diff options
130 files changed, 6347 insertions, 5290 deletions
@@ -12,3 +12,7 @@ sdist wheel: .PHONY: clean clean: $(RM) -r build doc/man/pkgcheck doc/generated dist + +.PHONY: format +format: + $(PYTHON) -m black . diff --git a/data/share/pkgcheck/ci.py b/data/share/pkgcheck/ci.py index c9f438cd..9920a910 100755 --- a/data/share/pkgcheck/ci.py +++ b/data/share/pkgcheck/ci.py @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ import json import urllib.request -JSON_URL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mgorny/pkgcheck2html/master/pkgcheck2html.conf.json' +JSON_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mgorny/pkgcheck2html/master/pkgcheck2html.conf.json" with urllib.request.urlopen(JSON_URL) as f: ci_data = json.loads(f.read()) -with open('pkgcheck.conf', 'w') as f: - f.write('[CHECKSETS]\nGentooCI =\n') +with open("pkgcheck.conf", "w") as f: + f.write("[CHECKSETS]\nGentooCI =\n") for k, v in sorted(ci_data.items()): - if v == 'err': - f.write(f' {k}\n') + if v == "err": + f.write(f" {k}\n") diff --git a/doc/conf.py b/doc/conf.py index 440c6603..84aae9ea 100644 --- a/doc/conf.py +++ b/doc/conf.py @@ -16,208 +16,205 @@ # -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------ # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. -#needs_sphinx = '1.0' +# needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom # ones. extensions = [ - 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', - 'sphinx.ext.autosummary', - 'sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel', - 'sphinx.ext.doctest', - 'sphinx.ext.extlinks', - 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', - 'sphinx.ext.todo', - 'sphinx.ext.coverage', - 'sphinx.ext.ifconfig', - 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', - 'snakeoil.dist.sphinxext', + "sphinx.ext.autodoc", + "sphinx.ext.autosummary", + "sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel", + "sphinx.ext.doctest", + "sphinx.ext.extlinks", + "sphinx.ext.intersphinx", + "sphinx.ext.todo", + "sphinx.ext.coverage", + "sphinx.ext.ifconfig", + "sphinx.ext.viewcode", + "snakeoil.dist.sphinxext", ] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. -#templates_path = ['_templates'] +# templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix of source filenames. -source_suffix = '.rst' +source_suffix = ".rst" # The encoding of source files. -#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' +# source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' # The master toctree document. -master_doc = 'index' +master_doc = "index" # General information about the project. -project = 'pkgcheck' -authors = '' -copyright = '2006-2022, pkgcheck contributors' +project = "pkgcheck" +authors = "" +copyright = "2006-2022, pkgcheck contributors" # version is set by snakeoil extension -release = 'master' +release = "master" # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. -#language = None +# language = None # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: -#today = '' +# today = '' # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. -#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' +# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. -exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'generated'] +exclude_patterns = ["_build", "generated"] # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all # documents. -#default_role = None +# default_role = None # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. -#add_function_parentheses = True +# add_function_parentheses = True # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description # unit titles (such as .. function::). -#add_module_names = True +# add_module_names = True # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the # output. They are ignored by default. -#show_authors = False +# show_authors = False # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. -pygments_style = 'sphinx' +pygments_style = "sphinx" # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. -#modindex_common_prefix = [] +# modindex_common_prefix = [] # If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents. -#keep_warnings = False +# keep_warnings = False # -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. -html_theme = 'default' +html_theme = "default" # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. 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They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". -#html_static_path = ['_static'] +# html_static_path = ['_static'] # Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or # .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied # directly to the root of the documentation. -#html_extra_path = [] +# html_extra_path = [] # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. -#html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' +# html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to # typographically correct entities. -#html_use_smartypants = True +# html_use_smartypants = True # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. -#html_sidebars = {} +# html_sidebars = {} # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # template names. -#html_additional_pages = {} +# html_additional_pages = {} # If false, no module index is generated. -#html_domain_indices = True +# html_domain_indices = True # If false, no index is generated. -#html_use_index = True +# html_use_index = True # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. -#html_split_index = False +# html_split_index = False # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. -#html_show_sourcelink = True +# html_show_sourcelink = True # If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_sphinx = True +# html_show_sphinx = True # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_copyright = True +# html_show_copyright = True # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. -#html_use_opensearch = '' +# html_use_opensearch = '' # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). -#html_file_suffix = None +# html_file_suffix = None # Output file base name for HTML help builder. -htmlhelp_basename = 'pkgcheckdoc' +htmlhelp_basename = "pkgcheckdoc" # -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------- latex_elements = { -# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). -#'papersize': 'letterpaper', - -# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). -#'pointsize': '10pt', - -# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. -#'preamble': '', + # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). + #'papersize': 'letterpaper', + # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). + #'pointsize': '10pt', + # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. + #'preamble': '', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, # author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). latex_documents = [ - ('index', 'pkgcheck.tex', 'pkgcheck Documentation', - authors, 'manual'), + ("index", "pkgcheck.tex", "pkgcheck Documentation", authors, "manual"), ] # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. -#latex_logo = None +# latex_logo = None # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. -#latex_use_parts = False +# latex_use_parts = False # If true, show page references after internal links. -#latex_show_pagerefs = False +# latex_show_pagerefs = False # If true, show URL addresses after external links. -#latex_show_urls = False +# latex_show_urls = False # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#latex_appendices = [] +# latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. -#latex_domain_indices = True +# latex_domain_indices = True # -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------- @@ -227,7 +224,7 @@ latex_documents = [ man_pages = [] # If true, show URL addresses after external links. -#man_show_urls = False +# man_show_urls = False # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------- @@ -235,22 +232,28 @@ man_pages = [] # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ - ('index', 'pkgcheck', 'pkgcheck Documentation', - authors, 'pkgcheck', 'One line description of project.', - 'Miscellaneous'), + ( + "index", + "pkgcheck", + "pkgcheck Documentation", + authors, + "pkgcheck", + "One line description of project.", + "Miscellaneous", + ), ] # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#texinfo_appendices = [] +# texinfo_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. -#texinfo_domain_indices = True +# texinfo_domain_indices = True # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. -#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' +# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' # If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu. -#texinfo_no_detailmenu = False +# texinfo_no_detailmenu = False # -- Options for Epub output ---------------------------------------------- @@ -262,62 +265,62 @@ epub_publisher = authors epub_copyright = copyright # The basename for the epub file. It defaults to the project name. -#epub_basename = 'pkgcheck' +# epub_basename = 'pkgcheck' # The HTML theme for the epub output. Since the default themes are not optimized # for small screen space, using the same theme for HTML and epub output is # usually not wise. This defaults to 'epub', a theme designed to save visual # space. -#epub_theme = 'epub' +# epub_theme = 'epub' # The language of the text. It defaults to the language option # or en if the language is not set. -#epub_language = '' +# epub_language = '' # The scheme of the identifier. Typical schemes are ISBN or URL. -#epub_scheme = '' +# epub_scheme = '' # The unique identifier of the text. This can be a ISBN number # or the project homepage. -#epub_identifier = '' +# epub_identifier = '' # A unique identification for the text. -#epub_uid = '' +# epub_uid = '' # A tuple containing the cover image and cover page html template filenames. -#epub_cover = () +# epub_cover = () # A sequence of (type, uri, title) tuples for the guide element of content.opf. -#epub_guide = () +# epub_guide = () # HTML files that should be inserted before the pages created by sphinx. # The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title. -#epub_pre_files = [] +# epub_pre_files = [] # HTML files shat should be inserted after the pages created by sphinx. # The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title. -#epub_post_files = [] +# epub_post_files = [] # A list of files that should not be packed into the epub file. -epub_exclude_files = ['search.html'] +epub_exclude_files = ["search.html"] # The depth of the table of contents in toc.ncx. -#epub_tocdepth = 3 +# epub_tocdepth = 3 # Allow duplicate toc entries. -#epub_tocdup = True +# epub_tocdup = True # Choose between 'default' and 'includehidden'. -#epub_tocscope = 'default' +# epub_tocscope = 'default' # Fix unsupported image types using the PIL. -#epub_fix_images = False +# epub_fix_images = False # Scale large images. -#epub_max_image_width = 0 +# epub_max_image_width = 0 # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. -#epub_show_urls = 'inline' +# epub_show_urls = 'inline' # If false, no index is generated. -#epub_use_index = True +# epub_use_index = True diff --git a/doc/generate/pkgcheck/checks.py b/doc/generate/pkgcheck/checks.py index 171186fe..429a17e3 100755 --- a/doc/generate/pkgcheck/checks.py +++ b/doc/generate/pkgcheck/checks.py @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def main(f=sys.stdout, **kwargs): def _rst_header(char, text, newline=True, leading=False): if newline: - out('\n', end='') + out("\n", end="") if leading: out(char * len(text)) out(text) @@ -43,33 +43,38 @@ def main(f=sys.stdout, **kwargs): wrapper = TextWrapper(width=85) for scope in base.scopes.values(): - _rst_header('-', scope.desc.capitalize() + ' scope', leading=True) + _rst_header("-", scope.desc.capitalize() + " scope", leading=True) checks = (x for x in objects.CHECKS.values() if x.scope == scope) for check in checks: if check.__doc__ is not None: try: - summary, explanation = check.__doc__.split('\n', 1) + summary, explanation = check.__doc__.split("\n", 1) except ValueError: summary = check.__doc__ explanation = None else: summary = None - _rst_header('-', check.__name__) + _rst_header("-", check.__name__) if summary: - out('\n' + dedent(summary).strip()) + out("\n" + dedent(summary).strip()) if explanation: - explanation = '\n'.join(dedent(explanation).strip().split('\n')) - out('\n' + explanation) + explanation = "\n".join(dedent(explanation).strip().split("\n")) + out("\n" + explanation) if issubclass(check, GentooRepoCheck): - out('\n\n- Gentoo repo specific') - known_results = ', '.join( - f'`{r.__name__}`_' for r in - sorted(check.known_results, key=attrgetter('__name__'))) - out('\n' + '\n'.join(wrapper.wrap( - f"(known result{_pl(check.known_results)}: {known_results})"))) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': + out("\n\n- Gentoo repo specific") + known_results = ", ".join( + f"`{r.__name__}`_" + for r in sorted(check.known_results, key=attrgetter("__name__")) + ) + out( + "\n" + + "\n".join( + wrapper.wrap(f"(known result{_pl(check.known_results)}: {known_results})") + ) + ) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": main() diff --git a/doc/generate/pkgcheck/keywords.py b/doc/generate/pkgcheck/keywords.py index 628d4c8f..c6cfe432 100755 --- a/doc/generate/pkgcheck/keywords.py +++ b/doc/generate/pkgcheck/keywords.py @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def main(f=sys.stdout, **kwargs): def _rst_header(char, text, newline=True, leading=False): if newline: - out('\n', end='') + out("\n", end="") if leading: out(char * len(text)) out(text) @@ -41,32 +41,31 @@ def main(f=sys.stdout, **kwargs): related_checks[keyword].add(check) for scope in base.scopes.values(): - _rst_header('-', scope.desc.capitalize() + ' scope', leading=True) + _rst_header("-", scope.desc.capitalize() + " scope", leading=True) keywords = (x for x in objects.KEYWORDS.values() if x.scope == scope) for keyword in keywords: if keyword.__doc__ is not None: try: - summary, explanation = keyword.__doc__.split('\n', 1) + summary, explanation = keyword.__doc__.split("\n", 1) except ValueError: summary = keyword.__doc__ explanation = None else: summary = None - _rst_header('-', keyword.__name__) + _rst_header("-", keyword.__name__) if summary: - out('\n' + dedent(summary).strip()) + out("\n" + dedent(summary).strip()) if explanation: - explanation = '\n'.join(dedent(explanation).strip().split('\n')) - out('\n' + explanation) + explanation = "\n".join(dedent(explanation).strip().split("\n")) + out("\n" + explanation) if all(issubclass(x, GentooRepoCheck) for x in related_checks[keyword]): - out(f'\n- Gentoo repo specific') - out('\n' + f'- level: {keyword.level}') - checks = ', '.join(sorted( - f'`{c.__name__}`_' for c in related_checks[keyword])) - out(f'- related check{_pl(related_checks[keyword])}: {checks}') + out("\n- Gentoo repo specific") + out("\n" + f"- level: {keyword.level}") + checks = ", ".join(sorted(f"`{c.__name__}`_" for c in related_checks[keyword])) + out(f"- related check{_pl(related_checks[keyword])}: {checks}") -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": main() diff --git a/doc/generate/pkgcheck/reporters.py b/doc/generate/pkgcheck/reporters.py index e0debc35..9f503811 100755 --- a/doc/generate/pkgcheck/reporters.py +++ b/doc/generate/pkgcheck/reporters.py @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ def main(f=sys.stdout, **kwargs): def _rst_header(char, text, newline=True, leading=False): if newline: - out('\n', end='') + out("\n", end="") if leading: out(char * len(text)) out(text) @@ -24,25 +24,25 @@ def main(f=sys.stdout, **kwargs): if __doc__ is not None: out(__doc__.strip()) - _rst_header('=', 'Reporters', newline=False) + _rst_header("=", "Reporters", newline=False) for reporter in objects.REPORTERS.values(): if reporter.__doc__ is not None: try: - summary, explanation = reporter.__doc__.split('\n', 1) + summary, explanation = reporter.__doc__.split("\n", 1) except ValueError: summary = reporter.__doc__ explanation = None else: summary = None - _rst_header('-', reporter.__name__, leading=True) + _rst_header("-", reporter.__name__, leading=True) if summary: - out('\n' + dedent(summary).strip()) + out("\n" + dedent(summary).strip()) if explanation: - explanation = '\n'.join(dedent(explanation).strip().split('\n')) - out('\n' + explanation) + explanation = "\n".join(dedent(explanation).strip().split("\n")) + out("\n" + explanation) -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": main() diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml index 74945a14..da1db2bc 100644 --- a/pyproject.toml +++ b/pyproject.toml @@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ zip-safe = false [tool.setuptools.dynamic] version = {attr = "pkgcheck.__version__"} +[tool.black] +line-length = 100 + [tool.pytest.ini_options] minversion = "6.0" addopts = "-vv -ra -l" @@ -13,14 +13,13 @@ from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist as orig_sdist from wheel.bdist_wheel import bdist_wheel as orig_bdist_wheel -use_system_tree_sitter_bash = bool(os.environ.get( - 'USE_SYSTEM_TREE_SITTER_BASH', False)) +use_system_tree_sitter_bash = bool(os.environ.get("USE_SYSTEM_TREE_SITTER_BASH", False)) @contextmanager def sys_path(): orig_path = sys.path[:] - sys.path.insert(0, str(Path.cwd() / 'src')) + sys.path.insert(0, str(Path.cwd() / "src")) try: yield finally: @@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ def sys_path(): class build_treesitter(Command, SubCommand): - description = 'build tree-sitter-bash library' + description = "build tree-sitter-bash library" def initialize_options(self): pass @@ -37,29 +36,30 @@ class build_treesitter(Command, SubCommand): pass def get_source_files(self): - cwd = Path(__file__).parent / 'tree-sitter-bash/src' + cwd = Path(__file__).parent / "tree-sitter-bash/src" return [ - str(cwd / 'GNUmakefile'), str(cwd / 'tree_sitter/parser.h'), - str(cwd / 'parser.c'), str(cwd / 'scanner.cc'), + str(cwd / "GNUmakefile"), + str(cwd / "tree_sitter/parser.h"), + str(cwd / "parser.c"), + str(cwd / "scanner.cc"), ] - library_path = Path(__file__).parent / 'src/pkgcheck/bash/lang.so' + library_path = Path(__file__).parent / "src/pkgcheck/bash/lang.so" def run(self): if not use_system_tree_sitter_bash: if not self.library_path.exists(): - logging.info('building tree-sitter-bash library') + logging.info("building tree-sitter-bash library") with sys_path(): from pkgcheck.bash import build_library - build_library(self.library_path, ['tree-sitter-bash']) + build_library(self.library_path, ["tree-sitter-bash"]) class build(orig_build): - sub_commands = orig_build.sub_commands + [('build_treesitter', None)] + sub_commands = orig_build.sub_commands + [("build_treesitter", None)] class install(orig_install): - def finalize_options(self): """Force platlib install since non-python libraries are included.""" super().finalize_options() @@ -70,14 +70,18 @@ class install(orig_install): self.write_obj_lists() self.generate_files() - self.copy_tree('data', self.install_data) + self.copy_tree("data", self.install_data) install_dir = Path(self.install_lib) if not use_system_tree_sitter_bash: - self.reinitialize_command('build').ensure_finalized() - (dst := install_dir / 'pkgcheck/bash').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) - self.copy_file(build_treesitter.library_path, dst / 'lang.so', - preserve_mode=True, preserve_times=False) + self.reinitialize_command("build").ensure_finalized() + (dst := install_dir / "pkgcheck/bash").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + self.copy_file( + build_treesitter.library_path, + dst / "lang.so", + preserve_mode=True, + preserve_times=False, + ) def write_obj_lists(self): """Generate config file of keyword, check, and other object lists.""" @@ -88,7 +92,6 @@ class install(orig_install): # hack to drop quotes on modules in generated files class _kls: - def __init__(self, module): self.module = module @@ -100,41 +103,50 @@ class install(orig_install): modules = defaultdict(set) objs = defaultdict(list) - for obj in ('KEYWORDS', 'CHECKS', 'REPORTERS'): + for obj in ("KEYWORDS", "CHECKS", "REPORTERS"): for name, cls in getattr(objects, obj).items(): - parent, module = cls.__module__.rsplit('.', 1) + parent, module = cls.__module__.rsplit(".", 1) modules[parent].add(module) - objs[obj].append((name, _kls(f'{module}.{name}'))) + objs[obj].append((name, _kls(f"{module}.{name}"))) - keywords = tuple(objs['KEYWORDS']) - checks = tuple(objs['CHECKS']) - reporters = tuple(objs['REPORTERS']) + keywords = tuple(objs["KEYWORDS"]) + checks = tuple(objs["CHECKS"]) + reporters = tuple(objs["REPORTERS"]) - logging.info(f'writing objects to {objects_path!r}') - with objects_path.open('w') as f: + logging.info(f"writing objects to {objects_path!r}") + with objects_path.open("w") as f: objects_path.chmod(0o644) for k, v in sorted(modules.items()): f.write(f"from {k} import {', '.join(sorted(v))}\n") - f.write(dedent(f"""\ - KEYWORDS = {keywords} - CHECKS = {checks} - REPORTERS = {reporters} - """)) - - logging.info(f'writing path constants to {const_path!r}') - with const_path.open('w') as f: + f.write( + dedent( + f"""\ + KEYWORDS = {keywords} + CHECKS = {checks} + REPORTERS = {reporters} + """ + ) + ) + + logging.info(f"writing path constants to {const_path!r}") + with const_path.open("w") as f: const_path.chmod(0o644) - f.write(dedent("""\ - from os.path import abspath, exists, join - import sys - INSTALL_PREFIX = abspath(sys.prefix) - if not exists(join(INSTALL_PREFIX, 'lib/pkgcore')): - INSTALL_PREFIX = abspath(sys.base_prefix) - DATA_PATH = join(INSTALL_PREFIX, 'share/pkgcheck') - """)) + f.write( + dedent( + """\ + from os.path import abspath, exists, join + import sys + INSTALL_PREFIX = abspath(sys.prefix) + if not exists(join(INSTALL_PREFIX, 'lib/pkgcore')): + INSTALL_PREFIX = abspath(sys.base_prefix) + DATA_PATH = join(INSTALL_PREFIX, 'share/pkgcheck') + """ + ) + ) logging.info("generating version info") from snakeoil.version import get_git_version + verinfo_path.write_text(f"version_info={get_git_version(Path(__file__).parent)!r}") def generate_files(self): @@ -142,22 +154,21 @@ class install(orig_install): from pkgcheck import base, objects from pkgcheck.addons import caches - (dst := Path(self.install_data) / 'share/pkgcheck').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + (dst := Path(self.install_data) / "share/pkgcheck").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) - logging.info('Generating available scopes') - (dst / 'scopes').write_text('\n'.join(base.scopes) + '\n') + logging.info("Generating available scopes") + (dst / "scopes").write_text("\n".join(base.scopes) + "\n") - logging.info('Generating available cache types') + logging.info("Generating available cache types") cache_objs = caches.CachedAddon.caches.values() - (dst / 'caches').write_text('\n'.join(x.type for x in cache_objs) + '\n') + (dst / "caches").write_text("\n".join(x.type for x in cache_objs) + "\n") - for obj in ('KEYWORDS', 'CHECKS', 'REPORTERS'): - logging.info(f'Generating {obj.lower()} list') - (dst / obj.lower()).write_text('\n'.join(getattr(objects, obj)) + '\n') + for obj in ("KEYWORDS", "CHECKS", "REPORTERS"): + logging.info(f"Generating {obj.lower()} list") + (dst / obj.lower()).write_text("\n".join(getattr(objects, obj)) + "\n") class bdist_wheel(orig_bdist_wheel): - def finalize_options(self): super().finalize_options() self.root_is_pure = False # Mark us as not a pure python package @@ -165,30 +176,34 @@ class bdist_wheel(orig_bdist_wheel): def get_tag(self): _, _, plat = super().get_tag() # We don't contain any python source, nor any python extensions - return 'py3', 'none', plat + return "py3", "none", plat class sdist(orig_sdist): - def make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files): super().make_release_tree(base_dir, files) base_dir = Path(base_dir) - if (man_page := Path(__file__).parent / 'build/sphinx/man/pkgcheck.1').exists(): - (base_dir / 'man').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) - self.copy_file(man_page, base_dir / 'man/pkgcheck.1', preserve_mode=False, preserve_times=False) + if (man_page := Path(__file__).parent / "build/sphinx/man/pkgcheck.1").exists(): + (base_dir / "man").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + self.copy_file( + man_page, base_dir / "man/pkgcheck.1", preserve_mode=False, preserve_times=False + ) logging.info("generating version info") from snakeoil.version import get_git_version - (base_dir / 'src/pkgcheck/_verinfo.py').write_text(f"version_info={get_git_version(Path(__file__).parent)!r}") + + (base_dir / "src/pkgcheck/_verinfo.py").write_text( + f"version_info={get_git_version(Path(__file__).parent)!r}" + ) setup( cmdclass={ - 'bdist_wheel': bdist_wheel, - 'build': build, - 'build_treesitter': build_treesitter, - 'install': install, - 'sdist': sdist, + "bdist_wheel": bdist_wheel, + "build": build, + "build_treesitter": build_treesitter, + "install": install, + "sdist": sdist, } ) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/__init__.py b/src/pkgcheck/__init__.py index 699538a1..8e50bdfc 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/__init__.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/__init__.py @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ from .api import keywords, scan from .base import PkgcheckException from .results import Result -__all__ = ('keywords', 'scan', 'PkgcheckException', 'Result') -__title__ = 'pkgcheck' -__version__ = '0.10.20' +__all__ = ("keywords", "scan", "PkgcheckException", "Result") +__title__ = "pkgcheck" +__version__ = "0.10.20" def __getattr__(name): @@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ def __getattr__(name): return keywords[name] try: - return _import('.' + name, __name__) + return _import("." + name, __name__) except ImportError: - raise AttributeError(f'module {__name__} has no attribute {name}') + raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__} has no attribute {name}") def __dir__(): diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/addons/__init__.py b/src/pkgcheck/addons/__init__.py index 4d7aff48..5a5be2d0 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/addons/__init__.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/addons/__init__.py @@ -26,18 +26,18 @@ class ArchesArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations): if not enabled: # enable all non-prefix arches - enabled = set(arch for arch in all_arches if '-' not in arch) + enabled = set(arch for arch in all_arches if "-" not in arch) arches = set(enabled).difference(disabled) if all_arches and (unknown_arches := arches.difference(all_arches)): - es = pluralism(unknown_arches, plural='es') - unknown = ', '.join(unknown_arches) - valid = ', '.join(sorted(all_arches)) - parser.error(f'unknown arch{es}: {unknown} (valid arches: {valid})') + es = pluralism(unknown_arches, plural="es") + unknown = ", ".join(unknown_arches) + valid = ", ".join(sorted(all_arches)) + parser.error(f"unknown arch{es}: {unknown} (valid arches: {valid})") # check if any selected arch only has experimental profiles for arch in arches: - if all(p.status == 'exp' for p in namespace.target_repo.profiles if p.arch == arch): + if all(p.status == "exp" for p in namespace.target_repo.profiles if p.arch == arch): namespace.exp_profiles_required = True break @@ -51,11 +51,17 @@ class ArchesAddon(base.Addon): @classmethod def mangle_argparser(cls, parser): - group = parser.add_argument_group('arches') + group = parser.add_argument_group("arches") group.add_argument( - '-a', '--arches', dest='selected_arches', metavar='ARCH', default=(), - action=arghparse.Delayed, target=ArchesArgs, priority=100, - help='comma separated list of arches to enable/disable', + "-a", + "--arches", + dest="selected_arches", + metavar="ARCH", + default=(), + action=arghparse.Delayed, + target=ArchesArgs, + priority=100, + help="comma separated list of arches to enable/disable", docs=""" Comma separated list of arches to enable and disable. @@ -67,8 +73,9 @@ class ArchesAddon(base.Addon): By default all repo defined arches are used; however, stable-related checks (e.g. UnstableOnly) default to the set of arches having stable profiles in the target repo. - """) - parser.bind_delayed_default(1000, 'arches')(cls._default_arches) + """, + ) + parser.bind_delayed_default(1000, "arches")(cls._default_arches) @staticmethod def _default_arches(namespace, attr): @@ -81,14 +88,14 @@ class KeywordsAddon(base.Addon): def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) - special = {'-*'} + special = {"-*"} self.arches = self.options.target_repo.known_arches - unstable = {'~' + x for x in self.arches} - disabled = {'-' + x for x in chain(self.arches, unstable)} + unstable = {"~" + x for x in self.arches} + disabled = {"-" + x for x in chain(self.arches, unstable)} self.valid = special | self.arches | unstable | disabled # Note: '*' and '~*' are portage-only, i.e. not in the spec, so they # don't belong in the main tree. - self.portage = {'*', '~*'} + self.portage = {"*", "~*"} class StableArchesAddon(base.Addon): @@ -98,7 +105,7 @@ class StableArchesAddon(base.Addon): @classmethod def mangle_argparser(cls, parser): - parser.bind_delayed_default(1001, 'stable_arches')(cls._default_stable_arches) + parser.bind_delayed_default(1001, "stable_arches")(cls._default_stable_arches) @staticmethod def _default_stable_arches(namespace, attr): @@ -106,11 +113,12 @@ class StableArchesAddon(base.Addon): target_repo = namespace.target_repo if not namespace.selected_arches: # use known stable arches (GLEP 72) if arches aren't specified - stable_arches = target_repo.config.arches_desc['stable'] + stable_arches = target_repo.config.arches_desc["stable"] # fallback to determining stable arches from profiles.desc if arches.desc doesn't exist if not stable_arches: - stable_arches = set().union(*( - repo.profiles.arches('stable') for repo in target_repo.trees)) + stable_arches = set().union( + *(repo.profiles.arches("stable") for repo in target_repo.trees) + ) else: stable_arches = namespace.arches @@ -129,17 +137,17 @@ class UnstatedIuse(results.VersionResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): - msg = [f'attr({self.attr})'] + msg = [f"attr({self.attr})"] if self.profile is not None: if self.num_profiles is not None: - num_profiles = f' ({self.num_profiles} total)' + num_profiles = f" ({self.num_profiles} total)" else: - num_profiles = '' - msg.append(f'profile {self.profile!r}{num_profiles}') - flags = ', '.join(self.flags) + num_profiles = "" + msg.append(f"profile {self.profile!r}{num_profiles}") + flags = ", ".join(self.flags) s = pluralism(self.flags) - msg.extend([f'unstated flag{s}', f'[ {flags} ]']) - return ': '.join(msg) + msg.extend([f"unstated flag{s}", f"[ {flags} ]"]) + return ": ".join(msg) class UseAddon(base.Addon): @@ -153,7 +161,8 @@ class UseAddon(base.Addon): for p in target_repo.profiles: try: self.profiles.append( - target_repo.profiles.create_profile(p, load_profile_base=False)) + target_repo.profiles.create_profile(p, load_profile_base=False) + ) except profiles_mod.ProfileError: continue @@ -173,8 +182,8 @@ class UseAddon(base.Addon): for repo in target_repo.trees: known_iuse.update(flag for matcher, (flag, desc) in repo.config.use_desc) known_iuse_expand.update( - flag for flags in repo.config.use_expand_desc.values() - for flag, desc in flags) + flag for flags in repo.config.use_expand_desc.values() for flag, desc in flags + ) self.collapsed_iuse = misc.non_incremental_collapsed_restrict_to_data( ((packages.AlwaysTrue, known_iuse),), @@ -186,8 +195,9 @@ class UseAddon(base.Addon): self.ignore = not (c_implicit_iuse or known_iuse or known_iuse_expand) if self.ignore: logger.debug( - 'disabling use/iuse validity checks since no usable ' - 'use.desc and use.local.desc were found') + "disabling use/iuse validity checks since no usable " + "use.desc and use.local.desc were found" + ) def allowed_iuse(self, pkg): return self.collapsed_iuse.pull_data(pkg).union(pkg.local_use) @@ -213,9 +223,14 @@ class UseAddon(base.Addon): v.append(node.restriction) yield from self._flatten_restricts( iflatten_instance(node.payload, skip_filter), - skip_filter, stated, unstated, attr, v) + skip_filter, + stated, + unstated, + attr, + v, + ) continue - elif attr == 'required_use': + elif attr == "required_use": unstated.update(filterfalse(stated.__contains__, node.vals)) yield k, tuple(v) @@ -248,8 +263,11 @@ class UseAddon(base.Addon): skip_filter = (packages.Conditional,) + klasses nodes = iflatten_instance(seq, skip_filter) unstated = set() - vals = dict(self._flatten_restricts( - nodes, skip_filter, stated=pkg.iuse_stripped, unstated=unstated, attr=attr)) + vals = dict( + self._flatten_restricts( + nodes, skip_filter, stated=pkg.iuse_stripped, unstated=unstated, attr=attr + ) + ) return vals, self._unstated_iuse(pkg, attr, unstated) @@ -258,24 +276,27 @@ class NetAddon(base.Addon): @classmethod def mangle_argparser(cls, parser): - group = parser.add_argument_group('network') + group = parser.add_argument_group("network") group.add_argument( - '--timeout', type=float, default='5', - help='timeout used for network checks') + "--timeout", type=float, default="5", help="timeout used for network checks" + ) group.add_argument( - '--user-agent', default='Wget/1.20.3 (linux-gnu)', - help='custom user agent spoofing') + "--user-agent", default="Wget/1.20.3 (linux-gnu)", help="custom user agent spoofing" + ) @property def session(self): try: from .net import Session + return Session( - concurrent=self.options.tasks, timeout=self.options.timeout, - user_agent=self.options.user_agent) + concurrent=self.options.tasks, + timeout=self.options.timeout, + user_agent=self.options.user_agent, + ) except ImportError as e: - if e.name == 'requests': - raise PkgcheckUserException('network checks require requests to be installed') + if e.name == "requests": + raise PkgcheckUserException("network checks require requests to be installed") raise @@ -290,10 +311,14 @@ def init_addon(cls, options, addons_map=None, **kwargs): # initialize and inject all required addons for a given addon's inheritance # tree as kwargs required_addons = chain.from_iterable( - x.required_addons for x in cls.__mro__ if issubclass(x, base.Addon)) - kwargs.update({ - base.param_name(addon): init_addon(addon, options, addons_map) - for addon in required_addons}) + x.required_addons for x in cls.__mro__ if issubclass(x, base.Addon) + ) + kwargs.update( + { + base.param_name(addon): init_addon(addon, options, addons_map) + for addon in required_addons + } + ) # verify the cache type is enabled if issubclass(cls, caches.CachedAddon) and not options.cache[cls.cache.type]: @@ -302,7 +327,7 @@ def init_addon(cls, options, addons_map=None, **kwargs): addon = addons_map[cls] = cls(options, **kwargs) # force cache updates - force_cache = getattr(options, 'force_cache', False) + force_cache = getattr(options, "force_cache", False) if isinstance(addon, caches.CachedAddon): addon.update_cache(force=force_cache) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/addons/caches.py b/src/pkgcheck/addons/caches.py index 665efc4f..9cd13e58 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/addons/caches.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/addons/caches.py @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from ..log import logger @dataclass(frozen=True) class CacheData: """Cache registry data.""" + type: str file: str version: int @@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ class CacheData: class Cache: """Mixin for data caches.""" - __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy('_cache') + __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy("_cache") class DictCache(UserDict, Cache): @@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ class CacheDisabled(PkgcheckException): """Exception flagging that a requested cache type is disabled.""" def __init__(self, cache): - super().__init__(f'{cache.type} cache support required') + super().__init__(f"{cache.type} cache support required") class CachedAddon(Addon): @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ class CachedAddon(Addon): """Register available caches.""" super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) if cls.cache is None: - raise ValueError(f'invalid cache registry: {cls!r}') + raise ValueError(f"invalid cache registry: {cls!r}") cls.caches[cls] = cls.cache def update_cache(self, repo=None, force=False): @@ -75,17 +76,16 @@ class CachedAddon(Addon): using the same identifier don't use the same cache file. """ token = blake2b(repo.location.encode()).hexdigest()[:10] - dirname = f'{repo.repo_id.lstrip(os.sep)}-{token}' - return pjoin(self.options.cache_dir, 'repos', dirname, self.cache.file) + dirname = f"{repo.repo_id.lstrip(os.sep)}-{token}" + return pjoin(self.options.cache_dir, "repos", dirname, self.cache.file) def load_cache(self, path, fallback=None): cache = fallback try: - with open(path, 'rb') as f: + with open(path, "rb") as f: cache = pickle.load(f) if cache.version != self.cache.version: - logger.debug( - 'forcing %s cache regen due to outdated version', self.cache.type) + logger.debug("forcing %s cache regen due to outdated version", self.cache.type) os.remove(path) cache = fallback except IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS: @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class CachedAddon(Addon): except FileNotFoundError: pass except Exception as e: - logger.debug('forcing %s cache regen: %s', self.cache.type, e) + logger.debug("forcing %s cache regen: %s", self.cache.type, e) os.remove(path) cache = fallback return cache @@ -104,17 +104,16 @@ class CachedAddon(Addon): with AtomicWriteFile(path, binary=True) as f: pickle.dump(data, f, protocol=-1) except IOError as e: - msg = f'failed dumping {self.cache.type} cache: {path!r}: {e.strerror}' + msg = f"failed dumping {self.cache.type} cache: {path!r}: {e.strerror}" raise PkgcheckUserException(msg) @klass.jit_attr def existing_caches(self): """Mapping of all existing cache types to file paths.""" caches_map = {} - repos_dir = pjoin(self.options.cache_dir, 'repos') - for cache in sorted(self.caches.values(), key=attrgetter('type')): - caches_map[cache.type] = tuple(sorted( - pathlib.Path(repos_dir).rglob(cache.file))) + repos_dir = pjoin(self.options.cache_dir, "repos") + for cache in sorted(self.caches.values(), key=attrgetter("type")): + caches_map[cache.type] = tuple(sorted(pathlib.Path(repos_dir).rglob(cache.file))) return ImmutableDict(caches_map) def remove_caches(self): @@ -125,14 +124,14 @@ class CachedAddon(Addon): except FileNotFoundError: pass except IOError as e: - raise PkgcheckUserException(f'failed removing cache dir: {e}') + raise PkgcheckUserException(f"failed removing cache dir: {e}") else: try: for cache_type, paths in self.existing_caches.items(): if self.options.cache.get(cache_type, False): for path in paths: if self.options.dry_run: - print(f'Would remove {path}') + print(f"Would remove {path}") else: os.unlink(path) # remove empty cache dirs @@ -145,4 +144,4 @@ class CachedAddon(Addon): continue raise except IOError as e: - raise PkgcheckUserException(f'failed removing {cache_type} cache: {path!r}: {e}') + raise PkgcheckUserException(f"failed removing {cache_type} cache: {path!r}: {e}") diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/addons/eclass.py b/src/pkgcheck/addons/eclass.py index fd4d085e..5e5e77ee 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/addons/eclass.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/addons/eclass.py @@ -49,8 +49,7 @@ class EclassAddon(caches.CachedAddon): """Eclass support for various checks.""" # cache registry - cache = caches.CacheData(type='eclass', file='eclass.pickle', - version=EclassDoc.ABI_VERSION) + cache = caches.CacheData(type="eclass", file="eclass.pickle", version=EclassDoc.ABI_VERSION) def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) @@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ class EclassAddon(caches.CachedAddon): def update_cache(self, force=False): """Update related cache and push updates to disk.""" for repo in self.options.target_repo.trees: - eclass_dir = pjoin(repo.location, 'eclass') + eclass_dir = pjoin(repo.location, "eclass") cache_file = self.cache_file(repo) cache_eclasses = False eclasses = {} @@ -91,15 +90,17 @@ class EclassAddon(caches.CachedAddon): # check for eclass removals for name in list(eclasses): - if not os.path.exists(pjoin(eclass_dir, f'{name}.eclass')): + if not os.path.exists(pjoin(eclass_dir, f"{name}.eclass")): del eclasses[name] cache_eclasses = True # verify the repo has eclasses try: repo_eclasses = sorted( - (x[:-7], pjoin(eclass_dir, x)) for x in os.listdir(eclass_dir) - if x.endswith('.eclass')) + (x[:-7], pjoin(eclass_dir, x)) + for x in os.listdir(eclass_dir) + if x.endswith(".eclass") + ) except FileNotFoundError: repo_eclasses = [] @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ class EclassAddon(caches.CachedAddon): raise KeyError except (KeyError, AttributeError): try: - progress(f'{repo} -- updating eclass cache: {name:<{padding}}') + progress(f"{repo} -- updating eclass cache: {name:<{padding}}") eclasses[name] = EclassDoc(path, sourced=True, repo=repo) cache_eclasses = True except IOError: diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/addons/git.py b/src/pkgcheck/addons/git.py index 02ec96ea..26c1d06d 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/addons/git.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/addons/git.py @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ from . import caches @dataclass(frozen=True, eq=False) class GitCommit: """Git commit objects.""" + hash: str commit_time: int author: str @@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ class GitCommit: @dataclass(frozen=True) class GitPkgChange: """Git package change objects.""" + atom: atom_cls status: str commit: str @@ -82,16 +84,18 @@ class GitConfig: def __init__(self): fd, self.path = tempfile.mkstemp() - os.write(fd, b'[safe]\n\tdirectory = *\n') + os.write(fd, b"[safe]\n\tdirectory = *\n") os.close(fd) @property def config_env(self): # ignore global user and system git config, but disable safe.directory - return ImmutableDict({ - 'GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL': self.path, - 'GIT_CONFIG_SYSTEM': '', - }) + return ImmutableDict( + { + "GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL": self.path, + "GIT_CONFIG_SYSTEM": "", + } + ) def close(self): os.unlink(self.path) @@ -104,21 +108,25 @@ class GitLog: self._running = False self.git_config = GitConfig() self.proc = subprocess.Popen( - cmd, cwd=path, - stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=self.git_config.config_env) + cmd, + cwd=path, + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.PIPE, + env=self.git_config.config_env, + ) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): # use replacement character for non-UTF8 decoding issues (issue #166) - line = self.proc.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8', 'replace') + line = self.proc.stdout.readline().decode("utf-8", "replace") # verify git log is running as expected after pulling the first line if not self._running: if self.proc.poll() or not line: error = self.proc.stderr.read().decode().strip() - raise GitError(f'failed running git log: {error}') + raise GitError(f"failed running git log: {error}") self._running = True self.git_config.close() @@ -133,14 +141,14 @@ class _ParseGitRepo: """Generic iterator for custom git log output parsing support.""" # git command to run on the targeted repo - _git_cmd = 'git log --name-status --diff-filter=ARMD -z' + _git_cmd = "git log --name-status --diff-filter=ARMD -z" # custom git log format lines, see the "PRETTY FORMATS" section of # the git log man page for details _format = () # path regexes for git log parsing, validation is handled on instantiation - _ebuild_re = re.compile(r'^(?P<category>[^/]+)/[^/]+/(?P<package>[^/]+)\.ebuild$') + _ebuild_re = re.compile(r"^(?P<category>[^/]+)/[^/]+/(?P<package>[^/]+)\.ebuild$") def __init__(self, path, commit_range): self.path = os.path.realpath(path) @@ -161,12 +169,12 @@ class _ParseGitRepo: @property def changes(self): """Generator of file change status with changed packages.""" - changes = deque(next(self.git_log).strip('\x00').split('\x00')) + changes = deque(next(self.git_log).strip("\x00").split("\x00")) while changes: status = changes.popleft() - if status.startswith('R'): + if status.startswith("R"): # matched R status change - status = 'R' + status = "R" old = changes.popleft() new = changes.popleft() if (mo := self._ebuild_re.match(old)) and (mn := self._ebuild_re.match(new)): @@ -191,11 +199,11 @@ class GitRepoCommits(_ParseGitRepo): """Parse git log output into an iterator of commit objects.""" _format = ( - '%h', # abbreviated commit hash - '%ct', # commit timestamp - '%an <%ae>', # Author Name <author@email.com> - '%cn <%ce>', # Committer Name <committer@email.com> - '%B', # commit message + "%h", # abbreviated commit hash + "%ct", # commit timestamp + "%an <%ae>", # Author Name <author@email.com> + "%cn <%ce>", # Committer Name <committer@email.com> + "%B", # commit message ) def __next__(self): @@ -203,13 +211,13 @@ class GitRepoCommits(_ParseGitRepo): commit_time = int(next(self.git_log)) author = next(self.git_log) committer = next(self.git_log) - message = list(takewhile(lambda x: x != '\x00', self.git_log)) + message = list(takewhile(lambda x: x != "\x00", self.git_log)) pkgs = defaultdict(set) for status, atoms in self.changes: - if status == 'R': + if status == "R": old, new = atoms - pkgs['A'].add(new) - pkgs['D'].add(old) + pkgs["A"].add(new) + pkgs["D"].add(old) else: pkgs[status].update(atoms) return GitCommit(commit_hash, commit_time, author, committer, message, ImmutableDict(pkgs)) @@ -219,8 +227,8 @@ class GitRepoPkgs(_ParseGitRepo): """Parse git log output into an iterator of package change objects.""" _format = ( - '%h', # abbreviated commit hash - '%ct', # commit time + "%h", # abbreviated commit hash + "%ct", # commit time ) def __init__(self, *args, local=False): @@ -234,24 +242,21 @@ class GitRepoPkgs(_ParseGitRepo): return self._pkgs.popleft() except IndexError: commit_hash = next(self.git_log) - commit_time = int(next(self.git_log).rstrip('\x00')) + commit_time = int(next(self.git_log).rstrip("\x00")) self._pkg_changes(commit_hash, commit_time) def _pkg_changes(self, commit_hash, commit_time): """Queue package change objects from git log file changes.""" for status, pkgs in self.changes: - if status == 'R': + if status == "R": old, new = pkgs if not self.local: # treat rename as addition and removal - self._pkgs.append( - GitPkgChange(new, 'A', commit_hash, commit_time)) - self._pkgs.append( - GitPkgChange(old, 'D', commit_hash, commit_time)) + self._pkgs.append(GitPkgChange(new, "A", commit_hash, commit_time)) + self._pkgs.append(GitPkgChange(old, "D", commit_hash, commit_time)) else: # renames are split into add/remove ops at # the check level for the local commits repo - self._pkgs.append(GitPkgChange( - new, 'R', commit_hash, commit_time, old)) + self._pkgs.append(GitPkgChange(new, "R", commit_hash, commit_time, old)) else: self._pkgs.append(GitPkgChange(pkgs[0], status, commit_hash, commit_time)) @@ -264,26 +269,31 @@ class _GitCommitPkg(cpv.VersionedCPV): # add additional attrs sf = object.__setattr__ - sf(self, 'time', time) - sf(self, 'status', status) - sf(self, 'commit', commit) - sf(self, 'old', old) + sf(self, "time", time) + sf(self, "status", status) + sf(self, "commit", commit) + sf(self, "old", old) def old_pkg(self): """Create a new object from a rename commit's old atom.""" return self.__class__( - self.old.category, self.old.package, self.status, self.old.version, - self.time, self.commit) + self.old.category, + self.old.package, + self.status, + self.old.version, + self.time, + self.commit, + ) class GitChangedRepo(SimpleTree): """Historical git repo consisting of the latest changed packages.""" # selected pkg status filter - _status_filter = {'A', 'R', 'M', 'D'} + _status_filter = {"A", "R", "M", "D"} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): - kwargs.setdefault('pkg_klass', _GitCommitPkg) + kwargs.setdefault("pkg_klass", _GitCommitPkg) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _get_versions(self, cp): @@ -298,25 +308,26 @@ class GitChangedRepo(SimpleTree): for cp in sorter(candidates): yield from sorter( raw_pkg_cls(cp[0], cp[1], status, *commit) - for status, commit in self.versions.get(cp, ())) + for status, commit in self.versions.get(cp, ()) + ) class GitModifiedRepo(GitChangedRepo): """Historical git repo consisting of the latest modified packages.""" - _status_filter = {'A', 'M'} + _status_filter = {"A", "M"} class GitAddedRepo(GitChangedRepo): """Historical git repo consisting of added packages.""" - _status_filter = {'A'} + _status_filter = {"A"} class GitRemovedRepo(GitChangedRepo): """Historical git repo consisting of removed packages.""" - _status_filter = {'D'} + _status_filter = {"D"} class _ScanGit(argparse.Action): @@ -325,11 +336,11 @@ class _ScanGit(argparse.Action): def __init__(self, *args, staged=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if staged: - default_ref = 'HEAD' - diff_cmd = ['git', 'diff-index', '--name-only', '--cached', '-z'] + default_ref = "HEAD" + diff_cmd = ["git", "diff-index", "--name-only", "--cached", "-z"] else: - default_ref = 'origin..HEAD' - diff_cmd = ['git', 'diff-tree', '-r', '--name-only', '-z'] + default_ref = "origin..HEAD" + diff_cmd = ["git", "diff-tree", "-r", "--name-only", "-z"] self.staged = staged self.default_ref = default_ref @@ -340,26 +351,30 @@ class _ScanGit(argparse.Action): try: p = subprocess.run( self.diff_cmd + [ref], - stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, - cwd=namespace.target_repo.location, check=True, encoding='utf8') + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.PIPE, + cwd=namespace.target_repo.location, + check=True, + encoding="utf8", + ) except FileNotFoundError as e: parser.error(str(e)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: error = e.stderr.splitlines()[0] - parser.error(f'failed running git: {error}') + parser.error(f"failed running git: {error}") if not p.stdout: # no changes exist, exit early parser.exit() - eclass_re = re.compile(r'^eclass/(?P<eclass>\S+)\.eclass$') + eclass_re = re.compile(r"^eclass/(?P<eclass>\S+)\.eclass$") eclasses, profiles, pkgs = OrderedSet(), OrderedSet(), OrderedSet() - for path in p.stdout.strip('\x00').split('\x00'): + for path in p.stdout.strip("\x00").split("\x00"): path_components = path.split(os.sep) if mo := eclass_re.match(path): - eclasses.add(mo.group('eclass')) - elif path_components[0] == 'profiles': + eclasses.add(mo.group("eclass")) + elif path_components[0] == "profiles": profiles.add(path) elif path_components[0] in namespace.target_repo.categories: try: @@ -384,13 +399,14 @@ class _ScanGit(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None): if namespace.targets: - targets = ' '.join(namespace.targets) + targets = " ".join(namespace.targets) s = pluralism(namespace.targets) - parser.error(f'{option_string} is mutually exclusive with target{s}: {targets}') + parser.error(f"{option_string} is mutually exclusive with target{s}: {targets}") if not self.staged: # avoid circular import issues from .. import objects + # enable git checks namespace.enabled_checks.update(objects.CHECKS.select(GitCommitsCheck).values()) @@ -422,16 +438,21 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon): """ # cache registry - cache = caches.CacheData(type='git', file='git.pickle', version=5) + cache = caches.CacheData(type="git", file="git.pickle", version=5) @classmethod def mangle_argparser(cls, parser): - group = parser.add_argument_group('git', docs=cls.__doc__) + group = parser.add_argument_group("git", docs=cls.__doc__) git_opts = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() git_opts.add_argument( - '--commits', nargs='?', default=False, metavar='tree-ish', - action=arghparse.Delayed, target=_ScanGit, priority=10, - help='determine scan targets from unpushed commits', + "--commits", + nargs="?", + default=False, + metavar="tree-ish", + action=arghparse.Delayed, + target=_ScanGit, + priority=10, + help="determine scan targets from unpushed commits", docs=""" Targets are determined from the committed changes compared to a given reference that defaults to the repo's origin. @@ -440,21 +461,28 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon): the current branch compared to the branch named 'old' use ``pkgcheck scan --commits old``. For two separate branches named 'old' and 'new' use ``pkgcheck scan --commits old..new``. - """) + """, + ) git_opts.add_argument( - '--staged', nargs='?', default=False, metavar='tree-ish', - action=arghparse.Delayed, target=partial(_ScanGit, staged=True), priority=10, - help='determine scan targets from staged changes', + "--staged", + nargs="?", + default=False, + metavar="tree-ish", + action=arghparse.Delayed, + target=partial(_ScanGit, staged=True), + priority=10, + help="determine scan targets from staged changes", docs=""" Targets are determined using all staged changes for the git repo. Unstaged changes and untracked files are ignored by temporarily stashing them during the scanning process. - """) + """, + ) def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) try: - find_binary('git') + find_binary("git") except CommandNotFound: raise caches.CacheDisabled(self.cache) @@ -465,14 +493,14 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon): def _gitignore(self): """Load a repo's .gitignore and .git/info/exclude files for path matching.""" patterns = [] - for path in ('.gitignore', '.git/info/exclude'): + for path in (".gitignore", ".git/info/exclude"): try: with open(pjoin(self.options.target_repo.location, path)) as f: patterns.extend(f) except (FileNotFoundError, IOError): pass if patterns: - return PathSpec.from_lines('gitwildmatch', patterns) + return PathSpec.from_lines("gitwildmatch", patterns) return None def gitignored(self, path): @@ -489,23 +517,31 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon): """Retrieve a git repo's commit hash for a specific commit object.""" try: p = subprocess.run( - ['git', 'rev-parse', commit], - stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, - cwd=path, check=True, encoding='utf8') + ["git", "rev-parse", commit], + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, + cwd=path, + check=True, + encoding="utf8", + ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: - raise GitError(f'failed retrieving commit hash for git repo: {path!r}') + raise GitError(f"failed retrieving commit hash for git repo: {path!r}") return p.stdout.strip() @staticmethod - def _get_current_branch(path, commit='HEAD'): + def _get_current_branch(path, commit="HEAD"): """Retrieve a git repo's current branch for a specific commit object.""" try: p = subprocess.run( - ['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', commit], - stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, - cwd=path, check=True, encoding='utf8') + ["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", commit], + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, + cwd=path, + check=True, + encoding="utf8", + ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: - raise GitError(f'failed retrieving branch for git repo: {path!r}') + raise GitError(f"failed retrieving branch for git repo: {path!r}") return p.stdout.strip() @staticmethod @@ -513,12 +549,16 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon): """Retrieve a git repo's default branch used with origin remote.""" try: p = subprocess.run( - ['git', 'symbolic-ref', 'refs/remotes/origin/HEAD'], - stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, - cwd=path, check=True, encoding='utf8') + ["git", "symbolic-ref", "refs/remotes/origin/HEAD"], + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, + cwd=path, + check=True, + encoding="utf8", + ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: - raise GitError(f'failed retrieving branch for git repo: {path!r}') - return p.stdout.strip().split('/')[-1] + raise GitError(f"failed retrieving branch for git repo: {path!r}") + return p.stdout.strip().split("/")[-1] @staticmethod def pkg_history(repo, commit_range, data=None, local=False, verbosity=-1): @@ -535,11 +575,12 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon): if local: commit = (atom.fullver, pkg.commit_time, pkg.commit, pkg.old) else: - date = datetime.fromtimestamp(pkg.commit_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') - progress(f'{repo} -- updating git cache: commit date: {date}') + date = datetime.fromtimestamp(pkg.commit_time).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + progress(f"{repo} -- updating git cache: commit date: {date}") commit = (atom.fullver, pkg.commit_time, pkg.commit) - data.setdefault(atom.category, {}).setdefault( - atom.package, {}).setdefault(pkg.status, []).append(commit) + data.setdefault(atom.category, {}).setdefault(atom.package, {}).setdefault( + pkg.status, [] + ).append(commit) return data def update_cache(self, force=False): @@ -551,10 +592,12 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon): # skip cache usage when not running on the default branch if branch != default_branch: logger.debug( - 'skipping %s git repo cache update on ' - 'non-default branch %r', repo, branch) + "skipping %s git repo cache update on " "non-default branch %r", + repo, + branch, + ) continue - commit = self._get_commit_hash(repo.location, 'origin/HEAD') + commit = self._get_commit_hash(repo.location, "origin/HEAD") except GitError: continue @@ -567,18 +610,18 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon): git_cache = self.load_cache(cache_file) if git_cache is None or commit != git_cache.commit: - logger.debug('updating %s git repo cache to %s', repo, commit[:13]) + logger.debug("updating %s git repo cache to %s", repo, commit[:13]) if git_cache is None: data = {} - commit_range = 'origin/HEAD' + commit_range = "origin/HEAD" else: data = git_cache.data - commit_range = f'{git_cache.commit}..origin/HEAD' + commit_range = f"{git_cache.commit}..origin/HEAD" try: self.pkg_history( - repo, commit_range, data=data, - verbosity=self.options.verbosity) + repo, commit_range, data=data, verbosity=self.options.verbosity + ) except GitError as e: raise PkgcheckUserException(str(e)) git_cache = GitCache(data, self.cache, commit=commit) @@ -595,7 +638,7 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon): git_repos = [] for repo in self.options.target_repo.trees: git_cache = self._cached_repos.get(repo.location, {}) - git_repos.append(repo_cls(git_cache, repo_id=f'{repo.repo_id}-history')) + git_repos.append(repo_cls(git_cache, repo_id=f"{repo.repo_id}-history")) if len(git_repos) > 1: return multiplex.tree(*git_repos) @@ -606,14 +649,14 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon): data = {} try: - origin = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, 'origin/HEAD') - head = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, 'HEAD') + origin = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, "origin/HEAD") + head = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, "HEAD") if origin != head: - data = self.pkg_history(target_repo, 'origin/HEAD..HEAD', local=True) + data = self.pkg_history(target_repo, "origin/HEAD..HEAD", local=True) except GitError as e: raise PkgcheckUserException(str(e)) - repo_id = f'{target_repo.repo_id}-commits' + repo_id = f"{target_repo.repo_id}-commits" return repo_cls(data, repo_id=repo_id) def commits(self): @@ -621,10 +664,10 @@ class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon): commits = () try: - origin = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, 'origin/HEAD') - head = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, 'HEAD') + origin = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, "origin/HEAD") + head = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, "HEAD") if origin != head: - commits = GitRepoCommits(target_repo.location, 'origin/HEAD..HEAD') + commits = GitRepoCommits(target_repo.location, "origin/HEAD..HEAD") except GitError as e: raise PkgcheckUserException(str(e)) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/addons/net.py b/src/pkgcheck/addons/net.py index 0fad98b0..6db5432d 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/addons/net.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/addons/net.py @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import requests from ..checks.network import RequestError, SSLError # suppress all urllib3 log messages -logging.getLogger('urllib3').propagate = False +logging.getLogger("urllib3").propagate = False class Session(requests.Session): @@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ class Session(requests.Session): # block when urllib3 connection pool is full concurrent = concurrent if concurrent is not None else os.cpu_count() * 5 a = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(pool_maxsize=concurrent, pool_block=True) - self.mount('https://', a) - self.mount('http://', a) + self.mount("https://", a) + self.mount("http://", a) # spoof user agent - self.headers['User-Agent'] = user_agent + self.headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent def send(self, req, **kwargs): # forcibly use the session timeout - kwargs['timeout'] = self.timeout + kwargs["timeout"] = self.timeout try: with super().send(req, **kwargs) as r: r.raise_for_status() @@ -42,6 +42,6 @@ class Session(requests.Session): except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e: raise SSLError(e) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: - raise RequestError(e, 'connection failed') + raise RequestError(e, "connection failed") except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: raise RequestError(e) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/addons/profiles.py b/src/pkgcheck/addons/profiles.py index 02b31eda..799cd94a 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/addons/profiles.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/addons/profiles.py @@ -22,15 +22,28 @@ from . import ArchesAddon, caches class ProfileData: - - def __init__(self, repo, profile_name, key, provides, vfilter, - iuse_effective, use, pkg_use, masked_use, forced_use, lookup_cache, insoluble, - status, deprecated): + def __init__( + self, + repo, + profile_name, + key, + provides, + vfilter, + iuse_effective, + use, + pkg_use, + masked_use, + forced_use, + lookup_cache, + insoluble, + status, + deprecated, + ): self.repo = repo self.name = profile_name self.key = key self.provides_repo = provides - self.provides_has_match = getattr(provides, 'has_match', provides.match) + self.provides_has_match = getattr(provides, "has_match", provides.match) self.iuse_effective = iuse_effective self.use = use self.pkg_use = pkg_use @@ -47,8 +60,7 @@ class ProfileData: # pointless intermediate sets unless required # kindly don't change that in any modifications, it adds up. enabled = known_flags.intersection(self.forced_use.pull_data(pkg)) - immutable = enabled.union( - filter(known_flags.__contains__, self.masked_use.pull_data(pkg))) + immutable = enabled.union(filter(known_flags.__contains__, self.masked_use.pull_data(pkg))) if force_disabled := self.masked_use.pull_data(pkg): enabled = enabled.difference(force_disabled) return immutable, enabled @@ -64,19 +76,19 @@ class ProfilesArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations): @staticmethod def norm_name(repo, s): """Expand status keywords and format paths.""" - if s in ('dev', 'exp', 'stable', 'deprecated'): + if s in ("dev", "exp", "stable", "deprecated"): yield from repo.profiles.get_profiles(status=s) - elif s == 'all': + elif s == "all": yield from repo.profiles else: try: yield repo.profiles[os.path.normpath(s)] except KeyError: - raise ValueError(f'nonexistent profile: {s!r}') + raise ValueError(f"nonexistent profile: {s!r}") def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): disabled, enabled = self.parse_values(values) - namespace.ignore_deprecated_profiles = 'deprecated' not in enabled + namespace.ignore_deprecated_profiles = "deprecated" not in enabled # Expand status keywords, e.g. 'stable' -> set of stable profiles, and # translate selections into profile objs. @@ -104,18 +116,23 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon): # non-profile dirs found in the profiles directory, generally only in # the gentoo repo, but could be in overlays as well - non_profile_dirs = frozenset(['desc', 'updates']) + non_profile_dirs = frozenset(["desc", "updates"]) # cache registry - cache = caches.CacheData(type='profiles', file='profiles.pickle', version=2) + cache = caches.CacheData(type="profiles", file="profiles.pickle", version=2) @classmethod def mangle_argparser(cls, parser): - group = parser.add_argument_group('profiles') + group = parser.add_argument_group("profiles") group.add_argument( - '-p', '--profiles', metavar='PROFILE', dest='selected_profiles', - action=arghparse.Delayed, target=ProfilesArgs, priority=101, - help='comma separated list of profiles to enable/disable', + "-p", + "--profiles", + metavar="PROFILE", + dest="selected_profiles", + action=arghparse.Delayed, + target=ProfilesArgs, + priority=101, + help="comma separated list of profiles to enable/disable", docs=""" Comma separated list of profiles to enable and disable for scanning. Any profiles specified in this fashion will be the @@ -137,8 +154,9 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon): to only scan all stable profiles pass the ``stable`` argument to --profiles. Additionally the keyword ``all`` can be used to scan all defined profiles in the target repo. - """) - parser.bind_delayed_default(1001, 'profiles')(cls._default_profiles) + """, + ) + parser.bind_delayed_default(1001, "profiles")(cls._default_profiles) @staticmethod def _default_profiles(namespace, attr): @@ -148,8 +166,8 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon): # that require them to operate properly. target_repo = namespace.target_repo profiles = set(target_repo.profiles) - if not getattr(namespace, 'exp_profiles_required', False): - profiles -= set(ProfilesArgs.norm_name(target_repo, 'exp')) + if not getattr(namespace, "exp_profiles_required", False): + profiles -= set(ProfilesArgs.norm_name(target_repo, "exp")) setattr(namespace, attr, profiles) def __init__(self, *args, arches_addon): @@ -160,7 +178,7 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon): self.arch_profiles = defaultdict(list) self.target_repo = self.options.target_repo - ignore_deprecated = getattr(self.options, 'ignore_deprecated_profiles', True) + ignore_deprecated = getattr(self.options, "ignore_deprecated_profiles", True) for p in sorted(self.options.profiles): if p.deprecated and ignore_deprecated: @@ -171,7 +189,7 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon): # Only throw errors if the profile was selected by the user, bad # repo profiles will be caught during repo metadata scans. if self.options.selected_profiles is not None: - raise PkgcheckUserException(f'invalid profile: {e.path!r}: {e.error}') + raise PkgcheckUserException(f"invalid profile: {e.path!r}: {e.error}") continue self.arch_profiles[p.arch].append((profile, p)) @@ -180,7 +198,7 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon): """Given a profile object, return its file set and most recent mtime.""" cache = {} while True: - profile = (yield) + profile = yield profile_mtime = 0 profile_files = [] for node in profile.stack: @@ -204,8 +222,7 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon): """Mapping of profile age and file sets used to check cache viability.""" data = {} gen_profile_data = self._profile_files() - for profile_obj, profile in chain.from_iterable( - self.arch_profiles.values()): + for profile_obj, profile in chain.from_iterable(self.arch_profiles.values()): mtime, files = gen_profile_data.send(profile_obj) data[profile] = (mtime, files) next(gen_profile_data) @@ -220,7 +237,7 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon): for repo in self.target_repo.trees: cache_file = self.cache_file(repo) # add profiles-base -> repo mapping to ease storage procedure - cached_profiles[repo.config.profiles_base]['repo'] = repo + cached_profiles[repo.config.profiles_base]["repo"] = repo if not force: cache = self.load_cache(cache_file, fallback={}) cached_profiles[repo.config.profiles_base].update(cache) @@ -228,14 +245,21 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon): chunked_data_cache = {} for arch in sorted(self.options.arches): - stable_key, unstable_key = arch, f'~{arch}' + stable_key, unstable_key = arch, f"~{arch}" stable_r = packages.PackageRestriction( - "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2((stable_key,))) + "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2((stable_key,)) + ) unstable_r = packages.PackageRestriction( - "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2((stable_key, unstable_key,))) + "keywords", + values.ContainmentMatch2( + ( + stable_key, + unstable_key, + ) + ), + ) - default_masked_use = tuple(set( - x for x in official_arches if x != stable_key)) + default_masked_use = tuple(set(x for x in official_arches if x != stable_key)) # padding for progress output padding = max(len(x) for x in self.options.arches) @@ -244,23 +268,25 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon): files = self.profile_data.get(profile) try: cached_profile = cached_profiles[profile.base][profile.path] - if files != cached_profile['files']: + if files != cached_profile["files"]: # force refresh of outdated cache entry raise KeyError - masks = cached_profile['masks'] - unmasks = cached_profile['unmasks'] - immutable_flags = cached_profile['immutable_flags'] - stable_immutable_flags = cached_profile['stable_immutable_flags'] - enabled_flags = cached_profile['enabled_flags'] - stable_enabled_flags = cached_profile['stable_enabled_flags'] - pkg_use = cached_profile['pkg_use'] - iuse_effective = cached_profile['iuse_effective'] - use = cached_profile['use'] - provides_repo = cached_profile['provides_repo'] + masks = cached_profile["masks"] + unmasks = cached_profile["unmasks"] + immutable_flags = cached_profile["immutable_flags"] + stable_immutable_flags = cached_profile["stable_immutable_flags"] + enabled_flags = cached_profile["enabled_flags"] + stable_enabled_flags = cached_profile["stable_enabled_flags"] + pkg_use = cached_profile["pkg_use"] + iuse_effective = cached_profile["iuse_effective"] + use = cached_profile["use"] + provides_repo = cached_profile["provides_repo"] except KeyError: try: - progress(f'{repo} -- updating profiles cache: {profile.arch:<{padding}}') + progress( + f"{repo} -- updating profiles cache: {profile.arch:<{padding}}" + ) masks = profile_obj.masks unmasks = profile_obj.unmasks @@ -270,7 +296,9 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon): immutable_flags.optimize(cache=chunked_data_cache) immutable_flags.freeze() - stable_immutable_flags = profile_obj.stable_masked_use.clone(unfreeze=True) + stable_immutable_flags = profile_obj.stable_masked_use.clone( + unfreeze=True + ) stable_immutable_flags.add_bare_global((), default_masked_use) stable_immutable_flags.optimize(cache=chunked_data_cache) stable_immutable_flags.freeze() @@ -280,7 +308,9 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon): enabled_flags.optimize(cache=chunked_data_cache) enabled_flags.freeze() - stable_enabled_flags = profile_obj.stable_forced_use.clone(unfreeze=True) + stable_enabled_flags = profile_obj.stable_forced_use.clone( + unfreeze=True + ) stable_enabled_flags.add_bare_global((), (stable_key,)) stable_enabled_flags.optimize(cache=chunked_data_cache) stable_enabled_flags.freeze() @@ -290,25 +320,28 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon): provides_repo = profile_obj.provides_repo # finalize enabled USE flags - use = frozenset(misc.incremental_expansion( - profile_obj.use, msg_prefix='while expanding USE')) + use = frozenset( + misc.incremental_expansion( + profile_obj.use, msg_prefix="while expanding USE" + ) + ) except profiles_mod.ProfileError: # unsupported EAPI or other issue, profile checks will catch this continue - cached_profiles[profile.base]['update'] = True + cached_profiles[profile.base]["update"] = True cached_profiles[profile.base][profile.path] = { - 'files': files, - 'masks': masks, - 'unmasks': unmasks, - 'immutable_flags': immutable_flags, - 'stable_immutable_flags': stable_immutable_flags, - 'enabled_flags': enabled_flags, - 'stable_enabled_flags': stable_enabled_flags, - 'pkg_use': pkg_use, - 'iuse_effective': iuse_effective, - 'use': use, - 'provides_repo': provides_repo, + "files": files, + "masks": masks, + "unmasks": unmasks, + "immutable_flags": immutable_flags, + "stable_immutable_flags": stable_immutable_flags, + "enabled_flags": enabled_flags, + "stable_enabled_flags": stable_enabled_flags, + "pkg_use": pkg_use, + "iuse_effective": iuse_effective, + "use": use, + "provides_repo": provides_repo, } # used to interlink stable/unstable lookups so that if @@ -323,50 +356,63 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon): # note that the cache/insoluble are inversly paired; # stable cache is usable for unstable, but not vice versa. # unstable insoluble is usable for stable, but not vice versa - vfilter = domain.generate_filter(self.target_repo.pkg_masks | masks, unmasks) - self.profile_filters.setdefault(stable_key, []).append(ProfileData( - repo.repo_id, - profile.path, stable_key, - provides_repo, - packages.AndRestriction(vfilter, stable_r), - iuse_effective, - use, - pkg_use, - stable_immutable_flags, stable_enabled_flags, - stable_cache, - ProtectedSet(unstable_insoluble), - profile.status, - profile.deprecated)) - - self.profile_filters.setdefault(unstable_key, []).append(ProfileData( - repo.repo_id, - profile.path, unstable_key, - provides_repo, - packages.AndRestriction(vfilter, unstable_r), - iuse_effective, - use, - pkg_use, - immutable_flags, enabled_flags, - ProtectedSet(stable_cache), - unstable_insoluble, - profile.status, - profile.deprecated)) + vfilter = domain.generate_filter( + self.target_repo.pkg_masks | masks, unmasks + ) + self.profile_filters.setdefault(stable_key, []).append( + ProfileData( + repo.repo_id, + profile.path, + stable_key, + provides_repo, + packages.AndRestriction(vfilter, stable_r), + iuse_effective, + use, + pkg_use, + stable_immutable_flags, + stable_enabled_flags, + stable_cache, + ProtectedSet(unstable_insoluble), + profile.status, + profile.deprecated, + ) + ) + + self.profile_filters.setdefault(unstable_key, []).append( + ProfileData( + repo.repo_id, + profile.path, + unstable_key, + provides_repo, + packages.AndRestriction(vfilter, unstable_r), + iuse_effective, + use, + pkg_use, + immutable_flags, + enabled_flags, + ProtectedSet(stable_cache), + unstable_insoluble, + profile.status, + profile.deprecated, + ) + ) # dump updated profile filters for k, v in cached_profiles.items(): - if v.pop('update', False): - repo = v.pop('repo') + if v.pop("update", False): + repo = v.pop("repo") cache_file = self.cache_file(repo) - cache = caches.DictCache( - cached_profiles[repo.config.profiles_base], self.cache) + cache = caches.DictCache(cached_profiles[repo.config.profiles_base], self.cache) self.save_cache(cache, cache_file) for key, profile_list in self.profile_filters.items(): similar = self.profile_evaluate_dict[key] = [] for profile in profile_list: for existing in similar: - if (existing[0].masked_use == profile.masked_use and - existing[0].forced_use == profile.forced_use): + if ( + existing[0].masked_use == profile.masked_use + and existing[0].forced_use == profile.forced_use + ): existing.append(profile) break else: @@ -377,7 +423,7 @@ class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon): # the use processing across each of 'em. groups = [] keywords = pkg.keywords - unstable_keywords = (f'~{x}' for x in keywords if x[0] != '~') + unstable_keywords = (f"~{x}" for x in keywords if x[0] != "~") for key in chain(keywords, unstable_keywords): if profile_grps := self.profile_evaluate_dict.get(key): for profiles in profile_grps: diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/api.py b/src/pkgcheck/api.py index bcf30234..c704f8c6 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/api.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/api.py @@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ def scan(args=None, /, *, base_args=None): if base_args is None: base_args = [] - with patch('argparse.ArgumentParser.exit', parser_exit): - options = pkgcheck.argparser.parse_args(base_args + ['scan'] + args) + with patch("argparse.ArgumentParser.exit", parser_exit): + options = pkgcheck.argparser.parse_args(base_args + ["scan"] + args) return Pipeline(options) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/base.py b/src/pkgcheck/base.py index fc77dee6..ac49dbe4 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/base.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/base.py @@ -26,12 +26,13 @@ from snakeoil.mappings import ImmutableDict @dataclass(frozen=True, eq=False) class Scope: """Generic scope for scans, checks, and results.""" + desc: str level: int _children: tuple = () def __str__(self): - return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.desc!r})' + return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.desc!r})" def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Scope): @@ -62,8 +63,8 @@ class Scope: return hash(self.desc) def __repr__(self): - address = '@%#8x' % (id(self),) - return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} desc={self.desc!r} {address}>' + address = "@%#8x" % (id(self),) + return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} desc={self.desc!r} {address}>" def __contains__(self, key): return self == key or key in self._children @@ -80,37 +81,41 @@ class PackageScope(Scope): @dataclass(repr=False, frozen=True, eq=False) class ConditionalScope(Scope): """Scope for checks run only in certain circumstances.""" + level: int = -99 @dataclass(repr=False, frozen=True, eq=False) class LocationScope(Scope): """Scope for location-specific checks.""" + level: int = 0 # pkg-related scopes (level increasing by granularity) -repo_scope = PackageScope('repo', 1) -category_scope = PackageScope('category', 2) -package_scope = PackageScope('package', 3) -version_scope = PackageScope('version', 4) +repo_scope = PackageScope("repo", 1) +category_scope = PackageScope("category", 2) +package_scope = PackageScope("package", 3) +version_scope = PackageScope("version", 4) # conditional (negative level) and location-specific scopes (zero level) -commit_scope = ConditionalScope('commit') -profile_node_scope = LocationScope('profile_node') -profiles_scope = LocationScope('profiles', 0, (profile_node_scope,)) -eclass_scope = LocationScope('eclass') +commit_scope = ConditionalScope("commit") +profile_node_scope = LocationScope("profile_node") +profiles_scope = LocationScope("profiles", 0, (profile_node_scope,)) +eclass_scope = LocationScope("eclass") # mapping for -S/--scopes option, ordered for sorted output in the case of unknown scopes -scopes = ImmutableDict({ - 'git': commit_scope, - 'profiles': profiles_scope, - 'eclass': eclass_scope, - 'repo': repo_scope, - 'cat': category_scope, - 'pkg': package_scope, - 'ver': version_scope, -}) +scopes = ImmutableDict( + { + "git": commit_scope, + "profiles": profiles_scope, + "eclass": eclass_scope, + "repo": repo_scope, + "cat": category_scope, + "pkg": package_scope, + "ver": version_scope, + } +) class PkgcheckException(Exception): @@ -182,12 +187,13 @@ def param_name(cls): For example, GitAddon -> git_addon and GitCache -> git_cache. """ - return re.sub(r'([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', cls.__name__).lower() + return re.sub(r"([a-z])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", cls.__name__).lower() @dataclass(frozen=True) class LogMap: """Log function to callable mapping.""" + func: str call: typing.Callable @@ -223,7 +229,7 @@ class ProgressManager(AbstractContextManager): """Callback used for progressive output.""" # avoid rewriting the same output if s != self._cached: - sys.stderr.write(f'{s}\r') + sys.stderr.write(f"{s}\r") self._cached = s def __enter__(self): @@ -233,4 +239,4 @@ class ProgressManager(AbstractContextManager): def __exit__(self, _exc_type, _exc_value, _traceback): if self._cached is not None: - sys.stderr.write('\n') + sys.stderr.write("\n") diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/bash/__init__.py b/src/pkgcheck/bash/__init__.py index 6faf2bb5..38f9424d 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/bash/__init__.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/bash/__init__.py @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ from .. import const from ctypes.util import find_library # path to bash parsing library on the system (may be None) -syslib = find_library('tree-sitter-bash') +syslib = find_library("tree-sitter-bash") # path to bash parsing library (vendored) -lib = pjoin(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'lang.so') +lib = pjoin(os.path.dirname(__file__), "lang.so") # copied from tree-sitter with the following changes: # - prefer stdc++ over c++ when linking @@ -50,9 +50,7 @@ def build_library(output_path, repo_paths): # pragma: no cover source_paths.append(path.join(src_path, "scanner.cc")) elif path.exists(path.join(src_path, "scanner.c")): source_paths.append(path.join(src_path, "scanner.c")) - source_mtimes = [path.getmtime(__file__)] + [ - path.getmtime(path_) for path_ in source_paths - ] + source_mtimes = [path.getmtime(__file__)] + [path.getmtime(path_) for path_ in source_paths] compiler = new_compiler() # force `c++` compiler so the appropriate standard library is used @@ -91,21 +89,25 @@ try: from .. import _const except ImportError: # pragma: no cover # build library when running from git repo or tarball - if syslib is None and not os.path.exists(lib) and 'tree-sitter-bash' in os.listdir(const.REPO_PATH): - bash_src = pjoin(const.REPO_PATH, 'tree-sitter-bash') + if ( + syslib is None + and not os.path.exists(lib) + and "tree-sitter-bash" in os.listdir(const.REPO_PATH) + ): + bash_src = pjoin(const.REPO_PATH, "tree-sitter-bash") build_library(lib, [bash_src]) if syslib is not None or os.path.exists(lib): - lang = Language(syslib or lib, 'bash') + lang = Language(syslib or lib, "bash") query = partial(lang.query) parser = Parser() parser.set_language(lang) # various parse tree queries - cmd_query = query('(command) @call') - func_query = query('(function_definition) @func') - var_assign_query = query('(variable_assignment) @assign') - var_query = query('(variable_name) @var') + cmd_query = query("(command) @call") + func_query = query("(function_definition) @func") + var_assign_query = query("(variable_assignment) @assign") + var_query = query("(variable_name) @var") class ParseTree: @@ -118,13 +120,13 @@ class ParseTree: def node_str(self, node): """Return the ebuild string associated with a given parse tree node.""" - return self.data[node.start_byte:node.end_byte].decode('utf8') + return self.data[node.start_byte : node.end_byte].decode("utf8") def global_query(self, query): """Run a given parse tree query returning only those nodes in global scope.""" for x in self.tree.root_node.children: # skip nodes in function scope - if x.type != 'function_definition': + if x.type != "function_definition": for node, _ in query.captures(x): yield node @@ -132,6 +134,6 @@ class ParseTree: """Run a given parse tree query returning only those nodes in function scope.""" for x in self.tree.root_node.children: # only return nodes in function scope - if x.type == 'function_definition': + if x.type == "function_definition": for node, _ in query.captures(x): yield node diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/__init__.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/__init__.py index f0959257..b5caa244 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/__init__.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/__init__.py @@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ class Check(feeds.Feed): return ( sources.FilteredRepoSource, (sources.LatestVersionsFilter,), - (('source', self._source),) + (("source", self._source),), ) elif max(x.scope for x in self.known_results) >= base.version_scope: return ( sources.FilteredPackageRepoSource, (sources.LatestPkgsFilter,), - (('source', self._source),) + (("source", self._source),), ) return self._source @@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ class GentooRepoCheck(Check): if not self.options.gentoo_repo: check = self.__class__.__name__ if check in self.options.selected_checks: - self.options.override_skip['gentoo'].append(check) + self.options.override_skip["gentoo"].append(check) else: - raise SkipCheck(self, 'not running against gentoo repo') + raise SkipCheck(self, "not running against gentoo repo") class OverlayRepoCheck(Check): @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class OverlayRepoCheck(Check): def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) if not self.options.target_repo.masters: - raise SkipCheck(self, 'not running against overlay') + raise SkipCheck(self, "not running against overlay") class OptionalCheck(Check): @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class GitCommitsCheck(OptionalCheck): def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) if not self.options.commits: - raise SkipCheck(self, 'not scanning against git commits') + raise SkipCheck(self, "not scanning against git commits") class AsyncCheck(Check): @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class NetworkCheck(AsyncCheck, OptionalCheck): def __init__(self, *args, net_addon, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not self.options.net: - raise SkipCheck(self, 'network checks not enabled') + raise SkipCheck(self, "network checks not enabled") self.timeout = self.options.timeout self.session = net_addon.session @@ -138,13 +138,15 @@ class MirrorsCheck(Check): def __init__(self, *args, use_addon): super().__init__(*args) - self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter('fetchables') + self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter("fetchables") def get_mirrors(self, pkg): mirrors = [] fetchables, _ = self.iuse_filter( - (fetch.fetchable,), pkg, - pkg.generate_fetchables(allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True)) + (fetch.fetchable,), + pkg, + pkg.generate_fetchables(allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True), + ) for f in fetchables: for m in f.uri.visit_mirrors(treat_default_as_mirror=False): mirrors.append(m[0].mirror_name) @@ -164,7 +166,7 @@ class SkipCheck(base.PkgcheckUserException): else: # assume the check param is a raw class object check_name = check.__name__ - super().__init__(f'{check_name}: {msg}') + super().__init__(f"{check_name}: {msg}") def init_checks(enabled_addons, options, results_q, *, addons_map=None, source_map=None): @@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ def init_checks(enabled_addons, options, results_q, *, addons_map=None, source_m # report which check skips were overridden for skip_type, checks in sorted(options.override_skip.items()): s = pluralism(checks) - checks_str = ', '.join(sorted(checks)) + checks_str = ", ".join(sorted(checks)) logger.warning(f"running {skip_type} specific check{s}: {checks_str}") return enabled diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/acct.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/acct.py index 4f144023..30953c89 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/acct.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/acct.py @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class ConflictingAccountIdentifiers(results.Error): @property def desc(self): - pkgs = ', '.join(self.pkgs) + pkgs = ", ".join(self.pkgs) return f"conflicting {self.kind} id {self.identifier} usage: [ {pkgs} ]" @@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ class OutsideRangeAccountIdentifier(results.VersionResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): - return (f"{self.kind} id {self.identifier} outside permitted " - f"static allocation range") + return f"{self.kind} id {self.identifier} outside permitted " f"static allocation range" class AcctCheck(GentooRepoCheck, RepoCheck): @@ -71,33 +70,43 @@ class AcctCheck(GentooRepoCheck, RepoCheck): exist or is wrongly defined, this check is skipped. """ - _restricted_source = (sources.RestrictionRepoSource, (packages.OrRestriction(*( - restricts.CategoryDep('acct-user'), restricts.CategoryDep('acct-group'))),)) - _source = (sources.RepositoryRepoSource, (), (('source', _restricted_source),)) - known_results = frozenset([ - MissingAccountIdentifier, ConflictingAccountIdentifiers, - OutsideRangeAccountIdentifier, - ]) + _restricted_source = ( + sources.RestrictionRepoSource, + ( + packages.OrRestriction( + *(restricts.CategoryDep("acct-user"), restricts.CategoryDep("acct-group")) + ), + ), + ) + _source = (sources.RepositoryRepoSource, (), (("source", _restricted_source),)) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + MissingAccountIdentifier, + ConflictingAccountIdentifiers, + OutsideRangeAccountIdentifier, + ] + ) def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.id_re = re.compile( - r'ACCT_(?P<var>USER|GROUP)_ID=(?P<quot>[\'"]?)(?P<id>[0-9]+)(?P=quot)') + r'ACCT_(?P<var>USER|GROUP)_ID=(?P<quot>[\'"]?)(?P<id>[0-9]+)(?P=quot)' + ) self.seen_uids = defaultdict(partial(defaultdict, list)) self.seen_gids = defaultdict(partial(defaultdict, list)) uid_range, gid_range = self.load_ids_from_configuration(self.options.target_repo) self.category_map = { - 'acct-user': (self.seen_uids, 'USER', tuple(uid_range)), - 'acct-group': (self.seen_gids, 'GROUP', tuple(gid_range)), + "acct-user": (self.seen_uids, "USER", tuple(uid_range)), + "acct-group": (self.seen_gids, "GROUP", tuple(gid_range)), } def parse_config_id_range(self, config: ConfigParser, config_key: str): - id_ranges = config['user-group-ids'].get(config_key, None) + id_ranges = config["user-group-ids"].get(config_key, None) if not id_ranges: raise SkipCheck(self, f"metadata/qa-policy.conf: missing value for {config_key}") try: - for id_range in map(str.strip, id_ranges.split(',')): - start, *end = map(int, id_range.split('-', maxsplit=1)) + for id_range in map(str.strip, id_ranges.split(",")): + start, *end = map(int, id_range.split("-", maxsplit=1)) if len(end) == 0: yield range(start, start + 1) else: @@ -107,11 +116,13 @@ class AcctCheck(GentooRepoCheck, RepoCheck): def load_ids_from_configuration(self, repo): config = ConfigParser() - if not config.read(pjoin(repo.location, 'metadata', 'qa-policy.conf')): + if not config.read(pjoin(repo.location, "metadata", "qa-policy.conf")): raise SkipCheck(self, "failed loading 'metadata/qa-policy.conf'") - if 'user-group-ids' not in config: + if "user-group-ids" not in config: raise SkipCheck(self, "metadata/qa-policy.conf: missing section user-group-ids") - return self.parse_config_id_range(config, 'uid-range'), self.parse_config_id_range(config, 'gid-range') + return self.parse_config_id_range(config, "uid-range"), self.parse_config_id_range( + config, "gid-range" + ) def feed(self, pkg): try: @@ -121,8 +132,8 @@ class AcctCheck(GentooRepoCheck, RepoCheck): for line in pkg.ebuild.text_fileobj(): m = self.id_re.match(line) - if m is not None and m.group('var') == expected_var: - found_id = int(m.group('id')) + if m is not None and m.group("var") == expected_var: + found_id = int(m.group("id")) break else: yield MissingAccountIdentifier(f"ACCT_{expected_var}_ID", pkg=pkg) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/cleanup.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/cleanup.py index 076d56be..6a42a42f 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/cleanup.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/cleanup.py @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ class RedundantVersion(results.VersionResult, results.Info): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.later_versions) - versions = ', '.join(self.later_versions) - return f'slot({self.slot}) keywords are overshadowed by version{s}: {versions}' + versions = ", ".join(self.later_versions) + return f"slot({self.slot}) keywords are overshadowed by version{s}: {versions}" class RedundantVersionCheck(Check): @@ -40,38 +40,45 @@ class RedundantVersionCheck(Check): @staticmethod def mangle_argparser(parser): parser.plugin.add_argument( - '--stable-only', action='store_true', - help='consider redundant versions only within stable', + "--stable-only", + action="store_true", + help="consider redundant versions only within stable", docs=""" If enabled, for each slot, only consider redundant versions with stable keywords. This is useful for cases of cleanup after successful stabilization. - """) + """, + ) def __init__(self, *args, profile_addon): super().__init__(*args) self.keywords_profiles = { - keyword: sorted(profiles, key=attrgetter('name')) - for keyword, profiles in profile_addon.items()} + keyword: sorted(profiles, key=attrgetter("name")) + for keyword, profiles in profile_addon.items() + } def filter_later_profiles_masks(self, visible_cache, pkg, later_versions): # check both stable/unstable profiles for stable KEYWORDS and only # unstable profiles for unstable KEYWORDS keywords = [] for keyword in pkg.sorted_keywords: - if keyword[0] != '~': - keywords.append('~' + keyword) + if keyword[0] != "~": + keywords.append("~" + keyword) keywords.append(keyword) # if a profile exists, where the package is visible, but the later aren't # then it isn't redundant - visible_profiles = tuple(profile + visible_profiles = tuple( + profile for keyword in keywords for profile in self.keywords_profiles.get(keyword, ()) - if visible_cache[(profile, pkg)]) + if visible_cache[(profile, pkg)] + ) return tuple( - later for later in later_versions - if all(visible_cache[(profile, later)] for profile in visible_profiles)) + later + for later in later_versions + if all(visible_cache[(profile, later)] for profile in visible_profiles) + ) def feed(self, pkgset): if len(pkgset) == 1: @@ -91,8 +98,9 @@ class RedundantVersionCheck(Check): if not curr_set: continue - matches = [ver for ver, keys in stack if ver.slot == pkg.slot and - not curr_set.difference(keys)] + matches = [ + ver for ver, keys in stack if ver.slot == pkg.slot and not curr_set.difference(keys) + ] # we've done our checks; now we inject unstable for any stable # via this, earlier versions that are unstable only get flagged @@ -100,7 +108,7 @@ class RedundantVersionCheck(Check): # stable. # also, yes, have to use list comp here- we're adding as we go - curr_set.update([f'~{x}' for x in curr_set if not x.startswith('~')]) + curr_set.update([f"~{x}" for x in curr_set if not x.startswith("~")]) stack.append((pkg, curr_set)) if matches: @@ -108,7 +116,9 @@ class RedundantVersionCheck(Check): visible_cache = defaultdictkey(lambda profile_pkg: profile_pkg[0].visible(profile_pkg[1])) for pkg, matches in reversed(bad): - if self.options.stable_only and all(key.startswith('~') for x in matches for key in x.keywords): + if self.options.stable_only and all( + key.startswith("~") for x in matches for key in x.keywords + ): continue if matches := self.filter_later_profiles_masks(visible_cache, pkg, matches): later_versions = (x.fullver for x in sorted(matches)) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/codingstyle.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/codingstyle.py index a7d64aca..6d3e53ca 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/codingstyle.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/codingstyle.py @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ from .. import addons, bash from .. import results, sources from . import Check -PREFIX_VARIABLES = ('EROOT', 'ED', 'EPREFIX') -PATH_VARIABLES = ('BROOT', 'ROOT', 'D') + PREFIX_VARIABLES +PREFIX_VARIABLES = ("EROOT", "ED", "EPREFIX") +PATH_VARIABLES = ("BROOT", "ROOT", "D") + PREFIX_VARIABLES class _CommandResult(results.LineResult): @@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ class _CommandResult(results.LineResult): @property def usage_desc(self): - return f'{self.command!r}' + return f"{self.command!r}" @property def desc(self): - s = f'{self.usage_desc}, used on line {self.lineno}' + s = f"{self.usage_desc}, used on line {self.lineno}" if self.line != self.command: - s += f': {self.line!r}' + s += f": {self.line!r}" return s @@ -46,19 +46,19 @@ class _EapiCommandResult(_CommandResult): @property def usage_desc(self): - return f'{self.command!r} {self._status} in EAPI {self.eapi}' + return f"{self.command!r} {self._status} in EAPI {self.eapi}" class DeprecatedEapiCommand(_EapiCommandResult, results.Warning): """Ebuild uses a deprecated EAPI command.""" - _status = 'deprecated' + _status = "deprecated" class BannedEapiCommand(_EapiCommandResult, results.Error): """Ebuild uses a banned EAPI command.""" - _status = 'banned' + _status = "banned" class BadCommandsCheck(Check): @@ -71,12 +71,16 @@ class BadCommandsCheck(Check): for func_node, _ in bash.func_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node): for node, _ in bash.cmd_query.captures(func_node): call = pkg.node_str(node) - name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name')) + name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name")) lineno, colno = node.start_point if name in pkg.eapi.bash_cmds_banned: - yield BannedEapiCommand(name, line=call, lineno=lineno+1, eapi=pkg.eapi, pkg=pkg) + yield BannedEapiCommand( + name, line=call, lineno=lineno + 1, eapi=pkg.eapi, pkg=pkg + ) elif name in pkg.eapi.bash_cmds_deprecated: - yield DeprecatedEapiCommand(name, line=call, lineno=lineno+1, eapi=pkg.eapi, pkg=pkg) + yield DeprecatedEapiCommand( + name, line=call, lineno=lineno + 1, eapi=pkg.eapi, pkg=pkg + ) class EendMissingArg(results.LineResult, results.Warning): @@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ class EendMissingArg(results.LineResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'eend with no arguments, on line {self.lineno}' + return f"eend with no arguments, on line {self.lineno}" class EendMissingArgCheck(Check): @@ -99,7 +103,7 @@ class EendMissingArgCheck(Check): line = pkg.node_str(node) if line == "eend": lineno, _ = node.start_point - yield EendMissingArg(line=line, lineno=lineno+1, pkg=pkg) + yield EendMissingArg(line=line, lineno=lineno + 1, pkg=pkg) class MissingSlash(results.LinesResult, results.Error): @@ -111,7 +115,7 @@ class MissingSlash(results.LinesResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.match} missing trailing slash {self.lines_str}' + return f"{self.match} missing trailing slash {self.lines_str}" class UnnecessarySlashStrip(results.LinesResult, results.Style): @@ -123,7 +127,7 @@ class UnnecessarySlashStrip(results.LinesResult, results.Style): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.match} unnecessary slash strip {self.lines_str}' + return f"{self.match} unnecessary slash strip {self.lines_str}" class DoublePrefixInPath(results.LinesResult, results.Error): @@ -143,7 +147,7 @@ class DoublePrefixInPath(results.LinesResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.match}: concatenates two paths containing EPREFIX {self.lines_str}' + return f"{self.match}: concatenates two paths containing EPREFIX {self.lines_str}" class PathVariablesCheck(Check): @@ -152,63 +156,84 @@ class PathVariablesCheck(Check): _source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource known_results = frozenset([MissingSlash, UnnecessarySlashStrip, DoublePrefixInPath]) prefixed_dir_functions = ( - 'insinto', 'exeinto', - 'dodir', 'keepdir', - 'fowners', 'fperms', + "insinto", + "exeinto", + "dodir", + "keepdir", + "fowners", + "fperms", # java-pkg-2 - 'java-pkg_jarinto', 'java-pkg_sointo', + "java-pkg_jarinto", + "java-pkg_sointo", # python-utils-r1 - 'python_scriptinto', 'python_moduleinto', + "python_scriptinto", + "python_moduleinto", ) # TODO: add variables to mark this status in the eclasses in order to pull # this data from parsed eclass docs prefixed_getters = ( # bash-completion-r1.eclass - 'get_bashcompdir', 'get_bashhelpersdir', + "get_bashcompdir", + "get_bashhelpersdir", # db-use.eclass - 'db_includedir', + "db_includedir", # golang-base.eclass - 'get_golibdir_gopath', + "get_golibdir_gopath", # llvm.eclass - 'get_llvm_prefix', + "get_llvm_prefix", # python-utils-r1.eclass - 'python_get_sitedir', 'python_get_includedir', - 'python_get_library_path', 'python_get_scriptdir', + "python_get_sitedir", + "python_get_includedir", + "python_get_library_path", + "python_get_scriptdir", # qmake-utils.eclass - 'qt4_get_bindir', 'qt5_get_bindir', + "qt4_get_bindir", + "qt5_get_bindir", # s6.eclass - 's6_get_servicedir', + "s6_get_servicedir", # systemd.eclass - 'systemd_get_systemunitdir', 'systemd_get_userunitdir', - 'systemd_get_utildir', 'systemd_get_systemgeneratordir', + "systemd_get_systemunitdir", + "systemd_get_userunitdir", + "systemd_get_utildir", + "systemd_get_systemgeneratordir", ) prefixed_rhs_variables = ( # catch silly ${ED}${EPREFIX} mistake ;-) - 'EPREFIX', + "EPREFIX", # python-utils-r1.eclass - 'PYTHON', 'PYTHON_SITEDIR', 'PYTHON_INCLUDEDIR', 'PYTHON_LIBPATH', - 'PYTHON_CONFIG', 'PYTHON_SCRIPTDIR', + "PYTHON", + "PYTHON_SITEDIR", + "PYTHON_INCLUDEDIR", + "PYTHON_LIBPATH", + "PYTHON_CONFIG", + "PYTHON_SCRIPTDIR", ) def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) - self.missing_regex = re.compile(r'(\${(%s)})"?\w+/' % r'|'.join(PATH_VARIABLES)) - self.unnecessary_regex = re.compile(r'(\${(%s)%%/})' % r'|'.join(PATH_VARIABLES)) + self.missing_regex = re.compile(r'(\${(%s)})"?\w+/' % r"|".join(PATH_VARIABLES)) + self.unnecessary_regex = re.compile(r"(\${(%s)%%/})" % r"|".join(PATH_VARIABLES)) self.double_prefix_regex = re.compile( - r'(\${(%s)(%%/)?}/?\$(\((%s)\)|{(%s)}))' % ( - r'|'.join(PREFIX_VARIABLES), - r'|'.join(self.prefixed_getters), - r'|'.join(self.prefixed_rhs_variables))) + r"(\${(%s)(%%/)?}/?\$(\((%s)\)|{(%s)}))" + % ( + r"|".join(PREFIX_VARIABLES), + r"|".join(self.prefixed_getters), + r"|".join(self.prefixed_rhs_variables), + ) + ) self.double_prefix_func_regex = re.compile( - r'\b(%s)\s[^&|;]*\$(\((%s)\)|{(%s)})' % ( - r'|'.join(self.prefixed_dir_functions), - r'|'.join(self.prefixed_getters), - r'|'.join(self.prefixed_rhs_variables))) + r"\b(%s)\s[^&|;]*\$(\((%s)\)|{(%s)})" + % ( + r"|".join(self.prefixed_dir_functions), + r"|".join(self.prefixed_getters), + r"|".join(self.prefixed_rhs_variables), + ) + ) # do not catch ${foo#${EPREFIX}} and similar self.double_prefix_func_false_positive_regex = re.compile( - r'.*?[#]["]?\$(\((%s)\)|{(%s)})' % ( - r'|'.join(self.prefixed_getters), - r'|'.join(self.prefixed_rhs_variables))) + r'.*?[#]["]?\$(\((%s)\)|{(%s)})' + % (r"|".join(self.prefixed_getters), r"|".join(self.prefixed_rhs_variables)) + ) def feed(self, pkg): missing = defaultdict(list) @@ -221,7 +246,7 @@ class PathVariablesCheck(Check): continue # flag double path prefix usage on uncommented lines only - if line[0] != '#': + if line[0] != "#": if mo := self.double_prefix_regex.search(line): double_prefix[mo.group(1)].append(lineno) if mo := self.double_prefix_func_regex.search(line): @@ -262,22 +287,22 @@ class AbsoluteSymlinkCheck(Check): _source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource known_results = frozenset([AbsoluteSymlink]) - DIRS = ('bin', 'etc', 'lib', 'opt', 'sbin', 'srv', 'usr', 'var') + DIRS = ("bin", "etc", "lib", "opt", "sbin", "srv", "usr", "var") def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) - dirs = '|'.join(self.DIRS) - path_vars = '|'.join(PATH_VARIABLES) + dirs = "|".join(self.DIRS) + path_vars = "|".join(PATH_VARIABLES) prefixed_regex = rf'"\${{({path_vars})(%/)?}}(?P<cp>")?(?(cp)\S*|.*?")' non_prefixed_regex = rf'(?P<op>["\'])?/({dirs})(?(op).*?(?P=op)|\S*)' - self.regex = re.compile(rf'^\s*(?P<cmd>dosym\s+({prefixed_regex}|{non_prefixed_regex}))') + self.regex = re.compile(rf"^\s*(?P<cmd>dosym\s+({prefixed_regex}|{non_prefixed_regex}))") def feed(self, pkg): for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1): if not line.strip(): continue if mo := self.regex.match(line): - yield AbsoluteSymlink(mo.group('cmd'), line=line, lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg) + yield AbsoluteSymlink(mo.group("cmd"), line=line, lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg) class DeprecatedInsinto(results.LineResult, results.Warning): @@ -290,8 +315,8 @@ class DeprecatedInsinto(results.LineResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): return ( - f'deprecated insinto usage (use {self.cmd} instead), ' - f'line {self.lineno}: {self.line}' + f"deprecated insinto usage (use {self.cmd} instead), " + f"line {self.lineno}: {self.line}" ) @@ -301,21 +326,25 @@ class InsintoCheck(Check): _source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource known_results = frozenset([DeprecatedInsinto]) - path_mapping = ImmutableDict({ - '/etc/conf.d': 'doconfd or newconfd', - '/etc/env.d': 'doenvd or newenvd', - '/etc/init.d': 'doinitd or newinitd', - '/etc/pam.d': 'dopamd or newpamd from pam.eclass', - '/usr/share/applications': 'domenu or newmenu from desktop.eclass', - }) + path_mapping = ImmutableDict( + { + "/etc/conf.d": "doconfd or newconfd", + "/etc/env.d": "doenvd or newenvd", + "/etc/init.d": "doinitd or newinitd", + "/etc/pam.d": "dopamd or newpamd from pam.eclass", + "/usr/share/applications": "domenu or newmenu from desktop.eclass", + } + ) def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) - paths = '|'.join(s.replace('/', '/+') + '/?' for s in self.path_mapping) + paths = "|".join(s.replace("/", "/+") + "/?" for s in self.path_mapping) self._insinto_re = re.compile( - rf'(?P<insinto>insinto[ \t]+(?P<path>{paths})(?!/\w+))(?:$|[/ \t])') + rf"(?P<insinto>insinto[ \t]+(?P<path>{paths})(?!/\w+))(?:$|[/ \t])" + ) self._insinto_doc_re = re.compile( - r'(?P<insinto>insinto[ \t]+/usr/share/doc/(")?\$\{PF?\}(?(2)\2)(/\w+)*)(?:$|[/ \t])') + r'(?P<insinto>insinto[ \t]+/usr/share/doc/(")?\$\{PF?\}(?(2)\2)(/\w+)*)(?:$|[/ \t])' + ) def feed(self, pkg): for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1): @@ -323,10 +352,9 @@ class InsintoCheck(Check): continue matches = self._insinto_re.search(line) if matches is not None: - path = re.sub('//+', '/', matches.group('path')) - cmd = self.path_mapping[path.rstrip('/')] - yield DeprecatedInsinto( - cmd, line=matches.group('insinto'), lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg) + path = re.sub("//+", "/", matches.group("path")) + cmd = self.path_mapping[path.rstrip("/")] + yield DeprecatedInsinto(cmd, line=matches.group("insinto"), lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg) continue # Check for insinto usage that should be replaced with # docinto/dodoc [-r] under supported EAPIs. @@ -334,8 +362,8 @@ class InsintoCheck(Check): matches = self._insinto_doc_re.search(line) if matches is not None: yield DeprecatedInsinto( - 'docinto/dodoc', line=matches.group('insinto'), - lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg) + "docinto/dodoc", line=matches.group("insinto"), lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg + ) class ObsoleteUri(results.VersionResult, results.Style): @@ -356,8 +384,10 @@ class ObsoleteUri(results.VersionResult, results.Style): @property def desc(self): - return (f"obsolete fetch URI: {self.uri} on line " - f"{self.line}, should be replaced by: {self.replacement}") + return ( + f"obsolete fetch URI: {self.uri} on line " + f"{self.line}, should be replaced by: {self.replacement}" + ) class ObsoleteUriCheck(Check): @@ -367,13 +397,17 @@ class ObsoleteUriCheck(Check): known_results = frozenset([ObsoleteUri]) REGEXPS = ( - (r'.*\b(?P<uri>(?P<prefix>https?://github\.com/.*?/.*?/)' - r'(?:tar|zip)ball(?P<ref>\S*))', - r'\g<prefix>archive\g<ref>.tar.gz'), - (r'.*\b(?P<uri>(?P<prefix>https?://gitlab\.com/.*?/(?P<pkg>.*?)/)' - r'repository/archive\.(?P<format>tar|tar\.gz|tar\.bz2|zip)' - r'\?ref=(?P<ref>\S*))', - r'\g<prefix>-/archive/\g<ref>/\g<pkg>-\g<ref>.\g<format>'), + ( + r".*\b(?P<uri>(?P<prefix>https?://github\.com/.*?/.*?/)" + r"(?:tar|zip)ball(?P<ref>\S*))", + r"\g<prefix>archive\g<ref>.tar.gz", + ), + ( + r".*\b(?P<uri>(?P<prefix>https?://gitlab\.com/.*?/(?P<pkg>.*?)/)" + r"repository/archive\.(?P<format>tar|tar\.gz|tar\.bz2|zip)" + r"\?ref=(?P<ref>\S*))", + r"\g<prefix>-/archive/\g<ref>/\g<pkg>-\g<ref>.