license(self, var, node, value, pkg):
matches = []
for var_node, _ in bash.var_query.captures(node):
var_str = pkg.node_str(var_node.parent).strip()
- if var_str in ['$LICENSE', '${LICENSE}']:
+ if var_str in ["$LICENSE", "${LICENSE}"]:
continue # LICENSE in LICENSE is ok
if matches:
@@ -557,47 +596,43 @@ class MetadataVarCheck(Check):
def build_src_uri_variants_regex(self, pkg):
p, pv = pkg.P, pkg.PV
- replacements = {
- p: '${P}',
- pv: '${PV}'
- }
+ replacements = {p: "${P}", pv: "${PV}"}
replacements.setdefault(p.capitalize(), "${P^}")
replacements.setdefault(p.upper(), "${P^^}")
for value, replacement in tuple(replacements.items()):
- replacements.setdefault(value.replace('.', ''), replacement.replace('}', '//.}'))
- replacements.setdefault(value.replace('.', '_'), replacement.replace('}', '//./_}'))
- replacements.setdefault(value.replace('.', '-'), replacement.replace('}', '//./-}'))
+ replacements.setdefault(value.replace(".", ""), replacement.replace("}", "//.}"))
+ replacements.setdefault(value.replace(".", "_"), replacement.replace("}", "//./_}"))
+ replacements.setdefault(value.replace(".", "-"), replacement.replace("}", "//./-}"))
pos = 0
- positions = [pos := pv.find('.', pos+1) for _ in range(pv.count('.'))]
+ positions = [pos := pv.find(".", pos + 1) for _ in range(pv.count("."))]
- for sep in ('', '-', '_'):
- replacements.setdefault(pv.replace('.', sep, 1), f"$(ver_rs 1 {sep!r})")
- for count in range(2, pv.count('.')):
- replacements.setdefault(pv.replace('.', sep, count), f"$(ver_rs 1-{count} {sep!r})")
+ for sep in ("", "-", "_"):
+ replacements.setdefault(pv.replace(".", sep, 1), f"$(ver_rs 1 {sep!r})")
+ for count in range(2, pv.count(".")):
+ replacements.setdefault(pv.replace(".", sep, count), f"$(ver_rs 1-{count} {sep!r})")
for pos, index in enumerate(positions[1:], start=2):
replacements.setdefault(pv[:index], f"$(ver_cut 1-{pos})")
replacements = sorted(replacements.items(), key=lambda x: -len(x[0]))
- return tuple(zip(*replacements))[1], '|'.join(
- rf'(?P<r{index}>{re.escape(s)})'
- for index, (s, _) in enumerate(replacements)
+ return tuple(zip(*replacements))[1], "|".join(
+ rf"(?P<r{index}>{re.escape(s)})" for index, (s, _) in enumerate(replacements)
- @verify_vars('SRC_URI')
+ @verify_vars("SRC_URI")
def _src_uri(self, var, node, value, pkg):
- if '${HOMEPAGE}' in value:
+ if "${HOMEPAGE}" in value:
yield HomepageInSrcUri(pkg=pkg)
replacements, regex = self.build_src_uri_variants_regex(pkg)
- static_src_uri_re = rf'(?:/|{re.escape(pkg.PN)}[-._]?|->\s*)[v]?(?P<static_str>({regex}))'
+ static_src_uri_re = rf"(?:/|{re.escape(pkg.PN)}[-._]?|->\s*)[v]?(?P<static_str>({regex}))"
static_urls = {}
for match in re.finditer(static_src_uri_re, value):
relevant = {key: value for key, value in match.groupdict().items() if value is not None}
- static_str = relevant.pop('static_str')
+ static_str = relevant.pop("static_str")
assert len(relevant) == 1
key = int(tuple(relevant.keys())[0][1:])
static_urls[static_str] = replacements[key]
@@ -608,12 +643,12 @@ class MetadataVarCheck(Check):
def feed(self, pkg):
keywords_lines = set()
for node in pkg.global_query(bash.var_assign_query):
- name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name'))
+ name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if name in self.known_variables:
# RHS value node should be last
val_node = node.children[-1]
val_str = pkg.node_str(val_node)
- if name == 'KEYWORDS':
+ if name == "KEYWORDS":
keywords_lines.add(node.start_point[0] + 1)
keywords_lines.add(node.end_point[0] + 1)
yield from self.known_variables[name](self, name, val_node, val_str, pkg)
@@ -633,7 +668,7 @@ class MissingInherits(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.eclass}: missing inherit usage: {repr(self.usage)}, line {self.lineno}'
+ return f"{self.eclass}: missing inherit usage: {repr(self.usage)}, line {self.lineno}"
class IndirectInherits(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
@@ -651,7 +686,7 @@ class IndirectInherits(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.eclass}: indirect inherit usage: {repr(self.usage)}, line {self.lineno}'
+ return f"{self.eclass}: indirect inherit usage: {repr(self.usage)}, line {self.lineno}"
class UnusedInherits(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
@@ -663,9 +698,9 @@ class UnusedInherits(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- es = pluralism(self.eclasses, plural='es')
- eclasses = ', '.join(self.eclasses)
- return f'unused eclass{es}: {eclasses}'
+ es = pluralism(self.eclasses, plural="es")
+ eclasses = ", ".join(self.eclasses)
+ return f"unused eclass{es}: {eclasses}"
class InternalEclassUsage(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
@@ -679,7 +714,7 @@ class InternalEclassUsage(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.eclass}: internal usage: {repr(self.usage)}, line {self.lineno}'
+ return f"{self.eclass}: internal usage: {repr(self.usage)}, line {self.lineno}"
class InheritsCheck(Check):
@@ -690,8 +725,9 @@ class InheritsCheck(Check):
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
- known_results = frozenset([
- MissingInherits, IndirectInherits, UnusedInherits, InternalEclassUsage])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [MissingInherits, IndirectInherits, UnusedInherits, InternalEclassUsage]
+ )
required_addons = (addons.eclass.EclassAddon,)
def __init__(self, *args, eclass_addon):
@@ -703,7 +739,8 @@ class InheritsCheck(Check):
# register internal and exported funcs/vars for all eclasses
for eclass, eclass_obj in self.eclass_cache.items():
self.internals[eclass] = (
- eclass_obj.internal_function_names | eclass_obj.internal_variable_names)
+ eclass_obj.internal_function_names | eclass_obj.internal_variable_names
+ )
for name in eclass_obj.exported_function_names:
self.exported.setdefault(name, set()).add(eclass)
# Don't use all exported vars in order to avoid
@@ -716,9 +753,7 @@ class InheritsCheck(Check):
self.eapi_funcs = {}
for eapi in EAPI.known_eapis.values():
s = set(eapi.bash_cmds_internal | eapi.bash_cmds_deprecated)
- s.update(
- x for x in (eapi.bash_funcs | eapi.bash_funcs_global)
- if not x.startswith('_'))
+ s.update(x for x in (eapi.bash_funcs | eapi.bash_funcs_global) if not x.startswith("_"))
self.eapi_funcs[eapi] = frozenset(s)
# register EAPI-related vars to ignore
@@ -751,7 +786,7 @@ class InheritsCheck(Check):
# register variables assigned in ebuilds
assigned_vars = dict()
for node, _ in bash.var_assign_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node):
- name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name'))
+ name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if eclass := self.get_eclass(name, pkg):
assigned_vars[name] = eclass
@@ -759,8 +794,8 @@ class InheritsCheck(Check):
used = defaultdict(list)
for node, _ in bash.cmd_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node):
call = pkg.node_str(node)
- name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name'))
- if name == 'inherit':
+ name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
+ if name == "inherit":
# register conditional eclasses
eclasses = call.split()[1:]
if not pkg.inherited.intersection(eclasses):
@@ -770,12 +805,12 @@ class InheritsCheck(Check):
elif name not in self.eapi_funcs[pkg.eapi] | assigned_vars.keys():
lineno, colno = node.start_point
if eclass := self.get_eclass(name, pkg):
- used[eclass].append((lineno + 1, name, call.split('\n', 1)[0]))
+ used[eclass].append((lineno + 1, name, call.split("\n", 1)[0]))
# match captured variables with eclasses
for node, _ in bash.var_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node):
name = pkg.node_str(node)
- if node.parent.type == 'unset_command':
+ if node.parent.type == "unset_command":
if name not in self.eapi_vars[pkg.eapi] | assigned_vars.keys():
lineno, colno = node.start_point
@@ -793,7 +828,8 @@ class InheritsCheck(Check):
phases = [pkg.eapi.phases[x] for x in pkg.defined_phases]
for eclass in list(unused):
if self.eclass_cache[eclass].exported_function_names.intersection(
- f'{eclass}_{phase}' for phase in phases):
+ f"{eclass}_{phase}" for phase in phases
+ ):
for eclass in list(unused):
@@ -802,7 +838,8 @@ class InheritsCheck(Check):
exported_eclass_keys = pkg.eapi.eclass_keys.intersection(
- self.eclass_cache[eclass].exported_variable_names)
+ self.eclass_cache[eclass].exported_variable_names
+ )
if not self.eclass_cache[eclass].exported_function_names and exported_eclass_keys:
# ignore eclasses that export ebuild metadata (e.g.
# SRC_URI, S, ...) and no functions
@@ -844,15 +881,38 @@ class ReadonlyVariableCheck(Check):
known_results = frozenset([ReadonlyVariable])
# https://devmanual.gentoo.org/ebuild-writing/variables/#predefined-read-only-variables
- readonly_vars = frozenset([
- 'P', 'PN', 'PV', 'PR', 'PVR', 'PF', 'A', 'CATEGORY', 'FILESDIR', 'WORKDIR',
- ])
+ readonly_vars = frozenset(
+ [
+ "P",
+ "PN",
+ "PV",
+ "PR",
+ "PVR",
+ "PF",
+ "A",
+ "T",
+ "D",
+ "HOME",
+ "ROOT",
+ "ED",
+ "EROOT",
+ "BROOT",
+ ]
+ )
def feed(self, pkg):
for node in pkg.global_query(bash.var_assign_query):
- name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name'))
+ name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if name in self.readonly_vars:
call = pkg.node_str(node)
lineno, colno = node.start_point
@@ -862,7 +922,7 @@ class ReadonlyVariableCheck(Check):
class VariableScope(results.BaseLinesResult, results.AliasResult, results.Warning):
"""Variable used outside its defined scope."""
- _name = 'VariableScope'
+ _name = "VariableScope"
def __init__(self, variable, func, **kwargs):
@@ -871,7 +931,7 @@ class VariableScope(results.BaseLinesResult, results.AliasResult, results.Warnin
def desc(self):
- return f'variable {self.variable!r} used in {self.func!r} {self.lines_str}'
+ return f"variable {self.variable!r} used in {self.func!r} {self.lines_str}"
class EbuildVariableScope(VariableScope, results.VersionResult):
@@ -885,28 +945,30 @@ class VariableScopeCheck(Check):
known_results = frozenset([EbuildVariableScope])
# see https://projects.gentoo.org/pms/7/pms.html#x1-10900011.1
- variable_map = ImmutableDict({
- 'A': ('src_', 'pkg_nofetch'),
- 'AA': ('src_', 'pkg_nofetch'),
- 'FILESDIR': 'src_',
- 'DISTDIR': 'src_',
- 'WORKDIR': 'src_',
- 'S': 'src_',
- 'PORTDIR': 'src_',
- 'ECLASSDIR': 'src_',
- 'ROOT': 'pkg_',
- 'EROOT': 'pkg_',
- 'SYSROOT': ('src_', 'pkg_setup'),
- 'ESYSROOT': ('src_', 'pkg_setup'),
- 'BROOT': ('src_', 'pkg_setup'),
- 'D': ('src_install', 'pkg_preinst', 'pkg_postint'),
- 'ED': ('src_install', 'pkg_preinst', 'pkg_postint'),
- 'DESTTREE': 'src_install',
- 'INSDESTTREE': 'src_install',
- 'MERGE_TYPE': 'pkg_',
- 'REPLACED_BY_VERSION': ('pkg_prerm', 'pkg_postrm'),
- })
+ variable_map = ImmutableDict(
+ {
+ "A": ("src_", "pkg_nofetch"),
+ "AA": ("src_", "pkg_nofetch"),
+ "FILESDIR": "src_",
+ "DISTDIR": "src_",
+ "WORKDIR": "src_",
+ "S": "src_",
+ "PORTDIR": "src_",
+ "ECLASSDIR": "src_",
+ "ROOT": "pkg_",
+ "EROOT": "pkg_",
+ "SYSROOT": ("src_", "pkg_setup"),
+ "ESYSROOT": ("src_", "pkg_setup"),
+ "BROOT": ("src_", "pkg_setup"),
+ "D": ("src_install", "pkg_preinst", "pkg_postint"),
+ "ED": ("src_install", "pkg_preinst", "pkg_postint"),
+ "DESTTREE": "src_install",
+ "INSDESTTREE": "src_install",
+ "MERGE_TYPE": "pkg_",
+ "REPLACED_BY_VERSION": ("pkg_prerm", "pkg_postrm"),
+ }
+ )
# mapping of bad variables for each EAPI phase function
scoped_vars = {}
@@ -919,7 +981,7 @@ class VariableScopeCheck(Check):
def feed(self, pkg):
for func_node, _ in bash.func_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node):
- func_name = pkg.node_str(func_node.child_by_field_name('name'))
+ func_name = pkg.node_str(func_node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if variables := self.scoped_vars[pkg.eapi].get(func_name):
usage = defaultdict(set)
for var_node, _ in bash.var_query.captures(func_node):
@@ -951,23 +1013,23 @@ class RedundantDodirCheck(Check):
def __init__(self, *args):
- cmds = r'|'.join(('insinto', 'exeinto', 'docinto'))
- self.cmds_regex = re.compile(rf'^\s*(?P<cmd>({cmds}))\s+(?P<path>\S+)')
- self.dodir_regex = re.compile(r'^\s*(?P<call>dodir\s+(?P<path>\S+))')
+ cmds = r"|".join(("insinto", "exeinto", "docinto"))
+ self.cmds_regex = re.compile(rf"^\s*(?P<cmd>({cmds}))\s+(?P<path>\S+)")
+ self.dodir_regex = re.compile(r"^\s*(?P<call>dodir\s+(?P<path>\S+))")
def feed(self, pkg):
lines = enumerate(pkg.lines, 1)
for lineno, line in lines:
line = line.strip()
- if not line or line[0] == '#':
+ if not line or line[0] == "#":
if dodir := self.dodir_regex.match(line):
lineno, line = next(lines)
if cmd := self.cmds_regex.match(line):
- if dodir.group('path') == cmd.group('path'):
+ if dodir.group("path") == cmd.group("path"):
yield RedundantDodir(
- cmd.group('cmd'), line=dodir.group('call'),
- lineno=lineno - 1, pkg=pkg)
+ cmd.group("cmd"), line=dodir.group("call"), lineno=lineno - 1, pkg=pkg
+ )
class UnquotedVariable(results.BaseLinesResult, results.AliasResult, results.Warning):
@@ -977,7 +1039,7 @@ class UnquotedVariable(results.BaseLinesResult, results.AliasResult, results.War
- _name = 'UnquotedVariable'
+ _name = "UnquotedVariable"
def __init__(self, variable, **kwargs):
@@ -985,7 +1047,7 @@ class UnquotedVariable(results.BaseLinesResult, results.AliasResult, results.War
def desc(self):
- return f'unquoted variable {self.variable} {self.lines_str}'
+ return f"unquoted variable {self.variable} {self.lines_str}"
class EbuildUnquotedVariable(UnquotedVariable, results.VersionResult):
@@ -997,48 +1059,65 @@ class EclassUnquotedVariable(UnquotedVariable, results.EclassResult):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.eclass}: {super().desc}'
+ return f"{self.eclass}: {super().desc}"
class _UnquotedVariablesCheck(Check):
"""Scan files for variables that should be quoted like D, FILESDIR, etc."""
- message_commands = frozenset({
- "die", "echo", "eerror", "einfo", "elog", "eqawarn", "ewarn", ":"
- })
- var_names = frozenset({
- "D", "DISTDIR", "FILESDIR", "S", "T", "ROOT", "BROOT", "WORKDIR", "ED",
- # variables for multibuild.eclass
- })
- node_types_ok = frozenset({
- # Variable is sitting in a string, all good
- 'string',
- # Variable is part of a shell assignment, and does not need to be
- # quoted. for example S=${WORKDIR}/${PN} is ok.
- 'variable_assignment',
- # Variable is being used in a unset command.
- 'unset_command',
- # Variable is part of declaring variables, and does not need to be
- # quoted. for example local TMPDIR is ok.
- 'declaration_command',
- # Variable sits inside a [[ ]] test command and it's OK not to be quoted
- 'test_command',
- # Variable is being used in a heredoc body, no need to specify quotes.
- 'heredoc_body',
- })
+ message_commands = frozenset(
+ {"die", "echo", "eerror", "einfo", "elog", "eqawarn", "ewarn", ":"}
+ )
+ var_names = frozenset(
+ {
+ "D",
+ "S",
+ "T",
+ "ROOT",
+ "BROOT",
+ "ED",
+ "EROOT",
+ "HOME",
+ # variables for multibuild.eclass
+ }
+ )
+ node_types_ok = frozenset(
+ {
+ # Variable is sitting in a string, all good
+ "string",
+ # Variable is part of a shell assignment, and does not need to be
+ # quoted. for example S=${WORKDIR}/${PN} is ok.
+ "variable_assignment",
+ # Variable is being used in a unset command.
+ "unset_command",
+ # Variable is part of declaring variables, and does not need to be
+ # quoted. for example local TMPDIR is ok.
+ "declaration_command",
+ # Variable sits inside a [[ ]] test command and it's OK not to be quoted
+ "test_command",
+ # Variable is being used in a heredoc body, no need to specify quotes.
+ "heredoc_body",
+ }
+ )
def _var_needs_quotes(self, pkg, node):
pnode = node.parent
while pnode != node:
if pnode.type in self.node_types_ok:
return False
- elif pnode.type == 'command':
- cmd = pkg.node_str(pnode.child_by_field_name('name'))
+ elif pnode.type == "command":
+ cmd = pkg.node_str(pnode.child_by_field_name("name"))
return cmd not in self.message_commands
- elif pnode.type in 'array':
+ elif pnode.type in "array":
# Variable is sitting unquoted in an array
return True
pnode = pnode.parent
@@ -1058,7 +1137,7 @@ class _UnquotedVariablesCheck(Check):
if var_name in self.var_names:
if self._var_needs_quotes(item, var_node):
lineno, _ = var_node.start_point
- hits[var_name].add(lineno+1)
+ hits[var_name].add(lineno + 1)
for var_name, lines in hits.items():
yield var_name, sorted(lines)
@@ -1094,7 +1173,7 @@ class ExcessiveLineLength(results.LinesResult, results.Style):
def desc(self):
- return f'excessive line length (over {self.line_length} characters) {self.lines_str}'
+ return f"excessive line length (over {self.line_length} characters) {self.lines_str}"
class LineLengthCheck(Check):
@@ -1105,8 +1184,8 @@ class LineLengthCheck(Check):
def __init__(self, options, **kwargs):
super().__init__(options, **kwargs)
- self.exception = re.compile(r'\s*(?:DESCRIPTION|KEYWORDS|IUSE)=')
- str_length = f'[^\'\"]{{{ExcessiveLineLength.word_length},}}'
+ self.exception = re.compile(r"\s*(?:DESCRIPTION|KEYWORDS|IUSE)=")
+ str_length = f"[^'\"]{{{ExcessiveLineLength.word_length},}}"
self.long_string = re.compile(rf'"{str_length}"|\'{str_length}\'')
def feed(self, pkg):
@@ -1115,11 +1194,11 @@ class LineLengthCheck(Check):
if len(line) <= ExcessiveLineLength.line_length:
if self.exception.match(line):
- continue # exception variables which are fine to be long
+ continue # exception variables which are fine to be long
if max(map(len, line.split())) > ExcessiveLineLength.word_length:
- continue # if one part of the line is very long word
+ continue # if one part of the line is very long word
if self.long_string.search(line):
- continue # skip lines with long quoted string
+ continue # skip lines with long quoted string
if lines:
yield ExcessiveLineLength(lines=lines, pkg=pkg)
@@ -1134,7 +1213,7 @@ class InstallCompressedManpage(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'line {self.lineno}: compressed manpage {self.line!r} passed to {self.func}'
+ return f"line {self.lineno}: compressed manpage {self.line!r} passed to {self.func}"
class InstallCompressedInfo(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
@@ -1146,7 +1225,7 @@ class InstallCompressedInfo(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'line {self.lineno}: compressed info {self.line!r} passed to {self.func}'
+ return f"line {self.lineno}: compressed info {self.line!r} passed to {self.func}"
class DoCompressedFilesCheck(Check):
@@ -1155,23 +1234,27 @@ class DoCompressedFilesCheck(Check):
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([InstallCompressedManpage, InstallCompressedInfo])
- compresion_extentions = ('.Z', '.gz', '.bz2', '.lzma', '.lz', '.lzo', '.lz4', '.xz', '.zst')
- functions = ImmutableDict({
- 'doman': InstallCompressedManpage,
- 'newman': InstallCompressedManpage,
- 'doinfo': InstallCompressedInfo,
- })
+ compresion_extentions = (".Z", ".gz", ".bz2", ".lzma", ".lz", ".lzo", ".lz4", ".xz", ".zst")
+ functions = ImmutableDict(
+ {
+ "doman": InstallCompressedManpage,
+ "newman": InstallCompressedManpage,
+ "doinfo": InstallCompressedInfo,
+ }
+ )
def feed(self, pkg):
for node, _ in bash.cmd_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node):
- call_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name'))
+ call_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if call_name not in self.functions:
for arg in node.children[1:]:
- arg_name = pkg.node_str(arg).strip('\'\"')
+ arg_name = pkg.node_str(arg).strip("'\"")
lineno, _ = arg.start_point
if arg_name.endswith(self.compresion_extentions):
- yield self.functions[call_name](call_name, lineno=lineno+1, line=arg_name, pkg=pkg)
+ yield self.functions[call_name](
+ call_name, lineno=lineno + 1, line=arg_name, pkg=pkg
+ )
class NonPosixHeadTailUsage(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
@@ -1183,13 +1266,14 @@ class NonPosixHeadTailUsage(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
.. [#] https://devmanual.gentoo.org/tools-reference/head-and-tail/index.html
def __init__(self, command, **kwargs):
self.command = command
def desc(self):
- return f'line {self.lineno}: non-posix usage of {self.command!r}: {self.line!r}'
+ return f"line {self.lineno}: non-posix usage of {self.command!r}: {self.line!r}"
class NonPosixCheck(Check):
@@ -1200,21 +1284,23 @@ class NonPosixCheck(Check):
def __init__(self, options, **kwargs):
super().__init__(options, **kwargs)
- self.re_head_tail = re.compile(r'[+-]\d+')
+ self.re_head_tail = re.compile(r"[+-]\d+")
def check_head_tail(self, pkg, call_node, call_name):
- prev_arg = ''
+ prev_arg = ""
for arg in map(pkg.node_str, call_node.children[1:]):
- if (self.re_head_tail.match(arg) and
- not (prev_arg.startswith('-') and prev_arg.endswith(('n', 'c')))):
+ if self.re_head_tail.match(arg) and not (
+ prev_arg.startswith("-") and prev_arg.endswith(("n", "c"))
+ ):
lineno, _ = call_node.start_point
- yield NonPosixHeadTailUsage(f'{call_name} {arg}',
- lineno=lineno+1, line=pkg.node_str(call_node), pkg=pkg)
+ yield NonPosixHeadTailUsage(
+ f"{call_name} {arg}", lineno=lineno + 1, line=pkg.node_str(call_node), pkg=pkg
+ )
prev_arg = arg
def feed(self, pkg):
for call_node, _ in bash.cmd_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node):
- call_name = pkg.node_str(call_node.child_by_field_name('name'))
- if call_name in ('head', 'tail'):
+ call_name = pkg.node_str(call_node.child_by_field_name("name"))
+ if call_name in ("head", "tail"):
yield from self.check_head_tail(pkg, call_node, call_name)
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/dropped_keywords.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/dropped_keywords.py
index 87ec8cf1..613076ef 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/dropped_keywords.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/dropped_keywords.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class DroppedKeywords(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return ', '.join(self.arches)
+ return ", ".join(self.arches)
class DroppedKeywordsCheck(Check):
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class DroppedKeywordsCheck(Check):
for pkg in pkgset:
pkg_arches = {x.lstrip("~-") for x in pkg.keywords}
# special keywords -*, *, and ~* override all dropped keywords
- if '*' in pkg_arches:
+ if "*" in pkg_arches:
drops = set()
drops = previous_arches.difference(pkg_arches) | seen_arches.difference(pkg_arches)
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class DroppedKeywordsCheck(Check):
if changes:
# ignore missing arches on previous versions that were re-enabled
- disabled_arches = {x.lstrip("-") for x in pkg.keywords if x.startswith('-')}
+ disabled_arches = {x.lstrip("-") for x in pkg.keywords if x.startswith("-")}
adds = pkg_arches.difference(previous_arches) - disabled_arches
for key in adds:
if key in changes:
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/eclass.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/eclass.py
index d48df115..5c4f205f 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/eclass.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/eclass.py
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ class DeprecatedEclass(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
if self.replacement is not None:
- replacement = f'migrate to {self.replacement}'
+ replacement = f"migrate to {self.replacement}"
- replacement = 'no replacement'
- return f'uses deprecated eclass: {self.eclass} ({replacement})'
+ replacement = "no replacement"
+ return f"uses deprecated eclass: {self.eclass} ({replacement})"
class DeprecatedEclassVariable(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ class DeprecatedEclassVariable(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
if self.replacement is not None:
- replacement = f'migrate to {self.replacement}'
+ replacement = f"migrate to {self.replacement}"
- replacement = 'no replacement'
- return f'uses deprecated variable on line {self.lineno}: {self.variable} ({replacement})'
+ replacement = "no replacement"
+ return f"uses deprecated variable on line {self.lineno}: {self.variable} ({replacement})"
class DeprecatedEclassFunction(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ class DeprecatedEclassFunction(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
if self.replacement is not None:
- replacement = f'migrate to {self.replacement}'
+ replacement = f"migrate to {self.replacement}"
- replacement = 'no replacement'
- return f'uses deprecated function on line {self.lineno}: {self.function} ({replacement})'
+ replacement = "no replacement"
+ return f"uses deprecated function on line {self.lineno}: {self.function} ({replacement})"
class DuplicateEclassInherit(results.LineResult, results.Style):
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class DuplicateEclassInherit(results.LineResult, results.Style):
def desc(self):
- return f'duplicate eclass inherit {self.eclass!r}, line {self.lineno}'
+ return f"duplicate eclass inherit {self.eclass!r}, line {self.lineno}"
class MisplacedEclassVar(results.LineResult, results.Error):
@@ -95,17 +95,22 @@ class MisplacedEclassVar(results.LineResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
- return f'invalid pre-inherit placement, line {self.lineno}: {self.line!r}'
+ return f"invalid pre-inherit placement, line {self.lineno}: {self.line!r}"
class EclassUsageCheck(Check):
"""Scan packages for various eclass-related issues."""
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
- known_results = frozenset([
- DeprecatedEclass, DeprecatedEclassVariable, DeprecatedEclassFunction,
- DuplicateEclassInherit, MisplacedEclassVar,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ DeprecatedEclass,
+ DeprecatedEclassVariable,
+ DeprecatedEclassFunction,
+ DuplicateEclassInherit,
+ MisplacedEclassVar,
+ ]
+ )
required_addons = (addons.eclass.EclassAddon,)
def __init__(self, *args, eclass_addon):
@@ -126,12 +131,11 @@ class EclassUsageCheck(Check):
# scan for any misplaced @PRE_INHERIT variables
if pre_inherits:
for node, _ in bash.var_assign_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node):
- var_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name'))
+ var_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
lineno, _colno = node.start_point
if var_name in pre_inherits and lineno > pre_inherits[var_name]:
line = pkg.node_str(node)
- yield MisplacedEclassVar(
- var_name, line=line, lineno=lineno+1, pkg=pkg)
+ yield MisplacedEclassVar(var_name, line=line, lineno=lineno + 1, pkg=pkg)
def check_deprecated_variables(self, pkg, inherits):
"""Check for usage of @DEPRECATED variables or functions."""
@@ -154,7 +158,8 @@ class EclassUsageCheck(Check):
if not isinstance(replacement, str):
replacement = None
yield DeprecatedEclassVariable(
- var_name, replacement, line=line, lineno=lineno+1, pkg=pkg)
+ var_name, replacement, line=line, lineno=lineno + 1, pkg=pkg
+ )
def check_deprecated_functions(self, pkg, inherits):
"""Check for usage of @DEPRECATED variables or functions."""
@@ -169,7 +174,7 @@ class EclassUsageCheck(Check):
# scan for usage of @DEPRECATED functions
if deprecated:
for node, _ in bash.cmd_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node):
- func_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name'))
+ func_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
lineno, _colno = node.start_point
if func_name in deprecated:
line = pkg.node_str(node)
@@ -177,15 +182,16 @@ class EclassUsageCheck(Check):
if not isinstance(replacement, str):
replacement = None
yield DeprecatedEclassFunction(
- func_name, replacement, line=line, lineno=lineno+1, pkg=pkg)
+ func_name, replacement, line=line, lineno=lineno + 1, pkg=pkg
+ )
def feed(self, pkg):
if pkg.inherit:
inherited = set()
inherits = []
for node, _ in bash.cmd_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node):
- name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name'))
- if name == 'inherit':
+ name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
+ if name == "inherit":
call = pkg.node_str(node)
# filter out line continuations and conditional inherits
if eclasses := [x for x in call.split()[1:] if x in pkg.inherit]:
@@ -198,7 +204,8 @@ class EclassUsageCheck(Check):
yield DuplicateEclassInherit(
- eclass, line=call, lineno=lineno+1, pkg=pkg)
+ eclass, line=call, lineno=lineno + 1, pkg=pkg
+ )
# verify @PRE_INHERIT variable placement
yield from self.check_pre_inherits(pkg, inherits)
@@ -218,7 +225,7 @@ class EclassVariableScope(VariableScope, results.EclassResult):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.eclass}: {super().desc}'
+ return f"{self.eclass}: {super().desc}"
class EclassExportFuncsBeforeInherit(results.EclassResult, results.Error):
@@ -235,8 +242,10 @@ class EclassExportFuncsBeforeInherit(results.EclassResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
- return (f'{self.eclass}: EXPORT_FUNCTIONS (line {self.export_line}) called before inherit (line '
- f'{self.inherit_line})')
+ return (
+ f"{self.eclass}: EXPORT_FUNCTIONS (line {self.export_line}) called before inherit (line "
+ f"{self.inherit_line})"
+ )
class EclassParseCheck(Check):
@@ -261,12 +270,12 @@ class EclassParseCheck(Check):
return variables
def feed(self, eclass):
- func_prefix = f'{eclass.name}_'
+ func_prefix = f"{eclass.name}_"
for func_node, _ in bash.func_query.captures(eclass.tree.root_node):
- func_name = eclass.node_str(func_node.child_by_field_name('name'))
+ func_name = eclass.node_str(func_node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if not func_name.startswith(func_prefix):
- phase = func_name[len(func_prefix):]
+ phase = func_name[len(func_prefix) :]
if variables := self.eclass_phase_vars(eclass, phase):
usage = defaultdict(set)
for var_node, _ in bash.var_query.captures(func_node):
@@ -275,17 +284,20 @@ class EclassParseCheck(Check):
lineno, colno = var_node.start_point
usage[var_name].add(lineno + 1)
for var, lines in sorted(usage.items()):
- yield EclassVariableScope(var, func_name, lines=sorted(lines), eclass=eclass.name)
+ yield EclassVariableScope(
+ var, func_name, lines=sorted(lines), eclass=eclass.name
+ )
export_funcs_called = None
for node in eclass.global_query(bash.cmd_query):
call = eclass.node_str(node)
- if call.startswith('EXPORT_FUNCTIONS'):
+ if call.startswith("EXPORT_FUNCTIONS"):
export_funcs_called = node.start_point[0] + 1
- elif call.startswith('inherit'):
+ elif call.startswith("inherit"):
if export_funcs_called is not None:
- yield EclassExportFuncsBeforeInherit(export_funcs_called, node.start_point[0] + 1,
- eclass=eclass.name)
+ yield EclassExportFuncsBeforeInherit(
+ export_funcs_called, node.start_point[0] + 1, eclass=eclass.name
+ )
@@ -299,7 +311,7 @@ class EclassBashSyntaxError(results.EclassResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.eclass}: bash syntax error, line {self.lineno}: {self.error}'
+ return f"{self.eclass}: bash syntax error, line {self.lineno}: {self.error}"
class EclassDocError(results.EclassResult, results.Warning):
@@ -316,7 +328,7 @@ class EclassDocError(results.EclassResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.eclass}: failed parsing eclass docs: {self.error}'
+ return f"{self.eclass}: failed parsing eclass docs: {self.error}"
class EclassDocMissingFunc(results.EclassResult, results.Warning):
@@ -329,8 +341,8 @@ class EclassDocMissingFunc(results.EclassResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.functions)
- funcs = ', '.join(self.functions)
- return f'{self.eclass}: undocumented function{s}: {funcs}'
+ funcs = ", ".join(self.functions)
+ return f"{self.eclass}: undocumented function{s}: {funcs}"
class EclassDocMissingVar(results.EclassResult, results.Warning):
@@ -348,16 +360,17 @@ class EclassDocMissingVar(results.EclassResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.variables)
- variables = ', '.join(self.variables)
- return f'{self.eclass}: undocumented variable{s}: {variables}'
+ variables = ", ".join(self.variables)
+ return f"{self.eclass}: undocumented variable{s}: {variables}"
class EclassCheck(Check):
"""Scan eclasses for various issues."""
_source = sources.EclassRepoSource
- known_results = frozenset([
- EclassBashSyntaxError, EclassDocError, EclassDocMissingFunc, EclassDocMissingVar])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [EclassBashSyntaxError, EclassDocError, EclassDocMissingFunc, EclassDocMissingVar]
+ )
def __init__(self, *args):
@@ -370,37 +383,44 @@ class EclassCheck(Check):
def feed(self, eclass):
# check for eclass bash syntax errors
p = subprocess.run(
- ['bash', '-n', shlex.quote(eclass.path)],
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
- env={'LC_ALL': 'C'}, encoding='utf8')
+ ["bash", "-n", shlex.quote(eclass.path)],
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ env={"LC_ALL": "C"},
+ encoding="utf8",
+ )
if p.returncode != 0 and p.stderr:
lineno = 0
error = []
for line in p.stderr.splitlines():
- path, line, msg = line.split(': ', 2)
+ path, line, msg = line.split(": ", 2)
lineno = line[5:]
- error.append(msg.strip('\n'))
- error = ': '.join(error)
+ error.append(msg.strip("\n"))
+ error = ": ".join(error)
yield EclassBashSyntaxError(lineno, error, eclass=eclass)
report_logs = (
- LogMap('pkgcore.log.logger.error', partial(EclassDocError, eclass=eclass)),
- LogMap('pkgcore.log.logger.warning', partial(EclassDocError, eclass=eclass)),
+ LogMap("pkgcore.log.logger.error", partial(EclassDocError, eclass=eclass)),
+ LogMap("pkgcore.log.logger.warning", partial(EclassDocError, eclass=eclass)),
with LogReports(*report_logs) as log_reports:
eclass_obj = EclassDoc(eclass.path, sourced=True)
yield from log_reports
- phase_funcs = {f'{eclass}_{phase}' for phase in self.known_phases}
+ phase_funcs = {f"{eclass}_{phase}" for phase in self.known_phases}
funcs_missing_docs = (
- eclass_obj.exported_function_names - phase_funcs - eclass_obj.function_names)
+ eclass_obj.exported_function_names - phase_funcs - eclass_obj.function_names
+ )
if funcs_missing_docs:
yield EclassDocMissingFunc(sorted(funcs_missing_docs), eclass=eclass)
# ignore underscore-prefixed vars (mostly used for avoiding multiple inherits)
- exported_vars = {x for x in eclass_obj.exported_variable_names if not x.startswith('_')}
+ exported_vars = {x for x in eclass_obj.exported_variable_names if not x.startswith("_")}
vars_missing_docs = (
- exported_vars - self.eclass_keys
- - eclass_obj.variable_names - eclass_obj.function_variable_names)
+ exported_vars
+ - self.eclass_keys
+ - eclass_obj.variable_names
+ - eclass_obj.function_variable_names
+ )
if vars_missing_docs:
yield EclassDocMissingVar(sorted(vars_missing_docs), eclass=eclass)
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/git.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/git.py
index c06c8278..a54ce61e 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/git.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/git.py
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class GitCommitsSource(sources.Source):
class IncorrectCopyright(results.AliasResult, results.Warning):
"""Changed file with incorrect copyright date."""
- _name = 'IncorrectCopyright'
+ _name = "IncorrectCopyright"
def __init__(self, year, line, **kwargs):
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class IncorrectCopyright(results.AliasResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'incorrect copyright year {self.year}: {self.line!r}'
+ return f"incorrect copyright year {self.year}: {self.line!r}"
class EbuildIncorrectCopyright(IncorrectCopyright, results.VersionResult):
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ class DirectStableKeywords(results.VersionResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.keywords)
- keywords = ', '.join(self.keywords)
- return f'directly committed with stable keyword{s}: [ {keywords} ]'
+ keywords = ", ".join(self.keywords)
+ return f"directly committed with stable keyword{s}: [ {keywords} ]"
class _DroppedKeywords(results.PackageResult):
@@ -99,23 +99,22 @@ class _DroppedKeywords(results.PackageResult):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.keywords)
- keywords = ', '.join(self.keywords)
+ keywords = ", ".join(self.keywords)
return (
- f'commit {self.commit} (or later) dropped {self._status} '
- f'keyword{s}: [ {keywords} ]'
+ f"commit {self.commit} (or later) dropped {self._status} " f"keyword{s}: [ {keywords} ]"
class DroppedUnstableKeywords(_DroppedKeywords, results.Error):
"""Unstable keywords dropped from package."""
- _status = 'unstable'
+ _status = "unstable"
class DroppedStableKeywords(_DroppedKeywords, results.Error):
"""Stable keywords dropped from package."""
- _status = 'stable'
+ _status = "stable"
class DirectNoMaintainer(results.PackageResult, results.Error):
@@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ class DirectNoMaintainer(results.PackageResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
- return 'directly committed with no package maintainer'
+ return "directly committed with no package maintainer"
class RdependChange(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
@@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ class RdependChange(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return 'RDEPEND modified without revbump'
+ return "RDEPEND modified without revbump"
class MissingSlotmove(results.VersionResult, results.Error):
@@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ class MissingSlotmove(results.VersionResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
- return f'changed SLOT: {self.old} -> {self.new}'
+ return f"changed SLOT: {self.old} -> {self.new}"
class MissingMove(results.PackageResult, results.Error):
@@ -169,7 +168,7 @@ class MissingMove(results.PackageResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
- return f'renamed package: {self.old} -> {self.new}'
+ return f"renamed package: {self.old} -> {self.new}"
class _RemovalRepo(UnconfiguredTree):
@@ -177,17 +176,17 @@ class _RemovalRepo(UnconfiguredTree):
def __init__(self, repo):
self.__parent_repo = repo
- self.__tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory(prefix='tmp-pkgcheck-', suffix='.repo')
+ self.__tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory(prefix="tmp-pkgcheck-", suffix=".repo")
self.__created = False
repo_dir = self.__tmpdir.name
# set up some basic repo files so pkgcore doesn't complain
- os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata'))
- with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata', 'layout.conf'), 'w') as f:
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata"))
+ with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata", "layout.conf"), "w") as f:
f.write(f"masters = {' '.join(x.repo_id for x in repo.trees)}\n")
- os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles'))
- with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles', 'repo_name'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('old-repo\n')
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles"))
+ with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles", "repo_name"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("old-repo\n")
def cleanup(self):
@@ -205,34 +204,44 @@ class _RemovalRepo(UnconfiguredTree):
def _populate(self, pkgs):
"""Populate the repo with a given sequence of historical packages."""
- pkg = min(pkgs, key=attrgetter('time'))
+ pkg = min(pkgs, key=attrgetter("time"))
paths = [pjoin(pkg.category, pkg.package)]
- for subdir in ('eclass', 'profiles'):
+ for subdir in ("eclass", "profiles"):
if os.path.exists(pjoin(self.__parent_repo.location, subdir)):
old_files = subprocess.Popen(
- ['git', 'archive', f'{pkg.commit}~1'] + paths,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
- cwd=self.__parent_repo.location)
+ ["git", "archive", f"{pkg.commit}~1"] + paths,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ cwd=self.__parent_repo.location,
+ )
if old_files.poll():
error = old_files.stderr.read().decode().strip()
- raise PkgcheckUserException(f'failed populating archive repo: {error}')
- with tarfile.open(mode='r|', fileobj=old_files.stdout) as tar:
+ raise PkgcheckUserException(f"failed populating archive repo: {error}")
+ with tarfile.open(mode="r|", fileobj=old_files.stdout) as tar:
class GitPkgCommitsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck):
"""Check unpushed git package commits for various issues."""
- _source = (sources.PackageRepoSource, (), (('source', GitCommitsRepoSource),))
+ _source = (sources.PackageRepoSource, (), (("source", GitCommitsRepoSource),))
required_addons = (git.GitAddon,)
- known_results = frozenset([
- DirectStableKeywords, DirectNoMaintainer, RdependChange, EbuildIncorrectCopyright,
- DroppedStableKeywords, DroppedUnstableKeywords, MissingSlotmove, MissingMove,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ DirectStableKeywords,
+ DirectNoMaintainer,
+ RdependChange,
+ EbuildIncorrectCopyright,
+ DroppedStableKeywords,
+ DroppedUnstableKeywords,
+ MissingSlotmove,
+ MissingMove,
+ ]
+ )
# package categories that are committed with stable keywords
- allowed_direct_stable = frozenset(['acct-user', 'acct-group'])
+ allowed_direct_stable = frozenset(["acct-user", "acct-group"])
def __init__(self, *args, git_addon):
@@ -268,25 +277,23 @@ class GitPkgCommitsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck):
pkg = pkgs[0]
removal_repo = self.removal_repo(pkgs)
- old_keywords = set().union(*(
- p.keywords for p in removal_repo.match(pkg.unversioned_atom)))
- new_keywords = set().union(*(
- p.keywords for p in self.repo.match(pkg.unversioned_atom)))
+ old_keywords = set().union(*(p.keywords for p in removal_repo.match(pkg.unversioned_atom)))
+ new_keywords = set().union(*(p.keywords for p in self.repo.match(pkg.unversioned_atom)))
dropped_keywords = old_keywords - new_keywords
dropped_stable_keywords = dropped_keywords & self.valid_arches
dropped_unstable_keywords = set()
- for keyword in (x for x in dropped_keywords if x[0] == '~'):
+ for keyword in (x for x in dropped_keywords if x[0] == "~"):
arch = keyword[1:]
if arch in self.valid_arches and arch not in new_keywords:
if dropped_stable_keywords:
- yield DroppedStableKeywords(
- sort_keywords(dropped_stable_keywords), pkg.commit, pkg=pkg)
+ yield DroppedStableKeywords(sort_keywords(dropped_stable_keywords), pkg.commit, pkg=pkg)
if dropped_unstable_keywords:
yield DroppedUnstableKeywords(
- sort_keywords(dropped_unstable_keywords), pkg.commit, pkg=pkg)
+ sort_keywords(dropped_unstable_keywords), pkg.commit, pkg=pkg
+ )
def rename_checks(self, pkgs):
"""Check for issues due to package modifications."""
@@ -297,9 +304,7 @@ class GitPkgCommitsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck):
if old_key == new_key:
- pkgmoves = (
- x[1:] for x in self.repo.config.updates.get(old_key, ())
- if x[0] == 'move')
+ pkgmoves = (x[1:] for x in self.repo.config.updates.get(old_key, ()) if x[0] == "move")
for old, new in pkgmoves:
if old.key == old_key and new.key == new_key:
@@ -334,8 +339,8 @@ class GitPkgCommitsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck):
old_slot, new_slot = old_pkg.slot, new_pkg.slot
if old_slot != new_slot:
slotmoves = (
- x[1:] for x in self.repo.config.updates.get(new_pkg.key, ())
- if x[0] == 'slotmove')
+ x[1:] for x in self.repo.config.updates.get(new_pkg.key, ()) if x[0] == "slotmove"
+ )
for atom, moved_slot in slotmoves:
if atom.match(old_pkg) and new_slot == moved_slot:
@@ -347,33 +352,33 @@ class GitPkgCommitsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck):
# under the --diff-filter option in git log parsing support and are
# disambiguated as follows:
# A -> added, R -> renamed, M -> modified, D -> deleted
- pkg_map = {'A': set(), 'R': set(), 'M': set(), 'D': set()}
+ pkg_map = {"A": set(), "R": set(), "M": set(), "D": set()}
# Iterate over pkg commits in chronological order (git log defaults to
# the reverse) discarding matching pkg commits where relevant.
for pkg in reversed(pkgset):
- if pkg.status == 'A':
- pkg_map['D'].discard(pkg)
- elif pkg.status == 'D':
- pkg_map['A'].discard(pkg)
- elif pkg.status == 'R':
+ if pkg.status == "A":
+ pkg_map["D"].discard(pkg)
+ elif pkg.status == "D":
+ pkg_map["A"].discard(pkg)
+ elif pkg.status == "R":
# create pkg add/removal for rename operation
- pkg_map['A'].add(pkg)
- pkg_map['D'].add(pkg.old_pkg())
+ pkg_map["A"].add(pkg)
+ pkg_map["D"].add(pkg.old_pkg())
# run removed package checks
- if pkg_map['D']:
- yield from self.removal_checks(list(pkg_map['D']))
+ if pkg_map["D"]:
+ yield from self.removal_checks(list(pkg_map["D"]))
# run renamed package checks
- if pkg_map['R']:
- yield from self.rename_checks(list(pkg_map['R']))
+ if pkg_map["R"]:
+ yield from self.rename_checks(list(pkg_map["R"]))
# run modified package checks
- if modified := [pkg for pkg in pkg_map['M'] if pkg not in pkg_map['D']]:
+ if modified := [pkg for pkg in pkg_map["M"] if pkg not in pkg_map["D"]]:
yield from self.modified_checks(modified)
for git_pkg in pkgset:
# remaining checks are irrelevant for removed packages
- if git_pkg in pkg_map['D']:
+ if git_pkg in pkg_map["D"]:
# pull actual package object from repo
@@ -386,15 +391,15 @@ class GitPkgCommitsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck):
# check copyright on new/modified ebuilds
if mo := copyright_regex.match(line):
- year = mo.group('end')
+ year = mo.group("end")
if int(year) != self.today.year:
- yield EbuildIncorrectCopyright(year, line.strip('\n'), pkg=pkg)
+ yield EbuildIncorrectCopyright(year, line.strip("\n"), pkg=pkg)
# checks for newly added ebuilds
- if git_pkg.status == 'A':
+ if git_pkg.status == "A":
# check for directly added stable ebuilds
if pkg.category not in self.allowed_direct_stable:
- if stable_keywords := sorted(x for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] not in '~-'):
+ if stable_keywords := sorted(x for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] not in "~-"):
yield DirectStableKeywords(stable_keywords, pkg=pkg)
# pkg was just added to the tree
@@ -422,8 +427,8 @@ class MissingSignOff(results.CommitResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.missing_sign_offs)
- sign_offs = ', '.join(self.missing_sign_offs)
- return f'commit {self.commit}, missing sign-off{s}: {sign_offs}'
+ sign_offs = ", ".join(self.missing_sign_offs)
+ return f"commit {self.commit}, missing sign-off{s}: {sign_offs}"
class InvalidCommitTag(results.CommitResult, results.Style):
@@ -453,7 +458,7 @@ class InvalidCommitMessage(results.CommitResult, results.Style):
def desc(self):
- return f'commit {self.commit}: {self.error}'
+ return f"commit {self.commit}: {self.error}"
class BadCommitSummary(results.CommitResult, results.Style):
@@ -474,7 +479,7 @@ class BadCommitSummary(results.CommitResult, results.Style):
def desc(self):
- return f'commit {self.commit}, {self.error}: {self.summary!r}'
+ return f"commit {self.commit}, {self.error}: {self.summary!r}"
def verify_tags(*tags, required=False):
@@ -498,28 +503,37 @@ class GitCommitMessageCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck):
"""Check unpushed git commit messages for various issues."""
_source = GitCommitsSource
- known_results = frozenset([
- MissingSignOff, InvalidCommitTag, InvalidCommitMessage, BadCommitSummary,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ MissingSignOff,
+ InvalidCommitTag,
+ InvalidCommitMessage,
+ BadCommitSummary,
+ ]
+ )
# mapping between known commit tags and verification methods
known_tags = {}
- _commit_footer_regex = re.compile(r'^(?P<tag>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+): (?P<value>.*)$')
- _git_cat_file_regex = re.compile(r'^(?P<object>.+?) (?P<status>.+)$')
+ _commit_footer_regex = re.compile(r"^(?P<tag>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+): (?P<value>.*)$")
+ _git_cat_file_regex = re.compile(r"^(?P<object>.+?) (?P<status>.+)$")
# categories exception for rule of having package version in summary
- skipped_categories = frozenset({
- 'acct-group', 'acct-user', 'virtual',
- })
+ skipped_categories = frozenset(
+ {
+ "acct-group",
+ "acct-user",
+ "virtual",
+ }
+ )
def __init__(self, *args):
# mapping of required tags to forcibly run verifications methods
self._required_tags = ImmutableDict(
- ((tag, verify), [])
- for tag, (verify, required) in self.known_tags.items() if required)
+ ((tag, verify), []) for tag, (verify, required) in self.known_tags.items() if required
+ )
- @verify_tags('Signed-off-by', required=True)
+ @verify_tags("Signed-off-by", required=True)
def _signed_off_by_tag(self, tag, values, commit):
"""Verify commit contains all required sign offs in accordance with GLEP 76."""
required_sign_offs = {commit.author, commit.committer}
@@ -527,14 +541,13 @@ class GitCommitMessageCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck):
if missing_sign_offs:
yield MissingSignOff(sorted(missing_sign_offs), commit=commit)
- @verify_tags('Gentoo-Bug')
+ @verify_tags("Gentoo-Bug")
def _deprecated_tag(self, tag, values, commit):
"""Flag deprecated tags that shouldn't be used."""
for value in values:
- yield InvalidCommitTag(
- tag, value, f"{tag} tag is no longer valid", commit=commit)
+ yield InvalidCommitTag(tag, value, f"{tag} tag is no longer valid", commit=commit)
- @verify_tags('Bug', 'Closes')
+ @verify_tags("Bug", "Closes")
def _bug_tag(self, tag, values, commit):
"""Verify values are URLs for Bug/Closes tags."""
for value in values:
@@ -544,40 +557,44 @@ class GitCommitMessageCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck):
if parsed.scheme.lower() not in ("http", "https"):
yield InvalidCommitTag(
- tag, value, "invalid protocol; should be http or https", commit=commit)
+ tag, value, "invalid protocol; should be http or https", commit=commit
+ )
def git_cat_file(self):
"""Start a `git cat-file` process to verify git repo hashes."""
return subprocess.Popen(
- ['git', 'cat-file', '--batch-check'],
+ ["git", "cat-file", "--batch-check"],
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
- encoding='utf8', bufsize=1)
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ encoding="utf8",
+ bufsize=1,
+ )
- @verify_tags('Fixes', 'Reverts')
+ @verify_tags("Fixes", "Reverts")
def _commit_tag(self, tag, values, commit):
"""Verify referenced commits exist for Fixes/Reverts tags."""
- self.git_cat_file.stdin.write('\n'.join(values) + '\n')
+ self.git_cat_file.stdin.write("\n".join(values) + "\n")
if self.git_cat_file.poll() is None:
for _ in range(len(values)):
line = self.git_cat_file.stdout.readline().strip()
if mo := self._git_cat_file_regex.match(line):
- value = mo.group('object')
- status = mo.group('status')
- if not status.startswith('commit '):
- yield InvalidCommitTag(
- tag, value, f'{status} commit', commit=commit)
+ value = mo.group("object")
+ status = mo.group("status")
+ if not status.startswith("commit "):
+ yield InvalidCommitTag(tag, value, f"{status} commit", commit=commit)
def feed(self, commit):
if len(commit.message) == 0:
- yield InvalidCommitMessage('no commit message', commit=commit)
+ yield InvalidCommitMessage("no commit message", commit=commit)
# drop leading '*: ' prefix assuming it's a package/eclass/file/path
summary = commit.message[0]
- if len(summary.split(': ', 1)[-1]) > 69:
- yield InvalidCommitMessage('summary is too long', commit=commit)
+ if len(summary.split(": ", 1)[-1]) > 69:
+ yield InvalidCommitMessage("summary is too long", commit=commit)
# categorize package changes
pkg_changes = defaultdict(set)
@@ -590,19 +607,21 @@ class GitCommitMessageCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck):
if len({x.package for x in atoms}) == 1:
# changes to a single cat/pn
atom = next(iter(atoms))
- if not re.match(rf'^{re.escape(atom.key)}: ', summary):
- error = f'summary missing {atom.key!r} package prefix'
+ if not re.match(rf"^{re.escape(atom.key)}: ", summary):
+ error = f"summary missing {atom.key!r} package prefix"
yield BadCommitSummary(error, summary, commit=commit)
# check for version in summary for singular, non-revision bumps
- if len(commit.pkgs['A']) == 1 and category not in self.skipped_categories:
- atom = next(iter(commit.pkgs['A']))
- if not atom.revision and not re.match(rf'^.+\bv?{re.escape(atom.version)}\b.*$', summary):
- error = f'summary missing package version {atom.version!r}'
+ if len(commit.pkgs["A"]) == 1 and category not in self.skipped_categories:
+ atom = next(iter(commit.pkgs["A"]))
+ if not atom.revision and not re.match(
+ rf"^.+\bv?{re.escape(atom.version)}\b.*$", summary
+ ):
+ error = f"summary missing package version {atom.version!r}"
yield BadCommitSummary(error, summary, commit=commit)
# mutiple pkg changes in the same category
- if not re.match(rf'^{re.escape(category)}: ', summary):
- error = f'summary missing {category!r} category prefix'
+ if not re.match(rf"^{re.escape(category)}: ", summary):
+ error = f"summary missing {category!r} category prefix"
yield BadCommitSummary(error, summary, commit=commit)
# verify message body
@@ -613,18 +632,17 @@ class GitCommitMessageCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck):
if not line.strip():
if self._commit_footer_regex.match(line) is None:
- if not body and commit.message[1] != '':
- yield InvalidCommitMessage(
- 'missing empty line before body', commit=commit)
+ if not body and commit.message[1] != "":
+ yield InvalidCommitMessage("missing empty line before body", commit=commit)
# still processing the body
body = True
if len(line.split()) > 1 and len(line) > 80:
yield InvalidCommitMessage(
- f'line {lineno} greater than 80 chars: {line!r}', commit=commit)
+ f"line {lineno} greater than 80 chars: {line!r}", commit=commit
+ )
- if commit.message[lineno - 1] != '':
- yield InvalidCommitMessage(
- 'missing empty line before tags', commit=commit)
+ if commit.message[lineno - 1] != "":
+ yield InvalidCommitMessage("missing empty line before tags", commit=commit)
# push it back on the stack
i = chain([line], i)
@@ -637,20 +655,20 @@ class GitCommitMessageCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck):
if not line.strip():
# single empty end line is ignored
if lineno != len(commit.message):
- yield InvalidCommitMessage(
- f'empty line {lineno} in footer', commit=commit)
+ yield InvalidCommitMessage(f"empty line {lineno} in footer", commit=commit)
if mo := self._commit_footer_regex.match(line):
# register known tags for verification
- tag = mo.group('tag')
+ tag = mo.group("tag")
func, required = self.known_tags[tag]
- tags.setdefault((tag, func), []).append(mo.group('value'))
+ tags.setdefault((tag, func), []).append(mo.group("value"))
except KeyError:
yield InvalidCommitMessage(
- f'non-tag in footer, line {lineno}: {line!r}', commit=commit)
+ f"non-tag in footer, line {lineno}: {line!r}", commit=commit
+ )
# run tag verification methods
for (tag, func), values in tags.items():
@@ -662,7 +680,7 @@ class EclassIncorrectCopyright(IncorrectCopyright, results.EclassResult):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.eclass}: {super().desc}'
+ return f"{self.eclass}: {super().desc}"
class GitEclassCommitsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck):
@@ -679,6 +697,6 @@ class GitEclassCommitsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck):
# check copyright on new/modified eclasses
line = next(iter(eclass.lines))
if mo := copyright_regex.match(line):
- year = mo.group('end')
+ year = mo.group("end")
if int(year) != self.today.year:
- yield EclassIncorrectCopyright(year, line.strip('\n'), eclass=eclass)
+ yield EclassIncorrectCopyright(year, line.strip("\n"), eclass=eclass)
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/glsa.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/glsa.py
index 2f869099..79d4ec65 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/glsa.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/glsa.py
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ class VulnerablePackage(results.VersionResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.arches)
- arches = ', '.join(self.arches)
- return f'vulnerable via {self.glsa}, keyword{s}: {arches}'
+ arches = ", ".join(self.arches)
+ return f"vulnerable via {self.glsa}, keyword{s}: {arches}"
class GlsaCheck(GentooRepoCheck):
@@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ class GlsaCheck(GentooRepoCheck):
def mangle_argparser(parser):
- parser.plugin.add_argument(
- "--glsa-dir", type=existent_dir, help="custom glsa directory")
+ parser.plugin.add_argument("--glsa-dir", type=existent_dir, help="custom glsa directory")
def __init__(self, *args):
@@ -46,12 +45,12 @@ class GlsaCheck(GentooRepoCheck):
if glsa_dir is None:
# search for glsa dir in target repo and then any masters
for repo in reversed(self.options.target_repo.trees):
- path = pjoin(repo.location, 'metadata', 'glsa')
+ path = pjoin(repo.location, "metadata", "glsa")
if os.path.isdir(path):
glsa_dir = path
- raise SkipCheck(self, 'no available glsa source')
+ raise SkipCheck(self, "no available glsa source")
# this is a bit brittle
self.vulns = defaultdict(list)
@@ -63,13 +62,14 @@ class GlsaCheck(GentooRepoCheck):
for vuln in self.vulns.get(pkg.key, ()):
if vuln.match(pkg):
arches = set()
- for v in collect_package_restrictions(vuln, ['keywords']):
+ for v in collect_package_restrictions(vuln, ["keywords"]):
if isinstance(v.restriction, values.ContainmentMatch2):
- arches.update(x.lstrip('~') for x in v.restriction.vals)
+ arches.update(x.lstrip("~") for x in v.restriction.vals)
raise Exception(
- f'unexpected restriction sequence- {v.restriction} in {vuln}')
- keys = {x.lstrip('~') for x in pkg.keywords if not x.startswith('-')}
+ f"unexpected restriction sequence- {v.restriction} in {vuln}"
+ )
+ keys = {x.lstrip("~") for x in pkg.keywords if not x.startswith("-")}
if arches:
arches = sorted(arches.intersection(keys))
assert arches
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/header.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/header.py
index c08c4c8b..429b26ce 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/header.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/header.py
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ import re
from .. import results, sources
from . import GentooRepoCheck
-copyright_regex = re.compile(
- r'^# Copyright (?P<begin>\d{4}-)?(?P<end>\d{4}) (?P<holder>.+)$')
+copyright_regex = re.compile(r"^# Copyright (?P<begin>\d{4}-)?(?P<end>\d{4}) (?P<holder>.+)$")
class _FileHeaderResult(results.Result):
@@ -30,11 +29,11 @@ class InvalidCopyright(_FileHeaderResult, results.AliasResult, results.Error):
# Copyright YEARS Gentoo Authors
- _name = 'InvalidCopyright'
+ _name = "InvalidCopyright"
def desc(self):
- return f'invalid copyright: {self.line!r}'
+ return f"invalid copyright: {self.line!r}"
class OldGentooCopyright(_FileHeaderResult, results.AliasResult, results.Warning):
@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ class OldGentooCopyright(_FileHeaderResult, results.AliasResult, results.Warning
holder instead.
- _name = 'OldGentooCopyright'
+ _name = "OldGentooCopyright"
def desc(self):
@@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ class NonGentooAuthorsCopyright(_FileHeaderResult, results.AliasResult, results.
via bugs.gentoo.org.
- _name = 'NonGentooAuthorsCopyright'
+ _name = "NonGentooAuthorsCopyright"
def desc(self):
@@ -82,13 +81,13 @@ class InvalidLicenseHeader(_FileHeaderResult, results.AliasResult, results.Error
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
- _name = 'InvalidLicenseHeader'
+ _name = "InvalidLicenseHeader"
def desc(self):
if self.line:
- return f'invalid license header: {self.line!r}'
- return 'missing license header'
+ return f"invalid license header: {self.line!r}"
+ return "missing license header"
class _HeaderCheck(GentooRepoCheck):
@@ -98,12 +97,17 @@ class _HeaderCheck(GentooRepoCheck):
_old_copyright = OldGentooCopyright
_non_gentoo_authors = NonGentooAuthorsCopyright
_invalid_license = InvalidLicenseHeader
- known_results = frozenset([
- _invalid_copyright, _old_copyright, _non_gentoo_authors, _invalid_license,
- ])
- _item_attr = 'pkg'
- license_header = '# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2'
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ _invalid_copyright,
+ _old_copyright,
+ _non_gentoo_authors,
+ _invalid_license,
+ ]
+ )
+ _item_attr = "pkg"
+ license_header = "# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2"
def args(self, item):
return {self._item_attr: item}
@@ -114,19 +118,19 @@ class _HeaderCheck(GentooRepoCheck):
if mo := copyright_regex.match(line):
# Copyright policy is active since 2018-10-21, so it applies
# to all ebuilds committed in 2019 and later
- if int(mo.group('end')) >= 2019:
- if mo.group('holder') == 'Gentoo Foundation':
+ if int(mo.group("end")) >= 2019:
+ if mo.group("holder") == "Gentoo Foundation":
yield self._old_copyright(line, **self.args(item))
# Gentoo policy requires 'Gentoo Authors'
- elif mo.group('holder') != 'Gentoo Authors':
+ elif mo.group("holder") != "Gentoo Authors":
yield self._non_gentoo_authors(line, **self.args(item))
yield self._invalid_copyright(line, **self.args(item))
- line = item.lines[1].strip('\n')
+ line = item.lines[1].strip("\n")
except IndexError:
- line = ''
+ line = ""
if line != self.license_header:
yield self._invalid_license(line, **self.args(item))
@@ -156,10 +160,15 @@ class EbuildHeaderCheck(_HeaderCheck):
_old_copyright = EbuildOldGentooCopyright
_non_gentoo_authors = EbuildNonGentooAuthorsCopyright
_invalid_license = EbuildInvalidLicenseHeader
- known_results = frozenset([
- _invalid_copyright, _old_copyright, _non_gentoo_authors, _invalid_license,
- ])
- _item_attr = 'pkg'
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ _invalid_copyright,
+ _old_copyright,
+ _non_gentoo_authors,
+ _invalid_license,
+ ]
+ )
+ _item_attr = "pkg"
class EclassInvalidCopyright(InvalidCopyright, results.EclassResult):
@@ -167,7 +176,7 @@ class EclassInvalidCopyright(InvalidCopyright, results.EclassResult):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.eclass}: {super().desc}'
+ return f"{self.eclass}: {super().desc}"
class EclassOldGentooCopyright(OldGentooCopyright, results.EclassResult):
@@ -175,7 +184,7 @@ class EclassOldGentooCopyright(OldGentooCopyright, results.EclassResult):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.eclass}: {super().desc}'
+ return f"{self.eclass}: {super().desc}"
class EclassNonGentooAuthorsCopyright(NonGentooAuthorsCopyright, results.EclassResult):
@@ -183,7 +192,7 @@ class EclassNonGentooAuthorsCopyright(NonGentooAuthorsCopyright, results.EclassR
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.eclass}: {super().desc}'
+ return f"{self.eclass}: {super().desc}"
class EclassInvalidLicenseHeader(InvalidLicenseHeader, results.EclassResult):
@@ -191,7 +200,7 @@ class EclassInvalidLicenseHeader(InvalidLicenseHeader, results.EclassResult):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.eclass}: {super().desc}'
+ return f"{self.eclass}: {super().desc}"
class EclassHeaderCheck(_HeaderCheck):
@@ -203,7 +212,12 @@ class EclassHeaderCheck(_HeaderCheck):
_old_copyright = EclassOldGentooCopyright
_non_gentoo_authors = EclassNonGentooAuthorsCopyright
_invalid_license = EclassInvalidLicenseHeader
- known_results = frozenset([
- _invalid_copyright, _old_copyright, _non_gentoo_authors, _invalid_license,
- ])
- _item_attr = 'eclass'
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ _invalid_copyright,
+ _old_copyright,
+ _non_gentoo_authors,
+ _invalid_license,
+ ]
+ )
+ _item_attr = "eclass"
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/imlate.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/imlate.py
index a9688873..ee0da6d8 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/imlate.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/imlate.py
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ class PotentialStable(results.VersionResult, results.Info):
def desc(self):
- es = pluralism(self.stable, plural='es')
- stable = ', '.join(self.stable)
+ es = pluralism(self.stable, plural="es")
+ stable = ", ".join(self.stable)
s = pluralism(self.keywords)
- keywords = ', '.join(self.keywords)
- return f'slot({self.slot}), stabled arch{es}: [ {stable} ], potential{s}: [ {keywords} ]'
+ keywords = ", ".join(self.keywords)
+ return f"slot({self.slot}), stabled arch{es}: [ {stable} ], potential{s}: [ {keywords} ]"
class LaggingStable(results.VersionResult, results.Info):
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ class LaggingStable(results.VersionResult, results.Info):
def desc(self):
- es = pluralism(self.stable, plural='es')
- stable = ', '.join(self.stable)
- keywords = ', '.join(self.keywords)
- return f'slot({self.slot}), stabled arch{es}: [ {stable} ], lagging: [ {keywords} ]'
+ es = pluralism(self.stable, plural="es")
+ stable = ", ".join(self.stable)
+ keywords = ", ".join(self.keywords)
+ return f"slot({self.slot}), stabled arch{es}: [ {stable} ], lagging: [ {keywords} ]"
class ImlateCheck(Check):
@@ -52,28 +52,33 @@ class ImlateCheck(Check):
def mangle_argparser(parser):
- "--source-arches", action='csv', metavar='ARCH',
+ "--source-arches",
+ action="csv",
+ metavar="ARCH",
help="comma separated list of arches to compare against for lagging stabilization",
Comma separated list of arches to compare against for
lagging stabilization.
The default arches are all stable arches (unless --arches is specified).
- """)
+ """,
+ )
def __init__(self, *args, stable_arches_addon=None):
self.all_arches = frozenset(self.options.arches)
- self.stable_arches = frozenset(arch.strip().lstrip("~") for arch in self.options.stable_arches)
- self.target_arches = frozenset(f'~{arch}' for arch in self.stable_arches)
+ self.stable_arches = frozenset(
+ arch.strip().lstrip("~") for arch in self.options.stable_arches
+ )
+ self.target_arches = frozenset(f"~{arch}" for arch in self.stable_arches)
source_arches = self.options.source_arches
if source_arches is None:
source_arches = self.options.stable_arches
- self.source_arches = frozenset(
- arch.lstrip("~") for arch in source_arches)
+ self.source_arches = frozenset(arch.lstrip("~") for arch in source_arches)
self.source_filter = packages.PackageRestriction(
- "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2(self.source_arches))
+ "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2(self.source_arches)
+ )
def feed(self, pkgset):
pkg_slotted = defaultdict(list)
@@ -84,7 +89,7 @@ class ImlateCheck(Check):
for slot, pkgs in sorted(pkg_slotted.items()):
slot_keywords = set().union(*(pkg.keywords for pkg in pkgs))
stable_slot_keywords = self.all_arches.intersection(slot_keywords)
- potential_slot_stables = {'~' + x for x in stable_slot_keywords}
+ potential_slot_stables = {"~" + x for x in stable_slot_keywords}
newer_slot_stables = set()
for pkg in reversed(pkgs):
# only consider pkgs with keywords that contain the targeted arches
@@ -93,23 +98,21 @@ class ImlateCheck(Check):
# current pkg stable keywords
- stable = {'~' + x for x in self.source_arches.intersection(pkg.keywords)}
+ stable = {"~" + x for x in self.source_arches.intersection(pkg.keywords)}
lagging = potential_slot_stables.intersection(pkg.keywords)
# skip keywords that have newer stable versions
- lagging -= {'~' + x for x in newer_slot_stables}
+ lagging -= {"~" + x for x in newer_slot_stables}
lagging -= stable
if lagging:
- stable_kwds = (x for x in pkg.keywords if not x[0] in ('~', '-'))
- yield LaggingStable(
- slot, sorted(stable_kwds), sorted(lagging), pkg=pkg)
+ stable_kwds = (x for x in pkg.keywords if not x[0] in ("~", "-"))
+ yield LaggingStable(slot, sorted(stable_kwds), sorted(lagging), pkg=pkg)
- unstable_keywords = {x for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] == '~'}
+ unstable_keywords = {x for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] == "~"}
potential = self.target_arches.intersection(unstable_keywords)
potential -= lagging | stable
if potential:
- stable_kwds = (x for x in pkg.keywords if not x[0] in ('~', '-'))
- yield PotentialStable(
- slot, sorted(stable_kwds), sorted(potential), pkg=pkg)
+ stable_kwds = (x for x in pkg.keywords if not x[0] in ("~", "-"))
+ yield PotentialStable(slot, sorted(stable_kwds), sorted(potential), pkg=pkg)
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/metadata.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/metadata.py
index 56d54529..8a26024c 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/metadata.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/metadata.py
@@ -37,32 +37,32 @@ class _LicenseResult(results.VersionResult):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.licenses)
- licenses = ', '.join(self.licenses)
- return f'{self.license_type} license{s}: {licenses}'
+ licenses = ", ".join(self.licenses)
+ return f"{self.license_type} license{s}: {licenses}"
class UnknownLicense(_LicenseResult, results.Error):
"""License usage with no matching license file."""
- license_type = 'unknown'
+ license_type = "unknown"
class DeprecatedLicense(_LicenseResult, results.Warning):
"""Deprecated license usage."""
- license_type = 'deprecated'
+ license_type = "deprecated"
class MissingLicense(results.VersionResult, results.Error):
"""Package has no LICENSE defined."""
- desc = 'no license defined'
+ desc = "no license defined"
class InvalidLicense(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult):
"""Package's LICENSE is invalid."""
- attr = 'license'
+ attr = "license"
class MissingLicenseRestricts(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
@@ -76,10 +76,9 @@ class MissingLicenseRestricts(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- restrictions = ' '.join(self.restrictions)
+ restrictions = " ".join(self.restrictions)
return (
- f'{self.license_group} license {self.license!r} '
- f'requires RESTRICT="{restrictions}"'
+ f"{self.license_group} license {self.license!r} " f'requires RESTRICT="{restrictions}"'
@@ -94,23 +93,30 @@ class UnnecessaryLicense(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
class LicenseCheck(Check):
"""LICENSE validity checks."""
- known_results = frozenset([
- InvalidLicense, MissingLicense, UnknownLicense, DeprecatedLicense,
- UnnecessaryLicense, UnstatedIuse, MissingLicenseRestricts,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ InvalidLicense,
+ MissingLicense,
+ UnknownLicense,
+ DeprecatedLicense,
+ UnnecessaryLicense,
+ UnstatedIuse,
+ MissingLicenseRestricts,
+ ]
+ )
# categories for ebuilds that can lack LICENSE settings
- unlicensed_categories = frozenset(['virtual', 'acct-group', 'acct-user'])
+ unlicensed_categories = frozenset(["virtual", "acct-group", "acct-user"])
required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,)
def __init__(self, *args, use_addon):
repo = self.options.target_repo
- self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter('license')
- self.deprecated = repo.licenses.groups.get('DEPRECATED', frozenset())
- self.eula = repo.licenses.groups.get('EULA', frozenset())
- self.mirror_restricts = frozenset(['fetch', 'mirror'])
+ self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter("license")
+ self.deprecated = repo.licenses.groups.get("DEPRECATED", frozenset())
+ self.eula = repo.licenses.groups.get("EULA", frozenset())
+ self.mirror_restricts = frozenset(["fetch", "mirror"])
def _required_licenses(self, license_group, nodes, restricts=None):
"""Determine required licenses from a given license group."""
@@ -140,14 +146,13 @@ class LicenseCheck(Check):
restricts = set().union(*(x.vals for x in restrictions if not x.negate))
license_restrictions = pkg.restrict.evaluate_depset(restricts)
missing_restricts = []
- if 'bindist' not in license_restrictions:
- missing_restricts.append('bindist')
+ if "bindist" not in license_restrictions:
+ missing_restricts.append("bindist")
if not self.mirror_restricts.intersection(license_restrictions):
if pkg.fetchables:
- missing_restricts.append('mirror')
+ missing_restricts.append("mirror")
if missing_restricts:
- yield MissingLicenseRestricts(
- 'EULA', license, missing_restricts, pkg=pkg)
+ yield MissingLicenseRestricts("EULA", license, missing_restricts, pkg=pkg)
# flatten license depset
licenses, unstated = self.iuse_filter((str,), pkg, pkg.license)
@@ -178,26 +183,26 @@ class _UseFlagsResult(results.VersionResult):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.flags)
- flags = ', '.join(map(repr, sorted(self.flags)))
- return f'{self.flag_type} USE flag{s}: {flags}'
+ flags = ", ".join(map(repr, sorted(self.flags)))
+ return f"{self.flag_type} USE flag{s}: {flags}"
class InvalidUseFlags(_UseFlagsResult, results.Error):
"""Package IUSE contains invalid USE flags."""
- flag_type = 'invalid'
+ flag_type = "invalid"
class UnknownUseFlags(_UseFlagsResult, results.Error):
"""Package IUSE contains unknown USE flags."""
- flag_type = 'unknown'
+ flag_type = "unknown"
class BadDefaultUseFlags(_UseFlagsResult, results.Error):
"""Package IUSE contains bad default USE flags."""
- flag_type = 'bad default'
+ flag_type = "bad default"
class IuseCheck(Check):
@@ -205,19 +210,22 @@ class IuseCheck(Check):
required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,)
known_results = frozenset([InvalidUseFlags, UnknownUseFlags, BadDefaultUseFlags])
- use_expand_groups = ('cpu_flags',)
+ use_expand_groups = ("cpu_flags",)
def __init__(self, *args, use_addon):
self.iuse_handler = use_addon
- self.bad_defaults = tuple(['-'] + [f'+{x}_' for x in self.use_expand_groups])
+ self.bad_defaults = tuple(["-"] + [f"+{x}_" for x in self.use_expand_groups])
def feed(self, pkg):
if invalid := sorted(x for x in pkg.iuse_stripped if not pkg.eapi.is_valid_use_flag(x)):
yield InvalidUseFlags(invalid, pkg=pkg)
- if pkg.eapi.options.iuse_defaults and (bad_defaults := sorted(
- x for x in pkg.iuse if x.startswith(self.bad_defaults) and len(x) > 1)):
+ if pkg.eapi.options.iuse_defaults and (
+ bad_defaults := sorted(
+ x for x in pkg.iuse if x.startswith(self.bad_defaults) and len(x) > 1
+ )
+ ):
yield BadDefaultUseFlags(bad_defaults, pkg=pkg)
if not self.iuse_handler.ignore:
@@ -243,13 +251,13 @@ class _EapiResult(results.VersionResult):
class DeprecatedEapi(_EapiResult, results.Warning):
"""Package's EAPI is deprecated according to repo metadata."""
- _type = 'deprecated'
+ _type = "deprecated"
class BannedEapi(_EapiResult, results.Error):
"""Package's EAPI is banned according to repo metadata."""
- _type = 'banned'
+ _type = "banned"
class StableKeywordsOnTestingEapi(results.VersionResult, results.Error):
@@ -281,8 +289,9 @@ class UnsupportedEclassEapi(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
class EapiCheck(Check):
"""Scan for packages with banned or deprecated EAPIs."""
- known_results = frozenset([DeprecatedEapi, BannedEapi, UnsupportedEclassEapi,
- StableKeywordsOnTestingEapi])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [DeprecatedEapi, BannedEapi, UnsupportedEclassEapi, StableKeywordsOnTestingEapi]
+ )
required_addons = (addons.eclass.EclassAddon,)
def __init__(self, *args, eclass_addon):
@@ -297,7 +306,7 @@ class EapiCheck(Check):
yield DeprecatedEapi(pkg.eapi, pkg=pkg)
if eapi_str in self.options.target_repo.config.eapis_testing:
- stable_keywords_gen = (k for k in pkg.keywords if not k.startswith(('~', '-')))
+ stable_keywords_gen = (k for k in pkg.keywords if not k.startswith(("~", "-")))
if stable_keywords := sorted(stable_keywords_gen):
yield StableKeywordsOnTestingEapi(pkg.eapi, stable_keywords, pkg=pkg)
@@ -310,19 +319,19 @@ class EapiCheck(Check):
class InvalidEapi(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult):
"""Package's EAPI is invalid."""
- attr = 'eapi'
+ attr = "eapi"
class InvalidSlot(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult):
"""Package's SLOT is invalid."""
- attr = 'slot'
+ attr = "slot"
class SourcingError(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult):
"""Failed sourcing ebuild."""
- attr = 'data'
+ attr = "data"
class SourcingCheck(Check):
@@ -346,8 +355,9 @@ class RequiredUseDefaults(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
or modifying REQUIRED_USE.
- def __init__(self, required_use, use=(), keyword=None,
- profile=None, num_profiles=None, **kwargs):
+ def __init__(
+ self, required_use, use=(), keyword=None, profile=None, num_profiles=None, **kwargs
+ ):
self.required_use = required_use
self.use = tuple(use)
@@ -359,40 +369,48 @@ class RequiredUseDefaults(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
if not self.use:
if self.num_profiles is not None and self.num_profiles > 1:
- num_profiles = f' ({self.num_profiles} total)'
+ num_profiles = f" ({self.num_profiles} total)"
- num_profiles = ''
+ num_profiles = ""
# collapsed version
return (
- f'profile: {self.profile!r}{num_profiles} '
- f'failed REQUIRED_USE: {self.required_use}'
+ f"profile: {self.profile!r}{num_profiles} "
+ f"failed REQUIRED_USE: {self.required_use}"
return (
- f'keyword: {self.keyword}, profile: {self.profile!r}, '
+ f"keyword: {self.keyword}, profile: {self.profile!r}, "
f"default USE: [{', '.join(self.use)}] "
- f'-- failed REQUIRED_USE: {self.required_use}'
+ f"-- failed REQUIRED_USE: {self.required_use}"
class InvalidRequiredUse(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult):
"""Package's REQUIRED_USE is invalid."""
- attr = 'required_use'
+ attr = "required_use"
class RequiredUseCheck(Check):
"""REQUIRED_USE validity checks."""
# only run the check for EAPI 4 and above
- _source = (sources.RestrictionRepoSource, (
- packages.PackageRestriction('eapi', values.GetAttrRestriction(
- 'options.has_required_use', values.FunctionRestriction(bool))),))
+ _source = (
+ sources.RestrictionRepoSource,
+ (
+ packages.PackageRestriction(
+ "eapi",
+ values.GetAttrRestriction(
+ "options.has_required_use", values.FunctionRestriction(bool)
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
required_addons = (addons.UseAddon, addons.profiles.ProfileAddon)
known_results = frozenset([InvalidRequiredUse, RequiredUseDefaults, UnstatedIuse])
def __init__(self, *args, use_addon, profile_addon):
- self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter('required_use')
+ self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter("required_use")
self.profiles = profile_addon
def feed(self, pkg):
@@ -404,15 +422,15 @@ class RequiredUseCheck(Check):
# unstable profiles for unstable KEYWORDS
keywords = []
for keyword in pkg.sorted_keywords:
- if keyword[0] != '~':
+ if keyword[0] != "~":
- keywords.append('~' + keyword.lstrip('~'))
+ keywords.append("~" + keyword.lstrip("~"))
# check USE defaults (pkg IUSE defaults + profile USE) against
# REQUIRED_USE for all profiles matching a pkg's KEYWORDS
failures = defaultdict(list)
for keyword in keywords:
- for profile in sorted(self.profiles.get(keyword, ()), key=attrgetter('name')):
+ for profile in sorted(self.profiles.get(keyword, ()), key=attrgetter("name")):
# skip packages masked by the profile
if profile.visible(pkg):
src = FakeConfigurable(pkg, profile)
@@ -424,15 +442,15 @@ class RequiredUseCheck(Check):
# report all failures with profile info in verbose mode
for node, profile_info in failures.items():
for use, keyword, profile in profile_info:
- yield RequiredUseDefaults(
- str(node), sorted(use), keyword, profile, pkg=pkg)
+ yield RequiredUseDefaults(str(node), sorted(use), keyword, profile, pkg=pkg)
# only report one failure per REQUIRED_USE node in regular mode
for node, profile_info in failures.items():
num_profiles = len(profile_info)
_use, _keyword, profile = profile_info[0]
yield RequiredUseDefaults(
- str(node), profile=profile, num_profiles=num_profiles, pkg=pkg)
+ str(node), profile=profile, num_profiles=num_profiles, pkg=pkg
+ )
class UnusedLocalUse(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
@@ -445,8 +463,8 @@ class UnusedLocalUse(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.flags)
- flags = ', '.join(self.flags)
- return f'unused local USE flag{s}: [ {flags} ]'
+ flags = ", ".join(self.flags)
+ return f"unused local USE flag{s}: [ {flags} ]"
class MatchingGlobalUse(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
@@ -526,8 +544,8 @@ class MissingLocalUseDesc(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.flags)
- flags = ', '.join(self.flags)
- return f'local USE flag{s} missing description{s}: [ {flags} ]'
+ flags = ", ".join(self.flags)
+ return f"local USE flag{s} missing description{s}: [ {flags} ]"
class LocalUseCheck(Check):
@@ -535,23 +553,27 @@ class LocalUseCheck(Check):
_source = sources.PackageRepoSource
required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,)
- known_results = frozenset([
- UnusedLocalUse, MatchingGlobalUse, ProbableGlobalUse,
- ProbableUseExpand, UnderscoreInUseFlag, UnstatedIuse,
- MissingLocalUseDesc,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ UnusedLocalUse,
+ MatchingGlobalUse,
+ ProbableGlobalUse,
+ ProbableUseExpand,
+ UnderscoreInUseFlag,
+ UnstatedIuse,
+ MissingLocalUseDesc,
+ ]
+ )
def __init__(self, *args, use_addon):
repo_config = self.options.target_repo.config
self.iuse_handler = use_addon
- self.global_use = {
- flag: desc for matcher, (flag, desc) in repo_config.use_desc}
+ self.global_use = {flag: desc for matcher, (flag, desc) in repo_config.use_desc}
self.use_expand = dict()
for group in repo_config.use_expand_desc.keys():
- self.use_expand[group] = {
- flag for flag, desc in repo_config.use_expand_desc[group]}
+ self.use_expand[group] = {flag for flag, desc in repo_config.use_expand_desc[group]}
def feed(self, pkgs):
pkg = pkgs[0]
@@ -568,9 +590,9 @@ class LocalUseCheck(Check):
yield MatchingGlobalUse(flag, pkg=pkg)
elif ratio >= 0.75:
yield ProbableGlobalUse(flag, pkg=pkg)
- elif '_' in flag:
+ elif "_" in flag:
for group, flags in self.use_expand.items():
- if flag.startswith(f'{group}_'):
+ if flag.startswith(f"{group}_"):
if flag not in flags:
yield ProbableUseExpand(flag, group.upper(), pkg=pkg)
@@ -608,23 +630,32 @@ class UseFlagWithoutDeps(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.flags)
- flags = ', '.join(self.flags)
- return f'special small-files USE flag{s} without effect on dependencies: [ {flags} ]'
+ flags = ", ".join(self.flags)
+ return f"special small-files USE flag{s} without effect on dependencies: [ {flags} ]"
class UseFlagsWithoutEffectsCheck(GentooRepoCheck):
"""Check for USE flags without effects."""
- known_results = frozenset({
- UseFlagWithoutDeps,
- })
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ {
+ UseFlagWithoutDeps,
+ }
+ )
- warn_use_small_files = frozenset({
- 'ipv6', 'logrotate', 'unicode',
- 'bash-completion', 'fish-completion', 'zsh-completion', 'vim-syntax',
- # TODO: enable those one day
- # 'systemd',
- })
+ warn_use_small_files = frozenset(
+ {
+ "ipv6",
+ "logrotate",
+ "unicode",
+ "bash-completion",
+ "fish-completion",
+ "zsh-completion",
+ "vim-syntax",
+ # TODO: enable those one day
+ # 'systemd',
+ }
+ )
def feed(self, pkg):
used_flags = set(pkg.local_use)
@@ -632,15 +663,18 @@ class UseFlagsWithoutEffectsCheck(GentooRepoCheck):
deps = getattr(pkg, attr.lower())
use_values = set()
- use_values.update(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
- atom.use or ()
- for atom in iflatten_instance(deps, atom_cls)
- ))
- use_values.update(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
- atom.restriction.vals
- for atom in iflatten_instance(deps, packages.Conditional)
- if isinstance(atom, packages.Conditional) and atom.attr == 'use'
- ))
+ use_values.update(
+ itertools.chain.from_iterable(
+ atom.use or () for atom in iflatten_instance(deps, atom_cls)
+ )
+ )
+ use_values.update(
+ itertools.chain.from_iterable(
+ atom.restriction.vals
+ for atom in iflatten_instance(deps, packages.Conditional)
+ if isinstance(atom, packages.Conditional) and atom.attr == "use"
+ )
+ )
for check_use in self.warn_use_small_files:
if any(check_use in use for use in use_values):
@@ -649,6 +683,7 @@ class UseFlagsWithoutEffectsCheck(GentooRepoCheck):
if flags:
yield UseFlagWithoutDeps(flags, pkg=pkg)
class MissingSlotDep(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
"""Missing slot value in dependencies.
@@ -672,18 +707,22 @@ class MissingSlotDep(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return (
- f"{self.dep!r} matches more than one slot: "
- f"[ {', '.join(self.dep_slots)} ]")
+ return f"{self.dep!r} matches more than one slot: " f"[ {', '.join(self.dep_slots)} ]"
class MissingSlotDepCheck(Check):
"""Check for missing slot dependencies."""
# only run the check for EAPI 5 and above
- _source = (sources.RestrictionRepoSource, (
- packages.PackageRestriction('eapi', values.GetAttrRestriction(
- 'options.sub_slotting', values.FunctionRestriction(bool))),))
+ _source = (
+ sources.RestrictionRepoSource,
+ (
+ packages.PackageRestriction(
+ "eapi",
+ values.GetAttrRestriction("options.sub_slotting", values.FunctionRestriction(bool)),
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,)
known_results = frozenset([MissingSlotDep])
@@ -696,8 +735,11 @@ class MissingSlotDepCheck(Check):
depend, _ = self.iuse_filter((atom_cls,), pkg, pkg.depend)
# skip deps that are blockers or have explicit slots/slot operators
- for dep in (x for x in set(rdepend).intersection(depend) if not
- (x.blocks or x.slot is not None or x.slot_operator is not None)):
+ for dep in (
+ x
+ for x in set(rdepend).intersection(depend)
+ if not (x.blocks or x.slot is not None or x.slot_operator is not None)
+ ):
dep_slots = {x.slot for x in pkg.repo.itermatch(dep.no_usedeps)}
if len(dep_slots) > 1:
yield MissingSlotDep(str(dep), sorted(dep_slots), pkg=pkg)
@@ -738,10 +780,10 @@ class MissingUseDepDefault(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.pkgs)
- pkgs = ', '.join(self.pkgs)
+ pkgs = ", ".join(self.pkgs)
return (
f'{self.attr}="{self.atom}": USE flag {self.flag!r} missing from '
- f'package{s}: [ {pkgs} ]'
+ f"package{s}: [ {pkgs} ]"
@@ -755,7 +797,7 @@ class DeprecatedDep(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- ies = pluralism(self.atoms, singular='y', plural='ies')
+ ies = pluralism(self.atoms, singular="y", plural="ies")
return f"{self.attr}: deprecated dependenc{ies}: {' '.join(self.atoms)}"
@@ -776,31 +818,31 @@ class BadDependency(results.VersionResult, results.Error):
class InvalidDepend(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult):
"""Package has invalid DEPEND."""
- attr = 'depend'
+ attr = "depend"
class InvalidRdepend(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult):
"""Package has invalid RDEPEND."""
- attr = 'rdepend'
+ attr = "rdepend"
class InvalidPdepend(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult):
"""Package has invalid PDEPEND."""
- attr = 'pdepend'
+ attr = "pdepend"
class InvalidBdepend(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult):
"""Package has invalid BDEPEND."""
- attr = 'bdepend'
+ attr = "bdepend"
class InvalidIdepend(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult):
"""Package has invalid IDEPEND."""
- attr = 'idepend'
+ attr = "idepend"
class MisplacedWeakBlocker(results.Warning, results.VersionResult):
@@ -821,25 +863,35 @@ class MisplacedWeakBlocker(results.Warning, results.VersionResult):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.attr}: misplaced weak blocker: {self.atom}'
+ return f"{self.attr}: misplaced weak blocker: {self.atom}"
class DependencyCheck(Check):
"""Verify dependency attributes (e.g. RDEPEND)."""
required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,)
- known_results = frozenset([
- BadDependency, MissingPackageRevision, MissingUseDepDefault,
- UnstatedIuse, DeprecatedDep, InvalidDepend, InvalidRdepend,
- InvalidPdepend, InvalidBdepend, InvalidIdepend, MisplacedWeakBlocker,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ BadDependency,
+ MissingPackageRevision,
+ MissingUseDepDefault,
+ UnstatedIuse,
+ DeprecatedDep,
+ InvalidDepend,
+ InvalidRdepend,
+ InvalidPdepend,
+ InvalidBdepend,
+ InvalidIdepend,
+ MisplacedWeakBlocker,
+ ]
+ )
def __init__(self, *args, use_addon):
self.deprecated = self.options.target_repo.deprecated.match
self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter()
- self.conditional_ops = {'?', '='}
- self.use_defaults = {'(+)', '(-)'}
+ self.conditional_ops = {"?", "="}
+ self.use_defaults = {"(+)", "(-)"}
def _check_use_deps(self, attr, atom):
"""Check dependencies for missing USE dep defaults."""
@@ -849,7 +901,7 @@ class DependencyCheck(Check):
x = x[:-1]
if x[-3:] in self.use_defaults:
- stripped_use.append(x.lstrip('!-'))
+ stripped_use.append(x.lstrip("!-"))
if stripped_use:
missing_use_deps = defaultdict(set)
for pkg in self.options.search_repo.match(atom.no_usedeps):
@@ -868,12 +920,13 @@ class DependencyCheck(Check):
deps = getattr(pkg, attr)
except MetadataException as e:
- cls = globals()[f'Invalid{attr.capitalize()}']
+ cls = globals()[f"Invalid{attr.capitalize()}"]
yield cls(attr, e.msg(), pkg=pkg)
nodes, unstated = self.iuse_filter(
- (atom_cls, boolean.OrRestriction), pkg, deps, attr=attr)
+ (atom_cls, boolean.OrRestriction), pkg, deps, attr=attr
+ )
yield from unstated
for node in nodes:
@@ -892,9 +945,10 @@ class DependencyCheck(Check):
if all(self.deprecated(x.versioned_atom) for x in pkgs):
- if in_or_restriction and atom.slot_operator == '=':
+ if in_or_restriction and atom.slot_operator == "=":
yield BadDependency(
- attr, atom, '= slot operator used inside || block', pkg=pkg)
+ attr, atom, "= slot operator used inside || block", pkg=pkg
+ )
if pkg.eapi.options.has_use_dep_defaults and atom.use is not None:
missing_use_deps = self._check_use_deps(attr, atom)
@@ -902,22 +956,23 @@ class DependencyCheck(Check):
pkgs = (x.cpvstr for x in sorted(atoms))
yield MissingUseDepDefault(attr, str(atom), use, pkgs, pkg=pkg)
- if atom.op == '=' and not atom.revision:
+ if atom.op == "=" and not atom.revision:
yield MissingPackageRevision(attr, str(atom), pkg=pkg)
if atom.blocks:
if atom.match(pkg):
yield BadDependency(attr, atom, "package blocks itself", pkg=pkg)
- elif atom.slot_operator == '=':
+ elif atom.slot_operator == "=":
yield BadDependency(
- attr, atom, '= slot operator used in blocker', pkg=pkg)
+ attr, atom, "= slot operator used in blocker", pkg=pkg
+ )
elif not atom.blocks_strongly:
- for attr in ('depend', 'bdepend'):
- weak_blocks[attr].difference_update(weak_blocks['rdepend'])
- weak_blocks['idepend'].difference_update(weak_blocks['rdepend'], weak_blocks['depend'])
- for attr in ('depend', 'bdepend', 'idepend', 'pdepend'):
+ for attr in ("depend", "bdepend"):
+ weak_blocks[attr].difference_update(weak_blocks["rdepend"])
+ weak_blocks["idepend"].difference_update(weak_blocks["rdepend"], weak_blocks["depend"])
+ for attr in ("depend", "bdepend", "idepend", "pdepend"):
for atom in weak_blocks[attr]:
yield MisplacedWeakBlocker(attr, atom, pkg=pkg)
@@ -941,7 +996,7 @@ class OutdatedBlocker(results.VersionResult, results.Info):
def desc(self):
return (
f'outdated blocker {self.attr}="{self.atom}": '
- f'last match removed {self.age} years ago'
+ f"last match removed {self.age} years ago"
@@ -961,10 +1016,7 @@ class NonexistentBlocker(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return (
- f'nonexistent blocker {self.attr}="{self.atom}": '
- 'no matches in repo history'
- )
+ return f'nonexistent blocker {self.attr}="{self.atom}": ' "no matches in repo history"
class OutdatedBlockersCheck(Check):
@@ -985,7 +1037,7 @@ class OutdatedBlockersCheck(Check):
for attr in sorted(x.lower() for x in pkg.eapi.dep_keys):
blockers = (x for x in iflatten_instance(getattr(pkg, attr), atom_cls) if x.blocks)
for atom in blockers:
- if atom.op == '=*':
+ if atom.op == "=*":
atom_str = f"={atom.cpvstr}*"
atom_str = atom.op + atom.cpvstr
@@ -1084,7 +1136,7 @@ class VirtualKeywordsUpdate(results.VersionResult, results.Info):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.keywords)
- keywords = ', '.join(self.keywords)
+ keywords = ", ".join(self.keywords)
return f"KEYWORDS update{s} available: {keywords}"
@@ -1092,10 +1144,16 @@ class KeywordsCheck(Check):
"""Check package keywords for sanity; empty keywords, and -* are flagged."""
required_addons = (addons.UseAddon, addons.KeywordsAddon)
- known_results = frozenset([
- BadKeywords, UnknownKeywords, OverlappingKeywords, DuplicateKeywords,
- UnsortedKeywords, VirtualKeywordsUpdate,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ BadKeywords,
+ UnknownKeywords,
+ OverlappingKeywords,
+ DuplicateKeywords,
+ UnsortedKeywords,
+ VirtualKeywordsUpdate,
+ ]
+ )
def __init__(self, *args, use_addon, keywords_addon):
@@ -1103,7 +1161,7 @@ class KeywordsCheck(Check):
self.keywords = keywords_addon
def feed(self, pkg):
- if pkg.keywords == ('-*',):
+ if pkg.keywords == ("-*",):
yield BadKeywords(pkg)
# check for unknown keywords
@@ -1115,11 +1173,12 @@ class KeywordsCheck(Check):
yield UnknownKeywords(sorted(unknown), pkg=pkg)
# check for overlapping keywords
- unstable = {x[1:] for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] == '~'}
- stable = {x for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] != '~'}
+ unstable = {x[1:] for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] == "~"}
+ stable = {x for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] != "~"}
if overlapping := unstable & stable:
- keywords = ', '.join(map(
- str, sorted(zip(overlapping, ('~' + x for x in overlapping)))))
+ keywords = ", ".join(
+ map(str, sorted(zip(overlapping, ("~" + x for x in overlapping))))
+ )
yield OverlappingKeywords(keywords, pkg=pkg)
# check for duplicate keywords
@@ -1139,19 +1198,21 @@ class KeywordsCheck(Check):
yield UnsortedKeywords(pkg.keywords, pkg=pkg)
yield UnsortedKeywords(
- pkg.keywords, sorted_keywords=pkg.sorted_keywords, pkg=pkg)
+ pkg.keywords, sorted_keywords=pkg.sorted_keywords, pkg=pkg
+ )
- if pkg.category == 'virtual':
+ if pkg.category == "virtual":
dep_keywords = defaultdict(set)
rdepend, _ = self.iuse_filter((atom_cls,), pkg, pkg.rdepend)
for dep in set(rdepend):
for p in self.options.search_repo.match(dep.no_usedeps):
- x for x in p.keywords if x.lstrip('~') in self.keywords.arches)
+ x for x in p.keywords if x.lstrip("~") in self.keywords.arches
+ )
if dep_keywords:
dep_keywords = set.intersection(*dep_keywords.values())
pkg_keywords = set(pkg.keywords)
- pkg_keywords.update(f'~{x}' for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] != '~')
+ pkg_keywords.update(f"~{x}" for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] != "~")
if keywords := dep_keywords - pkg_keywords:
yield VirtualKeywordsUpdate(sort_keywords(keywords), pkg=pkg)
@@ -1166,8 +1227,8 @@ class MissingUri(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.filenames)
- filenames = ', '.join(map(repr, self.filenames))
- return f'unfetchable file{s}: {filenames}'
+ filenames = ", ".join(map(repr, self.filenames))
+ return f"unfetchable file{s}: {filenames}"
class UnknownMirror(results.VersionResult, results.Error):
@@ -1180,7 +1241,7 @@ class UnknownMirror(results.VersionResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
- return f'unknown mirror {self.mirror!r} from URI {self.uri!r}'
+ return f"unknown mirror {self.mirror!r} from URI {self.uri!r}"
class BadProtocol(results.VersionResult, results.Error):
@@ -1197,8 +1258,8 @@ class BadProtocol(results.VersionResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.uris)
- uris = ', '.join(map(repr, self.uris))
- return f'bad protocol {self.protocol!r} in URI{s}: {uris}'
+ uris = ", ".join(map(repr, self.uris))
+ return f"bad protocol {self.protocol!r} in URI{s}: {uris}"
class RedundantUriRename(results.VersionResult, results.Style):
@@ -1226,8 +1287,8 @@ class BadFilename(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.filenames)
- filenames = ', '.join(self.filenames)
- return f'bad filename{s}: [ {filenames} ]'
+ filenames = ", ".join(self.filenames)
+ return f"bad filename{s}: [ {filenames} ]"
class TarballAvailable(results.VersionResult, results.Style):
@@ -1244,14 +1305,14 @@ class TarballAvailable(results.VersionResult, results.Style):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.uris)
- uris = ' '.join(self.uris)
- return f'zip archive{s} used when tarball available: [ {uris} ]'
+ uris = " ".join(self.uris)
+ return f"zip archive{s} used when tarball available: [ {uris} ]"
class InvalidSrcUri(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult):
"""Package's SRC_URI is invalid."""
- attr = 'fetchables'
+ attr = "fetchables"
class SrcUriCheck(Check):
@@ -1262,19 +1323,28 @@ class SrcUriCheck(Check):
required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,)
- known_results = frozenset([
- BadFilename, BadProtocol, MissingUri, InvalidSrcUri,
- RedundantUriRename, TarballAvailable, UnknownMirror, UnstatedIuse,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ BadFilename,
+ BadProtocol,
+ MissingUri,
+ InvalidSrcUri,
+ RedundantUriRename,
+ TarballAvailable,
+ UnknownMirror,
+ UnstatedIuse,
+ ]
+ )
valid_protos = frozenset(["http", "https", "ftp"])
def __init__(self, *args, use_addon):
- self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter('fetchables')
+ self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter("fetchables")
self.zip_to_tar_re = re.compile(
- r'https?://(github\.com/.*?/.*?/archive/.+\.zip|'
- r'gitlab\.com/.*?/.*?/-/archive/.+\.zip)')
+ r"https?://(github\.com/.*?/.*?/archive/.+\.zip|"
+ r"gitlab\.com/.*?/.*?/-/archive/.+\.zip)"
+ )
def feed(self, pkg):
lacks_uri = set()
@@ -1283,13 +1353,17 @@ class SrcUriCheck(Check):
bad_filenames = set()
tarball_available = set()
- report_uris = LogMap('pkgcore.log.logger.info', partial(RedundantUriRename, pkg))
+ report_uris = LogMap("pkgcore.log.logger.info", partial(RedundantUriRename, pkg))
with LogReports(report_uris) as log_reports:
fetchables, unstated = self.iuse_filter(
- (fetchable,), pkg,
+ (fetchable,),
+ pkg,
- allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True,
- skip_default_mirrors=True))
+ allow_missing_checksums=True,
+ ignore_unknown_mirrors=True,
+ skip_default_mirrors=True,
+ ),
+ )
yield from log_reports
yield from unstated
@@ -1300,7 +1374,8 @@ class SrcUriCheck(Check):
mirrors = f_inst.uri.visit_mirrors(treat_default_as_mirror=False)
unknown_mirrors = [
- (m, sub_uri) for m, sub_uri in mirrors if isinstance(m, unknown_mirror)]
+ (m, sub_uri) for m, sub_uri in mirrors if isinstance(m, unknown_mirror)
+ ]
for mirror, sub_uri in unknown_mirrors:
uri = f"{mirror}/{sub_uri}"
yield UnknownMirror(mirror.mirror_name, uri, pkg=pkg)
@@ -1311,12 +1386,12 @@ class SrcUriCheck(Check):
PN = re.escape(pkg.PN)
PV = re.escape(pkg.PV)
exts = pkg.eapi.archive_exts_regex_pattern
- bad_filenames_re = rf'^({PN}|v?{PV}|[0-9a-f]{{40}}){exts}$'
+ bad_filenames_re = rf"^({PN}|v?{PV}|[0-9a-f]{{40}}){exts}$"
if re.match(bad_filenames_re, f_inst.filename):
restricts = set().union(*(x.vals for x in restrictions if not x.negate))
- if not f_inst.uri and 'fetch' not in pkg.restrict.evaluate_depset(restricts):
+ if not f_inst.uri and "fetch" not in pkg.restrict.evaluate_depset(restricts):
bad_protocols = defaultdict(set)
@@ -1349,8 +1424,8 @@ class BadDescription(results.VersionResult, results.Style):
def desc(self):
- pkg_desc = f'DESCRIPTION="{self.pkg_desc}" ' if self.pkg_desc else ''
- return f'{pkg_desc}{self.msg}'
+ pkg_desc = f'DESCRIPTION="{self.pkg_desc}" ' if self.pkg_desc else ""
+ return f"{pkg_desc}{self.msg}"
class DescriptionCheck(Check):
@@ -1403,31 +1478,33 @@ class HomepageCheck(Check):
known_results = frozenset([BadHomepage])
# categories for ebuilds that should lack HOMEPAGE
- missing_categories = frozenset(['virtual', 'acct-group', 'acct-user'])
+ missing_categories = frozenset(["virtual", "acct-group", "acct-user"])
# generic sites that shouldn't be used for HOMEPAGE
- generic_sites = frozenset(['https://www.gentoo.org', 'https://gentoo.org'])
+ generic_sites = frozenset(["https://www.gentoo.org", "https://gentoo.org"])
def feed(self, pkg):
if not pkg.homepage:
if pkg.category not in self.missing_categories:
- yield BadHomepage('HOMEPAGE empty/unset', pkg=pkg)
+ yield BadHomepage("HOMEPAGE empty/unset", pkg=pkg)
if pkg.category in self.missing_categories:
yield BadHomepage(
- f'HOMEPAGE should be undefined for {pkg.category!r} packages', pkg=pkg)
+ f"HOMEPAGE should be undefined for {pkg.category!r} packages", pkg=pkg
+ )
for homepage in pkg.homepage:
- if homepage.rstrip('/') in self.generic_sites:
- yield BadHomepage(f'unspecific HOMEPAGE: {homepage}', pkg=pkg)
+ if homepage.rstrip("/") in self.generic_sites:
+ yield BadHomepage(f"unspecific HOMEPAGE: {homepage}", pkg=pkg)
- i = homepage.find('://')
+ i = homepage.find("://")
if i == -1:
- yield BadHomepage(f'HOMEPAGE={homepage!r} lacks protocol', pkg=pkg)
+ yield BadHomepage(f"HOMEPAGE={homepage!r} lacks protocol", pkg=pkg)
elif homepage[:i] not in SrcUriCheck.valid_protos:
yield BadHomepage(
- f'HOMEPAGE={homepage!r} uses unsupported '
- f'protocol {homepage[:i]!r}',
- pkg=pkg)
+ f"HOMEPAGE={homepage!r} uses unsupported "
+ f"protocol {homepage[:i]!r}",
+ pkg=pkg,
+ )
class UnknownRestrict(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
@@ -1439,7 +1516,7 @@ class UnknownRestrict(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- restricts = ' '.join(self.restricts)
+ restricts = " ".join(self.restricts)
return f'unknown RESTRICT="{restricts}"'
@@ -1452,20 +1529,20 @@ class UnknownProperties(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- properties = ' '.join(self.properties)
+ properties = " ".join(self.properties)
return f'unknown PROPERTIES="{properties}"'
class InvalidRestrict(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult):
"""Package's RESTRICT is invalid."""
- attr = 'restrict'
+ attr = "restrict"
class InvalidProperties(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult):
"""Package's PROPERTIES is invalid."""
- attr = 'properties'
+ attr = "properties"
class _RestrictPropertiesCheck(Check):
@@ -1482,7 +1559,7 @@ class _RestrictPropertiesCheck(Check):
# pull allowed values from a repo and its masters
allowed = []
for repo in self.options.target_repo.trees:
- allowed.extend(getattr(repo.config, f'{self._attr}_allowed'))
+ allowed.extend(getattr(repo.config, f"{self._attr}_allowed"))
self.allowed = frozenset(allowed)
def feed(self, pkg):
@@ -1499,7 +1576,7 @@ class RestrictCheck(_RestrictPropertiesCheck):
"""RESTRICT related checks."""
known_results = frozenset([UnknownRestrict, UnstatedIuse, InvalidRestrict])
- _attr = 'restrict'
+ _attr = "restrict"
_unknown_result_cls = UnknownRestrict
@@ -1507,7 +1584,7 @@ class PropertiesCheck(_RestrictPropertiesCheck):
"""PROPERTIES related checks."""
known_results = frozenset([UnknownProperties, UnstatedIuse, InvalidProperties])
- _attr = 'properties'
+ _attr = "properties"
_unknown_result_cls = UnknownProperties
@@ -1536,15 +1613,16 @@ class RestrictTestCheck(Check):
# create "!test? ( test )" conditional to match restrictions against
self.test_restrict = packages.Conditional(
- 'use', values.ContainmentMatch2('test', negate=True), ['test'])
+ "use", values.ContainmentMatch2("test", negate=True), ["test"]
+ )
def feed(self, pkg):
- if 'test' not in pkg.iuse:
+ if "test" not in pkg.iuse:
# conditional is unnecessary if it already exists or is in unconditional form
for r in pkg.restrict:
- if r in ('test', self.test_restrict):
+ if r in ("test", self.test_restrict):
yield MissingTestRestrict(pkg=pkg)
@@ -1567,7 +1645,7 @@ class MissingUnpackerDep(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
# determine proper dep type from pkg EAPI
eapi_obj = get_eapi(self.eapi)
- dep_type = 'BDEPEND' if 'BDEPEND' in eapi_obj.metadata_keys else 'DEPEND'
+ dep_type = "BDEPEND" if "BDEPEND" in eapi_obj.metadata_keys else "DEPEND"
if len(self.unpackers) == 1:
dep = self.unpackers[0]
@@ -1575,7 +1653,7 @@ class MissingUnpackerDep(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
dep = f"|| ( {' '.join(self.unpackers)} )"
s = pluralism(self.filenames)
- filenames = ', '.join(self.filenames)
+ filenames = ", ".join(self.filenames)
return f'missing {dep_type}="{dep}" for SRC_URI archive{s}: [ {filenames} ]'
@@ -1585,26 +1663,30 @@ class MissingUnpackerDepCheck(Check):
known_results = frozenset([MissingUnpackerDep])
required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,)
- non_system_unpackers = ImmutableDict({
- '.zip': frozenset(['app-arch/unzip']),
- '.7z': frozenset(['app-arch/p7zip']),
- '.rar': frozenset(['app-arch/rar', 'app-arch/unrar']),
- '.lha': frozenset(['app-arch/lha']),
- '.lzh': frozenset(['app-arch/lha']),
- })
+ non_system_unpackers = ImmutableDict(
+ {
+ ".zip": frozenset(["app-arch/unzip"]),
+ ".7z": frozenset(["app-arch/p7zip"]),
+ ".rar": frozenset(["app-arch/rar", "app-arch/unrar"]),
+ ".lha": frozenset(["app-arch/lha"]),
+ ".lzh": frozenset(["app-arch/lha"]),
+ }
+ )
def __init__(self, *args, use_addon):
self.dep_filter = use_addon.get_filter()
- self.fetch_filter = use_addon.get_filter('fetchables')
+ self.fetch_filter = use_addon.get_filter("fetchables")
def feed(self, pkg):
# ignore conditionals
fetchables, _ = self.fetch_filter(
- (fetchable,), pkg,
+ (fetchable,),
+ pkg,
- allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True,
- skip_default_mirrors=True))
+ allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True, skip_default_mirrors=True
+ ),
+ )
missing_unpackers = defaultdict(set)
@@ -1616,7 +1698,7 @@ class MissingUnpackerDepCheck(Check):
# toss all the potentially missing unpackers that properly include deps
if missing_unpackers:
- for dep_type in ('bdepend', 'depend'):
+ for dep_type in ("bdepend", "depend"):
deps, _ = self.dep_filter((atom_cls,), pkg, getattr(pkg, dep_type))
deps = {x.key for x in deps}
for unpackers in list(missing_unpackers.keys()):
@@ -1624,8 +1706,7 @@ class MissingUnpackerDepCheck(Check):
missing_unpackers.pop(unpackers, None)
for unpackers, filenames in missing_unpackers.items():
- yield MissingUnpackerDep(
- str(pkg.eapi), sorted(filenames), sorted(unpackers), pkg=pkg)
+ yield MissingUnpackerDep(str(pkg.eapi), sorted(filenames), sorted(unpackers), pkg=pkg)
class VirtualWithSingleProvider(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
@@ -1644,32 +1725,31 @@ class VirtualWithSingleProvider(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'virtual package with a single provider: {self.provider}'
+ return f"virtual package with a single provider: {self.provider}"
class VirtualWithBdepend(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
"""Virtual package with a BDEPEND defined."""
- desc = 'virtual package with a BDEPEND defined'
+ desc = "virtual package with a BDEPEND defined"
class VirtualWithDepend(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
"""Virtual package with a BDEPEND defined."""
- desc = 'virtual package with a DEPEND defined'
+ desc = "virtual package with a DEPEND defined"
class VirtualProvidersCheck(Check):
"""Check providers of virtual packages."""
- _restricted_source = (sources.RestrictionRepoSource, (restricts.CategoryDep('virtual'), ))
- _source = (sources.PackageRepoSource, (), (('source', _restricted_source),))
- known_results = frozenset([VirtualWithSingleProvider,
- VirtualWithBdepend, VirtualWithDepend])
+ _restricted_source = (sources.RestrictionRepoSource, (restricts.CategoryDep("virtual"),))
+ _source = (sources.PackageRepoSource, (), (("source", _restricted_source),))
+ known_results = frozenset([VirtualWithSingleProvider, VirtualWithBdepend, VirtualWithDepend])
useless_depends = (
- ('depend', VirtualWithDepend),
- ('bdepend', VirtualWithBdepend),
+ ("depend", VirtualWithDepend),
+ ("bdepend", VirtualWithBdepend),
def __init__(self, options, **kwargs):
@@ -1678,10 +1758,13 @@ class VirtualProvidersCheck(Check):
self.deprecated = self.options.target_repo.deprecated
def pkg_has_conditional_exception(self, pkgs):
- return any(use.startswith(('elibc', 'kernel'))
+ return any(
+ use.startswith(("elibc", "kernel"))
for pkg in pkgs
for dep in iflatten_instance(pkg.rdepend, (atom_cls, packages.Conditional))
- if isinstance(dep, packages.Conditional) and dep.attr == 'use' and isinstance(dep.restriction, values.ContainmentMatch)
+ if isinstance(dep, packages.Conditional)
+ and dep.attr == "use"
+ and isinstance(dep.restriction, values.ContainmentMatch)
for use in dep.restriction.vals
@@ -1692,15 +1775,10 @@ class VirtualProvidersCheck(Check):
yield cls(pkg=pkg)
if not any(self.deprecated.match(pkg) for pkg in pkgs):
- pkgs_rdepends = tuple(
- tuple(iflatten_instance(pkg.rdepend, atom_cls))
- for pkg in pkgs
- )
+ pkgs_rdepends = tuple(tuple(iflatten_instance(pkg.rdepend, atom_cls)) for pkg in pkgs)
if max(map(len, pkgs_rdepends)) == 1:
unversioned_rdepends = {
- deps[0].unversioned_atom
- for deps in pkgs_rdepends
- if len(deps) == 1
+ deps[0].unversioned_atom for deps in pkgs_rdepends if len(deps) == 1
if len(unversioned_rdepends) == 1 and not self.pkg_has_conditional_exception(pkgs):
yield VirtualWithSingleProvider(unversioned_rdepends.pop(), pkg=pkgs[0])
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/metadata_xml.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/metadata_xml.py
index 2182585b..0fcc31ac 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/metadata_xml.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/metadata_xml.py
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class _MissingXml(results.Error):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self._attr} is missing {self.filename}'
+ return f"{self._attr} is missing {self.filename}"
class _BadlyFormedXml(results.Warning):
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class _BadlyFormedXml(results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self._attr} {self.filename} is not well formed xml: {self.error}'
+ return f"{self._attr} {self.filename} is not well formed xml: {self.error}"
class _InvalidXml(results.Error):
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class _InvalidXml(results.Error):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self._attr} {self.filename} violates metadata.xsd:\n{self.message}'
+ return f"{self._attr} {self.filename} violates metadata.xsd:\n{self.message}"
class _MetadataXmlInvalidPkgRef(results.Error):
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ class _MetadataXmlInvalidPkgRef(results.Error):
def desc(self):
return (
- f'{self._attr} {self.filename} <pkg/> '
- f'references unknown/invalid package: {self.pkgtext!r}'
+ f"{self._attr} {self.filename} <pkg/> "
+ f"references unknown/invalid package: {self.pkgtext!r}"
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ class _MetadataXmlInvalidCatRef(results.Error):
def desc(self):
return (
- f'{self._attr} {self.filename} <cat/> references '
- f'unknown/invalid category: {self.cattext!r}'
+ f"{self._attr} {self.filename} <cat/> references "
+ f"unknown/invalid category: {self.cattext!r}"
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ class MaintainerNeeded(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
if not self.needed:
- return f'{self.filename}: missing maintainer-needed comment'
- return f'{self.filename}: invalid maintainer-needed comment'
+ return f"{self.filename}: missing maintainer-needed comment"
+ return f"{self.filename}: invalid maintainer-needed comment"
class MaintainerWithoutProxy(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ class MaintainerWithoutProxy(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.maintainers)
- maintainers = ', '.join(self.maintainers)
- return f'{self.filename}: proxied maintainer{s} missing proxy dev/project: {maintainers}'
+ maintainers = ", ".join(self.maintainers)
+ return f"{self.filename}: proxied maintainer{s} missing proxy dev/project: {maintainers}"
class ProxyWithoutProxied(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class ProxyWithoutProxied(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.filename}: proxy with no proxied maintainer'
+ return f"{self.filename}: proxy with no proxied maintainer"
class NonexistentProjectMaintainer(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ class NonexistentProjectMaintainer(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.emails)
- emails = ', '.join(self.emails)
- return f'{self.filename}: nonexistent project maintainer{s}: {emails}'
+ emails = ", ".join(self.emails)
+ return f"{self.filename}: nonexistent project maintainer{s}: {emails}"
class WrongMaintainerType(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class WrongMaintainerType(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.emails)
- emails = ', '.join(self.emails)
+ emails = ", ".join(self.emails)
return f'{self.filename}: project maintainer{s} with type="person": {emails}'
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class _MetadataXmlIndentation(results.BaseLinesResult, results.Style):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.filename}: metadata.xml has inconsistent indentation {self.lines_str}'
+ return f"{self.filename}: metadata.xml has inconsistent indentation {self.lines_str}"
class CatMetadataXmlIndentation(_MetadataXmlIndentation, results.CategoryResult):
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ class _MetadataXmlEmptyElement(results.Style):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.filename}: empty element {self.element!r} on line {self.line}'
+ return f"{self.filename}: empty element {self.element!r} on line {self.line}"
class CatMetadataXmlEmptyElement(_MetadataXmlEmptyElement, results.CategoryResult):
@@ -288,8 +288,10 @@ class InvalidRemoteID(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return (f"remote-id value {self.id_value!r} invalid for "
- f"type={self.id_type!r}, expected: {self.expected!r}")
+ return (
+ f"remote-id value {self.id_value!r} invalid for "
+ f"type={self.id_type!r}, expected: {self.expected!r}"
+ )
class _XmlBaseCheck(Check):
@@ -306,13 +308,12 @@ class _XmlBaseCheck(Check):
self.repo_base = self.options.target_repo.location
self.pkgref_cache = {}
# content validation checks to run after parsing XML doc
- self._checks = tuple(
- getattr(self, x) for x in dir(self) if x.startswith('_check_'))
+ self._checks = tuple(getattr(self, x) for x in dir(self) if x.startswith("_check_"))
# Prefer xsd file from the target repository or its masters, falling
# back to the file installed with pkgcore.
for repo in reversed(self.options.target_repo.trees):
- metadata_xsd = pjoin(repo.location, 'metadata', 'xml-schema', 'metadata.xsd')
+ metadata_xsd = pjoin(repo.location, "metadata", "xml-schema", "metadata.xsd")
if os.path.isfile(metadata_xsd):
self.schema = etree.XMLSchema(etree.parse(metadata_xsd))
@@ -321,7 +322,7 @@ class _XmlBaseCheck(Check):
# ignore invalid xsd files
- metadata_xsd = pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, 'xml-schema', 'metadata.xsd')
+ metadata_xsd = pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, "xml-schema", "metadata.xsd")
self.schema = etree.XMLSchema(etree.parse(metadata_xsd))
def _check_doc(self, pkg, loc, doc):
@@ -330,16 +331,19 @@ class _XmlBaseCheck(Check):
# 'stabilize-allarches' which is allowed to be empty and 'flag' which
# is caught by MissingLocalUseDesc.
for el in doc.getroot().iterdescendants():
- if (not el.getchildren() and (el.text is None or not el.text.strip())
- and el.tag not in ('flag', 'stabilize-allarches')):
+ if (
+ not el.getchildren()
+ and (el.text is None or not el.text.strip())
+ and el.tag not in ("flag", "stabilize-allarches")
+ ):
yield self.empty_element(os.path.basename(loc), el.tag, el.sourceline, pkg=pkg)
- for el in doc.findall('.//cat'):
+ for el in doc.findall(".//cat"):
c = el.text.strip()
if c not in self.options.search_repo.categories:
yield self.catref_error(os.path.basename(loc), c, pkg=pkg)
- for el in doc.findall('.//pkg'):
+ for el in doc.findall(".//pkg"):
p = el.text.strip()
if p not in self.pkgref_cache:
@@ -358,7 +362,7 @@ class _XmlBaseCheck(Check):
indents = set()
with open(loc) as f:
for lineno, line in enumerate(f, 1):
- for i in line[:-len(line.lstrip())]:
+ for i in line[: -len(line.lstrip())]:
if i != orig_indent:
if orig_indent is None:
orig_indent = i
@@ -370,7 +374,7 @@ class _XmlBaseCheck(Check):
def _format_lxml_errors(error_log):
for x in error_log:
- yield f'line {x.line}, col {x.column}: ({x.type_name}) {x.message}'
+ yield f"line {x.line}, col {x.column}: ({x.type_name}) {x.message}"
def _parse_xml(self, pkg, loc):
@@ -387,7 +391,7 @@ class _XmlBaseCheck(Check):
# note: while doc is available, do not pass it here as it may
# trigger undefined behavior due to incorrect structure
if self.schema is not None and not self.schema.validate(doc):
- message = '\n'.join(self._format_lxml_errors(self.schema.error_log))
+ message = "\n".join(self._format_lxml_errors(self.schema.error_log))
yield self.invalid_error(os.path.basename(loc), message, pkg=pkg)
@@ -413,64 +417,74 @@ class PackageMetadataXmlCheck(_XmlBaseCheck):
indent_error = PkgMetadataXmlIndentation
empty_element = PkgMetadataXmlEmptyElement
- known_results = frozenset([
- PkgBadlyFormedXml, PkgInvalidXml, PkgMissingMetadataXml,
- PkgMetadataXmlInvalidPkgRef, PkgMetadataXmlInvalidCatRef,
- PkgMetadataXmlIndentation, PkgMetadataXmlEmptyElement, MaintainerNeeded,
- MaintainerWithoutProxy, ProxyWithoutProxied, RedundantLongDescription,
- NonexistentProjectMaintainer, WrongMaintainerType, InvalidRemoteID,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ PkgBadlyFormedXml,
+ PkgInvalidXml,
+ PkgMissingMetadataXml,
+ PkgMetadataXmlInvalidPkgRef,
+ PkgMetadataXmlInvalidCatRef,
+ PkgMetadataXmlIndentation,
+ PkgMetadataXmlEmptyElement,
+ MaintainerNeeded,
+ MaintainerWithoutProxy,
+ ProxyWithoutProxied,
+ RedundantLongDescription,
+ NonexistentProjectMaintainer,
+ WrongMaintainerType,
+ InvalidRemoteID,
+ ]
+ )
- _one_component_validator_re = re.compile(r'^[^/]+$')
- _two_components_validator_re = re.compile(r'^[^/]+/[^/]+$')
- _gitlab_validator_re = re.compile(r'^([^/]+/)*[^/]+/[^/]+$')
+ _one_component_validator_re = re.compile(r"^[^/]+$")
+ _two_components_validator_re = re.compile(r"^[^/]+/[^/]+$")
+ _gitlab_validator_re = re.compile(r"^([^/]+/)*[^/]+/[^/]+$")
remote_id_validators = {
# {name}-style remotes
- 'cpan': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'),
- 'cpan-module': (_one_component_validator_re, '{module}'),
- 'cran': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'),
- 'ctan': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'),
- 'google-code': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'),
- 'osdn': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'),
- 'pear': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'),
- 'pecl': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'),
- 'pypi': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'),
- 'rubygems': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'),
- 'sourceforge': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'),
+ "cpan": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"),
+ "cpan-module": (_one_component_validator_re, "{module}"),
+ "cran": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"),
+ "ctan": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"),
+ "google-code": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"),
+ "osdn": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"),
+ "pear": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"),
+ "pecl": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"),
+ "pypi": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"),
+ "rubygems": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"),
+ "sourceforge": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"),
# {name} with a special check for lp: prefix
- 'launchpad': (re.compile(r'^(?!lp:)[^/]+$'), '{project}'),
+ "launchpad": (re.compile(r"^(?!lp:)[^/]+$"), "{project}"),
# {owner}/{name}-style remotes
- 'bitbucket': (_two_components_validator_re, '{username}/{project}'),
- 'github': (_two_components_validator_re, '{username}/{project}'),
+ "bitbucket": (_two_components_validator_re, "{username}/{project}"),
+ "github": (_two_components_validator_re, "{username}/{project}"),
# gitlab (2+ components)
- 'gitlab': (_gitlab_validator_re, '{username}/[{group}/...]{repo}'),
- 'heptapod': (_gitlab_validator_re, '{username}/[{group}/...]{repo}'),
+ "gitlab": (_gitlab_validator_re, "{username}/[{group}/...]{repo}"),
+ "heptapod": (_gitlab_validator_re, "{username}/[{group}/...]{repo}"),
# cpe
- 'cpe': (re.compile(r'^cpe:/[aho]:[^:]+:[^:]+$'),
- 'cpe:/[aho]:{vendor}:{product}'),
+ "cpe": (re.compile(r"^cpe:/[aho]:[^:]+:[^:]+$"), "cpe:/[aho]:{vendor}:{product}"),
# 1+ component + no ".git" suffix
- 'gentoo': (re.compile(r'^([^/]+/)*[^/]+(?<!\.git)$'),
- '[{group}/...]{repo}'),
+ "gentoo": (re.compile(r"^([^/]+/)*[^/]+(?<!\.git)$"), "[{group}/...]{repo}"),
# a positive decimal number
- 'vim': (re.compile(r'^[1-9]\d*$'), '{script_id}'),
+ "vim": (re.compile(r"^[1-9]\d*$"), "{script_id}"),
def _maintainer_proxied_key(m):
if m.proxied is not None:
return m.proxied
- if m.email == 'proxy-maint@gentoo.org':
- return 'proxy'
- if m.email.endswith('@gentoo.org'):
- return 'no'
- return 'yes'
+ if m.email == "proxy-maint@gentoo.org":
+ return "proxy"
+ if m.email.endswith("@gentoo.org"):
+ return "no"
+ return "yes"
def _check_maintainers(self, pkg, loc, doc):
"""Validate maintainers in package metadata for the gentoo repo."""
if self.options.gentoo_repo:
maintainer_needed = any(
- c.text.strip() == 'maintainer-needed' for c in doc.xpath('//comment()'))
+ c.text.strip() == "maintainer-needed" for c in doc.xpath("//comment()")
+ )
if pkg.maintainers:
# check for invalid maintainer-needed comment
if maintainer_needed:
@@ -478,15 +492,14 @@ class PackageMetadataXmlCheck(_XmlBaseCheck):
# determine proxy maintainer status
proxied, devs, proxies = [], [], []
- proxy_map = {'yes': proxied, 'no': devs, 'proxy': proxies}
+ proxy_map = {"yes": proxied, "no": devs, "proxy": proxies}
for m in pkg.maintainers:
# check proxy maintainers
if not devs and not proxies:
maintainers = sorted(map(str, pkg.maintainers))
- yield MaintainerWithoutProxy(
- os.path.basename(loc), maintainers, pkg=pkg)
+ yield MaintainerWithoutProxy(os.path.basename(loc), maintainers, pkg=pkg)
elif not proxied and proxies:
yield ProxyWithoutProxied(os.path.basename(loc), pkg=pkg)
elif not maintainer_needed:
@@ -498,25 +511,27 @@ class PackageMetadataXmlCheck(_XmlBaseCheck):
nonexistent = []
wrong_maintainers = []
for m in pkg.maintainers:
- if m.maint_type == 'project' and m.email not in projects:
+ if m.maint_type == "project" and m.email not in projects:
- elif m.maint_type == 'person' and m.email in projects:
+ elif m.maint_type == "person" and m.email in projects:
if nonexistent:
yield NonexistentProjectMaintainer(
- os.path.basename(loc), sorted(nonexistent), pkg=pkg)
+ os.path.basename(loc), sorted(nonexistent), pkg=pkg
+ )
if wrong_maintainers:
yield WrongMaintainerType(
- os.path.basename(loc), sorted(wrong_maintainers), pkg=pkg)
+ os.path.basename(loc), sorted(wrong_maintainers), pkg=pkg
+ )
def _check_longdescription(self, pkg, loc, doc):
if pkg.longdescription is not None:
match_ratio = SequenceMatcher(None, pkg.description, pkg.longdescription).ratio()
if match_ratio > 0.75:
- msg = 'metadata.xml longdescription closely matches DESCRIPTION'
+ msg = "metadata.xml longdescription closely matches DESCRIPTION"
yield RedundantLongDescription(msg, pkg=pkg)
elif len(pkg.longdescription) < 100:
- msg = 'metadata.xml longdescription is too short'
+ msg = "metadata.xml longdescription is too short"
yield RedundantLongDescription(msg, pkg=pkg)
def _check_remote_id(self, pkg, loc, doc):
@@ -533,13 +548,13 @@ class PackageMetadataXmlCheck(_XmlBaseCheck):
def _get_xml_location(self, pkg):
"""Return the metadata.xml location for a given package."""
- return pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.ebuild.path), 'metadata.xml')
+ return pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.ebuild.path), "metadata.xml")
class CategoryMetadataXmlCheck(_XmlBaseCheck):
"""Category level metadata.xml scans."""
- _source = (sources.CategoryRepoSource, (), (('source', sources.RawRepoSource),))
+ _source = (sources.CategoryRepoSource, (), (("source", sources.RawRepoSource),))
misformed_error = CatBadlyFormedXml
invalid_error = CatInvalidXml
missing_error = CatMissingMetadataXml
@@ -548,15 +563,21 @@ class CategoryMetadataXmlCheck(_XmlBaseCheck):
indent_error = CatMetadataXmlIndentation
empty_element = CatMetadataXmlEmptyElement
- known_results = frozenset([
- CatBadlyFormedXml, CatInvalidXml, CatMissingMetadataXml,
- CatMetadataXmlInvalidPkgRef, CatMetadataXmlInvalidCatRef,
- CatMetadataXmlIndentation, CatMetadataXmlEmptyElement,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ CatBadlyFormedXml,
+ CatInvalidXml,
+ CatMissingMetadataXml,
+ CatMetadataXmlInvalidPkgRef,
+ CatMetadataXmlInvalidCatRef,
+ CatMetadataXmlIndentation,
+ CatMetadataXmlEmptyElement,
+ ]
+ )
def _get_xml_location(self, pkg):
"""Return the metadata.xml location for a given package's category."""
- return pjoin(self.repo_base, pkg.category, 'metadata.xml')
+ return pjoin(self.repo_base, pkg.category, "metadata.xml")
class MissingRemoteId(results.PackageResult, results.Info):
@@ -577,8 +598,10 @@ class MissingRemoteId(results.PackageResult, results.Info):
def desc(self):
- return (f'missing <remote-id type="{self.remote_type}">'
- f'{self.value}</remote-id> (inferred from URI {self.uri!r})')
+ return (
+ f'missing <remote-id type="{self.remote_type}">'
+ f"{self.value}</remote-id> (inferred from URI {self.uri!r})"
+ )
class MissingRemoteIdCheck(Check):
@@ -587,37 +610,47 @@ class MissingRemoteIdCheck(Check):
_source = sources.PackageRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([MissingRemoteId])
- _gitlab_match = r'(?P<value>(\w[^/]*/)*\w[^/]*/\w[^/]*)'
+ _gitlab_match = r"(?P<value>(\w[^/]*/)*\w[^/]*/\w[^/]*)"
remotes_map = (
- ('bitbucket', r'https://bitbucket.org/(?P<value>[^/]+/[^/]+)'),
- ('freedesktop-gitlab', rf'https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/{_gitlab_match}'),
- ('github', r'https://github.com/(?P<value>[^/]+/[^/]+)'),
- ('gitlab', rf'https://gitlab.com/{_gitlab_match}'),
- ('gnome-gitlab', rf'https://gitlab.gnome.org/{_gitlab_match}'),
- ('heptapod', rf'https://foss.heptapod.net/{_gitlab_match}'),
- ('launchpad', r'https://launchpad.net/(?P<value>[^/]+)'),
- ('pypi', r'https://pypi.org/project/(?P<value>[^/]+)'),
- ('pypi', r'https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/\S/(?P<value>[^/]+)'),
- ('savannah', r'https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/(?P<value>[^/]+)'),
- ('savannah-nongnu', r'https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/(?P<value>[^/]+)'),
- ('sourceforge', r'https://downloads.sourceforge.(net|io)/(?:project/)?(?P<value>[^/]+)'),
- ('sourceforge', r'https://sourceforge.(net|io)/projects/(?P<value>[^/]+)'),
- ('sourceforge', r'https://(?P<value>[^/]+).sourceforge.(net|io)/'),
- ('sourcehut', r'https://sr.ht/(?P<value>[^/]+/[^/]+)'),
+ ("bitbucket", r"https://bitbucket.org/(?P<value>[^/]+/[^/]+)"),
+ ("freedesktop-gitlab", rf"https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/{_gitlab_match}"),
+ ("github", r"https://github.com/(?P<value>[^/]+/[^/]+)"),
+ ("gitlab", rf"https://gitlab.com/{_gitlab_match}"),
+ ("gnome-gitlab", rf"https://gitlab.gnome.org/{_gitlab_match}"),
+ ("heptapod", rf"https://foss.heptapod.net/{_gitlab_match}"),
+ ("launchpad", r"https://launchpad.net/(?P<value>[^/]+)"),
+ ("pypi", r"https://pypi.org/project/(?P<value>[^/]+)"),
+ ("pypi", r"https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/\S/(?P<value>[^/]+)"),
+ ("savannah", r"https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/(?P<value>[^/]+)"),
+ ("savannah-nongnu", r"https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/(?P<value>[^/]+)"),
+ ("sourceforge", r"https://downloads.sourceforge.(net|io)/(?:project/)?(?P<value>[^/]+)"),
+ ("sourceforge", r"https://sourceforge.(net|io)/projects/(?P<value>[^/]+)"),
+ ("sourceforge", r"https://(?P<value>[^/]+).sourceforge.(net|io)/"),
+ ("sourcehut", r"https://sr.ht/(?P<value>[^/]+/[^/]+)"),
def __init__(self, options, **kwargs):
super().__init__(options, **kwargs)
- self.remotes_map = tuple((remote_type, re.compile(regex)) for remote_type, regex in self.remotes_map)
+ self.remotes_map = tuple(
+ (remote_type, re.compile(regex)) for remote_type, regex in self.remotes_map
+ )
def feed(self, pkgset):
remotes = {u.type: (None, None) for u in pkgset[0].upstreams}
for pkg in sorted(pkgset, reverse=True):
- fetchables = iflatten_instance(pkg.generate_fetchables(allow_missing_checksums=True,
- ignore_unknown_mirrors=True, skip_default_mirrors=True), (fetchable, Conditional))
- all_urls = set(chain.from_iterable(f.uri for f in fetchables if isinstance(f, fetchable)))
- urls = {url for url in all_urls if not url.endswith(('.patch', '.diff'))}
+ fetchables = iflatten_instance(
+ pkg.generate_fetchables(
+ allow_missing_checksums=True,
+ ignore_unknown_mirrors=True,
+ skip_default_mirrors=True,
+ ),
+ (fetchable, Conditional),
+ )
+ all_urls = set(
+ chain.from_iterable(f.uri for f in fetchables if isinstance(f, fetchable))
+ )
+ urls = {url for url in all_urls if not url.endswith((".patch", ".diff"))}
urls = sorted(urls.union(pkg.homepage), key=len)
for remote_type, regex in self.remotes_map:
@@ -625,7 +658,7 @@ class MissingRemoteIdCheck(Check):
for url in urls:
if mo := regex.match(url):
- remotes[remote_type] = (mo.group('value'), url)
+ remotes[remote_type] = (mo.group("value"), url)
for remote_type, (value, url) in remotes.items():
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/network.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/network.py
index cad8e536..f51796e2 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/network.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/network.py
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ class _UrlResult(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
if self.url in self.message:
- return f'{self.attr}: {self.message}'
- return f'{self.attr}: {self.message}: {self.url}'
+ return f"{self.attr}: {self.message}"
+ return f"{self.attr}: {self.message}: {self.url}"
class DeadUrl(_UrlResult):
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ class SSLCertificateError(_UrlResult):
def desc(self):
if self.url in self.message:
- return f'{self.attr}: SSL cert error: {self.message}'
- return f'{self.attr}: SSL cert error: {self.message}: {self.url}'
+ return f"{self.attr}: SSL cert error: {self.message}"
+ return f"{self.attr}: SSL cert error: {self.message}: {self.url}"
class _UpdatedUrlResult(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
@@ -58,20 +58,20 @@ class _UpdatedUrlResult(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
msg = [self.attr]
if self.message is not None:
- msg.append(f'{self.url} -> {self.new_url}')
- return ': '.join(msg)
+ msg.append(f"{self.url} -> {self.new_url}")
+ return ": ".join(msg)
class RedirectedUrl(_UpdatedUrlResult):
"""Package with a URL that permanently redirects to a different site."""
- message = 'permanently redirected'
+ message = "permanently redirected"
class HttpsUrlAvailable(_UpdatedUrlResult):
"""URL uses http:// when https:// is available."""
- message = 'HTTPS url available'
+ message = "HTTPS url available"
class _RequestException(Exception):
@@ -100,9 +100,14 @@ class _UrlCheck(NetworkCheck):
_source = sources.LatestVersionRepoSource
- known_results = frozenset([
- DeadUrl, RedirectedUrl, HttpsUrlAvailable, SSLCertificateError,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ DeadUrl,
+ RedirectedUrl,
+ HttpsUrlAvailable,
+ SSLCertificateError,
+ ]
+ )
def _http_check(self, attr, url, *, pkg):
"""Verify http:// and https:// URLs."""
@@ -113,14 +118,14 @@ class _UrlCheck(NetworkCheck):
for response in r.history:
if not response.is_permanent_redirect:
- redirected_url = response.headers['location']
- hsts = 'strict-transport-security' in response.headers
+ redirected_url = response.headers["location"]
+ hsts = "strict-transport-security" in response.headers
if redirected_url:
- if redirected_url.startswith('https://') and url.startswith('http://'):
+ if redirected_url.startswith("https://") and url.startswith("http://"):
result = HttpsUrlAvailable(attr, url, redirected_url, pkg=pkg)
- elif redirected_url.startswith('http://') and hsts:
- redirected_url = f'https://{redirected_url[7:]}'
+ elif redirected_url.startswith("http://") and hsts:
+ redirected_url = f"https://{redirected_url[7:]}"
result = RedirectedUrl(attr, url, redirected_url, pkg=pkg)
result = RedirectedUrl(attr, url, redirected_url, pkg=pkg)
@@ -139,16 +144,16 @@ class _UrlCheck(NetworkCheck):
for response in r.history:
if not response.is_permanent_redirect:
- redirected_url = response.headers['location']
- hsts = 'strict-transport-security' in response.headers
+ redirected_url = response.headers["location"]
+ hsts = "strict-transport-security" in response.headers
# skip result if http:// URL check was redirected to https://
if not isinstance(future.result(), HttpsUrlAvailable):
if redirected_url:
- if redirected_url.startswith('https://'):
+ if redirected_url.startswith("https://"):
result = HttpsUrlAvailable(attr, orig_url, redirected_url, pkg=pkg)
- elif redirected_url.startswith('http://') and hsts:
- redirected_url = f'https://{redirected_url[7:]}'
+ elif redirected_url.startswith("http://") and hsts:
+ redirected_url = f"https://{redirected_url[7:]}"
result = HttpsUrlAvailable(attr, orig_url, redirected_url, pkg=pkg)
result = HttpsUrlAvailable(attr, orig_url, url, pkg=pkg)
@@ -182,7 +187,7 @@ class _UrlCheck(NetworkCheck):
if pkg is not None:
# recreate result object with different pkg target and attr
attrs = result._attrs.copy()
- attrs['attr'] = attr
+ attrs["attr"] = attr
result = result._create(**attrs, pkg=pkg)
@@ -203,29 +208,36 @@ class _UrlCheck(NetworkCheck):
future.add_done_callback(partial(self.task_done, None, None))
futures[url] = future
- future.add_done_callback(partial(self.task_done, kwargs['pkg'], attr))
+ future.add_done_callback(partial(self.task_done, kwargs["pkg"], attr))
def schedule(self, pkg, executor, futures):
"""Schedule verification methods to run in separate threads for all flagged URLs."""
http_urls = []
for attr, url in self._get_urls(pkg):
- if url.startswith('ftp://'):
- self._schedule_check(
- self._ftp_check, attr, url, executor, futures, pkg=pkg)
- elif url.startswith(('https://', 'http://')):
- self._schedule_check(
- self._http_check, attr, url, executor, futures, pkg=pkg)
+ if url.startswith("ftp://"):
+ self._schedule_check(self._ftp_check, attr, url, executor, futures, pkg=pkg)
+ elif url.startswith(("https://", "http://")):
+ self._schedule_check(self._http_check, attr, url, executor, futures, pkg=pkg)
http_urls.append((attr, url))
http_urls = tuple(http_urls)
http_to_https_urls = (
- (attr, url, f'https://{url[7:]}') for (attr, url) in http_urls
- if url.startswith('http://'))
+ (attr, url, f"https://{url[7:]}")
+ for (attr, url) in http_urls
+ if url.startswith("http://")
+ )
for attr, orig_url, url in http_to_https_urls:
future = futures[orig_url]
- self._https_available_check, attr, url, executor, futures,
- future=future, orig_url=orig_url, pkg=pkg)
+ self._https_available_check,
+ attr,
+ url,
+ executor,
+ futures,
+ future=future,
+ orig_url=orig_url,
+ pkg=pkg,
+ )
class HomepageUrlCheck(_UrlCheck):
@@ -233,7 +245,7 @@ class HomepageUrlCheck(_UrlCheck):
def _get_urls(self, pkg):
for url in pkg.homepage:
- yield 'HOMEPAGE', url
+ yield "HOMEPAGE", url
class FetchablesUrlCheck(_UrlCheck):
@@ -243,18 +255,20 @@ class FetchablesUrlCheck(_UrlCheck):
def __init__(self, *args, use_addon, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.fetch_filter = use_addon.get_filter('fetchables')
+ self.fetch_filter = use_addon.get_filter("fetchables")
def _get_urls(self, pkg):
# ignore conditionals
fetchables, _ = self.fetch_filter(
- (fetchable,), pkg,
+ (fetchable,),
+ pkg,
- allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True,
- skip_default_mirrors=True))
+ allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True, skip_default_mirrors=True
+ ),
+ )
for f in fetchables.keys():
for url in f.uri:
- yield 'SRC_URI', url
+ yield "SRC_URI", url
class MetadataUrlCheck(_UrlCheck):
@@ -264,31 +278,31 @@ class MetadataUrlCheck(_UrlCheck):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.protocols = ('http://', 'https://', 'ftp://')
+ self.protocols = ("http://", "https://", "ftp://")
self.remote_map = {
- 'bitbucket': 'https://bitbucket.org/{project}',
- 'cpan': 'https://metacpan.org/dist/{project}',
+ "bitbucket": "https://bitbucket.org/{project}",
+ "cpan": "https://metacpan.org/dist/{project}",
# some packages include a lot of modules, and scanning them
# DoS-es metacpan
# 'cpan-module': 'https://metacpan.org/pod/{project}',
- 'cran': 'https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/{project}/',
- 'ctan': 'https://ctan.org/pkg/{project}',
- 'freedesktop-gitlab': 'https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/{project}.git/',
- 'gentoo': 'https://gitweb.gentoo.org/{project}.git/',
- 'github': 'https://github.com/{project}',
- 'gitlab': 'https://gitlab.com/{project}',
- 'gnome-gitlab': 'https://gitlab.gnome.org/{project}.git/',
- 'hackage': 'https://hackage.haskell.org/package/{project}',
- 'launchpad': 'https://launchpad.net/{project}',
- 'osdn': 'https://osdn.net/projects/{project}/',
- 'pecl': 'https://pecl.php.net/package/{project}',
- 'pypi': 'https://pypi.org/project/{project}/',
- 'rubygems': 'https://rubygems.org/gems/{project}',
- 'savannah': 'https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/{project}',
- 'savannah-nongnu': 'https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/{project}',
- 'sourceforge': 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/{project}/',
- 'sourcehut': 'https://sr.ht/{project}/',
- 'vim': 'https://vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id={project}',
+ "cran": "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/{project}/",
+ "ctan": "https://ctan.org/pkg/{project}",
+ "freedesktop-gitlab": "https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/{project}.git/",
+ "gentoo": "https://gitweb.gentoo.org/{project}.git/",
+ "github": "https://github.com/{project}",
+ "gitlab": "https://gitlab.com/{project}",
+ "gnome-gitlab": "https://gitlab.gnome.org/{project}.git/",
+ "hackage": "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/{project}",
+ "launchpad": "https://launchpad.net/{project}",
+ "osdn": "https://osdn.net/projects/{project}/",
+ "pecl": "https://pecl.php.net/package/{project}",
+ "pypi": "https://pypi.org/project/{project}/",
+ "rubygems": "https://rubygems.org/gems/{project}",
+ "savannah": "https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/{project}",
+ "savannah-nongnu": "https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/{project}",
+ "sourceforge": "https://sourceforge.net/projects/{project}/",
+ "sourcehut": "https://sr.ht/{project}/",
+ "vim": "https://vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id={project}",
# these platforms return 200 for errors, so no point in trying
# 'google-code': 'https://code.google.com/archive/p/{project}/',
# 'heptapod': 'https://foss.heptapod.net/{project}',
@@ -302,20 +316,20 @@ class MetadataUrlCheck(_UrlCheck):
# TODO: move upstream parsing to a pkgcore attribute?
- for element in ('changelog', 'doc', 'bugs-to', 'remote-id'):
- for x in tree.xpath(f'//upstream/{element}'):
+ for element in ("changelog", "doc", "bugs-to", "remote-id"):
+ for x in tree.xpath(f"//upstream/{element}"):
if x.text:
url = x.text
- if element == 'remote-id':
+ if element == "remote-id":
# Use remote-id -> URL map to determine actual URL,
# skipping verification for unmapped remote-ids.
- url = self.remote_map[x.attrib['type']].format(project=url)
+ url = self.remote_map[x.attrib["type"]].format(project=url)
except KeyError:
# skip unsupported protocols, e.g. mailto URLs from bugs-to
if url.startswith(self.protocols):
- yield f'metadata.xml: {element}', url
+ yield f"metadata.xml: {element}", url
def schedule(self, pkgs, *args, **kwargs):
super().schedule(pkgs[-1], *args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/overlays.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/overlays.py
index 1268542a..cbe3d5b6 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/overlays.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/overlays.py
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ class UnusedInMastersLicenses(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.licenses)
- licenses = ', '.join(self.licenses)
- return f'unused license{s} in master repo(s): {licenses}'
+ licenses = ", ".join(self.licenses)
+ return f"unused license{s} in master repo(s): {licenses}"
class UnusedInMastersMirrors(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ class UnusedInMastersMirrors(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.mirrors)
- mirrors = ', '.join(self.mirrors)
- return f'unused mirror{s} in master repo(s): {mirrors}'
+ mirrors = ", ".join(self.mirrors)
+ return f"unused mirror{s} in master repo(s): {mirrors}"
class UnusedInMastersEclasses(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ class UnusedInMastersEclasses(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- es = pluralism(self.eclasses, plural='es')
- eclasses = ', '.join(self.eclasses)
- return f'unused eclass{es} in master repo(s): {eclasses}'
+ es = pluralism(self.eclasses, plural="es")
+ eclasses = ", ".join(self.eclasses)
+ return f"unused eclass{es} in master repo(s): {eclasses}"
class UnusedInMastersGlobalUse(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
@@ -69,18 +69,22 @@ class UnusedInMastersGlobalUse(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.flags)
- flags = ', '.join(self.flags)
- return f'use.desc unused flag{s} in master repo(s): {flags}'
+ flags = ", ".join(self.flags)
+ return f"use.desc unused flag{s} in master repo(s): {flags}"
class UnusedInMastersCheck(MirrorsCheck, OverlayRepoCheck, RepoCheck, OptionalCheck):
"""Check for various metadata that may be removed from master repos."""
_source = sources.RepositoryRepoSource
- known_results = frozenset([
- UnusedInMastersLicenses, UnusedInMastersMirrors, UnusedInMastersEclasses,
- UnusedInMastersGlobalUse,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ UnusedInMastersLicenses,
+ UnusedInMastersMirrors,
+ UnusedInMastersEclasses,
+ UnusedInMastersGlobalUse,
+ ]
+ )
def start(self):
self.unused_master_licenses = set()
@@ -93,8 +97,7 @@ class UnusedInMastersCheck(MirrorsCheck, OverlayRepoCheck, RepoCheck, OptionalCh
- self.unused_master_flags.update(
- flag for matcher, (flag, desc) in repo.config.use_desc)
+ self.unused_master_flags.update(flag for matcher, (flag, desc) in repo.config.use_desc)
# determine unused licenses/mirrors/eclasses/flags across all master repos
for repo in self.options.target_repo.masters:
@@ -103,7 +106,8 @@ class UnusedInMastersCheck(MirrorsCheck, OverlayRepoCheck, RepoCheck, OptionalCh
- pkg.iuse_stripped.difference(pkg.local_use.keys()))
+ pkg.iuse_stripped.difference(pkg.local_use.keys())
+ )
def feed(self, pkg):
# report licenses used in the pkg but not in any pkg from the master repo(s)
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/perl.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/perl.py
index 3f6c2dde..f2c3bd25 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/perl.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/perl.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class MismatchedPerlVersion(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'DIST_VERSION={self.dist_version} normalizes to {self.normalized}'
+ return f"DIST_VERSION={self.dist_version} normalizes to {self.normalized}"
class _PerlException(Exception):
@@ -36,25 +36,29 @@ class _PerlConnection:
# start perl client for normalizing perl module versions into package versions
self.perl_client = subprocess.Popen(
- ['perl', pjoin(const.DATA_PATH, 'perl-version.pl')],
- text=True, bufsize=1,
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ ["perl", pjoin(const.DATA_PATH, "perl-version.pl")],
+ text=True,
+ bufsize=1,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ )
except FileNotFoundError:
- raise _PerlException('perl not installed on system')
+ raise _PerlException("perl not installed on system")
# check if the script is running
ready = self.perl_client.stdout.readline().strip()
- if ready != 'ready' or self.perl_client.poll():
- err_msg = 'failed to run perl script'
+ if ready != "ready" or self.perl_client.poll():
+ err_msg = "failed to run perl script"
if options.verbosity > 0:
stderr = self.perl_client.stderr.read().strip()
- err_msg += f': {stderr}'
+ err_msg += f": {stderr}"
raise _PerlException(err_msg)
def normalize(self, version):
"""Normalize a given version number to its perl equivalent."""
with self.process_lock:
- self.perl_client.stdin.write(version + '\n')
+ self.perl_client.stdin.write(version + "\n")
return self.perl_client.stdout.readline().strip()
def __del__(self):
@@ -66,14 +70,16 @@ class _PerlConnection:
class PerlCheck(OptionalCheck):
"""Perl ebuild related checks."""
- _restricted_source = (sources.RestrictionRepoSource, (
- packages.PackageRestriction('inherited', values.ContainmentMatch2('perl-module')),))
- _source = (sources.EbuildFileRepoSource, (), (('source', _restricted_source),))
+ _restricted_source = (
+ sources.RestrictionRepoSource,
+ (packages.PackageRestriction("inherited", values.ContainmentMatch2("perl-module")),),
+ )
+ _source = (sources.EbuildFileRepoSource, (), (("source", _restricted_source),))
known_results = frozenset([MismatchedPerlVersion])
def __init__(self, *args):
- self.dist_version_re = re.compile(r'DIST_VERSION=(?P<dist_version>\d+(\.\d+)*)\s*\n')
+ self.dist_version_re = re.compile(r"DIST_VERSION=(?P<dist_version>\d+(\.\d+)*)\s*\n")
# Initialize connection with perl script. This is done during
# __init__() since only one running version of the script is shared
# between however many scanning processes will be run. Also, it makes
@@ -84,8 +90,8 @@ class PerlCheck(OptionalCheck):
raise SkipCheck(self, str(e))
def feed(self, pkg):
- if mo := self.dist_version_re.search(''.join(pkg.lines)):
- dist_version = mo.group('dist_version')
+ if mo := self.dist_version_re.search("".join(pkg.lines)):
+ dist_version = mo.group("dist_version")
normalized = self.perl.normalize(dist_version)
if normalized != pkg.version:
yield MismatchedPerlVersion(dist_version, normalized, pkg=pkg)
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/pkgdir.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/pkgdir.py
index cc82c7c8..ef90baac 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/pkgdir.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/pkgdir.py
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ from . import Check, GentooRepoCheck
# allowed filename characters: "a-zA-Z0-9._-+:"
allowed_filename_chars = set()
-allowed_filename_chars.update(chr(x) for x in range(ord('a'), ord('z') + 1))
-allowed_filename_chars.update(chr(x) for x in range(ord('A'), ord('Z') + 1))
-allowed_filename_chars.update(chr(x) for x in range(ord('0'), ord('9') + 1))
+allowed_filename_chars.update(chr(x) for x in range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1))
+allowed_filename_chars.update(chr(x) for x in range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1))
+allowed_filename_chars.update(chr(x) for x in range(ord("0"), ord("9") + 1))
allowed_filename_chars.update([".", "-", "_", "+", ":"])
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ class MismatchedPN(results.PackageResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.ebuilds)
- ebuilds = ', '.join(self.ebuilds)
- return f'mismatched package name{s}: [ {ebuilds} ]'
+ ebuilds = ", ".join(self.ebuilds)
+ return f"mismatched package name{s}: [ {ebuilds} ]"
class InvalidPN(results.PackageResult, results.Error):
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ class InvalidPN(results.PackageResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.ebuilds)
- ebuilds = ', '.join(self.ebuilds)
- return f'invalid package name{s}: [ {ebuilds} ]'
+ ebuilds = ", ".join(self.ebuilds)
+ return f"invalid package name{s}: [ {ebuilds} ]"
class EqualVersions(results.PackageResult, results.Error):
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ class DuplicateFiles(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- files = ', '.join(map(repr, self.files))
- return f'duplicate identical files in FILESDIR: {files}'
+ files = ", ".join(map(repr, self.files))
+ return f"duplicate identical files in FILESDIR: {files}"
class EmptyFile(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class EmptyFile(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'empty file in FILESDIR: {self.filename!r}'
+ return f"empty file in FILESDIR: {self.filename!r}"
class ExecutableFile(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class ExecutableFile(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'unnecessary executable bit: {self.filename!r}'
+ return f"unnecessary executable bit: {self.filename!r}"
class UnknownPkgDirEntry(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ class UnknownPkgDirEntry(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- files = ', '.join(map(repr, self.filenames))
- y = pluralism(self.filenames, singular='y', plural='ies')
- return f'unknown entr{y}: {files}'
+ files = ", ".join(map(repr, self.filenames))
+ y = pluralism(self.filenames, singular="y", plural="ies")
+ return f"unknown entr{y}: {files}"
class SizeViolation(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
@@ -132,8 +132,10 @@ class SizeViolation(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return (f'{self.filename!r} exceeds {sizeof_fmt(self.limit)} in size; '
- f'{sizeof_fmt(self.size)} total')
+ return (
+ f"{self.filename!r} exceeds {sizeof_fmt(self.limit)} in size; "
+ f"{sizeof_fmt(self.size)} total"
+ )
class TotalSizeViolation(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
@@ -147,8 +149,10 @@ class TotalSizeViolation(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return (f'files/ directory exceeds {sizeof_fmt(self.limit)} in size; '
- f'{sizeof_fmt(self.size)} total')
+ return (
+ f"files/ directory exceeds {sizeof_fmt(self.limit)} in size; "
+ f"{sizeof_fmt(self.size)} total"
+ )
class BannedCharacter(results.PackageResult, results.Error):
@@ -167,8 +171,8 @@ class BannedCharacter(results.PackageResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.chars)
- chars = ', '.join(map(repr, self.chars))
- return f'filename {self.filename!r} character{s} outside allowed set: {chars}'
+ chars = ", ".join(map(repr, self.chars))
+ return f"filename {self.filename!r} character{s} outside allowed set: {chars}"
class InvalidUTF8(results.PackageResult, results.Error):
@@ -187,17 +191,27 @@ class InvalidUTF8(results.PackageResult, results.Error):
class PkgDirCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuild directory for various file-related issues."""
- _source = (sources.PackageRepoSource, (), (('source', sources.RawRepoSource),))
+ _source = (sources.PackageRepoSource, (), (("source", sources.RawRepoSource),))
ignore_dirs = frozenset(["cvs", ".svn", ".bzr"])
required_addons = (addons.git.GitAddon,)
- known_results = frozenset([
- DuplicateFiles, EmptyFile, ExecutableFile, UnknownPkgDirEntry, SizeViolation,
- BannedCharacter, InvalidUTF8, MismatchedPN, InvalidPN, TotalSizeViolation,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ DuplicateFiles,
+ EmptyFile,
+ ExecutableFile,
+ UnknownPkgDirEntry,
+ SizeViolation,
+ BannedCharacter,
+ InvalidUTF8,
+ MismatchedPN,
+ InvalidPN,
+ TotalSizeViolation,
+ ]
+ )
# TODO: put some 'preferred algorithms by purpose' into snakeoil?
- digest_algo = 'sha256'
+ digest_algo = "sha256"
def __init__(self, *args, git_addon):
@@ -206,7 +220,7 @@ class PkgDirCheck(Check):
def feed(self, pkgset):
pkg = pkgset[0]
pkg_path = pjoin(self.options.target_repo.location, pkg.category, pkg.package)
- ebuild_ext = '.ebuild'
+ ebuild_ext = ".ebuild"
mismatched = []
invalid = []
unknown = []
@@ -228,20 +242,19 @@ class PkgDirCheck(Check):
if filename.endswith(ebuild_ext):
- with open(path, mode='rb') as f:
+ with open(path, mode="rb") as f:
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
yield InvalidUTF8(filename, str(e), pkg=pkg)
- pkg_name = os.path.basename(filename[:-len(ebuild_ext)])
+ pkg_name = os.path.basename(filename[: -len(ebuild_ext)])
- pkg_atom = atom_cls(f'={pkg.category}/{pkg_name}')
+ pkg_atom = atom_cls(f"={pkg.category}/{pkg_name}")
if pkg_atom.package != os.path.basename(pkg_path):
except MalformedAtom:
- elif (self.options.gentoo_repo and
- filename not in ('Manifest', 'metadata.xml', 'files')):
+ elif self.options.gentoo_repo and filename not in ("Manifest", "metadata.xml", "files"):
if mismatched:
@@ -254,7 +267,7 @@ class PkgDirCheck(Check):
files_by_size = defaultdict(list)
pkg_path_len = len(pkg_path) + 1
total_size = 0
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pjoin(pkg_path, 'files')):
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pjoin(pkg_path, "files")):
# don't visit any ignored directories
for d in self.ignore_dirs.intersection(dirs):
@@ -274,10 +287,12 @@ class PkgDirCheck(Check):
total_size += file_stat.st_size
if file_stat.st_size > SizeViolation.limit:
yield SizeViolation(
- pjoin(base_dir, filename), file_stat.st_size, pkg=pkg)
+ pjoin(base_dir, filename), file_stat.st_size, pkg=pkg
+ )
if banned_chars := set(filename) - allowed_filename_chars:
yield BannedCharacter(
- pjoin(base_dir, filename), sorted(banned_chars), pkg=pkg)
+ pjoin(base_dir, filename), sorted(banned_chars), pkg=pkg
+ )
if total_size > TotalSizeViolation.limit:
yield TotalSizeViolation(total_size, pkg=pkg)
@@ -324,9 +339,9 @@ class LiveOnlyPackage(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
if self.age < 365:
- return f'all versions are VCS-based added over {self.age} days ago'
+ return f"all versions are VCS-based added over {self.age} days ago"
years = round(self.age / 365, 2)
- return f'all versions are VCS-based added over {years} years ago'
+ return f"all versions are VCS-based added over {years} years ago"
class LiveOnlyCheck(GentooRepoCheck):
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/profiles.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/profiles.py
index db49cf38..8673ed7d 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/profiles.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/profiles.py
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class UnknownProfilePackage(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.path!r}: unknown package: {self.atom!r}'
+ return f"{self.path!r}: unknown package: {self.atom!r}"
class UnmatchedProfilePackageUnmask(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class UnmatchedProfilePackageUnmask(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'{self.path!r}: unmask of not masked package: {self.atom!r}'
+ return f"{self.path!r}: unmask of not masked package: {self.atom!r}"
class UnknownProfilePackageUse(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ class UnknownProfilePackageUse(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.flags)
- flags = ', '.join(self.flags)
- atom = f'{self.atom}[{flags}]'
- return f'{self.path!r}: unknown package USE flag{s}: {atom!r}'
+ flags = ", ".join(self.flags)
+ atom = f"{self.atom}[{flags}]"
+ return f"{self.path!r}: unknown package USE flag{s}: {atom!r}"
class UnknownProfileUse(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ class UnknownProfileUse(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.flags)
- flags = ', '.join(map(repr, self.flags))
- return f'{self.path!r}: unknown USE flag{s}: {flags}'
+ flags = ", ".join(map(repr, self.flags))
+ return f"{self.path!r}: unknown USE flag{s}: {flags}"
class UnknownProfilePackageKeywords(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ class UnknownProfilePackageKeywords(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.keywords)
- keywords = ', '.join(map(repr, self.keywords))
- return f'{self.path!r}: unknown package keyword{s}: {self.atom}: {keywords}'
+ keywords = ", ".join(map(repr, self.keywords))
+ return f"{self.path!r}: unknown package keyword{s}: {self.atom}: {keywords}"
class UnknownProfileUseExpand(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ class UnknownProfileUseExpand(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.groups)
- groups = ', '.join(self.groups)
- return f'{self.path!r}: unknown USE_EXPAND group{s}: {groups}'
+ groups = ", ".join(self.groups)
+ return f"{self.path!r}: unknown USE_EXPAND group{s}: {groups}"
class ProfileWarning(results.ProfilesResult, results.LogWarning):
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ class ProfileError(results.ProfilesResult, results.LogError):
# mapping of profile log levels to result classes
_logmap = (
- base.LogMap('pkgcore.log.logger.warning', ProfileWarning),
- base.LogMap('pkgcore.log.logger.error', ProfileError),
+ base.LogMap("pkgcore.log.logger.warning", ProfileWarning),
+ base.LogMap("pkgcore.log.logger.error", ProfileError),
@@ -145,12 +145,18 @@ class ProfilesCheck(Check):
_source = sources.ProfilesRepoSource
required_addons = (addons.UseAddon, addons.KeywordsAddon)
- known_results = frozenset([
- UnknownProfilePackage, UnmatchedProfilePackageUnmask,
- UnknownProfilePackageUse, UnknownProfileUse,
- UnknownProfilePackageKeywords, UnknownProfileUseExpand,
- ProfileWarning, ProfileError,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ UnknownProfilePackage,
+ UnmatchedProfilePackageUnmask,
+ UnknownProfilePackageUse,
+ UnknownProfileUse,
+ UnknownProfilePackageKeywords,
+ UnknownProfileUseExpand,
+ ProfileWarning,
+ ProfileError,
+ ]
+ )
# mapping between known files and verification methods
known_files = {}
@@ -165,16 +171,18 @@ class ProfilesCheck(Check):
local_iuse = {use for _pkg, (use, _desc) in repo.config.use_local_desc}
self.available_iuse = frozenset(
- local_iuse | use_addon.global_iuse |
- use_addon.global_iuse_expand | use_addon.global_iuse_implicit)
+ local_iuse
+ | use_addon.global_iuse
+ | use_addon.global_iuse_expand
+ | use_addon.global_iuse_implicit
+ )
- @verify_files(('parent', 'parents'),
- ('eapi', 'eapi'))
+ @verify_files(("parent", "parents"), ("eapi", "eapi"))
def _pull_attr(self, *args):
"""Verification only needs to pull the profile attr."""
yield from ()
- @verify_files(('deprecated', 'deprecated'))
+ @verify_files(("deprecated", "deprecated"))
def _deprecated(self, filename, node, vals):
# make sure replacement profile exists
if vals is not None:
@@ -183,47 +191,51 @@ class ProfilesCheck(Check):
addons.profiles.ProfileNode(pjoin(self.profiles_dir, replacement))
except profiles_mod.ProfileError:
yield ProfileError(
- f'nonexistent replacement {replacement!r} '
- f'for deprecated profile: {node.name!r}')
+ f"nonexistent replacement {replacement!r} "
+ f"for deprecated profile: {node.name!r}"
+ )
# non-spec files
- @verify_files(('package.keywords', 'keywords'),
- ('package.accept_keywords', 'accept_keywords'))
+ @verify_files(("package.keywords", "keywords"), ("package.accept_keywords", "accept_keywords"))
def _pkg_keywords(self, filename, node, vals):
for atom, keywords in vals:
if invalid := sorted(set(keywords) - self.keywords.valid):
- yield UnknownProfilePackageKeywords(
- pjoin(node.name, filename), atom, invalid)
- @verify_files(('use.force', 'use_force'),
- ('use.stable.force', 'use_stable_force'),
- ('use.mask', 'use_mask'),
- ('use.stable.mask', 'use_stable_mask'))
+ yield UnknownProfilePackageKeywords(pjoin(node.name, filename), atom, invalid)
+ @verify_files(
+ ("use.force", "use_force"),
+ ("use.stable.force", "use_stable_force"),
+ ("use.mask", "use_mask"),
+ ("use.stable.mask", "use_stable_mask"),
+ )
def _use(self, filename, node, vals):
# TODO: give ChunkedDataDict some dict view methods
d = vals.render_to_dict()
for _, entries in d.items():
for _, disabled, enabled in entries:
if unknown_disabled := set(disabled) - self.available_iuse:
- flags = ('-' + u for u in unknown_disabled)
- yield UnknownProfileUse(
- pjoin(node.name, filename), flags)
+ flags = ("-" + u for u in unknown_disabled)
+ yield UnknownProfileUse(pjoin(node.name, filename), flags)
if unknown_enabled := set(enabled) - self.available_iuse:
- yield UnknownProfileUse(
- pjoin(node.name, filename), unknown_enabled)
+ yield UnknownProfileUse(pjoin(node.name, filename), unknown_enabled)
- @verify_files(('packages', 'packages'),
- ('package.unmask', 'unmasks'),
- ('package.deprecated', 'pkg_deprecated'))
+ @verify_files(
+ ("packages", "packages"),
+ ("package.unmask", "unmasks"),
+ ("package.deprecated", "pkg_deprecated"),
+ )
def _pkg_atoms(self, filename, node, vals):
for x in iflatten_instance(vals, atom_cls):
if not self.search_repo.match(x):
yield UnknownProfilePackage(pjoin(node.name, filename), x)
- @verify_files(('package.mask', 'masks'),)
+ @verify_files(
+ ("package.mask", "masks"),
+ )
def _pkg_masks(self, filename, node, vals):
- all_masked = set().union(*(masked[1]
- for p in profiles_mod.ProfileStack(node.path).stack if (masked := p.masks)))
+ all_masked = set().union(
+ *(masked[1] for p in profiles_mod.ProfileStack(node.path).stack if (masked := p.masks))
+ )
unmasked, masked = vals
for x in masked:
@@ -235,11 +247,13 @@ class ProfilesCheck(Check):
elif x not in all_masked:
yield UnmatchedProfilePackageUnmask(pjoin(node.name, filename), x)
- @verify_files(('package.use', 'pkg_use'),
- ('package.use.force', 'pkg_use_force'),
- ('package.use.stable.force', 'pkg_use_stable_force'),
- ('package.use.mask', 'pkg_use_mask'),
- ('package.use.stable.mask', 'pkg_use_stable_mask'))
+ @verify_files(
+ ("package.use", "pkg_use"),
+ ("package.use.force", "pkg_use_force"),
+ ("package.use.stable.force", "pkg_use_stable_force"),
+ ("package.use.mask", "pkg_use_mask"),
+ ("package.use.stable.mask", "pkg_use_stable_mask"),
+ )
def _pkg_use(self, filename, node, vals):
# TODO: give ChunkedDataDict some dict view methods
d = vals
@@ -251,19 +265,18 @@ class ProfilesCheck(Check):
if pkgs := self.search_repo.match(a):
available = {u for pkg in pkgs for u in pkg.iuse_stripped}
if unknown_disabled := set(disabled) - available:
- flags = ('-' + u for u in unknown_disabled)
- yield UnknownProfilePackageUse(
- pjoin(node.name, filename), a, flags)
+ flags = ("-" + u for u in unknown_disabled)
+ yield UnknownProfilePackageUse(pjoin(node.name, filename), a, flags)
if unknown_enabled := set(enabled) - available:
yield UnknownProfilePackageUse(
- pjoin(node.name, filename), a, unknown_enabled)
+ pjoin(node.name, filename), a, unknown_enabled
+ )
- yield UnknownProfilePackage(
- pjoin(node.name, filename), a)
+ yield UnknownProfilePackage(pjoin(node.name, filename), a)
- @verify_files(('make.defaults', 'make_defaults'))
+ @verify_files(("make.defaults", "make_defaults"))
def _make_defaults(self, filename, node, vals):
- if defined := set(vals.get('USE_EXPAND', '').split()):
+ if defined := set(vals.get("USE_EXPAND", "").split()):
if unknown := defined - self.use_expand_groups:
yield UnknownProfileUseExpand(pjoin(node.name, filename), sorted(unknown))
@@ -286,8 +299,8 @@ class UnusedProfileDirs(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.dirs)
- dirs = ', '.join(map(repr, self.dirs))
- return f'unused profile dir{s}: {dirs}'
+ dirs = ", ".join(map(repr, self.dirs))
+ return f"unused profile dir{s}: {dirs}"
class ArchesWithoutProfiles(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
@@ -299,9 +312,9 @@ class ArchesWithoutProfiles(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- es = pluralism(self.arches, plural='es')
- arches = ', '.join(self.arches)
- return f'arch{es} without profiles: {arches}'
+ es = pluralism(self.arches, plural="es")
+ arches = ", ".join(self.arches)
+ return f"arch{es} without profiles: {arches}"
class NonexistentProfilePath(results.ProfilesResult, results.Error):
@@ -313,7 +326,7 @@ class NonexistentProfilePath(results.ProfilesResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
- return f'nonexistent profile path: {self.path!r}'
+ return f"nonexistent profile path: {self.path!r}"
class LaggingProfileEapi(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
@@ -329,8 +342,8 @@ class LaggingProfileEapi(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
return (
- f'{self.profile!r} profile has EAPI {self.eapi}, '
- f'{self.parent!r} parent has EAPI {self.parent_eapi}'
+ f"{self.profile!r} profile has EAPI {self.eapi}, "
+ f"{self.parent!r} parent has EAPI {self.parent_eapi}"
@@ -352,13 +365,13 @@ class _ProfileEapiResult(results.ProfilesResult):
class BannedProfileEapi(_ProfileEapiResult, results.Error):
"""Profile has an EAPI that is banned in the repository."""