\g<format>", + ), ) def __init__(self, *args): @@ -382,12 +416,12 @@ class ObsoleteUriCheck(Check): def feed(self, pkg): for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1): - if not line.strip() or line.startswith('#'): + if not line.strip() or line.startswith("#"): continue # searching for multiple matches on a single line is too slow for regexp, repl in self.regexes: if mo := regexp.match(line): - uri = mo.group('uri') + uri = mo.group("uri") yield ObsoleteUri(lineno, uri, regexp.sub(repl, uri), pkg=pkg) @@ -405,8 +439,10 @@ class BetterCompressionUri(results.LineResult, results.Style): @property def desc(self): - return (f"line {self.lineno}: better compression URI using extension " - f"{self.replacement!r} for {self.line!r}") + return ( + f"line {self.lineno}: better compression URI using extension " + f"{self.replacement!r} for {self.line!r}" + ) class BetterCompressionCheck(Check): @@ -416,8 +452,10 @@ class BetterCompressionCheck(Check): known_results = frozenset([BetterCompressionUri]) REGEXPS = ( - (r'.*\b(?P<uri>https?://[^/]*?gitlab[^/]*?/.*/-/archive/.*?/\S*\.(?:tar\.gz|tar(?!.bz2)|zip))', - '.tar.bz2'), + ( + r".*\b(?P<uri>https?://[^/]*?gitlab[^/]*?/.*/-/archive/.*?/\S*\.(?:tar\.gz|tar(?!.bz2)|zip))", + ".tar.bz2", + ), ) def __init__(self, *args): @@ -426,12 +464,12 @@ class BetterCompressionCheck(Check): def feed(self, pkg): for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1): - if not line.strip() or line.startswith('#'): + if not line.strip() or line.startswith("#"): continue # searching for multiple matches on a single line is too slow for regexp, replacement in self.regexes: if mo := regexp.match(line): - uri = mo.group('uri') + uri = mo.group("uri") yield BetterCompressionUri(replacement, lineno=lineno, line=uri, pkg=pkg) @@ -445,7 +483,7 @@ class HomepageInSrcUri(results.VersionResult, results.Style): @property def desc(self): - return '${HOMEPAGE} in SRC_URI' + return "${HOMEPAGE} in SRC_URI" class StaticSrcUri(results.VersionResult, results.Style): @@ -462,7 +500,7 @@ class StaticSrcUri(results.VersionResult, results.Style): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.static_str!r} in SRC_URI, replace with {self.replacement}' + return f"{self.static_str!r} in SRC_URI, replace with {self.replacement}" class ReferenceInMetadataVar(results.VersionResult, results.Style): @@ -491,8 +529,8 @@ class ReferenceInMetadataVar(results.VersionResult, results.Style): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.refs) - refs = ', '.join(self.refs) - return f'{self.variable} includes variable{s}: {refs}' + refs = ", ".join(self.refs) + return f"{self.variable} includes variable{s}: {refs}" class MultipleKeywordsLines(results.LinesResult, results.Style): @@ -530,13 +568,14 @@ class MetadataVarCheck(Check): """Scan various globally assigned metadata variables for issues.""" _source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource - known_results = frozenset([ - HomepageInSrcUri, StaticSrcUri, ReferenceInMetadataVar, MultipleKeywordsLines]) + known_results = frozenset( + [HomepageInSrcUri, StaticSrcUri, ReferenceInMetadataVar, MultipleKeywordsLines] + ) # mapping between registered variables and verification methods known_variables = {} - @verify_vars('HOMEPAGE', 'KEYWORDS') + @verify_vars("HOMEPAGE", "KEYWORDS") def _raw_text(self, var, node, value, pkg): matches = [] for var_node, _ in bash.var_query.captures(node): @@ -544,12 +583,12 @@ class MetadataVarCheck(Check): if matches: yield ReferenceInMetadataVar(var, stable_unique(matches), pkg=pkg) - @verify_vars('LICENSE') + @verify_vars("LICENSE") def _raw_text_license(self, var, node, value, pkg): matches = [] for var_node, _ in bash.var_query.captures(node): var_str = pkg.node_str(var_node.parent).strip() - if var_str in ['$LICENSE', '${LICENSE}']: + if var_str in ["$LICENSE", "${LICENSE}"]: continue # LICENSE in LICENSE is ok matches.append(var_str) if matches: @@ -557,47 +596,43 @@ class MetadataVarCheck(Check): def build_src_uri_variants_regex(self, pkg): p, pv = pkg.P, pkg.PV - replacements = { - p: '${P}', - pv: '${PV}' - } + replacements = {p: "${P}", pv: "${PV}"} replacements.setdefault(p.capitalize(), "${P^}") replacements.setdefault(p.upper(), "${P^^}") for value, replacement in tuple(replacements.items()): - replacements.setdefault(value.replace('.', ''), replacement.replace('}', '//.}')) - replacements.setdefault(value.replace('.', '_'), replacement.replace('}', '//./_}')) - replacements.setdefault(value.replace('.', '-'), replacement.replace('}', '//./-}')) + replacements.setdefault(value.replace(".", ""), replacement.replace("}", "//.}")) + replacements.setdefault(value.replace(".", "_"), replacement.replace("}", "//./_}")) + replacements.setdefault(value.replace(".", "-"), replacement.replace("}", "//./-}")) pos = 0 - positions = [pos := pv.find('.', pos+1) for _ in range(pv.count('.'))] + positions = [pos := pv.find(".", pos + 1) for _ in range(pv.count("."))] - for sep in ('', '-', '_'): - replacements.setdefault(pv.replace('.', sep, 1), f"$(ver_rs 1 {sep!r})") - for count in range(2, pv.count('.')): - replacements.setdefault(pv.replace('.', sep, count), f"$(ver_rs 1-{count} {sep!r})") + for sep in ("", "-", "_"): + replacements.setdefault(pv.replace(".", sep, 1), f"$(ver_rs 1 {sep!r})") + for count in range(2, pv.count(".")): + replacements.setdefault(pv.replace(".", sep, count), f"$(ver_rs 1-{count} {sep!r})") for pos, index in enumerate(positions[1:], start=2): replacements.setdefault(pv[:index], f"$(ver_cut 1-{pos})") replacements = sorted(replacements.items(), key=lambda x: -len(x[0])) - return tuple(zip(*replacements))[1], '|'.join( - rf'(?P<r{index}>{re.escape(s)})' - for index, (s, _) in enumerate(replacements) + return tuple(zip(*replacements))[1], "|".join( + rf"(?P<r{index}>{re.escape(s)})" for index, (s, _) in enumerate(replacements) ) - @verify_vars('SRC_URI') + @verify_vars("SRC_URI") def _src_uri(self, var, node, value, pkg): - if '${HOMEPAGE}' in value: + if "${HOMEPAGE}" in value: yield HomepageInSrcUri(pkg=pkg) replacements, regex = self.build_src_uri_variants_regex(pkg) - static_src_uri_re = rf'(?:/|{re.escape(pkg.PN)}[-._]?|->\s*)[v]?(?P<static_str>({regex}))' + static_src_uri_re = rf"(?:/|{re.escape(pkg.PN)}[-._]?|->\s*)[v]?(?P<static_str>({regex}))" static_urls = {} for match in re.finditer(static_src_uri_re, value): relevant = {key: value for key, value in match.groupdict().items() if value is not None} - static_str = relevant.pop('static_str') + static_str = relevant.pop("static_str") assert len(relevant) == 1 key = int(tuple(relevant.keys())[0][1:]) static_urls[static_str] = replacements[key] @@ -608,12 +643,12 @@ class MetadataVarCheck(Check): def feed(self, pkg): keywords_lines = set() for node in pkg.global_query(bash.var_assign_query): - name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name')) + name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name")) if name in self.known_variables: # RHS value node should be last val_node = node.children[-1] val_str = pkg.node_str(val_node) - if name == 'KEYWORDS': + if name == "KEYWORDS": keywords_lines.add(node.start_point[0] + 1) keywords_lines.add(node.end_point[0] + 1) yield from self.known_variables[name](self, name, val_node, val_str, pkg) @@ -633,7 +668,7 @@ class MissingInherits(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.eclass}: missing inherit usage: {repr(self.usage)}, line {self.lineno}' + return f"{self.eclass}: missing inherit usage: {repr(self.usage)}, line {self.lineno}" class IndirectInherits(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @@ -651,7 +686,7 @@ class IndirectInherits(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.eclass}: indirect inherit usage: {repr(self.usage)}, line {self.lineno}' + return f"{self.eclass}: indirect inherit usage: {repr(self.usage)}, line {self.lineno}" class UnusedInherits(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @@ -663,9 +698,9 @@ class UnusedInherits(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - es = pluralism(self.eclasses, plural='es') - eclasses = ', '.join(self.eclasses) - return f'unused eclass{es}: {eclasses}' + es = pluralism(self.eclasses, plural="es") + eclasses = ", ".join(self.eclasses) + return f"unused eclass{es}: {eclasses}" class InternalEclassUsage(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @@ -679,7 +714,7 @@ class InternalEclassUsage(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.eclass}: internal usage: {repr(self.usage)}, line {self.lineno}' + return f"{self.eclass}: internal usage: {repr(self.usage)}, line {self.lineno}" class InheritsCheck(Check): @@ -690,8 +725,9 @@ class InheritsCheck(Check): """ _source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource - known_results = frozenset([ - MissingInherits, IndirectInherits, UnusedInherits, InternalEclassUsage]) + known_results = frozenset( + [MissingInherits, IndirectInherits, UnusedInherits, InternalEclassUsage] + ) required_addons = (addons.eclass.EclassAddon,) def __init__(self, *args, eclass_addon): @@ -703,7 +739,8 @@ class InheritsCheck(Check): # register internal and exported funcs/vars for all eclasses for eclass, eclass_obj in self.eclass_cache.items(): self.internals[eclass] = ( - eclass_obj.internal_function_names | eclass_obj.internal_variable_names) + eclass_obj.internal_function_names | eclass_obj.internal_variable_names + ) for name in eclass_obj.exported_function_names: self.exported.setdefault(name, set()).add(eclass) # Don't use all exported vars in order to avoid @@ -716,9 +753,7 @@ class InheritsCheck(Check): self.eapi_funcs = {} for eapi in EAPI.known_eapis.values(): s = set(eapi.bash_cmds_internal | eapi.bash_cmds_deprecated) - s.update( - x for x in (eapi.bash_funcs | eapi.bash_funcs_global) - if not x.startswith('_')) + s.update(x for x in (eapi.bash_funcs | eapi.bash_funcs_global) if not x.startswith("_")) self.eapi_funcs[eapi] = frozenset(s) # register EAPI-related vars to ignore @@ -751,7 +786,7 @@ class InheritsCheck(Check): # register variables assigned in ebuilds assigned_vars = dict() for node, _ in bash.var_assign_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node): - name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name')) + name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name")) if eclass := self.get_eclass(name, pkg): assigned_vars[name] = eclass @@ -759,8 +794,8 @@ class InheritsCheck(Check): used = defaultdict(list) for node, _ in bash.cmd_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node): call = pkg.node_str(node) - name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name')) - if name == 'inherit': + name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name")) + if name == "inherit": # register conditional eclasses eclasses = call.split()[1:] if not pkg.inherited.intersection(eclasses): @@ -770,12 +805,12 @@ class InheritsCheck(Check): elif name not in self.eapi_funcs[pkg.eapi] | assigned_vars.keys(): lineno, colno = node.start_point if eclass := self.get_eclass(name, pkg): - used[eclass].append((lineno + 1, name, call.split('\n', 1)[0])) + used[eclass].append((lineno + 1, name, call.split("\n", 1)[0])) # match captured variables with eclasses for node, _ in bash.var_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node): name = pkg.node_str(node) - if node.parent.type == 'unset_command': + if node.parent.type == "unset_command": continue if name not in self.eapi_vars[pkg.eapi] | assigned_vars.keys(): lineno, colno = node.start_point @@ -793,7 +828,8 @@ class InheritsCheck(Check): phases = [pkg.eapi.phases[x] for x in pkg.defined_phases] for eclass in list(unused): if self.eclass_cache[eclass].exported_function_names.intersection( - f'{eclass}_{phase}' for phase in phases): + f"{eclass}_{phase}" for phase in phases + ): unused.discard(eclass) for eclass in list(unused): @@ -802,7 +838,8 @@ class InheritsCheck(Check): unused.discard(eclass) else: exported_eclass_keys = pkg.eapi.eclass_keys.intersection( - self.eclass_cache[eclass].exported_variable_names) + self.eclass_cache[eclass].exported_variable_names + ) if not self.eclass_cache[eclass].exported_function_names and exported_eclass_keys: # ignore eclasses that export ebuild metadata (e.g. # SRC_URI, S, ...) and no functions @@ -844,15 +881,38 @@ class ReadonlyVariableCheck(Check): known_results = frozenset([ReadonlyVariable]) # https://devmanual.gentoo.org/ebuild-writing/variables/#predefined-read-only-variables - readonly_vars = frozenset([ - 'P', 'PN', 'PV', 'PR', 'PVR', 'PF', 'A', 'CATEGORY', 'FILESDIR', 'WORKDIR', - 'T', 'D', 'HOME', 'ROOT', 'DISTDIR', 'EPREFIX', 'ED', 'EROOT', 'SYSROOT', - 'ESYSROOT', 'BROOT', 'MERGE_TYPE', 'REPLACING_VERSIONS', 'REPLACED_BY_VERSION', - ]) + readonly_vars = frozenset( + [ + "P", + "PN", + "PV", + "PR", + "PVR", + "PF", + "A", + "CATEGORY", + "FILESDIR", + "WORKDIR", + "T", + "D", + "HOME", + "ROOT", + "DISTDIR", + "EPREFIX", + "ED", + "EROOT", + "SYSROOT", + "ESYSROOT", + "BROOT", + "MERGE_TYPE", + "REPLACING_VERSIONS", + "REPLACED_BY_VERSION", + ] + ) def feed(self, pkg): for node in pkg.global_query(bash.var_assign_query): - name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name')) + name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name")) if name in self.readonly_vars: call = pkg.node_str(node) lineno, colno = node.start_point @@ -862,7 +922,7 @@ class ReadonlyVariableCheck(Check): class VariableScope(results.BaseLinesResult, results.AliasResult, results.Warning): """Variable used outside its defined scope.""" - _name = 'VariableScope' + _name = "VariableScope" def __init__(self, variable, func, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) @@ -871,7 +931,7 @@ class VariableScope(results.BaseLinesResult, results.AliasResult, results.Warnin @property def desc(self): - return f'variable {self.variable!r} used in {self.func!r} {self.lines_str}' + return f"variable {self.variable!r} used in {self.func!r} {self.lines_str}" class EbuildVariableScope(VariableScope, results.VersionResult): @@ -885,28 +945,30 @@ class VariableScopeCheck(Check): known_results = frozenset([EbuildVariableScope]) # see https://projects.gentoo.org/pms/7/pms.html#x1-10900011.1 - variable_map = ImmutableDict({ - 'A': ('src_', 'pkg_nofetch'), - 'AA': ('src_', 'pkg_nofetch'), - 'FILESDIR': 'src_', - 'DISTDIR': 'src_', - 'WORKDIR': 'src_', - 'S': 'src_', - 'PORTDIR': 'src_', - 'ECLASSDIR': 'src_', - 'ROOT': 'pkg_', - 'EROOT': 'pkg_', - 'SYSROOT': ('src_', 'pkg_setup'), - 'ESYSROOT': ('src_', 'pkg_setup'), - 'BROOT': ('src_', 'pkg_setup'), - 'D': ('src_install', 'pkg_preinst', 'pkg_postint'), - 'ED': ('src_install', 'pkg_preinst', 'pkg_postint'), - 'DESTTREE': 'src_install', - 'INSDESTTREE': 'src_install', - 'MERGE_TYPE': 'pkg_', - 'REPLACING_VERSIONS': 'pkg_', - 'REPLACED_BY_VERSION': ('pkg_prerm', 'pkg_postrm'), - }) + variable_map = ImmutableDict( + { + "A": ("src_", "pkg_nofetch"), + "AA": ("src_", "pkg_nofetch"), + "FILESDIR": "src_", + "DISTDIR": "src_", + "WORKDIR": "src_", + "S": "src_", + "PORTDIR": "src_", + "ECLASSDIR": "src_", + "ROOT": "pkg_", + "EROOT": "pkg_", + "SYSROOT": ("src_", "pkg_setup"), + "ESYSROOT": ("src_", "pkg_setup"), + "BROOT": ("src_", "pkg_setup"), + "D": ("src_install", "pkg_preinst", "pkg_postint"), + "ED": ("src_install", "pkg_preinst", "pkg_postint"), + "DESTTREE": "src_install", + "INSDESTTREE": "src_install", + "MERGE_TYPE": "pkg_", + "REPLACING_VERSIONS": "pkg_", + "REPLACED_BY_VERSION": ("pkg_prerm", "pkg_postrm"), + } + ) # mapping of bad variables for each EAPI phase function scoped_vars = {} @@ -919,7 +981,7 @@ class VariableScopeCheck(Check): def feed(self, pkg): for func_node, _ in bash.func_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node): - func_name = pkg.node_str(func_node.child_by_field_name('name')) + func_name = pkg.node_str(func_node.child_by_field_name("name")) if variables := self.scoped_vars[pkg.eapi].get(func_name): usage = defaultdict(set) for var_node, _ in bash.var_query.captures(func_node): @@ -951,23 +1013,23 @@ class RedundantDodirCheck(Check): def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) - cmds = r'|'.join(('insinto', 'exeinto', 'docinto')) - self.cmds_regex = re.compile(rf'^\s*(?P<cmd>({cmds}))\s+(?P<path>\S+)') - self.dodir_regex = re.compile(r'^\s*(?P<call>dodir\s+(?P<path>\S+))') + cmds = r"|".join(("insinto", "exeinto", "docinto")) + self.cmds_regex = re.compile(rf"^\s*(?P<cmd>({cmds}))\s+(?P<path>\S+)") + self.dodir_regex = re.compile(r"^\s*(?P<call>dodir\s+(?P<path>\S+))") def feed(self, pkg): lines = enumerate(pkg.lines, 1) for lineno, line in lines: line = line.strip() - if not line or line[0] == '#': + if not line or line[0] == "#": continue if dodir := self.dodir_regex.match(line): lineno, line = next(lines) if cmd := self.cmds_regex.match(line): - if dodir.group('path') == cmd.group('path'): + if dodir.group("path") == cmd.group("path"): yield RedundantDodir( - cmd.group('cmd'), line=dodir.group('call'), - lineno=lineno - 1, pkg=pkg) + cmd.group("cmd"), line=dodir.group("call"), lineno=lineno - 1, pkg=pkg + ) class UnquotedVariable(results.BaseLinesResult, results.AliasResult, results.Warning): @@ -977,7 +1039,7 @@ class UnquotedVariable(results.BaseLinesResult, results.AliasResult, results.War contexts. """ - _name = 'UnquotedVariable' + _name = "UnquotedVariable" def __init__(self, variable, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) @@ -985,7 +1047,7 @@ class UnquotedVariable(results.BaseLinesResult, results.AliasResult, results.War @property def desc(self): - return f'unquoted variable {self.variable} {self.lines_str}' + return f"unquoted variable {self.variable} {self.lines_str}" class EbuildUnquotedVariable(UnquotedVariable, results.VersionResult): @@ -997,48 +1059,65 @@ class EclassUnquotedVariable(UnquotedVariable, results.EclassResult): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.eclass}: {super().desc}' + return f"{self.eclass}: {super().desc}" class _UnquotedVariablesCheck(Check): """Scan files for variables that should be quoted like D, FILESDIR, etc.""" - message_commands = frozenset({ - "die", "echo", "eerror", "einfo", "elog", "eqawarn", "ewarn", ":" - }) - var_names = frozenset({ - "D", "DISTDIR", "FILESDIR", "S", "T", "ROOT", "BROOT", "WORKDIR", "ED", - "EPREFIX", "EROOT", "SYSROOT", "ESYSROOT", "TMPDIR", "HOME", - # variables for multibuild.eclass - "BUILD_DIR", - }) - - node_types_ok = frozenset({ - # Variable is sitting in a string, all good - 'string', - # Variable is part of a shell assignment, and does not need to be - # quoted. for example S=${WORKDIR}/${PN} is ok. - 'variable_assignment', - # Variable is being used in a unset command. - 'unset_command', - # Variable is part of declaring variables, and does not need to be - # quoted. for example local TMPDIR is ok. - 'declaration_command', - # Variable sits inside a [[ ]] test command and it's OK not to be quoted - 'test_command', - # Variable is being used in a heredoc body, no need to specify quotes. - 'heredoc_body', - }) + message_commands = frozenset( + {"die", "echo", "eerror", "einfo", "elog", "eqawarn", "ewarn", ":"} + ) + var_names = frozenset( + { + "D", + "DISTDIR", + "FILESDIR", + "S", + "T", + "ROOT", + "BROOT", + "WORKDIR", + "ED", + "EPREFIX", + "EROOT", + "SYSROOT", + "ESYSROOT", + "TMPDIR", + "HOME", + # variables for multibuild.eclass + "BUILD_DIR", + } + ) + + node_types_ok = frozenset( + { + # Variable is sitting in a string, all good + "string", + # Variable is part of a shell assignment, and does not need to be + # quoted. for example S=${WORKDIR}/${PN} is ok. + "variable_assignment", + # Variable is being used in a unset command. + "unset_command", + # Variable is part of declaring variables, and does not need to be + # quoted. for example local TMPDIR is ok. + "declaration_command", + # Variable sits inside a [[ ]] test command and it's OK not to be quoted + "test_command", + # Variable is being used in a heredoc body, no need to specify quotes. + "heredoc_body", + } + ) def _var_needs_quotes(self, pkg, node): pnode = node.parent while pnode != node: if pnode.type in self.node_types_ok: return False - elif pnode.type == 'command': - cmd = pkg.node_str(pnode.child_by_field_name('name')) + elif pnode.type == "command": + cmd = pkg.node_str(pnode.child_by_field_name("name")) return cmd not in self.message_commands - elif pnode.type in 'array': + elif pnode.type in "array": # Variable is sitting unquoted in an array return True pnode = pnode.parent @@ -1058,7 +1137,7 @@ class _UnquotedVariablesCheck(Check): if var_name in self.var_names: if self._var_needs_quotes(item, var_node): lineno, _ = var_node.start_point - hits[var_name].add(lineno+1) + hits[var_name].add(lineno + 1) for var_name, lines in hits.items(): yield var_name, sorted(lines) @@ -1094,7 +1173,7 @@ class ExcessiveLineLength(results.LinesResult, results.Style): @property def desc(self): - return f'excessive line length (over {self.line_length} characters) {self.lines_str}' + return f"excessive line length (over {self.line_length} characters) {self.lines_str}" class LineLengthCheck(Check): @@ -1105,8 +1184,8 @@ class LineLengthCheck(Check): def __init__(self, options, **kwargs): super().__init__(options, **kwargs) - self.exception = re.compile(r'\s*(?:DESCRIPTION|KEYWORDS|IUSE)=') - str_length = f'[^\'\"]{{{ExcessiveLineLength.word_length},}}' + self.exception = re.compile(r"\s*(?:DESCRIPTION|KEYWORDS|IUSE)=") + str_length = f"[^'\"]{{{ExcessiveLineLength.word_length},}}" self.long_string = re.compile(rf'"{str_length}"|\'{str_length}\'') def feed(self, pkg): @@ -1115,11 +1194,11 @@ class LineLengthCheck(Check): if len(line) <= ExcessiveLineLength.line_length: continue if self.exception.match(line): - continue # exception variables which are fine to be long + continue # exception variables which are fine to be long if max(map(len, line.split())) > ExcessiveLineLength.word_length: - continue # if one part of the line is very long word + continue # if one part of the line is very long word if self.long_string.search(line): - continue # skip lines with long quoted string + continue # skip lines with long quoted string lines.append(lineno) if lines: yield ExcessiveLineLength(lines=lines, pkg=pkg) @@ -1134,7 +1213,7 @@ class InstallCompressedManpage(results.LineResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'line {self.lineno}: compressed manpage {self.line!r} passed to {self.func}' + return f"line {self.lineno}: compressed manpage {self.line!r} passed to {self.func}" class InstallCompressedInfo(results.LineResult, results.Warning): @@ -1146,7 +1225,7 @@ class InstallCompressedInfo(results.LineResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'line {self.lineno}: compressed info {self.line!r} passed to {self.func}' + return f"line {self.lineno}: compressed info {self.line!r} passed to {self.func}" class DoCompressedFilesCheck(Check): @@ -1155,23 +1234,27 @@ class DoCompressedFilesCheck(Check): _source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource known_results = frozenset([InstallCompressedManpage, InstallCompressedInfo]) - compresion_extentions = ('.Z', '.gz', '.bz2', '.lzma', '.lz', '.lzo', '.lz4', '.xz', '.zst') - functions = ImmutableDict({ - 'doman': InstallCompressedManpage, - 'newman': InstallCompressedManpage, - 'doinfo': InstallCompressedInfo, - }) + compresion_extentions = (".Z", ".gz", ".bz2", ".lzma", ".lz", ".lzo", ".lz4", ".xz", ".zst") + functions = ImmutableDict( + { + "doman": InstallCompressedManpage, + "newman": InstallCompressedManpage, + "doinfo": InstallCompressedInfo, + } + ) def feed(self, pkg): for node, _ in bash.cmd_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node): - call_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name')) + call_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name")) if call_name not in self.functions: continue for arg in node.children[1:]: - arg_name = pkg.node_str(arg).strip('\'\"') + arg_name = pkg.node_str(arg).strip("'\"") lineno, _ = arg.start_point if arg_name.endswith(self.compresion_extentions): - yield self.functions[call_name](call_name, lineno=lineno+1, line=arg_name, pkg=pkg) + yield self.functions[call_name]( + call_name, lineno=lineno + 1, line=arg_name, pkg=pkg + ) class NonPosixHeadTailUsage(results.LineResult, results.Warning): @@ -1183,13 +1266,14 @@ class NonPosixHeadTailUsage(results.LineResult, results.Warning): .. [#] https://devmanual.gentoo.org/tools-reference/head-and-tail/index.html """ + def __init__(self, command, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.command = command @property def desc(self): - return f'line {self.lineno}: non-posix usage of {self.command!r}: {self.line!r}' + return f"line {self.lineno}: non-posix usage of {self.command!r}: {self.line!r}" class NonPosixCheck(Check): @@ -1200,21 +1284,23 @@ class NonPosixCheck(Check): def __init__(self, options, **kwargs): super().__init__(options, **kwargs) - self.re_head_tail = re.compile(r'[+-]\d+') + self.re_head_tail = re.compile(r"[+-]\d+") def check_head_tail(self, pkg, call_node, call_name): - prev_arg = '' + prev_arg = "" for arg in map(pkg.node_str, call_node.children[1:]): - if (self.re_head_tail.match(arg) and - not (prev_arg.startswith('-') and prev_arg.endswith(('n', 'c')))): + if self.re_head_tail.match(arg) and not ( + prev_arg.startswith("-") and prev_arg.endswith(("n", "c")) + ): lineno, _ = call_node.start_point - yield NonPosixHeadTailUsage(f'{call_name} {arg}', - lineno=lineno+1, line=pkg.node_str(call_node), pkg=pkg) + yield NonPosixHeadTailUsage( + f"{call_name} {arg}", lineno=lineno + 1, line=pkg.node_str(call_node), pkg=pkg + ) break prev_arg = arg def feed(self, pkg): for call_node, _ in bash.cmd_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node): - call_name = pkg.node_str(call_node.child_by_field_name('name')) - if call_name in ('head', 'tail'): + call_name = pkg.node_str(call_node.child_by_field_name("name")) + if call_name in ("head", "tail"): yield from self.check_head_tail(pkg, call_node, call_name) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/dropped_keywords.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/dropped_keywords.py index 87ec8cf1..613076ef 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/dropped_keywords.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/dropped_keywords.py @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class DroppedKeywords(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return ', '.join(self.arches) + return ", ".join(self.arches) class DroppedKeywordsCheck(Check): @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class DroppedKeywordsCheck(Check): for pkg in pkgset: pkg_arches = {x.lstrip("~-") for x in pkg.keywords} # special keywords -*, *, and ~* override all dropped keywords - if '*' in pkg_arches: + if "*" in pkg_arches: drops = set() else: drops = previous_arches.difference(pkg_arches) | seen_arches.difference(pkg_arches) @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class DroppedKeywordsCheck(Check): changes[key].append(pkg) if changes: # ignore missing arches on previous versions that were re-enabled - disabled_arches = {x.lstrip("-") for x in pkg.keywords if x.startswith('-')} + disabled_arches = {x.lstrip("-") for x in pkg.keywords if x.startswith("-")} adds = pkg_arches.difference(previous_arches) - disabled_arches for key in adds: if key in changes: diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/eclass.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/eclass.py index d48df115..5c4f205f 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/eclass.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/eclass.py @@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ class DeprecatedEclass(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): if self.replacement is not None: - replacement = f'migrate to {self.replacement}' + replacement = f"migrate to {self.replacement}" else: - replacement = 'no replacement' - return f'uses deprecated eclass: {self.eclass} ({replacement})' + replacement = "no replacement" + return f"uses deprecated eclass: {self.eclass} ({replacement})" class DeprecatedEclassVariable(results.LineResult, results.Warning): @@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ class DeprecatedEclassVariable(results.LineResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): if self.replacement is not None: - replacement = f'migrate to {self.replacement}' + replacement = f"migrate to {self.replacement}" else: - replacement = 'no replacement' - return f'uses deprecated variable on line {self.lineno}: {self.variable} ({replacement})' + replacement = "no replacement" + return f"uses deprecated variable on line {self.lineno}: {self.variable} ({replacement})" class DeprecatedEclassFunction(results.LineResult, results.Warning): @@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ class DeprecatedEclassFunction(results.LineResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): if self.replacement is not None: - replacement = f'migrate to {self.replacement}' + replacement = f"migrate to {self.replacement}" else: - replacement = 'no replacement' - return f'uses deprecated function on line {self.lineno}: {self.function} ({replacement})' + replacement = "no replacement" + return f"uses deprecated function on line {self.lineno}: {self.function} ({replacement})" class DuplicateEclassInherit(results.LineResult, results.Style): @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class DuplicateEclassInherit(results.LineResult, results.Style): @property def desc(self): - return f'duplicate eclass inherit {self.eclass!r}, line {self.lineno}' + return f"duplicate eclass inherit {self.eclass!r}, line {self.lineno}" class MisplacedEclassVar(results.LineResult, results.Error): @@ -95,17 +95,22 @@ class MisplacedEclassVar(results.LineResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): - return f'invalid pre-inherit placement, line {self.lineno}: {self.line!r}' + return f"invalid pre-inherit placement, line {self.lineno}: {self.line!r}" class EclassUsageCheck(Check): """Scan packages for various eclass-related issues.""" _source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource - known_results = frozenset([ - DeprecatedEclass, DeprecatedEclassVariable, DeprecatedEclassFunction, - DuplicateEclassInherit, MisplacedEclassVar, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + DeprecatedEclass, + DeprecatedEclassVariable, + DeprecatedEclassFunction, + DuplicateEclassInherit, + MisplacedEclassVar, + ] + ) required_addons = (addons.eclass.EclassAddon,) def __init__(self, *args, eclass_addon): @@ -126,12 +131,11 @@ class EclassUsageCheck(Check): # scan for any misplaced @PRE_INHERIT variables if pre_inherits: for node, _ in bash.var_assign_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node): - var_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name')) + var_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name")) lineno, _colno = node.start_point if var_name in pre_inherits and lineno > pre_inherits[var_name]: line = pkg.node_str(node) - yield MisplacedEclassVar( - var_name, line=line, lineno=lineno+1, pkg=pkg) + yield MisplacedEclassVar(var_name, line=line, lineno=lineno + 1, pkg=pkg) def check_deprecated_variables(self, pkg, inherits): """Check for usage of @DEPRECATED variables or functions.""" @@ -154,7 +158,8 @@ class EclassUsageCheck(Check): if not isinstance(replacement, str): replacement = None yield DeprecatedEclassVariable( - var_name, replacement, line=line, lineno=lineno+1, pkg=pkg) + var_name, replacement, line=line, lineno=lineno + 1, pkg=pkg + ) def check_deprecated_functions(self, pkg, inherits): """Check for usage of @DEPRECATED variables or functions.""" @@ -169,7 +174,7 @@ class EclassUsageCheck(Check): # scan for usage of @DEPRECATED functions if deprecated: for node, _ in bash.cmd_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node): - func_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name')) + func_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name")) lineno, _colno = node.start_point if func_name in deprecated: line = pkg.node_str(node) @@ -177,15 +182,16 @@ class EclassUsageCheck(Check): if not isinstance(replacement, str): replacement = None yield DeprecatedEclassFunction( - func_name, replacement, line=line, lineno=lineno+1, pkg=pkg) + func_name, replacement, line=line, lineno=lineno + 1, pkg=pkg + ) def feed(self, pkg): if pkg.inherit: inherited = set() inherits = [] for node, _ in bash.cmd_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node): - name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name')) - if name == 'inherit': + name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name")) + if name == "inherit": call = pkg.node_str(node) # filter out line continuations and conditional inherits if eclasses := [x for x in call.split()[1:] if x in pkg.inherit]: @@ -198,7 +204,8 @@ class EclassUsageCheck(Check): inherited.add(eclass) else: yield DuplicateEclassInherit( - eclass, line=call, lineno=lineno+1, pkg=pkg) + eclass, line=call, lineno=lineno + 1, pkg=pkg + ) # verify @PRE_INHERIT variable placement yield from self.check_pre_inherits(pkg, inherits) @@ -218,7 +225,7 @@ class EclassVariableScope(VariableScope, results.EclassResult): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.eclass}: {super().desc}' + return f"{self.eclass}: {super().desc}" class EclassExportFuncsBeforeInherit(results.EclassResult, results.Error): @@ -235,8 +242,10 @@ class EclassExportFuncsBeforeInherit(results.EclassResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): - return (f'{self.eclass}: EXPORT_FUNCTIONS (line {self.export_line}) called before inherit (line ' - f'{self.inherit_line})') + return ( + f"{self.eclass}: EXPORT_FUNCTIONS (line {self.export_line}) called before inherit (line " + f"{self.inherit_line})" + ) class EclassParseCheck(Check): @@ -261,12 +270,12 @@ class EclassParseCheck(Check): return variables def feed(self, eclass): - func_prefix = f'{eclass.name}_' + func_prefix = f"{eclass.name}_" for func_node, _ in bash.func_query.captures(eclass.tree.root_node): - func_name = eclass.node_str(func_node.child_by_field_name('name')) + func_name = eclass.node_str(func_node.child_by_field_name("name")) if not func_name.startswith(func_prefix): continue - phase = func_name[len(func_prefix):] + phase = func_name[len(func_prefix) :] if variables := self.eclass_phase_vars(eclass, phase): usage = defaultdict(set) for var_node, _ in bash.var_query.captures(func_node): @@ -275,17 +284,20 @@ class EclassParseCheck(Check): lineno, colno = var_node.start_point usage[var_name].add(lineno + 1) for var, lines in sorted(usage.items()): - yield EclassVariableScope(var, func_name, lines=sorted(lines), eclass=eclass.name) + yield EclassVariableScope( + var, func_name, lines=sorted(lines), eclass=eclass.name + ) export_funcs_called = None for node in eclass.global_query(bash.cmd_query): call = eclass.node_str(node) - if call.startswith('EXPORT_FUNCTIONS'): + if call.startswith("EXPORT_FUNCTIONS"): export_funcs_called = node.start_point[0] + 1 - elif call.startswith('inherit'): + elif call.startswith("inherit"): if export_funcs_called is not None: - yield EclassExportFuncsBeforeInherit(export_funcs_called, node.start_point[0] + 1, - eclass=eclass.name) + yield EclassExportFuncsBeforeInherit( + export_funcs_called, node.start_point[0] + 1, eclass=eclass.name + ) break @@ -299,7 +311,7 @@ class EclassBashSyntaxError(results.EclassResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.eclass}: bash syntax error, line {self.lineno}: {self.error}' + return f"{self.eclass}: bash syntax error, line {self.lineno}: {self.error}" class EclassDocError(results.EclassResult, results.Warning): @@ -316,7 +328,7 @@ class EclassDocError(results.EclassResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.eclass}: failed parsing eclass docs: {self.error}' + return f"{self.eclass}: failed parsing eclass docs: {self.error}" class EclassDocMissingFunc(results.EclassResult, results.Warning): @@ -329,8 +341,8 @@ class EclassDocMissingFunc(results.EclassResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.functions) - funcs = ', '.join(self.functions) - return f'{self.eclass}: undocumented function{s}: {funcs}' + funcs = ", ".join(self.functions) + return f"{self.eclass}: undocumented function{s}: {funcs}" class EclassDocMissingVar(results.EclassResult, results.Warning): @@ -348,16 +360,17 @@ class EclassDocMissingVar(results.EclassResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.variables) - variables = ', '.join(self.variables) - return f'{self.eclass}: undocumented variable{s}: {variables}' + variables = ", ".join(self.variables) + return f"{self.eclass}: undocumented variable{s}: {variables}" class EclassCheck(Check): """Scan eclasses for various issues.""" _source = sources.EclassRepoSource - known_results = frozenset([ - EclassBashSyntaxError, EclassDocError, EclassDocMissingFunc, EclassDocMissingVar]) + known_results = frozenset( + [EclassBashSyntaxError, EclassDocError, EclassDocMissingFunc, EclassDocMissingVar] + ) def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) @@ -370,37 +383,44 @@ class EclassCheck(Check): def feed(self, eclass): # check for eclass bash syntax errors p = subprocess.run( - ['bash', '-n', shlex.quote(eclass.path)], - stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, - env={'LC_ALL': 'C'}, encoding='utf8') + ["bash", "-n", shlex.quote(eclass.path)], + stderr=subprocess.PIPE, + stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, + env={"LC_ALL": "C"}, + encoding="utf8", + ) if p.returncode != 0 and p.stderr: lineno = 0 error = [] for line in p.stderr.splitlines(): - path, line, msg = line.split(': ', 2) + path, line, msg = line.split(": ", 2) lineno = line[5:] - error.append(msg.strip('\n')) - error = ': '.join(error) + error.append(msg.strip("\n")) + error = ": ".join(error) yield EclassBashSyntaxError(lineno, error, eclass=eclass) report_logs = ( - LogMap('pkgcore.log.logger.error', partial(EclassDocError, eclass=eclass)), - LogMap('pkgcore.log.logger.warning', partial(EclassDocError, eclass=eclass)), + LogMap("pkgcore.log.logger.error", partial(EclassDocError, eclass=eclass)), + LogMap("pkgcore.log.logger.warning", partial(EclassDocError, eclass=eclass)), ) with LogReports(*report_logs) as log_reports: eclass_obj = EclassDoc(eclass.path, sourced=True) yield from log_reports - phase_funcs = {f'{eclass}_{phase}' for phase in self.known_phases} + phase_funcs = {f"{eclass}_{phase}" for phase in self.known_phases} funcs_missing_docs = ( - eclass_obj.exported_function_names - phase_funcs - eclass_obj.function_names) + eclass_obj.exported_function_names - phase_funcs - eclass_obj.function_names + ) if funcs_missing_docs: yield EclassDocMissingFunc(sorted(funcs_missing_docs), eclass=eclass) # ignore underscore-prefixed vars (mostly used for avoiding multiple inherits) - exported_vars = {x for x in eclass_obj.exported_variable_names if not x.startswith('_')} + exported_vars = {x for x in eclass_obj.exported_variable_names if not x.startswith("_")} vars_missing_docs = ( - exported_vars - self.eclass_keys - - eclass_obj.variable_names - eclass_obj.function_variable_names) + exported_vars + - self.eclass_keys + - eclass_obj.variable_names + - eclass_obj.function_variable_names + ) if vars_missing_docs: yield EclassDocMissingVar(sorted(vars_missing_docs), eclass=eclass) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/git.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/git.py index c06c8278..a54ce61e 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/git.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/git.py @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class GitCommitsSource(sources.Source): class IncorrectCopyright(results.AliasResult, results.Warning): """Changed file with incorrect copyright date.""" - _name = 'IncorrectCopyright' + _name = "IncorrectCopyright" def __init__(self, year, line, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class IncorrectCopyright(results.AliasResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'incorrect copyright year {self.year}: {self.line!r}' + return f"incorrect copyright year {self.year}: {self.line!r}" class EbuildIncorrectCopyright(IncorrectCopyright, results.VersionResult): @@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ class DirectStableKeywords(results.VersionResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.keywords) - keywords = ', '.join(self.keywords) - return f'directly committed with stable keyword{s}: [ {keywords} ]' + keywords = ", ".join(self.keywords) + return f"directly committed with stable keyword{s}: [ {keywords} ]" class _DroppedKeywords(results.PackageResult): @@ -99,23 +99,22 @@ class _DroppedKeywords(results.PackageResult): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.keywords) - keywords = ', '.join(self.keywords) + keywords = ", ".join(self.keywords) return ( - f'commit {self.commit} (or later) dropped {self._status} ' - f'keyword{s}: [ {keywords} ]' + f"commit {self.commit} (or later) dropped {self._status} " f"keyword{s}: [ {keywords} ]" ) class DroppedUnstableKeywords(_DroppedKeywords, results.Error): """Unstable keywords dropped from package.""" - _status = 'unstable' + _status = "unstable" class DroppedStableKeywords(_DroppedKeywords, results.Error): """Stable keywords dropped from package.""" - _status = 'stable' + _status = "stable" class DirectNoMaintainer(results.PackageResult, results.Error): @@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ class DirectNoMaintainer(results.PackageResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): - return 'directly committed with no package maintainer' + return "directly committed with no package maintainer" class RdependChange(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ class RdependChange(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return 'RDEPEND modified without revbump' + return "RDEPEND modified without revbump" class MissingSlotmove(results.VersionResult, results.Error): @@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ class MissingSlotmove(results.VersionResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): - return f'changed SLOT: {self.old} -> {self.new}' + return f"changed SLOT: {self.old} -> {self.new}" class MissingMove(results.PackageResult, results.Error): @@ -169,7 +168,7 @@ class MissingMove(results.PackageResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): - return f'renamed package: {self.old} -> {self.new}' + return f"renamed package: {self.old} -> {self.new}" class _RemovalRepo(UnconfiguredTree): @@ -177,17 +176,17 @@ class _RemovalRepo(UnconfiguredTree): def __init__(self, repo): self.__parent_repo = repo - self.__tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory(prefix='tmp-pkgcheck-', suffix='.repo') + self.__tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory(prefix="tmp-pkgcheck-", suffix=".repo") self.__created = False repo_dir = self.__tmpdir.name # set up some basic repo files so pkgcore doesn't complain - os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata')) - with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata', 'layout.conf'), 'w') as f: + os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata")) + with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata", "layout.conf"), "w") as f: f.write(f"masters = {' '.join(x.repo_id for x in repo.trees)}\n") - os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles')) - with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles', 'repo_name'), 'w') as f: - f.write('old-repo\n') + os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles")) + with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles", "repo_name"), "w") as f: + f.write("old-repo\n") super().__init__(repo_dir) def cleanup(self): @@ -205,34 +204,44 @@ class _RemovalRepo(UnconfiguredTree): def _populate(self, pkgs): """Populate the repo with a given sequence of historical packages.""" - pkg = min(pkgs, key=attrgetter('time')) + pkg = min(pkgs, key=attrgetter("time")) paths = [pjoin(pkg.category, pkg.package)] - for subdir in ('eclass', 'profiles'): + for subdir in ("eclass", "profiles"): if os.path.exists(pjoin(self.__parent_repo.location, subdir)): paths.append(subdir) old_files = subprocess.Popen( - ['git', 'archive', f'{pkg.commit}~1'] + paths, - stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, - cwd=self.__parent_repo.location) + ["git", "archive", f"{pkg.commit}~1"] + paths, + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.PIPE, + cwd=self.__parent_repo.location, + ) if old_files.poll(): error = old_files.stderr.read().decode().strip() - raise PkgcheckUserException(f'failed populating archive repo: {error}') - with tarfile.open(mode='r|', fileobj=old_files.stdout) as tar: + raise PkgcheckUserException(f"failed populating archive repo: {error}") + with tarfile.open(mode="r|", fileobj=old_files.stdout) as tar: tar.extractall(path=self.location) class GitPkgCommitsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck): """Check unpushed git package commits for various issues.""" - _source = (sources.PackageRepoSource, (), (('source', GitCommitsRepoSource),)) + _source = (sources.PackageRepoSource, (), (("source", GitCommitsRepoSource),)) required_addons = (git.GitAddon,) - known_results = frozenset([ - DirectStableKeywords, DirectNoMaintainer, RdependChange, EbuildIncorrectCopyright, - DroppedStableKeywords, DroppedUnstableKeywords, MissingSlotmove, MissingMove, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + DirectStableKeywords, + DirectNoMaintainer, + RdependChange, + EbuildIncorrectCopyright, + DroppedStableKeywords, + DroppedUnstableKeywords, + MissingSlotmove, + MissingMove, + ] + ) # package categories that are committed with stable keywords - allowed_direct_stable = frozenset(['acct-user', 'acct-group']) + allowed_direct_stable = frozenset(["acct-user", "acct-group"]) def __init__(self, *args, git_addon): super().__init__(*args) @@ -268,25 +277,23 @@ class GitPkgCommitsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck): pkg = pkgs[0] removal_repo = self.removal_repo(pkgs) - old_keywords = set().union(*( - p.keywords for p in removal_repo.match(pkg.unversioned_atom))) - new_keywords = set().union(*( - p.keywords for p in self.repo.match(pkg.unversioned_atom))) + old_keywords = set().union(*(p.keywords for p in removal_repo.match(pkg.unversioned_atom))) + new_keywords = set().union(*(p.keywords for p in self.repo.match(pkg.unversioned_atom))) dropped_keywords = old_keywords - new_keywords dropped_stable_keywords = dropped_keywords & self.valid_arches dropped_unstable_keywords = set() - for keyword in (x for x in dropped_keywords if x[0] == '~'): + for keyword in (x for x in dropped_keywords if x[0] == "~"): arch = keyword[1:] if arch in self.valid_arches and arch not in new_keywords: dropped_unstable_keywords.add(keyword) if dropped_stable_keywords: - yield DroppedStableKeywords( - sort_keywords(dropped_stable_keywords), pkg.commit, pkg=pkg) + yield DroppedStableKeywords(sort_keywords(dropped_stable_keywords), pkg.commit, pkg=pkg) if dropped_unstable_keywords: yield DroppedUnstableKeywords( - sort_keywords(dropped_unstable_keywords), pkg.commit, pkg=pkg) + sort_keywords(dropped_unstable_keywords), pkg.commit, pkg=pkg + ) def rename_checks(self, pkgs): """Check for issues due to package modifications.""" @@ -297,9 +304,7 @@ class GitPkgCommitsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck): if old_key == new_key: return - pkgmoves = ( - x[1:] for x in self.repo.config.updates.get(old_key, ()) - if x[0] == 'move') + pkgmoves = (x[1:] for x in self.repo.config.updates.get(old_key, ()) if x[0] == "move") for old, new in pkgmoves: if old.key == old_key and new.key == new_key: @@ -334,8 +339,8 @@ class GitPkgCommitsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck): old_slot, new_slot = old_pkg.slot, new_pkg.slot if old_slot != new_slot: slotmoves = ( - x[1:] for x in self.repo.config.updates.get(new_pkg.key, ()) - if x[0] == 'slotmove') + x[1:] for x in self.repo.config.updates.get(new_pkg.key, ()) if x[0] == "slotmove" + ) for atom, moved_slot in slotmoves: if atom.match(old_pkg) and new_slot == moved_slot: break @@ -347,33 +352,33 @@ class GitPkgCommitsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck): # under the --diff-filter option in git log parsing support and are # disambiguated as follows: # A -> added, R -> renamed, M -> modified, D -> deleted - pkg_map = {'A': set(), 'R': set(), 'M': set(), 'D': set()} + pkg_map = {"A": set(), "R": set(), "M": set(), "D": set()} # Iterate over pkg commits in chronological order (git log defaults to # the reverse) discarding matching pkg commits where relevant. for pkg in reversed(pkgset): pkg_map[pkg.status].add(pkg) - if pkg.status == 'A': - pkg_map['D'].discard(pkg) - elif pkg.status == 'D': - pkg_map['A'].discard(pkg) - elif pkg.status == 'R': + if pkg.status == "A": + pkg_map["D"].discard(pkg) + elif pkg.status == "D": + pkg_map["A"].discard(pkg) + elif pkg.status == "R": # create pkg add/removal for rename operation - pkg_map['A'].add(pkg) - pkg_map['D'].add(pkg.old_pkg()) + pkg_map["A"].add(pkg) + pkg_map["D"].add(pkg.old_pkg()) # run removed package checks - if pkg_map['D']: - yield from self.removal_checks(list(pkg_map['D'])) + if pkg_map["D"]: + yield from self.removal_checks(list(pkg_map["D"])) # run renamed package checks - if pkg_map['R']: - yield from self.rename_checks(list(pkg_map['R'])) + if pkg_map["R"]: + yield from self.rename_checks(list(pkg_map["R"])) # run modified package checks - if modified := [pkg for pkg in pkg_map['M'] if pkg not in pkg_map['D']]: + if modified := [pkg for pkg in pkg_map["M"] if pkg not in pkg_map["D"]]: yield from self.modified_checks(modified) for git_pkg in pkgset: # remaining checks are irrelevant for removed packages - if git_pkg in pkg_map['D']: + if git_pkg in pkg_map["D"]: continue # pull actual package object from repo @@ -386,15 +391,15 @@ class GitPkgCommitsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck): # check copyright on new/modified ebuilds if mo := copyright_regex.match(line): - year = mo.group('end') + year = mo.group("end") if int(year) != self.today.year: - yield EbuildIncorrectCopyright(year, line.strip('\n'), pkg=pkg) + yield EbuildIncorrectCopyright(year, line.strip("\n"), pkg=pkg) # checks for newly added ebuilds - if git_pkg.status == 'A': + if git_pkg.status == "A": # check for directly added stable ebuilds if pkg.category not in self.allowed_direct_stable: - if stable_keywords := sorted(x for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] not in '~-'): + if stable_keywords := sorted(x for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] not in "~-"): yield DirectStableKeywords(stable_keywords, pkg=pkg) # pkg was just added to the tree @@ -422,8 +427,8 @@ class MissingSignOff(results.CommitResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.missing_sign_offs) - sign_offs = ', '.join(self.missing_sign_offs) - return f'commit {self.commit}, missing sign-off{s}: {sign_offs}' + sign_offs = ", ".join(self.missing_sign_offs) + return f"commit {self.commit}, missing sign-off{s}: {sign_offs}" class InvalidCommitTag(results.CommitResult, results.Style): @@ -453,7 +458,7 @@ class InvalidCommitMessage(results.CommitResult, results.Style): @property def desc(self): - return f'commit {self.commit}: {self.error}' + return f"commit {self.commit}: {self.error}" class BadCommitSummary(results.CommitResult, results.Style): @@ -474,7 +479,7 @@ class BadCommitSummary(results.CommitResult, results.Style): @property def desc(self): - return f'commit {self.commit}, {self.error}: {self.summary!r}' + return f"commit {self.commit}, {self.error}: {self.summary!r}" def verify_tags(*tags, required=False): @@ -498,28 +503,37 @@ class GitCommitMessageCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck): """Check unpushed git commit messages for various issues.""" _source = GitCommitsSource - known_results = frozenset([ - MissingSignOff, InvalidCommitTag, InvalidCommitMessage, BadCommitSummary, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + MissingSignOff, + InvalidCommitTag, + InvalidCommitMessage, + BadCommitSummary, + ] + ) # mapping between known commit tags and verification methods known_tags = {} - _commit_footer_regex = re.compile(r'^(?P<tag>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+): (?P<value>.*)$') - _git_cat_file_regex = re.compile(r'^(?P<object>.+?) (?P<status>.+)$') + _commit_footer_regex = re.compile(r"^(?P<tag>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+): (?P<value>.*)$") + _git_cat_file_regex = re.compile(r"^(?P<object>.+?) (?P<status>.+)$") # categories exception for rule of having package version in summary - skipped_categories = frozenset({ - 'acct-group', 'acct-user', 'virtual', - }) + skipped_categories = frozenset( + { + "acct-group", + "acct-user", + "virtual", + } + ) def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) # mapping of required tags to forcibly run verifications methods self._required_tags = ImmutableDict( - ((tag, verify), []) - for tag, (verify, required) in self.known_tags.items() if required) + ((tag, verify), []) for tag, (verify, required) in self.known_tags.items() if required + ) - @verify_tags('Signed-off-by', required=True) + @verify_tags("Signed-off-by", required=True) def _signed_off_by_tag(self, tag, values, commit): """Verify commit contains all required sign offs in accordance with GLEP 76.""" required_sign_offs = {commit.author, commit.committer} @@ -527,14 +541,13 @@ class GitCommitMessageCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck): if missing_sign_offs: yield MissingSignOff(sorted(missing_sign_offs), commit=commit) - @verify_tags('Gentoo-Bug') + @verify_tags("Gentoo-Bug") def _deprecated_tag(self, tag, values, commit): """Flag deprecated tags that shouldn't be used.""" for value in values: - yield InvalidCommitTag( - tag, value, f"{tag} tag is no longer valid", commit=commit) + yield InvalidCommitTag(tag, value, f"{tag} tag is no longer valid", commit=commit) - @verify_tags('Bug', 'Closes') + @verify_tags("Bug", "Closes") def _bug_tag(self, tag, values, commit): """Verify values are URLs for Bug/Closes tags.""" for value in values: @@ -544,40 +557,44 @@ class GitCommitMessageCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck): continue if parsed.scheme.lower() not in ("http", "https"): yield InvalidCommitTag( - tag, value, "invalid protocol; should be http or https", commit=commit) + tag, value, "invalid protocol; should be http or https", commit=commit + ) @klass.jit_attr_none def git_cat_file(self): """Start a `git cat-file` process to verify git repo hashes.""" return subprocess.Popen( - ['git', 'cat-file', '--batch-check'], + ["git", "cat-file", "--batch-check"], cwd=self.options.target_repo.location, - stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, - encoding='utf8', bufsize=1) + stdin=subprocess.PIPE, + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, + encoding="utf8", + bufsize=1, + ) - @verify_tags('Fixes', 'Reverts') + @verify_tags("Fixes", "Reverts") def _commit_tag(self, tag, values, commit): """Verify referenced commits exist for Fixes/Reverts tags.""" - self.git_cat_file.stdin.write('\n'.join(values) + '\n') + self.git_cat_file.stdin.write("\n".join(values) + "\n") if self.git_cat_file.poll() is None: for _ in range(len(values)): line = self.git_cat_file.stdout.readline().strip() if mo := self._git_cat_file_regex.match(line): - value = mo.group('object') - status = mo.group('status') - if not status.startswith('commit '): - yield InvalidCommitTag( - tag, value, f'{status} commit', commit=commit) + value = mo.group("object") + status = mo.group("status") + if not status.startswith("commit "): + yield InvalidCommitTag(tag, value, f"{status} commit", commit=commit) def feed(self, commit): if len(commit.message) == 0: - yield InvalidCommitMessage('no commit message', commit=commit) + yield InvalidCommitMessage("no commit message", commit=commit) return # drop leading '*: ' prefix assuming it's a package/eclass/file/path summary = commit.message[0] - if len(summary.split(': ', 1)[-1]) > 69: - yield InvalidCommitMessage('summary is too long', commit=commit) + if len(summary.split(": ", 1)[-1]) > 69: + yield InvalidCommitMessage("summary is too long", commit=commit) # categorize package changes pkg_changes = defaultdict(set) @@ -590,19 +607,21 @@ class GitCommitMessageCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck): if len({x.package for x in atoms}) == 1: # changes to a single cat/pn atom = next(iter(atoms)) - if not re.match(rf'^{re.escape(atom.key)}: ', summary): - error = f'summary missing {atom.key!r} package prefix' + if not re.match(rf"^{re.escape(atom.key)}: ", summary): + error = f"summary missing {atom.key!r} package prefix" yield BadCommitSummary(error, summary, commit=commit) # check for version in summary for singular, non-revision bumps - if len(commit.pkgs['A']) == 1 and category not in self.skipped_categories: - atom = next(iter(commit.pkgs['A'])) - if not atom.revision and not re.match(rf'^.+\bv?{re.escape(atom.version)}\b.*$', summary): - error = f'summary missing package version {atom.version!r}' + if len(commit.pkgs["A"]) == 1 and category not in self.skipped_categories: + atom = next(iter(commit.pkgs["A"])) + if not atom.revision and not re.match( + rf"^.+\bv?{re.escape(atom.version)}\b.*$", summary + ): + error = f"summary missing package version {atom.version!r}" yield BadCommitSummary(error, summary, commit=commit) else: # mutiple pkg changes in the same category - if not re.match(rf'^{re.escape(category)}: ', summary): - error = f'summary missing {category!r} category prefix' + if not re.match(rf"^{re.escape(category)}: ", summary): + error = f"summary missing {category!r} category prefix" yield BadCommitSummary(error, summary, commit=commit) # verify message body @@ -613,18 +632,17 @@ class GitCommitMessageCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck): if not line.strip(): continue if self._commit_footer_regex.match(line) is None: - if not body and commit.message[1] != '': - yield InvalidCommitMessage( - 'missing empty line before body', commit=commit) + if not body and commit.message[1] != "": + yield InvalidCommitMessage("missing empty line before body", commit=commit) # still processing the body body = True if len(line.split()) > 1 and len(line) > 80: yield InvalidCommitMessage( - f'line {lineno} greater than 80 chars: {line!r}', commit=commit) + f"line {lineno} greater than 80 chars: {line!r}", commit=commit + ) else: - if commit.message[lineno - 1] != '': - yield InvalidCommitMessage( - 'missing empty line before tags', commit=commit) + if commit.message[lineno - 1] != "": + yield InvalidCommitMessage("missing empty line before tags", commit=commit) # push it back on the stack i = chain([line], i) break @@ -637,20 +655,20 @@ class GitCommitMessageCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck): if not line.strip(): # single empty end line is ignored if lineno != len(commit.message): - yield InvalidCommitMessage( - f'empty line {lineno} in footer', commit=commit) + yield InvalidCommitMessage(f"empty line {lineno} in footer", commit=commit) continue if mo := self._commit_footer_regex.match(line): # register known tags for verification - tag = mo.group('tag') + tag = mo.group("tag") try: func, required = self.known_tags[tag] - tags.setdefault((tag, func), []).append(mo.group('value')) + tags.setdefault((tag, func), []).append(mo.group("value")) except KeyError: continue else: yield InvalidCommitMessage( - f'non-tag in footer, line {lineno}: {line!r}', commit=commit) + f"non-tag in footer, line {lineno}: {line!r}", commit=commit + ) # run tag verification methods for (tag, func), values in tags.items(): @@ -662,7 +680,7 @@ class EclassIncorrectCopyright(IncorrectCopyright, results.EclassResult): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.eclass}: {super().desc}' + return f"{self.eclass}: {super().desc}" class GitEclassCommitsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck): @@ -679,6 +697,6 @@ class GitEclassCommitsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, GitCommitsCheck): # check copyright on new/modified eclasses line = next(iter(eclass.lines)) if mo := copyright_regex.match(line): - year = mo.group('end') + year = mo.group("end") if int(year) != self.today.year: - yield EclassIncorrectCopyright(year, line.strip('\n'), eclass=eclass) + yield EclassIncorrectCopyright(year, line.strip("\n"), eclass=eclass) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/glsa.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/glsa.py index 2f869099..79d4ec65 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/glsa.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/glsa.py @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ class VulnerablePackage(results.VersionResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.arches) - arches = ', '.join(self.arches) - return f'vulnerable via {self.glsa}, keyword{s}: {arches}' + arches = ", ".join(self.arches) + return f"vulnerable via {self.glsa}, keyword{s}: {arches}" class GlsaCheck(GentooRepoCheck): @@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ class GlsaCheck(GentooRepoCheck): @staticmethod def mangle_argparser(parser): - parser.plugin.add_argument( - "--glsa-dir", type=existent_dir, help="custom glsa directory") + parser.plugin.add_argument("--glsa-dir", type=existent_dir, help="custom glsa directory") def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) @@ -46,12 +45,12 @@ class GlsaCheck(GentooRepoCheck): if glsa_dir is None: # search for glsa dir in target repo and then any masters for repo in reversed(self.options.target_repo.trees): - path = pjoin(repo.location, 'metadata', 'glsa') + path = pjoin(repo.location, "metadata", "glsa") if os.path.isdir(path): glsa_dir = path break else: - raise SkipCheck(self, 'no available glsa source') + raise SkipCheck(self, "no available glsa source") # this is a bit brittle self.vulns = defaultdict(list) @@ -63,13 +62,14 @@ class GlsaCheck(GentooRepoCheck): for vuln in self.vulns.get(pkg.key, ()): if vuln.match(pkg): arches = set() - for v in collect_package_restrictions(vuln, ['keywords']): + for v in collect_package_restrictions(vuln, ["keywords"]): if isinstance(v.restriction, values.ContainmentMatch2): - arches.update(x.lstrip('~') for x in v.restriction.vals) + arches.update(x.lstrip("~") for x in v.restriction.vals) else: raise Exception( - f'unexpected restriction sequence- {v.restriction} in {vuln}') - keys = {x.lstrip('~') for x in pkg.keywords if not x.startswith('-')} + f"unexpected restriction sequence- {v.restriction} in {vuln}" + ) + keys = {x.lstrip("~") for x in pkg.keywords if not x.startswith("-")} if arches: arches = sorted(arches.intersection(keys)) assert arches diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/header.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/header.py index c08c4c8b..429b26ce 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/header.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/header.py @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ import re from .. import results, sources from . import GentooRepoCheck -copyright_regex = re.compile( - r'^# Copyright (?P<begin>\d{4}-)?(?P<end>\d{4}) (?P<holder>.+)$') +copyright_regex = re.compile(r"^# Copyright (?P<begin>\d{4}-)?(?P<end>\d{4}) (?P<holder>.+)$") class _FileHeaderResult(results.Result): @@ -30,11 +29,11 @@ class InvalidCopyright(_FileHeaderResult, results.AliasResult, results.Error): # Copyright YEARS Gentoo Authors """ - _name = 'InvalidCopyright' + _name = "InvalidCopyright" @property def desc(self): - return f'invalid copyright: {self.line!r}' + return f"invalid copyright: {self.line!r}" class OldGentooCopyright(_FileHeaderResult, results.AliasResult, results.Warning): @@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ class OldGentooCopyright(_FileHeaderResult, results.AliasResult, results.Warning holder instead. """ - _name = 'OldGentooCopyright' + _name = "OldGentooCopyright" @property def desc(self): @@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ class NonGentooAuthorsCopyright(_FileHeaderResult, results.AliasResult, results. via bugs.gentoo.org. """ - _name = 'NonGentooAuthorsCopyright' + _name = "NonGentooAuthorsCopyright" @property def desc(self): @@ -82,13 +81,13 @@ class InvalidLicenseHeader(_FileHeaderResult, results.AliasResult, results.Error # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 """ - _name = 'InvalidLicenseHeader' + _name = "InvalidLicenseHeader" @property def desc(self): if self.line: - return f'invalid license header: {self.line!r}' - return 'missing license header' + return f"invalid license header: {self.line!r}" + return "missing license header" class _HeaderCheck(GentooRepoCheck): @@ -98,12 +97,17 @@ class _HeaderCheck(GentooRepoCheck): _old_copyright = OldGentooCopyright _non_gentoo_authors = NonGentooAuthorsCopyright _invalid_license = InvalidLicenseHeader - known_results = frozenset([ - _invalid_copyright, _old_copyright, _non_gentoo_authors, _invalid_license, - ]) - _item_attr = 'pkg' - - license_header = '# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2' + known_results = frozenset( + [ + _invalid_copyright, + _old_copyright, + _non_gentoo_authors, + _invalid_license, + ] + ) + _item_attr = "pkg" + + license_header = "# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2" def args(self, item): return {self._item_attr: item} @@ -114,19 +118,19 @@ class _HeaderCheck(GentooRepoCheck): if mo := copyright_regex.match(line): # Copyright policy is active since 2018-10-21, so it applies # to all ebuilds committed in 2019 and later - if int(mo.group('end')) >= 2019: - if mo.group('holder') == 'Gentoo Foundation': + if int(mo.group("end")) >= 2019: + if mo.group("holder") == "Gentoo Foundation": yield self._old_copyright(line, **self.args(item)) # Gentoo policy requires 'Gentoo Authors' - elif mo.group('holder') != 'Gentoo Authors': + elif mo.group("holder") != "Gentoo Authors": yield self._non_gentoo_authors(line, **self.args(item)) else: yield self._invalid_copyright(line, **self.args(item)) try: - line = item.lines[1].strip('\n') + line = item.lines[1].strip("\n") except IndexError: - line = '' + line = "" if line != self.license_header: yield self._invalid_license(line, **self.args(item)) @@ -156,10 +160,15 @@ class EbuildHeaderCheck(_HeaderCheck): _old_copyright = EbuildOldGentooCopyright _non_gentoo_authors = EbuildNonGentooAuthorsCopyright _invalid_license = EbuildInvalidLicenseHeader - known_results = frozenset([ - _invalid_copyright, _old_copyright, _non_gentoo_authors, _invalid_license, - ]) - _item_attr = 'pkg' + known_results = frozenset( + [ + _invalid_copyright, + _old_copyright, + _non_gentoo_authors, + _invalid_license, + ] + ) + _item_attr = "pkg" class EclassInvalidCopyright(InvalidCopyright, results.EclassResult): @@ -167,7 +176,7 @@ class EclassInvalidCopyright(InvalidCopyright, results.EclassResult): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.eclass}: {super().desc}' + return f"{self.eclass}: {super().desc}" class EclassOldGentooCopyright(OldGentooCopyright, results.EclassResult): @@ -175,7 +184,7 @@ class EclassOldGentooCopyright(OldGentooCopyright, results.EclassResult): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.eclass}: {super().desc}' + return f"{self.eclass}: {super().desc}" class EclassNonGentooAuthorsCopyright(NonGentooAuthorsCopyright, results.EclassResult): @@ -183,7 +192,7 @@ class EclassNonGentooAuthorsCopyright(NonGentooAuthorsCopyright, results.EclassR @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.eclass}: {super().desc}' + return f"{self.eclass}: {super().desc}" class EclassInvalidLicenseHeader(InvalidLicenseHeader, results.EclassResult): @@ -191,7 +200,7 @@ class EclassInvalidLicenseHeader(InvalidLicenseHeader, results.EclassResult): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.eclass}: {super().desc}' + return f"{self.eclass}: {super().desc}" class EclassHeaderCheck(_HeaderCheck): @@ -203,7 +212,12 @@ class EclassHeaderCheck(_HeaderCheck): _old_copyright = EclassOldGentooCopyright _non_gentoo_authors = EclassNonGentooAuthorsCopyright _invalid_license = EclassInvalidLicenseHeader - known_results = frozenset([ - _invalid_copyright, _old_copyright, _non_gentoo_authors, _invalid_license, - ]) - _item_attr = 'eclass' + known_results = frozenset( + [ + _invalid_copyright, + _old_copyright, + _non_gentoo_authors, + _invalid_license, + ] + ) + _item_attr = "eclass" diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/imlate.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/imlate.py index a9688873..ee0da6d8 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/imlate.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/imlate.py @@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ class PotentialStable(results.VersionResult, results.Info): @property def desc(self): - es = pluralism(self.stable, plural='es') - stable = ', '.join(self.stable) + es = pluralism(self.stable, plural="es") + stable = ", ".join(self.stable) s = pluralism(self.keywords) - keywords = ', '.join(self.keywords) - return f'slot({self.slot}), stabled arch{es}: [ {stable} ], potential{s}: [ {keywords} ]' + keywords = ", ".join(self.keywords) + return f"slot({self.slot}), stabled arch{es}: [ {stable} ], potential{s}: [ {keywords} ]" class LaggingStable(results.VersionResult, results.Info): @@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ class LaggingStable(results.VersionResult, results.Info): @property def desc(self): - es = pluralism(self.stable, plural='es') - stable = ', '.join(self.stable) - keywords = ', '.join(self.keywords) - return f'slot({self.slot}), stabled arch{es}: [ {stable} ], lagging: [ {keywords} ]' + es = pluralism(self.stable, plural="es") + stable = ", ".join(self.stable) + keywords = ", ".join(self.keywords) + return f"slot({self.slot}), stabled arch{es}: [ {stable} ], lagging: [ {keywords} ]" class ImlateCheck(Check): @@ -52,28 +52,33 @@ class ImlateCheck(Check): @staticmethod def mangle_argparser(parser): parser.plugin.add_argument( - "--source-arches", action='csv', metavar='ARCH', + "--source-arches", + action="csv", + metavar="ARCH", help="comma separated list of arches to compare against for lagging stabilization", docs=""" Comma separated list of arches to compare against for lagging stabilization. The default arches are all stable arches (unless --arches is specified). - """) + """, + ) def __init__(self, *args, stable_arches_addon=None): super().__init__(*args) self.all_arches = frozenset(self.options.arches) - self.stable_arches = frozenset(arch.strip().lstrip("~") for arch in self.options.stable_arches) - self.target_arches = frozenset(f'~{arch}' for arch in self.stable_arches) + self.stable_arches = frozenset( + arch.strip().lstrip("~") for arch in self.options.stable_arches + ) + self.target_arches = frozenset(f"~{arch}" for arch in self.stable_arches) source_arches = self.options.source_arches if source_arches is None: source_arches = self.options.stable_arches - self.source_arches = frozenset( - arch.lstrip("~") for arch in source_arches) + self.source_arches = frozenset(arch.lstrip("~") for arch in source_arches) self.source_filter = packages.PackageRestriction( - "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2(self.source_arches)) + "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2(self.source_arches) + ) def feed(self, pkgset): pkg_slotted = defaultdict(list) @@ -84,7 +89,7 @@ class ImlateCheck(Check): for slot, pkgs in sorted(pkg_slotted.items()): slot_keywords = set().union(*(pkg.keywords for pkg in pkgs)) stable_slot_keywords = self.all_arches.intersection(slot_keywords) - potential_slot_stables = {'~' + x for x in stable_slot_keywords} + potential_slot_stables = {"~" + x for x in stable_slot_keywords} newer_slot_stables = set() for pkg in reversed(pkgs): # only consider pkgs with keywords that contain the targeted arches @@ -93,23 +98,21 @@ class ImlateCheck(Check): continue # current pkg stable keywords - stable = {'~' + x for x in self.source_arches.intersection(pkg.keywords)} + stable = {"~" + x for x in self.source_arches.intersection(pkg.keywords)} lagging = potential_slot_stables.intersection(pkg.keywords) # skip keywords that have newer stable versions - lagging -= {'~' + x for x in newer_slot_stables} + lagging -= {"~" + x for x in newer_slot_stables} lagging -= stable if lagging: - stable_kwds = (x for x in pkg.keywords if not x[0] in ('~', '-')) - yield LaggingStable( - slot, sorted(stable_kwds), sorted(lagging), pkg=pkg) + stable_kwds = (x for x in pkg.keywords if not x[0] in ("~", "-")) + yield LaggingStable(slot, sorted(stable_kwds), sorted(lagging), pkg=pkg) - unstable_keywords = {x for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] == '~'} + unstable_keywords = {x for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] == "~"} potential = self.target_arches.intersection(unstable_keywords) potential -= lagging | stable if potential: - stable_kwds = (x for x in pkg.keywords if not x[0] in ('~', '-')) - yield PotentialStable( - slot, sorted(stable_kwds), sorted(potential), pkg=pkg) + stable_kwds = (x for x in pkg.keywords if not x[0] in ("~", "-")) + yield PotentialStable(slot, sorted(stable_kwds), sorted(potential), pkg=pkg) break diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/metadata.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/metadata.py index 56d54529..8a26024c 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/metadata.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/metadata.py @@ -37,32 +37,32 @@ class _LicenseResult(results.VersionResult): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.licenses) - licenses = ', '.join(self.licenses) - return f'{self.license_type} license{s}: {licenses}' + licenses = ", ".join(self.licenses) + return f"{self.license_type} license{s}: {licenses}" class UnknownLicense(_LicenseResult, results.Error): """License usage with no matching license file.""" - license_type = 'unknown' + license_type = "unknown" class DeprecatedLicense(_LicenseResult, results.Warning): """Deprecated license usage.""" - license_type = 'deprecated' + license_type = "deprecated" class MissingLicense(results.VersionResult, results.Error): """Package has no LICENSE defined.""" - desc = 'no license defined' + desc = "no license defined" class InvalidLicense(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult): """Package's LICENSE is invalid.""" - attr = 'license' + attr = "license" class MissingLicenseRestricts(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @@ -76,10 +76,9 @@ class MissingLicenseRestricts(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - restrictions = ' '.join(self.restrictions) + restrictions = " ".join(self.restrictions) return ( - f'{self.license_group} license {self.license!r} ' - f'requires RESTRICT="{restrictions}"' + f"{self.license_group} license {self.license!r} " f'requires RESTRICT="{restrictions}"' ) @@ -94,23 +93,30 @@ class UnnecessaryLicense(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): class LicenseCheck(Check): """LICENSE validity checks.""" - known_results = frozenset([ - InvalidLicense, MissingLicense, UnknownLicense, DeprecatedLicense, - UnnecessaryLicense, UnstatedIuse, MissingLicenseRestricts, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + InvalidLicense, + MissingLicense, + UnknownLicense, + DeprecatedLicense, + UnnecessaryLicense, + UnstatedIuse, + MissingLicenseRestricts, + ] + ) # categories for ebuilds that can lack LICENSE settings - unlicensed_categories = frozenset(['virtual', 'acct-group', 'acct-user']) + unlicensed_categories = frozenset(["virtual", "acct-group", "acct-user"]) required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,) def __init__(self, *args, use_addon): super().__init__(*args) repo = self.options.target_repo - self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter('license') - self.deprecated = repo.licenses.groups.get('DEPRECATED', frozenset()) - self.eula = repo.licenses.groups.get('EULA', frozenset()) - self.mirror_restricts = frozenset(['fetch', 'mirror']) + self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter("license") + self.deprecated = repo.licenses.groups.get("DEPRECATED", frozenset()) + self.eula = repo.licenses.groups.get("EULA", frozenset()) + self.mirror_restricts = frozenset(["fetch", "mirror"]) def _required_licenses(self, license_group, nodes, restricts=None): """Determine required licenses from a given license group.""" @@ -140,14 +146,13 @@ class LicenseCheck(Check): restricts = set().union(*(x.vals for x in restrictions if not x.negate)) license_restrictions = pkg.restrict.evaluate_depset(restricts) missing_restricts = [] - if 'bindist' not in license_restrictions: - missing_restricts.append('bindist') + if "bindist" not in license_restrictions: + missing_restricts.append("bindist") if not self.mirror_restricts.intersection(license_restrictions): if pkg.fetchables: - missing_restricts.append('mirror') + missing_restricts.append("mirror") if missing_restricts: - yield MissingLicenseRestricts( - 'EULA', license, missing_restricts, pkg=pkg) + yield MissingLicenseRestricts("EULA", license, missing_restricts, pkg=pkg) # flatten license depset licenses, unstated = self.iuse_filter((str,), pkg, pkg.license) @@ -178,26 +183,26 @@ class _UseFlagsResult(results.VersionResult): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.flags) - flags = ', '.join(map(repr, sorted(self.flags))) - return f'{self.flag_type} USE flag{s}: {flags}' + flags = ", ".join(map(repr, sorted(self.flags))) + return f"{self.flag_type} USE flag{s}: {flags}" class InvalidUseFlags(_UseFlagsResult, results.Error): """Package IUSE contains invalid USE flags.""" - flag_type = 'invalid' + flag_type = "invalid" class UnknownUseFlags(_UseFlagsResult, results.Error): """Package IUSE contains unknown USE flags.""" - flag_type = 'unknown' + flag_type = "unknown" class BadDefaultUseFlags(_UseFlagsResult, results.Error): """Package IUSE contains bad default USE flags.""" - flag_type = 'bad default' + flag_type = "bad default" class IuseCheck(Check): @@ -205,19 +210,22 @@ class IuseCheck(Check): required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,) known_results = frozenset([InvalidUseFlags, UnknownUseFlags, BadDefaultUseFlags]) - use_expand_groups = ('cpu_flags',) + use_expand_groups = ("cpu_flags",) def __init__(self, *args, use_addon): super().__init__(*args) self.iuse_handler = use_addon - self.bad_defaults = tuple(['-'] + [f'+{x}_' for x in self.use_expand_groups]) + self.bad_defaults = tuple(["-"] + [f"+{x}_" for x in self.use_expand_groups]) def feed(self, pkg): if invalid := sorted(x for x in pkg.iuse_stripped if not pkg.eapi.is_valid_use_flag(x)): yield InvalidUseFlags(invalid, pkg=pkg) - if pkg.eapi.options.iuse_defaults and (bad_defaults := sorted( - x for x in pkg.iuse if x.startswith(self.bad_defaults) and len(x) > 1)): + if pkg.eapi.options.iuse_defaults and ( + bad_defaults := sorted( + x for x in pkg.iuse if x.startswith(self.bad_defaults) and len(x) > 1 + ) + ): yield BadDefaultUseFlags(bad_defaults, pkg=pkg) if not self.iuse_handler.ignore: @@ -243,13 +251,13 @@ class _EapiResult(results.VersionResult): class DeprecatedEapi(_EapiResult, results.Warning): """Package's EAPI is deprecated according to repo metadata.""" - _type = 'deprecated' + _type = "deprecated" class BannedEapi(_EapiResult, results.Error): """Package's EAPI is banned according to repo metadata.""" - _type = 'banned' + _type = "banned" class StableKeywordsOnTestingEapi(results.VersionResult, results.Error): @@ -281,8 +289,9 @@ class UnsupportedEclassEapi(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): class EapiCheck(Check): """Scan for packages with banned or deprecated EAPIs.""" - known_results = frozenset([DeprecatedEapi, BannedEapi, UnsupportedEclassEapi, - StableKeywordsOnTestingEapi]) + known_results = frozenset( + [DeprecatedEapi, BannedEapi, UnsupportedEclassEapi, StableKeywordsOnTestingEapi] + ) required_addons = (addons.eclass.EclassAddon,) def __init__(self, *args, eclass_addon): @@ -297,7 +306,7 @@ class EapiCheck(Check): yield DeprecatedEapi(pkg.eapi, pkg=pkg) if eapi_str in self.options.target_repo.config.eapis_testing: - stable_keywords_gen = (k for k in pkg.keywords if not k.startswith(('~', '-'))) + stable_keywords_gen = (k for k in pkg.keywords if not k.startswith(("~", "-"))) if stable_keywords := sorted(stable_keywords_gen): yield StableKeywordsOnTestingEapi(pkg.eapi, stable_keywords, pkg=pkg) @@ -310,19 +319,19 @@ class EapiCheck(Check): class InvalidEapi(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult): """Package's EAPI is invalid.""" - attr = 'eapi' + attr = "eapi" class InvalidSlot(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult): """Package's SLOT is invalid.""" - attr = 'slot' + attr = "slot" class SourcingError(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult): """Failed sourcing ebuild.""" - attr = 'data' + attr = "data" class SourcingCheck(Check): @@ -346,8 +355,9 @@ class RequiredUseDefaults(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): or modifying REQUIRED_USE. """ - def __init__(self, required_use, use=(), keyword=None, - profile=None, num_profiles=None, **kwargs): + def __init__( + self, required_use, use=(), keyword=None, profile=None, num_profiles=None, **kwargs + ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.required_use = required_use self.use = tuple(use) @@ -359,40 +369,48 @@ class RequiredUseDefaults(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): def desc(self): if not self.use: if self.num_profiles is not None and self.num_profiles > 1: - num_profiles = f' ({self.num_profiles} total)' + num_profiles = f" ({self.num_profiles} total)" else: - num_profiles = '' + num_profiles = "" # collapsed version return ( - f'profile: {self.profile!r}{num_profiles} ' - f'failed REQUIRED_USE: {self.required_use}' + f"profile: {self.profile!r}{num_profiles} " + f"failed REQUIRED_USE: {self.required_use}" ) return ( - f'keyword: {self.keyword}, profile: {self.profile!r}, ' + f"keyword: {self.keyword}, profile: {self.profile!r}, " f"default USE: [{', '.join(self.use)}] " - f'-- failed REQUIRED_USE: {self.required_use}' + f"-- failed REQUIRED_USE: {self.required_use}" ) class InvalidRequiredUse(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult): """Package's REQUIRED_USE is invalid.""" - attr = 'required_use' + attr = "required_use" class RequiredUseCheck(Check): """REQUIRED_USE validity checks.""" # only run the check for EAPI 4 and above - _source = (sources.RestrictionRepoSource, ( - packages.PackageRestriction('eapi', values.GetAttrRestriction( - 'options.has_required_use', values.FunctionRestriction(bool))),)) + _source = ( + sources.RestrictionRepoSource, + ( + packages.PackageRestriction( + "eapi", + values.GetAttrRestriction( + "options.has_required_use", values.FunctionRestriction(bool) + ), + ), + ), + ) required_addons = (addons.UseAddon, addons.profiles.ProfileAddon) known_results = frozenset([InvalidRequiredUse, RequiredUseDefaults, UnstatedIuse]) def __init__(self, *args, use_addon, profile_addon): super().__init__(*args) - self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter('required_use') + self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter("required_use") self.profiles = profile_addon def feed(self, pkg): @@ -404,15 +422,15 @@ class RequiredUseCheck(Check): # unstable profiles for unstable KEYWORDS keywords = [] for keyword in pkg.sorted_keywords: - if keyword[0] != '~': + if keyword[0] != "~": keywords.append(keyword) - keywords.append('~' + keyword.lstrip('~')) + keywords.append("~" + keyword.lstrip("~")) # check USE defaults (pkg IUSE defaults + profile USE) against # REQUIRED_USE for all profiles matching a pkg's KEYWORDS failures = defaultdict(list) for keyword in keywords: - for profile in sorted(self.profiles.get(keyword, ()), key=attrgetter('name')): + for profile in sorted(self.profiles.get(keyword, ()), key=attrgetter("name")): # skip packages masked by the profile if profile.visible(pkg): src = FakeConfigurable(pkg, profile) @@ -424,15 +442,15 @@ class RequiredUseCheck(Check): # report all failures with profile info in verbose mode for node, profile_info in failures.items(): for use, keyword, profile in profile_info: - yield RequiredUseDefaults( - str(node), sorted(use), keyword, profile, pkg=pkg) + yield RequiredUseDefaults(str(node), sorted(use), keyword, profile, pkg=pkg) else: # only report one failure per REQUIRED_USE node in regular mode for node, profile_info in failures.items(): num_profiles = len(profile_info) _use, _keyword, profile = profile_info[0] yield RequiredUseDefaults( - str(node), profile=profile, num_profiles=num_profiles, pkg=pkg) + str(node), profile=profile, num_profiles=num_profiles, pkg=pkg + ) class UnusedLocalUse(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @@ -445,8 +463,8 @@ class UnusedLocalUse(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.flags) - flags = ', '.join(self.flags) - return f'unused local USE flag{s}: [ {flags} ]' + flags = ", ".join(self.flags) + return f"unused local USE flag{s}: [ {flags} ]" class MatchingGlobalUse(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @@ -526,8 +544,8 @@ class MissingLocalUseDesc(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.flags) - flags = ', '.join(self.flags) - return f'local USE flag{s} missing description{s}: [ {flags} ]' + flags = ", ".join(self.flags) + return f"local USE flag{s} missing description{s}: [ {flags} ]" class LocalUseCheck(Check): @@ -535,23 +553,27 @@ class LocalUseCheck(Check): _source = sources.PackageRepoSource required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,) - known_results = frozenset([ - UnusedLocalUse, MatchingGlobalUse, ProbableGlobalUse, - ProbableUseExpand, UnderscoreInUseFlag, UnstatedIuse, - MissingLocalUseDesc, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + UnusedLocalUse, + MatchingGlobalUse, + ProbableGlobalUse, + ProbableUseExpand, + UnderscoreInUseFlag, + UnstatedIuse, + MissingLocalUseDesc, + ] + ) def __init__(self, *args, use_addon): super().__init__(*args) repo_config = self.options.target_repo.config self.iuse_handler = use_addon - self.global_use = { - flag: desc for matcher, (flag, desc) in repo_config.use_desc} + self.global_use = {flag: desc for matcher, (flag, desc) in repo_config.use_desc} self.use_expand = dict() for group in repo_config.use_expand_desc.keys(): - self.use_expand[group] = { - flag for flag, desc in repo_config.use_expand_desc[group]} + self.use_expand[group] = {flag for flag, desc in repo_config.use_expand_desc[group]} def feed(self, pkgs): pkg = pkgs[0] @@ -568,9 +590,9 @@ class LocalUseCheck(Check): yield MatchingGlobalUse(flag, pkg=pkg) elif ratio >= 0.75: yield ProbableGlobalUse(flag, pkg=pkg) - elif '_' in flag: + elif "_" in flag: for group, flags in self.use_expand.items(): - if flag.startswith(f'{group}_'): + if flag.startswith(f"{group}_"): if flag not in flags: yield ProbableUseExpand(flag, group.upper(), pkg=pkg) break @@ -608,23 +630,32 @@ class UseFlagWithoutDeps(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.flags) - flags = ', '.join(self.flags) - return f'special small-files USE flag{s} without effect on dependencies: [ {flags} ]' + flags = ", ".join(self.flags) + return f"special small-files USE flag{s} without effect on dependencies: [ {flags} ]" class UseFlagsWithoutEffectsCheck(GentooRepoCheck): """Check for USE flags without effects.""" - known_results = frozenset({ - UseFlagWithoutDeps, - }) + known_results = frozenset( + { + UseFlagWithoutDeps, + } + ) - warn_use_small_files = frozenset({ - 'ipv6', 'logrotate', 'unicode', - 'bash-completion', 'fish-completion', 'zsh-completion', 'vim-syntax', - # TODO: enable those one day - # 'systemd', - }) + warn_use_small_files = frozenset( + { + "ipv6", + "logrotate", + "unicode", + "bash-completion", + "fish-completion", + "zsh-completion", + "vim-syntax", + # TODO: enable those one day + # 'systemd', + } + ) def feed(self, pkg): used_flags = set(pkg.local_use) @@ -632,15 +663,18 @@ class UseFlagsWithoutEffectsCheck(GentooRepoCheck): deps = getattr(pkg, attr.lower()) use_values = set() - use_values.update(itertools.chain.from_iterable( - atom.use or () - for atom in iflatten_instance(deps, atom_cls) - )) - use_values.update(itertools.chain.from_iterable( - atom.restriction.vals - for atom in iflatten_instance(deps, packages.Conditional) - if isinstance(atom, packages.Conditional) and atom.attr == 'use' - )) + use_values.update( + itertools.chain.from_iterable( + atom.use or () for atom in iflatten_instance(deps, atom_cls) + ) + ) + use_values.update( + itertools.chain.from_iterable( + atom.restriction.vals + for atom in iflatten_instance(deps, packages.Conditional) + if isinstance(atom, packages.Conditional) and atom.attr == "use" + ) + ) for check_use in self.warn_use_small_files: if any(check_use in use for use in use_values): used_flags.add(check_use) @@ -649,6 +683,7 @@ class UseFlagsWithoutEffectsCheck(GentooRepoCheck): if flags: yield UseFlagWithoutDeps(flags, pkg=pkg) + class MissingSlotDep(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): """Missing slot value in dependencies. @@ -672,18 +707,22 @@ class MissingSlotDep(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return ( - f"{self.dep!r} matches more than one slot: " - f"[ {', '.join(self.dep_slots)} ]") + return f"{self.dep!r} matches more than one slot: " f"[ {', '.join(self.dep_slots)} ]" class MissingSlotDepCheck(Check): """Check for missing slot dependencies.""" # only run the check for EAPI 5 and above - _source = (sources.RestrictionRepoSource, ( - packages.PackageRestriction('eapi', values.GetAttrRestriction( - 'options.sub_slotting', values.FunctionRestriction(bool))),)) + _source = ( + sources.RestrictionRepoSource, + ( + packages.PackageRestriction( + "eapi", + values.GetAttrRestriction("options.sub_slotting", values.FunctionRestriction(bool)), + ), + ), + ) required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,) known_results = frozenset([MissingSlotDep]) @@ -696,8 +735,11 @@ class MissingSlotDepCheck(Check): depend, _ = self.iuse_filter((atom_cls,), pkg, pkg.depend) # skip deps that are blockers or have explicit slots/slot operators - for dep in (x for x in set(rdepend).intersection(depend) if not - (x.blocks or x.slot is not None or x.slot_operator is not None)): + for dep in ( + x + for x in set(rdepend).intersection(depend) + if not (x.blocks or x.slot is not None or x.slot_operator is not None) + ): dep_slots = {x.slot for x in pkg.repo.itermatch(dep.no_usedeps)} if len(dep_slots) > 1: yield MissingSlotDep(str(dep), sorted(dep_slots), pkg=pkg) @@ -738,10 +780,10 @@ class MissingUseDepDefault(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.pkgs) - pkgs = ', '.join(self.pkgs) + pkgs = ", ".join(self.pkgs) return ( f'{self.attr}="{self.atom}": USE flag {self.flag!r} missing from ' - f'package{s}: [ {pkgs} ]' + f"package{s}: [ {pkgs} ]" ) @@ -755,7 +797,7 @@ class DeprecatedDep(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - ies = pluralism(self.atoms, singular='y', plural='ies') + ies = pluralism(self.atoms, singular="y", plural="ies") return f"{self.attr}: deprecated dependenc{ies}: {' '.join(self.atoms)}" @@ -776,31 +818,31 @@ class BadDependency(results.VersionResult, results.Error): class InvalidDepend(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult): """Package has invalid DEPEND.""" - attr = 'depend' + attr = "depend" class InvalidRdepend(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult): """Package has invalid RDEPEND.""" - attr = 'rdepend' + attr = "rdepend" class InvalidPdepend(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult): """Package has invalid PDEPEND.""" - attr = 'pdepend' + attr = "pdepend" class InvalidBdepend(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult): """Package has invalid BDEPEND.""" - attr = 'bdepend' + attr = "bdepend" class InvalidIdepend(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult): """Package has invalid IDEPEND.""" - attr = 'idepend' + attr = "idepend" class MisplacedWeakBlocker(results.Warning, results.VersionResult): @@ -821,25 +863,35 @@ class MisplacedWeakBlocker(results.Warning, results.VersionResult): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.attr}: misplaced weak blocker: {self.atom}' + return f"{self.attr}: misplaced weak blocker: {self.atom}" class DependencyCheck(Check): """Verify dependency attributes (e.g. RDEPEND).""" required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,) - known_results = frozenset([ - BadDependency, MissingPackageRevision, MissingUseDepDefault, - UnstatedIuse, DeprecatedDep, InvalidDepend, InvalidRdepend, - InvalidPdepend, InvalidBdepend, InvalidIdepend, MisplacedWeakBlocker, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + BadDependency, + MissingPackageRevision, + MissingUseDepDefault, + UnstatedIuse, + DeprecatedDep, + InvalidDepend, + InvalidRdepend, + InvalidPdepend, + InvalidBdepend, + InvalidIdepend, + MisplacedWeakBlocker, + ] + ) def __init__(self, *args, use_addon): super().__init__(*args) self.deprecated = self.options.target_repo.deprecated.match self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter() - self.conditional_ops = {'?', '='} - self.use_defaults = {'(+)', '(-)'} + self.conditional_ops = {"?", "="} + self.use_defaults = {"(+)", "(-)"} def _check_use_deps(self, attr, atom): """Check dependencies for missing USE dep defaults.""" @@ -849,7 +901,7 @@ class DependencyCheck(Check): x = x[:-1] if x[-3:] in self.use_defaults: continue - stripped_use.append(x.lstrip('!-')) + stripped_use.append(x.lstrip("!-")) if stripped_use: missing_use_deps = defaultdict(set) for pkg in self.options.search_repo.match(atom.no_usedeps): @@ -868,12 +920,13 @@ class DependencyCheck(Check): try: deps = getattr(pkg, attr) except MetadataException as e: - cls = globals()[f'Invalid{attr.capitalize()}'] + cls = globals()[f"Invalid{attr.capitalize()}"] yield cls(attr, e.msg(), pkg=pkg) continue nodes, unstated = self.iuse_filter( - (atom_cls, boolean.OrRestriction), pkg, deps, attr=attr) + (atom_cls, boolean.OrRestriction), pkg, deps, attr=attr + ) yield from unstated for node in nodes: @@ -892,9 +945,10 @@ class DependencyCheck(Check): if all(self.deprecated(x.versioned_atom) for x in pkgs): deprecated[attr].add(atom) - if in_or_restriction and atom.slot_operator == '=': + if in_or_restriction and atom.slot_operator == "=": yield BadDependency( - attr, atom, '= slot operator used inside || block', pkg=pkg) + attr, atom, "= slot operator used inside || block", pkg=pkg + ) if pkg.eapi.options.has_use_dep_defaults and atom.use is not None: missing_use_deps = self._check_use_deps(attr, atom) @@ -902,22 +956,23 @@ class DependencyCheck(Check): pkgs = (x.cpvstr for x in sorted(atoms)) yield MissingUseDepDefault(attr, str(atom), use, pkgs, pkg=pkg) - if atom.op == '=' and not atom.revision: + if atom.op == "=" and not atom.revision: yield MissingPackageRevision(attr, str(atom), pkg=pkg) if atom.blocks: if atom.match(pkg): yield BadDependency(attr, atom, "package blocks itself", pkg=pkg) - elif atom.slot_operator == '=': + elif atom.slot_operator == "=": yield BadDependency( - attr, atom, '= slot operator used in blocker', pkg=pkg) + attr, atom, "= slot operator used in blocker", pkg=pkg + ) elif not atom.blocks_strongly: weak_blocks[attr].add(atom) - for attr in ('depend', 'bdepend'): - weak_blocks[attr].difference_update(weak_blocks['rdepend']) - weak_blocks['idepend'].difference_update(weak_blocks['rdepend'], weak_blocks['depend']) - for attr in ('depend', 'bdepend', 'idepend', 'pdepend'): + for attr in ("depend", "bdepend"): + weak_blocks[attr].difference_update(weak_blocks["rdepend"]) + weak_blocks["idepend"].difference_update(weak_blocks["rdepend"], weak_blocks["depend"]) + for attr in ("depend", "bdepend", "idepend", "pdepend"): for atom in weak_blocks[attr]: yield MisplacedWeakBlocker(attr, atom, pkg=pkg) @@ -941,7 +996,7 @@ class OutdatedBlocker(results.VersionResult, results.Info): def desc(self): return ( f'outdated blocker {self.attr}="{self.atom}": ' - f'last match removed {self.age} years ago' + f"last match removed {self.age} years ago" ) @@ -961,10 +1016,7 @@ class NonexistentBlocker(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return ( - f'nonexistent blocker {self.attr}="{self.atom}": ' - 'no matches in repo history' - ) + return f'nonexistent blocker {self.attr}="{self.atom}": ' "no matches in repo history" class OutdatedBlockersCheck(Check): @@ -985,7 +1037,7 @@ class OutdatedBlockersCheck(Check): for attr in sorted(x.lower() for x in pkg.eapi.dep_keys): blockers = (x for x in iflatten_instance(getattr(pkg, attr), atom_cls) if x.blocks) for atom in blockers: - if atom.op == '=*': + if atom.op == "=*": atom_str = f"={atom.cpvstr}*" else: atom_str = atom.op + atom.cpvstr @@ -1084,7 +1136,7 @@ class VirtualKeywordsUpdate(results.VersionResult, results.Info): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.keywords) - keywords = ', '.join(self.keywords) + keywords = ", ".join(self.keywords) return f"KEYWORDS update{s} available: {keywords}" @@ -1092,10 +1144,16 @@ class KeywordsCheck(Check): """Check package keywords for sanity; empty keywords, and -* are flagged.""" required_addons = (addons.UseAddon, addons.KeywordsAddon) - known_results = frozenset([ - BadKeywords, UnknownKeywords, OverlappingKeywords, DuplicateKeywords, - UnsortedKeywords, VirtualKeywordsUpdate, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + BadKeywords, + UnknownKeywords, + OverlappingKeywords, + DuplicateKeywords, + UnsortedKeywords, + VirtualKeywordsUpdate, + ] + ) def __init__(self, *args, use_addon, keywords_addon): super().__init__(*args) @@ -1103,7 +1161,7 @@ class KeywordsCheck(Check): self.keywords = keywords_addon def feed(self, pkg): - if pkg.keywords == ('-*',): + if pkg.keywords == ("-*",): yield BadKeywords(pkg) else: # check for unknown keywords @@ -1115,11 +1173,12 @@ class KeywordsCheck(Check): yield UnknownKeywords(sorted(unknown), pkg=pkg) # check for overlapping keywords - unstable = {x[1:] for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] == '~'} - stable = {x for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] != '~'} + unstable = {x[1:] for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] == "~"} + stable = {x for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] != "~"} if overlapping := unstable & stable: - keywords = ', '.join(map( - str, sorted(zip(overlapping, ('~' + x for x in overlapping))))) + keywords = ", ".join( + map(str, sorted(zip(overlapping, ("~" + x for x in overlapping)))) + ) yield OverlappingKeywords(keywords, pkg=pkg) # check for duplicate keywords @@ -1139,19 +1198,21 @@ class KeywordsCheck(Check): yield UnsortedKeywords(pkg.keywords, pkg=pkg) else: yield UnsortedKeywords( - pkg.keywords, sorted_keywords=pkg.sorted_keywords, pkg=pkg) + pkg.keywords, sorted_keywords=pkg.sorted_keywords, pkg=pkg + ) - if pkg.category == 'virtual': + if pkg.category == "virtual": dep_keywords = defaultdict(set) rdepend, _ = self.iuse_filter((atom_cls,), pkg, pkg.rdepend) for dep in set(rdepend): for p in self.options.search_repo.match(dep.no_usedeps): dep_keywords[dep].update( - x for x in p.keywords if x.lstrip('~') in self.keywords.arches) + x for x in p.keywords if x.lstrip("~") in self.keywords.arches + ) if dep_keywords: dep_keywords = set.intersection(*dep_keywords.values()) pkg_keywords = set(pkg.keywords) - pkg_keywords.update(f'~{x}' for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] != '~') + pkg_keywords.update(f"~{x}" for x in pkg.keywords if x[0] != "~") if keywords := dep_keywords - pkg_keywords: yield VirtualKeywordsUpdate(sort_keywords(keywords), pkg=pkg) @@ -1166,8 +1227,8 @@ class MissingUri(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.filenames) - filenames = ', '.join(map(repr, self.filenames)) - return f'unfetchable file{s}: {filenames}' + filenames = ", ".join(map(repr, self.filenames)) + return f"unfetchable file{s}: {filenames}" class UnknownMirror(results.VersionResult, results.Error): @@ -1180,7 +1241,7 @@ class UnknownMirror(results.VersionResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): - return f'unknown mirror {self.mirror!r} from URI {self.uri!r}' + return f"unknown mirror {self.mirror!r} from URI {self.uri!r}" class BadProtocol(results.VersionResult, results.Error): @@ -1197,8 +1258,8 @@ class BadProtocol(results.VersionResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.uris) - uris = ', '.join(map(repr, self.uris)) - return f'bad protocol {self.protocol!r} in URI{s}: {uris}' + uris = ", ".join(map(repr, self.uris)) + return f"bad protocol {self.protocol!r} in URI{s}: {uris}" class RedundantUriRename(results.VersionResult, results.Style): @@ -1226,8 +1287,8 @@ class BadFilename(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.filenames) - filenames = ', '.join(self.filenames) - return f'bad filename{s}: [ {filenames} ]' + filenames = ", ".join(self.filenames) + return f"bad filename{s}: [ {filenames} ]" class TarballAvailable(results.VersionResult, results.Style): @@ -1244,14 +1305,14 @@ class TarballAvailable(results.VersionResult, results.Style): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.uris) - uris = ' '.join(self.uris) - return f'zip archive{s} used when tarball available: [ {uris} ]' + uris = " ".join(self.uris) + return f"zip archive{s} used when tarball available: [ {uris} ]" class InvalidSrcUri(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult): """Package's SRC_URI is invalid.""" - attr = 'fetchables' + attr = "fetchables" class SrcUriCheck(Check): @@ -1262,19 +1323,28 @@ class SrcUriCheck(Check): """ required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,) - known_results = frozenset([ - BadFilename, BadProtocol, MissingUri, InvalidSrcUri, - RedundantUriRename, TarballAvailable, UnknownMirror, UnstatedIuse, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + BadFilename, + BadProtocol, + MissingUri, + InvalidSrcUri, + RedundantUriRename, + TarballAvailable, + UnknownMirror, + UnstatedIuse, + ] + ) valid_protos = frozenset(["http", "https", "ftp"]) def __init__(self, *args, use_addon): super().__init__(*args) - self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter('fetchables') + self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter("fetchables") self.zip_to_tar_re = re.compile( - r'https?://(github\.com/.*?/.*?/archive/.+\.zip|' - r'gitlab\.com/.*?/.*?/-/archive/.+\.zip)') + r"https?://(github\.com/.*?/.*?/archive/.+\.zip|" + r"gitlab\.com/.*?/.*?/-/archive/.+\.zip)" + ) def feed(self, pkg): lacks_uri = set() @@ -1283,13 +1353,17 @@ class SrcUriCheck(Check): bad_filenames = set() tarball_available = set() - report_uris = LogMap('pkgcore.log.logger.info', partial(RedundantUriRename, pkg)) + report_uris = LogMap("pkgcore.log.logger.info", partial(RedundantUriRename, pkg)) with LogReports(report_uris) as log_reports: fetchables, unstated = self.iuse_filter( - (fetchable,), pkg, + (fetchable,), + pkg, pkg.generate_fetchables( - allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True, - skip_default_mirrors=True)) + allow_missing_checksums=True, + ignore_unknown_mirrors=True, + skip_default_mirrors=True, + ), + ) yield from log_reports yield from unstated @@ -1300,7 +1374,8 @@ class SrcUriCheck(Check): mirrors = f_inst.uri.visit_mirrors(treat_default_as_mirror=False) unknown_mirrors = [ - (m, sub_uri) for m, sub_uri in mirrors if isinstance(m, unknown_mirror)] + (m, sub_uri) for m, sub_uri in mirrors if isinstance(m, unknown_mirror) + ] for mirror, sub_uri in unknown_mirrors: uri = f"{mirror}/{sub_uri}" yield UnknownMirror(mirror.mirror_name, uri, pkg=pkg) @@ -1311,12 +1386,12 @@ class SrcUriCheck(Check): PN = re.escape(pkg.PN) PV = re.escape(pkg.PV) exts = pkg.eapi.archive_exts_regex_pattern - bad_filenames_re = rf'^({PN}|v?{PV}|[0-9a-f]{{40}}){exts}$' + bad_filenames_re = rf"^({PN}|v?{PV}|[0-9a-f]{{40}}){exts}$" if re.match(bad_filenames_re, f_inst.filename): bad_filenames.add(f_inst.filename) restricts = set().union(*(x.vals for x in restrictions if not x.negate)) - if not f_inst.uri and 'fetch' not in pkg.restrict.evaluate_depset(restricts): + if not f_inst.uri and "fetch" not in pkg.restrict.evaluate_depset(restricts): lacks_uri.add(f_inst.filename) else: bad_protocols = defaultdict(set) @@ -1349,8 +1424,8 @@ class BadDescription(results.VersionResult, results.Style): @property def desc(self): - pkg_desc = f'DESCRIPTION="{self.pkg_desc}" ' if self.pkg_desc else '' - return f'{pkg_desc}{self.msg}' + pkg_desc = f'DESCRIPTION="{self.pkg_desc}" ' if self.pkg_desc else "" + return f"{pkg_desc}{self.msg}" class DescriptionCheck(Check): @@ -1403,31 +1478,33 @@ class HomepageCheck(Check): known_results = frozenset([BadHomepage]) # categories for ebuilds that should lack HOMEPAGE - missing_categories = frozenset(['virtual', 'acct-group', 'acct-user']) + missing_categories = frozenset(["virtual", "acct-group", "acct-user"]) # generic sites that shouldn't be used for HOMEPAGE - generic_sites = frozenset(['https://www.gentoo.org', 'https://gentoo.org']) + generic_sites = frozenset(["https://www.gentoo.org", "https://gentoo.org"]) def feed(self, pkg): if not pkg.homepage: if pkg.category not in self.missing_categories: - yield BadHomepage('HOMEPAGE empty/unset', pkg=pkg) + yield BadHomepage("HOMEPAGE empty/unset", pkg=pkg) else: if pkg.category in self.missing_categories: yield BadHomepage( - f'HOMEPAGE should be undefined for {pkg.category!r} packages', pkg=pkg) + f"HOMEPAGE should be undefined for {pkg.category!r} packages", pkg=pkg + ) else: for homepage in pkg.homepage: - if homepage.rstrip('/') in self.generic_sites: - yield BadHomepage(f'unspecific HOMEPAGE: {homepage}', pkg=pkg) + if homepage.rstrip("/") in self.generic_sites: + yield BadHomepage(f"unspecific HOMEPAGE: {homepage}", pkg=pkg) else: - i = homepage.find('://') + i = homepage.find("://") if i == -1: - yield BadHomepage(f'HOMEPAGE={homepage!r} lacks protocol', pkg=pkg) + yield BadHomepage(f"HOMEPAGE={homepage!r} lacks protocol", pkg=pkg) elif homepage[:i] not in SrcUriCheck.valid_protos: yield BadHomepage( - f'HOMEPAGE={homepage!r} uses unsupported ' - f'protocol {homepage[:i]!r}', - pkg=pkg) + f"HOMEPAGE={homepage!r} uses unsupported " + f"protocol {homepage[:i]!r}", + pkg=pkg, + ) class UnknownRestrict(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @@ -1439,7 +1516,7 @@ class UnknownRestrict(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - restricts = ' '.join(self.restricts) + restricts = " ".join(self.restricts) return f'unknown RESTRICT="{restricts}"' @@ -1452,20 +1529,20 @@ class UnknownProperties(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - properties = ' '.join(self.properties) + properties = " ".join(self.properties) return f'unknown PROPERTIES="{properties}"' class InvalidRestrict(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult): """Package's RESTRICT is invalid.""" - attr = 'restrict' + attr = "restrict" class InvalidProperties(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult): """Package's PROPERTIES is invalid.""" - attr = 'properties' + attr = "properties" class _RestrictPropertiesCheck(Check): @@ -1482,7 +1559,7 @@ class _RestrictPropertiesCheck(Check): # pull allowed values from a repo and its masters allowed = [] for repo in self.options.target_repo.trees: - allowed.extend(getattr(repo.config, f'{self._attr}_allowed')) + allowed.extend(getattr(repo.config, f"{self._attr}_allowed")) self.allowed = frozenset(allowed) def feed(self, pkg): @@ -1499,7 +1576,7 @@ class RestrictCheck(_RestrictPropertiesCheck): """RESTRICT related checks.""" known_results = frozenset([UnknownRestrict, UnstatedIuse, InvalidRestrict]) - _attr = 'restrict' + _attr = "restrict" _unknown_result_cls = UnknownRestrict @@ -1507,7 +1584,7 @@ class PropertiesCheck(_RestrictPropertiesCheck): """PROPERTIES related checks.""" known_results = frozenset([UnknownProperties, UnstatedIuse, InvalidProperties]) - _attr = 'properties' + _attr = "properties" _unknown_result_cls = UnknownProperties @@ -1536,15 +1613,16 @@ class RestrictTestCheck(Check): super().