- _type = 'banned'
+ _type = "banned"
class DeprecatedProfileEapi(_ProfileEapiResult, results.Warning):
"""Profile has an EAPI that is deprecated in the repository."""
- _type = 'deprecated'
+ _type = "deprecated"
class UnknownCategoryDirs(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
@@ -373,9 +386,9 @@ class UnknownCategoryDirs(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- dirs = ', '.join(self.dirs)
+ dirs = ", ".join(self.dirs)
s = pluralism(self.dirs)
- return f'unknown category dir{s}: {dirs}'
+ return f"unknown category dir{s}: {dirs}"
class NonexistentCategories(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
@@ -387,9 +400,9 @@ class NonexistentCategories(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- categories = ', '.join(self.categories)
- ies = pluralism(self.categories, singular='y', plural='ies')
- return f'nonexistent profiles/categories entr{ies}: {categories}'
+ categories = ", ".join(self.categories)
+ ies = pluralism(self.categories, singular="y", plural="ies")
+ return f"nonexistent profiles/categories entr{ies}: {categories}"
def dir_parents(path):
@@ -399,11 +412,11 @@ def dir_parents(path):
>>> list(dir_parents('/root/foo/bar/baz'))
['root/foo/bar', 'root/foo', 'root']
- path = os.path.normpath(path.strip('/'))
+ path = os.path.normpath(path.strip("/"))
while path:
yield path
dirname, _basename = os.path.split(path)
- path = dirname.rstrip('/')
+ path = dirname.rstrip("/")
class RepoProfilesCheck(RepoCheck):
@@ -415,14 +428,23 @@ class RepoProfilesCheck(RepoCheck):
_source = (sources.EmptySource, (base.profiles_scope,))
required_addons = (addons.profiles.ProfileAddon,)
- known_results = frozenset([
- ArchesWithoutProfiles, UnusedProfileDirs, NonexistentProfilePath,
- UnknownCategoryDirs, NonexistentCategories, LaggingProfileEapi,
- ProfileError, ProfileWarning, BannedProfileEapi, DeprecatedProfileEapi,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ ArchesWithoutProfiles,
+ UnusedProfileDirs,
+ NonexistentProfilePath,
+ UnknownCategoryDirs,
+ NonexistentCategories,
+ LaggingProfileEapi,
+ ProfileError,
+ ProfileWarning,
+ BannedProfileEapi,
+ DeprecatedProfileEapi,
+ ]
+ )
# known profile status types for the gentoo repo
- known_profile_statuses = frozenset(['stable', 'dev', 'exp'])
+ known_profile_statuses = frozenset(["stable", "dev", "exp"])
def __init__(self, *args, profile_addon):
@@ -433,17 +455,21 @@ class RepoProfilesCheck(RepoCheck):
def finish(self):
if self.options.gentoo_repo:
- if unknown_category_dirs := set(self.repo.category_dirs).difference(self.repo.categories):
+ if unknown_category_dirs := set(self.repo.category_dirs).difference(
+ self.repo.categories
+ ):
yield UnknownCategoryDirs(sorted(unknown_category_dirs))
- if nonexistent_categories := set(self.repo.config.categories).difference(self.repo.category_dirs):
+ if nonexistent_categories := set(self.repo.config.categories).difference(
+ self.repo.category_dirs
+ ):
yield NonexistentCategories(sorted(nonexistent_categories))
if arches_without_profiles := set(self.arches) - set(self.repo.profiles.arches()):
yield ArchesWithoutProfiles(sorted(arches_without_profiles))
- root_profile_dirs = {'embedded'}
+ root_profile_dirs = {"embedded"}
available_profile_dirs = set()
for root, _dirs, _files in os.walk(self.profiles_dir):
- if d := root[len(self.profiles_dir):].lstrip('/'):
+ if d := root[len(self.profiles_dir) :].lstrip("/"):
available_profile_dirs -= self.non_profile_dirs | root_profile_dirs
@@ -456,8 +482,11 @@ class RepoProfilesCheck(RepoCheck):
# forcibly parse profiles.desc and convert log warnings/errors into reports
with base.LogReports(*_logmap) as log_reports:
profiles = Profiles.parse(
- self.profiles_dir, self.repo.repo_id,
- known_status=known_profile_statuses, known_arch=self.arches)
+ self.profiles_dir,
+ self.repo.repo_id,
+ known_status=known_profile_statuses,
+ known_arch=self.arches,
+ )
yield from log_reports
banned_eapis = self.repo.config.profile_eapis_banned
@@ -484,8 +513,7 @@ class RepoProfilesCheck(RepoCheck):
for profile, parents in lagging_profile_eapi.items():
parent = parents[-1]
- yield LaggingProfileEapi(
- profile.name, str(profile.eapi), parent.name, str(parent.eapi))
+ yield LaggingProfileEapi(profile.name, str(profile.eapi), parent.name, str(parent.eapi))
for profile in banned_profile_eapi:
yield BannedProfileEapi(profile.name, profile.eapi)
for profile in deprecated_profile_eapi:
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/python.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/python.py
index d8f7eb0b..510689bb 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/python.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/python.py
@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ from .. import addons, bash, results, sources
from . import Check
# NB: distutils-r1 inherits one of the first two
-ECLASSES = frozenset(['python-r1', 'python-single-r1', 'python-any-r1'])
+ECLASSES = frozenset(["python-r1", "python-single-r1", "python-any-r1"])
-IUSE_PREFIX = 'python_targets_'
-IUSE_PREFIX_S = 'python_single_target_'
+IUSE_PREFIX = "python_targets_"
+IUSE_PREFIX_S = "python_single_target_"
-GITHUB_ARCHIVE_RE = re.compile(r'^https://github\.com/[^/]+/[^/]+/archive/')
-SNAPSHOT_RE = re.compile(r'[a-fA-F0-9]{40}\.tar\.gz$')
-USE_FLAGS_PYTHON_USEDEP = re.compile(r'\[(.+,)?\$\{PYTHON_USEDEP\}(,.+)?\]$')
+GITHUB_ARCHIVE_RE = re.compile(r"^https://github\.com/[^/]+/[^/]+/archive/")
+SNAPSHOT_RE = re.compile(r"[a-fA-F0-9]{40}\.tar\.gz$")
+USE_FLAGS_PYTHON_USEDEP = re.compile(r"\[(.+,)?\$\{PYTHON_USEDEP\}(,.+)?\]$")
def get_python_eclass(pkg):
@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ def get_python_eclass(pkg):
# All three eclasses block one another, but check and throw an error
# just in case it isn't caught when sourcing the ebuild.
if len(eclasses) > 1:
- raise ValueError(
- f"python eclasses are mutually exclusive: [ {', '.join(eclasses)} ]")
+ raise ValueError(f"python eclasses are mutually exclusive: [ {', '.join(eclasses)} ]")
return next(iter(eclasses)) if eclasses else None
@@ -139,10 +138,7 @@ class DistutilsNonPEP517Build(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return (
- "uses deprecated non-PEP517 build mode, please switch to "
- )
+ return "uses deprecated non-PEP517 build mode, please switch to " "DISTUTILS_USE_PEP517=..."
class PythonHasVersionUsage(results.LinesResult, results.Style):
@@ -158,7 +154,7 @@ class PythonHasVersionUsage(results.LinesResult, results.Style):
def desc(self):
- return f'usage of has_version {self.lines_str}, replace with python_has_version'
+ return f"usage of has_version {self.lines_str}, replace with python_has_version"
class PythonHasVersionMissingPythonUseDep(results.LineResult, results.Error):
@@ -174,7 +170,9 @@ class PythonHasVersionMissingPythonUseDep(results.LineResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
- return f'line: {self.lineno}: missing [${{PYTHON_USEDEP}}] suffix for argument "{self.line}"'
+ return (
+ f'line: {self.lineno}: missing [${{PYTHON_USEDEP}}] suffix for argument "{self.line}"'
+ )
class PythonAnyMismatchedUseHasVersionCheck(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
@@ -198,8 +196,8 @@ class PythonAnyMismatchedUseHasVersionCheck(results.VersionResult, results.Warni
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.use_flags)
- use_flags = ', '.join(map(str, self.use_flags))
- return f'{self.dep_category}: mismatch for {self.dep_atom} check use flag{s} [{use_flags}] in {self.location}'
+ use_flags = ", ".join(map(str, self.use_flags))
+ return f"{self.dep_category}: mismatch for {self.dep_atom} check use flag{s} [{use_flags}] in {self.location}"
class PythonAnyMismatchedDepHasVersionCheck(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
@@ -222,8 +220,9 @@ class PythonAnyMismatchedDepHasVersionCheck(results.VersionResult, results.Warni
def desc(self):
- use_flags = ', '.join(map(str, self.use_flags))
- return f'{self.dep_category}: missing check for {self.dep_atom}[{use_flags}] in {self.location!r}'
+ use_flags = ", ".join(map(str, self.use_flags))
+ return f"{self.dep_category}: missing check for {self.dep_atom}[{use_flags}] in {self.location!r}"
class PythonCheck(Check):
"""Python eclass checks.
@@ -233,32 +232,37 @@ class PythonCheck(Check):
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
- known_results = frozenset([
- MissingPythonEclass, PythonMissingRequiredUse,
- PythonMissingDeps, PythonRuntimeDepInAnyR1, PythonEclassError,
- DistutilsNonPEP517Build,
- PythonHasVersionUsage,
- PythonHasVersionMissingPythonUseDep,
- PythonAnyMismatchedUseHasVersionCheck,
- PythonAnyMismatchedDepHasVersionCheck,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ MissingPythonEclass,
+ PythonMissingRequiredUse,
+ PythonMissingDeps,
+ PythonRuntimeDepInAnyR1,
+ PythonEclassError,
+ DistutilsNonPEP517Build,
+ PythonHasVersionUsage,
+ PythonHasVersionMissingPythonUseDep,
+ PythonAnyMismatchedUseHasVersionCheck,
+ PythonAnyMismatchedDepHasVersionCheck,
+ ]
+ )
has_version_known_flags = {
- '-b': 'BDEPEND',
- '-r': 'RDEPEND',
- '-d': 'DEPEND',
- '--host-root': 'BDEPEND',
+ "-b": "BDEPEND",
+ "-r": "RDEPEND",
+ "-d": "DEPEND",
+ "--host-root": "BDEPEND",
has_version_default = {
- 'has_version': 'DEPEND',
- 'python_has_version': 'BDEPEND',
+ "has_version": "DEPEND",
+ "python_has_version": "BDEPEND",
eclass_any_dep_func = {
- 'python-single-r1': 'python_gen_cond_dep',
- 'python-any-r1': 'python_gen_any_dep',
- 'python-r1': 'python_gen_any_dep',
+ "python-single-r1": "python_gen_cond_dep",
+ "python-any-r1": "python_gen_any_dep",
+ "python-r1": "python_gen_any_dep",
def scan_tree_recursively(self, deptree, expected_cls):
@@ -269,8 +273,7 @@ class PythonCheck(Check):
yield deptree
def check_required_use(self, requse, flags, prefix, container_cls):
- for token in self.scan_tree_recursively(requse,
- values.ContainmentMatch2):
+ for token in self.scan_tree_recursively(requse, values.ContainmentMatch2):
# pkgcore collapses single flag in ||/^^, so expect top-level flags
# when len(flags) == 1
if len(flags) > 1 and not isinstance(token, container_cls):
@@ -281,7 +284,7 @@ class PythonCheck(Check):
name = next(iter(x.vals))
if name.startswith(prefix):
- matched.add(name[len(prefix):])
+ matched.add(name[len(prefix) :])
elif isinstance(token, container_cls):
# skip the ||/^^ if it contains at least one foreign flag
@@ -304,7 +307,7 @@ class PythonCheck(Check):
if not any(is_python_interpreter(y) for y in x if isinstance(y, atom)):
- matched.add(flag[len(prefix):])
+ matched.add(flag[len(prefix) :])
if matched == flags:
return True
return False
@@ -322,7 +325,7 @@ class PythonCheck(Check):
pep517_value = None
for var_node, _ in bash.var_assign_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node):
- var_name = pkg.node_str(var_node.child_by_field_name('name'))
+ var_name = pkg.node_str(var_node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if var_name == "DISTUTILS_OPTIONAL":
has_distutils_optional = True
@@ -334,7 +337,6 @@ class PythonCheck(Check):
# there's nothing for us to do anyway.
has_distutils_deps = True
if pep517_value is None:
yield DistutilsNonPEP517Build(pkg=pkg)
elif has_distutils_optional and not has_distutils_deps and pep517_value != "no":
@@ -344,11 +346,14 @@ class PythonCheck(Check):
if "dev-python/gpep517" not in iflatten_instance(pkg.bdepend, atom):
yield PythonMissingDeps("BDEPEND", pkg=pkg, dep_value="DISTUTILS_DEPS")
def _prepare_deps(deps: str):
- deps_str = deps.strip('\"\'').replace('\\$', '$').replace('${PYTHON_USEDEP}', 'pkgcheck_python_usedep')
+ deps_str = (
+ deps.strip("\"'")
+ .replace("\\$", "$")
+ .replace("${PYTHON_USEDEP}", "pkgcheck_python_usedep")
+ )
return iflatten_instance(DepSet.parse(deps_str, atom), atom)
except DepsetParseError:
# if we are unable to parse that dep's string, skip it
@@ -357,18 +362,20 @@ class PythonCheck(Check):
def build_python_gen_any_dep_calls(self, pkg, any_dep_func):
check_deps = defaultdict(set)
for var_node in pkg.global_query(bash.var_assign_query):
- name = pkg.node_str(var_node.child_by_field_name('name'))
- if name in {'DEPEND', 'BDEPEND'}:
+ name = pkg.node_str(var_node.child_by_field_name("name"))
+ if name in {"DEPEND", "BDEPEND"}:
for call_node, _ in bash.cmd_query.captures(var_node):
- call_name = pkg.node_str(call_node.child_by_field_name('name'))
+ call_name = pkg.node_str(call_node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if call_name == any_dep_func and len(call_node.children) > 1:
- check_deps[name].update(self._prepare_deps(
- pkg.node_str(call_node.children[1])))
+ check_deps[name].update(
+ self._prepare_deps(pkg.node_str(call_node.children[1]))
+ )
return {dep: frozenset(atoms) for dep, atoms in check_deps.items()}
- def report_mismatch_check_deps(self, pkg, python_check_deps, has_version_checked_deps, any_dep_func):
- for dep_type in frozenset(python_check_deps.keys()).union(
- has_version_checked_deps.keys()):
+ def report_mismatch_check_deps(
+ self, pkg, python_check_deps, has_version_checked_deps, any_dep_func
+ ):
+ for dep_type in frozenset(python_check_deps.keys()).union(has_version_checked_deps.keys()):
extra = has_version_checked_deps[dep_type] - python_check_deps.get(dep_type, set())
missing = python_check_deps.get(dep_type, set()) - has_version_checked_deps[dep_type]
for diff, other, location in (
@@ -380,28 +387,35 @@ class PythonCheck(Check):
for other_dep in other:
if dep_atom == str(other_dep.versioned_atom):
if diff_flags := set(other_dep.use) - set(dep.use):
- yield PythonAnyMismatchedUseHasVersionCheck(pkg=pkg,
- dep_category=dep_type, dep_atom=dep_atom,
- use_flags=diff_flags, location=location)
+ yield PythonAnyMismatchedUseHasVersionCheck(
+ pkg=pkg,
+ dep_category=dep_type,
+ dep_atom=dep_atom,
+ use_flags=diff_flags,
+ location=location,
+ )
- use_flags = {'${PYTHON_USEDEP}'} | set(dep.use) \
- - {'pkgcheck_python_usedep'}
- yield PythonAnyMismatchedDepHasVersionCheck(pkg=pkg,
- dep_category=dep_type, dep_atom=dep_atom,
- use_flags=use_flags, location=location)
+ use_flags = {"${PYTHON_USEDEP}"} | set(dep.use) - {"pkgcheck_python_usedep"}
+ yield PythonAnyMismatchedDepHasVersionCheck(
+ pkg=pkg,
+ dep_category=dep_type,
+ dep_atom=dep_atom,
+ use_flags=use_flags,
+ location=location,
+ )
def _prepare_dep_type(pkg, dep_type: str) -> str:
- if dep_type == 'BDEPEND' not in pkg.eapi.dep_keys:
- return 'DEPEND'
+ if dep_type == "BDEPEND" not in pkg.eapi.dep_keys:
+ return "DEPEND"
return dep_type
def check_python_check_deps(self, pkg, func_node, python_check_deps, any_dep_func):
has_version_checked_deps = defaultdict(set)
has_version_lines = set()
for node, _ in bash.cmd_query.captures(func_node):
- call_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name'))
+ call_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if call_name == "has_version":
lineno, _ = node.start_point
has_version_lines.add(lineno + 1)
@@ -412,19 +426,21 @@ class PythonCheck(Check):
if new_dep_mode := self.has_version_known_flags.get(arg_name, None):
dep_mode = self._prepare_dep_type(pkg, new_dep_mode)
- arg_name = arg_name.strip('\"\'')
+ arg_name = arg_name.strip("\"'")
if not USE_FLAGS_PYTHON_USEDEP.search(arg_name):
lineno, _ = arg.start_point
yield PythonHasVersionMissingPythonUseDep(
- lineno=lineno+1, line=arg_name, pkg=pkg)
+ lineno=lineno + 1, line=arg_name, pkg=pkg
+ )
- has_version_checked_deps[dep_mode].update(
- self._prepare_deps(arg_name))
+ has_version_checked_deps[dep_mode].update(self._prepare_deps(arg_name))
if has_version_lines:
yield PythonHasVersionUsage(lines=sorted(has_version_lines), pkg=pkg)
- yield from self.report_mismatch_check_deps(pkg, python_check_deps, has_version_checked_deps, any_dep_func)
+ yield from self.report_mismatch_check_deps(
+ pkg, python_check_deps, has_version_checked_deps, any_dep_func
+ )
def feed(self, pkg):
@@ -450,21 +466,21 @@ class PythonCheck(Check):
recommendation = "python-any-r1"
yield MissingPythonEclass(recommendation, attr.upper(), str(p), pkg=pkg)
- elif eclass in ('python-r1', 'python-single-r1'):
+ elif eclass in ("python-r1", "python-single-r1"):
# grab Python implementations from IUSE
- iuse = {x.lstrip('+-') for x in pkg.iuse}
+ iuse = {x.lstrip("+-") for x in pkg.iuse}
- if eclass == 'python-r1':
- flags = {x[len(IUSE_PREFIX):] for x in iuse if x.startswith(IUSE_PREFIX)}
+ if eclass == "python-r1":
+ flags = {x[len(IUSE_PREFIX) :] for x in iuse if x.startswith(IUSE_PREFIX)}
req_use_args = (flags, IUSE_PREFIX, OrRestriction)
- flags = {x[len(IUSE_PREFIX_S):] for x in iuse if x.startswith(IUSE_PREFIX_S)}
+ flags = {x[len(IUSE_PREFIX_S) :] for x in iuse if x.startswith(IUSE_PREFIX_S)}
req_use_args = (flags, IUSE_PREFIX_S, JustOneRestriction)
if not self.check_required_use(pkg.required_use, *req_use_args):
yield PythonMissingRequiredUse(pkg=pkg)
if not self.check_depend(pkg.rdepend, *(req_use_args[:2])):
- yield PythonMissingDeps('RDEPEND', pkg=pkg)
+ yield PythonMissingDeps("RDEPEND", pkg=pkg)
else: # python-any-r1
for attr in ("rdepend", "pdepend"):
for p in iflatten_instance(getattr(pkg, attr), atom):
@@ -476,10 +492,12 @@ class PythonCheck(Check):
for attr in ("depend", "bdepend")
for p in iflatten_instance(getattr(pkg, attr), atom)
- yield PythonMissingDeps('DEPEND', pkg=pkg)
+ yield PythonMissingDeps("DEPEND", pkg=pkg)
# We're not interested in testing fake objects from TestPythonCheck
- if eclass is None or not isinstance(pkg, sources._ParsedPkg) or not hasattr(pkg, 'tree'): # pragma: no cover
+ if (
+ eclass is None or not isinstance(pkg, sources._ParsedPkg) or not hasattr(pkg, "tree")
+ ): # pragma: no cover
if "distutils-r1" in pkg.inherited:
@@ -488,9 +506,11 @@ class PythonCheck(Check):
any_dep_func = self.eclass_any_dep_func[eclass]
python_check_deps = self.build_python_gen_any_dep_calls(pkg, any_dep_func)
for func_node, _ in bash.func_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node):
- func_name = pkg.node_str(func_node.child_by_field_name('name'))
+ func_name = pkg.node_str(func_node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if func_name == "python_check_deps":
- yield from self.check_python_check_deps(pkg, func_node, python_check_deps, any_dep_func)
+ yield from self.check_python_check_deps(
+ pkg, func_node, python_check_deps, any_dep_func
+ )
class PythonCompatUpdate(results.VersionResult, results.Info):
@@ -503,8 +523,8 @@ class PythonCompatUpdate(results.VersionResult, results.Info):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.updates)
- updates = ', '.join(self.updates)
- return f'PYTHON_COMPAT update{s} available: {updates}'
+ updates = ", ".join(self.updates)
+ return f"PYTHON_COMPAT update{s} available: {updates}"
class PythonCompatCheck(Check):
@@ -520,32 +540,32 @@ class PythonCompatCheck(Check):
repo = self.options.target_repo
# sorter for python targets leveraging USE_EXPAND flag ordering from repo
- self.sorter = repo.use_expand_sorter('python_targets')
+ self.sorter = repo.use_expand_sorter("python_targets")
# determine available PYTHON_TARGET use flags
targets = []
for target, _desc in repo.use_expand_desc.get(IUSE_PREFIX[:-1], ()):
- if target[len(IUSE_PREFIX):].startswith('python'):
- targets.append(target[len(IUSE_PREFIX):])
+ if target[len(IUSE_PREFIX) :].startswith("python"):
+ targets.append(target[len(IUSE_PREFIX) :])
multi_targets = tuple(sorted(targets, key=self.sorter))
# determine available PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET use flags
targets = []
for target, _desc in repo.use_expand_desc.get(IUSE_PREFIX_S[:-1], ()):
- if target[len(IUSE_PREFIX_S):].startswith('python'):
- targets.append(target[len(IUSE_PREFIX_S):])
+ if target[len(IUSE_PREFIX_S) :].startswith("python"):
+ targets.append(target[len(IUSE_PREFIX_S) :])
single_targets = tuple(sorted(targets, key=self.sorter))
self.params = {
- 'python-r1': (multi_targets, IUSE_PREFIX, None),
- 'python-single-r1': (single_targets, (IUSE_PREFIX, IUSE_PREFIX_S), None),
- 'python-any-r1': (multi_targets, (IUSE_PREFIX, IUSE_PREFIX_S), ('depend', 'bdepend')),
+ "python-r1": (multi_targets, IUSE_PREFIX, None),
+ "python-single-r1": (single_targets, (IUSE_PREFIX, IUSE_PREFIX_S), None),
+ "python-any-r1": (multi_targets, (IUSE_PREFIX, IUSE_PREFIX_S), ("depend", "bdepend")),
def python_deps(self, deps, prefix):
for dep in (x for x in deps if x.use):
for x in dep.use:
- if x.startswith(('-', '!')):
+ if x.startswith(("-", "!")):
if x.startswith(prefix):
yield dep.no_usedeps
@@ -573,19 +593,25 @@ class PythonCompatCheck(Check):
# determine the latest supported python version
latest_target = sorted(
- (f"python{x.slot.replace('.', '_')}" for x in deps
- if x.key == 'dev-lang/python' and x.slot is not None), key=self.sorter)[-1]
+ (
+ f"python{x.slot.replace('.', '_')}"
+ for x in deps
+ if x.key == "dev-lang/python" and x.slot is not None
+ ),
+ key=self.sorter,
+ )[-1]
except IndexError:
# should be flagged by PythonMissingDeps
# ignore pkgs that probably aren't py3 compatible
- if latest_target == 'python2_7':
+ if latest_target == "python2_7":
# determine python impls to target
- targets = set(itertools.takewhile(
- lambda x: x != latest_target, reversed(available_targets)))
+ targets = set(
+ itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x != latest_target, reversed(available_targets))
+ )
if targets:
@@ -595,7 +621,9 @@ class PythonCompatCheck(Check):
latest = sorted(self.options.search_repo.match(dep))[-1]
f"python{x.rsplit('python', 1)[-1]}"
- for x in latest.iuse_stripped if x.startswith(prefix))
+ for x in latest.iuse_stripped
+ if x.startswith(prefix)
+ )
if not targets:
except IndexError:
@@ -624,20 +652,20 @@ class PythonGHDistfileSuffix(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return (f"GitHub archive {self.filename!r} ({self.uri!r}) is not "
- "using '.gh.tar.gz' suffix")
+ return (
+ f"GitHub archive {self.filename!r} ({self.uri!r}) is not " "using '.gh.tar.gz' suffix"
+ )
class PythonGHDistfileSuffixCheck(Check):
- """Check ebuilds with PyPI remotes for missing ".gh.tar.gz" suffixes.
- """
+ """Check ebuilds with PyPI remotes for missing ".gh.tar.gz" suffixes."""
required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,)
known_results = frozenset([PythonGHDistfileSuffix])
def __init__(self, *args, use_addon):
- self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter('fetchables')
+ self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter("fetchables")
def feed(self, pkg):
# consider only packages with pypi remote-id
@@ -646,10 +674,12 @@ class PythonGHDistfileSuffixCheck(Check):
# look for GitHub archives
fetchables, _ = self.iuse_filter(
- (fetch.fetchable,), pkg,
- pkg.generate_fetchables(allow_missing_checksums=True,
- ignore_unknown_mirrors=True,
- skip_default_mirrors=True))
+ (fetch.fetchable,),
+ pkg,
+ pkg.generate_fetchables(
+ allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True, skip_default_mirrors=True
+ ),
+ )
for f in fetchables:
# skip files that have the correct suffix already
if f.filename.endswith(".gh.tar.gz"):
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/repo.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/repo.py
index b12eb352..8b12f68d 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/repo.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/repo.py
@@ -28,14 +28,13 @@ class RepoDirCheck(GentooRepoCheck, RepoCheck):
known_results = frozenset([BinaryFile])
# repo root level directories that are ignored
- ignored_root_dirs = frozenset(['.git'])
+ ignored_root_dirs = frozenset([".git"])
def __init__(self, *args, git_addon):
self.gitignored = git_addon.gitignored
self.repo = self.options.target_repo
- self.ignored_paths = {
- pjoin(self.repo.location, x) for x in self.ignored_root_dirs}
+ self.ignored_paths = {pjoin(self.repo.location, x) for x in self.ignored_root_dirs}
self.dirs = [self.repo.location]
def finish(self):
@@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ class RepoDirCheck(GentooRepoCheck, RepoCheck):
elif is_binary(entry.path):
if not self.gitignored(entry.path):
- rel_path = entry.path[len(self.repo.location) + 1:]
+ rel_path = entry.path[len(self.repo.location) + 1 :]
yield BinaryFile(rel_path)
@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ class EmptyCategoryDir(results.CategoryResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'empty category directory: {self.category}'
+ return f"empty category directory: {self.category}"
class EmptyPackageDir(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
@@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ class EmptyPackageDir(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- return f'empty package directory: {self.category}/{self.package}'
+ return f"empty package directory: {self.category}/{self.package}"
class EmptyDirsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, RepoCheck):
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/repo_metadata.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/repo_metadata.py
index a8466f0f..003ff891 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/repo_metadata.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/repo_metadata.py
@@ -79,11 +79,16 @@ class PackageUpdatesCheck(RepoCheck):
"""Scan profiles/updates/* for outdated entries and other issues."""
_source = (sources.EmptySource, (base.profiles_scope,))
- known_results = frozenset([
- MultiMovePackageUpdate, OldMultiMovePackageUpdate,
- OldPackageUpdate, MovedPackageUpdate, BadPackageUpdate,
- RedundantPackageUpdate,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ MultiMovePackageUpdate,
+ OldMultiMovePackageUpdate,
+ OldPackageUpdate,
+ MovedPackageUpdate,
+ BadPackageUpdate,
+ RedundantPackageUpdate,
+ ]
+ )
def __init__(self, *args):
@@ -92,8 +97,8 @@ class PackageUpdatesCheck(RepoCheck):
def finish(self):
logmap = (
- base.LogMap('pkgcore.log.logger.warning', MovedPackageUpdate),
- base.LogMap('pkgcore.log.logger.error', BadPackageUpdate),
+ base.LogMap("pkgcore.log.logger.warning", MovedPackageUpdate),
+ base.LogMap("pkgcore.log.logger.error", BadPackageUpdate),
# convert log warnings/errors into reports
@@ -106,8 +111,8 @@ class PackageUpdatesCheck(RepoCheck):
old_slotmove_updates = {}
for pkg, updates in repo_updates.items():
- move_updates = [x for x in updates if x[0] == 'move']
- slotmove_updates = [x for x in updates if x[0] == 'slotmove']
+ move_updates = [x for x in updates if x[0] == "move"]
+ slotmove_updates = [x for x in updates if x[0] == "slotmove"]
# check for multi-updates, a -> b, b -> c, ...
if len(move_updates) > 1:
@@ -126,7 +131,7 @@ class PackageUpdatesCheck(RepoCheck):
# scan updates for old entries with removed packages
for x in slotmove_updates:
_, pkg, newslot = x
- orig_line = ('slotmove', str(pkg)[:-(len(pkg.slot) + 1)], pkg.slot, newslot)
+ orig_line = ("slotmove", str(pkg)[: -(len(pkg.slot) + 1)], pkg.slot, newslot)
if not self.search_repo.match(pkg.unversioned_atom):
# reproduce updates file line data for result output
old_slotmove_updates[pkg.key] = orig_line
@@ -160,8 +165,8 @@ class UnusedLicenses(results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.licenses)
- licenses = ', '.join(self.licenses)
- return f'unused license{s}: {licenses}'
+ licenses = ", ".join(self.licenses)
+ return f"unused license{s}: {licenses}"
class UnusedLicensesCheck(RepoCheck):
@@ -199,8 +204,8 @@ class UnusedMirrors(results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.mirrors)
- mirrors = ', '.join(self.mirrors)
- return f'unused mirror{s}: {mirrors}'
+ mirrors = ", ".join(self.mirrors)
+ return f"unused mirror{s}: {mirrors}"
class UnusedMirrorsCheck(MirrorsCheck, RepoCheck):
@@ -234,9 +239,9 @@ class UnusedEclasses(results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- es = pluralism(self.eclasses, plural='es')
- eclasses = ', '.join(self.eclasses)
- return f'unused eclass{es}: {eclasses}'
+ es = pluralism(self.eclasses, plural="es")
+ eclasses = ", ".join(self.eclasses)
+ return f"unused eclass{es}: {eclasses}"
class UnusedEclassesCheck(RepoCheck):
@@ -253,8 +258,9 @@ class UnusedEclassesCheck(RepoCheck):
master_eclasses = set()
for repo in self.options.target_repo.masters:
- self.unused_eclasses = set(
- self.options.target_repo.eclass_cache.eclasses.keys()) - master_eclasses
+ self.unused_eclasses = (
+ set(self.options.target_repo.eclass_cache.eclasses.keys()) - master_eclasses
+ )
def feed(self, pkg):
@@ -276,8 +282,8 @@ class UnknownLicenses(results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.licenses)
- licenses = ', '.join(self.licenses)
- return f'license group {self.group!r} has unknown license{s}: [ {licenses} ]'
+ licenses = ", ".join(self.licenses)
+ return f"license group {self.group!r} has unknown license{s}: [ {licenses} ]"
class LicenseGroupsCheck(RepoCheck):
@@ -307,10 +313,10 @@ class PotentialLocalUse(results.Info):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.pkgs)
- pkgs = ', '.join(self.pkgs)
+ pkgs = ", ".join(self.pkgs)
return (
- f'global USE flag {self.flag!r} is a potential local, '
- f'used by {len(self.pkgs)} package{s}: {pkgs}'
+ f"global USE flag {self.flag!r} is a potential local, "
+ f"used by {len(self.pkgs)} package{s}: {pkgs}"
@@ -324,8 +330,8 @@ class UnusedGlobalUse(results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.flags)
- flags = ', '.join(self.flags)
- return f'use.desc unused flag{s}: {flags}'
+ flags = ", ".join(self.flags)
+ return f"use.desc unused flag{s}: {flags}"
class UnusedGlobalUseExpand(results.Warning):
@@ -338,8 +344,8 @@ class UnusedGlobalUseExpand(results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.flags)
- flags = ', '.join(self.flags)
- return f'unused flag{s}: {flags}'
+ flags = ", ".join(self.flags)
+ return f"unused flag{s}: {flags}"
class PotentialGlobalUse(results.Info):
@@ -354,7 +360,8 @@ class PotentialGlobalUse(results.Info):
def desc(self):
return (
f"local USE flag {self.flag!r} is a potential global "
- f"used by {len(self.pkgs)} packages: {', '.join(self.pkgs)}")
+ f"used by {len(self.pkgs)} packages: {', '.join(self.pkgs)}"
+ )
def _dfs(graph, start, visited=None):
@@ -369,11 +376,16 @@ def _dfs(graph, start, visited=None):
class GlobalUseCheck(RepoCheck):
"""Check global USE and USE_EXPAND flags for various issues."""
- _source = (sources.RepositoryRepoSource, (), (('source', sources.PackageRepoSource),))
+ _source = (sources.RepositoryRepoSource, (), (("source", sources.PackageRepoSource),))
required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,)
- known_results = frozenset([
- PotentialLocalUse, PotentialGlobalUse, UnusedGlobalUse, UnusedGlobalUseExpand,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ PotentialLocalUse,
+ PotentialGlobalUse,
+ UnusedGlobalUse,
+ UnusedGlobalUseExpand,
+ ]
+ )
def __init__(self, *args, use_addon):
@@ -394,7 +406,7 @@ class GlobalUseCheck(RepoCheck):
# calculate USE flag description difference ratios
diffs = {}
for i, (i_pkg, i_desc) in enumerate(pkgs):
- for j, (j_pkg, j_desc) in enumerate(pkgs[i + 1:]):
+ for j, (j_pkg, j_desc) in enumerate(pkgs[i + 1 :]):
diffs[(i, i + j + 1)] = SequenceMatcher(None, i_desc, j_desc).ratio()
# create an adjacency list using all closely matching flags pairs
@@ -424,11 +436,12 @@ class GlobalUseCheck(RepoCheck):
yield [pkgs[i][0] for i in component]
def finish(self):
- repo_global_use = {
- flag for matcher, (flag, desc) in self.repo.config.use_desc}
+ repo_global_use = {flag for matcher, (flag, desc) in self.repo.config.use_desc}
repo_global_use_expand = {
- flag for use_expand in self.repo.config.use_expand_desc.values()
- for flag, desc in use_expand}
+ flag
+ for use_expand in self.repo.config.use_expand_desc.values()
+ for flag, desc in use_expand
+ }
repo_local_use = self.repo.config.use_local_desc
unused_global_use = []
unused_global_use_expand = []
@@ -481,7 +494,8 @@ class MissingChksum(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
return (
f"{self.filename!r} missing required chksums: "
- f"{', '.join(self.missing)}; has chksums: {', '.join(self.existing)}")
+ f"{', '.join(self.missing)}; has chksums: {', '.join(self.existing)}"
+ )
class DeprecatedChksum(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
@@ -495,8 +509,8 @@ class DeprecatedChksum(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.deprecated)
- deprecated = ', '.join(self.deprecated)
- return f'{self.filename!r} has deprecated checksum{s}: {deprecated}'
+ deprecated = ", ".join(self.deprecated)
+ return f"{self.filename!r} has deprecated checksum{s}: {deprecated}"
class MissingManifest(results.VersionResult, results.Error):
@@ -509,8 +523,8 @@ class MissingManifest(results.VersionResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.files)
- files = ', '.join(self.files)
- return f'distfile{s} missing from Manifest: [ {files} ]'
+ files = ", ".join(self.files)
+ return f"distfile{s} missing from Manifest: [ {files} ]"
class UnknownManifest(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
@@ -523,8 +537,8 @@ class UnknownManifest(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.files)
- files = ', '.join(self.files)
- return f'unknown distfile{s} in Manifest: [ {files} ]'
+ files = ", ".join(self.files)
+ return f"unknown distfile{s} in Manifest: [ {files} ]"
class UnnecessaryManifest(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
@@ -537,14 +551,14 @@ class UnnecessaryManifest(results.PackageResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.files)
- files = ', '.join(self.files)
- return f'unnecessary file{s} in Manifest: [ {files} ]'
+ files = ", ".join(self.files)
+ return f"unnecessary file{s} in Manifest: [ {files} ]"
class InvalidManifest(results.MetadataError, results.PackageResult):
"""Package's Manifest file is invalid."""
- attr = 'manifest'
+ attr = "manifest"
class ManifestCheck(Check):
@@ -556,19 +570,27 @@ class ManifestCheck(Check):
required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,)
_source = sources.PackageRepoSource
- known_results = frozenset([
- MissingChksum, MissingManifest, UnknownManifest, UnnecessaryManifest,
- DeprecatedChksum, InvalidManifest,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ MissingChksum,
+ MissingManifest,
+ UnknownManifest,
+ UnnecessaryManifest,
+ DeprecatedChksum,
+ InvalidManifest,
+ ]
+ )
def __init__(self, *args, use_addon):
repo = self.options.target_repo
self.preferred_checksums = frozenset(
- repo.config.manifests.hashes if hasattr(repo, 'config') else ())
+ repo.config.manifests.hashes if hasattr(repo, "config") else ()
+ )
self.required_checksums = frozenset(
- repo.config.manifests.required_hashes if hasattr(repo, 'config') else ())
- self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter('fetchables')
+ repo.config.manifests.required_hashes if hasattr(repo, "config") else ()
+ )
+ self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter("fetchables")
def feed(self, pkgset):
pkg_manifest = pkgset[0].manifest
@@ -577,8 +599,10 @@ class ManifestCheck(Check):
for pkg in pkgset:
fetchables, _ = self.iuse_filter(
- (fetch.fetchable,), pkg,
- pkg.generate_fetchables(allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True))
+ (fetch.fetchable,),
+ pkg,
+ pkg.generate_fetchables(allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True),
+ )
fetchables = set(fetchables)
@@ -593,8 +617,8 @@ class ManifestCheck(Check):
missing = self.required_checksums.difference(f_inst.chksums)
if f_inst.filename not in missing_manifests and missing:
yield MissingChksum(
- f_inst.filename, sorted(missing),
- sorted(f_inst.chksums), pkg=pkg)
+ f_inst.filename, sorted(missing), sorted(f_inst.chksums), pkg=pkg
+ )
elif f_inst.chksums and self.preferred_checksums != frozenset(f_inst.chksums):
deprecated = set(f_inst.chksums).difference(self.preferred_checksums)
yield DeprecatedChksum(f_inst.filename, sorted(deprecated), pkg=pkg)
@@ -602,7 +626,7 @@ class ManifestCheck(Check):
if pkg_manifest.thin:
unnecessary_manifests = []
- for attr in ('aux_files', 'ebuilds', 'misc'):
+ for attr in ("aux_files", "ebuilds", "misc"):
unnecessary_manifests.extend(getattr(pkg_manifest, attr, []))
if unnecessary_manifests:
yield UnnecessaryManifest(sorted(unnecessary_manifests), pkg=pkgset[0])
@@ -624,12 +648,12 @@ class ConflictingChksums(results.VersionResult, results.Error):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.chksums)
- chksums = ', '.join(self.chksums)
+ chksums = ", ".join(self.chksums)
pkgs_s = pluralism(self.pkgs)
- pkgs = ', '.join(self.pkgs)
+ pkgs = ", ".join(self.pkgs)
return (
- f'distfile {self.filename!r} has different checksum{s} '
- f'({chksums}) for package{pkgs_s}: {pkgs}'
+ f"distfile {self.filename!r} has different checksum{s} "
+ f"({chksums}) for package{pkgs_s}: {pkgs}"
@@ -644,9 +668,9 @@ class MatchingChksums(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
- msg = f'distfile {self.filename!r} matches checksums for {self.orig_file!r}'
- if f'{self.category}/{self.package}' != self.orig_pkg:
- msg += f' from {self.orig_pkg}'
+ msg = f"distfile {self.filename!r} matches checksums for {self.orig_file!r}"
+ if f"{self.category}/{self.package}" != self.orig_pkg:
+ msg += f" from {self.orig_pkg}"
return msg
@@ -657,7 +681,7 @@ class ManifestCollisionCheck(Check):
different filenames with matching checksums.
- _source = (sources.RepositoryRepoSource, (), (('source', sources.PackageRepoSource),))
+ _source = (sources.RepositoryRepoSource, (), (("source", sources.PackageRepoSource),))
known_results = frozenset([ConflictingChksums, MatchingChksums])
def __init__(self, *args):
@@ -665,15 +689,14 @@ class ManifestCollisionCheck(Check):
self.seen_files = {}
self.seen_chksums = {}
# ignore go.mod false positives (issue #228)
- self._ignored_files_re = re.compile(r'^.*%2F@v.*\.mod$')
+ self._ignored_files_re = re.compile(r"^.*%2F@v.*\.mod$")
def _conflicts(self, pkg):
"""Check for similarly named distfiles with different checksums."""
for filename, chksums in pkg.manifest.distfiles.items():
existing = self.seen_files.get(filename)
if existing is None:
- self.seen_files[filename] = (
- [pkg.key], dict(chksums.items()))
+ self.seen_files[filename] = ([pkg.key], dict(chksums.items()))
seen_pkgs, seen_chksums = existing
conflicting_chksums = []
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/reserved.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/reserved.py
index 8448179a..a67d1683 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/reserved.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/reserved.py
@@ -7,12 +7,17 @@ from . import Check
class _ReservedNameCheck(Check):
- reserved_prefixes = ('__', 'abort', 'dyn', 'prep')
- reserved_substrings = ('hook', 'paludis', 'portage') # 'ebuild' is special case
- reserved_ebuild_regex = re.compile(r'(.*[^a-zA-Z])?ebuild.*')
+ reserved_prefixes = ("__", "abort", "dyn", "prep")
+ reserved_substrings = ("hook", "paludis", "portage") # 'ebuild' is special case
+ reserved_ebuild_regex = re.compile(r"(.*[^a-zA-Z])?ebuild.*")
"""Portage variables whose use is half-legitimate and harmless if the package manager doesn't support them."""
+ special_whitelist = (
+ )
"""Approved good exceptions to using of variables."""
variables_usage_whitelist = {"EBUILD_PHASE", "EBUILD_PHASE_FUNC"}
@@ -24,32 +29,37 @@ class _ReservedNameCheck(Check):
test_name = used_name.lower()
for reserved in self.reserved_prefixes:
if test_name.startswith(reserved):
- yield used_name, used_type, reserved, 'prefix', lineno+1
+ yield used_name, used_type, reserved, "prefix", lineno + 1
for reserved in self.reserved_substrings:
if reserved in test_name:
- yield used_name, used_type, reserved, 'substring', lineno+1
+ yield used_name, used_type, reserved, "substring", lineno + 1
if self.reserved_ebuild_regex.match(test_name):
- yield used_name, used_type, 'ebuild', 'substring', lineno+1
+ yield used_name, used_type, "ebuild", "substring", lineno + 1
def _feed(self, item):
- yield from self._check('function', {
- item.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name')): node.start_point
- for node, _ in bash.func_query.captures(item.tree.root_node)
- })
+ yield from self._check(
+ "function",
+ {
+ item.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name")): node.start_point
+ for node, _ in bash.func_query.captures(item.tree.root_node)
+ },
+ )
used_variables = {
- item.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name')): node.start_point
+ item.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name")): node.start_point
for node, _ in bash.var_assign_query.captures(item.tree.root_node)
for node, _ in bash.var_query.captures(item.tree.root_node):
if (name := item.node_str(node)) not in self.variables_usage_whitelist:
used_variables.setdefault(name, node.start_point)
- yield from self._check('variable', used_variables)
+ yield from self._check("variable", used_variables)
class EclassReservedName(results.EclassResult, results.Warning):
"""Eclass uses reserved variable or function name for package manager."""
- def __init__(self, used_name: str, used_type: str, reserved_word: str, reserved_type: str, **kwargs):
+ def __init__(
+ self, used_name: str, used_type: str, reserved_word: str, reserved_type: str, **kwargs
+ ):
self.used_name = used_name
self.used_type = used_type
@@ -101,7 +111,7 @@ class EbuildReservedCheck(_ReservedNameCheck):
super().__init__(options, **kwargs)
self.phases_hooks = {
eapi_name: {
- f'{prefix}_{phase}' for phase in eapi.phases.values() for prefix in ('pre', 'post')
+ f"{prefix}_{phase}" for phase in eapi.phases.values() for prefix in ("pre", "post")
for eapi_name, eapi in EAPI.known_eapis.items()
@@ -111,7 +121,9 @@ class EbuildReservedCheck(_ReservedNameCheck):
yield EbuildReservedName(*args, lineno=lineno, line=used_name, pkg=pkg)
for node, _ in bash.func_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node):
- used_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name'))
+ used_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if used_name in self.phases_hooks[str(pkg.eapi)]:
lineno, _ = node.start_point
- yield EbuildReservedName('function', used_name, 'phase hook', lineno=lineno+1, line=used_name, pkg=pkg)
+ yield EbuildReservedName(
+ "function", used_name, "phase hook", lineno=lineno + 1, line=used_name, pkg=pkg
+ )
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/stablereq.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/stablereq.py
index 3f396e08..57e41a84 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/stablereq.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/stablereq.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class StableRequest(results.VersionResult, results.Info):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.keywords)
- keywords = ', '.join(self.keywords)
+ keywords = ", ".join(self.keywords)
return (
f"slot({self.slot}) no change in {self.age} days "
f"for unstable keyword{s}: [ {keywords} ]"
@@ -37,19 +37,25 @@ class StableRequestCheck(GentooRepoCheck):
Note that packages with no stable keywords won't trigger this at all.
Instead they'll be caught by the UnstableOnly check.
- _source = (sources.PackageRepoSource, (), (('source', sources.UnmaskedRepoSource),))
+ _source = (sources.PackageRepoSource, (), (("source", sources.UnmaskedRepoSource),))
required_addons = (addons.git.GitAddon,)
known_results = frozenset([StableRequest])
def mangle_argparser(parser):
- '--stabletime', metavar='DAYS', dest='stable_time', default=30,
- type=arghparse.positive_int, help='set number of days before stabilisation',
+ "--stabletime",
+ metavar="DAYS",
+ dest="stable_time",
+ default=30,
+ type=arghparse.positive_int,
+ help="set number of days before stabilisation",
An integer number of days before a package version is flagged by
StableRequestCheck. Defaults to 30 days.
- """)
+ """,
+ )
def __init__(self, *args, git_addon):
@@ -64,7 +70,7 @@ class StableRequestCheck(GentooRepoCheck):
- if stable_pkg_keywords := {x for x in pkg_keywords if x[0] not in {'-', '~'}}:
+ if stable_pkg_keywords := {x for x in pkg_keywords if x[0] not in {"-", "~"}}:
for slot, pkgs in sorted(pkg_slotted.items()):
slot_keywords = set().union(*(pkg.keywords for pkg in pkgs))
stable_slot_keywords = slot_keywords.intersection(stable_pkg_keywords)
@@ -82,11 +88,11 @@ class StableRequestCheck(GentooRepoCheck):
added = datetime.fromtimestamp(match.time)
days_old = (self.today - added).days
if days_old >= self.options.stable_time:
- pkg_stable_keywords = {x.lstrip('~') for x in pkg.keywords}
+ pkg_stable_keywords = {x.lstrip("~") for x in pkg.keywords}
if stable_slot_keywords:
keywords = stable_slot_keywords.intersection(pkg_stable_keywords)
keywords = stable_pkg_keywords.intersection(pkg_stable_keywords)
- keywords = sorted('~' + x for x in keywords)
+ keywords = sorted("~" + x for x in keywords)
yield StableRequest(slot, keywords, days_old, pkg=pkg)
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/unstable_only.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/unstable_only.py
index 2d08f635..0fc8b9f6 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/unstable_only.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/unstable_only.py
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ class UnstableOnly(results.PackageResult, results.Info):
def desc(self):
- es = pluralism(self.arches, plural='es')
- arches = ', '.join(self.arches)
- versions = ', '.join(self.versions)
- return f'for arch{es}: [ {arches} ], all versions are unstable: [ {versions} ]'
+ es = pluralism(self.arches, plural="es")
+ arches = ", ".join(self.arches)
+ versions = ", ".join(self.versions)
+ return f"for arch{es}: [ {arches} ], all versions are unstable: [ {versions} ]"
class UnstableOnlyCheck(GentooRepoCheck):
@@ -39,10 +39,8 @@ class UnstableOnlyCheck(GentooRepoCheck):
self.arch_restricts = {}
for arch in arches:
self.arch_restricts[arch] = [
- packages.PackageRestriction(
- "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2((arch,))),
- packages.PackageRestriction(
- "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2((f"~{arch}",)))
+ packages.PackageRestriction("keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2((arch,))),
+ packages.PackageRestriction("keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2((f"~{arch}",))),
def feed(self, pkgset):
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/visibility.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/visibility.py
index 021a738f..5440db7f 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/visibility.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/visibility.py
@@ -12,30 +12,29 @@ from . import Check
class FakeConfigurable:
- "Package wrapper binding profile data."""
+ "Package wrapper binding profile data." ""
configurable = True
- __slots__ = ('use', 'iuse', '_forced_use', '_masked_use', '_pkg_use', '_raw_pkg', '_profile')
+ __slots__ = ("use", "iuse", "_forced_use", "_masked_use", "_pkg_use", "_raw_pkg", "_profile")
def __init__(self, pkg, profile):
- object.__setattr__(self, '_raw_pkg', pkg)
- object.__setattr__(self, '_profile', profile)
- object.__setattr__(
- self, '_forced_use', self._profile.forced_use.pull_data(self._raw_pkg))
- object.__setattr__(
- self, '_masked_use', self._profile.masked_use.pull_data(self._raw_pkg))
- object.__setattr__(
- self, '_pkg_use', self._profile.pkg_use.pull_data(self._raw_pkg))
- use_defaults = {x[1:] for x in pkg.iuse if x[0] == '+'}
- enabled_use = (use_defaults | profile.use | self._pkg_use | self._forced_use) - self._masked_use
- object.__setattr__(
- self, 'use', frozenset(enabled_use & (profile.iuse_effective | pkg.iuse_effective)))
+ object.__setattr__(self, "_raw_pkg", pkg)
+ object.__setattr__(self, "_profile", profile)
+ object.__setattr__(self, "_forced_use", self._profile.forced_use.pull_data(self._raw_pkg))
+ object.__setattr__(self, "_masked_use", self._profile.masked_use.pull_data(self._raw_pkg))
+ object.__setattr__(self, "_pkg_use", self._profile.pkg_use.pull_data(self._raw_pkg))
+ use_defaults = {x[1:] for x in pkg.iuse if x[0] == "+"}
+ enabled_use = (
+ use_defaults | profile.use | self._pkg_use | self._forced_use
+ ) - self._masked_use
- self, 'iuse', frozenset(profile.iuse_effective.union(pkg.iuse_stripped)))
+ self, "use", frozenset(enabled_use & (profile.iuse_effective | pkg.iuse_effective))
+ )
+ object.__setattr__(self, "iuse", frozenset(profile.iuse_effective.union(pkg.iuse_stripped)))
def request_enable(self, attr, *vals):
- if attr != 'use':
+ if attr != "use":
return False
set_vals = frozenset(vals)
@@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ class FakeConfigurable:
return set_vals.isdisjoint(self._masked_use)
def request_disable(self, attr, *vals):
- if attr != 'use':
+ if attr != "use":
return False
set_vals = frozenset(vals)
@@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ class FakeConfigurable:
__getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy("_raw_pkg")
def __setattr__(self, attr, val):
- raise AttributeError(self, 'is immutable')
+ raise AttributeError(self, "is immutable")
class _BlockMemoryExhaustion(Exception):
@@ -78,10 +77,13 @@ class _BlockMemoryExhaustion(Exception):
# This is fast path code, hence the seperated implementations.
-if getattr(atom, '_TRANSITIVE_USE_ATOM_BUG_IS_FIXED', False):
+if getattr(atom, "_TRANSITIVE_USE_ATOM_BUG_IS_FIXED", False):
def _eapi2_flatten(val):
return isinstance(val, atom) and not isinstance(val, transitive_use_atom)
def _eapi2_flatten(val):
if isinstance(val, transitive_use_atom):
if len([x for x in val.use if x.endswith("?")]) > 16:
@@ -107,13 +109,13 @@ class VisibleVcsPkg(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
if self.num_profiles is not None and self.num_profiles > 1:
- num_profiles = f' ({self.num_profiles} total)'
+ num_profiles = f" ({self.num_profiles} total)"
- num_profiles = ''
+ num_profiles = ""
return (
f'VCS version visible for KEYWORDS="{self.arch}", '
- f'profile {self.profile}{num_profiles}'
+ f"profile {self.profile}{num_profiles}"
@@ -128,8 +130,8 @@ class NonexistentDeps(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
s = pluralism(self.nonexistent)
- nonexistent = ', '.join(self.nonexistent)
- return f'{self.attr}: nonexistent package{s}: {nonexistent}'
+ nonexistent = ", ".join(self.nonexistent)
+ return f"{self.attr}: nonexistent package{s}: {nonexistent}"
class UncheckableDep(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
@@ -147,8 +149,17 @@ class UncheckableDep(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
class NonsolvableDeps(results.VersionResult, results.AliasResult, results.Error):
"""No potential solution for a depset attribute."""
- def __init__(self, attr, keyword, profile, deps, profile_status,
- profile_deprecated, num_profiles=None, **kwargs):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ attr,
+ keyword,
+ profile,
+ deps,
+ profile_status,
+ profile_deprecated,
+ num_profiles=None,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
self.attr = attr
self.keyword = keyword
@@ -160,12 +171,12 @@ class NonsolvableDeps(results.VersionResult, results.AliasResult, results.Error)
def desc(self):
- profile_status = 'deprecated ' if self.profile_deprecated else ''
- profile_status += self.profile_status or 'custom'
+ profile_status = "deprecated " if self.profile_deprecated else ""
+ profile_status += self.profile_status or "custom"
if self.num_profiles is not None and self.num_profiles > 1:
- num_profiles = f' ({self.num_profiles} total)'
+ num_profiles = f" ({self.num_profiles} total)"
- num_profiles = ''
+ num_profiles = ""
return (
f"nonsolvable depset({self.attr}) keyword({self.keyword}) "
@@ -186,7 +197,7 @@ class NonsolvableDepsInExp(NonsolvableDeps):
"""No potential solution for dependency on exp profile."""
# results require experimental profiles to be enabled
- _profile = 'exp'
+ _profile = "exp"
class VisibilityCheck(feeds.EvaluateDepSet, feeds.QueryCache, Check):
@@ -198,18 +209,24 @@ class VisibilityCheck(feeds.EvaluateDepSet, feeds.QueryCache, Check):
required_addons = (addons.profiles.ProfileAddon,)
- known_results = frozenset([
- VisibleVcsPkg, NonexistentDeps, UncheckableDep,
- NonsolvableDepsInStable, NonsolvableDepsInDev, NonsolvableDepsInExp,
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ VisibleVcsPkg,
+ NonexistentDeps,
+ UncheckableDep,
+ NonsolvableDepsInStable,
+ NonsolvableDepsInDev,
+ NonsolvableDepsInExp,
+ ]
+ )
def __init__(self, *args, profile_addon):
super().__init__(*args, profile_addon=profile_addon)
self.profiles = profile_addon
self.report_cls_map = {
- 'stable': NonsolvableDepsInStable,
- 'dev': NonsolvableDepsInDev,
- 'exp': NonsolvableDepsInExp,
+ "stable": NonsolvableDepsInStable,
+ "dev": NonsolvableDepsInDev,
+ "exp": NonsolvableDepsInExp,
def feed(self, pkg):
@@ -238,8 +255,7 @@ class VisibilityCheck(feeds.EvaluateDepSet, feeds.QueryCache, Check):
# on don't have to use the slower get method
self.query_cache[node] = ()
- matches = caching_iter(
- self.options.search_repo.itermatch(node))
+ matches = caching_iter(self.options.search_repo.itermatch(node))
if matches:
self.query_cache[node] = matches
if orig_node is not node:
@@ -263,10 +279,8 @@ class VisibilityCheck(feeds.EvaluateDepSet, feeds.QueryCache, Check):
depset = getattr(pkg, attr)
profile_failures = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set))
- for edepset, profiles in self.collapse_evaluate_depset(
- pkg, attr, depset):
- for profile, failures in self.process_depset(
- pkg, attr, depset, edepset, profiles):
+ for edepset, profiles in self.collapse_evaluate_depset(pkg, attr, depset):
+ for profile, failures in self.process_depset(pkg, attr, depset, edepset, profiles):
failures = tuple(map(str, sorted(stable_unique(failures))))
@@ -276,24 +290,36 @@ class VisibilityCheck(feeds.EvaluateDepSet, feeds.QueryCache, Check):
for failures, profiles in profile_failures.items():
for profile_status, cls in self.report_cls_map.items():
for profile in sorted(
- profiles.get(profile_status, ()),
- key=attrgetter('key', 'name')):
+ profiles.get(profile_status, ()), key=attrgetter("key", "name")
+ ):
yield cls(
- attr, profile.key, profile.name, failures,
- profile_status, profile.deprecated, pkg=pkg)
+ attr,
+ profile.key,
+ profile.name,
+ failures,
+ profile_status,
+ profile.deprecated,
+ pkg=pkg,
+ )
# only report one failure per depset per profile type in regular mode
for failures, profiles in profile_failures.items():
for profile_status, cls in self.report_cls_map.items():
status_profiles = sorted(
- profiles.get(profile_status, ()),
- key=attrgetter('key', 'name'))
+ profiles.get(profile_status, ()), key=attrgetter("key", "name")
+ )
if status_profiles:
profile = status_profiles[0]
yield cls(
- attr, profile.key, profile.name,
- failures, profile_status,
- profile.deprecated, len(status_profiles), pkg=pkg)
+ attr,
+ profile.key,
+ profile.name,
+ failures,
+ profile_status,
+ profile.deprecated,
+ len(status_profiles),
+ pkg=pkg,
+ )
def check_visibility_vcs(self, pkg):
visible = []
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/whitespace.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/whitespace.py
index 356a3634..823a8cfd 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/whitespace.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/whitespace.py
@@ -68,25 +68,48 @@ class BadWhitespaceCharacter(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
def desc(self):
return (
- f'bad whitespace character {self.char} on line {self.lineno}'
- f', char {self.position}: {self.line}'
+ f"bad whitespace character {self.char} on line {self.lineno}"
+ f", char {self.position}: {self.line}"
class WhitespaceData(NamedTuple):
"""Data format to register hardcoded list of bad whitespace characters."""
unicode_version: str
chars: tuple
whitespace_data = WhitespaceData(
- unicode_version='12.1.0',
+ unicode_version="12.1.0",
- '\x0b', '\x0c', '\r', '\x1c', '\x1d', '\x1e', '\x1f', '\x85', '\xa0',
- '\u1680', '\u2000', '\u2001', '\u2002', '\u2003', '\u2004', '\u2005',
- '\u2006', '\u2007', '\u2008', '\u2009', '\u200a', '\u2028', '\u2029',
- '\u202f', '\u205f', '\u3000',
- )
+ "\x0b",
+ "\x0c",
+ "\r",
+ "\x1c",
+ "\x1d",
+ "\x1e",
+ "\x1f",
+ "\x85",
+ "\xa0",
+ "\u1680",
+ "\u2000",
+ "\u2001",
+ "\u2002",
+ "\u2003",
+ "\u2004",
+ "\u2005",
+ "\u2006",
+ "\u2007",
+ "\u2008",
+ "\u2009",
+ "\u200a",
+ "\u2028",
+ "\u2029",
+ "\u202f",
+ "\u205f",
+ "\u3000",
+ ),
@@ -94,17 +117,23 @@ class WhitespaceCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuild for useless whitespace."""
_source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource
- known_results = frozenset([
- WhitespaceFound, WrongIndentFound, DoubleEmptyLine,
- TrailingEmptyLine, NoFinalNewline, BadWhitespaceCharacter
- ])
+ known_results = frozenset(
+ [
+ WhitespaceFound,
+ WrongIndentFound,
+ DoubleEmptyLine,
+ TrailingEmptyLine,
+ NoFinalNewline,
+ BadWhitespaceCharacter,
+ ]
+ )
- _indent_regex = re.compile('^\t* \t+')
+ _indent_regex = re.compile("^\t* \t+")
def __init__(self, *args):
- bad_whitespace = ''.join(whitespace_data.chars)
- self.bad_whitespace_regex = re.compile(rf'(?P<char>[{bad_whitespace}])')
+ bad_whitespace = "".join(whitespace_data.chars)
+ self.bad_whitespace_regex = re.compile(rf"(?P<char>[{bad_whitespace}])")
def feed(self, pkg):
lastlineempty = False
@@ -116,14 +145,18 @@ class WhitespaceCheck(Check):
for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1):
for match in self.bad_whitespace_regex.finditer(line):
yield BadWhitespaceCharacter(
- repr(match.group('char')), match.end('char'),
- line=repr(line), lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg)
- if line != '\n':
+ repr(match.group("char")),
+ match.end("char"),
+ line=repr(line),
+ lineno=lineno,
+ pkg=pkg,
+ )
+ if line != "\n":
lastlineempty = False
- if line[-2:-1] == ' ' or line[-2:-1] == '\t':
+ if line[-2:-1] == " " or line[-2:-1] == "\t":
- elif line[0] == ' ':
+ elif line[0] == " ":
if self._indent_regex.match(line):
@@ -132,9 +165,9 @@ class WhitespaceCheck(Check):
lastlineempty = True
if trailing:
- yield WhitespaceFound('trailing', lines=trailing, pkg=pkg)
+ yield WhitespaceFound("trailing", lines=trailing, pkg=pkg)
if leading:
- yield WhitespaceFound('leading', lines=leading, pkg=pkg)
+ yield WhitespaceFound("leading", lines=leading, pkg=pkg)
if indent:
yield WrongIndentFound(indent, pkg=pkg)
if double_empty:
@@ -143,5 +176,5 @@ class WhitespaceCheck(Check):
yield TrailingEmptyLine(pkg=pkg)
# Dealing with empty ebuilds is just paranoia
- if pkg.lines and not pkg.lines[-1].endswith('\n'):
+ if pkg.lines and not pkg.lines[-1].endswith("\n"):
yield NoFinalNewline(pkg=pkg)
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/cli.py b/src/pkgcheck/cli.py
index 5450788e..55e9f30a 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/cli.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/cli.py
@@ -14,10 +14,9 @@ from . import const
class Tool(commandline.Tool):
def main(self):
# suppress all pkgcore log messages
- logging.getLogger('pkgcore').setLevel(100)
+ logging.getLogger("pkgcore").setLevel(100)
return super().main()
@@ -50,14 +49,16 @@ class ConfigFileParser:
for f in configs:
except configparser.ParsingError as e:
- self.parser.error(f'parsing config file failed: {e}')
+ self.parser.error(f"parsing config file failed: {e}")
return config
def parse_config_sections(self, namespace, sections):
"""Parse options from a given iterable of config section names."""
- with patch('snakeoil.cli.arghparse.ArgumentParser.error', self._config_error):
+ with patch("snakeoil.cli.arghparse.ArgumentParser.error", self._config_error):
for section in (x for x in sections if x in self.config):
- config_args = [f'--{k}={v}' if v else f'--{k}' for k, v in self.config.items(section)]
+ config_args = [
+ f"--{k}={v}" if v else f"--{k}" for k, v in self.config.items(section)
+ ]
namespace, args = self.parser.parse_known_optionals(config_args, namespace)
if args:
self.parser.error(f"unknown arguments: {' '.join(args)}")
@@ -74,16 +75,16 @@ class ConfigFileParser:
self._config = None
# load default options
- namespace = self.parse_config_sections(namespace, ['DEFAULT'])
+ namespace = self.parse_config_sections(namespace, ["DEFAULT"])
# load any defined checksets -- empty checksets are ignored
- if 'CHECKSETS' in self.config:
- for k, v in self.config.items('CHECKSETS'):
+ if "CHECKSETS" in self.config:
+ for k, v in self.config.items("CHECKSETS"):
if v:
- namespace.config_checksets[k] = re.split('[,\n]', v.strip())
+ namespace.config_checksets[k] = re.split("[,\n]", v.strip())
return namespace
def _config_error(self, message, status=2):
"""Stub to replace error method that notes config failure."""
- self.parser.exit(status, f'{self.parser.prog}: failed loading config: {message}\n')
+ self.parser.exit(status, f"{self.parser.prog}: failed loading config: {message}\n")
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/const.py b/src/pkgcheck/const.py
index 7e440ce4..61b0922f 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/const.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/const.py
@@ -25,17 +25,20 @@ def _GET_CONST(attr, default_value):
# determine XDG compatible paths
for xdg_var, var_name, fallback_dir in (
- ('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', 'USER_CONFIG_PATH', '~/.config'),
- ('XDG_CACHE_HOME', 'USER_CACHE_PATH', '~/.cache'),
- ('XDG_DATA_HOME', 'USER_DATA_PATH', '~/.local/share')):
+ ("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", "USER_CONFIG_PATH", "~/.config"),
+ ("XDG_CACHE_HOME", "USER_CACHE_PATH", "~/.cache"),
+ ("XDG_DATA_HOME", "USER_DATA_PATH", "~/.local/share"),
- _module, var_name,
- os.environ.get(xdg_var, os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(fallback_dir), 'pkgcheck')))
-DATA_PATH = _GET_CONST('DATA_PATH', '%(REPO_PATH)s/data/share/pkgcheck')
-USER_CACHE_DIR = getattr(_module, 'USER_CACHE_PATH')
-USER_CONF_FILE = os.path.join(getattr(_module, 'USER_CONFIG_PATH'), 'pkgcheck.conf')
-SYSTEM_CONF_FILE = '/etc/pkgcheck/pkgcheck.conf'
-BUNDLED_CONF_FILE = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'pkgcheck.conf')
+ _module,
+ var_name,
+ os.environ.get(xdg_var, os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(fallback_dir), "pkgcheck")),
+ )
+DATA_PATH = _GET_CONST("DATA_PATH", "%(REPO_PATH)s/data/share/pkgcheck")
+USER_CACHE_DIR = getattr(_module, "USER_CACHE_PATH")
+USER_CONF_FILE = os.path.join(getattr(_module, "USER_CONFIG_PATH"), "pkgcheck.conf")
+SYSTEM_CONF_FILE = "/etc/pkgcheck/pkgcheck.conf"
+BUNDLED_CONF_FILE = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "pkgcheck.conf")
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/feeds.py b/src/pkgcheck/feeds.py
index 0edffc2c..e09874dc 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/feeds.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/feeds.py
@@ -38,15 +38,16 @@ class Feed(base.Addon):
class QueryCache(Feed):
def mangle_argparser(parser):
- group = parser.add_argument_group('query caching')
+ group = parser.add_argument_group("query caching")
- '--reset-caching-per', dest='query_caching_freq',
- choices=('version', 'package', 'category'), default='package',
- help='control how often the cache is cleared '
- '(version, package or category)')
+ "--reset-caching-per",
+ dest="query_caching_freq",
+ choices=("version", "package", "category"),
+ default="package",
+ help="control how often the cache is cleared " "(version, package or category)",
+ )
def _version(item):
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ class QueryCache(Feed):
def __init__(self, options):
self.query_cache = {}
- self._keyfunc = getattr(self, f'_{options.query_caching_freq}')
+ self._keyfunc = getattr(self, f"_{options.query_caching_freq}")
self._key = None
def feed(self, item):
@@ -76,7 +77,6 @@ class QueryCache(Feed):
class EvaluateDepSet(Feed):
def __init__(self, *args, profile_addon):
self.pkg_evaluate_depsets_cache = {}
@@ -95,15 +95,15 @@ class EvaluateDepSet(Feed):
self.pkg_profiles_cache[pkg] = profile_grps
# strip use dep defaults so known flags get identified correctly
- diuse = frozenset(
- x[:-3] if x[-1] == ')' else x for x in depset.known_conditionals)
+ diuse = frozenset(x[:-3] if x[-1] == ")" else x for x in depset.known_conditionals)
collapsed = {}
for profiles in profile_grps:
immutable, enabled = profiles[0].identify_use(pkg, diuse)
collapsed.setdefault((immutable, enabled), []).extend(profiles)
- return [(depset.evaluate_depset(k[1], tristate_filter=k[0]), v)
- for k, v in collapsed.items()]
+ return [
+ (depset.evaluate_depset(k[1], tristate_filter=k[0]), v) for k, v in collapsed.items()
+ ]
def collapse_evaluate_depset(self, pkg, attr, depset):
depset_profiles = self.pkg_evaluate_depsets_cache.get((pkg, attr))
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/log.py b/src/pkgcheck/log.py
index 0bc11269..6db8441b 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/log.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/log.py
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ import logging
# overrides the root logger handler.
-logger = logging.getLogger('pkgcheck')
+logger = logging.getLogger("pkgcheck")
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/objects.py b/src/pkgcheck/objects.py
index b91d07b6..51f2bed2 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/objects.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/objects.py
@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
def _find_modules(module): # pragma: no cover
"""Generator of all public modules under a given module."""
- if getattr(module, '__path__', False):
- for _imp, name, _ in pkgutil.walk_packages(module.__path__, module.__name__ + '.'):
+ if getattr(module, "__path__", False):
+ for _imp, name, _ in pkgutil.walk_packages(module.__path__, module.__name__ + "."):
# skip "private" modules
- if name.rsplit('.', 1)[1][0] == '_':
+ if name.rsplit(".", 1)[1][0] == "_":
yield import_module(name)
except ImportError as e:
- raise Exception(f'failed importing {name!r}: {e}')
+ raise Exception(f"failed importing {name!r}: {e}")
yield module
@@ -37,27 +37,31 @@ def _find_modules(module): # pragma: no cover
def _find_classes(module, matching_cls, skip=()): # pragma: no cover
"""Generator of all subclasses of a selected class under a given module."""
for _name, cls in inspect.getmembers(module):
- if (inspect.isclass(cls) and issubclass(cls, matching_cls)
- and cls.__name__[0] != '_' and cls not in skip):
+ if (
+ inspect.isclass(cls)
+ and issubclass(cls, matching_cls)
+ and cls.__name__[0] != "_"
+ and cls not in skip
+ ):
yield cls
def _find_obj_classes(module_name, target_cls): # pragma: no cover
"""Determine mapping of object class names to class objects."""
- module = import_module(f'.{module_name}', 'pkgcheck')
- cls_module, cls_name = target_cls.rsplit('.', 1)
- matching_cls = getattr(import_module(f'.{cls_module}', 'pkgcheck'), cls_name)
+ module = import_module(f".{module_name}", "pkgcheck")
+ cls_module, cls_name = target_cls.rsplit(".", 1)
+ matching_cls = getattr(import_module(f".{cls_module}", "pkgcheck"), cls_name)
# skip top-level, base classes
base_classes = {matching_cls}
- if os.path.basename(module.__file__) == '__init__.py':
+ if os.path.basename(module.__file__) == "__init__.py":
base_classes.update(_find_classes(module, matching_cls))
classes = {}
for m in _find_modules(module):
for cls in _find_classes(m, matching_cls, skip=base_classes):
if cls.__name__ in classes and classes[cls.__name__] != cls:
- raise Exception(f'object name overlap: {cls} and {classes[cls.__name__]}')
+ raise Exception(f"object name overlap: {cls} and {classes[cls.__name__]}")
classes[cls.__name__] = cls
return classes
@@ -120,7 +124,7 @@ def _keyword_alias(alias=None):
def __set_name__(self, cls, name):
key = alias if alias is not None else name
- jit_attr = klass.jit_attr_named(f'_{self.func.__name__}')
+ jit_attr = klass.jit_attr_named(f"_{self.func.__name__}")
func = jit_attr(partial(self.func))
setattr(cls, name, func)
@@ -136,6 +140,7 @@ class _KeywordsLazyDict(_LazyDict):
def aliases(self):
"""Mapping of aliases to their respective mappings."""
from . import results
alias_map = {x: getattr(self, x) for x in self._alias_keywords}
# support class-based aliasing
for k, v in self._dict.items():
@@ -147,24 +152,28 @@ class _KeywordsLazyDict(_LazyDict):
def error(self):
"""Mapping of all error level keywords."""
from . import results
return ImmutableDict(self.select(results.Error))
def warning(self):
"""Mapping of all warning level keywords."""
from . import results
return ImmutableDict(self.select(results.Warning))
def style(self):
"""Mapping of all style level keywords."""
from . import results
return ImmutableDict(self.select(results.Style))
def info(self):
"""Mapping of all info level keywords."""
from . import results
return ImmutableDict(self.select(results.Info))
@@ -180,11 +189,12 @@ class _ChecksLazyDict(_LazyDict):
def default(self):
"""Mapping of all default-enabled checks."""
from . import checks
- return ImmutableDict({
- k: v for k, v in self._dict.items()
- if not issubclass(v, checks.OptionalCheck)})
+ return ImmutableDict(
+ {k: v for k, v in self._dict.items() if not issubclass(v, checks.OptionalCheck)}
+ )
-KEYWORDS = _KeywordsLazyDict('KEYWORDS', ('checks', 'results.Result'))
-CHECKS = _ChecksLazyDict('CHECKS', ('checks', 'checks.Check'))
-REPORTERS = _LazyDict('REPORTERS', ('reporters', 'reporters.Reporter'))
+KEYWORDS = _KeywordsLazyDict("KEYWORDS", ("checks", "results.Result"))
+CHECKS = _ChecksLazyDict("CHECKS", ("checks", "checks.Check"))
+REPORTERS = _LazyDict("REPORTERS", ("reporters", "reporters.Reporter"))
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/packages.py b/src/pkgcheck/packages.py
index e2a07aa1..195b9d19 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/packages.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/packages.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from snakeoil import klass
@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=False)
class RawCPV:
"""Raw CPV objects supporting basic restrictions/sorting."""
category: str
package: str
fullver: str
@@ -19,18 +20,18 @@ class RawCPV:
def __post_init__(self):
if self.fullver is not None:
- version, _, revision = self.fullver.partition('-r')
- object.__setattr__(self, 'version', version)
- object.__setattr__(self, 'revision', cpv.Revision(revision))
+ version, _, revision = self.fullver.partition("-r")
+ object.__setattr__(self, "version", version)
+ object.__setattr__(self, "revision", cpv.Revision(revision))
def key(self):
- return f'{self.category}/{self.package}'
+ return f"{self.category}/{self.package}"
def versioned_atom(self):
if self.fullver:
- return atom.atom(f'={self}')
+ return atom.atom(f"={self}")
return atom.atom(str(self))
@@ -45,19 +46,19 @@ class RawCPV:
def __str__(self):
if self.fullver:
- return f'{self.category}/{self.package}-{self.fullver}'
- return f'{self.category}/{self.package}'
+ return f"{self.category}/{self.package}-{self.fullver}"
+ return f"{self.category}/{self.package}"
def __repr__(self):
- address = '@%#8x' % (id(self),)
- return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} cpv={self.versioned_atom.cpvstr!r} {address}>'
+ address = "@%#8x" % (id(self),)
+ return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} cpv={self.versioned_atom.cpvstr!r} {address}>"
class WrappedPkg:
"""Generic package wrapper used to inject attributes into package objects."""
- __slots__ = ('_pkg',)
+ __slots__ = ("_pkg",)
def __init__(self, pkg):
self._pkg = pkg
@@ -77,8 +78,8 @@ class WrappedPkg:
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self._pkg)
- __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy('_pkg')
- __dir__ = klass.DirProxy('_pkg')
+ __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy("_pkg")
+ __dir__ = klass.DirProxy("_pkg")
class FilteredPkg(WrappedPkg):
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/pipeline.py b/src/pkgcheck/pipeline.py
index 0dd8f9b4..184f3454 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/pipeline.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/pipeline.py
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class Pipeline:
self.errors = []
# pkgcheck currently requires the fork start method (#254)
- self._mp_ctx = multiprocessing.get_context('fork')
+ self._mp_ctx = multiprocessing.get_context("fork")
self._results_q = self._mp_ctx.SimpleQueue()
# create checkrunners
@@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ class Pipeline:
if self.options.pkg_scan:
# package level scans sort all returned results
self._ordered_results = {
- scope: [] for scope in base.scopes.values()
- if scope >= base.package_scope
+ scope: [] for scope in base.scopes.values() if scope >= base.package_scope
# scoped mapping for caching repo and location specific results
self._ordered_results = {
- scope: [] for scope in reversed(list(base.scopes.values()))
+ scope: []
+ for scope in reversed(list(base.scopes.values()))
if scope <= base.repo_scope
def _filter_checks(self, scope):
"""Verify check scope against given scope to determine activation."""
- for check in sorted(self.options.enabled_checks, key=attrgetter('__name__')):
+ for check in sorted(self.options.enabled_checks, key=attrgetter("__name__")):
if isinstance(check.scope, base.ConditionalScope):
# conditionally enabled check
yield check
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class Pipeline:
def _create_runners(self):
"""Initialize and categorize checkrunners for results pipeline."""
- pipes = {'async': [], 'sync': [], 'sequential': []}
+ pipes = {"async": [], "sync": [], "sequential": []}
# use addon/source caches to avoid re-initializing objects
addons_map = {}
@@ -88,15 +88,20 @@ class Pipeline:
addons = list(base.get_addons(self._filter_checks(scope)))
if not addons:
raise base.PkgcheckUserException(
- f'no matching checks available for {scope.desc} scope')
+ f"no matching checks available for {scope.desc} scope"
+ )
checks = init_checks(
- addons, self.options, self._results_q,
- addons_map=addons_map, source_map=source_map)
+ addons, self.options, self._results_q, addons_map=addons_map, source_map=source_map
+ )
# Initialize checkrunners per source type using separate runner for
# async checks and categorize them for parallelization based on the
# scan and source scope.
- runners = {'async': defaultdict(list), 'sync': defaultdict(list), 'sequential': defaultdict(list)}
+ runners = {
+ "async": defaultdict(list),
+ "sync": defaultdict(list),
+ "sequential": defaultdict(list),
+ }
for (source, runner_cls), check_objs in checks.items():
runner = runner_cls(self.options, source, check_objs)
if not self.options.pkg_scan and source.scope >= base.package_scope:
@@ -183,8 +188,9 @@ class Pipeline:
"""Consumer that runs scanning tasks, queuing results for output."""
for scope, restrict, i, runners in iter(work_q.get, None):
- if results := sorted(chain.from_iterable(
- pipes[i][-1][scope][j].run(restrict) for j in runners)):
+ if results := sorted(
+ chain.from_iterable(pipes[i][-1][scope][j].run(restrict) for j in runners)
+ ):
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
# traceback can't be pickled so serialize it
@@ -213,21 +219,19 @@ class Pipeline:
# schedule asynchronous checks in a separate process
async_proc = None
- if async_pipes := self._pipes['async']:
- async_proc = self._mp_ctx.Process(
- target=self._schedule_async, args=(async_pipes,))
+ if async_pipes := self._pipes["async"]:
+ async_proc = self._mp_ctx.Process(target=self._schedule_async, args=(async_pipes,))
# run synchronous checks using a process pool
- if sync_pipes := self._pipes['sync']:
+ if sync_pipes := self._pipes["sync"]:
work_q = self._mp_ctx.SimpleQueue()
- pool = self._mp_ctx.Pool(
- self.options.jobs, self._run_checks, (sync_pipes, work_q))
+ pool = self._mp_ctx.Pool(self.options.jobs, self._run_checks, (sync_pipes, work_q))
self._queue_work(sync_pipes, work_q)
- if sequential_pipes := self._pipes['sequential']:
+ if sequential_pipes := self._pipes["sequential"]:
for _scope, restriction, pipes in sequential_pipes:
for runner in chain.from_iterable(pipes.values()):
if results := tuple(runner.run(restriction)):
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/reporters.py b/src/pkgcheck/reporters.py
index 3696f5fd..089037d1 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/reporters.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/reporters.py
@@ -62,15 +62,15 @@ class StrReporter(Reporter):
def _process_report(self):
# scope to result prefix mapping
scope_prefix_map = {
- base.version_scope: '{category}/{package}-{version}: ',
- base.package_scope: '{category}/{package}: ',
- base.category_scope: '{category}: ',
+ base.version_scope: "{category}/{package}-{version}: ",
+ base.package_scope: "{category}/{package}: ",
+ base.category_scope: "{category}: ",
while True:
- result = (yield)
- prefix = scope_prefix_map.get(result.scope, '').format(**vars(result))
- self.out.write(f'{prefix}{result.desc}')
+ result = yield
+ prefix = scope_prefix_map.get(result.scope, "").format(**vars(result))
+ self.out.write(f"{prefix}{result.desc}")
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ class FancyReporter(Reporter):
prev_key = None
while True:
- result = (yield)
+ result = yield
if result.scope in (base.version_scope, base.package_scope):
- key = f'{result.category}/{result.package}'
+ key = f"{result.category}/{result.package}"
elif result.scope == base.category_scope:
key = result.category
@@ -103,17 +103,16 @@ class FancyReporter(Reporter):
if key != prev_key:
if prev_key is not None:
- self.out.write(self.out.bold, self.out.fg('blue'), key, self.out.reset)
+ self.out.write(self.out.bold, self.out.fg("blue"), key, self.out.reset)
prev_key = key
- self.out.first_prefix.append(' ')
- self.out.later_prefix.append(' ')
- s = ''
+ self.out.first_prefix.append(" ")
+ self.out.later_prefix.append(" ")
+ s = ""
if result.scope == base.version_scope:
s = f"version {result.version}: "
- self.out.fg(result.color),
- result.name, self.out.reset,
- ': ', s, result.desc)
+ self.out.fg(result.color), result.name, self.out.reset, ": ", s, result.desc
+ )
@@ -145,10 +144,10 @@ class JsonReporter(Reporter):
while True:
- result = (yield)
+ result = yield
data = json_dict()
d = scope_map.get(result.scope, lambda x, y: x)(data, result)
- d['_' + result.level][result.name] = result.desc
+ d["_" + result.level][result.name] = result.desc
# flush output so partial objects aren't written
@@ -160,27 +159,28 @@ class XmlReporter(Reporter):
priority = -1000
def _start(self):
- self.out.write('<checks>')
+ self.out.write("<checks>")
def _finish(self):
- self.out.write('</checks>')
+ self.out.write("</checks>")
def _process_report(self):
- result_template = (
- "<result><class>%(class)s</class>"
- "<msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>")
+ result_template = "<result><class>%(class)s</class>" "<msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>"
cat_template = (
- "<class>%(class)s</class><msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>")
+ "<class>%(class)s</class><msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>"
+ )
pkg_template = (
- "<msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>")
+ "<msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>"
+ )
ver_template = (
- "<class>%(class)s</class><msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>")
+ "<class>%(class)s</class><msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>"
+ )
scope_map = {
base.category_scope: cat_template,
@@ -189,10 +189,10 @@ class XmlReporter(Reporter):
while True:
- result = (yield)
- d = {k: getattr(result, k, '') for k in ('category', 'package', 'version')}
- d['class'] = xml_escape(result.name)
- d['msg'] = xml_escape(result.desc)
+ result = yield
+ d = {k: getattr(result, k, "") for k in ("category", "package", "version")}
+ d["class"] = xml_escape(result.name)
+ d["msg"] = xml_escape(result.desc)
self.out.write(scope_map.get(result.scope, result_template) % d)
@@ -211,19 +211,18 @@ class CsvReporter(Reporter):
def _process_report(self):
- writer = csv.writer(
- self.out,
- doublequote=False,
- escapechar='\\',
- lineterminator='')
+ writer = csv.writer(self.out, doublequote=False, escapechar="\\", lineterminator="")
while True:
- result = (yield)
- writer.writerow((
- getattr(result, 'category', ''),
- getattr(result, 'package', ''),
- getattr(result, 'version', ''),
- result.desc))
+ result = yield
+ writer.writerow(
+ (
+ getattr(result, "category", ""),
+ getattr(result, "package", ""),
+ getattr(result, "version", ""),
+ result.desc,
+ )
+ )
class _ResultFormatter(Formatter):
@@ -235,9 +234,8 @@ class _ResultFormatter(Formatter):
return kwds[key]
except KeyError:
- return ''
- raise base.PkgcheckUserException(
- 'FormatReporter: integer indexes are not supported')
+ return ""
+ raise base.PkgcheckUserException("FormatReporter: integer indexes are not supported")
class FormatReporter(Reporter):
@@ -253,10 +251,10 @@ class FormatReporter(Reporter):
def _process_report(self):
formatter = _ResultFormatter()
# provide expansions for result desc, level, and output name properties
- properties = ('desc', 'level', 'name')
+ properties = ("desc", "level", "name")
while True:
- result = (yield)
+ result = yield
attrs = vars(result)
attrs.update((k, getattr(result, k)) for k in properties)
s = formatter.format(self.format_str, **attrs)
@@ -279,7 +277,7 @@ class JsonStream(Reporter):
def to_json(obj):
"""Serialize results and other objects to JSON."""
if isinstance(obj, Result):
- d = {'__class__': obj.__class__.__name__}
+ d = {"__class__": obj.__class__.__name__}
return d
return str(obj)
@@ -289,19 +287,20 @@ class JsonStream(Reporter):
"""Deserialize results from a given iterable."""
# avoid circular import issues
from . import objects
for data in map(json.loads, iterable):
- cls = objects.KEYWORDS[data.pop('__class__')]
+ cls = objects.KEYWORDS[data.pop("__class__")]
yield cls._create(**data)
except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, UnicodeDecodeError, DeserializationError) as e:
- raise DeserializationError('failed loading') from e
+ raise DeserializationError("failed loading") from e
except (KeyError, InvalidResult):
- raise DeserializationError('unknown result')
+ raise DeserializationError("unknown result")
def _process_report(self):
while True:
- result = (yield)
+ result = yield
self.out.write(json.dumps(result, default=self.to_json))
@@ -316,11 +315,11 @@ class FlycheckReporter(Reporter):
def _process_report(self):
while True:
- result = (yield)
+ result = yield
file = f'{getattr(result, "package", "")}-{getattr(result, "version", "")}.ebuild'
message = f'{getattr(result, "name")}: {getattr(result, "desc")}'
if isinstance(result, BaseLinesResult):
- message = message.replace(result.lines_str, '').strip()
+ message = message.replace(result.lines_str, "").strip()
for lineno in result.lines:
self.out.write(f'{file}:{lineno}:{getattr(result, "level")}:{message}')
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/results.py b/src/pkgcheck/results.py
index cac8fbfa..23d639fc 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/results.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/results.py
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class Result:
cls.name = cls._name if cls._name is not None else cls.__name__
def __str__(self):
- return f'{self.name}: {self.desc}'
+ return f"{self.name}: {self.desc}"
def desc(self):
@@ -43,24 +43,24 @@ class Result:
def _attrs(self):
"""Return all public result attributes."""
- return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('_')}
+ return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith("_")}
def _create(cls, **kwargs):
"""Create a new result object from a given attributes dict."""
if issubclass(cls, CategoryResult):
- category = kwargs.pop('category', None)
- package = kwargs.pop('package', None)
- version = kwargs.pop('version', None)
- if 'pkg' not in kwargs:
+ category = kwargs.pop("category", None)
+ package = kwargs.pop("package", None)
+ version = kwargs.pop("version", None)
+ if "pkg" not in kwargs:
# recreate pkg param from related, separated attributes
if category is None:
- raise InvalidResult('missing category')
+ raise InvalidResult("missing category")
if issubclass(cls, PackageResult) and package is None:
- raise InvalidResult('missing package')
+ raise InvalidResult("missing package")
if issubclass(cls, VersionResult) and version is None:
- raise InvalidResult('missing version')
- kwargs['pkg'] = RawCPV(category, package, version)
+ raise InvalidResult("missing version")
+ kwargs["pkg"] = RawCPV(category, package, version)
return cls(**kwargs)
def __eq__(self, other):
@@ -91,36 +91,36 @@ class BaseLinesResult:
def lines_str(self):
s = pluralism(self.lines)
- lines = ', '.join(map(str, self.lines))
- return f'on line{s}: {lines}'
+ lines = ", ".join(map(str, self.lines))
+ return f"on line{s}: {lines}"
class Error(Result):
"""Result with an error priority level."""
- level = 'error'
- color = 'red'
+ level = "error"
+ color = "red"
class Warning(Result):
"""Result with a warning priority level."""
- level = 'warning'
- color = 'yellow'
+ level = "warning"
+ color = "yellow"
class Style(Result):
"""Result with a coding style priority level."""
- level = 'style'
- color = 'cyan'
+ level = "style"
+ color = "cyan"
class Info(Result):
"""Result with an info priority level."""
- level = 'info'
- color = 'green'
+ level = "info"
+ color = "green"
class CommitResult(Result):
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class CommitResult(Result):
def __init__(self, commit, **kwargs):
self.commit = str(commit)
- self._attr = 'commit'
+ self._attr = "commit"
def __lt__(self, other):
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class EclassResult(Result):
def __init__(self, eclass, **kwargs):
self.eclass = str(eclass)
- self._attr = 'eclass'
+ self._attr = "eclass"
def __lt__(self, other):
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class CategoryResult(Result):
def __init__(self, pkg, **kwargs):
self.category = pkg.category
- self._attr = 'category'
+ self._attr = "category"
def __lt__(self, other):
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class PackageResult(CategoryResult):
def __init__(self, pkg, **kwargs):
super().__init__(pkg, **kwargs)
self.package = pkg.package
- self._attr = 'package'
+ self._attr = "package"
def __lt__(self, other):
@@ -223,11 +223,11 @@ class VersionResult(PackageResult):
pkg = pkg._pkg
super().__init__(pkg, **kwargs)
self.version = pkg.fullver
- self._attr = 'version'
+ self._attr = "version"
def ver_rev(self):
- version, _, revision = self.version.partition('-r')
+ version, _, revision = self.version.partition("-r")
revision = cpv.Revision(revision)
return version, revision
@@ -307,10 +307,9 @@ class MetadataError(Error):
if cls.attr is not None:
setting = cls.results.setdefault(cls.attr, cls)
if setting != cls:
- raise ValueError(
- f'metadata attribute {cls.attr!r} already registered: {setting!r}')
+ raise ValueError(f"metadata attribute {cls.attr!r} already registered: {setting!r}")
- raise ValueError(f'class missing metadata attributes: {cls!r}')
+ raise ValueError(f"class missing metadata attributes: {cls!r}")
def __init__(self, attr, msg, **kwargs):
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/runners.py b/src/pkgcheck/runners.py
index b1aa8e64..86bdbe6e 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/runners.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/runners.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class CheckRunner:
class SyncCheckRunner(CheckRunner):
"""Generic runner for synchronous checks."""
- type = 'sync'
+ type = "sync"
def __init__(self, *args):
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ class SyncCheckRunner(CheckRunner):
# only report metadata errors for version-scoped sources
if self.source.scope == base.version_scope:
self.source.itermatch = partial(
- self.source.itermatch, error_callback=self._metadata_error_cb)
+ self.source.itermatch, error_callback=self._metadata_error_cb
+ )
def _metadata_error_cb(self, e, check=None):
"""Callback handling MetadataError results."""
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ class SyncCheckRunner(CheckRunner):
# so they can be noticed and fixed.
result_cls = MetadataError.results[e.attr]
if result_cls in known_results:
- error_str = ': '.join(e.msg().split('\n'))
+ error_str = ": ".join(e.msg().split("\n"))
result = result_cls(e.attr, error_str, pkg=e.pkg)
self._metadata_errors.append((e.pkg, result))
@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ class SequentialCheckRunner(SyncCheckRunner):
Checks that must not be run in parallel, will be run on the main process.
- type = 'sequential'
+ type = "sequential"
class AsyncCheckRunner(CheckRunner):
@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ class AsyncCheckRunner(CheckRunner):
on completion.
- type = 'async'
+ type = "async"
def schedule(self, executor, futures, restrict=packages.AlwaysTrue):
"""Schedule all checks to run via the given executor."""
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/__init__.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/__init__.py
index 351cc7c9..7757a9c0 100755
--- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/__init__.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/__init__.py
@@ -19,19 +19,21 @@ def run(script_name):
from pkgcheck.cli import Tool
- script_module = '.'.join(
- os.path.realpath(__file__).split(os.path.sep)[-3:-1] +
- [script_name.replace('-', '_')])
+ script_module = ".".join(
+ os.path.realpath(__file__).split(os.path.sep)[-3:-1] + [script_name.replace("-", "_")]
+ )
script = import_module(script_module)
except ImportError as e:
- python_version = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3]))
- sys.stderr.write(f'Failed importing: {e}!\n')
+ python_version = ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3]))
+ sys.stderr.write(f"Failed importing: {e}!\n")
- 'Verify that pkgcheck and its deps are properly installed '
- f'and/or PYTHONPATH is set correctly for python {python_version}.\n')
- if '--debug' in sys.argv[1:]:
+ "Verify that pkgcheck and its deps are properly installed "
+ f"and/or PYTHONPATH is set correctly for python {python_version}.\n"
+ )
+ if "--debug" in sys.argv[1:]:
- sys.stderr.write('Add --debug to the commandline for a traceback.\n')
+ sys.stderr.write("Add --debug to the commandline for a traceback.\n")
tool = Tool(script.argparser)
@@ -46,5 +48,5 @@ def main():
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/argparse_actions.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/argparse_actions.py
index 8d6485f6..67a18f73 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/argparse_actions.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/argparse_actions.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class ConfigArg(argparse._StoreAction):
"""Store config path string or False when explicitly disabled."""
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
- if values.lower() in ('false', 'no', 'n'):
+ if values.lower() in ("false", "no", "n"):
values = False
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ def object_to_keywords(namespace, obj):
elif obj in namespace.config_checksets:
yield from chain(*ChecksetArgs.checksets_to_keywords(namespace, [obj]))
- raise ValueError(f'unknown checkset, check, or keyword: {obj!r}')
+ raise ValueError(f"unknown checkset, check, or keyword: {obj!r}")
class FilterArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedValues):
"""Apply filters to an entire scan or specific checks/keywords."""
- known_filters = frozenset(['latest'])
+ known_filters = frozenset(["latest"])
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
values = self.parse_values(values)
@@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ class FilterArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedValues):
disabled = False
for val in values:
- if ':' in val:
- filter_type, target = val.split(':')
+ if ":" in val:
+ filter_type, target = val.split(":")
keywords = object_to_keywords(namespace, target)
filter_map.update({x: filter_type for x in keywords})
except ValueError as e:
raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, str(e))
- elif val.lower() in ('false', 'no', 'n'):
+ elif val.lower() in ("false", "no", "n"):
# disable all filters
disabled = True
@@ -63,19 +63,24 @@ class FilterArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedValues):
# validate selected filters
if unknown := set(filter_map.values()) - self.known_filters:
s = pluralism(unknown)
- unknown = ', '.join(map(repr, unknown))
- available = ', '.join(sorted(self.known_filters))
+ unknown = ", ".join(map(repr, unknown))
+ available = ", ".join(sorted(self.known_filters))
raise argparse.ArgumentError(
- self, f'unknown filter{s}: {unknown} (available: {available})')
+ self, f"unknown filter{s}: {unknown} (available: {available})"
+ )
filters = {}
if not disabled:
# pull default filters
# ignore invalid keywords -- only keywords version scope and higher are affected
- filters.update({
- objects.KEYWORDS[k]: v for k, v in filter_map.items()
- if objects.KEYWORDS[k].scope >= base.version_scope})
+ filters.update(
+ {
+ objects.KEYWORDS[k]: v
+ for k, v in filter_map.items()
+ if objects.KEYWORDS[k].scope >= base.version_scope
+ }
+ )
setattr(namespace, self.dest, ImmutableDict(filters))
@@ -104,20 +109,21 @@ class CacheNegations(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations):
def parse_values(self, values):
all_cache_types = {cache.type for cache in CachedAddon.caches.values()}
disabled, enabled = [], list(all_cache_types)
- if values is None or values.lower() in ('y', 'yes', 'true'):
+ if values is None or values.lower() in ("y", "yes", "true"):
- elif values.lower() in ('n', 'no', 'false'):
+ elif values.lower() in ("n", "no", "false"):
disabled = list(all_cache_types)
disabled, enabled = super().parse_values(values)
disabled = set(disabled)
enabled = set(enabled) if enabled else all_cache_types
if unknown := (disabled | enabled) - all_cache_types:
- unknowns = ', '.join(map(repr, unknown))
- choices = ', '.join(map(repr, sorted(self.caches)))
+ unknowns = ", ".join(map(repr, unknown))
+ choices = ", ".join(map(repr, sorted(self.caches)))
s = pluralism(unknown)
raise argparse.ArgumentError(
- self, f'unknown cache type{s}: {unknowns} (choose from {choices})')
+ self, f"unknown cache type{s}: {unknowns} (choose from {choices})"
+ )
enabled = set(enabled).difference(disabled)
return enabled
@@ -135,8 +141,8 @@ class ChecksetArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.aliases = {
- 'all': list(objects.CHECKS.values()),
- 'net': list(objects.CHECKS.select(NetworkCheck).values()),
+ "all": list(objects.CHECKS.values()),
+ "net": list(objects.CHECKS.select(NetworkCheck).values()),
def expand_aliases(self, args):
@@ -157,7 +163,7 @@ class ChecksetArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations):
for arg in args:
for x in namespace.config_checksets[arg]:
# determine if checkset item is disabled or enabled
- if x[0] == '-':
+ if x[0] == "-":
x = x[1:]
keywords = disabled
@@ -168,7 +174,7 @@ class ChecksetArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations):
elif x in objects.KEYWORDS:
- raise ValueError(f'{arg!r} checkset, unknown check or keyword: {x!r}')
+ raise ValueError(f"{arg!r} checkset, unknown check or keyword: {x!r}")
return disabled, enabled
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
@@ -177,11 +183,12 @@ class ChecksetArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations):
# validate selected checksets
if unknown := set(disabled + enabled) - set(self.aliases) - set(checksets):
- unknown_str = ', '.join(map(repr, unknown))
- available = ', '.join(sorted(chain(checksets, self.aliases)))
+ unknown_str = ", ".join(map(repr, unknown))
+ available = ", ".join(sorted(chain(checksets, self.aliases)))
s = pluralism(unknown)
raise argparse.ArgumentError(
- self, f'unknown checkset{s}: {unknown_str} (available: {available})')
+ self, f"unknown checkset{s}: {unknown_str} (available: {available})"
+ )
# expand aliases into keywords
disabled, disabled_aliases = self.expand_aliases(disabled)
@@ -203,12 +210,12 @@ class ChecksetArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations):
args = []
if enabled_keywords:
keywords_set = {objects.KEYWORDS[x] for x in enabled_keywords}
- checks = ','.join(
- k for k, v in objects.CHECKS.items()
- if v.known_results.intersection(keywords_set))
- args.append(f'--checks={checks}')
- keywords = ','.join(enabled_keywords | {f'-{x}' for x in disabled_keywords})
- args.append(f'--keywords={keywords}')
+ checks = ",".join(
+ k for k, v in objects.CHECKS.items() if v.known_results.intersection(keywords_set)
+ )
+ args.append(f"--checks={checks}")
+ keywords = ",".join(enabled_keywords | {f"-{x}" for x in disabled_keywords})
+ args.append(f"--keywords={keywords}")
parser._parse_known_args(args, namespace)
@@ -220,21 +227,22 @@ class ScopeArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations):
# validate selected scopes
if unknown_scopes := set(disabled + enabled) - set(base.scopes):
- unknown = ', '.join(map(repr, unknown_scopes))
- available = ', '.join(base.scopes)
+ unknown = ", ".join(map(repr, unknown_scopes))
+ available = ", ".join(base.scopes)
s = pluralism(unknown_scopes)
raise argparse.ArgumentError(
- self, f'unknown scope{s}: {unknown} (available: {available})')
+ self, f"unknown scope{s}: {unknown} (available: {available})"
+ )
disabled = set(chain.from_iterable(base.scopes[x] for x in disabled))
enabled = set(chain.from_iterable(base.scopes[x] for x in enabled))
if enabled:
- namespace.enabled_checks = {
- c for c in objects.CHECKS.values() if c.scope in enabled}
+ namespace.enabled_checks = {c for c in objects.CHECKS.values() if c.scope in enabled}
if disabled:
- c for c in objects.CHECKS.values() if c.scope in disabled)
+ c for c in objects.CHECKS.values() if c.scope in disabled
+ )
setattr(namespace, self.dest, frozenset(enabled))
@@ -247,9 +255,9 @@ class CheckArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedElements):
# validate selected checks
if unknown_checks := set(subtractive + neutral + additive) - set(objects.CHECKS):
- unknown = ', '.join(map(repr, unknown_checks))
+ unknown = ", ".join(map(repr, unknown_checks))
s = pluralism(unknown_checks)
- raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, f'unknown check{s}: {unknown}')
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, f"unknown check{s}: {unknown}")
if neutral:
# replace the default check set
@@ -259,8 +267,7 @@ class CheckArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedElements):
namespace.enabled_checks.update(objects.CHECKS[c] for c in additive)
if subtractive:
# remove from the default check set
- namespace.enabled_checks.difference_update(
- objects.CHECKS[c] for c in subtractive)
+ namespace.enabled_checks.difference_update(objects.CHECKS[c] for c in subtractive)
setattr(namespace, self.dest, frozenset(neutral + additive))
@@ -278,9 +285,9 @@ class KeywordArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations):
# validate selected keywords
if unknown_keywords := set(disabled + enabled) - set(objects.KEYWORDS):
- unknown = ', '.join(map(repr, unknown_keywords))
+ unknown = ", ".join(map(repr, unknown_keywords))
s = pluralism(unknown_keywords)
- raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, f'unknown keyword{s}: {unknown}')
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, f"unknown keyword{s}: {unknown}")
# create keyword instance sets
disabled_keywords = {objects.KEYWORDS[k] for k in disabled}
@@ -292,8 +299,7 @@ class KeywordArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations):
for check in list(namespace.enabled_checks):
if check.known_results.issubset(disabled_keywords):
- enabled_keywords = set().union(
- *(c.known_results for c in namespace.enabled_checks))
+ enabled_keywords = set().union(*(c.known_results for c in namespace.enabled_checks))
namespace.filtered_keywords = enabled_keywords - disabled_keywords
# restrict enabled checks if none have been selected
@@ -305,7 +311,7 @@ class KeywordArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations):
# check if experimental profiles are required for explicitly selected keywords
for r in namespace.filtered_keywords:
- if r.name in enabled and r._profile == 'exp':
+ if r.name in enabled and r._profile == "exp":
namespace.exp_profiles_required = True
@@ -331,17 +337,19 @@ class ExitArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedElements):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
# default to using error results if no keywords are selected
if values is None:
- values = 'error'
+ values = "error"
subtractive, neutral, additive = self.parse_values(values)
# default to using error results if no neutral keywords are selected
if not neutral:
- neutral.append('error')
+ neutral.append("error")
# expand args to keyword objects
keywords = {objects.KEYWORDS[x] for x in self.args_to_keywords(namespace, neutral)}
keywords.update(objects.KEYWORDS[x] for x in self.args_to_keywords(namespace, additive))
- keywords.difference_update(objects.KEYWORDS[x] for x in self.args_to_keywords(namespace, subtractive))
+ keywords.difference_update(
+ objects.KEYWORDS[x] for x in self.args_to_keywords(namespace, subtractive)
+ )
setattr(namespace, self.dest, frozenset(keywords))
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/argparsers.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/argparsers.py
index d082cf36..0fd349d7 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/argparsers.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/argparsers.py
@@ -7,18 +7,25 @@ from snakeoil.cli import arghparse
from .. import objects, reporters
reporter_argparser = arghparse.ArgumentParser(suppress=True)
-reporter_options = reporter_argparser.add_argument_group('reporter options')
+reporter_options = reporter_argparser.add_argument_group("reporter options")
- '-R', '--reporter', action='store', default=None,
- help='use a non-default reporter',
+ "-R",
+ "--reporter",
+ action="store",
+ default=None,
+ help="use a non-default reporter",
Select a reporter to use for output.
Use ``pkgcheck show --reporters`` to see available options.
- """)
+ """,
- '--format', dest='format_str', action='store', default=None,
- help='format string used with FormatReporter',
+ "--format",
+ dest="format_str",
+ action="store",
+ default=None,
+ help="format string used with FormatReporter",
Custom format string used to format output by FormatReporter.
@@ -34,34 +41,40 @@ reporter_options.add_argument(
requested attribute expansion in the format string. In other words,
``--format {foo}`` will never produce any output because no result has the
``foo`` attribute.
- """)
+ """,
def _setup_reporter(parser, namespace):
if namespace.reporter is None:
namespace.reporter = sorted(
- objects.REPORTERS.values(), key=attrgetter('priority'), reverse=True)[0]
+ objects.REPORTERS.values(), key=attrgetter("priority"), reverse=True
+ )[0]
namespace.reporter = objects.REPORTERS[namespace.reporter]
except KeyError:
- available = ', '.join(objects.REPORTERS)
- parser.error(
- f"no reporter matches {namespace.reporter!r} "
- f"(available: {available})")
+ available = ", ".join(objects.REPORTERS)
+ parser.error(f"no reporter matches {namespace.reporter!r} " f"(available: {available})")
if namespace.reporter is reporters.FormatReporter:
if not namespace.format_str:
- parser.error('missing or empty --format option required by FormatReporter')
+ parser.error("missing or empty --format option required by FormatReporter")
namespace.reporter = partial(namespace.reporter, namespace.format_str)
elif namespace.format_str is not None:
- parser.error('--format option is only valid when using FormatReporter')
+ parser.error("--format option is only valid when using FormatReporter")
repo_argparser = arghparse.ArgumentParser(suppress=True)
-repo_options = repo_argparser.add_argument_group('repo options')
+repo_options = repo_argparser.add_argument_group("repo options")
- '-r', '--repo', metavar='REPO', dest='target_repo',
- action=commandline.StoreRepoObject, repo_type='ebuild-raw', allow_external_repos=True,
- help='target repo')
+ "-r",
+ "--repo",
+ metavar="REPO",
+ dest="target_repo",
+ action=commandline.StoreRepoObject,
+ repo_type="ebuild-raw",
+ allow_external_repos=True,
+ help="target repo",
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck.py
index 9eb5c0c8..7ec3cf77 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck.py
@@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ ebuild repositories for various issues.
from pkgcore.util import commandline
argparser = commandline.ArgumentParser(
- description=__doc__, help=False, subcmds=True, script=(__file__, __name__))
+ description=__doc__, help=False, subcmds=True, script=(__file__, __name__)
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_cache.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_cache.py
index a986bb2d..5787c65e 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_cache.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_cache.py
@@ -10,34 +10,37 @@ from .argparse_actions import CacheNegations
from .argparsers import repo_argparser
cache = arghparse.ArgumentParser(
- prog='pkgcheck cache', description='perform cache operations',
+ prog="pkgcheck cache",
+ description="perform cache operations",
Various types of caches are used by pkgcheck. This command supports
running operations on them including updates and removals.
- """)
+ """,
- '--cache-dir', type=arghparse.create_dir, default=const.USER_CACHE_DIR,
- help='directory to use for storing cache files')
+ "--cache-dir",
+ type=arghparse.create_dir,
+ default=const.USER_CACHE_DIR,
+ help="directory to use for storing cache files",
cache_actions = cache.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- '-l', '--list', dest='list_cache', action='store_true',
- help='list available caches')
+ "-l", "--list", dest="list_cache", action="store_true", help="list available caches"
- '-u', '--update', dest='update_cache', action='store_true',
- help='update caches')
+ "-u", "--update", dest="update_cache", action="store_true", help="update caches"
- '-R', '--remove', dest='remove_cache', action='store_true',
- help='forcibly remove caches')
+ "-R", "--remove", dest="remove_cache", action="store_true", help="forcibly remove caches"
- '-f', '--force', dest='force_cache', action='store_true',
- help='forcibly update/remove caches')
+ "-f", "--force", dest="force_cache", action="store_true", help="forcibly update/remove caches"
- '-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true',
- help='dry run without performing any changes')
- '-t', '--type', dest='cache', action=CacheNegations,
- help='target cache types')
+ "-n", "--dry-run", action="store_true", help="dry run without performing any changes"
+cache.add_argument("-t", "--type", dest="cache", action=CacheNegations, help="target cache types")
@@ -50,16 +53,14 @@ def _setup_cache_addons(parser, namespace):
def _setup_cache(parser, namespace, args):
if namespace.target_repo is None:
- namespace.target_repo = namespace.config.get_default('repo')
+ namespace.target_repo = namespace.config.get_default("repo")
return namespace, args
def _validate_cache_args(parser, namespace):
enabled_caches = {k for k, v in namespace.cache.items() if v}
- cache_addons = (
- addon for addon in CachedAddon.caches
- if addon.cache.type in enabled_caches)
+ cache_addons = (addon for addon in CachedAddon.caches if addon.cache.type in enabled_caches)
# sort caches by type
namespace.cache_addons = sorted(cache_addons, key=lambda x: x.cache.type)
@@ -72,18 +73,18 @@ def _cache(options, out, err):
cache_obj = CachedAddon(options)
elif options.update_cache:
- for addon_cls in options.pop('cache_addons'):
+ for addon_cls in options.pop("cache_addons"):
init_addon(addon_cls, options)
# list existing caches
cache_obj = CachedAddon(options)
- repos_dir = pjoin(options.cache_dir, 'repos')
+ repos_dir = pjoin(options.cache_dir, "repos")
for cache_type in sorted(options.enabled_caches):
paths = cache_obj.existing_caches[cache_type]
if paths:
- out.write(out.fg('yellow'), f'{cache_type} caches: ', out.reset)
+ out.write(out.fg("yellow"), f"{cache_type} caches: ", out.reset)
for path in paths:
- repo = str(path.parent)[len(repos_dir):]
+ repo = str(path.parent)[len(repos_dir) :]
# non-path repo ids get path separator stripped
if repo.count(os.sep) == 1:
repo = repo.lstrip(os.sep)
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_ci.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_ci.py
index 8db03e14..1a15f640 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_ci.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_ci.py
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ class ArgumentParser(arghparse.ArgumentParser):
return namespace, []
-ci = ArgumentParser(prog='pkgcheck ci', description='scan repo for CI')
+ci = ArgumentParser(prog="pkgcheck ci", description="scan repo for CI")
- '--failures', type=argparse.FileType('w'),
- help='file path for storing failure results')
+ "--failures", type=argparse.FileType("w"), help="file path for storing failure results"
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_replay.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_replay.py
index 2f025f5e..37e0024e 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_replay.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_replay.py
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ from ..base import PkgcheckUserException
from .argparsers import reporter_argparser
replay = arghparse.ArgumentParser(
- prog='pkgcheck replay', description='replay result streams',
+ prog="pkgcheck replay",
+ description="replay result streams",
Replay previous json result streams, feeding the results into a reporter.
@@ -13,10 +14,14 @@ replay = arghparse.ArgumentParser(
Useful if you need to delay acting on results until it can be done in
one minimal window, e.g. updating a database, or want to generate
several different reports.
- """)
+ """,
- dest='results', metavar='FILE',
- type=arghparse.FileType('rb'), help='path to serialized results file')
+ dest="results",
+ metavar="FILE",
+ type=arghparse.FileType("rb"),
+ help="path to serialized results file",
@@ -30,8 +35,7 @@ def _replay(options, out, err):
processed += 1
except reporters.DeserializationError as e:
if not processed:
- raise PkgcheckUserException('invalid or unsupported replay file')
- raise PkgcheckUserException(
- f'corrupted results file {options.results.name!r}: {e}')
+ raise PkgcheckUserException("invalid or unsupported replay file")
+ raise PkgcheckUserException(f"corrupted results file {options.results.name!r}: {e}")
return 0
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_scan.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_scan.py
index e5227bbf..1d583407 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_scan.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_scan.py
@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ from . import argparse_actions
from .argparsers import repo_argparser, reporter_argparser
config_argparser = arghparse.ArgumentParser(suppress=True)
-config_options = config_argparser.add_argument_group('config options')
+config_options = config_argparser.add_argument_group("config options")
- '--config', action=argparse_actions.ConfigArg, dest='config_file',
- help='use custom pkgcheck scan settings file',
+ "--config",
+ action=argparse_actions.ConfigArg,
+ dest="config_file",
+ help="use custom pkgcheck scan settings file",
Load custom pkgcheck scan settings from a given file.
@@ -32,21 +34,31 @@ config_options.add_argument(
It's also possible to disable all types of settings loading by
specifying an argument of 'false' or 'no'.
- """)
+ """,
scan = arghparse.ArgumentParser(
- prog='pkgcheck scan', description='scan targets for QA issues',
- parents=(config_argparser, repo_argparser, reporter_argparser))
+ prog="pkgcheck scan",
+ description="scan targets for QA issues",
+ parents=(config_argparser, repo_argparser, reporter_argparser),
- 'targets', metavar='TARGET', nargs='*', action=arghparse.ParseNonblockingStdin,
- help='optional targets')
-main_options = scan.add_argument_group('main options')
+ "targets",
+ metavar="TARGET",
+ nargs="*",
+ action=arghparse.ParseNonblockingStdin,
+ help="optional targets",
+main_options = scan.add_argument_group("main options")
- '-f', '--filter',
- action=arghparse.Delayed, target=argparse_actions.FilterArgs, priority=99,
- help='limit targeted packages for scanning',
+ "-f",
+ "--filter",
+ action=arghparse.Delayed,
+ target=argparse_actions.FilterArgs,
+ priority=99,
+ help="limit targeted packages for scanning",
Support limiting targeted packages for scanning using a chosen filter.
@@ -62,23 +74,31 @@ main_options.add_argument(
network-related checks are filtered to avoid redundant or unnecessary
server requests. In order to forcibly disable all filtering use the
'no' argument.
- """)
+ """,
- '-j', '--jobs', type=arghparse.positive_int,
- help='number of checks to run in parallel',
+ "-j",
+ "--jobs",
+ type=arghparse.positive_int,
+ help="number of checks to run in parallel",
Number of checks to run in parallel, defaults to using all available
- """)
+ """,
- '-t', '--tasks', type=arghparse.positive_int,
- help='number of asynchronous tasks to run concurrently',
+ "-t",
+ "--tasks",
+ type=arghparse.positive_int,
+ help="number of asynchronous tasks to run concurrently",
Number of asynchronous tasks to run concurrently (defaults to 5 * CPU count).
- """)
+ """,
- '--cache', action=argparse_actions.CacheNegations,
- help='forcibly enable/disable caches',
+ "--cache",
+ action=argparse_actions.CacheNegations,
+ help="forcibly enable/disable caches",
All cache types are enabled by default, this option explicitly sets
which caches will be generated and used during scanning.
@@ -97,14 +117,22 @@ main_options.add_argument(
When disabled, no caches will be saved to disk and results requiring
caches (e.g. git-related checks) will be skipped.
- """)
+ """,
- '--cache-dir', type=arghparse.create_dir, default=const.USER_CACHE_DIR,
- help='directory to use for storing cache files')
+ "--cache-dir",
+ type=arghparse.create_dir,
+ default=const.USER_CACHE_DIR,
+ help="directory to use for storing cache files",
- '--exit', metavar='ITEM', dest='exit_keywords',
- action=argparse_actions.ExitArgs, nargs='?', default=(),
- help='checksets, checks, or keywords that trigger an error exit status',
+ "--exit",
+ metavar="ITEM",
+ dest="exit_keywords",
+ action=argparse_actions.ExitArgs,
+ nargs="?",
+ default=(),
+ help="checksets, checks, or keywords that trigger an error exit status",
Comma-separated list of checksets, checks, or keywords to enable and
disable that trigger an exit status failure. Checkset and check
@@ -116,17 +144,25 @@ main_options.add_argument(
To specify disabled keywords prefix them with ``-``. Also, the special
arguments of ``error``, ``warning``, ``style``, and ``info`` correspond
to the related keyword groups.
- """)
+ """,
-check_options = scan.add_argument_group('check selection')
+check_options = scan.add_argument_group("check selection")
- '--net', nargs=0,
- action=arghparse.Delayed, target=argparse_actions.EnableNet, priority=-1,
- help='enable checks that require network access')
+ "--net",
+ nargs=0,
+ action=arghparse.Delayed,
+ target=argparse_actions.EnableNet,
+ priority=-1,
+ help="enable checks that require network access",
- '-C', '--checksets', metavar='CHECKSET', action=argparse_actions.ChecksetArgs,
- help='scan using a configured set of check/keyword args',
+ "-C",
+ "--checksets",
+ metavar="CHECKSET",
+ action=argparse_actions.ChecksetArgs,
+ help="scan using a configured set of check/keyword args",
Comma-separated list of checksets to enable and disable for
@@ -137,11 +173,18 @@ check_options.add_argument(
All network-related checks (which are disabled by default)
can be enabled using ``-C net``. This allows for easily running only
network checks without having to explicitly list them.
- """)
+ """,
- '-s', '--scopes', metavar='SCOPE', dest='selected_scopes', default=(),
- action=arghparse.Delayed, target=argparse_actions.ScopeArgs, priority=51,
- help='limit checks to run by scope',
+ "-s",
+ "--scopes",
+ metavar="SCOPE",
+ dest="selected_scopes",
+ default=(),
+ action=arghparse.Delayed,
+ target=argparse_actions.ScopeArgs,
+ priority=51,
+ help="limit checks to run by scope",
Comma-separated list of scopes to enable and disable for scanning. Any
scopes specified in this fashion will affect the checks that get
@@ -149,11 +192,19 @@ check_options.add_argument(
enabled will cause only repo-level checks to run.
Available scopes: %s
- """ % (', '.join(base.scopes)))
+ """
+ % (", ".join(base.scopes)),
- '-c', '--checks', metavar='CHECK', dest='selected_checks', default=(),
- action=arghparse.Delayed, target=argparse_actions.CheckArgs, priority=52,
- help='limit checks to run',
+ "-c",
+ "--checks",
+ metavar="CHECK",
+ dest="selected_checks",
+ default=(),
+ action=arghparse.Delayed,
+ target=argparse_actions.CheckArgs,
+ priority=52,
+ help="limit checks to run",
Comma-separated list of checks to enable and disable for
scanning. Any checks specified in this fashion will be the
@@ -169,11 +220,18 @@ check_options.add_argument(
optional checks in addition to the default set.
Use ``pkgcheck show --checks`` see all available checks.
- """)
+ """,
- '-k', '--keywords', metavar='KEYWORD', dest='selected_keywords', default=(),
- action=arghparse.Delayed, target=argparse_actions.KeywordArgs, priority=53,
- help='limit keywords to scan for',
+ "-k",
+ "--keywords",
+ metavar="KEYWORD",
+ dest="selected_keywords",
+ default=(),
+ action=arghparse.Delayed,
+ target=argparse_actions.KeywordArgs,
+ priority=53,
+ help="limit keywords to scan for",
Comma-separated list of keywords to enable and disable for
scanning. Any keywords specified in this fashion will be the
@@ -189,9 +247,10 @@ check_options.add_argument(
scan for errors use ``-k error``.
Use ``pkgcheck show --keywords`` to see available options.
- """)
+ """,
-scan.plugin = scan.add_argument_group('plugin options')
+scan.plugin = scan.add_argument_group("plugin options")
def _determine_target_repo(namespace):
@@ -225,17 +284,16 @@ def _determine_target_repo(namespace):
# determine if CWD is inside an unconfigured repo
- repo = namespace.domain.find_repo(
- target_dir, config=namespace.config, configure=False)
+ repo = namespace.domain.find_repo(target_dir, config=namespace.config, configure=False)
except (repo_errors.InitializationError, IOError) as e:
raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, str(e))
# fallback to the default repo
if repo is None:
- repo = namespace.config.get_default('repo')
+ repo = namespace.config.get_default("repo")
# if the bundled stub repo is the default, no default repo exists
- if repo is None or repo.location == pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, 'stubrepo'):
- raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, 'no default repo found')
+ if repo is None or repo.location == pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, "stubrepo"):
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, "no default repo found")
return repo
@@ -268,9 +326,10 @@ def _path_restrict(path, repo):
def _restrict_to_scope(restrict):
"""Determine a given restriction's scope level."""
for scope, attrs in (
- (base.version_scope, ['fullver', 'version', 'rev']),
- (base.package_scope, ['package']),
- (base.category_scope, ['category'])):
+ (base.version_scope, ["fullver", "version", "rev"]),
+ (base.package_scope, ["package"]),
+ (base.category_scope, ["category"]),
+ ):
if any(collect_package_restrictions(restrict, attrs)):
return scope
return base.repo_scope
@@ -299,13 +358,13 @@ def _setup_scan(parser, namespace, args):
# parser supporting config file options
config_parser = ConfigFileParser(parser)
# always load settings from bundled config
- namespace = config_parser.parse_config_options(
- namespace, configs=[const.BUNDLED_CONF_FILE])
+ namespace = config_parser.parse_config_options(namespace, configs=[const.BUNDLED_CONF_FILE])
# load default args from system/user configs if config-loading is allowed
if namespace.config_file is None:
namespace = config_parser.parse_config_options(
- namespace, configs=ConfigFileParser.default_configs)
+ namespace, configs=ConfigFileParser.default_configs
+ )
# TODO: Limit to parsing repo and targets options here so all args don't
# have to be parsed twice, will probably require a custom snakeoil
@@ -325,14 +384,14 @@ def _setup_scan(parser, namespace, args):
namespace.target_repo = _determine_target_repo(namespace)
# determine if we're running in the gentoo repo or a clone
- namespace.gentoo_repo = 'gentoo' in namespace.target_repo.aliases
+ namespace.gentoo_repo = "gentoo" in namespace.target_repo.aliases
# multiplex of target repo and its masters used for package existence queries
namespace.search_repo = multiplex.tree(*namespace.target_repo.trees)
if namespace.config_file is not False:
# support loading repo-specific config settings from metadata/pkgcheck.conf
- repo_config_file = os.path.join(namespace.target_repo.location, 'metadata', 'pkgcheck.conf')
+ repo_config_file = os.path.join(namespace.target_repo.location, "metadata", "pkgcheck.conf")
configs = [repo_config_file]
# custom user settings take precedence over previous configs
if namespace.config_file:
@@ -342,7 +401,7 @@ def _setup_scan(parser, namespace, args):
# load repo-specific args from config if they exist
namespace = config_parser.parse_config_sections(namespace, namespace.target_repo.aliases)
- if os.getenv('NOCOLOR'):
+ if os.getenv("NOCOLOR"):
namespace.color = False
return namespace, args
@@ -356,10 +415,10 @@ def generate_restricts(repo, targets):
path = os.path.realpath(target)
# prefer path restrictions if it's in the target repo
if os.path.exists(path) and path in repo:
- if path.endswith('.eclass'):
+ if path.endswith(".eclass"):
# direct eclass file targets
yield base.eclass_scope, os.path.basename(path)[:-7]
- elif path.startswith(profiles_base) and path[len(profiles_base):]:
+ elif path.startswith(profiles_base) and path[len(profiles_base) :]:
if os.path.isdir(path):
# descend into profiles dir targets
for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(path):
@@ -381,44 +440,45 @@ def generate_restricts(repo, targets):
# use path-based error for path-based targets
if os.path.exists(path) or os.path.isabs(target):
raise PkgcheckUserException(
- f"{repo.repo_id!r} repo doesn't contain: {target!r}")
+ f"{repo.repo_id!r} repo doesn't contain: {target!r}"
+ )
raise PkgcheckUserException(str(e))
-@scan.bind_delayed_default(1000, 'jobs')
+@scan.bind_delayed_default(1000, "jobs")
def _default_jobs(namespace, attr):
"""Extract jobs count from MAKEOPTS."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', type=arghparse.positive_int, default=os.cpu_count())
- makeopts, _ = parser.parse_known_args(shlex.split(os.getenv('MAKEOPTS', '')))
+ parser.add_argument("-j", "--jobs", type=arghparse.positive_int, default=os.cpu_count())
+ makeopts, _ = parser.parse_known_args(shlex.split(os.getenv("MAKEOPTS", "")))
setattr(namespace, attr, makeopts.jobs)
-@scan.bind_delayed_default(1001, 'tasks')
+@scan.bind_delayed_default(1001, "tasks")
def _default_tasks(namespace, attr):
"""Set based on jobs count."""
setattr(namespace, attr, namespace.jobs * 5)
-@scan.bind_delayed_default(1000, 'filter')
+@scan.bind_delayed_default(1000, "filter")
def _default_filter(namespace, attr):
"""Use source filtering for keywords requesting it by default."""
setattr(namespace, attr, objects.KEYWORDS.filter)
-@scan.bind_delayed_default(1000, 'enabled_checks')
+@scan.bind_delayed_default(1000, "enabled_checks")
def _default_enabled_checks(namespace, attr):
"""All non-optional checks are run by default."""
setattr(namespace, attr, set(objects.CHECKS.default.values()))
-@scan.bind_delayed_default(1000, 'filtered_keywords')
+@scan.bind_delayed_default(1000, "filtered_keywords")
def _default_filtered_keywords(namespace, attr):
"""Enable all keywords to be shown by default."""
setattr(namespace, attr, set(objects.KEYWORDS.values()))
-@scan.bind_delayed_default(9999, 'restrictions')
+@scan.bind_delayed_default(9999, "restrictions")
def _determine_restrictions(namespace, attr):
"""Determine restrictions for untargeted scans and generate collapsed restriction for targeted scans."""
if namespace.targets:
@@ -428,7 +488,7 @@ def _determine_restrictions(namespace, attr):
# running pipeline.
restrictions = list(generate_restricts(namespace.target_repo, namespace.targets))
if not restrictions:
- raise PkgcheckUserException('no targets')
+ raise PkgcheckUserException("no targets")
if namespace.cwd in namespace.target_repo:
scope, restrict = _path_restrict(namespace.cwd, namespace.target_repo)
@@ -445,7 +505,7 @@ def _determine_restrictions(namespace, attr):
def _scan(options, out, err):
with ExitStack() as stack:
reporter = options.reporter(out)
- for c in options.pop('contexts') + [reporter]:
+ for c in options.pop("contexts") + [reporter]:
pipe = Pipeline(options)
for result in pipe:
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_show.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_show.py
index 8273bf5e..4ea20e34 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_show.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_show.py
@@ -8,53 +8,72 @@ from snakeoil.formatters import decorate_forced_wrapping
from .. import base, objects
from ..addons.caches import CachedAddon
-show = arghparse.ArgumentParser(
- prog='pkgcheck show', description='show various pkgcheck info')
-list_options = show.add_argument_group('list options')
+show = arghparse.ArgumentParser(prog="pkgcheck show", description="show various pkgcheck info")
+list_options = show.add_argument_group("list options")
output_types = list_options.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- '-k', '--keywords', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='show available warning/error keywords',
+ "-k",
+ "--keywords",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="show available warning/error keywords",
List all available keywords.
Use -v/--verbose to show keywords sorted into the scope they run at
(repository, category, package, or version) along with their
- """)
+ """,
- '-c', '--checks', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='show available checks',
+ "-c",
+ "--checks",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="show available checks",
List all available checks.
Use -v/--verbose to show descriptions and possible keyword results for
each check.
- """)
+ """,
- '-s', '--scopes', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='show available keyword/check scopes',
+ "-s",
+ "--scopes",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="show available keyword/check scopes",
List all available keyword and check scopes.
Use -v/--verbose to show scope descriptions.
- """)
+ """,
- '-r', '--reporters', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='show available reporters',
+ "-r",
+ "--reporters",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="show available reporters",
List all available reporters.
Use -v/--verbose to show reporter descriptions.
- """)
+ """,
- '-C', '--caches', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='show available caches',
+ "-C",
+ "--caches",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="show available caches",
List all available cache types.
Use -v/--verbose to show more cache information.
- """)
+ """,
def dump_docstring(out, obj, prefix=None):
@@ -63,16 +82,16 @@ def dump_docstring(out, obj, prefix=None):
if obj.__doc__ is None:
- raise ValueError(f'no docs for {obj!r}')
+ raise ValueError(f"no docs for {obj!r}")
# Docstrings start with an unindented line, everything else is
# consistently indented.
- lines = obj.__doc__.split('\n')
+ lines = obj.__doc__.split("\n")
# some docstrings start on the second line
if firstline := lines[0].strip():
if len(lines) > 1:
- for line in textwrap.dedent('\n'.join(lines[1:])).split('\n'):
+ for line in textwrap.dedent("\n".join(lines[1:])).split("\n"):
@@ -85,23 +104,23 @@ def dump_docstring(out, obj, prefix=None):
def display_keywords(out, options):
if options.verbosity < 1:
- out.write('\n'.join(sorted(objects.KEYWORDS)), wrap=False)
+ out.write("\n".join(sorted(objects.KEYWORDS)), wrap=False)
scopes = defaultdict(set)
for keyword in objects.KEYWORDS.values():
for scope in reversed(sorted(scopes)):
- out.write(out.bold, f'{scope.desc.capitalize()} scope:')
+ out.write(out.bold, f"{scope.desc.capitalize()} scope:")
- keywords = sorted(scopes[scope], key=attrgetter('__name__'))
+ keywords = sorted(scopes[scope], key=attrgetter("__name__"))
- out.first_prefix.append(' ')
- out.later_prefix.append(' ')
+ out.first_prefix.append(" ")
+ out.later_prefix.append(" ")
for keyword in keywords:
- out.write(out.fg(keyword.color), keyword.__name__, out.reset, ':')
- dump_docstring(out, keyword, prefix=' ')
+ out.write(out.fg(keyword.color), keyword.__name__, out.reset, ":")
+ dump_docstring(out, keyword, prefix=" ")
@@ -110,7 +129,7 @@ def display_keywords(out, options):
def display_checks(out, options):
if options.verbosity < 1:
- out.write('\n'.join(sorted(objects.CHECKS)), wrap=False)
+ out.write("\n".join(sorted(objects.CHECKS)), wrap=False)
d = defaultdict(list)
for x in objects.CHECKS.values():
@@ -120,21 +139,21 @@ def display_checks(out, options):
out.write(out.bold, f"{module_name}:")
checks = d[module_name]
- checks.sort(key=attrgetter('__name__'))
+ checks.sort(key=attrgetter("__name__"))
- out.first_prefix.append(' ')
- out.later_prefix.append(' ')
+ out.first_prefix.append(" ")
+ out.later_prefix.append(" ")
for check in checks:
- out.write(out.fg('yellow'), check.__name__, out.reset, ':')
- dump_docstring(out, check, prefix=' ')
+ out.write(out.fg("yellow"), check.__name__, out.reset, ":")
+ dump_docstring(out, check, prefix=" ")
# output result types that each check can generate
keywords = []
- for r in sorted(check.known_results, key=attrgetter('__name__')):
- keywords.extend([out.fg(r.color), r.__name__, out.reset, ', '])
+ for r in sorted(check.known_results, key=attrgetter("__name__")):
+ keywords.extend([out.fg(r.color), r.__name__, out.reset, ", "])
- out.write(*([' (known results: '] + keywords + [')']))
+ out.write(*([" (known results: "] + keywords + [")"]))
@@ -145,15 +164,15 @@ def display_checks(out, options):
def display_reporters(out, options):
if options.verbosity < 1:
- out.write('\n'.join(sorted(objects.REPORTERS)), wrap=False)
+ out.write("\n".join(sorted(objects.REPORTERS)), wrap=False)
- out.first_prefix.append(' ')
- out.later_prefix.append(' ')
- for reporter in sorted(objects.REPORTERS.values(), key=attrgetter('__name__')):
- out.write(out.bold, out.fg('yellow'), reporter.__name__)
- dump_docstring(out, reporter, prefix=' ')
+ out.first_prefix.append(" ")
+ out.later_prefix.append(" ")
+ for reporter in sorted(objects.REPORTERS.values(), key=attrgetter("__name__")):
+ out.write(out.bold, out.fg("yellow"), reporter.__name__)
+ dump_docstring(out, reporter, prefix=" ")
@@ -162,19 +181,19 @@ def _show(options, out, err):
display_checks(out, options)
elif options.scopes:
if options.verbosity < 1:
- out.write('\n'.join(base.scopes))
+ out.write("\n".join(base.scopes))
for name, scope in base.scopes.items():
- out.write(f'{name} -- {scope.desc} scope')
+ out.write(f"{name} -- {scope.desc} scope")
elif options.reporters:
display_reporters(out, options)
elif options.caches:
if options.verbosity < 1:
- caches = sorted(map(attrgetter('type'), CachedAddon.caches.values()))
- out.write('\n'.join(caches))
+ caches = sorted(map(attrgetter("type"), CachedAddon.caches.values()))
+ out.write("\n".join(caches))
- for cache in sorted(CachedAddon.caches.values(), key=attrgetter('type')):
- out.write(f'{cache.type} -- file: {cache.file}, version: {cache.version}')
+ for cache in sorted(CachedAddon.caches.values(), key=attrgetter("type")):
+ out.write(f"{cache.type} -- file: {cache.file}, version: {cache.version}")
# default to showing keywords if no output option is selected
display_keywords(out, options)
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/sources.py b/src/pkgcheck/sources.py
index e6230589..2d0832cd 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/sources.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/sources.py
@@ -64,8 +64,9 @@ class LatestVersionRepoSource(RepoSource):
"""Repo source that returns only the latest non-VCS and VCS slots"""
def itermatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
- for _, pkgs in groupby(super().itermatch(*args, **kwargs),
- key=lambda pkg: pkg.slotted_atom):
+ for _, pkgs in groupby(
+ super().itermatch(*args, **kwargs), key=lambda pkg: pkg.slotted_atom
+ ):
best_by_live = {pkg.live: pkg for pkg in pkgs}
yield from sorted(best_by_live.values())
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ class LatestVersionsFilter:
# determine the latest non-VCS and VCS pkgs for each slot
while key == pkg.key:
if pkg.live:
- selected_pkgs[f'vcs-{pkg.slot}'] = pkg
+ selected_pkgs[f"vcs-{pkg.slot}"] = pkg
selected_pkgs[pkg.slot] = pkg
@@ -111,7 +112,8 @@ class LatestVersionsFilter:
selected_pkgs = set(selected_pkgs.values())
- FilteredPkg(pkg=pkg) if pkg not in selected_pkgs else pkg for pkg in pkgs)
+ FilteredPkg(pkg=pkg) if pkg not in selected_pkgs else pkg for pkg in pkgs
+ )
return self._pkg_cache.popleft()
@@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ class LatestPkgsFilter:
# determine the latest non-VCS and VCS pkgs for each slot
for pkg in pkgs:
if pkg.live:
- selected_pkgs[f'vcs-{pkg.slot}'] = pkg
+ selected_pkgs[f"vcs-{pkg.slot}"] = pkg
selected_pkgs[pkg.slot] = pkg
@@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ class EclassRepoSource(RepoSource):
def __init__(self, *args, eclass_addon, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.eclasses = eclass_addon._eclass_repos[self.repo.location]
- self.eclass_dir = pjoin(self.repo.location, 'eclass')
+ self.eclass_dir = pjoin(self.repo.location, "eclass")
def itermatch(self, restrict, **kwargs):
if isinstance(restrict, str):
@@ -178,12 +180,13 @@ class EclassRepoSource(RepoSource):
eclasses = self.eclasses
for name in eclasses:
- yield Eclass(name, pjoin(self.eclass_dir, f'{name}.eclass'))
+ yield Eclass(name, pjoin(self.eclass_dir, f"{name}.eclass"))
class Profile:
"""Generic profile object."""
node: ProfileNode
files: set
@@ -196,8 +199,7 @@ class ProfilesRepoSource(RepoSource):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.profiles_dir = self.repo.config.profiles_base
- self.non_profile_dirs = {
- f'profiles/{x}' for x in ProfileAddon.non_profile_dirs}
+ self.non_profile_dirs = {f"profiles/{x}" for x in ProfileAddon.non_profile_dirs}
self._prefix_len = len(self.repo.location.rstrip(os.sep)) + 1
def itermatch(self, restrict, **kwargs):
@@ -221,7 +223,7 @@ class ProfilesRepoSource(RepoSource):
# matching all profiles
for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(self.profiles_dir):
- if root[self._prefix_len:] not in self.non_profile_dirs:
+ if root[self._prefix_len :] not in self.non_profile_dirs:
yield Profile(ProfileNode(root), set(files))
@@ -234,17 +236,15 @@ class _RawRepo(UnconfiguredTree):
Deviates from parent in that no package name check is done.
cppath = pjoin(self.base, catpkg[0], catpkg[1])
- pkg = f'{catpkg[-1]}-'
+ pkg = f"{catpkg[-1]}-"
lp = len(pkg)
extension = self.extension
ext_len = -len(extension)
- return tuple(
- x[lp:ext_len] for x in listdir_files(cppath)
- if x[ext_len:] == extension)
+ return tuple(x[lp:ext_len] for x in listdir_files(cppath) if x[ext_len:] == extension)
except EnvironmentError as e:
path = pjoin(self.base, os.sep.join(catpkg))
- raise KeyError(f'failed fetching versions for package {path}: {e}') from e
+ raise KeyError(f"failed fetching versions for package {path}: {e}") from e
class RawRepoSource(RepoSource):
@@ -276,8 +276,14 @@ class UnmaskedRepoSource(RepoSource):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._filtered_repo = self.options.domain.filter_repo(
- self.repo, pkg_masks=(), pkg_unmasks=(), pkg_filters=(),
- pkg_accept_keywords=(), pkg_keywords=(), profile=False)
+ self.repo,
+ pkg_masks=(),
+ pkg_unmasks=(),
+ pkg_filters=(),
+ pkg_accept_keywords=(),
+ pkg_keywords=(),
+ profile=False,
+ )
def itermatch(self, restrict, **kwargs):
yield from self._filtered_repo.itermatch(restrict, **kwargs)
@@ -286,7 +292,7 @@ class UnmaskedRepoSource(RepoSource):
class _SourcePkg(WrappedPkg):
"""Package object with file contents injected as an attribute."""
- __slots__ = ('lines',)
+ __slots__ = ("lines",)
def __init__(self, pkg):
@@ -323,8 +329,8 @@ class _ParsedEclass(ParseTree):
self.eclass = eclass
- __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy('eclass')
- __dir__ = klass.DirProxy('eclass')
+ __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy("eclass")
+ __dir__ = klass.DirProxy("eclass")
class EclassParseRepoSource(EclassRepoSource):
@@ -332,7 +338,7 @@ class EclassParseRepoSource(EclassRepoSource):
def itermatch(self, restrict, **kwargs):
for eclass in super().itermatch(restrict, **kwargs):
- with open(eclass.path, 'rb') as f:
+ with open(eclass.path, "rb") as f:
data = f.read()
yield _ParsedEclass(data, eclass=eclass)
@@ -364,14 +370,14 @@ class PackageRepoSource(_CombinedSource):
"""Ebuild repository source yielding lists of versioned packages per package."""
scope = base.package_scope
- keyfunc = attrgetter('key')
+ keyfunc = attrgetter("key")
class CategoryRepoSource(_CombinedSource):
"""Ebuild repository source yielding lists of versioned packages per category."""
scope = base.category_scope
- keyfunc = attrgetter('category')
+ keyfunc = attrgetter("category")
class RepositoryRepoSource(RepoSource):
@@ -401,13 +407,13 @@ class _FilteredSource(RawRepoSource):
class UnversionedSource(_FilteredSource):
"""Source yielding unversioned atoms from matching packages."""
- keyfunc = attrgetter('unversioned_atom')
+ keyfunc = attrgetter("unversioned_atom")
class VersionedSource(_FilteredSource):
"""Source yielding versioned atoms from matching packages."""
- keyfunc = attrgetter('versioned_atom')
+ keyfunc = attrgetter("versioned_atom")
def init_source(source, options, addons_map=None):
@@ -417,8 +423,8 @@ def init_source(source, options, addons_map=None):
cls, args, kwargs = source
kwargs = dict(kwargs)
# initialize wrapped source
- if 'source' in kwargs:
- kwargs['source'] = init_source(kwargs['source'], options, addons_map)
+ if "source" in kwargs:
+ kwargs["source"] = init_source(kwargs["source"], options, addons_map)
cls, args = source
kwargs = {}
diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/utils.py b/src/pkgcheck/utils.py
index 22e50824..da716568 100644
--- a/src/pkgcheck/utils.py
+++ b/src/pkgcheck/utils.py
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-_control_chars = b'\n\r\t\f\b'
+_control_chars = b"\n\r\t\f\b"
_printable_ascii = _control_chars + bytes(range(32, 127))
_printable_high_ascii = bytes(range(127, 256))
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def is_binary(path, blocksize=1024):
:returns: True if appears to be a binary, otherwise False.
- with open(path, 'rb') as f:
+ with open(path, "rb") as f:
byte_str = f.read(blocksize)
except IOError:
return False
@@ -75,9 +75,8 @@ def is_binary(path, blocksize=1024):
high_chars = byte_str.translate(None, _printable_high_ascii)
nontext_ratio2 = len(high_chars) / len(byte_str)
- is_likely_binary = (
- (nontext_ratio1 > 0.3 and nontext_ratio2 < 0.05) or
- (nontext_ratio1 > 0.8 and nontext_ratio2 > 0.8)
+ is_likely_binary = (nontext_ratio1 > 0.3 and nontext_ratio2 < 0.05) or (
+ nontext_ratio1 > 0.8 and nontext_ratio2 > 0.8
decodable = False
@@ -91,9 +90,9 @@ def is_binary(path, blocksize=1024):
# guess character encoding using chardet
detected_encoding = chardet.detect(byte_str)
- if detected_encoding['confidence'] > 0.8:
+ if detected_encoding["confidence"] > 0.8:
- byte_str.decode(encoding=detected_encoding['encoding'])
+ byte_str.decode(encoding=detected_encoding["encoding"])
decodable = True
except (UnicodeDecodeError, LookupError):
@@ -101,6 +100,6 @@ def is_binary(path, blocksize=1024):
# finally use all the checks to decide binary or text
if decodable:
return False
- if is_likely_binary or b'\x00' in byte_str:
+ if is_likely_binary or b"\x00" in byte_str:
return True
return False
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py
index 6c48dfab..8c23ea65 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py
index 68b0e2de..215aadfa 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ from requests.models import Response
# initial URL check
r = Response()
r.status_code = 200
-r.reason = 'OK'
-r.url = 'http://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz'
+r.reason = "OK"
+r.url = "http://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
# now checking if https:// exists
https_r = Response()
https_r.status_code = 200
-https_r.reason = 'OK'
-https_r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz'
+https_r.reason = "OK"
+https_r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz"
https_r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r, https_r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py
index b582b6db..14333d48 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ from requests.models import Response
r_hist = Response()
r_hist.status_code = 301
-r_hist.reason = 'Moved Permanently'
-r_hist.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz'
-r_hist.headers = {'location': 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo-moved.tar.gz'}
+r_hist.reason = "Moved Permanently"
+r_hist.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz"
+r_hist.headers = {"location": "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo-moved.tar.gz"}
r_hist.raw = io.StringIO()
r = Response()
r.status_code = 200
-r.reason = 'OK'
-r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz'
+r.reason = "OK"
+r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz"
r.history = [r_hist]
r.raw = io.StringIO()
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py
index 95ed6778..b9d30062 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
from requests.exceptions import SSLError
-responses = [SSLError('Certificate verification failed')]
+responses = [SSLError("Certificate verification failed")]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/DeadUrl-connection-error/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/DeadUrl-connection-error/responses.py
index ad3fd857..0a78a313 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/DeadUrl-connection-error/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/DeadUrl-connection-error/responses.py
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
-responses = [ConnectionError('connection failed')]
+responses = [ConnectionError("connection failed")]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py
index e490c7ed..31ad363c 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py
index 2f6f43d4..a43f15d4 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ from requests.models import Response
# initial URL check
r = Response()
r.status_code = 200
-r.reason = 'OK'
-r.url = 'http://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck'
+r.reason = "OK"
+r.url = "http://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
# now checking if https:// exists
https_r = Response()
https_r.status_code = 200
-https_r.reason = 'OK'
-https_r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck'
+https_r.reason = "OK"
+https_r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck"
https_r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r, https_r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py
index 71360581..384a2466 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ from requests.models import Response
r_hist = Response()
r_hist.status_code = 301
-r_hist.reason = 'Moved Permanently'
-r_hist.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck'
-r_hist.headers = {'location': 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck-moved'}
+r_hist.reason = "Moved Permanently"
+r_hist.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck"
+r_hist.headers = {"location": "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck-moved"}
r_hist.raw = io.StringIO()
r = Response()
r.status_code = 200
-r.reason = 'OK'
-r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck'
+r.reason = "OK"
+r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
r.history = [r_hist]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py
index 95ed6778..b9d30062 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
from requests.exceptions import SSLError
-responses = [SSLError('Certificate verification failed')]
+responses = [SSLError("Certificate verification failed")]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-bitbucket/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-bitbucket/responses.py
index ba4f7cd1..35f8f6bd 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-bitbucket/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-bitbucket/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://bitbucket.org/pkgcore/pkgcheck'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://bitbucket.org/pkgcore/pkgcheck"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-cpan/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-cpan/responses.py
index 02e637f4..84c21ff3 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-cpan/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-cpan/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://metacpan.org/dist/PkgCore-PkgCheck'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://metacpan.org/dist/PkgCore-PkgCheck"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-cran/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-cran/responses.py
index 7e6bef3e..63ee8e0e 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-cran/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-cran/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/PkgCheck/'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/PkgCheck/"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-ctan/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-ctan/responses.py
index ff9b152e..6297edda 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-ctan/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-ctan/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://ctan.org/pkg/pkgcheck'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://ctan.org/pkg/pkgcheck"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-freedesktop-gitlab/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-freedesktop-gitlab/responses.py
index d32f1ee0..9193e4d7 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-freedesktop-gitlab/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-freedesktop-gitlab/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pkgcore/pkgcheck.git/'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pkgcore/pkgcheck.git/"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-gentoo/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-gentoo/responses.py
index 61271075..d9c007a0 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-gentoo/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-gentoo/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/pkgcheck.git/'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/pkgcheck.git/"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-gnome-gitlab/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-gnome-gitlab/responses.py
index 694e4834..416016ed 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-gnome-gitlab/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-gnome-gitlab/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://gitlab.gnome.org/pkgcore/pkgcheck.git/'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://gitlab.gnome.org/pkgcore/pkgcheck.git/"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-hackage/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-hackage/responses.py
index 34770180..e2627295 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-hackage/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-hackage/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pkgcheck'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pkgcheck"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-launchpad/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-launchpad/responses.py
index 92455e24..e4327013 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-launchpad/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-launchpad/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://launchpad.net/pkgcheck'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://launchpad.net/pkgcheck"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-osdn/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-osdn/responses.py
index 02bcf124..f5be015d 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-osdn/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-osdn/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://osdn.net/projects/pkgcore/pkgcheck/'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://osdn.net/projects/pkgcore/pkgcheck/"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-pecl/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-pecl/responses.py
index f9585adf..fca18be6 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-pecl/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-pecl/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://pecl.php.net/package/pkgcheck'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://pecl.php.net/package/pkgcheck"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-pypi/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-pypi/responses.py
index 1a13d51b..3a164368 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-pypi/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-pypi/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://pypi.org/project/pkgcheck/'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://pypi.org/project/pkgcheck/"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-rubygems/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-rubygems/responses.py
index dd70699f..473bd566 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-rubygems/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-rubygems/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://rubygems.org/gems/pkgcheck'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://rubygems.org/gems/pkgcheck"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-savannah-nongnu/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-savannah-nongnu/responses.py
index d5aeb788..f1776c9c 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-savannah-nongnu/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-savannah-nongnu/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/pkgcheck'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/pkgcheck"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-savannah/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-savannah/responses.py
index fb20f23f..eb9a56d8 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-savannah/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-savannah/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/pkgcheck'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/pkgcheck"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-sourceforge/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-sourceforge/responses.py
index 53fe194e..719a5958 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-sourceforge/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-sourceforge/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/pkgcheck/'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://sourceforge.net/projects/pkgcheck/"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-sourcehut/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-sourcehut/responses.py
index a4bd454a..e79f9625 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-sourcehut/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-sourcehut/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://sr.ht/~pkgcore/pkgcheck/'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://sr.ht/~pkgcore/pkgcheck/"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-vim/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-vim/responses.py
index 9e184839..8ecfaf6d 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-vim/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-vim/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=12345'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=12345"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py
index e490c7ed..31ad363c 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response
r = Response()
r.status_code = 404
-r.reason = 'Not Found'
-r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck'
+r.reason = "Not Found"
+r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py
index dacb475f..2c079574 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ from requests.models import Response
# initial URL check
r = Response()
r.status_code = 200
-r.reason = 'OK'
-r.url = 'http://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/issues'
+r.reason = "OK"
+r.url = "http://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/issues"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
# now checking if https:// exists
https_r = Response()
https_r.status_code = 200
-https_r.reason = 'OK'
-https_r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/issues'
+https_r.reason = "OK"
+https_r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/issues"
https_r.raw = io.StringIO()
responses = [r, https_r]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py
index 7567a614..39e182b7 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
import io
from requests.models import Response
r_hist = Response()
r_hist.status_code = 301
-r_hist.reason = 'Moved Permanently'
-r_hist.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck'
-r_hist.headers = {'location': 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/'}
+r_hist.reason = "Moved Permanently"
+r_hist.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck"
+r_hist.headers = {"location": "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/"}
r_hist.raw = io.StringIO()
r = Response()
r.status_code = 301
-r.reason = 'OK'
-r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck'
+r.reason = "OK"
+r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck"
r.raw = io.StringIO()
r.history = [r_hist]
diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py
index 95ed6778..b9d30062 100644
--- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py
+++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
from requests.exceptions import SSLError
-responses = [SSLError('Certificate verification failed')]
+responses = [SSLError("Certificate verification failed")]
diff --git a/tests/addons/test_addons.py b/tests/addons/test_addons.py
index 32226927..87c59359 100644
--- a/tests/addons/test_addons.py
+++ b/tests/addons/test_addons.py
@@ -11,70 +11,68 @@ from ..misc import FakePkg, FakeProfile, Profile
class TestArchesAddon:
def _setup(self, tool, repo):
self.tool = tool
self.repo = repo
- self.args = ['scan', '--repo', repo.location]
+ self.args = ["scan", "--repo", repo.location]
def test_empty_default(self):
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args)
assert options.arches == frozenset()
def test_repo_default(self):
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'profiles', 'arch.list'), 'w') as f:
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "profiles", "arch.list"), "w") as f:
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args)
- assert options.arches == frozenset(['amd64', 'arm64'])
+ assert options.arches == frozenset(["amd64", "arm64"])
def test_enabled(self):
data = (
- ('x86', ['x86']),
- ('ppc', ['ppc']),
- ('x86,ppc', ['ppc', 'x86']),
+ ("x86", ["x86"]),
+ ("ppc", ["ppc"]),
+ ("x86,ppc", ["ppc", "x86"]),
for arg, expected in data:
- for opt in ('-a', '--arches'):
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}={arg}'])
+ for opt in ("-a", "--arches"):
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}={arg}"])
assert options.arches == frozenset(expected)
def test_disabled(self):
# set repo defaults
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'profiles', 'arch.list'), 'w') as f:
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "profiles", "arch.list"), "w") as f:
data = (
- ('-x86', ['amd64', 'arm64']),
- ('-x86,-amd64', ['arm64']),
+ ("-x86", ["amd64", "arm64"]),
+ ("-x86,-amd64", ["arm64"]),
for arg, expected in data:
- for opt in ('-a', '--arches'):
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}={arg}'])
+ for opt in ("-a", "--arches"):
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}={arg}"])
assert options.arches == frozenset(expected)
def test_unknown(self, capsys):
# unknown arch checking requires repo defaults
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'profiles', 'arch.list'), 'w') as f:
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "profiles", "arch.list"), "w") as f:
- for arg in ('foo', 'bar'):
- for opt in ('-a', '--arches'):
+ for arg in ("foo", "bar"):
+ for opt in ("-a", "--arches"):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}={arg}'])
+ self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}={arg}"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
- assert f'unknown arch: {arg}' in err
+ assert f"unknown arch: {arg}" in err
class TestStableArchesAddon:
def _setup(self, tool, repo):
self.tool = tool
self.repo = repo
- self.args = ['scan', '--repo', repo.location]
+ self.args = ["scan", "--repo", repo.location]
def test_empty_default(self):
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args)
@@ -82,40 +80,56 @@ class TestStableArchesAddon:
def test_repo_arches_default(self):
"""Use GLEP 72 arches.desc file if it exists."""
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'profiles', 'arch.list'), 'w') as f:
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "profiles", "arch.list"), "w") as f:
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'profiles', 'arches.desc'), 'w') as f:
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "profiles", "arches.desc"), "w") as f:
f.write("arm64 stable\namd64 stable\nriscv testing")
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args)
- assert options.stable_arches == {'amd64', 'arm64'}
+ assert options.stable_arches == {"amd64", "arm64"}
def test_repo_profiles_default(self):
"""Otherwise arch stability is determined from the profiles.desc file."""
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'profiles', 'arch.list'), 'w') as f:
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "profiles", "arch.list"), "w") as f:
- os.mkdir(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'profiles', 'default'))
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'profiles', 'profiles.desc'), 'w') as f:
+ os.mkdir(pjoin(self.repo.location, "profiles", "default"))
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "profiles", "profiles.desc"), "w") as f:
f.write("arm64 default dev\namd64 default stable\nriscv default exp")
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args)
- assert options.stable_arches == {'amd64'}
+ assert options.stable_arches == {"amd64"}
def test_selected_arches(self):
- for opt in ('-a', '--arches'):
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}=amd64'])
- assert options.stable_arches == {'amd64'}
+ for opt in ("-a", "--arches"):
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}=amd64"])
+ assert options.stable_arches == {"amd64"}
class Test_profile_data:
- def assertResults(self, profile, known_flags, required_immutable,
- required_forced, cpv="dev-util/diffball-0.1",
- key_override=None, data_override=None):
+ def assertResults(
+ self,
+ profile,
+ known_flags,
+ required_immutable,
+ required_forced,
+ cpv="dev-util/diffball-0.1",
+ key_override=None,
+ data_override=None,
+ ):
profile_data = addons.profiles.ProfileData(
- "test-repo", "test-profile", key_override,
+ "test-repo",
+ "test-profile",
+ key_override,
- packages.AlwaysFalse, profile.iuse_effective,
- profile.use, profile.pkg_use, profile.masked_use, profile.forced_use, {}, set(),
- 'stable', False)
+ packages.AlwaysFalse,
+ profile.iuse_effective,
+ profile.use,
+ profile.pkg_use,
+ profile.masked_use,
+ profile.forced_use,
+ {},
+ set(),
+ "stable",
+ False,
+ )
pkg = FakePkg(cpv, data=data_override)
immutable, enabled = profile_data.identify_use(pkg, set(known_flags))
assert immutable == set(required_immutable)
@@ -140,15 +154,15 @@ class Test_profile_data:
self.assertResults(profile, ["lib", "bar"], ["lib"], ["lib"])
profile = FakeProfile(
- forced_use={"dev-util/diffball": ["lib"]},
- masked_use={"dev-util/diffball": ["lib"]})
+ forced_use={"dev-util/diffball": ["lib"]}, masked_use={"dev-util/diffball": ["lib"]}
+ )
self.assertResults(profile, [], [], [])
# check that masked use wins out over forced.
self.assertResults(profile, ["lib", "bar"], ["lib"], [])
profile = FakeProfile(
- forced_use={"dev-util/diffball": ["lib"]},
- masked_use={"dev-util/diffball": ["lib"]})
+ forced_use={"dev-util/diffball": ["lib"]}, masked_use={"dev-util/diffball": ["lib"]}
+ )
self.assertResults(profile, [], [], [])
# check that masked use wins out over forced.
self.assertResults(profile, ["lib", "bar"], ["lib"], [])
@@ -162,7 +176,7 @@ class TestProfileAddon:
def _setup(self, tool, repo, tmp_path):
self.tool = tool
self.repo = repo
- self.args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', str(tmp_path), '--repo', repo.location]
+ self.args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", str(tmp_path), "--repo", repo.location]
def assertProfiles(self, addon, key, *profile_names):
actual = sorted(x.name for y in addon.profile_evaluate_dict[key] for x in y)
@@ -171,34 +185,34 @@ class TestProfileAddon:
def test_defaults(self):
profiles = [
- Profile('profile1', 'x86'),
- Profile('profile1/2', 'x86'),
+ Profile("profile1", "x86"),
+ Profile("profile1/2", "x86"),
- self.repo.arches.add('x86')
+ self.repo.arches.add("x86")
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args)
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
- assert sorted(addon.profile_evaluate_dict) == ['x86', '~x86']
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'profile1', 'profile1/2')
+ assert sorted(addon.profile_evaluate_dict) == ["x86", "~x86"]
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "profile1", "profile1/2")
def test_profiles_base(self):
profiles = [
- Profile('default-linux/dep', 'x86', deprecated=True),
- Profile('default-linux', 'x86', 'dev'),
- Profile('default-linux/x86', 'x86'),
+ Profile("default-linux/dep", "x86", deprecated=True),
+ Profile("default-linux", "x86", "dev"),
+ Profile("default-linux/x86", "x86"),
- self.repo.arches.add('x86')
+ self.repo.arches.add("x86")
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args)
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux', 'default-linux/x86')
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux", "default-linux/x86")
def test_nonexistent(self, capsys):
- profile = Profile('x86', 'x86')
+ profile = Profile("x86", "x86")
- for profiles in ('bar', '-bar', 'x86,bar', 'bar,x86', 'x86,-bar'):
+ for profiles in ("bar", "-bar", "x86,bar", "bar,x86", "x86,-bar"):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'--profiles={profiles}'])
+ self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"--profiles={profiles}"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
@@ -206,149 +220,150 @@ class TestProfileAddon:
def test_profiles_args(self):
profiles = [
- Profile('default-linux/dep', 'x86', deprecated=True),
- Profile('default-linux/dev', 'x86', 'dev'),
- Profile('default-linux/exp', 'x86', 'exp'),
- Profile('default-linux', 'x86'),
+ Profile("default-linux/dep", "x86", deprecated=True),
+ Profile("default-linux/dev", "x86", "dev"),
+ Profile("default-linux/exp", "x86", "exp"),
+ Profile("default-linux", "x86"),
- self.repo.arches.add('x86')
+ self.repo.arches.add("x86")
# enable stable
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=stable'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=stable"])
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux')
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux")
# disable stable
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=-stable'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=-stable"])
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux/dev', 'default-linux/exp')
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux/dev", "default-linux/exp")
# enable dev
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=dev'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=dev"])
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux/dev')
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux/dev")
# disable dev
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=-dev'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=-dev"])
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux', 'default-linux/exp')
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux", "default-linux/exp")
# enable exp
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=exp'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=exp"])
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux/exp')
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux/exp")
# disable exp
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=-exp'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=-exp"])
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux', 'default-linux/dev')
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux", "default-linux/dev")
# enable deprecated
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=deprecated'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=deprecated"])
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux/dep')
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux/dep")
# disable deprecated
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=-deprecated'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=-deprecated"])
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux', 'default-linux/dev', 'default-linux/exp')
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux", "default-linux/dev", "default-linux/exp")
# enable specific profile
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles', 'default-linux/exp'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles", "default-linux/exp"])
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux/exp')
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux/exp")
# disable specific profile
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=-default-linux'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=-default-linux"])
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux/dev', 'default-linux/exp')
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux/dev", "default-linux/exp")
def test_auto_enable_exp_profiles(self):
profiles = [
- Profile('default-linux/dep', 'x86', deprecated=True),
- Profile('default-linux/dev', 'x86', 'dev'),
- Profile('default-linux/exp', 'x86', 'exp'),
- Profile('default-linux/amd64', 'amd64', 'exp'),
- Profile('default-linux', 'x86'),
+ Profile("default-linux/dep", "x86", deprecated=True),
+ Profile("default-linux/dev", "x86", "dev"),
+ Profile("default-linux/exp", "x86", "exp"),
+ Profile("default-linux/amd64", "amd64", "exp"),
+ Profile("default-linux", "x86"),
- self.repo.arches.update(['amd64', 'x86'])
+ self.repo.arches.update(["amd64", "x86"])
# experimental profiles aren't enabled by default
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args)
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux', 'default-linux/dev')
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux", "default-linux/dev")
# but are auto-enabled when an arch with only exp profiles is selected
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['-a', 'amd64'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["-a", "amd64"])
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'amd64', 'default-linux/amd64')
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "amd64", "default-linux/amd64")
# or a result keyword is selected that requires them
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['-k', 'NonsolvableDepsInExp'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["-k", "NonsolvableDepsInExp"])
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'amd64', 'default-linux/amd64')
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux', 'default-linux/dev', 'default-linux/exp')
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "amd64", "default-linux/amd64")
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux", "default-linux/dev", "default-linux/exp")
def test_addon_dict(self):
"""ProfileAddon has methods that allow it to act like a dict of profile filters."""
profiles = [
- Profile('linux/x86', 'x86'),
- Profile('linux/ppc', 'ppc'),
+ Profile("linux/x86", "x86"),
+ Profile("linux/ppc", "ppc"),
- self.repo.arches.update(['x86', 'ppc'])
+ self.repo.arches.update(["x86", "ppc"])
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args)
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
assert len(addon) == 4
- assert set(x.name for x in addon) == {'linux/x86', 'linux/ppc'}
- assert len(addon['x86']) == 1
- assert [x.name for x in addon['~x86']] == ['linux/x86']
- assert addon.get('foo', ['foo']) == ['foo']
- assert addon.get('foo') is None
+ assert set(x.name for x in addon) == {"linux/x86", "linux/ppc"}
+ assert len(addon["x86"]) == 1
+ assert [x.name for x in addon["~x86"]] == ["linux/x86"]
+ assert addon.get("foo", ["foo"]) == ["foo"]
+ assert addon.get("foo") is None
def test_profile_collapsing(self):
profiles = [
- Profile('default-linux', 'x86'),
- Profile('default-linux/x86', 'x86'),
- Profile('default-linux/ppc', 'ppc'),
+ Profile("default-linux", "x86"),
+ Profile("default-linux/x86", "x86"),
+ Profile("default-linux/ppc", "ppc"),
- self.repo.arches.update(['x86', 'ppc'])
+ self.repo.arches.update(["x86", "ppc"])
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args)
addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options)
# assert they're collapsed properly.
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux', 'default-linux/x86')
- assert len(addon.profile_evaluate_dict['x86']) == 1
- assert len(addon.profile_evaluate_dict['x86'][0]) == 2
- self.assertProfiles(addon, 'ppc', 'default-linux/ppc')
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux", "default-linux/x86")
+ assert len(addon.profile_evaluate_dict["x86"]) == 1
+ assert len(addon.profile_evaluate_dict["x86"][0]) == 2
+ self.assertProfiles(addon, "ppc", "default-linux/ppc")
- groups = addon.identify_profiles(FakePkg("d-b/ab-1", data={'KEYWORDS': 'x86'}))
+ groups = addon.identify_profiles(FakePkg("d-b/ab-1", data={"KEYWORDS": "x86"}))
assert len(groups) == 2, f"checking for profile collapsing: {groups!r}"
assert len(groups[0]) == 2, f"checking for proper # of profiles: {groups[0]!r}"
- assert sorted(x.name for x in groups[0]) == sorted(['default-linux', 'default-linux/x86'])
+ assert sorted(x.name for x in groups[0]) == sorted(["default-linux", "default-linux/x86"])
# check arch vs ~arch runs (i.e. arch KEYWORDS should also trigger ~arch runs)
- groups = addon.identify_profiles(FakePkg("d-b/ab-1", data={'KEYWORDS': '~x86'}))
+ groups = addon.identify_profiles(FakePkg("d-b/ab-1", data={"KEYWORDS": "~x86"}))
assert len(groups) == 1, f"checking for profile collapsing: {groups!r}"
assert len(groups[0]) == 2, f"checking for proper # of profiles: {groups[0]!r}"
- assert sorted(x.name for x in groups[0]) == sorted(['default-linux', 'default-linux/x86'])
+ assert sorted(x.name for x in groups[0]) == sorted(["default-linux", "default-linux/x86"])
# check keyword collapsing
- groups = addon.identify_profiles(FakePkg("d-b/ab-2", data={'KEYWORDS': 'ppc'}))
+ groups = addon.identify_profiles(FakePkg("d-b/ab-2", data={"KEYWORDS": "ppc"}))
assert len(groups) == 2, f"checking for profile collapsing: {groups!r}"
assert len(groups[0]) == 1, f"checking for proper # of profiles: {groups[0]!r}"
- assert groups[0][0].name == 'default-linux/ppc'
+ assert groups[0][0].name == "default-linux/ppc"
- groups = addon.identify_profiles(FakePkg("d-b/ab-2", data={'KEYWORDS': 'foon'}))
+ groups = addon.identify_profiles(FakePkg("d-b/ab-2", data={"KEYWORDS": "foon"}))
assert len(groups) == 0, f"checking for profile collapsing: {groups!r}"
import requests
net_skip = False
except ImportError:
net_skip = True
@@ -356,33 +371,33 @@ except ImportError:
@pytest.mark.skipif(net_skip, reason="requests isn't installed")
class TestNetAddon:
def test_failed_import(self, tool):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan'])
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"])
addon = addons.NetAddon(options)
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.net.Session') as net:
- net.side_effect = ImportError('import failed', name='foo')
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.net.Session") as net:
+ net.side_effect = ImportError("import failed", name="foo")
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
# failing to import requests specifically returns a nicer user exception
- net.side_effect = ImportError('import failed', name='requests')
- with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='network checks require requests'):
+ net.side_effect = ImportError("import failed", name="requests")
+ with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="network checks require requests"):
def test_custom_timeout(self, tool):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', '--timeout', '10'])
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "--timeout", "10"])
addon = addons.NetAddon(options)
assert isinstance(addon.session, requests.Session)
assert addon.session.timeout == 10
# a timeout of zero disables timeouts entirely
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', '--timeout', '0'])
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "--timeout", "0"])
addon = addons.NetAddon(options)
assert addon.session.timeout is None
def test_args(self, tool):
options, _ = tool.parse_args(
- ['scan', '--timeout', '10', '--tasks', '50', '--user-agent', 'firefox'])
+ ["scan", "--timeout", "10", "--tasks", "50", "--user-agent", "firefox"]
+ )
addon = addons.NetAddon(options)
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.net.Session') as net:
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.net.Session") as net:
- net.assert_called_once_with(concurrent=50, timeout=10, user_agent='firefox')
+ net.assert_called_once_with(concurrent=50, timeout=10, user_agent="firefox")
diff --git a/tests/addons/test_eclass.py b/tests/addons/test_eclass.py
index 4e1b26db..c6c045b2 100644
--- a/tests/addons/test_eclass.py
+++ b/tests/addons/test_eclass.py
@@ -13,26 +13,29 @@ from snakeoil.osutils import pjoin
class TestEclass:
def _setup(self, tmp_path):
- path = str(tmp_path / 'foo.eclass')
- with open(path, 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\
- # eclass header
- foo () { :; }
- """))
- self.eclass1 = Eclass('foo', path)
- path = str(tmp_path / 'bar.eclass')
- self.eclass2 = Eclass('bar', path)
+ path = str(tmp_path / "foo.eclass")
+ with open(path, "w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ # eclass header
+ foo () { :; }
+ """
+ )
+ )
+ self.eclass1 = Eclass("foo", path)
+ path = str(tmp_path / "bar.eclass")
+ self.eclass2 = Eclass("bar", path)
def test_lines(self):
- assert self.eclass1.lines == ('# eclass header\n', 'foo () { :; }\n')
+ assert self.eclass1.lines == ("# eclass header\n", "foo () { :; }\n")
assert self.eclass2.lines == ()
def test_lt(self):
assert self.eclass2 < self.eclass1
- assert self.eclass1 < 'zoo.eclass'
+ assert self.eclass1 < "zoo.eclass"
def test_hash(self):
eclasses = {self.eclass1, self.eclass2}
@@ -46,23 +49,22 @@ class TestEclass:
class TestEclassAddon:
def _setup(self, tool, tmp_path, repo):
self.repo = repo
self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path)
- self.eclass_dir = pjoin(repo.location, 'eclass')
+ self.eclass_dir = pjoin(repo.location, "eclass")
- args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir, '--repo', repo.location]
+ args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir, "--repo", repo.location]
options, _ = tool.parse_args(args)
self.addon = EclassAddon(options)
self.cache_file = self.addon.cache_file(self.repo)
def test_cache_disabled(self, tool):
- args = ['scan', '--cache', 'no', '--repo', self.repo.location]
+ args = ["scan", "--cache", "no", "--repo", self.repo.location]
options, _ = tool.parse_args(args)
- with pytest.raises(CacheDisabled, match='eclass cache support required'):
+ with pytest.raises(CacheDisabled, match="eclass cache support required"):
init_addon(EclassAddon, options)
def test_no_eclasses(self):
@@ -73,18 +75,18 @@ class TestEclassAddon:
def test_eclasses(self):
# non-eclass files are ignored
- for f in ('foo.eclass', 'bar'):
+ for f in ("foo.eclass", "bar"):
touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, f))
- assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ['foo']
+ assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ["foo"]
assert not self.addon.deprecated
def test_cache_load(self):
- touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, 'foo.eclass'))
+ touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, "foo.eclass"))
- assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ['foo']
+ assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ["foo"]
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache') as save_cache:
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache") as save_cache:
# verify the cache was loaded and not regenerated
@@ -93,9 +95,9 @@ class TestEclassAddon:
def test_outdated_cache(self):
- touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, 'foo.eclass'))
+ touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, "foo.eclass"))
- assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ['foo']
+ assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ["foo"]
# increment cache version and dump cache
cache = self.addon.load_cache(self.cache_file)
@@ -103,68 +105,72 @@ class TestEclassAddon:
self.addon.save_cache(cache, self.cache_file)
# verify cache load causes regen
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache') as save_cache:
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache") as save_cache:
def test_eclass_changes(self):
"""The cache stores eclass mtimes and regenerates entries if they differ."""