__init__(*args) # create "!test? ( test )" conditional to match restrictions against self.test_restrict = packages.Conditional( - 'use', values.ContainmentMatch2('test', negate=True), ['test']) + "use", values.ContainmentMatch2("test", negate=True), ["test"] + ) def feed(self, pkg): - if 'test' not in pkg.iuse: + if "test" not in pkg.iuse: return # conditional is unnecessary if it already exists or is in unconditional form for r in pkg.restrict: - if r in ('test', self.test_restrict): + if r in ("test", self.test_restrict): return yield MissingTestRestrict(pkg=pkg) @@ -1567,7 +1645,7 @@ class MissingUnpackerDep(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): def desc(self): # determine proper dep type from pkg EAPI eapi_obj = get_eapi(self.eapi) - dep_type = 'BDEPEND' if 'BDEPEND' in eapi_obj.metadata_keys else 'DEPEND' + dep_type = "BDEPEND" if "BDEPEND" in eapi_obj.metadata_keys else "DEPEND" if len(self.unpackers) == 1: dep = self.unpackers[0] @@ -1575,7 +1653,7 @@ class MissingUnpackerDep(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): dep = f"|| ( {' '.join(self.unpackers)} )" s = pluralism(self.filenames) - filenames = ', '.join(self.filenames) + filenames = ", ".join(self.filenames) return f'missing {dep_type}="{dep}" for SRC_URI archive{s}: [ {filenames} ]' @@ -1585,26 +1663,30 @@ class MissingUnpackerDepCheck(Check): known_results = frozenset([MissingUnpackerDep]) required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,) - non_system_unpackers = ImmutableDict({ - '.zip': frozenset(['app-arch/unzip']), - '.7z': frozenset(['app-arch/p7zip']), - '.rar': frozenset(['app-arch/rar', 'app-arch/unrar']), - '.lha': frozenset(['app-arch/lha']), - '.lzh': frozenset(['app-arch/lha']), - }) + non_system_unpackers = ImmutableDict( + { + ".zip": frozenset(["app-arch/unzip"]), + ".7z": frozenset(["app-arch/p7zip"]), + ".rar": frozenset(["app-arch/rar", "app-arch/unrar"]), + ".lha": frozenset(["app-arch/lha"]), + ".lzh": frozenset(["app-arch/lha"]), + } + ) def __init__(self, *args, use_addon): super().__init__(*args) self.dep_filter = use_addon.get_filter() - self.fetch_filter = use_addon.get_filter('fetchables') + self.fetch_filter = use_addon.get_filter("fetchables") def feed(self, pkg): # ignore conditionals fetchables, _ = self.fetch_filter( - (fetchable,), pkg, + (fetchable,), + pkg, pkg.generate_fetchables( - allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True, - skip_default_mirrors=True)) + allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True, skip_default_mirrors=True + ), + ) missing_unpackers = defaultdict(set) @@ -1616,7 +1698,7 @@ class MissingUnpackerDepCheck(Check): # toss all the potentially missing unpackers that properly include deps if missing_unpackers: - for dep_type in ('bdepend', 'depend'): + for dep_type in ("bdepend", "depend"): deps, _ = self.dep_filter((atom_cls,), pkg, getattr(pkg, dep_type)) deps = {x.key for x in deps} for unpackers in list(missing_unpackers.keys()): @@ -1624,8 +1706,7 @@ class MissingUnpackerDepCheck(Check): missing_unpackers.pop(unpackers, None) for unpackers, filenames in missing_unpackers.items(): - yield MissingUnpackerDep( - str(pkg.eapi), sorted(filenames), sorted(unpackers), pkg=pkg) + yield MissingUnpackerDep(str(pkg.eapi), sorted(filenames), sorted(unpackers), pkg=pkg) class VirtualWithSingleProvider(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @@ -1644,32 +1725,31 @@ class VirtualWithSingleProvider(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'virtual package with a single provider: {self.provider}' + return f"virtual package with a single provider: {self.provider}" class VirtualWithBdepend(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): """Virtual package with a BDEPEND defined.""" - desc = 'virtual package with a BDEPEND defined' + desc = "virtual package with a BDEPEND defined" class VirtualWithDepend(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): """Virtual package with a BDEPEND defined.""" - desc = 'virtual package with a DEPEND defined' + desc = "virtual package with a DEPEND defined" class VirtualProvidersCheck(Check): """Check providers of virtual packages.""" - _restricted_source = (sources.RestrictionRepoSource, (restricts.CategoryDep('virtual'), )) - _source = (sources.PackageRepoSource, (), (('source', _restricted_source),)) - known_results = frozenset([VirtualWithSingleProvider, - VirtualWithBdepend, VirtualWithDepend]) + _restricted_source = (sources.RestrictionRepoSource, (restricts.CategoryDep("virtual"),)) + _source = (sources.PackageRepoSource, (), (("source", _restricted_source),)) + known_results = frozenset([VirtualWithSingleProvider, VirtualWithBdepend, VirtualWithDepend]) useless_depends = ( - ('depend', VirtualWithDepend), - ('bdepend', VirtualWithBdepend), + ("depend", VirtualWithDepend), + ("bdepend", VirtualWithBdepend), ) def __init__(self, options, **kwargs): @@ -1678,10 +1758,13 @@ class VirtualProvidersCheck(Check): self.deprecated = self.options.target_repo.deprecated def pkg_has_conditional_exception(self, pkgs): - return any(use.startswith(('elibc', 'kernel')) + return any( + use.startswith(("elibc", "kernel")) for pkg in pkgs for dep in iflatten_instance(pkg.rdepend, (atom_cls, packages.Conditional)) - if isinstance(dep, packages.Conditional) and dep.attr == 'use' and isinstance(dep.restriction, values.ContainmentMatch) + if isinstance(dep, packages.Conditional) + and dep.attr == "use" + and isinstance(dep.restriction, values.ContainmentMatch) for use in dep.restriction.vals ) @@ -1692,15 +1775,10 @@ class VirtualProvidersCheck(Check): yield cls(pkg=pkg) if not any(self.deprecated.match(pkg) for pkg in pkgs): - pkgs_rdepends = tuple( - tuple(iflatten_instance(pkg.rdepend, atom_cls)) - for pkg in pkgs - ) + pkgs_rdepends = tuple(tuple(iflatten_instance(pkg.rdepend, atom_cls)) for pkg in pkgs) if max(map(len, pkgs_rdepends)) == 1: unversioned_rdepends = { - deps[0].unversioned_atom - for deps in pkgs_rdepends - if len(deps) == 1 + deps[0].unversioned_atom for deps in pkgs_rdepends if len(deps) == 1 } if len(unversioned_rdepends) == 1 and not self.pkg_has_conditional_exception(pkgs): yield VirtualWithSingleProvider(unversioned_rdepends.pop(), pkg=pkgs[0]) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/metadata_xml.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/metadata_xml.py index 2182585b..0fcc31ac 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/metadata_xml.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/metadata_xml.py @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class _MissingXml(results.Error): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self._attr} is missing {self.filename}' + return f"{self._attr} is missing {self.filename}" class _BadlyFormedXml(results.Warning): @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class _BadlyFormedXml(results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self._attr} {self.filename} is not well formed xml: {self.error}' + return f"{self._attr} {self.filename} is not well formed xml: {self.error}" class _InvalidXml(results.Error): @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class _InvalidXml(results.Error): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self._attr} {self.filename} violates metadata.xsd:\n{self.message}' + return f"{self._attr} {self.filename} violates metadata.xsd:\n{self.message}" class _MetadataXmlInvalidPkgRef(results.Error): @@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ class _MetadataXmlInvalidPkgRef(results.Error): @property def desc(self): return ( - f'{self._attr} {self.filename} <pkg/> ' - f'references unknown/invalid package: {self.pkgtext!r}' + f"{self._attr} {self.filename} <pkg/> " + f"references unknown/invalid package: {self.pkgtext!r}" ) @@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ class _MetadataXmlInvalidCatRef(results.Error): @property def desc(self): return ( - f'{self._attr} {self.filename} <cat/> references ' - f'unknown/invalid category: {self.cattext!r}' + f"{self._attr} {self.filename} <cat/> references " + f"unknown/invalid category: {self.cattext!r}" ) @@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ class MaintainerNeeded(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): if not self.needed: - return f'{self.filename}: missing maintainer-needed comment' - return f'{self.filename}: invalid maintainer-needed comment' + return f"{self.filename}: missing maintainer-needed comment" + return f"{self.filename}: invalid maintainer-needed comment" class MaintainerWithoutProxy(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ class MaintainerWithoutProxy(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.maintainers) - maintainers = ', '.join(self.maintainers) - return f'{self.filename}: proxied maintainer{s} missing proxy dev/project: {maintainers}' + maintainers = ", ".join(self.maintainers) + return f"{self.filename}: proxied maintainer{s} missing proxy dev/project: {maintainers}" class ProxyWithoutProxied(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class ProxyWithoutProxied(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.filename}: proxy with no proxied maintainer' + return f"{self.filename}: proxy with no proxied maintainer" class NonexistentProjectMaintainer(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ class NonexistentProjectMaintainer(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.emails) - emails = ', '.join(self.emails) - return f'{self.filename}: nonexistent project maintainer{s}: {emails}' + emails = ", ".join(self.emails) + return f"{self.filename}: nonexistent project maintainer{s}: {emails}" class WrongMaintainerType(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class WrongMaintainerType(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.emails) - emails = ', '.join(self.emails) + emails = ", ".join(self.emails) return f'{self.filename}: project maintainer{s} with type="person": {emails}' @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class _MetadataXmlIndentation(results.BaseLinesResult, results.Style): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.filename}: metadata.xml has inconsistent indentation {self.lines_str}' + return f"{self.filename}: metadata.xml has inconsistent indentation {self.lines_str}" class CatMetadataXmlIndentation(_MetadataXmlIndentation, results.CategoryResult): @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ class _MetadataXmlEmptyElement(results.Style): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.filename}: empty element {self.element!r} on line {self.line}' + return f"{self.filename}: empty element {self.element!r} on line {self.line}" class CatMetadataXmlEmptyElement(_MetadataXmlEmptyElement, results.CategoryResult): @@ -288,8 +288,10 @@ class InvalidRemoteID(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return (f"remote-id value {self.id_value!r} invalid for " - f"type={self.id_type!r}, expected: {self.expected!r}") + return ( + f"remote-id value {self.id_value!r} invalid for " + f"type={self.id_type!r}, expected: {self.expected!r}" + ) class _XmlBaseCheck(Check): @@ -306,13 +308,12 @@ class _XmlBaseCheck(Check): self.repo_base = self.options.target_repo.location self.pkgref_cache = {} # content validation checks to run after parsing XML doc - self._checks = tuple( - getattr(self, x) for x in dir(self) if x.startswith('_check_')) + self._checks = tuple(getattr(self, x) for x in dir(self) if x.startswith("_check_")) # Prefer xsd file from the target repository or its masters, falling # back to the file installed with pkgcore. for repo in reversed(self.options.target_repo.trees): - metadata_xsd = pjoin(repo.location, 'metadata', 'xml-schema', 'metadata.xsd') + metadata_xsd = pjoin(repo.location, "metadata", "xml-schema", "metadata.xsd") if os.path.isfile(metadata_xsd): try: self.schema = etree.XMLSchema(etree.parse(metadata_xsd)) @@ -321,7 +322,7 @@ class _XmlBaseCheck(Check): # ignore invalid xsd files pass else: - metadata_xsd = pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, 'xml-schema', 'metadata.xsd') + metadata_xsd = pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, "xml-schema", "metadata.xsd") self.schema = etree.XMLSchema(etree.parse(metadata_xsd)) def _check_doc(self, pkg, loc, doc): @@ -330,16 +331,19 @@ class _XmlBaseCheck(Check): # 'stabilize-allarches' which is allowed to be empty and 'flag' which # is caught by MissingLocalUseDesc. for el in doc.getroot().iterdescendants(): - if (not el.getchildren() and (el.text is None or not el.text.strip()) - and el.tag not in ('flag', 'stabilize-allarches')): + if ( + not el.getchildren() + and (el.text is None or not el.text.strip()) + and el.tag not in ("flag", "stabilize-allarches") + ): yield self.empty_element(os.path.basename(loc), el.tag, el.sourceline, pkg=pkg) - for el in doc.findall('.//cat'): + for el in doc.findall(".//cat"): c = el.text.strip() if c not in self.options.search_repo.categories: yield self.catref_error(os.path.basename(loc), c, pkg=pkg) - for el in doc.findall('.//pkg'): + for el in doc.findall(".//pkg"): p = el.text.strip() if p not in self.pkgref_cache: try: @@ -358,7 +362,7 @@ class _XmlBaseCheck(Check): indents = set() with open(loc) as f: for lineno, line in enumerate(f, 1): - for i in line[:-len(line.lstrip())]: + for i in line[: -len(line.lstrip())]: if i != orig_indent: if orig_indent is None: orig_indent = i @@ -370,7 +374,7 @@ class _XmlBaseCheck(Check): @staticmethod def _format_lxml_errors(error_log): for x in error_log: - yield f'line {x.line}, col {x.column}: ({x.type_name}) {x.message}' + yield f"line {x.line}, col {x.column}: ({x.type_name}) {x.message}" def _parse_xml(self, pkg, loc): try: @@ -387,7 +391,7 @@ class _XmlBaseCheck(Check): # note: while doc is available, do not pass it here as it may # trigger undefined behavior due to incorrect structure if self.schema is not None and not self.schema.validate(doc): - message = '\n'.join(self._format_lxml_errors(self.schema.error_log)) + message = "\n".join(self._format_lxml_errors(self.schema.error_log)) yield self.invalid_error(os.path.basename(loc), message, pkg=pkg) return @@ -413,64 +417,74 @@ class PackageMetadataXmlCheck(_XmlBaseCheck): indent_error = PkgMetadataXmlIndentation empty_element = PkgMetadataXmlEmptyElement - known_results = frozenset([ - PkgBadlyFormedXml, PkgInvalidXml, PkgMissingMetadataXml, - PkgMetadataXmlInvalidPkgRef, PkgMetadataXmlInvalidCatRef, - PkgMetadataXmlIndentation, PkgMetadataXmlEmptyElement, MaintainerNeeded, - MaintainerWithoutProxy, ProxyWithoutProxied, RedundantLongDescription, - NonexistentProjectMaintainer, WrongMaintainerType, InvalidRemoteID, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + PkgBadlyFormedXml, + PkgInvalidXml, + PkgMissingMetadataXml, + PkgMetadataXmlInvalidPkgRef, + PkgMetadataXmlInvalidCatRef, + PkgMetadataXmlIndentation, + PkgMetadataXmlEmptyElement, + MaintainerNeeded, + MaintainerWithoutProxy, + ProxyWithoutProxied, + RedundantLongDescription, + NonexistentProjectMaintainer, + WrongMaintainerType, + InvalidRemoteID, + ] + ) - _one_component_validator_re = re.compile(r'^[^/]+$') - _two_components_validator_re = re.compile(r'^[^/]+/[^/]+$') - _gitlab_validator_re = re.compile(r'^([^/]+/)*[^/]+/[^/]+$') + _one_component_validator_re = re.compile(r"^[^/]+$") + _two_components_validator_re = re.compile(r"^[^/]+/[^/]+$") + _gitlab_validator_re = re.compile(r"^([^/]+/)*[^/]+/[^/]+$") remote_id_validators = { # {name}-style remotes - 'cpan': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'), - 'cpan-module': (_one_component_validator_re, '{module}'), - 'cran': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'), - 'ctan': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'), - 'google-code': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'), - 'osdn': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'), - 'pear': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'), - 'pecl': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'), - 'pypi': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'), - 'rubygems': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'), - 'sourceforge': (_one_component_validator_re, '{project}'), + "cpan": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"), + "cpan-module": (_one_component_validator_re, "{module}"), + "cran": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"), + "ctan": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"), + "google-code": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"), + "osdn": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"), + "pear": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"), + "pecl": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"), + "pypi": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"), + "rubygems": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"), + "sourceforge": (_one_component_validator_re, "{project}"), # {name} with a special check for lp: prefix - 'launchpad': (re.compile(r'^(?!lp:)[^/]+$'), '{project}'), + "launchpad": (re.compile(r"^(?!lp:)[^/]+$"), "{project}"), # {owner}/{name}-style remotes - 'bitbucket': (_two_components_validator_re, '{username}/{project}'), - 'github': (_two_components_validator_re, '{username}/{project}'), + "bitbucket": (_two_components_validator_re, "{username}/{project}"), + "github": (_two_components_validator_re, "{username}/{project}"), # gitlab (2+ components) - 'gitlab': (_gitlab_validator_re, '{username}/[{group}/...]{repo}'), - 'heptapod': (_gitlab_validator_re, '{username}/[{group}/...]{repo}'), + "gitlab": (_gitlab_validator_re, "{username}/[{group}/...]{repo}"), + "heptapod": (_gitlab_validator_re, "{username}/[{group}/...]{repo}"), # cpe - 'cpe': (re.compile(r'^cpe:/[aho]:[^:]+:[^:]+$'), - 'cpe:/[aho]:{vendor}:{product}'), + "cpe": (re.compile(r"^cpe:/[aho]:[^:]+:[^:]+$"), "cpe:/[aho]:{vendor}:{product}"), # 1+ component + no ".git" suffix - 'gentoo': (re.compile(r'^([^/]+/)*[^/]+(?<!\.git)$'), - '[{group}/...]{repo}'), + "gentoo": (re.compile(r"^([^/]+/)*[^/]+(?<!\.git)$"), "[{group}/...]{repo}"), # a positive decimal number - 'vim': (re.compile(r'^[1-9]\d*$'), '{script_id}'), + "vim": (re.compile(r"^[1-9]\d*$"), "{script_id}"), } @staticmethod def _maintainer_proxied_key(m): if m.proxied is not None: return m.proxied - if m.email == 'proxy-maint@gentoo.org': - return 'proxy' - if m.email.endswith('@gentoo.org'): - return 'no' - return 'yes' + if m.email == "proxy-maint@gentoo.org": + return "proxy" + if m.email.endswith("@gentoo.org"): + return "no" + return "yes" def _check_maintainers(self, pkg, loc, doc): """Validate maintainers in package metadata for the gentoo repo.""" if self.options.gentoo_repo: maintainer_needed = any( - c.text.strip() == 'maintainer-needed' for c in doc.xpath('//comment()')) + c.text.strip() == "maintainer-needed" for c in doc.xpath("//comment()") + ) if pkg.maintainers: # check for invalid maintainer-needed comment if maintainer_needed: @@ -478,15 +492,14 @@ class PackageMetadataXmlCheck(_XmlBaseCheck): # determine proxy maintainer status proxied, devs, proxies = [], [], [] - proxy_map = {'yes': proxied, 'no': devs, 'proxy': proxies} + proxy_map = {"yes": proxied, "no": devs, "proxy": proxies} for m in pkg.maintainers: proxy_map[self._maintainer_proxied_key(m)].append(m) # check proxy maintainers if not devs and not proxies: maintainers = sorted(map(str, pkg.maintainers)) - yield MaintainerWithoutProxy( - os.path.basename(loc), maintainers, pkg=pkg) + yield MaintainerWithoutProxy(os.path.basename(loc), maintainers, pkg=pkg) elif not proxied and proxies: yield ProxyWithoutProxied(os.path.basename(loc), pkg=pkg) elif not maintainer_needed: @@ -498,25 +511,27 @@ class PackageMetadataXmlCheck(_XmlBaseCheck): nonexistent = [] wrong_maintainers = [] for m in pkg.maintainers: - if m.maint_type == 'project' and m.email not in projects: + if m.maint_type == "project" and m.email not in projects: nonexistent.append(m.email) - elif m.maint_type == 'person' and m.email in projects: + elif m.maint_type == "person" and m.email in projects: wrong_maintainers.append(m.email) if nonexistent: yield NonexistentProjectMaintainer( - os.path.basename(loc), sorted(nonexistent), pkg=pkg) + os.path.basename(loc), sorted(nonexistent), pkg=pkg + ) if wrong_maintainers: yield WrongMaintainerType( - os.path.basename(loc), sorted(wrong_maintainers), pkg=pkg) + os.path.basename(loc), sorted(wrong_maintainers), pkg=pkg + ) def _check_longdescription(self, pkg, loc, doc): if pkg.longdescription is not None: match_ratio = SequenceMatcher(None, pkg.description, pkg.longdescription).ratio() if match_ratio > 0.75: - msg = 'metadata.xml longdescription closely matches DESCRIPTION' + msg = "metadata.xml longdescription closely matches DESCRIPTION" yield RedundantLongDescription(msg, pkg=pkg) elif len(pkg.longdescription) < 100: - msg = 'metadata.xml longdescription is too short' + msg = "metadata.xml longdescription is too short" yield RedundantLongDescription(msg, pkg=pkg) def _check_remote_id(self, pkg, loc, doc): @@ -533,13 +548,13 @@ class PackageMetadataXmlCheck(_XmlBaseCheck): def _get_xml_location(self, pkg): """Return the metadata.xml location for a given package.""" - return pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.ebuild.path), 'metadata.xml') + return pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.ebuild.path), "metadata.xml") class CategoryMetadataXmlCheck(_XmlBaseCheck): """Category level metadata.xml scans.""" - _source = (sources.CategoryRepoSource, (), (('source', sources.RawRepoSource),)) + _source = (sources.CategoryRepoSource, (), (("source", sources.RawRepoSource),)) misformed_error = CatBadlyFormedXml invalid_error = CatInvalidXml missing_error = CatMissingMetadataXml @@ -548,15 +563,21 @@ class CategoryMetadataXmlCheck(_XmlBaseCheck): indent_error = CatMetadataXmlIndentation empty_element = CatMetadataXmlEmptyElement - known_results = frozenset([ - CatBadlyFormedXml, CatInvalidXml, CatMissingMetadataXml, - CatMetadataXmlInvalidPkgRef, CatMetadataXmlInvalidCatRef, - CatMetadataXmlIndentation, CatMetadataXmlEmptyElement, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + CatBadlyFormedXml, + CatInvalidXml, + CatMissingMetadataXml, + CatMetadataXmlInvalidPkgRef, + CatMetadataXmlInvalidCatRef, + CatMetadataXmlIndentation, + CatMetadataXmlEmptyElement, + ] + ) def _get_xml_location(self, pkg): """Return the metadata.xml location for a given package's category.""" - return pjoin(self.repo_base, pkg.category, 'metadata.xml') + return pjoin(self.repo_base, pkg.category, "metadata.xml") class MissingRemoteId(results.PackageResult, results.Info): @@ -577,8 +598,10 @@ class MissingRemoteId(results.PackageResult, results.Info): @property def desc(self): - return (f'missing <remote-id type="{self.remote_type}">' - f'{self.value}</remote-id> (inferred from URI {self.uri!r})') + return ( + f'missing <remote-id type="{self.remote_type}">' + f"{self.value}</remote-id> (inferred from URI {self.uri!r})" + ) class MissingRemoteIdCheck(Check): @@ -587,37 +610,47 @@ class MissingRemoteIdCheck(Check): _source = sources.PackageRepoSource known_results = frozenset([MissingRemoteId]) - _gitlab_match = r'(?P<value>(\w[^/]*/)*\w[^/]*/\w[^/]*)' + _gitlab_match = r"(?P<value>(\w[^/]*/)*\w[^/]*/\w[^/]*)" remotes_map = ( - ('bitbucket', r'https://bitbucket.org/(?P<value>[^/]+/[^/]+)'), - ('freedesktop-gitlab', rf'https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/{_gitlab_match}'), - ('github', r'https://github.com/(?P<value>[^/]+/[^/]+)'), - ('gitlab', rf'https://gitlab.com/{_gitlab_match}'), - ('gnome-gitlab', rf'https://gitlab.gnome.org/{_gitlab_match}'), - ('heptapod', rf'https://foss.heptapod.net/{_gitlab_match}'), - ('launchpad', r'https://launchpad.net/(?P<value>[^/]+)'), - ('pypi', r'https://pypi.org/project/(?P<value>[^/]+)'), - ('pypi', r'https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/\S/(?P<value>[^/]+)'), - ('savannah', r'https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/(?P<value>[^/]+)'), - ('savannah-nongnu', r'https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/(?P<value>[^/]+)'), - ('sourceforge', r'https://downloads.sourceforge.(net|io)/(?:project/)?(?P<value>[^/]+)'), - ('sourceforge', r'https://sourceforge.(net|io)/projects/(?P<value>[^/]+)'), - ('sourceforge', r'https://(?P<value>[^/]+).sourceforge.(net|io)/'), - ('sourcehut', r'https://sr.ht/(?P<value>[^/]+/[^/]+)'), + ("bitbucket", r"https://bitbucket.org/(?P<value>[^/]+/[^/]+)"), + ("freedesktop-gitlab", rf"https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/{_gitlab_match}"), + ("github", r"https://github.com/(?P<value>[^/]+/[^/]+)"), + ("gitlab", rf"https://gitlab.com/{_gitlab_match}"), + ("gnome-gitlab", rf"https://gitlab.gnome.org/{_gitlab_match}"), + ("heptapod", rf"https://foss.heptapod.net/{_gitlab_match}"), + ("launchpad", r"https://launchpad.net/(?P<value>[^/]+)"), + ("pypi", r"https://pypi.org/project/(?P<value>[^/]+)"), + ("pypi", r"https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/\S/(?P<value>[^/]+)"), + ("savannah", r"https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/(?P<value>[^/]+)"), + ("savannah-nongnu", r"https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/(?P<value>[^/]+)"), + ("sourceforge", r"https://downloads.sourceforge.(net|io)/(?:project/)?(?P<value>[^/]+)"), + ("sourceforge", r"https://sourceforge.(net|io)/projects/(?P<value>[^/]+)"), + ("sourceforge", r"https://(?P<value>[^/]+).sourceforge.(net|io)/"), + ("sourcehut", r"https://sr.ht/(?P<value>[^/]+/[^/]+)"), ) def __init__(self, options, **kwargs): super().__init__(options, **kwargs) - self.remotes_map = tuple((remote_type, re.compile(regex)) for remote_type, regex in self.remotes_map) + self.remotes_map = tuple( + (remote_type, re.compile(regex)) for remote_type, regex in self.remotes_map + ) def feed(self, pkgset): remotes = {u.type: (None, None) for u in pkgset[0].upstreams} for pkg in sorted(pkgset, reverse=True): - fetchables = iflatten_instance(pkg.generate_fetchables(allow_missing_checksums=True, - ignore_unknown_mirrors=True, skip_default_mirrors=True), (fetchable, Conditional)) - all_urls = set(chain.from_iterable(f.uri for f in fetchables if isinstance(f, fetchable))) - urls = {url for url in all_urls if not url.endswith(('.patch', '.diff'))} + fetchables = iflatten_instance( + pkg.generate_fetchables( + allow_missing_checksums=True, + ignore_unknown_mirrors=True, + skip_default_mirrors=True, + ), + (fetchable, Conditional), + ) + all_urls = set( + chain.from_iterable(f.uri for f in fetchables if isinstance(f, fetchable)) + ) + urls = {url for url in all_urls if not url.endswith((".patch", ".diff"))} urls = sorted(urls.union(pkg.homepage), key=len) for remote_type, regex in self.remotes_map: @@ -625,7 +658,7 @@ class MissingRemoteIdCheck(Check): continue for url in urls: if mo := regex.match(url): - remotes[remote_type] = (mo.group('value'), url) + remotes[remote_type] = (mo.group("value"), url) break for remote_type, (value, url) in remotes.items(): diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/network.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/network.py index cad8e536..f51796e2 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/network.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/network.py @@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ class _UrlResult(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): if self.url in self.message: - return f'{self.attr}: {self.message}' - return f'{self.attr}: {self.message}: {self.url}' + return f"{self.attr}: {self.message}" + return f"{self.attr}: {self.message}: {self.url}" class DeadUrl(_UrlResult): @@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ class SSLCertificateError(_UrlResult): @property def desc(self): if self.url in self.message: - return f'{self.attr}: SSL cert error: {self.message}' - return f'{self.attr}: SSL cert error: {self.message}: {self.url}' + return f"{self.attr}: SSL cert error: {self.message}" + return f"{self.attr}: SSL cert error: {self.message}: {self.url}" class _UpdatedUrlResult(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @@ -58,20 +58,20 @@ class _UpdatedUrlResult(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): msg = [self.attr] if self.message is not None: msg.append(self.message) - msg.append(f'{self.url} -> {self.new_url}') - return ': '.join(msg) + msg.append(f"{self.url} -> {self.new_url}") + return ": ".join(msg) class RedirectedUrl(_UpdatedUrlResult): """Package with a URL that permanently redirects to a different site.""" - message = 'permanently redirected' + message = "permanently redirected" class HttpsUrlAvailable(_UpdatedUrlResult): """URL uses http:// when https:// is available.""" - message = 'HTTPS url available' + message = "HTTPS url available" class _RequestException(Exception): @@ -100,9 +100,14 @@ class _UrlCheck(NetworkCheck): _source = sources.LatestVersionRepoSource - known_results = frozenset([ - DeadUrl, RedirectedUrl, HttpsUrlAvailable, SSLCertificateError, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + DeadUrl, + RedirectedUrl, + HttpsUrlAvailable, + SSLCertificateError, + ] + ) def _http_check(self, attr, url, *, pkg): """Verify http:// and https:// URLs.""" @@ -113,14 +118,14 @@ class _UrlCheck(NetworkCheck): for response in r.history: if not response.is_permanent_redirect: break - redirected_url = response.headers['location'] - hsts = 'strict-transport-security' in response.headers + redirected_url = response.headers["location"] + hsts = "strict-transport-security" in response.headers if redirected_url: - if redirected_url.startswith('https://') and url.startswith('http://'): + if redirected_url.startswith("https://") and url.startswith("http://"): result = HttpsUrlAvailable(attr, url, redirected_url, pkg=pkg) - elif redirected_url.startswith('http://') and hsts: - redirected_url = f'https://{redirected_url[7:]}' + elif redirected_url.startswith("http://") and hsts: + redirected_url = f"https://{redirected_url[7:]}" result = RedirectedUrl(attr, url, redirected_url, pkg=pkg) else: result = RedirectedUrl(attr, url, redirected_url, pkg=pkg) @@ -139,16 +144,16 @@ class _UrlCheck(NetworkCheck): for response in r.history: if not response.is_permanent_redirect: break - redirected_url = response.headers['location'] - hsts = 'strict-transport-security' in response.headers + redirected_url = response.headers["location"] + hsts = "strict-transport-security" in response.headers # skip result if http:// URL check was redirected to https:// if not isinstance(future.result(), HttpsUrlAvailable): if redirected_url: - if redirected_url.startswith('https://'): + if redirected_url.startswith("https://"): result = HttpsUrlAvailable(attr, orig_url, redirected_url, pkg=pkg) - elif redirected_url.startswith('http://') and hsts: - redirected_url = f'https://{redirected_url[7:]}' + elif redirected_url.startswith("http://") and hsts: + redirected_url = f"https://{redirected_url[7:]}" result = HttpsUrlAvailable(attr, orig_url, redirected_url, pkg=pkg) else: result = HttpsUrlAvailable(attr, orig_url, url, pkg=pkg) @@ -182,7 +187,7 @@ class _UrlCheck(NetworkCheck): if pkg is not None: # recreate result object with different pkg target and attr attrs = result._attrs.copy() - attrs['attr'] = attr + attrs["attr"] = attr result = result._create(**attrs, pkg=pkg) self.results_q.put([result]) @@ -203,29 +208,36 @@ class _UrlCheck(NetworkCheck): future.add_done_callback(partial(self.task_done, None, None)) futures[url] = future else: - future.add_done_callback(partial(self.task_done, kwargs['pkg'], attr)) + future.add_done_callback(partial(self.task_done, kwargs["pkg"], attr)) def schedule(self, pkg, executor, futures): """Schedule verification methods to run in separate threads for all flagged URLs.""" http_urls = [] for attr, url in self._get_urls(pkg): - if url.startswith('ftp://'): - self._schedule_check( - self._ftp_check, attr, url, executor, futures, pkg=pkg) - elif url.startswith(('https://', 'http://')): - self._schedule_check( - self._http_check, attr, url, executor, futures, pkg=pkg) + if url.startswith("ftp://"): + self._schedule_check(self._ftp_check, attr, url, executor, futures, pkg=pkg) + elif url.startswith(("https://", "http://")): + self._schedule_check(self._http_check, attr, url, executor, futures, pkg=pkg) http_urls.append((attr, url)) http_urls = tuple(http_urls) http_to_https_urls = ( - (attr, url, f'https://{url[7:]}') for (attr, url) in http_urls - if url.startswith('http://')) + (attr, url, f"https://{url[7:]}") + for (attr, url) in http_urls + if url.startswith("http://") + ) for attr, orig_url, url in http_to_https_urls: future = futures[orig_url] self._schedule_check( - self._https_available_check, attr, url, executor, futures, - future=future, orig_url=orig_url, pkg=pkg) + self._https_available_check, + attr, + url, + executor, + futures, + future=future, + orig_url=orig_url, + pkg=pkg, + ) class HomepageUrlCheck(_UrlCheck): @@ -233,7 +245,7 @@ class HomepageUrlCheck(_UrlCheck): def _get_urls(self, pkg): for url in pkg.homepage: - yield 'HOMEPAGE', url + yield "HOMEPAGE", url class FetchablesUrlCheck(_UrlCheck): @@ -243,18 +255,20 @@ class FetchablesUrlCheck(_UrlCheck): def __init__(self, *args, use_addon, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) - self.fetch_filter = use_addon.get_filter('fetchables') + self.fetch_filter = use_addon.get_filter("fetchables") def _get_urls(self, pkg): # ignore conditionals fetchables, _ = self.fetch_filter( - (fetchable,), pkg, + (fetchable,), + pkg, pkg.generate_fetchables( - allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True, - skip_default_mirrors=True)) + allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True, skip_default_mirrors=True + ), + ) for f in fetchables.keys(): for url in f.uri: - yield 'SRC_URI', url + yield "SRC_URI", url class MetadataUrlCheck(_UrlCheck): @@ -264,31 +278,31 @@ class MetadataUrlCheck(_UrlCheck): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) - self.protocols = ('http://', 'https://', 'ftp://') + self.protocols = ("http://", "https://", "ftp://") self.remote_map = { - 'bitbucket': 'https://bitbucket.org/{project}', - 'cpan': 'https://metacpan.org/dist/{project}', + "bitbucket": "https://bitbucket.org/{project}", + "cpan": "https://metacpan.org/dist/{project}", # some packages include a lot of modules, and scanning them # DoS-es metacpan # 'cpan-module': 'https://metacpan.org/pod/{project}', - 'cran': 'https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/{project}/', - 'ctan': 'https://ctan.org/pkg/{project}', - 'freedesktop-gitlab': 'https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/{project}.git/', - 'gentoo': 'https://gitweb.gentoo.org/{project}.git/', - 'github': 'https://github.com/{project}', - 'gitlab': 'https://gitlab.com/{project}', - 'gnome-gitlab': 'https://gitlab.gnome.org/{project}.git/', - 'hackage': 'https://hackage.haskell.org/package/{project}', - 'launchpad': 'https://launchpad.net/{project}', - 'osdn': 'https://osdn.net/projects/{project}/', - 'pecl': 'https://pecl.php.net/package/{project}', - 'pypi': 'https://pypi.org/project/{project}/', - 'rubygems': 'https://rubygems.org/gems/{project}', - 'savannah': 'https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/{project}', - 'savannah-nongnu': 'https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/{project}', - 'sourceforge': 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/{project}/', - 'sourcehut': 'https://sr.ht/{project}/', - 'vim': 'https://vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id={project}', + "cran": "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/{project}/", + "ctan": "https://ctan.org/pkg/{project}", + "freedesktop-gitlab": "https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/{project}.git/", + "gentoo": "https://gitweb.gentoo.org/{project}.git/", + "github": "https://github.com/{project}", + "gitlab": "https://gitlab.com/{project}", + "gnome-gitlab": "https://gitlab.gnome.org/{project}.git/", + "hackage": "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/{project}", + "launchpad": "https://launchpad.net/{project}", + "osdn": "https://osdn.net/projects/{project}/", + "pecl": "https://pecl.php.net/package/{project}", + "pypi": "https://pypi.org/project/{project}/", + "rubygems": "https://rubygems.org/gems/{project}", + "savannah": "https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/{project}", + "savannah-nongnu": "https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/{project}", + "sourceforge": "https://sourceforge.net/projects/{project}/", + "sourcehut": "https://sr.ht/{project}/", + "vim": "https://vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id={project}", # these platforms return 200 for errors, so no point in trying # 'google-code': 'https://code.google.com/archive/p/{project}/', # 'heptapod': 'https://foss.heptapod.net/{project}', @@ -302,20 +316,20 @@ class MetadataUrlCheck(_UrlCheck): return # TODO: move upstream parsing to a pkgcore attribute? - for element in ('changelog', 'doc', 'bugs-to', 'remote-id'): - for x in tree.xpath(f'//upstream/{element}'): + for element in ("changelog", "doc", "bugs-to", "remote-id"): + for x in tree.xpath(f"//upstream/{element}"): if x.text: url = x.text - if element == 'remote-id': + if element == "remote-id": # Use remote-id -> URL map to determine actual URL, # skipping verification for unmapped remote-ids. try: - url = self.remote_map[x.attrib['type']].format(project=url) + url = self.remote_map[x.attrib["type"]].format(project=url) except KeyError: continue # skip unsupported protocols, e.g. mailto URLs from bugs-to if url.startswith(self.protocols): - yield f'metadata.xml: {element}', url + yield f"metadata.xml: {element}", url def schedule(self, pkgs, *args, **kwargs): super().schedule(pkgs[-1], *args, **kwargs) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/overlays.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/overlays.py index 1268542a..cbe3d5b6 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/overlays.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/overlays.py @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ class UnusedInMastersLicenses(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.licenses) - licenses = ', '.join(self.licenses) - return f'unused license{s} in master repo(s): {licenses}' + licenses = ", ".join(self.licenses) + return f"unused license{s} in master repo(s): {licenses}" class UnusedInMastersMirrors(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ class UnusedInMastersMirrors(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.mirrors) - mirrors = ', '.join(self.mirrors) - return f'unused mirror{s} in master repo(s): {mirrors}' + mirrors = ", ".join(self.mirrors) + return f"unused mirror{s} in master repo(s): {mirrors}" class UnusedInMastersEclasses(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ class UnusedInMastersEclasses(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - es = pluralism(self.eclasses, plural='es') - eclasses = ', '.join(self.eclasses) - return f'unused eclass{es} in master repo(s): {eclasses}' + es = pluralism(self.eclasses, plural="es") + eclasses = ", ".join(self.eclasses) + return f"unused eclass{es} in master repo(s): {eclasses}" class UnusedInMastersGlobalUse(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @@ -69,18 +69,22 @@ class UnusedInMastersGlobalUse(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.flags) - flags = ', '.join(self.flags) - return f'use.desc unused flag{s} in master repo(s): {flags}' + flags = ", ".join(self.flags) + return f"use.desc unused flag{s} in master repo(s): {flags}" class UnusedInMastersCheck(MirrorsCheck, OverlayRepoCheck, RepoCheck, OptionalCheck): """Check for various metadata that may be removed from master repos.""" _source = sources.RepositoryRepoSource - known_results = frozenset([ - UnusedInMastersLicenses, UnusedInMastersMirrors, UnusedInMastersEclasses, - UnusedInMastersGlobalUse, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + UnusedInMastersLicenses, + UnusedInMastersMirrors, + UnusedInMastersEclasses, + UnusedInMastersGlobalUse, + ] + ) def start(self): self.unused_master_licenses = set() @@ -93,8 +97,7 @@ class UnusedInMastersCheck(MirrorsCheck, OverlayRepoCheck, RepoCheck, OptionalCh self.unused_master_licenses.update(repo.licenses) self.unused_master_mirrors.update(repo.mirrors.keys()) self.unused_master_eclasses.update(repo.eclass_cache.eclasses.keys()) - self.unused_master_flags.update( - flag for matcher, (flag, desc) in repo.config.use_desc) + self.unused_master_flags.update(flag for matcher, (flag, desc) in repo.config.use_desc) # determine unused licenses/mirrors/eclasses/flags across all master repos for repo in self.options.target_repo.masters: @@ -103,7 +106,8 @@ class UnusedInMastersCheck(MirrorsCheck, OverlayRepoCheck, RepoCheck, OptionalCh self.unused_master_mirrors.difference_update(self.get_mirrors(pkg)) self.unused_master_eclasses.difference_update(pkg.inherited) self.unused_master_flags.difference_update( - pkg.iuse_stripped.difference(pkg.local_use.keys())) + pkg.iuse_stripped.difference(pkg.local_use.keys()) + ) def feed(self, pkg): # report licenses used in the pkg but not in any pkg from the master repo(s) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/perl.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/perl.py index 3f6c2dde..f2c3bd25 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/perl.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/perl.py @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class MismatchedPerlVersion(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'DIST_VERSION={self.dist_version} normalizes to {self.normalized}' + return f"DIST_VERSION={self.dist_version} normalizes to {self.normalized}" class _PerlException(Exception): @@ -36,25 +36,29 @@ class _PerlConnection: # start perl client for normalizing perl module versions into package versions try: self.perl_client = subprocess.Popen( - ['perl', pjoin(const.DATA_PATH, 'perl-version.pl')], - text=True, bufsize=1, - stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) + ["perl", pjoin(const.DATA_PATH, "perl-version.pl")], + text=True, + bufsize=1, + stdin=subprocess.PIPE, + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.PIPE, + ) except FileNotFoundError: - raise _PerlException('perl not installed on system') + raise _PerlException("perl not installed on system") # check if the script is running ready = self.perl_client.stdout.readline().strip() - if ready != 'ready' or self.perl_client.poll(): - err_msg = 'failed to run perl script' + if ready != "ready" or self.perl_client.poll(): + err_msg = "failed to run perl script" if options.verbosity > 0: stderr = self.perl_client.stderr.read().strip() - err_msg += f': {stderr}' + err_msg += f": {stderr}" raise _PerlException(err_msg) def normalize(self, version): """Normalize a given version number to its perl equivalent.""" with self.process_lock: - self.perl_client.stdin.write(version + '\n') + self.perl_client.stdin.write(version + "\n") return self.perl_client.stdout.readline().strip() def __del__(self): @@ -66,14 +70,16 @@ class _PerlConnection: class PerlCheck(OptionalCheck): """Perl ebuild related checks.""" - _restricted_source = (sources.RestrictionRepoSource, ( - packages.PackageRestriction('inherited', values.ContainmentMatch2('perl-module')),)) - _source = (sources.EbuildFileRepoSource, (), (('source', _restricted_source),)) + _restricted_source = ( + sources.RestrictionRepoSource, + (packages.PackageRestriction("inherited", values.ContainmentMatch2("perl-module")),), + ) + _source = (sources.EbuildFileRepoSource, (), (("source", _restricted_source),)) known_results = frozenset([MismatchedPerlVersion]) def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) - self.dist_version_re = re.compile(r'DIST_VERSION=(?P<dist_version>\d+(\.\d+)*)\s*\n') + self.dist_version_re = re.compile(r"DIST_VERSION=(?P<dist_version>\d+(\.\d+)*)\s*\n") # Initialize connection with perl script. This is done during # __init__() since only one running version of the script is shared # between however many scanning processes will be run. Also, it makes @@ -84,8 +90,8 @@ class PerlCheck(OptionalCheck): raise SkipCheck(self, str(e)) def feed(self, pkg): - if mo := self.dist_version_re.search(''.join(pkg.lines)): - dist_version = mo.group('dist_version') + if mo := self.dist_version_re.search("".join(pkg.lines)): + dist_version = mo.group("dist_version") normalized = self.perl.normalize(dist_version) if normalized != pkg.version: yield MismatchedPerlVersion(dist_version, normalized, pkg=pkg) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/pkgdir.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/pkgdir.py index cc82c7c8..ef90baac 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/pkgdir.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/pkgdir.py @@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ from . import Check, GentooRepoCheck # allowed filename characters: "a-zA-Z0-9._-+:" allowed_filename_chars = set() -allowed_filename_chars.update(chr(x) for x in range(ord('a'), ord('z') + 1)) -allowed_filename_chars.update(chr(x) for x in range(ord('A'), ord('Z') + 1)) -allowed_filename_chars.update(chr(x) for x in range(ord('0'), ord('9') + 1)) +allowed_filename_chars.update(chr(x) for x in range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1)) +allowed_filename_chars.update(chr(x) for x in range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1)) +allowed_filename_chars.update(chr(x) for x in range(ord("0"), ord("9") + 1)) allowed_filename_chars.update([".", "-", "_", "+", ":"]) @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ class MismatchedPN(results.PackageResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.ebuilds) - ebuilds = ', '.join(self.ebuilds) - return f'mismatched package name{s}: [ {ebuilds} ]' + ebuilds = ", ".join(self.ebuilds) + return f"mismatched package name{s}: [ {ebuilds} ]" class InvalidPN(results.PackageResult, results.Error): @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ class InvalidPN(results.PackageResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.ebuilds) - ebuilds = ', '.join(self.ebuilds) - return f'invalid package name{s}: [ {ebuilds} ]' + ebuilds = ", ".join(self.ebuilds) + return f"invalid package name{s}: [ {ebuilds} ]" class EqualVersions(results.PackageResult, results.Error): @@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ class DuplicateFiles(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - files = ', '.join(map(repr, self.files)) - return f'duplicate identical files in FILESDIR: {files}' + files = ", ".join(map(repr, self.files)) + return f"duplicate identical files in FILESDIR: {files}" class EmptyFile(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class EmptyFile(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'empty file in FILESDIR: {self.filename!r}' + return f"empty file in FILESDIR: {self.filename!r}" class ExecutableFile(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class ExecutableFile(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'unnecessary executable bit: {self.filename!r}' + return f"unnecessary executable bit: {self.filename!r}" class UnknownPkgDirEntry(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ class UnknownPkgDirEntry(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - files = ', '.join(map(repr, self.filenames)) - y = pluralism(self.filenames, singular='y', plural='ies') - return f'unknown entr{y}: {files}' + files = ", ".join(map(repr, self.filenames)) + y = pluralism(self.filenames, singular="y", plural="ies") + return f"unknown entr{y}: {files}" class SizeViolation(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @@ -132,8 +132,10 @@ class SizeViolation(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return (f'{self.filename!r} exceeds {sizeof_fmt(self.limit)} in size; ' - f'{sizeof_fmt(self.size)} total') + return ( + f"{self.filename!r} exceeds {sizeof_fmt(self.limit)} in size; " + f"{sizeof_fmt(self.size)} total" + ) class TotalSizeViolation(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @@ -147,8 +149,10 @@ class TotalSizeViolation(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return (f'files/ directory exceeds {sizeof_fmt(self.limit)} in size; ' - f'{sizeof_fmt(self.size)} total') + return ( + f"files/ directory exceeds {sizeof_fmt(self.limit)} in size; " + f"{sizeof_fmt(self.size)} total" + ) class BannedCharacter(results.PackageResult, results.Error): @@ -167,8 +171,8 @@ class BannedCharacter(results.PackageResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.chars) - chars = ', '.join(map(repr, self.chars)) - return f'filename {self.filename!r} character{s} outside allowed set: {chars}' + chars = ", ".join(map(repr, self.chars)) + return f"filename {self.filename!r} character{s} outside allowed set: {chars}" class InvalidUTF8(results.PackageResult, results.Error): @@ -187,17 +191,27 @@ class InvalidUTF8(results.PackageResult, results.Error): class PkgDirCheck(Check): """Scan ebuild directory for various file-related issues.""" - _source = (sources.PackageRepoSource, (), (('source', sources.RawRepoSource),)) + _source = (sources.PackageRepoSource, (), (("source", sources.RawRepoSource),)) ignore_dirs = frozenset(["cvs", ".svn", ".bzr"]) required_addons = (addons.git.GitAddon,) - known_results = frozenset([ - DuplicateFiles, EmptyFile, ExecutableFile, UnknownPkgDirEntry, SizeViolation, - BannedCharacter, InvalidUTF8, MismatchedPN, InvalidPN, TotalSizeViolation, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + DuplicateFiles, + EmptyFile, + ExecutableFile, + UnknownPkgDirEntry, + SizeViolation, + BannedCharacter, + InvalidUTF8, + MismatchedPN, + InvalidPN, + TotalSizeViolation, + ] + ) # TODO: put some 'preferred algorithms by purpose' into snakeoil? - digest_algo = 'sha256' + digest_algo = "sha256" def __init__(self, *args, git_addon): super().__init__(*args) @@ -206,7 +220,7 @@ class PkgDirCheck(Check): def feed(self, pkgset): pkg = pkgset[0] pkg_path = pjoin(self.options.target_repo.location, pkg.category, pkg.package) - ebuild_ext = '.ebuild' + ebuild_ext = ".ebuild" mismatched = [] invalid = [] unknown = [] @@ -228,20 +242,19 @@ class PkgDirCheck(Check): if filename.endswith(ebuild_ext): try: - with open(path, mode='rb') as f: + with open(path, mode="rb") as f: f.read(8192).decode() except UnicodeDecodeError as e: yield InvalidUTF8(filename, str(e), pkg=pkg) - pkg_name = os.path.basename(filename[:-len(ebuild_ext)]) + pkg_name = os.path.basename(filename[: -len(ebuild_ext)]) try: - pkg_atom = atom_cls(f'={pkg.category}/{pkg_name}') + pkg_atom = atom_cls(f"={pkg.category}/{pkg_name}") if pkg_atom.package != os.path.basename(pkg_path): mismatched.append(pkg_name) except MalformedAtom: invalid.append(pkg_name) - elif (self.options.gentoo_repo and - filename not in ('Manifest', 'metadata.xml', 'files')): + elif self.options.gentoo_repo and filename not in ("Manifest", "metadata.xml", "files"): unknown.append(filename) if mismatched: @@ -254,7 +267,7 @@ class PkgDirCheck(Check): files_by_size = defaultdict(list) pkg_path_len = len(pkg_path) + 1 total_size = 0 - for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pjoin(pkg_path, 'files')): + for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pjoin(pkg_path, "files")): # don't visit any ignored directories for d in self.ignore_dirs.intersection(dirs): dirs.remove(d) @@ -274,10 +287,12 @@ class PkgDirCheck(Check): total_size += file_stat.st_size if file_stat.st_size > SizeViolation.limit: yield SizeViolation( - pjoin(base_dir, filename), file_stat.st_size, pkg=pkg) + pjoin(base_dir, filename), file_stat.st_size, pkg=pkg + ) if banned_chars := set(filename) - allowed_filename_chars: yield BannedCharacter( - pjoin(base_dir, filename), sorted(banned_chars), pkg=pkg) + pjoin(base_dir, filename), sorted(banned_chars), pkg=pkg + ) if total_size > TotalSizeViolation.limit: yield TotalSizeViolation(total_size, pkg=pkg) @@ -324,9 +339,9 @@ class LiveOnlyPackage(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): if self.age < 365: - return f'all versions are VCS-based added over {self.age} days ago' + return f"all versions are VCS-based added over {self.age} days ago" years = round(self.age / 365, 2) - return f'all versions are VCS-based added over {years} years ago' + return f"all versions are VCS-based added over {years} years ago" class LiveOnlyCheck(GentooRepoCheck): diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/profiles.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/profiles.py index db49cf38..8673ed7d 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/profiles.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/profiles.py @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class UnknownProfilePackage(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.path!r}: unknown package: {self.atom!r}' + return f"{self.path!r}: unknown package: {self.atom!r}" class UnmatchedProfilePackageUnmask(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class UnmatchedProfilePackageUnmask(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'{self.path!r}: unmask of not masked package: {self.atom!r}' + return f"{self.path!r}: unmask of not masked package: {self.atom!r}" class UnknownProfilePackageUse(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ class UnknownProfilePackageUse(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.flags) - flags = ', '.join(self.flags) - atom = f'{self.atom}[{flags}]' - return f'{self.path!r}: unknown package USE flag{s}: {atom!r}' + flags = ", ".join(self.flags) + atom = f"{self.atom}[{flags}]" + return f"{self.path!r}: unknown package USE flag{s}: {atom!r}" class UnknownProfileUse(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ class UnknownProfileUse(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.flags) - flags = ', '.join(map(repr, self.flags)) - return f'{self.path!r}: unknown USE flag{s}: {flags}' + flags = ", ".join(map(repr, self.flags)) + return f"{self.path!r}: unknown USE flag{s}: {flags}" class UnknownProfilePackageKeywords(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ class UnknownProfilePackageKeywords(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.keywords) - keywords = ', '.join(map(repr, self.keywords)) - return f'{self.path!r}: unknown package keyword{s}: {self.atom}: {keywords}' + keywords = ", ".join(map(repr, self.keywords)) + return f"{self.path!r}: unknown package keyword{s}: {self.atom}: {keywords}" class UnknownProfileUseExpand(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ class UnknownProfileUseExpand(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.groups) - groups = ', '.join(self.groups) - return f'{self.path!r}: unknown USE_EXPAND group{s}: {groups}' + groups = ", ".join(self.groups) + return f"{self.path!r}: unknown USE_EXPAND group{s}: {groups}" class ProfileWarning(results.ProfilesResult, results.LogWarning): @@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ class ProfileError(results.ProfilesResult, results.LogError): # mapping of profile log levels to result classes _logmap = ( - base.LogMap('pkgcore.log.logger.warning', ProfileWarning), - base.LogMap('pkgcore.log.logger.error', ProfileError), + base.LogMap("pkgcore.log.logger.warning", ProfileWarning), + base.LogMap("pkgcore.log.logger.error", ProfileError), ) @@ -145,12 +145,18 @@ class ProfilesCheck(Check): _source = sources.ProfilesRepoSource required_addons = (addons.UseAddon, addons.KeywordsAddon) - known_results = frozenset([ - UnknownProfilePackage, UnmatchedProfilePackageUnmask, - UnknownProfilePackageUse, UnknownProfileUse, - UnknownProfilePackageKeywords, UnknownProfileUseExpand, - ProfileWarning, ProfileError, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + UnknownProfilePackage, + UnmatchedProfilePackageUnmask, + UnknownProfilePackageUse, + UnknownProfileUse, + UnknownProfilePackageKeywords, + UnknownProfileUseExpand, + ProfileWarning, + ProfileError, + ] + ) # mapping between known files and verification methods known_files = {} @@ -165,16 +171,18 @@ class ProfilesCheck(Check): local_iuse = {use for _pkg, (use, _desc) in repo.config.use_local_desc} self.available_iuse = frozenset( - local_iuse | use_addon.global_iuse | - use_addon.global_iuse_expand | use_addon.global_iuse_implicit) + local_iuse + | use_addon.global_iuse + | use_addon.global_iuse_expand + | use_addon.global_iuse_implicit + ) - @verify_files(('parent', 'parents'), - ('eapi', 'eapi')) + @verify_files(("parent", "parents"), ("eapi", "eapi")) def _pull_attr(self, *args): """Verification only needs to pull the profile attr.""" yield from () - @verify_files(('deprecated', 'deprecated')) + @verify_files(("deprecated", "deprecated")) def _deprecated(self, filename, node, vals): # make sure replacement profile exists if vals is not None: @@ -183,47 +191,51 @@ class ProfilesCheck(Check): addons.profiles.ProfileNode(pjoin(self.profiles_dir, replacement)) except profiles_mod.ProfileError: yield ProfileError( - f'nonexistent replacement {replacement!r} ' - f'for deprecated profile: {node.name!r}') + f"nonexistent replacement {replacement!r} " + f"for deprecated profile: {node.name!r}" + ) # non-spec files - @verify_files(('package.keywords', 'keywords'), - ('package.accept_keywords', 'accept_keywords')) + @verify_files(("package.keywords", "keywords"), ("package.accept_keywords", "accept_keywords")) def _pkg_keywords(self, filename, node, vals): for atom, keywords in vals: if invalid := sorted(set(keywords) - self.keywords.valid): - yield UnknownProfilePackageKeywords( - pjoin(node.name, filename), atom, invalid) - - @verify_files(('use.force', 'use_force'), - ('use.stable.force', 'use_stable_force'), - ('use.mask', 'use_mask'), - ('use.stable.mask', 'use_stable_mask')) + yield UnknownProfilePackageKeywords(pjoin(node.name, filename), atom, invalid) + + @verify_files( + ("use.force", "use_force"), + ("use.stable.force", "use_stable_force"), + ("use.mask", "use_mask"), + ("use.stable.mask", "use_stable_mask"), + ) def _use(self, filename, node, vals): # TODO: give ChunkedDataDict some dict view methods d = vals.render_to_dict() for _, entries in d.items(): for _, disabled, enabled in entries: if unknown_disabled := set(disabled) - self.available_iuse: - flags = ('-' + u for u in unknown_disabled) - yield UnknownProfileUse( - pjoin(node.name, filename), flags) + flags = ("-" + u for u in unknown_disabled) + yield UnknownProfileUse(pjoin(node.name, filename), flags) if unknown_enabled := set(enabled) - self.available_iuse: - yield UnknownProfileUse( - pjoin(node.name, filename), unknown_enabled) + yield UnknownProfileUse(pjoin(node.name, filename), unknown_enabled) - @verify_files(('packages', 'packages'), - ('package.unmask', 'unmasks'), - ('package.deprecated', 'pkg_deprecated')) + @verify_files( + ("packages", "packages"), + ("package.unmask", "unmasks"), + ("package.deprecated", "pkg_deprecated"), + ) def _pkg_atoms(self, filename, node, vals): for x in iflatten_instance(vals, atom_cls): if not self.search_repo.match(x): yield UnknownProfilePackage(pjoin(node.name, filename), x) - @verify_files(('package.mask', 'masks'),) + @verify_files( + ("package.mask", "masks"), + ) def _pkg_masks(self, filename, node, vals): - all_masked = set().union(*(masked[1] - for p in profiles_mod.ProfileStack(node.path).stack if (masked := p.masks))) + all_masked = set().union( + *(masked[1] for p in profiles_mod.ProfileStack(node.path).stack if (masked := p.masks)) + ) unmasked, masked = vals for x in masked: @@ -235,11 +247,13 @@ class ProfilesCheck(Check): elif x not in all_masked: yield UnmatchedProfilePackageUnmask(pjoin(node.name, filename), x) - @verify_files(('package.use', 'pkg_use'), - ('package.use.force', 'pkg_use_force'), - ('package.use.stable.force', 'pkg_use_stable_force'), - ('package.use.mask', 'pkg_use_mask'), - ('package.use.stable.mask', 'pkg_use_stable_mask')) + @verify_files( + ("package.use", "pkg_use"), + ("package.use.force", "pkg_use_force"), + ("package.use.stable.force", "pkg_use_stable_force"), + ("package.use.mask", "pkg_use_mask"), + ("package.use.stable.mask", "pkg_use_stable_mask"), + ) def _pkg_use(self, filename, node, vals): # TODO: give ChunkedDataDict some dict view methods d = vals @@ -251,19 +265,18 @@ class ProfilesCheck(Check): if pkgs := self.search_repo.match(a): available = {u for pkg in pkgs for u in pkg.iuse_stripped} if unknown_disabled := set(disabled) - available: - flags = ('-' + u for u in unknown_disabled) - yield UnknownProfilePackageUse( - pjoin(node.name, filename), a, flags) + flags = ("-" + u for u in unknown_disabled) + yield UnknownProfilePackageUse(pjoin(node.name, filename), a, flags) if unknown_enabled := set(enabled) - available: yield UnknownProfilePackageUse( - pjoin(node.name, filename), a, unknown_enabled) + pjoin(node.name, filename), a, unknown_enabled + ) else: - yield UnknownProfilePackage( - pjoin(node.name, filename), a) + yield UnknownProfilePackage(pjoin(node.name, filename), a) - @verify_files(('make.defaults', 'make_defaults')) + @verify_files(("make.defaults", "make_defaults")) def _make_defaults(self, filename, node, vals): - if defined := set(vals.get('USE_EXPAND', '').split()): + if defined := set(vals.get("USE_EXPAND", "").split()): if unknown := defined - self.use_expand_groups: yield UnknownProfileUseExpand(pjoin(node.name, filename), sorted(unknown)) @@ -286,8 +299,8 @@ class UnusedProfileDirs(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.dirs) - dirs = ', '.join(map(repr, self.dirs)) - return f'unused profile dir{s}: {dirs}' + dirs = ", ".join(map(repr, self.dirs)) + return f"unused profile dir{s}: {dirs}" class ArchesWithoutProfiles(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @@ -299,9 +312,9 @@ class ArchesWithoutProfiles(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - es = pluralism(self.arches, plural='es') - arches = ', '.join(self.arches) - return f'arch{es} without profiles: {arches}' + es = pluralism(self.arches, plural="es") + arches = ", ".join(self.arches) + return f"arch{es} without profiles: {arches}" class NonexistentProfilePath(results.ProfilesResult, results.Error): @@ -313,7 +326,7 @@ class NonexistentProfilePath(results.ProfilesResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): - return f'nonexistent profile path: {self.path!r}' + return f"nonexistent profile path: {self.path!r}" class LaggingProfileEapi(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @@ -329,8 +342,8 @@ class LaggingProfileEapi(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): return ( - f'{self.profile!r} profile has EAPI {self.eapi}, ' - f'{self.parent!r} parent has EAPI {self.parent_eapi}' + f"{self.profile!r} profile has EAPI {self.eapi}, " + f"{self.parent!r} parent has EAPI {self.parent_eapi}" ) @@ -352,13 +365,13 @@ class _ProfileEapiResult(results.ProfilesResult): class BannedProfileEapi(_ProfileEapiResult, results.Error): """Profile has an EAPI that is banned in the repository.""" - _type = 'banned' + _type = "banned" class DeprecatedProfileEapi(_ProfileEapiResult, results.Warning): """Profile has an EAPI that is deprecated in the repository.""" - _type = 'deprecated' + _type = "deprecated" class UnknownCategoryDirs(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @@ -373,9 +386,9 @@ class UnknownCategoryDirs(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - dirs = ', '.join(self.dirs) + dirs = ", ".join(self.dirs) s = pluralism(self.dirs) - return f'unknown category dir{s}: {dirs}' + return f"unknown category dir{s}: {dirs}" class NonexistentCategories(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @@ -387,9 +400,9 @@ class NonexistentCategories(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - categories = ', '.join(self.categories) - ies = pluralism(self.categories, singular='y', plural='ies') - return f'nonexistent profiles/categories entr{ies}: {categories}' + categories = ", ".join(self.categories) + ies = pluralism(self.categories, singular="y", plural="ies") + return f"nonexistent profiles/categories entr{ies}: {categories}" def dir_parents(path): @@ -399,11 +412,11 @@ def dir_parents(path): >>> list(dir_parents('/root/foo/bar/baz')) ['root/foo/bar', 'root/foo', 'root'] """ - path = os.path.normpath(path.strip('/')) + path = os.path.normpath(path.strip("/")) while path: yield path dirname, _basename = os.path.split(path) - path = dirname.rstrip('/') + path = dirname.rstrip("/") class RepoProfilesCheck(RepoCheck): @@ -415,14 +428,23 @@ class RepoProfilesCheck(RepoCheck): _source = (sources.EmptySource, (base.profiles_scope,)) required_addons = (addons.profiles.ProfileAddon,) - known_results = frozenset([ - ArchesWithoutProfiles, UnusedProfileDirs, NonexistentProfilePath, - UnknownCategoryDirs, NonexistentCategories, LaggingProfileEapi, - ProfileError, ProfileWarning, BannedProfileEapi, DeprecatedProfileEapi, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + ArchesWithoutProfiles, + UnusedProfileDirs, + NonexistentProfilePath, + UnknownCategoryDirs, + NonexistentCategories, + LaggingProfileEapi, + ProfileError, + ProfileWarning, + BannedProfileEapi, + DeprecatedProfileEapi, + ] + ) # known profile status types for the gentoo repo - known_profile_statuses = frozenset(['stable', 'dev', 'exp']) + known_profile_statuses = frozenset(["stable", "dev", "exp"]) def __init__(self, *args, profile_addon): super().__init__(*args) @@ -433,17 +455,21 @@ class RepoProfilesCheck(RepoCheck): def finish(self): if self.options.gentoo_repo: - if unknown_category_dirs := set(self.repo.category_dirs).difference(self.repo.categories): + if unknown_category_dirs := set(self.repo.category_dirs).difference( + self.repo.categories + ): yield UnknownCategoryDirs(sorted(unknown_category_dirs)) - if nonexistent_categories := set(self.repo.config.categories).difference(self.repo.category_dirs): + if nonexistent_categories := set(self.repo.config.categories).difference( + self.repo.category_dirs + ): yield NonexistentCategories(sorted(nonexistent_categories)) if arches_without_profiles := set(self.arches) - set(self.repo.profiles.arches()): yield ArchesWithoutProfiles(sorted(arches_without_profiles)) - root_profile_dirs = {'embedded'} + root_profile_dirs = {"embedded"} available_profile_dirs = set() for root, _dirs, _files in os.walk(self.profiles_dir): - if d := root[len(self.profiles_dir):].lstrip('/'): + if d := root[len(self.profiles_dir) :].lstrip("/"): available_profile_dirs.add(d) available_profile_dirs -= self.non_profile_dirs | root_profile_dirs @@ -456,8 +482,11 @@ class RepoProfilesCheck(RepoCheck): # forcibly parse profiles.desc and convert log warnings/errors into reports with base.LogReports(*_logmap) as log_reports: profiles = Profiles.parse( - self.profiles_dir, self.repo.repo_id, - known_status=known_profile_statuses, known_arch=self.arches) + self.profiles_dir, + self.repo.repo_id, + known_status=known_profile_statuses, + known_arch=self.arches, + ) yield from log_reports banned_eapis = self.repo.config.profile_eapis_banned @@ -484,8 +513,7 @@ class RepoProfilesCheck(RepoCheck): for profile, parents in lagging_profile_eapi.items(): parent = parents[-1] - yield LaggingProfileEapi( - profile.name, str(profile.eapi), parent.name, str(parent.eapi)) + yield LaggingProfileEapi(profile.name, str(profile.eapi), parent.name, str(parent.eapi)) for profile in banned_profile_eapi: yield BannedProfileEapi(profile.name, profile.eapi) for profile in deprecated_profile_eapi: diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/python.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/python.py index d8f7eb0b..510689bb 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/python.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/python.py @@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ from .. import addons, bash, results, sources from . import Check # NB: distutils-r1 inherits one of the first two -ECLASSES = frozenset(['python-r1', 'python-single-r1', 'python-any-r1']) +ECLASSES = frozenset(["python-r1", "python-single-r1", "python-any-r1"]) -IUSE_PREFIX = 'python_targets_' -IUSE_PREFIX_S = 'python_single_target_' +IUSE_PREFIX = "python_targets_" +IUSE_PREFIX_S = "python_single_target_" -GITHUB_ARCHIVE_RE = re.compile(r'^https://github\.com/[^/]+/[^/]+/archive/') -SNAPSHOT_RE = re.compile(r'[a-fA-F0-9]{40}\.tar\.gz$') -USE_FLAGS_PYTHON_USEDEP = re.compile(r'\[(.+,)?\$\{PYTHON_USEDEP\}(,.+)?\]$') +GITHUB_ARCHIVE_RE = re.compile(r"^https://github\.com/[^/]+/[^/]+/archive/") +SNAPSHOT_RE = re.compile(r"[a-fA-F0-9]{40}\.tar\.gz$") +USE_FLAGS_PYTHON_USEDEP = re.compile(r"\[(.+,)?\$\{PYTHON_USEDEP\}(,.+)?\]$") def get_python_eclass(pkg): @@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ def get_python_eclass(pkg): # All three eclasses block one another, but check and throw an error # just in case it isn't caught when sourcing the ebuild. if len(eclasses) > 1: - raise ValueError( - f"python eclasses are mutually exclusive: [ {', '.join(eclasses)} ]") + raise ValueError(f"python eclasses are mutually exclusive: [ {', '.join(eclasses)} ]") return next(iter(eclasses)) if eclasses else None @@ -139,10 +138,7 @@ class DistutilsNonPEP517Build(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return ( - "uses deprecated non-PEP517 build mode, please switch to " - "DISTUTILS_USE_PEP517=..." - ) + return "uses deprecated non-PEP517 build mode, please switch to " "DISTUTILS_USE_PEP517=..." class PythonHasVersionUsage(results.LinesResult, results.Style): @@ -158,7 +154,7 @@ class PythonHasVersionUsage(results.LinesResult, results.Style): @property def desc(self): - return f'usage of has_version {self.lines_str}, replace with python_has_version' + return f"usage of has_version {self.lines_str}, replace with python_has_version" class PythonHasVersionMissingPythonUseDep(results.LineResult, results.Error): @@ -174,7 +170,9 @@ class PythonHasVersionMissingPythonUseDep(results.LineResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): - return f'line: {self.lineno}: missing [${{PYTHON_USEDEP}}] suffix for argument "{self.line}"' + return ( + f'line: {self.lineno}: missing [${{PYTHON_USEDEP}}] suffix for argument "{self.line}"' + ) class PythonAnyMismatchedUseHasVersionCheck(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @@ -198,8 +196,8 @@ class PythonAnyMismatchedUseHasVersionCheck(results.VersionResult, results.Warni @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.use_flags) - use_flags = ', '.join(map(str, self.use_flags)) - return f'{self.dep_category}: mismatch for {self.dep_atom} check use flag{s} [{use_flags}] in {self.location}' + use_flags = ", ".join(map(str, self.use_flags)) + return f"{self.dep_category}: mismatch for {self.dep_atom} check use flag{s} [{use_flags}] in {self.location}" class PythonAnyMismatchedDepHasVersionCheck(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @@ -222,8 +220,9 @@ class PythonAnyMismatchedDepHasVersionCheck(results.VersionResult, results.Warni @property def desc(self): - use_flags = ', '.join(map(str, self.use_flags)) - return f'{self.dep_category}: missing check for {self.dep_atom}[{use_flags}] in {self.location!r}' + use_flags = ", ".join(map(str, self.use_flags)) + return f"{self.dep_category}: missing check for {self.dep_atom}[{use_flags}] in {self.location!r}" + class PythonCheck(Check): """Python eclass checks. @@ -233,32 +232,37 @@ class PythonCheck(Check): """ _source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource - known_results = frozenset([ - MissingPythonEclass, PythonMissingRequiredUse, - PythonMissingDeps, PythonRuntimeDepInAnyR1, PythonEclassError, - DistutilsNonPEP517Build, - PythonHasVersionUsage, - PythonHasVersionMissingPythonUseDep, - PythonAnyMismatchedUseHasVersionCheck, - PythonAnyMismatchedDepHasVersionCheck, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + MissingPythonEclass, + PythonMissingRequiredUse, + PythonMissingDeps, + PythonRuntimeDepInAnyR1, + PythonEclassError, + DistutilsNonPEP517Build, + PythonHasVersionUsage, + PythonHasVersionMissingPythonUseDep, + PythonAnyMismatchedUseHasVersionCheck, + PythonAnyMismatchedDepHasVersionCheck, + ] + ) has_version_known_flags = { - '-b': 'BDEPEND', - '-r': 'RDEPEND', - '-d': 'DEPEND', - '--host-root': 'BDEPEND', + "-b": "BDEPEND", + "-r": "RDEPEND", + "-d": "DEPEND", + "--host-root": "BDEPEND", } has_version_default = { - 'has_version': 'DEPEND', - 'python_has_version': 'BDEPEND', + "has_version": "DEPEND", + "python_has_version": "BDEPEND", } eclass_any_dep_func = { - 'python-single-r1': 'python_gen_cond_dep', - 'python-any-r1': 'python_gen_any_dep', - 'python-r1': 'python_gen_any_dep', + "python-single-r1": "python_gen_cond_dep", + "python-any-r1": "python_gen_any_dep", + "python-r1": "python_gen_any_dep", } def scan_tree_recursively(self, deptree, expected_cls): @@ -269,8 +273,7 @@ class PythonCheck(Check): yield deptree def check_required_use(self, requse, flags, prefix, container_cls): - for token in self.scan_tree_recursively(requse, - values.ContainmentMatch2): + for token in self.scan_tree_recursively(requse, values.ContainmentMatch2): # pkgcore collapses single flag in ||/^^, so expect top-level flags # when len(flags) == 1 if len(flags) > 1 and not isinstance(token, container_cls): @@ -281,7 +284,7 @@ class PythonCheck(Check): continue name = next(iter(x.vals)) if name.startswith(prefix): - matched.add(name[len(prefix):]) + matched.add(name[len(prefix) :]) elif isinstance(token, container_cls): # skip the ||/^^ if it contains at least one foreign flag break @@ -304,7 +307,7 @@ class PythonCheck(Check): continue if not any(is_python_interpreter(y) for y in x if isinstance(y, atom)): continue - matched.add(flag[len(prefix):]) + matched.add(flag[len(prefix) :]) if matched == flags: return True return False @@ -322,7 +325,7 @@ class PythonCheck(Check): pep517_value = None for var_node, _ in bash.var_assign_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node): - var_name = pkg.node_str(var_node.child_by_field_name('name')) + var_name = pkg.node_str(var_node.child_by_field_name("name")) if var_name == "DISTUTILS_OPTIONAL": has_distutils_optional = True @@ -334,7 +337,6 @@ class PythonCheck(Check): # there's nothing for us to do anyway. has_distutils_deps = True - if pep517_value is None: yield DistutilsNonPEP517Build(pkg=pkg) elif has_distutils_optional and not has_distutils_deps and pep517_value != "no": @@ -344,11 +346,14 @@ class PythonCheck(Check): if "dev-python/gpep517" not in iflatten_instance(pkg.bdepend, atom): yield PythonMissingDeps("BDEPEND", pkg=pkg, dep_value="DISTUTILS_DEPS") - @staticmethod def _prepare_deps(deps: str): try: - deps_str = deps.strip('\"\'').replace('\\$', '$').replace('${PYTHON_USEDEP}', 'pkgcheck_python_usedep') + deps_str = ( + deps.strip("\"'") + .replace("\\$", "$") + .replace("${PYTHON_USEDEP}", "pkgcheck_python_usedep") + ) return iflatten_instance(DepSet.parse(deps_str, atom), atom) except DepsetParseError: # if we are unable to parse that dep's string, skip it @@ -357,18 +362,20 @@ class PythonCheck(Check): def build_python_gen_any_dep_calls(self, pkg, any_dep_func): check_deps = defaultdict(set) for var_node in pkg.global_query(bash.var_assign_query): - name = pkg.node_str(var_node.child_by_field_name('name')) - if name in {'DEPEND', 'BDEPEND'}: + name = pkg.node_str(var_node.child_by_field_name("name")) + if name in {"DEPEND", "BDEPEND"}: for call_node, _ in bash.cmd_query.captures(var_node): - call_name = pkg.node_str(call_node.child_by_field_name('name')) + call_name = pkg.node_str(call_node.child_by_field_name("name")) if call_name == any_dep_func and len(call_node.children) > 1: - check_deps[name].update(self._prepare_deps( - pkg.node_str(call_node.children[1]))) + check_deps[name].update( + self._prepare_deps(pkg.node_str(call_node.children[1])) + ) return {dep: frozenset(atoms) for dep, atoms in check_deps.items()} - def report_mismatch_check_deps(self, pkg, python_check_deps, has_version_checked_deps, any_dep_func): - for dep_type in frozenset(python_check_deps.keys()).union( - has_version_checked_deps.keys()): + def report_mismatch_check_deps( + self, pkg, python_check_deps, has_version_checked_deps, any_dep_func + ): + for dep_type in frozenset(python_check_deps.keys()).union(has_version_checked_deps.keys()): extra = has_version_checked_deps[dep_type] - python_check_deps.get(dep_type, set()) missing = python_check_deps.get(dep_type, set()) - has_version_checked_deps[dep_type] for diff, other, location in ( @@ -380,28 +387,35 @@ class PythonCheck(Check): for other_dep in other: if dep_atom == str(other_dep.versioned_atom): if diff_flags := set(other_dep.use) - set(dep.use): - yield PythonAnyMismatchedUseHasVersionCheck(pkg=pkg, - dep_category=dep_type, dep_atom=dep_atom, - use_flags=diff_flags, location=location) + yield PythonAnyMismatchedUseHasVersionCheck( + pkg=pkg, + dep_category=dep_type, + dep_atom=dep_atom, + use_flags=diff_flags, + location=location, + ) break else: - use_flags = {'${PYTHON_USEDEP}'} | set(dep.use) \ - - {'pkgcheck_python_usedep'} - yield PythonAnyMismatchedDepHasVersionCheck(pkg=pkg, - dep_category=dep_type, dep_atom=dep_atom, - use_flags=use_flags, location=location) + use_flags = {"${PYTHON_USEDEP}"} | set(dep.use) - {"pkgcheck_python_usedep"} + yield PythonAnyMismatchedDepHasVersionCheck( + pkg=pkg, + dep_category=dep_type, + dep_atom=dep_atom, + use_flags=use_flags, + location=location, + ) @staticmethod def _prepare_dep_type(pkg, dep_type: str) -> str: - if dep_type == 'BDEPEND' not in pkg.eapi.dep_keys: - return 'DEPEND' + if dep_type == "BDEPEND" not in pkg.eapi.dep_keys: + return "DEPEND" return dep_type def check_python_check_deps(self, pkg, func_node, python_check_deps, any_dep_func): has_version_checked_deps = defaultdict(set) has_version_lines = set() for node, _ in bash.cmd_query.captures(func_node): - call_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name')) + call_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name")) if call_name == "has_version": lineno, _ = node.start_point has_version_lines.add(lineno + 1) @@ -412,19 +426,21 @@ class PythonCheck(Check): if new_dep_mode := self.has_version_known_flags.get(arg_name, None): dep_mode = self._prepare_dep_type(pkg, new_dep_mode) else: - arg_name = arg_name.strip('\"\'') + arg_name = arg_name.strip("\"'") if not USE_FLAGS_PYTHON_USEDEP.search(arg_name): lineno, _ = arg.start_point yield PythonHasVersionMissingPythonUseDep( - lineno=lineno+1, line=arg_name, pkg=pkg) + lineno=lineno + 1, line=arg_name, pkg=pkg + ) else: - has_version_checked_deps[dep_mode].update( - self._prepare_deps(arg_name)) + has_version_checked_deps[dep_mode].update(self._prepare_deps(arg_name)) if has_version_lines: yield PythonHasVersionUsage(lines=sorted(has_version_lines), pkg=pkg) - yield from self.report_mismatch_check_deps(pkg, python_check_deps, has_version_checked_deps, any_dep_func) + yield from self.report_mismatch_check_deps( + pkg, python_check_deps, has_version_checked_deps, any_dep_func + ) def feed(self, pkg): try: @@ -450,21 +466,21 @@ class PythonCheck(Check): else: recommendation = "python-any-r1" yield MissingPythonEclass(recommendation, attr.upper(), str(p), pkg=pkg) - elif eclass in ('python-r1', 'python-single-r1'): + elif eclass in ("python-r1", "python-single-r1"): # grab Python implementations from IUSE - iuse = {x.lstrip('+-') for x in pkg.iuse} + iuse = {x.lstrip("+-") for x in pkg.iuse} - if eclass == 'python-r1': - flags = {x[len(IUSE_PREFIX):] for x in iuse if x.startswith(IUSE_PREFIX)} + if eclass == "python-r1": + flags = {x[len(IUSE_PREFIX) :] for x in iuse if x.startswith(IUSE_PREFIX)} req_use_args = (flags, IUSE_PREFIX, OrRestriction) else: - flags = {x[len(IUSE_PREFIX_S):] for x in iuse if x.startswith(IUSE_PREFIX_S)} + flags = {x[len(IUSE_PREFIX_S) :] for x in iuse if x.startswith(IUSE_PREFIX_S)} req_use_args = (flags, IUSE_PREFIX_S, JustOneRestriction) if not self.check_required_use(pkg.required_use, *req_use_args): yield PythonMissingRequiredUse(pkg=pkg) if not self.check_depend(pkg.rdepend, *(req_use_args[:2])): - yield PythonMissingDeps('RDEPEND', pkg=pkg) + yield PythonMissingDeps("RDEPEND", pkg=pkg) else: # python-any-r1 for attr in ("rdepend", "pdepend"): for p in iflatten_instance(getattr(pkg, attr), atom): @@ -476,10 +492,12 @@ class PythonCheck(Check): for attr in ("depend", "bdepend") for p in iflatten_instance(getattr(pkg, attr), atom) ): - yield PythonMissingDeps('DEPEND', pkg=pkg) + yield PythonMissingDeps("DEPEND", pkg=pkg) # We're not interested in testing fake objects from TestPythonCheck - if eclass is None or not isinstance(pkg, sources._ParsedPkg) or not hasattr(pkg, 'tree'): # pragma: no cover + if ( + eclass is None or not isinstance(pkg, sources._ParsedPkg) or not hasattr(pkg, "tree") + ): # pragma: no cover return if "distutils-r1" in pkg.inherited: @@ -488,9 +506,11 @@ class PythonCheck(Check): any_dep_func = self.eclass_any_dep_func[eclass] python_check_deps = self.build_python_gen_any_dep_calls(pkg, any_dep_func) for func_node, _ in bash.func_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node): - func_name = pkg.node_str(func_node.child_by_field_name('name')) + func_name = pkg.node_str(func_node.child_by_field_name("name")) if func_name == "python_check_deps": - yield from self.check_python_check_deps(pkg, func_node, python_check_deps, any_dep_func) + yield from self.check_python_check_deps( + pkg, func_node, python_check_deps, any_dep_func + ) class PythonCompatUpdate(results.VersionResult, results.Info): @@ -503,8 +523,8 @@ class PythonCompatUpdate(results.VersionResult, results.Info): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.updates) - updates = ', '.join(self.updates) - return f'PYTHON_COMPAT update{s} available: {updates}' + updates = ", ".join(self.updates) + return f"PYTHON_COMPAT update{s} available: {updates}" class PythonCompatCheck(Check): @@ -520,32 +540,32 @@ class PythonCompatCheck(Check): super().__init__(*args) repo = self.options.target_repo # sorter for python targets leveraging USE_EXPAND flag ordering from repo - self.sorter = repo.use_expand_sorter('python_targets') + self.sorter = repo.use_expand_sorter("python_targets") # determine available PYTHON_TARGET use flags targets = [] for target, _desc in repo.use_expand_desc.get(IUSE_PREFIX[:-1], ()): - if target[len(IUSE_PREFIX):].startswith('python'): - targets.append(target[len(IUSE_PREFIX):]) + if target[len(IUSE_PREFIX) :].startswith("python"): + targets.append(target[len(IUSE_PREFIX) :]) multi_targets = tuple(sorted(targets, key=self.sorter)) # determine available PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET use flags targets = [] for target, _desc in repo.use_expand_desc.get(IUSE_PREFIX_S[:-1], ()): - if target[len(IUSE_PREFIX_S):].startswith('python'): - targets.append(target[len(IUSE_PREFIX_S):]) + if target[len(IUSE_PREFIX_S) :].startswith("python"): + targets.append(target[len(IUSE_PREFIX_S) :]) single_targets = tuple(sorted(targets, key=self.sorter)) self.params = { - 'python-r1': (multi_targets, IUSE_PREFIX, None), - 'python-single-r1': (single_targets, (IUSE_PREFIX, IUSE_PREFIX_S), None), - 'python-any-r1': (multi_targets, (IUSE_PREFIX, IUSE_PREFIX_S), ('depend', 'bdepend')), + "python-r1": (multi_targets, IUSE_PREFIX, None), + "python-single-r1": (single_targets, (IUSE_PREFIX, IUSE_PREFIX_S), None), + "python-any-r1": (multi_targets, (IUSE_PREFIX, IUSE_PREFIX_S), ("depend", "bdepend")), } def python_deps(self, deps, prefix): for dep in (x for x in deps if x.use): for x in dep.use: - if x.startswith(('-', '!')): + if x.startswith(("-", "!")): continue if x.startswith(prefix): yield dep.no_usedeps @@ -573,19 +593,25 @@ class PythonCompatCheck(Check): try: # determine the latest supported python version latest_target = sorted( - (f"python{x.slot.replace('.', '_')}" for x in deps - if x.key == 'dev-lang/python' and x.slot is not None), key=self.sorter)[-1] + ( + f"python{x.slot.replace('.', '_')}" + for x in deps + if x.key == "dev-lang/python" and x.slot is not None + ), + key=self.sorter, + )[-1] except IndexError: # should be flagged by PythonMissingDeps return # ignore pkgs that probably aren't py3 compatible - if latest_target == 'python2_7': + if latest_target == "python2_7": return # determine python impls to target - targets = set(itertools.takewhile( - lambda x: x != latest_target, reversed(available_targets))) + targets = set( + itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x != latest_target, reversed(available_targets)) + ) if targets: try: @@ -595,7 +621,9 @@ class PythonCompatCheck(Check): latest = sorted(self.options.search_repo.match(dep))[-1] targets.intersection_update( f"python{x.rsplit('python', 1)[-1]}" - for x in latest.iuse_stripped if x.startswith(prefix)) + for x in latest.iuse_stripped + if x.startswith(prefix) + ) if not targets: return except IndexError: @@ -624,20 +652,20 @@ class PythonGHDistfileSuffix(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return (f"GitHub archive {self.filename!r} ({self.uri!r}) is not " - "using '.gh.tar.gz' suffix") + return ( + f"GitHub archive {self.filename!r} ({self.uri!r}) is not " "using '.gh.tar.gz' suffix" + ) class PythonGHDistfileSuffixCheck(Check): - """Check ebuilds with PyPI remotes for missing ".gh.tar.gz" suffixes. - """ + """Check ebuilds with PyPI remotes for missing ".gh.tar.gz" suffixes.""" required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,) known_results = frozenset([PythonGHDistfileSuffix]) def __init__(self, *args, use_addon): super().__init__(*args) - self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter('fetchables') + self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter("fetchables") def feed(self, pkg): # consider only packages with pypi remote-id @@ -646,10 +674,12 @@ class PythonGHDistfileSuffixCheck(Check): # look for GitHub archives fetchables, _ = self.iuse_filter( - (fetch.fetchable,), pkg, - pkg.generate_fetchables(allow_missing_checksums=True, - ignore_unknown_mirrors=True, - skip_default_mirrors=True)) + (fetch.fetchable,), + pkg, + pkg.generate_fetchables( + allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True, skip_default_mirrors=True + ), + ) for f in fetchables: # skip files that have the correct suffix already if f.filename.endswith(".gh.tar.gz"): diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/repo.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/repo.py index b12eb352..8b12f68d 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/repo.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/repo.py @@ -28,14 +28,13 @@ class RepoDirCheck(GentooRepoCheck, RepoCheck): known_results = frozenset([BinaryFile]) # repo root level directories that are ignored - ignored_root_dirs = frozenset(['.git']) + ignored_root_dirs = frozenset([".git"]) def __init__(self, *args, git_addon): super().__init__(*args) self.gitignored = git_addon.gitignored self.repo = self.options.target_repo - self.ignored_paths = { - pjoin(self.repo.location, x) for x in self.ignored_root_dirs} + self.ignored_paths = {pjoin(self.repo.location, x) for x in self.ignored_root_dirs} self.dirs = [self.repo.location] def finish(self): @@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ class RepoDirCheck(GentooRepoCheck, RepoCheck): self.dirs.append(entry.path) elif is_binary(entry.path): if not self.gitignored(entry.path): - rel_path = entry.path[len(self.repo.location) + 1:] + rel_path = entry.path[len(self.repo.location) + 1 :] yield BinaryFile(rel_path) @@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ class EmptyCategoryDir(results.CategoryResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'empty category directory: {self.category}' + return f"empty category directory: {self.category}" class EmptyPackageDir(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ class EmptyPackageDir(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - return f'empty package directory: {self.category}/{self.package}' + return f"empty package directory: {self.category}/{self.package}" class EmptyDirsCheck(GentooRepoCheck, RepoCheck): diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/repo_metadata.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/repo_metadata.py index a8466f0f..003ff891 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/repo_metadata.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/repo_metadata.py @@ -79,11 +79,16 @@ class PackageUpdatesCheck(RepoCheck): """Scan profiles/updates/* for outdated entries and other issues.""" _source = (sources.EmptySource, (base.profiles_scope,)) - known_results = frozenset([ - MultiMovePackageUpdate, OldMultiMovePackageUpdate, - OldPackageUpdate, MovedPackageUpdate, BadPackageUpdate, - RedundantPackageUpdate, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + MultiMovePackageUpdate, + OldMultiMovePackageUpdate, + OldPackageUpdate, + MovedPackageUpdate, + BadPackageUpdate, + RedundantPackageUpdate, + ] + ) def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) @@ -92,8 +97,8 @@ class PackageUpdatesCheck(RepoCheck): def finish(self): logmap = ( - base.LogMap('pkgcore.log.logger.warning', MovedPackageUpdate), - base.LogMap('pkgcore.log.logger.error', BadPackageUpdate), + base.LogMap("pkgcore.log.logger.warning", MovedPackageUpdate), + base.LogMap("pkgcore.log.logger.error", BadPackageUpdate), ) # convert log warnings/errors into reports @@ -106,8 +111,8 @@ class PackageUpdatesCheck(RepoCheck): old_slotmove_updates = {} for pkg, updates in repo_updates.items(): - move_updates = [x for x in updates if x[0] == 'move'] - slotmove_updates = [x for x in updates if x[0] == 'slotmove'] + move_updates = [x for x in updates if x[0] == "move"] + slotmove_updates = [x for x in updates if x[0] == "slotmove"] # check for multi-updates, a -> b, b -> c, ... if len(move_updates) > 1: @@ -126,7 +131,7 @@ class PackageUpdatesCheck(RepoCheck): # scan updates for old entries with removed packages for x in slotmove_updates: _, pkg, newslot = x - orig_line = ('slotmove', str(pkg)[:-(len(pkg.slot) + 1)], pkg.slot, newslot) + orig_line = ("slotmove", str(pkg)[: -(len(pkg.slot) + 1)], pkg.slot, newslot) if not self.search_repo.match(pkg.unversioned_atom): # reproduce updates file line data for result output old_slotmove_updates[pkg.key] = orig_line @@ -160,8 +165,8 @@ class UnusedLicenses(results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.licenses) - licenses = ', '.join(self.licenses) - return f'unused license{s}: {licenses}' + licenses = ", ".join(self.licenses) + return f"unused license{s}: {licenses}" class UnusedLicensesCheck(RepoCheck): @@ -199,8 +204,8 @@ class UnusedMirrors(results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.mirrors) - mirrors = ', '.join(self.mirrors) - return f'unused mirror{s}: {mirrors}' + mirrors = ", ".join(self.mirrors) + return f"unused mirror{s}: {mirrors}" class UnusedMirrorsCheck(MirrorsCheck, RepoCheck): @@ -234,9 +239,9 @@ class UnusedEclasses(results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - es = pluralism(self.eclasses, plural='es') - eclasses = ', '.join(self.eclasses) - return f'unused eclass{es}: {eclasses}' + es = pluralism(self.eclasses, plural="es") + eclasses = ", ".join(self.eclasses) + return f"unused eclass{es}: {eclasses}" class UnusedEclassesCheck(RepoCheck): @@ -253,8 +258,9 @@ class UnusedEclassesCheck(RepoCheck): master_eclasses = set() for repo in self.options.target_repo.masters: master_eclasses.update(repo.eclass_cache.eclasses.keys()) - self.unused_eclasses = set( - self.options.target_repo.eclass_cache.eclasses.keys()) - master_eclasses + self.unused_eclasses = ( + set(self.options.target_repo.eclass_cache.eclasses.keys()) - master_eclasses + ) def feed(self, pkg): self.unused_eclasses.difference_update(pkg.inherited) @@ -276,8 +282,8 @@ class UnknownLicenses(results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.licenses) - licenses = ', '.join(self.licenses) - return f'license group {self.group!r} has unknown license{s}: [ {licenses} ]' + licenses = ", ".join(self.licenses) + return f"license group {self.group!r} has unknown license{s}: [ {licenses} ]" class LicenseGroupsCheck(RepoCheck): @@ -307,10 +313,10 @@ class PotentialLocalUse(results.Info): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.pkgs) - pkgs = ', '.join(self.pkgs) + pkgs = ", ".join(self.pkgs) return ( - f'global USE flag {self.flag!r} is a potential local, ' - f'used by {len(self.pkgs)} package{s}: {pkgs}' + f"global USE flag {self.flag!r} is a potential local, " + f"used by {len(self.pkgs)} package{s}: {pkgs}" ) @@ -324,8 +330,8 @@ class UnusedGlobalUse(results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.flags) - flags = ', '.join(self.flags) - return f'use.desc unused flag{s}: {flags}' + flags = ", ".join(self.flags) + return f"use.desc unused flag{s}: {flags}" class UnusedGlobalUseExpand(results.Warning): @@ -338,8 +344,8 @@ class UnusedGlobalUseExpand(results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.flags) - flags = ', '.join(self.flags) - return f'unused flag{s}: {flags}' + flags = ", ".join(self.flags) + return f"unused flag{s}: {flags}" class PotentialGlobalUse(results.Info): @@ -354,7 +360,8 @@ class PotentialGlobalUse(results.Info): def desc(self): return ( f"local USE flag {self.flag!r} is a potential global " - f"used by {len(self.pkgs)} packages: {', '.join(self.pkgs)}") + f"used by {len(self.pkgs)} packages: {', '.join(self.pkgs)}" + ) def _dfs(graph, start, visited=None): @@ -369,11 +376,16 @@ def _dfs(graph, start, visited=None): class GlobalUseCheck(RepoCheck): """Check global USE and USE_EXPAND flags for various issues.""" - _source = (sources.RepositoryRepoSource, (), (('source', sources.PackageRepoSource),)) + _source = (sources.RepositoryRepoSource, (), (("source", sources.PackageRepoSource),)) required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,) - known_results = frozenset([ - PotentialLocalUse, PotentialGlobalUse, UnusedGlobalUse, UnusedGlobalUseExpand, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + PotentialLocalUse, + PotentialGlobalUse, + UnusedGlobalUse, + UnusedGlobalUseExpand, + ] + ) def __init__(self, *args, use_addon): super().__init__(*args) @@ -394,7 +406,7 @@ class GlobalUseCheck(RepoCheck): # calculate USE flag description difference ratios diffs = {} for i, (i_pkg, i_desc) in enumerate(pkgs): - for j, (j_pkg, j_desc) in enumerate(pkgs[i + 1:]): + for j, (j_pkg, j_desc) in enumerate(pkgs[i + 1 :]): diffs[(i, i + j + 1)] = SequenceMatcher(None, i_desc, j_desc).ratio() # create an adjacency list using all closely matching flags pairs @@ -424,11 +436,12 @@ class GlobalUseCheck(RepoCheck): yield [pkgs[i][0] for i in component] def finish(self): - repo_global_use = { - flag for matcher, (flag, desc) in self.repo.config.use_desc} + repo_global_use = {flag for matcher, (flag, desc) in self.repo.config.use_desc} repo_global_use_expand = { - flag for use_expand in self.repo.config.use_expand_desc.values() - for flag, desc in use_expand} + flag + for use_expand in self.repo.config.use_expand_desc.values() + for flag, desc in use_expand + } repo_local_use = self.repo.config.use_local_desc unused_global_use = [] unused_global_use_expand = [] @@ -481,7 +494,8 @@ class MissingChksum(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): def desc(self): return ( f"{self.filename!r} missing required chksums: " - f"{', '.join(self.missing)}; has chksums: {', '.join(self.existing)}") + f"{', '.join(self.missing)}; has chksums: {', '.join(self.existing)}" + ) class DeprecatedChksum(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @@ -495,8 +509,8 @@ class DeprecatedChksum(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.deprecated) - deprecated = ', '.join(self.deprecated) - return f'{self.filename!r} has deprecated checksum{s}: {deprecated}' + deprecated = ", ".join(self.deprecated) + return f"{self.filename!r} has deprecated checksum{s}: {deprecated}" class MissingManifest(results.VersionResult, results.Error): @@ -509,8 +523,8 @@ class MissingManifest(results.VersionResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.files) - files = ', '.join(self.files) - return f'distfile{s} missing from Manifest: [ {files} ]' + files = ", ".join(self.files) + return f"distfile{s} missing from Manifest: [ {files} ]" class UnknownManifest(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @@ -523,8 +537,8 @@ class UnknownManifest(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.files) - files = ', '.join(self.files) - return f'unknown distfile{s} in Manifest: [ {files} ]' + files = ", ".join(self.files) + return f"unknown distfile{s} in Manifest: [ {files} ]" class UnnecessaryManifest(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @@ -537,14 +551,14 @@ class UnnecessaryManifest(results.PackageResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.files) - files = ', '.join(self.files) - return f'unnecessary file{s} in Manifest: [ {files} ]' + files = ", ".join(self.files) + return f"unnecessary file{s} in Manifest: [ {files} ]" class InvalidManifest(results.MetadataError, results.PackageResult): """Package's Manifest file is invalid.""" - attr = 'manifest' + attr = "manifest" class ManifestCheck(Check): @@ -556,19 +570,27 @@ class ManifestCheck(Check): required_addons = (addons.UseAddon,) _source = sources.PackageRepoSource - known_results = frozenset([ - MissingChksum, MissingManifest, UnknownManifest, UnnecessaryManifest, - DeprecatedChksum, InvalidManifest, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + MissingChksum, + MissingManifest, + UnknownManifest, + UnnecessaryManifest, + DeprecatedChksum, + InvalidManifest, + ] + ) def __init__(self, *args, use_addon): super().__init__(*args) repo = self.options.target_repo self.preferred_checksums = frozenset( - repo.config.manifests.hashes if hasattr(repo, 'config') else ()) + repo.config.manifests.hashes if hasattr(repo, "config") else () + ) self.required_checksums = frozenset( - repo.config.manifests.required_hashes if hasattr(repo, 'config') else ()) - self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter('fetchables') + repo.config.manifests.required_hashes if hasattr(repo, "config") else () + ) + self.iuse_filter = use_addon.get_filter("fetchables") def feed(self, pkgset): pkg_manifest = pkgset[0].manifest @@ -577,8 +599,10 @@ class ManifestCheck(Check): for pkg in pkgset: pkg.release_cached_data() fetchables, _ = self.iuse_filter( - (fetch.fetchable,), pkg, - pkg.generate_fetchables(allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True)) + (fetch.fetchable,), + pkg, + pkg.generate_fetchables(allow_missing_checksums=True, ignore_unknown_mirrors=True), + ) fetchables = set(fetchables) pkg.release_cached_data() @@ -593,8 +617,8 @@ class ManifestCheck(Check): missing = self.required_checksums.difference(f_inst.chksums) if f_inst.filename not in missing_manifests and missing: yield MissingChksum( - f_inst.filename, sorted(missing), - sorted(f_inst.chksums), pkg=pkg) + f_inst.filename, sorted(missing), sorted(f_inst.chksums), pkg=pkg + ) elif f_inst.chksums and self.preferred_checksums != frozenset(f_inst.chksums): deprecated = set(f_inst.chksums).difference(self.preferred_checksums) yield DeprecatedChksum(f_inst.filename, sorted(deprecated), pkg=pkg) @@ -602,7 +626,7 @@ class ManifestCheck(Check): if pkg_manifest.thin: unnecessary_manifests = [] - for attr in ('aux_files', 'ebuilds', 'misc'): + for attr in ("aux_files", "ebuilds", "misc"): unnecessary_manifests.extend(getattr(pkg_manifest, attr, [])) if unnecessary_manifests: yield UnnecessaryManifest(sorted(unnecessary_manifests), pkg=pkgset[0]) @@ -624,12 +648,12 @@ class ConflictingChksums(results.VersionResult, results.Error): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.chksums) - chksums = ', '.join(self.chksums) + chksums = ", ".join(self.chksums) pkgs_s = pluralism(self.pkgs) - pkgs = ', '.join(self.pkgs) + pkgs = ", ".join(self.pkgs) return ( - f'distfile {self.filename!r} has different checksum{s} ' - f'({chksums}) for package{pkgs_s}: {pkgs}' + f"distfile {self.filename!r} has different checksum{s} " + f"({chksums}) for package{pkgs_s}: {pkgs}" ) @@ -644,9 +668,9 @@ class MatchingChksums(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): - msg = f'distfile {self.filename!r} matches checksums for {self.orig_file!r}' - if f'{self.category}/{self.package}' != self.orig_pkg: - msg += f' from {self.orig_pkg}' + msg = f"distfile {self.filename!r} matches checksums for {self.orig_file!r}" + if f"{self.category}/{self.package}" != self.orig_pkg: + msg += f" from {self.orig_pkg}" return msg @@ -657,7 +681,7 @@ class ManifestCollisionCheck(Check): different filenames with matching checksums. """ - _source = (sources.RepositoryRepoSource, (), (('source', sources.PackageRepoSource),)) + _source = (sources.RepositoryRepoSource, (), (("source", sources.PackageRepoSource),)) known_results = frozenset([ConflictingChksums, MatchingChksums]) def __init__(self, *args): @@ -665,15 +689,14 @@ class ManifestCollisionCheck(Check): self.seen_files = {} self.seen_chksums = {} # ignore go.mod false positives (issue #228) - self._ignored_files_re = re.compile(r'^.*%2F@v.*\.mod$') + self._ignored_files_re = re.compile(r"^.*%2F@v.*\.mod$") def _conflicts(self, pkg): """Check for similarly named distfiles with different checksums.""" for filename, chksums in pkg.manifest.distfiles.items(): existing = self.seen_files.get(filename) if existing is None: - self.seen_files[filename] = ( - [pkg.key], dict(chksums.items())) + self.seen_files[filename] = ([pkg.key], dict(chksums.items())) continue seen_pkgs, seen_chksums = existing conflicting_chksums = [] diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/reserved.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/reserved.py index 8448179a..a67d1683 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/reserved.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/reserved.py @@ -7,12 +7,17 @@ from . import Check class _ReservedNameCheck(Check): - reserved_prefixes = ('__', 'abort', 'dyn', 'prep') - reserved_substrings = ('hook', 'paludis', 'portage') # 'ebuild' is special case - reserved_ebuild_regex = re.compile(r'(.*[^a-zA-Z])?ebuild.*') + reserved_prefixes = ("__", "abort", "dyn", "prep") + reserved_substrings = ("hook", "paludis", "portage") # 'ebuild' is special case + reserved_ebuild_regex = re.compile(r"(.*[^a-zA-Z])?ebuild.*") """Portage variables whose use is half-legitimate and harmless if the package manager doesn't support them.""" - special_whitelist = ('EBUILD_DEATH_HOOKS', 'EBUILD_SUCCESS_HOOKS', 'PORTAGE_QUIET', 'PORTAGE_ACTUAL_DISTDIR') + special_whitelist = ( + "EBUILD_DEATH_HOOKS", + "EBUILD_SUCCESS_HOOKS", + "PORTAGE_QUIET", + "PORTAGE_ACTUAL_DISTDIR", + ) """Approved good exceptions to using of variables.""" variables_usage_whitelist = {"EBUILD_PHASE", "EBUILD_PHASE_FUNC"} @@ -24,32 +29,37 @@ class _ReservedNameCheck(Check): test_name = used_name.lower() for reserved in self.reserved_prefixes: if test_name.startswith(reserved): - yield used_name, used_type, reserved, 'prefix', lineno+1 + yield used_name, used_type, reserved, "prefix", lineno + 1 for reserved in self.reserved_substrings: if reserved in test_name: - yield used_name, used_type, reserved, 'substring', lineno+1 + yield used_name, used_type, reserved, "substring", lineno + 1 if self.reserved_ebuild_regex.match(test_name): - yield used_name, used_type, 'ebuild', 'substring', lineno+1 + yield used_name, used_type, "ebuild", "substring", lineno + 1 def _feed(self, item): - yield from self._check('function', { - item.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name')): node.start_point - for node, _ in bash.func_query.captures(item.tree.root_node) - }) + yield from self._check( + "function", + { + item.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name")): node.start_point + for node, _ in bash.func_query.captures(item.tree.root_node) + }, + ) used_variables = { - item.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name')): node.start_point + item.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name")): node.start_point for node, _ in bash.var_assign_query.captures(item.tree.root_node) } for node, _ in bash.var_query.captures(item.tree.root_node): if (name := item.node_str(node)) not in self.variables_usage_whitelist: used_variables.setdefault(name, node.start_point) - yield from self._check('variable', used_variables) + yield from self._check("variable", used_variables) class EclassReservedName(results.EclassResult, results.Warning): """Eclass uses reserved variable or function name for package manager.""" - def __init__(self, used_name: str, used_type: str, reserved_word: str, reserved_type: str, **kwargs): + def __init__( + self, used_name: str, used_type: str, reserved_word: str, reserved_type: str, **kwargs + ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.used_name = used_name self.used_type = used_type @@ -101,7 +111,7 @@ class EbuildReservedCheck(_ReservedNameCheck): super().__init__(options, **kwargs) self.phases_hooks = { eapi_name: { - f'{prefix}_{phase}' for phase in eapi.phases.values() for prefix in ('pre', 'post') + f"{prefix}_{phase}" for phase in eapi.phases.values() for prefix in ("pre", "post") } for eapi_name, eapi in EAPI.known_eapis.items() } @@ -111,7 +121,9 @@ class EbuildReservedCheck(_ReservedNameCheck): yield EbuildReservedName(*args, lineno=lineno, line=used_name, pkg=pkg) for node, _ in bash.func_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node): - used_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name('name')) + used_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name")) if used_name in self.phases_hooks[str(pkg.eapi)]: lineno, _ = node.start_point - yield EbuildReservedName('function', used_name, 'phase hook', lineno=lineno+1, line=used_name, pkg=pkg) + yield EbuildReservedName( + "function", used_name, "phase hook", lineno=lineno + 1, line=used_name, pkg=pkg + ) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/stablereq.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/stablereq.py index 3f396e08..57e41a84 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/stablereq.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/stablereq.py @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class StableRequest(results.VersionResult, results.Info): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.keywords) - keywords = ', '.join(self.keywords) + keywords = ", ".join(self.keywords) return ( f"slot({self.slot}) no change in {self.age} days " f"for unstable keyword{s}: [ {keywords} ]" @@ -37,19 +37,25 @@ class StableRequestCheck(GentooRepoCheck): Note that packages with no stable keywords won't trigger this at all. Instead they'll be caught by the UnstableOnly check. """ - _source = (sources.PackageRepoSource, (), (('source', sources.UnmaskedRepoSource),)) + + _source = (sources.PackageRepoSource, (), (("source", sources.UnmaskedRepoSource),)) required_addons = (addons.git.GitAddon,) known_results = frozenset([StableRequest]) @staticmethod def mangle_argparser(parser): parser.plugin.add_argument( - '--stabletime', metavar='DAYS', dest='stable_time', default=30, - type=arghparse.positive_int, help='set number of days before stabilisation', + "--stabletime", + metavar="DAYS", + dest="stable_time", + default=30, + type=arghparse.positive_int, + help="set number of days before stabilisation", docs=""" An integer number of days before a package version is flagged by StableRequestCheck. Defaults to 30 days. - """) + """, + ) def __init__(self, *args, git_addon): super().__init__(*args) @@ -64,7 +70,7 @@ class StableRequestCheck(GentooRepoCheck): pkg_slotted[pkg.slot].append(pkg) pkg_keywords.update(pkg.keywords) - if stable_pkg_keywords := {x for x in pkg_keywords if x[0] not in {'-', '~'}}: + if stable_pkg_keywords := {x for x in pkg_keywords if x[0] not in {"-", "~"}}: for slot, pkgs in sorted(pkg_slotted.items()): slot_keywords = set().union(*(pkg.keywords for pkg in pkgs)) stable_slot_keywords = slot_keywords.intersection(stable_pkg_keywords) @@ -82,11 +88,11 @@ class StableRequestCheck(GentooRepoCheck): added = datetime.fromtimestamp(match.time) days_old = (self.today - added).days if days_old >= self.options.stable_time: - pkg_stable_keywords = {x.lstrip('~') for x in pkg.keywords} + pkg_stable_keywords = {x.lstrip("~") for x in pkg.keywords} if stable_slot_keywords: keywords = stable_slot_keywords.intersection(pkg_stable_keywords) else: keywords = stable_pkg_keywords.intersection(pkg_stable_keywords) - keywords = sorted('~' + x for x in keywords) + keywords = sorted("~" + x for x in keywords) yield StableRequest(slot, keywords, days_old, pkg=pkg) break diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/unstable_only.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/unstable_only.py index 2d08f635..0fc8b9f6 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/unstable_only.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/unstable_only.py @@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ class UnstableOnly(results.PackageResult, results.Info): @property def desc(self): - es = pluralism(self.arches, plural='es') - arches = ', '.join(self.arches) - versions = ', '.join(self.versions) - return f'for arch{es}: [ {arches} ], all versions are unstable: [ {versions} ]' + es = pluralism(self.arches, plural="es") + arches = ", ".join(self.arches) + versions = ", ".join(self.versions) + return f"for arch{es}: [ {arches} ], all versions are unstable: [ {versions} ]" class UnstableOnlyCheck(GentooRepoCheck): @@ -39,10 +39,8 @@ class UnstableOnlyCheck(GentooRepoCheck): self.arch_restricts = {} for arch in arches: self.arch_restricts[arch] = [ - packages.PackageRestriction( - "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2((arch,))), - packages.PackageRestriction( - "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2((f"~{arch}",))) + packages.PackageRestriction("keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2((arch,))), + packages.PackageRestriction("keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2((f"~{arch}",))), ] def feed(self, pkgset): diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/visibility.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/visibility.py index 021a738f..5440db7f 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/visibility.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/visibility.py @@ -12,30 +12,29 @@ from . import Check class FakeConfigurable: - "Package wrapper binding profile data.""" + "Package wrapper binding profile data." "" configurable = True - __slots__ = ('use', 'iuse', '_forced_use', '_masked_use', '_pkg_use', '_raw_pkg', '_profile') + __slots__ = ("use", "iuse", "_forced_use", "_masked_use", "_pkg_use", "_raw_pkg", "_profile") def __init__(self, pkg, profile): - object.__setattr__(self, '_raw_pkg', pkg) - object.__setattr__(self, '_profile', profile) - - object.__setattr__( - self, '_forced_use', self._profile.forced_use.pull_data(self._raw_pkg)) - object.__setattr__( - self, '_masked_use', self._profile.masked_use.pull_data(self._raw_pkg)) - object.__setattr__( - self, '_pkg_use', self._profile.pkg_use.pull_data(self._raw_pkg)) - use_defaults = {x[1:] for x in pkg.iuse if x[0] == '+'} - enabled_use = (use_defaults | profile.use | self._pkg_use | self._forced_use) - self._masked_use - object.__setattr__( - self, 'use', frozenset(enabled_use & (profile.iuse_effective | pkg.iuse_effective))) + object.__setattr__(self, "_raw_pkg", pkg) + object.__setattr__(self, "_profile", profile) + + object.__setattr__(self, "_forced_use", self._profile.forced_use.pull_data(self._raw_pkg)) + object.__setattr__(self, "_masked_use", self._profile.masked_use.pull_data(self._raw_pkg)) + object.__setattr__(self, "_pkg_use", self._profile.pkg_use.pull_data(self._raw_pkg)) + use_defaults = {x[1:] for x in pkg.iuse if x[0] == "+"} + enabled_use = ( + use_defaults | profile.use | self._pkg_use | self._forced_use + ) - self._masked_use object.__setattr__( - self, 'iuse', frozenset(profile.iuse_effective.union(pkg.iuse_stripped))) + self, "use", frozenset(enabled_use & (profile.iuse_effective | pkg.iuse_effective)) + ) + object.__setattr__(self, "iuse", frozenset(profile.iuse_effective.union(pkg.iuse_stripped))) def request_enable(self, attr, *vals): - if attr != 'use': + if attr != "use": return False set_vals = frozenset(vals) @@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ class FakeConfigurable: return set_vals.isdisjoint(self._masked_use) def request_disable(self, attr, *vals): - if attr != 'use': + if attr != "use": return False set_vals = frozenset(vals) @@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ class FakeConfigurable: __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy("_raw_pkg") def __setattr__(self, attr, val): - raise AttributeError(self, 'is immutable') + raise AttributeError(self, "is immutable") class _BlockMemoryExhaustion(Exception): @@ -78,10 +77,13 @@ class _BlockMemoryExhaustion(Exception): # This is fast path code, hence the seperated implementations. -if getattr(atom, '_TRANSITIVE_USE_ATOM_BUG_IS_FIXED', False): +if getattr(atom, "_TRANSITIVE_USE_ATOM_BUG_IS_FIXED", False): + def _eapi2_flatten(val): return isinstance(val, atom) and not isinstance(val, transitive_use_atom) + else: + def _eapi2_flatten(val): if isinstance(val, transitive_use_atom): if len([x for x in val.use if x.endswith("?")]) > 16: @@ -107,13 +109,13 @@ class VisibleVcsPkg(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): if self.num_profiles is not None and self.num_profiles > 1: - num_profiles = f' ({self.num_profiles} total)' + num_profiles = f" ({self.num_profiles} total)" else: - num_profiles = '' + num_profiles = "" return ( f'VCS version visible for KEYWORDS="{self.arch}", ' - f'profile {self.profile}{num_profiles}' + f"profile {self.profile}{num_profiles}" ) @@ -128,8 +130,8 @@ class NonexistentDeps(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.nonexistent) - nonexistent = ', '.join(self.nonexistent) - return f'{self.attr}: nonexistent package{s}: {nonexistent}' + nonexistent = ", ".join(self.nonexistent) + return f"{self.attr}: nonexistent package{s}: {nonexistent}" class UncheckableDep(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): @@ -147,8 +149,17 @@ class UncheckableDep(results.VersionResult, results.Warning): class NonsolvableDeps(results.VersionResult, results.AliasResult, results.Error): """No potential solution for a depset attribute.""" - def __init__(self, attr, keyword, profile, deps, profile_status, - profile_deprecated, num_profiles=None, **kwargs): + def __init__( + self, + attr, + keyword, + profile, + deps, + profile_status, + profile_deprecated, + num_profiles=None, + **kwargs, + ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.attr = attr self.keyword = keyword @@ -160,12 +171,12 @@ class NonsolvableDeps(results.VersionResult, results.AliasResult, results.Error) @property def desc(self): - profile_status = 'deprecated ' if self.profile_deprecated else '' - profile_status += self.profile_status or 'custom' + profile_status = "deprecated " if self.profile_deprecated else "" + profile_status += self.profile_status or "custom" if self.num_profiles is not None and self.num_profiles > 1: - num_profiles = f' ({self.num_profiles} total)' + num_profiles = f" ({self.num_profiles} total)" else: - num_profiles = '' + num_profiles = "" return ( f"nonsolvable depset({self.attr}) keyword({self.keyword}) " @@ -186,7 +197,7 @@ class NonsolvableDepsInExp(NonsolvableDeps): """No potential solution for dependency on exp profile.""" # results require experimental profiles to be enabled - _profile = 'exp' + _profile = "exp" class VisibilityCheck(feeds.EvaluateDepSet, feeds.QueryCache, Check): @@ -198,18 +209,24 @@ class VisibilityCheck(feeds.EvaluateDepSet, feeds.QueryCache, Check): """ required_addons = (addons.profiles.ProfileAddon,) - known_results = frozenset([ - VisibleVcsPkg, NonexistentDeps, UncheckableDep, - NonsolvableDepsInStable, NonsolvableDepsInDev, NonsolvableDepsInExp, - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + VisibleVcsPkg, + NonexistentDeps, + UncheckableDep, + NonsolvableDepsInStable, + NonsolvableDepsInDev, + NonsolvableDepsInExp, + ] + ) def __init__(self, *args, profile_addon): super().__init__(*args, profile_addon=profile_addon) self.profiles = profile_addon self.report_cls_map = { - 'stable': NonsolvableDepsInStable, - 'dev': NonsolvableDepsInDev, - 'exp': NonsolvableDepsInExp, + "stable": NonsolvableDepsInStable, + "dev": NonsolvableDepsInDev, + "exp": NonsolvableDepsInExp, } def feed(self, pkg): @@ -238,8 +255,7 @@ class VisibilityCheck(feeds.EvaluateDepSet, feeds.QueryCache, Check): # on don't have to use the slower get method self.query_cache[node] = () else: - matches = caching_iter( - self.options.search_repo.itermatch(node)) + matches = caching_iter(self.options.search_repo.itermatch(node)) if matches: self.query_cache[node] = matches if orig_node is not node: @@ -263,10 +279,8 @@ class VisibilityCheck(feeds.EvaluateDepSet, feeds.QueryCache, Check): continue depset = getattr(pkg, attr) profile_failures = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set)) - for edepset, profiles in self.collapse_evaluate_depset( - pkg, attr, depset): - for profile, failures in self.process_depset( - pkg, attr, depset, edepset, profiles): + for edepset, profiles in self.collapse_evaluate_depset(pkg, attr, depset): + for profile, failures in self.process_depset(pkg, attr, depset, edepset, profiles): failures = tuple(map(str, sorted(stable_unique(failures)))) profile_failures[failures][profile.status].add(profile) @@ -276,24 +290,36 @@ class VisibilityCheck(feeds.EvaluateDepSet, feeds.QueryCache, Check): for failures, profiles in profile_failures.items(): for profile_status, cls in self.report_cls_map.items(): for profile in sorted( - profiles.get(profile_status, ()), - key=attrgetter('key', 'name')): + profiles.get(profile_status, ()), key=attrgetter("key", "name") + ): yield cls( - attr, profile.key, profile.name, failures, - profile_status, profile.deprecated, pkg=pkg) + attr, + profile.key, + profile.name, + failures, + profile_status, + profile.deprecated, + pkg=pkg, + ) else: # only report one failure per depset per profile type in regular mode for failures, profiles in profile_failures.items(): for profile_status, cls in self.report_cls_map.items(): status_profiles = sorted( - profiles.get(profile_status, ()), - key=attrgetter('key', 'name')) + profiles.get(profile_status, ()), key=attrgetter("key", "name") + ) if status_profiles: profile = status_profiles[0] yield cls( - attr, profile.key, profile.name, - failures, profile_status, - profile.deprecated, len(status_profiles), pkg=pkg) + attr, + profile.key, + profile.name, + failures, + profile_status, + profile.deprecated, + len(status_profiles), + pkg=pkg, + ) def check_visibility_vcs(self, pkg): visible = [] diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/checks/whitespace.py b/src/pkgcheck/checks/whitespace.py index 356a3634..823a8cfd 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/checks/whitespace.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/checks/whitespace.py @@ -68,25 +68,48 @@ class BadWhitespaceCharacter(results.LineResult, results.Warning): @property def desc(self): return ( - f'bad whitespace character {self.char} on line {self.lineno}' - f', char {self.position}: {self.line}' + f"bad whitespace character {self.char} on line {self.lineno}" + f", char {self.position}: {self.line}" ) class WhitespaceData(NamedTuple): """Data format to register hardcoded list of bad whitespace characters.""" + unicode_version: str chars: tuple whitespace_data = WhitespaceData( - unicode_version='12.1.0', + unicode_version="12.1.0", chars=( - '\x0b', '\x0c', '\r', '\x1c', '\x1d', '\x1e', '\x1f', '\x85', '\xa0', - '\u1680', '\u2000', '\u2001', '\u2002', '\u2003', '\u2004', '\u2005', - '\u2006', '\u2007', '\u2008', '\u2009', '\u200a', '\u2028', '\u2029', - '\u202f', '\u205f', '\u3000', - ) + "\x0b", + "\x0c", + "\r", + "\x1c", + "\x1d", + "\x1e", + "\x1f", + "\x85", + "\xa0", + "\u1680", + "\u2000", + "\u2001", + "\u2002", + "\u2003", + "\u2004", + "\u2005", + "\u2006", + "\u2007", + "\u2008", + "\u2009", + "\u200a", + "\u2028", + "\u2029", + "\u202f", + "\u205f", + "\u3000", + ), ) @@ -94,17 +117,23 @@ class WhitespaceCheck(Check): """Scan ebuild for useless whitespace.""" _source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource - known_results = frozenset([ - WhitespaceFound, WrongIndentFound, DoubleEmptyLine, - TrailingEmptyLine, NoFinalNewline, BadWhitespaceCharacter - ]) + known_results = frozenset( + [ + WhitespaceFound, + WrongIndentFound, + DoubleEmptyLine, + TrailingEmptyLine, + NoFinalNewline, + BadWhitespaceCharacter, + ] + ) - _indent_regex = re.compile('^\t* \t+') + _indent_regex = re.compile("^\t* \t+") def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) - bad_whitespace = ''.join(whitespace_data.chars) - self.bad_whitespace_regex = re.compile(rf'(?P<char>[{bad_whitespace}])') + bad_whitespace = "".join(whitespace_data.chars) + self.bad_whitespace_regex = re.compile(rf"(?P<char>[{bad_whitespace}])") def feed(self, pkg): lastlineempty = False @@ -116,14 +145,18 @@ class WhitespaceCheck(Check): for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1): for match in self.bad_whitespace_regex.finditer(line): yield BadWhitespaceCharacter( - repr(match.group('char')), match.end('char'), - line=repr(line), lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg) - - if line != '\n': + repr(match.group("char")), + match.end("char"), + line=repr(line), + lineno=lineno, + pkg=pkg, + ) + + if line != "\n": lastlineempty = False - if line[-2:-1] == ' ' or line[-2:-1] == '\t': + if line[-2:-1] == " " or line[-2:-1] == "\t": trailing.append(lineno) - elif line[0] == ' ': + elif line[0] == " ": leading.append(lineno) if self._indent_regex.match(line): indent.append(lineno) @@ -132,9 +165,9 @@ class WhitespaceCheck(Check): else: lastlineempty = True if trailing: - yield WhitespaceFound('trailing', lines=trailing, pkg=pkg) + yield WhitespaceFound("trailing", lines=trailing, pkg=pkg) if leading: - yield WhitespaceFound('leading', lines=leading, pkg=pkg) + yield WhitespaceFound("leading", lines=leading, pkg=pkg) if indent: yield WrongIndentFound(indent, pkg=pkg) if double_empty: @@ -143,5 +176,5 @@ class WhitespaceCheck(Check): yield TrailingEmptyLine(pkg=pkg) # Dealing with empty ebuilds is just paranoia - if pkg.lines and not pkg.lines[-1].endswith('\n'): + if pkg.lines and not pkg.lines[-1].endswith("\n"): yield NoFinalNewline(pkg=pkg) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/cli.py b/src/pkgcheck/cli.py index 5450788e..55e9f30a 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/cli.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/cli.py @@ -14,10 +14,9 @@ from . import const class Tool(commandline.Tool): - def main(self): # suppress all pkgcore log messages - logging.getLogger('pkgcore').setLevel(100) + logging.getLogger("pkgcore").setLevel(100) return super().main() @@ -50,14 +49,16 @@ class ConfigFileParser: for f in configs: config.read(f) except configparser.ParsingError as e: - self.parser.error(f'parsing config file failed: {e}') + self.parser.error(f"parsing config file failed: {e}") return config def parse_config_sections(self, namespace, sections): """Parse options from a given iterable of config section names.""" - with patch('snakeoil.cli.arghparse.ArgumentParser.error', self._config_error): + with patch("snakeoil.cli.arghparse.ArgumentParser.error", self._config_error): for section in (x for x in sections if x in self.config): - config_args = [f'--{k}={v}' if v else f'--{k}' for k, v in self.config.items(section)] + config_args = [ + f"--{k}={v}" if v else f"--{k}" for k, v in self.config.items(section) + ] namespace, args = self.parser.parse_known_optionals(config_args, namespace) if args: self.parser.error(f"unknown arguments: {' '.join(args)}") @@ -74,16 +75,16 @@ class ConfigFileParser: self._config = None # load default options - namespace = self.parse_config_sections(namespace, ['DEFAULT']) + namespace = self.parse_config_sections(namespace, ["DEFAULT"]) # load any defined checksets -- empty checksets are ignored - if 'CHECKSETS' in self.config: - for k, v in self.config.items('CHECKSETS'): + if "CHECKSETS" in self.config: + for k, v in self.config.items("CHECKSETS"): if v: - namespace.config_checksets[k] = re.split('[,\n]', v.strip()) + namespace.config_checksets[k] = re.split("[,\n]", v.strip()) return namespace def _config_error(self, message, status=2): """Stub to replace error method that notes config failure.""" - self.parser.exit(status, f'{self.parser.prog}: failed loading config: {message}\n') + self.parser.exit(status, f"{self.parser.prog}: failed loading config: {message}\n") diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/const.py b/src/pkgcheck/const.py index 7e440ce4..61b0922f 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/const.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/const.py @@ -25,17 +25,20 @@ def _GET_CONST(attr, default_value): # determine XDG compatible paths for xdg_var, var_name, fallback_dir in ( - ('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', 'USER_CONFIG_PATH', '~/.config'), - ('XDG_CACHE_HOME', 'USER_CACHE_PATH', '~/.cache'), - ('XDG_DATA_HOME', 'USER_DATA_PATH', '~/.local/share')): + ("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", "USER_CONFIG_PATH", "~/.config"), + ("XDG_CACHE_HOME", "USER_CACHE_PATH", "~/.cache"), + ("XDG_DATA_HOME", "USER_DATA_PATH", "~/.local/share"), +): setattr( - _module, var_name, - os.environ.get(xdg_var, os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(fallback_dir), 'pkgcheck'))) - -REPO_PATH = _GET_CONST('REPO_PATH', _reporoot) -DATA_PATH = _GET_CONST('DATA_PATH', '%(REPO_PATH)s/data/share/pkgcheck') - -USER_CACHE_DIR = getattr(_module, 'USER_CACHE_PATH') -USER_CONF_FILE = os.path.join(getattr(_module, 'USER_CONFIG_PATH'), 'pkgcheck.conf') -SYSTEM_CONF_FILE = '/etc/pkgcheck/pkgcheck.conf' -BUNDLED_CONF_FILE = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'pkgcheck.conf') + _module, + var_name, + os.environ.get(xdg_var, os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(fallback_dir), "pkgcheck")), + ) + +REPO_PATH = _GET_CONST("REPO_PATH", _reporoot) +DATA_PATH = _GET_CONST("DATA_PATH", "%(REPO_PATH)s/data/share/pkgcheck") + +USER_CACHE_DIR = getattr(_module, "USER_CACHE_PATH") +USER_CONF_FILE = os.path.join(getattr(_module, "USER_CONFIG_PATH"), "pkgcheck.conf") +SYSTEM_CONF_FILE = "/etc/pkgcheck/pkgcheck.conf" +BUNDLED_CONF_FILE = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "pkgcheck.conf") diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/feeds.py b/src/pkgcheck/feeds.py index 0edffc2c..e09874dc 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/feeds.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/feeds.py @@ -38,15 +38,16 @@ class Feed(base.Addon): class QueryCache(Feed): - @staticmethod def mangle_argparser(parser): - group = parser.add_argument_group('query caching') + group = parser.add_argument_group("query caching") group.add_argument( - '--reset-caching-per', dest='query_caching_freq', - choices=('version', 'package', 'category'), default='package', - help='control how often the cache is cleared ' - '(version, package or category)') + "--reset-caching-per", + dest="query_caching_freq", + choices=("version", "package", "category"), + default="package", + help="control how often the cache is cleared " "(version, package or category)", + ) @staticmethod def _version(item): @@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ class QueryCache(Feed): def __init__(self, options): super().__init__(options) self.query_cache = {} - self._keyfunc = getattr(self, f'_{options.query_caching_freq}') + self._keyfunc = getattr(self, f"_{options.query_caching_freq}") self._key = None def feed(self, item): @@ -76,7 +77,6 @@ class QueryCache(Feed): class EvaluateDepSet(Feed): - def __init__(self, *args, profile_addon): super().__init__(*args) self.pkg_evaluate_depsets_cache = {} @@ -95,15 +95,15 @@ class EvaluateDepSet(Feed): self.pkg_profiles_cache[pkg] = profile_grps # strip use dep defaults so known flags get identified correctly - diuse = frozenset( - x[:-3] if x[-1] == ')' else x for x in depset.known_conditionals) + diuse = frozenset(x[:-3] if x[-1] == ")" else x for x in depset.known_conditionals) collapsed = {} for profiles in profile_grps: immutable, enabled = profiles[0].identify_use(pkg, diuse) collapsed.setdefault((immutable, enabled), []).extend(profiles) - return [(depset.evaluate_depset(k[1], tristate_filter=k[0]), v) - for k, v in collapsed.items()] + return [ + (depset.evaluate_depset(k[1], tristate_filter=k[0]), v) for k, v in collapsed.items() + ] def collapse_evaluate_depset(self, pkg, attr, depset): depset_profiles = self.pkg_evaluate_depsets_cache.get((pkg, attr)) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/log.py b/src/pkgcheck/log.py index 0bc11269..6db8441b 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/log.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/log.py @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ import logging # overrides the root logger handler. logging.basicConfig() -logger = logging.getLogger('pkgcheck') +logger = logging.getLogger("pkgcheck") diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/objects.py b/src/pkgcheck/objects.py index b91d07b6..51f2bed2 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/objects.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/objects.py @@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ except ImportError: # pragma: no cover def _find_modules(module): # pragma: no cover """Generator of all public modules under a given module.""" - if getattr(module, '__path__', False): - for _imp, name, _ in pkgutil.walk_packages(module.__path__, module.__name__ + '.'): + if getattr(module, "__path__", False): + for _imp, name, _ in pkgutil.walk_packages(module.__path__, module.__name__ + "."): # skip "private" modules - if name.rsplit('.', 1)[1][0] == '_': + if name.rsplit(".", 1)[1][0] == "_": continue try: yield import_module(name) except ImportError as e: - raise Exception(f'failed importing {name!r}: {e}') + raise Exception(f"failed importing {name!r}: {e}") else: yield module @@ -37,27 +37,31 @@ def _find_modules(module): # pragma: no cover def _find_classes(module, matching_cls, skip=()): # pragma: no cover """Generator of all subclasses of a selected class under a given module.""" for _name, cls in inspect.getmembers(module): - if (inspect.isclass(cls) and issubclass(cls, matching_cls) - and cls.__name__[0] != '_' and cls not in skip): + if ( + inspect.isclass(cls) + and issubclass(cls, matching_cls) + and cls.__name__[0] != "_" + and cls not in skip + ): yield cls def _find_obj_classes(module_name, target_cls): # pragma: no cover """Determine mapping of object class names to class objects.""" - module = import_module(f'.{module_name}', 'pkgcheck') - cls_module, cls_name = target_cls.rsplit('.', 1) - matching_cls = getattr(import_module(f'.{cls_module}', 'pkgcheck'), cls_name) + module = import_module(f".{module_name}", "pkgcheck") + cls_module, cls_name = target_cls.rsplit(".", 1) + matching_cls = getattr(import_module(f".{cls_module}", "pkgcheck"), cls_name) # skip top-level, base classes base_classes = {matching_cls} - if os.path.basename(module.__file__) == '__init__.py': + if os.path.basename(module.__file__) == "__init__.py": base_classes.update(_find_classes(module, matching_cls)) classes = {} for m in _find_modules(module): for cls in _find_classes(m, matching_cls, skip=base_classes): if cls.__name__ in classes and classes[cls.__name__] != cls: - raise Exception(f'object name overlap: {cls} and {classes[cls.__name__]}') + raise Exception(f"object name overlap: {cls} and {classes[cls.__name__]}") classes[cls.__name__] = cls return classes @@ -120,7 +124,7 @@ def _keyword_alias(alias=None): def __set_name__(self, cls, name): key = alias if alias is not None else name cls._alias_keywords.add(key) - jit_attr = klass.jit_attr_named(f'_{self.func.__name__}') + jit_attr = klass.jit_attr_named(f"_{self.func.__name__}") func = jit_attr(partial(self.func)) setattr(cls, name, func) @@ -136,6 +140,7 @@ class _KeywordsLazyDict(_LazyDict): def aliases(self): """Mapping of aliases to their respective mappings.""" from . import results + alias_map = {x: getattr(self, x) for x in self._alias_keywords} # support class-based aliasing for k, v in self._dict.items(): @@ -147,24 +152,28 @@ class _KeywordsLazyDict(_LazyDict): def error(self): """Mapping of all error level keywords.""" from . import results + return ImmutableDict(self.select(results.Error)) @_keyword_alias() def warning(self): """Mapping of all warning level keywords.""" from . import results + return ImmutableDict(self.select(results.Warning)) @_keyword_alias() def style(self): """Mapping of all style level keywords.""" from . import results + return ImmutableDict(self.select(results.Style)) @_keyword_alias() def info(self): """Mapping of all info level keywords.""" from . import results + return ImmutableDict(self.select(results.Info)) @klass.jit_attr @@ -180,11 +189,12 @@ class _ChecksLazyDict(_LazyDict): def default(self): """Mapping of all default-enabled checks.""" from . import checks - return ImmutableDict({ - k: v for k, v in self._dict.items() - if not issubclass(v, checks.OptionalCheck)}) + + return ImmutableDict( + {k: v for k, v in self._dict.items() if not issubclass(v, checks.OptionalCheck)} + ) -KEYWORDS = _KeywordsLazyDict('KEYWORDS', ('checks', 'results.Result')) -CHECKS = _ChecksLazyDict('CHECKS', ('checks', 'checks.Check')) -REPORTERS = _LazyDict('REPORTERS', ('reporters', 'reporters.Reporter')) +KEYWORDS = _KeywordsLazyDict("KEYWORDS", ("checks", "results.Result")) +CHECKS = _ChecksLazyDict("CHECKS", ("checks", "checks.Check")) +REPORTERS = _LazyDict("REPORTERS", ("reporters", "reporters.Reporter")) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/packages.py b/src/pkgcheck/packages.py index e2a07aa1..195b9d19 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/packages.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/packages.py @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from snakeoil import klass @dataclass(frozen=True, eq=False) class RawCPV: """Raw CPV objects supporting basic restrictions/sorting.""" + category: str package: str fullver: str @@ -19,18 +20,18 @@ class RawCPV: def __post_init__(self): if self.fullver is not None: - version, _, revision = self.fullver.partition('-r') - object.__setattr__(self, 'version', version) - object.__setattr__(self, 'revision', cpv.Revision(revision)) + version, _, revision = self.fullver.partition("-r") + object.__setattr__(self, "version", version) + object.__setattr__(self, "revision", cpv.Revision(revision)) @property def key(self): - return f'{self.category}/{self.package}' + return f"{self.category}/{self.package}" @property def versioned_atom(self): if self.fullver: - return atom.atom(f'={self}') + return atom.atom(f"={self}") return atom.atom(str(self)) @property @@ -45,19 +46,19 @@ class RawCPV: def __str__(self): if self.fullver: - return f'{self.category}/{self.package}-{self.fullver}' - return f'{self.category}/{self.package}' + return f"{self.category}/{self.package}-{self.fullver}" + return f"{self.category}/{self.package}" def __repr__(self): - address = '@%#8x' % (id(self),) - return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} cpv={self.versioned_atom.cpvstr!r} {address}>' + address = "@%#8x" % (id(self),) + return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} cpv={self.versioned_atom.cpvstr!r} {address}>" @total_ordering class WrappedPkg: """Generic package wrapper used to inject attributes into package objects.""" - __slots__ = ('_pkg',) + __slots__ = ("_pkg",) def __init__(self, pkg): self._pkg = pkg @@ -77,8 +78,8 @@ class WrappedPkg: def __hash__(self): return hash(self._pkg) - __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy('_pkg') - __dir__ = klass.DirProxy('_pkg') + __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy("_pkg") + __dir__ = klass.DirProxy("_pkg") class FilteredPkg(WrappedPkg): diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/pipeline.py b/src/pkgcheck/pipeline.py index 0dd8f9b4..184f3454 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/pipeline.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/pipeline.py @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class Pipeline: self.errors = [] # pkgcheck currently requires the fork start method (#254) - self._mp_ctx = multiprocessing.get_context('fork') + self._mp_ctx = multiprocessing.get_context("fork") self._results_q = self._mp_ctx.SimpleQueue() # create checkrunners @@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ class Pipeline: if self.options.pkg_scan: # package level scans sort all returned results self._ordered_results = { - scope: [] for scope in base.scopes.values() - if scope >= base.package_scope + scope: [] for scope in base.scopes.values() if scope >= base.package_scope } else: # scoped mapping for caching repo and location specific results self._ordered_results = { - scope: [] for scope in reversed(list(base.scopes.values())) + scope: [] + for scope in reversed(list(base.scopes.values())) if scope <= base.repo_scope } def _filter_checks(self, scope): """Verify check scope against given scope to determine activation.""" - for check in sorted(self.options.enabled_checks, key=attrgetter('__name__')): + for check in sorted(self.options.enabled_checks, key=attrgetter("__name__")): if isinstance(check.scope, base.ConditionalScope): # conditionally enabled check yield check @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class Pipeline: def _create_runners(self): """Initialize and categorize checkrunners for results pipeline.""" - pipes = {'async': [], 'sync': [], 'sequential': []} + pipes = {"async": [], "sync": [], "sequential": []} # use addon/source caches to avoid re-initializing objects addons_map = {} @@ -88,15 +88,20 @@ class Pipeline: addons = list(base.get_addons(self._filter_checks(scope))) if not addons: raise base.PkgcheckUserException( - f'no matching checks available for {scope.desc} scope') + f"no matching checks available for {scope.desc} scope" + ) checks = init_checks( - addons, self.options, self._results_q, - addons_map=addons_map, source_map=source_map) + addons, self.options, self._results_q, addons_map=addons_map, source_map=source_map + ) # Initialize checkrunners per source type using separate runner for # async checks and categorize them for parallelization based on the # scan and source scope. - runners = {'async': defaultdict(list), 'sync': defaultdict(list), 'sequential': defaultdict(list)} + runners = { + "async": defaultdict(list), + "sync": defaultdict(list), + "sequential": defaultdict(list), + } for (source, runner_cls), check_objs in checks.items(): runner = runner_cls(self.options, source, check_objs) if not self.options.pkg_scan and source.scope >= base.package_scope: @@ -183,8 +188,9 @@ class Pipeline: """Consumer that runs scanning tasks, queuing results for output.""" try: for scope, restrict, i, runners in iter(work_q.get, None): - if results := sorted(chain.from_iterable( - pipes[i][-1][scope][j].run(restrict) for j in runners)): + if results := sorted( + chain.from_iterable(pipes[i][-1][scope][j].run(restrict) for j in runners) + ): self._results_q.put(results) except Exception: # pragma: no cover # traceback can't be pickled so serialize it @@ -213,21 +219,19 @@ class Pipeline: # schedule asynchronous checks in a separate process async_proc = None - if async_pipes := self._pipes['async']: - async_proc = self._mp_ctx.Process( - target=self._schedule_async, args=(async_pipes,)) + if async_pipes := self._pipes["async"]: + async_proc = self._mp_ctx.Process(target=self._schedule_async, args=(async_pipes,)) async_proc.start() # run synchronous checks using a process pool - if sync_pipes := self._pipes['sync']: + if sync_pipes := self._pipes["sync"]: work_q = self._mp_ctx.SimpleQueue() - pool = self._mp_ctx.Pool( - self.options.jobs, self._run_checks, (sync_pipes, work_q)) + pool = self._mp_ctx.Pool(self.options.jobs, self._run_checks, (sync_pipes, work_q)) pool.close() self._queue_work(sync_pipes, work_q) pool.join() - if sequential_pipes := self._pipes['sequential']: + if sequential_pipes := self._pipes["sequential"]: for _scope, restriction, pipes in sequential_pipes: for runner in chain.from_iterable(pipes.values()): if results := tuple(runner.run(restriction)): diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/reporters.py b/src/pkgcheck/reporters.py index 3696f5fd..089037d1 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/reporters.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/reporters.py @@ -62,15 +62,15 @@ class StrReporter(Reporter): def _process_report(self): # scope to result prefix mapping scope_prefix_map = { - base.version_scope: '{category}/{package}-{version}: ', - base.package_scope: '{category}/{package}: ', - base.category_scope: '{category}: ', + base.version_scope: "{category}/{package}-{version}: ", + base.package_scope: "{category}/{package}: ", + base.category_scope: "{category}: ", } while True: - result = (yield) - prefix = scope_prefix_map.get(result.scope, '').format(**vars(result)) - self.out.write(f'{prefix}{result.desc}') + result = yield + prefix = scope_prefix_map.get(result.scope, "").format(**vars(result)) + self.out.write(f"{prefix}{result.desc}") self.out.stream.flush() @@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ class FancyReporter(Reporter): prev_key = None while True: - result = (yield) + result = yield if result.scope in (base.version_scope, base.package_scope): - key = f'{result.category}/{result.package}' + key = f"{result.category}/{result.package}" elif result.scope == base.category_scope: key = result.category else: @@ -103,17 +103,16 @@ class FancyReporter(Reporter): if key != prev_key: if prev_key is not None: self.out.write() - self.out.write(self.out.bold, self.out.fg('blue'), key, self.out.reset) + self.out.write(self.out.bold, self.out.fg("blue"), key, self.out.reset) prev_key = key - self.out.first_prefix.append(' ') - self.out.later_prefix.append(' ') - s = '' + self.out.first_prefix.append(" ") + self.out.later_prefix.append(" ") + s = "" if result.scope == base.version_scope: s = f"version {result.version}: " self.out.write( - self.out.fg(result.color), - result.name, self.out.reset, - ': ', s, result.desc) + self.out.fg(result.color), result.name, self.out.reset, ": ", s, result.desc + ) self.out.first_prefix.pop() self.out.later_prefix.pop() self.out.stream.flush() @@ -145,10 +144,10 @@ class JsonReporter(Reporter): } while True: - result = (yield) + result = yield data = json_dict() d = scope_map.get(result.scope, lambda x, y: x)(data, result) - d['_' + result.level][result.name] = result.desc + d["_" + result.level][result.name] = result.desc self.out.write(json.dumps(data)) # flush output so partial objects aren't written self.out.stream.flush() @@ -160,27 +159,28 @@ class XmlReporter(Reporter): priority = -1000 def _start(self): - self.out.write('<checks>') + self.out.write("<checks>") def _finish(self): - self.out.write('</checks>') + self.out.write("</checks>") @coroutine def _process_report(self): - result_template = ( - "<result><class>%(class)s</class>" - "<msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>") + result_template = "<result><class>%(class)s</class>" "<msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>" cat_template = ( "<result><category>%(category)s</category>" - "<class>%(class)s</class><msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>") + "<class>%(class)s</class><msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>" + ) pkg_template = ( "<result><category>%(category)s</category>" "<package>%(package)s</package><class>%(class)s</class>" - "<msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>") + "<msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>" + ) ver_template = ( "<result><category>%(category)s</category>" "<package>%(package)s</package><version>%(version)s</version>" - "<class>%(class)s</class><msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>") + "<class>%(class)s</class><msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>" + ) scope_map = { base.category_scope: cat_template, @@ -189,10 +189,10 @@ class XmlReporter(Reporter): } while True: - result = (yield) - d = {k: getattr(result, k, '') for k in ('category', 'package', 'version')} - d['class'] = xml_escape(result.name) - d['msg'] = xml_escape(result.desc) + result = yield + d = {k: getattr(result, k, "") for k in ("category", "package", "version")} + d["class"] = xml_escape(result.name) + d["msg"] = xml_escape(result.desc) self.out.write(scope_map.get(result.scope, result_template) % d) @@ -211,19 +211,18 @@ class CsvReporter(Reporter): @coroutine def _process_report(self): - writer = csv.writer( - self.out, - doublequote=False, - escapechar='\\', - lineterminator='') + writer = csv.writer(self.out, doublequote=False, escapechar="\\", lineterminator="") while True: - result = (yield) - writer.writerow(( - getattr(result, 'category', ''), - getattr(result, 'package', ''), - getattr(result, 'version', ''), - result.desc)) + result = yield + writer.writerow( + ( + getattr(result, "category", ""), + getattr(result, "package", ""), + getattr(result, "version", ""), + result.desc, + ) + ) class _ResultFormatter(Formatter): @@ -235,9 +234,8 @@ class _ResultFormatter(Formatter): try: return kwds[key] except KeyError: - return '' - raise base.PkgcheckUserException( - 'FormatReporter: integer indexes are not supported') + return "" + raise base.PkgcheckUserException("FormatReporter: integer indexes are not supported") class FormatReporter(Reporter): @@ -253,10 +251,10 @@ class FormatReporter(Reporter): def _process_report(self): formatter = _ResultFormatter() # provide expansions for result desc, level, and output name properties - properties = ('desc', 'level', 'name') + properties = ("desc", "level", "name") while True: - result = (yield) + result = yield attrs = vars(result) attrs.update((k, getattr(result, k)) for k in properties) s = formatter.format(self.format_str, **attrs) @@ -279,7 +277,7 @@ class JsonStream(Reporter): def to_json(obj): """Serialize results and other objects to JSON.""" if isinstance(obj, Result): - d = {'__class__': obj.__class__.__name__} + d = {"__class__": obj.__class__.__name__} d.update(obj._attrs) return d return str(obj) @@ -289,19 +287,20 @@ class JsonStream(Reporter): """Deserialize results from a given iterable.""" # avoid circular import issues from . import objects + try: for data in map(json.loads, iterable): - cls = objects.KEYWORDS[data.pop('__class__')] + cls = objects.KEYWORDS[data.pop("__class__")] yield cls._create(**data) except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, UnicodeDecodeError, DeserializationError) as e: - raise DeserializationError('failed loading') from e + raise DeserializationError("failed loading") from e except (KeyError, InvalidResult): - raise DeserializationError('unknown result') + raise DeserializationError("unknown result") @coroutine def _process_report(self): while True: - result = (yield) + result = yield self.out.write(json.dumps(result, default=self.to_json)) @@ -316,11 +315,11 @@ class FlycheckReporter(Reporter): @coroutine def _process_report(self): while True: - result = (yield) + result = yield file = f'{getattr(result, "package", "")}-{getattr(result, "version", "")}.ebuild' message = f'{getattr(result, "name")}: {getattr(result, "desc")}' if isinstance(result, BaseLinesResult): - message = message.replace(result.lines_str, '').strip() + message = message.replace(result.lines_str, "").strip() for lineno in result.lines: self.out.write(f'{file}:{lineno}:{getattr(result, "level")}:{message}') else: diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/results.py b/src/pkgcheck/results.py index cac8fbfa..23d639fc 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/results.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/results.py @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class Result: cls.name = cls._name if cls._name is not None else cls.__name__ def __str__(self): - return f'{self.name}: {self.desc}' + return f"{self.name}: {self.desc}" @property def desc(self): @@ -43,24 +43,24 @@ class Result: @property def _attrs(self): """Return all public result attributes.""" - return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('_')} + return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith("_")} @classmethod def _create(cls, **kwargs): """Create a new result object from a given attributes dict.""" if issubclass(cls, CategoryResult): - category = kwargs.pop('category', None) - package = kwargs.pop('package', None) - version = kwargs.pop('version', None) - if 'pkg' not in kwargs: + category = kwargs.pop("category", None) + package = kwargs.pop("package", None) + version = kwargs.pop("version", None) + if "pkg" not in kwargs: # recreate pkg param from related, separated attributes if category is None: - raise InvalidResult('missing category') + raise InvalidResult("missing category") if issubclass(cls, PackageResult) and package is None: - raise InvalidResult('missing package') + raise InvalidResult("missing package") if issubclass(cls, VersionResult) and version is None: - raise InvalidResult('missing version') - kwargs['pkg'] = RawCPV(category, package, version) + raise InvalidResult("missing version") + kwargs["pkg"] = RawCPV(category, package, version) return cls(**kwargs) def __eq__(self, other): @@ -91,36 +91,36 @@ class BaseLinesResult: @property def lines_str(self): s = pluralism(self.lines) - lines = ', '.join(map(str, self.lines)) - return f'on line{s}: {lines}' + lines = ", ".join(map(str, self.lines)) + return f"on line{s}: {lines}" class Error(Result): """Result with an error priority level.""" - level = 'error' - color = 'red' + level = "error" + color = "red" class Warning(Result): """Result with a warning priority level.""" - level = 'warning' - color = 'yellow' + level = "warning" + color = "yellow" class Style(Result): """Result with a coding style priority level.""" - level = 'style' - color = 'cyan' + level = "style" + color = "cyan" class Info(Result): """Result with an info priority level.""" - level = 'info' - color = 'green' + level = "info" + color = "green" class CommitResult(Result): @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class CommitResult(Result): def __init__(self, commit, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.commit = str(commit) - self._attr = 'commit' + self._attr = "commit" def __lt__(self, other): try: @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class EclassResult(Result): def __init__(self, eclass, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.eclass = str(eclass) - self._attr = 'eclass' + self._attr = "eclass" def __lt__(self, other): try: @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class CategoryResult(Result): def __init__(self, pkg, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.category = pkg.category - self._attr = 'category' + self._attr = "category" def __lt__(self, other): try: @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class PackageResult(CategoryResult): def __init__(self, pkg, **kwargs): super().__init__(pkg, **kwargs) self.package = pkg.package - self._attr = 'package' + self._attr = "package" def __lt__(self, other): try: @@ -223,11 +223,11 @@ class VersionResult(PackageResult): pkg = pkg._pkg super().__init__(pkg, **kwargs) self.version = pkg.fullver - self._attr = 'version' + self._attr = "version" @klass.jit_attr def ver_rev(self): - version, _, revision = self.version.partition('-r') + version, _, revision = self.version.partition("-r") revision = cpv.Revision(revision) return version, revision @@ -307,10 +307,9 @@ class MetadataError(Error): if cls.attr is not None: setting = cls.results.setdefault(cls.attr, cls) if setting != cls: - raise ValueError( - f'metadata attribute {cls.attr!r} already registered: {setting!r}') + raise ValueError(f"metadata attribute {cls.attr!r} already registered: {setting!r}") else: - raise ValueError(f'class missing metadata attributes: {cls!r}') + raise ValueError(f"class missing metadata attributes: {cls!r}") def __init__(self, attr, msg, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/runners.py b/src/pkgcheck/runners.py index b1aa8e64..86bdbe6e 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/runners.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/runners.py @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class CheckRunner: class SyncCheckRunner(CheckRunner): """Generic runner for synchronous checks.""" - type = 'sync' + type = "sync" def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) @@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ class SyncCheckRunner(CheckRunner): # only report metadata errors for version-scoped sources if self.source.scope == base.version_scope: self.source.itermatch = partial( - self.source.itermatch, error_callback=self._metadata_error_cb) + self.source.itermatch, error_callback=self._metadata_error_cb + ) def _metadata_error_cb(self, e, check=None): """Callback handling MetadataError results.""" @@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ class SyncCheckRunner(CheckRunner): # so they can be noticed and fixed. result_cls = MetadataError.results[e.attr] if result_cls in known_results: - error_str = ': '.join(e.msg().split('\n')) + error_str = ": ".join(e.msg().split("\n")) result = result_cls(e.attr, error_str, pkg=e.pkg) self._metadata_errors.append((e.pkg, result)) @@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ class SequentialCheckRunner(SyncCheckRunner): Checks that must not be run in parallel, will be run on the main process. """ - type = 'sequential' + type = "sequential" class AsyncCheckRunner(CheckRunner): @@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ class AsyncCheckRunner(CheckRunner): on completion. """ - type = 'async' + type = "async" def schedule(self, executor, futures, restrict=packages.AlwaysTrue): """Schedule all checks to run via the given executor.""" diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/__init__.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/__init__.py index 351cc7c9..7757a9c0 100755 --- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/__init__.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/__init__.py @@ -19,19 +19,21 @@ def run(script_name): try: from pkgcheck.cli import Tool - script_module = '.'.join( - os.path.realpath(__file__).split(os.path.sep)[-3:-1] + - [script_name.replace('-', '_')]) + + script_module = ".".join( + os.path.realpath(__file__).split(os.path.sep)[-3:-1] + [script_name.replace("-", "_")] + ) script = import_module(script_module) except ImportError as e: - python_version = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3])) - sys.stderr.write(f'Failed importing: {e}!\n') + python_version = ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3])) + sys.stderr.write(f"Failed importing: {e}!\n") sys.stderr.write( - 'Verify that pkgcheck and its deps are properly installed ' - f'and/or PYTHONPATH is set correctly for python {python_version}.\n') - if '--debug' in sys.argv[1:]: + "Verify that pkgcheck and its deps are properly installed " + f"and/or PYTHONPATH is set correctly for python {python_version}.\n" + ) + if "--debug" in sys.argv[1:]: raise - sys.stderr.write('Add --debug to the commandline for a traceback.\n') + sys.stderr.write("Add --debug to the commandline for a traceback.\n") sys.exit(1) tool = Tool(script.argparser) @@ -46,5 +48,5 @@ def main(): run(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": main() diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/argparse_actions.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/argparse_actions.py index 8d6485f6..67a18f73 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/argparse_actions.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/argparse_actions.py @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class ConfigArg(argparse._StoreAction): """Store config path string or False when explicitly disabled.""" def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): - if values.lower() in ('false', 'no', 'n'): + if values.lower() in ("false", "no", "n"): values = False setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) @@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ def object_to_keywords(namespace, obj): elif obj in namespace.config_checksets: yield from chain(*ChecksetArgs.checksets_to_keywords(namespace, [obj])) else: - raise ValueError(f'unknown checkset, check, or keyword: {obj!r}') + raise ValueError(f"unknown checkset, check, or keyword: {obj!r}") class FilterArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedValues): """Apply filters to an entire scan or specific checks/keywords.""" - known_filters = frozenset(['latest']) + known_filters = frozenset(["latest"]) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): values = self.parse_values(values) @@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ class FilterArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedValues): disabled = False for val in values: - if ':' in val: - filter_type, target = val.split(':') + if ":" in val: + filter_type, target = val.split(":") try: keywords = object_to_keywords(namespace, target) filter_map.update({x: filter_type for x in keywords}) except ValueError as e: raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, str(e)) - elif val.lower() in ('false', 'no', 'n'): + elif val.lower() in ("false", "no", "n"): # disable all filters disabled = True break @@ -63,19 +63,24 @@ class FilterArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedValues): # validate selected filters if unknown := set(filter_map.values()) - self.known_filters: s = pluralism(unknown) - unknown = ', '.join(map(repr, unknown)) - available = ', '.join(sorted(self.known_filters)) + unknown = ", ".join(map(repr, unknown)) + available = ", ".join(sorted(self.known_filters)) raise argparse.ArgumentError( - self, f'unknown filter{s}: {unknown} (available: {available})') + self, f"unknown filter{s}: {unknown} (available: {available})" + ) filters = {} if not disabled: # pull default filters filters.update(objects.KEYWORDS.filter) # ignore invalid keywords -- only keywords version scope and higher are affected - filters.update({ - objects.KEYWORDS[k]: v for k, v in filter_map.items() - if objects.KEYWORDS[k].scope >= base.version_scope}) + filters.update( + { + objects.KEYWORDS[k]: v + for k, v in filter_map.items() + if objects.KEYWORDS[k].scope >= base.version_scope + } + ) setattr(namespace, self.dest, ImmutableDict(filters)) @@ -104,20 +109,21 @@ class CacheNegations(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations): def parse_values(self, values): all_cache_types = {cache.type for cache in CachedAddon.caches.values()} disabled, enabled = [], list(all_cache_types) - if values is None or values.lower() in ('y', 'yes', 'true'): + if values is None or values.lower() in ("y", "yes", "true"): pass - elif values.lower() in ('n', 'no', 'false'): + elif values.lower() in ("n", "no", "false"): disabled = list(all_cache_types) else: disabled, enabled = super().parse_values(values) disabled = set(disabled) enabled = set(enabled) if enabled else all_cache_types if unknown := (disabled | enabled) - all_cache_types: - unknowns = ', '.join(map(repr, unknown)) - choices = ', '.join(map(repr, sorted(self.caches))) + unknowns = ", ".join(map(repr, unknown)) + choices = ", ".join(map(repr, sorted(self.caches))) s = pluralism(unknown) raise argparse.ArgumentError( - self, f'unknown cache type{s}: {unknowns} (choose from {choices})') + self, f"unknown cache type{s}: {unknowns} (choose from {choices})" + ) enabled = set(enabled).difference(disabled) return enabled @@ -135,8 +141,8 @@ class ChecksetArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.aliases = { - 'all': list(objects.CHECKS.values()), - 'net': list(objects.CHECKS.select(NetworkCheck).values()), + "all": list(objects.CHECKS.values()), + "net": list(objects.CHECKS.select(NetworkCheck).values()), } def expand_aliases(self, args): @@ -157,7 +163,7 @@ class ChecksetArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations): for arg in args: for x in namespace.config_checksets[arg]: # determine if checkset item is disabled or enabled - if x[0] == '-': + if x[0] == "-": x = x[1:] keywords = disabled else: @@ -168,7 +174,7 @@ class ChecksetArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations): elif x in objects.KEYWORDS: keywords.append(x) else: - raise ValueError(f'{arg!r} checkset, unknown check or keyword: {x!r}') + raise ValueError(f"{arg!r} checkset, unknown check or keyword: {x!r}") return disabled, enabled def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): @@ -177,11 +183,12 @@ class ChecksetArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations): # validate selected checksets if unknown := set(disabled + enabled) - set(self.aliases) - set(checksets): - unknown_str = ', '.join(map(repr, unknown)) - available = ', '.join(sorted(chain(checksets, self.aliases))) + unknown_str = ", ".join(map(repr, unknown)) + available = ", ".join(sorted(chain(checksets, self.aliases))) s = pluralism(unknown) raise argparse.ArgumentError( - self, f'unknown checkset{s}: {unknown_str} (available: {available})') + self, f"unknown checkset{s}: {unknown_str} (available: {available})" + ) # expand aliases into keywords disabled, disabled_aliases = self.expand_aliases(disabled) @@ -203,12 +210,12 @@ class ChecksetArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations): args = [] if enabled_keywords: keywords_set = {objects.KEYWORDS[x] for x in enabled_keywords} - checks = ','.join( - k for k, v in objects.CHECKS.items() - if v.known_results.intersection(keywords_set)) - args.append(f'--checks={checks}') - keywords = ','.join(enabled_keywords | {f'-{x}' for x in disabled_keywords}) - args.append(f'--keywords={keywords}') + checks = ",".join( + k for k, v in objects.CHECKS.items() if v.known_results.intersection(keywords_set) + ) + args.append(f"--checks={checks}") + keywords = ",".join(enabled_keywords | {f"-{x}" for x in disabled_keywords}) + args.append(f"--keywords={keywords}") parser._parse_known_args(args, namespace) @@ -220,21 +227,22 @@ class ScopeArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations): # validate selected scopes if unknown_scopes := set(disabled + enabled) - set(base.scopes): - unknown = ', '.join(map(repr, unknown_scopes)) - available = ', '.join(base.scopes) + unknown = ", ".join(map(repr, unknown_scopes)) + available = ", ".join(base.scopes) s = pluralism(unknown_scopes) raise argparse.ArgumentError( - self, f'unknown scope{s}: {unknown} (available: {available})') + self, f"unknown scope{s}: {unknown} (available: {available})" + ) disabled = set(chain.from_iterable(base.scopes[x] for x in disabled)) enabled = set(chain.from_iterable(base.scopes[x] for x in enabled)) if enabled: - namespace.enabled_checks = { - c for c in objects.CHECKS.values() if c.scope in enabled} + namespace.enabled_checks = {c for c in objects.CHECKS.values() if c.scope in enabled} if disabled: namespace.enabled_checks.difference_update( - c for c in objects.CHECKS.values() if c.scope in disabled) + c for c in objects.CHECKS.values() if c.scope in disabled + ) setattr(namespace, self.dest, frozenset(enabled)) @@ -247,9 +255,9 @@ class CheckArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedElements): # validate selected checks if unknown_checks := set(subtractive + neutral + additive) - set(objects.CHECKS): - unknown = ', '.join(map(repr, unknown_checks)) + unknown = ", ".join(map(repr, unknown_checks)) s = pluralism(unknown_checks) - raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, f'unknown check{s}: {unknown}') + raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, f"unknown check{s}: {unknown}") if neutral: # replace the default check set @@ -259,8 +267,7 @@ class CheckArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedElements): namespace.enabled_checks.update(objects.CHECKS[c] for c in additive) if subtractive: # remove from the default check set - namespace.enabled_checks.difference_update( - objects.CHECKS[c] for c in subtractive) + namespace.enabled_checks.difference_update(objects.CHECKS[c] for c in subtractive) setattr(namespace, self.dest, frozenset(neutral + additive)) @@ -278,9 +285,9 @@ class KeywordArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations): # validate selected keywords if unknown_keywords := set(disabled + enabled) - set(objects.KEYWORDS): - unknown = ', '.join(map(repr, unknown_keywords)) + unknown = ", ".join(map(repr, unknown_keywords)) s = pluralism(unknown_keywords) - raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, f'unknown keyword{s}: {unknown}') + raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, f"unknown keyword{s}: {unknown}") # create keyword instance sets disabled_keywords = {objects.KEYWORDS[k] for k in disabled} @@ -292,8 +299,7 @@ class KeywordArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations): for check in list(namespace.enabled_checks): if check.known_results.issubset(disabled_keywords): namespace.enabled_checks.discard(check) - enabled_keywords = set().union( - *(c.known_results for c in namespace.enabled_checks)) + enabled_keywords = set().union(*(c.known_results for c in namespace.enabled_checks)) namespace.filtered_keywords = enabled_keywords - disabled_keywords # restrict enabled checks if none have been selected @@ -305,7 +311,7 @@ class KeywordArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations): # check if experimental profiles are required for explicitly selected keywords for r in namespace.filtered_keywords: - if r.name in enabled and r._profile == 'exp': + if r.name in enabled and r._profile == "exp": namespace.exp_profiles_required = True break @@ -331,17 +337,19 @@ class ExitArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedElements): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): # default to using error results if no keywords are selected if values is None: - values = 'error' + values = "error" subtractive, neutral, additive = self.parse_values(values) # default to using error results if no neutral keywords are selected if not neutral: - neutral.append('error') + neutral.append("error") # expand args to keyword objects keywords = {objects.KEYWORDS[x] for x in self.args_to_keywords(namespace, neutral)} keywords.update(objects.KEYWORDS[x] for x in self.args_to_keywords(namespace, additive)) - keywords.difference_update(objects.KEYWORDS[x] for x in self.args_to_keywords(namespace, subtractive)) + keywords.difference_update( + objects.KEYWORDS[x] for x in self.args_to_keywords(namespace, subtractive) + ) setattr(namespace, self.dest, frozenset(keywords)) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/argparsers.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/argparsers.py index d082cf36..0fd349d7 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/argparsers.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/argparsers.py @@ -7,18 +7,25 @@ from snakeoil.cli import arghparse from .. import objects, reporters reporter_argparser = arghparse.ArgumentParser(suppress=True) -reporter_options = reporter_argparser.add_argument_group('reporter options') +reporter_options = reporter_argparser.add_argument_group("reporter options") reporter_options.add_argument( - '-R', '--reporter', action='store', default=None, - help='use a non-default reporter', + "-R", + "--reporter", + action="store", + default=None, + help="use a non-default reporter", docs=""" Select a reporter to use for output. Use ``pkgcheck show --reporters`` to see available options. - """) + """, +) reporter_options.add_argument( - '--format', dest='format_str', action='store', default=None, - help='format string used with FormatReporter', + "--format", + dest="format_str", + action="store", + default=None, + help="format string used with FormatReporter", docs=""" Custom format string used to format output by FormatReporter. @@ -34,34 +41,40 @@ reporter_options.add_argument( requested attribute expansion in the format string. In other words, ``--format {foo}`` will never produce any output because no result has the ``foo`` attribute. - """) + """, +) @reporter_argparser.bind_final_check def _setup_reporter(parser, namespace): if namespace.reporter is None: namespace.reporter = sorted( - objects.REPORTERS.values(), key=attrgetter('priority'), reverse=True)[0] + objects.REPORTERS.values(), key=attrgetter("priority"), reverse=True + )[0] else: try: namespace.reporter = objects.REPORTERS[namespace.reporter] except KeyError: - available = ', '.join(objects.REPORTERS) - parser.error( - f"no reporter matches {namespace.reporter!r} " - f"(available: {available})") + available = ", ".join(objects.REPORTERS) + parser.error(f"no reporter matches {namespace.reporter!r} " f"(available: {available})") if namespace.reporter is reporters.FormatReporter: if not namespace.format_str: - parser.error('missing or empty --format option required by FormatReporter') + parser.error("missing or empty --format option required by FormatReporter") namespace.reporter = partial(namespace.reporter, namespace.format_str) elif namespace.format_str is not None: - parser.error('--format option is only valid when using FormatReporter') + parser.error("--format option is only valid when using FormatReporter") repo_argparser = arghparse.ArgumentParser(suppress=True) -repo_options = repo_argparser.add_argument_group('repo options') +repo_options = repo_argparser.add_argument_group("repo options") repo_options.add_argument( - '-r', '--repo', metavar='REPO', dest='target_repo', - action=commandline.StoreRepoObject, repo_type='ebuild-raw', allow_external_repos=True, - help='target repo') + "-r", + "--repo", + metavar="REPO", + dest="target_repo", + action=commandline.StoreRepoObject, + repo_type="ebuild-raw", + allow_external_repos=True, + help="target repo", +) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck.py index 9eb5c0c8..7ec3cf77 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck.py @@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ ebuild repositories for various issues. from pkgcore.util import commandline argparser = commandline.ArgumentParser( - description=__doc__, help=False, subcmds=True, script=(__file__, __name__)) + description=__doc__, help=False, subcmds=True, script=(__file__, __name__) +) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_cache.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_cache.py index a986bb2d..5787c65e 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_cache.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_cache.py @@ -10,34 +10,37 @@ from .argparse_actions import CacheNegations from .argparsers import repo_argparser cache = arghparse.ArgumentParser( - prog='pkgcheck cache', description='perform cache operations', + prog="pkgcheck cache", + description="perform cache operations", parents=(repo_argparser,), docs=""" Various types of caches are used by pkgcheck. This command supports running operations on them including updates and removals. - """) + """, +) cache.add_argument( - '--cache-dir', type=arghparse.create_dir, default=const.USER_CACHE_DIR, - help='directory to use for storing cache files') + "--cache-dir", + type=arghparse.create_dir, + default=const.USER_CACHE_DIR, + help="directory to use for storing cache files", +) cache_actions = cache.add_mutually_exclusive_group() cache_actions.add_argument( - '-l', '--list', dest='list_cache', action='store_true', - help='list available caches') + "-l", "--list", dest="list_cache", action="store_true", help="list available caches" +) cache_actions.add_argument( - '-u', '--update', dest='update_cache', action='store_true', - help='update caches') + "-u", "--update", dest="update_cache", action="store_true", help="update caches" +) cache_actions.add_argument( - '-R', '--remove', dest='remove_cache', action='store_true', - help='forcibly remove caches') + "-R", "--remove", dest="remove_cache", action="store_true", help="forcibly remove caches" +) cache.add_argument( - '-f', '--force', dest='force_cache', action='store_true', - help='forcibly update/remove caches') + "-f", "--force", dest="force_cache", action="store_true", help="forcibly update/remove caches" +) cache.add_argument( - '-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', - help='dry run without performing any changes') -cache.add_argument( - '-t', '--type', dest='cache', action=CacheNegations, - help='target cache types') + "-n", "--dry-run", action="store_true", help="dry run without performing any changes" +) +cache.add_argument("-t", "--type", dest="cache", action=CacheNegations, help="target cache types") @cache.bind_pre_parse @@ -50,16 +53,14 @@ def _setup_cache_addons(parser, namespace): @cache.bind_early_parse def _setup_cache(parser, namespace, args): if namespace.target_repo is None: - namespace.target_repo = namespace.config.get_default('repo') + namespace.target_repo = namespace.config.get_default("repo") return namespace, args @cache.bind_final_check def _validate_cache_args(parser, namespace): enabled_caches = {k for k, v in namespace.cache.items() if v} - cache_addons = ( - addon for addon in CachedAddon.caches - if addon.cache.type in enabled_caches) + cache_addons = (addon for addon in CachedAddon.caches if addon.cache.type in enabled_caches) # sort caches by type namespace.cache_addons = sorted(cache_addons, key=lambda x: x.cache.type) @@ -72,18 +73,18 @@ def _cache(options, out, err): cache_obj = CachedAddon(options) cache_obj.remove_caches() elif options.update_cache: - for addon_cls in options.pop('cache_addons'): + for addon_cls in options.pop("cache_addons"): init_addon(addon_cls, options) else: # list existing caches cache_obj = CachedAddon(options) - repos_dir = pjoin(options.cache_dir, 'repos') + repos_dir = pjoin(options.cache_dir, "repos") for cache_type in sorted(options.enabled_caches): paths = cache_obj.existing_caches[cache_type] if paths: - out.write(out.fg('yellow'), f'{cache_type} caches: ', out.reset) + out.write(out.fg("yellow"), f"{cache_type} caches: ", out.reset) for path in paths: - repo = str(path.parent)[len(repos_dir):] + repo = str(path.parent)[len(repos_dir) :] # non-path repo ids get path separator stripped if repo.count(os.sep) == 1: repo = repo.lstrip(os.sep) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_ci.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_ci.py index 8db03e14..1a15f640 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_ci.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_ci.py @@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ class ArgumentParser(arghparse.ArgumentParser): return namespace, [] -ci = ArgumentParser(prog='pkgcheck ci', description='scan repo for CI') +ci = ArgumentParser(prog="pkgcheck ci", description="scan repo for CI") ci.add_argument( - '--failures', type=argparse.FileType('w'), - help='file path for storing failure results') + "--failures", type=argparse.FileType("w"), help="file path for storing failure results" +) @ci.bind_main_func diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_replay.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_replay.py index 2f025f5e..37e0024e 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_replay.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_replay.py @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ from ..base import PkgcheckUserException from .argparsers import reporter_argparser replay = arghparse.ArgumentParser( - prog='pkgcheck replay', description='replay result streams', + prog="pkgcheck replay", + description="replay result streams", parents=(reporter_argparser,), docs=""" Replay previous json result streams, feeding the results into a reporter. @@ -13,10 +14,14 @@ replay = arghparse.ArgumentParser( Useful if you need to delay acting on results until it can be done in one minimal window, e.g. updating a database, or want to generate several different reports. - """) + """, +) replay.add_argument( - dest='results', metavar='FILE', - type=arghparse.FileType('rb'), help='path to serialized results file') + dest="results", + metavar="FILE", + type=arghparse.FileType("rb"), + help="path to serialized results file", +) @replay.bind_main_func @@ -30,8 +35,7 @@ def _replay(options, out, err): processed += 1 except reporters.DeserializationError as e: if not processed: - raise PkgcheckUserException('invalid or unsupported replay file') - raise PkgcheckUserException( - f'corrupted results file {options.results.name!r}: {e}') + raise PkgcheckUserException("invalid or unsupported replay file") + raise PkgcheckUserException(f"corrupted results file {options.results.name!r}: {e}") return 0 diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_scan.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_scan.py index e5227bbf..1d583407 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_scan.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_scan.py @@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ from . import argparse_actions from .argparsers import repo_argparser, reporter_argparser config_argparser = arghparse.ArgumentParser(suppress=True) -config_options = config_argparser.add_argument_group('config options') +config_options = config_argparser.add_argument_group("config options") config_options.add_argument( - '--config', action=argparse_actions.ConfigArg, dest='config_file', - help='use custom pkgcheck scan settings file', + "--config", + action=argparse_actions.ConfigArg, + dest="config_file", + help="use custom pkgcheck scan settings file", docs=""" Load custom pkgcheck scan settings from a given file. @@ -32,21 +34,31 @@ config_options.add_argument( It's also possible to disable all types of settings loading by specifying an argument of 'false' or 'no'. - """) + """, +) scan = arghparse.ArgumentParser( - prog='pkgcheck scan', description='scan targets for QA issues', - parents=(config_argparser, repo_argparser, reporter_argparser)) + prog="pkgcheck scan", + description="scan targets for QA issues", + parents=(config_argparser, repo_argparser, reporter_argparser), +) scan.add_argument( - 'targets', metavar='TARGET', nargs='*', action=arghparse.ParseNonblockingStdin, - help='optional targets') - -main_options = scan.add_argument_group('main options') + "targets", + metavar="TARGET", + nargs="*", + action=arghparse.ParseNonblockingStdin, + help="optional targets", +) + +main_options = scan.add_argument_group("main options") main_options.add_argument( - '-f', '--filter', - action=arghparse.Delayed, target=argparse_actions.FilterArgs, priority=99, - help='limit targeted packages for scanning', + "-f", + "--filter", + action=arghparse.Delayed, + target=argparse_actions.FilterArgs, + priority=99, + help="limit targeted packages for scanning", docs=""" Support limiting targeted packages for scanning using a chosen filter. @@ -62,23 +74,31 @@ main_options.add_argument( network-related checks are filtered to avoid redundant or unnecessary server requests. In order to forcibly disable all filtering use the 'no' argument. - """) + """, +) main_options.add_argument( - '-j', '--jobs', type=arghparse.positive_int, - help='number of checks to run in parallel', + "-j", + "--jobs", + type=arghparse.positive_int, + help="number of checks to run in parallel", docs=""" Number of checks to run in parallel, defaults to using all available processors. - """) + """, +) main_options.add_argument( - '-t', '--tasks', type=arghparse.positive_int, - help='number of asynchronous tasks to run concurrently', + "-t", + "--tasks", + type=arghparse.positive_int, + help="number of asynchronous tasks to run concurrently", docs=""" Number of asynchronous tasks to run concurrently (defaults to 5 * CPU count). - """) + """, +) main_options.add_argument( - '--cache', action=argparse_actions.CacheNegations, - help='forcibly enable/disable caches', + "--cache", + action=argparse_actions.CacheNegations, + help="forcibly enable/disable caches", docs=""" All cache types are enabled by default, this option explicitly sets which caches will be generated and used during scanning. @@ -97,14 +117,22 @@ main_options.add_argument( When disabled, no caches will be saved to disk and results requiring caches (e.g. git-related checks) will be skipped. - """) + """, +) main_options.add_argument( - '--cache-dir', type=arghparse.create_dir, default=const.USER_CACHE_DIR, - help='directory to use for storing cache files') + "--cache-dir", + type=arghparse.create_dir, + default=const.USER_CACHE_DIR, + help="directory to use for storing cache files", +) main_options.add_argument( - '--exit', metavar='ITEM', dest='exit_keywords', - action=argparse_actions.ExitArgs, nargs='?', default=(), - help='checksets, checks, or keywords that trigger an error exit status', + "--exit", + metavar="ITEM", + dest="exit_keywords", + action=argparse_actions.ExitArgs, + nargs="?", + default=(), + help="checksets, checks, or keywords that trigger an error exit status", docs=""" Comma-separated list of checksets, checks, or keywords to enable and disable that trigger an exit status failure. Checkset and check @@ -116,17 +144,25 @@ main_options.add_argument( To specify disabled keywords prefix them with ``-``. Also, the special arguments of ``error``, ``warning``, ``style``, and ``info`` correspond to the related keyword groups. - """) + """, +) -check_options = scan.add_argument_group('check selection') +check_options = scan.add_argument_group("check selection") check_options.add_argument( - '--net', nargs=0, - action=arghparse.Delayed, target=argparse_actions.EnableNet, priority=-1, - help='enable checks that require network access') + "--net", + nargs=0, + action=arghparse.Delayed, + target=argparse_actions.EnableNet, + priority=-1, + help="enable checks that require network access", +) check_options.add_argument( - '-C', '--checksets', metavar='CHECKSET', action=argparse_actions.ChecksetArgs, - help='scan using a configured set of check/keyword args', + "-C", + "--checksets", + metavar="CHECKSET", + action=argparse_actions.ChecksetArgs, + help="scan using a configured set of check/keyword args", docs=""" Comma-separated list of checksets to enable and disable for scanning. @@ -137,11 +173,18 @@ check_options.add_argument( All network-related checks (which are disabled by default) can be enabled using ``-C net``. This allows for easily running only network checks without having to explicitly list them. - """) + """, +) check_options.add_argument( - '-s', '--scopes', metavar='SCOPE', dest='selected_scopes', default=(), - action=arghparse.Delayed, target=argparse_actions.ScopeArgs, priority=51, - help='limit checks to run by scope', + "-s", + "--scopes", + metavar="SCOPE", + dest="selected_scopes", + default=(), + action=arghparse.Delayed, + target=argparse_actions.ScopeArgs, + priority=51, + help="limit checks to run by scope", docs=""" Comma-separated list of scopes to enable and disable for scanning. Any scopes specified in this fashion will affect the checks that get @@ -149,11 +192,19 @@ check_options.add_argument( enabled will cause only repo-level checks to run. Available scopes: %s - """ % (', '.join(base.scopes))) + """ + % (", ".join(base.scopes)), +) check_options.add_argument( - '-c', '--checks', metavar='CHECK', dest='selected_checks', default=(), - action=arghparse.Delayed, target=argparse_actions.CheckArgs, priority=52, - help='limit checks to run', + "-c", + "--checks", + metavar="CHECK", + dest="selected_checks", + default=(), + action=arghparse.Delayed, + target=argparse_actions.CheckArgs, + priority=52, + help="limit checks to run", docs=""" Comma-separated list of checks to enable and disable for scanning. Any checks specified in this fashion will be the @@ -169,11 +220,18 @@ check_options.add_argument( optional checks in addition to the default set. Use ``pkgcheck show --checks`` see all available checks. - """) + """, +) check_options.add_argument( - '-k', '--keywords', metavar='KEYWORD', dest='selected_keywords', default=(), - action=arghparse.Delayed, target=argparse_actions.KeywordArgs, priority=53, - help='limit keywords to scan for', + "-k", + "--keywords", + metavar="KEYWORD", + dest="selected_keywords", + default=(), + action=arghparse.Delayed, + target=argparse_actions.KeywordArgs, + priority=53, + help="limit keywords to scan for", docs=""" Comma-separated list of keywords to enable and disable for scanning. Any keywords specified in this fashion will be the @@ -189,9 +247,10 @@ check_options.add_argument( scan for errors use ``-k error``. Use ``pkgcheck show --keywords`` to see available options. - """) + """, +) -scan.plugin = scan.add_argument_group('plugin options') +scan.plugin = scan.add_argument_group("plugin options") def _determine_target_repo(namespace): @@ -225,17 +284,16 @@ def _determine_target_repo(namespace): # determine if CWD is inside an unconfigured repo try: - repo = namespace.domain.find_repo( - target_dir, config=namespace.config, configure=False) + repo = namespace.domain.find_repo(target_dir, config=namespace.config, configure=False) except (repo_errors.InitializationError, IOError) as e: raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, str(e)) # fallback to the default repo if repo is None: - repo = namespace.config.get_default('repo') + repo = namespace.config.get_default("repo") # if the bundled stub repo is the default, no default repo exists - if repo is None or repo.location == pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, 'stubrepo'): - raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, 'no default repo found') + if repo is None or repo.location == pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, "stubrepo"): + raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, "no default repo found") return repo @@ -268,9 +326,10 @@ def _path_restrict(path, repo): def _restrict_to_scope(restrict): """Determine a given restriction's scope level.""" for scope, attrs in ( - (base.version_scope, ['fullver', 'version', 'rev']), - (base.package_scope, ['package']), - (base.category_scope, ['category'])): + (base.version_scope, ["fullver", "version", "rev"]), + (base.package_scope, ["package"]), + (base.category_scope, ["category"]), + ): if any(collect_package_restrictions(restrict, attrs)): return scope return base.repo_scope @@ -299,13 +358,13 @@ def _setup_scan(parser, namespace, args): # parser supporting config file options config_parser = ConfigFileParser(parser) # always load settings from bundled config - namespace = config_parser.parse_config_options( - namespace, configs=[const.BUNDLED_CONF_FILE]) + namespace = config_parser.parse_config_options(namespace, configs=[const.BUNDLED_CONF_FILE]) # load default args from system/user configs if config-loading is allowed if namespace.config_file is None: namespace = config_parser.parse_config_options( - namespace, configs=ConfigFileParser.default_configs) + namespace, configs=ConfigFileParser.default_configs + ) # TODO: Limit to parsing repo and targets options here so all args don't # have to be parsed twice, will probably require a custom snakeoil @@ -325,14 +384,14 @@ def _setup_scan(parser, namespace, args): namespace.target_repo = _determine_target_repo(namespace) # determine if we're running in the gentoo repo or a clone - namespace.gentoo_repo = 'gentoo' in namespace.target_repo.aliases + namespace.gentoo_repo = "gentoo" in namespace.target_repo.aliases # multiplex of target repo and its masters used for package existence queries namespace.search_repo = multiplex.tree(*namespace.target_repo.trees) if namespace.config_file is not False: # support loading repo-specific config settings from metadata/pkgcheck.conf - repo_config_file = os.path.join(namespace.target_repo.location, 'metadata', 'pkgcheck.conf') + repo_config_file = os.path.join(namespace.target_repo.location, "metadata", "pkgcheck.conf") configs = [repo_config_file] # custom user settings take precedence over previous configs if namespace.config_file: @@ -342,7 +401,7 @@ def _setup_scan(parser, namespace, args): # load repo-specific args from config if they exist namespace = config_parser.parse_config_sections(namespace, namespace.target_repo.aliases) - if os.getenv('NOCOLOR'): + if os.getenv("NOCOLOR"): namespace.color = False return namespace, args @@ -356,10 +415,10 @@ def generate_restricts(repo, targets): path = os.path.realpath(target) # prefer path restrictions if it's in the target repo if os.path.exists(path) and path in repo: - if path.endswith('.eclass'): + if path.endswith(".eclass"): # direct eclass file targets yield base.eclass_scope, os.path.basename(path)[:-7] - elif path.startswith(profiles_base) and path[len(profiles_base):]: + elif path.startswith(profiles_base) and path[len(profiles_base) :]: if os.path.isdir(path): # descend into profiles dir targets for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(path): @@ -381,44 +440,45 @@ def generate_restricts(repo, targets): # use path-based error for path-based targets if os.path.exists(path) or os.path.isabs(target): raise PkgcheckUserException( - f"{repo.repo_id!r} repo doesn't contain: {target!r}") + f"{repo.repo_id!r} repo doesn't contain: {target!r}" + ) raise PkgcheckUserException(str(e)) -@scan.bind_delayed_default(1000, 'jobs') +@scan.bind_delayed_default(1000, "jobs") def _default_jobs(namespace, attr): """Extract jobs count from MAKEOPTS.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() - parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', type=arghparse.positive_int, default=os.cpu_count()) - makeopts, _ = parser.parse_known_args(shlex.split(os.getenv('MAKEOPTS', ''))) + parser.add_argument("-j", "--jobs", type=arghparse.positive_int, default=os.cpu_count()) + makeopts, _ = parser.parse_known_args(shlex.split(os.getenv("MAKEOPTS", ""))) setattr(namespace, attr, makeopts.jobs) -@scan.bind_delayed_default(1001, 'tasks') +@scan.bind_delayed_default(1001, "tasks") def _default_tasks(namespace, attr): """Set based on jobs count.""" setattr(namespace, attr, namespace.jobs * 5) -@scan.bind_delayed_default(1000, 'filter') +@scan.bind_delayed_default(1000, "filter") def _default_filter(namespace, attr): """Use source filtering for keywords requesting it by default.""" setattr(namespace, attr, objects.KEYWORDS.filter) -@scan.bind_delayed_default(1000, 'enabled_checks') +@scan.bind_delayed_default(1000, "enabled_checks") def _default_enabled_checks(namespace, attr): """All non-optional checks are run by default.""" setattr(namespace, attr, set(objects.CHECKS.default.values())) -@scan.bind_delayed_default(1000, 'filtered_keywords') +@scan.bind_delayed_default(1000, "filtered_keywords") def _default_filtered_keywords(namespace, attr): """Enable all keywords to be shown by default.""" setattr(namespace, attr, set(objects.KEYWORDS.values())) -@scan.bind_delayed_default(9999, 'restrictions') +@scan.bind_delayed_default(9999, "restrictions") def _determine_restrictions(namespace, attr): """Determine restrictions for untargeted scans and generate collapsed restriction for targeted scans.""" if namespace.targets: @@ -428,7 +488,7 @@ def _determine_restrictions(namespace, attr): # running pipeline. restrictions = list(generate_restricts(namespace.target_repo, namespace.targets)) if not restrictions: - raise PkgcheckUserException('no targets') + raise PkgcheckUserException("no targets") else: if namespace.cwd in namespace.target_repo: scope, restrict = _path_restrict(namespace.cwd, namespace.target_repo) @@ -445,7 +505,7 @@ def _determine_restrictions(namespace, attr): def _scan(options, out, err): with ExitStack() as stack: reporter = options.reporter(out) - for c in options.pop('contexts') + [reporter]: + for c in options.pop("contexts") + [reporter]: stack.enter_context(c) pipe = Pipeline(options) for result in pipe: diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_show.py b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_show.py index 8273bf5e..4ea20e34 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_show.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/scripts/pkgcheck_show.py @@ -8,53 +8,72 @@ from snakeoil.formatters import decorate_forced_wrapping from .. import base, objects from ..addons.caches import CachedAddon -show = arghparse.ArgumentParser( - prog='pkgcheck show', description='show various pkgcheck info') -list_options = show.add_argument_group('list options') +show = arghparse.ArgumentParser(prog="pkgcheck show", description="show various pkgcheck info") +list_options = show.add_argument_group("list options") output_types = list_options.add_mutually_exclusive_group() output_types.add_argument( - '-k', '--keywords', action='store_true', default=False, - help='show available warning/error keywords', + "-k", + "--keywords", + action="store_true", + default=False, + help="show available warning/error keywords", docs=""" List all available keywords. Use -v/--verbose to show keywords sorted into the scope they run at (repository, category, package, or version) along with their descriptions. - """) + """, +) output_types.add_argument( - '-c', '--checks', action='store_true', default=False, - help='show available checks', + "-c", + "--checks", + action="store_true", + default=False, + help="show available checks", docs=""" List all available checks. Use -v/--verbose to show descriptions and possible keyword results for each check. - """) + """, +) output_types.add_argument( - '-s', '--scopes', action='store_true', default=False, - help='show available keyword/check scopes', + "-s", + "--scopes", + action="store_true", + default=False, + help="show available keyword/check scopes", docs=""" List all available keyword and check scopes. Use -v/--verbose to show scope descriptions. - """) + """, +) output_types.add_argument( - '-r', '--reporters', action='store_true', default=False, - help='show available reporters', + "-r", + "--reporters", + action="store_true", + default=False, + help="show available reporters", docs=""" List all available reporters. Use -v/--verbose to show reporter descriptions. - """) + """, +) output_types.add_argument( - '-C', '--caches', action='store_true', default=False, - help='show available caches', + "-C", + "--caches", + action="store_true", + default=False, + help="show available caches", docs=""" List all available cache types. Use -v/--verbose to show more cache information. - """) + """, +) def dump_docstring(out, obj, prefix=None): @@ -63,16 +82,16 @@ def dump_docstring(out, obj, prefix=None): out.later_prefix.append(prefix) try: if obj.__doc__ is None: - raise ValueError(f'no docs for {obj!r}') + raise ValueError(f"no docs for {obj!r}") # Docstrings start with an unindented line, everything else is # consistently indented. - lines = obj.__doc__.split('\n') + lines = obj.__doc__.split("\n") # some docstrings start on the second line if firstline := lines[0].strip(): out.write(firstline) if len(lines) > 1: - for line in textwrap.dedent('\n'.join(lines[1:])).split('\n'): + for line in textwrap.dedent("\n".join(lines[1:])).split("\n"): out.write(line) else: out.write() @@ -85,23 +104,23 @@ def dump_docstring(out, obj, prefix=None): @decorate_forced_wrapping() def display_keywords(out, options): if options.verbosity < 1: - out.write('\n'.join(sorted(objects.KEYWORDS)), wrap=False) + out.write("\n".join(sorted(objects.KEYWORDS)), wrap=False) else: scopes = defaultdict(set) for keyword in objects.KEYWORDS.values(): scopes[keyword.scope].add(keyword) for scope in reversed(sorted(scopes)): - out.write(out.bold, f'{scope.desc.capitalize()} scope:') + out.write(out.bold, f"{scope.desc.capitalize()} scope:") out.write() - keywords = sorted(scopes[scope], key=attrgetter('__name__')) + keywords = sorted(scopes[scope], key=attrgetter("__name__")) try: - out.first_prefix.append(' ') - out.later_prefix.append(' ') + out.first_prefix.append(" ") + out.later_prefix.append(" ") for keyword in keywords: - out.write(out.fg(keyword.color), keyword.__name__, out.reset, ':') - dump_docstring(out, keyword, prefix=' ') + out.write(out.fg(keyword.color), keyword.__name__, out.reset, ":") + dump_docstring(out, keyword, prefix=" ") finally: out.first_prefix.pop() out.later_prefix.pop() @@ -110,7 +129,7 @@ def display_keywords(out, options): @decorate_forced_wrapping() def display_checks(out, options): if options.verbosity < 1: - out.write('\n'.join(sorted(objects.CHECKS)), wrap=False) + out.write("\n".join(sorted(objects.CHECKS)), wrap=False) else: d = defaultdict(list) for x in objects.CHECKS.values(): @@ -120,21 +139,21 @@ def display_checks(out, options): out.write(out.bold, f"{module_name}:") out.write() checks = d[module_name] - checks.sort(key=attrgetter('__name__')) + checks.sort(key=attrgetter("__name__")) try: - out.first_prefix.append(' ') - out.later_prefix.append(' ') + out.first_prefix.append(" ") + out.later_prefix.append(" ") for check in checks: - out.write(out.fg('yellow'), check.__name__, out.reset, ':') - dump_docstring(out, check, prefix=' ') + out.write(out.fg("yellow"), check.__name__, out.reset, ":") + dump_docstring(out, check, prefix=" ") # output result types that each check can generate keywords = [] - for r in sorted(check.known_results, key=attrgetter('__name__')): - keywords.extend([out.fg(r.color), r.__name__, out.reset, ', ']) + for r in sorted(check.known_results, key=attrgetter("__name__")): + keywords.extend([out.fg(r.color), r.__name__, out.reset, ", "]) keywords.pop() - out.write(*([' (known results: '] + keywords + [')'])) + out.write(*([" (known results: "] + keywords + [")"])) out.write() finally: @@ -145,15 +164,15 @@ def display_checks(out, options): @decorate_forced_wrapping() def display_reporters(out, options): if options.verbosity < 1: - out.write('\n'.join(sorted(objects.REPORTERS)), wrap=False) + out.write("\n".join(sorted(objects.REPORTERS)), wrap=False) else: out.write("reporters:") out.write() - out.first_prefix.append(' ') - out.later_prefix.append(' ') - for reporter in sorted(objects.REPORTERS.values(), key=attrgetter('__name__')): - out.write(out.bold, out.fg('yellow'), reporter.__name__) - dump_docstring(out, reporter, prefix=' ') + out.first_prefix.append(" ") + out.later_prefix.append(" ") + for reporter in sorted(objects.REPORTERS.values(), key=attrgetter("__name__")): + out.write(out.bold, out.fg("yellow"), reporter.__name__) + dump_docstring(out, reporter, prefix=" ") @show.bind_main_func @@ -162,19 +181,19 @@ def _show(options, out, err): display_checks(out, options) elif options.scopes: if options.verbosity < 1: - out.write('\n'.join(base.scopes)) + out.write("\n".join(base.scopes)) else: for name, scope in base.scopes.items(): - out.write(f'{name} -- {scope.desc} scope') + out.write(f"{name} -- {scope.desc} scope") elif options.reporters: display_reporters(out, options) elif options.caches: if options.verbosity < 1: - caches = sorted(map(attrgetter('type'), CachedAddon.caches.values())) - out.write('\n'.join(caches)) + caches = sorted(map(attrgetter("type"), CachedAddon.caches.values())) + out.write("\n".join(caches)) else: - for cache in sorted(CachedAddon.caches.values(), key=attrgetter('type')): - out.write(f'{cache.type} -- file: {cache.file}, version: {cache.version}') + for cache in sorted(CachedAddon.caches.values(), key=attrgetter("type")): + out.write(f"{cache.type} -- file: {cache.file}, version: {cache.version}") else: # default to showing keywords if no output option is selected display_keywords(out, options) diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/sources.py b/src/pkgcheck/sources.py index e6230589..2d0832cd 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/sources.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/sources.py @@ -64,8 +64,9 @@ class LatestVersionRepoSource(RepoSource): """Repo source that returns only the latest non-VCS and VCS slots""" def itermatch(self, *args, **kwargs): - for _, pkgs in groupby(super().itermatch(*args, **kwargs), - key=lambda pkg: pkg.slotted_atom): + for _, pkgs in groupby( + super().itermatch(*args, **kwargs), key=lambda pkg: pkg.slotted_atom + ): best_by_live = {pkg.live: pkg for pkg in pkgs} yield from sorted(best_by_live.values()) @@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ class LatestVersionsFilter: # determine the latest non-VCS and VCS pkgs for each slot while key == pkg.key: if pkg.live: - selected_pkgs[f'vcs-{pkg.slot}'] = pkg + selected_pkgs[f"vcs-{pkg.slot}"] = pkg else: selected_pkgs[pkg.slot] = pkg @@ -111,7 +112,8 @@ class LatestVersionsFilter: selected_pkgs = set(selected_pkgs.values()) self._pkg_cache.extend( - FilteredPkg(pkg=pkg) if pkg not in selected_pkgs else pkg for pkg in pkgs) + FilteredPkg(pkg=pkg) if pkg not in selected_pkgs else pkg for pkg in pkgs + ) return self._pkg_cache.popleft() @@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ class LatestPkgsFilter: # determine the latest non-VCS and VCS pkgs for each slot for pkg in pkgs: if pkg.live: - selected_pkgs[f'vcs-{pkg.slot}'] = pkg + selected_pkgs[f"vcs-{pkg.slot}"] = pkg else: selected_pkgs[pkg.slot] = pkg @@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ class EclassRepoSource(RepoSource): def __init__(self, *args, eclass_addon, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.eclasses = eclass_addon._eclass_repos[self.repo.location] - self.eclass_dir = pjoin(self.repo.location, 'eclass') + self.eclass_dir = pjoin(self.repo.location, "eclass") def itermatch(self, restrict, **kwargs): if isinstance(restrict, str): @@ -178,12 +180,13 @@ class EclassRepoSource(RepoSource): eclasses = self.eclasses for name in eclasses: - yield Eclass(name, pjoin(self.eclass_dir, f'{name}.eclass')) + yield Eclass(name, pjoin(self.eclass_dir, f"{name}.eclass")) @dataclass class Profile: """Generic profile object.""" + node: ProfileNode files: set @@ -196,8 +199,7 @@ class ProfilesRepoSource(RepoSource): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.profiles_dir = self.repo.config.profiles_base - self.non_profile_dirs = { - f'profiles/{x}' for x in ProfileAddon.non_profile_dirs} + self.non_profile_dirs = {f"profiles/{x}" for x in ProfileAddon.non_profile_dirs} self._prefix_len = len(self.repo.location.rstrip(os.sep)) + 1 def itermatch(self, restrict, **kwargs): @@ -221,7 +223,7 @@ class ProfilesRepoSource(RepoSource): else: # matching all profiles for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(self.profiles_dir): - if root[self._prefix_len:] not in self.non_profile_dirs: + if root[self._prefix_len :] not in self.non_profile_dirs: yield Profile(ProfileNode(root), set(files)) @@ -234,17 +236,15 @@ class _RawRepo(UnconfiguredTree): Deviates from parent in that no package name check is done. """ cppath = pjoin(self.base, catpkg[0], catpkg[1]) - pkg = f'{catpkg[-1]}-' + pkg = f"{catpkg[-1]}-" lp = len(pkg) extension = self.extension ext_len = -len(extension) try: - return tuple( - x[lp:ext_len] for x in listdir_files(cppath) - if x[ext_len:] == extension) + return tuple(x[lp:ext_len] for x in listdir_files(cppath) if x[ext_len:] == extension) except EnvironmentError as e: path = pjoin(self.base, os.sep.join(catpkg)) - raise KeyError(f'failed fetching versions for package {path}: {e}') from e + raise KeyError(f"failed fetching versions for package {path}: {e}") from e class RawRepoSource(RepoSource): @@ -276,8 +276,14 @@ class UnmaskedRepoSource(RepoSource): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._filtered_repo = self.options.domain.filter_repo( - self.repo, pkg_masks=(), pkg_unmasks=(), pkg_filters=(), - pkg_accept_keywords=(), pkg_keywords=(), profile=False) + self.repo, + pkg_masks=(), + pkg_unmasks=(), + pkg_filters=(), + pkg_accept_keywords=(), + pkg_keywords=(), + profile=False, + ) def itermatch(self, restrict, **kwargs): yield from self._filtered_repo.itermatch(restrict, **kwargs) @@ -286,7 +292,7 @@ class UnmaskedRepoSource(RepoSource): class _SourcePkg(WrappedPkg): """Package object with file contents injected as an attribute.""" - __slots__ = ('lines',) + __slots__ = ("lines",) def __init__(self, pkg): super().__init__(pkg) @@ -323,8 +329,8 @@ class _ParsedEclass(ParseTree): super().__init__(data) self.eclass = eclass - __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy('eclass') - __dir__ = klass.DirProxy('eclass') + __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy("eclass") + __dir__ = klass.DirProxy("eclass") class EclassParseRepoSource(EclassRepoSource): @@ -332,7 +338,7 @@ class EclassParseRepoSource(EclassRepoSource): def itermatch(self, restrict, **kwargs): for eclass in super().itermatch(restrict, **kwargs): - with open(eclass.path, 'rb') as f: + with open(eclass.path, "rb") as f: data = f.read() yield _ParsedEclass(data, eclass=eclass) @@ -364,14 +370,14 @@ class PackageRepoSource(_CombinedSource): """Ebuild repository source yielding lists of versioned packages per package.""" scope = base.package_scope - keyfunc = attrgetter('key') + keyfunc = attrgetter("key") class CategoryRepoSource(_CombinedSource): """Ebuild repository source yielding lists of versioned packages per category.""" scope = base.category_scope - keyfunc = attrgetter('category') + keyfunc = attrgetter("category") class RepositoryRepoSource(RepoSource): @@ -401,13 +407,13 @@ class _FilteredSource(RawRepoSource): class UnversionedSource(_FilteredSource): """Source yielding unversioned atoms from matching packages.""" - keyfunc = attrgetter('unversioned_atom') + keyfunc = attrgetter("unversioned_atom") class VersionedSource(_FilteredSource): """Source yielding versioned atoms from matching packages.""" - keyfunc = attrgetter('versioned_atom') + keyfunc = attrgetter("versioned_atom") def init_source(source, options, addons_map=None): @@ -417,8 +423,8 @@ def init_source(source, options, addons_map=None): cls, args, kwargs = source kwargs = dict(kwargs) # initialize wrapped source - if 'source' in kwargs: - kwargs['source'] = init_source(kwargs['source'], options, addons_map) + if "source" in kwargs: + kwargs["source"] = init_source(kwargs["source"], options, addons_map) else: cls, args = source kwargs = {} diff --git a/src/pkgcheck/utils.py b/src/pkgcheck/utils.py index 22e50824..da716568 100644 --- a/src/pkgcheck/utils.py +++ b/src/pkgcheck/utils.py @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -_control_chars = b'\n\r\t\f\b' +_control_chars = b"\n\r\t\f\b" _printable_ascii = _control_chars + bytes(range(32, 127)) _printable_high_ascii = bytes(range(127, 256)) @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def is_binary(path, blocksize=1024): :returns: True if appears to be a binary, otherwise False. """ try: - with open(path, 'rb') as f: + with open(path, "rb") as f: byte_str = f.read(blocksize) except IOError: return False @@ -75,9 +75,8 @@ def is_binary(path, blocksize=1024): high_chars = byte_str.translate(None, _printable_high_ascii) nontext_ratio2 = len(high_chars) / len(byte_str) - is_likely_binary = ( - (nontext_ratio1 > 0.3 and nontext_ratio2 < 0.05) or - (nontext_ratio1 > 0.8 and nontext_ratio2 > 0.8) + is_likely_binary = (nontext_ratio1 > 0.3 and nontext_ratio2 < 0.05) or ( + nontext_ratio1 > 0.8 and nontext_ratio2 > 0.8 ) decodable = False @@ -91,9 +90,9 @@ def is_binary(path, blocksize=1024): # guess character encoding using chardet detected_encoding = chardet.detect(byte_str) - if detected_encoding['confidence'] > 0.8: + if detected_encoding["confidence"] > 0.8: try: - byte_str.decode(encoding=detected_encoding['encoding']) + byte_str.decode(encoding=detected_encoding["encoding"]) decodable = True except (UnicodeDecodeError, LookupError): pass @@ -101,6 +100,6 @@ def is_binary(path, blocksize=1024): # finally use all the checks to decide binary or text if decodable: return False - if is_likely_binary or b'\x00' in byte_str: + if is_likely_binary or b"\x00" in byte_str: return True return False diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py index 6c48dfab..8c23ea65 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py index 68b0e2de..215aadfa 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ from requests.models import Response # initial URL check r = Response() r.status_code = 200 -r.reason = 'OK' -r.url = 'http://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz' +r.reason = "OK" +r.url = "http://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz" r.raw = io.StringIO() # now checking if https:// exists https_r = Response() https_r.status_code = 200 -https_r.reason = 'OK' -https_r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz' +https_r.reason = "OK" +https_r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz" https_r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r, https_r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py index b582b6db..14333d48 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ from requests.models import Response r_hist = Response() r_hist.status_code = 301 -r_hist.reason = 'Moved Permanently' -r_hist.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz' -r_hist.headers = {'location': 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo-moved.tar.gz'} +r_hist.reason = "Moved Permanently" +r_hist.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz" +r_hist.headers = {"location": "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo-moved.tar.gz"} r_hist.raw = io.StringIO() r = Response() r.status_code = 200 -r.reason = 'OK' -r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz' +r.reason = "OK" +r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz" r.history = [r_hist] r.raw = io.StringIO() diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py index 95ed6778..b9d30062 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/FetchablesUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ from requests.exceptions import SSLError -responses = [SSLError('Certificate verification failed')] +responses = [SSLError("Certificate verification failed")] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/DeadUrl-connection-error/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/DeadUrl-connection-error/responses.py index ad3fd857..0a78a313 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/DeadUrl-connection-error/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/DeadUrl-connection-error/responses.py @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError -responses = [ConnectionError('connection failed')] +responses = [ConnectionError("connection failed")] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py index e490c7ed..31ad363c 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py index 2f6f43d4..a43f15d4 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ from requests.models import Response # initial URL check r = Response() r.status_code = 200 -r.reason = 'OK' -r.url = 'http://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck' +r.reason = "OK" +r.url = "http://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck" r.raw = io.StringIO() # now checking if https:// exists https_r = Response() https_r.status_code = 200 -https_r.reason = 'OK' -https_r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck' +https_r.reason = "OK" +https_r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck" https_r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r, https_r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py index 71360581..384a2466 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ from requests.models import Response r_hist = Response() r_hist.status_code = 301 -r_hist.reason = 'Moved Permanently' -r_hist.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck' -r_hist.headers = {'location': 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck-moved'} +r_hist.reason = "Moved Permanently" +r_hist.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck" +r_hist.headers = {"location": "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck-moved"} r_hist.raw = io.StringIO() r = Response() r.status_code = 200 -r.reason = 'OK' -r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck' +r.reason = "OK" +r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck" r.raw = io.StringIO() r.history = [r_hist] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py index 95ed6778..b9d30062 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/HomepageUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ from requests.exceptions import SSLError -responses = [SSLError('Certificate verification failed')] +responses = [SSLError("Certificate verification failed")] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-bitbucket/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-bitbucket/responses.py index ba4f7cd1..35f8f6bd 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-bitbucket/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-bitbucket/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://bitbucket.org/pkgcore/pkgcheck' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://bitbucket.org/pkgcore/pkgcheck" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-cpan/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-cpan/responses.py index 02e637f4..84c21ff3 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-cpan/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-cpan/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://metacpan.org/dist/PkgCore-PkgCheck' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://metacpan.org/dist/PkgCore-PkgCheck" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-cran/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-cran/responses.py index 7e6bef3e..63ee8e0e 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-cran/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-cran/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/PkgCheck/' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/PkgCheck/" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-ctan/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-ctan/responses.py index ff9b152e..6297edda 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-ctan/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-ctan/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://ctan.org/pkg/pkgcheck' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://ctan.org/pkg/pkgcheck" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-freedesktop-gitlab/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-freedesktop-gitlab/responses.py index d32f1ee0..9193e4d7 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-freedesktop-gitlab/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-freedesktop-gitlab/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pkgcore/pkgcheck.git/' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pkgcore/pkgcheck.git/" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-gentoo/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-gentoo/responses.py index 61271075..d9c007a0 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-gentoo/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-gentoo/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/pkgcheck.git/' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/pkgcheck.git/" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-gnome-gitlab/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-gnome-gitlab/responses.py index 694e4834..416016ed 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-gnome-gitlab/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-gnome-gitlab/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://gitlab.gnome.org/pkgcore/pkgcheck.git/' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://gitlab.gnome.org/pkgcore/pkgcheck.git/" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-hackage/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-hackage/responses.py index 34770180..e2627295 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-hackage/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-hackage/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pkgcheck' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pkgcheck" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-launchpad/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-launchpad/responses.py index 92455e24..e4327013 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-launchpad/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-launchpad/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://launchpad.net/pkgcheck' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://launchpad.net/pkgcheck" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-osdn/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-osdn/responses.py index 02bcf124..f5be015d 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-osdn/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-osdn/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://osdn.net/projects/pkgcore/pkgcheck/' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://osdn.net/projects/pkgcore/pkgcheck/" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-pecl/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-pecl/responses.py index f9585adf..fca18be6 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-pecl/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-pecl/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://pecl.php.net/package/pkgcheck' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://pecl.php.net/package/pkgcheck" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-pypi/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-pypi/responses.py index 1a13d51b..3a164368 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-pypi/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-pypi/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://pypi.org/project/pkgcheck/' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://pypi.org/project/pkgcheck/" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-rubygems/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-rubygems/responses.py index dd70699f..473bd566 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-rubygems/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-rubygems/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://rubygems.org/gems/pkgcheck' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://rubygems.org/gems/pkgcheck" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-savannah-nongnu/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-savannah-nongnu/responses.py index d5aeb788..f1776c9c 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-savannah-nongnu/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-savannah-nongnu/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/pkgcheck' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/pkgcheck" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-savannah/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-savannah/responses.py index fb20f23f..eb9a56d8 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-savannah/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-savannah/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/pkgcheck' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/pkgcheck" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-sourceforge/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-sourceforge/responses.py index 53fe194e..719a5958 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-sourceforge/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-sourceforge/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/pkgcheck/' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://sourceforge.net/projects/pkgcheck/" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-sourcehut/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-sourcehut/responses.py index a4bd454a..e79f9625 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-sourcehut/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-sourcehut/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://sr.ht/~pkgcore/pkgcheck/' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://sr.ht/~pkgcore/pkgcheck/" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-vim/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-vim/responses.py index 9e184839..8ecfaf6d 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-vim/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl-vim/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=12345' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=12345" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py index e490c7ed..31ad363c 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/DeadUrl/responses.