- eclass_path = pjoin(self.eclass_dir, 'foo.eclass')
+ eclass_path = pjoin(self.eclass_dir, "foo.eclass")
- assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ['foo']
+ assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ["foo"]
- with open(eclass_path, 'w') as f:
- f.write('# changed eclass\n')
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache') as save_cache:
+ with open(eclass_path, "w") as f:
+ f.write("# changed eclass\n")
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache") as save_cache:
def test_error_loading_cache(self):
- touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, 'foo.eclass'))
+ touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, "foo.eclass"))
- assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ['foo']
+ assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ["foo"]
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.pickle.load') as pickle_load:
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.pickle.load") as pickle_load:
# catastrophic errors are raised
- pickle_load.side_effect = MemoryError('unpickling failed')
- with pytest.raises(MemoryError, match='unpickling failed'):
+ pickle_load.side_effect = MemoryError("unpickling failed")
+ with pytest.raises(MemoryError, match="unpickling failed"):
# but various load failure exceptions cause cache regen
- pickle_load.side_effect = Exception('unpickling failed')
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache') as save_cache:
+ pickle_load.side_effect = Exception("unpickling failed")
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache") as save_cache:
def test_error_dumping_cache(self):
- touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, 'foo.eclass'))
+ touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, "foo.eclass"))
# verify IO related dump failures are raised
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.pickle.dump') as pickle_dump:
- pickle_dump.side_effect = IOError('unpickling failed')
- with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='failed dumping eclass cache'):
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.pickle.dump") as pickle_dump:
+ pickle_dump.side_effect = IOError("unpickling failed")
+ with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="failed dumping eclass cache"):
def test_eclass_removal(self):
- for name in ('foo', 'bar'):
- touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, f'{name}.eclass'))
+ for name in ("foo", "bar"):
+ touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, f"{name}.eclass"))
- assert sorted(self.addon.eclasses) == ['bar', 'foo']
- os.unlink(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, 'bar.eclass'))
+ assert sorted(self.addon.eclasses) == ["bar", "foo"]
+ os.unlink(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, "bar.eclass"))
- assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ['foo']
+ assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ["foo"]
def test_deprecated(self):
- with open(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, 'foo.eclass'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent("""
- # @ECLASS: foo.eclass
- # Random Person <random.person@random.email>
- # @AUTHOR:
- # Random Person <random.person@random.email>
- # @BLURB: Example deprecated eclass with replacement.
- # @DEPRECATED: foo2
- """))
+ with open(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, "foo.eclass"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ # @ECLASS: foo.eclass
+ # Random Person <random.person@random.email>
+ # @AUTHOR:
+ # Random Person <random.person@random.email>
+ # @BLURB: Example deprecated eclass with replacement.
+ # @DEPRECATED: foo2
+ """
+ )
+ )
- assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ['foo']
- assert self.addon.deprecated == {'foo': 'foo2'}
+ assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ["foo"]
+ assert self.addon.deprecated == {"foo": "foo2"}
diff --git a/tests/addons/test_git.py b/tests/addons/test_git.py
index cf39efc3..da88d501 100644
--- a/tests/addons/test_git.py
+++ b/tests/addons/test_git.py
@@ -18,146 +18,147 @@ from snakeoil.process import CommandNotFound, find_binary
# skip testing module if git isn't installed
- find_binary('git')
+ find_binary("git")
except CommandNotFound:
- pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason='git not installed')
+ pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason="git not installed")
class TestPkgcheckScanCommitsParseArgs:
def _setup(self, tool):
self.tool = tool
- self.args = ['scan']
+ self.args = ["scan"]
def test_commits_with_targets(self, capsys):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--commits', 'ref', 'dev-util/foo'])
+ options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--commits", "ref", "dev-util/foo"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- assert err.strip() == \
- "pkgcheck scan: error: --commits is mutually exclusive with target: dev-util/foo"
+ assert (
+ err.strip()
+ == "pkgcheck scan: error: --commits is mutually exclusive with target: dev-util/foo"
+ )
def test_commits_git_unavailable(self, capsys):
- with patch('subprocess.run') as git_diff:
+ with patch("subprocess.run") as git_diff:
git_diff.side_effect = FileNotFoundError("no such file 'git'")
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--commits'])
+ options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--commits"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert err.strip() == "pkgcheck scan: error: no such file 'git'"
def test_git_error(self, capsys):
- with patch('subprocess.run') as git_diff:
- git_diff.side_effect = subprocess.CalledProcessError(1, 'git')
- git_diff.side_effect.stderr = 'git error: foobar'
+ with patch("subprocess.run") as git_diff:
+ git_diff.side_effect = subprocess.CalledProcessError(1, "git")
+ git_diff.side_effect.stderr = "git error: foobar"
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--commits'])
+ options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--commits"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- err = err.strip().split('\n')
- assert err[-1].startswith('pkgcheck scan: error: failed running git: ')
+ err = err.strip().split("\n")
+ assert err[-1].startswith("pkgcheck scan: error: failed running git: ")
def test_commits_nonexistent(self, make_repo, make_git_repo, tmp_path):
parent = make_repo()
origin = make_git_repo(parent.location, commit=True)
local = make_git_repo(str(tmp_path), commit=False)
- local.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', origin.path])
- local.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- local.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ local.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", origin.path])
+ local.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ local.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['-r', local.path, '--commits'])
+ options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["-r", local.path, "--commits"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
def test_commits_existing(self, make_repo, make_git_repo, tmp_path):
# create parent repo
parent = make_repo()
origin = make_git_repo(parent.location, commit=True)
- parent.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- origin.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ parent.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ origin.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
# create child repo and pull from parent
local = make_git_repo(str(tmp_path), commit=False)
- local.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', origin.path])
- local.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- local.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ local.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", origin.path])
+ local.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ local.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
child = make_repo(local.path)
# create local commits on child repo
- child.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1')
- local.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- child.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2')
- local.add_all('cat/pkg-2')
- options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['-r', local.path, '--commits'])
- atom_restricts = [atom_cls('cat/pkg')]
- assert list(options.restrictions) == \
- [(base.package_scope, packages.OrRestriction(*atom_restricts))]
+ child.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1")
+ local.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ child.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2")
+ local.add_all("cat/pkg-2")
+ options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["-r", local.path, "--commits"])
+ atom_restricts = [atom_cls("cat/pkg")]
+ assert list(options.restrictions) == [
+ (base.package_scope, packages.OrRestriction(*atom_restricts))
+ ]
def test_commits_eclasses(self, make_repo, make_git_repo, tmp_path):
# create parent repo
parent = make_repo()
origin = make_git_repo(parent.location, commit=True)
- parent.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- origin.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ parent.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ origin.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
# create child repo and pull from parent
local = make_git_repo(str(tmp_path), commit=False)
- local.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', origin.path])
- local.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- local.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ local.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", origin.path])
+ local.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ local.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
child = make_repo(local.path)
# create local commits on child repo
- with open(pjoin(local.path, 'cat', 'pkg', 'metadata.xml'), 'w') as f:
+ with open(pjoin(local.path, "cat", "pkg", "metadata.xml"), "w") as f:
f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n')
- local.add_all('cat/pkg: metadata')
- child.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1')
- local.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- os.makedirs(pjoin(local.path, 'eclass'))
- with open(pjoin(local.path, 'eclass', 'foo.eclass'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('data\n')
- local.add_all('foo.eclass')
- options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['-r', local.path, '--commits'])
- atom_restricts = [atom_cls('cat/pkg')]
+ local.add_all("cat/pkg: metadata")
+ child.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1")
+ local.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(local.path, "eclass"))
+ with open(pjoin(local.path, "eclass", "foo.eclass"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("data\n")
+ local.add_all("foo.eclass")
+ options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["-r", local.path, "--commits"])
+ atom_restricts = [atom_cls("cat/pkg")]
restrictions = list(options.restrictions)
assert len(restrictions) == 2
- assert restrictions[0] == \
- (base.package_scope, packages.OrRestriction(*atom_restricts))
+ assert restrictions[0] == (base.package_scope, packages.OrRestriction(*atom_restricts))
assert restrictions[1][0] == base.eclass_scope
- assert restrictions[1][1] == frozenset(['foo'])
+ assert restrictions[1][1] == frozenset(["foo"])
def test_commits_profiles(self, make_repo, make_git_repo, tmp_path):
# create parent repo
parent = make_repo()
origin = make_git_repo(parent.location, commit=True)
- parent.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- origin.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ parent.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ origin.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
# create child repo and pull from parent
local = make_git_repo(str(tmp_path), commit=False)
- local.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', origin.path])
- local.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- local.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ local.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", origin.path])
+ local.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ local.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
child = make_repo(local.path)
# create local commits on child repo
- with open(pjoin(local.path, 'cat', 'pkg', 'metadata.xml'), 'w') as f:
+ with open(pjoin(local.path, "cat", "pkg", "metadata.xml"), "w") as f:
f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n')
- local.add_all('cat/pkg: metadata')
- child.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1')
- local.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- with open(pjoin(local.path, 'profiles', 'package.mask'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('data\n')
- local.add_all('package.mask')
- options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['-r', local.path, '--commits'])
- atom_restricts = [atom_cls('cat/pkg')]
+ local.add_all("cat/pkg: metadata")
+ child.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1")
+ local.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ with open(pjoin(local.path, "profiles", "package.mask"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("data\n")
+ local.add_all("package.mask")
+ options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["-r", local.path, "--commits"])
+ atom_restricts = [atom_cls("cat/pkg")]
restrictions = [
(base.package_scope, packages.OrRestriction(*atom_restricts)),
- (base.profile_node_scope, frozenset(['profiles/package.mask'])),
+ (base.profile_node_scope, frozenset(["profiles/package.mask"])),
assert restrictions == options.restrictions
@@ -165,33 +166,32 @@ class TestPkgcheckScanCommitsParseArgs:
# create parent repo
parent = make_repo()
origin = make_git_repo(parent.location, commit=True)
- parent.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- origin.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ parent.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ origin.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
# create child repo and pull from parent
local = make_git_repo(str(tmp_path), commit=False)
- local.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', origin.path])
- local.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- local.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ local.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", origin.path])
+ local.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ local.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
# create local commits on child repo
- os.makedirs(pjoin(local.path, 'foo'))
- with open(pjoin(local.path, 'foo', 'bar.txt'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('data\n')
- os.makedirs(pjoin(local.path, 'eclass', 'tests'))
- with open(pjoin(local.path, 'eclass', 'tests', 'test.sh'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('data\n')
- local.add_all('add files')
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(local.path, "foo"))
+ with open(pjoin(local.path, "foo", "bar.txt"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("data\n")
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(local.path, "eclass", "tests"))
+ with open(pjoin(local.path, "eclass", "tests", "test.sh"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("data\n")
+ local.add_all("add files")
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['-r', local.path, '--commits'])
+ self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["-r", local.path, "--commits"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
class TestGitStash:
def test_non_git_repo(self, tmp_path):
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='not a git repo'):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="not a git repo"):
with git.GitStash(str(tmp_path)):
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class TestGitStash:
def test_untracked_file(self, git_repo):
- path = pjoin(git_repo.path, 'foo')
+ path = pjoin(git_repo.path, "foo")
assert os.path.exists(path)
with git.GitStash(git_repo.path):
@@ -208,37 +208,36 @@ class TestGitStash:
assert os.path.exists(path)
def test_failed_stashing(self, git_repo):
- path = pjoin(git_repo.path, 'foo')
+ path = pjoin(git_repo.path, "foo")
assert os.path.exists(path)
- with patch('subprocess.run') as run:
- err = subprocess.CalledProcessError(1, 'git stash')
- err.stderr = 'git stash failed'
- run.side_effect = [Mock(stdout='foo'), err]
- with pytest.raises(UserException, match='git failed stashing files'):
+ with patch("subprocess.run") as run:
+ err = subprocess.CalledProcessError(1, "git stash")
+ err.stderr = "git stash failed"
+ run.side_effect = [Mock(stdout="foo"), err]
+ with pytest.raises(UserException, match="git failed stashing files"):
with git.GitStash(git_repo.path):
def test_failed_unstashing(self, git_repo):
- path = pjoin(git_repo.path, 'foo')
+ path = pjoin(git_repo.path, "foo")
assert os.path.exists(path)
- with pytest.raises(UserException, match='git failed applying stash'):
+ with pytest.raises(UserException, match="git failed applying stash"):
with git.GitStash(git_repo.path):
assert not os.path.exists(path)
class TestGitRepoCommits:
def test_non_git(self, tmp_path):
- with pytest.raises(git.GitError, match='failed running git log'):
- git.GitRepoCommits(str(tmp_path), 'HEAD')
+ with pytest.raises(git.GitError, match="failed running git log"):
+ git.GitRepoCommits(str(tmp_path), "HEAD")
def test_empty_repo(self, make_git_repo):
git_repo = make_git_repo()
- with pytest.raises(git.GitError, match='failed running git log'):
- git.GitRepoCommits(git_repo.path, 'HEAD')
+ with pytest.raises(git.GitError, match="failed running git log"):
+ git.GitRepoCommits(git_repo.path, "HEAD")
def test_parsing(self, make_repo, make_git_repo):
git_repo = make_git_repo()
@@ -246,135 +245,134 @@ class TestGitRepoCommits:
path = git_repo.path
# make an initial commit
- git_repo.add('foo', msg='foo', create=True)
- commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, 'HEAD'))
+ git_repo.add("foo", msg="foo", create=True)
+ commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, "HEAD"))
assert len(commits) == 1
- assert commits[0].message == ['foo']
+ assert commits[0].message == ["foo"]
assert commits[0].pkgs == {}
orig_commit = commits[0]
# make another commit
- git_repo.add('bar', msg='bar', create=True)
- commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, 'HEAD'))
+ git_repo.add("bar", msg="bar", create=True)
+ commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, "HEAD"))
assert len(commits) == 2
- assert commits[0].message == ['bar']
+ assert commits[0].message == ["bar"]
assert commits[0].pkgs == {}
assert commits[1] == orig_commit
assert len(set(commits)) == 2
# make a pkg commit
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
- commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, 'HEAD'))
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
+ commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, "HEAD"))
assert len(commits) == 3
- assert commits[0].message == ['cat/pkg-0']
- assert commits[0].pkgs == {'A': {atom_cls('=cat/pkg-0')}}
+ assert commits[0].message == ["cat/pkg-0"]
+ assert commits[0].pkgs == {"A": {atom_cls("=cat/pkg-0")}}
# make a multiple pkg commit
- repo.create_ebuild('newcat/newpkg-0')
- repo.create_ebuild('newcat/newpkg-1')
- git_repo.add_all('newcat: various updates')
- commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, 'HEAD'))
+ repo.create_ebuild("newcat/newpkg-0")
+ repo.create_ebuild("newcat/newpkg-1")
+ git_repo.add_all("newcat: various updates")
+ commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, "HEAD"))
assert len(commits) == 4
- assert commits[0].message == ['newcat: various updates']
+ assert commits[0].message == ["newcat: various updates"]
assert commits[0].pkgs == {
- 'A': {atom_cls('=newcat/newpkg-0'), atom_cls('=newcat/newpkg-1')}}
+ "A": {atom_cls("=newcat/newpkg-0"), atom_cls("=newcat/newpkg-1")}
+ }
# remove the old version
- git_repo.remove('newcat/newpkg/newpkg-0.ebuild')
- commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, 'HEAD'))
+ git_repo.remove("newcat/newpkg/newpkg-0.ebuild")
+ commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, "HEAD"))
assert len(commits) == 5
- assert commits[0].pkgs == {'D': {atom_cls('=newcat/newpkg-0')}}
+ assert commits[0].pkgs == {"D": {atom_cls("=newcat/newpkg-0")}}
# rename the pkg
- git_repo.move('newcat', 'newcat2')
- commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, 'HEAD'))
+ git_repo.move("newcat", "newcat2")
+ commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, "HEAD"))
assert len(commits) == 6
assert commits[0].pkgs == {
- 'A': {atom_cls('=newcat2/newpkg-1')},
- 'D': {atom_cls('=newcat/newpkg-1')},
+ "A": {atom_cls("=newcat2/newpkg-1")},
+ "D": {atom_cls("=newcat/newpkg-1")},
# malformed atoms don't show up as pkgs
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-3')
- git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-3')
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.atom_cls') as fake_atom:
- fake_atom.side_effect = MalformedAtom('bad atom')
- commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, 'HEAD'))
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-3")
+ git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-3")
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.atom_cls") as fake_atom:
+ fake_atom.side_effect = MalformedAtom("bad atom")
+ commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, "HEAD"))
assert len(commits) == 7
assert commits[0].pkgs == {}
class TestGitRepoPkgs:
def test_non_git(self, tmp_path):
- with pytest.raises(git.GitError, match='failed running git log'):
- git.GitRepoPkgs(str(tmp_path), 'HEAD')
+ with pytest.raises(git.GitError, match="failed running git log"):
+ git.GitRepoPkgs(str(tmp_path), "HEAD")
def test_empty_repo(self, make_git_repo):
git_repo = make_git_repo()
- with pytest.raises(git.GitError, match='failed running git log'):
- git.GitRepoPkgs(git_repo.path, 'HEAD')
+ with pytest.raises(git.GitError, match="failed running git log"):
+ git.GitRepoPkgs(git_repo.path, "HEAD")
def test_parsing(self, repo, make_git_repo):
git_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True)
path = git_repo.path
# empty repo contains no packages
- pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, 'HEAD'))
+ pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, "HEAD"))
assert len(pkgs) == 0
# create a pkg and commit it
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
- pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, 'HEAD'))
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
+ pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, "HEAD"))
assert len(pkgs) == 1
pkg = pkgs[0]
- assert pkg.atom == atom_cls('=cat/pkg-0')
- assert pkg.status == 'A'
+ assert pkg.atom == atom_cls("=cat/pkg-0")
+ assert pkg.status == "A"
# add a new version and commit it
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1')
- git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, 'HEAD'))
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1")
+ git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, "HEAD"))
assert len(pkgs) == 2
pkg = pkgs[0]
- assert pkg.atom == atom_cls('=cat/pkg-1')
- assert pkg.status == 'A'
+ assert pkg.atom == atom_cls("=cat/pkg-1")
+ assert pkg.status == "A"
# remove the old version
- git_repo.remove('cat/pkg/pkg-0.ebuild')
- pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, 'HEAD'))
+ git_repo.remove("cat/pkg/pkg-0.ebuild")
+ pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, "HEAD"))
assert len(pkgs) == 3
pkg = pkgs[0]
- assert pkg.atom == atom_cls('=cat/pkg-0')
- assert pkg.status == 'D'
+ assert pkg.atom == atom_cls("=cat/pkg-0")
+ assert pkg.status == "D"
# rename the pkg
- git_repo.move('cat', 'cat2')
- pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, 'HEAD'))
+ git_repo.move("cat", "cat2")
+ pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, "HEAD"))
assert len(pkgs) == 5
new_pkg, old_pkg = pkgs[:2]
- assert old_pkg.atom == atom_cls('=cat/pkg-1')
- assert old_pkg.status == 'D'
- assert new_pkg.atom == atom_cls('=cat2/pkg-1')
- assert new_pkg.status == 'A'
+ assert old_pkg.atom == atom_cls("=cat/pkg-1")
+ assert old_pkg.status == "D"
+ assert new_pkg.atom == atom_cls("=cat2/pkg-1")
+ assert new_pkg.status == "A"
# malformed atoms don't show up as pkgs
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.atom_cls') as fake_atom:
- fake_atom.side_effect = MalformedAtom('bad atom')
- pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, 'HEAD'))
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.atom_cls") as fake_atom:
+ fake_atom.side_effect = MalformedAtom("bad atom")
+ pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, "HEAD"))
assert len(pkgs) == 0
class TestGitChangedRepo:
def test_pkg_history(self, repo, make_git_repo):
git_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True)
pkg_history = partial(git.GitAddon.pkg_history, repo)
# initialize the dict cache
- data = pkg_history('HEAD')
+ data = pkg_history("HEAD")
assert data == {}
# overlay repo objects on top of the dict cache
@@ -388,10 +386,10 @@ class TestGitChangedRepo:
assert len(removed_repo) == 0
# create a pkg and commit it
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
# update the dict cache
- data = pkg_history('HEAD', data=data)
+ data = pkg_history("HEAD", data=data)
commit = git_repo.HEAD
# overlay repo objects on top of the dict cache
@@ -405,10 +403,10 @@ class TestGitChangedRepo:
assert len(removed_repo) == 0
# add a new version and commit it
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1')
- git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1")
+ git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
# update the dict cache
- data = pkg_history(f'{commit}..HEAD', data=data)
+ data = pkg_history(f"{commit}..HEAD", data=data)
commit = git_repo.HEAD
# overlay repo objects on top of the dict cache
@@ -422,9 +420,9 @@ class TestGitChangedRepo:
assert len(removed_repo) == 0
# remove the old version
- git_repo.remove('cat/pkg/pkg-0.ebuild')
+ git_repo.remove("cat/pkg/pkg-0.ebuild")
# update the dict cache
- data = pkg_history(f'{commit}..HEAD', data=data)
+ data = pkg_history(f"{commit}..HEAD", data=data)
commit = git_repo.HEAD
# overlay repo objects on top of the dict cache
@@ -438,9 +436,9 @@ class TestGitChangedRepo:
assert len(removed_repo) == 1
# rename the pkg
- git_repo.move('cat', 'cat2')
+ git_repo.move("cat", "cat2")
# update the dict cache
- data = pkg_history(f'{commit}..HEAD', data=data)
+ data = pkg_history(f"{commit}..HEAD", data=data)
commit = git_repo.HEAD
# overlay repo objects on top of the dict cache
@@ -455,51 +453,50 @@ class TestGitChangedRepo:
class TestGitAddon:
def _setup(self, tool, tmp_path, repo):
self.repo = repo
self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path)
- args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir, '--repo', self.repo.location]
+ args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir, "--repo", self.repo.location]
options, _ = tool.parse_args(args)
self.addon = git.GitAddon(options)
self.cache_file = self.addon.cache_file(self.repo)
def test_git_unavailable(self, tool):
- args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir, '--repo', self.repo.location]
+ args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir, "--repo", self.repo.location]
options, _ = tool.parse_args(args)
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.find_binary') as find_binary:
- find_binary.side_effect = CommandNotFound('git not found')
- with pytest.raises(CacheDisabled, match='git cache support required'):
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.find_binary") as find_binary:
+ find_binary.side_effect = CommandNotFound("git not found")
+ with pytest.raises(CacheDisabled, match="git cache support required"):
def test_no_gitignore(self):
assert self.addon._gitignore is None
- assert not self.addon.gitignored('')
+ assert not self.addon.gitignored("")
def test_failed_gitignore(self):
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, '.gitignore'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('.*.swp\n')
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.open') as fake_open:
- fake_open.side_effect = IOError('file reading failure')
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, ".gitignore"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(".*.swp\n")
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.open") as fake_open:
+ fake_open.side_effect = IOError("file reading failure")
assert self.addon._gitignore is None
def test_gitignore(self):
- for path in ('.gitignore', '.git/info/exclude'):
+ for path in (".gitignore", ".git/info/exclude"):
file_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, path)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True)
- with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
- f.write('.*.swp\n')
- assert self.addon.gitignored('.foo.swp')
- assert self.addon.gitignored(pjoin(self.repo.location, '.foo.swp'))
- assert not self.addon.gitignored('foo.swp')
- assert not self.addon.gitignored(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'foo.swp'))
+ with open(file_path, "w") as f:
+ f.write(".*.swp\n")
+ assert self.addon.gitignored(".foo.swp")
+ assert self.addon.gitignored(pjoin(self.repo.location, ".foo.swp"))
+ assert not self.addon.gitignored("foo.swp")
+ assert not self.addon.gitignored(pjoin(self.repo.location, "foo.swp"))
def test_cache_disabled(self, tool):
- args = ['scan', '--cache', 'no', '--repo', self.repo.location]
+ args = ["scan", "--cache", "no", "--repo", self.repo.location]
options, _ = tool.parse_args(args)
- with pytest.raises(CacheDisabled, match='git cache support required'):
+ with pytest.raises(CacheDisabled, match="git cache support required"):
init_addon(git.GitAddon, options)
def test_non_git_repo(self):
@@ -516,26 +513,26 @@ class TestGitAddon:
"""Cache file isn't updated if no relevant commits exist."""
parent_repo = make_git_repo(commit=True)
child_repo = make_git_repo(self.repo.location, commit=False)
- child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', parent_repo.path])
- child_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", parent_repo.path])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
assert not os.path.exists(self.cache_file)
def test_cache_creation_and_load(self, repo, make_git_repo):
parent_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True)
# create a pkg and commit it
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- parent_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ parent_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
child_repo = make_git_repo(self.repo.location, commit=False)
- child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', parent_repo.path])
- child_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", parent_repo.path])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
- assert atom_cls('=cat/pkg-0') in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo)
+ assert atom_cls("=cat/pkg-0") in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo)
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache') as save_cache:
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache") as save_cache:
# verify the cache was loaded and not regenerated
@@ -544,28 +541,28 @@ class TestGitAddon:
# create another pkg and commit it to the parent repo
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1')
- parent_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1")
+ parent_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
- assert atom_cls('=cat/pkg-1') not in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo)
+ assert atom_cls("=cat/pkg-1") not in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo)
# new package is seen after child repo pulls changes
- child_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
- assert atom_cls('=cat/pkg-1') in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo)
+ assert atom_cls("=cat/pkg-1") in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo)
def test_outdated_cache(self, repo, make_git_repo):
parent_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True)
# create a pkg and commit it
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- parent_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ parent_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
child_repo = make_git_repo(self.repo.location, commit=False)
- child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', parent_repo.path])
- child_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", parent_repo.path])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
- assert atom_cls('=cat/pkg-0') in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo)
+ assert atom_cls("=cat/pkg-0") in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo)
# increment cache version and dump cache
cache = self.addon.load_cache(self.cache_file)
@@ -573,79 +570,79 @@ class TestGitAddon:
self.addon.save_cache(cache, self.cache_file)
# verify cache load causes regen
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache') as save_cache:
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache") as save_cache:
def test_error_creating_cache(self, repo, make_git_repo):
parent_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True)
# create a pkg and commit it
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- parent_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ parent_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
child_repo = make_git_repo(self.repo.location, commit=False)
- child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', parent_repo.path])
- child_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", parent_repo.path])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog') as git_log:
- git_log.side_effect = git.GitError('git parsing failed')
- with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='git parsing failed'):
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog") as git_log:
+ git_log.side_effect = git.GitError("git parsing failed")
+ with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="git parsing failed"):
def test_error_loading_cache(self, repo, make_git_repo):
parent_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True)
# create a pkg and commit it
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- parent_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ parent_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
child_repo = make_git_repo(self.repo.location, commit=False)
- child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', parent_repo.path])
- child_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", parent_repo.path])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
- assert atom_cls('=cat/pkg-0') in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo)
+ assert atom_cls("=cat/pkg-0") in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo)
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.pickle.load') as pickle_load:
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.pickle.load") as pickle_load:
# catastrophic errors are raised
- pickle_load.side_effect = MemoryError('unpickling failed')
- with pytest.raises(MemoryError, match='unpickling failed'):
+ pickle_load.side_effect = MemoryError("unpickling failed")
+ with pytest.raises(MemoryError, match="unpickling failed"):
# but various load failure exceptions cause cache regen
- pickle_load.side_effect = Exception('unpickling failed')
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache') as save_cache:
+ pickle_load.side_effect = Exception("unpickling failed")
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache") as save_cache:
def test_error_dumping_cache(self, repo, make_git_repo):
parent_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True)
# create a pkg and commit it
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- parent_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ parent_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
child_repo = make_git_repo(self.repo.location, commit=False)
- child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', parent_repo.path])
- child_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", parent_repo.path])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
# verify IO related dump failures are raised
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.pickle.dump') as pickle_dump:
- pickle_dump.side_effect = IOError('unpickling failed')
- with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='failed dumping git cache'):
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.pickle.dump") as pickle_dump:
+ pickle_dump.side_effect = IOError("unpickling failed")
+ with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="failed dumping git cache"):
def test_commits_repo(self, repo, make_repo, make_git_repo):
parent_repo = repo
parent_git_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True)
# create a pkg and commit it
- parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
child_git_repo = make_git_repo(self.repo.location, commit=False)
- child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', parent_git_repo.path])
- child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", parent_git_repo.path])
+ child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
# no new pkg commits exist locally in the child repo
@@ -654,37 +651,37 @@ class TestGitAddon:
# create a pkg in the child repo and commit it
child_repo = make_repo(child_git_repo.path)
- child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1')
- child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
+ child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1")
+ child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
# pkg commits now exist locally in the child repo
commits_repo = self.addon.commits_repo(git.GitChangedRepo)
assert len(commits_repo) == 1
- assert atom_cls('=cat/pkg-1') in commits_repo
+ assert atom_cls("=cat/pkg-1") in commits_repo
# failing to parse git log returns error with git cache enabled
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog') as git_log:
- git_log.side_effect = git.GitError('git parsing failed')
- with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='git parsing failed'):
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog") as git_log:
+ git_log.side_effect = git.GitError("git parsing failed")
+ with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="git parsing failed"):
# failing to parse git log yields an empty repo with git cache disabled
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog') as git_log:
- git_log.side_effect = git.GitError('git parsing failed')
- with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='git parsing failed'):
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog") as git_log:
+ git_log.side_effect = git.GitError("git parsing failed")
+ with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="git parsing failed"):
def test_commits(self, repo, make_repo, make_git_repo):
parent_repo = repo
parent_git_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True)
# create a pkg and commit it
- parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
child_git_repo = make_git_repo(self.repo.location, commit=False)
- child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', parent_git_repo.path])
- child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", parent_git_repo.path])
+ child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
# no new commits exist locally in the child repo
@@ -692,22 +689,22 @@ class TestGitAddon:
# create a pkg in the child repo and commit it
child_repo = make_repo(child_git_repo.path)
- child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1')
- child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
+ child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1")
+ child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
# commits now exist locally in the child repo
commits = list(self.addon.commits())
assert len(commits) == 1
- assert commits[0].message == ['cat/pkg-1']
+ assert commits[0].message == ["cat/pkg-1"]
# failing to parse git log returns error with git cache enabled
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog') as git_log:
- git_log.side_effect = git.GitError('git parsing failed')
- with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='git parsing failed'):
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog") as git_log:
+ git_log.side_effect = git.GitError("git parsing failed")
+ with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="git parsing failed"):
# failing to parse git log raises exception
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog') as git_log:
- git_log.side_effect = git.GitError('git parsing failed')
- with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='git parsing failed'):
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog") as git_log:
+ git_log.side_effect = git.GitError("git parsing failed")
+ with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="git parsing failed"):
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_acct.py b/tests/checks/test_acct.py
index 57273705..4c8202dc 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_acct.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_acct.py
@@ -12,81 +12,86 @@ class TestAcctUser(misc.ReportTestCase):
check_kls = acct.AcctCheck
- kind = 'user'
+ kind = "user"
def _setup(self, tmp_path):
- (metadata := tmp_path / 'metadata').mkdir()
- (metadata / 'qa-policy.conf').write_text(textwrap.dedent("""\
- [user-group-ids]
- uid-range = 0-749,65534
- gid-range = 0-749,65533,65534
- """))
+ (metadata := tmp_path / "metadata").mkdir()
+ (metadata / "qa-policy.conf").write_text(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ [user-group-ids]
+ uid-range = 0-749,65534
+ gid-range = 0-749,65533,65534
+ """
+ )
+ )
self.location = str(tmp_path)
def mk_check(self, pkgs):
- repo = FakeRepo(pkgs=pkgs, repo_id='test', location=self.location)
+ repo = FakeRepo(pkgs=pkgs, repo_id="test", location=self.location)
check = self.check_kls(arghparse.Namespace(target_repo=repo, gentoo_repo=True))
return check
def mk_pkg(self, name, identifier, version=1, ebuild=None):
if ebuild is None:
- ebuild = textwrap.dedent(f'''\
- inherit acct-{self.kind}
- ACCT_{self.kind.upper()}_ID="{identifier}"
- ''')
- return misc.FakePkg(f'acct-{self.kind}/{name}-{version}', ebuild=ebuild)
+ ebuild = textwrap.dedent(
+ f"""\
+ inherit acct-{self.kind}
+ ACCT_{self.kind.upper()}_ID="{identifier}"
+ """
+ )
+ return misc.FakePkg(f"acct-{self.kind}/{name}-{version}", ebuild=ebuild)
def test_unmatching_pkgs(self):
- pkgs = (misc.FakePkg('dev-util/foo-0'),
- misc.FakePkg('dev-util/bar-1'))
+ pkgs = (misc.FakePkg("dev-util/foo-0"), misc.FakePkg("dev-util/bar-1"))
check = self.mk_check(pkgs)
self.assertNoReport(check, pkgs)
def test_correct_ids(self):
- pkgs = (self.mk_pkg('foo', 100),
- self.mk_pkg('bar', 200),
- self.mk_pkg('test', 749),
- self.mk_pkg('nobody', 65534))
+ pkgs = (
+ self.mk_pkg("foo", 100),
+ self.mk_pkg("bar", 200),
+ self.mk_pkg("test", 749),
+ self.mk_pkg("nobody", 65534),
+ )
check = self.mk_check(pkgs)
self.assertNoReport(check, pkgs)
def test_missing_ids(self):
- pkg = self.mk_pkg('foo', None, ebuild='inherit acct-user\n')
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg("foo", None, ebuild="inherit acct-user\n")
check = self.mk_check((pkg,))
r = self.assertReport(check, pkg)
assert isinstance(r, acct.MissingAccountIdentifier)
- assert r.var == f'ACCT_{self.kind.upper()}_ID'
+ assert r.var == f"ACCT_{self.kind.upper()}_ID"
assert r.var in str(r)
def test_conflicting_ids(self):
- pkgs = (self.mk_pkg('foo', 100),
- self.mk_pkg('bar', 100))
+ pkgs = (self.mk_pkg("foo", 100), self.mk_pkg("bar", 100))
check = self.mk_check(pkgs)
r = self.assertReport(check, pkgs)
assert isinstance(r, acct.ConflictingAccountIdentifiers)
assert r.kind == self.kind
assert r.identifier == 100
- assert r.pkgs == (f'acct-{self.kind}/bar-1', f'acct-{self.kind}/foo-1')
- assert f'conflicting {self.kind} id 100 usage: ' in str(r)
+ assert r.pkgs == (f"acct-{self.kind}/bar-1", f"acct-{self.kind}/foo-1")
+ assert f"conflicting {self.kind} id 100 usage: " in str(r)
def test_self_nonconflicting_ids(self):
- pkgs = (self.mk_pkg('foo', 100),
- self.mk_pkg('foo', 100, version=2))
+ pkgs = (self.mk_pkg("foo", 100), self.mk_pkg("foo", 100, version=2))
check = self.mk_check(pkgs)
self.assertNoReport(check, pkgs)
def test_dynamic_assignment_range(self):
- pkg = self.mk_pkg('foo', 750)
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg("foo", 750)
check = self.mk_check((pkg,))
r = self.assertReport(check, pkg)
assert isinstance(r, acct.OutsideRangeAccountIdentifier)
assert r.kind == self.kind
assert r.identifier == 750
- assert f'{self.kind} id 750 outside permitted' in str(r)
+ assert f"{self.kind} id 750 outside permitted" in str(r)
def test_sysadmin_assignment_range(self):
- pkg = self.mk_pkg('foo', 1000)
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg("foo", 1000)
check = self.mk_check((pkg,))
r = self.assertReport(check, pkg)
assert isinstance(r, acct.OutsideRangeAccountIdentifier)
@@ -94,7 +99,7 @@ class TestAcctUser(misc.ReportTestCase):
assert r.identifier == 1000
def test_high_reserved(self):
- pkg = self.mk_pkg('foo', 65535)
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg("foo", 65535)
check = self.mk_check((pkg,))
r = self.assertReport(check, pkg)
assert isinstance(r, acct.OutsideRangeAccountIdentifier)
@@ -103,7 +108,7 @@ class TestAcctUser(misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_nogroup(self):
"""Test that 65533 is not accepted for UID."""
- pkg = self.mk_pkg('nogroup', 65533)
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg("nogroup", 65533)
check = self.mk_check((pkg,))
r = self.assertReport(check, pkg)
assert isinstance(r, acct.OutsideRangeAccountIdentifier)
@@ -111,28 +116,27 @@ class TestAcctUser(misc.ReportTestCase):
assert r.identifier == 65533
def test_nobody(self):
- pkg = self.mk_pkg('nobody', 65534)
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg("nobody", 65534)
check = self.mk_check((pkg,))
self.assertNoReport(check, pkg)
class TestAcctGroup(TestAcctUser):
- kind = 'group'
+ kind = "group"
def test_nogroup(self):
"""Test that 65533 is accepted for GID."""
- pkg = self.mk_pkg('nogroup', 65533)
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg("nogroup", 65533)
check = self.mk_check((pkg,))
self.assertNoReport(check, pkg)
class TestQaPolicyValidation(misc.ReportTestCase):
def mk_check(self, tmp_path, content):
if content:
- (metadata := tmp_path / 'metadata').mkdir()
- (metadata / 'qa-policy.conf').write_text(textwrap.dedent(content))
- repo = FakeRepo(repo_id='test', location=str(tmp_path))
+ (metadata := tmp_path / "metadata").mkdir()
+ (metadata / "qa-policy.conf").write_text(textwrap.dedent(content))
+ repo = FakeRepo(repo_id="test", location=str(tmp_path))
return acct.AcctCheck(arghparse.Namespace(target_repo=repo, gentoo_repo=True))
def test_missing_qa_policy(self, tmp_path):
@@ -141,27 +145,39 @@ class TestQaPolicyValidation(misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_missing_section(self, tmp_path):
with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match="missing section user-group-ids"):
- self.mk_check(tmp_path, '''\
+ self.mk_check(
+ tmp_path,
+ """\
x = 5
- ''')
+ """,
+ )
def test_missing_config(self, tmp_path):
with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match="missing value for gid-range"):
- self.mk_check(tmp_path, '''\
+ self.mk_check(
+ tmp_path,
+ """\
uid-range = 0-749
- ''')
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('value', (
- 'start-end',
- '0-749-1500',
- ',150',
- ))
+ """,
+ )
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "value",
+ (
+ "start-end",
+ "0-749-1500",
+ ",150",
+ ),
+ )
def test_invalid_value(self, tmp_path, value):
with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match="invalid value for uid-range"):
- self.mk_check(tmp_path, f'''\
+ self.mk_check(
+ tmp_path,
+ f"""\
uid-range = {value}
gid-range = 0-749
- ''')
+ """,
+ )
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_all.py b/tests/checks/test_all.py
index 2ca8a114..a153a802 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_all.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_all.py
@@ -22,96 +22,91 @@ class TestMetadataError:
def test_reregister_error(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="metadata attribute 'eapi' already registered"):
class InvalidEapi2(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult):
- attr = 'eapi'
+ attr = "eapi"
def test_register_missing_attr(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="class missing metadata attributes"):
class InvalidAttr(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult):
class TestGentooRepoCheck:
def test_non_gentoo_repo(self, tool, make_repo):
self.repo = make_repo()
- args = ['scan', '--repo', self.repo.location]
+ args = ["scan", "--repo", self.repo.location]
options, _ = tool.parse_args(args)
- with pytest.raises(checks_mod.SkipCheck, match='not running against gentoo repo'):
+ with pytest.raises(checks_mod.SkipCheck, match="not running against gentoo repo"):
init_check(checks_mod.GentooRepoCheck, options)
def test_gentoo_repo(self, tool, make_repo):
- self.repo = make_repo(repo_id='gentoo')
- args = ['scan', '--repo', self.repo.location]
+ self.repo = make_repo(repo_id="gentoo")
+ args = ["scan", "--repo", self.repo.location]
options, _ = tool.parse_args(args)
assert init_check(checks_mod.GentooRepoCheck, options)
class TestOverlayCheck:
def test_non_overlay_repo(self, tool, testconfig):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', '--repo', 'gentoo'])
- with pytest.raises(checks_mod.SkipCheck, match='not running against overlay'):
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "--repo", "gentoo"])
+ with pytest.raises(checks_mod.SkipCheck, match="not running against overlay"):
init_check(checks_mod.OverlayRepoCheck, options)
def test_overlay_repo(self, tool, testconfig):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', '--repo', 'overlay'])
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "--repo", "overlay"])
assert init_check(checks_mod.OverlayRepoCheck, options)
class TestGitCommitsCheck:
def _setup(self, tool, make_repo, make_git_repo):
# initialize parent repo
self.parent_git_repo = make_git_repo()
- self.parent_repo = make_repo(
- self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id='gentoo', arches=['amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('initial commit')
+ self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id="gentoo", arches=["amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("initial commit")
# initialize child repo
self.child_git_repo = make_git_repo()
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', self.parent_git_repo.path])
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", self.parent_git_repo.path])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
self.child_repo = make_repo(self.child_git_repo.path)
def test_no_commits_option(self, tool, make_git_repo):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(
- ['scan', '--repo', self.child_repo.location])
- with pytest.raises(checks_mod.SkipCheck, match='not scanning against git commits'):
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "--repo", self.child_repo.location])
+ with pytest.raises(checks_mod.SkipCheck, match="not scanning against git commits"):
init_check(checks_mod.GitCommitsCheck, options)
def test_commits_option(self, tool, make_repo):
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(
- ['scan', '--repo', self.child_repo.location, '--commits'])
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "--repo", self.child_repo.location, "--commits"])
assert init_check(checks_mod.GitCommitsCheck, options)
def test_no_local_commits(self, tool):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- tool.parse_args(['scan', '--repo', self.child_repo.location, '--commits'])
+ tool.parse_args(["scan", "--repo", self.child_repo.location, "--commits"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
# parent repo has new commits
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1')
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- tool.parse_args(['scan', '--repo', self.child_repo.location, '--commits'])
+ tool.parse_args(["scan", "--repo", self.child_repo.location, "--commits"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
class TestNetworkCheck:
def test_network_disabled(self, tool):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan'])
- with pytest.raises(checks_mod.SkipCheck, match='network checks not enabled'):
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"])
+ with pytest.raises(checks_mod.SkipCheck, match="network checks not enabled"):
init_check(checks_mod.NetworkCheck, options)
def test_network_enabled(self, tool):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', '--net'])
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "--net"])
assert init_check(checks_mod.NetworkCheck, options)
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_cleanup.py b/tests/checks/test_cleanup.py
index 4e1aa2b3..7ca2f3b6 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_cleanup.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_cleanup.py
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ from snakeoil.cli import arghparse
from .. import misc
def mk_pkg(ver, keywords=("x86", "amd64"), slot="0", **kwds):
return misc.FakePkg(
- f"dev-util/diffball-{ver}",
- data={**kwds, "KEYWORDS": ' '.join(keywords), "SLOT": slot})
+ f"dev-util/diffball-{ver}", data={**kwds, "KEYWORDS": " ".join(keywords), "SLOT": slot}
+ )
class TestRedundantVersion(misc.ReportTestCase):
@@ -17,50 +19,43 @@ class TestRedundantVersion(misc.ReportTestCase):
self.assertNoReport(self.check, [mk_pkg("0.7.1")])
def test_live_version(self):
- self.assertNoReport(
- self.check, [mk_pkg('0.7'), mk_pkg('0.9', PROPERTIES='live')])
- self.assertNoReport(
- self.check, [mk_pkg('0.7'), mk_pkg('9999', PROPERTIES='live')])
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, [mk_pkg("0.7"), mk_pkg("0.9", PROPERTIES="live")])
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, [mk_pkg("0.7"), mk_pkg("9999", PROPERTIES="live")])
def test_no_keywords(self):
- self.assertNoReport(
- self.check, [mk_pkg('0.7'), mk_pkg('0.9', keywords=())])
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, [mk_pkg("0.7"), mk_pkg("0.9", keywords=())])
def test_disabled_keywords(self):
- self.assertNoReport(
- self.check, [mk_pkg('0.7'), mk_pkg('0.9', keywords=('-x86', '-amd64'))])
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, [mk_pkg("0.7"), mk_pkg("0.9", keywords=("-x86", "-amd64"))])
def test_single_redundant(self):
- r = self.assertReport(
- self.check, [mk_pkg(x) for x in ("0.7", "0.8")])
+ r = self.assertReport(self.check, [mk_pkg(x) for x in ("0.7", "0.8")])
assert isinstance(r, cleanup.RedundantVersion)
assert r.later_versions == ("0.8",)
- assert 'slot(0) keywords are overshadowed by version: 0.8' in str(r)
+ assert "slot(0) keywords are overshadowed by version: 0.8" in str(r)
def test_multiple_redundants(self):
- reports = self.assertReports(
- self.check, [mk_pkg(x) for x in ("0.7", "0.8", "0.9")])
- assert (
- [list(x.later_versions) for x in reports] ==
- [["0.8", "0.9"], ["0.9"]])
+ reports = self.assertReports(self.check, [mk_pkg(x) for x in ("0.7", "0.8", "0.9")])
+ assert [list(x.later_versions) for x in reports] == [["0.8", "0.9"], ["0.9"]]
for x in reports:
assert isinstance(x, cleanup.RedundantVersion)
def test_multiple_slots(self):
- l = [mk_pkg("0.7", slot="1"), mk_pkg("0.8"),
- mk_pkg("0.9", slot="1")]
+ l = [mk_pkg("0.7", slot="1"), mk_pkg("0.8"), mk_pkg("0.9", slot="1")]
r = self.assertReport(self.check, l)
assert r.later_versions == ("0.9",)
assert isinstance(r, cleanup.RedundantVersion)
- assert 'slot(1) keywords are overshadowed by version: 0.9' in str(r)
+ assert "slot(1) keywords are overshadowed by version: 0.9" in str(r)
l.append(mk_pkg("0.10", keywords=("x86", "amd64", "~sparc")))
reports = self.assertReports(self.check, l)
- assert ([list(x.later_versions) for x in reports] == [["0.9"], ["0.10"]])
+ assert [list(x.later_versions) for x in reports] == [["0.9"], ["0.10"]]
def test_multiple_keywords(self):
- l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")),
- mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("x86", "~amd64", "~sparc"))]
+ l = [
+ mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")),
+ mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("x86", "~amd64", "~sparc")),
+ ]
r = self.assertReport(self.check, l)
assert r.later_versions == ("0.2",)
@@ -71,32 +66,33 @@ class TestRedundantVersionByStable(misc.ReportTestCase):
check = cleanup.RedundantVersionCheck(arghparse.Namespace(stable_only=True), profile_addon={})
def test_only_unstable(self):
- l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")),
- mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64"))]
+ l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")), mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64"))]
self.assertNoReport(self.check, l)
def test_only_stable(self):
- l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("x86", "amd64")),
- mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("x86", "amd64"))]
+ l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("x86", "amd64")), mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("x86", "amd64"))]
r = self.assertReport(self.check, l)
assert r.later_versions == ("0.2",)
def test_mixed_stable(self):
- l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("x86", "amd64", "~sparc")),
- mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("x86", "amd64", "~sparc"))]
+ l = [
+ mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("x86", "amd64", "~sparc")),
+ mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("x86", "amd64", "~sparc")),
+ ]
r = self.assertReport(self.check, l)
assert r.later_versions == ("0.2",)
def test_mixed_history(self):
- l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("amd64")),
- mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")),
- mk_pkg("0.3", keywords=("x86", "amd64")),
- mk_pkg("0.4", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")),
- mk_pkg("0.5", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64"))]
+ l = [
+ mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("amd64")),
+ mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")),
+ mk_pkg("0.3", keywords=("x86", "amd64")),
+ mk_pkg("0.4", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")),
+ mk_pkg("0.5", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")),
+ ]
r = self.assertReport(self.check, l)
assert r.later_versions == ("0.3", "0.4", "0.5")
def test_no_redundant(self):
- l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("x86", "amd64")),
- mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("x86", "~amd64"))]
+ l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("x86", "amd64")), mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("x86", "~amd64"))]
self.assertNoReport(self.check, l)
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_codingstyle.py b/tests/checks/test_codingstyle.py
index 1c6a0075..528faa8b 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_codingstyle.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_codingstyle.py
@@ -30,8 +30,12 @@ class TestInsintoCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src)
bad = (
- "/etc/env.d", "/etc/conf.d", "/etc/init.d", "/etc/pam.d",
- "/usr/share/applications", "/usr/share/applications",
+ "/etc/env.d",
+ "/etc/conf.d",
+ "/etc/init.d",
+ "/etc/pam.d",
+ "/usr/share/applications",
+ "/usr/share/applications",
check = self.check_kls(None)
@@ -42,11 +46,12 @@ class TestInsintoCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_docinto(self):
check = self.check_kls(None)
- for path in ('${PF}', '${P}', '${PF}/examples'):
+ for path in ("${PF}", "${P}", "${PF}/examples"):
for eapi_str, eapi in EAPI.known_eapis.items():
- fake_src = [f'\tinsinto /usr/share/doc/{path}\n']
+ fake_src = [f"\tinsinto /usr/share/doc/{path}\n"]
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg(
- "dev-util/diff-0.5", data={'EAPI': eapi_str}, lines=fake_src)
+ "dev-util/diff-0.5", data={"EAPI": eapi_str}, lines=fake_src
+ )
if eapi.options.dodoc_allow_recursive:
r = self.assertReport(check, fake_pkg)
assert path in str(r)
@@ -68,10 +73,10 @@ class TestAbsoluteSymlink(misc.ReportTestCase):
absolute_prefixed = []
for path_var in codingstyle.PATH_VARIABLES:
- src, dest = ('/bin/blah', '/bin/bash')
+ src, dest = ("/bin/blah", "/bin/bash")
absolute_prefixed.append((f'"${{{path_var}}}"{src}', dest))
absolute_prefixed.append((f'"${{{path_var}%/}}"{src}', dest))
- src, dest = ('/bin/blah baz', '/bin/blahbaz')
+ src, dest = ("/bin/blah baz", "/bin/blahbaz")
absolute_prefixed.append((f'"${{{path_var}}}{src}"', dest))
absolute_prefixed.append((f'"${{{path_var}%/}}{src}"', dest))
@@ -99,7 +104,7 @@ class TestAbsoluteSymlink(misc.ReportTestCase):
assert len(reports) == len(absolute) + len(absolute_prefixed)
for r, (src, dest) in zip(reports, absolute + absolute_prefixed):
- assert f'dosym {src}' in str(r)
+ assert f"dosym {src}" in str(r)
class TestPathVariablesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
@@ -107,7 +112,7 @@ class TestPathVariablesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
check_kls = codingstyle.PathVariablesCheck
check = check_kls(None)
- def _found(self, cls, suffix=''):
+ def _found(self, cls, suffix=""):
# check single and multiple matches across all specified variables
for lines in (1, 2):
for path_var in codingstyle.PATH_VARIABLES:
@@ -117,17 +122,18 @@ class TestPathVariablesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
fake_src.extend(["}\n", "\n"])
for eapi_str, eapi in EAPI.known_eapis.items():
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg(
- "dev-util/diff-0.5", data={'EAPI': eapi_str}, lines=fake_src)
+ "dev-util/diff-0.5", data={"EAPI": eapi_str}, lines=fake_src
+ )
if eapi.options.trailing_slash:
self.assertNoReport(self.check, fake_pkg)
r = self.assertReport(self.check, fake_pkg)
assert isinstance(r, cls)
- assert r.match == f'${{{path_var}{suffix}}}'
+ assert r.match == f"${{{path_var}{suffix}}}"
assert r.lines == tuple(x + 2 for x in range(lines))
assert path_var in str(r)
- def _unfound(self, cls, suffix=''):
+ def _unfound(self, cls, suffix=""):
for path_var in codingstyle.PATH_VARIABLES:
fake_src = [
"src_install() {\n",
@@ -138,7 +144,8 @@ class TestPathVariablesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
for eapi_str, eapi in EAPI.known_eapis.items():
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg(
- "dev-util/diffball-0.5", data={'EAPI': eapi_str}, lines=fake_src)
+ "dev-util/diffball-0.5", data={"EAPI": eapi_str}, lines=fake_src
+ )
self.assertNoReport(self.check, fake_pkg)
def test_missing_found(self):
@@ -148,14 +155,14 @@ class TestPathVariablesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_unnecessary_found(self):
- self._found(codingstyle.UnnecessarySlashStrip, suffix='%/')
+ self._found(codingstyle.UnnecessarySlashStrip, suffix="%/")
def test_unnecessary_unfound(self):
- self._unfound(codingstyle.UnnecessarySlashStrip, suffix='%/')
+ self._unfound(codingstyle.UnnecessarySlashStrip, suffix="%/")
def test_double_prefix_found(self):
fake_src = [
- 'src_install() {\n',
+ "src_install() {\n",
' cp foo.py "${ED}$(python_get_sitedir)"\n',
# test non-match
' cp foo.py "${D%/}$(python_get_sitedir)"\n',
@@ -174,17 +181,17 @@ class TestPathVariablesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
' dodir /foo/bar "${EPREFIX}"/bar/baz\n',
# commented lines aren't flagged for double prefix usage
'# exeinto "${EPREFIX}/foo/bar"\n',
- '}\n'
+ "}\n",
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src)
r = self.assertReports(self.check, fake_pkg)
cls = codingstyle.DoublePrefixInPath
expected_results = (
- ('${ED}$(python_get_sitedir)', 2),
- ('${ED%/}$(python_get_sitedir)', 4),
- ('${ED}/$(python_get_sitedir)', 5),
- ('${ED}${PYTHON_SITEDIR}', 6),
- ('${ED}${EPREFIX}', 7),
+ ("${ED}$(python_get_sitedir)", 2),
+ ("${ED%/}$(python_get_sitedir)", 4),
+ ("${ED}/$(python_get_sitedir)", 5),
+ ("${ED}${PYTHON_SITEDIR}", 6),
+ ("${ED}${EPREFIX}", 7),
('insinto "$(python_get_sitedir)', 8),
('exeinto "${EPREFIX}', 9),
('fowners foo:bar "$(python_get_sitedir)', 10),
@@ -199,16 +206,16 @@ class TestPathVariablesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_double_prefix_unfound(self):
fake_src = [
- 'src_install() {\n',
+ "src_install() {\n",
' cp foo.py "${D}$(python_get_sitedir)"\n',
' cp foo "${D}${EPREFIX}/foo/bar"\n',
- ' insinto /foo/bar\n',
+ " insinto /foo/bar\n",
# potential false positives: stripping prefix
' insinto "${MYVAR#${EPREFIX}}"\n',
' insinto "${MYVAR#"${EPREFIX}"}"\n',
# combined commands
' dodir /etc/env.d && echo "FOO=${EPREFIX}"\n',
- '}\n'
+ "}\n",
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src)
self.assertNoReport(self.check, fake_pkg)
@@ -219,99 +226,76 @@ class TestObsoleteUri(misc.ReportTestCase):
check_kls = codingstyle.ObsoleteUriCheck
def test_github_archive_uri(self):
- uri = 'https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/${PV}.tar.gz'
- fake_src = [
- f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n'
- ]
+ uri = "https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/${PV}.tar.gz"
+ fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n']
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src)
self.assertNoReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg)
def test_commented_github_tarball_uri(self):
- uri = 'https://github.com/foo/bar/tarball/${PV}'
- fake_src = [
- '# github tarball\n',
- '\n',
- f'# {uri}\n'
- ]
+ uri = "https://github.com/foo/bar/tarball/${PV}"
+ fake_src = ["# github tarball\n", "\n", f"# {uri}\n"]
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src)
self.assertNoReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg)
def test_github_tarball_uri(self):
- uri = 'https://github.com/foo/bar/tarball/${PV}'
- fake_src = [
- f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n'
- ]
+ uri = "https://github.com/foo/bar/tarball/${PV}"
+ fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n']
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src)
r = self.assertReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg)
assert r.line == 1
assert r.uri == uri
- assert (r.replacement ==
- 'https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/${PV}.tar.gz')
+ assert r.replacement == "https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/${PV}.tar.gz"
assert uri in str(r)
def test_github_zipball_uri(self):
- uri = 'https://github.com/foo/bar/zipball/${PV}'
- fake_src = [
- f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.zip"\n'
- ]
+ uri = "https://github.com/foo/bar/zipball/${PV}"
+ fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.zip"\n']
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src)
r = self.assertReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg)
assert r.line == 1
assert r.uri == uri
- assert (r.replacement ==
- 'https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/${PV}.tar.gz')
+ assert r.replacement == "https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/${PV}.tar.gz"
assert uri in str(r)
def test_gitlab_archive_uri(self):
- uri = 'https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar.gz'
- fake_src = [
- f'SRC_URI="{uri}"\n'
- ]
+ uri = "https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar.gz"
+ fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri}"\n']
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src)
self.assertNoReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg)
def test_gitlab_tar_gz_uri(self):
- uri = 'https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/repository/archive.tar.gz?ref=${PV}'
- fake_src = [
- f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n'
- ]
+ uri = "https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/repository/archive.tar.gz?ref=${PV}"
+ fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n']
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src)
r = self.assertReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg)
assert r.line == 1
assert r.uri == uri
- assert (r.replacement ==
- 'https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/-/archive/${PV}/bar-${PV}.tar.gz')
+ assert r.replacement == "https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/-/archive/${PV}/bar-${PV}.tar.gz"
assert uri in str(r)
def test_gitlab_tar_bz2_uri(self):
- uri = 'https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/repository/archive.tar.bz2?ref=${PV}'
- fake_src = [
- f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.bz2"\n'
- ]
+ uri = "https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/repository/archive.tar.bz2?ref=${PV}"
+ fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.bz2"\n']
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src)
r = self.assertReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg)
assert r.line == 1
assert r.uri == uri
- assert (r.replacement ==
- 'https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/-/archive/${PV}/bar-${PV}.tar.bz2')
+ assert r.replacement == "https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/-/archive/${PV}/bar-${PV}.tar.bz2"
assert uri in str(r)
def test_gitlab_zip_uri(self):
- uri = 'https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/repository/archive.zip?ref=${PV}'
- fake_src = [
- f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.zip"\n'
- ]
+ uri = "https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/repository/archive.zip?ref=${PV}"
+ fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.zip"\n']
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src)
r = self.assertReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg)
assert r.line == 1
assert r.uri == uri
- assert (r.replacement ==
- 'https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/-/archive/${PV}/bar-${PV}.zip')
+ assert r.replacement == "https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/-/archive/${PV}/bar-${PV}.zip"
assert uri in str(r)
@@ -320,15 +304,13 @@ class TestBetterCompression(misc.ReportTestCase):
check_kls = codingstyle.BetterCompressionCheck
def test_github_archive_uri(self):
- uri = 'https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/${PV}.tar.gz'
- fake_src = [
- f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n'
- ]
+ uri = "https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/${PV}.tar.gz"
+ fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n']
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src)
self.assertNoReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg)
def test_comment_uri(self):
- uri = 'https://gitlab.com/GNOME/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar'
+ uri = "https://gitlab.com/GNOME/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar"
fake_src = [
f'#SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n',
" ",
@@ -339,21 +321,22 @@ class TestBetterCompression(misc.ReportTestCase):
r = self.assertReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg)
assert r.lineno == 4
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('uri', (
- 'https://gitlab.com/GNOME/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar',
- 'https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar.gz',
- 'https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.zip',
- 'https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/glvnd/${PN}/-/archive/v${PV}/${PN}-v${PV}.tar.gz',
- ))
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "uri",
+ (
+ "https://gitlab.com/GNOME/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar",
+ "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar.gz",
+ "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.zip",
+ "https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/glvnd/${PN}/-/archive/v${PV}/${PN}-v${PV}.tar.gz",
+ ),
+ )
def test_gitlab_archive_uri(self, uri):
- fake_src = [
- f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n'
- ]
+ fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n']
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src)
r = self.assertReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg)
assert r.lineno == 1
assert r.line == uri
- assert r.replacement == '.tar.bz2'
+ assert r.replacement == ".tar.bz2"
assert uri in str(r)
@@ -363,76 +346,85 @@ class TestStaticSrcUri(misc.ReportTestCase):
check = check_kls(None)
- def _prepare_pkg(uri_value: str, rename: str = '', pkgver: str = 'diffball-'):
+ def _prepare_pkg(uri_value: str, rename: str = "", pkgver: str = "diffball-"):
if rename:
- rename = f' -> {rename}'
- uri = f'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/archive/{uri_value}.tar.gz'
- fake_src = [
- f'SRC_URI="{uri}{rename}"\n'
- ]
+ rename = f" -> {rename}"
+ uri = f"https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/archive/{uri_value}.tar.gz"
+ fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri}{rename}"\n']
- fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg(f"dev-util/{pkgver}", ebuild=''.join(fake_src), lines=fake_src)
- data = ''.join(fake_src).encode()
+ fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg(f"dev-util/{pkgver}", ebuild="".join(fake_src), lines=fake_src)
+ data = "".join(fake_src).encode()
return _ParsedPkg(data, pkg=fake_pkg)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('value', (
- '${P}',
- '${PV}',
- 'v${PV}',
- 'random-', # not a valid prefix
- '1.2.3', # currently we support only ver_cut with start=1
- '0', # for ver_cut only if more then 1 part
- ))
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "value",
+ (
+ "${P}",
+ "${PV}",
+ "v${PV}",
+ "random-", # not a valid prefix
+ "1.2.3", # currently we support only ver_cut with start=1
+ "0", # for ver_cut only if more then 1 part
+ ),
+ )
def test_no_report(self, value):
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg(value))
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(('value', 'static_str', 'replacement'), (
- ('diffball-', 'diffball-', '${P}'),
- ('Diffball-', 'Diffball-', '${P^}'),
- ('DIFFBALL-', 'DIFFBALL-', '${P^^}'),
- ('diffball-0123', 'diffball-0123', '${P//.}'),
- ('Diffball-0123', 'Diffball-0123', '${P^//.}'),
- ('', '', '${PV}'),
- ('v0.1.2.3', '', '${PV}'),
- ('0.1.2', '0.1.2', '$(ver_cut 1-3)'),
- ('0.1', '0.1', '$(ver_cut 1-2)'),
- ('diffball-0.1.2', '0.1.2', '$(ver_cut 1-3)'),
- ('v0123', '0123', "${PV//.}"),
- ('012.3', '012.3', "$(ver_rs 1-2 '')"),
- ('012.3', '012.3', "$(ver_rs 1-2 '')"),
- ('0_1_2_3', '0_1_2_3', "${PV//./_}"),
- ('0_1_2.3', '0_1_2.3', "$(ver_rs 1-2 '_')"),
- ('0-1.2.3', '0-1.2.3', "$(ver_rs 1 '-')"),
- ))
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ ("value", "static_str", "replacement"),
+ (
+ ("diffball-", "diffball-", "${P}"),
+ ("Diffball-", "Diffball-", "${P^}"),
+ ("DIFFBALL-", "DIFFBALL-", "${P^^}"),
+ ("diffball-0123", "diffball-0123", "${P//.}"),
+ ("Diffball-0123", "Diffball-0123", "${P^//.}"),
+ ("", "", "${PV}"),
+ ("v0.1.2.3", "", "${PV}"),
+ ("0.1.2", "0.1.2", "$(ver_cut 1-3)"),
+ ("0.1", "0.1", "$(ver_cut 1-2)"),
+ ("diffball-0.1.2", "0.1.2", "$(ver_cut 1-3)"),
+ ("v0123", "0123", "${PV//.}"),
+ ("012.3", "012.3", "$(ver_rs 1-2 '')"),
+ ("012.3", "012.3", "$(ver_rs 1-2 '')"),
+ ("0_1_2_3", "0_1_2_3", "${PV//./_}"),
+ ("0_1_2.3", "0_1_2.3", "$(ver_rs 1-2 '_')"),
+ ("0-1.2.3", "0-1.2.3", "$(ver_rs 1 '-')"),
+ ),
+ )
def test_with_report(self, value, static_str, replacement):
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg(value))
assert r.static_str == static_str
assert r.replacement == replacement
def test_rename(self):
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg('${P}', '${P}.tar.gz'))
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg("${P}", "${P}.tar.gz"))
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg('${P}', 'diffball-'))
- assert r.static_str == 'diffball-'
- assert r.replacement == '${P}'
+ r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg("${P}", "diffball-"))
+ assert r.static_str == "diffball-"
+ assert r.replacement == "${P}"
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg('', '${P}.tar.gz'))
- assert r.static_str == ''
- assert r.replacement == '${PV}'
+ r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg("", "${P}.tar.gz"))
+ assert r.static_str == ""
+ assert r.replacement == "${PV}"
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg('diffball-', 'diffball-'))
- assert r.static_str == 'diffball-'
- assert r.replacement == '${P}'
+ r = self.assertReport(
+ self.check, self._prepare_pkg("diffball-", "diffball-")
+ )
+ assert r.static_str == "diffball-"
+ assert r.replacement == "${P}"
def test_capitalize(self):
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg('DIFFBALL-', pkgver='DIFFBALL-'))
- assert r.static_str == 'DIFFBALL-'
- assert r.replacement == '${P}'
+ r = self.assertReport(
+ self.check, self._prepare_pkg("DIFFBALL-", pkgver="DIFFBALL-")
+ )
+ assert r.static_str == "DIFFBALL-"
+ assert r.replacement == "${P}"
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg('Diffball-', pkgver='Diffball-'))
- assert r.static_str == 'Diffball-'
- assert r.replacement == '${P}'
+ r = self.assertReport(
+ self.check, self._prepare_pkg("Diffball-", pkgver="Diffball-")
+ )
+ assert r.static_str == "Diffball-"
+ assert r.replacement == "${P}"
class TestExcessiveLineLength(misc.ReportTestCase):
@@ -441,54 +433,68 @@ class TestExcessiveLineLength(misc.ReportTestCase):
check = check_kls(None)
word_length = codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.word_length
def _prepare_pkg(*lines: str):
- fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0", ebuild=''.join(lines), lines=lines)
- data = ''.join(lines).encode()
+ fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0", ebuild="".join(lines), lines=lines)
+ data = "".join(lines).encode()
return _ParsedPkg(data, pkg=fake_pkg)
def test_normal_length(self):
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg('echo "short line"'))
def test_long_line(self):
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg(f'echo {"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}'))
- assert r.lines == (1, )
+ r = self.assertReport(
+ self.check,
+ self._prepare_pkg(f'echo {"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}'),
+ )
+ assert r.lines == (1,)
def test_multiple_lines(self):
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg(
- f'echo {"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}',
- 'echo "short line"',
- f'echo {"Hello " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}',
- ))
+ r = self.assertReport(
+ self.check,
+ self._prepare_pkg(
+ f'echo {"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}',
+ 'echo "short line"',
+ f'echo {"Hello " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}',
+ ),
+ )
assert r.lines == (1, 3)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('variable', ('DESCRIPTION', 'KEYWORDS', 'IUSE'))
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("variable", ("DESCRIPTION", "KEYWORDS", "IUSE"))
def test_special_variables(self, variable):
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg(
- f'{variable}="{"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}"',
- f' {variable}="{"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}"',
- f'\t\t{variable}="{"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}"',
- ))
+ self.assertNoReport(
+ self.check,
+ self._prepare_pkg(
+ f'{variable}="{"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}"',
+ f' {variable}="{"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}"',
+ f'\t\t{variable}="{"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}"',
+ ),
+ )
def test_long_words(self):
- long_word = 'a' * self.word_length + 'b'
- medium_word = 'a' * (self.word_length // 2)
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg(
- f'echo {"a" * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}',
- f'echo {medium_word} {long_word}',
- f'echo {medium_word} {long_word[:-5]}',
- ))
- assert r.lines == (3, )
+ long_word = "a" * self.word_length + "b"
+ medium_word = "a" * (self.word_length // 2)
+ r = self.assertReport(
+ self.check,
+ self._prepare_pkg(
+ f'echo {"a" * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}',
+ f"echo {medium_word} {long_word}",
+ f"echo {medium_word} {long_word[:-5]}",
+ ),
+ )
+ assert r.lines == (3,)
def test_long_quotes(self):
# The exception is for any quoted string with length >= word_length.
# Each quoted string is computed by itself.
- long_word = 'a ' * (self.word_length // 2) + 'b' # long quoted string, skipped
- medium_word = 'a ' * (self.word_length // 4) # not long enough string, not skipped
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg(
- f'echo "{"a" * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}"',
- f'echo "{medium_word}" "{long_word}"',
- 'echo' + f' "{medium_word}"' * 3,
- ))
- assert r.lines == (3, )
+ long_word = "a " * (self.word_length // 2) + "b" # long quoted string, skipped
+ medium_word = "a " * (self.word_length // 4) # not long enough string, not skipped
+ r = self.assertReport(
+ self.check,
+ self._prepare_pkg(
+ f'echo "{"a" * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}"',
+ f'echo "{medium_word}" "{long_word}"',
+ "echo" + f' "{medium_word}"' * 3,
+ ),
+ )
+ assert r.lines == (3,)
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_dropped_keywords.py b/tests/checks/test_dropped_keywords.py
index 6b070919..fbfee5fc 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_dropped_keywords.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_dropped_keywords.py
@@ -8,65 +8,62 @@ class TestDroppedKeywords(misc.ReportTestCase):
check_kls = dropped_keywords.DroppedKeywordsCheck
- def mk_pkg(self, ver, keywords='', eclasses=(), **kwargs):
+ def mk_pkg(self, ver, keywords="", eclasses=(), **kwargs):
return misc.FakePkg(
"KEYWORDS": keywords,
"_eclasses_": eclasses,
- })
+ },
+ )
- def mk_check(self, arches=('x86', 'amd64'), verbosity=0):
+ def mk_check(self, arches=("x86", "amd64"), verbosity=0):
options = arghparse.Namespace(arches=arches, verbosity=verbosity)
return self.check_kls(options, arches_addon=None)
def test_it(self):
# single version, shouldn't yield.
check = self.mk_check()
- self.assertNoReport(check, [self.mk_pkg('1')])
+ self.assertNoReport(check, [self.mk_pkg("1")])
# ebuilds without keywords are skipped
- self.assertNoReport(
- check, [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 amd64"), self.mk_pkg("2")])
+ self.assertNoReport(check, [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 amd64"), self.mk_pkg("2")])
# ensure it limits itself to just the arches we care about
# check unstable at the same time;
# finally, check '-' handling; if x86 -> -x86, that's valid.
- [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 ~amd64 ppc"),
- self.mk_pkg("2", "~amd64 x86"),
- self.mk_pkg("3", "-amd64 x86")])
+ [
+ self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 ~amd64 ppc"),
+ self.mk_pkg("2", "~amd64 x86"),
+ self.mk_pkg("3", "-amd64 x86"),
+ ],
+ )
# check added keyword handling
- [self.mk_pkg("1", "amd64"),
- self.mk_pkg("2", "x86"),
- self.mk_pkg("3", "~x86 ~amd64")])
+ [self.mk_pkg("1", "amd64"), self.mk_pkg("2", "x86"), self.mk_pkg("3", "~x86 ~amd64")],
+ )
# check special keyword handling
- for key in ('-*', '*', '~*'):
- self.assertNoReport(
- check,
- [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 ~amd64"),
- self.mk_pkg("2", key)])
+ for key in ("-*", "*", "~*"):
+ self.assertNoReport(check, [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 ~amd64"), self.mk_pkg("2", key)])
# ensure it doesn't flag live ebuilds
- check,
- [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 amd64"),
- self.mk_pkg("9999", "", PROPERTIES='live')])
+ check, [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 amd64"), self.mk_pkg("9999", "", PROPERTIES="live")]
+ )
def test_verbose_mode(self):
# verbose mode outputs a report per version with dropped keywords
check = self.mk_check(verbosity=1)
reports = self.assertReports(
- [self.mk_pkg("1", "amd64 x86"),
- self.mk_pkg("2", "amd64"),
- self.mk_pkg("3", "amd64")])
+ [self.mk_pkg("1", "amd64 x86"), self.mk_pkg("2", "amd64"), self.mk_pkg("3", "amd64")],
+ )
assert len(reports) == 2
assert {x.version for x in reports} == {"2", "3"}
assert set().union(*(x.arches for x in reports)) == {"x86"}
@@ -76,9 +73,8 @@ class TestDroppedKeywords(misc.ReportTestCase):
check = self.mk_check()
reports = self.assertReports(
- [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 amd64"),
- self.mk_pkg("2", "amd64"),
- self.mk_pkg("3", "amd64")])
+ [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 amd64"), self.mk_pkg("2", "amd64"), self.mk_pkg("3", "amd64")],
+ )
assert len(reports) == 1
- assert reports[0].version == '3'
+ assert reports[0].version == "3"
assert set().union(*(x.arches for x in reports)) == {"x86"}
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_git.py b/tests/checks/test_git.py
index 150d8b8b..1cefd549 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_git.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_git.py
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ class FakeCommit(GitCommit):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
commit_data = {
- 'hash': '7f9abd7ec2d079b1d0c36fc2f5d626ae0691757e',
- 'commit_time': 1613438722,
- 'author': 'author@domain.com',
- 'committer': 'author@domain.com',
- 'message': (),
+ "hash": "7f9abd7ec2d079b1d0c36fc2f5d626ae0691757e",
+ "commit_time": 1613438722,
+ "author": "author@domain.com",
+ "committer": "author@domain.com",
+ "message": (),
@@ -33,199 +33,217 @@ class FakeCommit(GitCommit):
class TestGitCommitMessageCheck(ReportTestCase):
check_kls = git_mod.GitCommitMessageCheck
- options = arghparse.Namespace(
- target_repo=FakeRepo(), commits='origin', gentoo_repo=True)
+ options = arghparse.Namespace(target_repo=FakeRepo(), commits="origin", gentoo_repo=True)
check = git_mod.GitCommitMessageCheck(options)
def test_sign_offs(self):
# assert that it checks for both author and comitter
r = self.assertReport(
- self.check,
- FakeCommit(author='user1', committer='user2', message=['blah'])
+ self.check, FakeCommit(author="user1", committer="user2", message=["blah"])
assert isinstance(r, git_mod.MissingSignOff)
- assert r.missing_sign_offs == ('user1', 'user2')
+ assert r.missing_sign_offs == ("user1", "user2")
# assert that it handles author/committer being the same
- author='user@user.com', committer='user@user.com',
- message=['summary', '', 'Signed-off-by: user@user.com']))
+ author="user@user.com",
+ committer="user@user.com",
+ message=["summary", "", "Signed-off-by: user@user.com"],
+ ),
+ )
# assert it can handle multiple sign offs.
- author='user1', committer='user2',
- message=['summary', '', 'Signed-off-by: user2', 'Signed-off-by: user1']))
+ author="user1",
+ committer="user2",
+ message=["summary", "", "Signed-off-by: user2", "Signed-off-by: user1"],
+ ),
+ )
- def SO_commit(self, summary='summary', body='', tags=(), **kwargs):
+ def SO_commit(self, summary="summary", body="", tags=(), **kwargs):
"""Create a commit object from summary, body, and tags components."""
- author = kwargs.pop('author', 'author@domain.com')
- committer = kwargs.pop('committer', 'author@domain.com')
+ author = kwargs.pop("author", "author@domain.com")
+ committer = kwargs.pop("committer", "author@domain.com")
message = summary
if message:
if body:
- message += '\n\n' + body
- sign_offs = tuple(f'Signed-off-by: {user}' for user in {author, committer})
- message += '\n\n' + '\n'.join(tuple(tags) + sign_offs)
+ message += "\n\n" + body
+ sign_offs = tuple(f"Signed-off-by: {user}" for user in {author, committer})
+ message += "\n\n" + "\n".join(tuple(tags) + sign_offs)
return FakeCommit(author=author, committer=committer, message=message.splitlines())
def test_invalid_commit_tag(self):
# assert it doesn't puke if there are no tags
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit())
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(tags=['Bug: https://gentoo.org/blah']))
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(tags=['Close: https://gentoo.org/blah']))
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(tags=["Bug: https://gentoo.org/blah"]))
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(tags=["Close: https://gentoo.org/blah"]))
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(tags=['Bug: 123455']))
+ r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(tags=["Bug: 123455"]))
assert isinstance(r, git_mod.InvalidCommitTag)
- assert (r.tag, r.value, r.error) == ('Bug', '123455', "value isn't a URL")
+ assert (r.tag, r.value, r.error) == ("Bug", "123455", "value isn't a URL")
# Do a protocol check; this is more of an assertion against the parsing model
# used in the implementation.
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(tags=['Closes: ftp://blah.com/asdf']))
+ r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(tags=["Closes: ftp://blah.com/asdf"]))
assert isinstance(r, git_mod.InvalidCommitTag)
- assert r.tag == 'Closes'
- assert 'protocol' in r.error
+ assert r.tag == "Closes"
+ assert "protocol" in r.error
def test_gentoo_bug_tag(self):
- commit = self.SO_commit(tags=['Gentoo-Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/1'])
- assert 'Gentoo-Bug tag is no longer valid' in self.assertReport(self.check, commit).error
+ commit = self.SO_commit(tags=["Gentoo-Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/1"])
+ assert "Gentoo-Bug tag is no longer valid" in self.assertReport(self.check, commit).error
def test_commit_tags(self):
- ref = 'd8337304f09'
+ ref = "d8337304f09"
- for tag in ('Fixes', 'Reverts'):
+ for tag in ("Fixes", "Reverts"):
# no results on `git cat-file` failure
- with patch('pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen') as git_cat:
+ with patch("pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen") as git_cat:
# force using a new `git cat-file` process for each iteration
self.check._git_cat_file = None
git_cat.return_value.poll.return_value = -1
- commit = self.SO_commit(tags=[f'{tag}: {ref}'])
+ commit = self.SO_commit(tags=[f"{tag}: {ref}"])
self.assertNoReport(self.check, commit)
# missing and ambiguous object refs
- for status in ('missing', 'ambiguous'):
+ for status in ("missing", "ambiguous"):
self.check._git_cat_file = None
- with patch('pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen') as git_cat:
+ with patch("pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen") as git_cat:
git_cat.return_value.poll.return_value = None
- git_cat.return_value.stdout.readline.return_value = f'{ref} {status}'
- commit = self.SO_commit(tags=[f'{tag}: {ref}'])
+ git_cat.return_value.stdout.readline.return_value = f"{ref} {status}"
+ commit = self.SO_commit(tags=[f"{tag}: {ref}"])
r = self.assertReport(self.check, commit)
assert isinstance(r, git_mod.InvalidCommitTag)
- assert f'{status} commit' in r.error
+ assert f"{status} commit" in r.error
# valid tag reference
- with patch('pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen') as git_cat:
+ with patch("pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen") as git_cat:
self.check._git_cat_file = None
git_cat.return_value.poll.return_value = None
- git_cat.return_value.stdout.readline.return_value = f'{ref} commit 1234'
- commit = self.SO_commit(tags=[f'{tag}: {ref}'])
+ git_cat.return_value.stdout.readline.return_value = f"{ref} commit 1234"
+ commit = self.SO_commit(tags=[f"{tag}: {ref}"])
self.assertNoReport(self.check, commit)
def test_summary_length(self):
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit('single summary headline'))
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit('a' * 69))
- assert 'no commit message' in \
- self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit('')).error
- assert 'summary is too long' in \
- self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit('a' * 70)).error
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit("single summary headline"))
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit("a" * 69))
+ assert "no commit message" in self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit("")).error
+ assert (
+ "summary is too long" in self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit("a" * 70)).error
+ )
def test_message_body_length(self):
# message body lines longer than 80 chars are flagged
- long_line = 'a' + ' b' * 40
- assert 'line 2 greater than 80 chars' in \
- self.assertReport(
- self.check,
- self.SO_commit(body=long_line)).error
+ long_line = "a" + " b" * 40
+ assert (
+ "line 2 greater than 80 chars"
+ in self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(body=long_line)).error
+ )
# but not non-word lines
- long_line = 'a' * 81
+ long_line = "a" * 81
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(body=long_line))
def test_message_empty_lines(self):
- message = textwrap.dedent("""\
- foo
+ message = textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ foo
- bar
+ bar
- Signed-off-by: author@domain.com
- """).splitlines()
+ Signed-off-by: author@domain.com
+ """
+ ).splitlines()
commit = FakeCommit(message=message)
self.assertNoReport(self.check, commit)
# missing empty line between summary and body
- message = textwrap.dedent("""\
- foo
- bar
+ message = textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ foo
+ bar
- Signed-off-by: author@domain.com
- """).splitlines()
+ Signed-off-by: author@domain.com
+ """
+ ).splitlines()
commit = FakeCommit(message=message)
r = self.assertReport(self.check, commit)
- assert 'missing empty line before body' in str(r)
+ assert "missing empty line before body" in str(r)
# missing empty line between summary and tags
- message = textwrap.dedent("""\
- foo
- Signed-off-by: author@domain.com
- """).splitlines()
+ message = textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ foo
+ Signed-off-by: author@domain.com
+ """
+ ).splitlines()
commit = FakeCommit(message=message)
r = self.assertReport(self.check, commit)
- assert 'missing empty line before tags' in str(r)
+ assert "missing empty line before tags" in str(r)
# missing empty lines between summary, body, and tags
- message = textwrap.dedent("""\
- foo
- bar
- Signed-off-by: author@domain.com
- """).splitlines()
+ message = textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ foo
+ bar
+ Signed-off-by: author@domain.com
+ """
+ ).splitlines()
commit = FakeCommit(message=message)
reports = self.assertReports(self.check, commit)
- assert 'missing empty line before body' in str(reports[0])
- assert 'missing empty line before tags' in str(reports[1])
+ assert "missing empty line before body" in str(reports[0])
+ assert "missing empty line before tags" in str(reports[1])
def test_footer_empty_lines(self):
- for whitespace in ('\t', ' ', ''):
+ for whitespace in ("\t", " ", ""):
# empty lines in footer are flagged
- message = textwrap.dedent(f"""\
- foon
- blah: dar
- {whitespace}
- footer: yep
- Signed-off-by: author@domain.com
- """).splitlines()
+ message = textwrap.dedent(
+ f"""\
+ foon
+ blah: dar
+ {whitespace}
+ footer: yep
+ Signed-off-by: author@domain.com
+ """
+ ).splitlines()
commit = FakeCommit(message=message)
r = self.assertReport(self.check, commit)
- assert 'empty line 4 in footer' in str(r)
+ assert "empty line 4 in footer" in str(r)
# empty lines at the end of a commit message are ignored
- message = textwrap.dedent(f"""\
+ message = textwrap.dedent(
+ f"""\
+ foon
+ blah: dar
+ footer: yep
+ Signed-off-by: author@domain.com
+ {whitespace}
+ """
+ ).splitlines()
+ commit = FakeCommit(message=message)
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, commit)
+ def test_footer_non_tags(self):
+ message = textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
blah: dar
footer: yep
+ some random line
Signed-off-by: author@domain.com
- {whitespace}
- """).splitlines()
- commit = FakeCommit(message=message)
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, commit)
- def test_footer_non_tags(self):
- message = textwrap.dedent("""\
- foon
- blah: dar
- footer: yep
- some random line
- Signed-off-by: author@domain.com
- """).splitlines()
+ """
+ ).splitlines()
commit = FakeCommit(message=message)
r = self.assertReport(self.check, commit)
- assert 'non-tag in footer, line 5' in str(r)
+ assert "non-tag in footer, line 5" in str(r)
class TestGitCommitMessageRepoCheck(ReportTestCase):
@@ -239,18 +257,17 @@ class TestGitCommitMessageRepoCheck(ReportTestCase):
# initialize parent repo
self.parent_git_repo = make_git_repo()
- self.parent_repo = make_repo(
- self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id='gentoo', arches=['amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('initial commit')
+ self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id="gentoo", arches=["amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("initial commit")
# create a stub pkg and commit it
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
# initialize child repo
self.child_git_repo = make_git_repo()
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', self.parent_git_repo.path])
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", self.parent_git_repo.path])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
self.child_repo = make_repo(self.child_git_repo.path)
def init_check(self, options=None, future=0):
@@ -263,96 +280,106 @@ class TestGitCommitMessageRepoCheck(ReportTestCase):
def _options(self, **kwargs):
args = [
- 'scan', '-q', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir,
- '--repo', self.child_repo.location, '--commits',
+ "scan",
+ "-q",
+ "--cache-dir",
+ self.cache_dir,
+ "--repo",
+ self.child_repo.location,
+ "--commits",
options, _ = self._tool.parse_args(args)
return options
def test_bad_commit_summary_pkg(self):
# properly prefixed commit summary
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1', signoff=True)
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1", signoff=True)
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
# properly prefixed multiple ebuild commit summary
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2')
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-3')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: more version bumps', signoff=True)
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2")
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-3")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: more version bumps", signoff=True)
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
# special categories that allow not having version in new package summary
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('acct-user/pkgcheck-1')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('acct-user/pkgcheck: add user for pkgcheck', signoff=True)
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("acct-user/pkgcheck-1")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("acct-user/pkgcheck: add user for pkgcheck", signoff=True)
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
# special categories that allow not having version in bump version summary
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('acct-user/pkgcheck-2')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('acct-user/pkgcheck: bump user for pkgcheck', signoff=True)
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("acct-user/pkgcheck-2")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("acct-user/pkgcheck: bump user for pkgcheck", signoff=True)
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
# poorly prefixed commit summary
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-4')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('version bump to 4', signoff=True)
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-4")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("version bump to 4", signoff=True)
commit1 = self.child_git_repo.HEAD
# commit summary missing package version
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-5')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump', signoff=True)
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-5")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump", signoff=True)
commit2 = self.child_git_repo.HEAD
# commit summary missing renamed package version
- 'cat/pkg/pkg-3.ebuild', 'cat/pkg/pkg-6.ebuild',
- msg='cat/pkg: version bump and remove old', signoff=True)
+ "cat/pkg/pkg-3.ebuild",
+ "cat/pkg/pkg-6.ebuild",
+ msg="cat/pkg: version bump and remove old",
+ signoff=True,
+ )
commit3 = self.child_git_repo.HEAD
# revision bumps aren't flagged
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-6-r1')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: revision bump', signoff=True)
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-6-r1")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: revision bump", signoff=True)
# allow vVERSION
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-7')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: bump to v7', signoff=True)
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-7")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: bump to v7", signoff=True)
results = self.assertReports(self.check, self.source)
r1 = git_mod.BadCommitSummary(
- "summary missing 'cat/pkg' package prefix",
- 'version bump to 4', commit=commit1)
+ "summary missing 'cat/pkg' package prefix", "version bump to 4", commit=commit1
+ )
r2 = git_mod.BadCommitSummary(
- "summary missing package version '5'",
- 'cat/pkg: version bump', commit=commit2)
+ "summary missing package version '5'", "cat/pkg: version bump", commit=commit2
+ )
r3 = git_mod.BadCommitSummary(
"summary missing package version '6'",
- 'cat/pkg: version bump and remove old', commit=commit3)
+ "cat/pkg: version bump and remove old",
+ commit=commit3,
+ )
assert set(results) == {r1, r2, r3}
def test_bad_commit_summary_category(self):
# properly prefixed commit summary
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg1-1')
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg2-1')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat: various pkg updates', signoff=True)
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg1-1")
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg2-1")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat: various pkg updates", signoff=True)
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
# multiple category commits are ignored
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('newcat1/newcat1-1')
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('newcat2/newpkg2-1')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('various changes', signoff=True)
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("newcat1/newcat1-1")
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("newcat2/newpkg2-1")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("various changes", signoff=True)
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
# poorly prefixed commit summary for single category changes
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg3-1')
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg4-1')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat updates', signoff=True)
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg3-1")
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg4-1")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat updates", signoff=True)
commit = self.child_git_repo.HEAD
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
expected = git_mod.BadCommitSummary(
- "summary missing 'cat' category prefix",
- 'cat updates', commit=commit)
+ "summary missing 'cat' category prefix", "cat updates", commit=commit
+ )
assert r == expected
@@ -367,18 +394,17 @@ class TestGitPkgCommitsCheck(ReportTestCase):
# initialize parent repo
self.parent_git_repo = make_git_repo()
- self.parent_repo = make_repo(
- self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id='gentoo', arches=['amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('initial commit')
+ self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id="gentoo", arches=["amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("initial commit")
# create a stub pkg and commit it
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
# initialize child repo
self.child_git_repo = make_git_repo()
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', self.parent_git_repo.path])
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", self.parent_git_repo.path])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
self.child_repo = make_repo(self.child_git_repo.path)
def init_check(self, options=None, future=0):
@@ -391,193 +417,206 @@ class TestGitPkgCommitsCheck(ReportTestCase):
def _options(self, **kwargs):
args = [
- 'scan', '-q', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir,
- '--repo', self.child_repo.location, '--commits',
+ "scan",
+ "-q",
+ "--cache-dir",
+ self.cache_dir,
+ "--repo",
+ self.child_repo.location,
+ "--commits",
options, _ = self._tool.parse_args(args)
return options
def test_broken_ebuilds_ignored(self):
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('newcat/pkg-1', eapi='-1')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('newcat/pkg: initial import')
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("newcat/pkg-1", eapi="-1")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("newcat/pkg: initial import")
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
def test_direct_stable(self):
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64'])
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1')
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"])
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1")
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
- expected = git_mod.DirectStableKeywords(['amd64'], pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-1'))
+ expected = git_mod.DirectStableKeywords(["amd64"], pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-1"))
assert r == expected
def test_direct_no_maintainer(self):
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('newcat/pkg-1')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('newcat/pkg: initial import')
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("newcat/pkg-1")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("newcat/pkg: initial import")
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
- expected = git_mod.DirectNoMaintainer(pkg=CPV('newcat/pkg-1'))
+ expected = git_mod.DirectNoMaintainer(pkg=CPV("newcat/pkg-1"))
assert r == expected
def test_ebuild_incorrect_copyright(self):
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1')
- line = '# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors'
- with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild'), 'r+') as f:
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1")
+ line = "# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors"
+ with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild"), "r+") as f:
lines = f.read().splitlines()
lines[0] = line
- f.write('\n'.join(lines))
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1')
+ f.write("\n".join(lines))
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1")
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
- expected = git_mod.EbuildIncorrectCopyright('2019', line=line, pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-1'))
+ expected = git_mod.EbuildIncorrectCopyright("2019", line=line, pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-1"))
assert r == expected
def test_missing_copyright(self):
"""Ebuilds missing copyrights entirely are handled by EbuildHeaderCheck."""