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from requests.models import Response r = Response() r.status_code = 404 -r.reason = 'Not Found' -r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck' +r.reason = "Not Found" +r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck" r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py index dacb475f..2c079574 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/HttpsUrlAvailable/responses.py @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ from requests.models import Response # initial URL check r = Response() r.status_code = 200 -r.reason = 'OK' -r.url = 'http://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/issues' +r.reason = "OK" +r.url = "http://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/issues" r.raw = io.StringIO() # now checking if https:// exists https_r = Response() https_r.status_code = 200 -https_r.reason = 'OK' -https_r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/issues' +https_r.reason = "OK" +https_r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/issues" https_r.raw = io.StringIO() responses = [r, https_r] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py index 7567a614..39e182b7 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/RedirectedUrl/responses.py @@ -1,17 +1,18 @@ import io from requests.models import Response + r_hist = Response() r_hist.status_code = 301 -r_hist.reason = 'Moved Permanently' -r_hist.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck' -r_hist.headers = {'location': 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/'} +r_hist.reason = "Moved Permanently" +r_hist.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck" +r_hist.headers = {"location": "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/"} r_hist.raw = io.StringIO() r = Response() r.status_code = 301 -r.reason = 'OK' -r.url = 'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck' +r.reason = "OK" +r.url = "https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck" r.raw = io.StringIO() r.history = [r_hist] diff --git a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py index 95ed6778..b9d30062 100644 --- a/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py +++ b/testdata/repos/network/MetadataUrlCheck/SSLCertificateError/responses.py @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ from requests.exceptions import SSLError -responses = [SSLError('Certificate verification failed')] +responses = [SSLError("Certificate verification failed")] diff --git a/tests/addons/test_addons.py b/tests/addons/test_addons.py index 32226927..87c59359 100644 --- a/tests/addons/test_addons.py +++ b/tests/addons/test_addons.py @@ -11,70 +11,68 @@ from ..misc import FakePkg, FakeProfile, Profile class TestArchesAddon: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, tool, repo): self.tool = tool self.repo = repo - self.args = ['scan', '--repo', repo.location] + self.args = ["scan", "--repo", repo.location] def test_empty_default(self): options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args) assert options.arches == frozenset() def test_repo_default(self): - with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'profiles', 'arch.list'), 'w') as f: + with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "profiles", "arch.list"), "w") as f: f.write("arm64\namd64\n") options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args) - assert options.arches == frozenset(['amd64', 'arm64']) + assert options.arches == frozenset(["amd64", "arm64"]) def test_enabled(self): data = ( - ('x86', ['x86']), - ('ppc', ['ppc']), - ('x86,ppc', ['ppc', 'x86']), + ("x86", ["x86"]), + ("ppc", ["ppc"]), + ("x86,ppc", ["ppc", "x86"]), ) for arg, expected in data: - for opt in ('-a', '--arches'): - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}={arg}']) + for opt in ("-a", "--arches"): + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}={arg}"]) assert options.arches == frozenset(expected) def test_disabled(self): # set repo defaults - with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'profiles', 'arch.list'), 'w') as f: + with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "profiles", "arch.list"), "w") as f: f.write("arm64\namd64\narm64-linux\n") data = ( - ('-x86', ['amd64', 'arm64']), - ('-x86,-amd64', ['arm64']), + ("-x86", ["amd64", "arm64"]), + ("-x86,-amd64", ["arm64"]), ) for arg, expected in data: - for opt in ('-a', '--arches'): - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}={arg}']) + for opt in ("-a", "--arches"): + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}={arg}"]) assert options.arches == frozenset(expected) def test_unknown(self, capsys): # unknown arch checking requires repo defaults - with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'profiles', 'arch.list'), 'w') as f: + with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "profiles", "arch.list"), "w") as f: f.write("arm64\namd64\narm64-linux\n") - for arg in ('foo', 'bar'): - for opt in ('-a', '--arches'): + for arg in ("foo", "bar"): + for opt in ("-a", "--arches"): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}={arg}']) + self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}={arg}"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out - assert f'unknown arch: {arg}' in err + assert f"unknown arch: {arg}" in err class TestStableArchesAddon: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, tool, repo): self.tool = tool self.repo = repo - self.args = ['scan', '--repo', repo.location] + self.args = ["scan", "--repo", repo.location] def test_empty_default(self): options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args) @@ -82,40 +80,56 @@ class TestStableArchesAddon: def test_repo_arches_default(self): """Use GLEP 72 arches.desc file if it exists.""" - with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'profiles', 'arch.list'), 'w') as f: + with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "profiles", "arch.list"), "w") as f: f.write("arm64\namd64\nriscv\n") - with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'profiles', 'arches.desc'), 'w') as f: + with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "profiles", "arches.desc"), "w") as f: f.write("arm64 stable\namd64 stable\nriscv testing") options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args) - assert options.stable_arches == {'amd64', 'arm64'} + assert options.stable_arches == {"amd64", "arm64"} def test_repo_profiles_default(self): """Otherwise arch stability is determined from the profiles.desc file.""" - with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'profiles', 'arch.list'), 'w') as f: + with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "profiles", "arch.list"), "w") as f: f.write("arm64\namd64\nriscv\n") - os.mkdir(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'profiles', 'default')) - with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'profiles', 'profiles.desc'), 'w') as f: + os.mkdir(pjoin(self.repo.location, "profiles", "default")) + with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "profiles", "profiles.desc"), "w") as f: f.write("arm64 default dev\namd64 default stable\nriscv default exp") options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args) - assert options.stable_arches == {'amd64'} + assert options.stable_arches == {"amd64"} def test_selected_arches(self): - for opt in ('-a', '--arches'): - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}=amd64']) - assert options.stable_arches == {'amd64'} + for opt in ("-a", "--arches"): + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}=amd64"]) + assert options.stable_arches == {"amd64"} class Test_profile_data: - - def assertResults(self, profile, known_flags, required_immutable, - required_forced, cpv="dev-util/diffball-0.1", - key_override=None, data_override=None): + def assertResults( + self, + profile, + known_flags, + required_immutable, + required_forced, + cpv="dev-util/diffball-0.1", + key_override=None, + data_override=None, + ): profile_data = addons.profiles.ProfileData( - "test-repo", "test-profile", key_override, + "test-repo", + "test-profile", + key_override, profile.provides_repo, - packages.AlwaysFalse, profile.iuse_effective, - profile.use, profile.pkg_use, profile.masked_use, profile.forced_use, {}, set(), - 'stable', False) + packages.AlwaysFalse, + profile.iuse_effective, + profile.use, + profile.pkg_use, + profile.masked_use, + profile.forced_use, + {}, + set(), + "stable", + False, + ) pkg = FakePkg(cpv, data=data_override) immutable, enabled = profile_data.identify_use(pkg, set(known_flags)) assert immutable == set(required_immutable) @@ -140,15 +154,15 @@ class Test_profile_data: self.assertResults(profile, ["lib", "bar"], ["lib"], ["lib"]) profile = FakeProfile( - forced_use={"dev-util/diffball": ["lib"]}, - masked_use={"dev-util/diffball": ["lib"]}) + forced_use={"dev-util/diffball": ["lib"]}, masked_use={"dev-util/diffball": ["lib"]} + ) self.assertResults(profile, [], [], []) # check that masked use wins out over forced. self.assertResults(profile, ["lib", "bar"], ["lib"], []) profile = FakeProfile( - forced_use={"dev-util/diffball": ["lib"]}, - masked_use={"dev-util/diffball": ["lib"]}) + forced_use={"dev-util/diffball": ["lib"]}, masked_use={"dev-util/diffball": ["lib"]} + ) self.assertResults(profile, [], [], []) # check that masked use wins out over forced. self.assertResults(profile, ["lib", "bar"], ["lib"], []) @@ -162,7 +176,7 @@ class TestProfileAddon: def _setup(self, tool, repo, tmp_path): self.tool = tool self.repo = repo - self.args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', str(tmp_path), '--repo', repo.location] + self.args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", str(tmp_path), "--repo", repo.location] def assertProfiles(self, addon, key, *profile_names): actual = sorted(x.name for y in addon.profile_evaluate_dict[key] for x in y) @@ -171,34 +185,34 @@ class TestProfileAddon: def test_defaults(self): profiles = [ - Profile('profile1', 'x86'), - Profile('profile1/2', 'x86'), + Profile("profile1", "x86"), + Profile("profile1/2", "x86"), ] self.repo.create_profiles(profiles) - self.repo.arches.add('x86') + self.repo.arches.add("x86") options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) - assert sorted(addon.profile_evaluate_dict) == ['x86', '~x86'] - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'profile1', 'profile1/2') + assert sorted(addon.profile_evaluate_dict) == ["x86", "~x86"] + self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "profile1", "profile1/2") def test_profiles_base(self): profiles = [ - Profile('default-linux/dep', 'x86', deprecated=True), - Profile('default-linux', 'x86', 'dev'), - Profile('default-linux/x86', 'x86'), + Profile("default-linux/dep", "x86", deprecated=True), + Profile("default-linux", "x86", "dev"), + Profile("default-linux/x86", "x86"), ] self.repo.create_profiles(profiles) - self.repo.arches.add('x86') + self.repo.arches.add("x86") options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux', 'default-linux/x86') + self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux", "default-linux/x86") def test_nonexistent(self, capsys): - profile = Profile('x86', 'x86') + profile = Profile("x86", "x86") self.repo.create_profiles([profile]) - for profiles in ('bar', '-bar', 'x86,bar', 'bar,x86', 'x86,-bar'): + for profiles in ("bar", "-bar", "x86,bar", "bar,x86", "x86,-bar"): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'--profiles={profiles}']) + self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"--profiles={profiles}"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out @@ -206,149 +220,150 @@ class TestProfileAddon: def test_profiles_args(self): profiles = [ - Profile('default-linux/dep', 'x86', deprecated=True), - Profile('default-linux/dev', 'x86', 'dev'), - Profile('default-linux/exp', 'x86', 'exp'), - Profile('default-linux', 'x86'), + Profile("default-linux/dep", "x86", deprecated=True), + Profile("default-linux/dev", "x86", "dev"), + Profile("default-linux/exp", "x86", "exp"), + Profile("default-linux", "x86"), ] self.repo.create_profiles(profiles) - self.repo.arches.add('x86') + self.repo.arches.add("x86") # enable stable - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=stable']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=stable"]) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux') + self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux") # disable stable - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=-stable']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=-stable"]) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux/dev', 'default-linux/exp') + self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux/dev", "default-linux/exp") # enable dev - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=dev']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=dev"]) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux/dev') + self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux/dev") # disable dev - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=-dev']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=-dev"]) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux', 'default-linux/exp') + self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux", "default-linux/exp") # enable exp - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=exp']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=exp"]) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux/exp') + self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux/exp") # disable exp - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=-exp']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=-exp"]) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux', 'default-linux/dev') + self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux", "default-linux/dev") # enable deprecated - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=deprecated']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=deprecated"]) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux/dep') + self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux/dep") # disable deprecated - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=-deprecated']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=-deprecated"]) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux', 'default-linux/dev', 'default-linux/exp') + self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux", "default-linux/dev", "default-linux/exp") # enable specific profile - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles', 'default-linux/exp']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles", "default-linux/exp"]) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux/exp') + self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux/exp") # disable specific profile - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=-default-linux']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=-default-linux"]) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux/dev', 'default-linux/exp') + self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux/dev", "default-linux/exp") def test_auto_enable_exp_profiles(self): profiles = [ - Profile('default-linux/dep', 'x86', deprecated=True), - Profile('default-linux/dev', 'x86', 'dev'), - Profile('default-linux/exp', 'x86', 'exp'), - Profile('default-linux/amd64', 'amd64', 'exp'), - Profile('default-linux', 'x86'), + Profile("default-linux/dep", "x86", deprecated=True), + Profile("default-linux/dev", "x86", "dev"), + Profile("default-linux/exp", "x86", "exp"), + Profile("default-linux/amd64", "amd64", "exp"), + Profile("default-linux", "x86"), ] self.repo.create_profiles(profiles) - self.repo.arches.update(['amd64', 'x86']) + self.repo.arches.update(["amd64", "x86"]) # experimental profiles aren't enabled by default options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux', 'default-linux/dev') + self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux", "default-linux/dev") # but are auto-enabled when an arch with only exp profiles is selected - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['-a', 'amd64']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["-a", "amd64"]) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'amd64', 'default-linux/amd64') + self.assertProfiles(addon, "amd64", "default-linux/amd64") # or a result keyword is selected that requires them - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['-k', 'NonsolvableDepsInExp']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["-k", "NonsolvableDepsInExp"]) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'amd64', 'default-linux/amd64') - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux', 'default-linux/dev', 'default-linux/exp') + self.assertProfiles(addon, "amd64", "default-linux/amd64") + self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux", "default-linux/dev", "default-linux/exp") def test_addon_dict(self): """ProfileAddon has methods that allow it to act like a dict of profile filters.""" profiles = [ - Profile('linux/x86', 'x86'), - Profile('linux/ppc', 'ppc'), + Profile("linux/x86", "x86"), + Profile("linux/ppc", "ppc"), ] self.repo.create_profiles(profiles) - self.repo.arches.update(['x86', 'ppc']) + self.repo.arches.update(["x86", "ppc"]) options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) assert len(addon) == 4 - assert set(x.name for x in addon) == {'linux/x86', 'linux/ppc'} - assert len(addon['x86']) == 1 - assert [x.name for x in addon['~x86']] == ['linux/x86'] - assert addon.get('foo', ['foo']) == ['foo'] - assert addon.get('foo') is None + assert set(x.name for x in addon) == {"linux/x86", "linux/ppc"} + assert len(addon["x86"]) == 1 + assert [x.name for x in addon["~x86"]] == ["linux/x86"] + assert addon.get("foo", ["foo"]) == ["foo"] + assert addon.get("foo") is None def test_profile_collapsing(self): profiles = [ - Profile('default-linux', 'x86'), - Profile('default-linux/x86', 'x86'), - Profile('default-linux/ppc', 'ppc'), + Profile("default-linux", "x86"), + Profile("default-linux/x86", "x86"), + Profile("default-linux/ppc", "ppc"), ] self.repo.create_profiles(profiles) - self.repo.arches.update(['x86', 'ppc']) + self.repo.arches.update(["x86", "ppc"]) options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args) addon = addons.init_addon(self.addon_kls, options) # assert they're collapsed properly. - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'x86', 'default-linux', 'default-linux/x86') - assert len(addon.profile_evaluate_dict['x86']) == 1 - assert len(addon.profile_evaluate_dict['x86'][0]) == 2 - self.assertProfiles(addon, 'ppc', 'default-linux/ppc') + self.assertProfiles(addon, "x86", "default-linux", "default-linux/x86") + assert len(addon.profile_evaluate_dict["x86"]) == 1 + assert len(addon.profile_evaluate_dict["x86"][0]) == 2 + self.assertProfiles(addon, "ppc", "default-linux/ppc") - groups = addon.identify_profiles(FakePkg("d-b/ab-1", data={'KEYWORDS': 'x86'})) + groups = addon.identify_profiles(FakePkg("d-b/ab-1", data={"KEYWORDS": "x86"})) assert len(groups) == 2, f"checking for profile collapsing: {groups!r}" assert len(groups[0]) == 2, f"checking for proper # of profiles: {groups[0]!r}" - assert sorted(x.name for x in groups[0]) == sorted(['default-linux', 'default-linux/x86']) + assert sorted(x.name for x in groups[0]) == sorted(["default-linux", "default-linux/x86"]) # check arch vs ~arch runs (i.e. arch KEYWORDS should also trigger ~arch runs) - groups = addon.identify_profiles(FakePkg("d-b/ab-1", data={'KEYWORDS': '~x86'})) + groups = addon.identify_profiles(FakePkg("d-b/ab-1", data={"KEYWORDS": "~x86"})) assert len(groups) == 1, f"checking for profile collapsing: {groups!r}" assert len(groups[0]) == 2, f"checking for proper # of profiles: {groups[0]!r}" - assert sorted(x.name for x in groups[0]) == sorted(['default-linux', 'default-linux/x86']) + assert sorted(x.name for x in groups[0]) == sorted(["default-linux", "default-linux/x86"]) # check keyword collapsing - groups = addon.identify_profiles(FakePkg("d-b/ab-2", data={'KEYWORDS': 'ppc'})) + groups = addon.identify_profiles(FakePkg("d-b/ab-2", data={"KEYWORDS": "ppc"})) assert len(groups) == 2, f"checking for profile collapsing: {groups!r}" assert len(groups[0]) == 1, f"checking for proper # of profiles: {groups[0]!r}" - assert groups[0][0].name == 'default-linux/ppc' + assert groups[0][0].name == "default-linux/ppc" - groups = addon.identify_profiles(FakePkg("d-b/ab-2", data={'KEYWORDS': 'foon'})) + groups = addon.identify_profiles(FakePkg("d-b/ab-2", data={"KEYWORDS": "foon"})) assert len(groups) == 0, f"checking for profile collapsing: {groups!r}" try: import requests + net_skip = False except ImportError: net_skip = True @@ -356,33 +371,33 @@ except ImportError: @pytest.mark.skipif(net_skip, reason="requests isn't installed") class TestNetAddon: - def test_failed_import(self, tool): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan']) + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"]) addon = addons.NetAddon(options) - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.net.Session') as net: - net.side_effect = ImportError('import failed', name='foo') + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.net.Session") as net: + net.side_effect = ImportError("import failed", name="foo") with pytest.raises(ImportError): addon.session # failing to import requests specifically returns a nicer user exception - net.side_effect = ImportError('import failed', name='requests') - with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='network checks require requests'): + net.side_effect = ImportError("import failed", name="requests") + with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="network checks require requests"): addon.session def test_custom_timeout(self, tool): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', '--timeout', '10']) + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "--timeout", "10"]) addon = addons.NetAddon(options) assert isinstance(addon.session, requests.Session) assert addon.session.timeout == 10 # a timeout of zero disables timeouts entirely - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', '--timeout', '0']) + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "--timeout", "0"]) addon = addons.NetAddon(options) assert addon.session.timeout is None def test_args(self, tool): options, _ = tool.parse_args( - ['scan', '--timeout', '10', '--tasks', '50', '--user-agent', 'firefox']) + ["scan", "--timeout", "10", "--tasks", "50", "--user-agent", "firefox"] + ) addon = addons.NetAddon(options) - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.net.Session') as net: + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.net.Session") as net: addon.session - net.assert_called_once_with(concurrent=50, timeout=10, user_agent='firefox') + net.assert_called_once_with(concurrent=50, timeout=10, user_agent="firefox") diff --git a/tests/addons/test_eclass.py b/tests/addons/test_eclass.py index 4e1b26db..c6c045b2 100644 --- a/tests/addons/test_eclass.py +++ b/tests/addons/test_eclass.py @@ -13,26 +13,29 @@ from snakeoil.osutils import pjoin class TestEclass: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, tmp_path): - path = str(tmp_path / 'foo.eclass') - with open(path, 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\ - # eclass header - foo () { :; } - """)) - self.eclass1 = Eclass('foo', path) - path = str(tmp_path / 'bar.eclass') - self.eclass2 = Eclass('bar', path) + path = str(tmp_path / "foo.eclass") + with open(path, "w") as f: + f.write( + textwrap.dedent( + """\ + # eclass header + foo () { :; } + """ + ) + ) + self.eclass1 = Eclass("foo", path) + path = str(tmp_path / "bar.eclass") + self.eclass2 = Eclass("bar", path) def test_lines(self): - assert self.eclass1.lines == ('# eclass header\n', 'foo () { :; }\n') + assert self.eclass1.lines == ("# eclass header\n", "foo () { :; }\n") assert self.eclass2.lines == () def test_lt(self): assert self.eclass2 < self.eclass1 - assert self.eclass1 < 'zoo.eclass' + assert self.eclass1 < "zoo.eclass" def test_hash(self): eclasses = {self.eclass1, self.eclass2} @@ -46,23 +49,22 @@ class TestEclass: class TestEclassAddon: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, tool, tmp_path, repo): self.repo = repo self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path) - self.eclass_dir = pjoin(repo.location, 'eclass') + self.eclass_dir = pjoin(repo.location, "eclass") - args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir, '--repo', repo.location] + args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir, "--repo", repo.location] options, _ = tool.parse_args(args) self.addon = EclassAddon(options) self.cache_file = self.addon.cache_file(self.repo) def test_cache_disabled(self, tool): - args = ['scan', '--cache', 'no', '--repo', self.repo.location] + args = ["scan", "--cache", "no", "--repo", self.repo.location] options, _ = tool.parse_args(args) - with pytest.raises(CacheDisabled, match='eclass cache support required'): + with pytest.raises(CacheDisabled, match="eclass cache support required"): init_addon(EclassAddon, options) def test_no_eclasses(self): @@ -73,18 +75,18 @@ class TestEclassAddon: def test_eclasses(self): # non-eclass files are ignored - for f in ('foo.eclass', 'bar'): + for f in ("foo.eclass", "bar"): touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, f)) self.addon.update_cache() - assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ['foo'] + assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ["foo"] assert not self.addon.deprecated def test_cache_load(self): - touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, 'foo.eclass')) + touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, "foo.eclass")) self.addon.update_cache() - assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ['foo'] + assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ["foo"] - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache') as save_cache: + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache") as save_cache: self.addon.update_cache() # verify the cache was loaded and not regenerated save_cache.assert_not_called() @@ -93,9 +95,9 @@ class TestEclassAddon: save_cache.assert_called_once() def test_outdated_cache(self): - touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, 'foo.eclass')) + touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, "foo.eclass")) self.addon.update_cache() - assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ['foo'] + assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ["foo"] # increment cache version and dump cache cache = self.addon.load_cache(self.cache_file) @@ -103,68 +105,72 @@ class TestEclassAddon: self.addon.save_cache(cache, self.cache_file) # verify cache load causes regen - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache') as save_cache: + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache") as save_cache: self.addon.update_cache() save_cache.assert_called_once() def test_eclass_changes(self): """The cache stores eclass mtimes and regenerates entries if they differ.""" - eclass_path = pjoin(self.eclass_dir, 'foo.eclass') + eclass_path = pjoin(self.eclass_dir, "foo.eclass") touch(eclass_path) self.addon.update_cache() - assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ['foo'] + assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ["foo"] sleep(1) - with open(eclass_path, 'w') as f: - f.write('# changed eclass\n') - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache') as save_cache: + with open(eclass_path, "w") as f: + f.write("# changed eclass\n") + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache") as save_cache: self.addon.update_cache() save_cache.assert_called_once() def test_error_loading_cache(self): - touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, 'foo.eclass')) + touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, "foo.eclass")) self.addon.update_cache() - assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ['foo'] + assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ["foo"] - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.pickle.load') as pickle_load: + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.pickle.load") as pickle_load: # catastrophic errors are raised - pickle_load.side_effect = MemoryError('unpickling failed') - with pytest.raises(MemoryError, match='unpickling failed'): + pickle_load.side_effect = MemoryError("unpickling failed") + with pytest.raises(MemoryError, match="unpickling failed"): self.addon.update_cache() # but various load failure exceptions cause cache regen - pickle_load.side_effect = Exception('unpickling failed') - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache') as save_cache: + pickle_load.side_effect = Exception("unpickling failed") + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache") as save_cache: self.addon.update_cache() save_cache.assert_called_once() def test_error_dumping_cache(self): - touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, 'foo.eclass')) + touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, "foo.eclass")) # verify IO related dump failures are raised - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.pickle.dump') as pickle_dump: - pickle_dump.side_effect = IOError('unpickling failed') - with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='failed dumping eclass cache'): + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.pickle.dump") as pickle_dump: + pickle_dump.side_effect = IOError("unpickling failed") + with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="failed dumping eclass cache"): self.addon.update_cache() def test_eclass_removal(self): - for name in ('foo', 'bar'): - touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, f'{name}.eclass')) + for name in ("foo", "bar"): + touch(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, f"{name}.eclass")) self.addon.update_cache() - assert sorted(self.addon.eclasses) == ['bar', 'foo'] - os.unlink(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, 'bar.eclass')) + assert sorted(self.addon.eclasses) == ["bar", "foo"] + os.unlink(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, "bar.eclass")) self.addon.update_cache() - assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ['foo'] + assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ["foo"] def test_deprecated(self): - with open(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, 'foo.eclass'), 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent(""" - # @ECLASS: foo.eclass - # @MAINTAINER: - # Random Person <random.person@random.email> - # @AUTHOR: - # Random Person <random.person@random.email> - # @BLURB: Example deprecated eclass with replacement. - # @DEPRECATED: foo2 - """)) + with open(pjoin(self.eclass_dir, "foo.eclass"), "w") as f: + f.write( + textwrap.dedent( + """\ + # @ECLASS: foo.eclass + # @MAINTAINER: + # Random Person <random.person@random.email> + # @AUTHOR: + # Random Person <random.person@random.email> + # @BLURB: Example deprecated eclass with replacement. + # @DEPRECATED: foo2 + """ + ) + ) self.addon.update_cache() - assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ['foo'] - assert self.addon.deprecated == {'foo': 'foo2'} + assert list(self.addon.eclasses) == ["foo"] + assert self.addon.deprecated == {"foo": "foo2"} diff --git a/tests/addons/test_git.py b/tests/addons/test_git.py index cf39efc3..da88d501 100644 --- a/tests/addons/test_git.py +++ b/tests/addons/test_git.py @@ -18,146 +18,147 @@ from snakeoil.process import CommandNotFound, find_binary # skip testing module if git isn't installed try: - find_binary('git') + find_binary("git") except CommandNotFound: - pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason='git not installed') + pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason="git not installed") class TestPkgcheckScanCommitsParseArgs: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, tool): self.tool = tool - self.args = ['scan'] + self.args = ["scan"] def test_commits_with_targets(self, capsys): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--commits', 'ref', 'dev-util/foo']) + options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--commits", "ref", "dev-util/foo"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() - assert err.strip() == \ - "pkgcheck scan: error: --commits is mutually exclusive with target: dev-util/foo" + assert ( + err.strip() + == "pkgcheck scan: error: --commits is mutually exclusive with target: dev-util/foo" + ) def test_commits_git_unavailable(self, capsys): - with patch('subprocess.run') as git_diff: + with patch("subprocess.run") as git_diff: git_diff.side_effect = FileNotFoundError("no such file 'git'") with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--commits']) + options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--commits"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert err.strip() == "pkgcheck scan: error: no such file 'git'" def test_git_error(self, capsys): - with patch('subprocess.run') as git_diff: - git_diff.side_effect = subprocess.CalledProcessError(1, 'git') - git_diff.side_effect.stderr = 'git error: foobar' + with patch("subprocess.run") as git_diff: + git_diff.side_effect = subprocess.CalledProcessError(1, "git") + git_diff.side_effect.stderr = "git error: foobar" with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--commits']) + options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--commits"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() - err = err.strip().split('\n') - assert err[-1].startswith('pkgcheck scan: error: failed running git: ') + err = err.strip().split("\n") + assert err[-1].startswith("pkgcheck scan: error: failed running git: ") def test_commits_nonexistent(self, make_repo, make_git_repo, tmp_path): parent = make_repo() origin = make_git_repo(parent.location, commit=True) local = make_git_repo(str(tmp_path), commit=False) - local.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', origin.path]) - local.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - local.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + local.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", origin.path]) + local.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + local.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['-r', local.path, '--commits']) + options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["-r", local.path, "--commits"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 0 def test_commits_existing(self, make_repo, make_git_repo, tmp_path): # create parent repo parent = make_repo() origin = make_git_repo(parent.location, commit=True) - parent.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - origin.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + parent.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + origin.add_all("cat/pkg-0") # create child repo and pull from parent local = make_git_repo(str(tmp_path), commit=False) - local.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', origin.path]) - local.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - local.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + local.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", origin.path]) + local.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + local.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) child = make_repo(local.path) # create local commits on child repo - child.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1') - local.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - child.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2') - local.add_all('cat/pkg-2') - - options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['-r', local.path, '--commits']) - atom_restricts = [atom_cls('cat/pkg')] - assert list(options.restrictions) == \ - [(base.package_scope, packages.OrRestriction(*atom_restricts))] + child.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1") + local.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + child.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2") + local.add_all("cat/pkg-2") + + options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["-r", local.path, "--commits"]) + atom_restricts = [atom_cls("cat/pkg")] + assert list(options.restrictions) == [ + (base.package_scope, packages.OrRestriction(*atom_restricts)) + ] def test_commits_eclasses(self, make_repo, make_git_repo, tmp_path): # create parent repo parent = make_repo() origin = make_git_repo(parent.location, commit=True) - parent.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - origin.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + parent.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + origin.add_all("cat/pkg-0") # create child repo and pull from parent local = make_git_repo(str(tmp_path), commit=False) - local.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', origin.path]) - local.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - local.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + local.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", origin.path]) + local.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + local.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) child = make_repo(local.path) # create local commits on child repo - with open(pjoin(local.path, 'cat', 'pkg', 'metadata.xml'), 'w') as f: + with open(pjoin(local.path, "cat", "pkg", "metadata.xml"), "w") as f: f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') - local.add_all('cat/pkg: metadata') - child.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1') - local.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - os.makedirs(pjoin(local.path, 'eclass')) - with open(pjoin(local.path, 'eclass', 'foo.eclass'), 'w') as f: - f.write('data\n') - local.add_all('foo.eclass') - - options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['-r', local.path, '--commits']) - atom_restricts = [atom_cls('cat/pkg')] + local.add_all("cat/pkg: metadata") + child.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1") + local.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + os.makedirs(pjoin(local.path, "eclass")) + with open(pjoin(local.path, "eclass", "foo.eclass"), "w") as f: + f.write("data\n") + local.add_all("foo.eclass") + + options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["-r", local.path, "--commits"]) + atom_restricts = [atom_cls("cat/pkg")] restrictions = list(options.restrictions) assert len(restrictions) == 2 - assert restrictions[0] == \ - (base.package_scope, packages.OrRestriction(*atom_restricts)) + assert restrictions[0] == (base.package_scope, packages.OrRestriction(*atom_restricts)) assert restrictions[1][0] == base.eclass_scope - assert restrictions[1][1] == frozenset(['foo']) + assert restrictions[1][1] == frozenset(["foo"]) def test_commits_profiles(self, make_repo, make_git_repo, tmp_path): # create parent repo parent = make_repo() origin = make_git_repo(parent.location, commit=True) - parent.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - origin.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + parent.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + origin.add_all("cat/pkg-0") # create child repo and pull from parent local = make_git_repo(str(tmp_path), commit=False) - local.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', origin.path]) - local.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - local.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + local.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", origin.path]) + local.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + local.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) child = make_repo(local.path) # create local commits on child repo - with open(pjoin(local.path, 'cat', 'pkg', 'metadata.xml'), 'w') as f: + with open(pjoin(local.path, "cat", "pkg", "metadata.xml"), "w") as f: f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') - local.add_all('cat/pkg: metadata') - child.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1') - local.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - with open(pjoin(local.path, 'profiles', 'package.mask'), 'w') as f: - f.write('data\n') - local.add_all('package.mask') - - options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['-r', local.path, '--commits']) - atom_restricts = [atom_cls('cat/pkg')] + local.add_all("cat/pkg: metadata") + child.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1") + local.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + with open(pjoin(local.path, "profiles", "package.mask"), "w") as f: + f.write("data\n") + local.add_all("package.mask") + + options, _func = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["-r", local.path, "--commits"]) + atom_restricts = [atom_cls("cat/pkg")] restrictions = [ (base.package_scope, packages.OrRestriction(*atom_restricts)), - (base.profile_node_scope, frozenset(['profiles/package.mask'])), + (base.profile_node_scope, frozenset(["profiles/package.mask"])), ] assert restrictions == options.restrictions @@ -165,33 +166,32 @@ class TestPkgcheckScanCommitsParseArgs: # create parent repo parent = make_repo() origin = make_git_repo(parent.location, commit=True) - parent.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - origin.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + parent.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + origin.add_all("cat/pkg-0") # create child repo and pull from parent local = make_git_repo(str(tmp_path), commit=False) - local.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', origin.path]) - local.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - local.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + local.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", origin.path]) + local.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + local.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) # create local commits on child repo - os.makedirs(pjoin(local.path, 'foo')) - with open(pjoin(local.path, 'foo', 'bar.txt'), 'w') as f: - f.write('data\n') - os.makedirs(pjoin(local.path, 'eclass', 'tests')) - with open(pjoin(local.path, 'eclass', 'tests', 'test.sh'), 'w') as f: - f.write('data\n') - local.add_all('add files') + os.makedirs(pjoin(local.path, "foo")) + with open(pjoin(local.path, "foo", "bar.txt"), "w") as f: + f.write("data\n") + os.makedirs(pjoin(local.path, "eclass", "tests")) + with open(pjoin(local.path, "eclass", "tests", "test.sh"), "w") as f: + f.write("data\n") + local.add_all("add files") with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['-r', local.path, '--commits']) + self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["-r", local.path, "--commits"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 0 class TestGitStash: - def test_non_git_repo(self, tmp_path): - with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='not a git repo'): + with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="not a git repo"): with git.GitStash(str(tmp_path)): pass @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class TestGitStash: pass def test_untracked_file(self, git_repo): - path = pjoin(git_repo.path, 'foo') + path = pjoin(git_repo.path, "foo") touch(path) assert os.path.exists(path) with git.GitStash(git_repo.path): @@ -208,37 +208,36 @@ class TestGitStash: assert os.path.exists(path) def test_failed_stashing(self, git_repo): - path = pjoin(git_repo.path, 'foo') + path = pjoin(git_repo.path, "foo") touch(path) assert os.path.exists(path) - with patch('subprocess.run') as run: - err = subprocess.CalledProcessError(1, 'git stash') - err.stderr = 'git stash failed' - run.side_effect = [Mock(stdout='foo'), err] - with pytest.raises(UserException, match='git failed stashing files'): + with patch("subprocess.run") as run: + err = subprocess.CalledProcessError(1, "git stash") + err.stderr = "git stash failed" + run.side_effect = [Mock(stdout="foo"), err] + with pytest.raises(UserException, match="git failed stashing files"): with git.GitStash(git_repo.path): pass def test_failed_unstashing(self, git_repo): - path = pjoin(git_repo.path, 'foo') + path = pjoin(git_repo.path, "foo") touch(path) assert os.path.exists(path) - with pytest.raises(UserException, match='git failed applying stash'): + with pytest.raises(UserException, match="git failed applying stash"): with git.GitStash(git_repo.path): assert not os.path.exists(path) touch(path) class TestGitRepoCommits: - def test_non_git(self, tmp_path): - with pytest.raises(git.GitError, match='failed running git log'): - git.GitRepoCommits(str(tmp_path), 'HEAD') + with pytest.raises(git.GitError, match="failed running git log"): + git.GitRepoCommits(str(tmp_path), "HEAD") def test_empty_repo(self, make_git_repo): git_repo = make_git_repo() - with pytest.raises(git.GitError, match='failed running git log'): - git.GitRepoCommits(git_repo.path, 'HEAD') + with pytest.raises(git.GitError, match="failed running git log"): + git.GitRepoCommits(git_repo.path, "HEAD") def test_parsing(self, make_repo, make_git_repo): git_repo = make_git_repo() @@ -246,135 +245,134 @@ class TestGitRepoCommits: path = git_repo.path # make an initial commit - git_repo.add('foo', msg='foo', create=True) - commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, 'HEAD')) + git_repo.add("foo", msg="foo", create=True) + commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, "HEAD")) assert len(commits) == 1 - assert commits[0].message == ['foo'] + assert commits[0].message == ["foo"] assert commits[0].pkgs == {} orig_commit = commits[0] # make another commit - git_repo.add('bar', msg='bar', create=True) - commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, 'HEAD')) + git_repo.add("bar", msg="bar", create=True) + commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, "HEAD")) assert len(commits) == 2 - assert commits[0].message == ['bar'] + assert commits[0].message == ["bar"] assert commits[0].pkgs == {} assert commits[1] == orig_commit assert len(set(commits)) == 2 # make a pkg commit - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0') - commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, 'HEAD')) + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0") + commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, "HEAD")) assert len(commits) == 3 - assert commits[0].message == ['cat/pkg-0'] - assert commits[0].pkgs == {'A': {atom_cls('=cat/pkg-0')}} + assert commits[0].message == ["cat/pkg-0"] + assert commits[0].pkgs == {"A": {atom_cls("=cat/pkg-0")}} # make a multiple pkg commit - repo.create_ebuild('newcat/newpkg-0') - repo.create_ebuild('newcat/newpkg-1') - git_repo.add_all('newcat: various updates') - commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, 'HEAD')) + repo.create_ebuild("newcat/newpkg-0") + repo.create_ebuild("newcat/newpkg-1") + git_repo.add_all("newcat: various updates") + commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, "HEAD")) assert len(commits) == 4 - assert commits[0].message == ['newcat: various updates'] + assert commits[0].message == ["newcat: various updates"] assert commits[0].pkgs == { - 'A': {atom_cls('=newcat/newpkg-0'), atom_cls('=newcat/newpkg-1')}} + "A": {atom_cls("=newcat/newpkg-0"), atom_cls("=newcat/newpkg-1")} + } # remove the old version - git_repo.remove('newcat/newpkg/newpkg-0.ebuild') - commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, 'HEAD')) + git_repo.remove("newcat/newpkg/newpkg-0.ebuild") + commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, "HEAD")) assert len(commits) == 5 - assert commits[0].pkgs == {'D': {atom_cls('=newcat/newpkg-0')}} + assert commits[0].pkgs == {"D": {atom_cls("=newcat/newpkg-0")}} # rename the pkg - git_repo.move('newcat', 'newcat2') - commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, 'HEAD')) + git_repo.move("newcat", "newcat2") + commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, "HEAD")) assert len(commits) == 6 assert commits[0].pkgs == { - 'A': {atom_cls('=newcat2/newpkg-1')}, - 'D': {atom_cls('=newcat/newpkg-1')}, + "A": {atom_cls("=newcat2/newpkg-1")}, + "D": {atom_cls("=newcat/newpkg-1")}, } # malformed atoms don't show up as pkgs - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-3') - git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-3') - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.atom_cls') as fake_atom: - fake_atom.side_effect = MalformedAtom('bad atom') - commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, 'HEAD')) + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-3") + git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-3") + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.atom_cls") as fake_atom: + fake_atom.side_effect = MalformedAtom("bad atom") + commits = list(git.GitRepoCommits(path, "HEAD")) assert len(commits) == 7 assert commits[0].pkgs == {} class TestGitRepoPkgs: - def test_non_git(self, tmp_path): - with pytest.raises(git.GitError, match='failed running git log'): - git.GitRepoPkgs(str(tmp_path), 'HEAD') + with pytest.raises(git.GitError, match="failed running git log"): + git.GitRepoPkgs(str(tmp_path), "HEAD") def test_empty_repo(self, make_git_repo): git_repo = make_git_repo() - with pytest.raises(git.GitError, match='failed running git log'): - git.GitRepoPkgs(git_repo.path, 'HEAD') + with pytest.raises(git.GitError, match="failed running git log"): + git.GitRepoPkgs(git_repo.path, "HEAD") def test_parsing(self, repo, make_git_repo): git_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True) path = git_repo.path # empty repo contains no packages - pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, 'HEAD')) + pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, "HEAD")) assert len(pkgs) == 0 # create a pkg and commit it - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0') - pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, 'HEAD')) + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0") + pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, "HEAD")) assert len(pkgs) == 1 pkg = pkgs[0] - assert pkg.atom == atom_cls('=cat/pkg-0') - assert pkg.status == 'A' + assert pkg.atom == atom_cls("=cat/pkg-0") + assert pkg.status == "A" # add a new version and commit it - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1') - git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, 'HEAD')) + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1") + git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, "HEAD")) assert len(pkgs) == 2 pkg = pkgs[0] - assert pkg.atom == atom_cls('=cat/pkg-1') - assert pkg.status == 'A' + assert pkg.atom == atom_cls("=cat/pkg-1") + assert pkg.status == "A" # remove the old version - git_repo.remove('cat/pkg/pkg-0.ebuild') - pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, 'HEAD')) + git_repo.remove("cat/pkg/pkg-0.ebuild") + pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, "HEAD")) assert len(pkgs) == 3 pkg = pkgs[0] - assert pkg.atom == atom_cls('=cat/pkg-0') - assert pkg.status == 'D' + assert pkg.atom == atom_cls("=cat/pkg-0") + assert pkg.status == "D" # rename the pkg - git_repo.move('cat', 'cat2') - pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, 'HEAD')) + git_repo.move("cat", "cat2") + pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, "HEAD")) assert len(pkgs) == 5 new_pkg, old_pkg = pkgs[:2] - assert old_pkg.atom == atom_cls('=cat/pkg-1') - assert old_pkg.status == 'D' - assert new_pkg.atom == atom_cls('=cat2/pkg-1') - assert new_pkg.status == 'A' + assert old_pkg.atom == atom_cls("=cat/pkg-1") + assert old_pkg.status == "D" + assert new_pkg.atom == atom_cls("=cat2/pkg-1") + assert new_pkg.status == "A" # malformed atoms don't show up as pkgs - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.atom_cls') as fake_atom: - fake_atom.side_effect = MalformedAtom('bad atom') - pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, 'HEAD')) + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.atom_cls") as fake_atom: + fake_atom.side_effect = MalformedAtom("bad atom") + pkgs = list(git.GitRepoPkgs(path, "HEAD")) assert len(pkgs) == 0 class TestGitChangedRepo: - def test_pkg_history(self, repo, make_git_repo): git_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True) pkg_history = partial(git.GitAddon.pkg_history, repo) # initialize the dict cache - data = pkg_history('HEAD') + data = pkg_history("HEAD") assert data == {} # overlay repo objects on top of the dict cache @@ -388,10 +386,10 @@ class TestGitChangedRepo: assert len(removed_repo) == 0 # create a pkg and commit it - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0") # update the dict cache - data = pkg_history('HEAD', data=data) + data = pkg_history("HEAD", data=data) commit = git_repo.HEAD # overlay repo objects on top of the dict cache @@ -405,10 +403,10 @@ class TestGitChangedRepo: assert len(removed_repo) == 0 # add a new version and commit it - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1') - git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1") + git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") # update the dict cache - data = pkg_history(f'{commit}..HEAD', data=data) + data = pkg_history(f"{commit}..HEAD", data=data) commit = git_repo.HEAD # overlay repo objects on top of the dict cache @@ -422,9 +420,9 @@ class TestGitChangedRepo: assert len(removed_repo) == 0 # remove the old version - git_repo.remove('cat/pkg/pkg-0.ebuild') + git_repo.remove("cat/pkg/pkg-0.ebuild") # update the dict cache - data = pkg_history(f'{commit}..HEAD', data=data) + data = pkg_history(f"{commit}..HEAD", data=data) commit = git_repo.HEAD # overlay repo objects on top of the dict cache @@ -438,9 +436,9 @@ class TestGitChangedRepo: assert len(removed_repo) == 1 # rename the pkg - git_repo.move('cat', 'cat2') + git_repo.move("cat", "cat2") # update the dict cache - data = pkg_history(f'{commit}..HEAD', data=data) + data = pkg_history(f"{commit}..HEAD", data=data) commit = git_repo.HEAD # overlay repo objects on top of the dict cache @@ -455,51 +453,50 @@ class TestGitChangedRepo: class TestGitAddon: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, tool, tmp_path, repo): self.repo = repo self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path) - args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir, '--repo', self.repo.location] + args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir, "--repo", self.repo.location] options, _ = tool.parse_args(args) self.addon = git.GitAddon(options) self.cache_file = self.addon.cache_file(self.repo) def test_git_unavailable(self, tool): - args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir, '--repo', self.repo.location] + args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir, "--repo", self.repo.location] options, _ = tool.parse_args(args) - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.find_binary') as find_binary: - find_binary.side_effect = CommandNotFound('git not found') - with pytest.raises(CacheDisabled, match='git cache support required'): + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.find_binary") as find_binary: + find_binary.side_effect = CommandNotFound("git not found") + with pytest.raises(CacheDisabled, match="git cache support required"): git.GitAddon(options) def test_no_gitignore(self): assert self.addon._gitignore is None - assert not self.addon.gitignored('') + assert not self.addon.gitignored("") def test_failed_gitignore(self): - with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, '.gitignore'), 'w') as f: - f.write('.*.swp\n') - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.open') as fake_open: - fake_open.side_effect = IOError('file reading failure') + with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, ".gitignore"), "w") as f: + f.write(".*.swp\n") + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.open") as fake_open: + fake_open.side_effect = IOError("file reading failure") assert self.addon._gitignore is None def test_gitignore(self): - for path in ('.gitignore', '.git/info/exclude'): + for path in (".gitignore", ".git/info/exclude"): file_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, path) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True) - with open(file_path, 'w') as f: - f.write('.*.swp\n') - assert self.addon.gitignored('.foo.swp') - assert self.addon.gitignored(pjoin(self.repo.location, '.foo.swp')) - assert not self.addon.gitignored('foo.swp') - assert not self.addon.gitignored(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'foo.swp')) + with open(file_path, "w") as f: + f.write(".*.swp\n") + assert self.addon.gitignored(".foo.swp") + assert self.addon.gitignored(pjoin(self.repo.location, ".foo.swp")) + assert not self.addon.gitignored("foo.swp") + assert not self.addon.gitignored(pjoin(self.repo.location, "foo.swp")) def test_cache_disabled(self, tool): - args = ['scan', '--cache', 'no', '--repo', self.repo.location] + args = ["scan", "--cache", "no", "--repo", self.repo.location] options, _ = tool.parse_args(args) - with pytest.raises(CacheDisabled, match='git cache support required'): + with pytest.raises(CacheDisabled, match="git cache support required"): init_addon(git.GitAddon, options) def test_non_git_repo(self): @@ -516,26 +513,26 @@ class TestGitAddon: """Cache file isn't updated if no relevant commits exist.""" parent_repo = make_git_repo(commit=True) child_repo = make_git_repo(self.repo.location, commit=False) - child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', parent_repo.path]) - child_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", parent_repo.path]) + child_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) self.addon.update_cache() assert not os.path.exists(self.cache_file) def test_cache_creation_and_load(self, repo, make_git_repo): parent_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True) # create a pkg and commit it - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - parent_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + parent_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0") child_repo = make_git_repo(self.repo.location, commit=False) - child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', parent_repo.path]) - child_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", parent_repo.path]) + child_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) self.addon.update_cache() - assert atom_cls('=cat/pkg-0') in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo) + assert atom_cls("=cat/pkg-0") in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo) - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache') as save_cache: + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache") as save_cache: # verify the cache was loaded and not regenerated self.addon.update_cache() save_cache.assert_not_called() @@ -544,28 +541,28 @@ class TestGitAddon: save_cache.assert_called_once() # create another pkg and commit it to the parent repo - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1') - parent_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1") + parent_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") self.addon.update_cache() - assert atom_cls('=cat/pkg-1') not in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo) + assert atom_cls("=cat/pkg-1") not in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo) # new package is seen after child repo pulls changes - child_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) + child_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) self.addon.update_cache() - assert atom_cls('=cat/pkg-1') in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo) + assert atom_cls("=cat/pkg-1") in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo) def test_outdated_cache(self, repo, make_git_repo): parent_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True) # create a pkg and commit it - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - parent_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + parent_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0") child_repo = make_git_repo(self.repo.location, commit=False) - child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', parent_repo.path]) - child_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", parent_repo.path]) + child_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) self.addon.update_cache() - assert atom_cls('=cat/pkg-0') in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo) + assert atom_cls("=cat/pkg-0") in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo) # increment cache version and dump cache cache = self.addon.load_cache(self.cache_file) @@ -573,79 +570,79 @@ class TestGitAddon: self.addon.save_cache(cache, self.cache_file) # verify cache load causes regen - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache') as save_cache: + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache") as save_cache: self.addon.update_cache() save_cache.assert_called_once() def test_error_creating_cache(self, repo, make_git_repo): parent_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True) # create a pkg and commit it - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - parent_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + parent_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0") child_repo = make_git_repo(self.repo.location, commit=False) - child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', parent_repo.path]) - child_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", parent_repo.path]) + child_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog') as git_log: - git_log.side_effect = git.GitError('git parsing failed') - with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='git parsing failed'): + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog") as git_log: + git_log.side_effect = git.GitError("git parsing failed") + with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="git parsing failed"): self.addon.update_cache() def test_error_loading_cache(self, repo, make_git_repo): parent_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True) # create a pkg and commit it - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - parent_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + parent_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0") child_repo = make_git_repo(self.repo.location, commit=False) - child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', parent_repo.path]) - child_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", parent_repo.path]) + child_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) self.addon.update_cache() - assert atom_cls('=cat/pkg-0') in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo) + assert atom_cls("=cat/pkg-0") in self.addon.cached_repo(git.GitAddedRepo) - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.pickle.load') as pickle_load: + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.pickle.load") as pickle_load: # catastrophic errors are raised - pickle_load.side_effect = MemoryError('unpickling failed') - with pytest.raises(MemoryError, match='unpickling failed'): + pickle_load.side_effect = MemoryError("unpickling failed") + with pytest.raises(MemoryError, match="unpickling failed"): self.addon.update_cache() # but various load failure exceptions cause cache regen - pickle_load.side_effect = Exception('unpickling failed') - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache') as save_cache: + pickle_load.side_effect = Exception("unpickling failed") + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.CachedAddon.save_cache") as save_cache: self.addon.update_cache() save_cache.assert_called_once() def test_error_dumping_cache(self, repo, make_git_repo): parent_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True) # create a pkg and commit it - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - parent_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + parent_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0") child_repo = make_git_repo(self.repo.location, commit=False) - child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', parent_repo.path]) - child_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - child_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", parent_repo.path]) + child_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + child_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) # verify IO related dump failures are raised - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.pickle.dump') as pickle_dump: - pickle_dump.side_effect = IOError('unpickling failed') - with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='failed dumping git cache'): + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.pickle.dump") as pickle_dump: + pickle_dump.side_effect = IOError("unpickling failed") + with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="failed dumping git cache"): self.addon.update_cache() def test_commits_repo(self, repo, make_repo, make_git_repo): parent_repo = repo parent_git_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True) # create a pkg and commit it - parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0") child_git_repo = make_git_repo(self.repo.location, commit=False) - child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', parent_git_repo.path]) - child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", parent_git_repo.path]) + child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) self.addon.update_cache() # no new pkg commits exist locally in the child repo @@ -654,37 +651,37 @@ class TestGitAddon: # create a pkg in the child repo and commit it child_repo = make_repo(child_git_repo.path) - child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1') - child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') + child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1") + child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") # pkg commits now exist locally in the child repo commits_repo = self.addon.commits_repo(git.GitChangedRepo) assert len(commits_repo) == 1 - assert atom_cls('=cat/pkg-1') in commits_repo + assert atom_cls("=cat/pkg-1") in commits_repo # failing to parse git log returns error with git cache enabled - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog') as git_log: - git_log.side_effect = git.GitError('git parsing failed') - with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='git parsing failed'): + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog") as git_log: + git_log.side_effect = git.GitError("git parsing failed") + with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="git parsing failed"): self.addon.commits_repo(git.GitChangedRepo) # failing to parse git log yields an empty repo with git cache disabled - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog') as git_log: - git_log.side_effect = git.GitError('git parsing failed') - with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='git parsing failed'): + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog") as git_log: + git_log.side_effect = git.GitError("git parsing failed") + with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="git parsing failed"): self.addon.commits_repo(git.GitChangedRepo) def test_commits(self, repo, make_repo, make_git_repo): parent_repo = repo parent_git_repo = make_git_repo(repo.location, commit=True) # create a pkg and commit it - parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0") child_git_repo = make_git_repo(self.repo.location, commit=False) - child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', parent_git_repo.path]) - child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", parent_git_repo.path]) + child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) self.addon.update_cache() # no new commits exist locally in the child repo @@ -692,22 +689,22 @@ class TestGitAddon: # create a pkg in the child repo and commit it child_repo = make_repo(child_git_repo.path) - child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1') - child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') + child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1") + child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") # commits now exist locally in the child repo commits = list(self.addon.commits()) assert len(commits) == 1 - assert commits[0].message == ['cat/pkg-1'] + assert commits[0].message == ["cat/pkg-1"] # failing to parse git log returns error with git cache enabled - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog') as git_log: - git_log.side_effect = git.GitError('git parsing failed') - with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='git parsing failed'): + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog") as git_log: + git_log.side_effect = git.GitError("git parsing failed") + with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="git parsing failed"): list(self.addon.commits()) # failing to parse git log raises exception - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog') as git_log: - git_log.side_effect = git.GitError('git parsing failed') - with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='git parsing failed'): + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.git.GitLog") as git_log: + git_log.side_effect = git.GitError("git parsing failed") + with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="git parsing failed"): self.addon.commits() diff --git a/tests/checks/test_acct.py b/tests/checks/test_acct.py index 57273705..4c8202dc 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_acct.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_acct.py @@ -12,81 +12,86 @@ class TestAcctUser(misc.ReportTestCase): check_kls = acct.AcctCheck - kind = 'user' + kind = "user" @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, tmp_path): - (metadata := tmp_path / 'metadata').mkdir() - (metadata / 'qa-policy.conf').write_text(textwrap.dedent("""\ - [user-group-ids] - uid-range = 0-749,65534 - gid-range = 0-749,65533,65534 - """)) + (metadata := tmp_path / "metadata").mkdir() + (metadata / "qa-policy.conf").write_text( + textwrap.dedent( + """\ + [user-group-ids] + uid-range = 0-749,65534 + gid-range = 0-749,65533,65534 + """ + ) + ) self.location = str(tmp_path) def mk_check(self, pkgs): - repo = FakeRepo(pkgs=pkgs, repo_id='test', location=self.location) + repo = FakeRepo(pkgs=pkgs, repo_id="test", location=self.location) check = self.check_kls(arghparse.Namespace(target_repo=repo, gentoo_repo=True)) return check def mk_pkg(self, name, identifier, version=1, ebuild=None): if ebuild is None: - ebuild = textwrap.dedent(f'''\ - inherit acct-{self.kind} - ACCT_{self.kind.upper()}_ID="{identifier}" - ''') - return misc.FakePkg(f'acct-{self.kind}/{name}-{version}', ebuild=ebuild) + ebuild = textwrap.dedent( + f"""\ + inherit acct-{self.kind} + ACCT_{self.kind.upper()}_ID="{identifier}" + """ + ) + return misc.FakePkg(f"acct-{self.kind}/{name}-{version}", ebuild=ebuild) def test_unmatching_pkgs(self): - pkgs = (misc.FakePkg('dev-util/foo-0'), - misc.FakePkg('dev-util/bar-1')) + pkgs = (misc.FakePkg("dev-util/foo-0"), misc.FakePkg("dev-util/bar-1")) check = self.mk_check(pkgs) self.assertNoReport(check, pkgs) def test_correct_ids(self): - pkgs = (self.mk_pkg('foo', 100), - self.mk_pkg('bar', 200), - self.mk_pkg('test', 749), - self.mk_pkg('nobody', 65534)) + pkgs = ( + self.mk_pkg("foo", 100), + self.mk_pkg("bar", 200), + self.mk_pkg("test", 749), + self.mk_pkg("nobody", 65534), + ) check = self.mk_check(pkgs) self.assertNoReport(check, pkgs) def test_missing_ids(self): - pkg = self.mk_pkg('foo', None, ebuild='inherit acct-user\n') + pkg = self.mk_pkg("foo", None, ebuild="inherit acct-user\n") check = self.mk_check((pkg,)) r = self.assertReport(check, pkg) assert isinstance(r, acct.MissingAccountIdentifier) - assert r.var == f'ACCT_{self.kind.upper()}_ID' + assert r.var == f"ACCT_{self.kind.upper()}_ID" assert r.var in str(r) def test_conflicting_ids(self): - pkgs = (self.mk_pkg('foo', 100), - self.mk_pkg('bar', 100)) + pkgs = (self.mk_pkg("foo", 100), self.mk_pkg("bar", 100)) check = self.mk_check(pkgs) r = self.assertReport(check, pkgs) assert isinstance(r, acct.ConflictingAccountIdentifiers) assert r.kind == self.kind assert r.identifier == 100 - assert r.pkgs == (f'acct-{self.kind}/bar-1', f'acct-{self.kind}/foo-1') - assert f'conflicting {self.kind} id 100 usage: ' in str(r) + assert r.pkgs == (f"acct-{self.kind}/bar-1", f"acct-{self.kind}/foo-1") + assert f"conflicting {self.kind} id 100 usage: " in str(r) def test_self_nonconflicting_ids(self): - pkgs = (self.mk_pkg('foo', 100), - self.mk_pkg('foo', 100, version=2)) + pkgs = (self.mk_pkg("foo", 100), self.mk_pkg("foo", 100, version=2)) check = self.mk_check(pkgs) self.assertNoReport(check, pkgs) def test_dynamic_assignment_range(self): - pkg = self.mk_pkg('foo', 750) + pkg = self.mk_pkg("foo", 750) check = self.mk_check((pkg,)) r = self.assertReport(check, pkg) assert isinstance(r, acct.OutsideRangeAccountIdentifier) assert r.kind == self.kind assert r.identifier == 750 - assert f'{self.kind} id 750 outside permitted' in str(r) + assert f"{self.kind} id 750 outside permitted" in str(r) def test_sysadmin_assignment_range(self): - pkg = self.mk_pkg('foo', 1000) + pkg = self.mk_pkg("foo", 1000) check = self.mk_check((pkg,)) r = self.assertReport(check, pkg) assert isinstance(r, acct.OutsideRangeAccountIdentifier) @@ -94,7 +99,7 @@ class TestAcctUser(misc.ReportTestCase): assert r.identifier == 1000 def test_high_reserved(self): - pkg = self.mk_pkg('foo', 65535) + pkg = self.mk_pkg("foo", 65535) check = self.mk_check((pkg,)) r = self.assertReport(check, pkg) assert isinstance(r, acct.OutsideRangeAccountIdentifier) @@ -103,7 +108,7 @@ class TestAcctUser(misc.ReportTestCase): def test_nogroup(self): """Test that 65533 is not accepted for UID.""" - pkg = self.mk_pkg('nogroup', 65533) + pkg = self.mk_pkg("nogroup", 65533) check = self.mk_check((pkg,)) r = self.assertReport(check, pkg) assert isinstance(r, acct.OutsideRangeAccountIdentifier) @@ -111,28 +116,27 @@ class TestAcctUser(misc.ReportTestCase): assert r.identifier == 65533 def test_nobody(self): - pkg = self.mk_pkg('nobody', 65534) + pkg = self.mk_pkg("nobody", 65534) check = self.mk_check((pkg,)) self.assertNoReport(check, pkg) class TestAcctGroup(TestAcctUser): - kind = 'group' + kind = "group" def test_nogroup(self): """Test that 65533 is accepted for GID.""" - pkg = self.mk_pkg('nogroup', 65533) + pkg = self.mk_pkg("nogroup", 65533) check = self.mk_check((pkg,)) self.assertNoReport(check, pkg) class TestQaPolicyValidation(misc.ReportTestCase): - def mk_check(self, tmp_path, content): if content: - (metadata := tmp_path / 'metadata').mkdir() - (metadata / 'qa-policy.conf').write_text(textwrap.dedent(content)) - repo = FakeRepo(repo_id='test', location=str(tmp_path)) + (metadata := tmp_path / "metadata").mkdir() + (metadata / "qa-policy.conf").write_text(textwrap.dedent(content)) + repo = FakeRepo(repo_id="test", location=str(tmp_path)) return acct.AcctCheck(arghparse.Namespace(target_repo=repo, gentoo_repo=True)) def test_missing_qa_policy(self, tmp_path): @@ -141,27 +145,39 @@ class TestQaPolicyValidation(misc.ReportTestCase): def test_missing_section(self, tmp_path): with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match="missing section user-group-ids"): - self.mk_check(tmp_path, '''\ + self.mk_check( + tmp_path, + """\ [random] x = 5 - ''') + """, + ) def test_missing_config(self, tmp_path): with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match="missing value for gid-range"): - self.mk_check(tmp_path, '''\ + self.mk_check( + tmp_path, + """\ [user-group-ids] uid-range = 0-749 - ''') - - @pytest.mark.parametrize('value', ( - 'start-end', - '0-749-1500', - ',150', - )) + """, + ) + + @pytest.mark.parametrize( + "value", + ( + "start-end", + "0-749-1500", + ",150", + ), + ) def test_invalid_value(self, tmp_path, value): with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match="invalid value for uid-range"): - self.mk_check(tmp_path, f'''\ + self.mk_check( + tmp_path, + f"""\ [user-group-ids] uid-range = {value} gid-range = 0-749 - ''') + """, + ) diff --git a/tests/checks/test_all.py b/tests/checks/test_all.py index 2ca8a114..a153a802 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_all.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_all.py @@ -22,96 +22,91 @@ class TestMetadataError: def test_reregister_error(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="metadata attribute 'eapi' already registered"): + class InvalidEapi2(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult): - attr = 'eapi' + attr = "eapi" def test_register_missing_attr(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="class missing metadata attributes"): + class InvalidAttr(results.MetadataError, results.VersionResult): pass class TestGentooRepoCheck: - def test_non_gentoo_repo(self, tool, make_repo): self.repo = make_repo() - args = ['scan', '--repo', self.repo.location] + args = ["scan", "--repo", self.repo.location] options, _ = tool.parse_args(args) - with pytest.raises(checks_mod.SkipCheck, match='not running against gentoo repo'): + with pytest.raises(checks_mod.SkipCheck, match="not running against gentoo repo"): init_check(checks_mod.GentooRepoCheck, options) def test_gentoo_repo(self, tool, make_repo): - self.repo = make_repo(repo_id='gentoo') - args = ['scan', '--repo', self.repo.location] + self.repo = make_repo(repo_id="gentoo") + args = ["scan", "--repo", self.repo.location] options, _ = tool.parse_args(args) assert init_check(checks_mod.GentooRepoCheck, options) class TestOverlayCheck: - def test_non_overlay_repo(self, tool, testconfig): tool.parser.set_defaults(config_path=testconfig) - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', '--repo', 'gentoo']) - with pytest.raises(checks_mod.SkipCheck, match='not running against overlay'): + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "--repo", "gentoo"]) + with pytest.raises(checks_mod.SkipCheck, match="not running against overlay"): init_check(checks_mod.OverlayRepoCheck, options) def test_overlay_repo(self, tool, testconfig): tool.parser.set_defaults(config_path=testconfig) - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', '--repo', 'overlay']) + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "--repo", "overlay"]) assert init_check(checks_mod.OverlayRepoCheck, options) class TestGitCommitsCheck: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, tool, make_repo, make_git_repo): # initialize parent repo self.parent_git_repo = make_git_repo() - self.parent_repo = make_repo( - self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id='gentoo', arches=['amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('initial commit') + self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id="gentoo", arches=["amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("initial commit") # initialize child repo self.child_git_repo = make_git_repo() - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', self.parent_git_repo.path]) - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", self.parent_git_repo.path]) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) self.child_repo = make_repo(self.child_git_repo.path) def test_no_commits_option(self, tool, make_git_repo): - options, _ = tool.parse_args( - ['scan', '--repo', self.child_repo.location]) - with pytest.raises(checks_mod.SkipCheck, match='not scanning against git commits'): + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "--repo", self.child_repo.location]) + with pytest.raises(checks_mod.SkipCheck, match="not scanning against git commits"): init_check(checks_mod.GitCommitsCheck, options) def test_commits_option(self, tool, make_repo): - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - options, _ = tool.parse_args( - ['scan', '--repo', self.child_repo.location, '--commits']) + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "--repo", self.child_repo.location, "--commits"]) assert init_check(checks_mod.GitCommitsCheck, options) def test_no_local_commits(self, tool): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - tool.parse_args(['scan', '--repo', self.child_repo.location, '--commits']) + tool.parse_args(["scan", "--repo", self.child_repo.location, "--commits"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 0 # parent repo has new commits - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1') - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - tool.parse_args(['scan', '--repo', self.child_repo.location, '--commits']) + tool.parse_args(["scan", "--repo", self.child_repo.location, "--commits"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 0 class TestNetworkCheck: - def test_network_disabled(self, tool): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan']) - with pytest.raises(checks_mod.SkipCheck, match='network checks not enabled'): + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"]) + with pytest.raises(checks_mod.SkipCheck, match="network checks not enabled"): init_check(checks_mod.NetworkCheck, options) def test_network_enabled(self, tool): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', '--net']) + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "--net"]) assert init_check(checks_mod.NetworkCheck, options) diff --git a/tests/checks/test_cleanup.py b/tests/checks/test_cleanup.py index 4e1aa2b3..7ca2f3b6 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_cleanup.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_cleanup.py @@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ from snakeoil.cli import arghparse from .. import misc + def mk_pkg(ver, keywords=("x86", "amd64"), slot="0", **kwds): return misc.FakePkg( - f"dev-util/diffball-{ver}", - data={**kwds, "KEYWORDS": ' '.join(keywords), "SLOT": slot}) + f"dev-util/diffball-{ver}", data={**kwds, "KEYWORDS": " ".join(keywords), "SLOT": slot} + ) + class TestRedundantVersion(misc.ReportTestCase): @@ -17,50 +19,43 @@ class TestRedundantVersion(misc.ReportTestCase): self.assertNoReport(self.check, [mk_pkg("0.7.1")]) def test_live_version(self): - self.assertNoReport( - self.check, [mk_pkg('0.7'), mk_pkg('0.9', PROPERTIES='live')]) - self.assertNoReport( - self.check, [mk_pkg('0.7'), mk_pkg('9999', PROPERTIES='live')]) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, [mk_pkg("0.7"), mk_pkg("0.9", PROPERTIES="live")]) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, [mk_pkg("0.7"), mk_pkg("9999", PROPERTIES="live")]) def test_no_keywords(self): - self.assertNoReport( - self.check, [mk_pkg('0.7'), mk_pkg('0.9', keywords=())]) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, [mk_pkg("0.7"), mk_pkg("0.9", keywords=())]) def test_disabled_keywords(self): - self.assertNoReport( - self.check, [mk_pkg('0.7'), mk_pkg('0.9', keywords=('-x86', '-amd64'))]) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, [mk_pkg("0.7"), mk_pkg("0.9", keywords=("-x86", "-amd64"))]) def test_single_redundant(self): - r = self.assertReport( - self.check, [mk_pkg(x) for x in ("0.7", "0.8")]) + r = self.assertReport(self.check, [mk_pkg(x) for x in ("0.7", "0.8")]) assert isinstance(r, cleanup.RedundantVersion) assert r.later_versions == ("0.8",) - assert 'slot(0) keywords are overshadowed by version: 0.8' in str(r) + assert "slot(0) keywords are overshadowed by version: 0.8" in str(r) def test_multiple_redundants(self): - reports = self.assertReports( - self.check, [mk_pkg(x) for x in ("0.7", "0.8", "0.9")]) - assert ( - [list(x.later_versions) for x in reports] == - [["0.8", "0.9"], ["0.9"]]) + reports = self.assertReports(self.check, [mk_pkg(x) for x in ("0.7", "0.8", "0.9")]) + assert [list(x.later_versions) for x in reports] == [["0.8", "0.9"], ["0.9"]] for x in reports: assert isinstance(x, cleanup.RedundantVersion) def test_multiple_slots(self): - l = [mk_pkg("0.7", slot="1"), mk_pkg("0.8"), - mk_pkg("0.9", slot="1")] + l = [mk_pkg("0.7", slot="1"), mk_pkg("0.8"), mk_pkg("0.9", slot="1")] r = self.assertReport(self.check, l) assert r.later_versions == ("0.9",) assert isinstance(r, cleanup.RedundantVersion) - assert 'slot(1) keywords are overshadowed by version: 0.9' in str(r) + assert "slot(1) keywords are overshadowed by version: 0.9" in str(r) l.append(mk_pkg("0.10", keywords=("x86", "amd64", "~sparc"))) reports = self.assertReports(self.check, l) - assert ([list(x.later_versions) for x in reports] == [["0.9"], ["0.10"]]) + assert [list(x.later_versions) for x in reports] == [["0.9"], ["0.10"]] def test_multiple_keywords(self): - l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")), - mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("x86", "~amd64", "~sparc"))] + l = [ + mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")), + mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("x86", "~amd64", "~sparc")), + ] r = self.assertReport(self.check, l) assert r.later_versions == ("0.2",) @@ -71,32 +66,33 @@ class TestRedundantVersionByStable(misc.ReportTestCase): check = cleanup.RedundantVersionCheck(arghparse.Namespace(stable_only=True), profile_addon={}) def test_only_unstable(self): - l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")), - mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64"))] + l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")), mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64"))] self.assertNoReport(self.check, l) def test_only_stable(self): - l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("x86", "amd64")), - mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("x86", "amd64"))] + l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("x86", "amd64")), mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("x86", "amd64"))] r = self.assertReport(self.check, l) assert r.later_versions == ("0.2",) def test_mixed_stable(self): - l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("x86", "amd64", "~sparc")), - mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("x86", "amd64", "~sparc"))] + l = [ + mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("x86", "amd64", "~sparc")), + mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("x86", "amd64", "~sparc")), + ] r = self.assertReport(self.check, l) assert r.later_versions == ("0.2",) def test_mixed_history(self): - l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("amd64")), - mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")), - mk_pkg("0.3", keywords=("x86", "amd64")), - mk_pkg("0.4", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")), - mk_pkg("0.5", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64"))] + l = [ + mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("amd64")), + mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")), + mk_pkg("0.3", keywords=("x86", "amd64")), + mk_pkg("0.4", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")), + mk_pkg("0.5", keywords=("~x86", "~amd64")), + ] r = self.assertReport(self.check, l) assert r.later_versions == ("0.3", "0.4", "0.5") def test_no_redundant(self): - l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("x86", "amd64")), - mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("x86", "~amd64"))] + l = [mk_pkg("0.1", keywords=("x86", "amd64")), mk_pkg("0.2", keywords=("x86", "~amd64"))] self.assertNoReport(self.check, l) diff --git a/tests/checks/test_codingstyle.py b/tests/checks/test_codingstyle.py index 1c6a0075..528faa8b 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_codingstyle.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_codingstyle.py @@ -30,8 +30,12 @@ class TestInsintoCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src) bad = ( - "/etc/env.d", "/etc/conf.d", "/etc/init.d", "/etc/pam.d", - "/usr/share/applications", "/usr/share/applications", + "/etc/env.d", + "/etc/conf.d", + "/etc/init.d", + "/etc/pam.d", + "/usr/share/applications", + "/usr/share/applications", "//usr/share//applications", ) check = self.check_kls(None) @@ -42,11 +46,12 @@ class TestInsintoCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): def test_docinto(self): check = self.check_kls(None) - for path in ('${PF}', '${P}', '${PF}/examples'): + for path in ("${PF}", "${P}", "${PF}/examples"): for eapi_str, eapi in EAPI.known_eapis.items(): - fake_src = [f'\tinsinto /usr/share/doc/{path}\n'] + fake_src = [f"\tinsinto /usr/share/doc/{path}\n"] fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg( - "dev-util/diff-0.5", data={'EAPI': eapi_str}, lines=fake_src) + "dev-util/diff-0.5", data={"EAPI": eapi_str}, lines=fake_src + ) if eapi.options.dodoc_allow_recursive: r = self.assertReport(check, fake_pkg) assert path in str(r) @@ -68,10 +73,10 @@ class TestAbsoluteSymlink(misc.ReportTestCase): absolute_prefixed = [] for path_var in codingstyle.PATH_VARIABLES: - src, dest = ('/bin/blah', '/bin/bash') + src, dest = ("/bin/blah", "/bin/bash") absolute_prefixed.append((f'"${{{path_var}}}"{src}', dest)) absolute_prefixed.append((f'"${{{path_var}%/}}"{src}', dest)) - src, dest = ('/bin/blah baz', '/bin/blahbaz') + src, dest = ("/bin/blah baz", "/bin/blahbaz") absolute_prefixed.append((f'"${{{path_var}}}{src}"', dest)) absolute_prefixed.append((f'"${{{path_var}%/}}{src}"', dest)) @@ -99,7 +104,7 @@ class TestAbsoluteSymlink(misc.ReportTestCase): assert len(reports) == len(absolute) + len(absolute_prefixed) for r, (src, dest) in zip(reports, absolute + absolute_prefixed): - assert f'dosym {src}' in str(r) + assert f"dosym {src}" in str(r) class TestPathVariablesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): @@ -107,7 +112,7 @@ class TestPathVariablesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): check_kls = codingstyle.PathVariablesCheck check = check_kls(None) - def _found(self, cls, suffix=''): + def _found(self, cls, suffix=""): # check single and multiple matches across all specified variables for lines in (1, 2): for path_var in codingstyle.PATH_VARIABLES: @@ -117,17 +122,18 @@ class TestPathVariablesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): fake_src.extend(["}\n", "\n"]) for eapi_str, eapi in EAPI.known_eapis.items(): fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg( - "dev-util/diff-0.5", data={'EAPI': eapi_str}, lines=fake_src) + "dev-util/diff-0.5", data={"EAPI": eapi_str}, lines=fake_src + ) if eapi.options.trailing_slash: self.assertNoReport(self.check, fake_pkg) else: r = self.assertReport(self.check, fake_pkg) assert isinstance(r, cls) - assert r.match == f'${{{path_var}{suffix}}}' + assert r.match == f"${{{path_var}{suffix}}}" assert r.lines == tuple(x + 2 for x in range(lines)) assert path_var in str(r) - def _unfound(self, cls, suffix=''): + def _unfound(self, cls, suffix=""): for path_var in codingstyle.PATH_VARIABLES: fake_src = [ "src_install() {\n", @@ -138,7 +144,8 @@ class TestPathVariablesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): ] for eapi_str, eapi in EAPI.known_eapis.items(): fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg( - "dev-util/diffball-0.5", data={'EAPI': eapi_str}, lines=fake_src) + "dev-util/diffball-0.5", data={"EAPI": eapi_str}, lines=fake_src + ) self.assertNoReport(self.check, fake_pkg) def test_missing_found(self): @@ -148,14 +155,14 @@ class TestPathVariablesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): self._unfound(codingstyle.MissingSlash) def test_unnecessary_found(self): - self._found(codingstyle.UnnecessarySlashStrip, suffix='%/') + self._found(codingstyle.UnnecessarySlashStrip, suffix="%/") def test_unnecessary_unfound(self): - self._unfound(codingstyle.UnnecessarySlashStrip, suffix='%/') + self._unfound(codingstyle.UnnecessarySlashStrip, suffix="%/") def test_double_prefix_found(self): fake_src = [ - 'src_install() {\n', + "src_install() {\n", ' cp foo.py "${ED}$(python_get_sitedir)"\n', # test non-match ' cp foo.py "${D%/}$(python_get_sitedir)"\n', @@ -174,17 +181,17 @@ class TestPathVariablesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): ' dodir /foo/bar "${EPREFIX}"/bar/baz\n', # commented lines aren't flagged for double prefix usage '# exeinto "${EPREFIX}/foo/bar"\n', - '}\n' + "}\n", ] fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src) r = self.assertReports(self.check, fake_pkg) cls = codingstyle.DoublePrefixInPath expected_results = ( - ('${ED}$(python_get_sitedir)', 2), - ('${ED%/}$(python_get_sitedir)', 4), - ('${ED}/$(python_get_sitedir)', 5), - ('${ED}${PYTHON_SITEDIR}', 6), - ('${ED}${EPREFIX}', 7), + ("${ED}$(python_get_sitedir)", 2), + ("${ED%/}$(python_get_sitedir)", 4), + ("${ED}/$(python_get_sitedir)", 5), + ("${ED}${PYTHON_SITEDIR}", 6), + ("${ED}${EPREFIX}", 7), ('insinto "$(python_get_sitedir)', 8), ('exeinto "${EPREFIX}', 9), ('fowners foo:bar "$(python_get_sitedir)', 10), @@ -199,16 +206,16 @@ class TestPathVariablesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): def test_double_prefix_unfound(self): fake_src = [ - 'src_install() {\n', + "src_install() {\n", ' cp foo.py "${D}$(python_get_sitedir)"\n', ' cp foo "${D}${EPREFIX}/foo/bar"\n', - ' insinto /foo/bar\n', + " insinto /foo/bar\n", # potential false positives: stripping prefix ' insinto "${MYVAR#${EPREFIX}}"\n', ' insinto "${MYVAR#"${EPREFIX}"}"\n', # combined commands ' dodir /etc/env.d && echo "FOO=${EPREFIX}"\n', - '}\n' + "}\n", ] fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src) self.assertNoReport(self.check, fake_pkg) @@ -219,99 +226,76 @@ class TestObsoleteUri(misc.ReportTestCase): check_kls = codingstyle.ObsoleteUriCheck def test_github_archive_uri(self): - uri = 'https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/${PV}.tar.gz' - fake_src = [ - f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n' - ] + uri = "https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/${PV}.tar.gz" + fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n'] fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src) self.assertNoReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg) def test_commented_github_tarball_uri(self): - uri = 'https://github.com/foo/bar/tarball/${PV}' - fake_src = [ - '# github tarball\n', - '\n', - f'# {uri}\n' - ] + uri = "https://github.com/foo/bar/tarball/${PV}" + fake_src = ["# github tarball\n", "\n", f"# {uri}\n"] fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src) self.assertNoReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg) def test_github_tarball_uri(self): - uri = 'https://github.com/foo/bar/tarball/${PV}' - fake_src = [ - f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n' - ] + uri = "https://github.com/foo/bar/tarball/${PV}" + fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n'] fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src) r = self.assertReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg) assert r.line == 1 assert r.uri == uri - assert (r.replacement == - 'https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/${PV}.tar.gz') + assert r.replacement == "https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/${PV}.tar.gz" assert uri in str(r) def test_github_zipball_uri(self): - uri = 'https://github.com/foo/bar/zipball/${PV}' - fake_src = [ - f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.zip"\n' - ] + uri = "https://github.com/foo/bar/zipball/${PV}" + fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.zip"\n'] fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src) r = self.assertReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg) assert r.line == 1 assert r.uri == uri - assert (r.replacement == - 'https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/${PV}.tar.gz') + assert r.replacement == "https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/${PV}.tar.gz" assert uri in str(r) def test_gitlab_archive_uri(self): - uri = 'https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar.gz' - fake_src = [ - f'SRC_URI="{uri}"\n' - ] + uri = "https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar.gz" + fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri}"\n'] fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src) self.assertNoReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg) def test_gitlab_tar_gz_uri(self): - uri = 'https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/repository/archive.tar.gz?ref=${PV}' - fake_src = [ - f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n' - ] + uri = "https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/repository/archive.tar.gz?ref=${PV}" + fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n'] fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src) r = self.assertReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg) assert r.line == 1 assert r.uri == uri - assert (r.replacement == - 'https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/-/archive/${PV}/bar-${PV}.tar.gz') + assert r.replacement == "https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/-/archive/${PV}/bar-${PV}.tar.gz" assert uri in str(r) def test_gitlab_tar_bz2_uri(self): - uri = 'https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/repository/archive.tar.bz2?ref=${PV}' - fake_src = [ - f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.bz2"\n' - ] + uri = "https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/repository/archive.tar.bz2?ref=${PV}" + fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.bz2"\n'] fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src) r = self.assertReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg) assert r.line == 1 assert r.uri == uri - assert (r.replacement == - 'https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/-/archive/${PV}/bar-${PV}.tar.bz2') + assert r.replacement == "https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/-/archive/${PV}/bar-${PV}.tar.bz2" assert uri in str(r) def test_gitlab_zip_uri(self): - uri = 'https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/repository/archive.zip?ref=${PV}' - fake_src = [ - f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.zip"\n' - ] + uri = "https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/repository/archive.zip?ref=${PV}" + fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.zip"\n'] fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src) r = self.assertReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg) assert r.line == 1 assert r.uri == uri - assert (r.replacement == - 'https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/-/archive/${PV}/bar-${PV}.zip') + assert r.replacement == "https://gitlab.com/foo/bar/-/archive/${PV}/bar-${PV}.zip" assert uri in str(r) @@ -320,15 +304,13 @@ class TestBetterCompression(misc.ReportTestCase): check_kls = codingstyle.BetterCompressionCheck def test_github_archive_uri(self): - uri = 'https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/${PV}.tar.gz' - fake_src = [ - f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n' - ] + uri = "https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/${PV}.tar.gz" + fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n'] fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src) self.assertNoReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg) def test_comment_uri(self): - uri = 'https://gitlab.com/GNOME/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar' + uri = "https://gitlab.com/GNOME/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar" fake_src = [ f'#SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n', " ", @@ -339,21 +321,22 @@ class TestBetterCompression(misc.ReportTestCase): r = self.assertReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg) assert r.lineno == 4 - @pytest.mark.parametrize('uri', ( - 'https://gitlab.com/GNOME/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar', - 'https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar.gz', - 'https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.zip', - 'https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/glvnd/${PN}/-/archive/v${PV}/${PN}-v${PV}.tar.gz', - )) + @pytest.mark.parametrize( + "uri", + ( + "https://gitlab.com/GNOME/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar", + "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar.gz", + "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.zip", + "https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/glvnd/${PN}/-/archive/v${PV}/${PN}-v${PV}.tar.gz", + ), + ) def test_gitlab_archive_uri(self, uri): - fake_src = [ - f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n' - ] + fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri} -> ${{P}}.tar.gz"\n'] fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src) r = self.assertReport(self.check_kls(None), fake_pkg) assert r.lineno == 1 assert r.line == uri - assert r.replacement == '.tar.bz2' + assert r.replacement == ".tar.bz2" assert uri in str(r) @@ -363,76 +346,85 @@ class TestStaticSrcUri(misc.ReportTestCase): check = check_kls(None) @staticmethod - def _prepare_pkg(uri_value: str, rename: str = '', pkgver: str = 'diffball-'): + def _prepare_pkg(uri_value: str, rename: str = "", pkgver: str = "diffball-"): if rename: - rename = f' -> {rename}' - uri = f'https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/archive/{uri_value}.tar.gz' - fake_src = [ - f'SRC_URI="{uri}{rename}"\n' - ] + rename = f" -> {rename}" + uri = f"https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck/archive/{uri_value}.tar.gz" + fake_src = [f'SRC_URI="{uri}{rename}"\n'] - fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg(f"dev-util/{pkgver}", ebuild=''.join(fake_src), lines=fake_src) - data = ''.join(fake_src).encode() + fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg(f"dev-util/{pkgver}", ebuild="".join(fake_src), lines=fake_src) + data = "".join(fake_src).encode() return _ParsedPkg(data, pkg=fake_pkg) - - @pytest.mark.parametrize('value', ( - '${P}', - '${PV}', - 'v${PV}', - 'random-', # not a valid prefix - '1.2.3', # currently we support only ver_cut with start=1 - '0', # for ver_cut only if more then 1 part - )) + @pytest.mark.parametrize( + "value", + ( + "${P}", + "${PV}", + "v${PV}", + "random-", # not a valid prefix + "1.2.3", # currently we support only ver_cut with start=1 + "0", # for ver_cut only if more then 1 part + ), + ) def test_no_report(self, value): self.assertNoReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg(value)) - @pytest.mark.parametrize(('value', 'static_str', 'replacement'), ( - ('diffball-', 'diffball-', '${P}'), - ('Diffball-', 'Diffball-', '${P^}'), - ('DIFFBALL-', 'DIFFBALL-', '${P^^}'), - ('diffball-0123', 'diffball-0123', '${P//.}'), - ('Diffball-0123', 'Diffball-0123', '${P^//.}'), - ('', '', '${PV}'), - ('v0.1.2.3', '', '${PV}'), - ('0.1.2', '0.1.2', '$(ver_cut 1-3)'), - ('0.1', '0.1', '$(ver_cut 1-2)'), - ('diffball-0.1.2', '0.1.2', '$(ver_cut 1-3)'), - ('v0123', '0123', "${PV//.}"), - ('012.3', '012.3', "$(ver_rs 1-2 '')"), - ('012.3', '012.3', "$(ver_rs 1-2 '')"), - ('0_1_2_3', '0_1_2_3', "${PV//./_}"), - ('0_1_2.3', '0_1_2.3', "$(ver_rs 1-2 '_')"), - ('0-1.2.3', '0-1.2.3', "$(ver_rs 1 '-')"), - )) + @pytest.mark.parametrize( + ("value", "static_str", "replacement"), + ( + ("diffball-", "diffball-", "${P}"), + ("Diffball-", "Diffball-", "${P^}"), + ("DIFFBALL-", "DIFFBALL-", "${P^^}"), + ("diffball-0123", "diffball-0123", "${P//.}"), + ("Diffball-0123", "Diffball-0123", "${P^//.}"), + ("", "", "${PV}"), + ("v0.1.2.3", "", "${PV}"), + ("0.1.2", "0.1.2", "$(ver_cut 1-3)"), + ("0.1", "0.1", "$(ver_cut 1-2)"), + ("diffball-0.1.2", "0.1.2", "$(ver_cut 1-3)"), + ("v0123", "0123", "${PV//.