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1')
- with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild'), 'r+') as f:
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1")
+ with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild"), "r+") as f:
lines = f.read().splitlines()
- f.write('\n'.join(lines[1:]))
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: update ebuild')
+ f.write("\n".join(lines[1:]))
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: update ebuild")
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
def test_dropped_stable_keywords(self):
# add stable ebuild to parent repo
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1')
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1")
# pull changes and remove it from the child repo
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- self.child_git_repo.remove('cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild', msg='cat/pkg: remove 1')
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ self.child_git_repo.remove("cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild", msg="cat/pkg: remove 1")
commit = self.child_git_repo.HEAD
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
- expected = git_mod.DroppedStableKeywords(['amd64'], commit, pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-1'))
+ expected = git_mod.DroppedStableKeywords(["amd64"], commit, pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-1"))
assert r == expected
# git archive failures error out
- with patch('pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen') as git_archive:
+ with patch("pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen") as git_archive:
git_archive.return_value.poll.return_value = -1
- with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='failed populating archive repo'):
+ with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="failed populating archive repo"):
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
def test_dropped_unstable_keywords(self):
# add stable ebuild to parent repo
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['~amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1')
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["~amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1")
# pull changes and remove it from the child repo
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- self.child_git_repo.remove('cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild', msg='cat/pkg: remove 1')
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ self.child_git_repo.remove("cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild", msg="cat/pkg: remove 1")
commit = self.child_git_repo.HEAD
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
- expected = git_mod.DroppedUnstableKeywords(['~amd64'], commit, pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-1'))
+ expected = git_mod.DroppedUnstableKeywords(["~amd64"], commit, pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-1"))
assert r == expected
def test_dropped_keywords_inherit_eclass(self):
# add stable ebuild to parent repo
- with open(pjoin(self.parent_git_repo.path, 'eclass/make.eclass'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(':')
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('make.eclass: initial commit')
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['~amd64'], data="inherit make")
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1')
+ with open(pjoin(self.parent_git_repo.path, "eclass/make.eclass"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(":")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("make.eclass: initial commit")
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["~amd64"], data="inherit make")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1")
# pull changes and remove it from the child repo
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- self.child_git_repo.remove('cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild', msg='cat/pkg: remove 1')
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ self.child_git_repo.remove("cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild", msg="cat/pkg: remove 1")
commit = self.child_git_repo.HEAD
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
- expected = git_mod.DroppedUnstableKeywords(['~amd64'], commit, pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-1'))
+ expected = git_mod.DroppedUnstableKeywords(["~amd64"], commit, pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-1"))
assert r == expected
def test_rdepend_change(self):
# add pkgs to parent repo
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/dep1-0')
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/dep1: initial import')
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/dep2-0')
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/dep2: initial import')
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('newcat/newpkg-1')
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('newcat/newpkg: initial import')
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('newcat/newpkg-2', rdepend="cat/dep1 cat/dep2")
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('newcat/newpkg: version bump')
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/dep1-0")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/dep1: initial import")
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/dep2-0")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/dep2: initial import")
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("newcat/newpkg-1")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("newcat/newpkg: initial import")
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("newcat/newpkg-2", rdepend="cat/dep1 cat/dep2")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("newcat/newpkg: version bump")
# pull changes to child repo
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
# change pkg RDEPEND and commit
- with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'cat/pkg/pkg-0.ebuild'), 'a') as f:
+ with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "cat/pkg/pkg-0.ebuild"), "a") as f:
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: update deps')
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: update deps")
# change live pkg RDEPEND and commit
- with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'newcat/newpkg/newpkg-1.ebuild'), 'a') as f:
+ with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "newcat/newpkg/newpkg-1.ebuild"), "a") as f:
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('newcat/newpkg: update deps')
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("newcat/newpkg: update deps")
# reorder pkg RDEPEND and commit
- with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'newcat/newpkg/newpkg-2.ebuild'), 'a') as f:
+ with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "newcat/newpkg/newpkg-2.ebuild"), "a") as f:
f.write('RDEPEND="cat/dep2 cat/dep1"\n')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('newcat/newpkg: reorder deps')
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("newcat/newpkg: reorder deps")
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
# only one result is expected since live ebuilds are ignored
- expected = git_mod.RdependChange(pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-0'))
+ expected = git_mod.RdependChange(pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-0"))
assert r == expected
def test_missing_slotmove(self):
# add new ebuild to parent repo
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['~amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1')
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["~amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1")
# pull changes and modify its slot in the child repo
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['~amd64'], slot='1')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: update SLOT to 1')
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["~amd64"], slot="1")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: update SLOT to 1")
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
- expected = git_mod.MissingSlotmove('0', '1', pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-1'))
+ expected = git_mod.MissingSlotmove("0", "1", pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-1"))
assert r == expected
# create slot move update and the result goes away
- updates_dir = pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'profiles', 'updates')
+ updates_dir = pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "profiles", "updates")
os.makedirs(updates_dir, exist_ok=True)
- with open(pjoin(updates_dir, '4Q-2020'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\
- slotmove ~cat/foo-0 0 1
- slotmove ~cat/pkg-1 0 1
- """))
+ with open(pjoin(updates_dir, "4Q-2020"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ slotmove ~cat/foo-0 0 1
+ slotmove ~cat/pkg-1 0 1
+ """
+ )
+ )
# force repo_config pkg updates jitted attr to be reset
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
# git archive failures error out
- with patch('pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen') as git_archive:
+ with patch("pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen") as git_archive:
git_archive.return_value.poll.return_value = -1
- with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='failed populating archive repo'):
+ with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="failed populating archive repo"):
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
def test_missing_move(self):
# verify ebuild renames at the git level don't trigger
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1')
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'rm', 'cat/pkg/pkg-0.ebuild'])
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump and remove old')
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1")
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "rm", "cat/pkg/pkg-0.ebuild"])
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump and remove old")
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
- self.child_git_repo.move('cat', 'newcat', msg='newcat/pkg: moved pkg')
+ self.child_git_repo.move("cat", "newcat", msg="newcat/pkg: moved pkg")
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
- expected = git_mod.MissingMove('cat/pkg', 'newcat/pkg', pkg=CPV('newcat/pkg-0'))
+ expected = git_mod.MissingMove("cat/pkg", "newcat/pkg", pkg=CPV("newcat/pkg-0"))
assert r == expected
# create package move update and the result goes away
- updates_dir = pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'profiles', 'updates')
+ updates_dir = pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "profiles", "updates")
os.makedirs(updates_dir, exist_ok=True)
- with open(pjoin(updates_dir, '4Q-2020'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\
- move cat/foo newcat/foo
- move cat/pkg newcat/pkg
- """))
+ with open(pjoin(updates_dir, "4Q-2020"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ move cat/foo newcat/foo
+ move cat/pkg newcat/pkg
+ """
+ )
+ )
# force repo_config pkg updates jitted attr to be reset
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
@@ -594,18 +633,17 @@ class TestGitEclassCommitsCheck(ReportTestCase):
# initialize parent repo
self.parent_git_repo = make_git_repo()
- self.parent_repo = make_repo(
- self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id='gentoo', arches=['amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('initial commit')
+ self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id="gentoo", arches=["amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("initial commit")
# create a stub eclass and commit it
- touch(pjoin(self.parent_git_repo.path, 'eclass', 'foo.eclass'))
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('eclass: add foo eclass')
+ touch(pjoin(self.parent_git_repo.path, "eclass", "foo.eclass"))
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("eclass: add foo eclass")
# initialize child repo
self.child_git_repo = make_git_repo()
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', self.parent_git_repo.path])
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", self.parent_git_repo.path])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
self.child_repo = make_repo(self.child_git_repo.path)
def init_check(self, options=None, future=0):
@@ -618,35 +656,40 @@ class TestGitEclassCommitsCheck(ReportTestCase):
def _options(self, **kwargs):
args = [
- 'scan', '-q', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir,
- '--repo', self.child_repo.location, '--commits',
+ "scan",
+ "-q",
+ "--cache-dir",
+ self.cache_dir,
+ "--repo",
+ self.child_repo.location,
+ "--commits",
options, _ = self._tool.parse_args(args)
return options
def test_eclass_incorrect_copyright(self):
- line = '# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors'
- with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'eclass/foo.eclass'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(f'{line}\n')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('eclass: update foo')
+ line = "# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors"
+ with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "eclass/foo.eclass"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(f"{line}\n")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("eclass: update foo")
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
- expected = git_mod.EclassIncorrectCopyright('2019', line, eclass='foo')
+ expected = git_mod.EclassIncorrectCopyright("2019", line, eclass="foo")
assert r == expected
# correcting the year results in no report
year = datetime.today().year
- line = f'# Copyright 1999-{year} Gentoo Authors'
- with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'eclass/foo.eclass'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(f'{line}\n')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('eclass: fix copyright year')
+ line = f"# Copyright 1999-{year} Gentoo Authors"
+ with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "eclass/foo.eclass"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(f"{line}\n")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("eclass: fix copyright year")
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
def test_eclass_missing_copyright(self):
"""Eclasses missing copyrights entirely are handled by EclassHeaderCheck."""
- with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'eclass/foo.eclass'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('# comment\n')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('eclass: update foo')
+ with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "eclass/foo.eclass"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("# comment\n")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("eclass: update foo")
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_glsa.py b/tests/checks/test_glsa.py
index c3182be1..bec35857 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_glsa.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_glsa.py
@@ -31,34 +31,34 @@ class TestVulnerabilitiesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_no_glsa_dir(self, tmp_path):
# TODO: switch to using a repo fixture when available
repo_dir = str(tmp_path)
- os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles'))
- os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata'))
- with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles', 'repo_name'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('fake\n')
- with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata', 'layout.conf'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('masters =\n')
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles"))
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata"))
+ with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles", "repo_name"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("fake\n")
+ with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata", "layout.conf"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("masters =\n")
repo_config = repo_objs.RepoConfig(location=repo_dir)
repo = repository.UnconfiguredTree(repo_config.location, repo_config=repo_config)
options = arghparse.Namespace(glsa_dir=None, target_repo=repo, gentoo_repo=True)
- with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match='no available glsa source'):
+ with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match="no available glsa source"):
def test_repo_glsa_dir(self, tmp_path):
# TODO: switch to using a repo fixture when available
repo_dir = str(tmp_path)
- os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles'))
- os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata', 'glsa'))
- with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles', 'repo_name'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('fake\n')
- with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata', 'layout.conf'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('masters =\n')
- with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata', 'glsa', 'glsa-202010-01.xml'), 'w') as f:
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles"))
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata", "glsa"))
+ with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles", "repo_name"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("fake\n")
+ with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata", "layout.conf"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("masters =\n")
+ with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata", "glsa", "glsa-202010-01.xml"), "w") as f:
f.write(mk_glsa(("dev-util/diffball", ([], ["~>=0.5-r3"]))))
repo_config = repo_objs.RepoConfig(location=repo_dir)
repo = repository.UnconfiguredTree(repo_config.location, repo_config=repo_config)
options = arghparse.Namespace(glsa_dir=None, target_repo=repo, gentoo_repo=True)
check = glsa.GlsaCheck(options)
- assert 'dev-util/diffball' in check.vulns
+ assert "dev-util/diffball" in check.vulns
def test_non_matching(self, check):
self.assertNoReport(check, mk_pkg("0.5.1"))
@@ -67,10 +67,8 @@ class TestVulnerabilitiesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_matching(self, check):
r = self.assertReport(check, mk_pkg("0.5-r5"))
assert isinstance(r, glsa.VulnerablePackage)
- assert (
- (r.category, r.package, r.version) ==
- ("dev-util", "diffball", "0.5-r5"))
- assert 'vulnerable via glsa(200611-02)' in str(r)
+ assert (r.category, r.package, r.version) == ("dev-util", "diffball", "0.5-r5")
+ assert "vulnerable via glsa(200611-02)" in str(r)
# multiple glsa matches
self.assertReports(check, mk_pkg("1.0"))
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_header.py b/tests/checks/test_header.py
index 492c3d8c..e79fdeb1 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_header.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_header.py
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ class TestEbuildHeaderCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_good_copyright(self):
good_copyrights = [
- '# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors\n',
- '# Copyright 2019 Gentoo Authors\n',
- '# Copyright 2010-2017 Gentoo Authors\n',
+ "# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors\n",
+ "# Copyright 2019 Gentoo Authors\n",
+ "# Copyright 2010-2017 Gentoo Authors\n",
for line in good_copyrights:
fake_src = [line, self.check_kls.license_header]
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ class TestEbuildHeaderCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_invalid_copyright(self):
bad_copyrights = [
- '# Copyright (c) 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors\n',
- '# Copyright Gentoo Authors\n',
- '# Gentoo Authors\n',
- '# Here is entirely random text\n',
- '\n',
+ "# Copyright (c) 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors\n",
+ "# Copyright Gentoo Authors\n",
+ "# Gentoo Authors\n",
+ "# Here is entirely random text\n",
+ "\n",
for line in bad_copyrights:
fake_src = [line, self.check_kls.license_header]
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ class TestEbuildHeaderCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_new_foundation_copyright(self):
"""Foundation copyright on new ebuilds triggers the report."""
bad_copyrights = [
- '# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Foundation\n',
- '# Copyright 2019 Gentoo Foundation\n',
- '# Copyright 3125 Gentoo Foundation\n',
- '# Copyright 2010-2021 Gentoo Foundation\n',
+ "# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Foundation\n",
+ "# Copyright 2019 Gentoo Foundation\n",
+ "# Copyright 3125 Gentoo Foundation\n",
+ "# Copyright 2010-2021 Gentoo Foundation\n",
for line in bad_copyrights:
fake_src = [line, self.check_kls.license_header]
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ class TestEbuildHeaderCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_old_foundation_copyright(self):
"""Foundation copyright on old ebuilds does not trigger false positives."""
good_copyrights = [
- '# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation\n',
- '# Copyright 2016 Gentoo Foundation\n',
- '# Copyright 2010-2017 Gentoo Foundation\n',
+ "# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation\n",
+ "# Copyright 2016 Gentoo Foundation\n",
+ "# Copyright 2010-2017 Gentoo Foundation\n",
for line in good_copyrights:
fake_src = [line, self.check_kls.license_header]
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ class TestEbuildHeaderCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_non_gentoo_authors_copyright_in_gentoo(self):
"""Ebuilds in the gentoo repo must use 'Gentoo Authors'."""
bad_copyrights = [
- '# Copyright 1999-2019 D. E. Veloper\n',
- '# Copyright 2019 辣鸡汤\n',
+ "# Copyright 1999-2019 D. E. Veloper\n",
+ "# Copyright 2019 辣鸡汤\n",
for line in bad_copyrights:
fake_src = [line, self.check_kls.license_header]
@@ -86,23 +86,23 @@ class TestEbuildHeaderCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
assert line.strip() in str(r)
def test_license_headers(self):
- copyright = '# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors\n'
+ copyright = "# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors\n"
fake_src = [copyright, self.check_kls.license_header]
fake_pkg = self.mk_pkg(lines=fake_src)
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), fake_pkg)
bad_license_headers = [
- [''],
- ['\n'],
- [f'{self.check_kls.license_header} '],
- [f' {self.check_kls.license_header}'],
- ['# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3'],
+ [""],
+ ["\n"],
+ [f"{self.check_kls.license_header} "],
+ [f" {self.check_kls.license_header}"],
+ ["# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3"],
for content in bad_license_headers:
fake_src = [copyright] + content
fake_pkg = self.mk_pkg(lines=fake_src)
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), fake_pkg)
assert isinstance(r, header.EbuildInvalidLicenseHeader)
- expected = content[0].strip() if content else 'missing license header'
+ expected = content[0].strip() if content else "missing license header"
assert expected in str(r)
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_imlate.py b/tests/checks/test_imlate.py
index 3c0f44f8..624dc90a 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_imlate.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_imlate.py
@@ -4,21 +4,25 @@ from snakeoil.cli import arghparse
from .. import misc
-def mk_check(selected_arches=("x86", "ppc", "amd64"), arches=None,
- stable_arches=None, source_arches=None):
+def mk_check(
+ selected_arches=("x86", "ppc", "amd64"), arches=None, stable_arches=None, source_arches=None
if arches is None:
arches = selected_arches
if stable_arches is None:
stable_arches = selected_arches
return imlate.ImlateCheck(
- selected_arches=selected_arches, arches=arches,
- stable_arches=stable_arches, source_arches=source_arches))
+ selected_arches=selected_arches,
+ arches=arches,
+ stable_arches=stable_arches,
+ source_arches=source_arches,
+ )
+ )
def mk_pkg(ver, keywords="", slot="0"):
- return misc.FakePkg(
- f"dev-util/diffball-{ver}", data={"SLOT": slot, "KEYWORDS": keywords})
+ return misc.FakePkg(f"dev-util/diffball-{ver}", data={"SLOT": slot, "KEYWORDS": keywords})
class TestImlateCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
@@ -26,96 +30,82 @@ class TestImlateCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
check_kls = imlate.ImlateCheck
def test_all_unstable(self):
- self.assertNoReport(
- mk_check(),
- [mk_pkg(str(x), "~x86 ~amd64") for x in range(10)])
+ self.assertNoReport(mk_check(), [mk_pkg(str(x), "~x86 ~amd64") for x in range(10)])
def test_all_stable(self):
- self.assertNoReport(
- mk_check(),
- [mk_pkg("0.9", "amd64 x86")])
+ self.assertNoReport(mk_check(), [mk_pkg("0.9", "amd64 x86")])
def test_unselected_arch(self):
- self.assertNoReport(
- mk_check(),
- [mk_pkg("0.9", "~mips amd64")])
+ self.assertNoReport(mk_check(), [mk_pkg("0.9", "~mips amd64")])
def test_specified_stable_arches(self):
# pkg doesn't have any unstable arches we care about
- self.assertNoReport(
- mk_check(source_arches=('arm', 'arm64')),
- [mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 amd64")])
+ self.assertNoReport(mk_check(source_arches=("arm", "arm64")), [mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 amd64")])
# pkg doesn't have any stable arches we care about
- self.assertNoReport(
- mk_check(source_arches=('arm64',)),
- [mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 amd64")])
+ self.assertNoReport(mk_check(source_arches=("arm64",)), [mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 amd64")])
# only flag arches we care about
r = self.assertReport(
- mk_check(source_arches=('amd64',), selected_arches=('arm64',)),
- [mk_pkg("0.9", "~arm64 ~x86 amd64")])
+ mk_check(source_arches=("amd64",), selected_arches=("arm64",)),
+ [mk_pkg("0.9", "~arm64 ~x86 amd64")],
+ )
assert isinstance(r, imlate.PotentialStable)
assert r.stable == ("amd64",)
assert r.keywords == ("~arm64",)
assert r.version == "0.9"
def test_lagging_keyword(self):
- r = self.assertReport(
- mk_check(),
- [mk_pkg("0.8", "x86 amd64"),
- mk_pkg("0.9", "x86 ~amd64")])
+ r = self.assertReport(mk_check(), [mk_pkg("0.8", "x86 amd64"), mk_pkg("0.9", "x86 ~amd64")])
assert isinstance(r, imlate.LaggingStable)
assert r.stable == ("x86",)
assert r.keywords == ("~amd64",)
assert r.version == "0.9"
- assert 'x86' in str(r) and '~amd64' in str(r)
+ assert "x86" in str(r) and "~amd64" in str(r)
def test_potential_keyword(self):
- r = self.assertReport(
- mk_check(),
- [mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 amd64")])
+ r = self.assertReport(mk_check(), [mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 amd64")])
assert isinstance(r, imlate.PotentialStable)
assert r.stable == ("amd64",)
assert r.keywords == ("~x86",)
assert r.version == "0.9"
- assert 'amd64' in str(r) and '~x86' in str(r)
+ assert "amd64" in str(r) and "~x86" in str(r)
def test_multiple_unstable_pkgs(self):
r = self.assertReport(
- mk_check(),
- [mk_pkg("0.7", "~x86"),
- mk_pkg("0.8", "~x86"),
- mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 amd64")])
+ mk_check(), [mk_pkg("0.7", "~x86"), mk_pkg("0.8", "~x86"), mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 amd64")]
+ )
assert r.stable == ("amd64",)
assert r.keywords == ("~x86",)
assert r.version == "0.9"
def test_multiple_stable_arches(self):
r = self.assertReport(
- mk_check(),
- [mk_pkg("0.7", "~x86 ~ppc"),
- mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 ppc amd64")])
+ mk_check(), [mk_pkg("0.7", "~x86 ~ppc"), mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 ppc amd64")]
+ )
assert r.stable == ("amd64", "ppc")
assert r.keywords == ("~x86",)
assert r.version == "0.9"
def test_multiple_potential_arches(self):
- r = self.assertReport(
- mk_check(),
- [mk_pkg("0.7", "~x86"),
- mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 ~ppc amd64")])
+ r = self.assertReport(mk_check(), [mk_pkg("0.7", "~x86"), mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 ~ppc amd64")])
assert r.stable == ("amd64",)
- assert r.keywords == ("~ppc", "~x86",)
+ assert r.keywords == (
+ "~ppc",
+ "~x86",
+ )
assert r.version == "0.9"
def test_multiple_lagging_slots(self):
r = self.assertReports(
- [mk_pkg("0.7", slot="0", keywords="x86 ppc"),
- mk_pkg("0.9", slot="0", keywords="~x86 ppc"),
- mk_pkg("1.0", slot="1", keywords="x86 ppc"),
- mk_pkg("1.2", slot="1", keywords="x86 ~ppc")])
+ [
+ mk_pkg("0.7", slot="0", keywords="x86 ppc"),
+ mk_pkg("0.9", slot="0", keywords="~x86 ppc"),
+ mk_pkg("1.0", slot="1", keywords="x86 ppc"),
+ mk_pkg("1.2", slot="1", keywords="x86 ~ppc"),
+ ],
+ )
assert len(r) == 2
assert isinstance(r[0], imlate.LaggingStable)
assert r[0].slot == "0"
@@ -131,8 +121,11 @@ class TestImlateCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_multiple_potential_slots(self):
r = self.assertReports(
- [mk_pkg("0.9", slot="0", keywords="x86 ~ppc"),
- mk_pkg("1.2", slot="1", keywords="x86 ~ppc")])
+ [
+ mk_pkg("0.9", slot="0", keywords="x86 ~ppc"),
+ mk_pkg("1.2", slot="1", keywords="x86 ~ppc"),
+ ],
+ )
assert len(r) == 2
assert isinstance(r[0], imlate.PotentialStable)
assert r[0].slot == "0"
@@ -146,15 +139,17 @@ class TestImlateCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
assert r[1].version == "1.2"
def test_drop_newer_slot_stables(self):
- selected_arches=("x86", "amd64")
- all_arches=("x86", "amd64", "arm64")
+ selected_arches = ("x86", "amd64")
+ all_arches = ("x86", "amd64", "arm64")
r = self.assertReport(
mk_check(selected_arches=selected_arches, arches=all_arches),
- [mk_pkg("0.7", "amd64 x86 ~arm64"),
- mk_pkg("0.8", "amd64 ~x86 ~arm64"),
- mk_pkg("0.9", "~amd64 ~x86 arm64")]
+ [
+ mk_pkg("0.7", "amd64 x86 ~arm64"),
+ mk_pkg("0.8", "amd64 ~x86 ~arm64"),
+ mk_pkg("0.9", "~amd64 ~x86 arm64"),
+ ],
assert isinstance(r, imlate.LaggingStable)
- assert r.stable == ('amd64',)
- assert r.keywords == ('~x86',)
- assert r.version == '0.8'
+ assert r.stable == ("amd64",)
+ assert r.keywords == ("~x86",)
+ assert r.version == "0.8"
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_metadata.py b/tests/checks/test_metadata.py
index cc074d93..ee0ac08e 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_metadata.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_metadata.py
@@ -30,27 +30,24 @@ class TestDescriptionCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg("a perfectly written package description"))
def test_bad_descs(self):
- for desc in ('based on eclass',
- 'diffball',
- 'dev-util/diffball',
- 'foon'):
+ for desc in ("based on eclass", "diffball", "dev-util/diffball", "foon"):
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(desc))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadDescription)
def test_desc_length(self):
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg())
assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadDescription)
- assert 'empty/unset' in str(r)
+ assert "empty/unset" in str(r)
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg('s' * 80))
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg('s' * 81))
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg("s" * 80))
+ r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg("s" * 81))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadDescription)
- assert 'over 80 chars in length' in str(r)
+ assert "over 80 chars in length" in str(r)
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg('s' * 10))
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg('s' * 9))
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg("s" * 10))
+ r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg("s" * 9))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadDescription)
- assert 'under 10 chars in length' in str(r)
+ assert "under 10 chars in length" in str(r)
class TestHomepageCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
@@ -58,7 +55,7 @@ class TestHomepageCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
check_kls = metadata.HomepageCheck
check = metadata.HomepageCheck(None)
- def mk_pkg(self, homepage='', cpvstr='dev-util/diffball-0.7.1'):
+ def mk_pkg(self, homepage="", cpvstr="dev-util/diffball-0.7.1"):
return misc.FakePkg(cpvstr, data={"HOMEPAGE": homepage})
def test_regular(self):
@@ -72,26 +69,26 @@ class TestHomepageCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_unset(self):
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg())
isinstance(r, metadata.BadHomepage)
- assert 'empty/unset' in str(r)
+ assert "empty/unset" in str(r)
# categories of pkgs allowed to skip HOMEPAGE
for cat in self.check_kls.missing_categories:
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(cpvstr=f'{cat}/foo-0'))
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(cpvstr=f"{cat}/foo-0"))
def test_no_protocol(self):
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg('foobar.com'))
+ r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg("foobar.com"))
isinstance(r, metadata.BadHomepage)
- assert 'lacks protocol' in str(r)
+ assert "lacks protocol" in str(r)
def test_unsupported_protocol(self):
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg('htp://foobar.com'))
+ r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg("htp://foobar.com"))
isinstance(r, metadata.BadHomepage)
assert "uses unsupported protocol 'htp'" in str(r)
def test_unspecific_site(self):
- for suffix in ('', '/'):
- for site in ('https://www.gentoo.org', 'https://gentoo.org'):
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(f'{site}{suffix}'))
+ for suffix in ("", "/"):
+ for site in ("https://www.gentoo.org", "https://gentoo.org"):
+ r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(f"{site}{suffix}"))
isinstance(r, metadata.BadHomepage)
assert "unspecific HOMEPAGE" in str(r)
@@ -104,27 +101,30 @@ class TestHomepageCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
class IUSE_Options(misc.Tmpdir):
def get_options(self, properties=(), restrict=(), **kwargs):
repo_base = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.dir)
- base = pjoin(repo_base, 'profiles')
+ base = pjoin(repo_base, "profiles")
- with open(pjoin(base, "arch.list"), 'w') as file:
+ with open(pjoin(base, "arch.list"), "w") as file:
file.write("\n".join(kwargs.pop("arches", ("x86", "ppc", "amd64", "amd64-fbsd"))))
with open(pjoin(base, "use.desc"), "w") as file:
file.write("\n".join(f"{x} - {x}" for x in kwargs.pop("use_desc", ("foo", "bar"))))
- with open(pjoin(base, 'repo_name'), 'w') as file:
- file.write(kwargs.pop('repo_name', 'monkeys'))
- os.mkdir(pjoin(repo_base, 'metadata'))
- with open(pjoin(repo_base, 'metadata', 'layout.conf'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent(f"""\
- masters =
- properties-allowed = {' '.join(properties)}
- restrict-allowed = {' '.join(restrict)}
- """))
- kwargs['target_repo'] = repository.UnconfiguredTree(repo_base)
- kwargs.setdefault('verbosity', 0)
- kwargs.setdefault('cache', {'git': False})
+ with open(pjoin(base, "repo_name"), "w") as file:
+ file.write(kwargs.pop("repo_name", "monkeys"))
+ os.mkdir(pjoin(repo_base, "metadata"))
+ with open(pjoin(repo_base, "metadata", "layout.conf"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ f"""\
+ masters =
+ properties-allowed = {' '.join(properties)}
+ restrict-allowed = {' '.join(restrict)}
+ """
+ )
+ )
+ kwargs["target_repo"] = repository.UnconfiguredTree(repo_base)
+ kwargs.setdefault("verbosity", 0)
+ kwargs.setdefault("cache", {"git": False})
return arghparse.Namespace(**kwargs)
@@ -135,21 +135,21 @@ class TestKeywordsCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase):
def check(self):
pkgs = (
- FakePkg('dev-libs/foo-0', keywords=('amd64', '~x86')),
- FakePkg('dev-libs/foo-1', keywords=('-*', 'ppc')),
- FakePkg('dev-libs/bar-2', keywords=()),
+ FakePkg("dev-libs/foo-0", keywords=("amd64", "~x86")),
+ FakePkg("dev-libs/foo-1", keywords=("-*", "ppc")),
+ FakePkg("dev-libs/bar-2", keywords=()),
search_repo = FakeRepo(pkgs=pkgs)
options = self.get_options(search_repo=search_repo, gentoo_repo=False)
kwargs = {
- 'use_addon': addons.UseAddon(options),
- 'keywords_addon': addons.KeywordsAddon(options),
+ "use_addon": addons.UseAddon(options),
+ "keywords_addon": addons.KeywordsAddon(options),
return metadata.KeywordsCheck(options, **kwargs)
- def mk_pkg(self, keywords='', cpv='dev-util/diffball-0.7.1', rdepend=''):
- return misc.FakePkg(cpv, data={'KEYWORDS': keywords, 'RDEPEND': rdepend})
+ def mk_pkg(self, keywords="", cpv="dev-util/diffball-0.7.1", rdepend=""):
+ return misc.FakePkg(cpv, data={"KEYWORDS": keywords, "RDEPEND": rdepend})
def test_no_keywords(self, check):
self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg())
@@ -173,23 +173,23 @@ class TestKeywordsCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase):
# unknown keyword
r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("foo"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownKeywords)
- assert r.keywords == ('foo',)
+ assert r.keywords == ("foo",)
assert "unknown KEYWORDS: 'foo'" in str(r)
# check that * and ~* are flagged in gentoo repo
- options = self.get_options(repo_name='gentoo', gentoo_repo=True)
+ options = self.get_options(repo_name="gentoo", gentoo_repo=True)
kwargs = {
- 'use_addon': addons.UseAddon(options),
- 'keywords_addon': addons.KeywordsAddon(options),
+ "use_addon": addons.UseAddon(options),
+ "keywords_addon": addons.KeywordsAddon(options),
check = metadata.KeywordsCheck(options, **kwargs)
r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("*"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownKeywords)
- assert r.keywords == ('*',)
+ assert r.keywords == ("*",)
assert "unknown KEYWORDS: '*'" in str(r)
r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("~*"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownKeywords)
- assert r.keywords == ('~*',)
+ assert r.keywords == ("~*",)
assert "unknown KEYWORDS: '~*'" in str(r)
def test_overlapping_keywords(self, check):
@@ -214,78 +214,78 @@ class TestKeywordsCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase):
# single duplicate
r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("amd64 amd64"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.DuplicateKeywords)
- assert r.keywords == ('amd64',)
- assert 'duplicate KEYWORDS: amd64' in str(r)
+ assert r.keywords == ("amd64",)
+ assert "duplicate KEYWORDS: amd64" in str(r)
# multiple duplicates
r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("-* -* amd64 amd64 ~x86 ~x86"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.DuplicateKeywords)
- assert r.keywords == ('-*', 'amd64', '~x86')
+ assert r.keywords == ("-*", "amd64", "~x86")
def test_unsorted_keywords(self, check):
# regular keywords
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg('-* ~amd64'))
+ self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg("-* ~amd64"))
# prefix keywords come after regular keywords
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg('~amd64 ppc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd'))
+ self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg("~amd64 ppc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd"))
# non-verbose mode doesn't show sorted keywords
- r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg('~amd64 -*'))
+ r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("~amd64 -*"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnsortedKeywords)
- assert r.keywords == ('~amd64', '-*')
+ assert r.keywords == ("~amd64", "-*")
assert r.sorted_keywords == ()
- assert 'unsorted KEYWORDS: ~amd64, -*' in str(r)
+ assert "unsorted KEYWORDS: ~amd64, -*" in str(r)
# create a check instance with verbose mode enabled
options = self.get_options(gentoo_repo=False, verbosity=1)
kwargs = {
- 'use_addon': addons.UseAddon(options),
- 'keywords_addon': addons.KeywordsAddon(options),
+ "use_addon": addons.UseAddon(options),
+ "keywords_addon": addons.KeywordsAddon(options),
check = metadata.KeywordsCheck(options, **kwargs)
# masks should come before regular keywords
- r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg('~amd64 -*'))
+ r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("~amd64 -*"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnsortedKeywords)
- assert r.keywords == ('~amd64', '-*')
- assert r.sorted_keywords == ('-*', '~amd64')
- assert '\n\tunsorted KEYWORDS: ~amd64, -*\n\tsorted KEYWORDS: -*, ~amd64' in str(r)
+ assert r.keywords == ("~amd64", "-*")
+ assert r.sorted_keywords == ("-*", "~amd64")
+ assert "\n\tunsorted KEYWORDS: ~amd64, -*\n\tsorted KEYWORDS: -*, ~amd64" in str(r)
# keywords should be sorted alphabetically by arch
- r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg('ppc ~amd64'))
+ r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("ppc ~amd64"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnsortedKeywords)
- assert r.keywords == ('ppc', '~amd64')
- assert r.sorted_keywords == ('~amd64', 'ppc')
- assert '\n\tunsorted KEYWORDS: ppc, ~amd64\n\tsorted KEYWORDS: ~amd64, ppc' in str(r)
+ assert r.keywords == ("ppc", "~amd64")
+ assert r.sorted_keywords == ("~amd64", "ppc")
+ assert "\n\tunsorted KEYWORDS: ppc, ~amd64\n\tsorted KEYWORDS: ~amd64, ppc" in str(r)
# prefix keywords should come after regular keywords
- r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg('~amd64 ~amd64-fbsd ppc ~x86'))
+ r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("~amd64 ~amd64-fbsd ppc ~x86"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnsortedKeywords)
- assert r.keywords == ('~amd64', '~amd64-fbsd', 'ppc', '~x86')
- assert r.sorted_keywords == ('~amd64', 'ppc', '~x86', '~amd64-fbsd')
+ assert r.keywords == ("~amd64", "~amd64-fbsd", "ppc", "~x86")
+ assert r.sorted_keywords == ("~amd64", "ppc", "~x86", "~amd64-fbsd")
def test_missing_virtual_keywords(self, check):
# non-virtuals don't trigger
- pkg = self.mk_pkg(cpv='dev-util/foo-0', rdepend='=dev-libs/foo-0')
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg(cpv="dev-util/foo-0", rdepend="=dev-libs/foo-0")
self.assertNoReport(check, pkg)
# matching pkg with no keywords
- pkg = self.mk_pkg(cpv='virtual/foo-0', rdepend='dev-libs/bar')
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg(cpv="virtual/foo-0", rdepend="dev-libs/bar")
self.assertNoReport(check, pkg)
# single pkg match
- pkg = self.mk_pkg(cpv='virtual/foo-0', rdepend='=dev-libs/foo-0')
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg(cpv="virtual/foo-0", rdepend="=dev-libs/foo-0")
r = self.assertReport(check, pkg)
assert isinstance(r, metadata.VirtualKeywordsUpdate)
- assert r.keywords == ('amd64', '~x86')
- assert 'KEYWORDS updates available: amd64, ~x86' in str(r)
+ assert r.keywords == ("amd64", "~x86")
+ assert "KEYWORDS updates available: amd64, ~x86" in str(r)
# multiple pkg match
- pkg = self.mk_pkg(cpv='virtual/foo-0', rdepend='dev-libs/foo')
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg(cpv="virtual/foo-0", rdepend="dev-libs/foo")
r = self.assertReport(check, pkg)
assert isinstance(r, metadata.VirtualKeywordsUpdate)
- assert r.keywords == ('amd64', 'ppc', '~x86')
- assert 'KEYWORDS updates available: amd64, ppc, ~x86' in str(r)
+ assert r.keywords == ("amd64", "ppc", "~x86")
+ assert "KEYWORDS updates available: amd64, ppc, ~x86" in str(r)
class TestIuseCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase):
@@ -298,28 +298,28 @@ class TestIuseCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase):
use_addon = addons.UseAddon(options)
return self.check_kls(options, use_addon=use_addon)
- def mk_pkg(self, iuse=''):
- return misc.FakePkg('dev-util/diffball-0.7.1', data={'IUSE': iuse, 'EAPI': '1'})
+ def mk_pkg(self, iuse=""):
+ return misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.7.1", data={"IUSE": iuse, "EAPI": "1"})
def test_known_iuse(self, check):
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg('foo bar'))
+ self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg("foo bar"))
def test_unknown_iuse(self, check):
- r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg('foo dar'))
+ r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("foo dar"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownUseFlags)
- assert r.flags == ('dar',)
- assert 'dar' in str(r)
+ assert r.flags == ("dar",)
+ assert "dar" in str(r)
def test_arch_iuse(self, check):
# arch flags must _not_ be in IUSE
- r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg('x86'))
+ r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("x86"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownUseFlags)
- assert r.flags == ('x86',)
- assert 'x86' in str(r)
+ assert r.flags == ("x86",)
+ assert "x86" in str(r)
def test_invalid_iuse(self, check):
- for flag in ('+', '-', '@', '_'):
- r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(f'foo {flag}'))
+ for flag in ("+", "-", "@", "_"):
+ r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(f"foo {flag}"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.InvalidUseFlags)
assert r.flags == (flag,)
assert flag in str(r)
@@ -331,12 +331,12 @@ class TestEapiCheck(misc.ReportTestCase, misc.Tmpdir):
def mk_check(self, deprecated=(), banned=()):
# TODO: switch to using a repo fixture when available
- os.makedirs(pjoin(self.dir, 'profiles'))
- os.makedirs(pjoin(self.dir, 'metadata'))
- with open(pjoin(self.dir, 'profiles', 'repo_name'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('fake\n')
- with open(pjoin(self.dir, 'metadata', 'layout.conf'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('masters =\n')
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(self.dir, "profiles"))
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(self.dir, "metadata"))
+ with open(pjoin(self.dir, "profiles", "repo_name"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("fake\n")
+ with open(pjoin(self.dir, "metadata", "layout.conf"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("masters =\n")
f.write(f"eapis-deprecated = {' '.join(deprecated)}\n")
f.write(f"eapis-banned = {' '.join(banned)}\n")
repo_config = repo_objs.RepoConfig(location=self.dir)
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ class TestEapiCheck(misc.ReportTestCase, misc.Tmpdir):
return self.check_kls(options, eclass_addon=addons.eclass.EclassAddon(options))
def mk_pkg(self, eapi):
- return misc.FakePkg('dev-util/diffball-2.7.1', data={'EAPI': eapi})
+ return misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-2.7.1", data={"EAPI": eapi})
def test_repo_with_no_settings(self):
check = self.mk_check()
@@ -353,29 +353,35 @@ class TestEapiCheck(misc.ReportTestCase, misc.Tmpdir):
self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi=eapi_str))
def test_latest_eapi(self):
- check = self.mk_check(deprecated=('0', '2', '4', '5'), banned=('1', '3',))
+ check = self.mk_check(
+ deprecated=("0", "2", "4", "5"),
+ banned=(
+ "1",
+ "3",
+ ),
+ )
latest_eapi = list(eapi.EAPI.known_eapis)[-1]
self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi=latest_eapi))
def test_deprecated_eapi(self):
- deprecated = ('0', '2', '4', '5')
- banned = ('1', '3')
+ deprecated = ("0", "2", "4", "5")
+ banned = ("1", "3")
check = self.mk_check(deprecated=deprecated, banned=banned)
for eapi_str in deprecated:
r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi=eapi_str))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.DeprecatedEapi)
assert r.eapi == eapi_str
- assert f'uses deprecated EAPI {eapi_str}' in str(r)
+ assert f"uses deprecated EAPI {eapi_str}" in str(r)
def test_banned_eapi(self):
- deprecated = ('0', '2', '4', '5')
- banned = ('1', '3')
+ deprecated = ("0", "2", "4", "5")
+ banned = ("1", "3")
check = self.mk_check(deprecated=deprecated, banned=banned)
for eapi_str in banned:
r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi=eapi_str))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.BannedEapi)
assert r.eapi == eapi_str
- assert f'uses banned EAPI {eapi_str}' in str(r)
+ assert f"uses banned EAPI {eapi_str}" in str(r)
class TestSourcingCheck(misc.ReportTestCase, misc.Tmpdir):
@@ -387,19 +393,19 @@ class TestSourcingCheck(misc.ReportTestCase, misc.Tmpdir):
# TODO: switch to using a repo fixture when available
repo_dir = pjoin(self.dir, str(self._repo_id))
self._repo_id += 1
- os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles'))
- os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata'))
- with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles', 'repo_name'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('fake\n')
- with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata', 'layout.conf'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('masters =\n')
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles"))
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata"))
+ with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles", "repo_name"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("fake\n")
+ with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata", "layout.conf"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("masters =\n")
repo_config = repo_objs.RepoConfig(location=repo_dir)
self.repo = repository.UnconfiguredTree(repo_config.location, repo_config=repo_config)
options = arghparse.Namespace(target_repo=self.repo, verbosity=False)
return self.check_kls(options)
def mk_pkg(self, eapi):
- return misc.FakePkg('dev-util/diffball-2.7.1', data={'EAPI': eapi})
+ return misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-2.7.1", data={"EAPI": eapi})
def test_repo_with_no_settings(self):
check = self.mk_check()
@@ -407,51 +413,43 @@ class TestSourcingCheck(misc.ReportTestCase, misc.Tmpdir):
self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi=eapi_str))
def test_unknown_eapis(self):
- for eapi in ('blah', '9999'):
+ for eapi in ("blah", "9999"):
check = self.mk_check()
- pkg_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, 'dev-util', 'foo')
+ pkg_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, "dev-util", "foo")
- with open(pjoin(pkg_path, 'foo-0.ebuild'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent(f"""\
- EAPI={eapi}
- """))
+ with open(pjoin(pkg_path, "foo-0.ebuild"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(f"EAPI={eapi}\n")
r = self.assertReport(check, self.repo)
assert isinstance(r, metadata.InvalidEapi)
assert f"EAPI '{eapi}' is not supported" in str(r)
def test_invalid_eapis(self):
- for eapi in ('invalid!', '${EAPI}'):
+ for eapi in ("invalid!", "${EAPI}"):
check = self.mk_check()
- pkg_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, 'dev-util', 'foo')
+ pkg_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, "dev-util", "foo")
- with open(pjoin(pkg_path, 'foo-0.ebuild'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent(f"""\
- EAPI="{eapi}"
- """))
+ with open(pjoin(pkg_path, "foo-0.ebuild"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(f"EAPI={eapi}\n")
r = self.assertReport(check, self.repo)
assert isinstance(r, metadata.InvalidEapi)
assert f"invalid EAPI '{eapi}'" in str(r)
def test_sourcing_error(self):
check = self.mk_check()
- pkg_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, 'dev-util', 'foo')
+ pkg_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, "dev-util", "foo")
- with open(pjoin(pkg_path, 'foo-0.ebuild'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\
- foo
- """))
+ with open(pjoin(pkg_path, "foo-0.ebuild"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("foo\n")
r = self.assertReport(check, self.repo)
assert isinstance(r, metadata.SourcingError)
def test_invalid_slots(self):
- for slot in ('?', '0/1'):
+ for slot in ("?", "0/1"):
check = self.mk_check()
- pkg_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, 'dev-util', 'foo')
+ pkg_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, "dev-util", "foo")
- with open(pjoin(pkg_path, 'foo-0.ebuild'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent(f"""\
- SLOT="{slot}"
- """))
+ with open(pjoin(pkg_path, "foo-0.ebuild"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(f"""SLOT="{slot}"\n""")
r = self.assertReport(check, self.repo)
assert isinstance(r, metadata.InvalidSlot)
assert f"invalid SLOT: '{slot}'" in str(r)
@@ -467,19 +465,26 @@ class TestRequiredUseCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase):
def mk_check(self, masks=(), verbosity=1, profiles=None):
if profiles is None:
- profiles = {'x86': [misc.FakeProfile(name='default/linux/x86', masks=masks)]}
+ profiles = {"x86": [misc.FakeProfile(name="default/linux/x86", masks=masks)]}
options = self.get_options(verbosity=verbosity)
use_addon = addons.UseAddon(options)
check = self.check_kls(options, use_addon=use_addon, profile_addon=profiles)
return check
- def mk_pkg(self, cpvstr="dev-util/diffball-0.7.1", eapi="4", iuse="",
- required_use="", keywords="~amd64 x86"):
+ def mk_pkg(
+ self,
+ cpvstr="dev-util/diffball-0.7.1",
+ eapi="4",
+ iuse="",
+ required_use="",
+ keywords="~amd64 x86",
+ ):
return FakePkg(
- data={"REQUIRED_USE": required_use, "KEYWORDS": keywords})
+ data={"REQUIRED_USE": required_use, "KEYWORDS": keywords},
+ )
def test_unsupported_eapis(self, check):
for eapi_str, eapi_obj in eapi.EAPI.known_eapis.items():
@@ -489,9 +494,10 @@ class TestRequiredUseCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_multireport_verbosity(self):
profiles = {
- 'x86': [
- misc.FakeProfile(name='default/linux/x86', masks=()),
- misc.FakeProfile(name='default/linux/x86/foo', masks=())]
+ "x86": [
+ misc.FakeProfile(name="default/linux/x86", masks=()),
+ misc.FakeProfile(name="default/linux/x86/foo", masks=()),
+ ]
# non-verbose mode should only one failure per node
check = self.mk_check(verbosity=0, profiles=profiles)
@@ -516,7 +522,9 @@ class TestRequiredUseCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase):
# only supported in >= EAPI 5
self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="foo bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )"))
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="foo bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )"))
+ self.assertNoReport(
+ check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="foo bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )")
+ )
def test_unstated_iuse(self, check):
r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(required_use="foo? ( blah )"))
@@ -534,25 +542,34 @@ class TestRequiredUseCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase):
# pkgs masked by the related profile aren't checked
- self.mk_check(masks=('>=dev-util/diffball-8.0',)),
- self.mk_pkg(cpvstr="dev-util/diffball-8.0", iuse="foo bar", required_use="bar"))
+ self.mk_check(masks=(">=dev-util/diffball-8.0",)),
+ self.mk_pkg(cpvstr="dev-util/diffball-8.0", iuse="foo bar", required_use="bar"),
+ )
# unsatisfied REQUIRED_USE
r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="foo bar", required_use="bar"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.RequiredUseDefaults)
- assert r.keyword == 'x86'
- assert r.profile == 'default/linux/x86'
+ assert r.keyword == "x86"
+ assert r.profile == "default/linux/x86"
assert r.use == ()
- assert str(r.required_use) == 'bar'
+ assert str(r.required_use) == "bar"
# at-most-one-of
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="foo bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )"))
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="+foo bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )"))
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="foo +bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )"))
- r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="+foo +bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )"))
+ self.assertNoReport(
+ check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="foo bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )")
+ )
+ self.assertNoReport(
+ check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="+foo bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )")
+ )
+ self.assertNoReport(
+ check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="foo +bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )")
+ )
+ r = self.assertReport(
+ check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="+foo +bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )")
+ )
assert isinstance(r, metadata.RequiredUseDefaults)
- assert r.use == ('bar', 'foo')
- assert str(r.required_use) == 'at-most-one-of ( foo bar )'
+ assert r.use == ("bar", "foo")
+ assert str(r.required_use) == "at-most-one-of ( foo bar )"
# exactly-one-of
self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo bar", required_use="^^ ( foo bar )"))
@@ -560,35 +577,48 @@ class TestRequiredUseCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase):
self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="foo bar", required_use="^^ ( foo bar )"))
r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo +bar", required_use="^^ ( foo bar )"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.RequiredUseDefaults)
- assert r.use == ('bar', 'foo')
- assert str(r.required_use) == 'exactly-one-of ( foo bar )'
+ assert r.use == ("bar", "foo")
+ assert str(r.required_use) == "exactly-one-of ( foo bar )"
# all-of
self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="foo bar baz", required_use="foo? ( bar baz )"))
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo +bar +baz", required_use="foo? ( bar baz )"))
+ self.assertNoReport(
+ check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo +bar +baz", required_use="foo? ( bar baz )")
+ )
self.assertReports(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo bar baz", required_use="foo? ( bar baz )"))
self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo +bar baz", required_use="foo? ( bar baz )"))
- r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo bar +baz", required_use="foo? ( bar baz )"))
+ r = self.assertReport(
+ check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo bar +baz", required_use="foo? ( bar baz )")
+ )
assert isinstance(r, metadata.RequiredUseDefaults)
- assert r.use == ('baz', 'foo')
+ assert r.use == ("baz", "foo")
# TODO: fix this output to show both required USE flags
- assert str(r.required_use) == 'bar'
+ assert str(r.required_use) == "bar"
# any-of
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="foo bar baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )"))
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo +bar baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )"))
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo bar +baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )"))
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo +bar +baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )"))
- r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo bar baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )"))
+ self.assertNoReport(
+ check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="foo bar baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )")
+ )
+ self.assertNoReport(
+ check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo +bar baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )")
+ )
+ self.assertNoReport(
+ check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo bar +baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )")
+ )
+ self.assertNoReport(
+ check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo +bar +baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )")
+ )
+ r = self.assertReport(
+ check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo bar baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )")
+ )
assert isinstance(r, metadata.RequiredUseDefaults)
- assert r.use == ('foo',)
- assert str(r.required_use) == '( bar || baz )'
+ assert r.use == ("foo",)
+ assert str(r.required_use) == "( bar || baz )"
def use_based():
# hidden to keep the test runner from finding it
class UseBased(IUSE_Options):
def test_required_addons(self):
assert addons.UseAddon in self.check_kls.required_addons
@@ -604,30 +634,32 @@ def use_based():
class _TestRestrictPropertiesCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase):
- def mk_pkg(self, restrict='', properties='', iuse=''):
+ def mk_pkg(self, restrict="", properties="", iuse=""):
return misc.FakePkg(
- 'dev-util/diffball-2.7.1',
- data={'IUSE': iuse, 'RESTRICT': restrict, 'PROPERTIES': properties})
+ "dev-util/diffball-2.7.1",
+ data={"IUSE": iuse, "RESTRICT": restrict, "PROPERTIES": properties},
+ )
def test_no_allowed(self):
# repo or its masters don't define any allowed values so anything goes
check = self.mk_check()
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'foo'}))
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'foo? ( bar )', 'iuse': 'foo'}))
+ self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "foo"}))
+ self.assertNoReport(
+ check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "foo? ( bar )", "iuse": "foo"})
+ )
def test_allowed(self):
- check = self.mk_check(options={self.check_kls._attr: ('foo',)})
+ check = self.mk_check(options={self.check_kls._attr: ("foo",)})
# allowed
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'foo'}))
+ self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "foo"}))
# unknown
- r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'bar'}))
+ r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "bar"}))
assert isinstance(r, self.check_kls._unknown_result_cls)
assert f'unknown {self.check_kls._attr.upper()}="bar"' in str(r)
# unknown multiple, conditional
- pkg = self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'baz? ( foo bar boo )', 'iuse': 'baz'})
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "baz? ( foo bar boo )", "iuse": "baz"})
r = self.assertReport(check, pkg)
assert isinstance(r, self.check_kls._unknown_result_cls)
assert f'unknown {self.check_kls._attr.upper()}="bar boo"' in str(r)
@@ -635,17 +667,21 @@ class _TestRestrictPropertiesCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_unstated_iuse(self):
check = self.mk_check()
# no IUSE
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'foo'}))
+ self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "foo"}))
# conditional with IUSE defined
- self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'foo? ( bar )', 'iuse': 'foo'}))
+ self.assertNoReport(
+ check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "foo? ( bar )", "iuse": "foo"})
+ )
# conditional missing IUSE
- r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'foo? ( bar )'}))
+ r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "foo? ( bar )"}))
assert isinstance(r, addons.UnstatedIuse)
- assert 'unstated flag: [ foo ]' in str(r)
+ assert "unstated flag: [ foo ]" in str(r)
# multiple missing IUSE
- r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'foo? ( bar ) boo? ( blah )'}))
+ r = self.assertReport(
+ check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "foo? ( bar ) boo? ( blah )"})
+ )
assert isinstance(r, addons.UnstatedIuse)
- assert 'unstated flags: [ boo, foo ]' in str(r)
+ assert "unstated flags: [ boo, foo ]" in str(r)
class TestRestrictCheck(_TestRestrictPropertiesCheck):
@@ -670,30 +706,33 @@ class TestRestrictTestCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
check_kls = metadata.RestrictTestCheck
check = metadata.RestrictTestCheck(None)
- def mk_pkg(self, iuse='', restrict=''):
- return misc.FakePkg(
- 'dev-util/diffball-2.7.1', data={'IUSE': iuse, 'RESTRICT': restrict})
+ def mk_pkg(self, iuse="", restrict=""):
+ return misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-2.7.1", data={"IUSE": iuse, "RESTRICT": restrict})
def test_empty_restrict(self):
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg())
def test_specified_restrict(self):
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(
- iuse='test', restrict='!test? ( test )'))
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="test", restrict="!test? ( test )"))
# unconditional restriction is fine too
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(iuse='test', restrict='test'))
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(restrict='test'))
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="test", restrict="test"))
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(restrict="test"))
# more RESTRICTs
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(iuse='foo test',
- restrict='foo? ( strip ) !test? ( test ) bindist'))
+ self.assertNoReport(
+ self.check,
+ self.mk_pkg(iuse="foo test", restrict="foo? ( strip ) !test? ( test ) bindist"),
+ )
def test_missing_restrict(self):
data = (
- ('test', ''), # missing entirely
- ('foo test', '!foo? ( test )'), # 'test' present in other condition
- ('foo test', '!foo? ( !test? ( test ) )'), # correct restriction inside another condition
- ('test', 'test? ( test )'), # USE condition gotten the other way around
+ ("test", ""), # missing entirely
+ ("foo test", "!foo? ( test )"), # 'test' present in other condition
+ (
+ "foo test",
+ "!foo? ( !test? ( test ) )",
+ ), # correct restriction inside another condition
+ ("test", "test? ( test )"), # USE condition gotten the other way around
for iuse, restrict in data:
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(iuse=iuse, restrict=restrict))
@@ -706,67 +745,65 @@ class TestLicenseCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase):
check_kls = metadata.LicenseCheck
def mk_check(self, licenses=(), **kwargs):
- self.repo = FakeRepo(repo_id='test', licenses=licenses)
+ self.repo = FakeRepo(repo_id="test", licenses=licenses)
options = self.get_options(**kwargs)
use_addon = addons.UseAddon(options)
check = self.check_kls(options, use_addon=use_addon)
return check
- def mk_pkg(self, license='', iuse=''):
+ def mk_pkg(self, license="", iuse=""):
return FakePkg(
- 'dev-util/diffball-2.7.1',
- data={'LICENSE': license, 'IUSE': iuse},
- repo=self.repo)
+ "dev-util/diffball-2.7.1", data={"LICENSE": license, "IUSE": iuse}, repo=self.repo
+ )
def test_malformed(self):
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg("|| ("))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.InvalidLicense)
- assert r.attr == 'license'
+ assert r.attr == "license"
def test_empty(self):
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg())
assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingLicense)
def test_unstated_iuse(self):
- chk = self.mk_check(licenses=('BSD',))
+ chk = self.mk_check(licenses=("BSD",))
# no IUSE
- self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('BSD'))
+ self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("BSD"))
# conditional URI with related IUSE
- pkg = self.mk_pkg(license='foo? ( BSD )', iuse='foo')
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg(license="foo? ( BSD )", iuse="foo")
self.assertNoReport(chk, pkg)
# conditional URI with missing IUSE
- pkg = self.mk_pkg(license='foo? ( BSD )')
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg(license="foo? ( BSD )")
r = self.assertReport(chk, pkg)
assert isinstance(r, addons.UnstatedIuse)
- assert 'unstated flag: [ foo ]' in str(r)
+ assert "unstated flag: [ foo ]" in str(r)
def test_single_missing(self):
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg("foo"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownLicense)
- assert r.licenses == ('foo',)
+ assert r.licenses == ("foo",)
def test_multiple_existing(self):
- chk = self.mk_check(['foo', 'foo2'])
- self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('foo'))
- self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('foo', 'foo2'))
+ chk = self.mk_check(["foo", "foo2"])
+ self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("foo"))
+ self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("foo", "foo2"))
def test_multiple_missing(self):
- chk = self.mk_check(['foo', 'foo2'])
- r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('|| ( foo foo3 foo4 )'))
+ chk = self.mk_check(["foo", "foo2"])
+ r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("|| ( foo foo3 foo4 )"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownLicense)
- assert r.licenses == ('foo3', 'foo4')
+ assert r.licenses == ("foo3", "foo4")
def test_unlicensed_categories(self):
- check = self.mk_check(['foo'])
+ check = self.mk_check(["foo"])
for category in self.check_kls.unlicensed_categories:
- for license in ('foo', ''):
+ for license in ("foo", ""):
pkg = FakePkg(
- f'{category}/diffball-2.7.1',
- data={'LICENSE': license},
- repo=self.repo)
+ f"{category}/diffball-2.7.1", data={"LICENSE": license}, repo=self.repo
+ )
if license:
r = self.assertReport(check, pkg)
assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnnecessaryLicense)
@@ -782,87 +819,94 @@ class TestMissingSlotDepCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase):
def mk_check(self, pkgs=None, **kwargs):
if pkgs is None:
pkgs = (
- FakePkg('dev-libs/foo-0', slot='0'),
- FakePkg('dev-libs/foo-1', slot='1'),
- FakePkg('dev-libs/bar-2', slot='2'),
+ FakePkg("dev-libs/foo-0", slot="0"),
+ FakePkg("dev-libs/foo-1", slot="1"),
+ FakePkg("dev-libs/bar-2", slot="2"),
- self.repo = FakeRepo(pkgs=pkgs, repo_id='test')
+ self.repo = FakeRepo(pkgs=pkgs, repo_id="test")
options = self.get_options(**kwargs)
use_addon = addons.UseAddon(options)
check = self.check_kls(options, use_addon=use_addon)
return check
- def mk_pkg(self, eapi='5', rdepend='', depend=''):
+ def mk_pkg(self, eapi="5", rdepend="", depend=""):
return FakePkg(
- 'dev-util/diffball-2.7.1', eapi=eapi,
- data={'RDEPEND': rdepend, 'DEPEND': depend},
- repo=self.repo)
+ "dev-util/diffball-2.7.1",
+ eapi=eapi,
+ data={"RDEPEND": rdepend, "DEPEND": depend},
+ repo=self.repo,
+ )
def test_flagged_deps(self):
- for dep_str in ('dev-libs/foo', 'dev-libs/foo[bar]'):
+ for dep_str in ("dev-libs/foo", "dev-libs/foo[bar]"):
for eapi_str, eapi_obj in eapi.EAPI.known_eapis.items():
if eapi_obj.options.sub_slotting:
r = self.assertReport(
- self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(
- eapi=eapi_str, rdepend=dep_str, depend=dep_str))
+ self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(eapi=eapi_str, rdepend=dep_str, depend=dep_str)
+ )
assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingSlotDep)
- assert 'matches more than one slot: [ 0, 1 ]' in str(r)
+ assert "matches more than one slot: [ 0, 1 ]" in str(r)
def test_skipped_deps(self):
for dep_str in (
- '!dev-libs/foo', '!!dev-libs/foo', # blockers
- '~dev-libs/foo-0', '~dev-libs/foo-1', # version limited to single slots
- 'dev-libs/foo:0', 'dev-libs/foo:1', # slotted
- 'dev-libs/foo:*', 'dev-libs/foo:=', # slot operators
- ):
+ "!dev-libs/foo",
+ "!!dev-libs/foo", # blockers
+ "~dev-libs/foo-0",
+ "~dev-libs/foo-1", # version limited to single slots
+ "dev-libs/foo:0",
+ "dev-libs/foo:1", # slotted
+ "dev-libs/foo:*",
+ "dev-libs/foo:=", # slot operators
+ ):
for eapi_str, eapi_obj in eapi.EAPI.known_eapis.items():
if eapi_obj.options.sub_slotting:
- self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(
- eapi=eapi_str, rdepend=dep_str, depend=dep_str))
+ self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(eapi=eapi_str, rdepend=dep_str, depend=dep_str)
+ )
def test_no_deps(self):
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg())
def test_single_slot_dep(self):
- self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(rdepend='dev-libs/bar', depend='dev-libs/bar'))
+ self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(rdepend="dev-libs/bar", depend="dev-libs/bar")
+ )
class TestDependencyCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase):
check_kls = metadata.DependencyCheck
- def mk_pkg(self, attr, depset='', eapi='0', iuse=''):
- eapi_attr_map = {'BDEPEND': '7', 'IDEPEND': '8'}
+ def mk_pkg(self, attr, depset="", eapi="0", iuse=""):
+ eapi_attr_map = {"BDEPEND": "7", "IDEPEND": "8"}
eapi = eapi_attr_map.get(attr, eapi)
return misc.FakePkg(
- 'dev-util/diffball-2.7.1',
- data={'EAPI': eapi, 'IUSE': iuse, attr: depset})
+ "dev-util/diffball-2.7.1", data={"EAPI": eapi, "IUSE": iuse, attr: depset}
+ )
def mk_check(self, pkgs=None, **kwargs):
if pkgs is None:
pkgs = (
- FakePkg('dev-libs/foo-0', slot='0', iuse=('bar',)),
- FakePkg('dev-libs/foo-1', slot='1', iuse=('bar', 'baz')),
- FakePkg('dev-libs/bar-2', slot='2'),
+ FakePkg("dev-libs/foo-0", slot="0", iuse=("bar",)),
+ FakePkg("dev-libs/foo-1", slot="1", iuse=("bar", "baz")),
+ FakePkg("dev-libs/bar-2", slot="2"),
- kwargs['search_repo'] = FakeRepo(pkgs=pkgs, repo_id='test')
+ kwargs["search_repo"] = FakeRepo(pkgs=pkgs, repo_id="test")
return super().mk_check(options=kwargs)
# pull the set of dependency attrs from the most recent EAPI
dep_attrs = sorted(list(eapi.EAPI.known_eapis.values())[-1].dep_keys)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('attr', dep_attrs)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("attr", dep_attrs)
def test_depset(self, attr):
chk = self.mk_check()
mk_pkg = partial(self.mk_pkg, attr)
# various regular depsets
self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg())
- self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg('dev-util/foo'))
+ self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg("dev-util/foo"))
self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg("|| ( dev-util/foo ) dev-foo/bugger "))
- if attr == 'RDEPEND':
+ if attr == "RDEPEND":
self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg("!dev-util/blah"))
r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg("!dev-util/blah"))
@@ -870,7 +914,7 @@ class TestDependencyCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase):
# invalid depset syntax
r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg("|| ("))
- assert isinstance(r, getattr(metadata, f'Invalid{attr.lower().capitalize()}'))
+ assert isinstance(r, getattr(metadata, f"Invalid{attr.lower().capitalize()}"))
# pkg blocking itself
r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg("!dev-util/diffball"))
@@ -879,105 +923,113 @@ class TestDependencyCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase):
assert f'{attr.upper()}="!dev-util/diffball"' in str(r)
# check for := in || () blocks
- pkg = mk_pkg(eapi='5', depset="|| ( dev-libs/foo:= dev-libs/bar )")
+ pkg = mk_pkg(eapi="5", depset="|| ( dev-libs/foo:= dev-libs/bar )")
r = self.assertReport(chk, pkg)
assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadDependency)
assert "= slot operator used inside || block" in str(r)
assert f'{attr.upper()}="dev-libs/foo:="' in str(r)
# multiple := atoms in || () blocks
- pkg = mk_pkg(eapi='5', depset="|| ( dev-libs/foo:= dev-libs/bar:= )")
+ pkg = mk_pkg(eapi="5", depset="|| ( dev-libs/foo:= dev-libs/bar:= )")
reports = self.assertReports(chk, pkg)
for r in reports:
assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadDependency)
assert "= slot operator used inside || block" in str(r)
# check for := in blockers
- r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='5', depset="!dev-libs/foo:="))
+ r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="5", depset="!dev-libs/foo:="))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadDependency)
assert "= slot operator used in blocker" in str(r)
assert f'{attr.upper()}="!dev-libs/foo:="' in str(r)
# check for missing package revisions
self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg("=dev-libs/foo-1-r0"))
- r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='6', depset="=dev-libs/foo-1"))
+ r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="6", depset="=dev-libs/foo-1"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingPackageRevision)
assert f'{attr.upper()}="=dev-libs/foo-1"' in str(r)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('attr', dep_attrs)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("attr", dep_attrs)
def test_depset_unstated_iuse(self, attr):
chk = self.mk_check()
mk_pkg = partial(self.mk_pkg, attr)
# unstated IUSE
- r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(depset='foo? ( dev-libs/foo )'))
+ r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(depset="foo? ( dev-libs/foo )"))
assert isinstance(r, addons.UnstatedIuse)
- assert 'unstated flag: [ foo ]' in str(r)
+ assert "unstated flag: [ foo ]" in str(r)
# known IUSE
- self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg(depset='foo? ( dev-libs/foo )', iuse='foo'))
+ self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg(depset="foo? ( dev-libs/foo )", iuse="foo"))
# multiple unstated IUSE
- r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(depset='foo? ( !bar? ( dev-libs/foo ) )'))
+ r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(depset="foo? ( !bar? ( dev-libs/foo ) )"))
assert isinstance(r, addons.UnstatedIuse)
- assert 'unstated flags: [ bar, foo ]' in str(r)
+ assert "unstated flags: [ bar, foo ]" in str(r)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('attr', dep_attrs)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("attr", dep_attrs)
def test_depset_missing_usedep_default(self, attr):
chk = self.mk_check()
mk_pkg = partial(self.mk_pkg, attr)
# USE flag exists on all matching pkgs
- self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='4', depset='dev-libs/foo[bar?]'))
+ self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="4", depset="dev-libs/foo[bar?]"))
use_deps = (
- 'foo(-)?', '!foo(-)?', 'foo(+)?', '!foo(+)?', 'foo(-)=', '!foo(-)=',
- 'foo(+)=', '!foo(+)=', '-foo(-)', '-foo(+)',
+ "foo(-)?",
+ "!foo(-)?",
+ "foo(+)?",
+ "!foo(+)?",
+ "foo(-)=",
+ "!foo(-)=",
+ "foo(+)=",
+ "!foo(+)=",
+ "-foo(-)",
+ "-foo(+)",
for use_dep in use_deps:
# USE flag doesn't exist but has proper default
- self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='4', depset=f'dev-libs/bar[{use_dep}]'))
- if attr == 'RDEPEND':
- self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='4', depset=f'!dev-libs/bar[{use_dep}]'))
+ self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="4", depset=f"dev-libs/bar[{use_dep}]"))
+ if attr == "RDEPEND":
+ self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="4", depset=f"!dev-libs/bar[{use_dep}]"))
- r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='4', depset=f'!dev-libs/bar[{use_dep}]'))
+ r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="4", depset=f"!dev-libs/bar[{use_dep}]"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.MisplacedWeakBlocker)
# result triggers when all matching pkgs don't have requested USE flag
for dep in (
- 'dev-libs/bar[foo?]',
- 'dev-libs/bar[!foo?]',
- 'dev-libs/bar[foo=]',
- 'dev-libs/bar[!foo=]',
- 'dev-libs/bar[-foo]',
- '|| ( dev-libs/foo[bar] dev-libs/bar[foo] )',
- '|| ( dev-libs/foo[bar] dev-libs/bar[-foo] )',
- ):
- r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='4', depset=dep))
+ "dev-libs/bar[foo?]",
+ "dev-libs/bar[!foo?]",
+ "dev-libs/bar[foo=]",
+ "dev-libs/bar[!foo=]",
+ "dev-libs/bar[-foo]",
+ "|| ( dev-libs/foo[bar] dev-libs/bar[foo] )",
+ "|| ( dev-libs/foo[bar] dev-libs/bar[-foo] )",
+ ):
+ r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="4", depset=dep))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUseDepDefault)
- assert r.pkgs == ('dev-libs/bar-2',)
- assert r.flag == 'foo'
+ assert r.pkgs == ("dev-libs/bar-2",)
+ assert r.flag == "foo"
assert "USE flag 'foo' missing" in str(r)
- if attr == 'RDEPEND':
- r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='4', depset='!dev-libs/bar[foo?]'))
+ if attr == "RDEPEND":
+ r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="4", depset="!dev-libs/bar[foo?]"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUseDepDefault)
- assert r.pkgs == ('dev-libs/bar-2',)
- assert r.flag == 'foo'
+ assert r.pkgs == ("dev-libs/bar-2",)
+ assert r.flag == "foo"
assert "USE flag 'foo' missing" in str(r)
# USE flag missing on one of multiple matches
- r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='4', depset='dev-libs/foo[baz?]'))
+ r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="4", depset="dev-libs/foo[baz?]"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUseDepDefault)
- assert r.atom == 'dev-libs/foo[baz?]'
- assert r.pkgs == ('dev-libs/foo-0',)
- assert r.flag == 'baz'
+ assert r.atom == "dev-libs/foo[baz?]"
+ assert r.pkgs == ("dev-libs/foo-0",)
+ assert r.flag == "baz"
assert "USE flag 'baz' missing" in str(r)
# USE flag missing on all matches
- r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='4', depset='dev-libs/foo[blah?]'))
+ r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="4", depset="dev-libs/foo[blah?]"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUseDepDefault)
- assert r.atom == 'dev-libs/foo[blah?]'
- assert r.pkgs == ('dev-libs/foo-0', 'dev-libs/foo-1')
- assert r.flag == 'blah'
+ assert r.atom == "dev-libs/foo[blah?]"