}"), + ("012.3", "012.3", "$(ver_rs 1-2 '')"), + ("012.3", "012.3", "$(ver_rs 1-2 '')"), + ("0_1_2_3", "0_1_2_3", "${PV//./_}"), + ("0_1_2.3", "0_1_2.3", "$(ver_rs 1-2 '_')"), + ("0-1.2.3", "0-1.2.3", "$(ver_rs 1 '-')"), + ), + ) def test_with_report(self, value, static_str, replacement): r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg(value)) assert r.static_str == static_str assert r.replacement == replacement def test_rename(self): - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg('${P}', '${P}.tar.gz')) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg("${P}", "${P}.tar.gz")) - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg('${P}', 'diffball-')) - assert r.static_str == 'diffball-' - assert r.replacement == '${P}' + r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg("${P}", "diffball-")) + assert r.static_str == "diffball-" + assert r.replacement == "${P}" - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg('', '${P}.tar.gz')) - assert r.static_str == '' - assert r.replacement == '${PV}' + r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg("", "${P}.tar.gz")) + assert r.static_str == "" + assert r.replacement == "${PV}" - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg('diffball-', 'diffball-')) - assert r.static_str == 'diffball-' - assert r.replacement == '${P}' + r = self.assertReport( + self.check, self._prepare_pkg("diffball-", "diffball-") + ) + assert r.static_str == "diffball-" + assert r.replacement == "${P}" def test_capitalize(self): - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg('DIFFBALL-', pkgver='DIFFBALL-')) - assert r.static_str == 'DIFFBALL-' - assert r.replacement == '${P}' + r = self.assertReport( + self.check, self._prepare_pkg("DIFFBALL-", pkgver="DIFFBALL-") + ) + assert r.static_str == "DIFFBALL-" + assert r.replacement == "${P}" - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg('Diffball-', pkgver='Diffball-')) - assert r.static_str == 'Diffball-' - assert r.replacement == '${P}' + r = self.assertReport( + self.check, self._prepare_pkg("Diffball-", pkgver="Diffball-") + ) + assert r.static_str == "Diffball-" + assert r.replacement == "${P}" class TestExcessiveLineLength(misc.ReportTestCase): @@ -441,54 +433,68 @@ class TestExcessiveLineLength(misc.ReportTestCase): check = check_kls(None) word_length = codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.word_length - @staticmethod def _prepare_pkg(*lines: str): - fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0", ebuild=''.join(lines), lines=lines) - data = ''.join(lines).encode() + fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0", ebuild="".join(lines), lines=lines) + data = "".join(lines).encode() return _ParsedPkg(data, pkg=fake_pkg) def test_normal_length(self): self.assertNoReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg('echo "short line"')) def test_long_line(self): - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg(f'echo {"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}')) - assert r.lines == (1, ) + r = self.assertReport( + self.check, + self._prepare_pkg(f'echo {"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}'), + ) + assert r.lines == (1,) def test_multiple_lines(self): - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg( - f'echo {"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}', - 'echo "short line"', - f'echo {"Hello " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}', - )) + r = self.assertReport( + self.check, + self._prepare_pkg( + f'echo {"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}', + 'echo "short line"', + f'echo {"Hello " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}', + ), + ) assert r.lines == (1, 3) - @pytest.mark.parametrize('variable', ('DESCRIPTION', 'KEYWORDS', 'IUSE')) + @pytest.mark.parametrize("variable", ("DESCRIPTION", "KEYWORDS", "IUSE")) def test_special_variables(self, variable): - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg( - f'{variable}="{"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}"', - f' {variable}="{"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}"', - f'\t\t{variable}="{"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}"', - )) + self.assertNoReport( + self.check, + self._prepare_pkg( + f'{variable}="{"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}"', + f' {variable}="{"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}"', + f'\t\t{variable}="{"a " * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}"', + ), + ) def test_long_words(self): - long_word = 'a' * self.word_length + 'b' - medium_word = 'a' * (self.word_length // 2) - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg( - f'echo {"a" * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}', - f'echo {medium_word} {long_word}', - f'echo {medium_word} {long_word[:-5]}', - )) - assert r.lines == (3, ) + long_word = "a" * self.word_length + "b" + medium_word = "a" * (self.word_length // 2) + r = self.assertReport( + self.check, + self._prepare_pkg( + f'echo {"a" * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}', + f"echo {medium_word} {long_word}", + f"echo {medium_word} {long_word[:-5]}", + ), + ) + assert r.lines == (3,) def test_long_quotes(self): # The exception is for any quoted string with length >= word_length. # Each quoted string is computed by itself. - long_word = 'a ' * (self.word_length // 2) + 'b' # long quoted string, skipped - medium_word = 'a ' * (self.word_length // 4) # not long enough string, not skipped - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self._prepare_pkg( - f'echo "{"a" * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}"', - f'echo "{medium_word}" "{long_word}"', - 'echo' + f' "{medium_word}"' * 3, - )) - assert r.lines == (3, ) + long_word = "a " * (self.word_length // 2) + "b" # long quoted string, skipped + medium_word = "a " * (self.word_length // 4) # not long enough string, not skipped + r = self.assertReport( + self.check, + self._prepare_pkg( + f'echo "{"a" * codingstyle.ExcessiveLineLength.line_length}"', + f'echo "{medium_word}" "{long_word}"', + "echo" + f' "{medium_word}"' * 3, + ), + ) + assert r.lines == (3,) diff --git a/tests/checks/test_dropped_keywords.py b/tests/checks/test_dropped_keywords.py index 6b070919..fbfee5fc 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_dropped_keywords.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_dropped_keywords.py @@ -8,65 +8,62 @@ class TestDroppedKeywords(misc.ReportTestCase): check_kls = dropped_keywords.DroppedKeywordsCheck - def mk_pkg(self, ver, keywords='', eclasses=(), **kwargs): + def mk_pkg(self, ver, keywords="", eclasses=(), **kwargs): return misc.FakePkg( f"dev-util/diffball-{ver}", data={ **kwargs, "KEYWORDS": keywords, "_eclasses_": eclasses, - }) + }, + ) - def mk_check(self, arches=('x86', 'amd64'), verbosity=0): + def mk_check(self, arches=("x86", "amd64"), verbosity=0): options = arghparse.Namespace(arches=arches, verbosity=verbosity) return self.check_kls(options, arches_addon=None) def test_it(self): # single version, shouldn't yield. check = self.mk_check() - self.assertNoReport(check, [self.mk_pkg('1')]) + self.assertNoReport(check, [self.mk_pkg("1")]) # ebuilds without keywords are skipped - self.assertNoReport( - check, [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 amd64"), self.mk_pkg("2")]) + self.assertNoReport(check, [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 amd64"), self.mk_pkg("2")]) # ensure it limits itself to just the arches we care about # check unstable at the same time; # finally, check '-' handling; if x86 -> -x86, that's valid. self.assertNoReport( check, - [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 ~amd64 ppc"), - self.mk_pkg("2", "~amd64 x86"), - self.mk_pkg("3", "-amd64 x86")]) + [ + self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 ~amd64 ppc"), + self.mk_pkg("2", "~amd64 x86"), + self.mk_pkg("3", "-amd64 x86"), + ], + ) # check added keyword handling self.assertNoReport( check, - [self.mk_pkg("1", "amd64"), - self.mk_pkg("2", "x86"), - self.mk_pkg("3", "~x86 ~amd64")]) + [self.mk_pkg("1", "amd64"), self.mk_pkg("2", "x86"), self.mk_pkg("3", "~x86 ~amd64")], + ) # check special keyword handling - for key in ('-*', '*', '~*'): - self.assertNoReport( - check, - [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 ~amd64"), - self.mk_pkg("2", key)]) + for key in ("-*", "*", "~*"): + self.assertNoReport(check, [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 ~amd64"), self.mk_pkg("2", key)]) # ensure it doesn't flag live ebuilds self.assertNoReport( - check, - [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 amd64"), - self.mk_pkg("9999", "", PROPERTIES='live')]) + check, [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 amd64"), self.mk_pkg("9999", "", PROPERTIES="live")] + ) def test_verbose_mode(self): # verbose mode outputs a report per version with dropped keywords check = self.mk_check(verbosity=1) reports = self.assertReports( check, - [self.mk_pkg("1", "amd64 x86"), - self.mk_pkg("2", "amd64"), - self.mk_pkg("3", "amd64")]) + [self.mk_pkg("1", "amd64 x86"), self.mk_pkg("2", "amd64"), self.mk_pkg("3", "amd64")], + ) assert len(reports) == 2 assert {x.version for x in reports} == {"2", "3"} assert set().union(*(x.arches for x in reports)) == {"x86"} @@ -76,9 +73,8 @@ class TestDroppedKeywords(misc.ReportTestCase): check = self.mk_check() reports = self.assertReports( check, - [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 amd64"), - self.mk_pkg("2", "amd64"), - self.mk_pkg("3", "amd64")]) + [self.mk_pkg("1", "x86 amd64"), self.mk_pkg("2", "amd64"), self.mk_pkg("3", "amd64")], + ) assert len(reports) == 1 - assert reports[0].version == '3' + assert reports[0].version == "3" assert set().union(*(x.arches for x in reports)) == {"x86"} diff --git a/tests/checks/test_git.py b/tests/checks/test_git.py index 150d8b8b..1cefd549 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_git.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_git.py @@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ class FakeCommit(GitCommit): def __init__(self, **kwargs): commit_data = { - 'hash': '7f9abd7ec2d079b1d0c36fc2f5d626ae0691757e', - 'commit_time': 1613438722, - 'author': 'author@domain.com', - 'committer': 'author@domain.com', - 'message': (), + "hash": "7f9abd7ec2d079b1d0c36fc2f5d626ae0691757e", + "commit_time": 1613438722, + "author": "author@domain.com", + "committer": "author@domain.com", + "message": (), } commit_data.update(kwargs) super().__init__(**commit_data) @@ -33,199 +33,217 @@ class FakeCommit(GitCommit): class TestGitCommitMessageCheck(ReportTestCase): check_kls = git_mod.GitCommitMessageCheck - options = arghparse.Namespace( - target_repo=FakeRepo(), commits='origin', gentoo_repo=True) + options = arghparse.Namespace(target_repo=FakeRepo(), commits="origin", gentoo_repo=True) check = git_mod.GitCommitMessageCheck(options) def test_sign_offs(self): # assert that it checks for both author and comitter r = self.assertReport( - self.check, - FakeCommit(author='user1', committer='user2', message=['blah']) + self.check, FakeCommit(author="user1", committer="user2", message=["blah"]) ) assert isinstance(r, git_mod.MissingSignOff) - assert r.missing_sign_offs == ('user1', 'user2') + assert r.missing_sign_offs == ("user1", "user2") # assert that it handles author/committer being the same self.assertNoReport( self.check, FakeCommit( - author='user@user.com', committer='user@user.com', - message=['summary', '', 'Signed-off-by: user@user.com'])) + author="user@user.com", + committer="user@user.com", + message=["summary", "", "Signed-off-by: user@user.com"], + ), + ) # assert it can handle multiple sign offs. self.assertNoReport( self.check, FakeCommit( - author='user1', committer='user2', - message=['summary', '', 'Signed-off-by: user2', 'Signed-off-by: user1'])) + author="user1", + committer="user2", + message=["summary", "", "Signed-off-by: user2", "Signed-off-by: user1"], + ), + ) - def SO_commit(self, summary='summary', body='', tags=(), **kwargs): + def SO_commit(self, summary="summary", body="", tags=(), **kwargs): """Create a commit object from summary, body, and tags components.""" - author = kwargs.pop('author', 'author@domain.com') - committer = kwargs.pop('committer', 'author@domain.com') + author = kwargs.pop("author", "author@domain.com") + committer = kwargs.pop("committer", "author@domain.com") message = summary if message: if body: - message += '\n\n' + body - sign_offs = tuple(f'Signed-off-by: {user}' for user in {author, committer}) - message += '\n\n' + '\n'.join(tuple(tags) + sign_offs) + message += "\n\n" + body + sign_offs = tuple(f"Signed-off-by: {user}" for user in {author, committer}) + message += "\n\n" + "\n".join(tuple(tags) + sign_offs) return FakeCommit(author=author, committer=committer, message=message.splitlines()) def test_invalid_commit_tag(self): # assert it doesn't puke if there are no tags self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit()) - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(tags=['Bug: https://gentoo.org/blah'])) - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(tags=['Close: https://gentoo.org/blah'])) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(tags=["Bug: https://gentoo.org/blah"])) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(tags=["Close: https://gentoo.org/blah"])) - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(tags=['Bug: 123455'])) + r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(tags=["Bug: 123455"])) assert isinstance(r, git_mod.InvalidCommitTag) - assert (r.tag, r.value, r.error) == ('Bug', '123455', "value isn't a URL") + assert (r.tag, r.value, r.error) == ("Bug", "123455", "value isn't a URL") # Do a protocol check; this is more of an assertion against the parsing model # used in the implementation. - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(tags=['Closes: ftp://blah.com/asdf'])) + r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(tags=["Closes: ftp://blah.com/asdf"])) assert isinstance(r, git_mod.InvalidCommitTag) - assert r.tag == 'Closes' - assert 'protocol' in r.error + assert r.tag == "Closes" + assert "protocol" in r.error def test_gentoo_bug_tag(self): - commit = self.SO_commit(tags=['Gentoo-Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/1']) - assert 'Gentoo-Bug tag is no longer valid' in self.assertReport(self.check, commit).error + commit = self.SO_commit(tags=["Gentoo-Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/1"]) + assert "Gentoo-Bug tag is no longer valid" in self.assertReport(self.check, commit).error def test_commit_tags(self): - ref = 'd8337304f09' + ref = "d8337304f09" - for tag in ('Fixes', 'Reverts'): + for tag in ("Fixes", "Reverts"): # no results on `git cat-file` failure - with patch('pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen') as git_cat: + with patch("pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen") as git_cat: # force using a new `git cat-file` process for each iteration self.check._git_cat_file = None git_cat.return_value.poll.return_value = -1 - commit = self.SO_commit(tags=[f'{tag}: {ref}']) + commit = self.SO_commit(tags=[f"{tag}: {ref}"]) self.assertNoReport(self.check, commit) # missing and ambiguous object refs - for status in ('missing', 'ambiguous'): + for status in ("missing", "ambiguous"): self.check._git_cat_file = None - with patch('pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen') as git_cat: + with patch("pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen") as git_cat: git_cat.return_value.poll.return_value = None - git_cat.return_value.stdout.readline.return_value = f'{ref} {status}' - commit = self.SO_commit(tags=[f'{tag}: {ref}']) + git_cat.return_value.stdout.readline.return_value = f"{ref} {status}" + commit = self.SO_commit(tags=[f"{tag}: {ref}"]) r = self.assertReport(self.check, commit) assert isinstance(r, git_mod.InvalidCommitTag) - assert f'{status} commit' in r.error + assert f"{status} commit" in r.error # valid tag reference - with patch('pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen') as git_cat: + with patch("pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen") as git_cat: self.check._git_cat_file = None git_cat.return_value.poll.return_value = None - git_cat.return_value.stdout.readline.return_value = f'{ref} commit 1234' - commit = self.SO_commit(tags=[f'{tag}: {ref}']) + git_cat.return_value.stdout.readline.return_value = f"{ref} commit 1234" + commit = self.SO_commit(tags=[f"{tag}: {ref}"]) self.assertNoReport(self.check, commit) def test_summary_length(self): - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit('single summary headline')) - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit('a' * 69)) - assert 'no commit message' in \ - self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit('')).error - assert 'summary is too long' in \ - self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit('a' * 70)).error + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit("single summary headline")) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit("a" * 69)) + assert "no commit message" in self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit("")).error + assert ( + "summary is too long" in self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit("a" * 70)).error + ) def test_message_body_length(self): # message body lines longer than 80 chars are flagged - long_line = 'a' + ' b' * 40 - assert 'line 2 greater than 80 chars' in \ - self.assertReport( - self.check, - self.SO_commit(body=long_line)).error + long_line = "a" + " b" * 40 + assert ( + "line 2 greater than 80 chars" + in self.assertReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(body=long_line)).error + ) # but not non-word lines - long_line = 'a' * 81 + long_line = "a" * 81 self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.SO_commit(body=long_line)) def test_message_empty_lines(self): - message = textwrap.dedent("""\ - foo + message = textwrap.dedent( + """\ + foo - bar + bar - Signed-off-by: author@domain.com - """).splitlines() + Signed-off-by: author@domain.com + """ + ).splitlines() commit = FakeCommit(message=message) self.assertNoReport(self.check, commit) # missing empty line between summary and body - message = textwrap.dedent("""\ - foo - bar + message = textwrap.dedent( + """\ + foo + bar - Signed-off-by: author@domain.com - """).splitlines() + Signed-off-by: author@domain.com + """ + ).splitlines() commit = FakeCommit(message=message) r = self.assertReport(self.check, commit) - assert 'missing empty line before body' in str(r) + assert "missing empty line before body" in str(r) # missing empty line between summary and tags - message = textwrap.dedent("""\ - foo - Signed-off-by: author@domain.com - """).splitlines() + message = textwrap.dedent( + """\ + foo + Signed-off-by: author@domain.com + """ + ).splitlines() commit = FakeCommit(message=message) r = self.assertReport(self.check, commit) - assert 'missing empty line before tags' in str(r) + assert "missing empty line before tags" in str(r) # missing empty lines between summary, body, and tags - message = textwrap.dedent("""\ - foo - bar - Signed-off-by: author@domain.com - """).splitlines() + message = textwrap.dedent( + """\ + foo + bar + Signed-off-by: author@domain.com + """ + ).splitlines() commit = FakeCommit(message=message) reports = self.assertReports(self.check, commit) - assert 'missing empty line before body' in str(reports[0]) - assert 'missing empty line before tags' in str(reports[1]) + assert "missing empty line before body" in str(reports[0]) + assert "missing empty line before tags" in str(reports[1]) def test_footer_empty_lines(self): - for whitespace in ('\t', ' ', ''): + for whitespace in ("\t", " ", ""): # empty lines in footer are flagged - message = textwrap.dedent(f"""\ - foon - - blah: dar - {whitespace} - footer: yep - Signed-off-by: author@domain.com - """).splitlines() + message = textwrap.dedent( + f"""\ + foon + + blah: dar + {whitespace} + footer: yep + Signed-off-by: author@domain.com + """ + ).splitlines() commit = FakeCommit(message=message) r = self.assertReport(self.check, commit) - assert 'empty line 4 in footer' in str(r) + assert "empty line 4 in footer" in str(r) # empty lines at the end of a commit message are ignored - message = textwrap.dedent(f"""\ + message = textwrap.dedent( + f"""\ + foon + + blah: dar + footer: yep + Signed-off-by: author@domain.com + {whitespace} + """ + ).splitlines() + commit = FakeCommit(message=message) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, commit) + + def test_footer_non_tags(self): + message = textwrap.dedent( + """\ foon blah: dar footer: yep + some random line Signed-off-by: author@domain.com - {whitespace} - """).splitlines() - commit = FakeCommit(message=message) - self.assertNoReport(self.check, commit) - - def test_footer_non_tags(self): - message = textwrap.dedent("""\ - foon - - blah: dar - footer: yep - some random line - Signed-off-by: author@domain.com - """).splitlines() + """ + ).splitlines() commit = FakeCommit(message=message) r = self.assertReport(self.check, commit) - assert 'non-tag in footer, line 5' in str(r) + assert "non-tag in footer, line 5" in str(r) class TestGitCommitMessageRepoCheck(ReportTestCase): @@ -239,18 +257,17 @@ class TestGitCommitMessageRepoCheck(ReportTestCase): # initialize parent repo self.parent_git_repo = make_git_repo() - self.parent_repo = make_repo( - self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id='gentoo', arches=['amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('initial commit') + self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id="gentoo", arches=["amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("initial commit") # create a stub pkg and commit it - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0") # initialize child repo self.child_git_repo = make_git_repo() - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', self.parent_git_repo.path]) - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", self.parent_git_repo.path]) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) self.child_repo = make_repo(self.child_git_repo.path) def init_check(self, options=None, future=0): @@ -263,96 +280,106 @@ class TestGitCommitMessageRepoCheck(ReportTestCase): def _options(self, **kwargs): args = [ - 'scan', '-q', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir, - '--repo', self.child_repo.location, '--commits', + "scan", + "-q", + "--cache-dir", + self.cache_dir, + "--repo", + self.child_repo.location, + "--commits", ] options, _ = self._tool.parse_args(args) return options def test_bad_commit_summary_pkg(self): # properly prefixed commit summary - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1', signoff=True) + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1", signoff=True) self.init_check() self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) # properly prefixed multiple ebuild commit summary - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2') - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-3') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: more version bumps', signoff=True) + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2") + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-3") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: more version bumps", signoff=True) self.init_check() self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) # special categories that allow not having version in new package summary - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('acct-user/pkgcheck-1') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('acct-user/pkgcheck: add user for pkgcheck', signoff=True) + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("acct-user/pkgcheck-1") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("acct-user/pkgcheck: add user for pkgcheck", signoff=True) self.init_check() self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) # special categories that allow not having version in bump version summary - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('acct-user/pkgcheck-2') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('acct-user/pkgcheck: bump user for pkgcheck', signoff=True) + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("acct-user/pkgcheck-2") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("acct-user/pkgcheck: bump user for pkgcheck", signoff=True) self.init_check() self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) # poorly prefixed commit summary - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-4') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('version bump to 4', signoff=True) + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-4") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("version bump to 4", signoff=True) commit1 = self.child_git_repo.HEAD # commit summary missing package version - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-5') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump', signoff=True) + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-5") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump", signoff=True) commit2 = self.child_git_repo.HEAD # commit summary missing renamed package version self.child_git_repo.move( - 'cat/pkg/pkg-3.ebuild', 'cat/pkg/pkg-6.ebuild', - msg='cat/pkg: version bump and remove old', signoff=True) + "cat/pkg/pkg-3.ebuild", + "cat/pkg/pkg-6.ebuild", + msg="cat/pkg: version bump and remove old", + signoff=True, + ) commit3 = self.child_git_repo.HEAD # revision bumps aren't flagged - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-6-r1') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: revision bump', signoff=True) + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-6-r1") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: revision bump", signoff=True) self.init_check() # allow vVERSION - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-7') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: bump to v7', signoff=True) + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-7") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: bump to v7", signoff=True) self.init_check() results = self.assertReports(self.check, self.source) r1 = git_mod.BadCommitSummary( - "summary missing 'cat/pkg' package prefix", - 'version bump to 4', commit=commit1) + "summary missing 'cat/pkg' package prefix", "version bump to 4", commit=commit1 + ) r2 = git_mod.BadCommitSummary( - "summary missing package version '5'", - 'cat/pkg: version bump', commit=commit2) + "summary missing package version '5'", "cat/pkg: version bump", commit=commit2 + ) r3 = git_mod.BadCommitSummary( "summary missing package version '6'", - 'cat/pkg: version bump and remove old', commit=commit3) + "cat/pkg: version bump and remove old", + commit=commit3, + ) assert set(results) == {r1, r2, r3} def test_bad_commit_summary_category(self): # properly prefixed commit summary - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg1-1') - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg2-1') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat: various pkg updates', signoff=True) + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg1-1") + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg2-1") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat: various pkg updates", signoff=True) self.init_check() self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) # multiple category commits are ignored - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('newcat1/newcat1-1') - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('newcat2/newpkg2-1') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('various changes', signoff=True) + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("newcat1/newcat1-1") + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("newcat2/newpkg2-1") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("various changes", signoff=True) self.init_check() self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) # poorly prefixed commit summary for single category changes - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg3-1') - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg4-1') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat updates', signoff=True) + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg3-1") + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg4-1") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat updates", signoff=True) commit = self.child_git_repo.HEAD self.init_check() r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) expected = git_mod.BadCommitSummary( - "summary missing 'cat' category prefix", - 'cat updates', commit=commit) + "summary missing 'cat' category prefix", "cat updates", commit=commit + ) assert r == expected @@ -367,18 +394,17 @@ class TestGitPkgCommitsCheck(ReportTestCase): # initialize parent repo self.parent_git_repo = make_git_repo() - self.parent_repo = make_repo( - self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id='gentoo', arches=['amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('initial commit') + self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id="gentoo", arches=["amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("initial commit") # create a stub pkg and commit it - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0") # initialize child repo self.child_git_repo = make_git_repo() - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', self.parent_git_repo.path]) - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", self.parent_git_repo.path]) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) self.child_repo = make_repo(self.child_git_repo.path) def init_check(self, options=None, future=0): @@ -391,193 +417,206 @@ class TestGitPkgCommitsCheck(ReportTestCase): def _options(self, **kwargs): args = [ - 'scan', '-q', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir, - '--repo', self.child_repo.location, '--commits', + "scan", + "-q", + "--cache-dir", + self.cache_dir, + "--repo", + self.child_repo.location, + "--commits", ] options, _ = self._tool.parse_args(args) return options def test_broken_ebuilds_ignored(self): - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('newcat/pkg-1', eapi='-1') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('newcat/pkg: initial import') + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("newcat/pkg-1", eapi="-1") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("newcat/pkg: initial import") self.init_check() self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) def test_direct_stable(self): - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64']) - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1') + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"]) + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1") self.init_check() r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) - expected = git_mod.DirectStableKeywords(['amd64'], pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-1')) + expected = git_mod.DirectStableKeywords(["amd64"], pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-1")) assert r == expected def test_direct_no_maintainer(self): - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('newcat/pkg-1') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('newcat/pkg: initial import') + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("newcat/pkg-1") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("newcat/pkg: initial import") self.init_check() r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) - expected = git_mod.DirectNoMaintainer(pkg=CPV('newcat/pkg-1')) + expected = git_mod.DirectNoMaintainer(pkg=CPV("newcat/pkg-1")) assert r == expected def test_ebuild_incorrect_copyright(self): - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1') - line = '# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors' - with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild'), 'r+') as f: + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1") + line = "# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors" + with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild"), "r+") as f: lines = f.read().splitlines() lines[0] = line f.seek(0) f.truncate() - f.write('\n'.join(lines)) - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1') + f.write("\n".join(lines)) + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1") self.init_check() r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) - expected = git_mod.EbuildIncorrectCopyright('2019', line=line, pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-1')) + expected = git_mod.EbuildIncorrectCopyright("2019", line=line, pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-1")) assert r == expected def test_missing_copyright(self): """Ebuilds missing copyrights entirely are handled by EbuildHeaderCheck.""" - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1') - with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild'), 'r+') as f: + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1") + with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild"), "r+") as f: lines = f.read().splitlines() f.seek(0) f.truncate() - f.write('\n'.join(lines[1:])) - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: update ebuild') + f.write("\n".join(lines[1:])) + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: update ebuild") self.init_check() self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) def test_dropped_stable_keywords(self): # add stable ebuild to parent repo - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1') + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1") # pull changes and remove it from the child repo - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - self.child_git_repo.remove('cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild', msg='cat/pkg: remove 1') + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + self.child_git_repo.remove("cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild", msg="cat/pkg: remove 1") commit = self.child_git_repo.HEAD self.init_check() r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) - expected = git_mod.DroppedStableKeywords(['amd64'], commit, pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-1')) + expected = git_mod.DroppedStableKeywords(["amd64"], commit, pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-1")) assert r == expected # git archive failures error out - with patch('pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen') as git_archive: + with patch("pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen") as git_archive: git_archive.return_value.poll.return_value = -1 - with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='failed populating archive repo'): + with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="failed populating archive repo"): self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) def test_dropped_unstable_keywords(self): # add stable ebuild to parent repo - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['~amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1') + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["~amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1") # pull changes and remove it from the child repo - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - self.child_git_repo.remove('cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild', msg='cat/pkg: remove 1') + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + self.child_git_repo.remove("cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild", msg="cat/pkg: remove 1") commit = self.child_git_repo.HEAD self.init_check() r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) - expected = git_mod.DroppedUnstableKeywords(['~amd64'], commit, pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-1')) + expected = git_mod.DroppedUnstableKeywords(["~amd64"], commit, pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-1")) assert r == expected def test_dropped_keywords_inherit_eclass(self): # add stable ebuild to parent repo - with open(pjoin(self.parent_git_repo.path, 'eclass/make.eclass'), 'w') as f: - f.write(':') - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('make.eclass: initial commit') - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['~amd64'], data="inherit make") - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1') + with open(pjoin(self.parent_git_repo.path, "eclass/make.eclass"), "w") as f: + f.write(":") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("make.eclass: initial commit") + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["~amd64"], data="inherit make") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1") # pull changes and remove it from the child repo - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - self.child_git_repo.remove('cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild', msg='cat/pkg: remove 1') + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + self.child_git_repo.remove("cat/pkg/pkg-1.ebuild", msg="cat/pkg: remove 1") commit = self.child_git_repo.HEAD self.init_check() r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) - expected = git_mod.DroppedUnstableKeywords(['~amd64'], commit, pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-1')) + expected = git_mod.DroppedUnstableKeywords(["~amd64"], commit, pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-1")) assert r == expected def test_rdepend_change(self): # add pkgs to parent repo - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/dep1-0') - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/dep1: initial import') - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/dep2-0') - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/dep2: initial import') - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('newcat/newpkg-1') - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('newcat/newpkg: initial import') - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('newcat/newpkg-2', rdepend="cat/dep1 cat/dep2") - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('newcat/newpkg: version bump') + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/dep1-0") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/dep1: initial import") + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/dep2-0") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/dep2: initial import") + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("newcat/newpkg-1") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("newcat/newpkg: initial import") + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("newcat/newpkg-2", rdepend="cat/dep1 cat/dep2") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("newcat/newpkg: version bump") # pull changes to child repo - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) # change pkg RDEPEND and commit - with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'cat/pkg/pkg-0.ebuild'), 'a') as f: + with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "cat/pkg/pkg-0.ebuild"), "a") as f: f.write('RDEPEND="cat/dep1"\n') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: update deps') + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: update deps") # change live pkg RDEPEND and commit - with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'newcat/newpkg/newpkg-1.ebuild'), 'a') as f: + with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "newcat/newpkg/newpkg-1.ebuild"), "a") as f: f.write('RDEPEND="cat/dep1"\n') f.write('PROPERTIES="live"\n') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('newcat/newpkg: update deps') + self.child_git_repo.add_all("newcat/newpkg: update deps") # reorder pkg RDEPEND and commit - with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'newcat/newpkg/newpkg-2.ebuild'), 'a') as f: + with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "newcat/newpkg/newpkg-2.ebuild"), "a") as f: f.write('RDEPEND="cat/dep2 cat/dep1"\n') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('newcat/newpkg: reorder deps') + self.child_git_repo.add_all("newcat/newpkg: reorder deps") self.init_check() r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) # only one result is expected since live ebuilds are ignored - expected = git_mod.RdependChange(pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-0')) + expected = git_mod.RdependChange(pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-0")) assert r == expected def test_missing_slotmove(self): # add new ebuild to parent repo - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['~amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1') + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["~amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1") # pull changes and modify its slot in the child repo - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['~amd64'], slot='1') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: update SLOT to 1') + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["~amd64"], slot="1") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: update SLOT to 1") self.init_check() r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) - expected = git_mod.MissingSlotmove('0', '1', pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-1')) + expected = git_mod.MissingSlotmove("0", "1", pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-1")) assert r == expected # create slot move update and the result goes away - updates_dir = pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'profiles', 'updates') + updates_dir = pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "profiles", "updates") os.makedirs(updates_dir, exist_ok=True) - with open(pjoin(updates_dir, '4Q-2020'), 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\ - slotmove ~cat/foo-0 0 1 - slotmove ~cat/pkg-1 0 1 - """)) + with open(pjoin(updates_dir, "4Q-2020"), "w") as f: + f.write( + textwrap.dedent( + """\ + slotmove ~cat/foo-0 0 1 + slotmove ~cat/pkg-1 0 1 + """ + ) + ) # force repo_config pkg updates jitted attr to be reset self.init_check() self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) # git archive failures error out - with patch('pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen') as git_archive: + with patch("pkgcheck.checks.git.subprocess.Popen") as git_archive: git_archive.return_value.poll.return_value = -1 - with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match='failed populating archive repo'): + with pytest.raises(PkgcheckUserException, match="failed populating archive repo"): self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) def test_missing_move(self): # verify ebuild renames at the git level don't trigger - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1') - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'rm', 'cat/pkg/pkg-0.ebuild']) - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump and remove old') + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1") + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "rm", "cat/pkg/pkg-0.ebuild"]) + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump and remove old") self.init_check() self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) - self.child_git_repo.move('cat', 'newcat', msg='newcat/pkg: moved pkg') + self.child_git_repo.move("cat", "newcat", msg="newcat/pkg: moved pkg") self.init_check() r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) - expected = git_mod.MissingMove('cat/pkg', 'newcat/pkg', pkg=CPV('newcat/pkg-0')) + expected = git_mod.MissingMove("cat/pkg", "newcat/pkg", pkg=CPV("newcat/pkg-0")) assert r == expected # create package move update and the result goes away - updates_dir = pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'profiles', 'updates') + updates_dir = pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "profiles", "updates") os.makedirs(updates_dir, exist_ok=True) - with open(pjoin(updates_dir, '4Q-2020'), 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\ - move cat/foo newcat/foo - move cat/pkg newcat/pkg - """)) + with open(pjoin(updates_dir, "4Q-2020"), "w") as f: + f.write( + textwrap.dedent( + """\ + move cat/foo newcat/foo + move cat/pkg newcat/pkg + """ + ) + ) # force repo_config pkg updates jitted attr to be reset self.init_check() self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) @@ -594,18 +633,17 @@ class TestGitEclassCommitsCheck(ReportTestCase): # initialize parent repo self.parent_git_repo = make_git_repo() - self.parent_repo = make_repo( - self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id='gentoo', arches=['amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('initial commit') + self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id="gentoo", arches=["amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("initial commit") # create a stub eclass and commit it - touch(pjoin(self.parent_git_repo.path, 'eclass', 'foo.eclass')) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('eclass: add foo eclass') + touch(pjoin(self.parent_git_repo.path, "eclass", "foo.eclass")) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("eclass: add foo eclass") # initialize child repo self.child_git_repo = make_git_repo() - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', self.parent_git_repo.path]) - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", self.parent_git_repo.path]) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) self.child_repo = make_repo(self.child_git_repo.path) def init_check(self, options=None, future=0): @@ -618,35 +656,40 @@ class TestGitEclassCommitsCheck(ReportTestCase): def _options(self, **kwargs): args = [ - 'scan', '-q', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir, - '--repo', self.child_repo.location, '--commits', + "scan", + "-q", + "--cache-dir", + self.cache_dir, + "--repo", + self.child_repo.location, + "--commits", ] options, _ = self._tool.parse_args(args) return options def test_eclass_incorrect_copyright(self): - line = '# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors' - with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'eclass/foo.eclass'), 'w') as f: - f.write(f'{line}\n') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('eclass: update foo') + line = "# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors" + with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "eclass/foo.eclass"), "w") as f: + f.write(f"{line}\n") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("eclass: update foo") self.init_check() r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) - expected = git_mod.EclassIncorrectCopyright('2019', line, eclass='foo') + expected = git_mod.EclassIncorrectCopyright("2019", line, eclass="foo") assert r == expected # correcting the year results in no report year = datetime.today().year - line = f'# Copyright 1999-{year} Gentoo Authors' - with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'eclass/foo.eclass'), 'w') as f: - f.write(f'{line}\n') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('eclass: fix copyright year') + line = f"# Copyright 1999-{year} Gentoo Authors" + with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "eclass/foo.eclass"), "w") as f: + f.write(f"{line}\n") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("eclass: fix copyright year") self.init_check() self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) def test_eclass_missing_copyright(self): """Eclasses missing copyrights entirely are handled by EclassHeaderCheck.""" - with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, 'eclass/foo.eclass'), 'w') as f: - f.write('# comment\n') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('eclass: update foo') + with open(pjoin(self.child_git_repo.path, "eclass/foo.eclass"), "w") as f: + f.write("# comment\n") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("eclass: update foo") self.init_check() self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) diff --git a/tests/checks/test_glsa.py b/tests/checks/test_glsa.py index c3182be1..bec35857 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_glsa.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_glsa.py @@ -31,34 +31,34 @@ class TestVulnerabilitiesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): def test_no_glsa_dir(self, tmp_path): # TODO: switch to using a repo fixture when available repo_dir = str(tmp_path) - os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles')) - os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata')) - with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles', 'repo_name'), 'w') as f: - f.write('fake\n') - with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata', 'layout.conf'), 'w') as f: - f.write('masters =\n') + os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles")) + os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata")) + with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles", "repo_name"), "w") as f: + f.write("fake\n") + with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata", "layout.conf"), "w") as f: + f.write("masters =\n") repo_config = repo_objs.RepoConfig(location=repo_dir) repo = repository.UnconfiguredTree(repo_config.location, repo_config=repo_config) options = arghparse.Namespace(glsa_dir=None, target_repo=repo, gentoo_repo=True) - with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match='no available glsa source'): + with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match="no available glsa source"): glsa.GlsaCheck(options) def test_repo_glsa_dir(self, tmp_path): # TODO: switch to using a repo fixture when available repo_dir = str(tmp_path) - os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles')) - os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata', 'glsa')) - with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles', 'repo_name'), 'w') as f: - f.write('fake\n') - with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata', 'layout.conf'), 'w') as f: - f.write('masters =\n') - with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata', 'glsa', 'glsa-202010-01.xml'), 'w') as f: + os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles")) + os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata", "glsa")) + with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles", "repo_name"), "w") as f: + f.write("fake\n") + with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata", "layout.conf"), "w") as f: + f.write("masters =\n") + with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata", "glsa", "glsa-202010-01.xml"), "w") as f: f.write(mk_glsa(("dev-util/diffball", ([], ["~>=0.5-r3"])))) repo_config = repo_objs.RepoConfig(location=repo_dir) repo = repository.UnconfiguredTree(repo_config.location, repo_config=repo_config) options = arghparse.Namespace(glsa_dir=None, target_repo=repo, gentoo_repo=True) check = glsa.GlsaCheck(options) - assert 'dev-util/diffball' in check.vulns + assert "dev-util/diffball" in check.vulns def test_non_matching(self, check): self.assertNoReport(check, mk_pkg("0.5.1")) @@ -67,10 +67,8 @@ class TestVulnerabilitiesCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): def test_matching(self, check): r = self.assertReport(check, mk_pkg("0.5-r5")) assert isinstance(r, glsa.VulnerablePackage) - assert ( - (r.category, r.package, r.version) == - ("dev-util", "diffball", "0.5-r5")) - assert 'vulnerable via glsa(200611-02)' in str(r) + assert (r.category, r.package, r.version) == ("dev-util", "diffball", "0.5-r5") + assert "vulnerable via glsa(200611-02)" in str(r) # multiple glsa matches self.assertReports(check, mk_pkg("1.0")) diff --git a/tests/checks/test_header.py b/tests/checks/test_header.py index 492c3d8c..e79fdeb1 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_header.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_header.py @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ class TestEbuildHeaderCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): def test_good_copyright(self): good_copyrights = [ - '# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors\n', - '# Copyright 2019 Gentoo Authors\n', - '# Copyright 2010-2017 Gentoo Authors\n', + "# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors\n", + "# Copyright 2019 Gentoo Authors\n", + "# Copyright 2010-2017 Gentoo Authors\n", ] for line in good_copyrights: fake_src = [line, self.check_kls.license_header] @@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ class TestEbuildHeaderCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): def test_invalid_copyright(self): bad_copyrights = [ - '# Copyright (c) 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors\n', - '# Copyright Gentoo Authors\n', - '# Gentoo Authors\n', - '# Here is entirely random text\n', - '\n', + "# Copyright (c) 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors\n", + "# Copyright Gentoo Authors\n", + "# Gentoo Authors\n", + "# Here is entirely random text\n", + "\n", ] for line in bad_copyrights: fake_src = [line, self.check_kls.license_header] @@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ class TestEbuildHeaderCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): def test_new_foundation_copyright(self): """Foundation copyright on new ebuilds triggers the report.""" bad_copyrights = [ - '# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Foundation\n', - '# Copyright 2019 Gentoo Foundation\n', - '# Copyright 3125 Gentoo Foundation\n', - '# Copyright 2010-2021 Gentoo Foundation\n', + "# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Foundation\n", + "# Copyright 2019 Gentoo Foundation\n", + "# Copyright 3125 Gentoo Foundation\n", + "# Copyright 2010-2021 Gentoo Foundation\n", ] for line in bad_copyrights: fake_src = [line, self.check_kls.license_header] @@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ class TestEbuildHeaderCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): def test_old_foundation_copyright(self): """Foundation copyright on old ebuilds does not trigger false positives.""" good_copyrights = [ - '# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation\n', - '# Copyright 2016 Gentoo Foundation\n', - '# Copyright 2010-2017 Gentoo Foundation\n', + "# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation\n", + "# Copyright 2016 Gentoo Foundation\n", + "# Copyright 2010-2017 Gentoo Foundation\n", ] for line in good_copyrights: fake_src = [line, self.check_kls.license_header] @@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ class TestEbuildHeaderCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): def test_non_gentoo_authors_copyright_in_gentoo(self): """Ebuilds in the gentoo repo must use 'Gentoo Authors'.""" bad_copyrights = [ - '# Copyright 1999-2019 D. E. Veloper\n', - '# Copyright 2019 辣鸡汤\n', + "# Copyright 1999-2019 D. E. Veloper\n", + "# Copyright 2019 辣鸡汤\n", ] for line in bad_copyrights: fake_src = [line, self.check_kls.license_header] @@ -86,23 +86,23 @@ class TestEbuildHeaderCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): assert line.strip() in str(r) def test_license_headers(self): - copyright = '# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors\n' + copyright = "# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors\n" fake_src = [copyright, self.check_kls.license_header] fake_pkg = self.mk_pkg(lines=fake_src) self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), fake_pkg) bad_license_headers = [ [], - [''], - ['\n'], - [f'{self.check_kls.license_header} '], - [f' {self.check_kls.license_header}'], - ['# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3'], + [""], + ["\n"], + [f"{self.check_kls.license_header} "], + [f" {self.check_kls.license_header}"], + ["# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3"], ] for content in bad_license_headers: fake_src = [copyright] + content fake_pkg = self.mk_pkg(lines=fake_src) r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), fake_pkg) assert isinstance(r, header.EbuildInvalidLicenseHeader) - expected = content[0].strip() if content else 'missing license header' + expected = content[0].strip() if content else "missing license header" assert expected in str(r) diff --git a/tests/checks/test_imlate.py b/tests/checks/test_imlate.py index 3c0f44f8..624dc90a 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_imlate.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_imlate.py @@ -4,21 +4,25 @@ from snakeoil.cli import arghparse from .. import misc -def mk_check(selected_arches=("x86", "ppc", "amd64"), arches=None, - stable_arches=None, source_arches=None): +def mk_check( + selected_arches=("x86", "ppc", "amd64"), arches=None, stable_arches=None, source_arches=None +): if arches is None: arches = selected_arches if stable_arches is None: stable_arches = selected_arches return imlate.ImlateCheck( arghparse.Namespace( - selected_arches=selected_arches, arches=arches, - stable_arches=stable_arches, source_arches=source_arches)) + selected_arches=selected_arches, + arches=arches, + stable_arches=stable_arches, + source_arches=source_arches, + ) + ) def mk_pkg(ver, keywords="", slot="0"): - return misc.FakePkg( - f"dev-util/diffball-{ver}", data={"SLOT": slot, "KEYWORDS": keywords}) + return misc.FakePkg(f"dev-util/diffball-{ver}", data={"SLOT": slot, "KEYWORDS": keywords}) class TestImlateCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): @@ -26,96 +30,82 @@ class TestImlateCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): check_kls = imlate.ImlateCheck def test_all_unstable(self): - self.assertNoReport( - mk_check(), - [mk_pkg(str(x), "~x86 ~amd64") for x in range(10)]) + self.assertNoReport(mk_check(), [mk_pkg(str(x), "~x86 ~amd64") for x in range(10)]) def test_all_stable(self): - self.assertNoReport( - mk_check(), - [mk_pkg("0.9", "amd64 x86")]) + self.assertNoReport(mk_check(), [mk_pkg("0.9", "amd64 x86")]) def test_unselected_arch(self): - self.assertNoReport( - mk_check(), - [mk_pkg("0.9", "~mips amd64")]) + self.assertNoReport(mk_check(), [mk_pkg("0.9", "~mips amd64")]) def test_specified_stable_arches(self): # pkg doesn't have any unstable arches we care about - self.assertNoReport( - mk_check(source_arches=('arm', 'arm64')), - [mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 amd64")]) + self.assertNoReport(mk_check(source_arches=("arm", "arm64")), [mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 amd64")]) # pkg doesn't have any stable arches we care about - self.assertNoReport( - mk_check(source_arches=('arm64',)), - [mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 amd64")]) + self.assertNoReport(mk_check(source_arches=("arm64",)), [mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 amd64")]) # only flag arches we care about r = self.assertReport( - mk_check(source_arches=('amd64',), selected_arches=('arm64',)), - [mk_pkg("0.9", "~arm64 ~x86 amd64")]) + mk_check(source_arches=("amd64",), selected_arches=("arm64",)), + [mk_pkg("0.9", "~arm64 ~x86 amd64")], + ) assert isinstance(r, imlate.PotentialStable) assert r.stable == ("amd64",) assert r.keywords == ("~arm64",) assert r.version == "0.9" def test_lagging_keyword(self): - r = self.assertReport( - mk_check(), - [mk_pkg("0.8", "x86 amd64"), - mk_pkg("0.9", "x86 ~amd64")]) + r = self.assertReport(mk_check(), [mk_pkg("0.8", "x86 amd64"), mk_pkg("0.9", "x86 ~amd64")]) assert isinstance(r, imlate.LaggingStable) assert r.stable == ("x86",) assert r.keywords == ("~amd64",) assert r.version == "0.9" - assert 'x86' in str(r) and '~amd64' in str(r) + assert "x86" in str(r) and "~amd64" in str(r) def test_potential_keyword(self): - r = self.assertReport( - mk_check(), - [mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 amd64")]) + r = self.assertReport(mk_check(), [mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 amd64")]) assert isinstance(r, imlate.PotentialStable) assert r.stable == ("amd64",) assert r.keywords == ("~x86",) assert r.version == "0.9" - assert 'amd64' in str(r) and '~x86' in str(r) + assert "amd64" in str(r) and "~x86" in str(r) def test_multiple_unstable_pkgs(self): r = self.assertReport( - mk_check(), - [mk_pkg("0.7", "~x86"), - mk_pkg("0.8", "~x86"), - mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 amd64")]) + mk_check(), [mk_pkg("0.7", "~x86"), mk_pkg("0.8", "~x86"), mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 amd64")] + ) assert r.stable == ("amd64",) assert r.keywords == ("~x86",) assert r.version == "0.9" def test_multiple_stable_arches(self): r = self.assertReport( - mk_check(), - [mk_pkg("0.7", "~x86 ~ppc"), - mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 ppc amd64")]) + mk_check(), [mk_pkg("0.7", "~x86 ~ppc"), mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 ppc amd64")] + ) assert r.stable == ("amd64", "ppc") assert r.keywords == ("~x86",) assert r.version == "0.9" def test_multiple_potential_arches(self): - r = self.assertReport( - mk_check(), - [mk_pkg("0.7", "~x86"), - mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 ~ppc amd64")]) + r = self.assertReport(mk_check(), [mk_pkg("0.7", "~x86"), mk_pkg("0.9", "~x86 ~ppc amd64")]) assert r.stable == ("amd64",) - assert r.keywords == ("~ppc", "~x86",) + assert r.keywords == ( + "~ppc", + "~x86", + ) assert r.version == "0.9" def test_multiple_lagging_slots(self): r = self.assertReports( mk_check(), - [mk_pkg("0.7", slot="0", keywords="x86 ppc"), - mk_pkg("0.9", slot="0", keywords="~x86 ppc"), - mk_pkg("1.0", slot="1", keywords="x86 ppc"), - mk_pkg("1.2", slot="1", keywords="x86 ~ppc")]) + [ + mk_pkg("0.7", slot="0", keywords="x86 ppc"), + mk_pkg("0.9", slot="0", keywords="~x86 ppc"), + mk_pkg("1.0", slot="1", keywords="x86 ppc"), + mk_pkg("1.2", slot="1", keywords="x86 ~ppc"), + ], + ) assert len(r) == 2 assert isinstance(r[0], imlate.LaggingStable) assert r[0].slot == "0" @@ -131,8 +121,11 @@ class TestImlateCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): def test_multiple_potential_slots(self): r = self.assertReports( mk_check(), - [mk_pkg("0.9", slot="0", keywords="x86 ~ppc"), - mk_pkg("1.2", slot="1", keywords="x86 ~ppc")]) + [ + mk_pkg("0.9", slot="0", keywords="x86 ~ppc"), + mk_pkg("1.2", slot="1", keywords="x86 ~ppc"), + ], + ) assert len(r) == 2 assert isinstance(r[0], imlate.PotentialStable) assert r[0].slot == "0" @@ -146,15 +139,17 @@ class TestImlateCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): assert r[1].version == "1.2" def test_drop_newer_slot_stables(self): - selected_arches=("x86", "amd64") - all_arches=("x86", "amd64", "arm64") + selected_arches = ("x86", "amd64") + all_arches = ("x86", "amd64", "arm64") r = self.assertReport( mk_check(selected_arches=selected_arches, arches=all_arches), - [mk_pkg("0.7", "amd64 x86 ~arm64"), - mk_pkg("0.8", "amd64 ~x86 ~arm64"), - mk_pkg("0.9", "~amd64 ~x86 arm64")] + [ + mk_pkg("0.7", "amd64 x86 ~arm64"), + mk_pkg("0.8", "amd64 ~x86 ~arm64"), + mk_pkg("0.9", "~amd64 ~x86 arm64"), + ], ) assert isinstance(r, imlate.LaggingStable) - assert r.stable == ('amd64',) - assert r.keywords == ('~x86',) - assert r.version == '0.8' + assert r.stable == ("amd64",) + assert r.keywords == ("~x86",) + assert r.version == "0.8" diff --git a/tests/checks/test_metadata.py b/tests/checks/test_metadata.py index cc074d93..ee0ac08e 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_metadata.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_metadata.py @@ -30,27 +30,24 @@ class TestDescriptionCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg("a perfectly written package description")) def test_bad_descs(self): - for desc in ('based on eclass', - 'diffball', - 'dev-util/diffball', - 'foon'): + for desc in ("based on eclass", "diffball", "dev-util/diffball", "foon"): r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(desc)) assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadDescription) def test_desc_length(self): r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg()) assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadDescription) - assert 'empty/unset' in str(r) + assert "empty/unset" in str(r) - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg('s' * 80)) - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg('s' * 81)) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg("s" * 80)) + r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg("s" * 81)) assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadDescription) - assert 'over 80 chars in length' in str(r) + assert "over 80 chars in length" in str(r) - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg('s' * 10)) - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg('s' * 9)) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg("s" * 10)) + r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg("s" * 9)) assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadDescription) - assert 'under 10 chars in length' in str(r) + assert "under 10 chars in length" in str(r) class TestHomepageCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): @@ -58,7 +55,7 @@ class TestHomepageCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): check_kls = metadata.HomepageCheck check = metadata.HomepageCheck(None) - def mk_pkg(self, homepage='', cpvstr='dev-util/diffball-0.7.1'): + def mk_pkg(self, homepage="", cpvstr="dev-util/diffball-0.7.1"): return misc.FakePkg(cpvstr, data={"HOMEPAGE": homepage}) def test_regular(self): @@ -72,26 +69,26 @@ class TestHomepageCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): def test_unset(self): r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg()) isinstance(r, metadata.BadHomepage) - assert 'empty/unset' in str(r) + assert "empty/unset" in str(r) # categories of pkgs allowed to skip HOMEPAGE for cat in self.check_kls.missing_categories: - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(cpvstr=f'{cat}/foo-0')) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(cpvstr=f"{cat}/foo-0")) def test_no_protocol(self): - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg('foobar.com')) + r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg("foobar.com")) isinstance(r, metadata.BadHomepage) - assert 'lacks protocol' in str(r) + assert "lacks protocol" in str(r) def test_unsupported_protocol(self): - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg('htp://foobar.com')) + r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg("htp://foobar.com")) isinstance(r, metadata.BadHomepage) assert "uses unsupported protocol 'htp'" in str(r) def test_unspecific_site(self): - for suffix in ('', '/'): - for site in ('https://www.gentoo.org', 'https://gentoo.org'): - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(f'{site}{suffix}')) + for suffix in ("", "/"): + for site in ("https://www.gentoo.org", "https://gentoo.org"): + r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(f"{site}{suffix}")) isinstance(r, metadata.BadHomepage) assert "unspecific HOMEPAGE" in str(r) @@ -104,27 +101,30 @@ class TestHomepageCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): class IUSE_Options(misc.Tmpdir): - def get_options(self, properties=(), restrict=(), **kwargs): repo_base = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.dir) - base = pjoin(repo_base, 'profiles') + base = pjoin(repo_base, "profiles") os.mkdir(base) - with open(pjoin(base, "arch.list"), 'w') as file: + with open(pjoin(base, "arch.list"), "w") as file: file.write("\n".join(kwargs.pop("arches", ("x86", "ppc", "amd64", "amd64-fbsd")))) with open(pjoin(base, "use.desc"), "w") as file: file.write("\n".join(f"{x} - {x}" for x in kwargs.pop("use_desc", ("foo", "bar")))) - with open(pjoin(base, 'repo_name'), 'w') as file: - file.write(kwargs.pop('repo_name', 'monkeys')) - os.mkdir(pjoin(repo_base, 'metadata')) - with open(pjoin(repo_base, 'metadata', 'layout.conf'), 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent(f"""\ - masters = - properties-allowed = {' '.join(properties)} - restrict-allowed = {' '.join(restrict)} - """)) - kwargs['target_repo'] = repository.UnconfiguredTree(repo_base) - kwargs.setdefault('verbosity', 0) - kwargs.setdefault('cache', {'git': False}) + with open(pjoin(base, "repo_name"), "w") as file: + file.write(kwargs.pop("repo_name", "monkeys")) + os.mkdir(pjoin(repo_base, "metadata")) + with open(pjoin(repo_base, "metadata", "layout.conf"), "w") as f: + f.write( + textwrap.dedent( + f"""\ + masters = + properties-allowed = {' '.join(properties)} + restrict-allowed = {' '.join(restrict)} + """ + ) + ) + kwargs["target_repo"] = repository.UnconfiguredTree(repo_base) + kwargs.setdefault("verbosity", 0) + kwargs.setdefault("cache", {"git": False}) return arghparse.Namespace(**kwargs) @@ -135,21 +135,21 @@ class TestKeywordsCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase): @pytest.fixture def check(self): pkgs = ( - FakePkg('dev-libs/foo-0', keywords=('amd64', '~x86')), - FakePkg('dev-libs/foo-1', keywords=('-*', 'ppc')), - FakePkg('dev-libs/bar-2', keywords=()), + FakePkg("dev-libs/foo-0", keywords=("amd64", "~x86")), + FakePkg("dev-libs/foo-1", keywords=("-*", "ppc")), + FakePkg("dev-libs/bar-2", keywords=()), ) search_repo = FakeRepo(pkgs=pkgs) options = self.get_options(search_repo=search_repo, gentoo_repo=False) kwargs = { - 'use_addon': addons.UseAddon(options), - 'keywords_addon': addons.KeywordsAddon(options), + "use_addon": addons.UseAddon(options), + "keywords_addon": addons.KeywordsAddon(options), } return metadata.KeywordsCheck(options, **kwargs) - def mk_pkg(self, keywords='', cpv='dev-util/diffball-0.7.1', rdepend=''): - return misc.FakePkg(cpv, data={'KEYWORDS': keywords, 'RDEPEND': rdepend}) + def mk_pkg(self, keywords="", cpv="dev-util/diffball-0.7.1", rdepend=""): + return misc.FakePkg(cpv, data={"KEYWORDS": keywords, "RDEPEND": rdepend}) def test_no_keywords(self, check): self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg()) @@ -173,23 +173,23 @@ class TestKeywordsCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase): # unknown keyword r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("foo")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownKeywords) - assert r.keywords == ('foo',) + assert r.keywords == ("foo",) assert "unknown KEYWORDS: 'foo'" in str(r) # check that * and ~* are flagged in gentoo repo - options = self.get_options(repo_name='gentoo', gentoo_repo=True) + options = self.get_options(repo_name="gentoo", gentoo_repo=True) kwargs = { - 'use_addon': addons.UseAddon(options), - 'keywords_addon': addons.KeywordsAddon(options), + "use_addon": addons.UseAddon(options), + "keywords_addon": addons.KeywordsAddon(options), } check = metadata.KeywordsCheck(options, **kwargs) r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("*")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownKeywords) - assert r.keywords == ('*',) + assert r.keywords == ("*",) assert "unknown KEYWORDS: '*'" in str(r) r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("~*")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownKeywords) - assert r.keywords == ('~*',) + assert r.keywords == ("~*",) assert "unknown KEYWORDS: '~*'" in str(r) def test_overlapping_keywords(self, check): @@ -214,78 +214,78 @@ class TestKeywordsCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase): # single duplicate r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("amd64 amd64")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.DuplicateKeywords) - assert r.keywords == ('amd64',) - assert 'duplicate KEYWORDS: amd64' in str(r) + assert r.keywords == ("amd64",) + assert "duplicate KEYWORDS: amd64" in str(r) # multiple duplicates r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("-* -* amd64 amd64 ~x86 ~x86")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.DuplicateKeywords) - assert r.keywords == ('-*', 'amd64', '~x86') + assert r.keywords == ("-*", "amd64", "~x86") def test_unsorted_keywords(self, check): # regular keywords - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg('-* ~amd64')) + self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg("-* ~amd64")) # prefix keywords come after regular keywords - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg('~amd64 ppc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd')) + self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg("~amd64 ppc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd")) # non-verbose mode doesn't show sorted keywords - r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg('~amd64 -*')) + r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("~amd64 -*")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnsortedKeywords) - assert r.keywords == ('~amd64', '-*') + assert r.keywords == ("~amd64", "-*") assert r.sorted_keywords == () - assert 'unsorted KEYWORDS: ~amd64, -*' in str(r) + assert "unsorted KEYWORDS: ~amd64, -*" in str(r) # create a check instance with verbose mode enabled options = self.get_options(gentoo_repo=False, verbosity=1) kwargs = { - 'use_addon': addons.UseAddon(options), - 'keywords_addon': addons.KeywordsAddon(options), + "use_addon": addons.UseAddon(options), + "keywords_addon": addons.KeywordsAddon(options), } check = metadata.KeywordsCheck(options, **kwargs) # masks should come before regular keywords - r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg('~amd64 -*')) + r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("~amd64 -*")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnsortedKeywords) - assert r.keywords == ('~amd64', '-*') - assert r.sorted_keywords == ('-*', '~amd64') - assert '\n\tunsorted KEYWORDS: ~amd64, -*\n\tsorted KEYWORDS: -*, ~amd64' in str(r) + assert r.keywords == ("~amd64", "-*") + assert r.sorted_keywords == ("-*", "~amd64") + assert "\n\tunsorted KEYWORDS: ~amd64, -*\n\tsorted KEYWORDS: -*, ~amd64" in str(r) # keywords should be sorted alphabetically by arch - r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg('ppc ~amd64')) + r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("ppc ~amd64")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnsortedKeywords) - assert r.keywords == ('ppc', '~amd64') - assert r.sorted_keywords == ('~amd64', 'ppc') - assert '\n\tunsorted KEYWORDS: ppc, ~amd64\n\tsorted KEYWORDS: ~amd64, ppc' in str(r) + assert r.keywords == ("ppc", "~amd64") + assert r.sorted_keywords == ("~amd64", "ppc") + assert "\n\tunsorted KEYWORDS: ppc, ~amd64\n\tsorted KEYWORDS: ~amd64, ppc" in str(r) # prefix keywords should come after regular keywords - r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg('~amd64 ~amd64-fbsd ppc ~x86')) + r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("~amd64 ~amd64-fbsd ppc ~x86")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnsortedKeywords) - assert r.keywords == ('~amd64', '~amd64-fbsd', 'ppc', '~x86') - assert r.sorted_keywords == ('~amd64', 'ppc', '~x86', '~amd64-fbsd') + assert r.keywords == ("~amd64", "~amd64-fbsd", "ppc", "~x86") + assert r.sorted_keywords == ("~amd64", "ppc", "~x86", "~amd64-fbsd") def test_missing_virtual_keywords(self, check): # non-virtuals don't trigger - pkg = self.mk_pkg(cpv='dev-util/foo-0', rdepend='=dev-libs/foo-0') + pkg = self.mk_pkg(cpv="dev-util/foo-0", rdepend="=dev-libs/foo-0") self.assertNoReport(check, pkg) # matching pkg with no keywords - pkg = self.mk_pkg(cpv='virtual/foo-0', rdepend='dev-libs/bar') + pkg = self.mk_pkg(cpv="virtual/foo-0", rdepend="dev-libs/bar") self.assertNoReport(check, pkg) # single pkg match - pkg = self.mk_pkg(cpv='virtual/foo-0', rdepend='=dev-libs/foo-0') + pkg = self.mk_pkg(cpv="virtual/foo-0", rdepend="=dev-libs/foo-0") r = self.assertReport(check, pkg) assert isinstance(r, metadata.VirtualKeywordsUpdate) - assert r.keywords == ('amd64', '~x86') - assert 'KEYWORDS updates available: amd64, ~x86' in str(r) + assert r.keywords == ("amd64", "~x86") + assert "KEYWORDS updates available: amd64, ~x86" in str(r) # multiple pkg match - pkg = self.mk_pkg(cpv='virtual/foo-0', rdepend='dev-libs/foo') + pkg = self.mk_pkg(cpv="virtual/foo-0", rdepend="dev-libs/foo") r = self.assertReport(check, pkg) assert isinstance(r, metadata.VirtualKeywordsUpdate) - assert r.keywords == ('amd64', 'ppc', '~x86') - assert 'KEYWORDS updates available: amd64, ppc, ~x86' in str(r) + assert r.keywords == ("amd64", "ppc", "~x86") + assert "KEYWORDS updates available: amd64, ppc, ~x86" in str(r) class TestIuseCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase): @@ -298,28 +298,28 @@ class TestIuseCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase): use_addon = addons.UseAddon(options) return self.check_kls(options, use_addon=use_addon) - def mk_pkg(self, iuse=''): - return misc.FakePkg('dev-util/diffball-0.7.1', data={'IUSE': iuse, 'EAPI': '1'}) + def mk_pkg(self, iuse=""): + return misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.7.1", data={"IUSE": iuse, "EAPI": "1"}) def test_known_iuse(self, check): - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg('foo bar')) + self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg("foo bar")) def test_unknown_iuse(self, check): - r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg('foo dar')) + r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("foo dar")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownUseFlags) - assert r.flags == ('dar',) - assert 'dar' in str(r) + assert r.flags == ("dar",) + assert "dar" in str(r) def test_arch_iuse(self, check): # arch flags must _not_ be in IUSE - r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg('x86')) + r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg("x86")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownUseFlags) - assert r.flags == ('x86',) - assert 'x86' in str(r) + assert r.flags == ("x86",) + assert "x86" in str(r) def test_invalid_iuse(self, check): - for flag in ('+', '-', '@', '_'): - r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(f'foo {flag}')) + for flag in ("+", "-", "@", "_"): + r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(f"foo {flag}")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.InvalidUseFlags) assert r.flags == (flag,) assert flag in str(r) @@ -331,12 +331,12 @@ class TestEapiCheck(misc.ReportTestCase, misc.Tmpdir): def mk_check(self, deprecated=(), banned=()): # TODO: switch to using a repo fixture when available - os.makedirs(pjoin(self.dir, 'profiles')) - os.makedirs(pjoin(self.dir, 'metadata')) - with open(pjoin(self.dir, 'profiles', 'repo_name'), 'w') as f: - f.write('fake\n') - with open(pjoin(self.dir, 'metadata', 'layout.conf'), 'w') as f: - f.write('masters =\n') + os.makedirs(pjoin(self.dir, "profiles")) + os.makedirs(pjoin(self.dir, "metadata")) + with open(pjoin(self.dir, "profiles", "repo_name"), "w") as f: + f.write("fake\n") + with open(pjoin(self.dir, "metadata", "layout.conf"), "w") as f: + f.write("masters =\n") f.write(f"eapis-deprecated = {' '.join(deprecated)}\n") f.write(f"eapis-banned = {' '.join(banned)}\n") repo_config = repo_objs.RepoConfig(location=self.dir) @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ class TestEapiCheck(misc.ReportTestCase, misc.Tmpdir): return self.check_kls(options, eclass_addon=addons.eclass.EclassAddon(options)) def mk_pkg(self, eapi): - return misc.FakePkg('dev-util/diffball-2.7.1', data={'EAPI': eapi}) + return misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-2.7.1", data={"EAPI": eapi}) def test_repo_with_no_settings(self): check = self.mk_check() @@ -353,29 +353,35 @@ class TestEapiCheck(misc.ReportTestCase, misc.Tmpdir): self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi=eapi_str)) def test_latest_eapi(self): - check = self.mk_check(deprecated=('0', '2', '4', '5'), banned=('1', '3',)) + check = self.mk_check( + deprecated=("0", "2", "4", "5"), + banned=( + "1", + "3", + ), + ) latest_eapi = list(eapi.EAPI.known_eapis)[-1] self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi=latest_eapi)) def test_deprecated_eapi(self): - deprecated = ('0', '2', '4', '5') - banned = ('1', '3') + deprecated = ("0", "2", "4", "5") + banned = ("1", "3") check = self.mk_check(deprecated=deprecated, banned=banned) for eapi_str in deprecated: r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi=eapi_str)) assert isinstance(r, metadata.DeprecatedEapi) assert r.eapi == eapi_str - assert f'uses deprecated EAPI {eapi_str}' in str(r) + assert f"uses deprecated EAPI {eapi_str}" in str(r) def test_banned_eapi(self): - deprecated = ('0', '2', '4', '5') - banned = ('1', '3') + deprecated = ("0", "2", "4", "5") + banned = ("1", "3") check = self.mk_check(deprecated=deprecated, banned=banned) for eapi_str in banned: r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi=eapi_str)) assert isinstance(r, metadata.BannedEapi) assert r.eapi == eapi_str - assert f'uses banned EAPI {eapi_str}' in str(r) + assert f"uses banned EAPI {eapi_str}" in str(r) class TestSourcingCheck(misc.ReportTestCase, misc.Tmpdir): @@ -387,19 +393,19 @@ class TestSourcingCheck(misc.ReportTestCase, misc.Tmpdir): # TODO: switch to using a repo fixture when available repo_dir = pjoin(self.dir, str(self._repo_id)) self._repo_id += 1 - os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles')) - os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata')) - with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles', 'repo_name'), 'w') as f: - f.write('fake\n') - with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata', 'layout.conf'), 'w') as f: - f.write('masters =\n') + os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles")) + os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata")) + with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles", "repo_name"), "w") as f: + f.write("fake\n") + with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata", "layout.conf"), "w") as f: + f.write("masters =\n") repo_config = repo_objs.RepoConfig(location=repo_dir) self.repo = repository.UnconfiguredTree(repo_config.location, repo_config=repo_config) options = arghparse.Namespace(target_repo=self.repo, verbosity=False) return self.check_kls(options) def mk_pkg(self, eapi): - return misc.FakePkg('dev-util/diffball-2.7.1', data={'EAPI': eapi}) + return misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-2.7.1", data={"EAPI": eapi}) def test_repo_with_no_settings(self): check = self.mk_check() @@ -407,51 +413,43 @@ class TestSourcingCheck(misc.ReportTestCase, misc.Tmpdir): self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi=eapi_str)) def test_unknown_eapis(self): - for eapi in ('blah', '9999'): + for eapi in ("blah", "9999"): check = self.mk_check() - pkg_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, 'dev-util', 'foo') + pkg_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, "dev-util", "foo") os.makedirs(pkg_path) - with open(pjoin(pkg_path, 'foo-0.ebuild'), 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent(f"""\ - EAPI={eapi} - """)) + with open(pjoin(pkg_path, "foo-0.ebuild"), "w") as f: + f.write(f"EAPI={eapi}\n") r = self.assertReport(check, self.repo) assert isinstance(r, metadata.InvalidEapi) assert f"EAPI '{eapi}' is not supported" in str(r) def test_invalid_eapis(self): - for eapi in ('invalid!', '${EAPI}'): + for eapi in ("invalid!", "${EAPI}"): check = self.mk_check() - pkg_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, 'dev-util', 'foo') + pkg_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, "dev-util", "foo") os.makedirs(pkg_path) - with open(pjoin(pkg_path, 'foo-0.ebuild'), 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent(f"""\ - EAPI="{eapi}" - """)) + with open(pjoin(pkg_path, "foo-0.ebuild"), "w") as f: + f.write(f"EAPI={eapi}\n") r = self.assertReport(check, self.repo) assert isinstance(r, metadata.InvalidEapi) assert f"invalid EAPI '{eapi}'" in str(r) def test_sourcing_error(self): check = self.mk_check() - pkg_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, 'dev-util', 'foo') + pkg_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, "dev-util", "foo") os.makedirs(pkg_path) - with open(pjoin(pkg_path, 'foo-0.ebuild'), 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\ - foo - """)) + with open(pjoin(pkg_path, "foo-0.ebuild"), "w") as f: + f.write("foo\n") r = self.assertReport(check, self.repo) assert isinstance(r, metadata.SourcingError) def test_invalid_slots(self): - for slot in ('?', '0/1'): + for slot in ("?", "0/1"): check = self.mk_check() - pkg_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, 'dev-util', 'foo') + pkg_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, "dev-util", "foo") os.makedirs(pkg_path) - with open(pjoin(pkg_path, 'foo-0.ebuild'), 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent(f"""\ - SLOT="{slot}" - """)) + with open(pjoin(pkg_path, "foo-0.ebuild"), "w") as f: + f.write(f"""SLOT="{slot}"\n""") r = self.assertReport(check, self.repo) assert isinstance(r, metadata.InvalidSlot) assert f"invalid SLOT: '{slot}'" in str(r) @@ -467,19 +465,26 @@ class TestRequiredUseCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase): def mk_check(self, masks=(), verbosity=1, profiles=None): if profiles is None: - profiles = {'x86': [misc.FakeProfile(name='default/linux/x86', masks=masks)]} + profiles = {"x86": [misc.FakeProfile(name="default/linux/x86", masks=masks)]} options = self.get_options(verbosity=verbosity) use_addon = addons.UseAddon(options) check = self.check_kls(options, use_addon=use_addon, profile_addon=profiles) return check - def mk_pkg(self, cpvstr="dev-util/diffball-0.7.1", eapi="4", iuse="", - required_use="", keywords="~amd64 x86"): + def mk_pkg( + self, + cpvstr="dev-util/diffball-0.7.1", + eapi="4", + iuse="", + required_use="", + keywords="~amd64 x86", + ): return FakePkg( cpvstr, eapi=eapi, iuse=iuse.split(), - data={"REQUIRED_USE": required_use, "KEYWORDS": keywords}) + data={"REQUIRED_USE": required_use, "KEYWORDS": keywords}, + ) def test_unsupported_eapis(self, check): for eapi_str, eapi_obj in eapi.EAPI.known_eapis.items(): @@ -489,9 +494,10 @@ class TestRequiredUseCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase): def test_multireport_verbosity(self): profiles = { - 'x86': [ - misc.FakeProfile(name='default/linux/x86', masks=()), - misc.FakeProfile(name='default/linux/x86/foo', masks=())] + "x86": [ + misc.FakeProfile(name="default/linux/x86", masks=()), + misc.FakeProfile(name="default/linux/x86/foo", masks=()), + ] } # non-verbose mode should only one failure per node check = self.mk_check(verbosity=0, profiles=profiles) @@ -516,7 +522,9 @@ class TestRequiredUseCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase): # only supported in >= EAPI 5 self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="foo bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )")) - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="foo bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )")) + self.assertNoReport( + check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="foo bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )") + ) def test_unstated_iuse(self, check): r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(required_use="foo? ( blah )")) @@ -534,25 +542,34 @@ class TestRequiredUseCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase): # pkgs masked by the related profile aren't checked self.assertNoReport( - self.mk_check(masks=('>=dev-util/diffball-8.0',)), - self.mk_pkg(cpvstr="dev-util/diffball-8.0", iuse="foo bar", required_use="bar")) + self.mk_check(masks=(">=dev-util/diffball-8.0",)), + self.mk_pkg(cpvstr="dev-util/diffball-8.0", iuse="foo bar", required_use="bar"), + ) # unsatisfied REQUIRED_USE r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="foo bar", required_use="bar")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.RequiredUseDefaults) - assert r.keyword == 'x86' - assert r.profile == 'default/linux/x86' + assert r.keyword == "x86" + assert r.profile == "default/linux/x86" assert r.use == () - assert str(r.required_use) == 'bar' + assert str(r.required_use) == "bar" # at-most-one-of - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="foo bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )")) - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="+foo bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )")) - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="foo +bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )")) - r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="+foo +bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )")) + self.assertNoReport( + check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="foo bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )") + ) + self.assertNoReport( + check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="+foo bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )") + ) + self.assertNoReport( + check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="foo +bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )") + ) + r = self.assertReport( + check, self.mk_pkg(eapi="5", iuse="+foo +bar", required_use="?? ( foo bar )") + ) assert isinstance(r, metadata.RequiredUseDefaults) - assert r.use == ('bar', 'foo') - assert str(r.required_use) == 'at-most-one-of ( foo bar )' + assert r.use == ("bar", "foo") + assert str(r.required_use) == "at-most-one-of ( foo bar )" # exactly-one-of self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo bar", required_use="^^ ( foo bar )")) @@ -560,35 +577,48 @@ class TestRequiredUseCheck(IUSE_Options, misc.ReportTestCase): self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="foo bar", required_use="^^ ( foo bar )")) r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo +bar", required_use="^^ ( foo bar )")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.RequiredUseDefaults) - assert r.use == ('bar', 'foo') - assert str(r.required_use) == 'exactly-one-of ( foo bar )' + assert r.use == ("bar", "foo") + assert str(r.required_use) == "exactly-one-of ( foo bar )" # all-of self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="foo bar baz", required_use="foo? ( bar baz )")) - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo +bar +baz", required_use="foo? ( bar baz )")) + self.assertNoReport( + check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo +bar +baz", required_use="foo? ( bar baz )") + ) self.assertReports(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo bar baz", required_use="foo? ( bar baz )")) self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo +bar baz", required_use="foo? ( bar baz )")) - r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo bar +baz", required_use="foo? ( bar baz )")) + r = self.assertReport( + check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo bar +baz", required_use="foo? ( bar baz )") + ) assert isinstance(r, metadata.RequiredUseDefaults) - assert r.use == ('baz', 'foo') + assert r.use == ("baz", "foo") # TODO: fix this output to show both required USE flags - assert str(r.required_use) == 'bar' + assert str(r.required_use) == "bar" # any-of - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="foo bar baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )")) - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo +bar baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )")) - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo bar +baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )")) - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo +bar +baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )")) - r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo bar baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )")) + self.assertNoReport( + check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="foo bar baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )") + ) + self.assertNoReport( + check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo +bar baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )") + ) + self.assertNoReport( + check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo bar +baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )") + ) + self.assertNoReport( + check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo +bar +baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )") + ) + r = self.assertReport( + check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="+foo bar baz", required_use="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )") + ) assert isinstance(r, metadata.RequiredUseDefaults) - assert r.use == ('foo',) - assert str(r.required_use) == '( bar || baz )' + assert r.use == ("foo",) + assert str(r.required_use) == "( bar || baz )" def use_based(): # hidden to keep the test runner from finding it class UseBased(IUSE_Options): - def test_required_addons(self): assert addons.UseAddon in self.check_kls.required_addons @@ -604,30 +634,32 @@ def use_based(): class _TestRestrictPropertiesCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase): - - def mk_pkg(self, restrict='', properties='', iuse=''): + def mk_pkg(self, restrict="", properties="", iuse=""): return misc.FakePkg( - 'dev-util/diffball-2.7.1', - data={'IUSE': iuse, 'RESTRICT': restrict, 'PROPERTIES': properties}) + "dev-util/diffball-2.7.1", + data={"IUSE": iuse, "RESTRICT": restrict, "PROPERTIES": properties}, + ) def test_no_allowed(self): # repo or its masters don't define any allowed values so anything goes check = self.mk_check() - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'foo'})) - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'foo? ( bar )', 'iuse': 'foo'})) + self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "foo"})) + self.assertNoReport( + check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "foo? ( bar )", "iuse": "foo"}) + ) def test_allowed(self): - check = self.mk_check(options={self.check_kls._attr: ('foo',)}) + check = self.mk_check(options={self.check_kls._attr: ("foo",)}) # allowed - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'foo'})) + self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "foo"})) # unknown - r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'bar'})) + r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "bar"})) assert isinstance(r, self.check_kls._unknown_result_cls) assert f'unknown {self.check_kls._attr.upper()}="bar"' in str(r) # unknown multiple, conditional - pkg = self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'baz? ( foo bar boo )', 'iuse': 'baz'}) + pkg = self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "baz? ( foo bar boo )", "iuse": "baz"}) r = self.assertReport(check, pkg) assert isinstance(r, self.check_kls._unknown_result_cls) assert f'unknown {self.check_kls._attr.upper()}="bar boo"' in str(r) @@ -635,17 +667,21 @@ class _TestRestrictPropertiesCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase): def test_unstated_iuse(self): check = self.mk_check() # no IUSE - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'foo'})) + self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "foo"})) # conditional with IUSE defined - self.assertNoReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'foo? ( bar )', 'iuse': 'foo'})) + self.assertNoReport( + check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "foo? ( bar )", "iuse": "foo"}) + ) # conditional missing IUSE - r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'foo? ( bar )'})) + r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "foo? ( bar )"})) assert isinstance(r, addons.UnstatedIuse) - assert 'unstated flag: [ foo ]' in str(r) + assert "unstated flag: [ foo ]" in str(r) # multiple missing IUSE - r = self.assertReport(check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: 'foo? ( bar ) boo? ( blah )'})) + r = self.assertReport( + check, self.mk_pkg(**{self.check_kls._attr: "foo? ( bar ) boo? ( blah )"}) + ) assert isinstance(r, addons.UnstatedIuse) - assert 'unstated flags: [ boo, foo ]' in str(r) + assert "unstated flags: [ boo, foo ]" in str(r) class TestRestrictCheck(_TestRestrictPropertiesCheck): @@ -670,30 +706,33 @@ class TestRestrictTestCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): check_kls = metadata.RestrictTestCheck check = metadata.RestrictTestCheck(None) - def mk_pkg(self, iuse='', restrict=''): - return misc.FakePkg( - 'dev-util/diffball-2.7.1', data={'IUSE': iuse, 'RESTRICT': restrict}) + def mk_pkg(self, iuse="", restrict=""): + return misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-2.7.1", data={"IUSE": iuse, "RESTRICT": restrict}) def test_empty_restrict(self): self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg()) def test_specified_restrict(self): - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg( - iuse='test', restrict='!test? ( test )')) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="test", restrict="!test? ( test )")) # unconditional restriction is fine too - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(iuse='test', restrict='test')) - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(restrict='test')) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(iuse="test", restrict="test")) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(restrict="test")) # more RESTRICTs - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(iuse='foo test', - restrict='foo? ( strip ) !test? ( test ) bindist')) + self.assertNoReport( + self.check, + self.mk_pkg(iuse="foo test", restrict="foo? ( strip ) !test? ( test ) bindist"), + ) def test_missing_restrict(self): data = ( - ('test', ''), # missing entirely - ('foo test', '!foo? ( test )'), # 'test' present in other condition - ('foo test', '!foo? ( !test? ( test ) )'), # correct restriction inside another condition - ('test', 'test? ( test )'), # USE condition gotten the other way around + ("test", ""), # missing entirely + ("foo test", "!foo? ( test )"), # 'test' present in other condition + ( + "foo test", + "!foo? ( !test? ( test ) )", + ), # correct restriction inside another condition + ("test", "test? ( test )"), # USE condition gotten the other way around ) for iuse, restrict in data: r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(iuse=iuse, restrict=restrict)) @@ -706,67 +745,65 @@ class TestLicenseCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase): check_kls = metadata.LicenseCheck def mk_check(self, licenses=(), **kwargs): - self.repo = FakeRepo(repo_id='test', licenses=licenses) + self.repo = FakeRepo(repo_id="test", licenses=licenses) options = self.get_options(**kwargs) use_addon = addons.UseAddon(options) check = self.check_kls(options, use_addon=use_addon) return check - def mk_pkg(self, license='', iuse=''): + def mk_pkg(self, license="", iuse=""): return FakePkg( - 'dev-util/diffball-2.7.1', - data={'LICENSE': license, 'IUSE': iuse}, - repo=self.repo) + "dev-util/diffball-2.7.1", data={"LICENSE": license, "IUSE": iuse}, repo=self.repo + ) def test_malformed(self): r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg("|| (")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.InvalidLicense) - assert r.attr == 'license' + assert r.attr == "license" def test_empty(self): r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg()) assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingLicense) def test_unstated_iuse(self): - chk = self.mk_check(licenses=('BSD',)) + chk = self.mk_check(licenses=("BSD",)) # no IUSE - self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('BSD')) + self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("BSD")) # conditional URI with related IUSE - pkg = self.mk_pkg(license='foo? ( BSD )', iuse='foo') + pkg = self.mk_pkg(license="foo? ( BSD )", iuse="foo") self.assertNoReport(chk, pkg) # conditional URI with missing IUSE - pkg = self.mk_pkg(license='foo? ( BSD )') + pkg = self.mk_pkg(license="foo? ( BSD )") r = self.assertReport(chk, pkg) assert isinstance(r, addons.UnstatedIuse) - assert 'unstated flag: [ foo ]' in str(r) + assert "unstated flag: [ foo ]" in str(r) def test_single_missing(self): r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg("foo")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownLicense) - assert r.licenses == ('foo',) + assert r.licenses == ("foo",) def test_multiple_existing(self): - chk = self.mk_check(['foo', 'foo2']) - self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('foo')) - self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('foo', 'foo2')) + chk = self.mk_check(["foo", "foo2"]) + self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("foo")) + self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("foo", "foo2")) def test_multiple_missing(self): - chk = self.mk_check(['foo', 'foo2']) - r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('|| ( foo foo3 foo4 )')) + chk = self.mk_check(["foo", "foo2"]) + r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("|| ( foo foo3 foo4 )")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownLicense) - assert r.licenses == ('foo3', 'foo4') + assert r.licenses == ("foo3", "foo4") def test_unlicensed_categories(self): - check = self.mk_check(['foo']) + check = self.mk_check(["foo"]) for category in self.check_kls.unlicensed_categories: - for license in ('foo', ''): + for license in ("foo", ""): pkg = FakePkg( - f'{category}/diffball-2.7.1', - data={'LICENSE': license}, - repo=self.repo) + f"{category}/diffball-2.7.1", data={"LICENSE": license}, repo=self.repo + ) if license: r = self.assertReport(check, pkg) assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnnecessaryLicense) @@ -782,87 +819,94 @@ class TestMissingSlotDepCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase): def mk_check(self, pkgs=None, **kwargs): if pkgs is None: pkgs = ( - FakePkg('dev-libs/foo-0', slot='0'), - FakePkg('dev-libs/foo-1', slot='1'), - FakePkg('dev-libs/bar-2', slot='2'), + FakePkg("dev-libs/foo-0", slot="0"), + FakePkg("dev-libs/foo-1", slot="1"), + FakePkg("dev-libs/bar-2", slot="2"), ) - self.repo = FakeRepo(pkgs=pkgs, repo_id='test') + self.repo = FakeRepo(pkgs=pkgs, repo_id="test") options = self.get_options(**kwargs) use_addon = addons.UseAddon(options) check = self.check_kls(options, use_addon=use_addon) return check - def mk_pkg(self, eapi='5', rdepend='', depend=''): + def mk_pkg(self, eapi="5", rdepend="", depend=""): return FakePkg( - 'dev-util/diffball-2.7.1', eapi=eapi, - data={'RDEPEND': rdepend, 'DEPEND': depend}, - repo=self.repo) + "dev-util/diffball-2.7.1", + eapi=eapi, + data={"RDEPEND": rdepend, "DEPEND": depend}, + repo=self.repo, + ) def test_flagged_deps(self): - for dep_str in ('dev-libs/foo', 'dev-libs/foo[bar]'): + for dep_str in ("dev-libs/foo", "dev-libs/foo[bar]"): for eapi_str, eapi_obj in eapi.EAPI.known_eapis.items(): if eapi_obj.options.sub_slotting: r = self.assertReport( - self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg( - eapi=eapi_str, rdepend=dep_str, depend=dep_str)) + self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(eapi=eapi_str, rdepend=dep_str, depend=dep_str) + ) assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingSlotDep) - assert 'matches more than one slot: [ 0, 1 ]' in str(r) + assert "matches more than one slot: [ 0, 1 ]" in str(r) def test_skipped_deps(self): for dep_str in ( - '!dev-libs/foo', '!!dev-libs/foo', # blockers - '~dev-libs/foo-0', '~dev-libs/foo-1', # version limited to single slots - 'dev-libs/foo:0', 'dev-libs/foo:1', # slotted - 'dev-libs/foo:*', 'dev-libs/foo:=', # slot operators - ): + "!dev-libs/foo", + "!!dev-libs/foo", # blockers + "~dev-libs/foo-0", + "~dev-libs/foo-1", # version limited to single slots + "dev-libs/foo:0", + "dev-libs/foo:1", # slotted + "dev-libs/foo:*", + "dev-libs/foo:=", # slot operators + ): for eapi_str, eapi_obj in eapi.EAPI.known_eapis.items(): if eapi_obj.options.sub_slotting: self.assertNoReport( - self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg( - eapi=eapi_str, rdepend=dep_str, depend=dep_str)) + self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(eapi=eapi_str, rdepend=dep_str, depend=dep_str) + ) def test_no_deps(self): self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg()) def test_single_slot_dep(self): self.assertNoReport( - self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(rdepend='dev-libs/bar', depend='dev-libs/bar')) + self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(rdepend="dev-libs/bar", depend="dev-libs/bar") + ) class TestDependencyCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase): check_kls = metadata.DependencyCheck - def mk_pkg(self, attr, depset='', eapi='0', iuse=''): - eapi_attr_map = {'BDEPEND': '7', 'IDEPEND': '8'} + def mk_pkg(self, attr, depset="", eapi="0", iuse=""): + eapi_attr_map = {"BDEPEND": "7", "IDEPEND": "8"} eapi = eapi_attr_map.get(attr, eapi) return misc.FakePkg( - 'dev-util/diffball-2.7.1', - data={'EAPI': eapi, 'IUSE': iuse, attr: depset}) + "dev-util/diffball-2.7.1", data={"EAPI": eapi, "IUSE": iuse, attr: depset} + ) def mk_check(self, pkgs=None, **kwargs): if pkgs is None: pkgs = ( - FakePkg('dev-libs/foo-0', slot='0', iuse=('bar',)), - FakePkg('dev-libs/foo-1', slot='1', iuse=('bar', 'baz')), - FakePkg('dev-libs/bar-2', slot='2'), + FakePkg("dev-libs/foo-0", slot="0", iuse=("bar",)), + FakePkg("dev-libs/foo-1", slot="1", iuse=("bar", "baz")), + FakePkg("dev-libs/bar-2", slot="2"), ) - kwargs['search_repo'] = FakeRepo(pkgs=pkgs, repo_id='test') + kwargs["search_repo"] = FakeRepo(pkgs=pkgs, repo_id="test") return super().mk_check(options=kwargs) # pull the set of dependency attrs from the most recent EAPI dep_attrs = sorted(list(eapi.EAPI.known_eapis.values())[-1].dep_keys) - @pytest.mark.parametrize('attr', dep_attrs) + @pytest.mark.parametrize("attr", dep_attrs) def test_depset(self, attr): chk = self.mk_check() mk_pkg = partial(self.mk_pkg, attr) # various regular depsets self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg()) - self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg('dev-util/foo')) + self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg("dev-util/foo")) self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg("|| ( dev-util/foo ) dev-foo/bugger ")) - if attr == 'RDEPEND': + if attr == "RDEPEND": self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg("!dev-util/blah")) else: r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg("!dev-util/blah")) @@ -870,7 +914,7 @@ class TestDependencyCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase): # invalid depset syntax r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg("|| (")) - assert isinstance(r, getattr(metadata, f'Invalid{attr.lower().capitalize()}')) + assert isinstance(r, getattr(metadata, f"Invalid{attr.lower().capitalize()}")) # pkg blocking itself r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg("!dev-util/diffball")) @@ -879,105 +923,113 @@ class TestDependencyCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase): assert f'{attr.upper()}="!dev-util/diffball"' in str(r) # check for := in || () blocks - pkg = mk_pkg(eapi='5', depset="|| ( dev-libs/foo:= dev-libs/bar )") + pkg = mk_pkg(eapi="5", depset="|| ( dev-libs/foo:= dev-libs/bar )") r = self.assertReport(chk, pkg) assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadDependency) assert "= slot operator used inside || block" in str(r) assert f'{attr.upper()}="dev-libs/foo:="' in str(r) # multiple := atoms in || () blocks - pkg = mk_pkg(eapi='5', depset="|| ( dev-libs/foo:= dev-libs/bar:= )") + pkg = mk_pkg(eapi="5", depset="|| ( dev-libs/foo:= dev-libs/bar:= )") reports = self.assertReports(chk, pkg) for r in reports: assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadDependency) assert "= slot operator used inside || block" in str(r) # check for := in blockers - r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='5', depset="!dev-libs/foo:=")) + r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="5", depset="!dev-libs/foo:=")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadDependency) assert "= slot operator used in blocker" in str(r) assert f'{attr.upper()}="!dev-libs/foo:="' in str(r) # check for missing package revisions self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg("=dev-libs/foo-1-r0")) - r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='6', depset="=dev-libs/foo-1")) + r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="6", depset="=dev-libs/foo-1")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingPackageRevision) assert f'{attr.upper()}="=dev-libs/foo-1"' in str(r) - @pytest.mark.parametrize('attr', dep_attrs) + @pytest.mark.parametrize("attr", dep_attrs) def test_depset_unstated_iuse(self, attr): chk = self.mk_check() mk_pkg = partial(self.mk_pkg, attr) # unstated IUSE - r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(depset='foo? ( dev-libs/foo )')) + r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(depset="foo? ( dev-libs/foo )")) assert isinstance(r, addons.UnstatedIuse) - assert 'unstated flag: [ foo ]' in str(r) + assert "unstated flag: [ foo ]" in str(r) # known IUSE - self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg(depset='foo? ( dev-libs/foo )', iuse='foo')) + self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg(depset="foo? ( dev-libs/foo )", iuse="foo")) # multiple unstated IUSE - r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(depset='foo? ( !bar? ( dev-libs/foo ) )')) + r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(depset="foo? ( !bar? ( dev-libs/foo ) )")) assert isinstance(r, addons.UnstatedIuse) - assert 'unstated flags: [ bar, foo ]' in str(r) + assert "unstated flags: [ bar, foo ]" in str(r) - @pytest.mark.parametrize('attr', dep_attrs) + @pytest.mark.parametrize("attr", dep_attrs) def test_depset_missing_usedep_default(self, attr): chk = self.mk_check() mk_pkg = partial(self.mk_pkg, attr) # USE flag exists on all matching pkgs - self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='4', depset='dev-libs/foo[bar?]')) + self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="4", depset="dev-libs/foo[bar?]")) use_deps = ( - 'foo(-)?', '!foo(-)?', 'foo(+)?', '!foo(+)?', 'foo(-)=', '!foo(-)=', - 'foo(+)=', '!foo(+)=', '-foo(-)', '-foo(+)', + "foo(-)?", + "!foo(-)?", + "foo(+)?", + "!foo(+)?", + "foo(-)=", + "!foo(-)=", + "foo(+)=", + "!foo(+)=", + "-foo(-)", + "-foo(+)", ) for use_dep in use_deps: # USE flag doesn't exist but has proper default - self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='4', depset=f'dev-libs/bar[{use_dep}]')) - if attr == 'RDEPEND': - self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='4', depset=f'!dev-libs/bar[{use_dep}]')) + self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="4", depset=f"dev-libs/bar[{use_dep}]")) + if attr == "RDEPEND": + self.assertNoReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="4", depset=f"!dev-libs/bar[{use_dep}]")) else: - r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='4', depset=f'!dev-libs/bar[{use_dep}]')) + r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="4", depset=f"!dev-libs/bar[{use_dep}]")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.MisplacedWeakBlocker) # result triggers when all matching pkgs don't have requested USE flag for dep in ( - 'dev-libs/bar[foo?]', - 'dev-libs/bar[!foo?]', - 'dev-libs/bar[foo=]', - 'dev-libs/bar[!foo=]', - 'dev-libs/bar[-foo]', - '|| ( dev-libs/foo[bar] dev-libs/bar[foo] )', - '|| ( dev-libs/foo[bar] dev-libs/bar[-foo] )', - ): - r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='4', depset=dep)) + "dev-libs/bar[foo?]", + "dev-libs/bar[!foo?]", + "dev-libs/bar[foo=]", + "dev-libs/bar[!foo=]", + "dev-libs/bar[-foo]", + "|| ( dev-libs/foo[bar] dev-libs/bar[foo] )", + "|| ( dev-libs/foo[bar] dev-libs/bar[-foo] )", + ): + r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="4", depset=dep)) assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUseDepDefault) - assert r.pkgs == ('dev-libs/bar-2',) - assert r.flag == 'foo' + assert r.pkgs == ("dev-libs/bar-2",) + assert r.flag == "foo" assert "USE flag 'foo' missing" in str(r) - if attr == 'RDEPEND': - r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='4', depset='!dev-libs/bar[foo?]')) + if attr == "RDEPEND": + r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="4", depset="!dev-libs/bar[foo?]")