+ assert r.pkgs == ("dev-libs/foo-0", "dev-libs/foo-1")
+ assert r.flag == "blah"
assert "USE flag 'blah' missing" in str(r)
@@ -993,16 +1045,16 @@ class TestOutdatedBlockersCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
# initialize parent repo
self.parent_git_repo = make_git_repo()
self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path)
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('initial commit')
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("initial commit")
# create a stub pkg and commit it
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
# initialize child repo
self.child_git_repo = make_git_repo()
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', self.parent_git_repo.path])
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", self.parent_git_repo.path])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
self.child_repo = make_repo(self.child_git_repo.path)
def init_check(self, options=None, future=0):
@@ -1015,36 +1067,39 @@ class TestOutdatedBlockersCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
def _options(self, **kwargs):
args = [
- 'scan', '-q', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir,
- '--repo', self.child_repo.location,
+ "scan",
+ "-q",
+ "--cache-dir",
+ self.cache_dir,
+ "--repo",
+ self.child_repo.location,
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(args)
return options
def test_existent_blockers(self):
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', depend='!~cat/pkg-0')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1')
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', depend='!!~cat/pkg-0')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 2')
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-3', depend='!!=cat/pkg-0*')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 3')
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", depend="!~cat/pkg-0")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1")
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", depend="!!~cat/pkg-0")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 2")
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-3", depend="!!=cat/pkg-0*")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 3")
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
def test_nonexistent_blockers(self):
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', depend='!nonexistent/pkg')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1')
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", depend="!nonexistent/pkg")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1")
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
- expected = metadata.NonexistentBlocker(
- 'DEPEND', '!nonexistent/pkg', pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-1'))
+ expected = metadata.NonexistentBlocker("DEPEND", "!nonexistent/pkg", pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-1"))
assert r == expected
def test_outdated_blockers(self):
- self.parent_git_repo.remove_all('cat/pkg')
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', depend='!!=cat/pkg-0*')
- self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1')
+ self.parent_git_repo.remove_all("cat/pkg")
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", depend="!!=cat/pkg-0*")
+ self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1")
# packages are not old enough to trigger any results
for days in (0, 100, 365, 729):
@@ -1056,7 +1111,8 @@ class TestOutdatedBlockersCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
expected = metadata.OutdatedBlocker(
- 'DEPEND', '!!=cat/pkg-0*', years, pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-1'))
+ "DEPEND", "!!=cat/pkg-0*", years, pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-1")
+ )
assert r == expected
@@ -1064,16 +1120,17 @@ class TestSrcUriCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase):
check_kls = metadata.SrcUriCheck
- def mk_pkg(self, src_uri='', restrict='', default_chksums={"size": 100},
- iuse='', disable_chksums=False):
+ def mk_pkg(
+ self, src_uri="", restrict="", default_chksums={"size": 100}, iuse="", disable_chksums=False
+ ):
class fake_repo:
def __init__(self, default_chksums):
if disable_chksums:
self.chksums = {}
self.chksums = {}.fromkeys(
- {os.path.basename(x) for x in src_uri.split()},
- default_chksums)
+ {os.path.basename(x) for x in src_uri.split()}, default_chksums
+ )
def _get_digests(self, pkg, allow_missing=False):
return False, self.chksums
@@ -1082,47 +1139,52 @@ class TestSrcUriCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase):
_parent_repo = fake_repo(default_chksums)
return misc.FakePkg(
- 'dev-util/diffball-2.7.1',
- data={'SRC_URI': src_uri, 'IUSE': iuse, 'RESTRICT': restrict},
- parent=fake_parent())
+ "dev-util/diffball-2.7.1",
+ data={"SRC_URI": src_uri, "IUSE": iuse, "RESTRICT": restrict},
+ parent=fake_parent(),
+ )
def test_malformed(self):
- r = self.assertReport(
- self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg("foon", disable_chksums=True))
+ r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg("foon", disable_chksums=True))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.InvalidSrcUri)
- assert r.attr == 'fetchables'
+ assert r.attr == "fetchables"
def test_regular_src_uri(self):
chk = self.mk_check()
# single file
- self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg(src_uri='https://foon.com/foon-2.7.1.tar.gz'))
+ self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg(src_uri="https://foon.com/foon-2.7.1.tar.gz"))
# single file, multiple uris
- self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg(
- src_uri='https://foo.com/a-0.tar.gz https://bar.com/a-0.tar.gz'))
+ self.assertNoReport(
+ chk, self.mk_pkg(src_uri="https://foo.com/a-0.tar.gz https://bar.com/a-0.tar.gz")
+ )
# multiple files, multiple uris
- self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg(
- src_uri="""
+ self.assertNoReport(
+ chk,
+ self.mk_pkg(
+ src_uri="""
https://foo.com/a-0.tar.gz https://bar.com/a-0.tar.gz
https://blah.org/b-1.zip https://boo.net/boo-10.tar.xz
- """))
+ """
+ ),
+ )
def test_unknown_mirror(self):
chk = self.mk_check()
# single mirror
- r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('mirror://foo/a-0.gz https://foo.com/a-0.gz'))
+ r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("mirror://foo/a-0.gz https://foo.com/a-0.gz"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownMirror)
- assert r.mirror == 'foo'
- assert r.uri == 'mirror://foo/a-0.gz'
+ assert r.mirror == "foo"
+ assert r.uri == "mirror://foo/a-0.gz"
assert "unknown mirror 'foo'" in str(r)
# multiple mirrors
- pkg = self.mk_pkg('mirror://foo/a-0.gz mirror://bar/a-0.gz https://foo.com/a-0.gz')
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg("mirror://foo/a-0.gz mirror://bar/a-0.gz https://foo.com/a-0.gz")
reports = self.assertReports(chk, pkg)
- for mirror, r in zip(('bar', 'foo'), sorted(reports, key=attrgetter('mirror'))):
+ for mirror, r in zip(("bar", "foo"), sorted(reports, key=attrgetter("mirror"))):
assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownMirror)
assert r.mirror == mirror
- assert r.uri == f'mirror://{mirror}/a-0.gz'
+ assert r.uri == f"mirror://{mirror}/a-0.gz"
assert f"unknown mirror '{mirror}'" in str(r)
def test_bad_filename(self):
@@ -1131,77 +1193,80 @@ class TestSrcUriCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase):
# PN filename
r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("https://foon.com/diffball.tar.gz"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadFilename)
- assert r.filenames == ('diffball.tar.gz',)
- assert 'bad filename: [ diffball.tar.gz ]' in str(r)
+ assert r.filenames == ("diffball.tar.gz",)
+ assert "bad filename: [ diffball.tar.gz ]" in str(r)
# PV filename
r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("https://foon.com/2.7.1.tar.gz"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadFilename)
- assert r.filenames == ('2.7.1.tar.gz',)
- assert 'bad filename: [ 2.7.1.tar.gz ]' in str(r)
+ assert r.filenames == ("2.7.1.tar.gz",)
+ assert "bad filename: [ 2.7.1.tar.gz ]" in str(r)
# github-style PV filename
r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("https://foon.com/v2.7.1.zip"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadFilename)
- assert r.filenames == ('v2.7.1.zip',)
- assert 'bad filename: [ v2.7.1.zip ]' in str(r)
+ assert r.filenames == ("v2.7.1.zip",)
+ assert "bad filename: [ v2.7.1.zip ]" in str(r)
# github-style commit snapshot filename
- r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("https://foon.com/cb230f01fb288a0b9f0fc437545b97d06c846bd3.tar.gz"))
+ r = self.assertReport(
+ chk, self.mk_pkg("https://foon.com/cb230f01fb288a0b9f0fc437545b97d06c846bd3.tar.gz")
+ )
assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadFilename)
# multiple bad filenames
- r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("https://foon.com/2.7.1.tar.gz https://foon.com/diffball.zip"))
+ r = self.assertReport(
+ chk, self.mk_pkg("https://foon.com/2.7.1.tar.gz https://foon.com/diffball.zip")
+ )
assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadFilename)
- assert r.filenames == ('2.7.1.tar.gz', 'diffball.zip')
- assert 'bad filenames: [ 2.7.1.tar.gz, diffball.zip ]' in str(r)
+ assert r.filenames == ("2.7.1.tar.gz", "diffball.zip")
+ assert "bad filenames: [ 2.7.1.tar.gz, diffball.zip ]" in str(r)
def test_missing_uri(self):
chk = self.mk_check()
# mangled protocol
- r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('http:/foo/foo-0.tar.gz'))
+ r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("http:/foo/foo-0.tar.gz"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUri)
- assert r.filenames == ('http:/foo/foo-0.tar.gz',)
+ assert r.filenames == ("http:/foo/foo-0.tar.gz",)
assert "unfetchable file: 'http:/foo/foo-0.tar.gz'" in str(r)
# no URI and RESTRICT doesn't contain 'fetch'
- r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('foon'))
+ r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("foon"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUri)
- assert r.filenames == ('foon',)
+ assert r.filenames == ("foon",)
assert "unfetchable file: 'foon'" in str(r)
# no URI and RESTRICT contains 'fetch'
- self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('foon', restrict='fetch'))
+ self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("foon", restrict="fetch"))
# conditional URI and conditional RESTRICT containing 'fetch'
- pkg = self.mk_pkg(src_uri='foo? ( bar )', iuse='foo', restrict='foo? ( fetch )')
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg(src_uri="foo? ( bar )", iuse="foo", restrict="foo? ( fetch )")
self.assertNoReport(chk, pkg)
# negated
- pkg = self.mk_pkg(src_uri='!foo? ( bar )', iuse='foo', restrict='!foo? ( fetch )')
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg(src_uri="!foo? ( bar )", iuse="foo", restrict="!foo? ( fetch )")
self.assertNoReport(chk, pkg)
# multi-level conditional
pkg = self.mk_pkg(
- iuse='foo bar',
- src_uri='foo? ( bar? ( blah ) )',
- restrict='foo? ( bar? ( fetch ) )')
+ iuse="foo bar", src_uri="foo? ( bar? ( blah ) )", restrict="foo? ( bar? ( fetch ) )"
+ )
self.assertNoReport(chk, pkg)
def test_unstated_iuse(self):
chk = self.mk_check()
# no IUSE
- self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('https://foo.com/foo-0.tar.gz'))
+ self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("https://foo.com/foo-0.tar.gz"))
# conditional URI with related IUSE
- pkg = self.mk_pkg(src_uri='foo? ( https://foo.com/foo-0.tar.gz )', iuse='foo')
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg(src_uri="foo? ( https://foo.com/foo-0.tar.gz )", iuse="foo")
self.assertNoReport(chk, pkg)
# conditional URI with missing IUSE
- pkg = self.mk_pkg(src_uri='foo? ( https://foo.com/foo-0.tar.gz )')
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg(src_uri="foo? ( https://foo.com/foo-0.tar.gz )")
r = self.assertReport(chk, pkg)
assert isinstance(r, addons.UnstatedIuse)
- assert 'unstated flag: [ foo ]' in str(r)
+ assert "unstated flag: [ foo ]" in str(r)
def test_bad_proto(self):
chk = self.mk_check()
@@ -1211,22 +1276,23 @@ class TestSrcUriCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase):
for proto in self.check_kls.valid_protos:
- chk, self.mk_pkg(f"{proto}://dar.com/foon"),
- msg=f"testing valid proto {proto}")
+ chk, self.mk_pkg(f"{proto}://dar.com/foon"), msg=f"testing valid proto {proto}"
+ )
- bad_proto = f'{proto}x'
+ bad_proto = f"{proto}x"
r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg(f"{bad_proto}://foon.com/foon"))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadProtocol)
assert bad_proto in str(r)
- assert f'{bad_proto}://foon.com/foon' in str(r)
+ assert f"{bad_proto}://foon.com/foon" in str(r)
# check collapsing
pkg = self.mk_pkg(f"{bad_proto}://foon.com/foon {bad_proto}://dar.com/foon")
r = self.assertReport(chk, pkg)
assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadProtocol)
assert list(r.uris) == sorted(
- f'{bad_proto}://{x}/foon' for x in ('foon.com', 'dar.com'))
+ f"{bad_proto}://{x}/foon" for x in ("foon.com", "dar.com")
+ )
assert bad_proto in str(r)
def test_tarball_available_github(self):
@@ -1235,7 +1301,7 @@ class TestSrcUriCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase):
r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg(uri))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.TarballAvailable)
assert r.uris == (uri,)
- assert '[ https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/v1.2.3.zip ]' in str(r)
+ assert "[ https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/v1.2.3.zip ]" in str(r)
def test_tarball_available_gitlab(self):
chk = self.mk_check()
@@ -1243,36 +1309,34 @@ class TestSrcUriCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase):
r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg(uri))
assert isinstance(r, metadata.TarballAvailable)
assert r.uris == (uri,)
- assert 'zip archive used when tarball available' in str(r)
+ assert "zip archive used when tarball available" in str(r)
class TestMissingUnpackerDepCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase):
check_kls = metadata.MissingUnpackerDepCheck
- def mk_pkg(self, exts, eapi='7', **data):
+ def mk_pkg(self, exts, eapi="7", **data):
if isinstance(exts, str):
exts = [exts]
class fake_repo:
def _get_digests(self, pkg, allow_missing=False):
- chksums = {f'diffball-2.7.1{ext}': {'size': 100} for ext in exts}
+ chksums = {f"diffball-2.7.1{ext}": {"size": 100} for ext in exts}
return False, chksums
- data['SRC_URI'] = ' '.join(
- f'https://foo.com/diffball-2.7.1{ext}' for ext in exts)
- return FakePkg(
- 'dev-util/diffball-2.7.1', data=data, eapi=eapi, repo=fake_repo())
+ data["SRC_URI"] = " ".join(f"https://foo.com/diffball-2.7.1{ext}" for ext in exts)
+ return FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-2.7.1", data=data, eapi=eapi, repo=fake_repo())
def test_with_system_dep(self):
- self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg('.tar.gz'))
+ self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(".tar.gz"))
def test_keyword_output(self):
# unpacker deps go in BDEPEND in EAPI >= 7
- r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg('.zip', eapi='7'))
+ r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(".zip", eapi="7"))
assert 'missing BDEPEND="app-arch/unzip"' in str(r)
# and in DEPEND for EAPI < 7
- r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg('.zip', eapi='6'))
+ r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(".zip", eapi="6"))
assert 'missing DEPEND="app-arch/unzip"' in str(r)
def test_without_dep(self):
@@ -1280,23 +1344,22 @@ class TestMissingUnpackerDepCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase):
pkg = self.mk_pkg(ext)
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), pkg)
assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUnpackerDep)
- assert r.filenames == (f'diffball-2.7.1{ext}',)
- assert r.unpackers == tuple(
- sorted(map(str, self.check_kls.non_system_unpackers[ext])))
+ assert r.filenames == (f"diffball-2.7.1{ext}",)
+ assert r.unpackers == tuple(sorted(map(str, self.check_kls.non_system_unpackers[ext])))
def test_with_dep(self):
for ext, unpackers in self.check_kls.non_system_unpackers.items():
- for dep_type in ('DEPEND', 'BDEPEND'):
+ for dep_type in ("DEPEND", "BDEPEND"):
for unpacker in unpackers:
- for dep in (unpacker, f'>={unpacker}-1'):
+ for dep in (unpacker, f">={unpacker}-1"):
kwargs = {dep_type: dep}
pkg = self.mk_pkg(ext, **kwargs)
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), pkg)
def test_rar_with_or_dep(self):
- self.mk_check(),
- self.mk_pkg('.rar', DEPEND='|| ( app-arch/rar app-arch/unrar )'))
+ self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(".rar", DEPEND="|| ( app-arch/rar app-arch/unrar )")
+ )
def test_without_multiple_unpackers(self):
for combination in combinations(self.check_kls.non_system_unpackers.items(), 2):
@@ -1310,19 +1373,19 @@ class TestMissingUnpackerDepCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase):
assert len(set(unpackers)) == 1
r = reports[0]
assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUnpackerDep)
- assert r.filenames == tuple(sorted(f'diffball-2.7.1{ext}' for ext in exts))
+ assert r.filenames == tuple(sorted(f"diffball-2.7.1{ext}" for ext in exts))
assert r.unpackers == tuple(sorted(map(str, unpackers[0])))
assert len(reports) == 2
for i, r in enumerate(reports):
assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUnpackerDep)
- assert r.filenames == (f'diffball-2.7.1{exts[i]}',)
+ assert r.filenames == (f"diffball-2.7.1{exts[i]}",)
assert r.unpackers == tuple(sorted(map(str, unpackers[i])))
def test_with_multiple_unpackers_one_missing(self):
r = self.assertReport(
- self.mk_check(),
- self.mk_pkg(['.zip', '.7z'], DEPEND='app-arch/unzip'))
+ self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg([".zip", ".7z"], DEPEND="app-arch/unzip")
+ )
assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUnpackerDep)
- assert r.filenames == (f'diffball-',)
- assert r.unpackers == ('app-arch/p7zip',)
+ assert r.filenames == (f"diffball-",)
+ assert r.unpackers == ("app-arch/p7zip",)
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_network.py b/tests/checks/test_network.py
index bb3a7ef5..fb684954 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_network.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_network.py
@@ -10,34 +10,38 @@ from unittest.mock import patch
import pytest
from pkgcheck import objects, reporters, scan
from pkgcheck.checks import NetworkCheck
-from pkgcheck.checks.network import (DeadUrl, FetchablesUrlCheck,
- HomepageUrlCheck)
+from pkgcheck.checks.network import DeadUrl, FetchablesUrlCheck, HomepageUrlCheck
from pkgcheck.packages import RawCPV
from snakeoil.formatters import PlainTextFormatter
# skip module tests if requests isn't available
-requests = pytest.importorskip('requests')
+requests = pytest.importorskip("requests")
class TestNetworkChecks:
- repos_data = pytest.REPO_ROOT / 'testdata/data/repos'
- repos_dir = pytest.REPO_ROOT / 'testdata/repos'
+ repos_data = pytest.REPO_ROOT / "testdata/data/repos"
+ repos_dir = pytest.REPO_ROOT / "testdata/repos"
def _setup(self, testconfig, tmp_path):
- base_args = ['--config', testconfig]
+ base_args = ["--config", testconfig]
self.scan = partial(scan, base_args=base_args)
self.scan_args = [
- '--config', 'no', '--cache-dir', str(tmp_path), '--net',
- '-r', str(self.repos_dir / 'network'),
+ "--config",
+ "no",
+ "--cache-dir",
+ str(tmp_path),
+ "--net",
+ "-r",
+ str(self.repos_dir / "network"),
_net_results = [
(cls, result)
for _name, cls in sorted(objects.CHECKS.items())
if issubclass(cls, NetworkCheck)
- for result in sorted(cls.known_results, key=attrgetter('__name__'))
+ for result in sorted(cls.known_results, key=attrgetter("__name__"))
def _render_results(self, results, **kwargs):
@@ -50,34 +54,34 @@ class TestNetworkChecks:
output = f.read().decode()
return output
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('check, result', _net_results)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("check, result", _net_results)
def test_scan(self, check, result):
check_name = check.__name__
keyword = result.__name__
- result_dir = self.repos_dir / 'network' / check_name
- paths = tuple(result_dir.glob(keyword + '*'))
+ result_dir = self.repos_dir / "network" / check_name
+ paths = tuple(result_dir.glob(keyword + "*"))
if not paths:
- pytest.skip('data unavailable')
+ pytest.skip("data unavailable")
for path in paths:
ebuild_name = os.path.basename(path)
- data_dir = self.repos_data / 'network' / check_name / ebuild_name
+ data_dir = self.repos_data / "network" / check_name / ebuild_name
# load response data to fake
- module_path = path / 'responses.py'
- spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('responses_mod', module_path)
+ module_path = path / "responses.py"
+ spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("responses_mod", module_path)
responses_mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
results = []
- args = ['-c', check_name, '-k', keyword, f'{check_name}/{ebuild_name}']
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.net.requests.Session.send') as send:
+ args = ["-c", check_name, "-k", keyword, f"{check_name}/{ebuild_name}"]
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.net.requests.Session.send") as send:
send.side_effect = responses_mod.responses
# load expected results if they exist
- with (data_dir / 'expected.json').open() as f:
+ with (data_dir / "expected.json").open() as f:
expected_results = set(reporters.JsonStream.from_iter(f))
except FileNotFoundError:
# check stopped before making request or completed successfully
@@ -85,37 +89,42 @@ class TestNetworkChecks:
results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + args))
rendered_results = self._render_results(results)
- assert rendered_results, 'failed rendering results'
+ assert rendered_results, "failed rendering results"
if set(results) != expected_results:
- error = ['unmatched results:']
+ error = ["unmatched results:"]
expected = self._render_results(expected_results)
- error.append(f'expected:\n{expected}')
- error.append(f'got:\n{rendered_results}')
- pytest.fail('\n'.join(error))
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('check, result', (
- (HomepageUrlCheck, DeadUrl),
- (FetchablesUrlCheck, DeadUrl),
- ))
+ error.append(f"expected:\n{expected}")
+ error.append(f"got:\n{rendered_results}")
+ pytest.fail("\n".join(error))
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "check, result",
+ (
+ (HomepageUrlCheck, DeadUrl),
+ (FetchablesUrlCheck, DeadUrl),
+ ),
+ )
def test_scan_ftp(self, check, result):
check_name = check.__name__
keyword = result.__name__
- pkg = RawCPV(check_name, f'ftp-{keyword}', '0')
- if check_name == 'HomepageUrlCheck':
- deadurl = DeadUrl('HOMEPAGE', 'ftp://pkgcheck.net/pkgcheck/', 'dead ftp', pkg=pkg)
+ pkg = RawCPV(check_name, f"ftp-{keyword}", "0")
+ if check_name == "HomepageUrlCheck":
+ deadurl = DeadUrl("HOMEPAGE", "ftp://pkgcheck.net/pkgcheck/", "dead ftp", pkg=pkg)
- deadurl = DeadUrl('SRC_URI', 'ftp://pkgcheck.net/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz', 'dead ftp', pkg=pkg)
+ deadurl = DeadUrl(
+ "SRC_URI", "ftp://pkgcheck.net/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz", "dead ftp", pkg=pkg
+ )
data = (
- (urllib.error.URLError('dead ftp'), deadurl),
- (socket.timeout('dead ftp'), deadurl),
+ (urllib.error.URLError("dead ftp"), deadurl),
+ (socket.timeout("dead ftp"), deadurl),
(None, None), # faking a clean connection
- args = ['-c', check_name, '-k', keyword, f'{check_name}/ftp-{keyword}']
+ args = ["-c", check_name, "-k", keyword, f"{check_name}/ftp-{keyword}"]
for side_effect, expected_result in data:
- with patch('pkgcheck.checks.network.urllib.request.urlopen') as urlopen:
+ with patch("pkgcheck.checks.network.urllib.request.urlopen") as urlopen:
if side_effect is not None:
urlopen.side_effect = side_effect
results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + args))
@@ -123,4 +132,4 @@ class TestNetworkChecks:
assert not results
assert results == [expected_result]
- assert self._render_results(results), 'failed rendering results'
+ assert self._render_results(results), "failed rendering results"
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_perl.py b/tests/checks/test_perl.py
index b9c25578..1b26e412 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_perl.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_perl.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from snakeoil.cli import arghparse
from .. import misc
-REASON = ''
+REASON = ""
def perl_deps_missing():
@@ -28,49 +28,49 @@ class TestPerlCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
def mk_check(self, verbosity=0):
return self.check_kls(arghparse.Namespace(verbosity=verbosity))
- def mk_pkg(self, PVR, dist_version='', eclasses=('perl-module',), **kwargs):
- lines = ['inherit perl-module\n']
+ def mk_pkg(self, PVR, dist_version="", eclasses=("perl-module",), **kwargs):
+ lines = ["inherit perl-module\n"]
if dist_version:
- lines.append(f'DIST_VERSION={dist_version}\n')
- kwargs.setdefault('EAPI', '7')
- kwargs.setdefault('_eclasses_', list(eclasses))
- return misc.FakePkg(f'app-foo/bar-{PVR}', lines=lines, data=kwargs)
+ lines.append(f"DIST_VERSION={dist_version}\n")
+ kwargs.setdefault("EAPI", "7")
+ kwargs.setdefault("_eclasses_", list(eclasses))
+ return misc.FakePkg(f"app-foo/bar-{PVR}", lines=lines, data=kwargs)
def test_matching(self):
"""Ebuilds with matching DIST_VERSION and package version."""
- for PVR in ('1.7.0-r0', '1.7.0', '1.7.0-r100'):
- self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(PVR, '1.007'))
+ for PVR in ("1.7.0-r0", "1.7.0", "1.7.0-r100"):
+ self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(PVR, "1.007"))
def test_nonmatching(self):
"""Ebuilds without matching DIST_VERSION and package version."""
- for PVR in ('1.7.0-r0', '1.7.0', '1.7.0-r100'):
- r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(PVR, '1.07'))
+ for PVR in ("1.7.0-r0", "1.7.0", "1.7.0-r100"):
+ r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(PVR, "1.07"))
assert isinstance(r, perl.MismatchedPerlVersion)
- assert r.dist_version == '1.07'
- assert r.normalized == '1.70.0'
- assert 'DIST_VERSION=1.07 normalizes to 1.70.0' in str(r)
- r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(PVR, '1.7'))
+ assert r.dist_version == "1.07"
+ assert r.normalized == "1.70.0"
+ assert "DIST_VERSION=1.07 normalizes to 1.70.0" in str(r)
+ r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(PVR, "1.7"))
assert isinstance(r, perl.MismatchedPerlVersion)
- assert r.dist_version == '1.7'
- assert r.normalized == '1.700.0'
- assert 'DIST_VERSION=1.7 normalizes to 1.700.0' in str(r)
+ assert r.dist_version == "1.7"
+ assert r.normalized == "1.700.0"
+ assert "DIST_VERSION=1.7 normalizes to 1.700.0" in str(r)
def test_no_dist_version(self):
"""Ebuilds without DIST_VERSION defined are skipped."""
- self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg('1.7.0'))
+ self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg("1.7.0"))
def test_no_perl(self):
"""Check initialization fails if perl isn't installed."""
- with patch('subprocess.Popen') as popen:
- popen.side_effect = FileNotFoundError('perl not available')
- with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match='perl not installed'):
+ with patch("subprocess.Popen") as popen:
+ popen.side_effect = FileNotFoundError("perl not available")
+ with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match="perl not installed"):
def test_no_perl_deps(self):
"""Check initialization fails if perl deps aren't installed."""
- with patch('pkgcheck.checks.perl.subprocess.Popen') as popen:
- popen.return_value.stdout.readline.return_value = 'perl error'
+ with patch("pkgcheck.checks.perl.subprocess.Popen") as popen:
+ popen.return_value.stdout.readline.return_value = "perl error"
popen.return_value.poll.return_value = 2
for verbosity in (0, 1):
- with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match='failed to run perl script'):
+ with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match="failed to run perl script"):
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_pkgdir.py b/tests/checks/test_pkgdir.py
index 1fc01b01..2a26e79c 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_pkgdir.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_pkgdir.py
@@ -21,33 +21,34 @@ class PkgDirCheckBase(misc.ReportTestCase):
def _create_repo(self, tmpdir):
- self.repo = FakeRepo(repo_id='repo', location=str(tmpdir))
+ self.repo = FakeRepo(repo_id="repo", location=str(tmpdir))
def mk_check(self, gentoo=False):
options = arghparse.Namespace(
- target_repo=self.repo, cache={'git': False}, gentoo_repo=gentoo)
+ target_repo=self.repo, cache={"git": False}, gentoo_repo=gentoo
+ )
kwargs = {}
if addons.git.GitAddon in self.check_kls.required_addons:
- kwargs['git_addon'] = addons.git.GitAddon(options)
+ kwargs["git_addon"] = addons.git.GitAddon(options)
return self.check_kls(options, **kwargs)
- def mk_pkg(self, files={}, category=None, package=None, version='0.7.1', revision=''):
+ def mk_pkg(self, files={}, category=None, package=None, version="0.7.1", revision=""):
# generate random cat/PN
category = misc.random_str() if category is None else category
package = misc.random_str() if package is None else package
pkg = f"{category}/{package}-{version}{revision}"
- self.filesdir = pjoin(self.repo.location, category, package, 'files')
+ self.filesdir = pjoin(self.repo.location, category, package, "files")
# create files dir with random empty subdir
os.makedirs(pjoin(self.filesdir, misc.random_str()), exist_ok=True)
# create dirs that should be ignored
- for d in getattr(self.check_kls, 'ignore_dirs', ()):
+ for d in getattr(self.check_kls, "ignore_dirs", ()):
os.makedirs(pjoin(self.filesdir, d), exist_ok=True)
# create specified files in FILESDIR
for fn, contents in files.items():
- with open(pjoin(self.filesdir, fn), 'w') as file:
+ with open(pjoin(self.filesdir, fn), "w") as file:
return misc.FakeFilesDirPkg(pkg, repo=self.repo)
@@ -64,24 +65,30 @@ class TestDuplicateFiles(PkgDirCheckBase):
"""Check DuplicateFiles results."""
def test_unique_files(self):
- self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({'test': 'abc', 'test2': 'bcd'})])
+ self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({"test": "abc", "test2": "bcd"})])
def test_single_duplicate(self):
- pkg = self.mk_pkg({'test': 'abc', 'test2': 'abc'})
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg({"test": "abc", "test2": "abc"})
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.DuplicateFiles)
- assert r.files == ('files/test', 'files/test2')
+ assert r.files == ("files/test", "files/test2")
assert "'files/test', 'files/test2'" in str(r)
def test_multiple_duplicates(self):
- r = self.assertReports(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg(
- {'test': 'abc', 'test2': 'abc', 'test3': 'bcd', 'test4': 'bcd', 'test5': 'zzz'})])
+ r = self.assertReports(
+ self.mk_check(),
+ [
+ self.mk_pkg(
+ {"test": "abc", "test2": "abc", "test3": "bcd", "test4": "bcd", "test5": "zzz"}
+ )
+ ],
+ )
assert len(r) == 2
assert isinstance(r[0], pkgdir.DuplicateFiles)
assert isinstance(r[1], pkgdir.DuplicateFiles)
- assert (
- tuple(sorted(x.files for x in r)) ==
- (('files/test', 'files/test2'), ('files/test3', 'files/test4'))
+ assert tuple(sorted(x.files for x in r)) == (
+ ("files/test", "files/test2"),
+ ("files/test3", "files/test4"),
@@ -89,29 +96,29 @@ class TestEmptyFile(PkgDirCheckBase):
"""Check EmptyFile results."""
def test_nonempty_file(self):
- self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({'test': 'asdfgh'})])
+ self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({"test": "asdfgh"})])
def test_single_empty_file(self):
assert isinstance(
- self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({'test': ''})]),
- pkgdir.EmptyFile)
+ self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({"test": ""})]), pkgdir.EmptyFile
+ )
def test_multiple_empty_files(self):
- r = self.assertReports(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({'test': '', 'test2': ''})])
+ r = self.assertReports(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({"test": "", "test2": ""})])
assert len(r) == 2
assert isinstance(r[0], pkgdir.EmptyFile)
assert isinstance(r[1], pkgdir.EmptyFile)
- assert sorted(x.filename for x in r) == ['files/test', 'files/test2']
+ assert sorted(x.filename for x in r) == ["files/test", "files/test2"]
def test_mixture_of_files(self):
- r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({'test': 'asdfgh', 'test2': ''})])
+ r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({"test": "asdfgh", "test2": ""})])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.EmptyFile)
- assert r.filename == 'files/test2'
- assert 'files/test2' in str(r)
- r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({'test': '', 'test2': 'asdfgh'})])
+ assert r.filename == "files/test2"
+ assert "files/test2" in str(r)
+ r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({"test": "", "test2": "asdfgh"})])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.EmptyFile)
- assert r.filename == 'files/test'
- assert 'files/test' in str(r)
+ assert r.filename == "files/test"
+ assert "files/test" in str(r)
class TestMismatchedPN(PkgDirCheckBase):
@@ -119,29 +126,29 @@ class TestMismatchedPN(PkgDirCheckBase):
def test_multiple_regular_ebuilds(self):
pkg = self.mk_pkg()
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-0.ebuild'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-1.ebuild'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-2.ebuild'))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-0.ebuild"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-1.ebuild"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-2.ebuild"))
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
def test_single_mismatched_ebuild(self):
pkg = self.mk_pkg()
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'mismatched-0.ebuild'))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "mismatched-0.ebuild"))
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.MismatchedPN)
- assert r.ebuilds == ('mismatched-0',)
- assert 'mismatched-0' in str(r)
+ assert r.ebuilds == ("mismatched-0",)
+ assert "mismatched-0" in str(r)
def test_multiple_mismatched_ebuilds(self):
pkg = self.mk_pkg()
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-0.ebuild'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-1.ebuild'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'mismatched-0.ebuild'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'abc-1.ebuild'))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-0.ebuild"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-1.ebuild"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "mismatched-0.ebuild"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "abc-1.ebuild"))
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.MismatchedPN)
- assert r.ebuilds == ('abc-1', 'mismatched-0')
- assert 'abc-1, mismatched-0' in str(r)
+ assert r.ebuilds == ("abc-1", "mismatched-0")
+ assert "abc-1, mismatched-0" in str(r)
class TestInvalidPN(PkgDirCheckBase):
@@ -149,27 +156,27 @@ class TestInvalidPN(PkgDirCheckBase):
def test_regular_ebuild(self):
pkg = self.mk_pkg()
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-0.ebuild'))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-0.ebuild"))
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
def test_single_invalid_ebuild(self):
- pkg = self.mk_pkg(category='sys-apps', package='invalid')
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'invalid-0-foo.ebuild'))
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg(category="sys-apps", package="invalid")
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "invalid-0-foo.ebuild"))
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.InvalidPN)
- assert r.ebuilds == ('invalid-0-foo',)
- assert 'invalid-0-foo' in str(r)
+ assert r.ebuilds == ("invalid-0-foo",)
+ assert "invalid-0-foo" in str(r)
def test_multiple_invalid_ebuilds(self):
- pkg = self.mk_pkg(category='sys-apps', package='bar')
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'bar-0.ebuild'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'bar-1.ebuild'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'bar-0-foo1.ebuild'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'bar-1-foo2.ebuild'))
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg(category="sys-apps", package="bar")
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "bar-0.ebuild"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "bar-1.ebuild"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "bar-0-foo1.ebuild"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "bar-1-foo2.ebuild"))
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.InvalidPN)
- assert r.ebuilds == ('bar-0-foo1', 'bar-1-foo2')
- assert 'bar-0-foo1, bar-1-foo2' in str(r)
+ assert r.ebuilds == ("bar-0-foo1", "bar-1-foo2")
+ assert "bar-0-foo1, bar-1-foo2" in str(r)
class TestInvalidUTF8(PkgDirCheckBase):
@@ -177,26 +184,26 @@ class TestInvalidUTF8(PkgDirCheckBase):
def test_ascii_ebuild(self):
pkg = self.mk_pkg()
- ebuild_path = pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-0.ebuild')
- with open(ebuild_path, 'w', encoding='ascii') as f:
+ ebuild_path = pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-0.ebuild")
+ with open(ebuild_path, "w", encoding="ascii") as f:
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
def test_utf8_ebuild(self):
pkg = self.mk_pkg()
- ebuild_path = pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-0.ebuild')
- with open(ebuild_path, 'w') as f:
+ ebuild_path = pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-0.ebuild")
+ with open(ebuild_path, "w") as f:
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
def test_latin1_ebuild(self):
pkg = self.mk_pkg()
- ebuild_path = pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-0.ebuild')
- with open(ebuild_path, 'w', encoding='latin-1') as f:
+ ebuild_path = pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-0.ebuild")
+ with open(ebuild_path, "w", encoding="latin-1") as f:
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.InvalidUTF8)
- assert r.filename == f'{pkg.package}-0.ebuild'
+ assert r.filename == f"{pkg.package}-0.ebuild"
assert r.filename in str(r)
@@ -207,44 +214,48 @@ class TestEqualVersions(PkgDirCheckBase):
def test_it(self):
# pkg with no revision
- pkg_a = self.mk_pkg(version='0')
+ pkg_a = self.mk_pkg(version="0")
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg_a])
# single, matching revision
pkg_b = self.mk_pkg(
- category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version='0', revision='-r0')
+ category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version="0", revision="-r0"
+ )
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg_a, pkg_b])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.EqualVersions)
- assert r.versions == ('0', '0-r0')
- assert '[ 0, 0-r0 ]' in str(r)
+ assert r.versions == ("0", "0-r0")
+ assert "[ 0, 0-r0 ]" in str(r)
# multiple, matching revisions
pkg_c = self.mk_pkg(
- category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version='0', revision='-r000')
+ category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version="0", revision="-r000"
+ )
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg_a, pkg_b, pkg_c])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.EqualVersions)
- assert r.versions == ('0', '0-r0', '0-r000')
- assert '[ 0, 0-r0, 0-r000 ]' in str(r)
+ assert r.versions == ("0", "0-r0", "0-r000")
+ assert "[ 0, 0-r0, 0-r000 ]" in str(r)
# unsorted, matching revisions
- pkg_new_version = self.mk_pkg(
- category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version='1')
+ pkg_new_version = self.mk_pkg(category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version="1")
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg_b, pkg_new_version, pkg_c, pkg_a])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.EqualVersions)
- assert r.versions == ('0', '0-r0', '0-r000')
- assert '[ 0, 0-r0, 0-r000 ]' in str(r)
+ assert r.versions == ("0", "0-r0", "0-r000")
+ assert "[ 0, 0-r0, 0-r000 ]" in str(r)
# multiple, matching revisions with 0 prefixes
pkg_d = self.mk_pkg(
- category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version='0', revision='-r1')
+ category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version="0", revision="-r1"
+ )
pkg_e = self.mk_pkg(
- category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version='0', revision='-r01')
+ category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version="0", revision="-r01"
+ )
pkg_f = self.mk_pkg(
- category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version='0', revision='-r001')
+ category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version="0", revision="-r001"
+ )
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg_d, pkg_e, pkg_f])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.EqualVersions)
- assert r.versions == ('0-r001', '0-r01', '0-r1')
- assert '[ 0-r001, 0-r01, 0-r1 ]' in str(r)
+ assert r.versions == ("0-r001", "0-r01", "0-r1")
+ assert "[ 0-r001, 0-r01, 0-r1 ]" in str(r)
class TestSizeViolation(PkgDirCheckBase):
@@ -252,50 +263,51 @@ class TestSizeViolation(PkgDirCheckBase):
def test_files_under_size_limit(self):
pkg = self.mk_pkg()
- for name, size in (('small', 1024*10),
- ('limit', 1024*20-1)):
- with open(pjoin(self.filesdir, name), 'w') as f:
+ for name, size in (("small", 1024 * 10), ("limit", 1024 * 20 - 1)):
+ with open(pjoin(self.filesdir, name), "w") as f:
- f.write('\0')
+ f.write("\0")
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
def test_single_file_over_limit(self):
pkg = self.mk_pkg()
- with open(pjoin(self.filesdir, 'over'), 'w') as f:
- f.seek(1024*20)
- f.write('\0')
+ with open(pjoin(self.filesdir, "over"), "w") as f:
+ f.seek(1024 * 20)
+ f.write("\0")
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.SizeViolation)
- assert r.filename == 'files/over'
- assert r.size == 1024*20+1
- assert 'files/over' in str(r)
+ assert r.filename == "files/over"
+ assert r.size == 1024 * 20 + 1
+ assert "files/over" in str(r)
def test_multiple_files_over_limit(self):
pkg = self.mk_pkg()
- for name, size in (('small', 1024*10),
- ('limit', 1024*20-1),
- ('over', 1024*20),
- ('massive', 1024*100)):
- with open(pjoin(self.filesdir, name), 'w') as f:
+ for name, size in (
+ ("small", 1024 * 10),
+ ("limit", 1024 * 20 - 1),
+ ("over", 1024 * 20),
+ ("massive", 1024 * 100),
+ ):
+ with open(pjoin(self.filesdir, name), "w") as f:
- f.write('\0')
+ f.write("\0")
r = self.assertReports(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
assert len(r) == 3
assert isinstance(r[0], pkgdir.SizeViolation)
assert isinstance(r[1], pkgdir.SizeViolation)
assert isinstance(r[2], pkgdir.TotalSizeViolation)
- assert (
- tuple(sorted((x.filename, x.size) for x in r[:2])) ==
- (('files/massive', 1024*100+1), ('files/over', 1024*20+1))
+ assert tuple(sorted((x.filename, x.size) for x in r[:2])) == (
+ ("files/massive", 1024 * 100 + 1),
+ ("files/over", 1024 * 20 + 1),
- assert r[2].size == 1024*(10+20+20+100)+4-1
+ assert r[2].size == 1024 * (10 + 20 + 20 + 100) + 4 - 1
class TestExecutableFile(PkgDirCheckBase):
"""Check ExecutableFile results."""
def test_non_empty_filesdir(self):
- self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({'test': 'asdfgh'})])
+ self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({"test": "asdfgh"})])
def test_executable_ebuild(self):
pkg = self.mk_pkg()
@@ -307,54 +319,53 @@ class TestExecutableFile(PkgDirCheckBase):
def test_executable_manifest_and_metadata(self):
pkg = self.mk_pkg()
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'Manifest'), mode=0o755)
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'metadata.xml'), mode=0o744)
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "Manifest"), mode=0o755)
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "metadata.xml"), mode=0o744)
r = self.assertReports(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
assert len(r) == 2
assert isinstance(r[0], pkgdir.ExecutableFile)
assert isinstance(r[1], pkgdir.ExecutableFile)
- assert (
- tuple(sorted(x.filename for x in r)) ==
- ('Manifest', 'metadata.xml')
- )
+ assert tuple(sorted(x.filename for x in r)) == ("Manifest", "metadata.xml")
def test_executable_filesdir_file(self):
- pkg = self.mk_pkg({'foo.init': 'blah'})
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg({"foo.init": "blah"})
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'Manifest'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'metadata.xml'))
- os.chmod(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'files', 'foo.init'), 0o645)
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "Manifest"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "metadata.xml"))
+ os.chmod(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "files", "foo.init"), 0o645)
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.ExecutableFile)
- assert r.filename == 'files/foo.init'
- assert 'files/foo.init' in str(r)
+ assert r.filename == "files/foo.init"
+ assert "files/foo.init" in str(r)
class TestBannedCharacter(PkgDirCheckBase):
"""Check BannedCharacter results."""
def test_regular_files(self):
- pkg = self.mk_pkg({'foo.init': 'blah'})
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'Manifest'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'metadata.xml'))
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg({"foo.init": "blah"})
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "Manifest"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "metadata.xml"))
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
def test_filenames_outside_allowed_charsets(self):
- pkg = self.mk_pkg({
- 'foo.init': 'bar',
- 'foo.init~': 'foo',
- })
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg(
+ {
+ "foo.init": "bar",
+ "foo.init~": "foo",
+ }
+ )
# vim backup files are flagged by default
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.BannedCharacter)
- assert 'files/foo.init~' in str(r)
+ assert "files/foo.init~" in str(r)
# but results are suppressed if a matching git ignore entry exists
- for ignore_file in ('.gitignore', '.git/info/exclude'):
+ for ignore_file in (".gitignore", ".git/info/exclude"):
path = pjoin(self.repo.location, ignore_file)
- with open(path, 'w') as f:
- f.write('*~')
+ with open(path, "w") as f:
+ f.write("*~")
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
@@ -363,40 +374,40 @@ class TestUnknownPkgDirEntry(PkgDirCheckBase):
"""Check UnknownPkgDirEntry results."""
def test_regular_files(self):
- pkg = self.mk_pkg({'foo.init': 'blah'})
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'Manifest'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'metadata.xml'))
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg({"foo.init": "blah"})
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "Manifest"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "metadata.xml"))
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
def test_unknown_non_gentoo_repo(self):
- pkg = self.mk_pkg({'foo.init': 'blah'})
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'Manifest'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'metadata.xml'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'foo-2'))
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg({"foo.init": "blah"})
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "Manifest"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "metadata.xml"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "foo-2"))
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg])
def test_unknown_gentoo_repo(self):
- pkg = self.mk_pkg({'foo.init': 'blah'})
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'Manifest'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'metadata.xml'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'foo-2'))
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg({"foo.init": "blah"})
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "Manifest"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "metadata.xml"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "foo-2"))
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(gentoo=True), [pkg])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.UnknownPkgDirEntry)
- assert 'foo-2' in str(r)
+ assert "foo-2" in str(r)
def test_unknown_gitignore(self):
- pkg = self.mk_pkg(files={'foo.init': 'blah'}, category='dev-util', package='foo')
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'Manifest'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'metadata.xml'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'foo-0.ebuild'))
- touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'foo-0.ebuild.swp'))
+ pkg = self.mk_pkg(files={"foo.init": "blah"}, category="dev-util", package="foo")
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "Manifest"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "metadata.xml"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "foo-0.ebuild"))
+ touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "foo-0.ebuild.swp"))
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(gentoo=True), [pkg])
assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.UnknownPkgDirEntry)
- assert 'foo-0.ebuild.swp' in str(r)
+ assert "foo-0.ebuild.swp" in str(r)
# results are suppressed if a matching .gitignore entry exists
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, '.gitignore'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('*.swp')
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, ".gitignore"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("*.swp")
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(gentoo=True), [pkg])
@@ -411,17 +422,17 @@ class TestLiveOnlyCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
# initialize parent repo
self.parent_git_repo = make_git_repo()
- self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id='gentoo')
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('initial commit')
+ self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id="gentoo")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("initial commit")
# create a stub pkg and commit it
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0', properties='live')
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0", properties="live")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
# initialize child repo
self.child_git_repo = make_git_repo()
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', self.parent_git_repo.path])
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", self.parent_git_repo.path])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
self.child_repo = make_repo(self.child_git_repo.path)
def init_check(self, options=None, future=0):
@@ -434,45 +445,49 @@ class TestLiveOnlyCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
def _options(self, **kwargs):
args = [
- 'scan', '-q', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir,
- '--repo', self.child_repo.location,
+ "scan",
+ "-q",
+ "--cache-dir",
+ self.cache_dir,
+ "--repo",
+ self.child_repo.location,
options, _ = self._tool.parse_args(args)
return options
def test_no_git_support(self):
options = self._options()
- options.cache['git'] = False
- with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match='git cache support required'):
+ options.cache["git"] = False
+ with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match="git cache support required"):
def test_keywords_exist(self):
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['~amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["~amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
def test_all_live_pkgs(self):
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', properties='live')
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", properties="live")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
# result will trigger for any package age
- expected = pkgdir.LiveOnlyPackage(0, pkg=UnversionedCPV('cat/pkg'))
+ expected = pkgdir.LiveOnlyPackage(0, pkg=UnversionedCPV("cat/pkg"))
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
assert r == expected
# packages are now a year old
- expected = pkgdir.LiveOnlyPackage(365, pkg=UnversionedCPV('cat/pkg'))
+ expected = pkgdir.LiveOnlyPackage(365, pkg=UnversionedCPV("cat/pkg"))
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
assert r == expected
def test_uncommitted_local_ebuild(self):
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', properties='live')
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', properties='live')
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", properties="live")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", properties="live")
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_python.py b/tests/checks/test_python.py
index 843975b5..eb4c44fb 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_python.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_python.py
@@ -9,180 +9,201 @@ class TestPythonCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
check_kls = python.PythonCheck
def mk_pkg(self, cpv="app-foo/bar-1", **kwargs):
- kwargs.setdefault('EAPI', '7')
+ kwargs.setdefault("EAPI", "7")
return misc.FakePkg(cpv, data=kwargs)
def test_multiple_eclasses(self):
r = self.assertReport(
- self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-any-r1', 'python-single-r1'],
- DEPEND='dev-lang/python'))
+ self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-any-r1", "python-single-r1"], DEPEND="dev-lang/python"),
+ )
assert isinstance(r, python.PythonEclassError)
def test_missing_eclass_depend(self):
- self.check,
- self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-any-r1'], DEPEND='dev-lang/python'))
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND='dev-foo/frobnicate'))
+ self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-any-r1"], DEPEND="dev-lang/python")
+ )
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND="dev-foo/frobnicate"))
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND='dev-lang/python'))
+ r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND="dev-lang/python"))
assert isinstance(r, python.MissingPythonEclass)
assert 'missing python-any-r1 eclass usage for DEPEND="dev-lang/python"' in str(r)
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND='dev-lang/python:2.7'))
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND="dev-lang/python:2.7"))
assert isinstance(
- self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND='dev-lang/python:*')),
- python.MissingPythonEclass)
+ self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND="dev-lang/python:*")),
+ python.MissingPythonEclass,
+ )
assert isinstance(
- self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND='=dev-lang/python-2*')),
- python.MissingPythonEclass)
+ self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND="=dev-lang/python-2*")),
+ python.MissingPythonEclass,
+ )
assert isinstance(
- self.check,
- self.mk_pkg(DEPEND='|| ( dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-lang/python:3.6 )')),
- python.MissingPythonEclass)
+ self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND="|| ( dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-lang/python:3.6 )")
+ ),
+ python.MissingPythonEclass,
+ )
def test_missing_eclass_bdepend(self):
- self.check,
- self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-any-r1'], BDEPEND='dev-lang/python'))
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND='dev-foo/frobnicate'))
+ self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-any-r1"], BDEPEND="dev-lang/python")
+ )
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND="dev-foo/frobnicate"))
assert isinstance(
- self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND='dev-lang/python')),
- python.MissingPythonEclass)
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND='dev-lang/python:2.7'))
+ self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND="dev-lang/python")),
+ python.MissingPythonEclass,
+ )
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND="dev-lang/python:2.7"))
assert isinstance(
- self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND='dev-lang/python:*')),
- python.MissingPythonEclass)
+ self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND="dev-lang/python:*")),
+ python.MissingPythonEclass,
+ )
assert isinstance(
- self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND='=dev-lang/python-2*')),
- python.MissingPythonEclass)
+ self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND="=dev-lang/python-2*")),
+ python.MissingPythonEclass,
+ )
assert isinstance(
- self.check,
- self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND='|| ( dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-lang/python:3.6 )')),
- python.MissingPythonEclass)
+ self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND="|| ( dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-lang/python:3.6 )")
+ ),
+ python.MissingPythonEclass,
+ )
def test_missing_eclass_rdepend(self):
- self.check,
- self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-r1'], RDEPEND='dev-lang/python:3.7'))
+ self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-r1"], RDEPEND="dev-lang/python:3.7")
+ )
- self.check,
- self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-single-r1'], RDEPEND='dev-lang/python:3.7'))
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND='dev-foo/frobnicate'))
+ self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-single-r1"], RDEPEND="dev-lang/python:3.7")
+ )
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND="dev-foo/frobnicate"))
- r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND='dev-lang/python'))
+ r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND="dev-lang/python"))
assert isinstance(r, python.MissingPythonEclass)
- assert 'missing python-r1 or python-single-r1 eclass' in str(r)
+ assert "missing python-r1 or python-single-r1 eclass" in str(r)
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND='dev-lang/python:2.7'))
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND="dev-lang/python:2.7"))
assert isinstance(
- self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND='dev-lang/python:=')),
- python.MissingPythonEclass)
+ self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND="dev-lang/python:=")),
+ python.MissingPythonEclass,
+ )
assert isinstance(
- self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND='=dev-lang/python-2*')),
- python.MissingPythonEclass)
+ self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND="=dev-lang/python-2*")),
+ python.MissingPythonEclass,
+ )
assert isinstance(
- self.check,
- self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND='|| ( dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-lang/python:3.6 )')),
- python.MissingPythonEclass)
+ self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND="|| ( dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-lang/python:3.6 )")
+ ),
+ python.MissingPythonEclass,
+ )
def test_missing_eclass_pdepend(self):
- self.check,
- self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-r1'], PDEPEND='dev-lang/python:3.7'))
+ self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-r1"], PDEPEND="dev-lang/python:3.7")
+ )
- self.check,
- self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-single-r1'], PDEPEND='dev-lang/python:3.7'))
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND='dev-foo/frobnicate'))
+ self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-single-r1"], PDEPEND="dev-lang/python:3.7")
+ )
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND="dev-foo/frobnicate"))
assert isinstance(
- self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND='dev-lang/python')),
- python.MissingPythonEclass)
- self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND='dev-lang/python:2.7'))
+ self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND="dev-lang/python")),
+ python.MissingPythonEclass,
+ )
+ self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND="dev-lang/python:2.7"))
assert isinstance(
- self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND='dev-lang/python:=')),
- python.MissingPythonEclass)
+ self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND="dev-lang/python:=")),
+ python.MissingPythonEclass,
+ )
assert isinstance(
- self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND='=dev-lang/python-2*')),
- python.MissingPythonEclass)
+ self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND="=dev-lang/python-2*")),
+ python.MissingPythonEclass,
+ )
assert isinstance(
- self.check,
- self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND='|| ( dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-lang/python:3.6 )')),
- python.MissingPythonEclass)
+ self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND="|| ( dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-lang/python:3.6 )")
+ ),
+ python.MissingPythonEclass,
+ )
def test_valid_packages(self):
- _eclasses_=['python-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6',
- RDEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) '
- 'python_targets_python3_6? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )',
- REQUIRED_USE='|| ( python_targets_python3_5 '
- ' python_targets_python3_6 )'))
+ _eclasses_=["python-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " "python_targets_python3_6",
+ RDEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) "
+ "python_targets_python3_6? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.6 )",
+ REQUIRED_USE="|| ( python_targets_python3_5 " " python_targets_python3_6 )",
+ ),
+ )
# python-single-r1 with one implementation does not use PST
- self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-single-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5',
- RDEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 )',
- REQUIRED_USE='python_targets_python3_5'))
+ self.mk_pkg(
+ _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5",
+ RDEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( " " dev-lang/python:3.5 )",
+ REQUIRED_USE="python_targets_python3_5",
+ ),
+ )
- _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_5 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6',
- RDEPEND='python_single_target_python3_5? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )',
- REQUIRED_USE='^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 '
- ' python_single_target_python3_6 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_5? ( '
- ' python_targets_python3_5 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( '
- ' python_targets_python3_6 )'))
+ _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 "
+ "python_targets_python3_6 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_5 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6",
+ RDEPEND="python_single_target_python3_5? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.6 )",
+ REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 "
+ " python_single_target_python3_6 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_5? ( "
+ " python_targets_python3_5 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6? ( "
+ " python_targets_python3_6 )",
+ ),
+ )
- self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-any-r1'],
- DEPEND='|| ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )'))
+ self.mk_pkg(
+ _eclasses_=["python-any-r1"],
+ DEPEND="|| ( " " dev-lang/python:3.5 " " dev-lang/python:3.6 )",
+ ),
+ )
- self.check,
- self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-any-r1'], DEPEND='dev-lang/python:3.5'))
+ self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-any-r1"], DEPEND="dev-lang/python:3.5")
+ )
- self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-any-r1'],
- BDEPEND='|| ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )'))
+ self.mk_pkg(
+ _eclasses_=["python-any-r1"],
+ BDEPEND="|| ( " " dev-lang/python:3.5 " " dev-lang/python:3.6 )",
+ ),
+ )
def test_missing_required_use(self):
r = self.assertReport(
- _eclasses_=['python-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6',
- RDEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) '
- 'python_targets_python3_6? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )'))
+ _eclasses_=["python-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " "python_targets_python3_6",
+ RDEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) "
+ "python_targets_python3_6? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.6 )",
+ ),
+ )
assert isinstance(r, python.PythonMissingRequiredUse)
assert 'missing REQUIRED_USE="${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE}"' in str(r)
@@ -191,93 +212,105 @@ class TestPythonCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
- _eclasses_=['python-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6',
- RDEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) '
- 'python_targets_python3_6? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )',
- REQUIRED_USE='|| ( python_targets_python3_5 )')),
- python.PythonMissingRequiredUse)
+ _eclasses_=["python-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " "python_targets_python3_6",
+ RDEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) "
+ "python_targets_python3_6? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.6 )",
+ REQUIRED_USE="|| ( python_targets_python3_5 )",
+ ),
+ ),
+ python.PythonMissingRequiredUse,
+ )
assert isinstance(
- _eclasses_=['python-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6 '
- 'python_targets_python3_7',
- RDEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) '
- 'python_targets_python3_6? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 ) '
- 'python_targets_python3_7? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.7 )',
- REQUIRED_USE='|| ( python_targets_python3_6 '
- ' python_targets_python3_7 )')),
- python.PythonMissingRequiredUse)
+ _eclasses_=["python-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 "
+ "python_targets_python3_6 "
+ "python_targets_python3_7",
+ RDEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) "
+ "python_targets_python3_6? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.6 ) "
+ "python_targets_python3_7? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.7 )",
+ REQUIRED_USE="|| ( python_targets_python3_6 " " python_targets_python3_7 )",
+ ),
+ ),
+ python.PythonMissingRequiredUse,
+ )
assert isinstance(
- _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_5 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6',
- RDEPEND='python_single_target_python3_5? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )')),
- python.PythonMissingRequiredUse)
+ _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 "
+ "python_targets_python3_6 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_5 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6",
+ RDEPEND="python_single_target_python3_5? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.6 )",
+ ),
+ ),
+ python.PythonMissingRequiredUse,
+ )
# incomplete REQUIRED_USE
assert isinstance(
- _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_5 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6',
- RDEPEND='python_single_target_python3_5? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )',
- REQUIRED_USE='^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 )')),
- python.PythonMissingRequiredUse)
+ _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 "
+ "python_targets_python3_6 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_5 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6",
+ RDEPEND="python_single_target_python3_5? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.6 )",
+ REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 )",
+ ),
+ ),
+ python.PythonMissingRequiredUse,
+ )
# || instead of ^^ in python-single-r1
assert isinstance(
- _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_5 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6',
- RDEPEND='python_single_target_python3_5? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )',
- REQUIRED_USE='|| ( python_targets_python3_5 '
- ' python_targets_python3_6 )')),
- python.PythonMissingRequiredUse)
+ _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 "
+ "python_targets_python3_6 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_5 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6",
+ RDEPEND="python_single_target_python3_5? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.6 )",
+ REQUIRED_USE="|| ( python_targets_python3_5 " " python_targets_python3_6 )",
+ ),
+ ),
+ python.PythonMissingRequiredUse,
+ )
def test_missing_deps(self):
r = self.assertReport(
- _eclasses_=['python-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6',
- REQUIRED_USE='|| ( python_targets_python3_5 '
- ' python_targets_python3_6 )'))
+ _eclasses_=["python-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " "python_targets_python3_6",
+ REQUIRED_USE="|| ( python_targets_python3_5 " " python_targets_python3_6 )",
+ ),
+ )
assert isinstance(r, python.PythonMissingDeps)
assert 'missing RDEPEND="${PYTHON_DEPS}"' in str(r)
@@ -285,13 +318,12 @@ class TestPythonCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
r = self.assertReport(
- _eclasses_=['python-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6',
- RDEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 )',
- REQUIRED_USE='|| ( python_targets_python3_5 '
- ' python_targets_python3_6 )'))
+ _eclasses_=["python-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " "python_targets_python3_6",
+ RDEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( " " dev-lang/python:3.5 )",
+ REQUIRED_USE="|| ( python_targets_python3_5 " " python_targets_python3_6 )",
+ ),
+ )
assert isinstance(r, python.PythonMissingDeps)
assert 'missing RDEPEND="${PYTHON_DEPS}"' in str(r)
@@ -301,69 +333,76 @@ class TestPythonCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
- _eclasses_=['python-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6',
- RDEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( '
- ' dev-foo/bar ) '
- 'python_targets_python3_6? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )',
- REQUIRED_USE='|| ( python_targets_python3_5 '
- ' python_targets_python3_6 )')),
- python.PythonMissingDeps)
+ _eclasses_=["python-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " "python_targets_python3_6",
+ RDEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( "
+ " dev-foo/bar ) "
+ "python_targets_python3_6? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.6 )",
+ REQUIRED_USE="|| ( python_targets_python3_5 " " python_targets_python3_6 )",
+ ),
+ ),
+ python.PythonMissingDeps,
+ )
# DEPEND only, RDEPEND missing
assert isinstance(
- _eclasses_=['python-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6',
- DEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) '
- 'python_targets_python3_6? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )',
- REQUIRED_USE='|| ( python_targets_python3_5 '
- ' python_targets_python3_6 )')),
- python.PythonMissingDeps)
+ _eclasses_=["python-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " "python_targets_python3_6",
+ DEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) "
+ "python_targets_python3_6? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.6 )",
+ REQUIRED_USE="|| ( python_targets_python3_5 " " python_targets_python3_6 )",
+ ),
+ ),
+ python.PythonMissingDeps,
+ )
assert isinstance(
- _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_5 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6',
- REQUIRED_USE='^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 '
- ' python_single_target_python3_6 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_5? ( '
- ' python_targets_python3_5 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( '
- ' python_targets_python3_6 )')),
- python.PythonMissingDeps)
+ _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 "
+ "python_targets_python3_6 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_5 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6",
+ REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 "
+ " python_single_target_python3_6 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_5? ( "
+ " python_targets_python3_5 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6? ( "
+ " python_targets_python3_6 )",
+ ),
+ ),
+ python.PythonMissingDeps,
+ )
# incomplete deps
assert isinstance(
- _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_5 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6',
- RDEPEND='python_single_target_python3_5? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 )',
- REQUIRED_USE='^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 '
- ' python_single_target_python3_6 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_5? ( '
- ' python_targets_python3_5 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( '
- ' python_targets_python3_6 )')),
- python.PythonMissingDeps)
+ _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 "
+ "python_targets_python3_6 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_5 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6",
+ RDEPEND="python_single_target_python3_5? ( " " dev-lang/python:3.5 )",
+ REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 "
+ " python_single_target_python3_6 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_5? ( "
+ " python_targets_python3_5 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6? ( "
+ " python_targets_python3_6 )",
+ ),
+ ),
+ python.PythonMissingDeps,
+ )
# check that irrelevant dep with same USE conditional does not wrongly
# satisfy the check
@@ -371,44 +410,50 @@ class TestPythonCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
- _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_5 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6',
- RDEPEND='python_single_target_python3_5? ( '
- ' dev-foo/bar ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )',
- REQUIRED_USE='^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 '
- ' python_single_target_python3_6 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_5? ( '
- ' python_targets_python3_5 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( '
- ' python_targets_python3_6 )')),
- python.PythonMissingDeps)
+ _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 "
+ "python_targets_python3_6 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_5 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6",
+ RDEPEND="python_single_target_python3_5? ( "
+ " dev-foo/bar ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.6 )",
+ REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 "
+ " python_single_target_python3_6 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_5? ( "
+ " python_targets_python3_5 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6? ( "
+ " python_targets_python3_6 )",
+ ),
+ ),
+ python.PythonMissingDeps,
+ )
# DEPEND only, RDEPEND missing
assert isinstance(
- _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_5 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6',
- DEPEND='python_single_target_python3_5? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )',
- REQUIRED_USE='^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 '
- ' python_single_target_python3_6 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_5? ( '
- ' python_targets_python3_5 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( '
- ' python_targets_python3_6 )')),
- python.PythonMissingDeps)
+ _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 "
+ "python_targets_python3_6 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_5 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6",
+ DEPEND="python_single_target_python3_5? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.6 )",
+ REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 "
+ " python_single_target_python3_6 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_5? ( "
+ " python_targets_python3_5 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6? ( "
+ " python_targets_python3_6 )",
+ ),
+ ),
+ python.PythonMissingDeps,
+ )
# check that the check isn't wrongly satisfied by PYTHON_TARGETS
# in python-single-r1 (PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET expected)
@@ -416,38 +461,40 @@ class TestPythonCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
- _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'],
- IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 '
- 'python_targets_python3_6 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_5 '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6',
- RDEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) '
- 'python_targets_python3_6? ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )',
- REQUIRED_USE='^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 '
- ' python_single_target_python3_6 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_5? ( '
- ' python_targets_python3_5 ) '
- 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( '
- ' python_targets_python3_6 )')),
- python.PythonMissingDeps)
+ _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"],
+ IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 "
+ "python_targets_python3_6 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_5 "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6",
+ RDEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) "
+ "python_targets_python3_6? ( "
+ " dev-lang/python:3.6 )",
+ REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 "
+ " python_single_target_python3_6 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_5? ( "
+ " python_targets_python3_5 ) "
+ "python_single_target_python3_6? ( "
+ " python_targets_python3_6 )",
+ ),
+ ),
+ python.PythonMissingDeps,
+ )
assert isinstance(
- self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-any-r1'])),
- python.PythonMissingDeps)
+ self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-any-r1"])),
+ python.PythonMissingDeps,
+ )
def test_runtime_dep_in_any_r1(self):
r = self.assertReport(
- _eclasses_=['python-any-r1'],
- DEPEND='|| ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )',
- RDEPEND='|| ( '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.5 '
- ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )'))
+ _eclasses_=["python-any-r1"],
+ DEPEND="|| ( " " dev-lang/python:3.5 " " dev-lang/python:3.6 )",
+ RDEPEND="|| ( " " dev-lang/python:3.5 " " dev-lang/python:3.6 )",
+ ),
+ )
assert isinstance(r, python.PythonRuntimeDepInAnyR1)
assert 'inherits python-any-r1 with RDEPEND="dev-lang/python:3.5"' in str(r)
@@ -455,6 +502,8 @@ class TestPythonCheck(misc.ReportTestCase):
- _eclasses_=['python-any-r1'],
- DEPEND='dev-lang/python:3.5',
- RDEPEND='!dev-python/pypy3-bin:0'))
+ _eclasses_=["python-any-r1"],
+ DEPEND="dev-lang/python:3.5",
+ RDEPEND="!dev-python/pypy3-bin:0",
+ ),
+ )
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_repo.py b/tests/checks/test_repo.py
index cd685a52..4220e055 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_repo.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_repo.py
@@ -17,15 +17,14 @@ class TestRepoDirCheck(misc.Tmpdir, misc.ReportTestCase):
check_kls = repo.RepoDirCheck
def mk_check(self):
- self.repo = FakeRepo(repo_id='repo', location=self.dir)
- options = arghparse.Namespace(
- target_repo=self.repo, cache={'git': False}, gentoo_repo=True)
+ self.repo = FakeRepo(repo_id="repo", location=self.dir)
+ options = arghparse.Namespace(target_repo=self.repo, cache={"git": False}, gentoo_repo=True)
git_addon = addons.git.GitAddon(options)
return repo.RepoDirCheck(options, git_addon=git_addon)
def mk_pkg(self, cpvstr):
pkg = atom.atom(cpvstr)
- filesdir = pjoin(self.repo.location, pkg.category, pkg.package, 'files')
+ filesdir = pjoin(self.repo.location, pkg.category, pkg.package, "files")
os.makedirs(filesdir, exist_ok=True)
return filesdir
@@ -34,100 +33,100 @@ class TestRepoDirCheck(misc.Tmpdir, misc.ReportTestCase):
def test_empty_file(self):
check = self.mk_check()
- bin_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, 'foo')
+ bin_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, "foo")
self.assertNoReport(check, [])
def test_regular_file(self):
check = self.mk_check()
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'foo'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('bar')
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "foo"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("bar")
self.assertNoReport(check, [])
def test_unreadable_file(self):
check = self.mk_check()
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'foo'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('bar')
- with mock.patch('pkgcheck.open') as mocked_open:
- mocked_open.side_effect = IOError('fake exception')
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "foo"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("bar")
+ with mock.patch("pkgcheck.open") as mocked_open:
+ mocked_open.side_effect = IOError("fake exception")
self.assertNoReport(check, [])
def test_ignored_root_dirs(self):
for d in self.check_kls.ignored_root_dirs:
check = self.mk_check()
- bin_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, d, 'foo')
+ bin_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, d, "foo")
- with open(bin_path, 'wb') as f:
- f.write(b'\xd3\xad\xbe\xef')
+ with open(bin_path, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(b"\xd3\xad\xbe\xef")
self.assertNoReport(check, [])
def test_null_bytes(self):
check = self.mk_check()
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'foo'), 'wb') as f:
- f.write(b'foo\x00\xffbar')
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "foo"), "wb") as f:
+ f.write(b"foo\x00\xffbar")
r = self.assertReport(check, [])
assert isinstance(r, repo.BinaryFile)
- assert r.path == 'foo'
+ assert r.path == "foo"
assert "'foo'" in str(r)
def test_root_dir_binary(self):
check = self.mk_check()
- bin_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, 'foo')
- with open(bin_path, 'wb') as f:
- f.write(b'\xd3\xad\xbe\xef')
+ bin_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, "foo")
+ with open(bin_path, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(b"\xd3\xad\xbe\xef")
r = self.assertReport(check, [])
assert isinstance(r, repo.BinaryFile)
- assert r.path == 'foo'
+ assert r.path == "foo"
assert "'foo'" in str(r)
def test_ebuild_filesdir_binary(self):
check = self.mk_check()
- filesdir = self.mk_pkg('dev-util/foo')
- with open(pjoin(filesdir, 'foo'), 'wb') as f:
- f.write(b'\xd3\xad\xbe\xef')
+ filesdir = self.mk_pkg("dev-util/foo")
+ with open(pjoin(filesdir, "foo"), "wb") as f:
+ f.write(b"\xd3\xad\xbe\xef")
r = self.assertReport(check, [])
assert isinstance(r, repo.BinaryFile)
- assert r.path == 'dev-util/foo/files/foo'
+ assert r.path == "dev-util/foo/files/foo"
assert "'dev-util/foo/files/foo'" in str(r)
def test_gitignore(self):
# distfiles located in deprecated in-tree location are reported by default
check = self.mk_check()
- distfiles = pjoin(self.repo.location, 'distfiles')
+ distfiles = pjoin(self.repo.location, "distfiles")
- with open(pjoin(distfiles, 'foo-0.tar.gz'), 'wb') as f:
- f.write(b'\xd3\xad\xbe\xef')
+ with open(pjoin(distfiles, "foo-0.tar.gz"), "wb") as f:
+ f.write(b"\xd3\xad\xbe\xef")
r = self.assertReport(check, [])
assert isinstance(r, repo.BinaryFile)
assert "distfiles/foo-0.tar.gz" in str(r)
# but results are suppressed if a matching git ignore entry exists
- for ignore_file in ('.gitignore', '.git/info/exclude'):
+ for ignore_file in (".gitignore", ".git/info/exclude"):
path = pjoin(self.repo.location, ignore_file)
- with open(path, 'w') as f:
- f.write('/distfiles/')
+ with open(path, "w") as f:
+ f.write("/distfiles/")
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [])
def test_non_utf8_encodings(self):
# non-english languages courtesy of google translate mangling
langs = (
- ("example text that shouldn't trigger", 'ascii'),
- ('نص المثال الذي لا ينبغي أن يؤدي', 'cp1256'), # arabic
- ('пример текста, который не должен срабатывать', 'koi8_r'), # russian
- ('उदाहरण पाठ जो ट्रिगर नहीं होना चाहिए', 'utf-16'), # hindi
- ('مثال کے متن جو ٹرگر نہ ہوں۔', 'utf-16'), # urdu
- ('ဖြစ်ပေါ်မပေးသင့်ကြောင်းဥပမာစာသား', 'utf-32'), # burmese
- ('उदाहरण पाठ जुन ट्रिगर हुँदैन', 'utf-32'), # nepali
- ('トリガーするべきではないテキストの例', 'shift_jis'), # japanese
- ('트리거해서는 안되는 예제 텍스트', 'cp949'), # korean
- ('不应触发的示例文本', 'gb2312'), # simplified chinese
- ('不應觸發的示例文本', 'gb18030'), # traditional chinese
+ ("example text that shouldn't trigger", "ascii"),
+ ("نص المثال الذي لا ينبغي أن يؤدي", "cp1256"), # arabic
+ ("пример текста, который не должен срабатывать", "koi8_r"), # russian
+ ("उदाहरण पाठ जो ट्रिगर नहीं होना चाहिए", "utf-16"), # hindi
+ ("مثال کے متن جو ٹرگر نہ ہوں۔", "utf-16"), # urdu
+ ("ဖြစ်ပေါ်မပေးသင့်ကြောင်းဥပမာစာသား", "utf-32"), # burmese
+ ("उदाहरण पाठ जुन ट्रिगर हुँदैन", "utf-32"), # nepali
+ ("トリガーするべきではないテキストの例", "shift_jis"), # japanese
+ ("트리거해서는 안되는 예제 텍스트", "cp949"), # korean
+ ("不应触发的示例文本", "gb2312"), # simplified chinese
+ ("不應觸發的示例文本", "gb18030"), # traditional chinese
for text, encoding in langs:
check = self.mk_check()
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'foo'), 'wb') as f:
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "foo"), "wb") as f:
data = text.encode(encoding)
self.assertNoReport(check, [])
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_repo_metadata.py b/tests/checks/test_repo_metadata.py
index 2221e283..ff550d7d 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_repo_metadata.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_repo_metadata.py
@@ -16,24 +16,25 @@ class TestPackageUpdatesCheck(misc.Tmpdir, misc.ReportTestCase):
def mk_check(self, pkgs=(), **kwargs):
# TODO: switch to using a repo fixture when available
repo_dir = pjoin(self.dir, misc.random_str())
- os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata'))
- with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata', 'layout.conf'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('masters =\n')
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata"))
+ with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata", "layout.conf"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("masters =\n")
- os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles', 'updates'))
- with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles', 'repo_name'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('fake\n')
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles", "updates"))
+ with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles", "repo_name"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("fake\n")
for filename, updates in kwargs.items():
- with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles', 'updates', filename), 'w') as f:
- f.write('\n'.join(updates))
+ with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles", "updates", filename), "w") as f:
+ f.write("\n".join(updates))
for pkg in pkgs:
pkg = FakePkg(pkg)
pkg_path = pjoin(
- repo_dir, pkg.category, pkg.package, f'{pkg.package}-{pkg.fullver}.ebuild')
+ repo_dir, pkg.category, pkg.package, f"{pkg.package}-{pkg.fullver}.ebuild"
+ )
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(pkg_path), exist_ok=True)
- with open(pkg_path, 'w') as f:
- f.write('SLOT=0\n')
+ with open(pkg_path, "w") as f:
+ f.write("SLOT=0\n")
repo = UnconfiguredTree(repo_dir)
options = arghparse.Namespace(target_repo=repo, search_repo=repo)
@@ -44,87 +45,91 @@ class TestPackageUpdatesCheck(misc.Tmpdir, misc.ReportTestCase):
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [])
# empty file
- updates = {'1Q-2020': []}
+ updates = {"1Q-2020": []}
self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(**updates), [])
def test_bad_update_filenames(self):
# only files named using the format [1-4]Q-[YYYY] are allowed
- updates = {'foobar': ['blah']}
+ updates = {"foobar": ["blah"]}
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(**updates), [])
assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.BadPackageUpdate)
assert "incorrectly named update file: 'foobar'" in str(r)
- updates = {'5Q-2020': ['blah']}
+ updates = {"5Q-2020": ["blah"]}
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(**updates), [])
assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.BadPackageUpdate)
assert "incorrectly named update file: '5Q-2020'" in str(r)
# hidden files will be flagged
- updates = {'.1Q-2020.swp': ['blah']}
+ updates = {".1Q-2020.swp": ["blah"]}
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(**updates), [])
assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.BadPackageUpdate)
assert "incorrectly named update file: '.1Q-2020.swp'" in str(r)
def test_empty_line(self):
- updates = {'1Q-2020': [' ']}
+ updates = {"1Q-2020": [" "]}
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(**updates), [])
assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.BadPackageUpdate)
assert "file '1Q-2020': empty line 1" in str(r)
def test_extra_whitespace(self):
- pkgs = ('dev-util/foo-0', 'dev-util/bar-1')
- for update in (' move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar', # prefix
- 'move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar '): # suffix
- updates = {'1Q-2020': [update]}
+ pkgs = ("dev-util/foo-0", "dev-util/bar-1")
+ for update in (
+ " move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar", # prefix
+ "move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar ",
+ ): # suffix
+ updates = {"1Q-2020": [update]}
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(pkgs=pkgs, **updates), [])
assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.BadPackageUpdate)
- assert 'extra whitespace' in str(r)
- assert 'on line 1' in str(r)
+ assert "extra whitespace" in str(r)
+ assert "on line 1" in str(r)
def test_old_pkg_update(self):
- pkgs = ('dev-util/blah-0', 'dev-libs/foon-1')
- for update in ('move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar', # old pkg move
- 'slotmove dev-util/bar 0 1'): # old slot move
- updates = {'1Q-2020': [update]}
+ pkgs = ("dev-util/blah-0", "dev-libs/foon-1")
+ for update in (
+ "move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar", # old pkg move
+ "slotmove dev-util/bar 0 1",
+ ): # old slot move
+ updates = {"1Q-2020": [update]}
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(pkgs=pkgs, **updates), [])
assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.OldPackageUpdate)
- assert r.pkg == 'dev-util/bar'
+ assert r.pkg == "dev-util/bar"
assert "'dev-util/bar' unavailable" in str(r)
def test_old_multimove_pkg_update(self):
- update = ['move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar', 'move dev-util/bar dev-util/blah']
- pkgs = ('dev-util/blaz-0', 'dev-libs/foon-1')
- updates = {'1Q-2020': update}
+ update = ["move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar", "move dev-util/bar dev-util/blah"]
+ pkgs = ("dev-util/blaz-0", "dev-libs/foon-1")
+ updates = {"1Q-2020": update}
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(pkgs=pkgs, **updates), [])
assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.OldMultiMovePackageUpdate)
- assert r.pkg == 'dev-util/blah'
- assert r.moves == ('dev-util/foo', 'dev-util/bar', 'dev-util/blah')
+ assert r.pkg == "dev-util/blah"
+ assert r.moves == ("dev-util/foo", "dev-util/bar", "dev-util/blah")
assert "'dev-util/blah' unavailable" in str(r)
def test_multimove_pkg_update(self):
- update = ['move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar', 'move dev-util/bar dev-util/blah']
- pkgs = ('dev-util/blah-0', 'dev-libs/foon-1')
- updates = {'1Q-2020': update}
+ update = ["move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar", "move dev-util/bar dev-util/blah"]
+ pkgs = ("dev-util/blah-0", "dev-libs/foon-1")
+ updates = {"1Q-2020": update}
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(pkgs=pkgs, **updates), [])
assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.MultiMovePackageUpdate)
- assert r.pkg == 'dev-util/foo'
- assert r.moves == ('dev-util/foo', 'dev-util/bar', 'dev-util/blah')
+ assert r.pkg == "dev-util/foo"
+ assert r.moves == ("dev-util/foo", "dev-util/bar", "dev-util/blah")
assert "'dev-util/foo': multi-move update" in str(r)
def test_move_to_self_pkg_update(self):
- update = ['move dev-util/foo dev-util/foo']
- pkgs = ('dev-util/foo-0',)
- updates = {'1Q-2020': update}
+ update = ["move dev-util/foo dev-util/foo"]
+ pkgs = ("dev-util/foo-0",)
+ updates = {"1Q-2020": update}
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(pkgs=pkgs, **updates), [])
assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.RedundantPackageUpdate)
- assert r.updates == ('move', 'dev-util/foo', 'dev-util/foo')
+ assert r.updates == ("move", "dev-util/foo", "dev-util/foo")
assert "update line moves to the same package/slot" in str(r)
def test_slot_move_to_self_pkg_update(self):
- update = ['slotmove dev-util/foo 0 0']
- pkgs = ('dev-util/foo-0',)
- updates = {'1Q-2020': update}
+ update = ["slotmove dev-util/foo 0 0"]
+ pkgs = ("dev-util/foo-0",)
+ updates = {"1Q-2020": update}
r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(pkgs=pkgs, **updates), [])
assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.RedundantPackageUpdate)
- assert r.updates == ('slotmove', 'dev-util/foo', '0', '0')
+ assert r.updates == ("slotmove", "dev-util/foo", "0", "0")
assert "update line moves to the same package/slot" in str(r)
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_stablereq.py b/tests/checks/test_stablereq.py
index b51bf9bc..2e181e57 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_stablereq.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_stablereq.py
@@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ class TestStableRequestCheck(ReportTestCase):
# initialize parent repo
self.parent_git_repo = make_git_repo()
- self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id='gentoo')
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('initial commit')
+ self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id="gentoo")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("initial commit")
# create a stub pkg and commit it
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0')
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0")
# initialize child repo
self.child_git_repo = make_git_repo()
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', self.parent_git_repo.path])
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", self.parent_git_repo.path])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"])
self.child_repo = make_repo(self.child_git_repo.path)
def init_check(self, options=None, future=0, stable_time=None):
@@ -44,50 +44,57 @@ class TestStableRequestCheck(ReportTestCase):
def _options(self, stable_time=None, **kwargs):
args = [
- 'scan', '-q', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir,
- '--repo', self.child_repo.location,
+ "scan",
+ "-q",
+ "--cache-dir",
+ self.cache_dir,
+ "--repo",
+ self.child_repo.location,
if stable_time is not None:
- args.extend(['--stabletime', str(stable_time)])
+ args.extend(["--stabletime", str(stable_time)])
options, _ = self._tool.parse_args(args)
return options
def test_no_git_support(self):
options = self._options()
- options.cache['git'] = False
- with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match='git cache support required'):
+ options.cache["git"] = False
+ with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match="git cache support required"):
def test_no_stable_keywords(self):
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['~amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', keywords=['~amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-2')
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["~amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", keywords=["~amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-2")
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
def test_uncommitted_local_ebuild(self):
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
- self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', keywords=['~amd64'])
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
+ self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", keywords=["~amd64"])
self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(("stable_time", "less_days", "more_days"), (
- pytest.param(None, (0, 1, 10, 20, 29), (30, 31), id="stable_time=unset"),
- pytest.param(1, (0,), (1, 10), id="stable_time=1"),
- pytest.param(14, (0, 1, 10, 13), (14, 15, 30), id="stable_time=14"),
- pytest.param(30, (0, 1, 10, 20, 29), (30, 31), id="stable_time=30"),
- pytest.param(100, (98, 99), (100, 101), id="stable_time=100"),
- ))
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ ("stable_time", "less_days", "more_days"),
+ (
+ pytest.param(None, (0, 1, 10, 20, 29), (30, 31), id="stable_time=unset"),
+ pytest.param(1, (0,), (1, 10), id="stable_time=1"),
+ pytest.param(14, (0, 1, 10, 13), (14, 15, 30), id="stable_time=14"),
+ pytest.param(30, (0, 1, 10, 20, 29), (30, 31), id="stable_time=30"),
+ pytest.param(100, (98, 99), (100, 101), id="stable_time=100"),
+ ),
+ )
def test_existing_stable_keywords(self, stable_time, less_days, more_days):
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', keywords=['~amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-2')
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", keywords=["~amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-2")
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
# packages are not old enough to trigger any results
for future in less_days:
@@ -98,74 +105,74 @@ class TestStableRequestCheck(ReportTestCase):
for future in more_days:
self.init_check(future=future, stable_time=stable_time)
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
- expected = StableRequest('0', ['~amd64'], future, pkg=VersionedCPV('cat/pkg-2'))
+ expected = StableRequest("0", ["~amd64"], future, pkg=VersionedCPV("cat/pkg-2"))
assert r == expected
def test_multislot_with_unstable_slot(self):
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', keywords=['~amd64'], slot='1')
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-2')
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", keywords=["~amd64"], slot="1")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-2")
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
- expected = StableRequest('1', ['~amd64'], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV('cat/pkg-2'))
+ expected = StableRequest("1", ["~amd64"], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV("cat/pkg-2"))
assert r == expected
def test_moved_category(self):
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', keywords=['~amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-2')
- self.parent_git_repo.move('cat', 'newcat')
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", keywords=["~amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-2")
+ self.parent_git_repo.move("cat", "newcat")
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
- expected = StableRequest('0', ['~amd64'], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV('newcat/pkg-2'))
+ expected = StableRequest("0", ["~amd64"], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV("newcat/pkg-2"))
assert r == expected
def test_moved_package(self):
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', keywords=['~amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-2')
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", keywords=["~amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-2")
# rename pkg and commit results
path = self.parent_git_repo.path
- new_pkg_dir = pjoin(path, 'cat/newpkg')
- os.rename(pjoin(path, 'cat/pkg'), new_pkg_dir)
+ new_pkg_dir = pjoin(path, "cat/newpkg")
+ os.rename(pjoin(path, "cat/pkg"), new_pkg_dir)
for i, f in enumerate(sorted(os.listdir(new_pkg_dir))):
- os.rename(pjoin(new_pkg_dir, f), pjoin(new_pkg_dir, f'newpkg-{i}.ebuild'))
+ os.rename(pjoin(new_pkg_dir, f), pjoin(new_pkg_dir, f"newpkg-{i}.ebuild"))
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
- expected = StableRequest('0', ['~amd64'], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV('cat/newpkg-2'))
+ expected = StableRequest("0", ["~amd64"], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV("cat/newpkg-2"))
assert r == expected
def test_renamed_ebuild(self):
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2_rc1', keywords=['~amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-2_rc1')
- self.parent_git_repo.move('cat/pkg/pkg-2_rc1.ebuild', 'cat/pkg/pkg-2.ebuild')
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2_rc1", keywords=["~amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-2_rc1")
+ self.parent_git_repo.move("cat/pkg/pkg-2_rc1.ebuild", "cat/pkg/pkg-2.ebuild")
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
- expected = StableRequest('0', ['~amd64'], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV('cat/pkg-2'))
+ expected = StableRequest("0", ["~amd64"], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV("cat/pkg-2"))
assert r == expected
def test_modified_ebuild(self):
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1')
- self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', keywords=['~amd64'])
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-2')
- with open(pjoin(self.parent_git_repo.path, 'cat/pkg/pkg-2.ebuild'), 'a') as f:
- f.write('# comment\n')
- self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-2: add comment')
- self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main'])
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1")
+ self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", keywords=["~amd64"])
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-2")
+ with open(pjoin(self.parent_git_repo.path, "cat/pkg/pkg-2.ebuild"), "a") as f:
+ f.write("# comment\n")
+ self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-2: add comment")
+ self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"])
r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source)
- expected = StableRequest('0', ['~amd64'], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV('cat/pkg-2'))
+ expected = StableRequest("0", ["~amd64"], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV("cat/pkg-2"))
assert r == expected
diff --git a/tests/checks/test_whitespace.py b/tests/checks/test_whitespace.py
index bc61998c..f90495b6 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test_whitespace.py
+++ b/tests/checks/test_whitespace.py
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ class WhitespaceCheckTest(misc.ReportTestCase):
class TestWhitespaceFound(WhitespaceCheckTest):
def test_leading(self):
fake_src = [
"# This is our first fake ebuild\n",
@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ class TestWhitespaceFound(WhitespaceCheckTest):
r = self.assertReport(self.check, fake_pkg)
assert isinstance(r, whitespace.WhitespaceFound)
assert r.lines == (2,)
- assert 'leading whitespace' in str(r)
+ assert "leading whitespace" in str(r)
def test_trailing(self):
fake_src = [
@@ -40,11 +39,10 @@ class TestWhitespaceFound(WhitespaceCheckTest):
r = self.assertReport(self.check, fake_pkg)
assert isinstance(r, whitespace.WhitespaceFound)
assert r.lines == (2,)
- assert 'trailing whitespace' in str(r)
+ assert "trailing whitespace" in str(r)
class TestWrongIndentFound(WhitespaceCheckTest):
def test_it(self):
fake_src = [
"# This is our first fake ebuild\n",
@@ -56,11 +54,10 @@ class TestWrongIndentFound(WhitespaceCheckTest):
r = self.assertReport(self.check, fake_pkg)
assert isinstance(r, whitespace.WrongIndentFound)
assert r.lines == (2,)
- assert 'whitespace in indentation' in str(r)
+ assert "whitespace in indentation" in str(r)
class TestDoubleEmptyLine(WhitespaceCheckTest):
def test_it(self):
fake_src = [
"# This is our first fake ebuild\n",
@@ -73,11 +70,10 @@ class TestDoubleEmptyLine(WhitespaceCheckTest):
r = self.assertReport(self.check, fake_pkg)
assert isinstance(r, whitespace.DoubleEmptyLine)
assert r.lines == (3,)
- assert 'unneeded empty line' in str(r)
+ assert "unneeded empty line" in str(r)
class TestNoNewLineOnEnd(WhitespaceCheckTest):
def test_it(self):
fake_src = [
"# This is our first fake ebuild\n",
@@ -87,11 +83,10 @@ class TestNoNewLineOnEnd(WhitespaceCheckTest):
r = self.assertReport(self.check, fake_pkg)
assert isinstance(r, whitespace.NoFinalNewline)
- assert 'lacks an ending newline' in str(r)
+ assert "lacks an ending newline" in str(r)
class TestTrailingNewLineOnEnd(WhitespaceCheckTest):
def test_it(self):
fake_src = [
"# This is our first fake ebuild\n",
@@ -102,43 +97,43 @@ class TestTrailingNewLineOnEnd(WhitespaceCheckTest):
r = self.assertReport(self.check, fake_pkg)
assert isinstance(r, whitespace.TrailingEmptyLine)
- assert 'trailing blank line(s)' in str(r)
+ assert "trailing blank line(s)" in str(r)
def generate_whitespace_data():
"""Generate bad whitespace list for the current python version."""
all_whitespace_chars = set(
- re.findall(r'\s', ''.join(chr(c) for c in range(sys.maxunicode + 1))))
- allowed_whitespace_chars = {'\t', '\n', ' '}
+ re.findall(r"\s", "".join(chr(c) for c in range(sys.maxunicode + 1)))
+ )
+ allowed_whitespace_chars = {"\t", "\n", " "}
bad_whitespace_chars = tuple(sorted(all_whitespace_chars - allowed_whitespace_chars))
return whitespace.WhitespaceData(unicodedata.unidata_version, bad_whitespace_chars)
class TestBadWhitespaceCharacter(WhitespaceCheckTest):
def test_outdated_bad_whitespace_chars(self):
"""Check if the hardcoded bad whitespace character list is outdated."""
updated_whitespace_data = generate_whitespace_data()
if updated_whitespace_data.unicode_version != whitespace.whitespace_data.unicode_version:
- assert updated_whitespace_data.chars == whitespace.whitespace_data.chars, \
- f'outdated character list for Unicode version {unicodedata.unidata_version}'
+ assert (
+ updated_whitespace_data.chars == whitespace.whitespace_data.chars
+ ), f"outdated character list for Unicode version {unicodedata.unidata_version}"
def test_bad_whitespace_chars(self):
for char in whitespace.whitespace_data.chars:
fake_src = [
- 'src_prepare() {\n',
+ "src_prepare() {\n",
f'\tcd "${{S}}"/cpp ||{char}die\n',
- '}\n',
+ "}\n",
fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src)
r = self.assertReport(self.check, fake_pkg)
assert isinstance(r, whitespace.BadWhitespaceCharacter)
- assert f'bad whitespace character {repr(char)} on line 2' in str(r)
+ assert f"bad whitespace character {repr(char)} on line 2" in str(r)
class TestMultipleChecks(WhitespaceCheckTest):
def test_it(self):
fake_src = [
"# This is our first fake ebuild\n",
diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py
index 675110a6..a836e3ba 100644
--- a/tests/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/conftest.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from snakeoil.contexts import os_environ
from snakeoil.formatters import PlainTextFormatter
from snakeoil.osutils import pjoin
-pytest_plugins = ['pkgcore']
+pytest_plugins = ["pkgcore"]
REPO_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def default_session_fixture(request):
"""Fixture run globally for the entire test session."""
stack = ExitStack()
# don't load the default system or user config files
- stack.enter_context(patch('pkgcheck.cli.ConfigFileParser.default_configs', ()))
+ stack.enter_context(patch("pkgcheck.cli.ConfigFileParser.default_configs", ()))
stack.enter_context(os_environ(**(git_config := GitConfig()).config_env))
def unpatch():
@@ -59,40 +59,44 @@ def testconfig(tmp_path_factory):
Also, repo entries for all the bundled test repos.
- config = tmp_path_factory.mktemp('testconfig')
- repos_conf = config / 'repos.conf'
- stubrepo = pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, 'stubrepo')
- testdir = REPO_ROOT / 'testdata/repos'
- with open(repos_conf, 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent(f"""\
- main-repo = standalone
- [stubrepo]
- location = {stubrepo}
- """))
+ config = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("testconfig")
+ repos_conf = config / "repos.conf"
+ stubrepo = pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, "stubrepo")
+ testdir = REPO_ROOT / "testdata/repos"
+ with open(repos_conf, "w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ f"""\
+ main-repo = standalone
+ [stubrepo]
+ location = {stubrepo}
+ """
+ )
+ )
for repo in testdir.iterdir():
- f.write(f'[{repo.name}]\n')
- f.write(f'location = {repo}\n')
- profile_path = pjoin(stubrepo, 'profiles', 'default')
- os.symlink(profile_path, str(config / 'make.profile'))
+ f.write(f"[{repo.name}]\n")
+ f.write(f"location = {repo}\n")
+ profile_path = pjoin(stubrepo, "profiles", "default")
+ os.symlink(profile_path, str(config / "make.profile"))
return str(config)
def cache_dir(tmp_path_factory):
"""Generate a cache directory for pkgcheck."""
- cache_dir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp('cache')
+ cache_dir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("cache")
return str(cache_dir)
def fakerepo(tmp_path_factory):
"""Generate a stub repo."""
- fakerepo = tmp_path_factory.mktemp('fakerepo')
- (profiles := fakerepo / 'profiles').mkdir(parents=True)
- (profiles / 'repo_name').write_text('fakerepo\n')
- (metadata := fakerepo / 'metadata').mkdir(parents=True)
- (metadata / 'layout.conf').write_text('masters =\n')
+ fakerepo = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("fakerepo")
+ (profiles := fakerepo / "profiles").mkdir(parents=True)
+ (profiles / "repo_name").write_text("fakerepo\n")
+ (metadata := fakerepo / "metadata").mkdir(parents=True)
+ (metadata / "layout.conf").write_text("masters =\n")
return fakerepo
diff --git a/tests/misc.py b/tests/misc.py
index cf317e4e..92d25721 100644
--- a/tests/misc.py
+++ b/tests/misc.py
@@ -26,18 +26,18 @@ from snakeoil.sequences import split_negations
class Profile:
"""Profile record used to create profiles in a repository."""
path: str
arch: str
- status: str = 'stable'
+ status: str = "stable"
deprecated: bool = False
defaults: List[str] = None
- eapi: str = '5'
+ eapi: str = "5"
# TODO: merge this with the pkgcore-provided equivalent
class FakePkg(package):
- def __init__(self, cpvstr, data=None, parent=None, ebuild='', **kwargs):
+ def __init__(self, cpvstr, data=None, parent=None, ebuild="", **kwargs):
if data is None:
data = {}
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class FakePkg(package):
cpv = VersionedCPV(cpvstr)
# TODO: make pkgcore generate empty shared pkg data when None is passed
- mxml = repo_objs.LocalMetadataXml('')
+ mxml = repo_objs.LocalMetadataXml("")
shared = repo_objs.SharedPkgData(metadata_xml=mxml, manifest=None)
super().__init__(shared, parent, cpv.category, cpv.package, cpv.fullver)
object.__setattr__(self, "data", data)
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class FakePkg(package):
def eapi(self):
- return get_eapi(self.data.get('EAPI', '0'))
+ return get_eapi(self.data.get("EAPI", "0"))
def ebuild(self):
@@ -88,8 +88,11 @@ class FakeFilesDirPkg(package):
cpv = VersionedCPV(cpvstr)
super().__init__(shared, factory(repo), cpv.category, cpv.package, cpv.fullver)
object.__setattr__(self, "data", data)
- object.__setattr__(self, "path", pjoin(
- repo.location, cpv.category, cpv.package, f'{cpv.package}-{cpv.fullver}.ebuild'))
+ object.__setattr__(
+ self,
+ "path",
+ pjoin(repo.location, cpv.category, cpv.package, f"{cpv.package}-{cpv.fullver}.ebuild"),
+ )
class ReportTestCase:
@@ -133,7 +136,7 @@ class ReportTestCase:
def assertReport(self, check, data):
results = self.assertReports(check, data)
- results_str = '\n'.join(map(str, results))
+ results_str = "\n".join(map(str, results))
assert len(results) == 1, f"expected one report, got {len(results)}:\n{results_str}"
result = results[0]
@@ -141,40 +144,51 @@ class ReportTestCase:
class FakeProfile:
- def __init__(self, masked_use={}, stable_masked_use={}, forced_use={},
- stable_forced_use={}, pkg_use={}, provides={}, iuse_effective=[],
- use=[], masks=[], unmasks=[], arch='x86', name='none'):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ masked_use={},
+ stable_masked_use={},
+ forced_use={},
+ stable_forced_use={},
+ pkg_use={},
+ provides={},
+ iuse_effective=[],
+ use=[],
+ masks=[],
+ unmasks=[],
+ arch="x86",
+ name="none",
+ ):
self.provides_repo = SimpleTree(provides)
self.masked_use = ChunkedDataDict()
- chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v))
- for k, v in masked_use.items())
+ chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v)) for k, v in masked_use.items()
+ )
self.stable_masked_use = ChunkedDataDict()
- chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v))
- for k, v in stable_masked_use.items())
+ chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v)) for k, v in stable_masked_use.items()
+ )
self.forced_use = ChunkedDataDict()
- chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v))
- for k, v in forced_use.items())
+ chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v)) for k, v in forced_use.items()
+ )
self.stable_forced_use = ChunkedDataDict()
- chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v))
- for k, v in stable_forced_use.items())
+ chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v)) for k, v in stable_forced_use.items()
+ )
self.pkg_use = ChunkedDataDict()
- chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v))
- for k, v in pkg_use.items())
+ chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v)) for k, v in pkg_use.items()
+ )
self.masks = tuple(map(atom, masks))
@@ -199,7 +213,7 @@ class Tmpdir:
def random_str(length=10):
"""Generate a random string of ASCII characters of a given length."""