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUseDepDefault) - assert r.pkgs == ('dev-libs/bar-2',) - assert r.flag == 'foo' + assert r.pkgs == ("dev-libs/bar-2",) + assert r.flag == "foo" assert "USE flag 'foo' missing" in str(r) # USE flag missing on one of multiple matches - r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='4', depset='dev-libs/foo[baz?]')) + r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="4", depset="dev-libs/foo[baz?]")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUseDepDefault) - assert r.atom == 'dev-libs/foo[baz?]' - assert r.pkgs == ('dev-libs/foo-0',) - assert r.flag == 'baz' + assert r.atom == "dev-libs/foo[baz?]" + assert r.pkgs == ("dev-libs/foo-0",) + assert r.flag == "baz" assert "USE flag 'baz' missing" in str(r) # USE flag missing on all matches - r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi='4', depset='dev-libs/foo[blah?]')) + r = self.assertReport(chk, mk_pkg(eapi="4", depset="dev-libs/foo[blah?]")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUseDepDefault) - assert r.atom == 'dev-libs/foo[blah?]' - assert r.pkgs == ('dev-libs/foo-0', 'dev-libs/foo-1') - assert r.flag == 'blah' + assert r.atom == "dev-libs/foo[blah?]" + assert r.pkgs == ("dev-libs/foo-0", "dev-libs/foo-1") + assert r.flag == "blah" assert "USE flag 'blah' missing" in str(r) @@ -993,16 +1045,16 @@ class TestOutdatedBlockersCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): # initialize parent repo self.parent_git_repo = make_git_repo() self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('initial commit') + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("initial commit") # create a stub pkg and commit it - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0") # initialize child repo self.child_git_repo = make_git_repo() - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', self.parent_git_repo.path]) - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", self.parent_git_repo.path]) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) self.child_repo = make_repo(self.child_git_repo.path) def init_check(self, options=None, future=0): @@ -1015,36 +1067,39 @@ class TestOutdatedBlockersCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): def _options(self, **kwargs): args = [ - 'scan', '-q', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir, - '--repo', self.child_repo.location, + "scan", + "-q", + "--cache-dir", + self.cache_dir, + "--repo", + self.child_repo.location, ] options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(args) return options def test_existent_blockers(self): - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', depend='!~cat/pkg-0') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1') - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', depend='!!~cat/pkg-0') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 2') - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-3', depend='!!=cat/pkg-0*') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 3') + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", depend="!~cat/pkg-0") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1") + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", depend="!!~cat/pkg-0") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 2") + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-3", depend="!!=cat/pkg-0*") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 3") self.init_check() self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) def test_nonexistent_blockers(self): - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', depend='!nonexistent/pkg') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1') + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", depend="!nonexistent/pkg") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1") self.init_check() r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) - expected = metadata.NonexistentBlocker( - 'DEPEND', '!nonexistent/pkg', pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-1')) + expected = metadata.NonexistentBlocker("DEPEND", "!nonexistent/pkg", pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-1")) assert r == expected def test_outdated_blockers(self): - self.parent_git_repo.remove_all('cat/pkg') - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', depend='!!=cat/pkg-0*') - self.child_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg: version bump to 1') + self.parent_git_repo.remove_all("cat/pkg") + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", depend="!!=cat/pkg-0*") + self.child_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg: version bump to 1") # packages are not old enough to trigger any results for days in (0, 100, 365, 729): @@ -1056,7 +1111,8 @@ class TestOutdatedBlockersCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): self.init_check(future=days) r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) expected = metadata.OutdatedBlocker( - 'DEPEND', '!!=cat/pkg-0*', years, pkg=CPV('cat/pkg-1')) + "DEPEND", "!!=cat/pkg-0*", years, pkg=CPV("cat/pkg-1") + ) assert r == expected @@ -1064,16 +1120,17 @@ class TestSrcUriCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase): check_kls = metadata.SrcUriCheck - def mk_pkg(self, src_uri='', restrict='', default_chksums={"size": 100}, - iuse='', disable_chksums=False): + def mk_pkg( + self, src_uri="", restrict="", default_chksums={"size": 100}, iuse="", disable_chksums=False + ): class fake_repo: def __init__(self, default_chksums): if disable_chksums: self.chksums = {} else: self.chksums = {}.fromkeys( - {os.path.basename(x) for x in src_uri.split()}, - default_chksums) + {os.path.basename(x) for x in src_uri.split()}, default_chksums + ) def _get_digests(self, pkg, allow_missing=False): return False, self.chksums @@ -1082,47 +1139,52 @@ class TestSrcUriCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase): _parent_repo = fake_repo(default_chksums) return misc.FakePkg( - 'dev-util/diffball-2.7.1', - data={'SRC_URI': src_uri, 'IUSE': iuse, 'RESTRICT': restrict}, - parent=fake_parent()) + "dev-util/diffball-2.7.1", + data={"SRC_URI": src_uri, "IUSE": iuse, "RESTRICT": restrict}, + parent=fake_parent(), + ) def test_malformed(self): - r = self.assertReport( - self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg("foon", disable_chksums=True)) + r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg("foon", disable_chksums=True)) assert isinstance(r, metadata.InvalidSrcUri) - assert r.attr == 'fetchables' + assert r.attr == "fetchables" def test_regular_src_uri(self): chk = self.mk_check() # single file - self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg(src_uri='https://foon.com/foon-2.7.1.tar.gz')) + self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg(src_uri="https://foon.com/foon-2.7.1.tar.gz")) # single file, multiple uris - self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg( - src_uri='https://foo.com/a-0.tar.gz https://bar.com/a-0.tar.gz')) + self.assertNoReport( + chk, self.mk_pkg(src_uri="https://foo.com/a-0.tar.gz https://bar.com/a-0.tar.gz") + ) # multiple files, multiple uris - self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg( - src_uri=""" + self.assertNoReport( + chk, + self.mk_pkg( + src_uri=""" https://foo.com/a-0.tar.gz https://bar.com/a-0.tar.gz https://blah.org/b-1.zip https://boo.net/boo-10.tar.xz - """)) + """ + ), + ) def test_unknown_mirror(self): chk = self.mk_check() # single mirror - r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('mirror://foo/a-0.gz https://foo.com/a-0.gz')) + r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("mirror://foo/a-0.gz https://foo.com/a-0.gz")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownMirror) - assert r.mirror == 'foo' - assert r.uri == 'mirror://foo/a-0.gz' + assert r.mirror == "foo" + assert r.uri == "mirror://foo/a-0.gz" assert "unknown mirror 'foo'" in str(r) # multiple mirrors - pkg = self.mk_pkg('mirror://foo/a-0.gz mirror://bar/a-0.gz https://foo.com/a-0.gz') + pkg = self.mk_pkg("mirror://foo/a-0.gz mirror://bar/a-0.gz https://foo.com/a-0.gz") reports = self.assertReports(chk, pkg) - for mirror, r in zip(('bar', 'foo'), sorted(reports, key=attrgetter('mirror'))): + for mirror, r in zip(("bar", "foo"), sorted(reports, key=attrgetter("mirror"))): assert isinstance(r, metadata.UnknownMirror) assert r.mirror == mirror - assert r.uri == f'mirror://{mirror}/a-0.gz' + assert r.uri == f"mirror://{mirror}/a-0.gz" assert f"unknown mirror '{mirror}'" in str(r) def test_bad_filename(self): @@ -1131,77 +1193,80 @@ class TestSrcUriCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase): # PN filename r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("https://foon.com/diffball.tar.gz")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadFilename) - assert r.filenames == ('diffball.tar.gz',) - assert 'bad filename: [ diffball.tar.gz ]' in str(r) + assert r.filenames == ("diffball.tar.gz",) + assert "bad filename: [ diffball.tar.gz ]" in str(r) # PV filename r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("https://foon.com/2.7.1.tar.gz")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadFilename) - assert r.filenames == ('2.7.1.tar.gz',) - assert 'bad filename: [ 2.7.1.tar.gz ]' in str(r) + assert r.filenames == ("2.7.1.tar.gz",) + assert "bad filename: [ 2.7.1.tar.gz ]" in str(r) # github-style PV filename r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("https://foon.com/v2.7.1.zip")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadFilename) - assert r.filenames == ('v2.7.1.zip',) - assert 'bad filename: [ v2.7.1.zip ]' in str(r) + assert r.filenames == ("v2.7.1.zip",) + assert "bad filename: [ v2.7.1.zip ]" in str(r) # github-style commit snapshot filename - r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("https://foon.com/cb230f01fb288a0b9f0fc437545b97d06c846bd3.tar.gz")) + r = self.assertReport( + chk, self.mk_pkg("https://foon.com/cb230f01fb288a0b9f0fc437545b97d06c846bd3.tar.gz") + ) assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadFilename) # multiple bad filenames - r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("https://foon.com/2.7.1.tar.gz https://foon.com/diffball.zip")) + r = self.assertReport( + chk, self.mk_pkg("https://foon.com/2.7.1.tar.gz https://foon.com/diffball.zip") + ) assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadFilename) - assert r.filenames == ('2.7.1.tar.gz', 'diffball.zip') - assert 'bad filenames: [ 2.7.1.tar.gz, diffball.zip ]' in str(r) + assert r.filenames == ("2.7.1.tar.gz", "diffball.zip") + assert "bad filenames: [ 2.7.1.tar.gz, diffball.zip ]" in str(r) def test_missing_uri(self): chk = self.mk_check() # mangled protocol - r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('http:/foo/foo-0.tar.gz')) + r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("http:/foo/foo-0.tar.gz")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUri) - assert r.filenames == ('http:/foo/foo-0.tar.gz',) + assert r.filenames == ("http:/foo/foo-0.tar.gz",) assert "unfetchable file: 'http:/foo/foo-0.tar.gz'" in str(r) # no URI and RESTRICT doesn't contain 'fetch' - r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('foon')) + r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("foon")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUri) - assert r.filenames == ('foon',) + assert r.filenames == ("foon",) assert "unfetchable file: 'foon'" in str(r) # no URI and RESTRICT contains 'fetch' - self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('foon', restrict='fetch')) + self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("foon", restrict="fetch")) # conditional URI and conditional RESTRICT containing 'fetch' - pkg = self.mk_pkg(src_uri='foo? ( bar )', iuse='foo', restrict='foo? ( fetch )') + pkg = self.mk_pkg(src_uri="foo? ( bar )", iuse="foo", restrict="foo? ( fetch )") self.assertNoReport(chk, pkg) # negated - pkg = self.mk_pkg(src_uri='!foo? ( bar )', iuse='foo', restrict='!foo? ( fetch )') + pkg = self.mk_pkg(src_uri="!foo? ( bar )", iuse="foo", restrict="!foo? ( fetch )") self.assertNoReport(chk, pkg) # multi-level conditional pkg = self.mk_pkg( - iuse='foo bar', - src_uri='foo? ( bar? ( blah ) )', - restrict='foo? ( bar? ( fetch ) )') + iuse="foo bar", src_uri="foo? ( bar? ( blah ) )", restrict="foo? ( bar? ( fetch ) )" + ) self.assertNoReport(chk, pkg) def test_unstated_iuse(self): chk = self.mk_check() # no IUSE - self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg('https://foo.com/foo-0.tar.gz')) + self.assertNoReport(chk, self.mk_pkg("https://foo.com/foo-0.tar.gz")) # conditional URI with related IUSE - pkg = self.mk_pkg(src_uri='foo? ( https://foo.com/foo-0.tar.gz )', iuse='foo') + pkg = self.mk_pkg(src_uri="foo? ( https://foo.com/foo-0.tar.gz )", iuse="foo") self.assertNoReport(chk, pkg) # conditional URI with missing IUSE - pkg = self.mk_pkg(src_uri='foo? ( https://foo.com/foo-0.tar.gz )') + pkg = self.mk_pkg(src_uri="foo? ( https://foo.com/foo-0.tar.gz )") r = self.assertReport(chk, pkg) assert isinstance(r, addons.UnstatedIuse) - assert 'unstated flag: [ foo ]' in str(r) + assert "unstated flag: [ foo ]" in str(r) def test_bad_proto(self): chk = self.mk_check() @@ -1211,22 +1276,23 @@ class TestSrcUriCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase): for proto in self.check_kls.valid_protos: self.assertNoReport( - chk, self.mk_pkg(f"{proto}://dar.com/foon"), - msg=f"testing valid proto {proto}") + chk, self.mk_pkg(f"{proto}://dar.com/foon"), msg=f"testing valid proto {proto}" + ) - bad_proto = f'{proto}x' + bad_proto = f"{proto}x" r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg(f"{bad_proto}://foon.com/foon")) assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadProtocol) assert bad_proto in str(r) - assert f'{bad_proto}://foon.com/foon' in str(r) + assert f"{bad_proto}://foon.com/foon" in str(r) # check collapsing pkg = self.mk_pkg(f"{bad_proto}://foon.com/foon {bad_proto}://dar.com/foon") r = self.assertReport(chk, pkg) assert isinstance(r, metadata.BadProtocol) assert list(r.uris) == sorted( - f'{bad_proto}://{x}/foon' for x in ('foon.com', 'dar.com')) + f"{bad_proto}://{x}/foon" for x in ("foon.com", "dar.com") + ) assert bad_proto in str(r) def test_tarball_available_github(self): @@ -1235,7 +1301,7 @@ class TestSrcUriCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase): r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg(uri)) assert isinstance(r, metadata.TarballAvailable) assert r.uris == (uri,) - assert '[ https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/v1.2.3.zip ]' in str(r) + assert "[ https://github.com/foo/bar/archive/v1.2.3.zip ]" in str(r) def test_tarball_available_gitlab(self): chk = self.mk_check() @@ -1243,36 +1309,34 @@ class TestSrcUriCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase): r = self.assertReport(chk, self.mk_pkg(uri)) assert isinstance(r, metadata.TarballAvailable) assert r.uris == (uri,) - assert 'zip archive used when tarball available' in str(r) + assert "zip archive used when tarball available" in str(r) class TestMissingUnpackerDepCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase): check_kls = metadata.MissingUnpackerDepCheck - def mk_pkg(self, exts, eapi='7', **data): + def mk_pkg(self, exts, eapi="7", **data): if isinstance(exts, str): exts = [exts] class fake_repo: def _get_digests(self, pkg, allow_missing=False): - chksums = {f'diffball-2.7.1{ext}': {'size': 100} for ext in exts} + chksums = {f"diffball-2.7.1{ext}": {"size": 100} for ext in exts} return False, chksums - data['SRC_URI'] = ' '.join( - f'https://foo.com/diffball-2.7.1{ext}' for ext in exts) - return FakePkg( - 'dev-util/diffball-2.7.1', data=data, eapi=eapi, repo=fake_repo()) + data["SRC_URI"] = " ".join(f"https://foo.com/diffball-2.7.1{ext}" for ext in exts) + return FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-2.7.1", data=data, eapi=eapi, repo=fake_repo()) def test_with_system_dep(self): - self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg('.tar.gz')) + self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(".tar.gz")) def test_keyword_output(self): # unpacker deps go in BDEPEND in EAPI >= 7 - r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg('.zip', eapi='7')) + r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(".zip", eapi="7")) assert 'missing BDEPEND="app-arch/unzip"' in str(r) # and in DEPEND for EAPI < 7 - r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg('.zip', eapi='6')) + r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(".zip", eapi="6")) assert 'missing DEPEND="app-arch/unzip"' in str(r) def test_without_dep(self): @@ -1280,23 +1344,22 @@ class TestMissingUnpackerDepCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase): pkg = self.mk_pkg(ext) r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), pkg) assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUnpackerDep) - assert r.filenames == (f'diffball-2.7.1{ext}',) - assert r.unpackers == tuple( - sorted(map(str, self.check_kls.non_system_unpackers[ext]))) + assert r.filenames == (f"diffball-2.7.1{ext}",) + assert r.unpackers == tuple(sorted(map(str, self.check_kls.non_system_unpackers[ext]))) def test_with_dep(self): for ext, unpackers in self.check_kls.non_system_unpackers.items(): - for dep_type in ('DEPEND', 'BDEPEND'): + for dep_type in ("DEPEND", "BDEPEND"): for unpacker in unpackers: - for dep in (unpacker, f'>={unpacker}-1'): + for dep in (unpacker, f">={unpacker}-1"): kwargs = {dep_type: dep} pkg = self.mk_pkg(ext, **kwargs) self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), pkg) def test_rar_with_or_dep(self): self.assertNoReport( - self.mk_check(), - self.mk_pkg('.rar', DEPEND='|| ( app-arch/rar app-arch/unrar )')) + self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(".rar", DEPEND="|| ( app-arch/rar app-arch/unrar )") + ) def test_without_multiple_unpackers(self): for combination in combinations(self.check_kls.non_system_unpackers.items(), 2): @@ -1310,19 +1373,19 @@ class TestMissingUnpackerDepCheck(use_based(), misc.ReportTestCase): assert len(set(unpackers)) == 1 r = reports[0] assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUnpackerDep) - assert r.filenames == tuple(sorted(f'diffball-2.7.1{ext}' for ext in exts)) + assert r.filenames == tuple(sorted(f"diffball-2.7.1{ext}" for ext in exts)) assert r.unpackers == tuple(sorted(map(str, unpackers[0]))) else: assert len(reports) == 2 for i, r in enumerate(reports): assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUnpackerDep) - assert r.filenames == (f'diffball-2.7.1{exts[i]}',) + assert r.filenames == (f"diffball-2.7.1{exts[i]}",) assert r.unpackers == tuple(sorted(map(str, unpackers[i]))) def test_with_multiple_unpackers_one_missing(self): r = self.assertReport( - self.mk_check(), - self.mk_pkg(['.zip', '.7z'], DEPEND='app-arch/unzip')) + self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg([".zip", ".7z"], DEPEND="app-arch/unzip") + ) assert isinstance(r, metadata.MissingUnpackerDep) - assert r.filenames == (f'diffball-',) - assert r.unpackers == ('app-arch/p7zip',) + assert r.filenames == (f"diffball-",) + assert r.unpackers == ("app-arch/p7zip",) diff --git a/tests/checks/test_network.py b/tests/checks/test_network.py index bb3a7ef5..fb684954 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_network.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_network.py @@ -10,34 +10,38 @@ from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from pkgcheck import objects, reporters, scan from pkgcheck.checks import NetworkCheck -from pkgcheck.checks.network import (DeadUrl, FetchablesUrlCheck, - HomepageUrlCheck) +from pkgcheck.checks.network import DeadUrl, FetchablesUrlCheck, HomepageUrlCheck from pkgcheck.packages import RawCPV from snakeoil.formatters import PlainTextFormatter # skip module tests if requests isn't available -requests = pytest.importorskip('requests') +requests = pytest.importorskip("requests") class TestNetworkChecks: - repos_data = pytest.REPO_ROOT / 'testdata/data/repos' - repos_dir = pytest.REPO_ROOT / 'testdata/repos' + repos_data = pytest.REPO_ROOT / "testdata/data/repos" + repos_dir = pytest.REPO_ROOT / "testdata/repos" @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, testconfig, tmp_path): - base_args = ['--config', testconfig] + base_args = ["--config", testconfig] self.scan = partial(scan, base_args=base_args) self.scan_args = [ - '--config', 'no', '--cache-dir', str(tmp_path), '--net', - '-r', str(self.repos_dir / 'network'), + "--config", + "no", + "--cache-dir", + str(tmp_path), + "--net", + "-r", + str(self.repos_dir / "network"), ] _net_results = [ (cls, result) for _name, cls in sorted(objects.CHECKS.items()) if issubclass(cls, NetworkCheck) - for result in sorted(cls.known_results, key=attrgetter('__name__')) + for result in sorted(cls.known_results, key=attrgetter("__name__")) ] def _render_results(self, results, **kwargs): @@ -50,34 +54,34 @@ class TestNetworkChecks: output = f.read().decode() return output - @pytest.mark.parametrize('check, result', _net_results) + @pytest.mark.parametrize("check, result", _net_results) def test_scan(self, check, result): check_name = check.__name__ keyword = result.__name__ - result_dir = self.repos_dir / 'network' / check_name - paths = tuple(result_dir.glob(keyword + '*')) + result_dir = self.repos_dir / "network" / check_name + paths = tuple(result_dir.glob(keyword + "*")) if not paths: - pytest.skip('data unavailable') + pytest.skip("data unavailable") for path in paths: ebuild_name = os.path.basename(path) - data_dir = self.repos_data / 'network' / check_name / ebuild_name + data_dir = self.repos_data / "network" / check_name / ebuild_name # load response data to fake - module_path = path / 'responses.py' - spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('responses_mod', module_path) + module_path = path / "responses.py" + spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("responses_mod", module_path) responses_mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(responses_mod) results = [] - args = ['-c', check_name, '-k', keyword, f'{check_name}/{ebuild_name}'] - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.net.requests.Session.send') as send: + args = ["-c", check_name, "-k", keyword, f"{check_name}/{ebuild_name}"] + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.net.requests.Session.send") as send: send.side_effect = responses_mod.responses # load expected results if they exist try: - with (data_dir / 'expected.json').open() as f: + with (data_dir / "expected.json").open() as f: expected_results = set(reporters.JsonStream.from_iter(f)) except FileNotFoundError: # check stopped before making request or completed successfully @@ -85,37 +89,42 @@ class TestNetworkChecks: results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + args)) rendered_results = self._render_results(results) - assert rendered_results, 'failed rendering results' + assert rendered_results, "failed rendering results" if set(results) != expected_results: - error = ['unmatched results:'] + error = ["unmatched results:"] expected = self._render_results(expected_results) - error.append(f'expected:\n{expected}') - error.append(f'got:\n{rendered_results}') - pytest.fail('\n'.join(error)) - - @pytest.mark.parametrize('check, result', ( - (HomepageUrlCheck, DeadUrl), - (FetchablesUrlCheck, DeadUrl), - )) + error.append(f"expected:\n{expected}") + error.append(f"got:\n{rendered_results}") + pytest.fail("\n".join(error)) + + @pytest.mark.parametrize( + "check, result", + ( + (HomepageUrlCheck, DeadUrl), + (FetchablesUrlCheck, DeadUrl), + ), + ) def test_scan_ftp(self, check, result): check_name = check.__name__ keyword = result.__name__ - pkg = RawCPV(check_name, f'ftp-{keyword}', '0') - if check_name == 'HomepageUrlCheck': - deadurl = DeadUrl('HOMEPAGE', 'ftp://pkgcheck.net/pkgcheck/', 'dead ftp', pkg=pkg) + pkg = RawCPV(check_name, f"ftp-{keyword}", "0") + if check_name == "HomepageUrlCheck": + deadurl = DeadUrl("HOMEPAGE", "ftp://pkgcheck.net/pkgcheck/", "dead ftp", pkg=pkg) else: - deadurl = DeadUrl('SRC_URI', 'ftp://pkgcheck.net/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz', 'dead ftp', pkg=pkg) + deadurl = DeadUrl( + "SRC_URI", "ftp://pkgcheck.net/pkgcheck/foo.tar.gz", "dead ftp", pkg=pkg + ) data = ( - (urllib.error.URLError('dead ftp'), deadurl), - (socket.timeout('dead ftp'), deadurl), + (urllib.error.URLError("dead ftp"), deadurl), + (socket.timeout("dead ftp"), deadurl), (None, None), # faking a clean connection ) - args = ['-c', check_name, '-k', keyword, f'{check_name}/ftp-{keyword}'] + args = ["-c", check_name, "-k", keyword, f"{check_name}/ftp-{keyword}"] for side_effect, expected_result in data: - with patch('pkgcheck.checks.network.urllib.request.urlopen') as urlopen: + with patch("pkgcheck.checks.network.urllib.request.urlopen") as urlopen: if side_effect is not None: urlopen.side_effect = side_effect results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + args)) @@ -123,4 +132,4 @@ class TestNetworkChecks: assert not results else: assert results == [expected_result] - assert self._render_results(results), 'failed rendering results' + assert self._render_results(results), "failed rendering results" diff --git a/tests/checks/test_perl.py b/tests/checks/test_perl.py index b9c25578..1b26e412 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_perl.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_perl.py @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from snakeoil.cli import arghparse from .. import misc -REASON = '' +REASON = "" def perl_deps_missing(): @@ -28,49 +28,49 @@ class TestPerlCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): def mk_check(self, verbosity=0): return self.check_kls(arghparse.Namespace(verbosity=verbosity)) - def mk_pkg(self, PVR, dist_version='', eclasses=('perl-module',), **kwargs): - lines = ['inherit perl-module\n'] + def mk_pkg(self, PVR, dist_version="", eclasses=("perl-module",), **kwargs): + lines = ["inherit perl-module\n"] if dist_version: - lines.append(f'DIST_VERSION={dist_version}\n') - kwargs.setdefault('EAPI', '7') - kwargs.setdefault('_eclasses_', list(eclasses)) - return misc.FakePkg(f'app-foo/bar-{PVR}', lines=lines, data=kwargs) + lines.append(f"DIST_VERSION={dist_version}\n") + kwargs.setdefault("EAPI", "7") + kwargs.setdefault("_eclasses_", list(eclasses)) + return misc.FakePkg(f"app-foo/bar-{PVR}", lines=lines, data=kwargs) def test_matching(self): """Ebuilds with matching DIST_VERSION and package version.""" - for PVR in ('1.7.0-r0', '1.7.0', '1.7.0-r100'): - self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(PVR, '1.007')) + for PVR in ("1.7.0-r0", "1.7.0", "1.7.0-r100"): + self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(PVR, "1.007")) def test_nonmatching(self): """Ebuilds without matching DIST_VERSION and package version.""" - for PVR in ('1.7.0-r0', '1.7.0', '1.7.0-r100'): - r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(PVR, '1.07')) + for PVR in ("1.7.0-r0", "1.7.0", "1.7.0-r100"): + r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(PVR, "1.07")) assert isinstance(r, perl.MismatchedPerlVersion) - assert r.dist_version == '1.07' - assert r.normalized == '1.70.0' - assert 'DIST_VERSION=1.07 normalizes to 1.70.0' in str(r) - r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(PVR, '1.7')) + assert r.dist_version == "1.07" + assert r.normalized == "1.70.0" + assert "DIST_VERSION=1.07 normalizes to 1.70.0" in str(r) + r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg(PVR, "1.7")) assert isinstance(r, perl.MismatchedPerlVersion) - assert r.dist_version == '1.7' - assert r.normalized == '1.700.0' - assert 'DIST_VERSION=1.7 normalizes to 1.700.0' in str(r) + assert r.dist_version == "1.7" + assert r.normalized == "1.700.0" + assert "DIST_VERSION=1.7 normalizes to 1.700.0" in str(r) def test_no_dist_version(self): """Ebuilds without DIST_VERSION defined are skipped.""" - self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg('1.7.0')) + self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), self.mk_pkg("1.7.0")) def test_no_perl(self): """Check initialization fails if perl isn't installed.""" - with patch('subprocess.Popen') as popen: - popen.side_effect = FileNotFoundError('perl not available') - with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match='perl not installed'): + with patch("subprocess.Popen") as popen: + popen.side_effect = FileNotFoundError("perl not available") + with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match="perl not installed"): self.mk_check() def test_no_perl_deps(self): """Check initialization fails if perl deps aren't installed.""" - with patch('pkgcheck.checks.perl.subprocess.Popen') as popen: - popen.return_value.stdout.readline.return_value = 'perl error' + with patch("pkgcheck.checks.perl.subprocess.Popen") as popen: + popen.return_value.stdout.readline.return_value = "perl error" popen.return_value.poll.return_value = 2 for verbosity in (0, 1): - with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match='failed to run perl script'): + with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match="failed to run perl script"): self.mk_check(verbosity=verbosity) diff --git a/tests/checks/test_pkgdir.py b/tests/checks/test_pkgdir.py index 1fc01b01..2a26e79c 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_pkgdir.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_pkgdir.py @@ -21,33 +21,34 @@ class PkgDirCheckBase(misc.ReportTestCase): @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _create_repo(self, tmpdir): - self.repo = FakeRepo(repo_id='repo', location=str(tmpdir)) + self.repo = FakeRepo(repo_id="repo", location=str(tmpdir)) def mk_check(self, gentoo=False): options = arghparse.Namespace( - target_repo=self.repo, cache={'git': False}, gentoo_repo=gentoo) + target_repo=self.repo, cache={"git": False}, gentoo_repo=gentoo + ) kwargs = {} if addons.git.GitAddon in self.check_kls.required_addons: - kwargs['git_addon'] = addons.git.GitAddon(options) + kwargs["git_addon"] = addons.git.GitAddon(options) return self.check_kls(options, **kwargs) - def mk_pkg(self, files={}, category=None, package=None, version='0.7.1', revision=''): + def mk_pkg(self, files={}, category=None, package=None, version="0.7.1", revision=""): # generate random cat/PN category = misc.random_str() if category is None else category package = misc.random_str() if package is None else package pkg = f"{category}/{package}-{version}{revision}" - self.filesdir = pjoin(self.repo.location, category, package, 'files') + self.filesdir = pjoin(self.repo.location, category, package, "files") # create files dir with random empty subdir os.makedirs(pjoin(self.filesdir, misc.random_str()), exist_ok=True) # create dirs that should be ignored - for d in getattr(self.check_kls, 'ignore_dirs', ()): + for d in getattr(self.check_kls, "ignore_dirs", ()): os.makedirs(pjoin(self.filesdir, d), exist_ok=True) # create specified files in FILESDIR for fn, contents in files.items(): - with open(pjoin(self.filesdir, fn), 'w') as file: + with open(pjoin(self.filesdir, fn), "w") as file: file.write(contents) return misc.FakeFilesDirPkg(pkg, repo=self.repo) @@ -64,24 +65,30 @@ class TestDuplicateFiles(PkgDirCheckBase): """Check DuplicateFiles results.""" def test_unique_files(self): - self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({'test': 'abc', 'test2': 'bcd'})]) + self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({"test": "abc", "test2": "bcd"})]) def test_single_duplicate(self): - pkg = self.mk_pkg({'test': 'abc', 'test2': 'abc'}) + pkg = self.mk_pkg({"test": "abc", "test2": "abc"}) r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.DuplicateFiles) - assert r.files == ('files/test', 'files/test2') + assert r.files == ("files/test", "files/test2") assert "'files/test', 'files/test2'" in str(r) def test_multiple_duplicates(self): - r = self.assertReports(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg( - {'test': 'abc', 'test2': 'abc', 'test3': 'bcd', 'test4': 'bcd', 'test5': 'zzz'})]) + r = self.assertReports( + self.mk_check(), + [ + self.mk_pkg( + {"test": "abc", "test2": "abc", "test3": "bcd", "test4": "bcd", "test5": "zzz"} + ) + ], + ) assert len(r) == 2 assert isinstance(r[0], pkgdir.DuplicateFiles) assert isinstance(r[1], pkgdir.DuplicateFiles) - assert ( - tuple(sorted(x.files for x in r)) == - (('files/test', 'files/test2'), ('files/test3', 'files/test4')) + assert tuple(sorted(x.files for x in r)) == ( + ("files/test", "files/test2"), + ("files/test3", "files/test4"), ) @@ -89,29 +96,29 @@ class TestEmptyFile(PkgDirCheckBase): """Check EmptyFile results.""" def test_nonempty_file(self): - self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({'test': 'asdfgh'})]) + self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({"test": "asdfgh"})]) def test_single_empty_file(self): assert isinstance( - self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({'test': ''})]), - pkgdir.EmptyFile) + self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({"test": ""})]), pkgdir.EmptyFile + ) def test_multiple_empty_files(self): - r = self.assertReports(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({'test': '', 'test2': ''})]) + r = self.assertReports(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({"test": "", "test2": ""})]) assert len(r) == 2 assert isinstance(r[0], pkgdir.EmptyFile) assert isinstance(r[1], pkgdir.EmptyFile) - assert sorted(x.filename for x in r) == ['files/test', 'files/test2'] + assert sorted(x.filename for x in r) == ["files/test", "files/test2"] def test_mixture_of_files(self): - r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({'test': 'asdfgh', 'test2': ''})]) + r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({"test": "asdfgh", "test2": ""})]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.EmptyFile) - assert r.filename == 'files/test2' - assert 'files/test2' in str(r) - r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({'test': '', 'test2': 'asdfgh'})]) + assert r.filename == "files/test2" + assert "files/test2" in str(r) + r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({"test": "", "test2": "asdfgh"})]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.EmptyFile) - assert r.filename == 'files/test' - assert 'files/test' in str(r) + assert r.filename == "files/test" + assert "files/test" in str(r) class TestMismatchedPN(PkgDirCheckBase): @@ -119,29 +126,29 @@ class TestMismatchedPN(PkgDirCheckBase): def test_multiple_regular_ebuilds(self): pkg = self.mk_pkg() - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-0.ebuild')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-1.ebuild')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-2.ebuild')) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-0.ebuild")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-1.ebuild")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-2.ebuild")) self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) def test_single_mismatched_ebuild(self): pkg = self.mk_pkg() - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'mismatched-0.ebuild')) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "mismatched-0.ebuild")) r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.MismatchedPN) - assert r.ebuilds == ('mismatched-0',) - assert 'mismatched-0' in str(r) + assert r.ebuilds == ("mismatched-0",) + assert "mismatched-0" in str(r) def test_multiple_mismatched_ebuilds(self): pkg = self.mk_pkg() - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-0.ebuild')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-1.ebuild')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'mismatched-0.ebuild')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'abc-1.ebuild')) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-0.ebuild")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-1.ebuild")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "mismatched-0.ebuild")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "abc-1.ebuild")) r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.MismatchedPN) - assert r.ebuilds == ('abc-1', 'mismatched-0') - assert 'abc-1, mismatched-0' in str(r) + assert r.ebuilds == ("abc-1", "mismatched-0") + assert "abc-1, mismatched-0" in str(r) class TestInvalidPN(PkgDirCheckBase): @@ -149,27 +156,27 @@ class TestInvalidPN(PkgDirCheckBase): def test_regular_ebuild(self): pkg = self.mk_pkg() - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-0.ebuild')) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-0.ebuild")) self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) def test_single_invalid_ebuild(self): - pkg = self.mk_pkg(category='sys-apps', package='invalid') - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'invalid-0-foo.ebuild')) + pkg = self.mk_pkg(category="sys-apps", package="invalid") + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "invalid-0-foo.ebuild")) r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.InvalidPN) - assert r.ebuilds == ('invalid-0-foo',) - assert 'invalid-0-foo' in str(r) + assert r.ebuilds == ("invalid-0-foo",) + assert "invalid-0-foo" in str(r) def test_multiple_invalid_ebuilds(self): - pkg = self.mk_pkg(category='sys-apps', package='bar') - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'bar-0.ebuild')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'bar-1.ebuild')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'bar-0-foo1.ebuild')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'bar-1-foo2.ebuild')) + pkg = self.mk_pkg(category="sys-apps", package="bar") + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "bar-0.ebuild")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "bar-1.ebuild")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "bar-0-foo1.ebuild")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "bar-1-foo2.ebuild")) r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.InvalidPN) - assert r.ebuilds == ('bar-0-foo1', 'bar-1-foo2') - assert 'bar-0-foo1, bar-1-foo2' in str(r) + assert r.ebuilds == ("bar-0-foo1", "bar-1-foo2") + assert "bar-0-foo1, bar-1-foo2" in str(r) class TestInvalidUTF8(PkgDirCheckBase): @@ -177,26 +184,26 @@ class TestInvalidUTF8(PkgDirCheckBase): def test_ascii_ebuild(self): pkg = self.mk_pkg() - ebuild_path = pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-0.ebuild') - with open(ebuild_path, 'w', encoding='ascii') as f: + ebuild_path = pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-0.ebuild") + with open(ebuild_path, "w", encoding="ascii") as f: f.write('EAPI=7\nDESCRIPTION="foobar"\n') self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) def test_utf8_ebuild(self): pkg = self.mk_pkg() - ebuild_path = pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-0.ebuild') - with open(ebuild_path, 'w') as f: + ebuild_path = pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-0.ebuild") + with open(ebuild_path, "w") as f: f.write('EAPI=6\nDESCRIPTION="fóóbár"\n') self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) def test_latin1_ebuild(self): pkg = self.mk_pkg() - ebuild_path = pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f'{pkg.package}-0.ebuild') - with open(ebuild_path, 'w', encoding='latin-1') as f: + ebuild_path = pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), f"{pkg.package}-0.ebuild") + with open(ebuild_path, "w", encoding="latin-1") as f: f.write('EAPI=5\nDESCRIPTION="fôòbår"\n') r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.InvalidUTF8) - assert r.filename == f'{pkg.package}-0.ebuild' + assert r.filename == f"{pkg.package}-0.ebuild" assert r.filename in str(r) @@ -207,44 +214,48 @@ class TestEqualVersions(PkgDirCheckBase): def test_it(self): # pkg with no revision - pkg_a = self.mk_pkg(version='0') + pkg_a = self.mk_pkg(version="0") self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg_a]) # single, matching revision pkg_b = self.mk_pkg( - category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version='0', revision='-r0') + category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version="0", revision="-r0" + ) r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg_a, pkg_b]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.EqualVersions) - assert r.versions == ('0', '0-r0') - assert '[ 0, 0-r0 ]' in str(r) + assert r.versions == ("0", "0-r0") + assert "[ 0, 0-r0 ]" in str(r) # multiple, matching revisions pkg_c = self.mk_pkg( - category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version='0', revision='-r000') + category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version="0", revision="-r000" + ) r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg_a, pkg_b, pkg_c]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.EqualVersions) - assert r.versions == ('0', '0-r0', '0-r000') - assert '[ 0, 0-r0, 0-r000 ]' in str(r) + assert r.versions == ("0", "0-r0", "0-r000") + assert "[ 0, 0-r0, 0-r000 ]" in str(r) # unsorted, matching revisions - pkg_new_version = self.mk_pkg( - category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version='1') + pkg_new_version = self.mk_pkg(category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version="1") r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg_b, pkg_new_version, pkg_c, pkg_a]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.EqualVersions) - assert r.versions == ('0', '0-r0', '0-r000') - assert '[ 0, 0-r0, 0-r000 ]' in str(r) + assert r.versions == ("0", "0-r0", "0-r000") + assert "[ 0, 0-r0, 0-r000 ]" in str(r) # multiple, matching revisions with 0 prefixes pkg_d = self.mk_pkg( - category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version='0', revision='-r1') + category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version="0", revision="-r1" + ) pkg_e = self.mk_pkg( - category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version='0', revision='-r01') + category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version="0", revision="-r01" + ) pkg_f = self.mk_pkg( - category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version='0', revision='-r001') + category=pkg_a.category, package=pkg_a.package, version="0", revision="-r001" + ) r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg_d, pkg_e, pkg_f]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.EqualVersions) - assert r.versions == ('0-r001', '0-r01', '0-r1') - assert '[ 0-r001, 0-r01, 0-r1 ]' in str(r) + assert r.versions == ("0-r001", "0-r01", "0-r1") + assert "[ 0-r001, 0-r01, 0-r1 ]" in str(r) class TestSizeViolation(PkgDirCheckBase): @@ -252,50 +263,51 @@ class TestSizeViolation(PkgDirCheckBase): def test_files_under_size_limit(self): pkg = self.mk_pkg() - for name, size in (('small', 1024*10), - ('limit', 1024*20-1)): - with open(pjoin(self.filesdir, name), 'w') as f: + for name, size in (("small", 1024 * 10), ("limit", 1024 * 20 - 1)): + with open(pjoin(self.filesdir, name), "w") as f: f.seek(size) - f.write('\0') + f.write("\0") self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) def test_single_file_over_limit(self): pkg = self.mk_pkg() - with open(pjoin(self.filesdir, 'over'), 'w') as f: - f.seek(1024*20) - f.write('\0') + with open(pjoin(self.filesdir, "over"), "w") as f: + f.seek(1024 * 20) + f.write("\0") r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.SizeViolation) - assert r.filename == 'files/over' - assert r.size == 1024*20+1 - assert 'files/over' in str(r) + assert r.filename == "files/over" + assert r.size == 1024 * 20 + 1 + assert "files/over" in str(r) def test_multiple_files_over_limit(self): pkg = self.mk_pkg() - for name, size in (('small', 1024*10), - ('limit', 1024*20-1), - ('over', 1024*20), - ('massive', 1024*100)): - with open(pjoin(self.filesdir, name), 'w') as f: + for name, size in ( + ("small", 1024 * 10), + ("limit", 1024 * 20 - 1), + ("over", 1024 * 20), + ("massive", 1024 * 100), + ): + with open(pjoin(self.filesdir, name), "w") as f: f.seek(size) - f.write('\0') + f.write("\0") r = self.assertReports(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) assert len(r) == 3 assert isinstance(r[0], pkgdir.SizeViolation) assert isinstance(r[1], pkgdir.SizeViolation) assert isinstance(r[2], pkgdir.TotalSizeViolation) - assert ( - tuple(sorted((x.filename, x.size) for x in r[:2])) == - (('files/massive', 1024*100+1), ('files/over', 1024*20+1)) + assert tuple(sorted((x.filename, x.size) for x in r[:2])) == ( + ("files/massive", 1024 * 100 + 1), + ("files/over", 1024 * 20 + 1), ) - assert r[2].size == 1024*(10+20+20+100)+4-1 + assert r[2].size == 1024 * (10 + 20 + 20 + 100) + 4 - 1 class TestExecutableFile(PkgDirCheckBase): """Check ExecutableFile results.""" def test_non_empty_filesdir(self): - self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({'test': 'asdfgh'})]) + self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [self.mk_pkg({"test": "asdfgh"})]) def test_executable_ebuild(self): pkg = self.mk_pkg() @@ -307,54 +319,53 @@ class TestExecutableFile(PkgDirCheckBase): def test_executable_manifest_and_metadata(self): pkg = self.mk_pkg() - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'Manifest'), mode=0o755) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'metadata.xml'), mode=0o744) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "Manifest"), mode=0o755) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "metadata.xml"), mode=0o744) r = self.assertReports(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) assert len(r) == 2 assert isinstance(r[0], pkgdir.ExecutableFile) assert isinstance(r[1], pkgdir.ExecutableFile) - assert ( - tuple(sorted(x.filename for x in r)) == - ('Manifest', 'metadata.xml') - ) + assert tuple(sorted(x.filename for x in r)) == ("Manifest", "metadata.xml") def test_executable_filesdir_file(self): - pkg = self.mk_pkg({'foo.init': 'blah'}) + pkg = self.mk_pkg({"foo.init": "blah"}) touch(pkg.path) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'Manifest')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'metadata.xml')) - os.chmod(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'files', 'foo.init'), 0o645) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "Manifest")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "metadata.xml")) + os.chmod(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "files", "foo.init"), 0o645) r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.ExecutableFile) - assert r.filename == 'files/foo.init' - assert 'files/foo.init' in str(r) + assert r.filename == "files/foo.init" + assert "files/foo.init" in str(r) class TestBannedCharacter(PkgDirCheckBase): """Check BannedCharacter results.""" def test_regular_files(self): - pkg = self.mk_pkg({'foo.init': 'blah'}) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'Manifest')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'metadata.xml')) + pkg = self.mk_pkg({"foo.init": "blah"}) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "Manifest")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "metadata.xml")) self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) def test_filenames_outside_allowed_charsets(self): - pkg = self.mk_pkg({ - 'foo.init': 'bar', - 'foo.init~': 'foo', - }) + pkg = self.mk_pkg( + { + "foo.init": "bar", + "foo.init~": "foo", + } + ) # vim backup files are flagged by default r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.BannedCharacter) - assert 'files/foo.init~' in str(r) + assert "files/foo.init~" in str(r) # but results are suppressed if a matching git ignore entry exists - for ignore_file in ('.gitignore', '.git/info/exclude'): + for ignore_file in (".gitignore", ".git/info/exclude"): path = pjoin(self.repo.location, ignore_file) ensure_dirs(os.path.dirname(path)) - with open(path, 'w') as f: - f.write('*~') + with open(path, "w") as f: + f.write("*~") self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) os.unlink(path) @@ -363,40 +374,40 @@ class TestUnknownPkgDirEntry(PkgDirCheckBase): """Check UnknownPkgDirEntry results.""" def test_regular_files(self): - pkg = self.mk_pkg({'foo.init': 'blah'}) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'Manifest')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'metadata.xml')) + pkg = self.mk_pkg({"foo.init": "blah"}) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "Manifest")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "metadata.xml")) self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) def test_unknown_non_gentoo_repo(self): - pkg = self.mk_pkg({'foo.init': 'blah'}) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'Manifest')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'metadata.xml')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'foo-2')) + pkg = self.mk_pkg({"foo.init": "blah"}) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "Manifest")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "metadata.xml")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "foo-2")) self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), [pkg]) def test_unknown_gentoo_repo(self): - pkg = self.mk_pkg({'foo.init': 'blah'}) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'Manifest')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'metadata.xml')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'foo-2')) + pkg = self.mk_pkg({"foo.init": "blah"}) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "Manifest")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "metadata.xml")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "foo-2")) r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(gentoo=True), [pkg]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.UnknownPkgDirEntry) - assert 'foo-2' in str(r) + assert "foo-2" in str(r) def test_unknown_gitignore(self): - pkg = self.mk_pkg(files={'foo.init': 'blah'}, category='dev-util', package='foo') - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'Manifest')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'metadata.xml')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'foo-0.ebuild')) - touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), 'foo-0.ebuild.swp')) + pkg = self.mk_pkg(files={"foo.init": "blah"}, category="dev-util", package="foo") + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "Manifest")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "metadata.xml")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "foo-0.ebuild")) + touch(pjoin(os.path.dirname(pkg.path), "foo-0.ebuild.swp")) r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(gentoo=True), [pkg]) assert isinstance(r, pkgdir.UnknownPkgDirEntry) - assert 'foo-0.ebuild.swp' in str(r) + assert "foo-0.ebuild.swp" in str(r) # results are suppressed if a matching .gitignore entry exists - with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, '.gitignore'), 'w') as f: - f.write('*.swp') + with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, ".gitignore"), "w") as f: + f.write("*.swp") self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(gentoo=True), [pkg]) @@ -411,17 +422,17 @@ class TestLiveOnlyCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): # initialize parent repo self.parent_git_repo = make_git_repo() - self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id='gentoo') - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('initial commit') + self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id="gentoo") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("initial commit") # create a stub pkg and commit it - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0', properties='live') - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0", properties="live") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0") # initialize child repo self.child_git_repo = make_git_repo() - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', self.parent_git_repo.path]) - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", self.parent_git_repo.path]) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) self.child_repo = make_repo(self.child_git_repo.path) def init_check(self, options=None, future=0): @@ -434,45 +445,49 @@ class TestLiveOnlyCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): def _options(self, **kwargs): args = [ - 'scan', '-q', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir, - '--repo', self.child_repo.location, + "scan", + "-q", + "--cache-dir", + self.cache_dir, + "--repo", + self.child_repo.location, ] options, _ = self._tool.parse_args(args) return options def test_no_git_support(self): options = self._options() - options.cache['git'] = False - with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match='git cache support required'): + options.cache["git"] = False + with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match="git cache support required"): self.init_check(options) def test_keywords_exist(self): - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['~amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["~amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) self.init_check() self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) def test_all_live_pkgs(self): - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', properties='live') - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", properties="live") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) self.init_check() # result will trigger for any package age - expected = pkgdir.LiveOnlyPackage(0, pkg=UnversionedCPV('cat/pkg')) + expected = pkgdir.LiveOnlyPackage(0, pkg=UnversionedCPV("cat/pkg")) r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) assert r == expected # packages are now a year old self.init_check(future=365) - expected = pkgdir.LiveOnlyPackage(365, pkg=UnversionedCPV('cat/pkg')) + expected = pkgdir.LiveOnlyPackage(365, pkg=UnversionedCPV("cat/pkg")) r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) assert r == expected def test_uncommitted_local_ebuild(self): - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', properties='live') - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', properties='live') + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", properties="live") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", properties="live") self.init_check(future=180) self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) diff --git a/tests/checks/test_python.py b/tests/checks/test_python.py index 843975b5..eb4c44fb 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_python.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_python.py @@ -9,180 +9,201 @@ class TestPythonCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): check_kls = python.PythonCheck def mk_pkg(self, cpv="app-foo/bar-1", **kwargs): - kwargs.setdefault('EAPI', '7') + kwargs.setdefault("EAPI", "7") return misc.FakePkg(cpv, data=kwargs) def test_multiple_eclasses(self): r = self.assertReport( self.check, - self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-any-r1', 'python-single-r1'], - DEPEND='dev-lang/python')) + self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-any-r1", "python-single-r1"], DEPEND="dev-lang/python"), + ) assert isinstance(r, python.PythonEclassError) def test_missing_eclass_depend(self): self.assertNoReport( - self.check, - self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-any-r1'], DEPEND='dev-lang/python')) - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND='dev-foo/frobnicate')) + self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-any-r1"], DEPEND="dev-lang/python") + ) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND="dev-foo/frobnicate")) - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND='dev-lang/python')) + r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND="dev-lang/python")) assert isinstance(r, python.MissingPythonEclass) assert 'missing python-any-r1 eclass usage for DEPEND="dev-lang/python"' in str(r) - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND='dev-lang/python:2.7')) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND="dev-lang/python:2.7")) assert isinstance( - self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND='dev-lang/python:*')), - python.MissingPythonEclass) + self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND="dev-lang/python:*")), + python.MissingPythonEclass, + ) assert isinstance( - self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND='=dev-lang/python-2*')), - python.MissingPythonEclass) + self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND="=dev-lang/python-2*")), + python.MissingPythonEclass, + ) assert isinstance( self.assertReport( - self.check, - self.mk_pkg(DEPEND='|| ( dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-lang/python:3.6 )')), - python.MissingPythonEclass) + self.check, self.mk_pkg(DEPEND="|| ( dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-lang/python:3.6 )") + ), + python.MissingPythonEclass, + ) def test_missing_eclass_bdepend(self): self.assertNoReport( - self.check, - self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-any-r1'], BDEPEND='dev-lang/python')) - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND='dev-foo/frobnicate')) + self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-any-r1"], BDEPEND="dev-lang/python") + ) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND="dev-foo/frobnicate")) assert isinstance( - self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND='dev-lang/python')), - python.MissingPythonEclass) - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND='dev-lang/python:2.7')) + self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND="dev-lang/python")), + python.MissingPythonEclass, + ) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND="dev-lang/python:2.7")) assert isinstance( - self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND='dev-lang/python:*')), - python.MissingPythonEclass) + self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND="dev-lang/python:*")), + python.MissingPythonEclass, + ) assert isinstance( - self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND='=dev-lang/python-2*')), - python.MissingPythonEclass) + self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND="=dev-lang/python-2*")), + python.MissingPythonEclass, + ) assert isinstance( self.assertReport( - self.check, - self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND='|| ( dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-lang/python:3.6 )')), - python.MissingPythonEclass) + self.check, self.mk_pkg(BDEPEND="|| ( dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-lang/python:3.6 )") + ), + python.MissingPythonEclass, + ) def test_missing_eclass_rdepend(self): self.assertNoReport( - self.check, - self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-r1'], RDEPEND='dev-lang/python:3.7')) + self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-r1"], RDEPEND="dev-lang/python:3.7") + ) self.assertNoReport( - self.check, - self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-single-r1'], RDEPEND='dev-lang/python:3.7')) - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND='dev-foo/frobnicate')) + self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-single-r1"], RDEPEND="dev-lang/python:3.7") + ) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND="dev-foo/frobnicate")) - r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND='dev-lang/python')) + r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND="dev-lang/python")) assert isinstance(r, python.MissingPythonEclass) - assert 'missing python-r1 or python-single-r1 eclass' in str(r) + assert "missing python-r1 or python-single-r1 eclass" in str(r) - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND='dev-lang/python:2.7')) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND="dev-lang/python:2.7")) assert isinstance( - self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND='dev-lang/python:=')), - python.MissingPythonEclass) + self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND="dev-lang/python:=")), + python.MissingPythonEclass, + ) assert isinstance( - self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND='=dev-lang/python-2*')), - python.MissingPythonEclass) + self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND="=dev-lang/python-2*")), + python.MissingPythonEclass, + ) assert isinstance( self.assertReport( - self.check, - self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND='|| ( dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-lang/python:3.6 )')), - python.MissingPythonEclass) + self.check, self.mk_pkg(RDEPEND="|| ( dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-lang/python:3.6 )") + ), + python.MissingPythonEclass, + ) def test_missing_eclass_pdepend(self): self.assertNoReport( - self.check, - self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-r1'], PDEPEND='dev-lang/python:3.7')) + self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-r1"], PDEPEND="dev-lang/python:3.7") + ) self.assertNoReport( - self.check, - self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-single-r1'], PDEPEND='dev-lang/python:3.7')) - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND='dev-foo/frobnicate')) + self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-single-r1"], PDEPEND="dev-lang/python:3.7") + ) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND="dev-foo/frobnicate")) assert isinstance( - self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND='dev-lang/python')), - python.MissingPythonEclass) - self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND='dev-lang/python:2.7')) + self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND="dev-lang/python")), + python.MissingPythonEclass, + ) + self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND="dev-lang/python:2.7")) assert isinstance( - self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND='dev-lang/python:=')), - python.MissingPythonEclass) + self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND="dev-lang/python:=")), + python.MissingPythonEclass, + ) assert isinstance( - self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND='=dev-lang/python-2*')), - python.MissingPythonEclass) + self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND="=dev-lang/python-2*")), + python.MissingPythonEclass, + ) assert isinstance( self.assertReport( - self.check, - self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND='|| ( dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-lang/python:3.6 )')), - python.MissingPythonEclass) + self.check, self.mk_pkg(PDEPEND="|| ( dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-lang/python:3.6 )") + ), + python.MissingPythonEclass, + ) def test_valid_packages(self): self.assertNoReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6', - RDEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) ' - 'python_targets_python3_6? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )', - REQUIRED_USE='|| ( python_targets_python3_5 ' - ' python_targets_python3_6 )')) + _eclasses_=["python-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " "python_targets_python3_6", + RDEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) " + "python_targets_python3_6? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.6 )", + REQUIRED_USE="|| ( python_targets_python3_5 " " python_targets_python3_6 )", + ), + ) # python-single-r1 with one implementation does not use PST self.assertNoReport( self.check, - self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-single-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5', - RDEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 )', - REQUIRED_USE='python_targets_python3_5')) + self.mk_pkg( + _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5", + RDEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( " " dev-lang/python:3.5 )", + REQUIRED_USE="python_targets_python3_5", + ), + ) self.assertNoReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_5 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6', - RDEPEND='python_single_target_python3_5? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )', - REQUIRED_USE='^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 ' - ' python_single_target_python3_6 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_5? ( ' - ' python_targets_python3_5 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( ' - ' python_targets_python3_6 )')) + _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " + "python_targets_python3_6 " + "python_single_target_python3_5 " + "python_single_target_python3_6", + RDEPEND="python_single_target_python3_5? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_6? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.6 )", + REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 " + " python_single_target_python3_6 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_5? ( " + " python_targets_python3_5 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_6? ( " + " python_targets_python3_6 )", + ), + ) self.assertNoReport( self.check, - self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-any-r1'], - DEPEND='|| ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )')) + self.mk_pkg( + _eclasses_=["python-any-r1"], + DEPEND="|| ( " " dev-lang/python:3.5 " " dev-lang/python:3.6 )", + ), + ) self.assertNoReport( - self.check, - self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-any-r1'], DEPEND='dev-lang/python:3.5')) + self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-any-r1"], DEPEND="dev-lang/python:3.5") + ) self.assertNoReport( self.check, - self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-any-r1'], - BDEPEND='|| ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )')) + self.mk_pkg( + _eclasses_=["python-any-r1"], + BDEPEND="|| ( " " dev-lang/python:3.5 " " dev-lang/python:3.6 )", + ), + ) def test_missing_required_use(self): r = self.assertReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6', - RDEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) ' - 'python_targets_python3_6? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )')) + _eclasses_=["python-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " "python_targets_python3_6", + RDEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) " + "python_targets_python3_6? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.6 )", + ), + ) assert isinstance(r, python.PythonMissingRequiredUse) assert 'missing REQUIRED_USE="${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE}"' in str(r) @@ -191,93 +212,105 @@ class TestPythonCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): self.assertReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6', - RDEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) ' - 'python_targets_python3_6? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )', - REQUIRED_USE='|| ( python_targets_python3_5 )')), - python.PythonMissingRequiredUse) + _eclasses_=["python-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " "python_targets_python3_6", + RDEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) " + "python_targets_python3_6? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.6 )", + REQUIRED_USE="|| ( python_targets_python3_5 )", + ), + ), + python.PythonMissingRequiredUse, + ) assert isinstance( self.assertReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6 ' - 'python_targets_python3_7', - RDEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) ' - 'python_targets_python3_6? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 ) ' - 'python_targets_python3_7? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.7 )', - REQUIRED_USE='|| ( python_targets_python3_6 ' - ' python_targets_python3_7 )')), - python.PythonMissingRequiredUse) + _eclasses_=["python-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " + "python_targets_python3_6 " + "python_targets_python3_7", + RDEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) " + "python_targets_python3_6? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.6 ) " + "python_targets_python3_7? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.7 )", + REQUIRED_USE="|| ( python_targets_python3_6 " " python_targets_python3_7 )", + ), + ), + python.PythonMissingRequiredUse, + ) assert isinstance( self.assertReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_5 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6', - RDEPEND='python_single_target_python3_5? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )')), - python.PythonMissingRequiredUse) + _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " + "python_targets_python3_6 " + "python_single_target_python3_5 " + "python_single_target_python3_6", + RDEPEND="python_single_target_python3_5? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_6? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.6 )", + ), + ), + python.PythonMissingRequiredUse, + ) # incomplete REQUIRED_USE assert isinstance( self.assertReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_5 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6', - RDEPEND='python_single_target_python3_5? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )', - REQUIRED_USE='^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 )')), - python.PythonMissingRequiredUse) + _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " + "python_targets_python3_6 " + "python_single_target_python3_5 " + "python_single_target_python3_6", + RDEPEND="python_single_target_python3_5? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_6? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.6 )", + REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 )", + ), + ), + python.PythonMissingRequiredUse, + ) # || instead of ^^ in python-single-r1 assert isinstance( self.assertReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_5 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6', - RDEPEND='python_single_target_python3_5? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )', - REQUIRED_USE='|| ( python_targets_python3_5 ' - ' python_targets_python3_6 )')), - python.PythonMissingRequiredUse) + _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " + "python_targets_python3_6 " + "python_single_target_python3_5 " + "python_single_target_python3_6", + RDEPEND="python_single_target_python3_5? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_6? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.6 )", + REQUIRED_USE="|| ( python_targets_python3_5 " " python_targets_python3_6 )", + ), + ), + python.PythonMissingRequiredUse, + ) def test_missing_deps(self): r = self.assertReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6', - REQUIRED_USE='|| ( python_targets_python3_5 ' - ' python_targets_python3_6 )')) + _eclasses_=["python-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " "python_targets_python3_6", + REQUIRED_USE="|| ( python_targets_python3_5 " " python_targets_python3_6 )", + ), + ) assert isinstance(r, python.PythonMissingDeps) assert 'missing RDEPEND="${PYTHON_DEPS}"' in str(r) @@ -285,13 +318,12 @@ class TestPythonCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): r = self.assertReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6', - RDEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 )', - REQUIRED_USE='|| ( python_targets_python3_5 ' - ' python_targets_python3_6 )')) + _eclasses_=["python-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " "python_targets_python3_6", + RDEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( " " dev-lang/python:3.5 )", + REQUIRED_USE="|| ( python_targets_python3_5 " " python_targets_python3_6 )", + ), + ) assert isinstance(r, python.PythonMissingDeps) assert 'missing RDEPEND="${PYTHON_DEPS}"' in str(r) @@ -301,69 +333,76 @@ class TestPythonCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): self.assertReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6', - RDEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( ' - ' dev-foo/bar ) ' - 'python_targets_python3_6? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )', - REQUIRED_USE='|| ( python_targets_python3_5 ' - ' python_targets_python3_6 )')), - python.PythonMissingDeps) + _eclasses_=["python-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " "python_targets_python3_6", + RDEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( " + " dev-foo/bar ) " + "python_targets_python3_6? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.6 )", + REQUIRED_USE="|| ( python_targets_python3_5 " " python_targets_python3_6 )", + ), + ), + python.PythonMissingDeps, + ) # DEPEND only, RDEPEND missing assert isinstance( self.assertReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6', - DEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) ' - 'python_targets_python3_6? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )', - REQUIRED_USE='|| ( python_targets_python3_5 ' - ' python_targets_python3_6 )')), - python.PythonMissingDeps) + _eclasses_=["python-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " "python_targets_python3_6", + DEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) " + "python_targets_python3_6? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.6 )", + REQUIRED_USE="|| ( python_targets_python3_5 " " python_targets_python3_6 )", + ), + ), + python.PythonMissingDeps, + ) assert isinstance( self.assertReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_5 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6', - REQUIRED_USE='^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 ' - ' python_single_target_python3_6 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_5? ( ' - ' python_targets_python3_5 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( ' - ' python_targets_python3_6 )')), - python.PythonMissingDeps) + _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " + "python_targets_python3_6 " + "python_single_target_python3_5 " + "python_single_target_python3_6", + REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 " + " python_single_target_python3_6 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_5? ( " + " python_targets_python3_5 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_6? ( " + " python_targets_python3_6 )", + ), + ), + python.PythonMissingDeps, + ) # incomplete deps assert isinstance( self.assertReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_5 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6', - RDEPEND='python_single_target_python3_5? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 )', - REQUIRED_USE='^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 ' - ' python_single_target_python3_6 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_5? ( ' - ' python_targets_python3_5 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( ' - ' python_targets_python3_6 )')), - python.PythonMissingDeps) + _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " + "python_targets_python3_6 " + "python_single_target_python3_5 " + "python_single_target_python3_6", + RDEPEND="python_single_target_python3_5? ( " " dev-lang/python:3.5 )", + REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 " + " python_single_target_python3_6 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_5? ( " + " python_targets_python3_5 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_6? ( " + " python_targets_python3_6 )", + ), + ), + python.PythonMissingDeps, + ) # check that irrelevant dep with same USE conditional does not wrongly # satisfy the check @@ -371,44 +410,50 @@ class TestPythonCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): self.assertReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_5 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6', - RDEPEND='python_single_target_python3_5? ( ' - ' dev-foo/bar ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )', - REQUIRED_USE='^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 ' - ' python_single_target_python3_6 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_5? ( ' - ' python_targets_python3_5 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( ' - ' python_targets_python3_6 )')), - python.PythonMissingDeps) + _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " + "python_targets_python3_6 " + "python_single_target_python3_5 " + "python_single_target_python3_6", + RDEPEND="python_single_target_python3_5? ( " + " dev-foo/bar ) " + "python_single_target_python3_6? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.6 )", + REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 " + " python_single_target_python3_6 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_5? ( " + " python_targets_python3_5 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_6? ( " + " python_targets_python3_6 )", + ), + ), + python.PythonMissingDeps, + ) # DEPEND only, RDEPEND missing assert isinstance( self.assertReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_5 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6', - DEPEND='python_single_target_python3_5? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )', - REQUIRED_USE='^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 ' - ' python_single_target_python3_6 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_5? ( ' - ' python_targets_python3_5 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( ' - ' python_targets_python3_6 )')), - python.PythonMissingDeps) + _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " + "python_targets_python3_6 " + "python_single_target_python3_5 " + "python_single_target_python3_6", + DEPEND="python_single_target_python3_5? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_6? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.6 )", + REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 " + " python_single_target_python3_6 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_5? ( " + " python_targets_python3_5 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_6? ( " + " python_targets_python3_6 )", + ), + ), + python.PythonMissingDeps, + ) # check that the check isn't wrongly satisfied by PYTHON_TARGETS # in python-single-r1 (PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET expected) @@ -416,38 +461,40 @@ class TestPythonCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): self.assertReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-single-r1'], - IUSE='python_targets_python3_5 ' - 'python_targets_python3_6 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_5 ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6', - RDEPEND='python_targets_python3_5? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ) ' - 'python_targets_python3_6? ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )', - REQUIRED_USE='^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 ' - ' python_single_target_python3_6 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_5? ( ' - ' python_targets_python3_5 ) ' - 'python_single_target_python3_6? ( ' - ' python_targets_python3_6 )')), - python.PythonMissingDeps) + _eclasses_=["python-single-r1"], + IUSE="python_targets_python3_5 " + "python_targets_python3_6 " + "python_single_target_python3_5 " + "python_single_target_python3_6", + RDEPEND="python_targets_python3_5? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.5 ) " + "python_targets_python3_6? ( " + " dev-lang/python:3.6 )", + REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( python_single_target_python3_5 " + " python_single_target_python3_6 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_5? ( " + " python_targets_python3_5 ) " + "python_single_target_python3_6? ( " + " python_targets_python3_6 )", + ), + ), + python.PythonMissingDeps, + ) assert isinstance( - self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=['python-any-r1'])), - python.PythonMissingDeps) + self.assertReport(self.check, self.mk_pkg(_eclasses_=["python-any-r1"])), + python.PythonMissingDeps, + ) def test_runtime_dep_in_any_r1(self): r = self.assertReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-any-r1'], - DEPEND='|| ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )', - RDEPEND='|| ( ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.5 ' - ' dev-lang/python:3.6 )')) + _eclasses_=["python-any-r1"], + DEPEND="|| ( " " dev-lang/python:3.5 " " dev-lang/python:3.6 )", + RDEPEND="|| ( " " dev-lang/python:3.5 " " dev-lang/python:3.6 )", + ), + ) assert isinstance(r, python.PythonRuntimeDepInAnyR1) assert 'inherits python-any-r1 with RDEPEND="dev-lang/python:3.5"' in str(r) @@ -455,6 +502,8 @@ class TestPythonCheck(misc.ReportTestCase): self.assertNoReport( self.check, self.mk_pkg( - _eclasses_=['python-any-r1'], - DEPEND='dev-lang/python:3.5', - RDEPEND='!dev-python/pypy3-bin:0')) + _eclasses_=["python-any-r1"], + DEPEND="dev-lang/python:3.5", + RDEPEND="!dev-python/pypy3-bin:0", + ), + ) diff --git a/tests/checks/test_repo.py b/tests/checks/test_repo.py index cd685a52..4220e055 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_repo.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_repo.py @@ -17,15 +17,14 @@ class TestRepoDirCheck(misc.Tmpdir, misc.ReportTestCase): check_kls = repo.RepoDirCheck def mk_check(self): - self.repo = FakeRepo(repo_id='repo', location=self.dir) - options = arghparse.Namespace( - target_repo=self.repo, cache={'git': False}, gentoo_repo=True) + self.repo = FakeRepo(repo_id="repo", location=self.dir) + options = arghparse.Namespace(target_repo=self.repo, cache={"git": False}, gentoo_repo=True) git_addon = addons.git.GitAddon(options) return repo.RepoDirCheck(options, git_addon=git_addon) def mk_pkg(self, cpvstr): pkg = atom.atom(cpvstr) - filesdir = pjoin(self.repo.location, pkg.category, pkg.package, 'files') + filesdir = pjoin(self.repo.location, pkg.category, pkg.package, "files") os.makedirs(filesdir, exist_ok=True) return filesdir @@ -34,100 +33,100 @@ class TestRepoDirCheck(misc.Tmpdir, misc.ReportTestCase): def test_empty_file(self): check = self.mk_check() - bin_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, 'foo') + bin_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, "foo") touch(bin_path) self.assertNoReport(check, []) def test_regular_file(self): check = self.mk_check() - with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'foo'), 'w') as f: - f.write('bar') + with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "foo"), "w") as f: + f.write("bar") self.assertNoReport(check, []) def test_unreadable_file(self): check = self.mk_check() - with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'foo'), 'w') as f: - f.write('bar') - with mock.patch('pkgcheck.open') as mocked_open: - mocked_open.side_effect = IOError('fake exception') + with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "foo"), "w") as f: + f.write("bar") + with mock.patch("pkgcheck.open") as mocked_open: + mocked_open.side_effect = IOError("fake exception") self.assertNoReport(check, []) def test_ignored_root_dirs(self): for d in self.check_kls.ignored_root_dirs: check = self.mk_check() - bin_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, d, 'foo') + bin_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, d, "foo") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(bin_path)) - with open(bin_path, 'wb') as f: - f.write(b'\xd3\xad\xbe\xef') + with open(bin_path, "wb") as f: + f.write(b"\xd3\xad\xbe\xef") self.assertNoReport(check, []) def test_null_bytes(self): check = self.mk_check() - with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'foo'), 'wb') as f: - f.write(b'foo\x00\xffbar') + with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "foo"), "wb") as f: + f.write(b"foo\x00\xffbar") r = self.assertReport(check, []) assert isinstance(r, repo.BinaryFile) - assert r.path == 'foo' + assert r.path == "foo" assert "'foo'" in str(r) def test_root_dir_binary(self): check = self.mk_check() - bin_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, 'foo') - with open(bin_path, 'wb') as f: - f.write(b'\xd3\xad\xbe\xef') + bin_path = pjoin(self.repo.location, "foo") + with open(bin_path, "wb") as f: + f.write(b"\xd3\xad\xbe\xef") r = self.assertReport(check, []) assert isinstance(r, repo.BinaryFile) - assert r.path == 'foo' + assert r.path == "foo" assert "'foo'" in str(r) def test_ebuild_filesdir_binary(self): check = self.mk_check() - filesdir = self.mk_pkg('dev-util/foo') - with open(pjoin(filesdir, 'foo'), 'wb') as f: - f.write(b'\xd3\xad\xbe\xef') + filesdir = self.mk_pkg("dev-util/foo") + with open(pjoin(filesdir, "foo"), "wb") as f: + f.write(b"\xd3\xad\xbe\xef") r = self.assertReport(check, []) assert isinstance(r, repo.BinaryFile) - assert r.path == 'dev-util/foo/files/foo' + assert r.path == "dev-util/foo/files/foo" assert "'dev-util/foo/files/foo'" in str(r) def test_gitignore(self): # distfiles located in deprecated in-tree location are reported by default check = self.mk_check() - distfiles = pjoin(self.repo.location, 'distfiles') + distfiles = pjoin(self.repo.location, "distfiles") os.mkdir(distfiles) - with open(pjoin(distfiles, 'foo-0.tar.gz'), 'wb') as f: - f.write(b'\xd3\xad\xbe\xef') + with open(pjoin(distfiles, "foo-0.tar.gz"), "wb") as f: + f.write(b"\xd3\xad\xbe\xef") r = self.assertReport(check, []) assert isinstance(r, repo.BinaryFile) assert "distfiles/foo-0.tar.gz" in str(r) # but results are suppressed if a matching git ignore entry exists - for ignore_file in ('.gitignore', '.git/info/exclude'): + for ignore_file in (".gitignore", ".git/info/exclude"): path = pjoin(self.repo.location, ignore_file) ensure_dirs(os.path.dirname(path)) - with open(path, 'w') as f: - f.write('/distfiles/') + with open(path, "w") as f: + f.write("/distfiles/") self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), []) os.unlink(path) def test_non_utf8_encodings(self): # non-english languages courtesy of google translate mangling langs = ( - ("example text that shouldn't trigger", 'ascii'), - ('نص المثال الذي لا ينبغي أن يؤدي', 'cp1256'), # arabic - ('пример текста, который не должен срабатывать', 'koi8_r'), # russian - ('उदाहरण पाठ जो ट्रिगर नहीं होना चाहिए', 'utf-16'), # hindi - ('مثال کے متن جو ٹرگر نہ ہوں۔', 'utf-16'), # urdu - ('ဖြစ်ပေါ်မပေးသင့်ကြောင်းဥပမာစာသား', 'utf-32'), # burmese - ('उदाहरण पाठ जुन ट्रिगर हुँदैन', 'utf-32'), # nepali - ('トリガーするべきではないテキストの例', 'shift_jis'), # japanese - ('트리거해서는 안되는 예제 텍스트', 'cp949'), # korean - ('不应触发的示例文本', 'gb2312'), # simplified chinese - ('不應觸發的示例文本', 'gb18030'), # traditional chinese + ("example text that shouldn't trigger", "ascii"), + ("نص المثال الذي لا ينبغي أن يؤدي", "cp1256"), # arabic + ("пример текста, который не должен срабатывать", "koi8_r"), # russian + ("उदाहरण पाठ जो ट्रिगर नहीं होना चाहिए", "utf-16"), # hindi + ("مثال کے متن جو ٹرگر نہ ہوں۔", "utf-16"), # urdu + ("ဖြစ်ပေါ်မပေးသင့်ကြောင်းဥပမာစာသား", "utf-32"), # burmese + ("उदाहरण पाठ जुन ट्रिगर हुँदैन", "utf-32"), # nepali + ("トリガーするべきではないテキストの例", "shift_jis"), # japanese + ("트리거해서는 안되는 예제 텍스트", "cp949"), # korean + ("不应触发的示例文本", "gb2312"), # simplified chinese + ("不應觸發的示例文本", "gb18030"), # traditional chinese ) for text, encoding in langs: check = self.mk_check() - with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'foo'), 'wb') as f: + with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "foo"), "wb") as f: data = text.encode(encoding) f.write(data) self.assertNoReport(check, []) diff --git a/tests/checks/test_repo_metadata.py b/tests/checks/test_repo_metadata.py index 2221e283..ff550d7d 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_repo_metadata.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_repo_metadata.py @@ -16,24 +16,25 @@ class TestPackageUpdatesCheck(misc.Tmpdir, misc.ReportTestCase): def mk_check(self, pkgs=(), **kwargs): # TODO: switch to using a repo fixture when available repo_dir = pjoin(self.dir, misc.random_str()) - os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata')) - with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'metadata', 'layout.conf'), 'w') as f: - f.write('masters =\n') + os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata")) + with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "metadata", "layout.conf"), "w") as f: + f.write("masters =\n") - os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles', 'updates')) - with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles', 'repo_name'), 'w') as f: - f.write('fake\n') + os.makedirs(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles", "updates")) + with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles", "repo_name"), "w") as f: + f.write("fake\n") for filename, updates in kwargs.items(): - with open(pjoin(repo_dir, 'profiles', 'updates', filename), 'w') as f: - f.write('\n'.join(updates)) + with open(pjoin(repo_dir, "profiles", "updates", filename), "w") as f: + f.write("\n".join(updates)) for pkg in pkgs: pkg = FakePkg(pkg) pkg_path = pjoin( - repo_dir, pkg.category, pkg.package, f'{pkg.package}-{pkg.fullver}.ebuild') + repo_dir, pkg.category, pkg.package, f"{pkg.package}-{pkg.fullver}.ebuild" + ) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(pkg_path), exist_ok=True) - with open(pkg_path, 'w') as f: - f.write('SLOT=0\n') + with open(pkg_path, "w") as f: + f.write("SLOT=0\n") repo = UnconfiguredTree(repo_dir) options = arghparse.Namespace(target_repo=repo, search_repo=repo) @@ -44,87 +45,91 @@ class TestPackageUpdatesCheck(misc.Tmpdir, misc.ReportTestCase): self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(), []) # empty file - updates = {'1Q-2020': []} + updates = {"1Q-2020": []} self.assertNoReport(self.mk_check(**updates), []) def test_bad_update_filenames(self): # only files named using the format [1-4]Q-[YYYY] are allowed - updates = {'foobar': ['blah']} + updates = {"foobar": ["blah"]} r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(**updates), []) assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.BadPackageUpdate) assert "incorrectly named update file: 'foobar'" in str(r) - updates = {'5Q-2020': ['blah']} + updates = {"5Q-2020": ["blah"]} r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(**updates), []) assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.BadPackageUpdate) assert "incorrectly named update file: '5Q-2020'" in str(r) # hidden files will be flagged - updates = {'.1Q-2020.swp': ['blah']} + updates = {".1Q-2020.swp": ["blah"]} r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(**updates), []) assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.BadPackageUpdate) assert "incorrectly named update file: '.1Q-2020.swp'" in str(r) def test_empty_line(self): - updates = {'1Q-2020': [' ']} + updates = {"1Q-2020": [" "]} r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(**updates), []) assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.BadPackageUpdate) assert "file '1Q-2020': empty line 1" in str(r) def test_extra_whitespace(self): - pkgs = ('dev-util/foo-0', 'dev-util/bar-1') - for update in (' move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar', # prefix - 'move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar '): # suffix - updates = {'1Q-2020': [update]} + pkgs = ("dev-util/foo-0", "dev-util/bar-1") + for update in ( + " move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar", # prefix + "move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar ", + ): # suffix + updates = {"1Q-2020": [update]} r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(pkgs=pkgs, **updates), []) assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.BadPackageUpdate) - assert 'extra whitespace' in str(r) - assert 'on line 1' in str(r) + assert "extra whitespace" in str(r) + assert "on line 1" in str(r) def test_old_pkg_update(self): - pkgs = ('dev-util/blah-0', 'dev-libs/foon-1') - for update in ('move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar', # old pkg move - 'slotmove dev-util/bar 0 1'): # old slot move - updates = {'1Q-2020': [update]} + pkgs = ("dev-util/blah-0", "dev-libs/foon-1") + for update in ( + "move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar", # old pkg move + "slotmove dev-util/bar 0 1", + ): # old slot move + updates = {"1Q-2020": [update]} r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(pkgs=pkgs, **updates), []) assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.OldPackageUpdate) - assert r.pkg == 'dev-util/bar' + assert r.pkg == "dev-util/bar" assert "'dev-util/bar' unavailable" in str(r) def test_old_multimove_pkg_update(self): - update = ['move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar', 'move dev-util/bar dev-util/blah'] - pkgs = ('dev-util/blaz-0', 'dev-libs/foon-1') - updates = {'1Q-2020': update} + update = ["move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar", "move dev-util/bar dev-util/blah"] + pkgs = ("dev-util/blaz-0", "dev-libs/foon-1") + updates = {"1Q-2020": update} r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(pkgs=pkgs, **updates), []) assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.OldMultiMovePackageUpdate) - assert r.pkg == 'dev-util/blah' - assert r.moves == ('dev-util/foo', 'dev-util/bar', 'dev-util/blah') + assert r.pkg == "dev-util/blah" + assert r.moves == ("dev-util/foo", "dev-util/bar", "dev-util/blah") assert "'dev-util/blah' unavailable" in str(r) def test_multimove_pkg_update(self): - update = ['move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar', 'move dev-util/bar dev-util/blah'] - pkgs = ('dev-util/blah-0', 'dev-libs/foon-1') - updates = {'1Q-2020': update} + update = ["move dev-util/foo dev-util/bar", "move dev-util/bar dev-util/blah"] + pkgs = ("dev-util/blah-0", "dev-libs/foon-1") + updates = {"1Q-2020": update} r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(pkgs=pkgs, **updates), []) assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.MultiMovePackageUpdate) - assert r.pkg == 'dev-util/foo' - assert r.moves == ('dev-util/foo', 'dev-util/bar', 'dev-util/blah') + assert r.pkg == "dev-util/foo" + assert r.moves == ("dev-util/foo", "dev-util/bar", "dev-util/blah") assert "'dev-util/foo': multi-move update" in str(r) def test_move_to_self_pkg_update(self): - update = ['move dev-util/foo dev-util/foo'] - pkgs = ('dev-util/foo-0',) - updates = {'1Q-2020': update} + update = ["move dev-util/foo dev-util/foo"] + pkgs = ("dev-util/foo-0",) + updates = {"1Q-2020": update} r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(pkgs=pkgs, **updates), []) assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.RedundantPackageUpdate) - assert r.updates == ('move', 'dev-util/foo', 'dev-util/foo') + assert r.updates == ("move", "dev-util/foo", "dev-util/foo") assert "update line moves to the same package/slot" in str(r) def test_slot_move_to_self_pkg_update(self): - update = ['slotmove dev-util/foo 0 0'] - pkgs = ('dev-util/foo-0',) - updates = {'1Q-2020': update} + update = ["slotmove dev-util/foo 0 0"] + pkgs = ("dev-util/foo-0",) + updates = {"1Q-2020": update} r = self.assertReport(self.mk_check(pkgs=pkgs, **updates), []) assert isinstance(r, repo_metadata.RedundantPackageUpdate) - assert r.updates == ('slotmove', 'dev-util/foo', '0', '0') + assert r.updates == ("slotmove", "dev-util/foo", "0", "0") assert "update line moves to the same package/slot" in str(r) diff --git a/tests/checks/test_stablereq.py b/tests/checks/test_stablereq.py index b51bf9bc..2e181e57 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_stablereq.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_stablereq.py @@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ class TestStableRequestCheck(ReportTestCase): # initialize parent repo self.parent_git_repo = make_git_repo() - self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id='gentoo') - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('initial commit') + self.parent_repo = make_repo(self.parent_git_repo.path, repo_id="gentoo") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("initial commit") # create a stub pkg and commit it - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-0') + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-0") # initialize child repo self.child_git_repo = make_git_repo() - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', self.parent_git_repo.path]) - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'remote', 'set-head', 'origin', 'main']) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "add", "origin", self.parent_git_repo.path]) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "remote", "set-head", "origin", "main"]) self.child_repo = make_repo(self.child_git_repo.path) def init_check(self, options=None, future=0, stable_time=None): @@ -44,50 +44,57 @@ class TestStableRequestCheck(ReportTestCase): def _options(self, stable_time=None, **kwargs): args = [ - 'scan', '-q', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir, - '--repo', self.child_repo.location, + "scan", + "-q", + "--cache-dir", + self.cache_dir, + "--repo", + self.child_repo.location, ] if stable_time is not None: - args.extend(['--stabletime', str(stable_time)]) + args.extend(["--stabletime", str(stable_time)]) options, _ = self._tool.parse_args(args) return options def test_no_git_support(self): options = self._options() - options.cache['git'] = False - with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match='git cache support required'): + options.cache["git"] = False + with pytest.raises(SkipCheck, match="git cache support required"): self.init_check(options) def test_no_stable_keywords(self): - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['~amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', keywords=['~amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-2') - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["~amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", keywords=["~amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-2") + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) self.init_check() self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) def test_uncommitted_local_ebuild(self): - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) - self.child_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', keywords=['~amd64']) + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) + self.child_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", keywords=["~amd64"]) self.init_check(future=30) self.assertNoReport(self.check, self.source) - @pytest.mark.parametrize(("stable_time", "less_days", "more_days"), ( - pytest.param(None, (0, 1, 10, 20, 29), (30, 31), id="stable_time=unset"), - pytest.param(1, (0,), (1, 10), id="stable_time=1"), - pytest.param(14, (0, 1, 10, 13), (14, 15, 30), id="stable_time=14"), - pytest.param(30, (0, 1, 10, 20, 29), (30, 31), id="stable_time=30"), - pytest.param(100, (98, 99), (100, 101), id="stable_time=100"), - )) + @pytest.mark.parametrize( + ("stable_time", "less_days", "more_days"), + ( + pytest.param(None, (0, 1, 10, 20, 29), (30, 31), id="stable_time=unset"), + pytest.param(1, (0,), (1, 10), id="stable_time=1"), + pytest.param(14, (0, 1, 10, 13), (14, 15, 30), id="stable_time=14"), + pytest.param(30, (0, 1, 10, 20, 29), (30, 31), id="stable_time=30"), + pytest.param(100, (98, 99), (100, 101), id="stable_time=100"), + ), + ) def test_existing_stable_keywords(self, stable_time, less_days, more_days): - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', keywords=['~amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-2') - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", keywords=["~amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-2") + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) # packages are not old enough to trigger any results for future in less_days: @@ -98,74 +105,74 @@ class TestStableRequestCheck(ReportTestCase): for future in more_days: self.init_check(future=future, stable_time=stable_time) r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) - expected = StableRequest('0', ['~amd64'], future, pkg=VersionedCPV('cat/pkg-2')) + expected = StableRequest("0", ["~amd64"], future, pkg=VersionedCPV("cat/pkg-2")) assert r == expected def test_multislot_with_unstable_slot(self): - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', keywords=['~amd64'], slot='1') - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-2') - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", keywords=["~amd64"], slot="1") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-2") + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) self.init_check(future=30) r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) - expected = StableRequest('1', ['~amd64'], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV('cat/pkg-2')) + expected = StableRequest("1", ["~amd64"], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV("cat/pkg-2")) assert r == expected def test_moved_category(self): - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', keywords=['~amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-2') - self.parent_git_repo.move('cat', 'newcat') - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", keywords=["~amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-2") + self.parent_git_repo.move("cat", "newcat") + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) self.init_check(future=30) r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) - expected = StableRequest('0', ['~amd64'], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV('newcat/pkg-2')) + expected = StableRequest("0", ["~amd64"], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV("newcat/pkg-2")) assert r == expected def test_moved_package(self): - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', keywords=['~amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-2') + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", keywords=["~amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-2") # rename pkg and commit results path = self.parent_git_repo.path - new_pkg_dir = pjoin(path, 'cat/newpkg') - os.rename(pjoin(path, 'cat/pkg'), new_pkg_dir) + new_pkg_dir = pjoin(path, "cat/newpkg") + os.rename(pjoin(path, "cat/pkg"), new_pkg_dir) for i, f in enumerate(sorted(os.listdir(new_pkg_dir))): - os.rename(pjoin(new_pkg_dir, f), pjoin(new_pkg_dir, f'newpkg-{i}.ebuild')) + os.rename(pjoin(new_pkg_dir, f), pjoin(new_pkg_dir, f"newpkg-{i}.ebuild")) self.parent_git_repo.add_all() - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) self.init_check(future=30) r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) - expected = StableRequest('0', ['~amd64'], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV('cat/newpkg-2')) + expected = StableRequest("0", ["~amd64"], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV("cat/newpkg-2")) assert r == expected def test_renamed_ebuild(self): - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2_rc1', keywords=['~amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-2_rc1') - self.parent_git_repo.move('cat/pkg/pkg-2_rc1.ebuild', 'cat/pkg/pkg-2.ebuild') - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2_rc1", keywords=["~amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-2_rc1") + self.parent_git_repo.move("cat/pkg/pkg-2_rc1.ebuild", "cat/pkg/pkg-2.ebuild") + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) self.init_check(future=30) r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) - expected = StableRequest('0', ['~amd64'], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV('cat/pkg-2')) + expected = StableRequest("0", ["~amd64"], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV("cat/pkg-2")) assert r == expected def test_modified_ebuild(self): - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-1') - self.parent_repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-2', keywords=['~amd64']) - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-2') - with open(pjoin(self.parent_git_repo.path, 'cat/pkg/pkg-2.ebuild'), 'a') as f: - f.write('# comment\n') - self.parent_git_repo.add_all('cat/pkg-2: add comment') - self.child_git_repo.run(['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'main']) + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-1") + self.parent_repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-2", keywords=["~amd64"]) + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-2") + with open(pjoin(self.parent_git_repo.path, "cat/pkg/pkg-2.ebuild"), "a") as f: + f.write("# comment\n") + self.parent_git_repo.add_all("cat/pkg-2: add comment") + self.child_git_repo.run(["git", "pull", "origin", "main"]) self.init_check(future=30) r = self.assertReport(self.check, self.source) - expected = StableRequest('0', ['~amd64'], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV('cat/pkg-2')) + expected = StableRequest("0", ["~amd64"], 30, pkg=VersionedCPV("cat/pkg-2")) assert r == expected diff --git a/tests/checks/test_whitespace.py b/tests/checks/test_whitespace.py index bc61998c..f90495b6 100644 --- a/tests/checks/test_whitespace.py +++ b/tests/checks/test_whitespace.py @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ class WhitespaceCheckTest(misc.ReportTestCase): class TestWhitespaceFound(WhitespaceCheckTest): - def test_leading(self): fake_src = [ "# This is our first fake ebuild\n", @@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ class TestWhitespaceFound(WhitespaceCheckTest): r = self.assertReport(self.check, fake_pkg) assert isinstance(r, whitespace.WhitespaceFound) assert r.lines == (2,) - assert 'leading whitespace' in str(r) + assert "leading whitespace" in str(r) def test_trailing(self): fake_src = [ @@ -40,11 +39,10 @@ class TestWhitespaceFound(WhitespaceCheckTest): r = self.assertReport(self.check, fake_pkg) assert isinstance(r, whitespace.WhitespaceFound) assert r.lines == (2,) - assert 'trailing whitespace' in str(r) + assert "trailing whitespace" in str(r) class TestWrongIndentFound(WhitespaceCheckTest): - def test_it(self): fake_src = [ "# This is our first fake ebuild\n", @@ -56,11 +54,10 @@ class TestWrongIndentFound(WhitespaceCheckTest): r = self.assertReport(self.check, fake_pkg) assert isinstance(r, whitespace.WrongIndentFound) assert r.lines == (2,) - assert 'whitespace in indentation' in str(r) + assert "whitespace in indentation" in str(r) class TestDoubleEmptyLine(WhitespaceCheckTest): - def test_it(self): fake_src = [ "# This is our first fake ebuild\n", @@ -73,11 +70,10 @@ class TestDoubleEmptyLine(WhitespaceCheckTest): r = self.assertReport(self.check, fake_pkg) assert isinstance(r, whitespace.DoubleEmptyLine) assert r.lines == (3,) - assert 'unneeded empty line' in str(r) + assert "unneeded empty line" in str(r) class TestNoNewLineOnEnd(WhitespaceCheckTest): - def test_it(self): fake_src = [ "# This is our first fake ebuild\n", @@ -87,11 +83,10 @@ class TestNoNewLineOnEnd(WhitespaceCheckTest): r = self.assertReport(self.check, fake_pkg) assert isinstance(r, whitespace.NoFinalNewline) - assert 'lacks an ending newline' in str(r) + assert "lacks an ending newline" in str(r) class TestTrailingNewLineOnEnd(WhitespaceCheckTest): - def test_it(self): fake_src = [ "# This is our first fake ebuild\n", @@ -102,43 +97,43 @@ class TestTrailingNewLineOnEnd(WhitespaceCheckTest): r = self.assertReport(self.check, fake_pkg) assert isinstance(r, whitespace.TrailingEmptyLine) - assert 'trailing blank line(s)' in str(r) + assert "trailing blank line(s)" in str(r) def generate_whitespace_data(): """Generate bad whitespace list for the current python version.""" all_whitespace_chars = set( - re.findall(r'\s', ''.join(chr(c) for c in range(sys.maxunicode + 1)))) - allowed_whitespace_chars = {'\t', '\n', ' '} + re.findall(r"\s", "".join(chr(c) for c in range(sys.maxunicode + 1))) + ) + allowed_whitespace_chars = {"\t", "\n", " "} bad_whitespace_chars = tuple(sorted(all_whitespace_chars - allowed_whitespace_chars)) return whitespace.WhitespaceData(unicodedata.unidata_version, bad_whitespace_chars) class TestBadWhitespaceCharacter(WhitespaceCheckTest): - def test_outdated_bad_whitespace_chars(self): """Check if the hardcoded bad whitespace character list is outdated.""" updated_whitespace_data = generate_whitespace_data() if updated_whitespace_data.unicode_version != whitespace.whitespace_data.unicode_version: - assert updated_whitespace_data.chars == whitespace.whitespace_data.chars, \ - f'outdated character list for Unicode version {unicodedata.unidata_version}' + assert ( + updated_whitespace_data.chars == whitespace.whitespace_data.chars + ), f"outdated character list for Unicode version {unicodedata.unidata_version}" def test_bad_whitespace_chars(self): for char in whitespace.whitespace_data.chars: fake_src = [ - 'src_prepare() {\n', + "src_prepare() {\n", f'\tcd "${{S}}"/cpp ||{char}die\n', - '}\n', + "}\n", ] fake_pkg = misc.FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5", lines=fake_src) r = self.assertReport(self.check, fake_pkg) assert isinstance(r, whitespace.BadWhitespaceCharacter) - assert f'bad whitespace character {repr(char)} on line 2' in str(r) + assert f"bad whitespace character {repr(char)} on line 2" in str(r) class TestMultipleChecks(WhitespaceCheckTest): - def test_it(self): fake_src = [ "# This is our first fake ebuild\n", diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py index 675110a6..a836e3ba 100644 --- a/tests/conftest.py +++ b/tests/conftest.py @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from snakeoil.contexts import os_environ from snakeoil.formatters import PlainTextFormatter from snakeoil.osutils import pjoin -pytest_plugins = ['pkgcore'] +pytest_plugins = ["pkgcore"] REPO_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def default_session_fixture(request): """Fixture run globally for the entire test session.""" stack = ExitStack() # don't load the default system or user config files - stack.enter_context(patch('pkgcheck.cli.ConfigFileParser.default_configs', ())) + stack.enter_context(patch("pkgcheck.cli.ConfigFileParser.default_configs", ())) stack.enter_context(os_environ(**(git_config := GitConfig()).config_env)) def unpatch(): @@ -59,40 +59,44 @@ def testconfig(tmp_path_factory): Also, repo entries for all the bundled test repos. """ - config = tmp_path_factory.mktemp('testconfig') - repos_conf = config / 'repos.conf' - stubrepo = pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, 'stubrepo') - testdir = REPO_ROOT / 'testdata/repos' - with open(repos_conf, 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent(f"""\ - [DEFAULT] - main-repo = standalone - [stubrepo] - location = {stubrepo} - """)) + config = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("testconfig") + repos_conf = config / "repos.conf" + stubrepo = pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, "stubrepo") + testdir = REPO_ROOT / "testdata/repos" + with open(repos_conf, "w") as f: + f.write( + textwrap.dedent( + f"""\ + [DEFAULT] + main-repo = standalone + [stubrepo] + location = {stubrepo} + """ + ) + ) for repo in testdir.iterdir(): - f.write(f'[{repo.name}]\n') - f.write(f'location = {repo}\n') - profile_path = pjoin(stubrepo, 'profiles', 'default') - os.symlink(profile_path, str(config / 'make.profile')) + f.write(f"[{repo.name}]\n") + f.write(f"location = {repo}\n") + profile_path = pjoin(stubrepo, "profiles", "default") + os.symlink(profile_path, str(config / "make.profile")) return str(config) @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def cache_dir(tmp_path_factory): """Generate a cache directory for pkgcheck.""" - cache_dir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp('cache') + cache_dir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("cache") return str(cache_dir) @pytest.fixture def fakerepo(tmp_path_factory): """Generate a stub repo.""" - fakerepo = tmp_path_factory.mktemp('fakerepo') - (profiles := fakerepo / 'profiles').mkdir(parents=True) - (profiles / 'repo_name').write_text('fakerepo\n') - (metadata := fakerepo / 'metadata').mkdir(parents=True) - (metadata / 'layout.conf').write_text('masters =\n') + fakerepo = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("fakerepo") + (profiles := fakerepo / "profiles").mkdir(parents=True) + (profiles / "repo_name").write_text("fakerepo\n") + (metadata := fakerepo / "metadata").mkdir(parents=True) + (metadata / "layout.conf").write_text("masters =\n") return fakerepo diff --git a/tests/misc.py b/tests/misc.py index cf317e4e..92d25721 100644 --- a/tests/misc.py +++ b/tests/misc.py @@ -26,18 +26,18 @@ from snakeoil.sequences import split_negations @dataclass class Profile: """Profile record used to create profiles in a repository.""" + path: str arch: str - status: str = 'stable' + status: str = "stable" deprecated: bool = False defaults: List[str] = None - eapi: str = '5' + eapi: str = "5" # TODO: merge this with the pkgcore-provided equivalent class FakePkg(package): - - def __init__(self, cpvstr, data=None, parent=None, ebuild='', **kwargs): + def __init__(self, cpvstr, data=None, parent=None, ebuild="", **kwargs): if data is None: data = {} @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class FakePkg(package): cpv = VersionedCPV(cpvstr) # TODO: make pkgcore generate empty shared pkg data when None is passed - mxml = repo_objs.LocalMetadataXml('') + mxml = repo_objs.LocalMetadataXml("") shared = repo_objs.SharedPkgData(metadata_xml=mxml, manifest=None) super().