- return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(length))
+ return "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(length))
# TODO: combine this with pkgcheck.checks.init_checks()
@@ -224,6 +238,5 @@ def init_check(check_cls, options):
except CacheDisabled as e:
raise SkipCheck(cls, e)
- required_addons = {
- base.param_name(x): addons_map[x] for x in addon.required_addons}
+ required_addons = {base.param_name(x): addons_map[x] for x in addon.required_addons}
return addon, required_addons, source
diff --git a/tests/scripts/test_argparse_actions.py b/tests/scripts/test_argparse_actions.py
index d46d4560..283eb716 100644
--- a/tests/scripts/test_argparse_actions.py
+++ b/tests/scripts/test_argparse_actions.py
@@ -11,61 +11,59 @@ from snakeoil.cli import arghparse
class TestConfigArg:
def _create_argparser(self):
self.parser = arghparse.ArgumentParser()
- self.parser.add_argument('--config', action=argparse_actions.ConfigArg)
+ self.parser.add_argument("--config", action=argparse_actions.ConfigArg)
def test_none(self):
options = self.parser.parse_args([])
assert options.config is None
def test_enabled(self):
- for arg in ('config_file', '/path/to/config/file'):
- options = self.parser.parse_args(['--config', arg])
+ for arg in ("config_file", "/path/to/config/file"):
+ options = self.parser.parse_args(["--config", arg])
assert options.config == arg
def test_disabled(self):
- for arg in ('False', 'false', 'No', 'no', 'N', 'n'):
- options = self.parser.parse_args(['--config', arg])
+ for arg in ("False", "false", "No", "no", "N", "n"):
+ options = self.parser.parse_args(["--config", arg])
assert options.config is False
class TestFilterArgs:
def _create_argparser(self):
self.parser = arghparse.ArgumentParser()
- self.parser.set_defaults(config_checksets={'cset': ['StableRequestCheck']})
- self.parser.add_argument('--filter', action=argparse_actions.FilterArgs)
+ self.parser.set_defaults(config_checksets={"cset": ["StableRequestCheck"]})
+ self.parser.add_argument("--filter", action=argparse_actions.FilterArgs)
def test_none(self):
options = self.parser.parse_args([])
assert options.filter is None
def test_unknown_filter(self, capsys):
- for arg in ('foo', 'foo:PkgDirCheck'):
+ for arg in ("foo", "foo:PkgDirCheck"):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- self.parser.parse_args(['--filter', arg])
+ self.parser.parse_args(["--filter", arg])
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert "unknown filter: 'foo'" in err
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
def test_disabled(self):
- for arg in ('False', 'false', 'No', 'no', 'N', 'n'):
- options = self.parser.parse_args(['--filter', arg])
+ for arg in ("False", "false", "No", "no", "N", "n"):
+ options = self.parser.parse_args(["--filter", arg])
assert options.filter == {}
def test_enabled(self):
- for arg in ('latest', 'latest:StableRequest', 'latest:StableRequestCheck', 'latest:cset'):
- options = self.parser.parse_args(['--filter', arg])
- assert objects.KEYWORDS['StableRequest'] in options.filter
+ for arg in ("latest", "latest:StableRequest", "latest:StableRequestCheck", "latest:cset"):
+ options = self.parser.parse_args(["--filter", arg])
+ assert objects.KEYWORDS["StableRequest"] in options.filter
def test_unknown_value(self, capsys):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- self.parser.parse_args(['--filter', 'latest:foo'])
+ self.parser.parse_args(["--filter", "latest:foo"])
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert "unknown checkset, check, or keyword: 'foo'" in err
@@ -73,11 +71,10 @@ class TestFilterArgs:
class TestCacheNegations:
def _create_argparser(self):
self.parser = arghparse.ArgumentParser()
- self.parser.add_argument('--cache', action=argparse_actions.CacheNegations)
+ self.parser.add_argument("--cache", action=argparse_actions.CacheNegations)
self.caches = [x.type for x in CachedAddon.caches.values()]
def test_defaults(self):
@@ -86,27 +83,27 @@ class TestCacheNegations:
def test_unknown(self, capsys):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- self.parser.parse_args(['--cache', 'foo'])
+ self.parser.parse_args(["--cache", "foo"])
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert "unknown cache type: 'foo'" in err
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
def test_all(self):
- for arg in ('True', 'true', 'Yes', 'yes', 'Y', 'y'):
- options = self.parser.parse_args(['--cache', arg])
+ for arg in ("True", "true", "Yes", "yes", "Y", "y"):
+ options = self.parser.parse_args(["--cache", arg])
for k, v in options.cache.items():
assert v is True
def test_none(self):
- for arg in ('False', 'false', 'No', 'no', 'N', 'n'):
- options = self.parser.parse_args(['--cache', arg])
+ for arg in ("False", "false", "No", "no", "N", "n"):
+ options = self.parser.parse_args(["--cache", arg])
for k, v in options.cache.items():
assert v is False
def test_enabled(self):
cache = self.caches[random.randrange(len(self.caches))]
- options = self.parser.parse_args(['--cache', cache])
+ options = self.parser.parse_args(["--cache", cache])
for k, v in options.cache.items():
if k == cache:
assert v is True
@@ -115,7 +112,7 @@ class TestCacheNegations:
def test_disabled(self):
cache = self.caches[random.randrange(len(self.caches))]
- options = self.parser.parse_args([f'--cache=-{cache}'])
+ options = self.parser.parse_args([f"--cache=-{cache}"])
for k, v in options.cache.items():
if k == cache:
assert v is False
@@ -124,66 +121,70 @@ class TestCacheNegations:
class TestChecksetArgs:
def _setup(self, tool, tmp_path):
self.tool = tool
- self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path / '.cache')
- self.config = str(tmp_path / 'config')
- self.args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir]
+ self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path / ".cache")
+ self.config = str(tmp_path / "config")
+ self.args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir]
def test_unknown(self, capsys):
- for opt in ('-C', '--checksets'):
+ for opt in ("-C", "--checksets"):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, 'foo'])
+ self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, "foo"])
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert "unknown checkset: 'foo'" in err
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
def test_aliases(self):
- for opt in ('-C', '--checksets'):
+ for opt in ("-C", "--checksets"):
# net
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, 'net'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, "net"])
network_checks = [
- c for c, v in objects.CHECKS.items() if issubclass(v, checks.NetworkCheck)]
+ c for c, v in objects.CHECKS.items() if issubclass(v, checks.NetworkCheck)
+ ]
assert options.selected_checks == set(network_checks)
# all
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, 'all'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, "all"])
assert options.selected_checks == set(objects.CHECKS)
def test_sets(self, capsys):
- with open(self.config, 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\
- set1=StableRequest
- set2=-StableRequest
- set3=SourcingCheck,-InvalidEapi,-InvalidSlot
- bad=foo
- """))
+ with open(self.config, "w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ set1=StableRequest
+ set2=-StableRequest
+ set3=SourcingCheck,-InvalidEapi,-InvalidSlot
+ bad=foo
+ """
+ )
+ )
configs = [self.config]
- with patch('pkgcheck.cli.ConfigFileParser.default_configs', configs):
- for opt in ('-C', '--checksets'):
+ with patch("pkgcheck.cli.ConfigFileParser.default_configs", configs):
+ for opt in ("-C", "--checksets"):
# enabled keyword
- for arg in ('set1', '-set2'):
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}={arg}'])
- assert options.filtered_keywords == {objects.KEYWORDS['StableRequest']}
- assert options.enabled_checks == {objects.CHECKS['StableRequestCheck']}
+ for arg in ("set1", "-set2"):
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}={arg}"])
+ assert options.filtered_keywords == {objects.KEYWORDS["StableRequest"]}
+ assert options.enabled_checks == {objects.CHECKS["StableRequestCheck"]}
# disabled keyword
- for arg in ('-set1', 'set2'):
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}={arg}'])
- assert objects.KEYWORDS['StableRequest'] not in options.filtered_keywords
+ for arg in ("-set1", "set2"):
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}={arg}"])
+ assert objects.KEYWORDS["StableRequest"] not in options.filtered_keywords
# check/keywords mixture
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}=set3'])
- assert options.filtered_keywords == {objects.KEYWORDS['SourcingError']}
- assert options.enabled_checks == {objects.CHECKS['SourcingCheck']}
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}=set3"])
+ assert options.filtered_keywords == {objects.KEYWORDS["SourcingError"]}
+ assert options.enabled_checks == {objects.CHECKS["SourcingCheck"]}
# unknown value
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}=bad'])
+ self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}=bad"])
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert "'bad' checkset, unknown check or keyword: 'foo'" in err
@@ -191,173 +192,167 @@ class TestChecksetArgs:
class TestScopeArgs:
def _setup(self, tool, tmp_path):
self.tool = tool
self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path)
- self.args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir]
+ self.args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir]
def test_unknown_scope(self, capsys):
- for opt in ('-s', '--scopes'):
+ for opt in ("-s", "--scopes"):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, 'foo'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, "foo"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- err = err.strip().split('\n')
+ err = err.strip().split("\n")
assert "unknown scope: 'foo'" in err[-1]
def test_missing_scope(self, capsys):
- for opt in ('-s', '--scopes'):
+ for opt in ("-s", "--scopes"):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- err = err.strip().split('\n')
- assert err[0] == (
- 'pkgcheck scan: error: argument -s/--scopes: expected one argument')
+ err = err.strip().split("\n")
+ assert err[0] == ("pkgcheck scan: error: argument -s/--scopes: expected one argument")
def test_disabled(self):
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--scopes=-eclass'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--scopes=-eclass"])
assert options.selected_scopes == frozenset()
def test_enabled(self):
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--scopes', 'repo'])
- assert options.selected_scopes == frozenset([base.scopes['repo']])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--scopes", "repo"])
+ assert options.selected_scopes == frozenset([base.scopes["repo"]])
class TestCheckArgs:
def _setup(self, tool, tmp_path):
self.tool = tool
self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path)
- self.args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir]
+ self.args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir]
def test_unknown_check(self, capsys):
- for opt in ('-c', '--checks'):
+ for opt in ("-c", "--checks"):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, 'foo'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, "foo"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- err = err.strip().split('\n')
+ err = err.strip().split("\n")
assert "unknown check: 'foo'" in err[-1]
def test_token_errors(self):
- for opt in ('-c', '--checks'):
- for operation in ('-', '+'):
+ for opt in ("-c", "--checks"):
+ for operation in ("-", "+"):
with pytest.raises(argparse.ArgumentTypeError) as excinfo:
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}={operation}'])
- assert 'without a token' in str(excinfo.value)
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}={operation}"])
+ assert "without a token" in str(excinfo.value)
def test_missing_check(self, capsys):
- for opt in ('-c', '--checks'):
+ for opt in ("-c", "--checks"):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- err = err.strip().split('\n')
- assert err[0] == (
- 'pkgcheck scan: error: argument -c/--checks: expected one argument')
+ err = err.strip().split("\n")
+ assert err[0] == ("pkgcheck scan: error: argument -c/--checks: expected one argument")
def test_neutral(self):
- for opt in ('-c', '--checks'):
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, 'UnusedLicensesCheck'])
- assert options.selected_checks == frozenset(['UnusedLicensesCheck'])
+ for opt in ("-c", "--checks"):
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, "UnusedLicensesCheck"])
+ assert options.selected_checks == frozenset(["UnusedLicensesCheck"])
def test_subtractive(self):
- for opt in ('-c', '--checks'):
+ for opt in ("-c", "--checks"):
check = list(objects.CHECKS)[random.randrange(len(objects.CHECKS))]
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}=-{check}'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}=-{check}"])
assert options.selected_checks == frozenset()
def test_additive(self):
- for opt in ('-c', '--checks'):
+ for opt in ("-c", "--checks"):
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args)
assert issubclass(checks.perl.PerlCheck, checks.OptionalCheck)
assert checks.perl.PerlCheck not in set(options.enabled_checks)
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}=+PerlCheck'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}=+PerlCheck"])
assert checks.perl.PerlCheck in set(options.enabled_checks)
- assert options.selected_checks == frozenset(['PerlCheck'])
+ assert options.selected_checks == frozenset(["PerlCheck"])
class TestKeywordArgs:
def _setup(self, tool, tmp_path):
self.tool = tool
self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path)
- self.args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir]
+ self.args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir]
def test_unknown_keyword(self, capsys):
- for opt in ('-k', '--keywords'):
+ for opt in ("-k", "--keywords"):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, 'foo'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, "foo"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- err = err.strip().split('\n')
+ err = err.strip().split("\n")
assert "unknown keyword: 'foo'" in err[-1]
def test_missing_keyword(self, capsys):
- for opt in ('-k', '--keywords'):
+ for opt in ("-k", "--keywords"):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- err = err.strip().split('\n')
- assert err[0] == (
- 'pkgcheck scan: error: argument -k/--keywords: expected one argument')
+ err = err.strip().split("\n")
+ assert err[0] == ("pkgcheck scan: error: argument -k/--keywords: expected one argument")
def test_enabled(self):
- for opt in ('-k', '--keywords'):
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, 'UnusedLicenses'])
- assert options.selected_keywords == frozenset(['UnusedLicenses'])
- assert options.filtered_keywords == frozenset([objects.KEYWORDS['UnusedLicenses']])
+ for opt in ("-k", "--keywords"):
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, "UnusedLicenses"])
+ assert options.selected_keywords == frozenset(["UnusedLicenses"])
+ assert options.filtered_keywords == frozenset([objects.KEYWORDS["UnusedLicenses"]])
assert options.enabled_checks == {checks.repo_metadata.UnusedLicensesCheck}
def test_disabled_check(self):
"""Disabling all keywords for a given check also disables the check."""
- for opt in ('-k', '--keywords'):
+ for opt in ("-k", "--keywords"):
default_checks = set(objects.CHECKS.default.values())
default_keywords = set().union(*(v.known_results for v in default_checks))
keyword = checks.repo_metadata.UnusedLicenses
check = checks.repo_metadata.UnusedLicensesCheck
assert check in default_checks
assert check.known_results == frozenset([keyword])
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}=-UnusedLicenses'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}=-UnusedLicenses"])
assert options.selected_keywords == frozenset()
assert options.filtered_keywords == frozenset(default_keywords - {keyword})
assert check not in set(options.enabled_checks)
def test_disabled(self):
- for opt in ('-k', '--keywords'):
+ for opt in ("-k", "--keywords"):
default_keywords = set().union(
- *(v.known_results for v in objects.CHECKS.default.values()))
+ *(v.known_results for v in objects.CHECKS.default.values())
+ )
keyword_cls = list(default_keywords)[random.randrange(len(default_keywords))]
keyword = keyword_cls.__name__
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}=-{keyword}'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}=-{keyword}"])
assert options.selected_keywords == frozenset()
assert options.filtered_keywords == frozenset(default_keywords - {keyword_cls})
def test_aliases(self):
- for opt in ('-k', '--keywords'):
- for alias in ('error', 'warning', 'info'):
+ for opt in ("-k", "--keywords"):
+ for alias in ("error", "warning", "info"):
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, alias])
alias_keywords = list(getattr(objects.KEYWORDS, alias))
assert options.selected_keywords == frozenset(alias_keywords)
class TestExitArgs:
def _setup(self, tool, tmp_path):
self.tool = tool
self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path)
- self.args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir]
+ self.args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir]
def test_unknown(self, capsys):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--exit', 'foo'])
+ self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--exit", "foo"])
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert "unknown checkset, check, or keyword: 'foo'" in err
@@ -368,22 +363,22 @@ class TestExitArgs:
assert options.exit_keywords == ()
def test_default(self):
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--exit'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--exit"])
assert options.exit_keywords == frozenset(objects.KEYWORDS.error.values())
def test_enabled(self):
keyword = list(objects.KEYWORDS)[random.randrange(len(objects.KEYWORDS))]
objs = (objects.KEYWORDS[x] for x in objects.KEYWORDS.aliases.get(keyword, [keyword]))
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--exit', keyword])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--exit", keyword])
assert options.exit_keywords == frozenset(objs)
def test_disabled(self):
keyword = list(objects.KEYWORDS)[random.randrange(len(objects.KEYWORDS))]
objs = (objects.KEYWORDS[x] for x in objects.KEYWORDS.aliases.get(keyword, [keyword]))
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'--exit=-{keyword}'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"--exit=-{keyword}"])
assert options.exit_keywords == frozenset(objects.KEYWORDS.error.values()) - frozenset(objs)
def test_aliases(self):
- for alias in ('error', 'warning', 'info'):
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'--exit={alias}'])
+ for alias in ("error", "warning", "info"):
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"--exit={alias}"])
assert options.exit_keywords == frozenset(getattr(objects.KEYWORDS, alias).values())
diff --git a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck.py b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck.py
index 8478a746..49e2f8b6 100644
--- a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck.py
+++ b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck.py
@@ -11,27 +11,27 @@ def test_script_run(capsys):
"""Test regular code path for running scripts."""
script = partial(run, project)
- with patch(f'{project}.scripts.import_module') as import_module:
+ with patch(f"{project}.scripts.import_module") as import_module:
import_module.side_effect = ImportError("baz module doesn't exist")
# default error path when script import fails
- with patch('sys.argv', [project]):
+ with patch("sys.argv", [project]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.code == 1
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- err = err.strip().split('\n')
+ err = err.strip().split("\n")
assert len(err) == 3
assert err[0] == "Failed importing: baz module doesn't exist!"
assert err[1].startswith(f"Verify that {project} and its deps")
assert err[2] == "Add --debug to the commandline for a traceback."
# running with --debug should raise an ImportError when there are issues
- with patch('sys.argv', [project, '--debug']):
+ with patch("sys.argv", [project, "--debug"]):
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- err = err.strip().split('\n')
+ err = err.strip().split("\n")
assert len(err) == 2
assert err[0] == "Failed importing: baz module doesn't exist!"
assert err[1].startswith(f"Verify that {project} and its deps")
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class TestPkgcheck:
script = partial(run, project)
def test_version(self, capsys):
- with patch('sys.argv', [project, '--version']):
+ with patch("sys.argv", [project, "--version"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
diff --git a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_cache.py b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_cache.py
index 0414b4ec..023a3161 100644
--- a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_cache.py
+++ b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_cache.py
@@ -14,95 +14,95 @@ class TestPkgcheckCache:
def _setup(self, testconfig, tmp_path):
self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path)
- self.args = [
- project, '--config', testconfig,
- 'cache', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir]
+ self.args = [project, "--config", testconfig, "cache", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir]
def test_cache_profiles(self, capsys):
# force standalone repo profiles cache regen
- for args in (['-u', '-f'], ['--update', '--force']):
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args + ['-t', 'profiles']):
+ for args in (["-u", "-f"], ["--update", "--force"]):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["-t", "profiles"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
# verify the profiles cache shows up
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not err
out = out.strip().splitlines()
- assert out[-1].startswith('standalone-')
+ assert out[-1].startswith("standalone-")
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
# pretend to remove it
- for arg in ('-n', '--dry-run'):
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg] + ['-Rt', 'profiles']):
+ for arg in ("-n", "--dry-run"):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg] + ["-Rt", "profiles"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- assert err == ''
- assert out.startswith(f'Would remove {self.cache_dir}')
+ assert err == ""
+ assert out.startswith(f"Would remove {self.cache_dir}")
# fail to remove it
- for arg in ('-R', '--remove'):
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.os.unlink') as unlink, \
- patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg] + ['-t', 'profiles']):
- unlink.side_effect = IOError('bad perms')
+ for arg in ("-R", "--remove"):
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.os.unlink") as unlink, patch(
+ "sys.argv", self.args + [arg] + ["-t", "profiles"]
+ ):
+ unlink.side_effect = IOError("bad perms")
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert os.listdir(self.cache_dir)
- assert err.startswith('pkgcheck cache: error: failed removing profiles cache')
+ assert err.startswith("pkgcheck cache: error: failed removing profiles cache")
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
# actually remove it
- for arg in ('-R', '--remove'):
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg] + ['-t', 'profiles']):
+ for arg in ("-R", "--remove"):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg] + ["-t", "profiles"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
# verify it's gone
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- assert (out, err) == ('', '')
+ assert (out, err) == ("", "")
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
def test_cache_forced_removal(self, capsys):
# force standalone repo profiles cache regen
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + ['-uf']):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + ["-uf"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
# fail to forcibly remove all
- with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.shutil.rmtree') as rmtree, \
- patch('sys.argv', self.args + ['-Rf']):
- rmtree.side_effect = IOError('bad perms')
+ with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.shutil.rmtree") as rmtree, patch(
+ "sys.argv", self.args + ["-Rf"]
+ ):
+ rmtree.side_effect = IOError("bad perms")
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
- assert err.strip() == 'pkgcheck cache: error: failed removing cache dir: bad perms'
+ assert err.strip() == "pkgcheck cache: error: failed removing cache dir: bad perms"
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
# actually forcibly remove all
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + ['-Rf']):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + ["-Rf"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- assert (out, err) == ('', '')
+ assert (out, err) == ("", "")
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
# cache dir has been entirely blown away
assert not os.path.exists(self.cache_dir)
# forcing removal again does nothing
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + ['-Rf']):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + ["-Rf"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- assert (out, err) == ('', '')
+ assert (out, err) == ("", "")
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
diff --git a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_ci.py b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_ci.py
index 2ac21d7c..bc0d9cbf 100644
--- a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_ci.py
+++ b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_ci.py
@@ -10,61 +10,61 @@ from pkgcore.ebuild.cpv import VersionedCPV
class TestPkgcheckCi:
- script = partial(run, 'pkgcheck')
+ script = partial(run, "pkgcheck")
def _setup(self, testconfig, tmp_path):
self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path)
- base_args = ['--config', testconfig]
- self.scan_args = ['--config', 'no', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir]
+ base_args = ["--config", testconfig]
+ self.scan_args = ["--config", "no", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir]
# args for running pkgcheck like a script
- self.args = ['pkgcheck'] + base_args + ['ci'] + self.scan_args
+ self.args = ["pkgcheck"] + base_args + ["ci"] + self.scan_args
def test_empty_repo(self, capsys, repo):
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [repo.location]):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [repo.location]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- assert out == err == ''
+ assert out == err == ""
def test_exit_status(self, repo):
# create good ebuild and another with an invalid EAPI
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0')
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', eapi='-1')
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0")
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", eapi="-1")
# exit status isn't enabled by default
- args = ['-r', repo.location]
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args):
+ args = ["-r", repo.location]
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
# all error level results are flagged by default when enabled
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args + ['--exit']):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["--exit"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.code == 1
# selective error results will only flag those specified
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args + ['--exit', 'InvalidSlot']):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["--exit", "InvalidSlot"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args + ['--exit', 'InvalidEapi']):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["--exit", "InvalidEapi"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.code == 1
def test_failures(self, tmp_path, repo):
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', slot='')
- failures = str(tmp_path / 'failures.json')
- args = ['--failures', failures, '--exit', '-r', repo.location]
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args):
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", slot="")
+ failures = str(tmp_path / "failures.json")
+ args = ["--failures", failures, "--exit", "-r", repo.location]
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.code == 1
with open(str(failures)) as f:
results = list(JsonStream.from_iter(f))
- pkg = VersionedCPV('cat/pkg-1')
- assert results == [InvalidSlot('slot', 'SLOT cannot be unset or empty', pkg=pkg)]
+ pkg = VersionedCPV("cat/pkg-1")
+ assert results == [InvalidSlot("slot", "SLOT cannot be unset or empty", pkg=pkg)]
diff --git a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_replay.py b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_replay.py
index 67ad3486..c2aeda66 100644
--- a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_replay.py
+++ b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_replay.py
@@ -18,70 +18,69 @@ class TestPkgcheckReplay:
def _setup(self, testconfig):
- self.args = [project, '--config', testconfig, 'replay']
+ self.args = [project, "--config", testconfig, "replay"]
def test_missing_file_arg(self, capsys):
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
- err = err.strip().split('\n')
+ err = err.strip().split("\n")
assert len(err) == 1
- assert err[0] == (
- 'pkgcheck replay: error: the following arguments are required: FILE')
+ assert err[0] == ("pkgcheck replay: error: the following arguments are required: FILE")
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
def test_replay(self, capsys):
- result = ProfileWarning('profile warning: foo')
+ result = ProfileWarning("profile warning: foo")
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
out = PlainTextFormatter(f)
with JsonStream(out) as reporter:
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + ['-R', 'StrReporter', f.name]):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + ["-R", "StrReporter", f.name]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not err
- assert out == 'profile warning: foo\n'
+ assert out == "profile warning: foo\n"
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
def test_corrupted_resuts(self, capsys):
- result = ProfileWarning('profile warning: foo')
+ result = ProfileWarning("profile warning: foo")
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
out = PlainTextFormatter(f)
with JsonStream(out) as reporter:
- f.write(b'corrupted')
+ f.write(b"corrupted")
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + ['-R', 'StrReporter', f.name]):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + ["-R", "StrReporter", f.name]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- assert 'corrupted results file' in err
+ assert "corrupted results file" in err
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
def test_invalid_file(self, capsys):
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wt') as f:
- f.write('invalid file')
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wt") as f:
+ f.write("invalid file")
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + ['-R', 'StrReporter', f.name]):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + ["-R", "StrReporter", f.name]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- assert err.strip() == 'pkgcheck replay: error: invalid or unsupported replay file'
+ assert err.strip() == "pkgcheck replay: error: invalid or unsupported replay file"
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
def test_replay_pipe_stdin(self):
- script = pytest.REPO_ROOT / 'bin/pkgcheck'
- result = ProfileWarning('profile warning: foo')
+ script = pytest.REPO_ROOT / "bin/pkgcheck"
+ result = ProfileWarning("profile warning: foo")
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
out = PlainTextFormatter(f)
with JsonStream(out) as reporter:
p = subprocess.run(
- [script, 'replay', '-R', 'StrReporter', '-'],
- stdin=f, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- assert p.stdout.decode() == 'profile warning: foo\n'
+ [script, "replay", "-R", "StrReporter", "-"], stdin=f, stdout=subprocess.PIPE
+ )
+ assert p.stdout.decode() == "profile warning: foo\n"
assert p.returncode == 0
diff --git a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_scan.py b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_scan.py
index c224d83a..bba0547d 100644
--- a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_scan.py
+++ b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_scan.py
@@ -28,36 +28,35 @@ from ..misc import Profile
class TestPkgcheckScanParseArgs:
def test_skipped_checks(self, tool):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan'])
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"])
assert options.enabled_checks
# some checks should always be skipped by default
assert set(options.enabled_checks) != set(objects.CHECKS.values())
def test_enabled_check(self, tool):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', '-c', 'PkgDirCheck'])
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "-c", "PkgDirCheck"])
assert options.enabled_checks == {checks_mod.pkgdir.PkgDirCheck}
def test_disabled_check(self, tool):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan'])
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"])
assert checks_mod.pkgdir.PkgDirCheck in options.enabled_checks
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', '-c=-PkgDirCheck'])
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "-c=-PkgDirCheck"])
assert options.enabled_checks
assert checks_mod.pkgdir.PkgDirCheck not in options.enabled_checks
def test_targets(self, tool):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', 'dev-util/foo'])
- assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.package_scope, atom.atom('dev-util/foo'))]
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "dev-util/foo"])
+ assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.package_scope, atom.atom("dev-util/foo"))]
def test_stdin_targets(self, tool):
- with patch('sys.stdin', StringIO('dev-util/foo')):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', '-'])
- assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.package_scope, atom.atom('dev-util/foo'))]
+ with patch("sys.stdin", StringIO("dev-util/foo")):
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "-"])
+ assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.package_scope, atom.atom("dev-util/foo"))]
def test_invalid_targets(self, tool, capsys):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', 'dev-util/f$o'])
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "dev-util/f$o"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
err = err.strip()
@@ -65,91 +64,97 @@ class TestPkgcheckScanParseArgs:
def test_unknown_path_target(self, tool, capsys):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- tool.parse_args(['scan', '/foo/bar'])
+ tool.parse_args(["scan", "/foo/bar"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- err = err.strip().split('\n')
+ err = err.strip().split("\n")
assert err[-1].startswith(
- "pkgcheck scan: error: 'standalone' repo doesn't contain: '/foo/bar'")
+ "pkgcheck scan: error: 'standalone' repo doesn't contain: '/foo/bar'"
+ )
def test_target_repo_id(self, tool):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', 'standalone'])
- assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'standalone'
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "standalone"])
+ assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "standalone"
assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.repo_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)]
def test_target_dir_path(self, repo, tool):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', repo.location])
- assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'fake'
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", repo.location])
+ assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "fake"
assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.repo_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)]
def test_target_dir_path_in_repo(self, repo, tool):
- path = pjoin(repo.location, 'profiles')
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', path])
- assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'fake'
+ path = pjoin(repo.location, "profiles")
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", path])
+ assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "fake"
assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.profiles_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)]
def test_target_dir_path_in_configured_repo(self, tool):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', 'standalone'])
- path = pjoin(options.target_repo.location, 'profiles')
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', path])
- assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'standalone'
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "standalone"])
+ path = pjoin(options.target_repo.location, "profiles")
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", path])
+ assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "standalone"
assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.profiles_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)]
def test_target_non_repo_path(self, tool, capsys, tmp_path):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- tool.parse_args(['scan', str(tmp_path)])
+ tool.parse_args(["scan", str(tmp_path)])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert err.startswith(
- f"pkgcheck scan: error: 'standalone' repo doesn't contain: '{str(tmp_path)}'")
+ f"pkgcheck scan: error: 'standalone' repo doesn't contain: '{str(tmp_path)}'"
+ )
def test_target_invalid_repo(self, tool, capsys, make_repo):
- repo = make_repo(masters=['unknown'])
+ repo = make_repo(masters=["unknown"])
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- tool.parse_args(['scan', repo.location])
+ tool.parse_args(["scan", repo.location])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
err = err.strip()
- assert err.startswith('pkgcheck scan: error: repo init failed')
+ assert err.startswith("pkgcheck scan: error: repo init failed")
assert err.endswith("has missing masters: 'unknown'")
def test_target_file_path(self, repo, tool):
- os.makedirs(pjoin(repo.location, 'dev-util', 'foo'))
- ebuild_path = pjoin(repo.location, 'dev-util', 'foo', 'foo-0.ebuild')
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(repo.location, "dev-util", "foo"))
+ ebuild_path = pjoin(repo.location, "dev-util", "foo", "foo-0.ebuild")
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', ebuild_path])
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", ebuild_path])
restrictions = [
- restricts.CategoryDep('dev-util'),
- restricts.PackageDep('foo'),
- restricts.VersionMatch('=', '0'),
+ restricts.CategoryDep("dev-util"),
+ restricts.PackageDep("foo"),
+ restricts.VersionMatch("=", "0"),
+ ]
+ assert list(options.restrictions) == [
+ (base.version_scope, packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions))
- assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.version_scope, packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions))]
- assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'fake'
+ assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "fake"
def test_target_package_dir_cwd(self, repo, tool):
- os.makedirs(pjoin(repo.location, 'dev-util', 'foo'))
- with chdir(pjoin(repo.location, 'dev-util', 'foo')):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan'])
- assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'fake'
+ os.makedirs(pjoin(repo.location, "dev-util", "foo"))
+ with chdir(pjoin(repo.location, "dev-util", "foo")):
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"])
+ assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "fake"
restrictions = [
- restricts.CategoryDep('dev-util'),
- restricts.PackageDep('foo'),
+ restricts.CategoryDep("dev-util"),
+ restricts.PackageDep("foo"),
+ ]
+ assert list(options.restrictions) == [
+ (base.package_scope, packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions))
- assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.package_scope, packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions))]
def test_target_repo_dir_cwd(self, repo, tool):
with chdir(repo.location):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan'])
- assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'fake'
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"])
+ assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "fake"
assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.repo_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)]
def test_unknown_repo(self, tmp_path, capsys, tool):
- for opt in ('-r', '--repo'):
+ for opt in ("-r", "--repo"):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
with chdir(str(tmp_path)):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', opt, 'foo'])
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", opt, "foo"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
@@ -158,27 +163,26 @@ class TestPkgcheckScanParseArgs:
def test_invalid_repo(self, tmp_path, capsys, tool):
- (tmp_path / 'foo').touch()
- for opt in ('-r', '--repo'):
+ (tmp_path / "foo").touch()
+ for opt in ("-r", "--repo"):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
with chdir(str(tmp_path)):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', opt, 'foo'])
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", opt, "foo"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
- assert err.startswith(
- "pkgcheck scan: error: argument -r/--repo: repo init failed:")
+ assert err.startswith("pkgcheck scan: error: argument -r/--repo: repo init failed:")
def test_valid_repo(self, tool):
- for opt in ('-r', '--repo'):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', opt, 'standalone'])
- assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'standalone'
+ for opt in ("-r", "--repo"):
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", opt, "standalone"])
+ assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "standalone"
assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.repo_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)]
def test_unknown_reporter(self, capsys, tool):
- for opt in ('-R', '--reporter'):
+ for opt in ("-R", "--reporter"):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', opt, 'foo'])
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", opt, "foo"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
@@ -187,161 +191,185 @@ class TestPkgcheckScanParseArgs:
def test_format_reporter(self, capsys, tool):
# missing --format
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- tool.parse_args(['scan', '-R', 'FormatReporter'])
+ tool.parse_args(["scan", "-R", "FormatReporter"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- err = err.strip().split('\n')
- assert err[-1].endswith(
- "missing or empty --format option required by FormatReporter")
+ err = err.strip().split("\n")
+ assert err[-1].endswith("missing or empty --format option required by FormatReporter")
# missing -R FormatReporter
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- tool.parse_args(['scan', '--format', 'foo'])
+ tool.parse_args(["scan", "--format", "foo"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- err = err.strip().split('\n')
- assert err[-1].endswith(
- "--format option is only valid when using FormatReporter")
+ err = err.strip().split("\n")
+ assert err[-1].endswith("--format option is only valid when using FormatReporter")
# properly set
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(
- ['scan', '-R', 'FormatReporter', '--format', 'foo'])
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "-R", "FormatReporter", "--format", "foo"])
def test_cwd(self, capsys, tool):
# regularly working
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan'])
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"])
assert options.cwd == os.getcwd()
# pretend the CWD was removed out from under us
- with patch('os.getcwd') as getcwd:
- getcwd.side_effect = FileNotFoundError('CWD is gone')
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan'])
+ with patch("os.getcwd") as getcwd:
+ getcwd.side_effect = FileNotFoundError("CWD is gone")
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"])
assert options.cwd == const.DATA_PATH
def test_eclass_target(self, fakerepo, tool):
- (eclass_dir := fakerepo / 'eclass').mkdir()
- (eclass_path := eclass_dir / 'foo.eclass').touch()
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', str(eclass_path)])
- assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.eclass_scope, 'foo')]
+ (eclass_dir := fakerepo / "eclass").mkdir()
+ (eclass_path := eclass_dir / "foo.eclass").touch()
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", str(eclass_path)])
+ assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.eclass_scope, "foo")]
def test_profiles_target(self, fakerepo, tool):
- profiles_path = str(fakerepo / 'profiles')
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', profiles_path])
+ profiles_path = str(fakerepo / "profiles")
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", profiles_path])
assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.profiles_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)]
def test_profiles_path_target_file(self, fakerepo, tool):
- (pkg_mask_path := fakerepo / 'profiles/package.mask').touch()
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', str(pkg_mask_path)])
+ (pkg_mask_path := fakerepo / "profiles/package.mask").touch()
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", str(pkg_mask_path)])
assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.profile_node_scope, str(pkg_mask_path))]
def test_profiles_path_target_dir(self, fakerepo, tool):
- (profile_dir := fakerepo / 'profiles/default').mkdir(parents=True)
- (pkg_mask_path := profile_dir / 'package.mask').touch()
- (pkg_use_path := profile_dir / 'package.use').touch()
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', str(profile_dir)])
- assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.profile_node_scope, {str(pkg_mask_path), str(pkg_use_path)})]
+ (profile_dir := fakerepo / "profiles/default").mkdir(parents=True)
+ (pkg_mask_path := profile_dir / "package.mask").touch()
+ (pkg_use_path := profile_dir / "package.use").touch()
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", str(profile_dir)])
+ assert list(options.restrictions) == [
+ (base.profile_node_scope, {str(pkg_mask_path), str(pkg_use_path)})
+ ]
def test_no_default_repo(self, tool, capsys):
- stubconfig = pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, 'stubconfig')
+ stubconfig = pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, "stubconfig")
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
- tool.parse_args(['--config', stubconfig, 'scan'])
+ tool.parse_args(["--config", stubconfig, "scan"])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
assert err.strip() == "pkgcheck scan: error: no default repo found"
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(('makeopts', 'expected_jobs'), (
- ('', 4),
- ('-j1', 1),
- ('--jobs=6 -l 1', 6),
- ('--load 1', 4),
- ))
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ ("makeopts", "expected_jobs"),
+ (
+ ("", 4),
+ ("-j1", 1),
+ ("--jobs=6 -l 1", 6),
+ ("--load 1", 4),
+ ),
+ )
def test_makeopts_parsing(self, parser, makeopts, expected_jobs):
- with patch('os.cpu_count', return_value=4), \
- os_environ(MAKEOPTS=makeopts):
+ with patch("os.cpu_count", return_value=4), os_environ(MAKEOPTS=makeopts):
- options = parser.parse_args(['scan'])
+ options = parser.parse_args(["scan"])
assert options.jobs == expected_jobs
assert options.tasks == 5 * expected_jobs
def test_no_color(self, parser, tmp_path):
- (config_file := tmp_path / 'config').write_text(textwrap.dedent('''\
- color = true
- '''))
+ (config_file := tmp_path / "config").write_text(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ color = true
+ """
+ )
+ )
- args = ('scan', '--config', str(config_file))
- with os_environ('NOCOLOR'):
+ args = ("scan", "--config", str(config_file))
+ with os_environ("NOCOLOR"):
assert parser.parse_args(args).color is True
- with os_environ(NOCOLOR='1'):
+ with os_environ(NOCOLOR="1"):
# NOCOLOR overrides config file
assert parser.parse_args(args).color is False
# cmd line option overrides NOCOLOR
- assert parser.parse_args([*args, '--color', 'n']).color is False
- assert parser.parse_args([*args, '--color', 'y']).color is True
+ assert parser.parse_args([*args, "--color", "n"]).color is False
+ assert parser.parse_args([*args, "--color", "y"]).color is True
class TestPkgcheckScanParseConfigArgs:
def _setup(self, parser, tmp_path, repo):
self.parser = parser
self.repo = repo
- self.args = ['scan', '-r', repo.location]
+ self.args = ["scan", "-r", repo.location]
self.system_config = str(tmp_path / "system-config")
self.user_config = str(tmp_path / "user-config")
self.config = str(tmp_path / "custom-config")
def test_config_precedence(self):
configs = [self.system_config, self.user_config]
- with patch('pkgcheck.cli.ConfigFileParser.default_configs', configs):
- with open(self.system_config, 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\
- jobs=1000
- """))
+ with patch("pkgcheck.cli.ConfigFileParser.default_configs", configs):
+ with open(self.system_config, "w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ jobs=1000
+ """
+ )
+ )
options = self.parser.parse_args(self.args)
assert options.jobs == 1000
# user config overrides system config
- with open(self.user_config, 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\
- jobs=1001
- """))
+ with open(self.user_config, "w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ jobs=1001
+ """
+ )
+ )
options = self.parser.parse_args(self.args)
assert options.jobs == 1001
# repo config overrides user config
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'metadata', 'pkgcheck.conf'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\
- jobs=1002
- """))
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "metadata", "pkgcheck.conf"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ jobs=1002
+ """
+ )
+ )
options = self.parser.parse_args(self.args)
assert options.jobs == 1002
# custom config overrides user config
- with open(self.config, 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\
- jobs=1003
- """))
- config_args = self.args + ['--config', self.config]
+ with open(self.config, "w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ jobs=1003
+ """
+ )
+ )
+ config_args = self.args + ["--config", self.config]
options = self.parser.parse_args(config_args)
assert options.jobs == 1003
# repo defaults override general defaults
- with open(self.config, 'a') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent(f"""\
- [{self.repo.repo_id}]
- jobs=1004
- """))
+ with open(self.config, "a") as f:
+ f.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ f"""\
+ [{self.repo.repo_id}]
+ jobs=1004
+ """
+ )
+ )
options = self.parser.parse_args(config_args)
assert options.jobs == 1004
# command line options override all config settings
- options = self.parser.parse_args(config_args + ['--jobs', '9999'])
+ options = self.parser.parse_args(config_args + ["--jobs", "9999"])
assert options.jobs == 9999
@@ -349,143 +377,146 @@ class TestPkgcheckScan:
script = staticmethod(partial(run, project))
- repos_data = pytest.REPO_ROOT / 'testdata/data/repos'
- repos_dir = pytest.REPO_ROOT / 'testdata/repos'
- repos = tuple(sorted(x.name for x in repos_data.iterdir() if x.name != 'network'))
+ repos_data = pytest.REPO_ROOT / "testdata/data/repos"
+ repos_dir = pytest.REPO_ROOT / "testdata/repos"
+ repos = tuple(sorted(x.name for x in repos_data.iterdir() if x.name != "network"))
_all_results = [
(cls, result)
for name, cls in sorted(objects.CHECKS.items())
if not issubclass(cls, checks_mod.NetworkCheck)
- for result in sorted(cls.known_results, key=attrgetter('__name__'))
+ for result in sorted(cls.known_results, key=attrgetter("__name__"))
def _setup(self, testconfig, tmp_path):
self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path)
- base_args = ['--config', testconfig]
+ base_args = ["--config", testconfig]
self.scan = partial(scan, base_args=base_args)
# args for running `pkgcheck scan` via API call
- self.scan_args = ['--config', 'no', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir]
+ self.scan_args = ["--config", "no", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir]
# args for running pkgcheck like a script
- self.args = [project] + base_args + ['scan'] + self.scan_args
+ self.args = [project] + base_args + ["scan"] + self.scan_args
def test_empty_repo(self, capsys, repo):
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [repo.location]):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [repo.location]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- assert out == err == ''
+ assert out == err == ""
def test_no_matching_checks_scope(self, tool):
- options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', 'standalone'])
- path = pjoin(options.target_repo.location, 'profiles')
- error = 'no matching checks available for profiles scope'
+ options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "standalone"])
+ path = pjoin(options.target_repo.location, "profiles")
+ error = "no matching checks available for profiles scope"
with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckUserException, match=error):
- self.scan(self.scan_args + ['-c', 'PkgDirCheck', path])
+ self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-c", "PkgDirCheck", path])
def test_stdin_targets_with_no_args(self):
- with patch('sys.stdin', StringIO()):
- with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckUserException, match='no targets'):
- self.scan(self.scan_args + ['-'])
+ with patch("sys.stdin", StringIO()):
+ with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckUserException, match="no targets"):
+ self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-"])
def test_exit_status(self, repo):
# create good ebuild and another with an invalid EAPI
- repo.create_ebuild('newcat/pkg-0')
- repo.create_ebuild('newcat/pkg-1', eapi='-1')
+ repo.create_ebuild("newcat/pkg-0")
+ repo.create_ebuild("newcat/pkg-1", eapi="-1")
# exit status isn't enabled by default
- args = ['-r', repo.location]
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args):
+ args = ["-r", repo.location]
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
# all error level results are flagged by default when enabled
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args + ['--exit']):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["--exit"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.code == 1
# selective error results will only flag those specified
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args + ['--exit', 'InvalidSlot']):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["--exit", "InvalidSlot"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args + ['--exit', 'InvalidEapi']):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["--exit", "InvalidEapi"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.code == 1
def test_filter_latest(self, make_repo):
- repo = make_repo(arches=['amd64'])
+ repo = make_repo(arches=["amd64"])
# create stub profile to suppress ArchesWithoutProfiles result
- repo.create_profiles([Profile('stub', 'amd64')])
+ repo.create_profiles([Profile("stub", "amd64")])
# create ebuild with unknown keywords
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0', keywords=['unknown'], homepage='https://example.com')
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0", keywords=["unknown"], homepage="https://example.com")
# and a good ebuild for the latest version
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64'], homepage='https://example.com')
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"], homepage="https://example.com")
# results for old pkgs will be shown by default
- args = ['-r', repo.location]
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args):
+ args = ["-r", repo.location]
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args):
results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + args))
assert len(results) == 1
# but are ignored when running using the 'latest' filter
- for opt in ('-f', '--filter'):
- for arg in ('latest', 'latest:KeywordsCheck', 'latest:UnknownKeywords'):
+ for opt in ("-f", "--filter"):
+ for arg in ("latest", "latest:KeywordsCheck", "latest:UnknownKeywords"):
assert not list(self.scan(self.scan_args + args + [opt, arg]))
def test_scan_restrictions(self, repo):
# create two ebuilds with bad EAPIs
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0', eapi='-1')
- repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', eapi='-1')
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0", eapi="-1")
+ repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", eapi="-1")
# matching version restriction returns a single result
- results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ['-r', repo.location, '=cat/pkg-0']))
- assert [x.version for x in results] == ['0']
+ results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location, "=cat/pkg-0"]))
+ assert [x.version for x in results] == ["0"]
# unmatching version restriction returns no results
- results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ['-r', repo.location, '=cat/pkg-2']))
+ results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location, "=cat/pkg-2"]))
assert not results
# matching package restriction returns two sorted results
- results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ['-r', repo.location, 'cat/pkg']))
- assert [x.version for x in results] == ['0', '1']
+ results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location, "cat/pkg"]))
+ assert [x.version for x in results] == ["0", "1"]
# unmatching package restriction returns no results
- results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ['-r', repo.location, 'cat/unknown']))
+ results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location, "cat/unknown"]))
assert not results
def test_explict_skip_check(self):
"""SkipCheck exceptions are raised when triggered for explicitly enabled checks."""
- error = 'network checks not enabled'
+ error = "network checks not enabled"
with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckException, match=error):
- self.scan(self.scan_args + ['-C', 'net'])
+ self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-C", "net"])
def test_cache_disabled_skip_check(self):
"""SkipCheck exceptions are raised when enabled checks require disabled cache types."""
- args = ['--cache=-git', '-c', 'StableRequestCheck']
- error = 'StableRequestCheck: git cache support required'
+ args = ["--cache=-git", "-c", "StableRequestCheck"]
+ error = "StableRequestCheck: git cache support required"
with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckException, match=error):
self.scan(self.scan_args + args)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('module', (
- pytest.param('pkgcheck.pipeline.UnversionedSource', id='producer'),
- pytest.param('pkgcheck.runners.SyncCheckRunner.run', id='consumer'),
- ))
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "module",
+ (
+ pytest.param("pkgcheck.pipeline.UnversionedSource", id="producer"),
+ pytest.param("pkgcheck.runners.SyncCheckRunner.run", id="consumer"),
+ ),
+ )
def test_pipeline_exceptions(self, module):
"""Test checkrunner pipeline against unhandled exceptions."""
with patch(module) as faked:
- faked.side_effect = Exception('pipeline failed')
- with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckException, match='Exception: pipeline failed'):
+ faked.side_effect = Exception("pipeline failed")
+ with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckException, match="Exception: pipeline failed"):
# nested mapping of repos to checks/keywords they cover
_checks = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set))
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('repo', repos)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("repo", repos)
def test_scan_repo_data(self, repo):
"""Make sure the test data is up to date check/result naming wise."""
for check in (self.repos_data / repo).iterdir():
@@ -506,19 +537,19 @@ class TestPkgcheckScan:
_results = {}
_verbose_results = {}
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('repo', repos)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("repo", repos)
def test_scan_repo(self, repo, tmp_path, verbosity=0):
"""Scan a target repo, saving results for verification."""
repo_dir = self.repos_dir / repo
# run all existing triggers
triggers = [
- pjoin(root, 'trigger.sh')
+ pjoin(root, "trigger.sh")
for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(self.repos_data / repo)
- if 'trigger.sh' in files
+ if "trigger.sh" in files
if triggers:
- triggered_repo = tmp_path / f'triggered-{repo}'
+ triggered_repo = tmp_path / f"triggered-{repo}"
shutil.copytree(repo_dir, triggered_repo)
for trigger in triggers:
self._script(trigger, triggered_repo)
@@ -526,19 +557,19 @@ class TestPkgcheckScan:
if repo not in self._checks:
- args = (['-v'] * verbosity) + ['-r', str(repo_dir), '-c', ','.join(self._checks[repo])]
+ args = (["-v"] * verbosity) + ["-r", str(repo_dir), "-c", ",".join(self._checks[repo])]
# add any defined extra repo args
- args.extend(shlex.split((repo_dir / 'metadata/pkgcheck-args').read_text()))
+ args.extend(shlex.split((repo_dir / "metadata/pkgcheck-args").read_text()))
except FileNotFoundError:
results = []
for result in self.scan(self.scan_args + args):
# ignore results generated from stubs
- stubs = (getattr(result, x, '') for x in ('category', 'package'))
- if any(x.startswith('stub') for x in stubs):
+ stubs = (getattr(result, x, "") for x in ("category", "package"))
+ if any(x.startswith("stub") for x in stubs):
@@ -549,7 +580,7 @@ class TestPkgcheckScan:
self._results[repo] = set(results)
assert len(results) == len(self._results[repo])
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('repo', repos)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("repo", repos)
def test_scan_repo_verbose(self, repo, tmp_path):
"""Scan a target repo in verbose mode, saving results for verification."""
return self.test_scan_repo(repo, tmp_path, verbosity=1)
@@ -572,7 +603,7 @@ class TestPkgcheckScan:
output = f.read().decode()
return output
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('repo', repos)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("repo", repos)
def test_scan_verify(self, repo, tmp_path):
"""Run pkgcheck against test pkgs in bundled repo, verifying result output."""
results = set()
@@ -584,15 +615,19 @@ class TestPkgcheckScan:
for check, keywords in self._checks[repo].items():
for keyword in keywords:
# verify the expected results were seen during the repo scans
- expected_results = self._get_results(f'{repo}/{check}/{keyword}/expected.json')
- assert expected_results, 'regular results must always exist'
- assert self._render_results(expected_results), 'failed rendering results'
+ expected_results = self._get_results(f"{repo}/{check}/{keyword}/expected.json")
+ assert expected_results, "regular results must always exist"
+ assert self._render_results(expected_results), "failed rendering results"
# when expected verbose results exist use them, otherwise fallback to using the regular ones
- expected_verbose_results = self._get_results(f'{repo}/{check}/{keyword}/expected-verbose.json')
+ expected_verbose_results = self._get_results(
+ f"{repo}/{check}/{keyword}/expected-verbose.json"
+ )
if expected_verbose_results:
- assert self._render_results(expected_verbose_results), 'failed rendering verbose results'
+ assert self._render_results(
+ expected_verbose_results
+ ), "failed rendering verbose results"
@@ -600,34 +635,39 @@ class TestPkgcheckScan:
if results != self._results[repo]:
missing = self._render_results(results - self._results[repo])
unknown = self._render_results(self._results[repo] - results)
- error = ['unmatched repo scan results:']
+ error = ["unmatched repo scan results:"]
if missing:
- error.append(f'{repo} repo missing expected results:\n{missing}')
+ error.append(f"{repo} repo missing expected results:\n{missing}")
if unknown:
- error.append(f'{repo} repo unknown results:\n{unknown}')
- pytest.fail('\n'.join(error))
+ error.append(f"{repo} repo unknown results:\n{unknown}")
+ pytest.fail("\n".join(error))
if verbose_results != self._verbose_results[repo]:
missing = self._render_results(verbose_results - self._verbose_results[repo])
unknown = self._render_results(self._verbose_results[repo] - verbose_results)
- error = ['unmatched verbose repo scan results:']
+ error = ["unmatched verbose repo scan results:"]
if missing:
- error.append(f'{repo} repo missing expected results:\n{missing}')
+ error.append(f"{repo} repo missing expected results:\n{missing}")
if unknown:
- error.append(f'{repo} repo unknown results:\n{unknown}')
- pytest.fail('\n'.join(error))
+ error.append(f"{repo} repo unknown results:\n{unknown}")
+ pytest.fail("\n".join(error))
def _patch(fix, repo_path):
with fix.open() as fix_file:
- ['patch', '-p1'], cwd=repo_path, stdin=fix_file,
- capture_output=True, check=True, text=True)
+ ["patch", "-p1"],
+ cwd=repo_path,
+ stdin=fix_file,
+ capture_output=True,
+ check=True,
+ text=True,
+ )
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
error = exc.stderr if exc.stderr else exc.stdout
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('check, result', _all_results)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("check, result", _all_results)
def test_fix(self, check, result, tmp_path):
"""Apply fixes to pkgs, verifying the related results are fixed."""
check_name = check.__name__
@@ -635,36 +675,36 @@ class TestPkgcheckScan:
tested = False
for repo in self.repos:
keyword_dir = self.repos_data / repo / check_name / keyword
- if (fix := keyword_dir / 'fix.patch').exists():
+ if (fix := keyword_dir / "fix.patch").exists():
func = self._patch
- elif (fix := keyword_dir / 'fix.sh').exists():
+ elif (fix := keyword_dir / "fix.sh").exists():
func = self._script
# apply a fix if one exists and make sure the related result doesn't appear
repo_dir = self.repos_dir / repo
- fixed_repo = tmp_path / f'fixed-{repo}'
+ fixed_repo = tmp_path / f"fixed-{repo}"
shutil.copytree(repo_dir, fixed_repo)
func(fix, fixed_repo)
- args = ['-r', str(fixed_repo), '-c', check_name, '-k', keyword]
+ args = ["-r", str(fixed_repo), "-c", check_name, "-k", keyword]
# add any defined extra repo args
- with open(f'{repo_dir}/metadata/pkgcheck-args') as f:
+ with open(f"{repo_dir}/metadata/pkgcheck-args") as f:
except FileNotFoundError:
results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + args))
if results:
- error = ['unexpected repo scan results:']
+ error = ["unexpected repo scan results:"]
- pytest.fail('\n'.join(error))
+ pytest.fail("\n".join(error))
tested = True
if not tested:
- pytest.skip('fix not available')
+ pytest.skip("fix not available")
diff --git a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_show.py b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_show.py
index 4557ecfd..ee40f7cf 100644
--- a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_show.py
+++ b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_show.py
@@ -15,39 +15,39 @@ class TestPkgcheckShow:
def _setup(self, testconfig):
- self.args = [project, '--config', testconfig, 'show']
+ self.args = [project, "--config", testconfig, "show"]
def test_show_no_args(self, capsys):
# defaults to outputting keywords list if no option is passed
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not err
- out = out.strip().split('\n')
+ out = out.strip().split("\n")
assert out == sorted(objects.KEYWORDS.keys())
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
def test_show_keywords(self, capsys):
- for arg in ('-k', '--keywords'):
+ for arg in ("-k", "--keywords"):
# regular mode
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg]):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not err
- out = out.strip().split('\n')
+ out = out.strip().split("\n")
regular_output = out
assert out == sorted(objects.KEYWORDS.keys())
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
# verbose mode
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg, '-v']):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg, "-v"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not err
- out = out.strip().split('\n')
+ out = out.strip().split("\n")
verbose_output = out
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
@@ -55,25 +55,25 @@ class TestPkgcheckShow:
assert len(regular_output) < len(verbose_output)
def test_show_checks(self, capsys):
- for arg in ('-c', '--checks'):
+ for arg in ("-c", "--checks"):
# regular mode
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg]):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not err
- out = out.strip().split('\n')
+ out = out.strip().split("\n")
regular_output = out
assert out == sorted(objects.CHECKS.keys())
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
# verbose mode
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg, '-v']):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg, "-v"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not err
- out = out.strip().split('\n')
+ out = out.strip().split("\n")
verbose_output = out
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
@@ -81,50 +81,50 @@ class TestPkgcheckShow:
assert len(regular_output) < len(verbose_output)
def test_show_scopes(self, capsys):
- for arg in ('-s', '--scopes'):
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg]):
+ for arg in ("-s", "--scopes"):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not err
- out = out.strip().split('\n')
+ out = out.strip().split("\n")
assert out == list(base.scopes)
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
- regular_output = '\n'.join(itertools.chain(out))
+ regular_output = "\n".join(itertools.chain(out))
# verbose mode
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg, '-v']):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg, "-v"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not err
- out = out.strip().split('\n')
+ out = out.strip().split("\n")
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
- verbose_output = '\n'.join(itertools.chain(out))
+ verbose_output = "\n".join(itertools.chain(out))
# verbose output shows more info
assert len(regular_output) < len(verbose_output)
def test_show_reporters(self, capsys):
- for arg in ('-r', '--reporters'):
+ for arg in ("-r", "--reporters"):
# regular mode
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg]):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not err
- out = out.strip().split('\n')
+ out = out.strip().split("\n")
regular_output = out
assert out == sorted(objects.REPORTERS.keys())
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
# verbose mode
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg, '-v']):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg, "-v"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not err
- out = out.strip().split('\n')
+ out = out.strip().split("\n")
verbose_output = out
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
@@ -132,27 +132,27 @@ class TestPkgcheckShow:
assert len(regular_output) < len(verbose_output)
def test_show_caches(self, capsys):
- for arg in ('-C', '--caches'):
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg]):
+ for arg in ("-C", "--caches"):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not err
- out = out.strip().split('\n')
+ out = out.strip().split("\n")
cache_objs = caches.CachedAddon.caches.values()
assert out == sorted(x.type for x in cache_objs)
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
- regular_output = '\n'.join(itertools.chain(out))
+ regular_output = "\n".join(itertools.chain(out))
# verbose mode
- with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg, '-v']):
+ with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg, "-v"]):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not err
- out = out.strip().split('\n')
+ out = out.strip().split("\n")
assert excinfo.value.code == 0
- verbose_output = '\n'.join(itertools.chain(out))
+ verbose_output = "\n".join(itertools.chain(out))
# verbose output shows more info
assert len(regular_output) < len(verbose_output)
diff --git a/tests/test_api.py b/tests/test_api.py
index f3db534b..cf546ee5 100644
--- a/tests/test_api.py
+++ b/tests/test_api.py
@@ -8,31 +8,32 @@ from pkgcheck import objects
class TestScanApi:
def _setup(self, testconfig):
- self.base_args = ['--config', testconfig]
- self.scan_args = ['--config', 'no', '--cache', 'no']
+ self.base_args = ["--config", testconfig]
+ self.scan_args = ["--config", "no", "--cache", "no"]
def test_argparse_error(self, repo):
- with pytest.raises(PkgcheckException, match='unrecognized arguments'):
- scan(['-r', repo.location, '--foo'])
+ with pytest.raises(PkgcheckException, match="unrecognized arguments"):
+ scan(["-r", repo.location, "--foo"])
def test_no_scan_args(self):
pipe = scan(base_args=self.base_args)
- assert pipe.options.target_repo.repo_id == 'standalone'
+ assert pipe.options.target_repo.repo_id == "standalone"
def test_no_base_args(self, repo):
- assert [] == list(scan(self.scan_args + ['-r', repo.location]))
+ assert [] == list(scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location]))
def test_keyword_import(self):
"""Keyword classes are importable from the top-level module."""
from pkgcheck import NonsolvableDeps, Result
assert issubclass(NonsolvableDeps, Result)
def test_module_attributes(self):
"""All keyword class names are shown for the top-level module."""
import pkgcheck
assert set(objects.KEYWORDS) < set(dir(pkgcheck))
def test_sigint_handling(self, repo):
@@ -49,10 +50,10 @@ class TestScanApi:
def sleep():
"""Notify testing process then sleep."""
- queue.put('ready')
+ queue.put("ready")
- with patch('pkgcheck.pipeline.Pipeline.__iter__') as fake_iter:
+ with patch("pkgcheck.pipeline.Pipeline.__iter__") as fake_iter:
fake_iter.side_effect = partial(sleep)
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ class TestScanApi:
- mp_ctx = multiprocessing.get_context('fork')
+ mp_ctx = multiprocessing.get_context("fork")
queue = mp_ctx.SimpleQueue()
p = mp_ctx.Process(target=run, args=(queue,))
diff --git a/tests/test_base.py b/tests/test_base.py
index 08acaf8d..7c6aa905 100644
--- a/tests/test_base.py
+++ b/tests/test_base.py
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ from pkgcheck.base import ProgressManager
class TestScope:
def test_rich_comparisons(self):
assert base.commit_scope < base.repo_scope
assert base.commit_scope < 0
@@ -32,15 +31,14 @@ class TestScope:
class TestProgressManager:
def test_no_output(self, capsys):
# output disabled due to lower verbosity setting
- with patch('sys.stdout.isatty', return_value=True):
+ with patch("sys.stdout.isatty", return_value=True):
with ProgressManager(verbosity=-1) as progress:
for x in range(10):
# output disabled due to non-tty output
- with patch('sys.stdout.isatty', return_value=False):
+ with patch("sys.stdout.isatty", return_value=False):
with ProgressManager(verbosity=1) as progress:
for x in range(10):
@@ -49,20 +47,20 @@ class TestProgressManager:
assert not err
def test_output(self, capsys):
- with patch('sys.stdout.isatty', return_value=True):
+ with patch("sys.stdout.isatty", return_value=True):
with ProgressManager(verbosity=0) as progress:
for x in range(10):
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
- assert not err.strip().split('\r') == list(range(10))
+ assert not err.strip().split("\r") == list(range(10))
def test_cached_output(self, capsys):
- with patch('sys.stdout.isatty', return_value=True):
+ with patch("sys.stdout.isatty", return_value=True):
with ProgressManager(verbosity=0) as progress:
data = list(range(10))
for x in chain.from_iterable(zip(data, data)):
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
- assert not err.strip().split('\r') == list(range(10))
+ assert not err.strip().split("\r") == list(range(10))
diff --git a/tests/test_cli.py b/tests/test_cli.py
index 4ad8011d..b2935b28 100644
--- a/tests/test_cli.py
+++ b/tests/test_cli.py
@@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ from snakeoil.cli import arghparse
class TestConfigFileParser:
def _create_argparser(self, tmp_path):
- self.config_file = str(tmp_path / 'config')
+ self.config_file = str(tmp_path / "config")
self.parser = arghparse.ArgumentParser()
self.namespace = arghparse.Namespace()
self.config_parser = cli.ConfigFileParser(self.parser)
@@ -22,65 +21,81 @@ class TestConfigFileParser:
def test_ignored_configs(self):
# nonexistent config files are ignored
- config = self.config_parser.parse_config(('foo', 'bar'))
+ config = self.config_parser.parse_config(("foo", "bar"))
assert config.sections() == []
def test_bad_config_format(self, capsys):
- with open(self.config_file, 'w') as f:
- f.write('foobar\n')
+ with open(self.config_file, "w") as f:
+ f.write("foobar\n")
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
- assert 'parsing config file failed:' in err
+ assert "parsing config file failed:" in err
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
def test_nonexistent_config_options(self, capsys):
"""Nonexistent parser arguments cause errors."""
- with open(self.config_file, 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent("""
- foo=bar
- """))
+ with open(self.config_file, "w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """
+ foo=bar
+ """
+ )
+ )
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
self.config_parser.parse_config_options(self.namespace, configs=[self.config_file])
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not out
- assert 'failed loading config: unknown arguments: --foo=bar' in err
+ assert "failed loading config: unknown arguments: --foo=bar" in err
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
def test_config_options(self):
- self.parser.add_argument('--foo')
- with open(self.config_file, 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent("""
- foo=bar
- """))
- namespace = self.parser.parse_args(['--foo', 'foo'])
- assert namespace.foo == 'foo'
+ self.parser.add_argument("--foo")
+ with open(self.config_file, "w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """
+ foo=bar
+ """
+ )
+ )
+ namespace = self.parser.parse_args(["--foo", "foo"])
+ assert namespace.foo == "foo"
# config args override matching namespace attrs
namespace = self.config_parser.parse_config_options(namespace, configs=[self.config_file])
- assert namespace.foo == 'bar'
+ assert namespace.foo == "bar"
def test_config_checksets(self):
namespace = self.parser.parse_args([])
namespace.config_checksets = {}
# checksets section exists with no entries
- with open(self.config_file, 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent("""
- """))
+ with open(self.config_file, "w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """
+ """
+ )
+ )
namespace = self.config_parser.parse_config_options(namespace, configs=[self.config_file])
assert namespace.config_checksets == {}
# checksets section with entries including empty set
- with open(self.config_file, 'w') as f:
- f.write(textwrap.dedent("""
- set1=keyword
- set2=check,-keyword
- set3=
- """))
+ with open(self.config_file, "w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """
+ set1=keyword
+ set2=check,-keyword
+ set3=
+ """
+ )
+ )
namespace = self.config_parser.parse_config_options(namespace, configs=[self.config_file])
- assert namespace.config_checksets == {'set1': ['keyword'], 'set2': ['check', '-keyword']}
+ assert namespace.config_checksets == {"set1": ["keyword"], "set2": ["check", "-keyword"]}
diff --git a/tests/test_feeds.py b/tests/test_feeds.py
index a1540048..c098f060 100644
--- a/tests/test_feeds.py
+++ b/tests/test_feeds.py
@@ -6,54 +6,52 @@ from .misc import FakePkg, Profile
class TestQueryCacheAddon:
def _setup(self, tool):
self.tool = tool
- self.args = ['scan']
+ self.args = ["scan"]
def test_opts(self):
- for val in ('version', 'package', 'category'):
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--reset-caching-per', val])
+ for val in ("version", "package", "category"):
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--reset-caching-per", val])
assert options.query_caching_freq == val
def test_default(self):
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args)
- assert options.query_caching_freq == 'package'
+ assert options.query_caching_freq == "package"
def test_feed(self):
options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args)
addon = feeds.QueryCache(options)
- assert addon.options.query_caching_freq == 'package'
- addon.query_cache['foo'] = 'bar'
- pkg = FakePkg('dev-util/diffball-0.5')
+ assert addon.options.query_caching_freq == "package"
+ addon.query_cache["foo"] = "bar"
+ pkg = FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5")
assert not addon.query_cache
class TestEvaluateDepSet:
def _setup(self, tool, repo, tmp_path):
self.tool = tool
self.repo = repo
- self.args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', str(tmp_path), '--repo', repo.location]
+ self.args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", str(tmp_path), "--repo", repo.location]
profiles = [
- Profile('1', 'x86'),
- Profile('2', 'x86'),
- Profile('3', 'ppc'),
+ Profile("1", "x86"),
+ Profile("2", "x86"),
+ Profile("3", "ppc"),
- self.repo.arches.update(['amd64', 'ppc', 'x86'])
+ self.repo.arches.update(["amd64", "ppc", "x86"])
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.path, 'profiles', '1', 'package.use.stable.mask'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('dev-util/diffball foo')
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.path, 'profiles', '2', 'package.use.stable.force'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('=dev-util/diffball-0.1 bar foo')
- with open(pjoin(self.repo.path, 'profiles', '3', 'package.use.stable.force'), 'w') as f:
- f.write('dev-util/diffball bar foo')
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.path, "profiles", "1", "package.use.stable.mask"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("dev-util/diffball foo")
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.path, "profiles", "2", "package.use.stable.force"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("=dev-util/diffball-0.1 bar foo")
+ with open(pjoin(self.repo.path, "profiles", "3", "package.use.stable.force"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("dev-util/diffball bar foo")
- options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=1,2,3'])
+ options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=1,2,3"])
profile_addon = addons.init_addon(addons.profiles.ProfileAddon, options)
self.addon = feeds.EvaluateDepSet(options, profile_addon=profile_addon)
@@ -72,35 +70,45 @@ class TestEvaluateDepSet:
l = get_rets("0.0.2", "depend")
assert len(l) == 1, f"must collapse all profiles down to one run: got {l!r}"
assert len(l[0][1]) == 4, "must have four runs, (arch and ~arch for each profile)"
- assert sorted(set(x.name for x in l[0][1])) == ['1', '2'], f"must have two profiles: got {l!r}"
- assert l[0][1][0].key == 'x86'
- assert l[0][1][1].key == 'x86'
+ assert sorted(set(x.name for x in l[0][1])) == [
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ ], f"must have two profiles: got {l!r}"
+ assert l[0][1][0].key == "x86"
+ assert l[0][1][1].key == "x86"
l = get_rets(
- "0.1", "rdepend",
+ "0.1",
+ "rdepend",
RDEPEND="x? ( dev-util/confcache ) foo? ( dev-util/foo ) "
- "bar? ( dev-util/bar ) !bar? ( dev-util/nobar ) x11-libs/xserver"
+ "bar? ( dev-util/bar ) !bar? ( dev-util/nobar ) x11-libs/xserver",
assert len(l) == 3, f"must collapse all profiles down to 3 runs: got {l!r}"
# ordering is potentially random; thus pull out which depset result is
# which based upon profile
- l1 = [x for x in l if x[1][0].name == '1'][0]
- l2 = [x for x in l if x[1][0].name == '2'][0]
- assert (
- set(str(l1[0]).split()) ==
- {'dev-util/confcache', 'dev-util/bar', 'dev-util/nobar', 'x11-libs/xserver'})
- assert (
- set(str(l2[0]).split()) ==
- {'dev-util/confcache', 'dev-util/foo', 'dev-util/bar', 'x11-libs/xserver'})
+ l1 = [x for x in l if x[1][0].name == "1"][0]
+ l2 = [x for x in l if x[1][0].name == "2"][0]
+ assert set(str(l1[0]).split()) == {
+ "dev-util/confcache",
+ "dev-util/bar",
+ "dev-util/nobar",
+ "x11-libs/xserver",
+ }
+ assert set(str(l2[0]).split()) == {
+ "dev-util/confcache",
+ "dev-util/foo",
+ "dev-util/bar",
+ "x11-libs/xserver",
+ }
# test feed wiping, using an empty depset; if it didn't clear, then
# results from a pkg/attr tuple from above would come through rather
# then an empty.
- pkg = FakePkg('dev-util/diffball-0.5')
+ pkg = FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5")
l = get_rets("0.1", "rdepend")
assert len(l) == 1, f"feed didn't clear the cache- should be len 1: {l!r}"
@@ -110,20 +118,25 @@ class TestEvaluateDepSet:
# ensure it handles arch right.
l = get_rets("0", "depend", KEYWORDS="ppc x86")
assert len(l) == 1, f"should be len 1, got {l!r}"
- assert sorted(set(x.name for x in l[0][1])) == ["1", "2", "3"], (
- f"should have three profiles of 1-3, got {l[0][1]!r}")
+ assert sorted(set(x.name for x in l[0][1])) == [
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ ], f"should have three profiles of 1-3, got {l[0][1]!r}"
# ensure it's caching profile collapsing, iow, keywords for same ver
# that's partially cached (single attr at least) should *not* change
# things.
l = get_rets("0", "depend", KEYWORDS="ppc")
- assert sorted(set(x.name for x in l[0][1])) == ['1', '2', '3'], (
+ assert sorted(set(x.name for x in l[0][1])) == ["1", "2", "3"], (
f"should have 3 profiles, got {l[0][1]!r}\nthis indicates it's "
- "re-identifying profiles every invocation, which is unwarranted ")
+ "re-identifying profiles every invocation, which is unwarranted "
+ )
- l = get_rets("1", "depend", KEYWORDS="ppc x86",
- DEPEND="ppc? ( dev-util/ppc ) !ppc? ( dev-util/x86 )")
+ l = get_rets(
+ "1", "depend", KEYWORDS="ppc x86", DEPEND="ppc? ( dev-util/ppc ) !ppc? ( dev-util/x86 )"
+ )
assert len(l) == 2, f"should be len 2, got {l!r}"
# same issue, figure out what is what
diff --git a/tests/test_reporters.py b/tests/test_reporters.py
index 462cc44e..4a0cda39 100644
--- a/tests/test_reporters.py
+++ b/tests/test_reporters.py
@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ class BaseReporter:
def _setup(self):
- self.log_warning = profiles.ProfileWarning(Exception('profile warning'))
- self.log_error = profiles.ProfileError(Exception('profile error'))
- pkg = FakePkg('dev-libs/foo-0')
- self.commit_result = git.InvalidCommitMessage('no commit message', commit='8d86269bb4c7')
- self.category_result = metadata_xml.CatMissingMetadataXml('metadata.xml', pkg=pkg)
- self.package_result = pkgdir.InvalidPN(('bar', 'baz'), pkg=pkg)
- self.versioned_result = metadata.BadFilename(('0.tar.gz', 'foo.tar.gz'), pkg=pkg)
- self.line_result = codingstyle.ReadonlyVariable('P', line='P=6', lineno=7, pkg=pkg)
- self.lines_result = codingstyle.EbuildUnquotedVariable('D', lines=(5, 7), pkg=pkg)
+ self.log_warning = profiles.ProfileWarning(Exception("profile warning"))
+ self.log_error = profiles.ProfileError(Exception("profile error"))
+ pkg = FakePkg("dev-libs/foo-0")
+ self.commit_result = git.InvalidCommitMessage("no commit message", commit="8d86269bb4c7")
+ self.category_result = metadata_xml.CatMissingMetadataXml("metadata.xml", pkg=pkg)
+ self.package_result = pkgdir.InvalidPN(("bar", "baz"), pkg=pkg)
+ self.versioned_result = metadata.BadFilename(("0.tar.gz", "foo.tar.gz"), pkg=pkg)
+ self.line_result = codingstyle.ReadonlyVariable("P", line="P=6", lineno=7, pkg=pkg)
+ self.lines_result = codingstyle.EbuildUnquotedVariable("D", lines=(5, 7), pkg=pkg)
def mk_reporter(self, **kwargs):
out = PlainTextFormatter(sys.stdout)
@@ -49,106 +49,121 @@ class BaseReporter:
class TestStrReporter(BaseReporter):
reporter_cls = reporters.StrReporter
- add_report_output = dedent("""\
- commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message
- profile warning
- dev-libs: category is missing metadata.xml
- dev-libs/foo: invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]
- dev-libs/foo-0: bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]
- dev-libs/foo-0: read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6
- dev-libs/foo-0: unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7
- """)
+ add_report_output = dedent(
+ """\
+ commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message
+ profile warning
+ dev-libs: category is missing metadata.xml
+ dev-libs/foo: invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]
+ dev-libs/foo-0: bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]
+ dev-libs/foo-0: read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6
+ dev-libs/foo-0: unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7
+ """
+ )
class TestFancyReporter(BaseReporter):
reporter_cls = reporters.FancyReporter
- add_report_output = dedent("""\
- commit
- InvalidCommitMessage: commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message
+ add_report_output = dedent(
+ """\
+ commit
+ InvalidCommitMessage: commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message
- profiles
- ProfileWarning: profile warning
+ profiles
+ ProfileWarning: profile warning
- dev-libs
- CatMissingMetadataXml: category is missing metadata.xml
+ dev-libs
+ CatMissingMetadataXml: category is missing metadata.xml
- dev-libs/foo
- InvalidPN: invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]
- BadFilename: version 0: bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]
- ReadonlyVariable: version 0: read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6
- UnquotedVariable: version 0: unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7
- """)
+ dev-libs/foo
+ InvalidPN: invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]
+ BadFilename: version 0: bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]
+ ReadonlyVariable: version 0: read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6
+ UnquotedVariable: version 0: unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7
+ """
+ )
class TestJsonReporter(BaseReporter):
reporter_cls = reporters.JsonReporter
- add_report_output = dedent("""\
- {"_style": {"InvalidCommitMessage": "commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message"}}
- {"_warning": {"ProfileWarning": "profile warning"}}
- {"dev-libs": {"_error": {"CatMissingMetadataXml": "category is missing metadata.xml"}}}
- {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"_error": {"InvalidPN": "invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]"}}}}
- {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"0": {"_warning": {"BadFilename": "bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]"}}}}}
- {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"0": {"_warning": {"ReadonlyVariable": "read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6"}}}}}
- {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"0": {"_warning": {"UnquotedVariable": "unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7"}}}}}
- """)
+ add_report_output = dedent(
+ """\
+ {"_style": {"InvalidCommitMessage": "commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message"}}
+ {"_warning": {"ProfileWarning": "profile warning"}}
+ {"dev-libs": {"_error": {"CatMissingMetadataXml": "category is missing metadata.xml"}}}
+ {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"_error": {"InvalidPN": "invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]"}}}}
+ {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"0": {"_warning": {"BadFilename": "bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]"}}}}}
+ {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"0": {"_warning": {"ReadonlyVariable": "read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6"}}}}}
+ {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"0": {"_warning": {"UnquotedVariable": "unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7"}}}}}
+ """
+ )
class TestXmlReporter(BaseReporter):
reporter_cls = reporters.XmlReporter
- add_report_output = dedent("""\
- <checks>
- <result><class>InvalidCommitMessage</class><msg>commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message</msg></result>
- <result><class>ProfileWarning</class><msg>profile warning</msg></result>
- <result><category>dev-libs</category><class>CatMissingMetadataXml</class><msg>category is missing metadata.xml</msg></result>
- <result><category>dev-libs</category><package>foo</package><class>InvalidPN</class><msg>invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]</msg></result>
- <result><category>dev-libs</category><package>foo</package><version>0</version><class>BadFilename</class><msg>bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]</msg></result>
- <result><category>dev-libs</category><package>foo</package><version>0</version><class>ReadonlyVariable</class><msg>read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6</msg></result>
- <result><category>dev-libs</category><package>foo</package><version>0</version><class>UnquotedVariable</class><msg>unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7</msg></result>
- </checks>
- """)
+ add_report_output = dedent(
+ """\
+ <checks>
+ <result><class>InvalidCommitMessage</class><msg>commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message</msg></result>
+ <result><class>ProfileWarning</class><msg>profile warning</msg></result>
+ <result><category>dev-libs</category><class>CatMissingMetadataXml</class><msg>category is missing metadata.xml</msg></result>
+ <result><category>dev-libs</category><package>foo</package><class>InvalidPN</class><msg>invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]</msg></result>
+ <result><category>dev-libs</category><package>foo</package><version>0</version><class>BadFilename</class><msg>bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]</msg></result>
+ <result><category>dev-libs</category><package>foo</package><version>0</version><class>ReadonlyVariable</class><msg>read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6</msg></result>
+ <result><category>dev-libs</category><package>foo</package><version>0</version><class>UnquotedVariable</class><msg>unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7</msg></result>
+ </checks>
+ """
+ )
class TestCsvReporter(BaseReporter):
reporter_cls = reporters.CsvReporter
- add_report_output = dedent("""\
- ,,,commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message
- ,,,profile warning
- dev-libs,,,category is missing metadata.xml
- dev-libs,foo,,"invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]"
- dev-libs,foo,0,"bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]"
- dev-libs,foo,0,"read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6"
- dev-libs,foo,0,"unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7"
- """)
+ add_report_output = dedent(
+ """\
+ ,,,commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message
+ ,,,profile warning
+ dev-libs,,,category is missing metadata.xml
+ dev-libs,foo,,"invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]"
+ dev-libs,foo,0,"bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]"
+ dev-libs,foo,0,"read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6"
+ dev-libs,foo,0,"unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7"
+ """
+ )
class TestFormatReporter(BaseReporter):
- reporter_cls = partial(reporters.FormatReporter, '')
+ reporter_cls = partial(reporters.FormatReporter, "")
def test_add_report(self, capsys):
for format_str, expected in (
- ('r', 'r\n' * 7),
- ('{category}', 'dev-libs\n' * 5),
- ('{category}/{package}', '/\n/\ndev-libs/\n' + 'dev-libs/foo\n' * 4),
- ('{category}/{package}-{version}', '/-\n/-\ndev-libs/-\ndev-libs/foo-\n' + 'dev-libs/foo-0\n' * 3),
- ('{name}',
- 'InvalidCommitMessage\nProfileWarning\nCatMissingMetadataXml\nInvalidPN\nBadFilename\nReadonlyVariable\nUnquotedVariable\n'),
- ('{foo}', ''),
- ):
+ ("r", "r\n" * 7),
+ ("{category}", "dev-libs\n" * 5),
+ ("{category}/{package}", "/\n/\ndev-libs/\n" + "dev-libs/foo\n" * 4),
+ (
+ "{category}/{package}-{version}",
+ "/-\n/-\ndev-libs/-\ndev-libs/foo-\n" + "dev-libs/foo-0\n" * 3,
+ ),
+ (
+ "{name}",
+ "InvalidCommitMessage\nProfileWarning\nCatMissingMetadataXml\nInvalidPN\nBadFilename\nReadonlyVariable\nUnquotedVariable\n",
+ ),
+ ("{foo}", ""),
+ ):
self.reporter_cls = partial(reporters.FormatReporter, format_str)
self.add_report_output = expected
def test_unsupported_index(self, capsys):
- self.reporter_cls = partial(reporters.FormatReporter, '{0}')
+ self.reporter_cls = partial(reporters.FormatReporter, "{0}")
with self.mk_reporter() as reporter:
with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckUserException) as excinfo:
- assert 'integer indexes are not supported' in str(excinfo.value)
+ assert "integer indexes are not supported" in str(excinfo.value)
class TestJsonStream(BaseReporter):
@@ -158,8 +173,13 @@ class TestJsonStream(BaseReporter):
def test_add_report(self, capsys):
with self.mk_reporter() as reporter:
for result in (
- self.log_warning, self.log_error, self.commit_result,
- self.category_result, self.package_result, self.versioned_result):
+ self.log_warning,
+ self.log_error,
+ self.commit_result,
+ self.category_result,
+ self.package_result,
+ self.versioned_result,
+ ):
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert not err
@@ -169,28 +189,30 @@ class TestJsonStream(BaseReporter):
def test_deserialize_error(self):
with self.mk_reporter() as reporter:
# deserializing non-result objects raises exception
- obj = reporter.to_json(['result'])
- with pytest.raises(reporters.DeserializationError, match='failed loading'):
+ obj = reporter.to_json(["result"])
+ with pytest.raises(reporters.DeserializationError, match="failed loading"):
# deserializing mangled JSON result objects raises exception
obj = reporter.to_json(self.versioned_result)
- del obj['__class__']
+ del obj["__class__"]
json_obj = json.dumps(obj)
- with pytest.raises(reporters.DeserializationError, match='unknown result'):
+ with pytest.raises(reporters.DeserializationError, match="unknown result"):
class TestFlycheckReporter(BaseReporter):
reporter_cls = reporters.FlycheckReporter
- add_report_output = dedent("""\
- -.ebuild:0:style:InvalidCommitMessage: commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message
- -.ebuild:0:warning:ProfileWarning: profile warning
- -.ebuild:0:error:CatMissingMetadataXml: category is missing metadata.xml
- foo-.ebuild:0:error:InvalidPN: invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]
- foo-0.ebuild:0:warning:BadFilename: bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]
- foo-0.ebuild:7:warning:ReadonlyVariable: read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6
- foo-0.ebuild:5:warning:UnquotedVariable: unquoted variable D
- foo-0.ebuild:7:warning:UnquotedVariable: unquoted variable D
- """)
+ add_report_output = dedent(
+ """\
+ -.ebuild:0:style:InvalidCommitMessage: commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message
+ -.ebuild:0:warning:ProfileWarning: profile warning
+ -.ebuild:0:error:CatMissingMetadataXml: category is missing metadata.xml
+ foo-.ebuild:0:error:InvalidPN: invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]
+ foo-0.ebuild:0:warning:BadFilename: bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]
+ foo-0.ebuild:7:warning:ReadonlyVariable: read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6
+ foo-0.ebuild:5:warning:UnquotedVariable: unquoted variable D
+ foo-0.ebuild:7:warning:UnquotedVariable: unquoted variable D
+ """
+ )