__init__(shared, parent, cpv.category, cpv.package, cpv.fullver) object.__setattr__(self, "data", data) @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class FakePkg(package): @property def eapi(self): - return get_eapi(self.data.get('EAPI', '0')) + return get_eapi(self.data.get("EAPI", "0")) @property def ebuild(self): @@ -88,8 +88,11 @@ class FakeFilesDirPkg(package): cpv = VersionedCPV(cpvstr) super().__init__(shared, factory(repo), cpv.category, cpv.package, cpv.fullver) object.__setattr__(self, "data", data) - object.__setattr__(self, "path", pjoin( - repo.location, cpv.category, cpv.package, f'{cpv.package}-{cpv.fullver}.ebuild')) + object.__setattr__( + self, + "path", + pjoin(repo.location, cpv.category, cpv.package, f"{cpv.package}-{cpv.fullver}.ebuild"), + ) class ReportTestCase: @@ -133,7 +136,7 @@ class ReportTestCase: def assertReport(self, check, data): results = self.assertReports(check, data) - results_str = '\n'.join(map(str, results)) + results_str = "\n".join(map(str, results)) assert len(results) == 1, f"expected one report, got {len(results)}:\n{results_str}" self._assertReportSanity(*results) result = results[0] @@ -141,40 +144,51 @@ class ReportTestCase: class FakeProfile: - - def __init__(self, masked_use={}, stable_masked_use={}, forced_use={}, - stable_forced_use={}, pkg_use={}, provides={}, iuse_effective=[], - use=[], masks=[], unmasks=[], arch='x86', name='none'): + def __init__( + self, + masked_use={}, + stable_masked_use={}, + forced_use={}, + stable_forced_use={}, + pkg_use={}, + provides={}, + iuse_effective=[], + use=[], + masks=[], + unmasks=[], + arch="x86", + name="none", + ): self.provides_repo = SimpleTree(provides) self.masked_use = ChunkedDataDict() self.masked_use.update_from_stream( - chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v)) - for k, v in masked_use.items()) + chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v)) for k, v in masked_use.items() + ) self.masked_use.freeze() self.stable_masked_use = ChunkedDataDict() self.stable_masked_use.update_from_stream( - chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v)) - for k, v in stable_masked_use.items()) + chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v)) for k, v in stable_masked_use.items() + ) self.stable_masked_use.freeze() self.forced_use = ChunkedDataDict() self.forced_use.update_from_stream( - chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v)) - for k, v in forced_use.items()) + chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v)) for k, v in forced_use.items() + ) self.forced_use.freeze() self.stable_forced_use = ChunkedDataDict() self.stable_forced_use.update_from_stream( - chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v)) - for k, v in stable_forced_use.items()) + chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v)) for k, v in stable_forced_use.items() + ) self.stable_forced_use.freeze() self.pkg_use = ChunkedDataDict() self.pkg_use.update_from_stream( - chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v)) - for k, v in pkg_use.items()) + chunked_data(atom(k), *split_negations(v)) for k, v in pkg_use.items() + ) self.pkg_use.freeze() self.masks = tuple(map(atom, masks)) @@ -199,7 +213,7 @@ class Tmpdir: def random_str(length=10): """Generate a random string of ASCII characters of a given length.""" - return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(length)) + return "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(length)) # TODO: combine this with pkgcheck.checks.init_checks() @@ -224,6 +238,5 @@ def init_check(check_cls, options): except CacheDisabled as e: raise SkipCheck(cls, e) - required_addons = { - base.param_name(x): addons_map[x] for x in addon.required_addons} + required_addons = {base.param_name(x): addons_map[x] for x in addon.required_addons} return addon, required_addons, source diff --git a/tests/scripts/test_argparse_actions.py b/tests/scripts/test_argparse_actions.py index d46d4560..283eb716 100644 --- a/tests/scripts/test_argparse_actions.py +++ b/tests/scripts/test_argparse_actions.py @@ -11,61 +11,59 @@ from snakeoil.cli import arghparse class TestConfigArg: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _create_argparser(self): self.parser = arghparse.ArgumentParser() - self.parser.add_argument('--config', action=argparse_actions.ConfigArg) + self.parser.add_argument("--config", action=argparse_actions.ConfigArg) def test_none(self): options = self.parser.parse_args([]) assert options.config is None def test_enabled(self): - for arg in ('config_file', '/path/to/config/file'): - options = self.parser.parse_args(['--config', arg]) + for arg in ("config_file", "/path/to/config/file"): + options = self.parser.parse_args(["--config", arg]) assert options.config == arg def test_disabled(self): - for arg in ('False', 'false', 'No', 'no', 'N', 'n'): - options = self.parser.parse_args(['--config', arg]) + for arg in ("False", "false", "No", "no", "N", "n"): + options = self.parser.parse_args(["--config", arg]) assert options.config is False class TestFilterArgs: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _create_argparser(self): self.parser = arghparse.ArgumentParser() - self.parser.set_defaults(config_checksets={'cset': ['StableRequestCheck']}) - self.parser.add_argument('--filter', action=argparse_actions.FilterArgs) + self.parser.set_defaults(config_checksets={"cset": ["StableRequestCheck"]}) + self.parser.add_argument("--filter", action=argparse_actions.FilterArgs) def test_none(self): options = self.parser.parse_args([]) assert options.filter is None def test_unknown_filter(self, capsys): - for arg in ('foo', 'foo:PkgDirCheck'): + for arg in ("foo", "foo:PkgDirCheck"): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - self.parser.parse_args(['--filter', arg]) + self.parser.parse_args(["--filter", arg]) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert "unknown filter: 'foo'" in err assert excinfo.value.code == 2 def test_disabled(self): - for arg in ('False', 'false', 'No', 'no', 'N', 'n'): - options = self.parser.parse_args(['--filter', arg]) + for arg in ("False", "false", "No", "no", "N", "n"): + options = self.parser.parse_args(["--filter", arg]) assert options.filter == {} def test_enabled(self): - for arg in ('latest', 'latest:StableRequest', 'latest:StableRequestCheck', 'latest:cset'): - options = self.parser.parse_args(['--filter', arg]) - assert objects.KEYWORDS['StableRequest'] in options.filter + for arg in ("latest", "latest:StableRequest", "latest:StableRequestCheck", "latest:cset"): + options = self.parser.parse_args(["--filter", arg]) + assert objects.KEYWORDS["StableRequest"] in options.filter def test_unknown_value(self, capsys): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - self.parser.parse_args(['--filter', 'latest:foo']) + self.parser.parse_args(["--filter", "latest:foo"]) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert "unknown checkset, check, or keyword: 'foo'" in err @@ -73,11 +71,10 @@ class TestFilterArgs: class TestCacheNegations: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _create_argparser(self): self.parser = arghparse.ArgumentParser() - self.parser.add_argument('--cache', action=argparse_actions.CacheNegations) + self.parser.add_argument("--cache", action=argparse_actions.CacheNegations) self.caches = [x.type for x in CachedAddon.caches.values()] def test_defaults(self): @@ -86,27 +83,27 @@ class TestCacheNegations: def test_unknown(self, capsys): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - self.parser.parse_args(['--cache', 'foo']) + self.parser.parse_args(["--cache", "foo"]) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert "unknown cache type: 'foo'" in err assert excinfo.value.code == 2 def test_all(self): - for arg in ('True', 'true', 'Yes', 'yes', 'Y', 'y'): - options = self.parser.parse_args(['--cache', arg]) + for arg in ("True", "true", "Yes", "yes", "Y", "y"): + options = self.parser.parse_args(["--cache", arg]) for k, v in options.cache.items(): assert v is True def test_none(self): - for arg in ('False', 'false', 'No', 'no', 'N', 'n'): - options = self.parser.parse_args(['--cache', arg]) + for arg in ("False", "false", "No", "no", "N", "n"): + options = self.parser.parse_args(["--cache", arg]) for k, v in options.cache.items(): assert v is False def test_enabled(self): cache = self.caches[random.randrange(len(self.caches))] - options = self.parser.parse_args(['--cache', cache]) + options = self.parser.parse_args(["--cache", cache]) for k, v in options.cache.items(): if k == cache: assert v is True @@ -115,7 +112,7 @@ class TestCacheNegations: def test_disabled(self): cache = self.caches[random.randrange(len(self.caches))] - options = self.parser.parse_args([f'--cache=-{cache}']) + options = self.parser.parse_args([f"--cache=-{cache}"]) for k, v in options.cache.items(): if k == cache: assert v is False @@ -124,66 +121,70 @@ class TestCacheNegations: class TestChecksetArgs: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, tool, tmp_path): self.tool = tool - self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path / '.cache') - self.config = str(tmp_path / 'config') - self.args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir] + self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path / ".cache") + self.config = str(tmp_path / "config") + self.args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir] def test_unknown(self, capsys): - for opt in ('-C', '--checksets'): + for opt in ("-C", "--checksets"): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, 'foo']) + self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, "foo"]) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert "unknown checkset: 'foo'" in err assert excinfo.value.code == 2 def test_aliases(self): - for opt in ('-C', '--checksets'): + for opt in ("-C", "--checksets"): # net - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, 'net']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, "net"]) network_checks = [ - c for c, v in objects.CHECKS.items() if issubclass(v, checks.NetworkCheck)] + c for c, v in objects.CHECKS.items() if issubclass(v, checks.NetworkCheck) + ] assert options.selected_checks == set(network_checks) # all - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, 'all']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, "all"]) assert options.selected_checks == set(objects.CHECKS) def test_sets(self, capsys): - with open(self.config, 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\ - [CHECKSETS] - set1=StableRequest - set2=-StableRequest - set3=SourcingCheck,-InvalidEapi,-InvalidSlot - bad=foo - """)) + with open(self.config, "w") as f: + f.write( + textwrap.dedent( + """\ + [CHECKSETS] + set1=StableRequest + set2=-StableRequest + set3=SourcingCheck,-InvalidEapi,-InvalidSlot + bad=foo + """ + ) + ) configs = [self.config] - with patch('pkgcheck.cli.ConfigFileParser.default_configs', configs): - for opt in ('-C', '--checksets'): + with patch("pkgcheck.cli.ConfigFileParser.default_configs", configs): + for opt in ("-C", "--checksets"): # enabled keyword - for arg in ('set1', '-set2'): - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}={arg}']) - assert options.filtered_keywords == {objects.KEYWORDS['StableRequest']} - assert options.enabled_checks == {objects.CHECKS['StableRequestCheck']} + for arg in ("set1", "-set2"): + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}={arg}"]) + assert options.filtered_keywords == {objects.KEYWORDS["StableRequest"]} + assert options.enabled_checks == {objects.CHECKS["StableRequestCheck"]} # disabled keyword - for arg in ('-set1', 'set2'): - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}={arg}']) - assert objects.KEYWORDS['StableRequest'] not in options.filtered_keywords + for arg in ("-set1", "set2"): + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}={arg}"]) + assert objects.KEYWORDS["StableRequest"] not in options.filtered_keywords # check/keywords mixture - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}=set3']) - assert options.filtered_keywords == {objects.KEYWORDS['SourcingError']} - assert options.enabled_checks == {objects.CHECKS['SourcingCheck']} + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}=set3"]) + assert options.filtered_keywords == {objects.KEYWORDS["SourcingError"]} + assert options.enabled_checks == {objects.CHECKS["SourcingCheck"]} # unknown value with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}=bad']) + self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}=bad"]) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert "'bad' checkset, unknown check or keyword: 'foo'" in err @@ -191,173 +192,167 @@ class TestChecksetArgs: class TestScopeArgs: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, tool, tmp_path): self.tool = tool self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path) - self.args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir] + self.args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir] def test_unknown_scope(self, capsys): - for opt in ('-s', '--scopes'): + for opt in ("-s", "--scopes"): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, 'foo']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, "foo"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() - err = err.strip().split('\n') + err = err.strip().split("\n") assert "unknown scope: 'foo'" in err[-1] def test_missing_scope(self, capsys): - for opt in ('-s', '--scopes'): + for opt in ("-s", "--scopes"): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() - err = err.strip().split('\n') - assert err[0] == ( - 'pkgcheck scan: error: argument -s/--scopes: expected one argument') + err = err.strip().split("\n") + assert err[0] == ("pkgcheck scan: error: argument -s/--scopes: expected one argument") def test_disabled(self): - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--scopes=-eclass']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--scopes=-eclass"]) assert options.selected_scopes == frozenset() def test_enabled(self): - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--scopes', 'repo']) - assert options.selected_scopes == frozenset([base.scopes['repo']]) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--scopes", "repo"]) + assert options.selected_scopes == frozenset([base.scopes["repo"]]) class TestCheckArgs: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, tool, tmp_path): self.tool = tool self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path) - self.args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir] + self.args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir] def test_unknown_check(self, capsys): - for opt in ('-c', '--checks'): + for opt in ("-c", "--checks"): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, 'foo']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, "foo"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() - err = err.strip().split('\n') + err = err.strip().split("\n") assert "unknown check: 'foo'" in err[-1] def test_token_errors(self): - for opt in ('-c', '--checks'): - for operation in ('-', '+'): + for opt in ("-c", "--checks"): + for operation in ("-", "+"): with pytest.raises(argparse.ArgumentTypeError) as excinfo: - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}={operation}']) - assert 'without a token' in str(excinfo.value) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}={operation}"]) + assert "without a token" in str(excinfo.value) def test_missing_check(self, capsys): - for opt in ('-c', '--checks'): + for opt in ("-c", "--checks"): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() - err = err.strip().split('\n') - assert err[0] == ( - 'pkgcheck scan: error: argument -c/--checks: expected one argument') + err = err.strip().split("\n") + assert err[0] == ("pkgcheck scan: error: argument -c/--checks: expected one argument") def test_neutral(self): - for opt in ('-c', '--checks'): - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, 'UnusedLicensesCheck']) - assert options.selected_checks == frozenset(['UnusedLicensesCheck']) + for opt in ("-c", "--checks"): + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, "UnusedLicensesCheck"]) + assert options.selected_checks == frozenset(["UnusedLicensesCheck"]) def test_subtractive(self): - for opt in ('-c', '--checks'): + for opt in ("-c", "--checks"): check = list(objects.CHECKS)[random.randrange(len(objects.CHECKS))] - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}=-{check}']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}=-{check}"]) assert options.selected_checks == frozenset() def test_additive(self): - for opt in ('-c', '--checks'): + for opt in ("-c", "--checks"): options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args) assert issubclass(checks.perl.PerlCheck, checks.OptionalCheck) assert checks.perl.PerlCheck not in set(options.enabled_checks) - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}=+PerlCheck']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}=+PerlCheck"]) assert checks.perl.PerlCheck in set(options.enabled_checks) - assert options.selected_checks == frozenset(['PerlCheck']) + assert options.selected_checks == frozenset(["PerlCheck"]) class TestKeywordArgs: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, tool, tmp_path): self.tool = tool self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path) - self.args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir] + self.args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir] def test_unknown_keyword(self, capsys): - for opt in ('-k', '--keywords'): + for opt in ("-k", "--keywords"): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, 'foo']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, "foo"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() - err = err.strip().split('\n') + err = err.strip().split("\n") assert "unknown keyword: 'foo'" in err[-1] def test_missing_keyword(self, capsys): - for opt in ('-k', '--keywords'): + for opt in ("-k", "--keywords"): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() - err = err.strip().split('\n') - assert err[0] == ( - 'pkgcheck scan: error: argument -k/--keywords: expected one argument') + err = err.strip().split("\n") + assert err[0] == ("pkgcheck scan: error: argument -k/--keywords: expected one argument") def test_enabled(self): - for opt in ('-k', '--keywords'): - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, 'UnusedLicenses']) - assert options.selected_keywords == frozenset(['UnusedLicenses']) - assert options.filtered_keywords == frozenset([objects.KEYWORDS['UnusedLicenses']]) + for opt in ("-k", "--keywords"): + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, "UnusedLicenses"]) + assert options.selected_keywords == frozenset(["UnusedLicenses"]) + assert options.filtered_keywords == frozenset([objects.KEYWORDS["UnusedLicenses"]]) assert options.enabled_checks == {checks.repo_metadata.UnusedLicensesCheck} def test_disabled_check(self): """Disabling all keywords for a given check also disables the check.""" - for opt in ('-k', '--keywords'): + for opt in ("-k", "--keywords"): default_checks = set(objects.CHECKS.default.values()) default_keywords = set().union(*(v.known_results for v in default_checks)) keyword = checks.repo_metadata.UnusedLicenses check = checks.repo_metadata.UnusedLicensesCheck assert check in default_checks assert check.known_results == frozenset([keyword]) - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}=-UnusedLicenses']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}=-UnusedLicenses"]) assert options.selected_keywords == frozenset() assert options.filtered_keywords == frozenset(default_keywords - {keyword}) assert check not in set(options.enabled_checks) def test_disabled(self): - for opt in ('-k', '--keywords'): + for opt in ("-k", "--keywords"): default_keywords = set().union( - *(v.known_results for v in objects.CHECKS.default.values())) + *(v.known_results for v in objects.CHECKS.default.values()) + ) keyword_cls = list(default_keywords)[random.randrange(len(default_keywords))] keyword = keyword_cls.__name__ - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'{opt}=-{keyword}']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"{opt}=-{keyword}"]) assert options.selected_keywords == frozenset() assert options.filtered_keywords == frozenset(default_keywords - {keyword_cls}) def test_aliases(self): - for opt in ('-k', '--keywords'): - for alias in ('error', 'warning', 'info'): + for opt in ("-k", "--keywords"): + for alias in ("error", "warning", "info"): options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [opt, alias]) alias_keywords = list(getattr(objects.KEYWORDS, alias)) assert options.selected_keywords == frozenset(alias_keywords) class TestExitArgs: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, tool, tmp_path): self.tool = tool self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path) - self.args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir] + self.args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir] def test_unknown(self, capsys): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--exit', 'foo']) + self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--exit", "foo"]) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert "unknown checkset, check, or keyword: 'foo'" in err @@ -368,22 +363,22 @@ class TestExitArgs: assert options.exit_keywords == () def test_default(self): - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--exit']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--exit"]) assert options.exit_keywords == frozenset(objects.KEYWORDS.error.values()) def test_enabled(self): keyword = list(objects.KEYWORDS)[random.randrange(len(objects.KEYWORDS))] objs = (objects.KEYWORDS[x] for x in objects.KEYWORDS.aliases.get(keyword, [keyword])) - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--exit', keyword]) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--exit", keyword]) assert options.exit_keywords == frozenset(objs) def test_disabled(self): keyword = list(objects.KEYWORDS)[random.randrange(len(objects.KEYWORDS))] objs = (objects.KEYWORDS[x] for x in objects.KEYWORDS.aliases.get(keyword, [keyword])) - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'--exit=-{keyword}']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"--exit=-{keyword}"]) assert options.exit_keywords == frozenset(objects.KEYWORDS.error.values()) - frozenset(objs) def test_aliases(self): - for alias in ('error', 'warning', 'info'): - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f'--exit={alias}']) + for alias in ("error", "warning", "info"): + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + [f"--exit={alias}"]) assert options.exit_keywords == frozenset(getattr(objects.KEYWORDS, alias).values()) diff --git a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck.py b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck.py index 8478a746..49e2f8b6 100644 --- a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck.py +++ b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck.py @@ -11,27 +11,27 @@ def test_script_run(capsys): """Test regular code path for running scripts.""" script = partial(run, project) - with patch(f'{project}.scripts.import_module') as import_module: + with patch(f"{project}.scripts.import_module") as import_module: import_module.side_effect = ImportError("baz module doesn't exist") # default error path when script import fails - with patch('sys.argv', [project]): + with patch("sys.argv", [project]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: script() assert excinfo.value.code == 1 out, err = capsys.readouterr() - err = err.strip().split('\n') + err = err.strip().split("\n") assert len(err) == 3 assert err[0] == "Failed importing: baz module doesn't exist!" assert err[1].startswith(f"Verify that {project} and its deps") assert err[2] == "Add --debug to the commandline for a traceback." # running with --debug should raise an ImportError when there are issues - with patch('sys.argv', [project, '--debug']): + with patch("sys.argv", [project, "--debug"]): with pytest.raises(ImportError): script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() - err = err.strip().split('\n') + err = err.strip().split("\n") assert len(err) == 2 assert err[0] == "Failed importing: baz module doesn't exist!" assert err[1].startswith(f"Verify that {project} and its deps") @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class TestPkgcheck: script = partial(run, project) def test_version(self, capsys): - with patch('sys.argv', [project, '--version']): + with patch("sys.argv", [project, "--version"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 0 diff --git a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_cache.py b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_cache.py index 0414b4ec..023a3161 100644 --- a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_cache.py +++ b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_cache.py @@ -14,95 +14,95 @@ class TestPkgcheckCache: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, testconfig, tmp_path): self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path) - self.args = [ - project, '--config', testconfig, - 'cache', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir] + self.args = [project, "--config", testconfig, "cache", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir] def test_cache_profiles(self, capsys): # force standalone repo profiles cache regen - for args in (['-u', '-f'], ['--update', '--force']): - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args + ['-t', 'profiles']): + for args in (["-u", "-f"], ["--update", "--force"]): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["-t", "profiles"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit): self.script() # verify the profiles cache shows up - with patch('sys.argv', self.args): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err out = out.strip().splitlines() - assert out[-1].startswith('standalone-') + assert out[-1].startswith("standalone-") assert excinfo.value.code == 0 # pretend to remove it - for arg in ('-n', '--dry-run'): - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg] + ['-Rt', 'profiles']): + for arg in ("-n", "--dry-run"): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg] + ["-Rt", "profiles"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit): self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() - assert err == '' - assert out.startswith(f'Would remove {self.cache_dir}') + assert err == "" + assert out.startswith(f"Would remove {self.cache_dir}") # fail to remove it - for arg in ('-R', '--remove'): - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.os.unlink') as unlink, \ - patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg] + ['-t', 'profiles']): - unlink.side_effect = IOError('bad perms') + for arg in ("-R", "--remove"): + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.os.unlink") as unlink, patch( + "sys.argv", self.args + [arg] + ["-t", "profiles"] + ): + unlink.side_effect = IOError("bad perms") with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert os.listdir(self.cache_dir) - assert err.startswith('pkgcheck cache: error: failed removing profiles cache') + assert err.startswith("pkgcheck cache: error: failed removing profiles cache") assert excinfo.value.code == 2 # actually remove it - for arg in ('-R', '--remove'): - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg] + ['-t', 'profiles']): + for arg in ("-R", "--remove"): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg] + ["-t", "profiles"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit): self.script() # verify it's gone - with patch('sys.argv', self.args): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() - assert (out, err) == ('', '') + assert (out, err) == ("", "") assert excinfo.value.code == 0 def test_cache_forced_removal(self, capsys): # force standalone repo profiles cache regen - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + ['-uf']): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + ["-uf"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit): self.script() # fail to forcibly remove all - with patch('pkgcheck.addons.caches.shutil.rmtree') as rmtree, \ - patch('sys.argv', self.args + ['-Rf']): - rmtree.side_effect = IOError('bad perms') + with patch("pkgcheck.addons.caches.shutil.rmtree") as rmtree, patch( + "sys.argv", self.args + ["-Rf"] + ): + rmtree.side_effect = IOError("bad perms") with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out - assert err.strip() == 'pkgcheck cache: error: failed removing cache dir: bad perms' + assert err.strip() == "pkgcheck cache: error: failed removing cache dir: bad perms" assert excinfo.value.code == 2 # actually forcibly remove all - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + ['-Rf']): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + ["-Rf"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() - assert (out, err) == ('', '') + assert (out, err) == ("", "") assert excinfo.value.code == 0 # cache dir has been entirely blown away assert not os.path.exists(self.cache_dir) # forcing removal again does nothing - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + ['-Rf']): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + ["-Rf"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() - assert (out, err) == ('', '') + assert (out, err) == ("", "") assert excinfo.value.code == 0 diff --git a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_ci.py b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_ci.py index 2ac21d7c..bc0d9cbf 100644 --- a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_ci.py +++ b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_ci.py @@ -10,61 +10,61 @@ from pkgcore.ebuild.cpv import VersionedCPV class TestPkgcheckCi: - script = partial(run, 'pkgcheck') + script = partial(run, "pkgcheck") @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, testconfig, tmp_path): self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path) - base_args = ['--config', testconfig] - self.scan_args = ['--config', 'no', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir] + base_args = ["--config", testconfig] + self.scan_args = ["--config", "no", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir] # args for running pkgcheck like a script - self.args = ['pkgcheck'] + base_args + ['ci'] + self.scan_args + self.args = ["pkgcheck"] + base_args + ["ci"] + self.scan_args def test_empty_repo(self, capsys, repo): - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [repo.location]): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [repo.location]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 0 out, err = capsys.readouterr() - assert out == err == '' + assert out == err == "" def test_exit_status(self, repo): # create good ebuild and another with an invalid EAPI - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0') - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', eapi='-1') + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0") + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", eapi="-1") # exit status isn't enabled by default - args = ['-r', repo.location] - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args): + args = ["-r", repo.location] + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 0 # all error level results are flagged by default when enabled - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args + ['--exit']): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["--exit"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 1 # selective error results will only flag those specified - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args + ['--exit', 'InvalidSlot']): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["--exit", "InvalidSlot"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 0 - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args + ['--exit', 'InvalidEapi']): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["--exit", "InvalidEapi"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 1 def test_failures(self, tmp_path, repo): - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', slot='') - failures = str(tmp_path / 'failures.json') - args = ['--failures', failures, '--exit', '-r', repo.location] - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args): + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", slot="") + failures = str(tmp_path / "failures.json") + args = ["--failures", failures, "--exit", "-r", repo.location] + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 1 with open(str(failures)) as f: results = list(JsonStream.from_iter(f)) - pkg = VersionedCPV('cat/pkg-1') - assert results == [InvalidSlot('slot', 'SLOT cannot be unset or empty', pkg=pkg)] + pkg = VersionedCPV("cat/pkg-1") + assert results == [InvalidSlot("slot", "SLOT cannot be unset or empty", pkg=pkg)] diff --git a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_replay.py b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_replay.py index 67ad3486..c2aeda66 100644 --- a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_replay.py +++ b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_replay.py @@ -18,70 +18,69 @@ class TestPkgcheckReplay: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, testconfig): - self.args = [project, '--config', testconfig, 'replay'] + self.args = [project, "--config", testconfig, "replay"] def test_missing_file_arg(self, capsys): - with patch('sys.argv', self.args): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out - err = err.strip().split('\n') + err = err.strip().split("\n") assert len(err) == 1 - assert err[0] == ( - 'pkgcheck replay: error: the following arguments are required: FILE') + assert err[0] == ("pkgcheck replay: error: the following arguments are required: FILE") assert excinfo.value.code == 2 def test_replay(self, capsys): - result = ProfileWarning('profile warning: foo') + result = ProfileWarning("profile warning: foo") with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: out = PlainTextFormatter(f) with JsonStream(out) as reporter: reporter.report(result) - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + ['-R', 'StrReporter', f.name]): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + ["-R", "StrReporter", f.name]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err - assert out == 'profile warning: foo\n' + assert out == "profile warning: foo\n" assert excinfo.value.code == 0 def test_corrupted_resuts(self, capsys): - result = ProfileWarning('profile warning: foo') + result = ProfileWarning("profile warning: foo") with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: out = PlainTextFormatter(f) with JsonStream(out) as reporter: reporter.report(result) - f.write(b'corrupted') + f.write(b"corrupted") f.seek(0) - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + ['-R', 'StrReporter', f.name]): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + ["-R", "StrReporter", f.name]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() - assert 'corrupted results file' in err + assert "corrupted results file" in err assert excinfo.value.code == 2 def test_invalid_file(self, capsys): - with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wt') as f: - f.write('invalid file') + with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wt") as f: + f.write("invalid file") f.seek(0) - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + ['-R', 'StrReporter', f.name]): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + ["-R", "StrReporter", f.name]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() - assert err.strip() == 'pkgcheck replay: error: invalid or unsupported replay file' + assert err.strip() == "pkgcheck replay: error: invalid or unsupported replay file" assert excinfo.value.code == 2 def test_replay_pipe_stdin(self): - script = pytest.REPO_ROOT / 'bin/pkgcheck' - result = ProfileWarning('profile warning: foo') + script = pytest.REPO_ROOT / "bin/pkgcheck" + result = ProfileWarning("profile warning: foo") with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: out = PlainTextFormatter(f) with JsonStream(out) as reporter: reporter.report(result) f.seek(0) p = subprocess.run( - [script, 'replay', '-R', 'StrReporter', '-'], - stdin=f, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) - assert p.stdout.decode() == 'profile warning: foo\n' + [script, "replay", "-R", "StrReporter", "-"], stdin=f, stdout=subprocess.PIPE + ) + assert p.stdout.decode() == "profile warning: foo\n" assert p.returncode == 0 diff --git a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_scan.py b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_scan.py index c224d83a..bba0547d 100644 --- a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_scan.py +++ b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_scan.py @@ -28,36 +28,35 @@ from ..misc import Profile class TestPkgcheckScanParseArgs: - def test_skipped_checks(self, tool): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan']) + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"]) assert options.enabled_checks # some checks should always be skipped by default assert set(options.enabled_checks) != set(objects.CHECKS.values()) def test_enabled_check(self, tool): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', '-c', 'PkgDirCheck']) + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "-c", "PkgDirCheck"]) assert options.enabled_checks == {checks_mod.pkgdir.PkgDirCheck} def test_disabled_check(self, tool): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan']) + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"]) assert checks_mod.pkgdir.PkgDirCheck in options.enabled_checks - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', '-c=-PkgDirCheck']) + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "-c=-PkgDirCheck"]) assert options.enabled_checks assert checks_mod.pkgdir.PkgDirCheck not in options.enabled_checks def test_targets(self, tool): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', 'dev-util/foo']) - assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.package_scope, atom.atom('dev-util/foo'))] + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "dev-util/foo"]) + assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.package_scope, atom.atom("dev-util/foo"))] def test_stdin_targets(self, tool): - with patch('sys.stdin', StringIO('dev-util/foo')): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', '-']) - assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.package_scope, atom.atom('dev-util/foo'))] + with patch("sys.stdin", StringIO("dev-util/foo")): + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "-"]) + assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.package_scope, atom.atom("dev-util/foo"))] def test_invalid_targets(self, tool, capsys): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', 'dev-util/f$o']) + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "dev-util/f$o"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() err = err.strip() @@ -65,91 +64,97 @@ class TestPkgcheckScanParseArgs: def test_unknown_path_target(self, tool, capsys): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - tool.parse_args(['scan', '/foo/bar']) + tool.parse_args(["scan", "/foo/bar"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() - err = err.strip().split('\n') + err = err.strip().split("\n") assert err[-1].startswith( - "pkgcheck scan: error: 'standalone' repo doesn't contain: '/foo/bar'") + "pkgcheck scan: error: 'standalone' repo doesn't contain: '/foo/bar'" + ) def test_target_repo_id(self, tool): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', 'standalone']) - assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'standalone' + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "standalone"]) + assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "standalone" assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.repo_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)] def test_target_dir_path(self, repo, tool): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', repo.location]) - assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'fake' + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", repo.location]) + assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "fake" assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.repo_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)] def test_target_dir_path_in_repo(self, repo, tool): - path = pjoin(repo.location, 'profiles') - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', path]) - assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'fake' + path = pjoin(repo.location, "profiles") + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", path]) + assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "fake" assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.profiles_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)] def test_target_dir_path_in_configured_repo(self, tool): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', 'standalone']) - path = pjoin(options.target_repo.location, 'profiles') - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', path]) - assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'standalone' + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "standalone"]) + path = pjoin(options.target_repo.location, "profiles") + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", path]) + assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "standalone" assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.profiles_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)] def test_target_non_repo_path(self, tool, capsys, tmp_path): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - tool.parse_args(['scan', str(tmp_path)]) + tool.parse_args(["scan", str(tmp_path)]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert err.startswith( - f"pkgcheck scan: error: 'standalone' repo doesn't contain: '{str(tmp_path)}'") + f"pkgcheck scan: error: 'standalone' repo doesn't contain: '{str(tmp_path)}'" + ) def test_target_invalid_repo(self, tool, capsys, make_repo): - repo = make_repo(masters=['unknown']) + repo = make_repo(masters=["unknown"]) with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - tool.parse_args(['scan', repo.location]) + tool.parse_args(["scan", repo.location]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out err = err.strip() - assert err.startswith('pkgcheck scan: error: repo init failed') + assert err.startswith("pkgcheck scan: error: repo init failed") assert err.endswith("has missing masters: 'unknown'") def test_target_file_path(self, repo, tool): - os.makedirs(pjoin(repo.location, 'dev-util', 'foo')) - ebuild_path = pjoin(repo.location, 'dev-util', 'foo', 'foo-0.ebuild') + os.makedirs(pjoin(repo.location, "dev-util", "foo")) + ebuild_path = pjoin(repo.location, "dev-util", "foo", "foo-0.ebuild") touch(ebuild_path) - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', ebuild_path]) + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", ebuild_path]) restrictions = [ - restricts.CategoryDep('dev-util'), - restricts.PackageDep('foo'), - restricts.VersionMatch('=', '0'), + restricts.CategoryDep("dev-util"), + restricts.PackageDep("foo"), + restricts.VersionMatch("=", "0"), + ] + assert list(options.restrictions) == [ + (base.version_scope, packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions)) ] - assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.version_scope, packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions))] - assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'fake' + assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "fake" def test_target_package_dir_cwd(self, repo, tool): - os.makedirs(pjoin(repo.location, 'dev-util', 'foo')) - with chdir(pjoin(repo.location, 'dev-util', 'foo')): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan']) - assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'fake' + os.makedirs(pjoin(repo.location, "dev-util", "foo")) + with chdir(pjoin(repo.location, "dev-util", "foo")): + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"]) + assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "fake" restrictions = [ - restricts.CategoryDep('dev-util'), - restricts.PackageDep('foo'), + restricts.CategoryDep("dev-util"), + restricts.PackageDep("foo"), + ] + assert list(options.restrictions) == [ + (base.package_scope, packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions)) ] - assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.package_scope, packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions))] def test_target_repo_dir_cwd(self, repo, tool): with chdir(repo.location): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan']) - assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'fake' + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"]) + assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "fake" assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.repo_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)] def test_unknown_repo(self, tmp_path, capsys, tool): - for opt in ('-r', '--repo'): + for opt in ("-r", "--repo"): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: with chdir(str(tmp_path)): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', opt, 'foo']) + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", opt, "foo"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out @@ -158,27 +163,26 @@ class TestPkgcheckScanParseArgs: ) def test_invalid_repo(self, tmp_path, capsys, tool): - (tmp_path / 'foo').touch() - for opt in ('-r', '--repo'): + (tmp_path / "foo").touch() + for opt in ("-r", "--repo"): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: with chdir(str(tmp_path)): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', opt, 'foo']) + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", opt, "foo"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out - assert err.startswith( - "pkgcheck scan: error: argument -r/--repo: repo init failed:") + assert err.startswith("pkgcheck scan: error: argument -r/--repo: repo init failed:") def test_valid_repo(self, tool): - for opt in ('-r', '--repo'): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', opt, 'standalone']) - assert options.target_repo.repo_id == 'standalone' + for opt in ("-r", "--repo"): + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", opt, "standalone"]) + assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "standalone" assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.repo_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)] def test_unknown_reporter(self, capsys, tool): - for opt in ('-R', '--reporter'): + for opt in ("-R", "--reporter"): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', opt, 'foo']) + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", opt, "foo"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out @@ -187,161 +191,185 @@ class TestPkgcheckScanParseArgs: def test_format_reporter(self, capsys, tool): # missing --format with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - tool.parse_args(['scan', '-R', 'FormatReporter']) + tool.parse_args(["scan", "-R", "FormatReporter"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() - err = err.strip().split('\n') - assert err[-1].endswith( - "missing or empty --format option required by FormatReporter") + err = err.strip().split("\n") + assert err[-1].endswith("missing or empty --format option required by FormatReporter") # missing -R FormatReporter with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - tool.parse_args(['scan', '--format', 'foo']) + tool.parse_args(["scan", "--format", "foo"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() - err = err.strip().split('\n') - assert err[-1].endswith( - "--format option is only valid when using FormatReporter") + err = err.strip().split("\n") + assert err[-1].endswith("--format option is only valid when using FormatReporter") # properly set - options, _ = tool.parse_args( - ['scan', '-R', 'FormatReporter', '--format', 'foo']) + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "-R", "FormatReporter", "--format", "foo"]) def test_cwd(self, capsys, tool): # regularly working - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan']) + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"]) assert options.cwd == os.getcwd() # pretend the CWD was removed out from under us - with patch('os.getcwd') as getcwd: - getcwd.side_effect = FileNotFoundError('CWD is gone') - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan']) + with patch("os.getcwd") as getcwd: + getcwd.side_effect = FileNotFoundError("CWD is gone") + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"]) assert options.cwd == const.DATA_PATH def test_eclass_target(self, fakerepo, tool): - (eclass_dir := fakerepo / 'eclass').mkdir() - (eclass_path := eclass_dir / 'foo.eclass').touch() - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', str(eclass_path)]) - assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.eclass_scope, 'foo')] + (eclass_dir := fakerepo / "eclass").mkdir() + (eclass_path := eclass_dir / "foo.eclass").touch() + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", str(eclass_path)]) + assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.eclass_scope, "foo")] def test_profiles_target(self, fakerepo, tool): - profiles_path = str(fakerepo / 'profiles') - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', profiles_path]) + profiles_path = str(fakerepo / "profiles") + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", profiles_path]) assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.profiles_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)] def test_profiles_path_target_file(self, fakerepo, tool): - (pkg_mask_path := fakerepo / 'profiles/package.mask').touch() - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', str(pkg_mask_path)]) + (pkg_mask_path := fakerepo / "profiles/package.mask").touch() + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", str(pkg_mask_path)]) assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.profile_node_scope, str(pkg_mask_path))] def test_profiles_path_target_dir(self, fakerepo, tool): - (profile_dir := fakerepo / 'profiles/default').mkdir(parents=True) - (pkg_mask_path := profile_dir / 'package.mask').touch() - (pkg_use_path := profile_dir / 'package.use').touch() - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', str(profile_dir)]) - assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.profile_node_scope, {str(pkg_mask_path), str(pkg_use_path)})] + (profile_dir := fakerepo / "profiles/default").mkdir(parents=True) + (pkg_mask_path := profile_dir / "package.mask").touch() + (pkg_use_path := profile_dir / "package.use").touch() + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", str(profile_dir)]) + assert list(options.restrictions) == [ + (base.profile_node_scope, {str(pkg_mask_path), str(pkg_use_path)}) + ] def test_no_default_repo(self, tool, capsys): - stubconfig = pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, 'stubconfig') + stubconfig = pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, "stubconfig") with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: - tool.parse_args(['--config', stubconfig, 'scan']) + tool.parse_args(["--config", stubconfig, "scan"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert err.strip() == "pkgcheck scan: error: no default repo found" - @pytest.mark.parametrize(('makeopts', 'expected_jobs'), ( - ('', 4), - ('-j1', 1), - ('--jobs=6 -l 1', 6), - ('--load 1', 4), - )) + @pytest.mark.parametrize( + ("makeopts", "expected_jobs"), + ( + ("", 4), + ("-j1", 1), + ("--jobs=6 -l 1", 6), + ("--load 1", 4), + ), + ) def test_makeopts_parsing(self, parser, makeopts, expected_jobs): - with patch('os.cpu_count', return_value=4), \ - os_environ(MAKEOPTS=makeopts): + with patch("os.cpu_count", return_value=4), os_environ(MAKEOPTS=makeopts): - options = parser.parse_args(['scan']) + options = parser.parse_args(["scan"]) assert options.jobs == expected_jobs assert options.tasks == 5 * expected_jobs def test_no_color(self, parser, tmp_path): - (config_file := tmp_path / 'config').write_text(textwrap.dedent('''\ - [DEFAULT] - color = true - ''')) + (config_file := tmp_path / "config").write_text( + textwrap.dedent( + """\ + [DEFAULT] + color = true + """ + ) + ) - args = ('scan', '--config', str(config_file)) - with os_environ('NOCOLOR'): + args = ("scan", "--config", str(config_file)) + with os_environ("NOCOLOR"): assert parser.parse_args(args).color is True - with os_environ(NOCOLOR='1'): + with os_environ(NOCOLOR="1"): # NOCOLOR overrides config file assert parser.parse_args(args).color is False # cmd line option overrides NOCOLOR - assert parser.parse_args([*args, '--color', 'n']).color is False - assert parser.parse_args([*args, '--color', 'y']).color is True + assert parser.parse_args([*args, "--color", "n"]).color is False + assert parser.parse_args([*args, "--color", "y"]).color is True class TestPkgcheckScanParseConfigArgs: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, parser, tmp_path, repo): self.parser = parser self.repo = repo - self.args = ['scan', '-r', repo.location] + self.args = ["scan", "-r", repo.location] self.system_config = str(tmp_path / "system-config") self.user_config = str(tmp_path / "user-config") self.config = str(tmp_path / "custom-config") def test_config_precedence(self): configs = [self.system_config, self.user_config] - with patch('pkgcheck.cli.ConfigFileParser.default_configs', configs): - with open(self.system_config, 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\ - [DEFAULT] - jobs=1000 - """)) + with patch("pkgcheck.cli.ConfigFileParser.default_configs", configs): + with open(self.system_config, "w") as f: + f.write( + textwrap.dedent( + """\ + [DEFAULT] + jobs=1000 + """ + ) + ) options = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) assert options.jobs == 1000 # user config overrides system config - with open(self.user_config, 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\ - [DEFAULT] - jobs=1001 - """)) + with open(self.user_config, "w") as f: + f.write( + textwrap.dedent( + """\ + [DEFAULT] + jobs=1001 + """ + ) + ) options = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) assert options.jobs == 1001 # repo config overrides user config - with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, 'metadata', 'pkgcheck.conf'), 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\ - [DEFAULT] - jobs=1002 - """)) + with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "metadata", "pkgcheck.conf"), "w") as f: + f.write( + textwrap.dedent( + """\ + [DEFAULT] + jobs=1002 + """ + ) + ) options = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) assert options.jobs == 1002 # custom config overrides user config - with open(self.config, 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\ - [DEFAULT] - jobs=1003 - """)) - config_args = self.args + ['--config', self.config] + with open(self.config, "w") as f: + f.write( + textwrap.dedent( + """\ + [DEFAULT] + jobs=1003 + """ + ) + ) + config_args = self.args + ["--config", self.config] options = self.parser.parse_args(config_args) assert options.jobs == 1003 # repo defaults override general defaults - with open(self.config, 'a') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent(f"""\ - [{self.repo.repo_id}] - jobs=1004 - """)) + with open(self.config, "a") as f: + f.write( + textwrap.dedent( + f"""\ + [{self.repo.repo_id}] + jobs=1004 + """ + ) + ) options = self.parser.parse_args(config_args) assert options.jobs == 1004 # command line options override all config settings - options = self.parser.parse_args(config_args + ['--jobs', '9999']) + options = self.parser.parse_args(config_args + ["--jobs", "9999"]) assert options.jobs == 9999 @@ -349,143 +377,146 @@ class TestPkgcheckScan: script = staticmethod(partial(run, project)) - repos_data = pytest.REPO_ROOT / 'testdata/data/repos' - repos_dir = pytest.REPO_ROOT / 'testdata/repos' - repos = tuple(sorted(x.name for x in repos_data.iterdir() if x.name != 'network')) + repos_data = pytest.REPO_ROOT / "testdata/data/repos" + repos_dir = pytest.REPO_ROOT / "testdata/repos" + repos = tuple(sorted(x.name for x in repos_data.iterdir() if x.name != "network")) _all_results = [ (cls, result) for name, cls in sorted(objects.CHECKS.items()) if not issubclass(cls, checks_mod.NetworkCheck) - for result in sorted(cls.known_results, key=attrgetter('__name__')) + for result in sorted(cls.known_results, key=attrgetter("__name__")) ] @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, testconfig, tmp_path): self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path) - base_args = ['--config', testconfig] + base_args = ["--config", testconfig] self.scan = partial(scan, base_args=base_args) # args for running `pkgcheck scan` via API call - self.scan_args = ['--config', 'no', '--cache-dir', self.cache_dir] + self.scan_args = ["--config", "no", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir] # args for running pkgcheck like a script - self.args = [project] + base_args + ['scan'] + self.scan_args + self.args = [project] + base_args + ["scan"] + self.scan_args def test_empty_repo(self, capsys, repo): - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [repo.location]): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [repo.location]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 0 out, err = capsys.readouterr() - assert out == err == '' + assert out == err == "" def test_no_matching_checks_scope(self, tool): - options, _ = tool.parse_args(['scan', 'standalone']) - path = pjoin(options.target_repo.location, 'profiles') - error = 'no matching checks available for profiles scope' + options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "standalone"]) + path = pjoin(options.target_repo.location, "profiles") + error = "no matching checks available for profiles scope" with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckUserException, match=error): - self.scan(self.scan_args + ['-c', 'PkgDirCheck', path]) + self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-c", "PkgDirCheck", path]) def test_stdin_targets_with_no_args(self): - with patch('sys.stdin', StringIO()): - with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckUserException, match='no targets'): - self.scan(self.scan_args + ['-']) + with patch("sys.stdin", StringIO()): + with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckUserException, match="no targets"): + self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-"]) def test_exit_status(self, repo): # create good ebuild and another with an invalid EAPI - repo.create_ebuild('newcat/pkg-0') - repo.create_ebuild('newcat/pkg-1', eapi='-1') + repo.create_ebuild("newcat/pkg-0") + repo.create_ebuild("newcat/pkg-1", eapi="-1") # exit status isn't enabled by default - args = ['-r', repo.location] - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args): + args = ["-r", repo.location] + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 0 # all error level results are flagged by default when enabled - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args + ['--exit']): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["--exit"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 1 # selective error results will only flag those specified - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args + ['--exit', 'InvalidSlot']): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["--exit", "InvalidSlot"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 0 - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args + ['--exit', 'InvalidEapi']): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["--exit", "InvalidEapi"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 1 def test_filter_latest(self, make_repo): - repo = make_repo(arches=['amd64']) + repo = make_repo(arches=["amd64"]) # create stub profile to suppress ArchesWithoutProfiles result - repo.create_profiles([Profile('stub', 'amd64')]) + repo.create_profiles([Profile("stub", "amd64")]) # create ebuild with unknown keywords - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0', keywords=['unknown'], homepage='https://example.com') + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0", keywords=["unknown"], homepage="https://example.com") # and a good ebuild for the latest version - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', keywords=['amd64'], homepage='https://example.com') + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"], homepage="https://example.com") # results for old pkgs will be shown by default - args = ['-r', repo.location] - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + args): + args = ["-r", repo.location] + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args): results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + args)) assert len(results) == 1 # but are ignored when running using the 'latest' filter - for opt in ('-f', '--filter'): - for arg in ('latest', 'latest:KeywordsCheck', 'latest:UnknownKeywords'): + for opt in ("-f", "--filter"): + for arg in ("latest", "latest:KeywordsCheck", "latest:UnknownKeywords"): assert not list(self.scan(self.scan_args + args + [opt, arg])) def test_scan_restrictions(self, repo): # create two ebuilds with bad EAPIs - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-0', eapi='-1') - repo.create_ebuild('cat/pkg-1', eapi='-1') + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0", eapi="-1") + repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", eapi="-1") # matching version restriction returns a single result - results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ['-r', repo.location, '=cat/pkg-0'])) - assert [x.version for x in results] == ['0'] + results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location, "=cat/pkg-0"])) + assert [x.version for x in results] == ["0"] # unmatching version restriction returns no results - results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ['-r', repo.location, '=cat/pkg-2'])) + results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location, "=cat/pkg-2"])) assert not results # matching package restriction returns two sorted results - results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ['-r', repo.location, 'cat/pkg'])) - assert [x.version for x in results] == ['0', '1'] + results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location, "cat/pkg"])) + assert [x.version for x in results] == ["0", "1"] # unmatching package restriction returns no results - results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ['-r', repo.location, 'cat/unknown'])) + results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location, "cat/unknown"])) assert not results def test_explict_skip_check(self): """SkipCheck exceptions are raised when triggered for explicitly enabled checks.""" - error = 'network checks not enabled' + error = "network checks not enabled" with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckException, match=error): - self.scan(self.scan_args + ['-C', 'net']) + self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-C", "net"]) def test_cache_disabled_skip_check(self): """SkipCheck exceptions are raised when enabled checks require disabled cache types.""" - args = ['--cache=-git', '-c', 'StableRequestCheck'] - error = 'StableRequestCheck: git cache support required' + args = ["--cache=-git", "-c", "StableRequestCheck"] + error = "StableRequestCheck: git cache support required" with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckException, match=error): self.scan(self.scan_args + args) - @pytest.mark.parametrize('module', ( - pytest.param('pkgcheck.pipeline.UnversionedSource', id='producer'), - pytest.param('pkgcheck.runners.SyncCheckRunner.run', id='consumer'), - )) + @pytest.mark.parametrize( + "module", + ( + pytest.param("pkgcheck.pipeline.UnversionedSource", id="producer"), + pytest.param("pkgcheck.runners.SyncCheckRunner.run", id="consumer"), + ), + ) def test_pipeline_exceptions(self, module): """Test checkrunner pipeline against unhandled exceptions.""" with patch(module) as faked: - faked.side_effect = Exception('pipeline failed') - with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckException, match='Exception: pipeline failed'): + faked.side_effect = Exception("pipeline failed") + with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckException, match="Exception: pipeline failed"): list(self.scan(self.scan_args)) # nested mapping of repos to checks/keywords they cover _checks = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set)) - @pytest.mark.parametrize('repo', repos) + @pytest.mark.parametrize("repo", repos) def test_scan_repo_data(self, repo): """Make sure the test data is up to date check/result naming wise.""" for check in (self.repos_data / repo).iterdir(): @@ -506,19 +537,19 @@ class TestPkgcheckScan: _results = {} _verbose_results = {} - @pytest.mark.parametrize('repo', repos) + @pytest.mark.parametrize("repo", repos) def test_scan_repo(self, repo, tmp_path, verbosity=0): """Scan a target repo, saving results for verification.""" repo_dir = self.repos_dir / repo # run all existing triggers triggers = [ - pjoin(root, 'trigger.sh') + pjoin(root, "trigger.sh") for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(self.repos_data / repo) - if 'trigger.sh' in files + if "trigger.sh" in files ] if triggers: - triggered_repo = tmp_path / f'triggered-{repo}' + triggered_repo = tmp_path / f"triggered-{repo}" shutil.copytree(repo_dir, triggered_repo) for trigger in triggers: self._script(trigger, triggered_repo) @@ -526,19 +557,19 @@ class TestPkgcheckScan: if repo not in self._checks: self.test_scan_repo_data(repo) - args = (['-v'] * verbosity) + ['-r', str(repo_dir), '-c', ','.join(self._checks[repo])] + args = (["-v"] * verbosity) + ["-r", str(repo_dir), "-c", ",".join(self._checks[repo])] # add any defined extra repo args try: - args.extend(shlex.split((repo_dir / 'metadata/pkgcheck-args').read_text())) + args.extend(shlex.split((repo_dir / "metadata/pkgcheck-args").read_text())) except FileNotFoundError: pass results = [] for result in self.scan(self.scan_args + args): # ignore results generated from stubs - stubs = (getattr(result, x, '') for x in ('category', 'package')) - if any(x.startswith('stub') for x in stubs): + stubs = (getattr(result, x, "") for x in ("category", "package")) + if any(x.startswith("stub") for x in stubs): continue results.append(result) @@ -549,7 +580,7 @@ class TestPkgcheckScan: self._results[repo] = set(results) assert len(results) == len(self._results[repo]) - @pytest.mark.parametrize('repo', repos) + @pytest.mark.parametrize("repo", repos) def test_scan_repo_verbose(self, repo, tmp_path): """Scan a target repo in verbose mode, saving results for verification.""" return self.test_scan_repo(repo, tmp_path, verbosity=1) @@ -572,7 +603,7 @@ class TestPkgcheckScan: output = f.read().decode() return output - @pytest.mark.parametrize('repo', repos) + @pytest.mark.parametrize("repo", repos) def test_scan_verify(self, repo, tmp_path): """Run pkgcheck against test pkgs in bundled repo, verifying result output.""" results = set() @@ -584,15 +615,19 @@ class TestPkgcheckScan: for check, keywords in self._checks[repo].items(): for keyword in keywords: # verify the expected results were seen during the repo scans - expected_results = self._get_results(f'{repo}/{check}/{keyword}/expected.json') - assert expected_results, 'regular results must always exist' - assert self._render_results(expected_results), 'failed rendering results' + expected_results = self._get_results(f"{repo}/{check}/{keyword}/expected.json") + assert expected_results, "regular results must always exist" + assert self._render_results(expected_results), "failed rendering results" results.update(expected_results) # when expected verbose results exist use them, otherwise fallback to using the regular ones - expected_verbose_results = self._get_results(f'{repo}/{check}/{keyword}/expected-verbose.json') + expected_verbose_results = self._get_results( + f"{repo}/{check}/{keyword}/expected-verbose.json" + ) if expected_verbose_results: - assert self._render_results(expected_verbose_results), 'failed rendering verbose results' + assert self._render_results( + expected_verbose_results + ), "failed rendering verbose results" verbose_results.update(expected_verbose_results) else: verbose_results.update(expected_results) @@ -600,34 +635,39 @@ class TestPkgcheckScan: if results != self._results[repo]: missing = self._render_results(results - self._results[repo]) unknown = self._render_results(self._results[repo] - results) - error = ['unmatched repo scan results:'] + error = ["unmatched repo scan results:"] if missing: - error.append(f'{repo} repo missing expected results:\n{missing}') + error.append(f"{repo} repo missing expected results:\n{missing}") if unknown: - error.append(f'{repo} repo unknown results:\n{unknown}') - pytest.fail('\n'.join(error)) + error.append(f"{repo} repo unknown results:\n{unknown}") + pytest.fail("\n".join(error)) if verbose_results != self._verbose_results[repo]: missing = self._render_results(verbose_results - self._verbose_results[repo]) unknown = self._render_results(self._verbose_results[repo] - verbose_results) - error = ['unmatched verbose repo scan results:'] + error = ["unmatched verbose repo scan results:"] if missing: - error.append(f'{repo} repo missing expected results:\n{missing}') + error.append(f"{repo} repo missing expected results:\n{missing}") if unknown: - error.append(f'{repo} repo unknown results:\n{unknown}') - pytest.fail('\n'.join(error)) + error.append(f"{repo} repo unknown results:\n{unknown}") + pytest.fail("\n".join(error)) @staticmethod def _patch(fix, repo_path): with fix.open() as fix_file: try: subprocess.run( - ['patch', '-p1'], cwd=repo_path, stdin=fix_file, - capture_output=True, check=True, text=True) + ["patch", "-p1"], + cwd=repo_path, + stdin=fix_file, + capture_output=True, + check=True, + text=True, + ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: error = exc.stderr if exc.stderr else exc.stdout pytest.fail(error) - @pytest.mark.parametrize('check, result', _all_results) + @pytest.mark.parametrize("check, result", _all_results) def test_fix(self, check, result, tmp_path): """Apply fixes to pkgs, verifying the related results are fixed.""" check_name = check.__name__ @@ -635,36 +675,36 @@ class TestPkgcheckScan: tested = False for repo in self.repos: keyword_dir = self.repos_data / repo / check_name / keyword - if (fix := keyword_dir / 'fix.patch').exists(): + if (fix := keyword_dir / "fix.patch").exists(): func = self._patch - elif (fix := keyword_dir / 'fix.sh').exists(): + elif (fix := keyword_dir / "fix.sh").exists(): func = self._script else: continue # apply a fix if one exists and make sure the related result doesn't appear repo_dir = self.repos_dir / repo - fixed_repo = tmp_path / f'fixed-{repo}' + fixed_repo = tmp_path / f"fixed-{repo}" shutil.copytree(repo_dir, fixed_repo) func(fix, fixed_repo) - args = ['-r', str(fixed_repo), '-c', check_name, '-k', keyword] + args = ["-r", str(fixed_repo), "-c", check_name, "-k", keyword] # add any defined extra repo args try: - with open(f'{repo_dir}/metadata/pkgcheck-args') as f: + with open(f"{repo_dir}/metadata/pkgcheck-args") as f: args.extend(shlex.split(f.read())) except FileNotFoundError: pass results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + args)) if results: - error = ['unexpected repo scan results:'] + error = ["unexpected repo scan results:"] error.append(self._render_results(results)) - pytest.fail('\n'.join(error)) + pytest.fail("\n".join(error)) shutil.rmtree(fixed_repo) tested = True if not tested: - pytest.skip('fix not available') + pytest.skip("fix not available") diff --git a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_show.py b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_show.py index 4557ecfd..ee40f7cf 100644 --- a/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_show.py +++ b/tests/scripts/test_pkgcheck_show.py @@ -15,39 +15,39 @@ class TestPkgcheckShow: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, testconfig): - self.args = [project, '--config', testconfig, 'show'] + self.args = [project, "--config", testconfig, "show"] def test_show_no_args(self, capsys): # defaults to outputting keywords list if no option is passed - with patch('sys.argv', self.args): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err - out = out.strip().split('\n') + out = out.strip().split("\n") assert out == sorted(objects.KEYWORDS.keys()) assert excinfo.value.code == 0 def test_show_keywords(self, capsys): - for arg in ('-k', '--keywords'): + for arg in ("-k", "--keywords"): # regular mode - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg]): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err - out = out.strip().split('\n') + out = out.strip().split("\n") regular_output = out assert out == sorted(objects.KEYWORDS.keys()) assert excinfo.value.code == 0 # verbose mode - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg, '-v']): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg, "-v"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err - out = out.strip().split('\n') + out = out.strip().split("\n") verbose_output = out assert excinfo.value.code == 0 @@ -55,25 +55,25 @@ class TestPkgcheckShow: assert len(regular_output) < len(verbose_output) def test_show_checks(self, capsys): - for arg in ('-c', '--checks'): + for arg in ("-c", "--checks"): # regular mode - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg]): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err - out = out.strip().split('\n') + out = out.strip().split("\n") regular_output = out assert out == sorted(objects.CHECKS.keys()) assert excinfo.value.code == 0 # verbose mode - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg, '-v']): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg, "-v"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err - out = out.strip().split('\n') + out = out.strip().split("\n") verbose_output = out assert excinfo.value.code == 0 @@ -81,50 +81,50 @@ class TestPkgcheckShow: assert len(regular_output) < len(verbose_output) def test_show_scopes(self, capsys): - for arg in ('-s', '--scopes'): - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg]): + for arg in ("-s", "--scopes"): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err - out = out.strip().split('\n') + out = out.strip().split("\n") assert out == list(base.scopes) assert excinfo.value.code == 0 - regular_output = '\n'.join(itertools.chain(out)) + regular_output = "\n".join(itertools.chain(out)) # verbose mode - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg, '-v']): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg, "-v"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err - out = out.strip().split('\n') + out = out.strip().split("\n") assert excinfo.value.code == 0 - verbose_output = '\n'.join(itertools.chain(out)) + verbose_output = "\n".join(itertools.chain(out)) # verbose output shows more info assert len(regular_output) < len(verbose_output) def test_show_reporters(self, capsys): - for arg in ('-r', '--reporters'): + for arg in ("-r", "--reporters"): # regular mode - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg]): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err - out = out.strip().split('\n') + out = out.strip().split("\n") regular_output = out assert out == sorted(objects.REPORTERS.keys()) assert excinfo.value.code == 0 # verbose mode - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg, '-v']): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg, "-v"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err - out = out.strip().split('\n') + out = out.strip().split("\n") verbose_output = out assert excinfo.value.code == 0 @@ -132,27 +132,27 @@ class TestPkgcheckShow: assert len(regular_output) < len(verbose_output) def test_show_caches(self, capsys): - for arg in ('-C', '--caches'): - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg]): + for arg in ("-C", "--caches"): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err - out = out.strip().split('\n') + out = out.strip().split("\n") cache_objs = caches.CachedAddon.caches.values() assert out == sorted(x.type for x in cache_objs) assert excinfo.value.code == 0 - regular_output = '\n'.join(itertools.chain(out)) + regular_output = "\n".join(itertools.chain(out)) # verbose mode - with patch('sys.argv', self.args + [arg, '-v']): + with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [arg, "-v"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err - out = out.strip().split('\n') + out = out.strip().split("\n") assert excinfo.value.code == 0 - verbose_output = '\n'.join(itertools.chain(out)) + verbose_output = "\n".join(itertools.chain(out)) # verbose output shows more info assert len(regular_output) < len(verbose_output) diff --git a/tests/test_api.py b/tests/test_api.py index f3db534b..cf546ee5 100644 --- a/tests/test_api.py +++ b/tests/test_api.py @@ -8,31 +8,32 @@ from pkgcheck import objects class TestScanApi: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, testconfig): - self.base_args = ['--config', testconfig] - self.scan_args = ['--config', 'no', '--cache', 'no'] + self.base_args = ["--config", testconfig] + self.scan_args = ["--config", "no", "--cache", "no"] def test_argparse_error(self, repo): - with pytest.raises(PkgcheckException, match='unrecognized arguments'): - scan(['-r', repo.location, '--foo']) + with pytest.raises(PkgcheckException, match="unrecognized arguments"): + scan(["-r", repo.location, "--foo"]) def test_no_scan_args(self): pipe = scan(base_args=self.base_args) - assert pipe.options.target_repo.repo_id == 'standalone' + assert pipe.options.target_repo.repo_id == "standalone" def test_no_base_args(self, repo): - assert [] == list(scan(self.scan_args + ['-r', repo.location])) + assert [] == list(scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location])) def test_keyword_import(self): """Keyword classes are importable from the top-level module.""" from pkgcheck import NonsolvableDeps, Result + assert issubclass(NonsolvableDeps, Result) def test_module_attributes(self): """All keyword class names are shown for the top-level module.""" import pkgcheck + assert set(objects.KEYWORDS) < set(dir(pkgcheck)) def test_sigint_handling(self, repo): @@ -49,10 +50,10 @@ class TestScanApi: def sleep(): """Notify testing process then sleep.""" - queue.put('ready') + queue.put("ready") time.sleep(100) - with patch('pkgcheck.pipeline.Pipeline.__iter__') as fake_iter: + with patch("pkgcheck.pipeline.Pipeline.__iter__") as fake_iter: fake_iter.side_effect = partial(sleep) try: iter(scan([repo.location])) @@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ class TestScanApi: queue.put(None) sys.exit(1) - mp_ctx = multiprocessing.get_context('fork') + mp_ctx = multiprocessing.get_context("fork") queue = mp_ctx.SimpleQueue() p = mp_ctx.Process(target=run, args=(queue,)) p.start() diff --git a/tests/test_base.py b/tests/test_base.py index 08acaf8d..7c6aa905 100644 --- a/tests/test_base.py +++ b/tests/test_base.py @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ from pkgcheck.base import ProgressManager class TestScope: - def test_rich_comparisons(self): assert base.commit_scope < base.repo_scope assert base.commit_scope < 0 @@ -32,15 +31,14 @@ class TestScope: class TestProgressManager: - def test_no_output(self, capsys): # output disabled due to lower verbosity setting - with patch('sys.stdout.isatty', return_value=True): + with patch("sys.stdout.isatty", return_value=True): with ProgressManager(verbosity=-1) as progress: for x in range(10): progress(x) # output disabled due to non-tty output - with patch('sys.stdout.isatty', return_value=False): + with patch("sys.stdout.isatty", return_value=False): with ProgressManager(verbosity=1) as progress: for x in range(10): progress(x) @@ -49,20 +47,20 @@ class TestProgressManager: assert not err def test_output(self, capsys): - with patch('sys.stdout.isatty', return_value=True): + with patch("sys.stdout.isatty", return_value=True): with ProgressManager(verbosity=0) as progress: for x in range(10): progress(x) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out - assert not err.strip().split('\r') == list(range(10)) + assert not err.strip().split("\r") == list(range(10)) def test_cached_output(self, capsys): - with patch('sys.stdout.isatty', return_value=True): + with patch("sys.stdout.isatty", return_value=True): with ProgressManager(verbosity=0) as progress: data = list(range(10)) for x in chain.from_iterable(zip(data, data)): progress(x) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out - assert not err.strip().split('\r') == list(range(10)) + assert not err.strip().split("\r") == list(range(10)) diff --git a/tests/test_cli.py b/tests/test_cli.py index 4ad8011d..b2935b28 100644 --- a/tests/test_cli.py +++ b/tests/test_cli.py @@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ from snakeoil.cli import arghparse class TestConfigFileParser: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _create_argparser(self, tmp_path): - self.config_file = str(tmp_path / 'config') + self.config_file = str(tmp_path / "config") self.parser = arghparse.ArgumentParser() self.namespace = arghparse.Namespace() self.config_parser = cli.ConfigFileParser(self.parser) @@ -22,65 +21,81 @@ class TestConfigFileParser: def test_ignored_configs(self): # nonexistent config files are ignored - config = self.config_parser.parse_config(('foo', 'bar')) + config = self.config_parser.parse_config(("foo", "bar")) assert config.sections() == [] def test_bad_config_format(self, capsys): - with open(self.config_file, 'w') as f: - f.write('foobar\n') + with open(self.config_file, "w") as f: + f.write("foobar\n") with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.config_parser.parse_config((self.config_file,)) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out - assert 'parsing config file failed:' in err + assert "parsing config file failed:" in err assert excinfo.value.code == 2 def test_nonexistent_config_options(self, capsys): """Nonexistent parser arguments cause errors.""" - with open(self.config_file, 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent(""" - [DEFAULT] - foo=bar - """)) + with open(self.config_file, "w") as f: + f.write( + textwrap.dedent( + """ + [DEFAULT] + foo=bar + """ + ) + ) with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.config_parser.parse_config_options(self.namespace, configs=[self.config_file]) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out - assert 'failed loading config: unknown arguments: --foo=bar' in err + assert "failed loading config: unknown arguments: --foo=bar" in err assert excinfo.value.code == 2 def test_config_options(self): - self.parser.add_argument('--foo') - with open(self.config_file, 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent(""" - [DEFAULT] - foo=bar - """)) - namespace = self.parser.parse_args(['--foo', 'foo']) - assert namespace.foo == 'foo' + self.parser.add_argument("--foo") + with open(self.config_file, "w") as f: + f.write( + textwrap.dedent( + """ + [DEFAULT] + foo=bar + """ + ) + ) + namespace = self.parser.parse_args(["--foo", "foo"]) + assert namespace.foo == "foo" # config args override matching namespace attrs namespace = self.config_parser.parse_config_options(namespace, configs=[self.config_file]) - assert namespace.foo == 'bar' + assert namespace.foo == "bar" def test_config_checksets(self): namespace = self.parser.parse_args([]) namespace.config_checksets = {} # checksets section exists with no entries - with open(self.config_file, 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent(""" - [CHECKSETS] - """)) + with open(self.config_file, "w") as f: + f.write( + textwrap.dedent( + """ + [CHECKSETS] + """ + ) + ) namespace = self.config_parser.parse_config_options(namespace, configs=[self.config_file]) assert namespace.config_checksets == {} # checksets section with entries including empty set - with open(self.config_file, 'w') as f: - f.write(textwrap.dedent(""" - [CHECKSETS] - set1=keyword - set2=check,-keyword - set3= - """)) + with open(self.config_file, "w") as f: + f.write( + textwrap.dedent( + """ + [CHECKSETS] + set1=keyword + set2=check,-keyword + set3= + """ + ) + ) namespace = self.config_parser.parse_config_options(namespace, configs=[self.config_file]) - assert namespace.config_checksets == {'set1': ['keyword'], 'set2': ['check', '-keyword']} + assert namespace.config_checksets == {"set1": ["keyword"], "set2": ["check", "-keyword"]} diff --git a/tests/test_feeds.py b/tests/test_feeds.py index a1540048..c098f060 100644 --- a/tests/test_feeds.py +++ b/tests/test_feeds.py @@ -6,54 +6,52 @@ from .misc import FakePkg, Profile class TestQueryCacheAddon: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, tool): self.tool = tool - self.args = ['scan'] + self.args = ["scan"] def test_opts(self): - for val in ('version', 'package', 'category'): - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--reset-caching-per', val]) + for val in ("version", "package", "category"): + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--reset-caching-per", val]) assert options.query_caching_freq == val def test_default(self): options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args) - assert options.query_caching_freq == 'package' + assert options.query_caching_freq == "package" def test_feed(self): options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args) addon = feeds.QueryCache(options) - assert addon.options.query_caching_freq == 'package' - addon.query_cache['foo'] = 'bar' - pkg = FakePkg('dev-util/diffball-0.5') + assert addon.options.query_caching_freq == "package" + addon.query_cache["foo"] = "bar" + pkg = FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5") addon.feed(pkg) assert not addon.query_cache class TestEvaluateDepSet: - @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, tool, repo, tmp_path): self.tool = tool self.repo = repo - self.args = ['scan', '--cache-dir', str(tmp_path), '--repo', repo.location] + self.args = ["scan", "--cache-dir", str(tmp_path), "--repo", repo.location] profiles = [ - Profile('1', 'x86'), - Profile('2', 'x86'), - Profile('3', 'ppc'), + Profile("1", "x86"), + Profile("2", "x86"), + Profile("3", "ppc"), ] self.repo.create_profiles(profiles) - self.repo.arches.update(['amd64', 'ppc', 'x86']) + self.repo.arches.update(["amd64", "ppc", "x86"]) - with open(pjoin(self.repo.path, 'profiles', '1', 'package.use.stable.mask'), 'w') as f: - f.write('dev-util/diffball foo') - with open(pjoin(self.repo.path, 'profiles', '2', 'package.use.stable.force'), 'w') as f: - f.write('=dev-util/diffball-0.1 bar foo') - with open(pjoin(self.repo.path, 'profiles', '3', 'package.use.stable.force'), 'w') as f: - f.write('dev-util/diffball bar foo') + with open(pjoin(self.repo.path, "profiles", "1", "package.use.stable.mask"), "w") as f: + f.write("dev-util/diffball foo") + with open(pjoin(self.repo.path, "profiles", "2", "package.use.stable.force"), "w") as f: + f.write("=dev-util/diffball-0.1 bar foo") + with open(pjoin(self.repo.path, "profiles", "3", "package.use.stable.force"), "w") as f: + f.write("dev-util/diffball bar foo") - options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ['--profiles=1,2,3']) + options, _ = self.tool.parse_args(self.args + ["--profiles=1,2,3"]) profile_addon = addons.init_addon(addons.profiles.ProfileAddon, options) self.addon = feeds.EvaluateDepSet(options, profile_addon=profile_addon) @@ -72,35 +70,45 @@ class TestEvaluateDepSet: l = get_rets("0.0.2", "depend") assert len(l) == 1, f"must collapse all profiles down to one run: got {l!r}" assert len(l[0][1]) == 4, "must have four runs, (arch and ~arch for each profile)" - assert sorted(set(x.name for x in l[0][1])) == ['1', '2'], f"must have two profiles: got {l!r}" - assert l[0][1][0].key == 'x86' - assert l[0][1][1].key == 'x86' + assert sorted(set(x.name for x in l[0][1])) == [ + "1", + "2", + ], f"must have two profiles: got {l!r}" + assert l[0][1][0].key == "x86" + assert l[0][1][1].key == "x86" l = get_rets( - "0.1", "rdepend", + "0.1", + "rdepend", RDEPEND="x? ( dev-util/confcache ) foo? ( dev-util/foo ) " - "bar? ( dev-util/bar ) !bar? ( dev-util/nobar ) x11-libs/xserver" + "bar? ( dev-util/bar ) !bar? ( dev-util/nobar ) x11-libs/xserver", ) assert len(l) == 3, f"must collapse all profiles down to 3 runs: got {l!r}" # ordering is potentially random; thus pull out which depset result is # which based upon profile - l1 = [x for x in l if x[1][0].name == '1'][0] - l2 = [x for x in l if x[1][0].name == '2'][0] - - assert ( - set(str(l1[0]).split()) == - {'dev-util/confcache', 'dev-util/bar', 'dev-util/nobar', 'x11-libs/xserver'}) - - assert ( - set(str(l2[0]).split()) == - {'dev-util/confcache', 'dev-util/foo', 'dev-util/bar', 'x11-libs/xserver'}) + l1 = [x for x in l if x[1][0].name == "1"][0] + l2 = [x for x in l if x[1][0].name == "2"][0] + + assert set(str(l1[0]).split()) == { + "dev-util/confcache", + "dev-util/bar", + "dev-util/nobar", + "x11-libs/xserver", + } + + assert set(str(l2[0]).split()) == { + "dev-util/confcache", + "dev-util/foo", + "dev-util/bar", + "x11-libs/xserver", + } # test feed wiping, using an empty depset; if it didn't clear, then # results from a pkg/attr tuple from above would come through rather # then an empty. - pkg = FakePkg('dev-util/diffball-0.5') + pkg = FakePkg("dev-util/diffball-0.5") self.addon.feed(pkg) l = get_rets("0.1", "rdepend") assert len(l) == 1, f"feed didn't clear the cache- should be len 1: {l!r}" @@ -110,20 +118,25 @@ class TestEvaluateDepSet: # ensure it handles arch right. l = get_rets("0", "depend", KEYWORDS="ppc x86") assert len(l) == 1, f"should be len 1, got {l!r}" - assert sorted(set(x.name for x in l[0][1])) == ["1", "2", "3"], ( - f"should have three profiles of 1-3, got {l[0][1]!r}") + assert sorted(set(x.name for x in l[0][1])) == [ + "1", + "2", + "3", + ], f"should have three profiles of 1-3, got {l[0][1]!r}" # ensure it's caching profile collapsing, iow, keywords for same ver # that's partially cached (single attr at least) should *not* change # things. l = get_rets("0", "depend", KEYWORDS="ppc") - assert sorted(set(x.name for x in l[0][1])) == ['1', '2', '3'], ( + assert sorted(set(x.name for x in l[0][1])) == ["1", "2", "3"], ( f"should have 3 profiles, got {l[0][1]!r}\nthis indicates it's " - "re-identifying profiles every invocation, which is unwarranted ") + "re-identifying profiles every invocation, which is unwarranted " + ) - l = get_rets("1", "depend", KEYWORDS="ppc x86", - DEPEND="ppc? ( dev-util/ppc ) !ppc? ( dev-util/x86 )") + l = get_rets( + "1", "depend", KEYWORDS="ppc x86", DEPEND="ppc? ( dev-util/ppc ) !ppc? ( dev-util/x86 )" + ) assert len(l) == 2, f"should be len 2, got {l!r}" # same issue, figure out what is what diff --git a/tests/test_reporters.py b/tests/test_reporters.py index 462cc44e..4a0cda39 100644 --- a/tests/test_reporters.py +++ b/tests/test_reporters.py @@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ class BaseReporter: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self): - self.log_warning = profiles.ProfileWarning(Exception('profile warning')) - self.log_error = profiles.ProfileError(Exception('profile error')) - pkg = FakePkg('dev-libs/foo-0') - self.commit_result = git.InvalidCommitMessage('no commit message', commit='8d86269bb4c7') - self.category_result = metadata_xml.CatMissingMetadataXml('metadata.xml', pkg=pkg) - self.package_result = pkgdir.InvalidPN(('bar', 'baz'), pkg=pkg) - self.versioned_result = metadata.BadFilename(('0.tar.gz', 'foo.tar.gz'), pkg=pkg) - self.line_result = codingstyle.ReadonlyVariable('P', line='P=6', lineno=7, pkg=pkg) - self.lines_result = codingstyle.EbuildUnquotedVariable('D', lines=(5, 7), pkg=pkg) + self.log_warning = profiles.ProfileWarning(Exception("profile warning")) + self.log_error = profiles.ProfileError(Exception("profile error")) + pkg = FakePkg("dev-libs/foo-0") + self.commit_result = git.InvalidCommitMessage("no commit message", commit="8d86269bb4c7") + self.category_result = metadata_xml.CatMissingMetadataXml("metadata.xml", pkg=pkg) + self.package_result = pkgdir.InvalidPN(("bar", "baz"), pkg=pkg) + self.versioned_result = metadata.BadFilename(("0.tar.gz", "foo.tar.gz"), pkg=pkg) + self.line_result = codingstyle.ReadonlyVariable("P", line="P=6", lineno=7, pkg=pkg) + self.lines_result = codingstyle.EbuildUnquotedVariable("D", lines=(5, 7), pkg=pkg) def mk_reporter(self, **kwargs): out = PlainTextFormatter(sys.stdout) @@ -49,106 +49,121 @@ class BaseReporter: class TestStrReporter(BaseReporter): reporter_cls = reporters.StrReporter - add_report_output = dedent("""\ - commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message - profile warning - dev-libs: category is missing metadata.xml - dev-libs/foo: invalid package names: [ bar, baz ] - dev-libs/foo-0: bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ] - dev-libs/foo-0: read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6 - dev-libs/foo-0: unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7 - """) + add_report_output = dedent( + """\ + commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message + profile warning + dev-libs: category is missing metadata.xml + dev-libs/foo: invalid package names: [ bar, baz ] + dev-libs/foo-0: bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ] + dev-libs/foo-0: read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6 + dev-libs/foo-0: unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7 + """ + ) class TestFancyReporter(BaseReporter): reporter_cls = reporters.FancyReporter - add_report_output = dedent("""\ - commit - InvalidCommitMessage: commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message + add_report_output = dedent( + """\ + commit + InvalidCommitMessage: commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message - profiles - ProfileWarning: profile warning + profiles + ProfileWarning: profile warning - dev-libs - CatMissingMetadataXml: category is missing metadata.xml + dev-libs + CatMissingMetadataXml: category is missing metadata.xml - dev-libs/foo - InvalidPN: invalid package names: [ bar, baz ] - BadFilename: version 0: bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ] - ReadonlyVariable: version 0: read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6 - UnquotedVariable: version 0: unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7 - """) + dev-libs/foo + InvalidPN: invalid package names: [ bar, baz ] + BadFilename: version 0: bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ] + ReadonlyVariable: version 0: read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6 + UnquotedVariable: version 0: unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7 + """ + ) class TestJsonReporter(BaseReporter): reporter_cls = reporters.JsonReporter - add_report_output = dedent("""\ - {"_style": {"InvalidCommitMessage": "commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message"}} - {"_warning": {"ProfileWarning": "profile warning"}} - {"dev-libs": {"_error": {"CatMissingMetadataXml": "category is missing metadata.xml"}}} - {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"_error": {"InvalidPN": "invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]"}}}} - {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"0": {"_warning": {"BadFilename": "bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]"}}}}} - {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"0": {"_warning": {"ReadonlyVariable": "read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6"}}}}} - {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"0": {"_warning": {"UnquotedVariable": "unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7"}}}}} - """) + add_report_output = dedent( + """\ + {"_style": {"InvalidCommitMessage": "commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message"}} + {"_warning": {"ProfileWarning": "profile warning"}} + {"dev-libs": {"_error": {"CatMissingMetadataXml": "category is missing metadata.xml"}}} + {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"_error": {"InvalidPN": "invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]"}}}} + {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"0": {"_warning": {"BadFilename": "bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]"}}}}} + {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"0": {"_warning": {"ReadonlyVariable": "read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6"}}}}} + {"dev-libs": {"foo": {"0": {"_warning": {"UnquotedVariable": "unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7"}}}}} + """ + ) class TestXmlReporter(BaseReporter): reporter_cls = reporters.XmlReporter - add_report_output = dedent("""\ - <checks> - <result><class>InvalidCommitMessage</class><msg>commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message</msg></result> - <result><class>ProfileWarning</class><msg>profile warning</msg></result> - <result><category>dev-libs</category><class>CatMissingMetadataXml</class><msg>category is missing metadata.xml</msg></result> - <result><category>dev-libs</category><package>foo</package><class>InvalidPN</class><msg>invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]</msg></result> - <result><category>dev-libs</category><package>foo</package><version>0</version><class>BadFilename</class><msg>bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]</msg></result> - <result><category>dev-libs</category><package>foo</package><version>0</version><class>ReadonlyVariable</class><msg>read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6</msg></result> - <result><category>dev-libs</category><package>foo</package><version>0</version><class>UnquotedVariable</class><msg>unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7</msg></result> - </checks> - """) + add_report_output = dedent( + """\ + <checks> + <result><class>InvalidCommitMessage</class><msg>commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message</msg></result> + <result><class>ProfileWarning</class><msg>profile warning</msg></result> + <result><category>dev-libs</category><class>CatMissingMetadataXml</class><msg>category is missing metadata.xml</msg></result> + <result><category>dev-libs</category><package>foo</package><class>InvalidPN</class><msg>invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]</msg></result> + <result><category>dev-libs</category><package>foo</package><version>0</version><class>BadFilename</class><msg>bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]</msg></result> + <result><category>dev-libs</category><package>foo</package><version>0</version><class>ReadonlyVariable</class><msg>read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6</msg></result> + <result><category>dev-libs</category><package>foo</package><version>0</version><class>UnquotedVariable</class><msg>unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7</msg></result> + </checks> + """ + ) class TestCsvReporter(BaseReporter): reporter_cls = reporters.CsvReporter - add_report_output = dedent("""\ - ,,,commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message - ,,,profile warning - dev-libs,,,category is missing metadata.xml - dev-libs,foo,,"invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]" - dev-libs,foo,0,"bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]" - dev-libs,foo,0,"read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6" - dev-libs,foo,0,"unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7" - """) + add_report_output = dedent( + """\ + ,,,commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message + ,,,profile warning + dev-libs,,,category is missing metadata.xml + dev-libs,foo,,"invalid package names: [ bar, baz ]" + dev-libs,foo,0,"bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ]" + dev-libs,foo,0,"read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6" + dev-libs,foo,0,"unquoted variable D on lines: 5, 7" + """ + ) class TestFormatReporter(BaseReporter): - reporter_cls = partial(reporters.FormatReporter, '') + reporter_cls = partial(reporters.FormatReporter, "") def test_add_report(self, capsys): for format_str, expected in ( - ('r', 'r\n' * 7), - ('{category}', 'dev-libs\n' * 5), - ('{category}/{package}', '/\n/\ndev-libs/\n' + 'dev-libs/foo\n' * 4), - ('{category}/{package}-{version}', '/-\n/-\ndev-libs/-\ndev-libs/foo-\n' + 'dev-libs/foo-0\n' * 3), - ('{name}', - 'InvalidCommitMessage\nProfileWarning\nCatMissingMetadataXml\nInvalidPN\nBadFilename\nReadonlyVariable\nUnquotedVariable\n'), - ('{foo}', ''), - ): + ("r", "r\n" * 7), + ("{category}", "dev-libs\n" * 5), + ("{category}/{package}", "/\n/\ndev-libs/\n" + "dev-libs/foo\n" * 4), + ( + "{category}/{package}-{version}", + "/-\n/-\ndev-libs/-\ndev-libs/foo-\n" + "dev-libs/foo-0\n" * 3, + ), + ( + "{name}", + "InvalidCommitMessage\nProfileWarning\nCatMissingMetadataXml\nInvalidPN\nBadFilename\nReadonlyVariable\nUnquotedVariable\n", + ), + ("{foo}", ""), + ): self.reporter_cls = partial(reporters.FormatReporter, format_str) self.add_report_output = expected super().test_add_report(capsys) def test_unsupported_index(self, capsys): - self.reporter_cls = partial(reporters.FormatReporter, '{0}') + self.reporter_cls = partial(reporters.FormatReporter, "{0}") with self.mk_reporter() as reporter: with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckUserException) as excinfo: reporter.report(self.versioned_result) - assert 'integer indexes are not supported' in str(excinfo.value) + assert "integer indexes are not supported" in str(excinfo.value) class TestJsonStream(BaseReporter): @@ -158,8 +173,13 @@ class TestJsonStream(BaseReporter): def test_add_report(self, capsys): with self.mk_reporter() as reporter: for result in ( - self.log_warning, self.log_error, self.commit_result, - self.category_result, self.package_result, self.versioned_result): + self.log_warning, + self.log_error, + self.commit_result, + self.category_result, + self.package_result, + self.versioned_result, + ): reporter.report(result) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err @@ -169,28 +189,30 @@ class TestJsonStream(BaseReporter): def test_deserialize_error(self): with self.mk_reporter() as reporter: # deserializing non-result objects raises exception - obj = reporter.to_json(['result']) - with pytest.raises(reporters.DeserializationError, match='failed loading'): + obj = reporter.to_json(["result"]) + with pytest.raises(reporters.DeserializationError, match="failed loading"): next(reporter.from_iter([obj])) # deserializing mangled JSON result objects raises exception obj = reporter.to_json(self.versioned_result) - del obj['__class__'] + del obj["__class__"] json_obj = json.dumps(obj) - with pytest.raises(reporters.DeserializationError, match='unknown result'): + with pytest.raises(reporters.DeserializationError, match="unknown result"): next(reporter.from_iter([json_obj])) class TestFlycheckReporter(BaseReporter): reporter_cls = reporters.FlycheckReporter - add_report_output = dedent("""\ - -.ebuild:0:style:InvalidCommitMessage: commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message - -.ebuild:0:warning:ProfileWarning: profile warning - -.ebuild:0:error:CatMissingMetadataXml: category is missing metadata.xml - foo-.ebuild:0:error:InvalidPN: invalid package names: [ bar, baz ] - foo-0.ebuild:0:warning:BadFilename: bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ] - foo-0.ebuild:7:warning:ReadonlyVariable: read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6 - foo-0.ebuild:5:warning:UnquotedVariable: unquoted variable D - foo-0.ebuild:7:warning:UnquotedVariable: unquoted variable D - """) + add_report_output = dedent( + """\ + -.ebuild:0:style:InvalidCommitMessage: commit 8d86269bb4c7: no commit message + -.ebuild:0:warning:ProfileWarning: profile warning + -.ebuild:0:error:CatMissingMetadataXml: category is missing metadata.xml + foo-.ebuild:0:error:InvalidPN: invalid package names: [ bar, baz ] + foo-0.ebuild:0:warning:BadFilename: bad filenames: [ 0.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz ] + foo-0.ebuild:7:warning:ReadonlyVariable: read-only variable 'P' assigned, line 7: P=6 + foo-0.ebuild:5:warning:UnquotedVariable: unquoted variable D + foo-0.ebuild:7:warning:UnquotedVariable: unquoted variable D + """ + ) |